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postmodernpostman · 7 months ago
Thank you to my L&O obsession for alerting me to the fact that apparently Due South is beloved around the world, and now has a giant fandom?! I am LIVING.
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dingoat · 6 months ago
For BEST GIRL: desire, future, ghost, hate, mask, nightmare, secret, skin, torture. 8)
FINALLY getting around to finishing this batch of asks from this very fun set of questions! And AS YOU KNOW the best girl has been through SOME THINGS. A LOT of things. >.>
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desire: What’s one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
In a word: freedom. Ahuska is so so tired of having to hide, of being hunted, of being a danger to innocent people. She wants the freedom to live, and love, open and carefree and unburdened. She wants the control phrase conditioning out of her head. She wants to undo whatever it is that makes her tear Force Sensitives limb from limb. She wants to exist, openly, with rights, without a bounty on her wolf's pelt. She wants to stop hearing 'we can't, you can't, it's not safe for you'. And she is completely open with this, her driving force in life for some time now, and she will do almost anything to fulfil this desire. She might even fully embrace learning to use the Force, now that someone's put the idea into her head that it might be the one way she'll have to earn an unchallenged place in the galaxy.
future: What’s the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it’s a possibility?
Probably to wind up back in a cage, broken and under external control, used as a tool to destroy everyone she loves. She's acutely aware of how real a possibility this is and is incredibly driven to avoid this outcome. (Five has no idea how lucky he is that some very good people are quite fond of him, or Ahuska might not have been able to resist the temptation to hunt him down and remove him from the equation, which would substantially reduce the risk of anyone using her control phrase against her.)
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
The people she's killed, for sure, especially as more and more memories of her early werewolfy days as an Imperial tool become open to her. These ghosts, she lives with by reminding herself that she had no choice, she had no ability to consciously stop herself, and of course by doing everything she can to avoid winding up in that situation again. The nights she's slipped up despite finally knowing what she's capable are much harder for her to deal with.
She's also definitely haunted by the knowledge that her monstrous form was one of Blakk's nightmares, and possibly still is. She still hasn't found a way to properly deal with this yet, and might not until they can finally have an actual conversation again.
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
Before she became close to Thirteen, it was very very easy to hate Five in a very pure and righteous way. For what he did to her, for the way he treated Blakk, for his casual cruelties and despicable, high-born Imperial attitudes. She still does not understand at all how anybody could ever be fond of such a person, but she's not actively targeting him for a future murder any more which is a pretty big deal.
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
Ahuska wears a lot of masks, largely as a matter of self preservation. A very common one is the 'I'm fine' mask that she's learned to wear around little stuck-as-a-fox Blakk, because it breaks her heart to see him feeling any sort of guilt about their situation. I think she and Thirteen are currently sharing a mask that's telling the world 'we're brilliant, actually, very put-together and also extremely sexy and talented', which is quite actively preventing them both from experiencing their own private catastrophic depressed meltdowns. It's a super healthy coping strategy that won't at all end in heartbreak. And of course, in her day to day, out in public life, there's the mask she wears to give the impression that she's a simple, unremarkable, absolutely-not-a-werewolf-or-fugitive little Bothan, just going about her day with no troubles or lofty aspirations. It's tiring, though, and being a hermit is far far easier.
The fact that she's currently quite intimately bonded to Thirteen means that he's actually the most likely to glimpse who she really is under all the masks; how broken and frightened she is. He's definitely been the only person so far to demonstrate a real understanding of who she is and what she wants in life, and the wild but intensely caring duality of her nature.
The Jedi on Tython who have been helping her are also committed to peeling back the protective layers she's built around herself and helping her discover and come to terms with the pieces she denies and ignores; they have seen more of her than most.
nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
Ahuska has nightmares about being caged. About suffocating walls closing in on her, about heavy chains wearing her down, about heavy boots resting on top of her head. She has nightmares about a seductive hand brushing along the length of her leg, luring her into the cell from which there's no escape. She keeps these nightmares very much to herself, and doesn't know what else to do but try and push them from her mind, bite back the tears, and desperately hope they won't return when she closes her eyes again.
secret: What’s one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
I don't think she ever wants to let on just how tempted she is by the idea of just running away with Thirteen and never facing reality again. It's a fantasy, and she knows it, but gods if he were to actually suggest the idea out loud, she's not sure she could resist.
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
Ahuska has gone through the full range of emotions, from absolute loathing to complete adoration of her inner wolf. Ultimately she loves her wild self and lives for the day she can exist freely and openly in whatever shape she feels like wearing in the moment.
Knowing that the Force is something she's privy to and has the capacity to wield has taken a lot longer to come to terms with; after a long period of denial and disgust with herself, absolute anxiety and mistrust of learning, she finally reached a stage of cautious acceptance that was workable... and now, finds herself on the verge of embracing it in full.
The weakest and most miserable version of herself? When she was completely broken, had lost all faith in herself, and handed over complete control of her thoughts and actions to the worst person she'd ever met? Oh, it kills her to know that she can be brought so low, and to acknowledge it is to bring herself to tears. To shivering, shaking, ugly crying. She hasn't yet found a way to properly reconcile this part of her.
torture: Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
Oh, yes. She was subject to some very nasty treatment at Five's hands. Frequent pain, starvation, denial of basic needs, basic comforts, any form of privacy or dignity... and, having suffered so, she has absolutely no desire to inflict the same on any other being. She is, deep down, committed to the idea of being a force for good in the galaxy- and not wanting to be anything like Five is a pretty solid motivation to steer her in that direction, as well.
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sourtomatola · 2 years ago
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Like a ripe orange~
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lady-of-disdain · 2 years ago
here to talk to you about monsters.
it's me. i'm the monster. mwah!
-your monster boyfriend (nyx)
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sarcasticdolphin · 2 years ago
Because swishes are important.
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woodelf68 · 2 months ago
Why Loki first learned that spell to shield himself from Heimdall's gaze. But I think his primary job is to watch for dangers from outside of Asgard, not spy on people in their private apartments, although he probably turns his gaze towards things happening on Asgard itself if there's any potential security issues. But yeah, I can definitely see this worry crossing the mind of the adolescent princes when they reached the age of wanting to explore new bodily urges -- because of their position, I'd say Heimdall was much more part of their lives than say, Niel the farmer's son or Karin the cobbler's daughter, neither of who had ever left Asgard or met the gatekeeper and thus never thought much of him at all.
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This is why I imagine growing up in Asgard may have been a bit weird.
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snackugaki · 1 year ago
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my ass is not making it in on time for valentine's so here
tl;dr it's barbiesmashing and legoclacking hours when my turtles and @the-kingpen 's turtles (nsfw work and blog, mind your fucking manners and pay attention to the tags) meet in a crossover AU (and the other 40+ AUs)
anyway, in time (way before) valentine's, I'm touching on our Buffy Musical arc from our first crossover AU where our bales ended up serenading/pitch perfect songfight each other
King's Raphie sings this
at my April, and she perished on the spot. Naturally, April has a song locked and loaded that I'm still drawing
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truly-sincerely · 1 year ago
Obsessively reading everything in game by and about Gortash and the dude is
On a philosophical trajectory that ends in immortality thru technology / the machine
Doesn't have an original bone in his body, but he can backwards engineer anything
Halfway to being a decent scientist but doesn't have the education and is deeply impatient
Overconfident in the veracity of his own results and conclusions
Accurately predicted that the brain would metamorphose and become more difficult to control and then did nothing about it
Outsources his propaganda / arts and humanities
Charming, but he got there in a Pavlovian way (learned from trial and error and probably doesn't consciously know how he does it)
Vindictive af (learned / reinforced)
Darwinian (in the worst way)
Sociopathic, obviously, but extremely Rationalist about it
Never asks questions he doesn't know the answer to and probably thinks this makes him sound more authoritative
Completely incompetent as a strategist (but doesn't know it)
Not nearly as narcissistic / full of himself as he pretends to be
Thinks what he wants is praise but it's never enough because it's not actually what he wants (he wants to be wanted)
Bane makes him feel wanted (conditionally)
Durge made him feel wanted (unconditionally)
Understands intellectually that Durge got ambushed, but he feels abandoned
See also: thematic parallels between Gortash and
Silouv Yali (the Adamantine Forge & the construct Grym)
Oliver (in the shadow-cursed lands)
Astarion and Gale, obviously
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evtrained · 11 months ago
Over here inventing new social diseases to get
"Would you change your genitals if you could" yeah, make it Bluetooth enabled.
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mamawasatesttube · 3 months ago
So I know you’ve mentioned it before but I just wanted to hear again your thoughts on Tim x Ives
ooohohohooo timives the gently doomed romance of it all ♥
in robin '93 and even briefly in rr09 ives is just always kind of there. he drifts out of tim's life sometimes, but he always drifts back in, later. and he's been tim's civilian best friend for so long, and tim knows so many of his secrets. they click. they don't judge each other. they make each other laugh. if tim's gonna fall for anyone he knows in his civilian life, of course it would be ives. who else has been there, been a constant, the way ives has? of course it's ives. but at the same time there's something so tasty about their contrast - the way tim runs headlong towards danger every time, while ives describes himself as a coward. the way tim feels like he has to protect him.
to me, ives is tim's first m/m relationship. it happens in a manner so cliché they both laugh at it: after taking a gap year or two, to wrangle his depression and his ptsd and his Everything, tim decides to get his ged and maybe try college (lucius tells him he'd make a great engineer at waynetech r&d, but he needs a degree for it, and he figures, okay, what the hell, he's already good at tinkering, how hard can getting a bachelor's degree in engineering be?). and then he remembers the difficult thing about being a vigilante and having a full courseload at the same time and goes AUGH. and ives, a year or two ahead of him in university classes (and majoring in something else, but still there) laughs at him. and offers to tutor him. and tim goes yeah fuck okay fine sure yeah. what the Fuck is a free body diagram. and ives laughs at him some more but also really does help him out. (when he gets really stuck and confused, especially on his second semester of chemistry, he phones up zoanne, but that's neither here nor there.)
so tim and ives have this cute little romance over study dates at cozy cafes, over accidentally running into each other at a queer student association meeting and going "oh!" about it, over movie nights at ives's apartment where they squabble over a bowl of popcorn and tim pretends he didn't sleep through the last half of the two towers, disc 2. and it feels nice, and easy, and simple...
...until it doesn't. because tim shows up to a study date with a black eye that even his best attempts at makeup can't fully hide. tim has to miss dinner, and then their rain check dinner, and only comes to the third attempt half an hour late and limping. tim is tired all the time. and he's always been sleepy all the time, but now ives is wondering. and they're making out one day and ives's hand curls over the back of tim's neck and then he recoils, because tim, what is all this scarring, what happened, holy shit is this why you grew out your hair and keep wearing turtlenecks?!
and tim goes. ah. fuck.
and it's only a matter of time. it has only ever been a matter of time. because ives knows him. but he's been lying to ives the entire time they've known each other. the other shoe has always been going to drop. it was only ever a question of when. never if.
so ives finds him out. and he's shocked, and hurt, and betrayed, but then he's even more distraught to realize that he's not that shocked. it makes sense - why tim's always tired, why tim has always been kind of flaky, why tim has always had weird injuries now and then, why tim is so unbothered in the face of things that terrify ives. but what gets him is that these are things he's thought were always just... tim. because tim has been lying to him the entire time they've known each other.
so they break up, but it's softer than it could've been. because ives gets it, he swears. he gets why tim lied. but this is... a lot, and he needs some time to process all of it, and how he feels about it, and about tim. because it's hard to reconcile his goofy gearhead (ex-)boyfriend with a caped crusader who patrols the city by night, fighting crime and solving mysteries. hard to realize just how much tim has boxed up his own life and taken care to only ever let ives see part of it. he gets it - he's not angry, after the initial outburst - but it's hard, and he needs some time. he needs some space.
and so tim's secrets eat away at one more person he cherishes. it was inevitable. they were doomed from the start. but they made each other happy anyways, for a time.
(the coda, to me: tim and ives reconnect and start working on their friendship again a few months later, and tim promises to try not to lie to him anymore, and in an effort to actually show ives the other half of his life, he introduces him to kon. so we have tim sitting there struggling with feelings and complications of feelings and what it means to be honest and to be seen. meanwhile kon says something about his opinions on star wars and ives goes "BRO i am going to KISS YOU on the MOUTH" and tim goes wait. WHAT?)
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kharmii · 2 years ago
Emmet detests Volo but still gets handsy.
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switched au, if emmet got sent to hisui instead, and ingo is suffering :)
also volo is suffering the consequences
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mirensiart · 2 months ago
Ok I have to ask bc you mentioned in the info post Chain sends the money to his mom, what would happen if Chain had to return home for a bit while attached to Key? Like his siblings are happy to see Chain while his mom is just *Tails Gets Trolled face*
Your ask got buried in my ask box 😭
His siblings would be all happy to see him and like I can see some of the little ones going back to mom and being like
"Mama! Link came back! Also, he brought a girlfriend :D"
And mom's like, "wow about time!" And she'll go out to meet him and I can see all these things going through her head like:
1. Wait is that princess zelda
2. THE princess zelda who's a fugitive and a murderer
Cue Mom grabbing him by the ear someplace far from her other kids (with key being dragged along cause lmao) and demanding an explanation and a very embarrassed Chain explaining that
1. Yes that is princess zelda
2. Yes she is a fugitive and a maybe on the murderer (key resents that)
4. I lost the key to the chains lmao also I'm helping her out cause she offered me to pay me double her bounty if I did
Mom is very worried, but like, they do need the money and she knows he is capable so she let's him go with just a small scolding lol
His siblings are convinced he's dating a criminal though lmao
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cardigan-bay · 11 months ago
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waggle waggle
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britonell · 10 months ago
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Look at this pale fellow, showing off those delicate brows
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woodelf68 · 4 months ago
explained to someone my GREAT idea of fic where Regent Frigga murders Odin and then rules through her sons, and how this cannot ever be written because such a move would be way too bold and decisive for a woman destined to get fridged in the second movie :(
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woahbeans · 8 months ago
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there is no banquet in this world that doesn't come to an end
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