#*yes you are one of my closest friends so yes that poem is for you too*
shirefantasies · 7 months
Things You Do Together- LoTR Characters
A little buffer posting during recovery, sorry y’all 😅 I have some requests getting ready too though! Did a version for Thorin’s company a while back so here’s this version too 🥰
Aragorn wishes there to be no secrets, as few misunderstandings as could arise. Thus his goal is to help you reach fluency in Elvish; after all, many of his friends and familial figures are of Middle Earth’s eldest race. Their script is quite complex, so barring a great desire of yours to be writing it soon Aragorn focuses upon recognition of important words and phrases. Starting, of course, with my love.
Legolas teaches you archery, standing behind you as you fire his bow. Such a patient teacher and not one to burst out laughing if the arrow arcs spectacularly right back down into the grass. Surely he will smile and shake his head, but he understands. Everyone was there once, himself no exception. Pays such attention to detail you will catch him making the smallest of adjustments, even little things like changing the position of your fingers with his.
Desiring to prove both his and his people’s worth, Boromir attends with you at his side a joust hosted by Gondor’s men. You delight in choosing and cheering on a champion, shouting with joy at his successes and sympathizing with strikes against him. When, you think aloud to Boromir, was the last time you both laughed so? Pulling you close, he tells you he does not remember when, but if he has his way it will be soon again.
If you desire exploration, you know that Gimli will be right at your side to enjoy the world’s beauty. Caves, of course, are a domain of his people, expanses of stone glittering on walls and hanging down to your level. Forests, too, homes of fairer beings and much provision. Things Gimli has sworn to protect and love in this life that he wishes to experience with the greatest of them all… you. Never does he tire of telling you nature is beautiful, but more so are you.
Frodo encourages your writing. He himself has penned you many a poem, but there is nothing like your voice, physical or metaphorical, sharing a story with him. His dream is a book containing both of your stories, perhaps even an addition to his uncle’s story. If you feel called to share stories of others, even simple escapes from reality, Frodo is your greatest supporter. With all that he endures, ever a relief is it to hear you speak of a world so different from his own.
Botany, Samwise Gamgee thinks, is best learned amongst the flowers themselves. Rather than stuff you up into the pages of some book, he takes you walking down winding Shire-paths of flowers and bushes, showing you how he can tell what's related by things like leaf shape and giving you little tips and tricks to remember bloom names. “If you forget forget-me-nots, after all,” he teases with a wink, “you’re doing them quite the disservice!”
Merry teaches you his method of whittling, the way he crafts little trinkets of wood to keep occupied in idle times. When you feel more confident in your skills, Merry challenges you: he crafts a little figure of you and you of him. Complain as you do that his lovely hair is hard to capture, in the end you are proud of your first figure and Merry keeps it in the pocket closest to his heart. Those figures serve as the cake topper at your wedding a little ways down the line!
It can be a messy time, but Pippin adores spending time in the kitchen with you! Not only because he knows you’ll acquiesce him with little tastes, but because he’s fascinated at the process, the way you throw things together to make something beautiful and are so willing to have a feast made whenever guests call. Ever one for physical touch, Pippin enjoys sugary-sweet moments like sneaking up behind you for a kiss as you’re occupied kneading dough or standing against you to help stir your soup. And yes, sometimes he spills, but he always apologizes and cleans up after himself and don’t we all make mistakes?
Faramir reads with you, or, if you are stressed, to you. Sharing a love of your land’s myth, the studies of triumphs, follies, and magics past are like traveling far away to him, so to have a companion in that rings deep joy into his heart. He cannot help sometimes comparing the great love stories of Middle Earth to the way you found each other. Faramir is the type to know all your favorite tales and offer them to you at just the right time, sitting you in his lap or against his chest on a bed as he peels the pages open for you.
Smithing is something Eomer is confident you can learn, especially if he knows you wish to be involved in battles and wants to keep you safe! Being a supplier is just as important, otherwise there would be no blades to hoist for Rohan. Always encouraging you to hit harder and chuckling at your initial fear of the red-hot steel, Eomer loves standing behind you and guiding your motions. Perhaps even using this as an opportunity to sneak a kiss!
Haldir shows you how he cares for trees, even the smallest pieces of creation. Small potted trees akin to bonsais decorate shelves and tables in Lothlorien, and trimming and shaping them is an art form in and of itself. Nurturing a tiny, delicate life, after all, requires more intricacies than the greater fortitude. Microcosms of Haldir’s home forest sit before you as you take in his reverent, peaceful smile, hear his guiding words about the nutrients they need. You never tire of the focus spread across his face, the gentle opening of tiny blossoms.
Eowyn adores sparring with you no matter your skill level, moving slower or picking up her pace depending on it. She never wishes to go too hard on you, but does want to push you to try new things and experience different angles so you can keep yourself safe in a fight, Valar forbid you are so threatened. Sometimes your sparring is more playful, more just the two of you chasing each other around with wooden swords and one knocking the other over at the end of it, laughing as you tumble to the ground.
Enjoying the occasional swim, Arwen invites you into one of her home's gorgeous pools with her, stripping you both down to thinner layers as you step into perfectly, perhaps magically, warmed water. Polished stones roll beneath your feet as you wade over to each other, hands joining as you float in peaceful, loving silence. A smile spreads across Arwen's face before she gives you a light, teasing splash, silence quickly devolving into giggles as your troubles lighten.
Elrond is known for making some of the best tea in Middle Earth, and you experience his skills and then some. Not only does the lord of Imladris brew you a cup of your favorite herbal blend, he will also ensure that his bakers have pastries warm and ready and the loveliest toppings. Your relaxation time is like a little ceremony, Elrond pouring your drink and serving you all you wish on your little platter. You will not so much as lift a finger until it is to take a sip of the warm comfort as you and Elrond watch the surrounding waterfalls.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @joonies-word | Reply/Ask/Message to join!
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seren1tyhaze · 1 year
of grocery lists and spilled (oat) milk
PAIRING: mark lee x afab reader
SUMMARY: sure, keeping your grocery list in Mark Lee's dms may seem like next level delusional but it can't do any harm, right?
AUTHOR’S NOTE: for my lovely @strwbrysunday who inspired this and for being there always for every step of my delusional writing process <3 In case I don’t pull something together in time, we can count this as a VERY early bday tribute to Markly
WARNINGS: fluff, romantic meet cute, light swearing, rekindling romance, childhood friends to lovers
PLAYLIST: Broken Melodies and Like We Just Met by NCT Dream
Life is but a dream, we got history
Your alarm is blaring in your ear as your cat licks the tip of your nose, jolting you awake to see hot sun streaming in your bedroom window. How bright the room is has you scrambling for your phone, desperately hoping you hadn’t overslept (again).
Your phone screen confirms the worst as you whip back the covers and slide into fluffy slippers next to your bed, knocking a cup over as you reach for your cat’s food in the kitchen and spilling some of it in the process. She happily purrs against your bare legs before starting to eat slowly out of the small tray and you realize you’re going to have to drink the shitty office coffee since you’re both out of espresso pods and oat milk.
You quickly shower and are out the door in record time, thanking yourself that you hadn’t unpacked your work bag when you had gotten home late the night before. Work has been brutal lately, giving you barely any time in the evenings to yourself and you’ve never been one to wake up early in the morning. You know you have to go to the store today so you plan to try to sneak out a bit early to get your essentials.
Once you’re settled in the train car for your twenty seven minute ride, you work through a couple emails to get a head start on work before turning to your grocery list.
You glance to your side to see if anyone is looking over your shoulder at your phone, knowing the unconventional location of said list would seem questionable to a passerby.
Even you can admit that your delusional habit you had started ages ago was a little strange, but it felt comforting at this point and wasn’t hurting anyone. You opened up your Instagram DMs and tapped into the extremely one sided conversation with a charming, smiley rapper with 11.5M followers who did not know you existed.
Yes, you kept your grocery lists (and other important info you needed to find quickly) in Mark Lee’s DMs. 
It had started as a joke a few years ago when you had finally admitted to your closest friend in the city that you and Mark had gone to summer camp together when you were kids. It had only been for a couple years but you remembered it like it was yesterday. The early morning kayak trips, knocking bare knees around a late night campfire, and how he used to sing you to sleep accompanied by the soft strumming of his guitar from the steps of your cabin. 
You had followed his career ever since, listening to new songs as they were released, watching him on variety shows, and flipping through magazines whenever you saw his stunning face and bold style gracing the covers. You enjoyed seeing the short poems he would post on his stories or read out loud on the rare live he would do after shows.
Your friend had encouraged you to slide into his DMs at the time, purely motivated by her desire to meet his dancer best friend that he was sometimes spotted with at the most exclusive clubs. You had tapped open the message conversation with him and in typing quickly, accidentally pasted your short grocery list into the chat. She had laughed at you and you sent the message anyways, knowing that there was no way he would reply or ever even see it in his message requests.
You had a solid amount of followers for someone who didn’t work in the entertainment industry due to the app you had helped develop rising in popularity in the past few months. You sometimes helped out with filming vlog content for the website or TikToks but mostly kept to yourself and didn’t really have any interest in being internet famous.
Since you had first put your grocery list in Mark’s DMs, you had used the space to put little notes to yourself, including a drunken ramble one night about how 16 Personalities has royally fucked up everyone’s perception of MBTI.
Today, you opened up the message to add in your latest essentials, putting oat milk in all caps since the last few times you went you somehow managed to forget it. You needed food for the week, chicken and veggies, some other basics like mascara and tampons and remembered running low on cat treats.
Sliding your phone back into the front pocket of your bag, you let your eyes flutter shut for the rest of the ride to work, finally feeling the adrenaline of waking up late wear off.
Many hours later you are angrily typing on your computer, finishing up some code review for the development team, eyes flicking repeatedly to the clock in the bottom of your screen.
“I’m sorry you had to stay late, you should head out soon before it starts raining harder,” your coworker messages you, leaning from behind their monitor across the open office space, offering you a small smile.
You send off a couple frustrated emojis before typing up your feedback for the team in an email, feet already sliding into your rain boots you kept under your desk for gloomy days like today.
Checking your watch, you realize you are barely going to make it to the grocery store if you don’t leave now. The only benefit will be that it should be pretty empty this late at night. After a short train ride, you’re pushing a cart through the empty aisles, grabbing what you need and humming lightly to yourself. There are a few fellow late night shoppers milling about alongside the workers stocking the shelves for the next morning.
You grab the last item on your list just as a series of yawns hit you, making your way to the self-checkout area. You are about to scan your first item when you glance down at your cart, noticing you’ve managed to forget the oat milk again.
“Fucking…” you murmur under your breath, dropping your pack of tampons back into the cart and spinning on your heel, heading towards the back of the store to quickly grab the milk.
You’re almost back to your cart when you hit a wet spot on the floor, slipping in a dramatic, banana peel comedy sketch moment, falling hard on your back, managing to catch the back of your head with your hand before it collides with the linoleum floor.
The oat milk cartons in your hands crash to the floor, one of them starting to leak out in a milky puddle next to you.
Suddenly a masked face appears over you, white cloth covering most of his features, dark eyes holding a confused look. You are breathing heavily and blink a couple times to clear your vision.
“Yo…are you okay?” comes a loud and worried voice, holding a hand out in an offer of help.
You feel a little light headed but accept the hand anyways, allowing yourself to sit up and meet the eyes of the young man now crouching next to you on the wet floor.
“Uh yeah…yeah…the floor was we-” your speech is cut off suddenly as he pulls down his mask, shaking dark hair from his eyes and making eye contact with you again.
Kneeling in a puddle of rainwater and oat milk was none other than the man whose DMs you had monopolized for the past few years and the name you had moaned late at night with your hand shoved under your covers. It was the face you had studied countless times in high resolution photos from the airport posted on Twitter, a face that you had memorized down to the prominent mole on his cheek and the curves of his shining white teeth. Mark Lee had just watched you bite it on the floor of the grocery store right before closing.
You can barely keep eye contact with Mark as you stand up, looking down to see damp pants and your shirt rumpled. Embarrassed, you thank him under your breath, reaching down to pick up the milk cartons and tossing them in a nearby trash can. You quickly begin scanning the items from your cart with shaky hands, placing them in your tote bag, hoping to get out of there as soon as possible.
“Did you remember the cat treats?” he asks quietly, pushing the black hood off his head and stepping closer to you, handing you a carton of strawberries from your basket.
You lift up your gaze to meet his, mouth falling open at his question. His eyes are big and kind and he has a shy but warm expression on his face, plump pink lips settling into a pout as he finishes his question.
“You…read those messages? I’m uh…Mark…Lee…Mark Lee. I’m so sorry…” you ramble, brain scrambled and swimming with all other reasons why he could have asked that, praying that he somehow hadn’t been reading your messages all these years.
“How could I not when the cute girl from summer camp kept me informed on every little detail of her life,” he replied, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, smiling bashfully as his fingertips made contact with your now flushed cheek.
“I’m so sorry, Mark, I didn’t think there was any way you would remember me and it just kind of became a habit,” you stuttered out, scanning your last item and reaching for your wallet. You were acutely aware of how close he had gotten and silently hoped your makeup still looked good and that your hair had stayed lightly curled from yesterday’s styling. Every inch of your skin felt like it was on fire and you knew how red your neck had to be getting.
“I got it, but don’t forget the oat milk,” he offers as he scans a carton of the same brand from his own cart before swiping his card on the reader to pay for your groceries. You are once again stunned but tip your head down in a silent thanks.
“But for real, thank you for recommending this brand, it’s the best!” he laughs, scratching the back of his head awkwardly and grabbing your bags for you.
“I can’t believe you remember me,” you say quietly, a grin settling across your face as the two of you walk out of the store. His hand is brushing up against the back of yours as he keeps close to your side, popping open an umbrella to shield you from the light rain that hasn’t quite cleared yet.
“I’ve thought about you a lot over the years, but also know our lives took us in different directions. But I always hoped you were supporting me from a distance,” he replies candidly, tapping into his phone before handing it to you with an open contact card screen.
“Now, can you please give me your number so I can call you and we can go on a real date that doesn’t involve you laying a puddle of milk?”
“Hey, maybe that’s my idea of a perfect first date!” you laugh out, quickly adding yourself as a contact in his phone before handing it back to him. Your heart is pounding as your fingers brush against his, unable to believe that this is happening. You half expect to sit up in your bed any moment, thinking that all the videos you studied about lucid dreaming must have finally paid off.
He chuckles, closing the umbrella as the rain comes to a stop at the most picture perfect moment. The air smelled fresh in the post storm haze, fog settling lightly around you amongst flickering streetlights and the hum of city sounds. He reaches back to pull his hood up, covering dark and piecey short hair, hanging perfectly at the sides of his forehead. Whenever he turns his head, you catch a glimpse of an intricate pattern buzzed into the shorter sides, exposing flashes of his scalp in contrast to his dark hair. 
Your eyes trail down his face and take in his full frame for the first moment since you first encountered him in the store. He’s broader than you had imagined, your height difference the same as when you had known him as a kid, but his arms look strong and tight jeans leaving little to the imagination. His face is bare but immaculate, brows perfectly coiffed and lips plump and moisturized.
He clears his throat lightly at you ogling him and you meet his sparkling eyes again as he sits your bags gently on the ground next to him, placing a tentative hand on your lower back.
“Yes?” you ask teasingly, batting your eyelashes a little for good measure, suddenly feeling confidence bloom within you. He sighs before speaking again and you feel the tension and nervousness between the two of you start to melt away.
“Ever since you sent me those videos on Halloween, I’ve been having to stop myself from sliding into your DMs like some sleazy asshole,” he mutters, voice suddenly lower and strained as his pinky finger brushes up against yours, linking with it and swinging lightly.
You knit your eyebrows together in confusion, trying to think back to what videos he could be talking about. Hazy memories of your drunken night out to multiple bars and house parties start flooding in as you begin to remember what you wore that night. 
Golden fabric and black strappy laces from below your navel up to your neck flash in your mind and you suddenly remember your cheetah costume that was less than safe for work. Those heels went straight in the trash when you got home because while they made your legs look amazing, they gave you the worst blisters of your entire life.
“...I did not send you videos that night,” you start cautiously, placing a hand on his chest to ground yourself. You are trying to force the memories forward but all you can think of is the countless shots you took with your friend and some sloppy make out sessions on the dance floor.
He chuckles, nodding silently and letting his forehead fall towards yours, pressing against yours tenderly. It did bring you comfort but also made your heart skip a beat.
“I am…mortified,” you sigh, blinking up at him from the awkward angle.
“Don’t be, you looked fucking hot,” he breathes out, warm breath minty and fanning out across your lips.
His lips are on yours seconds later, hand sliding down towards your ass and pulling you closer into him. He breaks away from you, inches from your lips, checking your face for any sign of discomfort, only to find lust laden, hooded eyes blinking rapidly.
You surge forward to capture his lips again, bringing your hand up to his neck and digging your nails into the skin there. His tongue presses against your lips eagerly and you give him access instantly, a soft whine buzzing against his mouth. You lose all concept of time and space, forgetting you are standing on the empty downtown streets in front of the market, in the arms of one of the most famous musicians in the world.
You break away first, having to calm your breathing pattern and releasing the material you were gripping on his chest.
He chuckles and slides his hand up your back, massaging your shoulder lightly through your raincoat. He’s so much more gentle and tender than you could have ever imagined and you struggle to maintain eye contact with him.
“I can’t believe all I had to do was buy a carton of oat milk to finally kiss my first crush after all these years,” he laughs out, leaning in to gently nuzzle at your hair.
“Do you need me to add anything to our grocery list? You know, it’s almost been two years since we started it, I think,” Mark laughed out a little loudly, despite being close to your ear in Taeyong’s crowded apartment.
“Wait, I thought you two just moved in together recently?” Jaemin cackles, taking a long sip of beer. You didn’t realize he was eavesdropping on your conversation, assuming he had been too focused on Jeno’s karaoke performance happening in the center of the room.
You dip your head down, embarrassed by the fact that Mark’s closest friends still didn’t know the full details of your reunion and start of your relationship. You had sworn him to secrecy, telling him he could fill them in on the past camp days and make up some story about how the two of you had met at an art gallery opening.
“Oh Jaem, haven’t you heard of our adorable meet cute?” Mark asks mischievously, nudging your knee with his and dragging his lips over your ear. His eyes tell you everything, just as they always had, just like when you first met.
“Oh do tell,” he gushed, letting his chin drop into his hand with his elbow propped up on his crossed legs. He tapped his cheek with his fingers, wiggling his eyebrows at the two of you.
While you refused to let Mark share the story of years of grocery lists and your fall at the market check out, you did let him share how he asked you to move in with him a few months prior.
On a normal Friday morning you had pulled open the fridge, reaching in without looking, and feeling your hand brush against an unfamiliar piece of paper on the oat milk. 
A watermelon shaped post-it note (that had seemingly been “borrowed” from your desk) was taped to the front of the carton with hurried handwriting in a statement that made your heart flutter.
I hate this distance and I hate singing broken melodies. Move in with me &lt;3
The carton almost slips from your fingers but you manage to catch it and pour some with a shaky hand into your waiting tumbler.
Pulling your phone from your jeans pocket, you lean your back against the counter, petting your cat’s head as she emerges from her favorite spot behind the toaster oven. 
Opening Instagram, you tap into your conversation, adding a to do list in the same format you usually used for your grocery lists.
To Do List: Help my new roommate pick out more comfortable pillows for the bed -.-
Typing bubbles appear almost immediately, and a string of sappy emojis and voice notes start flooding in from Mark.
It’s still surreal to see replies from the message thread that had been one-sided for so long. You still message in Instagram from time to time, finding comfort in the space, despite spending hours on the phone each day and being in almost constant contact via other messaging apps.
A knock at your door pulls your attention and you have to dab your eyes with the back of your hand where tears have pricked up. A couple large boxes are waiting outside your door and you drag them inside before snapping a picture to send to Mark. You had planned a camping trip for later in the summer, looking forward to reliving those muggy summer nights spent chasing fireflies, spending your days reading in a hammock and falling even deeper in love with the boy who first made you feel special all those years ago.
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vera-deville · 1 year
Hi! Could you please write Luka Couffaine x fem. reader who has trouble talking about their feelings? Writes him letters, love poems or plays the drums for him because it's easier for her to show her feelings like that? Sorry for my English it is not my first language.
02/28/2023 - 03/29/2023
Pairing: Luka Couffaine x Reader
Word Count: 867
Warnings: Nothing that I can think of!
Gender: AFAB
In which Luka has a significant other who has a hard time expressing her feelings.
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Luka Couffaine absolutely adored Y/N. The girl had captured his heart, mind, and soul, and he had no trouble expressing it. However, the same could not be said the other way around.
Other people labeled Y/N as someone cold and uncaring, but only a select few knew of her true nature - she simply could not express herself in the ways others would. And Luka understood completely.
Y/N had a small group of friends (most of whom had never even met each other, but knew the existence of). She wasn't one to stick to one particular friend group after all. A good friend was a good friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
And two of her very good friends were Juleka and Rose. Originally, Y/N had only Juleka (since she went to the same school as Luka), but quickly became acquainted with Rose as well. And for that, Y/N thanked whatever lucky stars she had.
The whole process of confessing to Luka was already gut-wrenchingly terrifying, seeing as she had no idea how to go about it, whether Luka would return her affections (even though Juleka said he would), and if she was actually dateable material.
But after the confession, a lot of her worries were put to rest. Luka was the sweetest boyfriend she could have asked for, and she was extremely grateful for having met him.
Luka was someone who was fairly affectionate (not like some of the couples she's seen walking in Paris being overly lovey-dovey), but he also never shied away from letting her know what was on his mind.
If there was a particular moment where Y/N was caught up doing something and was quite focused on it (such as homework), Luka would find himself simply staring at the girl, absolutely in awe of the work of art he had the honor of calling his girlfriend. (Yes, he's tried sneaking some photos of her when she wasn't looking).
And when he was caught, Y/N would ask, "what're you staring at?"
Only to be met with, "just caught up in the ethereal masterpiece in front me."
To which Y/N would feel her face heat up and a warm sort of buzz envelope her whole being. She'd become a little flustered and brush off his oh so charming and teasing self, but looking at him once more, she realizes every time that Luka wasn't teasing at that moment. He meant every word.
So when others meet her and find out she's in a relationship with Luka, they wonder how on Earth the relationship works. Luka was pretty well known and well-liked. But Y/N wasn't like that. She stayed to herself for the most part, and she'd never initiate any sort of PDA with her boyfriend.
And some of these people would take to whispering about this behind (or so they thought) Y/N's back.
She'd feel bad about it, but not to the point where she'd find herself spiraling down a rabbit hole of self-hate and whatnot. But that didn't stop her from wanting to improve. And what better way to improve than by asking two of her best friends?
"Aww, it's so cute that you want to be more lovey-dovey with Luka!" Rose gushed. Juleka had a slight smile on her face, finding the situation slightly humorous. The involved parties were her brother and one of her closest friends. How could she not be entertained? Especially when said close friend was going on a tirade vaguely reminiscent of Marinette's tirades about Adrien.
Rose suggested making a perfume for Luka, and Y/N thought that it was such a good idea that she'd probably do that for his birthday. "What if you write him a letter?" Juleka asked. Pondering over the idea, Y/N decided that it indeed was a good idea.
But what to write?
And so some amount of days passed, and Y/N finally ended up finishing her letter to Luka. It wasn't anything elegant or pretty or anything of the sort. It was goofy, filled with her typical sarcasm, and most importantly, it was heartfelt. Now, the only thing left was to actually give the letter to Luka.
Which was still quite hard surprisingly.
Y/N assumed that once the letter was finished, she'd just hand it over to the turquoise-haired boy and bada-bing bada-boom, romance!
Apparently it doesn't work like that.
Apparently you pour your heart out into the letter, but then you feel nervous to actually give the letter to your oh so accepting boyfriend.
But somehow Y/N pushed down her anxiety and gave the letter to Luka when they sat down after getting their ice cream. Opening it, Luka's face gradually morphed into one of extreme joy (and if Y/N didn't know any better, smugness), before he pressed a chaste kiss onto Y/N's cheek.
And from that day onwards, Y/N would (every once in a while) gift Luka letters, love poems, and even play the drums for him as means of physically showing her affection for him. It was their own little dynamic and some may have found it odd, but to them, it was perfect.
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Author's Note: Once again, I'm really sorry for taking so long to complete this fic. I hope you enjoy it (if not, feel free to request again, since I honestly don't feel like I did my very best with this one).
I'm still in the middle of trying to find a specific fic format to stick to. I've tried looking at a bunch of other fanfic writers' profiles and the format they use to write their fics, but I'm still not 100% sure if what I'm doing right now is what I want to continue doing.
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lauraneedstochill · 2 years
The Greens headcanons (modern!au)
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I was inspired by @phiasaban post. the second I saw these photos I had an idea for the modern au and just wrote it all down in 10 minutes (this has nothing to do with the show! it’s just me looking at the photos, mind you):
Alicent is a single mom. loves to cook (def cooks when she’s nervous or upset), has a record collection, loves to dance when she’s tipsy. can be a strict parent when she’s pissed (or really tired) but overall is a mama bear (to the point of getting into arguments with teachers — “yeah, I think I know what’s best for my kids”). she’s an angry driver, keeps her car super clean. dresses casually (plaid shirts and jeans), but whenever she puts on a dress she looks so smoking hot it makes every man turn around after her. tons of them flirt with her but she mostly looks uninterested. deep inside is afraid to get her heart broken again. makes friends with her neighbor Criston (he let her borrow flour a few times). he is totally in love with Alicent and everyone sees it but her. he’s okay with her taking all the time she needs.
Aegon is a fuckboy but a very apologetic one. has no cruel intentions, he just “loves women so much, he can’t help himself”. either writes songs or poetry. has the weirdest captions on instagram. drinks wine 24/7 but manages to look sober when needed. ends up falling in love with one of his closest friends who’s been tolerating him for years, helping him sober up, making him breakfasts, giving cruel reviews of his sappy poems. one day she just casually picks him up in her car, they’re driving in comfortable silence, she asks him how his day went — and it suddenly strikes him that she’s the one. he’ll probably tell her right away (“I think I’m in love with you” — and she sharply presses the brakes). but it will take a couple of weeks for him to fully sober up, convince her to go on a date with him and then to give him a chance. will plant kisses all over her face whenever she’s upset. he loves movie dates, but his sense of humor is questionable.
Aemond is into sports (pick whatever you like, but he doesn’t look like a team player to me lol). very competitive, self-disciplined, doesn’t talk much. girls swoon over him and he ignores them completely. secretly is a nerd, reads a lot (and pretty much anything). falls in love with a girl who challenges him but will also stand by his side in every situation imaginable even if he’s wrong (she won’t shy away from telling him the truth when it’s just the two of them, though). he’s incredibly protective yet very gentle. it’s all about forehead kisses, leaving sweet notes for her, buying flowers for no reason. not a fan of PDA’s but will hold her hand every chance he gets. remembers every single anniversary. they’ll probably adopt a dog. he gives the best hugs and loves when she plays with his hair. they can talk about their favorite books for hours and she loves being the only one who gets to see that side of him.
Helaena is into astrology and tarot cards. has a cat (or three) and probably a little pet snake. talks to animals (I also think she’ll be vegan but don’t quote me on that). buys a lot of plants (and gives them names), maybe in attempt to compensate for her smoking. some may say she has a resting bitch face, but those ppl clearly never saw her smile, 'cause it lights up her face and she looks absolutely adorable. she’s the first one to steal their mother’s car (Alicent is not surprised and just texts her “no smoking in the car!”). annoyed with her brothers most of the time but god forbid someone dares to hurt them. carries a pocketknife (it looks very pretty, decorated with crystals and stuff), wears long t-shirts. adventurous but it takes time for her to trust people. will fall in love with someone who’s kind (and maybe introverted?). they’ll get matching tattoos (smth very small and simple), go on road trips and music festivals. yes, I can totally imagine her being queer.
➡ next: modern!Aemond Targaryen, college au part 1 — “All yours” part 2 — First time for everything 💌 my masterlist
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writing-for-life · 9 months
Hey Dear. I highly admire your wisdom and opinions around The Sandman Universe and I’d love to come back to Morpheus’ end and his long way to his fatal fall. Even if he has chosen to go down this road, with all of these alternative exits along his way I still wonder: It all started with that wonderful allegory of „Seeking Destruction“ in Brief Lives. Maybe Neil’s quote „You cannot seek Destruction and return unscathed“ is a key or hint to the question who wanted to destroy Dream? Is it really possible that our good old endless friends Destruction is the one behind? That even when he left his realm it’s still his nature, to destroy (Morpheus) and make something new?! Loki the great manipulator talked about a higher instance that uses him. Was it Destruction? Could he has done it out of what… incomprehension towards Dreams way to rule his own realm or just because of being… destructive?!
Adding as usual: Send me your asks, everyone—I love them!
Thank you so much, friend, and such good questions!
Honest answer: No one truly wanted to destroy Dream apart from Dream himself. Even Desire, who is arguably most out to get him, didn't really in my view. Did they want to teach him a lesson? Yes. Did they want to hit him where it hurt? Also yes. They are just diametrically opposed despite being surface level similar. But when Desire notices it is truly happening, that Dream is on a path with no backing out, they are scared and fairly close to losing their bearings. And their speech during The Wake shows that they just wished they hadn't been in each others' lives and might have both been better for it. Also: They even tried to warn him at the beginning of Brief Lives. And they told Tiffany about it, too. For Desire, the A Midsummer Night's quote also comes true (and how funny is it that we get an explicit mention of both desire and dream here?:
They only see the prize, their heart's desire, their dream... But the price of getting what you want, is getting what you once wanted.
They think they want to destroy Dream (or maybe not even that. It's really cosmic level "throwing dummies out of the pram" with them. They need a get along shirt, is what I'm saying 🤣). But once Desire gets what they want, it's all not that clear-cut anymore.
Who is at fault or: The Endless as concepts
I guess to look deeper into who is at fault, it all boils down to really having to see the Endless as concepts, and I personally don't think it started only with Brief Lives--it started much, much earlier. At least (!) in "The Sound of her Wings"--I think people often misunderstand it solely as Death setting Morpheus' head straight and him being reminded of his function again. Which is true to a degree. But I firmly believe this is actually the issue where Morpheus decides death is his way out. She gave him "much to think about". He "hears her wings". His responsibilities can wait for a moment (that's the only time you'll ever hear him saying that).
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Dream has always been closest to Death--she gives him solace and comfort, he considers death a gift. I recommend reading the poem in issue #8 again.
Death is before me today:    like the recovery of a sick man,    like going forth into a garden after sickness. Death is before me today:    like the odor of myrrh,   like sitting under a sail in a good wind. Death is before me today:    like the course of a stream;   like the return of a man from the war-galley to his house. Death is before me today:   like the home that a man longs to see,   after years spent as a captive.
Then look at that last stanza. That is his takeaway. That is what it feels like to him. He is that man who spent years in captivity. He longs to see that home--he wants to die. It's already in plain sight here.
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And yes, all the other siblings are conceptual as well.
We meet Destiny the first time in #7, "Sound and Fury", and we already get a hint that he is worried to turn the pages of his book--which could be considered foreshadowing that it is possible for Morpheus to die (which shouldn't be the case from all we know up until there).
We meet Desire and Despair for the first time in issue 10, and while people focus a lot on Desire wanting to destroy Dream, I'd like to propose the following: Dream, at this stage, already desires death. Whether he does so consciously or subconsciously doesn’t really matter. So if we see the twins as purely conceptual, they just heard his call:
He is in a state of despair, and he desires to die.
It's always been in Dream to feel like that, for much longer. But this is where it gets really obvious. He made that choice two issues beforehand. Desire always meddles because that's what Desire does. They hear your call and make you want, no matter if it's good for you or not. We see this with literally everyone they are ever involved in. And sometimes giving one thing to someone takes something away from another. Plus, they flippin' saved the Universe with Dream, so they definitely have it in them to do good (even if not always for the most ethical reason). After the reset, they just remember flashes of the wrong (or shall I say right?) stuff, like using dream vortices to get to Dream.
He goes on a journey with Delirium in Brief Lives to seek Destruction. Why did Delirium choose him? Because he's the only one (unlike his siblings, who all sent Delirium away) who is receptive. One could think Dream is in a mildly delirious state after Thessaly left him. And that's why he is so on and off with Delirium. He has moments of clarity when he knows it's a shitty idea, when he knows it affects other people, when he calls it off because he feels responsible for Ruby's death, when he knows it isn't right. And then Death (!!!) tells him off because he "hurt Delirium", and he keeps going. He still seeks Death. And he finds Destruction.
That's all so deeply metaphorical, I don't even know where to start.
Is Destruction behind it?
No. If we subscribed to that thought, Death would actually be a much more likely culprit, but she isn't either. Or she is. Just like all the siblings are and aren't. Destruction is just what he is conceptually, just like all the other siblings are.
It is Dream himself who orchestrated all of it, consciously or subconsciously (both really). And when you look at when he meets what sibling, it all becomes really crystal clear (I actually have a meta about this in the making, I'll tag you when it's done).
If anything, Destruction wanted to help him, tell him to walk away. He says this to Daniel in The Wake as well--that there's basically a way out if he can't do it anymore. But Destruction's way is not Morpheus!Dream's way, neither is it likely to ever be Daniel!Dream's way.
So I guess conceptually yes, he destroys and hence creates something new (which ties in nicely with him visiting Daniel!Dream and actually being the first one who shows true care towards him). But the impulse always comes from Dream I think. Just like with all his other siblings.
Whenever he is closest to someone or meets one of his siblings, it tells us something about his state of mind. Is this a chicken and egg problem, as in: Does he make them do it or do they make him do it? Well, the Endless exist because sentient beings make it so, not the other way around. So he meets whomever he meets because he calls for them, so to speak. At least that's how I see it.
Who is that higher instance?
I am fairly certain that the higher instance Loki talks about is Dream himself. Loki transgressed majorly in Season of Mists, and Dream twisted his arm into a deal at the end of SoM. We never find out at that point what the deal is, but yeah--it's probably fairly safe to assume it's "that one".
Also: If Dream hadn't commissioned Shakespeare, Puck wouldn't have been on the loose.
And even in Dream Hunters (so even further back in time), he already "learned lessons"--especially about existential dread (the Onmyōji), but also about doing the right thing out of love (both the monk and the fox), even if it leads to your own demise (the monk).
And even in Overture, we get hints that he might have had an epiphany that there's another Dream in the future (that whole "time flies" panel, using the saeculum etc). Morpheus gets an inkling it might be a future version of himself that sends the saeculum back in time. How much of it he remembers and whether it is fragmented after the reset will of course forever stay a mystery; but it quite frankly doesn’t make sense that he doesn’t remember because we get too many hints he does.
Suffice it to say: He's been baiting the traps for a while (and even Death tells him so before she takes his hand), literally hundreds of years, but issue #8 is really where everything is starting to fall into place.
And that’s because the fishbowl changed him. He staved it off for as long as he could stay aloof and detached. But once he entered the realm of human experience, as Frank McConnell called it in his intro to the Kindly Ones, he was done for...
Now, whether he wanted it to happen exactly the way it did—that’s an entirely different question, because I don’t think he did. Maybe he had planned for a slightly more, shall we call it elegant exit, but he backed himself into a corner with his rigid sense of duty until the way it went remained the only way out if he wanted to prevent more damage to what he cared for—the Dreaming.
Woah, blabbering away as usual, thanks again for the ask!
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existingonthisplane · 2 years
The party playing truth or dare and Dustin, in his utterly unhinged era, decides to give someone a fake dating dare.
Realizes that Will, to his knowledge, is the only one who hasn’t dated.
Him and Lucas are already in relationships and El is Will’s sister so absolutely not.
Decides it’s up to their good pal Michael.
“My dearest buddy, Mike-“
And Mike tenses immediately cause Dustin’s got that tone he uses when he’s a little too excited about an idea. So Mike is just sitting there staring nervously.
And Dustin is like “I dare you to date Will for a week! Our boy deserves a good time.”
Will’s eyes widening comically large at the statement and Mike looks like he just got dunked in cold water.
“If he’s okay with it of course” Dustin adds on quickly at the end. Noticing Mike and Will’s reaction.
“I’m not sure about that one, man” Lucas pipes in adjusting his position next to Max so she can lean on him more comfortably.
“Fake dating? Isn’t that just normal dating?” El says, confusion thick in her voice turning towards Max who’s hand she’s holding.
“It’s stupid that’s what it is. But I guess it works for a dare? Not sure if I’d pick Wheeler of all people.” Max throws in lifting her head off of Lucas’s shoulder and shaking it.
“Doesn’t matter what you think Max, it’s about Will. So,” Dustin turns back facing Will again,”what’ll it be?”
And the whole group just turns towards him waiting for an answer, save for Mike who looks like he’s trying to remember how to function.
Will just starts stammering not really sure what to make of this at all. Of course Dustin would dare the ONE person who Will would actually like to date if that was possible.
Dustin hearing the lack of replies would go on to explain a little further how Mike is honestly the perfect candidate which Will honestly can’t argue with the logic of it because going from Dustin’s perspective Mike is Will’s best friend, hanging out regularly is already something they do and they like a lot of the same things.
It wouldn’t be that different from how they are now, Dustin honestly just wants Mike to hold Will’s hand and take him on like date nights or something? “Give him the experience” as he put it so lovingly.
“I mean, I guess I’m okay with it. It’s just a dare and this is honestly the closest I’ll get to actually dating someone since I’m not all that interested.” Will says, a little cautiously. If his friends read into it a bit they don’t say anything.
Mike is very very quiet still and it’s a little concerning so Will looks over at him. Trying to check in with his eyes. Mike looks far away though, lost in thought. At least his face doesn’t look like he’s in agony, he’s just blushing? A lot actually.
“Well I need you to know. I’m not going to dare him if you don’t want to.” Will looks back over to Dustin who’s got his eyebrow arched.
Dustin glances back over at Mike and Will realizes that they’re both thinking the same thing of giving Mike an out. If Will says no, then Mike is spared. All they need Mike to do is actually look and give that signal that he’s uncomfortable.
Mike glances up at Will. Probably because he could feel the eyes on him.
“So are you sure Will?” Dustin repeats, more for Mike’s sake than Will’s at this point.
Mike’s gaze is steady and something determined flits between his eyes. Will’s pretty sure his face is on fire.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, yes I’m sure.”
“Sick! Okay Wheeler, I dare you to date Will for a week! I want you to pull out all the stops too! Full blown dates, pay for his meals!!! Tell him he’s the cutest guy you’ve seen or something! No holding any punches, got it?” Dustin rattles off like he’d been planning it the whole time.
“What happens if he doesn’t pull all the stops out?” El asks from behind him.
“Oh right! If you don’t complete the dare in a satisfactory way you’ve got to read the whole party that one poem you absolutely refuse to let any of us see.”
A collective gasp rings across the room. Not even Will had seen that supposed poem! They’re not even sure if it exists. These are high stakes here.
Mike makes a face that’s got too many emotions to decipher though but Will thinks it makes him look constipated.
“You wouldn’t-“ Mike starts
“Oh but I would. And I did. So what’ll it be Wheeler?”
“Fine! Not like I was going to chicken out anyways. I’ll be the best god damn boyfriend any of you people have ever seen.” Mike says. Cheeks puffing out in annoyance.
“I’m not sure about that one considering your track record” El mumbles but everyone still hears.
Max starts cackling and Lucas has a fist covering his mouth looking away to keep from laughing himself.
Dustin has doubled over at the comment and Will is trying and failing severely to keep it together.
“El!!” Mike shouts, face a whole new shade of red and El just shrugs in reply.
Mike turns towards Will, betrayal written over his features and Will thinks it’s cute, mouthing a quick “sorry” though his laughter.
Mike rolls his eyes, plopping down next to him and leaning near his ear.
“I don’t know why you’re laughing considering I’m yours for a week now.”
That sobers Will up almost instantly. Mouth clinking shut before he turns his face towards his best friend in disbelief. Their noses brush at the movement and Will makes the weakest effort in existence to move back to give some space.
He goes to reply when Dustin pipes in with a quick
“You guys getting started already? Damn, I guess he was serious.”
The room is back to laughing eventually dissolving into regular conversation. Mike smiles quickly at Will before looking back at his friends joining in leaving Will reeling.
Will’s face is red for the rest of the night.
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Ooh, I got one. AITA for telling me sick, elderly dad "no" when he asked if I'd come help around the house?
So I think I know the answer to this already, but I'm curious about other people's opinions…. and I want to rant.
My dad and I (36, trans masc but I only figured that out about 5 years ago) have been butting heads for a while. Family situation is: I had cool hippy liberal parents but things went downhill with various addictions and depression. I lived with them until I was 30 (with me paying the bills for several years) and then finally moved out after I realized how unhealthy it was for me to be there.
Moving out coincided with me figuring out some things about myself, mainly the trans thing, probably because I felt more comfortable/safe and could focus on things other than that shitty living situation.
Another thing I'd finally realized, shortly before I moved out, was how messed up my relationship with my dad had been. Basically, I grew up with him doing this thing where he'd tell me I couldn't trust any of my friends (the implication being I could only trust him), or he'd tell me how smart I was because I saw things his way and talk about how people we knew were dumb because they didn't. He also taught me that I shouldn't show or admit to mental illness or neurodivergence because people (even my friends) would take advantage of me.
Once I'd gone, he repeatedly asking me to come visit, sending me messages about how sad he was and how much he missed me. I did visit a few times, but just being back in that house makes me feel real uncomfy.
At some point I share with him my observations about our past and how it negatively effected me. His response… is to say he doesn't think that's how it went. I keep trying to explain, asking him to acknowledge that these things did happen between us and, whether he meant it to or not, it did mess me up. He keeps dismissing it or redirecting the blame onto my mom or his shitty dad, or suggesting that my friends (who I'm living with now) have turned me against him.
But he also keeps pestering me to visit more, guilt-tripping me with how sad my old dog, Cavall, is after each time I do come by (I would have taken the dog with me, but he's a big fluffy malamute mix and the roommates have a small house + one is allergic. I didn't want to impose too much, so I'd limited myself to bringing only the one cat who I had the closest bond with and leaving the other pets with my parents).
All of this back-and-forth with my dad finally comes to a head a couple months ago when I ask for a specific item of mine that I left at my parents house. My dad responds with a little poem about how depressed he is because he misses me and I've abandoned him. I throw back some brusque line in which I call him "bro"…
… and that earns a response in which he mocks me about pronouns and gender identity.
I am shocked, because my parents were always super cool about queer stuff. I tell him so and then block him on facebook. He responds to that by scouring the house for everything I left behind, packing it up in cardboard boxes, and dumping it all in my roommate's driveway with zero notice.
I figure he's done with me at that point… but then, last week, he sent me an email which reads:
"I hope you're well. I hope your family is well. I miss you. I'm sick today. Weak. Dizzy. Queasy. Slept a lot, thankfully. I want to ask you, if I were to become too sick to do things for days, would you be someone I could ask to come make some soup, take out the trash, help and give comfort? I won't be surprised at a "no", but, a "yes" would be wonderful. I got the trash out and the dogs fed. Cavall is off his breakfast lately, but, usually eats supper. He used to eat better, but, he's really getting old and slow now. In the six years I've walked him he's gone from wanting to run a lot to slow walking and sniffing. I'm getting down some oatmeal with raisons and yogurt now. Hopefully I'll be better tomorrow. I think so, but, the question arises at such times. Plz tel yes or no, so I can know for future reference."
And, well, I told him no. I hate the idea of abandoning sick elderly people who are already living in poverty, but after all the shit I described, I don't want to be around him. So, what's the vote?
What are these acronyms?
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angels17324 · 2 years
Chance - Chapter 2
Prince Friedrich x Fem! Reader
Word count - 2.1k
Genre: Some angst starting 🫢 I hope you all enjoy
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Dearest readers, it would seem as though our diamond and the prince have possibly found their matches, but not with each other as some might have hoped. At his royal highness’ first ball of the season, he was seen dancing with only one debutante Miss (Y/n) (L/n) who was most lucky indeed. Whereas our diamond still has her sight set on the Duke of Hastings
-Lady Whistledown 
The morning following the ball (Y/n) had been peacefully sleeping and dreaming of the days when she first met The Prince. When her stepmother came in quickly with the newest copy of Lady Whistledown clutched in her fist and her ladies maid Marie followed behind.
“Mom?” She yawned and sat up. 
“I must know everything you and the prince spoke of when you danced,” she demanded as Marie got (Y/n) up to be dressed for the day.
“I mean… nothing really,” she looked anywhere but at Celina. 
“(Y/n),” she warned. “This could be amazing for you, for us you have a chance to be a princess, don't you want that!” 
“I want to marry for love, not because I could become a princess,” she complained as Marie helped her slip on a dress. 
“So you’d rather let him marry someone else?” Her mother glared.
“If we both find love and are happy then yes I would,” she met her mother's eyes in the mirror. 
“I thought I taught you better than that (Y/n),” Celina shook her head. 
“I’m not just getting to know him because he’s a prince, I want to just get to know him,” (Y/n) told her stepmother.
“Tell me what he said,” she demanded again.
(Y/n) groaned knowing her mother wasn’t about to let it go she debated whether to lie or just tell her the truth. “We spoke of the first time we met,” 
“First time, what do you mean the first time you met?”
“He was the boy that got my bonnet off the fountain,” her mother smiled brightly at the comment.
“And he remembered it?” She asked to which (Y/n) nodded “This is excellent!” She exclaimed as got up and left her room to celebrate. 
(Y/n) looked at Marie who shrugged and finished getting her ready for callers. Marie had been her ladies' maid for five years; besides, Daphne was one of her closest friends. 
“Lady Whistledown wrote about the two of you,” she said after a while. 
“What? Is that why mother is so concerned…” (Y/n) covered her face and groaned, of course, this gossip sheet was the cause. 
“The prince only danced with one young lady~” she teased and brushed her hair back.
“But he danced with me…” When the realization hit her she became more flustered than she had been even last night. It must have just been a mistake, maybe he danced with someone else and Whistledown didn’t see it. Why would he only dance with her? It didn’t make sense to her. 
Marie giggled at the girl, “Who knows, maybe The Prince is smitten with you already,” 
“Marie,” (Y/n) bit the inside of her cheek, “It must just be a mistake,” There’s no way he would pick her over one of the many other debutantes in London. He probably couldn’t. Wouldn’t he have to marry a princess? All those thoughts rushed through her mind.
“I’m only teasing,” she giggled again. “You’re all ready for your callers this morning.” 
It had been several hours and she’d yet to have a break from callers. They were all attempting to woo her with their gifts, songs, poems, and more. It seemed to never end. She used to have a few but it felt like every man in London was in her drawing room. Every man except… No, she had to stop thinking like that, he was just being nice dancing with her.
She watched as Henry entered the drawing room, likely to announce yet another caller, (y/n) prayed for this day to just be over so she could rest. Henry walked over to her stepmother and whispered something in her ear, and she swears she’s never seen her smile so much. She whispered something back and he left the room again. 
(Y/n) raised her brow a bit. She glanced at the door to the drawing room wondering if there was another caller or not and Henry came back. 
“His highness Prince Friedrich for Miss (L/n),” He announced as everyone turned to the door. There he was in his blue uniform. (Y/n) quickly stood up and looked at him. She was happy he was there so she could ask him about the ball but she also wondered why he was there. 
His arrival seemed to scare off most of the other callers, something she was pleased about and it left her with him and a few other brave callers which included Lord Jameson.
“Please have a seat anywhere you’d like your highness,” her stepmother said.
“Thank you,” he smiled and decided to take the closest available chair to where (Y/n) was now sitting again. Her attention had been focused on him and she hadn’t noticed the looks shared between her parents. 
A few days had passed since that day, and Prince Friedrich didn’t get to speak much as Lord Jameson kept the conversation focused on him, and soon after her father sent everyone home. Needless to say, her stepmother hadn’t been too happy when that happened. She had heard them shouting downstairs but couldn’t make out what was being said.
Today however she was granted a break being able to see the paintings at somerset house. She’d heard the prince would also be in attendance at the event. When she’d arrived she knew exactly where he was based on the horde of young ladies that surrounded him. Her stepmother tried to drag her over, but she was able to instead join her brothers and father who had also entered the gallery. 
She wandered around the large gallery looking at all the paintings. Part of her hoped maybe Benedict might get to have one of his paintings featured here. Speaking of her friend he quickly joined her, most likely hiding from his mother trying to set him up. 
“You know, I must say I’m happy that the prince is here, fewer mamas and their daughters surrounding the rest of us,” Benedict complained a bit. 
“Scared of a few mamas?” She grinned as she teased the man. 
“I am not,” he chuckled. 
“No? Just yours then?” 
“I would have thought this being daphne’s first season she’d be more focused on her,” 
“I wish my mom would focus on anyone but me,” (Y/n) huffed.
“I rather think she’s happy with all the attention you’ve been receiving since the prince had his first dance with you.” He chuckled. 
When Friedrich was finally able to enter the gallery he went in search of the one woman he wanted to talk to. He saw her with the same man he had seen her with at the last ball. Based on a few portraits that he had seen the day he visited (y/n)’s home to call on her he wasn’t one of her brothers, but he also hadn’t been one of her callers that day… 
“Please she’s ecstatic about it, but I want a break from them, especially Lord Jameson,” She complained a bit 
Yet again her male companion was the first to notice him “As I said maybe you need a prince to rescue you~” Benedict teasingly whispered only loud enough for her to hear before spinning her to be met face to face with Prince Friedrich yet again. 
“Your highness,” She wanted to crawl into a hole. How much of her and Benedict's conversation had he heard, if any at all? 
“Miss (L/n), would you like to join me in viewing the paintings?” He asked. 
“Why?” She asked before she could stop herself. She didn’t mean it like that, she was flattered he wanted to spend time with her again but why her and not someone else?
“Because, we didn’t get to speak much when I called on you and I wanted to speak with you,” He said, holding his arm out for her. She looked at him for a moment and only took it when Benedict nudged her foreword. 
“I’d like that,” She said and looked up at him. “I’ll see you a bit later, Benedict.” She glanced back at him as he waved her off. 
“Have fun,” He winked at the pair. They walked around in silence for a moment. 
“I-“ They both started to say at the same time. 
“You first,” He smiled. 
“I… I didn’t mean for that ‘why’ to sound so rude.” She kept her eyes trained on the ground. 
He chuckled at her, “that’s quite okay, I understand.” 
“What were you about to say, your highness?” 
“Oh, I was wondering if maybe you’d like to promenade with me tomorrow, and you know get a break,” he smiled at her, so he had heard that part of their conversation. 
“Are you sure…?” She asked. 
“I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t,” He said. 
“Then yes,” She smiled to herself and snuck a glance up at him and he was smiling too. 
But it seemed as if no one wanted to let the pair speak for more than a few minutes as Cressida Cowper approached them. 
“Your highness,” she smiled, (Y/n) couldn’t help but think Cressida would make a better princess than her… why was she thinking about that now. He wasn’t even officially courting her or anyone yet for that matter. 
Friedrich looked at the blonde, “Yes Miss Cowper?” He asked.
“I was hoping to hear your opinion on a few of these pieces,” she fanned herself lightly. 
He glanced down at (Y/n) who seemed to be lost in her thoughts but she was still holding his arm which made him happy. 
“I suppose Ms. (L/n) and I can come to look with you,” Cressida seemed a bit disappointed at that and it also seemed to snap (Y/n) out of her thoughts as both girls looked at the prince. 
Friedrich guided (Y/n) as they followed Cressida to look at a few pieces. (Y/n) had momentarily let go of his arm to get a closer look at another piece nearby. He already missed her being close but continued to speak with Miss Cowper. 
(Y/n) was looking at a painting that caught her eye, she had to leave the prince's side to get a closer look, she heard a collective gasp from many people in the room and turned to see that Cressida had ‘Swooned’ into the prince’s arms. She couldn’t help the little pang of jealousy she felt, as he was attempting to help Cressida. 
Benedict was suddenly by her side and having trouble holding back his laugh. (Y/n) glanced up at him and hit his arm lightly. She didn’t notice that both Friedrich and Cressida had looked up at the two. 
After Friedrich helped her up after she recovered Cressida noticed he was still looking at (Y/n). 
“You know,” she started gaining the Prince’s attention. “She and Mr. Bridgerton are quite close, it's a wonder he hasn’t proposed to her already,” she shrugged lightly. 
“I see…” Friedrich said softly and watched as the girl he had feelings for spoke with another man. 
“That was such a fake swoon,” (Y/n) complained to Benedict. 
He chuckled, “Is someone jealous~” 
“What, no,” she crossed her arms, “why would I be jealous,” 
“I don’t know but you sound jealous,” he grinned. 
“I’m not, and it's not like he likes me like that anyways for me to have a reason to be jealous.” She said whether she was trying to convince him or herself she wasn’t sure now. 
“Then why not put that to the test~” Benedict winked at her.
“What?” She asked and raised her brow. 
“If you’re so sure he doesn’t like you then let's test that theory out. We try to make him jealous?” 
“… Ben,” She said she didn’t like the idea of doing that to him, it wasn’t his fault Cressida did that and was most likely just trying to get a rise out of her. 
“It will be fine.” He said. 
“No, I’m not going to do that to him,” She decided. “Besides, he's going to promenade with me tomorrow.” 
“Oh~ so you do like him,” she glared at the man and decided to go find her mother. 
The following day came and went… he never showed up… because of course he wasn’t seriously courting her… she knew it. 
Taglist- @faye-tale @eleanor-bradstreet @colettebronte @broooookiecrisp
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hatters-workshop · 2 years
Last night I finally watched the finale of His Dark Materials, and of course it made me cry. I've read the final chapters of the Amber Spyglass so many times, and cried at each one. Was it perfect for me? No. But it never could be, because perfect for each individual reader is impossible, and an unfair thing to hope something would achieve. But it was excellent. And Dafne and Amir acted their hearts out with those lines between Lyra and Will when they're raging against the fate they're faced with, and with their promises to each other, and they broke my little heart with it. And finally hearing the "every atom of you and every atom of me..." speech... ooft that kicked me in the gut in all the right ways.
But this morning I happened to read the poem by Clare Harner that goes
Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there, I do not sleep
And I was hit suddenly by image after image invoked by each line, of each of them, old now and lying in bed (yes I want peace for them in the end. Some would want them to have a victorious or adventurous end but I think they deserve peace.) Pan pressing his face to Lyra's in a final embrace, and Kirjava pressing hers to Will's, and both humans whispering to their daemons that their atoms will find each other, just as they found each other when they were separated before, and Will telling Kirjava to keep Pan's atoms company while Will and Lyra find each other and look for them, and Lyra saying the same to Pan. They tell them that they know where the opening is, if they want to meet them there, but that they would find them either way. And Pan and Kirjava whisper an unneeded reminder to their humans: tell them stories.
And then a wisp of golden fire and Dust curls around a face in each world. Lyra sees her Death again, and they lead her as true as they did the first time. And Will meets his Death, and recognises them though its the first time they've met, but they lead him true, too.
And maybe Will and Lyra find each other in the land of the dead. I'm a romantic, and think even though they are so far apart and couldn't possibly know that the other was dying, they die in the same moment in their own worlds, whatever their lives have gone on to be. Because the universes kept them from being reunited in life, the least they could do is let them see each other again in death, and even with all the changes of their lives and the years they've lived, they know each other instantly. How could they not? And it's a feeling like finding something precious you have looked for every day of your life (because they have) and finally feeling the relief of finding it, and their ghosts are thin and cold and made of almost nothing. They should pass through each other, except they're made of the same kind of nothing. It doesn't feel like it did when they were in their bodies, but it's enough. Soon they'd be closer than they ever could be naturally in life. And they’re the closest they’ve been in so long. So for now, it's enough to hold each other, hand in thin, cold, ghostly hand.
They are at the jetty and the ferry man greets them, and at first he doesn't know them. He hasn't ferried anyone twice before, and he hasn't been hugged and greeted as an old friend, and Lyra wishes she could jokingly scold him for making her leave Pan last time but even now, decades later that wound is too fresh to come out as a joke, and she misses Pan even though she knows she'll be with him again soon, so she let's the chance for the joke go, and they talk to him the whole journey. They don't know if he's alive, or dead, or some other form that is just his, but he looks so genuinely cheery as they speak to him, in a way that his face looks unfamiliar with being, with so many years of his heavy duty weighing on him until now.
They tell him what happened last time they were here, of how they found their daemons like they said they would, and how the opening would let everyone he ferries back out into the world. He looks genuinely shocked at the news.
"Did no one tell you?" They ask.
"Who would tell me?" He replies.
So they tell him, that his job is not to escort people to a prison, but to deliver them back into the world to rejoin every living thing. That the people he ferries need only tell the harpies their stories: and stories, as long as they’re true, of what they saw in life, no matter how small or boring or painful, and to tell them the good news. And the weight lifted from him further, his back straightened and his face brightened, and as they stepped to the shore, he waved to them rather than regretfully returning to his collections as he had every other time, and they heard the echoes of him whispering the phrase they passed down the line last time they'd been there: "Tell them stories."
And no sooner has the sounds of the lap of his boat been eaten by the mist, but they are replaced by flutter of heavy wings.
Of Gracious Wings.
The voice that greeted them was familiar but different: still loud and bold, but it has lost its strained, cracked and painful sound. Her lips were pink instead of the red of caked, vomited blood, and her hair hung soft around her face. A diet of varied stories, even for just the years of Will and Lyra's life, exchanged for millennia of screeching cruelties in the ears of the dead, has clearly suited her, and the smell of putrefaction had faded entirely. She welcomed them, and other harpies gathered themselves around the little ghosts, as they had all been waiting to hear these tales most of all, and they will pass them on to the others, the ones that are away guiding the ghosts to their freedom, so that they can enjoy the tales too.
So Lyra and Will began at the beginning, though they knew that some of it had already been heard by their audience. They added to each other's stories, filling in details and perspectives. It wasn't a short story, and though they were eager to rejoin the world, they enjoyed the reminiscence of the triumphs, and even the pain of the losses and separations could not be skipped over, as they were all a part of their story and to avoid any part of it would be a disrespect to each other.
But then their story as each other know it finishes: their final clumsy kiss before closing the window between their worlds. Every word from then on is new, and they watch each others lips make the shapes of their tales, food for each other as much as for the harpies. The only shared touch point was every year, their shared moment of peace and closeness each Midsummer. They learned of each other's friends and families, loves and losses. Of Will's life with his mother and Mary, and Lyra's learning in St Sophia's and reconnecting with the alethiometer at long last. Of who they were leaving behind in their own worlds, who would mourn them, despite their promises that they were going to go on to be a part of in every world. And as they reached the end of their stories as they could be told; as they reach that very moment, sitting on the floor of the world of the dead, surrounded by harpies and holding each others hands, their words ran out as they just. Look at each other. And smile. Hand held in cold, thin, ghostly hand.
So they rose, and Gracious Wings escorted them personally to the window they had made so long ago now. They waited their turn, though the queue was constantly moving on eager ghostly feet, desperate to return to the world as were, to feel the sun’s rays on their face once more, before they become part of those rays.
They take a moment, hanging back as other ghosts pass through, to look back out across that other world’s horizon. With delight they find it’s changed for the better: the huge seed pod trees seem to be growing stronger and healthier, and though they only had a small view through the window, there are no signs of them dying off like they were before.
They whispered amongst themselves briefly about doing as Will’s father and Lee Scoresby and all those brave people that held their ghosts together to step out into the world to fight in Asriel’s last stand against Metatron. To hold their particles together long enough to return to the mulefa’s world, revisit the trees they knew, see that spot by the river where they held those little red fruits to each other’s lips.
“No,” says Will at length. “We’ve made Kirjava and Pan wait long enough. We’ve waited long enough, too.”
“Plus,” Lyra says, almost giddy, “Soon enough we’ll be part of that river and those berries and everything else too.”
So they step up to the edge of the window, and smell the air and feel the warmth of the sun with the last time on these faces.
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry –
I am not there. I did not die.
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whisperluck · 1 year
Since I love the Wublin island so much. I might as well talk about my headcannons about the Wublins. You can’t stop me! I will try to remember what I came up with the others from before. Something will change.
First thing first, for what I’ve known the Wublin’s aren’t related to each other. Regardless I see them as like a group of friends that are weirdos. As for ages, the oldest would the first five wublins, Wubbox and Monculus. With that out of the let’s begin!
Brump: (He/Him) The most easygoing guy around, you need a hype man to pump you up? Brump’s your guy! He maybe gross to others but he couldn’t careless, he like the way he is. Plus he is blind, there’s that.
Zynth: (Any pronouns) Doesn’t talk a lot, even when they do it’s inaudible. Zynth uses the most electric out of all the others. Like bright lights and will stare at it until it turns off. It’s tail is always on and makes a good nightlight.
Poewk: (They/Them) A total mystery, no one knows what’s really under that mask. Never speaks, just stares at you. Until they tap in morse code. Loves to knit anything, mostly blankets. Both Poewk and Whajje are the closest to Sceemu and help with communication for Sceemu. Loves DnD but none of the other Wublins know how it’s played. They found out that some members of faerie island are fans of DnD.
Thwok: (He/Him) Looks classic but really a huge dork like the rest of the Wublins. A huge fan of classical music and jazz. Takes good care of his fur which is silky smooth. Due to having a long tongue, he can not talk clear, the tongue stays out and doesn’t go back in. Still has taste.
Dwumrohl: (He/Him) Having many arms, means he can hide a ton of things, mostly snacks. Great at tell stories especially for those who can’t sleep. Loves telling joke and yes, every punch line is ended with a ‘Ba dum tss’.
Zuuker: (He/They) They breath by inhaling from their nose and exhales out of their hole. Don’t stand next to them, he gives off a lot of heat. Secretly an art critic, but he will not be nice and will hurt your feelings. Has really bad allergies and if they sneeze too much fire will come out of their hole.
Screemu: (They/Them) Due to being deaf , they are oblivious to everything. Communication is very hard for them. You can write to them or sign to them. Beware they scream talk sometimes. Have to have someone babysit them, it’s usually Whajje or Poewk. Screemu’s actions/ behavior is creepy to others. But really just goofy. Loves making sculptures with clay, twigs and ribbons. Screemu is also very sensitive and will cry.
Tympa: (He/They) Heavy Metal and Rock fan, like Brump a hype man. However doesn’t think twice, he’s a ride or died friend. Great at playing soccer and likes watching other sports. Due to banning they’re eardrums, they have a constant ringing in their ears. It doesn’t hurt or bother them, just hard of hearing.
Dermit: (He/Him) Shy at first, but when he warms up. He becomes a fun guy to hang out. He’s skin condition is unknown but it’s a fungus. Luckily it is not contagious. To keep him from itchy skin, he has to have a strict skin care routine. Which he hurts doing it because it take so long.
Gheegur: (He/Him) Shy and quiet guy. Soft spoken, hates conflict with his friends. Which rarely happens. Like Thwok he a big listener to jazz. A hopeless romantic along with Whajje, the two watch a lot of romance movies/shows and get too into it. Writes poems about romance and gets embarrassed about it.
Whajje: (She/Her, Trans) The mom of the group, a total sweetheart to everyone. Love to bake. She can only says ‘Whajje’ and everyone understands her. Whenever the T.V is down, she’s the one who has to take place it’s place. During the start of spring and fall, her feathers will shed. Which gets bad and doesn’t help with her self conscience.
Creepuscule: (She/Her) She a hot cheetos girl, will fight for you if someone upsets you. Great at doing makeup and nail art. While doing either, it’s the perfect time to spill the tea to her. Has no content of time and bad at planning things. Like Brump, she’s love the way she looks and makes you feel beautiful too.
Blipsqueak: (It/Its) The smartest of the group, however it can only say either ‘Eyes,Ears,Nose,Toes’ which makes them sound stupid. The lasers are scanners, like a laser pointer please do not look directly into it! It can in fact smell, hear and feel things which it’s feet.
Scargo: (He/Him) He’s autistic, due to this the other have to make sure he’s not overwhelmed. Love to fidget with toys like Rubiks cube but mostly just happy to tap he’s hands on something. If he does get overwhelmed he’ll just hide in his shell and scream.
Astropod: (He/Him) The chills and cool bro around. His back shifted different shades of purple don’t stare at it too long or you’ll get dizzy and pass out. If you were to lick him (why would you, gross) but if you do, you will go on a color trip. Just ask Thwok. He’s little hands do work, just with a little help.
Pixoloti: (He/Him trans) Has ADHD, is a huge nerd. Video games, Movies, Comic, Anime, you name it, he’s a fan. He gets big zoomies, like a cat at 4am. He’s hands and feet are switch, he walks on his hands and everything else like grabbing with his feet. He’s whiskers are use to smell things, they will wiggle around to smell.
Bona-Petite: Bona(pink he/him) Petite(blue she/her) Petite is a chaotic little gremlin. Bona just puts up with it and doesn’t bat an eye. The two can not be separated for long or else Bona will fall apart. Love spooky things and anything horror. Petite has a potty mouth and now has a swear jab. Which gets filled monthly.
Maulch: (He/Him) Looks mean and scary, but really a soft guy and smell like fresh mulch. Love to just stop and smell the flowers. He likes to eat his own berries and doesn’t mind the taste. A man of few words. Is Nearsighted and refuses to were glasses for his bad eyesight.
Fleechwurm: (She/They) If you thought Petite was bad. Well, Fleechwurm is worse. She acts nice and innocent, but will turn on strangers and steal they’re stuff. Like gum and candy. The other have to carry them around and they don’t weight no more then a couple of grapes. However, she is only close and will never turn on Scargo.
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railingsofsorrow · 1 year
𝙾𝙲𝚃. 6𝚝𝚑; 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖗 𝖗.
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summary: spencer's letter.
pairing: spencer reid x oc!iris valentia 
w.c: 694
warnings/content: a case is mentioned superficially; bird talk; bookworms geeking; fluff.
series masterlist
[letter 1] [letter 2] [letter 3] [letter 4] [letter 5] [letter 6] [letter 7] [letter 8] [letter 9]  
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October 6st.
Dear, Iris.
Please, call me Spencer.
You said you'd prefer that I drop the honorific, then I'd rather you do it as well. And you are not intruding in any way, if anything, I am, because I asked you to talk about yourself first. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable or pressured? I am sorry if I have.
I knew someone that really liked birds once, he knew every species at the tip of his tongue. I guess you two would've gotten along.
Did you know that the Garrulax courtoisi is an endangered species? It was rediscovered in 2000 at Wuyuan, China, but it remains rare till this day. It is really close to extinction, at least in the wild life.
That is a... good question. I would like to be an owl, mainly because of their binocular sight much like ours. It would be interesting, in my point of view. I had never thought about this before.
Are you curious about me? I don't believe I have much aspects about myself that you'd find interesting. I do relate to some things you said. I hate loud noises as well, but I guess, I hate crowded places more. These two pet peeves often overlap each other; in my line of work, I have to speak and face lots of people, which makes me anxious.
According to Dr. Jerry Bubrick, a senior psychologist at the Child Mind Institute Anxiety Disorder Center, when kids are excited they are similar to a dog wagging its tail, but they naturally get louder as the excitement kicks in. Also, children don't know how to modulate their volume, that means that even if they are yelling, they might not notice it, although the parent does. My godson does that a lot, so I know what you mean. When he gets too excited, he runs to whoever he's closest to and throws his arms around them. It's endearing.
Oh, yes. I am rather fond of literature. I think Murakami's writing is brilliant but I've only ever read Nowergian Wood, I'll make sure to read The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle next. My usual reading choice is horror, I'd say Edgar Allan Poe's poem “The Tell-Tale Heart” made me fall in love with literature. I've read it for the first time when I was ten years old, it was one of my mother's books that she'd keep really high on the shelf so I wouldn't read it. I stole it and read it anyway. (Technically I did not steal it, it was still in the house, I just left it in my room) I was captivated by Poe's gruesome details and the way he mixes emotions in the narrative. As for a novel, it would be The Romance of the Forest by Ann Radcliffe. She's also an amazing author from gothic literature. Have you ever heard of or read any of these two?
Oh, my day only starts after I've had my coffee as well! I can't function properly without it. I hate plain coffee, it has to have at least five spoons of sugar or I can't swallow — no offense to you, of course, but I don't think sweeteners ruin the taste, it makes it better.
Regarding the Nevada case, it was... eventful. I thought we wouldn't be able to reach a good solution in time but, we did. As good as one sees, at least. It was a hard case which did not bring back good memories. But I won't fill your busy hours with irrelevant venting. How is your week going? Are you still picking up extra shifts at work? I hope you don't forget to take care of yourself meanwhile.
Please don't.
Ps: I'm sure your hair looks beautiful even on “bad hair days” — I've learned this term recently through a friend, I hope I used it right.
Best regards,
Spencer R.
taglist: @lilyviolets
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Has Empress Sisi ever fallen in love or had a lover? Thanks.
Hi! Short answer, yes and no. Longer answer:
When Elisabeth was around fifteen (some months before her engagement), she wrote a series of love poems dedicated to someone named "Richard", who died shortly after. It's assumed this man was someone who worked at the Ducal household (because at that age Elisabeth couldn't have known anyone outside her family and their entourage), but no one has ever been able to identify him, nor she ever talked about him in her later life: her love poems are really the only material evidence left of this first teen crush. And while in her biographies it's always a given that this was her first love, I personally think (and this is just my opinion) there's a possibility that perhaps these poems... were just poems. Like Taylor Swift writing love songs at fifteen when she had never dated anyone before. Whatever the case, these pieces must have been important for Elisabeth, since she kept them her whole life, and passed them over to her descendants.
She seems to have been in love with Franz Josef when they got engaged even if his position stressed her, as the very quoted "I love him so much, if only he were not the Emperor" shows (a quote that comes from Archduchess Sophie btw), and after they got married she wanted to spend as much time with him as possible and was in distress when she wasn't able to. They grew distant with time as Elisabeth found life at court more and more unbearable and started traveling abroad. Countess Mária Festetics, one of the empress' closest ladies-in-waiting, later said that "The Empress valued her husband and was deeply devoted to him. No... he did not bore her, that is not the right word. But she felt it to be natural that he took no part in her spiritual life and was unable to follow her flight to higher things (...) she respected him and liked him, but I doubt that she loved him". This is just her personal opinion and I don't think it should be taken as a fact, but it does show that in the later years of their marriage she didn't strike the people close to her as a particularly loving wife.
And lastly no, she didn't have any lover. We have no evidence of her ever having an affair other than unreliable gossip. For example, there were rumors about her friend Count Gyula Andrássy being her secret lover (and fiction writers love to depict him as such) but the truth is that they could've never had an affair because they were alone literally only once in the more than twenty years they knew each other. In a carriage ride. That lasted like fifteen minutes. Every other time they saw each other, they were accompanied by someone. Portraying them as lovers is a disservice to both of them (because how could possibly a man and a woman become friends for sharing the same political ideas, they must have been sleeping together!), and also just so boring.
Thank you for your question!
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gyaru-wish · 1 year
Other students that The Occult club, The bullies and The Delinquents would date
Before starting, I'd like to say that in my AU the ships are:
Shin/Umeji, Supana/Gita, Juku likes Kokuma but she is oblivious, Daku likes Tokuko but she is oblivious, Chojo/Borupen, Kashiko/Hana (crushes, not couple), Hokuto/Hayanari
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Oka: Taro / Taeko Yamada
It is not necessary for me to explain this. This is the canon.
Shin: Budo Masuta
This ship was very popular in its time and that makes me happy.
I think I've said it before here on my blog, Umeji and Budo are "rivals" who fight over him. Shin's favorite is Umeji but if he wasn't available for x reasons, he'd date Budo because he's nice to him and has a nice body.
Supana: Hoshiko Mizudori
They are just so mean that they think it's romantic. If Gita wasn't with her, she would be a simp for Hoshiko.
Kokuma: Maka Tansei
She thinks it's very interesting. Maka really is weird but Kokuma would find it cute. Understanding the complexity of Maka is a challenge for Kokuma, and that would be a good dynamic I think.
Daku: Kokona Haruka
He likes people who know how to appreciate the efforts of others and literature, somehow. Kokona would appreciate his works such as poems, scripts, stories... And she would show them to all their friends and classmates. That would make Daku so happy.
Chojo: Daku Atsu / Kaga Kusha
It's hard to find someone he can stand. And it's hard to find someone who can stand him.
Almost everyone drives him crazy with rage and makes him desperate for his lack of patience. But Daku is like a Chihuahua to him. Shaky and small (Although Chojo is shorter than him) and after, like, three years of standing him, he'd give him some attention.
What happens if you put two crazy people together?... Chaos, destruction, world domination... Kaga is unknowingly seducing Chojo(?
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Musume: Umeji Kizuguchi / Megami Saikou
She bullied him? Yes.
Does she care? No.
Basically Musume would date him just because he's a badass now. And she'd say things like "The bullying did help" and whatever because according to her, it's funny. Anyway, she knows that Umeji would have to be crazy three times to date her.
Musume doesn't like girls but money is the priority. We love you Megami.
Kokoro: ...Literally anyone who treats her nice.
She tends to "fall in love" fast. She doesn't really think things through, she just likes they because they gave her an ounce of attention, but then someone else shows up and she forgets about those "feelings". She is so silly.
Hana: Miyuji Shan
Hana loves her style. Plus she's a closet fan of the Strawberry Thieves. So if she had the chance to date Miyuji, even for a short time, she would take it.
Kashiko: Nobody
literally no one. There is no one she can be as honest with as she is with Hana. Hana is special and she couldn't be replace her with anyone.
Hoshiko: Info-chan
She won't even pay attention to her. She won't even turn to look at her. But that's what Hoshiko is drawn to, all the mystery around her. Although if for some reason (which would never happen) Info-chan gave Hoshiko attention, she would lose interest.
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Umeji: Osoro Shidesu
Actually, the situation of these two is more platonic. Literally, paraphrasing the counselor, UMEJI LOOKED LIKE A DUCKLING FOLLOWING ITS MOMMY. But still, I don't know, everyone thinks that Umeji will be Osoro's suitor... So meh.
Gaku: Kokoro Momoiro
He knows that she is not in that combo because she wants to. She does it for convenience. Although that doesn't mean he forgives her for what she did to him, he would give her the chance...
Hokuto: His car
Hayanari: Rojasu Norubiru
It wouldn't be possible, but for him it's the closest thing to Hokuto.
Dairoku: Dafuni Bureiku
She is a popular girl with money. And that's it. There's no more.
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lookedlikethebins · 11 months
Could you tell us about all the wips you have planned cus I can't keep track anymore 👀
omg i'm so so sorry i really do talk about a bunch don't i? i've always got a bunch of fics going at once so no matter what i feel like writing i have something i can jump into... which must make keeping track a nightmare. so yes! let me recap for you:
in no particular order we have:
shirt-sharing fic: this one keeps changing (and taking longer to write than i wanted lol) but essentially the bare bones idea is matty borrows a shirt from george before a interview with the whole band and it Doesn't Go Unnoticed.
new parents fic: a brief glimpse/collection of glimpses into the life & times of new parents george and matty!
the "if i believe you" fic: based on a line in a poem: "God did a very good job with you." it's in the country recording studio/abiior-era and matty just has a lot of thoughts about how God makes good things-- of course He does-- but he, himself, is not one of those things. but george is. george is divine, matty just is. (very prose/internal monologue heavy and i'm loving writing it tbh.)
non-famous!matty fic: george, ross, and adam are still (a version of) the 1975. waughy has this really nice officemate at the uni he's teaching at that's a TA/PhD candidate for the lit dept. george has to pick waughy up for rehearsal one day and the rest is history... we just get to see matty being The Biggest Fan of the 1975 and also, entirely by coincidence, being bespectacled and having hot takes on books (that i'm reading...)
the gatty ft. raughy fic: matty is apparently the last person to know that two of his closest friends/bandmates are dating and he's confused that 1. he missed it completely 2. everyone else (including his own husband) seemed to know but him and 3. they let him just Be That Oblivious for years. he starts paying closer attention and enjoys seeing his friends happy (with the correct context now)
camera roll collection: basically i found a bunch of candids (taken by the band/jordan) of matty and/or george and said, context be damned, i'm using this as a photo prompt like i'm in middle school and this is a timed essay. first picture is this 2019 pic of matty at the airport.
the hours of the left behind part ii: this fic was originally intended to be a standalone of the hours right after george drops matty off to fly to barbados. but now part ii is when george picks him up and tries to help matty readjust to being home. but also matty begins to sees how george was while he was away (having put on a brave smile every time matty called).
(be my) god and country ch 3/epilogue: not sure how i want to expand this universe bc i really love the foundations that fic has for timelines/ideas on certain aspects of their relationship that i want to keep returning to and building on (and not rewriting again and again lol) BUT i have ideas for a honeymoon maybe, a wintering-type fic where they go home for christmas, they talk about having kids... it's a whole world of possibilities!! open to suggestions...
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malachitegrey · 3 months
tagged by @hakunahistata, thank you my friend!
How many works do you have on ao3?
20, but seven of those were written by @voluptatiscausa
What's your total ao3 word count?
125,289, which again counts the stuff vol wrote.
What fandoms do you write for?
Good Omens, and also technically Kushiel's Legacy, although I'm mostly just making stuff up in that one now. My AO3 also has one or two X-Files and Sherlock fics.
Top five fics by kudos:
once again, skipping over the ones written by vol...
float around your tongue
A le Tue Creature Dài Sustentamento
On-the-Job Conflict Resolution Starts With YOU!
Serpent's Eye
Be My Trellis
Do you respond to comments?
yes! this is not a heavy workload!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
you know, for all the angst i do write, most of my stuff actually does have a soft resolution at the end. the angstiest is probably electricity and starlight and even that is kind of a resolution? if you consider "kill your illusions" a resolution!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
possibly We Yield Old Woe, which was designed to have a satisfying ending, or maybe Be My Trellis?
Do you get hate on fics?
not directly!
Do you write smut?
sometimes! i'm still learning.
Craziest crossover:
my only crossover is Serpent's Eye but as far as i know it is the only crossover between these fandoms so i guess that's crazy?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i know of!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have not! vol's Fridge Poem Ficlets include poems by me but that's the closest.
All time favorite ship?
obviously going very hard for aziraphale/crowley right now and MSR will always have a place in my heart.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i'm not jinxing anything but there are a few things in my WIP folder that are extremely short and I can't remember what I was doing with them.
What are your writing strengths?
um. vibes? emotional gut punches?
What are your writing weaknesses?
p l o t
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i have written some! in What Can Be Trapped Under Glass.
First fandom you wrote in?
terrible X-Files fic i submitted for a contest when i was about 15
Favorite fic you've written?
A le Tue Creature Dài Sustentamento
everyone i know has been tagged already so if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged!
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space-blue · 5 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Hey, hi anon!! Thanks a lot for this, I enjoy gushing as much as any fic writer :3
#1 and closests to my heart, is Fathers and Daughters
You can tell I was mentally ill about it, because I'm forever struggling to finish WIPs, the ADHD constantly going "Oooh shiny new idea? Just take a break, this will be a one shot" only to lie to me, or do it X times in a row. But not with F&D. I stayed glued on to that one.
Yeah I had a couple long hiatus, but I'm finally working on the last chapter and I can tell you I'm going to be taking myself out to dinner to congratulate lol
I passed 100k words!!! I never thought I'd manage. I don't think I'll ever manage again!
#2 Then the dreadful night shall break
A Dark!Obi-Wan fic. I had for a long time this back and forth with a friend, where we kept gifting each other more and more tortured Star Wars fics. So I originally made this a one shot focusing on the horrors of sleep deprivation (from first hand experience…) and how it might break even the kindest of Jedi.
Things snowballed and got out of hand, and it turned into what I think is my best Star Wars story. It's also titled after a line in Cradle Song by William Blake. I am weirdly obsessed with naming fics from his poems. Only him. IDK why.
#3 Never Too Late
Another SW story but on the other end of the spectrum, focusing on H/C. Set right after Episode 1, with Obi-Wan reaching out to Dooku, who hasn't turned to the dark yet. It's my second most kudoed fic ever after the 100k words one, so you know I was cooking and people liked the taste of it.
In general I love writing reluctant father figures, and Dooku - Obi - Anakin, at that time and place, are like the holy trifecta of reluctant daddies lol
#4 For Always
My Elden Ring masterpiece and foray into Monsterfucking. I was very sauced for "pubber" Maliketh the Black Blade, even before I played the game. I owe a lot to my friend Spiced for this one--without them there wouldn't be much fucking in this fic! I just like tragic hee-heem-whimper men and Maliketh is that but also with a broken mind, rags, a raspy voice, and paws large enough to make a doll out of us sooooooooooo…..
The irony is that this story has some of my most purple and stuffy prose, despite how horny I make it out to be. I really enjoyed this writing style.
Would you stay with him, henceforth? Would you cast away your humanity, sacrifice your mortality to give him companionship? Would you twine your fate to his? How you'd laughed, naive little thing, telling him that it was no sacrifice. You hadn't known better then, and he, a god, knew even less. He kissed you and licked at your throat. He felt you shiver and asked once more if you truly wanted this. You wanted him and immortality at his side seemed close enough. So you said yes, and he clamped his jaws down on your throat and killed you—one last time.
The sauce stings my eyes to this day. This is the good shit. I wish I could brainrot on characters like this at will.
This one is impossible to pin down. I have stories where I'm really proud of the writing. Stories where, like the one above, I still really taste the sauce, and the dynamic really appeals to me. Got plenty like that which would easily fit in 5th place. I could also mention the ones I still have very much on the fire, simmering even if they haven't updated in a while.
Fuck it. I'll go for Chosen.
A one shot I wrote while in Florence, often sitting out on a little balcony… It was such a nice place and such a sweet time… And I packed the story with these (bitter) sweet feelings and tried to explore what would happen with Anakin died killing Grievous, leaving Obi-Wan lost, and Ahsoka fearing nobody will chose to take her on again.
It also has some of my favourite prose ever, in the way I wrote (for the second and better time) the backstory of major blorbo Taron Malicos. Nobody ever cares about this bit but I think it's the best part of the fic LOL
Thanks again anon! I'm spreading the love now in my mooties' ask box.
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