#Oh good! My favorite subject. I could talk about you all night long uwu
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here to talk to you about monsters.
it's me. i'm the monster. mwah!
-your monster boyfriend (nyx)
#Oh good! My favorite subject. I could talk about you all night long uwu#*eyebrow waggle*#letters from nyx
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15 character questionz!!!
got tagged by @afoolandathief and so iiiii tag @vacantgodling @atlasllm and @calicojackofficial if y'all want!!!
obviously for this i'll do dez and frank cuz....theyre the blorbies..tis long so im putting it under the cut
1 - Are you named after anyone?
Desmond: My middle name Oswald belonged to my grandad!
Francis: How the fuck should I know that? I'm pretty damn sure that my mom didn't even name me.
2 - When was the last time you cried?
Desmond: Last night :D
Francis: What the fuck kind of question is this??
3 - Do you have kids?
Desmond: I'M 14?!?!
Francis: *hyena laugh sfx crumpling to the floor etc* (no) (authors note: she's infertile and even then...really? both these kids would be horrible parents)
4 - Do you use sarcasm?
Desmond: I don't think so? Mostly because I don't really understand when it's being used or why.
Francis: Only when I'm pissed off I think.
Desmond: But you're always pissed off?
Francis: REALLY.
5 - What's the first thing you notice about people?
Desmond: Usually what they're wearing, or their facial expressions! I get told that I stare a lot actually-
Francis: Posture, anything they're carrying, the way they walk and talk. Anything they have could be used as a weapon and someone who walks all intense-like could be a threat.
6 - What's your eye color?
Desmond: Dark brown!
Francis: Mine uuh squints are pink?
Desmond: It's like an intense magenta :3
Francis: What the fuck is 'maj-en-tah'?
Desmond: It's a pink! uwu
7 - Scary movies or happy endings?
Desmond: Happy endings! Life is kinda like a horror movie anyways, so I like to watch something that ends good for the characters…it kinda makes me feel like there's hope for me ya know?
Francis: I don't watch movies.
Desmond: You don't? I thought you'd kinda be a horror movie fan, 'cause violence and gore-
Francis: They freak me out anyway NEXT QUESTION
8 - Any special talents?
Desmond: I can take apart almost anything and know how it works right after. And, um, can eidetic memory be considered a talent?
Francis: Piano.
Desmond: Really?!
Francis: I hate playing it, so don't fuckin' ask.
9 - Where were you born?
Desmond: A small town right outside the DUSA, called Carbonville- its not on any maps, 'cause its considered uh, 'shattered' or 'black earth' by people here. I don't think the town exists anymore actually…
Francis: The NEC, so, here? Yeah here. Right on the fuckin' pavement.
10 - What are your hobbies?
Desmond: K'nex and erector sets, I also like reading comics and collecting figurines…oh! I also farm goldfish, my setup isn't as big as it was before but I have Oranda golds, Ranchu golds, and Black Telescope golds!
Francis: …I don't think I really do anything that can be considered a hobby…is drawing a hobby? I do that.
11 - Have you any pets?
Francis: FUCK no, I don't like animals. Besides its hard to have a pet when they all look like food to you, donchya think?
12 - What sports do you/have you played?
Desmond: I, uh, I don't like sports…
13 - How tall are you?
Desmond: 5'0" last time I was told…I think I'm a bit of a late bloomer hopefully…
Francis: *shrugs*
Desmond: She's 6'2"! Super tall :3
14 - Favorite subject in school?
Desmond: Biology! Its my best subject, next to chemistry.
Francis: I dropped out in like…1st grade. So…
Desmond: Chimera don't really have a lot of support in the education systems here- they're more like juvenile detention centers from what I've seen.
Francis: SHITTY juvie centers.
15 - Dream job?
Desmond: I think I'd like to be a biomedical engineer. I wanna make things that help people! If not then…I dunno. Is goldfish ranching a thing?
Francis: Pfft, I don't think about the future like that. I'm not gonna be here long anyway.
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Hiiii Lari uwu can I have ✨ All my children are cared for by me. ✨ With my husband my love Rosinante 💖🥺 and maybe bonus adopted baby Law.
Hii of course Ace! I hope you like it! ❤
When your husband called you saying he had made a big decision without letting you know, but that it was for a good reason, you didn’t know what to expect. Rosinante kept telling you not to be mad. You honestly thought he had bought a house, a car, or bought plane tickets to visit another country.
But you could never have thought he’d bring a child.
— (Y/N), my love, I know what you’re thinking, but I swear it’s for a good cause. — he said, right when he saw you sitting on the couch, eyes wide open seeing the kid. — But I can explain. His name is Law.
The boy was skinny, with white dots all over his skin, and looked tired, with dark circles under his eyes. He wore a cute white fur hat with black dots, and had a few bruises on his arms. You felt so bad for the poor child you couldn’t even get mad at your husband. However, you wanted to know how he found this kid.
— I’ll go make something for him to eat. — you said, getting up. — Law, you can make yourself at home. You can watch TV while you wait.
You headed to the kitchen, and Rosinante followed you, but not before smiling to Law and giving him a thumbs up, a gesture to let him know that it’d be okay. He knew you wouldn’t kick a kid out.
— So, let me explain. — he said, following you around the kitchen. — This kid, he lost his family, it was probably so traumatic for him. So, he ended up in front of Doflamingo’s company, poor little thing, right? But we know very well Doffy isn’t capable of taking care of a child! Imagine how he’d turn out in a few years!
— So you thought we’d be a better option? — you asked, letting a giggle out while making him some soup.
— Yes, just until we find a family for him. — he grabbed a plate. — Oh, no bread, please. He doesn’t like bread. But yes, we can’t let a child be homeless, or even worse, live with Doflamingo.
— I agree with that. But, Corazon, are we even stable enough to take care of a child for now?
— We can figure something out. — he held your hand, looking at you with puppy eyes.
You sighed, grabbing a plate and looking at the child from far. Law was entertained watching some movie, probably not hearing your conversation. You looked at Rosinante, and by your facial expression, he already knew your answer.
— I’ll get clean sheets, a pillow and towels. We can buy him some clothes tomorrow and find a school for him too.
Your husband smiled and lifted you off of the ground, feeling so happy and kissing all over your face while repeating “thank you” so many times. He ran to Law to tell him the news.
The boy didn’t seem to react, but you didn’t expect him to jump and celebrate. After all, he dealt with trauma recently, and now he would move to a new home with people he hardly knows. Maybe you two would be able to bond eventually.
— Let’s go eat, Law. — you smiled. The boy got up and went to the kitchen, while Rosinante followed still looking so happy.
— Thank you, (Y/N)-ya. — he replied, the first time you heard his voice. Apparently, he was very shy, but also polite.
While Rosinante and Law had dinner, you went upstairs to prepare the guest room and make it comfortable for the young boy at least for the first night. You’d buy more pillows and another blanket first thing in the morning.
The day after, the blonde went to work, and after breakfast, you and Law went to a couple of stores and enroll him in a school near your house. You tried to make a conversation, but he was very quiet, talking only if it was necessary. At night, Rosinante arrived from work, only to find you decorating Law’s room, while he sat on the bed while preparing his bag for school the next day. The man couldn’t help smiling seeing that cute scene.
For the next couple of weeks, Law slowly started to open up. Talking about his day at school, favorite subjects, and even asking you and Corazon about your day. He could talk about many things, but didn’t talk about his past, ever. But he made progress since he was doing well in school, had a couple of friends and even started smiling often.
It has been a few months already, and it was October 6, Law’s birthday. You and Corazon have been planning something for weeks, and decided to have a little celebration just the three of you and Sengoku, Rosinante’s father figure. There was cake and a few presents, especially medical books, something he seemed to love, and a polar bear stuffed animal, which he hugged while sleeping every day now.
A week later, your husband came home from work, visibly upset. He made a sign for you two to talk in private, so you headed to the shared room.
— A family called me, they seemed to be interested in adopting Law… — Rosinante sighed, not very happy with the news. — They want to visit tomorrow.
For so long you two completely forgot about the “just until he finds a nice family” deal. Well, until then.
— Already? — you widened your eyes. It took you a while to realize the boy has been part of your family for almost half a year already, enough time to love him like your own child. — But… Law already has friends, he even laughs and talks more. Do we… Really need to?
Law seemed to be listening the conversation, because he rushed inside the room.
— Cora-san! (Y/N)-ya! I don’t want to go with them! — he pulled your arm, his voice sounded desperate. — I want to live with you and Cora-san! Please, don’t make me go live with strangers!
You felt something hold your heart so tight, and by the look on your husband’s face, he felt the same thing. He bit his lip, and looked away, probably trying to hide the tears that started to appear. How would you say goodbye? It felt so cruel.
— Don’t worry, Law. — you said as you kneeled to look at him face to face. — We won’t make you go with them. You’re staying with us. After all, we’re your family now, right?
It wouldn’t be easy, the adoption process would be long, but it’d be worth it. How would you give up on the child that slowly found a spot for him inside your heart?
#donquixote rosinante#rosinante x reader#corazon x reader#one piece x reader#one piece#one piece scenario#Coven Event
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Hellonio👉 I heard headcannon requests are open, and I was hoping to ask for *cough* sell my soul for *cough* the RFA + Saeran with a huge history and science nerd MC. Pretty please with honey Buddha chips on top?
a/n: when I say this request is fine, when I say this request is SCRUMPDIDLYUMPCIOUS!! thank you T-T it’s beautiful // since you specified Saeran but left three other characters unspecified, please send another request if you’d like a part 2 with the rest of the characters!
MC who is a History and Science Nerd
Saeyoung is the Blueprint for being a nerd
like come on he tries to flirt with you in binary code
I think he’d still tease you though
little things like “oh wow my little nerd~”
you have to remind him sometimes how big of a dork he is
pokes your cheeks when you’re reading something
instead of paying attention to him haha
literally will pout
if you ignore him too much
still, seven is the type to get into your passions too
seeing the way your eyes light up
he is intrigued and ends up loving it just as much as you do
tries to make REALLY bad science puns
I just imagine each time he’d tease you he couldn’t hold back the big smile he makes
when he sees you look a little pouty
if you don’t include him when you watch history documentaries he will be very very petty
might ignore you until you say, “well, do you want to watch to?”
when you were studying for your chemistry exam
instead of being helpful
seven whispers dirty jokes in your ear
all science-related of course
oh gosh he LOVES messing with you so much
will steal your little journals recording plant growth and read them out loud
he’d hold it over his head when you try to grab it
little mischievous giggles
oh gosh he loves you so much.
watching you talk about the subjects you love – it’s his favorite thing
when your eyes light up and you have this big, geeky smile on your face
he’s not good enough with his words to express it to you
the way his heart rate speeds up
and oh
when you realize you’ve been talking non-stop
and you blush profusely
apologizing, saying you didn’t realize you were talking so long
he shakes his head, “no, I like it. I like it when you talk about the things you love. tell me more.”
now you’re blushing for a different reason.. how did you end up so lucky?
literally so supportive
hypes you up while you’re studying
makes you little flashcards ;-;
loves you so much
will genuinely give you lil kisses (they’re shy) when you tell him all about your favorite wars because ??
p l a n t s
he has so many plants
shows you all of them
has names for each one
and his beautiful flowers
will read with you plant care books and scientific experiments about them
honestly will spend looooong nights just staying up and talking with you
like can you just IMAGINE
staying up til 5am… talking about everything and nothing
accidentally falling asleep together on the couch
he loves how you smell, and subconsciously hugs you closer
you wake up
and in a moment of boldness
you wake up and exhales
and hugs you a little tighter
he’s a (sort of failing) university student
to be honest you will use each others strengths if you are in classes with him
you lowkey carry him with all the assignments and studying you help him with
but he really admires you
he’s not really the type to seek things out for the sake of curiousity
sure, gaming is different
but when it comes to subject matters and non-fiction it all flies past him
he’s no dummy, it’s just hard for him to apply himself to something he doesn’t even really care about
so meeting someone so refreshingly different from him is so, so nice
not to mention you’re so incredibly sweet and kind
you’re so patient with him
and when you lean in to help him understand the concept more..
he can’t get enough of it
he thinks it’s so cute how you’re so passionate and geek out occasionally
you inspire him to succeed
because you can do anything
and yoosung thinks that if you cheer him on, he’s able to do anything too
oddly enough, he might even find a certain area of what you love to be really interesting, too
but honestly you kind of lose him when you get into astrophysics
like are you even speaking korean anymore
he can’t keep up with you
when you talk about things he can’t really wrap his mind around
but he could listen to you all day
he would also probably want to tell you a lot about his own hobbies
it’s very sweet how you both can love what the other loves – simply because you or he loves it
honestly Jumin is incredibly smart
like he knows so much about almost everything
so he eats up all the conversations you have about historical events or the sciences
he’d hold his palm over his mouth, resting his chin on his palm simultaneously
trying not to laugh
because he looked at his watch
and you’d been gushing about a new scientific breakthrough for the last ten minutes
he’d avoid eye contact with you in that moment because he might lose all control
and say it out loud
I love it when you talk like that.
resisting you might be the only thing Jumin isn’t good at
buys you ANYTHING remotely close to the subjects you like
if he ever sees something in a store, he’d immediately buy it on impulse
“Y/n would like this..”
God if you weren’t already dating it’d be beyond obvious that he’s so smitten with you
He’d just give you it casually, saying, “I found something for you..”
He’d pay any price just to see your eyes sparkle and a big smile light up your face
He’s so patient, so even if you stay up late doing research or reading, he’d stay up
and listen to you if you’d read to him
or do some of his own reading
can you imagine Jumin reading one of your little books during his free time?
like oh my gosh
he has a habit of getting really into your passions
he’s certain anything you are passionate about is worth learning more about
#myseme#mystic messenger#Mystic Me#mysme#707 mystic messenger#Jumin#jumin han#jumin fluff#jumin x reader#seven zero seven#seven x reader#saeyoung choi#saeran choi#mystic messenger saeran#mystic messenger saeyoung#saeyoung x reader#saeran x reader#zen x reader#yoosung#mystic messenger yoosung#yoosung mystic messenger#yoosung mm#yoosung x reader#mystic messenger zen#mystic messenger hc#mystic messenger headcanon
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I just chose randomly so skip any that make you uncomfy-
green: do you have a favourite flower?
purple: a poem you think describes your closest friend
orange: if you could, would you change your eye color? why? to what color, if so?
amber: what's saved as your phone's lockscreen?
charcoal: have you ever been camping?
emerald: if you had the option, would you choose to move and live in another country? which one?
erin: what was/is your best school subject?
honey: your thoughts on magic- does it exist?
gold: do you wear your socks mismatched?
mulberry: earbuds or headphones?
mint: favourite flavour of gum?
pecan: shuffle your playlist, what's the first song that comes up?
prussian blue: what's your first choice at the vending machine
Green: do you have any favorite flower?
Yes! Sunflowersssss and uh... dandelion? Catsear as well! :)
Lavenders and Daisies are also my favorite :)
Beautiful Classics
Purple: a poem you think describes your closest friend
Uh. Okay lemme look up a poem quickly
To All My Friends by May Yang :)
I mean I know it says closest friend, but everyone is my friend so-
Also maybe I should write one coz I can't find any that fits my closest friend
Flickering meadows
Glowing hollows
I dreamt a dream and I wish you were here
I close my eyes and the world disappears
You're here with me, and you're finally in my reach
I think whenever we talk, 'You're such a peach'
Late night and early morning talks
Nothing would beat this virtual daily walks
Through the meadows and through the woods
Staying at home and snacking on baked goods
Eggs and Butter, Sugar and Flour
You are my favorite flower
So thank you, for everything
When you're not here, the world no longer sing
Eyyy there we go! :]
Orange: if you could would you change your eye color? Why? To what color, if so?
Hmmm no!
I don't wanna change my eye color because in my eyes I'm physically perfect the way I am
I don't wanna change anything about myself, because not only will I definitely choose a really ridiculous color that will not match my entire appearance but because I most definitely would choose Flaming Fiery Orange or Darker Hazultnut Brown or Pink (I'm curious) or Silver/Gray/White /hj /lh
No but really my hair color would most definitely have to match with it and it should fit my entire vibe so I genuinely have no idea if any of that is a good idea XD
Amber: what's saved as your phone's lockscreen
Okay. I didn't think this was a question I would dread answering /j


Those are sadly not my cats. And the moment I realized you could add videos as your lockscreen, well-
Also that last picture is also my chat background :)
Charcoal: have you ever been camping?
Mmmm.... honestly I forgot. I think I have?
My aunt sells so many camping stuff and most of em ends up at my house at one point so I think I might have? I don't remember sleeping in a tent. So probably not.
I've imagined camping so many times it might as well have been reality at this point.
Camping but never overnight is the right way to put it XD
Emerald: if you had the option, would you choose to move, and live in another country? Which one?
Hmmm maybe Australia or New Zealand honestly.
Australia coz koalas and almond milk, Adelaide specifically for that rural area vibes and the uni
Melbourne for the city vibes and the theater :)
New Zealand... because it seems nice XD
Erin: what was/is your best school subject
Hmmm.... it used to be....
Let's see.
Elementary/Primary: Math, Science and Music
Junior High/Secondary: Math, Science, English, Music
High School/Uh.. Higher Secondary: Pure Maths, Chemistry, English
So yeah I definitely... did better in some of them XD
Honey (download honey now to get insane promos on yo-): your thoughts on magic- does it exist?
Yes. Definitely.
Wait actually-
I genuinely don't believe in magic. Like its not gonna happen. But I want to believe in them, so I give myself the benefit of doubt, and just like yeah it happens if it happens! I believe in miracles, not magic tho. It could exist but as of right now, mayhaps! Perhaps not! Who knows~
Gold: do you wear your socks mismatched?
I try not to XD
When my socks are mismatched either the length is different or its just not nice looking so XD
I try not to also because whenever I am aware or like purposefully do it, my skin just crawls and begs me to take it off coz its all wrong and the pair is RIGHT THERE or if it isn't THEN TAKE ANOTHER ONE! NO. MISMATCHED. SOCKS. Unless when you bought it, it is meant to be mismatched then cool. BUT OTHERWISE TAKE IT OFF ITS THE WRONG TEXTURE, SOCKS ARENT ME-
Yeah. Give it up for my brain everyone 👏
Mulberry: earbuds or headphones
Long periods of time? Headphones
Short periods of time? Earbuds
Headphones have to be over the ear though
Earbuds should be able to sit snugly in my ear, but it should also be used when I'm not going to be laughing or smiling a lot because it h u r t s.
Like my muscles just push on my ear and it PUSHES THE EARBUD AND IT KEEPS FALLING OUT and when it pushes it, it just H U R T S so no thank you.
Headphones also when I don't necessarily need my glasses to see coz the glasses hook on my ear + the headphones just h u r t as well.
Gosh so many rules
Mint: favorite flavor of gum?
Hhhh, bubblegum. Wait... wait no-
Tutti Frutti or... strawberry cream? If I could prefer it I'd rather not have strawberry cream but tutti frutti is nice
No actual fruit flavors like apple, I imagine that would taste horrible
Pecan: shuffle your playlist, what's the first song that comes up?
Sure after this song ends! :)
Adore You - Harry Styles
I shuffled it twice by accident but the one before that was Bang! - AJR
Prussian Blue: what's your first choice at the vending machine
If there is Drinks?
Drinks - Tea. The umm... Honey Tea? Or Milk Tea depends if it has it or not, otherwise cranberry juice.
Snacks - Chips (potato chips) or Gummy Bears or Chocolate it there is any... OH AND UH SALTED PEANUTS I love those uwu
Thanks for the ask ISPINI!!!
#answered stuff#ispini’s up!!#*yes you are one of my closest friends so yes that poem is for you too*
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Hyunjin - Sunshine in the rain.

✾ Genre: Strangers to lovers!AU {fluff!!! kind of inspired by The Rose’s I don’t know you}.
✾ Word count: 2.1k
✾ Pairing: Hyunjin x gender neutral reader.
Hyunjin first saw you on a bus he randomly got on because it was pouring outside.
Although the weather was gloomy due to the rain, he felt like you were surrounded by sunshine.
You were seated on the left next to the window reading a book, wearing a plain sweater and jeans and had left your hair in its natural state.
Yet you were the most stunning person he had ever laid his eyes on?!
He was lost in your beauty and didn’t realize he was staring until your eyes met and you smiled making his blood rush to his ears and cheeks (*≧∀≦)ゞ
You had that weird feeling of someone staring at you, so you looked up and saw a very handsome boy looking into your direction.
Even though his hair was wet and sticking to his forehead and his cheeks were flushed because he had been running in the rain for a while.
He still managed to look good?!!
So you smiled at him to ease the awkwardness and returned to reading your book.
And he distracted himself by looking for an empty seat but all of them were getting filled by the people who were getting on because of the sudden rain.
Hyunjin gave up and decided to just suck it up and stand for god knows how long but,, you felt bad and scooted over, smiling at him.
He hesitated for a second but then took a seat because he was not ready to stand, and he justified it with the thought that it would be rude to decline your offer.
You gave him one last smile before returning to your book.
“Not to spoil anything, but that’s a really good book,” he said after a moment.
“This is actually my second time reading it because I like it so much!!”
You looked up at him and replied, and your conversation kind of carried on as you two started talking about the book.
After a while you noticed that you were already at your stop and as much as you were enjoying the conversation, you had to get off the bus.
“Hey,, I have to get off at this stop but I work at the milkshake place at the end of the street so you can come along if you want? Or you could visit anytime? We serve great milkshakes!!” you said before pressing the button and getting off the bus.
Before Hyunjin could process anything that was happening, you had already gotten off the bus.
And he was already missing you!! he was curious about you and wanted to get to know you more.
Hyunjin regretted not getting off and going after you because how was he supposed to find you?? he didn’t even know your name!! (;_;)
So the next day, hoping to see you again, Hyunjin got on the same bus at the same time, but sadly you weren’t there (;__;)
He did this for a few days and as creepy as it sounded, he even carried a book with him that he thought you might like,, but Hyunjin swore that he had good intentions!!1!!!!1 ʕง•ᴥ•ʔง
One day, Hyunjin decided to actually visit the milkshake place that you mentioned instead of cowardly getting on a bus that doesn’t even take him home.
So he walked until what felt like ‘at the end of the street’ as you said and there it was!! the milkshake place!!
It was a small place at the corner of the street, but it was very hard to miss due to the pink and mint green neon signs that decorated the place.
Hyunjin took a deep breath before going in, he didn’t even know why he was so damn nervous!!
The bells hung on the door chimed as Hyunjin entered, signaling that a new customer has visited.
He took in the sweet scent of vanilla as he looked around the place but,,,, he was actually looking for you :33
“Hello, welcome!!” a familiar voice greeted him. And!! there!!! you!! were!!!
Even though the weather wasn’t as gloomy and dark as the other day, Hyunjin felt that your smile still brightened all his surroundings just like it did on that rainy day.
He took a deep breath and started walking towards you, ‘don’t mess this up, Hyunjin’ was the only thought in his head.
But Hyunjin couldn’t hide the joy he felt, and he smiled widely while greeting you back.
“You actually came!!” you beamed out of excitement.
You were quite surprised to see him.
Part of you thought that you wouldn’t see him again, but there he was!! Standing in front of you at the counter and smiling.
You felt your cheeks heating up and you didn’t even know why he had this effect on you?? you were basically still strangers but here you were happy to see him again?
Happy to see someone you don’t even know well?!!
You noticed that he looked different this time.
His hair was styled, unlike the other day.
However, his cheeks were still tinted a light shade of pink and you weren't sure if it was because of the weather getting hotter or if you had something to do with it.
But you decided to ignore that for now.
“Well you left without even telling me your name so I had to:(( plus!! you said that you serve great milkshakes,” he responded cheerfully.
“Yes!! I promise you our milkshakes won’t disappoint you!! (ง •̀_•́)ง”
Hyunjin placed an order after reading your menu carefully.
He took a seat on one of the stools at the counter as you made his milkshake.
And he followed your movements and admired your features.
The way your eyebrows were furrowed in concentration while mixing the ingredients and the small smile that appeared on your lips when you poured the finished drink into his cup.
And it was at this moment that Hyunjin knew that he had fallen for you uwu
He snapped out of his thoughts when you placed his drink in front of him, “thank you..”
He looked up at you as his voice trailed off.
“Y/N,” you replied to him and he said your name for the first time.
And hearing your name being repeated in his voice felt really nice?!
Not to be dramatic but you think your heart just skipped a beat (*゚v゚*)
“Nice to meet you Y/N, I’m Hyunjin.”
“Nice to meet you too Hyunjin!”
A few days later, Hyunjin finally built up enough courage to give you the book he had been carrying around for days.
“Oh right!” He exclaimed before he opened his backpack and pulled out a book.
“Thought you might like this, it’s one of my favorites.”
Your heart fluttered at his kind gesture, but you tried to act composed as you took the book and read the title.
“I've heard a lot about it but never had the chance to read it, aren't they making a movie based on it or something?”
“Yes!!! and it’s coming out soon, maybe around next week?”
You looked at the back of the book and started reading the synopsis.
“Sounds very interesting.”
Hyunjin, who has been meaning to ask you out for a while now, decided that this was actually his chance and he shall not miss it!! so he just went for it and hoped for the best!!!
“Would you like to watch it with me next week?”
You weren’t sure if you heard it correctly but you’re also sure that you did??
You felt yourself blushing and your heart was pounding so loudly in your chest that you were sure that Hyunjin heard it at some point (ノ▽〃)
But putting all that aside you still had to respond to the boy in front of you!!
You placed the book on the counter “are you asking me out on a date?”
“If that’s what you want it to be?”
“I’d love to.”
You swear you saw sparkles in his eyes as he smiled brightly.
“Then it’s a date!!”
During the date, you noticed that Hyunjin was a very sweet and soft-hearted person.
Even though he left lots of snarky remarks during the movie about how the novel was much better.
“The flow of the movie is so rushed unlike the novel”
“That character seems completely different than the book”
He still teared up at the end of the movie.
Actually, teared up is an understatement you think.
He balled his eyes out ( ͒˃̩̩⌂˂̩̩ ͒)
And you had to sit through the credits so he could calm down and catch his breath uwu
When you finally left the movie theater and could see him clearly.
You couldn’t help but giggle at his puffy eyes and red nose.
“Didn’t you say something about the movie being bad? If I recall correctly,”
He looked so soft and cute that you couldn’t resist teasing him.
“Fine Y/N, I might’ve gotten a bit emotional.”
He pouted (´•ω•̥`) as he looked at you and you gave him the look™ (;¬_¬).
“Are you sure that was just a bit?? But you know what, it was emotional I’ll give it that,”
“Do you still have time? I would like to treat you to dinner.”
Hyunjin tries to change the subject and stop you from teasing him.
He took you to a noodle restaurant that ‘he has known for a long time’.
And you could tell so by the owners recognizing and greeting him.
Throughout dinner you learned about the other things that Hyunjin enjoyed other than reading books.
And you admired how passionate he seemed about everything he mentioned.
He told you that he was a dancer in the meantime.
But he was actually interested in interior designs and that he liked looking for places with nice interiors.
He even started talking about all of the nice places he knew about that you both could visit next time.
And it actually made you happy to see that he was excited to have future dates with you!!
You also told him many things about yourself.
What you were doing in your life at the moment and what you enjoyed doing in your free time.
And you noticed that Hyunjin was listening intently to everything you were saying.
Your feelings for him started to grow and he was slowly making a special spot for himself in your heart.
Hyunjin /finally/ asked you out properly on your third date together.
And you were very!! happy and glad that he did so!!!
So you obviously said yes!!
His lips curled up and he flashed a bright smile, showing his precious dimples(*^ワ^*).
A smile that left your heart overflowing with happiness.
While dating Hyunjin, you started to see more of his playful side, especially around his friends.
You also learned from his friends that he talked in his sleep.
Which you confirmed later on when he slept over at your place after you guys spent the entire night playing video games.
You noticed that Hyunjin shows his affection in different ways depending on his mood.
He always holds you hand and intertwines your fingers when he’s excited about something.
And he gets super clingy when he’s tired.
Hyunjin’s kisses are the sweetest thing you’ve ever experienced.
He kisses you in a very soft and delicate way that’s so comforting that you wish he would never let you go.
But when he’s feeling playful, he likes teasing you. A lot.
He plants kisses all over your face and the corner of your lips.
But never goes in for a proper one!! He always pulls away.
And it drives you crazy!!!
So you grab his face and take over, to finally kiss him and it escalates from there.
He holds your waist and draws patterns on your back endearingly.
After one of your dates, while you were waiting for the bus with Hyunjin to go to your part time job.
You sat on the bench; your fingers still intertwined as you shared headphones to listen to one of your favorite artists.
“You know,” Hyunjin started and you looked at him curiously.
“After the day I met you, I got on this bus a few times, hoping to meet you because I was too shy to show up at your workplace,” he continued sheepishly, too embarrassed to look at you.
“I wanted to do the same,” you confessed.
“But after telling you where I work, I thought that you not coming meant that you didn’t want to see me again. I was really glad to see you again you know,” you smiled and held his hand tighter.
He finally looked up and you noticed a slight blush spreading on his cheeks (๑•́ω •̀๑).
Hyunjin leaned in and kissed your cheek softly.
“I’m really happy I got on this bus that rainy day.”
#stray kids#hyunjin#stray kids scenarios#hyunjin scenarios#stray kids imagines#hyunjin imagines#stray kids reactions#hyunjin reactions#skz#stray kids hyunjin#hwang hyunjin
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EXO as hybrids
Suho (dog hybrid)
• a hard working boy
• works his tail off for the other members
• didn’t ask to be in charge of all these men, but he took on the challenge anyway
• he loves the other guys, but he can get a little tired of dealing with them all the time
• when he gets home, he really just wants to curl up in your arms and relax from his responsibilities
• will want to treat you like royalty bc you are everything in his eyes
• he really just wants to spoil you, and would do anything you ask
• bc the only reward he needs after a long and hard day is to see you smile bc of something he did
• alpha and mother for their little group
• sometimes mothers you as well, just because it’s a habit at this point
• will also naturally take the lead in anything
• if you don’t like this, you’ll have to point it out to him, and he’ll try to stop
• but if you feel comfortable with it, you can kinda just sit back and relax when he’s around
• treats you like a part of his pack, but will bow to your authority.
• you are the only member of his pack who is allowed to tell him what to do
• bc of this, some of the other members see you as some kind of god
Xiumin (cat hybrid)
• the original creator of the cat nap
• loves to sleep. all day, every day
• he can also sleep on anything
• the bed, the couch, the floor, the fireplace, the dining room table
• but little Minseok’s favorite place to nap?
• your lap of course.
• will curl up beside you and let you do whatever, whether you’re watching tv or on your computer, as long as his head is resting against your legs
• he says he likes laying on you lap above everything else because when he can feel you he knows you are safe
• doesn’t worry about you or himself all the time, but he wants you to be safe and comfortable
• he can pick up on your emotions very quickly and will be able to tell if you aren't feeling well
• whether that’s because you’re getting sick, or you’ve had a bad day, or your fighting mental illness
• every now and again, when you’ve had the absolute worst day in a long time, he’ll just sit down in front of you and slowly close your laptop
• and when you ask him what he wants or what he’s doing, he’ll just stare at your for a moment before saying.
• “...spill.”
• and the next thing you know, you’re curled up on his chest with dried tears on your cheeks, his fingers running over your scalp as he softly purrs beneath you
Lay (cat hybrid)
• a big ol’ softy
• this baby wants to be your protector
• nothing's gunna hurt you, your big teddy bear is here!
• asks you to wear his clothes or sweaters bc then you smell like him
• doesn’t like it if you come straight out of the shower and aren't wearing something of his bc you don’t smell right
• how is he supposed to protect you if you don’t have a little bit of his sent on you at all times
• but this is a two way street.
• he will wear whatever you want him to, or what he thinks you’ll like
• likes to wear sweaters and cuddle with you
• bc you’ll snuggle into the soft warmth and it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside
• he loves going out to nature parks or local bridges and watching the sunset with you
• he’s always waiting for you as soon as you get home, a warm and gentle aura now surrounds your home
• bc he is your home
• and that’s all he could ever hope to be
• bc you took him in and gave him love and warmth, when he was cold and lonely
• you took him in off the street and he’s forever in debt to you, you protected him, so now he wants to protect you, because,
• you are his home
Baekhyun (cat hybrid)
• oh goodness.
• i hope you have a LOT of patience, bc you are gunna need it
• he’s kinda moody, and,
• a diva.
• wants to be pampered and spoiled
• this doesn’t have to mean expensive things
• not that he doesn’t like those too
• he just wants your attention solely on him
• you are not allowed to spend time with another hybrid
• not without him at least, so Chanyeol can sometimes come over for playdates
• can be a bit of a hypocrite,
• bc he likes befriending other people and hybrids but if he sees you talking to another hybrid on your own, even if they are part of his group,
• he will not be pleased
• he could have a couple reactions to this
• he may just wander over to you two and w h i n e that you pay attention to him instead
• he may go find another cute human and flirt with them to try and make you jealous
• or, occasionally, he may pull you away and assert himself and his dominance over you
• you may need to remind him that you are, in fact, the one he is supposed to listen too
• or you could just lay back and see what he does
Chen (dog hybrid)
• a bit of a troublemaker
• but it’s only in good fun
• loves going out and showing you off
• bc, ‘that’s right everyone, that’s my owner.’
• likes to hide your things sometimes, just to see what you do
• will push your buttons for fun and poke at boundaries
• if you scold him for these things there is a 50/50 chance he’ll take you seriously
• but, if you sit him down, and honestly explain why what he’s doing is (dangerous, infuriating, rude, disrespectful...) he will stop and never do it again
• if he sees that it genuinely does bother you, he’ll apologize and try and make it up to you
• he loves you and he wants you to love him too and to have your approval
• but following the rules and being a ‘good boy’ aren't in his instincts
• he’s also just a little... weird
• like, one day you’ll hear noise in the middle of the night, and you’ll look around for him and he’s not there
• so you carefully make your way into your kitchen, and turn on the light to see him, sitting on the floor, eating peanut butter with a tiny spoon
• he’ll just kinda look up at you, and with a mouth full of peanut butter, the spoon between his lips, and he’ll wave at you, wiggling his eyebrows a little bit
• like he’s just casually saying ‘hello~ fancy seeing you here?’
Chanyeol (dog hybrid)
• an energetic puppy
• he means well but sometimes it becomes a little to much
• can get v shy v soft and v c u t e
• has been known to break things in excitement
• but he feels so bad after and might cry if he thinks you’ll scold him
• wants to help you however he can
• will try to help you cook, but he will probably burn something
• he gets very worried whenever he messes something up,
• this is bc he’s had past owners who couldn’t handle him and mistreated him and abandoned him
• so a small part of him is forever scared, that he causes to much trouble. that he’s to accident prone to deserve to be put up with
• that he is unlovable, and doesn’t deserve to be cared about
• you’ve got to remind him that that is not true
• LOVES to play fetch
• also loves belly rubs and back scratches
• clingy and likes to either sit beside you and rest his head on your (shoulder, arm, legs, knees) or stand behind you and back hug you
• but, he forgets how big he is and knocks things over or trips on things
• will hide his bruises and cuts, bc he’s scared you’ll scold him
• might cry if you call him a ‘good boy’. he only dreams of you saying those words to him
D.O (cat hybrid)
• a smol bean that can and will claw your eyes out
• he is the, looks like a cinnamon roll but will actually kill you, meme
• but if you don’t provoke him, you get to lay witness to his cute side
• and goddamn is he adorable
• a smol fluffy uwu
• gets in moods where he doesn’t really want to be petted or shown physical affections
• but sometimes he’ll lean his head on your shoulder as his way of asking for pets
• but he’s usually neutral on the subject
• likes birds, and bird watching
• you’re not sure if this is bc he thinks they’re pretty, he wants to befriend them, or he wants to play with them
• he is a cat after all
• will cook for you, but only what he wants to eat
• gets tired from dealing with the dogs and Baekhyun and might just curl up on the couch for a cat nap
• you might be able to rest his head on your lap and pet on his ears and hair while he sleeps
• if you get away with it and he doesn’t wake up and push you away, he’ll start to purr softly
• if you keep it up long enough, or you’re really good, he might start to knead on your legs, still purring adorably
Kai (dog hybrid)
• the sweetest boy
• lives to please
• just wants love and kindness
• a cinnamon bun, to good for this world, to pure
• loves going out with you and seeing new places
• will hold your hand and pull you around parks, marveling at nature
• easily enchanted by the simplest of things
• could listen to a creek babble and watch the water run over the rocks in spirals and pools
• he thinks it’s beautiful and fascinating
• very innocent and childlike in his wonder and charms
• but yes, he is very charming
• old people love him, and he likes listening to their stories
• treats everyone with respect and kindness
• but as much as he loves others, he loves you the most
• likes to cuddle with you, and wrap you up in his arms
• loves to play with your hair, or have you play with his
• he also really likes it when you feed him, especially if you made whatever it is you’re giving him
• if he sees you happy, it makes him happy
• tail wags and adoring smiles are always emanating from him whenever you’re around
Sehun (dog hybrid)
• a MOODY bitch
• has been known to talk smack about his members behind their backs
• also whines to you about e v e r y t h i n g
• tells you you’re taking to long
• or complains that you’re rushing him
• but while he’ll tell you everything you’re doing wrong to your face, he never talks about you behind your back
• bc ‘excuse you, that’s my owner and none of your beeswax, now fuck off, bitch.’
• roasts everyone, 24/7
• but mostly, roast you
• so yeah, he’s a little shit
• but he’s your little shit
• will lean on you in public and glare at everyone while whining and growling
• bc he doesn’t want to deal with all these people, he just wants you
• has 0 filter on what he says
• so do not ask for his opinion unless you want his real opinion
• bc he will roast you and that ugly dress your friend bought you and your friend for that matter,
• in front of said friend, with no remorse
• but, you known that he would never ever even think of lying to you.
#exo#exo x reader#exo scenarios#exo drabble#exo au#hybrid au#exo hybrid au#exo shifter au#exo hybrid#exo shifter#suho#suho x reader#suho scenarios#suho drabble#suho au#jumyeon#kim jumyeon#jumyeon x reader#jumyeon scenarios#jumyeon drabble#jumyeon au#xiumin#xiumin x reader#xiumin scenario#xiumin drabble#xiumin hybrid#suho hybrid#jumyeon hybrid#xiumin au
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