#On the other hand it's incredibly reductive to assume that you need to use make up to tempt female fans in
yesterdayiwrote · 3 months
Can we discuss the way that after a really promising start, it's taken about 3 months for the promotion around F1 Academy to become a bit of a reductive mess?
Susie, I love you, and I appreciate that it's an unnecessarily difficult task that hasn't been entirely supported to its fullest by the male counterparts, but what are we aiming for here? Why is every race suddenly turning into a Charlotte Tilbury influencer event?
I can understand there's probably a necessity to 'sell out' while it's still in its early stages, and fairplay to a brand like CT who at least do seem to be investing and commiting and reaping the benefits in #ads, but is it going to benefit F1A in the long term to just be seen as the place where the wags go to get a make up session and a goodie bag each week? Is that going to help these girls get taken seriously as racing prospects?
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us3rnam3-r3dact3d · 2 months
Inspired by the latest Reductive Audio Pt. 2!!
I realized as I was posting that I missed like… half the channel. I didn’t include the ones I just don’t care for or I’m not interested in. So sorry if that includes ur fave 🙏. If you want me cover anybody else or want another lol headcanon for anybody I’ve covered so far, feel free to send an ask!! You can find part one here! With no further ado;
Mike’s Hard Lemonade enjoyer. He’s a simple man. What he wants from alcohol is a lil tasty treat that gets him drunk. Mike’s Hard does that. His fav flavor is the strawberry lemonade one.
Babe (Ollie’s listener)
Neat whiskey kind of person. They don’t believe in mixed drinks and are terribly embarrassed when they have to buy Ollie’s Mike’s Hards. They do like it when they order drinks at a bar and the bartender assumes the daiquiri is for them. The look on most faces when Ollie starts slurping that thing down is delicious.
Can’t keep his desktop organized for the life of him. Aaron is a Virgo to the max, he has like… five placements of it in his chart. He is incredibly organized. He folds his underwear and puts them into little stacks in his drawer. He has a little velvet lined case where he keeps all of his cuff links and tie pins. His shoes all go in the exact same spot on the rack every single day. But he can’t organize his folders for the life of him. Everything is just saved wherever there’s room for it. It’s incredibly frustrating for him to try and find anything.
They are So Good at grocery shopping. Aaron hates grocery stores. The lights and noise and amount of people stress him out. So they make a list together and Smartass gets shit done. They have a system. They group their list by aisle and start at the back of the store, and make their way up to the front, wearing through the aisles. In total, it takes them about 30 mins to shop for two weeks worth of stuff. They time themself. Their record is 23 mins.
He wants a cat really badly. His and Sunshine’s current lease agreement doesn’t allow pets, so they’re waiting until they can move. He volunteers at a local cat cafe and is in love with a little calico baby there. He’s determined to adopt her as soon as he can.
He wishes that he could try strawberries. Sunshine loves them, but he isn’t able to experience them through anything but their memories. When he feels resentful of his situation, the small thing he gets caught up on is the fact that he’ll never get to try strawberries.
Hasn’t been behind the wheel of a car since their accident. They’ll ride in one if they have to, but they haven’t been able to drive since. Elliot is more than willing to drive them wherever they need to go, and they have a bike they use when he’s busy.
As a form of short hand when asking his partner if he can be in their brain for a while, he telepathically goes “Knock Knock.” He has to stop himself from using it with other people.
James’ spouse
Uses snail mail with James. Of course they text and email and call, but they love to write out a letter, put pictures in, pressed flowers. They make beautiful, decorated papers with their gorgeous handwriting. James has chicken scratch, but he still replies to every one. He just has to send an accompanying email with the translation so they can read it.
Writes poetry in his free time. He’s a scientist, but he believes that science and art are not so different from each other. When he’s stuck on a problem having to do with his work, he’ll write a poem about it. He writes a lot of poems to his partner. He never sends any of them.
Loves Animal Crossing New Horizons. He’ll never admit it, but it’s his absolute favorite pass time. His favorite villager is Lucky and he bought an amibo card to get him. His island is beautiful and has a sort of cityscape theme. He changes up certain areas for the seasons and does custom builds. He doesn’t believe in treasure islands and does everything for himself. He’s completed the Happy Home Island DLC and is a minor celebrity in ACNH spaces for his customs. If this ever gets out he’ll be ruined.
The Asset
Gets songs stuck in their head. It’s a weird, human thing that they just happen to have. Brian was startled when he heard them humming a Mitski song under their breath. It seemed to disturb him that they were capable of it.
He thinks he’s a good script writer, but he’s actually most talented in writing fiction. He would absolutely slay as a novelist, but he’s stuck on the idea of being a screenwriter. That’s why his script hasn’t gone anywhere in the last few years.
When they were a kid and people asked them what they wanted to be when they grew up, they always said “bus driver.” They just thought it would be fun to drive those big ol things around.
Still stalks the entire D.A.M.N. crew’s social media. He has a few alt accounts he uses to drop nasty comments on everybody’s posts. The crew pretty much knows it’s Kody, but every time they block an account a new one pops up. He seems to delight in messing with Lasko the most, since every time he gets a Kody comment, Lasko won’t post for a few weeks. Kody thinks it’s because he’s scared, but actually Lasko is afraid he’ll violate terms of service with the things he’s likely to reply.
Avid consumer of reality tv. He will never admit it, of course. It feels non-intellectual. But he has watched every season of both The Bachelor and The Bachelorette and has incredibly strong feelings about it. He runs a semi-popular twitter account where he live tweets every new episode. He’s deeply, deeply ashamed.
Early riser. They’re up before the sun is. It’s somewhat comforting to them to know that they’re the only person up, and there’s nobody who can be thinking about them and them not know it.
Thinks that Drake won the Kendrick beef. He won’t even listen to “Not Like Us.” He’s been an avid Drake fan for years and refuses to accept that he lost.
Does tarot readings, funnily enough. They like the idea of being able to look ahead to the future. On the day that Blake died, all their deck would let them draw was The Ten of Swords.
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ketobreezereviews · 2 years
Keto Breeze - Amazing Formula That Really Help You Slim Down Faster!
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✅ Product Name — Keto Breeze
✅ Composition – Natural Organic Compound
✅ Benefits – Weight Loss
✅ Side-Effects — NA
✅ Availability — Online
✅ Rating — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
✅ Official Website (Sale Is Live) — >>> https://playnewsdesk.com/2kbz
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➤ Price (For Sale) Buy Now Here
➤ Price (For Sale) Buy Now Here
➤ Price (For Sale) Buy Now Here
Keto Breeze is a dietary fix that is utilized to help in the Keto Breeze ACV Gummies process. It tends to be taken while starving with water or an espresso latte as well as some other type of drink however it ought not to be drunk alongside dairy items because of its high-fat substance. The enhancement assists you with getting more fit by controlling your craving and settling glucose levels; it has been clinically demonstrated up to this point that this item diminishes appetite and increments energy consumption, assisting you with consuming extra.
Is it true that you are searching for a speedy and simple method for shedding pounds? Assuming this is the case, you'll need to look at Keto Breeze ACV Gummies! These keto diet-based gummi confections are effortlessly assimilated into your blood and begin setting off regular and speedy weight reduction in every normal manner. Furthermore, they accompany a large group of advantages that go with them an extraordinary decision for anybody hoping to roll out an improve in their eating routine. In this blog entry, we'll talk about the subtleties of Keto Breeze, including its portrayal, fixings, aftereffects, measurements, and how to utilize them. So stand by no more drawn out - look at Keto Breeze today!
Assuming that you're searching for a weight reduction pill that accompanies a ton of promotion, you ought to look at Keto Breeze. This item is produced using a questionable source - keto diet pills are gotten from a ketogenic diet, which is a high-fat, low-starch diet. While many individuals are amped up for the possible advantages of keto diet pills, others are worried about the aftereffects. Assuming you choose to take Keto Breeze ACV Gummies, try to peruse the surveys first. This will assist you with finding out about expected incidental effects and whether this item is appropriate for you. Also, it's essential to know where it comes from and what its fixings are. Along these lines, you can arrive at an educated conclusion about the decision about whether to take Keto Breeze.
On the off chance that you're searching for a keto-accommodating enhancement that offers different advantages, Keto Breeze is an incredible choice. Notwithstanding, prior to making a buy, perusing the reviews is significant. Individuals are worried about the symptoms of these enhancements, however, there is a compelling reason should be. Keto Breeze is intended to assist you with getting in shape, and all things considered, accompanies a scope of advantages. These enhancements offer an assortment of keto-accommodating fixings, like ketones and keto-adaptogenic spices. Moreover, Keto Breeze ACV Gummies come in various measurements, so make certain to take the suggested dose for the best outcomes. In the event that you experience any antagonistic impacts, address your primary care physician right away!
Keto Breeze ACV Gummies are well-being supplements made of keto diet fixings that have been clinically demonstrated to assist you with getting more fit.
Each sticky contains:
o             60% Keto Breeze Gummies
o             30% ordinary Gummies
o             Calories: 50
o             Total Carbs: 3 g
o             Net Carbs: 2 g
o             Sugars: 1 g
o             Protein: 2 g
o             Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) - a ketone body that assists the body with consuming fat for energy.
o             Acetyl l carnitine - a supplement that advances fat misfortune and lifts digestion.
o             Place the keto Gummies in a bowl.
o              Use a hand blender to mix until smooth.
o             Add the standard Gummies and blend again until joined.
Different Fixings: Stevia, Priest Organic product Concentrate, Garcinia Cambogia, Calcium Carbonate
Keto Breeze ACV Gummies are a keto-accommodating enhancement that offers many advantages. Here are only a couple:
o             Keto Breeze assists you with remaining in ketosis. At the point when you consume ketones, they assist your body with consuming fat and producing energy.
o             Keto Breeze ACV gives fundamental nutrients and minerals, including calcium and magnesium, that are important for sound bones and muscles.
o             Keto Breeze Gummies support solid mental capability by giving key supplements like B12, iron, potassium and.
o             Keto Breeze ACV Gummies are an astounding wellspring of ketones and other fundamental supplements. They additionally offer numerous medical advantages, like weight reduction and worked on mental capability.
o             Additionally, Keto Breeze Keto Gummies are adaptable bites that can be appreciated whenever, anyplace. They give a fantastic measure of energy without the calories or carbs related to most nibble food sources.
o             In expansion to their comfort and medical advantages, Keto Breeze Keto ACV Gummies likewise come at an entirely reasonable sticker price!
A few expected results of Keto Breeze Gummies could happen including sleepiness, unsteadiness, cerebral pain, and queasiness. Talk with your PCP prior to taking any enhancement for serious well-being concerns. That might happen in the wake of taking Keto Breeze ACV Gummies:
o             Diarrhea
o             Vomiting
o             Nausea
It's dependably precarious doing whatever it takes not to put resources into a novel, new thing, particularly with regard to weight reduction supplements. That is the reason we needed to investigate Keto Breeze and check whether it merits your time and cash. Up until this point, the surveys have been positive - individuals appear to be partaking in the keto weight-reduction help that this supplement gives. Be that as it may, there are likewise a couple of pessimistic surveys out there to advance notice individuals about the conceivable secondary effects. Eventually, everything descends to your private belief and involvement in keto weight reduction supplements. In the event that you're considering purchasing Keto Breeze ACV Gummies, it means quite a bit to peruse the whole item portrayal prior to clicking 'purchase now as there might be a few shocks hanging tight for you.
Keto Breeze ACV Gummies are a keto supplement that is intended to assist with advancing weight reduction. Certain individuals who have attempted Ikon items report positive outcomes, while others say they experienced incidental effects.
o             Reportedly advances weight reduction
o             Side impacts have all the earmarks of being not many and minor
o             Cheap contrasted with different enhancements available
o             Ists of 15 keto Gummies
o             Each sticky has 5 grams of net carbs and no sugar.
o             High-quality keto Gummies that are without sugar and low in carbs
o             The wonderful bite or pastry to assist you with coming to your keto objectives
o             Delivered right to your entryway!
Searching for a ketogenic diet supplement that can assist you with getting thinner? Keto Breeze might be the ideal choice for you. These Gummies are said to assist you with shedding pounds by giving ketones to your body, which assists you with consuming fat. Moreover, they're made with regular fixings and make not have many side impacts. These Gummies have previously assisted many individuals with getting thinner and working on their general well-being. All in all, what are the current clients of Keto Breeze ACV Gummies saying? For the most part, they're content with the outcomes they've seen. A few clients have grumbled about stoppage and cerebral pain, however, these are somewhat uncommon. Generally speaking, assuming you're searching for a ketogenic diet supplement that can assist you with getting in shape, Keto Breeze Gummies might be the ideal decision for you.
There is a great deal of buzz encompassing Keto Breeze Gummies and individuals are contemplating whether they're great and safe. Up to this point, certain individuals are detailing secondary effects like sickness, unsteadiness, and weakness, from there, the sky is the limit. Prior to purchasing these enhancements, make certain to investigate as needed and check whether they're appropriate for you. In general, it's memorable's essential that anything you put into your body has the potential for secondary effects, so forever be wary prior to taking anything. Assuming you're searching for a weight reduction supplement that is now available, Keto Breeze might be a decent choice for you. Notwithstanding, make certain to do your exploration first to go with sure they're the ideal decision for you.
Hoping to shed pounds? Keto Breeze is a well-known weight reduction supplement available. Notwithstanding, certain individuals are worried about conceivable aftereffects. Prior to taking them, examining your expected utilization of the item with your doctor is significant. This incorporates deciding the dose that will be powerful for you, contingent upon your particular medical issue and objectives. Continuously take alert while taking enhancements, particularly assuming you have any known ailments or are pregnant/breastfeeding. Make certain to peruse the audits prior to buying, and screen any potential secondary effects intently - they can be serious on the off chance that not treated expeditiously!
Assuming you're searching for a weight reduction supplement that professes to work on metabolic well-being, Keto Breeze ACV Gummies might be a decent choice for you. Nonetheless, before you choose to utilize them, it's vital to know about possible aftereffects. Audits propose that the Gummies taste perfect and work as planned, yet secondary effects might happen. In the event that you experience any unfavorable impacts, make certain to talk with a medical care proficient. Furthermore, it's generally really smart to talk with a dietitian prior to beginning any new eating routine or sustenance program.
Assuming you're searching for a ketogenic diet supplement that commits weight reduction and works on mental lucidity, looks no further than Keto Breeze. Notwithstanding, make certain to watch the surveys for likely Secondary effects prior to spending your well-deserved cash. There have been reports of serious aftereffects, like queasiness, spewing, runs, and stomach torment. Along these lines, know that this item isn't FDA-supported, and investigate as needs are prior to spending any cash on it!
On the off chance that you're searching for a keto supplement that can assist you with getting in shape, then you ought to look at Keto Breeze. This supplement is produced using normal fixings and has been adulated for its capacity to assist you with getting in shape securely and actually. Notwithstanding, as with any enhancement, there are potential secondary effects that you ought to know about. Make a point to peruse the full item portrayal and fixings list prior to making a buy, as well as adhere to the guidelines cautiously to guarantee that you're taking the ideal portion brilliantly. Furthermore, to wrap things up, remember to impart your experience with this Keto Breeze ACV Gummies supplement with us in the remarks beneath!
Visit Official Pages>>>>
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Sports & Child Development: The Vital Connection
A definitive objective of practically all guardians stays to guarantee the general improvement of their kids. To be sure, scholarly execution fills in as a significant measure that influences the fate of kids. What is similar or more significant is to work out some kind of harmony between scholastics on one hand and extra-curricular exercises/sports on the other.
Assuming you see, the rising need to keep kids genuinely and intellectually dynamic has prompted the part of sports picking up speed. As a matter of fact, sports play a focal part to play in youngster improvement, and this is the justification for why we, at The Navyandhra School, one of the Best Schools in Sector 49, give our understudies a free hand to participate in sports of their choice.
Today, in this article underneath, let us view the numerous manners by which sports add to youngster improvement:
Stress reduction and mental ease:
In the present circumstances, stress and mental disquiet have turned into an awful piece of kids' lives. One of the most mind-blowing approaches to handling this obstacle is by acquainting youngsters with sports that include moderate actual work. Studies have uncovered that actual animation lessens pressure among kids, which eventually guarantees mental harmony and great generally speaking wellbeing. This, thus, prompts the youngster performing great and hanging out in the two scholastics and extracurricular exercises.
Familiarizing with life’s ups and downs:
We, at The Navyandhra School, positioned among the Best Schools in Sector 49, solidly accept that each individual's life is a blend of high points and low points. This is the kind of thing that kids need to learn almost immediately to adapt better to the "down" parts of life as and when they are presented with something similar. Kids who play sports comprehend that achievement and disappointment are a piece of the game, which makes it more straightforward for them to jump all over chances and face difficulties with coarseness and trust in life overall.
The vitality of teamwork for achieving goals:
It is essential to acquaint kids with the imperativeness of cooperation so they anticipate working in groups. Sports are an incredible approach to acquainting kids with the idea of collaboration. It is through this sort of play that kids comprehend how achieving objectives becomes more straightforward with the backing of a group, which may not generally be imaginable when the youngster works separately. Such kids then begin having faith in the establishment of collaboration past the ambit of sports.
Stepping into the role of a leader:
We, at The Navyandhra School, unequivocally have faith in the need to not simply give reading material based information to youngsters, however rather center around imparting them with the crucial fundamental abilities alongside scholarly and co-curricular capability to make heads of tomorrow. We, at our school, have had the option to accomplish this significant objective by acquainting youngsters with sports.
Development of interpersonal skills:
While playing any game indiscriminately, it becomes significant for youngsters to speak with each other. Without even a trace of correspondence, the colleagues face trouble organizing with each other, which could likewise lead them to losing the game. Consequently, solid and free-streaming discussions are the most vital move towards coming out effective in any game. Youngsters who play sports have serious areas of strength for foster abilities, which help them radiate through their tutoring years, yet in addition in the rest of the world when they drop and push forward looking for advantageous work open doors.
Staying physically active:
A significant piece of kid improvement includes keeping medical problems under control. With that in mind, one of the definite shot approaches to warding medical affliction off and guaranteeing healthy physical and mental prosperity is by taking part in sports. This is one of the focal motivations behind why we at The Navyandhra School, lay such a lot of emphasis on sports.
Final Thoughts:
This while, in the event that you had focussed your consideration on pursuing kid improvement by focusing on scholastics alone, then this moment is the opportunity to make the truly necessary shift. You want to realize that sports are equipped for having an extraordinary effect on kids' general development and improvement. This is the justification for why we, at The Navyandhra School, ranked among the Best Schools in Sector 49, have chalked out school schedules in such a way that equilibrium is struck between scholastics, sports, extra-curricular exercises, and recess. We generally urge our students to participate in some type of sports in any event. To help their brandishing efforts, we have a variety of game offices at our school.
As all of you know, "A lack of work-life balance will drive a person crazy!" We are essentially sure that not even one of you would believe your kid should develop into the supposed Jack. Along these lines, ensure your children don't develop into savants; esteem their support in sports also.
0 notes
kuiperblog · 3 years
Deathloop sure is a video game
Every October, there's pop-up entertainment venues like "haunted houses" (or other haunted attractions) that attempt to artificially recreate the motifs common in horror movies, complete with live actors who are dressed as vampires or zombies or serial killers or whatever who leap out and scare the guests who squeal in delight, if only because it gives them an excuse to tightly cling to their partner.  It's more exciting than going to a horror movie, because it's a more tactile experience, so you're mostly just there to experience the various horror motifs without being concerned about a plot.
The thing is, there are actual horror movies that are set in haunted attractions.  And while this does make for some fun early reveals (like when the teenagers laugh at the knife-wielding man who they assume is an actor and part of the attraction, only to realize that he's actually a homicidal madman), the very idea of a horror movie set in a haunted house kind of feels like cheating.  Haunted attractions are, in a way, a simulacrum of a horror movie, which I suppose is an odd thing to say considering that haunted attractions are real and the events in horror movies are not, but I think that is the main level on which most haunted attractions are designed: a haunted attraction is a "horror movie IRL," so to then make that the setting of your horror movie “horror movie IRL but in a movie” is like a simulacrum of a simulacrum.  It’s shortcutting past the part where you would ordinarily come up with some kind of lore-based explanation for why the teenagers are hanging out in a creepy house and why there’s a demented killer or vampires or whatever who are trying to kill them.
I sort of feel this way about one of the first levels I played in Deathloop, which is a video game both in medium and form. It's a bit like Dishonored (one of Arkane's earlier titles) in the sense that the core objectives boil down to identifying an assassination target, and hunting them down in their mansion or laboratory or whatever.  The first target I assassinated was a fellow by the name of Charlie Montague, who is obsessed with games, and has populated a section of the world where you can speed-run an obstacle course to be rewarded with a gun, because this is a first-person shooter video game that is set on murder island, where everyone's favorite hobby is killing each other because they’re in a timeloop where everyone will revive the next day.  However, when I found Charlie Montague, he was in the middle of a LARP session.  This is literally how the game describes it: Charlie is hosting a game where he invites guests to participate in a game somewhat akin to a murder mystery, or maybe more like Among Us. When I arrived, Charlie announced over the loudspeaker to all of his guests that the killer monster (me) had arrived, and the objective was now for them to hunt me down.  (I, for my part, did my best to avoid the guests, but I had to gun down the entire party before finally getting to Charlie at the top floor.)
So, this is a video game level that felt very much like a video game level.  Which I don't really mean as a knock against it -- it was a fun environment, I had fun hunting down the game designer Charlie Montague and murdering his LARPing buddies, and the environment was set up in a way that made the confrontation with Charlie himself interesting, since Charlie possesses the blink power that lets him teleport across gaps and between floors.  But it kind of feels like cheating to have a video game level where the setting premise is, as explained by the game's fiction, literally a game created by a game designer (as opposed to trying to sell you on the idea that the level you're traipsing through is just some rich dude's mansion, or a military base, or whatever).  It is the video game equivalent of setting your horror movie in a haunted house attraction.
As an Arkane Studios fan (who started with 2006's Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, and counts Dishonored among my personal top 10 games of all time), I quite enjoyed Deathloop.  But it is by far the most video game video game that they've ever released.
Games like Dishonored and Prey (2017) exist in what is sometimes described as the "immersive sim" genre, where there's a big emphasis on player choice and giving the players a bunch of tools to approach objectives without giving them a prescribed route through the game.  Dishonored pushes you in the direction of being stealthy and quiet (with a "chaos" system that causes the world to become more desolate if you kill too many enemies in each level), but there are many routes through the levels -- and sometimes, you'll find your way to an objective through what feels like it isn't a prescribed "route" at all. The objectives are often quite simple -- "infiltrate, kill a dude, exfiltrate" -- but a level that could be completed in just a few minutes might take an hour to complete the first time you play it as you spend time scoping out the target, gradually getting a feel for the environment and learning which parts of the level have lots of enemies and which parts are safe and easy to stealth your way through.
The immersive sim's emphasis on carving your own way through levels leads to a phenomenon where a lot of the progression that you make is "meta" progression that exists entirely outside of your avatar -- you might spend an hour prowling around a level, and your character hasn't gotten any stronger (apart from maybe finding a few optional collectibles), but you as a player have "leveled up" to the point that you now know the level like the back of your hand, which is how you have people who spend hours exploring a level in Hitman so that they can do a perfect 5-minute speedrun of that level.
Sometimes, this sense of "meta-progression" is further emphasized by making some of the collectibles information that you as a player can store.  I remember a part in Dishonored where I found a locked safe, and I had to root around the game environment and find the code to the safe before I could come back and get the goodie inside.  But if I wanted to, I could write that number down so that on any subsequent playthrough, I could just go right to the safe and open it right away -- which feels a bit like cheating, but it's no less cheating than sprinting through a specific route through a level because I know from previous playthroughs that the path I'm taking has no guards.
Deathloop isn't quite like that: the game is filled with combinations and whatnot (in one "puzzle" I had to insert specifically-labeled tapes into a machine in a specific order), but all of these are generated randomly: you can't take that information with you across playthroughs, and you can't look the number up in a walkthrough like some older immersive sims would let you do. But Deathloop takes this meta progression and makes it actual progression: it's a time-loop story, and your character (Colt) remembers everything that he encounters across playthrough, so when you find the combination to a door, Colt will make a mental note of it (no need to bust out your pen and paper), and the next time you come to a locked door that requires that combination, you don't even have to punch in the numbers: just hold the triangle button on your Playstation controller and Colt will automatically punch in the numbers that he learned during an earlier loop.
Deathloop is full of little things like this that, on first glance, almost just feel like QoL improvements.  But there's something that feels very different about how things are done in Deathloop: in gameplay terms, it basically boils down to, "Go to this place and press square to read the password, then go to this other place and unlock the door," which is really not that different from "go to this place and press square to pick up the key, then go to this other place to unlock the door."  The "passwords" that exist throughout this game are basically just keys that Colt can store in his brain and take with him whenever you advance to the next loop.
And to be clear, that's not necessarily a *bad* thing.  In fact, immersive sims are kind of a niche genre that don't have a very big audience, so anything that helps streamline and make it more like, well, what you'd expect from a "video game," is probably going to make the game accessible to a lot more people.  And they streamline a *lot* in this game.  The game is all about planning the "perfect loop" where you manage to kill the 8 big baddies in a single day, and everything before that point is just preparing for that final loop.  Even though that seems like an abstract thing that might require you to hold a bunch of disparate information in your head, the game is actually *really* good at making it so that Colt is already mentally mapping out the game plan as you go, to the point where you can just go into the quest book, select a thread, and then just follow the waypoints.  Colt is planning for the "perfect loop" and collecting all the information he needs (including passwords, and memorizing information about how to get certain bosses to go to certain areas where they'll be vulnerable), and Colt is so good at remembering these things that the player never has to: you can play the entire game from start to finish just by traveling from waypoint to waypoint and stealthing or shooting your way past anything that stands in your way.
That is, of course, incredibly reductive.  The process of getting from point A to point B in Deathloop is fun for the same reason that getting from point A to point B is fun in any other game.  The guns feel good to shoot, the levels are interesting to navigate, and the game lets you earn the ability to take certain pieces of gear with you between loops so it always feels like there's forward progression.  But I think that there's a critical thing that's missing:
Immersive sims aren't just about getting from point A to point B.  Before you can get to point B, you have to discover where point B is.  *Where* in this mansion is the assassination target?  Better spend some time skulking around and listening to his staff gossip about his daily habits so you know which parts of the mansion he's likely to appear in.  Oh wait, I don't want to just get in the same room with this guy, I want to get myself in the same room with him *when he's not surrounded by his guards*.  How do I do that?  Better do some more snooping.  And in a sense, Deathloop *sort* of does this.  Before you can follow the waypoint objective marker to your target, you have to find out where they are.  But the "find out where they are" is often, "follow this *other* waypoint objective marker to find the slip of paper that tells you where they're going to be, at which point you can follow the waypoint objective marker to their exact location!"
And to be fair to Deathloop, it's not *all* like that.  There are some times where the game sort of just points you in the right direction and leaves you to figure it out, like one dude who has hosted a masquerade party where he and his guests are all wearing the same masks, and so you have to figure out a way to ferret him out.  (Or you can just murder everyone at the party to figure it out by process of elimination -- which is actually much easier said than done, because this is murder island and everybody is packing heat, and this is an exclusive party so his guests are the type of people who carry around heavy weapons.)
Another way that Deathloop takes the "meta progression" inherent to immersive sims and makes it explicit in-game progression is by having a time loop where you can encounter and kill the same targets over and over again.  That's the kind of thing that tends to happen in immersive sims across multiple playthroughs -- Hitman doesn't *require* you to play each level multiple times, but you generally want to, because each level is filled with tons of different routes to explore and different ways to deal with each of the targets.  But that's all on the player: it's not as if in the fiction of the Hitman universe, Agent 47 is repeatedly murdering a bunch of people who magically revive so that he can kill them again, whereas in Deathloop, that is very explicitly what is happening.
The thing is, because Deathloop is kind of designed with the assumption that you'll kill each target multiple times, the first time you encounter them and blow their head off, it doesn't feel like the grand emotional climax.  In fact, in a way, it feels like the *start* of a relationship.  "Goodbye, Charlie Montague.  I hardly knew ye.  But I'm sure I'll know you better by the third time I'm leaving your LARPing session with that slab upgrade you're carrying."  I feel like that robs the kills of some of their impact, and maybe that's just inherent to what kind of game this is: in Dishonored, you feel as though over the course of a level, you get to know your target as you snoop through their quarters, overhear what their staff have to say about them, read the journals of their rivals while looking for possible weaknesses, and so on.  Because it's a stealth game, it makes sense to hide in the background and learn about their life.  Stalking a character through a level while waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike can actually feel incredibly intimate, because as  the eponymous Visible Man in Chuck Klosterman’s novel says, to truly know who someone is, you have to see them when they’re alone at home; their behavior anywhere else is just a performance.
But when I'm chasing down Charlie Montague with an SMG in one hand and a pistol in the other, the only thing I really know about him is what he's announcing over the loudspeaker.  (I don't really remember exactly what he said, but the subtext is that he's mentally unstable, and he's obsessed with games.)  And even though Charlie Montague was shouting at me what kind of person he said, I feel like I never really got to *know* him like I got to know some targets in Dishonored.  In fact, the moments when I got to know Charlie best weren't when he was yelling at my over the loudspeaker as I ran through his level as Shooty McFPS guy, but the moments when I got to read his notes or chat correspondence (which is *entirely optional*, because even if I don't learn the relevant facts from Charlie Montague's notes, Cole will -- and he'll verbally narrate the cliffsnotes version of them as I'm headed to the next objective)
Despite feeling like a clear descendant of Arkane’s earlier titles, Deathloop feels neither "immersive" nor "sim."  It's constantly doing things that remind me that I'm playing a video game -- which, to be clear, is not a bad thing!  It’s fun to be Shooty McFPS guy without worrying about hiding guards bodies or making noise. More than any other Arkane Studios game, it does everything it can to minimize player frustration, whether that means feeling lost, or feeling like you're not making forward progress, or feeling like your progress is being gated by a huge spike in difficulty.
Dishonored is a game that rewards patience.  This is one of my favorite things about it, but the fact that it rewards patience so generously means that it also *asks* patience of the player in order to get its best moments, which means that some players will never experience them.  Deathloop asks very little from the player.  Deathloop is a very "even" and "smooth" experience, but that's both for better and for worse.  The lows aren't as low, but the highs aren't nearly as high. Deathloop is a good game.  And it will probably be a "good game" to a greater number of people than Arkane's previous titles, but it didn’t have nearly the same impact on me.
Anyway, more than anything, my time with Deathloop has convinced that I should go back and play Prey (2017).
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ssaltbending · 4 years
Ok, guys, hear me out: Zuko is a Capricorn, Katara is a Cancer —and here’s why (it would be so poetic).
Part 1: Zuko
TW: explicit mentions of child abuse.
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I know this statement might seem weird and out of place, but in the last couple weeks I’ve been digging a lot into astrology and, in order not to forget my roots, I thoroughly felt the need to combine both of my most recent obsessions in one post, given that this headcanon hasn’t been able to leave my mind ever since I came up with it: if we applied astrology to the Avatar world, I’m sure Cancer and Capricorn would be Katara and Zuko’s signs, respectively. And I don’t say this in a superficial way, just by looking at zodiac memes and associating Katara with the crybabies Cancers are portrayed as or saying Zuko is a Capricorn buzzkill as people who know astrology on a surface level would assume they are —those are some of the most common stereotypes about the signs. No, I’m saying that they embody those signs on an archetypal leve: in the way their stories, especially Zuko’s, resemble the myths that originate the zodiac signs and their respective traits.
Therefore, without further ado, let me explain.
The Capricorn archetype: the sins of the father...
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As any casual astrology enthusiast may probably know, the sign of Capricorn is connected to qualities such as perseverance, integrity, resilience and ambition, typically treated as the CEO or boss of the zodiac. However, the sign itself has a richer and much more complex story as we look at the deities it is associated with as well as the planet that rules it: Saturn, linked to the Roman god of the same name and the greek gods Cronus, Zeus, Hestia and Pan. Some astrologers choose Cronus as Capricorn’s patron god and others prefer his children, but that can be explained very easily.
The myth goes like this: Cronus, a giant and father of what we would know as some of the main greek gods (Hestia, Demeter, Hades, Poseidon, Hera and Zeus), was actually the son of Uranos, who he subverted thanks to the advice of his mother Gaia to use an agricultural tool to kill him. But as time went by and Cronus had started having children with his partner, Rhea, the fear of his descendants becoming stronger than him and doing the same thing he had done to his father took over him, which led to his decision of swallowing them all whole. He started with Hestia all the way back to Zeus, whom he couldn’t swallow right after he was born, unlike his other children, because this time Rhea had hid him in the island of Crete to protect him from his father. To deceive him, Rhea then covered a rock in cloth to make it resemble a baby for Cronus to eat it, thinking that it was a newborn Zeus.
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Time passed and Zeus grew stronger until he was ready to confront his father and save his siblings from his womb, and when he finally did it, he managed to force Cronus into disgorge them one by one, in the reverse order they had been swallowed —which left Hestia as the last sibling to be disgorged.
After that, Zeus was left with a prophecy, where he would also be possibly overthrown by a son of his. And after Métis, the woman he was told would bear said child, gave birth he swallowed the newborn whole just like Cronus had done with his brothers and sisters. The child in question, however, started giving him headaches as it grew older and bigger inside of him and would become the goddess we know as Athena. What Zeus did with her was the repetition of a cycle perpetuated by his forefathers, a cycle of abuse and trauma that seems inescapable. What this part of the duality of the Capricorn archetype shows one of the ways in which those ideas of tradition and legacy can be carried on (a very negative one, to be honest), but that’s not the only way they can manifest, which gives the archetype this… almost cinematic quality, in my opinion. (And if we take this into account, I might headcanon Azula as a Capricorn rising due not only to the archetypal coincidences but the overall mastermind outlook she has and how much of a natural, domineering and calculating leader she is, but that’s besides the point.)
Now, let’s talk about the other side of the archetype, which gives it this incredible dual quality: Hestia’s path. Unlike her brother Zeus, Hestia was the one who not only had been devoured by her father, but she had spent the most time inside him as well. This is often associated with the emotional isolation many Capricorns experience in their youth, the lack of warmth and love by one of their parents, along with the desire not to become the abusive parent they were exposed to. Hestia is the other side of the story, the unspoken leader of the Olympians, the one who broke the toxic cycle running in her family for generations, vowing to become an eternal virgin and protector of the earth. Besides, Hestia means “hearth”: the inner fire, the one that is never allowed to go out.
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(art by @elisebrave​)
That is the soul of the Capricorn archetype: the crossroads of destiny, the moment when the child decides whether to become like their parents, or forge their own path like Hestia did. Do you guys see what I see now? Are the similarities clear enough?
As my dear friend @persephobeee​ points out in her Capricorn essay (a crucial source for this one): “The Capricorn archetype is a cycle of stuck parents putting stress on their children at such a young age so then their kid ends up making money in retaliation, but then treat their kids the same as well due to the lack of warmth and freedom they had in their own childhood. The intense pressure put onto them as a child [then] leads to isolation and depression. It’s a cycle. ‘I don’t want to be my parent, but also… how they have ruined me’. The chain can continue with Zeus (projecting sorrows and nightmares onto their own children) or it could break with Hestia (the path of love, light and protection).”
This is why Capricorn’s planetary ruler, Saturn, is also associated with ideas found in this myth: restriction, limitation, order, boundaries, leadership, responsibility… pretty much dad vibes, to be honest. Do you guys see what I see or do I have to dig deeper?
“But isn’t zuko a firebender?? Why would he be an earth sign??”, you may ask.
The way that I might be making headcanons about the Gaang’s western zodiac signs isn’t gonna be based on which element they bend, because that would be quite reductive and restrictive for me as an astrology junkie, but their similarities to each sign’s archetype and overall characteristics. And yes, I do see Zuko as an earth sun, but that wouldn’t be his only sign, there is also the moon and the rising sign, which also have an important impact on the individual. In my opinion, Zuko’s personality embodies the qualities of fire signs as well: competitiveness, drive, passion, impulsiveness and loyalty. But to me those qualities are better shown in his character through his moon sign: an Aries moon, to be specific. See those anger outbursts? The “I don’t need any [fucking] calming tea!!”? The “you never think these things through”? Aries moon behavior, right there. But I’m not going to focus on moon signs right now. Let’s get back to the behavior I am the most well-versed at: Capricorn behavior.
So, the sign of Capricorn is also a cardinal sign, a leader, since they are the ones that begin each season. In the Northern Hemisphere, Capricorn season starts right on the winter solstice, and the opposite happens in the South. However, since all the astrology lore comes from the North thanks to the Greeks, Babylonians and more, the seasonal connections are related to the seasons there. As a consequence, Capricorn is the cardinal sign that brings the coldest, darkest season of the year: winter. And incorporating that into Zuko’s character would be incredibly fitting, in my opinion, because of some stuff I’ve read here on Tumblr saying that making him being born during the coldest time of the year would make it a terrible omen for a firebender, worse in this case due to him being born into the royal family, symbols of the power and “supremacy” of the Fire Nation. The fact that he would be born in winter, if we follow this reasoning, would have made him seem as a disappointment to his father ever since birth. 
… or maybe I’m just cruel, guys.
Moreover, I think Zuko embodies many of the Capricorn qualities in the way he carries himself (because no, not all Capricorns are confident managers with the world in our hands) and how hard he has to work to earn everything he gets. A key part of what this sign represents is “the path of hardships the goat has to overcome in order to reach the top of the mountain”, which along with the myth I have described before, could easily be applied to Zuko. It describes values of endurance, hard work, discipline and drive in order to achieve your goals, something that can be seen in Zuko all throughout the series, but changes its focus as the seasons go by. Besides, uhm… have you guys seen “The Day of Black Sun, Part 2”? That is literally the positive outcome of the Capricorn myth made into animation: the confrontation between an abusive father figure and his abused child who has decided to part ways with him in order to become a better person.
On another note, I think it is important to highlight how the Capricorn in Zuko could be seen based on how the rest of the Gaang treats him as well when he changes sides and he’s accepted into the group. How?, you may be wondering: as a father figure, but in a positive way. In many scenes it can be noticed how he naturally takes a position of leadership within the group as well as he takes care of the younger members such as Aang and Toph but, especially in Aang’s case, tries to ground them and teach them. As examples, take the following: Zuko reminding Aang that soon he will have to face the fact that he might have to kill Ozai, him trying to get everyone to train when the comet is about to arrive; how when Aang gets lost, it is him the one people look to in order to lead the group, etc.
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Another thing that is well-known in Capricorns is our resilience and perseverance and, honestly: do I even need to explain that? When it comes to the guy who would get his ass beaten again and again and again for one season straight in order to get what he wanted which would also give him the approval of his father, what he craved most? It screams earth sign behavior to me, but with a heavy saturnian influence due to Zuko’s background which, to me, can be quite an interesting reflection of the Saturn/Cronus myth with his children. Said tenacity could also be exacerbated by the willpower and energy brought by the possibility of him having a fire moon, I don’t know, think about it. I stick to that headcanon.
That perseverance can also be seen when it comes to Zuko’s firebending, given how much he’s always trying to improve his skills. Although it could be argued that in reality he’s doing so due to the expectations put on him to be a proficient bender just like his sister in order to be accepted by his father, and his constant training to the point of exhaustion is just a manifestation of that toxic behavior. I am sorry to tell you, but that’s textbook Capricorn behavior, associated with the symbolism of the hardworking goat in general: working the hardest in order to get what you want is always on-brand when it comes to important Capricorn placements, and in my opinion Zuko is no exception.
Final thoughts.
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Anyway, what I think would be most relevant is what I mentioned before about the Capricorn archetype and how it could tie in nicely to Zuko’s character arc with him as a representation of Hestia, who could grow out of the abuse she experienced and got a chance not to make her father’s mistakes and break that horrendous cycle she had been a victim of. I would go into this more deeply, but I think it has been enough for now. However, I’ll be back soon with a part two, talking about my water queen Katara. What do you think about this headcanon? Do you agree? If not, why? 
Thanks for coming to my weird-ass TedTalk at 1am. I needed to vent and I haven’t been able to put the computer down since 9pm, I literally only stopped to eat, lol.
See you soon, 
a Capricorn sun.
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withteeths · 4 years
Maybe Steamrolling Games is Bad Actually
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Videogames are unique in that they are inextricably tied to corporatism and have been since birth (this is an oversimplification but roll with it). This means that to an extent most companies even since the ’80s have never really cared about proper preservation or easy access to their titles. Nintendo carts were originally manufactured to have their battery die in 3 years so you would have to buy a new one (this failed, but it’s why you still see a lot of dead carts floating around). I think there's a nostalgia issue within the gaming fandom regarding "oh x was great back then" but a lot of the time, games manufacturers have been historically shitty and anti-consumer and it’s just that they now have the tools to execute it much more effectively. Regarding obtrusive DRM, that’s an issue PC games have had since their zenith, where if you lost your original copy of a manual or a small plastic key you could never play a game again because the codes were individualized for each copy and support would refuse to give you a new one. Even back in the arcades, there were particularly batshit examples like the CPS board, which I shit you not was built to explode a battery pack filled with corrosive acid if it detected you were attempting to repair or modify it. There’s a lot to say about the current state of games but what I would likely illustrate is that 2/3 major consoles are racing to decide who will be obsolete first. Games consoles are reaching a point where they are trying to emulate PCs with more restrictions and DRM. We're already seeing interest in steam spike again and it’s likely that eventually, we will see almost a crash for consoles where no one can justify the price for games they can play on a PC rig. The only solution I see there would be a merger between the two consoles which feels inevitable. 
That being said as interest in the PC space increases again so does attempts at entering the bubble. We have Epic, Origin, Microsoft, Indiegala, Itchio, and Steam all vying for attention, requiring accounts, and offering exclusives to justify the use of their storefront over others. Some people think this is a good thing because it's breaking up Steam's monopoly but it literally is not, if you ever really wanna hear me rant ask me about Leftist obsession with itch being some sort of ethical steam, which it is provably not. In the end, the real sort of saviour figures that work to preserve games are random ass people on the internet. I know people who automatically assume that at the end of the day, companies care about games preservation too, and they usually have a three-pronged argument that cites a) Steam’s ability to allow the redownloading of delisted games, b) retro companies periodically rereleasing titles for modern consoles in compilations, and c) companies doing limited reruns of a game that fans request. All three of these examples are basically an incredibly effective use of diversionary tactics, but most of the time when someone cites these I just assume it’s a misunderstanding and not outright malicious intent because a lot of the time companies will attempt to actively implant these ideas to build brand loyalty.
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My main dissertation is usually that Steam is incredibly selective with what titles you can redownload, and most importantly, corporate benevolence is more-so a band-aid on a gaping wound! There’s no contingency for when Steam might migrate to a new service, go belly up, or become obsolete when a new OS is created. That means thousands, tens of thousands of dollars worth of games are just gone, permanently, along with fan mods, DLC, and content. It’s a terrifying thought that not many people bring up when discussing the problems with game storefronts that focus so much on providing a cloud and have DRM attached to every purchase. In a way, Steam preceded the trend of not allowing consumers to actually own the things they purchased, and they’ve avoided criticism by strategic use of silence and creating the illusion of a company being made by the consumers they’re attempting to serve. At the end of the day, Steam is a business, and if you ever lose access to your Steam account, or they decide to up and leave one day, you will not be able to play almost all of those games, even if you have them installed on a hard drive, because if you’re online, they connect with a server to ensure your steam account has the ability to play them. When it comes to other arguments like the limited rereleases or use of compilations to preserve arcade titles, I usually just beg people to look at community-driven options that have existed for years. The Scott Pilgrim game is a big source of contention, but I would point out that for years now, it was playable, for free, with all the DLC, on PCs. Preservationists didn’t wait for the gods of Universal and O’Malley to rerelease it for 30 bucks or save up to snatch the fucking ridiculous 200$ limited edition with shitty paper cut-outs, they straight up just did the work to make the game free and available. RCPS3 has (with a contemporary build) been able to run the game pretty flawlessly for years now, in fact, it was how I played through a majority of the game in high school on my shitty brick of a laptop. If you look further out than this one example then it gets even better, MAME and other emulation backends have been able to play obscure, unfinished, and homebrew titles with 100% accuracy, on almost any setup, for free, for decades! I found out about many of these options back in 2015 or so, certainly late to the curve, but I never really questioned as to why emulation, games preservation, and some key titles being available on PC remained some sort of arcane, unknown knowledge to most people interested in games. In the end, the answer was a highly effective propaganda campaign that combined with strategic use of DMCA takedowns has resulted in the concept of communal games-preservation and emulation becoming some sort of debate, where people will wholeheartedly side with corporations in some sort of quest for preserving things the “ethical and correct way,” which is code for preservation on the condition that it remains profitable for the IP owners.
 I think the best way to illustrate this would be with the community built around the preservation of an infamous PS4 title, PT. The story of its inevitable delisting from the storefront and the messy breakup between Kojima and Konami is well known, so I won’t regurgitate it, look it up at your own leisure. What is significant here is corporate reactions to attempts at preserving the game, which can basically be boiled down to Konami acting with borderline rabid fervour to prevent redownload, redistribution, or recreation of a seven-year-old demo, released for free download. Mentions of solutions to redownload the game have been taken down, fan-made recreations for PC, and archival servers that store a copy of the game for future preservation or emulation. Usually when this is brought up a debate occurs citing that technically speaking, Konami has a right to do this whenever they want, for whatever piece of media they believe infringes on their copyright. On one hand, yes this argument is factually correct considering the current state of copyright and ownership of media, but on the other hand, what compels someone to step into the ring for a multi-million dollar company with the primary argument being “well actually, people SHOULDN’T be able to play this specific video game until it benefits the shareholders”? In my opinion, it’s some sort of corporatized symbiosis where players believe that, if you cull the bad actors and play by the rules of the company, you may be able to eventually play the game a couple of years down the line. Sure, this has happened in the past with a few isolated cases, but it can’t be stressed enough that this is a genuinely dangerous and reductive position for people to take regarding games preservation.
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 I have two colleagues, Mariken and Fotocopiadora, who released a short interactive title called Videopulp (playable here: https://fotocopiadora.itch.io/videopulp). It’s a dramatic reimagining of a real historical event, wherein a promotional event was held in 1994 at Lelystad to destroy bootleg carts by a figure in a Mario costume. This perhaps best encapsulates something I am pleading with younger generations to understand, as an archivist, art historian, and creator: corporations are not your friends, and they never will be. With the rise of online circles of leftism, this concept is starting to gain traction but is starting to be polluted with concepts of fandom and tribalism. This has lead to arguments that while *most* corporations are bad how could you say that about Nintendo? Or Valve? Mario is so innocent and characters like Wheatley are beloved by all! I feel some people don’t realize that they can enjoy a select title or character without enlisting in a corporate faction in the battle for “best company” or “best videogame”. It leads to a parasocial kinship with a nonexistent figure that was hand-crafted to ensure consumer loyalty to a certain brand. It’s depressing, terrifying, and should stand as a disquieting example of how the grip of capitalism on works of art has permanently distorted how we think and engage with media today. So, what’s the solution? As always I can never really provide something concrete that’ll act as a cure-all, only things that people in games need to work towards. Bring up conversations about games preservation, create archives for your own work, support archivists and boost their work whenever a new discovery is created, and try to promote optimism and solidarity in your hobbyist communities. I’ve noticed a lot of futility being intertwined with the future of AAA gaming, use of online storefronts, and the inability to own pieces of media anymore, and I feel this should be pushed back against, even in a minute way. Open-source programmes still exist that allow you to hold on to what you have purchased, offline and ad-free options exist for games launchers, e-readers, and media players. The future isn’t bright, but it is not a place without hope, and as long as people continue to enter communities with passion and ingenuity, I think we have a chance at stopping the events at Lelystad, 1994 from happening again. 
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jadelotusflower · 4 years
Robin Hood Rewatch: 1x09 A Thing or Two About Loyalty
What, exactly, is Guy and Lambert’s backstory? Why are they friends? How does Lambert not know the Sheriff’s reputation? Questions that, I suppose, don’t matter.
Much thanking the guards for arresting him is Peak Much, and I love his green scarf.
If Robin is Earl of Huntingdon, and Bonchurch is part of the Huntingdon holdings, shouldn’t Much be given a lower rank in the peerage like Baron? Although I suppose at this point the Huntingdon Earldom has technically gone extinct as it’s clear Guy has not been granted the title like he anticipated, and it doesn’t matter what the Sheriff says because he doesn’t have the authority to grant titles anyway.
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Marian plays Guy very well here; it’s a fine bit of maneuvering. I also still like this outfit.
Was anyone installed in Bonchurch Lodge prior to Much taking up residence? It’s mentioned in the first episode as the house and estates Robin was granting Much, but was anyone looking after it before? Was Eve there, or brought over from Nottingham? Is there a Bonchurch village? I’d just like a bit more detail in the world-building please.
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I really enjoy Eve as a character and the Much/Eve dynamic because he is upfront with her that he knows she’s a spy, and she is completely unruffled, so it never feels as if she is deceiving him. Rather, it’s closer to them both playing the game since he knows she has to keep up the pretense, so he can ask her to tell him about the Council of Nobles and it never feels like he is deceiving her either. 
Concussion count: Gaoler.
Concussion count: Guard.
“I’m not asleep” *punch* is an underrated joke.
Robin and Much’s relationship is repaired somewhat from the last episode - first Robin has faith in and defends Much when Allan is mocking him, and then supports him again when Much is expecting disparagement. It’s nice to see.
Robin’s relationship with Marian is as poor as ever though, his jealousy is bleeding through all over the place and it’s not a good look. They’re also on different sides of the ideological argument about the ledger; Robin “who are we to judge what should and shouldn’t exist as knowledge” and Marian “it is our calling to protect others”. Again, they’re both right, but coming at the problem from completely different sides.  
It’s quite rich for Guy to be so easily manipulated into turning against Lambert for his lack of “loyalty” when he was the one who straight up lied to Lambert that the black powder wouldn’t be used as a weapon. On the other hand, the psychological hold Vaisey has over Guy can’t be denied. I mean:
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There’s a nice bit of continuity at the Council of Nobles - the gentleman looking very uncomfortable at Much’s treatment is Merton, who shows up at the end of the season to give evidence against Vaisey and die.
Robin saying nothing when Marian tells them about Lambert’s death and instead just comforting her is a nice scene, but he also looks rather pissed off - at the situation we are to assume, not her, still I’ve always felt it was an odd acting choice. But my R/M loving heart melts a bit when they arrive at the camp holding hands.
This is the moment Eve falls for Much. She saw him stand up for himself and the poor at the Council of Nobles and was probably impressed by his fortitude when everyone else was being cowed by Vaisey, then she saw his generosity and kindness at the feast, but then - knowing that he knows she’s likely a spy - he calls her his friend, and The Way She Looks At Him.
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I really enjoy any time Much and Marian interact, they have such a complicated relationship and the contrast between them is never more stark than in this episode. Marian is cynical  - with good reason! - she has to be calculating and careful, and some of her anger at Eve here is no doubt misplaced over Guy. If he did not shift his loyalty from Vaisey to her, why would she ever expect Eve to shift hers to Much? But Much has an open heart, he can’t help but show affection and trust in the hope that it will be reflected back at him.
And for once, it is! Eve is so overwhelmed by Much’s kindness, but doesn’t completely trust him until he refuses to take advantage of her (her laugh over that misunderstanding is so cute!). Or perhaps when he decides not to feed her false information, because he couldn’t bear to see her hurt for it, even if she was a spy.
“When I was in the Holy Land, I would find myself...craving something. I thought it was hunger, and it was hunger most of the time. But now and then, when I would feel it, it would not be in the stomach...but in the heart.” This line was delivered so well - Sam Troughton MVP.
And I like that Eve doesn’t particularly care for Robin! It’s a nice touch, for her to be won over by Much himself, even though he credits to philosophy to Robin, it’s Much’s innate goodness that wins her loyalty.
Of course it’s not an exact parallel to Guy - well except for this:
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Guy has choices that Eve doesn’t have, being a man able to live independently, a knight rather than a serf, he need be responsible for no one but himself (for all he tries to deflect and say he betrayed Lambert to “protect Marian”) - but he is fueled by an inner resentment, of Robin, of the world, he seeks power and Vaisey is the best option for him to attain that goal. Eve, it is implied, works for the Sheriff to make sure her mother “wants for nothing” so her motives are not so selfish in the first place, and when she is confronted by someone who is good and kind like Much, she not only renounces the Sheriff, but risks her own safety for his cause.
“A thing or two about loyalty” could very easily be “a thing or two about love” - sometimes it’s a choice between one or the other. Guy chooses loyalty, Eve chooses love, which perhaps is slightly reductive, but THIS IS A LOVE STORY ALRIGHT?
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“When there is justice again, I will come and find you” is Peak Romance and I am annoyed that we never saw Eve again, can you imagine her around the camp snarking at Robin and making friends with Marian and being incredibly useful with her super spy skills (or hey you could just read my au season 3 fic) and why does the show keep having these great characters show up for one episode never to be mentioned again?
One more thing before I melt into (even more of) a shippy puddle - when Eve kisses Much the second time he keeps his eyes closed until she’s gone and once again I say Sam Troughton MVP.   
Waiting until Vaisey and Gisborne show up to destroy the black powder just to show off and gloat is Peak Robin.
Djaq is the only one who has agreed with Robin all episode about not destroying the ledger -  it makes sense that their opinion align in the interests of preserving knowledge and scientific endeavour, but the show keeps its powder dry (heh) on this issue all the way until the season 2 finale.
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cincopavideohosting · 3 years
How to Start a Podcast: Every Single Step for 2021
A fast heads up, as well. A portion of the administrations we highlight here are subsidiary podcasting connections.This implies we'd procure a little commission if you somehow managed to purchase through them – at definitely no additional expense to yourself. This all goes towards supporting the majority of free substance we put out. What's more, have confidence, we just suggest things we use ourselves, and respect!
Arranging Your Podcast There are two central issues you need to ask yourself here, and they're joined at the hip. First…
1. What's Your Podcast For?
So right off the bat, for what reason would you like to make a web podcasting? Is it accurate to say that you are a consultant? A business? Or then again a showcasing supervisor? Assuming this is the case, you may have distinguished podcasting as an extraordinary method to fabricate authority, and furnish your clients and target crowd with significant and engaging substance. Or on the other hand would you say you are taking a gander at podcasting from a specialist viewpoint? This may mean you'll make a show in your extra time. What's more, the subject will be something that you're energetic about.
2. Who is Your Podcast For? So first day, get the unavoidable issue in: Who are you causing this to web recording for? The thing is, except if you know precisely who you're making your show for, and why you're doing it, you have no way of growing a crowd of people. In case you're coming at it from a business podcast, and you're (for instance) a fitness coach who needs to make a wellbeing and wellness webcast, at that point your intended interest group may be individuals who are keen on smart dieting, weight reduction, exercise, or working out. 3. Give Them a Reason to Listen Regardless of whether you're giving data that will assist somebody with shedding pounds (on account of our fitness coach), or doing a truly engaging meeting with one of your #1 creators (on account of our zombie podcaster) you're offering some benefit for your audience. Not just have you given them motivation to tune in, however you've additionally given them motivation to return for additional. It's critical to consider this in the arranging stages. Would you be able to record 10-15 potential scenes that you figure your intended interest group couldn't want anything more than to tune in to?
4. Naming Your Podcast No "how to begin a digital broadcast" direct is finished without noting this generally basic of inquiries – what do I call the thing? There's three primary camps with regards to naming your show. The Clever Name You may think about a truly cunning name for your show. Yet, screen record that individuals should have the option to discover it when they're looking for data about your subject. On the off chance that you have a sharp/infectious name for your show, attempt to likewise consolidate a depiction into the title. There's no point putting out extraordinary substance if no one can discover it.
5. How Long Should A Podcast Episode Be?         Digital broadcast length relies entirely upon content. Try not to chop down great substance or cushion out brief work! How long does it should be to get the message out? On the off chance that you asked most digital recording audience members, a "short" scene would likely be anything under 15 minutes. Furthermore, a "long" scene would likely be anything longer than 60 minutes. 6. How Often Should I Release New Episodes?   In this way, on the off chance that you can just oversee once every month, that is fine. In the event that you can deal with like clockwork, far better. Assuming you can oversee week by week, that is incredible Podcast hosting. You can in any case have a major contact with a fortnightly, or month to month show, however individuals plan their lives around what day of the week it is. It's the daily schedule at the cutting edge of our lives, and taking advantage of it very well may be amazing.
7. Picking Good Episode Titles   Actually like picking a name for your podcasting, picking great, accessible, clear titles for your scenes is significant. The greatest slip-up with regards to naming your scenes is to call them "Scene 1", "Scene 2, etc. No one will realize what's in store on the off chance that they tune in. The general purpose of a web recording is that individuals hear it out, so give them motivation to tap on one of your scenes. 8. Picking a Podcast Format The configuration you pick is truly close to home, and relies upon who's included! In the event that it's simply you, you're not doing a co-facilitated show any time soon, for instance The thing is, it's comparable here to your webcast length: while it's acceptable to have an 'normal' design, so your audience members realize what's in store, you don't need to adhere to it without fail.
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fairie-gothmother · 4 years
In The Shadow of Starlight, Part 2: Negotiating With Gods
Read Part 1: The Fall
Octavia took a deep breath outside the door, steadying herself in preparation for what Lilith asked her to do. How did she get into these situations? A week ago, she was in her room, sipping on a Moxx-tail and watching a Lord of Skags stream on the EchoNet. Today, she was interrogating the cult leading, pseudo-siren monstrosity known as the God King. Lieutenant Cramer wasn’t making things any easier. He was ready to go. She stumbled when Cramer clapped her on the back a bit too forcefully.
“Enough waiting around. Chin up, kid,” he said. Shouldering his gun and wasting no more time, Cramer kicked the door open. “Look alive, rat boy!”
Troy sat with his head resting on a small table at the center of the dimly lit holding cell. The walls and floor were made of concrete. The only entrances were two heavily reinforced steel doors. The door at the front of the room was the one they had entered. The other one was at the back beside a wide mirror that took up the majority of the wall.
Troy lifted his head. “Aw, that’s adorable. They employ senior citizens here. At ease, Pops. The Corporate Wars ended a while ago,” he said.
Octavia braced herself while giving Cramer a sideways glance.
“Wipe that pedophile smile off your face, boy! I have gray pubes older and wiser than you!” Cramer yelled, his face nearly turning purple.
Troy sneered at him, slowly rising from his chair and standing at his full height. He towered over Cramer in an intimidating display. The sporadically sparking remains of his damaged cybernetic arm dangled from his shoulder. The red light of his siren marks cast eerie highlights across the angled features of his face. 
Octavia stayed close to the door, unsure how this would play out.
Cramer was unimpressed and got right down to business. The dude had nerves of steel. “Commander Lilith has ordered the removal of that smoking fire hazard you’ve been dragging behind your sorry ass. Ellie will be doing the honors. You are expected to behave yourself.”
“And if I don’t behave?” Troy challenged.
Ellie entered the room right on cue. “Then yer gonna make this a lot harder than it needs ta be.” Octavia had met Ellie a few times before. She was a squat, stout woman wearing overalls, every pocket filled with tools and gadgets. “Let’s just git through this. I don’t wanna be here any more than you do.”
Troy put his hand over his chest feigning a broken heart. “Hey, that hurts my feelings.”
Ellie ignored him and flipped her welding mask down over her face with a nod of her head, plasma cutter in hand. Troy got the message and sat down. Loose cybernetic parts dangled from the back of his neck. He winced when Ellie reattached them into the bleeding ports of his spinal implant. The mechanical arm barely hung onto his right side by chucks of charred metal and wires. Ellie removed the arm with little effort. When she reached to do the same with the shoulder brace, Troy grabbed her arm with his remaining flesh hand before she was able to touch it.
“Leave it,” Troy said through clenched teeth.
Ellie yanked her arm from his grip. “Suit yerself. I’m gonna fix the hinges on yer jaw modification. The higher-ups are comin’ and I don’t want ya droolin’ all over the place. Open up.”
Troy slurped and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. His modified jaw split open at the chin revealing rows of pointed fangs. He leaned closer to Ellie, flicking his long tongue. Dear god, Octavia thought. She forced herself to look away.
Ellie was in no mood to put up with any shit. “I could smother you under one tit, string bean! Now back off ‘fore I decide ta weld yer monster mouth shut.”
Unable to articulate, Troy growled in response but did as he was told. Ellie finished the touch ups in a matter of minutes. Without a word, she gathered her tools and stood. Troy snapped his jaws back in place and ran his fingers along the newly repaired hinges.
After finishing her job, Ellie walked over to stand by Octavia. She leaned close to Octavia’s ear and said, “That guy’s creepier than slow dancin’ with a hot corpse. Watch yerself.”
Octavia’s throat felt like sandpaper. She approached carrying her medical bag in what she hoped looked like a confident stride. Never in her worst nightmare did she think she’d meet the Calypso in person. He was thin and monstrously tall. His usual bulky, fur trimmed coat was missing which left his upper body completely exposed apart from the black collars around his neck. Lithe muscle slid beneath tanned, bruised skin. Radiant red siren marks coiled in looping patterns around his left arm and across the left side of his face. Icy blue eyes pierced through deep shadowed sockets with traces of black eye makeup smudged underneath.
“Like what you see?” Troy asked.
Octavia snapped out of her stare. Remembering her bedside manner, she extended her right hand to Troy. “Hello, Troy. My name is Octavia.” Troy raised an eyebrow at the gesture. Octavia quickly recoiled realizing that Troy didn’t have a right hand to shake with. “Right, sorry,” she said.
“Jesus. First the redneck mechanic, now an incompetent doctor.”
Octavia took offense to that, momentarily forgetting her nerves. “While I’m legally obligated to say I’m not technically a doctor, I am a highly qualified herbalist.” Octavia set her bag on the table. After putting on a pair of gloves, she pulled the stopper from a vial. “This is gonna sting.” She hesitated before touching him. Cautiously, she applied ointment to a laceration across Troy’s collarbone.
“Perfect. A witch doctor. Even better,” he said sarcastically. He hissed in pain. “The hell is that? It reeks.”
Octavia continued the application. “Scab root reduction. It’s a plant based antiseptic. It burns like hell and stinks just as bad, but it does the job.”
“Sorry I asked.”
Dried blood flaked from his skin as she applied more ointment to a lesion on his human shoulder. Uneasiness writhed in her stomach as her hands passed over the glowing red tattoos that adorned the limb. She expected them to feel warm to the touch, but they felt exactly like the rest of his skin.
The wounds were deep. She carefully cleaned and stitched them, working until she was satisfied that he was safe from infection. Much better, she thought, feeling pleased with herself. Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said for the condition of the metal brace on his right shoulder. It bent inward in such a way that it likely put an uncomfortable amount of pressure on whatever tissues were underneath.
“I’d like to see the extent of the damage under your…” Octavia slipped the tips of her fingers beneath the shoulder brace. 
Troy lunged forward and shoved her into the wall in one fluid motion. Her head bounced off the concrete causing her vision to blur. His forearm held her across the chest, his body flush against her, pinning her against the wall. Cramer reacted immediately and aimed his gun at Troy from across the room.
“Don’t ever do that again.” Troy’s threat was delivered in a hot whisper inches above her face. His lips curled back in a snarl revealing gold capped fangs on his canine teeth. The stench of blood on him was sickening. She couldn’t move, completely at his mercy.
“Stand down!” Cramer yelled, still aiming a Jakob’s shotgun at the side of Troy’s head.
There was a tremble in Troy’s grip. Octavia noticed he was using his weight rather than his strength to hold her in place. He drew sharp breaths while his lungs struggled with the effort. Despite his incredible endurance, he was still weak.
“Rat boy, if you think for one moment that I won’t put a hole in that greasy head and watch your tiny brain drain out, you’ve got another thing coming! I said stand down!” Cramer repeated.
Troy’s enraged expression contorted into a playful smirk as he released Octavia and backed away. He raised two fingers to his brow in a mock salute to Cramer.
Octavia pressed a hand to her chest both to calm her pounding heart and to recover from just having the wind knocked out of her. Ellie rushed to her side to put a comforting arm around her. “You okay? He’s all bark ‘n no bite the way he’s in. He’s just tryin’ ta intimidate us.”
Octavia nodded. “It’s working.”
After collecting herself, Octavia took a seat across from Troy, who had reverted back to being aloof with his feet propped up on the table. He looked at her expectantly. This dramatic change in demeanor was unsettling. He was ticking time bomb begging for an excuse to explode.
Octavia cleared her throat. “I think it’s safe to assume that anyone else that found you in your condition today would’ve killed you on the spot.”
“Yeah, woulda been the smart thing to do. Which is why I can’t help but wonder why you chucklenuts didn’t,” Troy prompted.
“Lilith sees potential to make something of this circumstance, crazy as that sounds.” Octavia paused, wanting to choose her next words carefully. Her voice softened. “You’ve hurt a lot of people, Troy. This could be your shot at redemption.”
Troy snickered. “Redemption? Yeah, no thanks. The only thing I’m after now is revenge.”
“You’re not the least bit interested? People are calling you a monster.”
“So what? You get in a God’s way, you get smited… smitten… smote? Whatever. Point is, fear turns out to be the perfect motivator. So if keeping the masses motivated makes me a monster, let them think what they want.” Troy nonchalantly rested his hand behind his head.
“That doesn’t bother you? Even if you’re not leading the Children of the Vault anymore?”
“Like I said, let them think what they want.” After a moment, Troy sighed heavily. He glanced at the mirror that ran across the length of the back wall and rolled his eyes. “I get why you Crimson Traitors see me as a monster. Tyreen and I attacking your commander and all. Before you decide to torture me or whatever you plan to do, let me just point out that I spoke up and stopped Tyreen from dusting your precious Firehawk.”
Octavia hesitated. She never knew exactly what happened the day Tyreen stole Lilith’s powers. If that was true- “Why would you do that?”
Troy shrugged. “I have my reasons.”
Lilith & Maya were listening in on the conversation behind the two way mirror from the connected observation room. It was obvious to Lilith that her siren companion was uncomfortable after this sociopath had subtly told them he knew they were watching. Maya shifted her weight from side to side, arms crossed, nervously drumming her fingers.
“I really don’t like this, Lilith.”
“I’m not sure what to make of it either. If Troy is telling the truth about wanting revenge on Tyreen, he could help turn the tables in our favor. On the other hand, if this is all a trick and he’s still with the COV, it’d be bad news for all of us.”
Maya threw her hands up in frustration. “That’s exactly why we shouldn’t be taking any chances. There are a lot of people that we keep safe, including the ones inside that room. What would have happened to Octavia if Troy was at his full strength?” Of course she already knew what would’ve happened. “The Calypsos took your powers without a shred of mercy.”
Lilith interrupted, “That’s not entirely true. I’m standing here with you, aren’t I? Tyreen had me by the throat, drained my powers, and was ready to finish me off. But Troy stopped her. He said they were in a hurry to leave. I don’t know if I’d call that mercy, but it may not exactly be malice. I want to test where his loyalties lie. We convince him to cooperate, then we can decide how to use him.”
Maya huffed and resumed staring daggers through the two way mirror, her siren marks pulsing in reaction.
What a strange turn of events. Not in a million years did Lilith foresee a situation like this. One of the Calypso twins was in her custody seeking revenge on the other. It was too good to be true. She expected Troy to jump at the first chance to coordinate with the Raiders, but he refused. If he was trying to infiltrate, that would have been his way in. Did Tyreen really cast him out? What was the catch here? Lilith was determined to find out. Enough of this quiet observation. She opened the door, and entered the holding room.
Troy’s gaze instantly locked onto Lilith when she entered. His cold eyes followed her all the way up to the table at which he and Octavia sat. Though her composure didn’t falter, the contempt in his look made Lilith’s skin crawl.
Lilith put a hand on her hip. “Let’s assume what you’re telling us is true. You got denounced, and Tyreen made an example out of you. Surely some of your devoted followers would’ve wanted to help you out.”
“Some tried. There weren’t enough of them to cause a mutiny or anything.”
Octavia chimed in, “So there were others thrown out, too?”
“Maybe,” Troy said. “If there were, they must’ve been poofed somewhere else. I was alone when I got beamed out. It’s more likely that Tyreen ate them all.”
At last, Lilith asked the question everyone was dying to know the answer to. “Troy, why did Tyreen kick you out of the Children of the Vault?”
“It’s a family matter. Kinda personal. I’m sure you understand.”
“We just want to make sense of your situation,” Octavia pleaded.
Troy looked back and forth between the two women a few times, then scrunched up his face. “Are you actually going for the good cop-bad cop routine?”
Octavia suggested, “We could both try bad cop.”
Lilith could tell this wouldn’t go anywhere. “Alright, fine. Keep your secrets. As you already know, the Crimson Raiders are pursuing Tyreen and the COV. As much as I hate to admit it, we could use each other’s help. You know the ins and outs of their entire operation. We’d like to offer you the chance to coordinate with us.”
The expression on Troy’s face was hard to read. “You do know who I am, right? Calypso twin, God King, ex-Holy Father of the Children of the Vault? After everything I’ve done, why would you want to offer me anything?”
“Don’t take it the wrong way. You’re still at the top of the shit list,” said Lilith.
Octavia cut in. “Embarrassingly, we don’t have much on the COV. We’re outnumbered and our intel is outdated. What have you got to lose? You know the saying, ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend.’ You get your revenge, we stop Tyreen from leeching the entire galaxy. Win-win.”
Troy was silent, those cold eyes narrowing skeptically. Losing patience, Lilith added, “Or Cramer could keep you company while you rot in a max security prison cell.”
Cramer still stood at attention at the front of the room. When the Calypso looked at him, a vein throbbed in Cramer’s neck and he shouted, “What are you lookin’ at, cock snot?”
“Pff! Screw that. If it gets me out this hellhole, then I’m in,” Troy said. He looked to Octavia. “I guess your good cop strategy worked after all.”
Phew! I apologize if this one felt a little long winded. I crammed in lots of exposition, some backstory, and foreshadowing. Thanks for sticking with it. Part 3 will be much more exciting, I promise. In all its bloody, chaotic glory. 
Feel free to ask questions or just let me know if you like the story. I am fueled by feedback.
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geesemary1 · 4 years
Weight Loss.
What Is Fat Freezing?
Lipo Fat Freeze.
What Areas Can I Have Treated With Cryotherapy, Fat Freezing Coolsculpting?
Coolsculpting In Cambridge.
CoolSculpting has freeze spot innovation which is a patented modern technology which regularly monitors the skins temperature. This keeps the therapy area temperature level also at 4 levels, avoiding any freeze burns meaning therapy is both risk-free as well as efficient. At Wellness & Aesthetic Appeals we have DualSculpting meaning that we can deal with 2 locations simultaneously, lowering your treatment time by fifty percent. There is no requirement to increase to London for a charm therapy of any kind. You'll find a whole range of different treatments matching every age groups and also problems. To figure out even more regarding just how we've put a smile on customers deals with in the past, read our testimonies below for first-hand accounts of a variety of our treatments. You can also discover more concerning what we assume at Elite on our blog, as well as reading more regarding what the press says concerning us.
Aesthetic Energy-Based Device Market Analysis Size, Industry Analysis, Cost Structures and Top Manufactures with its types and Applications - KSU The Sentinel Newspaper
Aesthetic Energy-Based Device Market Analysis Size, Industry Analysis, Cost Structures and Top Manufactures with its types and Applications.
Posted: Thu, 14 Jan 2021 15:07:54 GMT [source]
Each person is various, and we steer far from a one-size-fits-all strategy. Rather, our company believe in supplying bespoke, tailored therapies to deal with precisely what you want as well as need. The CoolSculpting therapy has a special sensing unit to ensure maximum coolness to the therapy location without damaging or impacting the skin and surrounding tissue.
Lipo Fat Freeze.
There might some soreness, minor bruising, prickling or tingling in the cured location, however this is just short-lived and will work out entirely. Yes, CoolSculpting has a built-in Freeze Spot precaution to make sure there is NO THREAT of damage or burns to the skin throughout therapy. This is the ONLY gadget on the market which integrates this safety device.
At what temperature does body fat freeze?
Understanding CoolSculpting Fat Freezing Treatment The optimum temperature for fat cell death is actually just above freezing at 39 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit. The threshold for damage to your skin and other tissues is a much lower temperature that CoolSculpting machines will never reach.
This therapy is totally non medical and pain-free and also as a result, no healing time is required and you are still able to partake in your day-to-day regimen customarily with no pains or limitations. These outcomes were visible after incorporating 2 sessions of the cryolipolysis/fat freezing treatment with 6 sessions of the 3D cavitation treatment. We offer medicals for UK and Norwegian Offshore Oil & Gas Medicals, Vehicle Driver Medicals (HGV/LGV), and Visa Medicals. Your bespoke treatment strategy will certainly be tailored to your details demands and requests. River Visual appeals just execute non-surgical treatments that our physicians would undergo themselves. https://kings-langley.lipofreeze2u.co.uk/arms/ of the treatment process will entail one of our visual experts marking up the details locations to be targeted, prior to using gel. The safety and security of our clients, doctors as well as facility team is always our very first top priority, and we really hope that you can be comforted by our new plans and also support to secure versus Covid-19.
What Areas Can I Have Treated With Cryotherapy, Fat Freezing Coolsculpting?
The majority of people can go back to their typical tasks promptly after the CoolSculpting treatment. this customer was very happy with the results she achieved with coolsculpting right here at the picture facility, as well as satisfied to share her success story. A complete list of possible adverse effects, cautions, contra-indications as well as after care will be reviewed during assessment before therapy. 3D Lipo is the award winning, proven, effective as well as advanced fat-reduction treatment as made use of by Dr Leah Totton, victor of The Pupil. Nevertheless, https://borehamwood.lipofreeze2u.co.uk/arms/ is essential that you take excellent treatment of your brand-new body with a well balanced diet and a normal physical activity. lipofreeze2u.co.uk cryolipolysis Watford arms features -invasive, non-surgical therapy that uses ultrasound energy to lift and also tighten up skin. You can go back to your regular tasks right away after treatment.
The complete duration will certainly rely on the number of treatments/cycles you are having. Throughout the procedure people can read, service their laptop computers or simply loosen up.
Coolsculpting In Cambridge.
Our pleased customers come from locations consisting of Dartford, King's Hill, Gravesend, Bromley, Maidstone, Sevenoaks, and West Malling-- along with from more afield. You may experience some discoloration as well as soreness following your therapy, but this ought to fix in a few days. Coolsculpting therapy times can be fairly lengthy as it just has one applicator, which leads to dual the treatment time contrasted to 3D Lipo. The entire treatment takes between minutes relying on the number of areas being dealt with. Please fill out the type to enquire about appointment reservations, treatments or for a callback. One of our staff member will certainly call you to discuss the treatment as well as address any questions you might have.
Our London cryolipolysis treatment is finest suggested for everyone that wants to feel comfortable in their own skin again, without needing to go under the famous 'blade' of liposuction surgery.
It is suitable for a person who is near their ideal bodyweight but needs an aiding hand in minimizing small pockets of fat that are or else tough to target.
Shorter, much better and also without discomfort or dangers against burning the skin, it is a therapy that offers you amazing results.
The procedure is less unpleasant since there is no suction for this specific location.
It is not constantly practical to spend for our industry-leading therapies in one go. Presently we provide Fat Freezing in 7 of our facilities, sign up for our marketing e-mails over to be alerted when our remaining clinics provide this therapy.
I would highly suggest this therapy as it's pain-free and also non-invasive. I have actually constantly located the personnel and also specialists incredibly friendly and also helpful throughout the LipoContrast treatments. Relying on the adipose tissue density and the wanted outcome, 1 to 3 sessions can be dealt with on an area over 12 weeks. Much much shorter than cryo-lipo options, providing quicker outcomes. Double site therapy schedule to reduce time called for increasing efficiency for your clients and beauty salon. Relying on each people demands and objectives, we will tailor therapies and sessions to help accomplish the appearance wanted.
Does Cryolipolysis really work?
Cryolipolysis appears to be a safe and effective treatment for fat loss without the downtime of liposuction or surgery. But it is important to note that cryolipolysis is intended for fat loss, not weight loss.
Please keep in mind that this treatment is extremely client led - a good diet plan and also workout regime should be followed by the customer in order to see outcomes. You can eliminate undesirable fat without surgical procedure or downtime, thirty minutes to a slimmer, firmer you. Our bodies contain a restricted amount of fat cells, so the cells will certainly not duplicate. Nonetheless, it is important that you keep a healthy and balanced way of life to avoid the continuing to be fat cells from increasing and over compensating for the dead cells. Those persistent locations of fat that people find difficult to shed even with fitness center sessions. My double chin was constantly a location of disapproval, no matter just how much weight I lost. I was delighted when hearing about LipoContrast and also am even more delighted with my outcomes.
If you have any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to call us or book an appointment to discuss your customised therapy. We combine 3D Cryo therapies with 3D Shockwave, to further improve treatment outcomes, and attain faster outcomes. Vacuum cleaner suction is utilized to draw the fat in the therapy area in to the 3D Cryo handpiece, prior to this localized area is then adhered -10 levels. Cryolipo is mainly discomfort totally free and comfy, although some do report light wounding in the days after treatment. The hand item being applied after that sucks the location up, some individuals report drawing on the skin yet it is not painful. Once they more than the initial feeling we typically have customers come to be so kicked back that they doze off during the therapy procedure.
Non-Invasive Fat Reduction Market: Focus on Product Innovation to Drives Market Growth - BioSpace
Non-Invasive Fat Reduction Market: Focus on Product Innovation to Drives Market Growth.
Posted: Fri, 08 Jan 2021 06:03:54 GMT [source]
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bloodraven55 · 5 years
The Potential of Glimmer's Villain Arc
Okay so a lot of people have been theorising about what's coming next for Glimmer's character with everything that's happened in Season 3. And I have plenty of thoughts of my own so this is going to be my longest analysis post in a while. I'll put it under a cut for ease of reading, and I hope y'all enjoy!
So as an introduction let's briefly look at where Glimmer is now. She's getting ever closer to Shadow Weaver, and we all know how well that ended for her father, plus the loss of Angella is undoubtedly going to be hugely traumatic for her, especially because as she herself says she assumed that Angella would always be there since she was immortal.
Angella is gone, Adora is going to be under a whole lot of mental strain of her own due to the revelations she's had about her past and the pain of having lost both Catra and Angella for good as far as she's concerned, the rest of the Princess Alliance aren't exactly around a whole lot at Bright Moon, and it doesn't look like Shadow Weaver is going anywhere any time soon as long as there's power to be had and the Rebellion is where she can best work towards her own goals.
What I'm saying is, Glimmer likely isn't going to have much of a support system except for Bow next Season, and she's in a prime position for Shadow Weaver to employ similar manipulation tactics and methods of abuse on her as she did on Catra and Adora. Glimmer has no real experience with that type of abuse and manipulation, or any real frame of reference to understand the more nuanced form of evil that Shadow Weaver represents, and so she probably won't realise that she's being played and pushed down a darker path until it's too late.
So with that basis established let's look at some of the other signs that seem to point towards an arc of this sort for Glimmer.
One very significant thing is some of the cinematography in Moment of Truth.
First Glimmer is positioned directly in front of the image of her father in this shot, showing us that she's figuratively as well as literally taking the same position as Micah with regards to becoming Shadow Weaver's pupil. Note that she’s standing in darkness rather than in the light in this frame as well, because that’s going to be important going forward.
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It’s also very telling that this shot comes right after Glimmer argues with her mother about the best course of action and first suggests accepting Shadow Weaver’s help. The visual symbolism of her replacing her father on screen reflects her taking the first step towards filling the same role as him in the story as well.
Then we have Glimmer flat out stepping from the light into the darkness as she decides to perform the spell with Shadow Weaver. Which is extremely Not Subtle.
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Plus the angle of the following shot making Shadow Weaver's outstretched hand look bigger and more striking to highlight the threat that the offer poses.
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And finally there's the way that the scene where they actually do the spell is framed. Shadow Weaver's hand extends through the circle, like a barrier is being crossed metaphorically, and again it fills the screen to make it seem threatening and imposing.
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Meanwhile when we get the reverse shot, which I might add is clearly meant to actually be from Shadow Weaver's perspective, Glimmer looks very small and very young, an uncertain and far less powerful figure ripe to be taken advantage of.
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There is no way that the tone of this scene was accidental. Without any dialogue being exchanged it's telling us that Glimmer is going to suffer for this choice---it's telling us to be worried---and it's honestly a masterful piece of television.
Another aspect that isn't hugely noticeable on first watching is the undercurrent running through the show of Glimmer's desire for power. She's not obsessively power hungry the way Shadow Weaver is, that's for sure, but she does often demonstrate annoyance at her own limitations.
"Glimmer is frustrated by the constraints of her magic, by the constraints of being a princess, the daughter, of this immortal queen — her mother is this kind of immortal, untouchable angel and her father was the best sorcerer that Mystacor has ever seen. And she’s in the shadow of that." (x)
This quote from a recent interview with Noelle Stevenson pretty much spells it out, and I don't think I need to mention the importance of the use of the word "shadow" here.
With all of that covered, I want to move on to something I haven't seen talked about as much, which is the ways that Glimmer and Catra are paralleled in the story.
"In some ways I think [Glimmer]’s a little bit of a mirror to Catra, although neither of them would ever admit it."
I find this quote from the same interview incredibly intriguing, and it gives me lots of ideas about not only the potential development that a villain arc for Glimmer could bring to her own character, but also the development it could bring in terms of her and Catra as foils for each other in the narrative.
For a start, Noelle then goes on to talk about how "it’s always been this kind of like losing battle for [Glimmer]" and I would like to point out the resemblance to Catra's lines about how she "never gets to win" and "if [she] wins a battle [she] loses the war", because this really does seem to foreshadow that Glimmer could end up in a similar place next season to where Catra was at the end of Season 3.
"So when someone comes to her and offers her more power and the ability to actually really save the day and prove her worth, she takes it. Glimmer’s also sorta crossed the line in the sand this season."
This part of the interview I want to bring up just to further prove that the way these things were written this season was certainly deliberate and it isn't reaching to draw these conclusions from them. It's apparent that the writers are very aware of what they're doing in terms of Glimmer and Catra's character arcs and the possible link between the two so I simply wanted to include this quote to give my analysis here a more solid grounding.
The one thing I'd like to pick out of that as well is the idea that Glimmer is looking to "prove her worth", which is something that has been the core of Catra's decision making throughout most of the show so far. In the past it was Catra making bad choices in an attempt to get respect and admiration from Shadow Weaver, and now I believe it will be Glimmer's turn to do the same.
But beyond that, I want to wind the clock back to the beginning of Season 3 for a moment, specifically to when Glimmer asserts that "evil people don't change." Adora is quick to point out that that is an extremely reductive mindset to have and far from always the case, though she does so by applying it to completely the wrong target in the form of Shadow Weaver who is almost certainly not going to be redeemed in any way, but that got me thinking about how Glimmer flirting with her inner darkness could be utilised in the story in exceedingly interesting ways.
The most obvious path is that through having to redeem herself for bad decisions that she made for understandable reasons, Glimmer would come to realise that things aren't as black and white as people being good and evil but rather there is far more nuance to be found with regards to morality. Basically, she would gain a greater understanding of what it means to be good or bad and the possibility of redemption first hand and grow to acknowledge that she was wrong to oversimplify it down to a binary choice of people being immutably good or evil and never able to change.
However, I would also like to discuss how Glimmer's villain arc could intersect with Catra's redemption arc. Glimmer has always balked at Adora's attempts to get through to Catra, telling her that Catra is evil because she's with the Horde and dismissing the notion of a redemption for her. But if Glimmer sinks to that same point---if she hits rock bottom the way Catra did---and she sees Catra pick herself back up and rebuild herself successfully to become a better person than she was before?
Well, then that could provide some amazing inspiration for Glimmer to then follow in her footsteps and break free from the cycle of Shadow Weaver's abuse herself as well. Add Catra getting to see that the Princesses are far from perfect but fallible people just like everyone else on top of that, and both Glimmer and Catra would evolve as part of the same arc and come out of it with a much stronger understanding of each other and just how people work in general.
Lastly I want to bring up this quote that I’ve put below from a recent convention.
"Interesting foil! Catra is a secretly sweet person with her darkness on the outside. While Glimmer is the opposite."
As well as again emphasising that Glimmer and Catra are in some ways two sides of the same coin, this would definitely seem to back up my theory and indicate that Glimmer has depths that she herself doesn't even understand that are now going to be pulled to the surface by Shadow Weaver.
To add to this, in the interview I drew from earlier Noelle comments that "the way this season ends has major repercussions for Glimmer. It throws her into a world that she never expected to be in." I think the second half of that quote is key. Glimmer never realised that she had this darkness within her, let alone expected to tap into it, and this is why it could lead to serious growth for her as a person to discover the worst of herself and in the end choose to cultivate the best of herself despite that.
There’s one more layer to the Glimmer/Catra aspect of all this as well if you combine this theory with the concept of Micah being alive and mentoring Catra during her redemption process. Because it would link Glimmer and Catra even more closely and beyond that it would create a great call back to the fact that this arc started with Glimmer being paralleled with her father.
And if Catra does work with the Rebellion at some point in the distant future, this could also serve as a starting point for the two of them constructing a friendship using the foundation of that shared similar experience (and also a shared father figure potentially) as they learn how to be part of the same team. It might also play into restoring Adora's faith in the people around her as seemingly losing Glimmer to darkness so soon after losing Catra the same way would undoubtedly nearly destroy her and it would give her some much-needed motivation to see both of them pull themselves back from that.
Anyway, there we have it. Those are all of my thoughts on why I do definitely see some kind of villain arc for Glimmer, and how I think it could be an excellent addition to the show for a number of reasons. Thanks for reading and see y'all next time.
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donalparriz-blog · 4 years
Xtreme Keto Boost
Xtreme Keto Boost Reviews, Does Xtreme Keto Boost Work?
 Xtreme Keto Boost is a strong weight reduction bolster arrangement that achieves weight reduction by ketosis. Regularly, ketosis can be trying to accomplish. All things considered, it expects you to change your body fuel type - which isn't as a drop in the bucket. With the assistance of the BHB-improved creation of this arrangement however, you can drive your body into ketosis normally and viably. The equation is accessible as cases. These are easy to take and don't make it a torment for you to add to your routineThere are an a larger number of individuals than some other time in ongoing memory using the keto diet for their weight decrease, and it's totally clear why. The results people are examining are truly inconceivable! Directly, we'd like to edify you concerning another upgrade called Xtreme Keto Boost diet pills. They can take the viably incredible keto diet and give your body the assistance and lift it needs to expect this get-solid arrangement to the accompanying level. If you have to guarantee that you achieve your weight targets speedier than you could by avoiding over the top nourishment consumption alone, you've gone to the right spot. We'll uncover to all of you that you need to consider it! To discover extra, keep examining our Xtreme Keto Boost review! We have all of the nuances. For the majority of us, weight reduction is a bet - one that requires an incredibly good karma. It doesn't make a difference how genuine your system is or how full your inspiration tanks are. At last, it's all karma since you're bound to see no outcomes or witness a few outcomes, yet those level genuine soon. Luckily, this doesn't mean you need to bargain with weight gain or the related wellbeing dangers. Rather, a smidgen of progress in your strategy by remembering a valuable enhancement for your eating routine can go far in demonstrating the outcomes you've been significance to accomplish. In such manner, a feasible arrangement is Xtreme Keto Boost. It just takes one to state keto to figure out what number of fans this specific eating regimen plan has. The being a fan fundamentally remains on the compelling weight reduction results that following a ketogenic diet yields. Science sings hymns of keto diet's acclaim too. In addition, there have been discoveries that guarantee that the eating regimen plan is useful for certain ailments as well. The main battle here is really following the feast plan. To this end, one can attempt an enhancement that can make things simple. Such an enhancement goes under the name of XTreme Keto Boost. In the quick world, individuals can't discover recreation time to expend the clean nourishment appropriately.
 How Does Xtreme Keto Boost Work?
 Xtreme Keto Boost supplement is a progressive equation that is by and large profoundly extolled in the enhancement circle. Its working is fundamentally based off the BHB ketones it brings to the table. is the substrate that first bounces start ketosis in the body. To get this present, we should return to the premise of a keto diet and ketosis. In a keto diet plan, the point is to move your body into ketosis. In this express, your body's digestion just devours fat for vitality. Normally, your body's essential fuel source is carb. As you eat, your body consumes starches for conveying the vitality you need. If necessary, it would consume fat. Yet, generally, fat stays unused when expended in high amounts, which at last comes full circle in weight gain. The restrictive Xtreme Keto Boost is structure in such a manner where it gets into the body and remains in Ketosis; it is a weight reduction supplement that assists with losing every single additional pound rapidly. According to its properties, it is extraordinary compared to other regular weight reduction supplement, which further controls the correct cholesterol level and equalizations the glucose level. It is the first earlier enhancement for individuals who are searching for a protected dietary enhancement for weight reduction by improving digestion level. The pills are liable for boosting the insusceptibility power, which likewise brings about checking the yearning longings by easing back the degree of appetiteKetosis is a fat-consuming procedure to invigorate your body by consuming your overabundance fat store in your body rather than carbs. Yet, during the Normal ketosis process, it will set aside effort to consume your fat. Xtreme Keto Boost assumes a crucial job here to consume fats and encourages your body to accomplish ketosis quickly. It is a progressive item in the market since it is straightforwardly consuming the fat and decreasing the over the top fat put away in the body. In any case, presently your body is established with sugars.
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loniden · 4 years
How to Eat Healthy During the 2020 Lockdown
This has been a fascinating week with such an unforeseen development in a brief timeframe. Almost all of us are at home for two or three weeks, which brings along new difficulties when following a keto or low carb diet. In this article, I'll give you tips about how to eat well when stuck at home.
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The most effective method to Eat Healthy When Stuck at Home
I don't have a clue what it is about the vulnerability of our reality that makes me need comfort nourishment and to heat hand crafted chocolate chip treats. On the off chance that you've been battling staying keto or low carb, you aren't the only one. I surveyed the Easy Keto Low Carb Recipes Facebook page, and keeping in mind that there were many adhering to the keto way of life, there were similarly the same number of battling. It's anything but difficult to push eat when all that we've known is unexpectedly open to question. How would you eat well when stuck at home?
In complete honesty, I haven't eaten consummately for as far back as not many days. I'll do incredible the vast majority of the day, at that point end up giving in here, and there later toward the evening and into the night. Regardless of whether it is only a bunch of my children's Cheetos or a little treat, those little chomps include, and before I know it, I get myself, saying what the hell., I've just spoiled today I should eat anything I desire, which is never a decent course for me.
At the point when I go off arrangement for a few days, it causes me truly to feel yucky. My stomach gets all enlarged, my garments don't fit also, and my vitality levels are lower. With not realizing to what extent we will be home, I realize I need to feel my best. Good dieting is basic to my general prosperity. Else, I realize it would start to influence me intellectually.
Also Read:  6 Awesome Body Changes When You Give Up Carbs
Since I realize that there are numerous who may be managing similar battles, I thought I'd share two or three unique tips that may help we all to eat well when we are stuck at home during this exceptional time in our country's history.
Tips to Eating Healthy During a Challenging Season
1. Resolve and Discipline Always Win – Sticking to a good dieting way of life goes a long ways past inspiration. As I referenced right now what making my bed showed me weight reduction, inspiration is whimsical, and it depends on feelings and conditions. Inspiration will bomb me, particularly in our present circumstance, not realizing a distinct end in sight. I need to determine and decide to stay with day by day trains again and again that bring achievement. Surrendering to transitory wants again and again (hi Oreos) never genuinely causes me to feel better.
2. Recall Your Why and Your Wins – When enticement hits, which it unquestionably will recollect your why and your successes. For what reason did you begin following a keto or low carb diet? What achievements have you achieved en route? Have you gone down a size? Not, at this point constrained by desserts? Have more vitality than you used to have? Record these things on the off chance that you need to with the goal that they are a consistent token of why you should proceed on your smart dieting venture regardless of the way that your life may look altogether different at this moment.
3. Change from Keto to Low Carb – If you have been exacting keto and can't appear to refocus, maybe changing to all the more a low carb way of life may be useful. Thusly, you'll give yourself more breathing space and a couple of more carbs a day. You likewise won't need to concentrate on remaining in ketosis. Eating low carb rather than keto may be the ticket that gives you enough opportunity for progress. On the off chance that you aren't acquainted with how they are unique, Low Carb versus Keto: Differences and Benefits is an extraordinary asset.
4. Plan Ahead – If you wind up battling in light of the fact that there is unexpectedly more nourishment in the house that you wouldn't ordinarily eat, arranging very well might assist you with remaining on target. Plan dinners and snacks with solid other options. For instance, if every other person is eating pizza, make a heavenly crustless pizza or pizza chaffles. That way, you can fulfill your desires and remain on target.
Additionally, in the event that you dinner prep early, you won't be without solid nourishment alternatives. Here are five straightforward strides to supper prep that will make preparing dinners simpler when you get exhausted of cooking.
5. Keep Easy Keto Treats and Snacks on Hand – When you are home throughout the day consistently, it's anything but difficult to surrender to careless eating and eating eventually. There are such huge numbers of great plans for keto desserts and tidbits, yet now and then I simply need something I can get rapidly without getting the kitchen filthy once more. With being home for an all-encompassing measure of time, we all will probably be cooking more, so having simple choices we can get and appreciate may help us not snatch our child's tidbits. Here are a couple of my most loved keto snacks I like to keep in my wash room. In the event that you can't discover them locally or don't have any desire to get out, Amazon is an extraordinary alternative.
6. Pick a Day – I wouldn't ordinarily recommend this, yet edgy occasions call for additional choices. Pick one day a week or at regular intervals, where you appreciate carbs without blame. Perhaps you might want to go through one day seven days heating with your children however have stayed away from it since you don't feel sufficiently able to disapprove of unique treats. Right now, picking one day seven days to have a heating day or solace nourishment cooking day with the family would give you enough alternatives to have the option to adhere to keto or low carb the other six days. On the off chance that you don't figure you could refocus following a day away from work plan, at that point this alternative would not be a decent decision for you.
7. Pick a Nonnegotiable Start Date – With an ongoing sudden spike in demand for staple goods, you probably won't have the option to load up on low carb wash room nourishments you typically eat. Or then again, you may require a brief timeframe of alteration with everything else feeling wild before committing once again to smart dieting. Regardless, set another beginning date. On this day, you'll refocus, no inquiries. What that may resemble is this, " For the following fourteen days I'm going to make sense of our new self-teach plan, load up on low carb food supplies once stores restock, and get some kind of foothold once more. At that point, precisely fourteen days from today, I'm returning to eating low carb."
A couple of days before your new beginning date, start a feast plan and basic food item shop to set yourself up for progress. On the off chance that you need dinner thoughts, here is a rundown of more than 90 free keto supper plans you can get to whenever. Having a beginning date will likewise give you an opportunity to intellectually get ready for the change.
8. Start and Stick with a New Exercise Routine – Now that our timetables are not, at this point brimming with children's games exercises, school exercises, self-teach gatherings, church, youth bunch social occasions, and so forth we have much more opportunity to do things we've been putting off because of absence of time. At the point when I am reliably working out, it causes me to settle on better nourishment decisions as I would prefer not to fix all the difficult work I've done. There are loads of 30-Day Exercise Challenges on Pinterest that are anything but difficult to start. Indeed, even 20 minutes of activity daily causes me to ponder the nourishments I put in my body. Here is a Pinterest Board loaded with various exercise programs and chiseling programs on the off chance that you need motivation.
Also Read: The Future Of Low-Carb Diets: Lessons Learned From Past Fads
9. Give Yourself Grace Upon Grace – We've never confronted this sort of emergency in the course of our life. I don't have a clue about that anybody realizes how to move the progressions that have occurred in our reality. The greater part of us aren't accustomed to being stuck in our homes for broadened periods. You may require a period of modification first before you can get settled and resolved to refocus. Assuming this is the case, that is alright. There is no disgrace or judgment. Right now, neglect to make dealing with yourself and remaining sound a need, regardless of whether it takes you a piece to pull together while the residue settles around you.
Everything Is Not Lost
In the event that you are battling, everything isn't lost. Essentially, pick how you can eat well while stuck at home. What you do probably won't resemble what the following individual is doing, yet you need to discover what you can adhere to in the midst of new difficulties.
I'm hitting my reset button today and committing once again to remaining on target. I'll adhere to more low carb than keto, for a brief timeframe at any rate; maybe I'll return to keto as we get sunk into our new ordinary. Since I am at my objective weight, I may even pick an off-plan day once consistently or two and appreciate making (and eating) family plans that have been passed on through ages that aren't low carb with my kids. I may even appoint my more seasoned children a night to prepare supper (it's a significant fundamental ability all things considered) and simply appreciate what they decide to cook without blame. I can guarantee you if my child is cooking cauliflower WILL NOT be on the menu. lol
Relish the Time and Make Memories
The majority of all, I need to appreciate this time with my family, gain experiences we probably won't have set aside the effort to make in the event that we weren't stuck at home, and relish this time together. I'll despite everything eat soundly, only not as exacting as I regularly would with the goal that I don't come out of this having put on weight. I simply don't need it to be something I consider continually, or that controls me. This season in our home will be devoted to time together and memory-production.
At the point when you get tired recall, each tempest comes up short on downpour. There will be another season.
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HGH Side Effects, Results, Legality, and More
By George Spellwin
Dear Friend and Fellow Athlete,
For decades, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) has been referred to as the "fountain of youth". It's been used by bodybuilders to cut fat, enhance steroid cycles, and recover from workouts faster. So it's easy to see why many look at HGH as some sort of wonder drug. But just exactly what is HGH? More importantly, what can it do for you, and is HGH safe to use? Keep reading this guide as you'll learn about HGH side effects, HGH results, is HGH legal, HGH vs steroids, and a step by step guide on how to mix HGH - complete with pictures.
What is Human Growth Hormone?
HGH (a.k.a. somatropin or GH) is created by the pituitary gland, and its primary function is to help our bones, muscles, organs, and tissues properly grow during our early years. And it's important that, during childhood and teenage years, your HGH levels remain balanced so that you don't become a dwarf or eight feet tall. HGH benefits don't stop when you're young, though, because you also need plenty of this hormone to keep your muscles full and strong, regulate metabolic functions, have a healthy immune system and repair your skin.
Unfortunately, our body's HGH peaks when we're adolescents and begins to decline from here. This is especially the case when we reach our 30's, as HGH levels begin dropping much faster at this point. Over time this leads to some unsightly byproducts of aging, like more body fat, less muscle, decreased bone density, worse skin appearance, fatigue and decreased brain function.
HGH Results and Benefits
Given all the bad things that happen when our bodies produce less HGH, one huge benefit of this drug is that it can reverse or at least improve aging. Now, this isn't to say that you're going to live to 120 just because you take HGH injections, but you should start to look and feel more youthful by using this drug.
HGH can also help build lean mass. Notice I said "lean" (fat-free) mass because studies have shown that HGH may have little to no impact on muscle growth (1) (2). Even research performed on athletes in training have yielded no proven muscle-building results (3). However, this isn't to say that HGH has absolutely no place in the bodybuilding community because, as I'll later discuss, you can combine it with anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) for really powerful results.
This may be especially true in the fat-loss department, where one study revealed that HGH is better than testosterone for melting body fat. The research showed that older men who received HGH injections lost 13% body fat, as compared to the 5.8% fat reduction in the testosterone group (4). Perhaps even more interesting is that those using testosterone and HGH together lost 21% of their body fat.
Another bonus to Human Growth Hormone is that it helps you recover from both workouts and heal from injuries faster. The latter is great for anybody who's dealt with nagging injuries for years that they want to heal finally. As for the faster workout recovery time, well, any athlete can appreciate being able to train harder and more frequently. Imagine how much more muscle you could gain if you worked each muscle group twice every 10 days, rather than the standard of once per week.
HGH Side Effects
As if I haven't already discussed enough great things about HGH, yet another is that you shouldn't experience any side effects with it. Contrast this to AAS, which can have severe side effects depending upon the dosage.
Water retention and joint pain are probably the worst side effects of HGH that you'll experience. Luckily, the joint pain shouldn't be unbearable in most cases, and the water retention will subside when your HGH cycle is over. Some minor problems that you could experience include cold-like symptoms, fatigue, and headaches when using this drug.
One serious issue that you should consider is if your family has a history of cancer. If so, you should definitely visit a doctor and get checked out for cancer because, while GH isn't proven to cause tumors, it can accelerate the growth rate of existing tumors.
Another serious issue is acromegaly, or the thickening of your jaw, fingers, and toes. Acromegaly can lead to the lengthening of your fingers and toes, and cause you to develop the dreaded "square jaw" appearance that many HGH users have - making you look like a hairless Neanderthal However, it should be mentioned that this is normally only a problem in those who abuse high dosages of GH for long periods of time. By keeping dosages reasonable, you should keep your normal human appearance too.
HGH has somewhat of a mixed effect on your cholesterol levels. A study performed on older men and women showed that their LDL (bad) cholesterol levels decreased; however, their triglyceride levels increased (5). One more concern worth mentioning is that those using this drug are also at more risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome (6).
Is HGH Legal?
HGH is illegal in most countries concerning recreational or performance-enhancing use. In the United States, for example, anybody who illegally sells or prescribes Human Growth Hormones faces up to 5 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. The only way to legally obtain this drug is by getting a prescription for either child growth deficiency or adult growth hormone deficiency. Despite how HGH is not legal in most countries, that doesn't stop many people from getting their hands on it.
Also, keep in mind that all major sports governing bodies have banned GH. Sure, this compound doesn't produce noticeable strength-boosting capabilities (7). But its ability to enhance fat loss, improve workout recovery time, and heal old injuries certainly has some use to athletes. For a while, HGH testing wasn't available to sports leagues because there was no reliable way to test it. However, that's changed quite a bit, and all major professional sports have HGH testing available now.
How to get HGH?
If you don't have a prescription to buy HGH, or a doctor willing to prescribe it to you, then the black market is your other option. There are some underground labs that offer HGH products to anybody through the internet. However, as the term "black market" suggests, you must always be careful when buying HGH online. After all, it could be underdosed, fake, or even an entirely different compound.
One more thing to consider when you buy HGH is that the real version only comes in lyophilized powder, and it must be administered through subcutaneous (into the fat just under the skin) injections. You'll often see some different products offered, ranging from HGH pills to HGH spray - these are complete garbage! Somatropin is a fragile molecule that's really unstable and doesn't stay composed very long at room temperature. If you shake HGH too hard, this can also reshape it and form something entirely different from Human Growth Hormones. Long story short, don't buy HGH pills, patches or sprays.
HGH vs. Steroids
Because Human Growth Hormone and anabolic steroids can both help you build muscle and strength, they are commonly lumped together. However, this is a mistake because they are very different from each other.
First off, HGH is a protein-based hormone produced in the pituitary gland (base of brain). It's made of 191 amino acid chains and controls a number of functions like cell reproduction and repair, and growth of tissue and bones. HGH side effects are typically mild and less threatening than steroids, with the most common problems being high blood pressure, headaches, joint pain, and water retention.
Testosterone, on the other hand, is a sex hormone that's made in the testes. Forming the foundation of all anabolic steroids, testosterone plays a big role in protein synthesis, boosts strength and improves muscular endurance. Anabolic steroid side effects are pretty serious, with users potentially experiencing gynecomastia (man boobs), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver toxicity, low sex drive, low natural testosterone and/or water retention.
As you can see, HGH and AAS are quite different from each other in many respects. However, they do share some similarities, namely that they're synthesized naturally in the body, and they're both necessary parts of human development.
HGH for Bodybuilding
Because HGH was and is widely used by bodybuilders and athletes over the years, it's assumed that it has incredible muscle-building and strength-boosting benefits. However, as discussed before, research has yet to conclude that you'll gain any significant muscle mass through HGH (8). But then again, bodybuilders don't take HGH because they've been fooled by public opinion.
This drug has some good effects on fat loss and workout recovery - two huge qualities that bodybuilders benefit from HGH. And these effects are only enhanced when you include GH in an anabolic steroid cycle. Think of AAS as regular-grade gasoline, adding HGH would turn them into higher, premium-grade fuel. You can get better results from anabolic steroids, and use less of them just by incorporating HGH.
So how does HGH work? As mentioned before, GH is secreted by the pituitary gland, usually when you're sleeping or during high-intensity workouts. Once secreted, the activity of HGH normally only lasts for around 10-20 minutes. During this short duration, it binds to fat cells, causing them to break down into triglycerides and preventing these fat cells from uptaking lipids. HGH also binds to muscle cells, leading to the release of growth factors and multiplication of the cells.
Another bodybuilding benefit of HGH is that it travels to the liver and induces the secretion of Insulin-like Growth Factor One (IGF-1). When IGF-1 is released, it stimulates protein synthesis in muscles and encourages amino acid uptake. Research suggests that these actions help to create a moderate anabolic effect that GH lacks on its own (9). IGF-1 also acts very much like insulin and can increase the metabolism of carbohydrates. Higher IGF-1 levels lead to carbs being converted to glucose and used as energy, rather than being stored as fat.
From an overall standpoint, HGH isn't magic for bodybuilders that will help them build pounds of muscle and rapidly drop their body fat into the single digits. However, GH does provide some quality benefits in the way of protein synthesis, nutrient shuttling, and fat loss - all helping you attain a better physique, especially when combined with anabolic steroids.
HGH for Women
Given that most anabolic steroids cause virilization (development of male sexual characteristics) in women, there's a common stereotype that ladies shouldn't use Human Growth Hormone either. But did you know that women actually produce more HGH in their bodies than men?
HGH is safe for women at lower dosages, and they can see some nice results concerning increased energy levels, fat loss, healthier skin, and wrinkle reduction. As indicated in this EliteFitness Forum thread, a good HGH dosage for women without major side effects ranges from 0.5 - 1.5 IU's per day.
HGH Price
Aside from its illegal status, another big roadblock that keeps people from using GH is the high price. It's a great compound to mix with an anabolic steroid cycle...if you can afford it. But for many bodybuilders, it's a little pricey to add just for fat-loss and recovery purposes.
The cost varies based on the brand you're ordering, but it's common to pay anywhere from $3 to $4 per IU of high-quality somatropin. So if you were to buy a supply of 500 IU's, you'd end up paying between $1,500 and $2,000 on average. As I'll discuss below, a typical HGH dosage for bodybuilding is 5 UI's per day, which works out to about $15-$20 for daily use. Maybe you don't have to be a millionaire to afford this, but it's certainly not cheap for a non-muscle building compound.
One more thing to be aware of here: if the price is unbelievable, then don't believe it. Quality HGH - that with 191 amino acid chains - is fairly expensive to produce, so underground labs aren't going to sell it for the same price as Dianabol. If you do find really cheap HGH ($1 or less per IU), it's probably the weak, 192-amino-acid-chain product known as somatrem.
How to use HGH
Okay, so now that we've discussed all the highs and lows of HGH, it should be reiterated that this is an effective drug for certain bodybuilding purposes. This is especially the case when you combine HGH with testosterone, which gives you a great synergistic effect for fat loss and workout recovery. Plus, if you're middle-aged, and beyond, you can't overlook the anti-aging effects of this drug either. That said, let's go over what you'll need to know to run a good HGH cycle by answering some common questions.
What HGH Dosage should I take?
There's no one-size-fits-all formula for how much HGH you should use, and a lot of this has to do with the quality of the product. However, there are some rough guidelines that you can follow until finding out what works for you.
With quality Serostim, you can see pretty good bodybuilding results with just 3-4 UI's a day. With "blue tops" (generic) HGH, you'll probably need 5-6 UI's before you start seeing decent results. If it's really low-quality product, you might even need 7-8 IU's to get the same effect as 3-4 UI's of Serostim.
Assuming you're just using HGH for anti-aging and general health benefits, you can get solid results with only 2-3 UI's per day.
How should I cycle HGH?
As I discussed before, HGH makes for a good drug to stack with AAS. Plus, because this compound doesn't shut down your natural testosterone production like anabolic steroids, you can run it far longer. It's recommended that you use HGH for a minimum of 20 weeks to get solid bodybuilding results.
Again, the quality will greatly determine how much you should use every day. The guy discussed in the thread gets blue tops HGH. Blue tops HGH is a generic made product from China; so I'm betting he's going to need around 5 IU's to get the same results as 3 IU's of a pharma-grade product. As an experienced steroid user, he also stacks HGH with testosterone enanthate, Equipoise, and Dianabol in one cycle, and then testosterone e., Deca Durabolin and Turinabol in another AAS cycle. In all, he runs HGH for 47 straight weeks before stopping use.
When should I take HGH?
When you take HGH, injections will largely depend on your age. Men aged 20 to 50 should release a fair amount of GH at night while they're sleeping; so taking this drug before bed will only suppress your natural output and result in wasted product. That said, most younger and middle-aged men should use HGH in the morning so that you essentially have two HGH spikes - one while you're sleeping and one in the early morning.
For those older than 50, or with a condition that affects a normal release of HGH, you should take it right before bed. This allows your body to mimic the normal pattern of GH release that you'd have with a properly functioning pituitary gland.
How often should I take HGH?
Some people take HGH 7 days a week, which provides good results; however, I don’t think this is necessary. When you get the biggest surge of natural GH in your life, it is during puberty, and it's often in irregular spurts, not a steady source.
A 5 day on / 2 day off pattern is the best route, but most people fall into the (bad) habit of doing it Mon-Fri and then Sat and Sun off - this isn't very good.
This spreads the doses out, but never so you go longer than one day without a dose. I have done it both ways - this schedule and the every day (7 days per week) schedule - and there is really no difference at all with the results...except the above schedule makes your GH supply last longer. Overall, though, the results and benefits are exactly the same. Also, when taking more than 4 IU's of HGH per day, try dividing it into two doses; one in the AM upon rising and the other half at 4 p.m. in the evening.
More than 10 IU's of HGH daily, then divide into four doses: AM, noon, 3 p.m., 6 p.m.
Higher than 10 IU's of HGH daily is not encouraged for the average trainee, and even for the elite trainee until much research has been done. After all, going this high requires T4 supplementation and very often incorporating insulin since the only reason to go higher than 10 UI's of HGH is for forced bulking.
How is HGH Measured?
IU (international units) is a standard measurement concerning amount/quantity, not strength. 10 UI's from a 4mg compound will be weaker than 10 UI's from a 6mg product.
Now consider that when HGH is constituted, we normally use 1ml of bacstat water, which is 100 UI's. So a generic HGH vial that is claimed to be 10 UI's is now effectively 100 UI's due to the water measurement in it. Kind of confusing for sure, which is where I suspect a lot of the complaints about a certain brand of HGH being underdosed originate from. Simply because they do not tell you what strength the product is; instead they hide behind the "IU" claim of so many IU's per vial.
How do I mix HGH?
First of all, you need the following supplies:
One Insulin syringe
One bottle of Bacteriostatic water
One Injection Syringe
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iwroteinapastlife · 6 years
We’re finally back with more Honey I’m Home! I had to completely scrap and rewrite this chapter three times because it just would not work with me, so please take it away from me.
“I thought you were getting donuts.”
All around them, the room was bustling with serving staff running around trying to keep up with the tests Georgia and the rest of the family were throwing at them, but there in the center of the room, Nathaniel stood still with Chloé as she frowned at the apple in his hand.
“We did get donuts,” he affirmed, “and you can have one after you eat something healthy for breakfast.”
“But I did eat something healthy for breakfast!” she complained, looking up to pout at him. A second later, the look was gone, blue eyes darting back down to the apple. That guilt swam circles in his stomach.
“Eating half of a granola bar while playing Ultimate Mecha Strike doesn’t count.”
Usually, Nathaniel would expect her to argue further, probably jabbing at his own inconsistent meals and bringing up the time he had gone a whole day without eating because he got too sucked into a painting.
Instead, she rolled her eyes with an annoyed sigh, feigning normalcy. All he saw was a mask. “Fine, but you better save a donut for me.” And without waiting for a response, she plucked the apple from his palm—taking care not to touch his hand in the process—turned, and left. Still no eye contact and still wearing a mask.
His shoulders slumped as he watched her walk away. He didn’t know what to do. Their interactions had been like that all day—awkward and strained but pretending they weren’t, tiptoeing around the elephant in the room. Chloé could hardly look him in the eye for more than a second at a time, and when she did, it was different—and not in a good way. It was an act—her best attempt to make it look like nothing was wrong when in reality there was no doubt a storm raging in her mind. It was so unlike her it hurt. Avoidance was not Chloé’s usual strategy, especially not with eye contact. She was one of the most confrontational people he had ever met, and she fought the bulk of her battles with staring contest. He had gotten used to that, he was familiar with that. This he was not familiar with. He had no idea how to deal with this.
“Something wrong?” Nathaniel snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Nick’s voice. He was still just standing in the center of the room staring at Chloé as she spoke with one of the serving staff—eating the apple, thankfully. Nick followed his gaze before he could speak. “Uh oh. Lover’s quarrel?”
He was biting his cheek again. He forced himself to stop with a frown. “Yeah, I guess.” Tearing his eyes away from her, Nathaniel turned to look at Nick. “What do you do when Renee avoids talking about something?”
He was already shaking his head before the whole question was out. “Nope. Chloé and Renee are two very different people. You’ve gotta approach this from a Chloé angle, not a Renee one.”
His frown only deepened, that guilty pit in his stomach dropping with the added weight of helplessness. “This is just so different from usual. I’ve never seen Chloé act like this before. I don’t know what to do.”
“No, come on now. You’ve known her a long time, even if you didn’t always get along. You must have seen her like this at least once before. Think.”
He drew his cheek between his teeth again as he thought. A time when Chloé avoided eye contact?
“I guess…” he pushed a hand back through his hair, “there was one time.”
 Nathaniel yawned as he scrolled through his Twitter feed, desperately clinging to consciousness as he waited for the caffeine to kick in. His empty coffee cup still sat on the desk in front of him. He told himself he would get up and throw it away before class started, but he knew it was just going to inhabit his workspace throughout lab. Maybe it would annoy Chloé. That was a nice thought.
Having stayed up through the night finishing an art history paper, Nathaniel had had nothing better to do that morning than shower and show up to class ridiculously early. He had managed to stay alert enough to write the paper, but now he could feel his system crashing. He would have skipped class if missing lab wasn’t an automatic 5% grade reduction. He just had to get through the next few hours, and then he could take a nap. An 11 hour nap.
He paused his mindless scrolling to watch the news coverage of yesterday’s akuma attack. The clip showed a guy dressed up in medieval gear going toe to toe with Queen Bee. The queen was untouchable; she was far too fast for him to land a single hit, especially in such heavy armor. She dodged every attack with ease, doing nothing more than just flitting around him—he assumed to stall until the others could get there.
That ended when the akuma suddenly turned from her to focus his attention on a civilian. She managed to intercept him before his sword could come down on the crying child, but that move left an opening for him and suddenly Queen Bee was caught in a choke hold.
The camera zoomed in closer and, as frightening as the image was, Nathaniel couldn’t help but admire the fierce determination in her eyes. The armored guy had her neck in a fist and held her half a meter off the ground, yet she still glared at him with that utter wrath and fearlessness that she always wore. She was incredible.
“God, can you watch literally anything else?”
Nathaniel jumped as Chloé suddenly appeared over his shoulder, slamming her textbook down on the desk. Queen Bee was just escaping from the akuma’s hold, so he didn’t have to worry. He closed Twitter and checked the time. It was still insanely early, but he supposed that made sense for someone as high strung as Chloé.
“What’s wrong? I thought you liked superheroes.”
She immediately grabbed the coffee cup and went to throw it away. His eyes followed her across the room and back, waiting expectantly, but as she sat down next to him, he realized he probably wasn’t going to get a response.
He was just about to go back to his phone when something caught his eye.
“You should use yellow concealer,” he said, the words escaping his mouth before his stupid tired brain could tell him it was a bad idea. “It’ll correct the color better.”
She turned to him in a mixture of confusion and indignation. “Excuse me?”
“Or just tell your partner not to go so hard if you don’t want anyone seeing them,” he went on with a shrug, “that would probably work too.”
The crease between her brows only deepened. “What the fuck are you talking about? You’re my partner.”
She really didn’t know what he was referring to. An amused smile taking to his lips, Nathaniel pointed to his neck, tapping the exact spot where on her, four dark bruises peeked out from under a thick layer of makeup.
That confusion remained on her face a few more seconds before it was replaced with ice cold realization. The color drained from her face and she smacked a hand down over the marks, eyes blown wide in horror.
He dropped his playful demeanor, suddenly worried; that was far from any reaction he was expecting. Without a word, Chloé grabbed her bag and practically ran out of the room.
The rest of the students were starting to trickle in when she finally returned. She had put a fresh layer of powder on, the bruises hardly visible now.
“Hey,” he said carefully as she sat down again. She wasn’t looking at him. She did her best to make it look like she hadn’t even heard him as she got her class materials out, but he could see her shifting nervously. That didn’t sit right. He had seen her irritated—at him no less—any number of times, but he had never seen her like this. Chloé Bourgeois was not the type to avoid eye contact; if anything, it was her weapon of choice. To see her like this—anxious and trying her best to hide it while refusing to look at him—it felt wrong. “It’s no big deal, you know.” Still nothing. He leaned forward and dropped his voice. “When I have hickeys, I wear them with pride.”
That seemed to give her pause. She watched him warily out of the corner of her eye. He gave her what he hoped was a peaceful smile.
“Yeah, well,” she finally said, looking back at her notebook, “your father isn’t the mayor.”
He laughed, more out of relief than amusement as that worry finally abandoned her eyes, returning them to the cold, stinging blue that he knew.
“Fair enough.”
 “There you go,” Nick continued, thankfully not asking for any details. “So how did you solve it last time?”
Nathaniel was still biting the inside of his cheek, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop. He had no idea what was even going on back then. He didn’t know that the bruises weren’t hickeys and he didn’t know that her worry was of him finding out about her identity, not some partner.
His gaze had gravitated back to Chloé, as it seemed it always would. This and that were completely different issues, but at the same time, if he was able to mend things back then—when he didn’t know anything about her and she still absolutely hated him—he really ought to be able to mend things now. At the very least, he wanted her to look him in the eye again.
He blew out a long sigh and thought hard. No doubt, her relief that day had come from the realization that he had no clue who she was—that her identity was completely safe. “I guess I just…made her feel like she had nothing to worry about.” So maybe that’s what he needed to do; make her feel safe again, let her know that she didn’t have to worry.
“Perfect.” He looked up again as Nick’s palm landed on his shoulder. He was giving him that encouraging, comforting smile again. “Do that. Reassure her; make her feel secure.”
Nathaniel was starting to understand why Chloé’s grandparents had one of the best relationships he’d ever heard of. “Thank you, Nick.”
“Anytime. Now go talk to her; you don’t want to let this sit.”
He nodded and, with a deep breath, walked away. As if on cue, Chloé’s conversation ended and the other person left right as he approached. She didn’t notice him as she wrote something down on her clipboard, holding the apple with her teeth. Out of habit, he set his hand gently on her back.
She immediately stiffened, drawing in a short breath of surprise, and that same look took to her face that she’d been wearing around him all day—the act that nothing was wrong. Fuck.
He stuffed both hands in his pockets. “How is everything going?”
She finished scribbling down a note before reaching up and replying around a bite of apple, “Good.” Even as she looked up from the clipboard though, she still didn’t look at him—electing instead to watch Georgia do something across the room.
Nathaniel shifted awkwardly. He didn’t know how to start—or even what he wanted to say exactly—but he needed to say something.
And it was on that thought that he blurted out, “I don’t care about last night.”
He paused briefly to try and get a bearing on what he was saying. Chloé visibly slowed mid-bite as that statement sank in. “And I don’t care what happens moving forward,” he continued, surprising himself with how true the words were. “Things can go on how they always have if you want.” It would be the feat of a lifetime for him to get over her, but he would do that if she wanted him to; he knew he would. Her eyes finally found his and the mask was gone, leaving only that worry and hesitation he knew she had been shouldering all day. Breathing a small sigh of relief for at least having her eyes again, he looked back with a soft gaze. “You’re my best friend, Chloé. Whatever happens, I just want that to stay true.”
She held his gaze, looking back and forth between his eyes as she seemed to process his words. He definitely hadn’t phrased it as well as he could have, but there it was; he could only hope she received it well.
You’re safe, he said in his mind. You can think as long as you want and no matter what you decide, I’ll still be here.
In that blue he could see a storm of unease and deliberation, but the longer she watched him, the more her expression melted into a certain tenderness—an understanding and appreciation, and finally, a warm relief.
“You’re my best friend too, Nathaniel,” she finally said, voice soft, but not weak. A tiny smirk threatened the corner of her mouth and she added, “Don’t tell Sabrina.” He could feel a wide grin slowly spreading across his cheeks as a familiar warmth bloomed in his stomach, that pit finally dissolving. Her own smile grew and she rolled her eyes, already looking so much more like herself. “Don’t let it go to your head, tomato. I’m still not ready to forgive you for making me eat an apple.” As if to punctuate that statement, she took a bite.
He laughed, probably a little too hard, but he couldn’t help it with this intense relief washing over him at having his Chloé back. She was eyeing him quizzically with that sassy smirk of hers and all he could do was beam back at her.
“Yes, your highness.”
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