#ispini’s up!!
autumnpleaves · 4 years
Funniest thing to happen in/while playing among us?
I think you know which one ispini-
Its the one where I K I L L E D you like twice as imposter XDDDD
Funniest thing ever, and well I guess nothing funny really happens really, but there are so many funny stories from me w a t c h i n g other people play among us XDD
Wilbur Soot is my spirit animal when it comes to this game XD
One really funny one is me catching PINK vent in the navigation hallway (yes I remember this because this was my very first victory) and I just ran like heck to the button just ~skedaddled~ through the map and first time I called the meeting and first time I did g o o d
And THIS GUY PINK was meant to be like a really good imposter player and I thought so to, until I saw him vent from the corner of my screen and it was hilarious XDDD
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yawniguess · 4 years
55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 (nice-)
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55- uhh I just woke up so I guess nothing so far
57- probably school work-
59- I wouldn't really consider anything a phobia, more like a small-medium fear, but uhh no I don't think so
61- hmmm dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
63- I think there's a possibility that both of them exist, but I don't really fully believe-believe, you know?
65- meh, I don't really have an opinion ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
67- uhhhh one of my school books about plant cells
69- I do! Pollux, supernova, ispini, shakespeare/william, probably more-
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
W a i T- p f i r s i c h e! You know z o i n k y? :00
Z oi n k y ????
Are you talking about Stoicky????
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
Green and b l u e for the ask game
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Green and blue
*silent wheezing*
I'm sorry, I just can't imagine you do the mwah mwah thing XDDDD
We marry on Dec 25 uwu
Or was it Dec 24....
Ch r i s t m a s
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
F a v o r i t e game!
This is hard...
Favorite game is Cookie Diary
Second favorite is Solitaire
Favorite multi-player game: Among Us
(Or minecraft if I ever figure out how to make that work)
Favorite game to watch others play: Minecraft....?
Favorite game to relax to: Sims 4
What's yours??
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
:00000 tis super duper pfirsichkuchen answering time!! :00 anyways once you have the time to get to it- questions from the most recent ask game except I just copied random questions so I don't know the numbers of them-
Notebooks or journals? Why?
Favorite obscure tumblr humor/joke/meme?
Favorite thing you learned about in science class?
If you were a vegetable which would you be?
What do you find "cute" that others do not?
Which fantasy race do you wish you were the most?
Top 3 favorite colors and bottom 5 most hated ones
IT IS le time for me to ~answer~ and ~cleanse~ the inbox and drafts from 2020 XD 
There are sooo many things I’ve been tagged in and I have yet to make a dent in the number of drafts XD 
1. Notebooks or Journals? 
Notebooks. Not a big fan of journals?  I’d rather do like journalling on my notes app on my phone XD 
I’m a sucker for notebooks though. I would love an endless supply where the paper is just nice and smooth to write on and the pencil and pens don’t stain on it, and highlighters don’t ruin the paper, it’s just a dream that will never be fulfilled :’) 
2. Favorite obscure tumblr humor/joke/meme? 
Uhh... I got loads, honestly... the very prominent one is the, do you love the color of the sky? and just random like tidbits around the dash where funny things happen, stick bug, the rick rolls, and just funny stuff XD 
Funny animal pictures is great as well 
The random puns? 
3. Favorite thing you learned about in science class? 
CURRENTLY, as of yesterday, I learnt about the s, p, d orbitals in the subquantum thingy thingy... Idk. It’s just... crazy how only Chromium and Copper are the exceptions to the s,p,d rule, and it’s messing with my brain. 
The bus analogy? For filling the quantum shells and orbitals is my favorite as of right now. 
4. If you were a vegetable which would you be? 
I wanted to say carrot... hmmm... 
Potato, as much as it make sense is kinda overused? 
Carrot because ironically my eyesight is really bad. Also I like to eat baby carrots :D So maybe that? 
Also carrots are kinda long/tall, so I like it (coz I like to feel tall?) 
5. What do you find "cute" that others do not?
That’s a hard one... 
I don’t know honestly... 
Oh intelligence? 
I mean other people might not find it cute, but I personally find being smart, really cute. Like afjakdlfadf cute. 
6. Which fantasy race do you wish you were the most?
Definitely a mermaid :) 
I like the idea of just not having to be tired for gasping for air underwater and Idk, it just seems fun 
Would I have noses? Maybe. What’s the point though? I have gills! :D 
7. Top 3 favorite colors and bottom 5 most hated ones
This is hard. 
Top 3: 
- Orange 
- Yellow 
- Dark Green 
Top 5: 
- Neon Pink 
- Neon Purple 
- Neon ORANGE 
- Magenta? (It’s not a real color. I refuse to like it) 
- Neon Blue
Yes they are all neon. I do not care if those aren’t actual colors? They hurt my eyes. The only neon I can tolerate is neon red XD 
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
I just chose randomly so skip any that make you uncomfy-
green: do you have a favourite flower?
purple: a poem you think describes your closest friend
orange: if you could, would you change your eye color? why? to what color, if so?
amber: what's saved as your phone's lockscreen?
charcoal: have you ever been camping?
emerald: if you had the option, would you choose to move and live in another country? which one?
erin: what was/is your best school subject?
honey: your thoughts on magic- does it exist?
gold: do you wear your socks mismatched?
mulberry: earbuds or headphones?
mint: favourite flavour of gum?
pecan: shuffle your playlist, what's the first song that comes up?
prussian blue: what's your first choice at the vending machine
Green: do you have any favorite flower?
Yes! Sunflowersssss and uh... dandelion? Catsear as well! :)
Lavenders and Daisies are also my favorite :)
Beautiful Classics
Purple: a poem you think describes your closest friend
Uh. Okay lemme look up a poem quickly
To All My Friends by May Yang :)
I mean I know it says closest friend, but everyone is my friend so-
Also maybe I should write one coz I can't find any that fits my closest friend
Flickering meadows
Glowing hollows
I dreamt a dream and I wish you were here
I close my eyes and the world disappears
You're here with me, and you're finally in my reach
I think whenever we talk, 'You're such a peach'
Late night and early morning talks
Nothing would beat this virtual daily walks
Through the meadows and through the woods
Staying at home and snacking on baked goods
Eggs and Butter, Sugar and Flour
You are my favorite flower
So thank you, for everything
When you're not here, the world no longer sing
Eyyy there we go! :]
Orange: if you could would you change your eye color? Why? To what color, if so?
Hmmm no!
I don't wanna change my eye color because in my eyes I'm physically perfect the way I am
I don't wanna change anything about myself, because not only will I definitely choose a really ridiculous color that will not match my entire appearance but because I most definitely would choose Flaming Fiery Orange or Darker Hazultnut Brown or Pink (I'm curious) or Silver/Gray/White /hj /lh
No but really my hair color would most definitely have to match with it and it should fit my entire vibe so I genuinely have no idea if any of that is a good idea XD
Amber: what's saved as your phone's lockscreen
Okay. I didn't think this was a question I would dread answering /j
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Those are sadly not my cats. And the moment I realized you could add videos as your lockscreen, well-
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Also that last picture is also my chat background :)
Charcoal: have you ever been camping?
Mmmm.... honestly I forgot. I think I have?
My aunt sells so many camping stuff and most of em ends up at my house at one point so I think I might have? I don't remember sleeping in a tent. So probably not.
I've imagined camping so many times it might as well have been reality at this point.
Camping but never overnight is the right way to put it XD
Emerald: if you had the option, would you choose to move, and live in another country? Which one?
Hmmm maybe Australia or New Zealand honestly.
Australia coz koalas and almond milk, Adelaide specifically for that rural area vibes and the uni
Melbourne for the city vibes and the theater :)
New Zealand... because it seems nice XD
Erin: what was/is your best school subject
Hmmm.... it used to be....
Let's see.
Elementary/Primary: Math, Science and Music
Junior High/Secondary: Math, Science, English, Music
High School/Uh.. Higher Secondary: Pure Maths, Chemistry, English
So yeah I definitely... did better in some of them XD
Honey (download honey now to get insane promos on yo-): your thoughts on magic- does it exist?
Yes. Definitely.
Wait actually-
I genuinely don't believe in magic. Like its not gonna happen. But I want to believe in them, so I give myself the benefit of doubt, and just like yeah it happens if it happens! I believe in miracles, not magic tho. It could exist but as of right now, mayhaps! Perhaps not! Who knows~
Gold: do you wear your socks mismatched?
I try not to XD
When my socks are mismatched either the length is different or its just not nice looking so XD
I try not to also because whenever I am aware or like purposefully do it, my skin just crawls and begs me to take it off coz its all wrong and the pair is RIGHT THERE or if it isn't THEN TAKE ANOTHER ONE! NO. MISMATCHED. SOCKS. Unless when you bought it, it is meant to be mismatched then cool. BUT OTHERWISE TAKE IT OFF ITS THE WRONG TEXTURE, SOCKS ARENT ME-
Yeah. Give it up for my brain everyone 👏
Mulberry: earbuds or headphones
Long periods of time? Headphones
Short periods of time? Earbuds
Headphones have to be over the ear though
Earbuds should be able to sit snugly in my ear, but it should also be used when I'm not going to be laughing or smiling a lot because it h u r t s.
Like my muscles just push on my ear and it PUSHES THE EARBUD AND IT KEEPS FALLING OUT and when it pushes it, it just H U R T S so no thank you.
Headphones also when I don't necessarily need my glasses to see coz the glasses hook on my ear + the headphones just h u r t as well.
Gosh so many rules
Mint: favorite flavor of gum?
Hhhh, bubblegum. Wait... wait no-
Tutti Frutti or... strawberry cream? If I could prefer it I'd rather not have strawberry cream but tutti frutti is nice
No actual fruit flavors like apple, I imagine that would taste horrible
Pecan: shuffle your playlist, what's the first song that comes up?
Sure after this song ends! :)
Adore You - Harry Styles
I shuffled it twice by accident but the one before that was Bang! - AJR
Prussian Blue: what's your first choice at the vending machine
If there is Drinks?
Drinks - Tea. The umm... Honey Tea? Or Milk Tea depends if it has it or not, otherwise cranberry juice.
Snacks - Chips (potato chips) or Gummy Bears or Chocolate it there is any... OH AND UH SALTED PEANUTS I love those uwu
Thanks for the ask ISPINI!!!
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
Hmmmm favorite pair of socks? On that topic, favorite kind of snake?
Oooh! This is easy!
Its a ankle length gray socks with UNICORNS on it and its like my favorite socks ever but I L O S T it and I am like so s a d...
Its from H&M and was like the first article of clothing I've ever bought in H&M because that store is hella overpriced dude
So yeeee
I miss that socks... b u t!
I have the pink version. Not my favorite color but its unicorns so I let it slide :))
And favorite kinda of snake??
I like noodle snakes... (I actually have no idea what kind of snake are there)
I don't like the venomous ones or the rattlesnake
I like the medium sized ones but not very big ones
I love tiny ones but I wouldn't want them as a pet
I've searched it up and while the name is a little scary and concerning I think python is really cool? Like the yellow ones.... oh wait is that boa? Then... probably that one XDD
I like blepy snakes
Okah maybe I like snakes, but I wouldn't wanna keep it as a pet ya know?
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
Okay okay, I know I’m amazing, but let’s talk about this wonderful creature being here!
Handsome, Smart, Amazing, Talented, Skilled, C a t, I run you so much
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
What do you think dog food tastes like? Cause I know cat food probably tastes similar to baby food but what about dog food?
Hmmm probably like really really not tasty biscuit snacks...
Cat food... honestly? Not the biscuit ones remind me of like tuna and salmon mashed together and soaked in soup in a can
Not a pleasant thought
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
Pfirsiche! I hope your day is good and that you get to do and have stuff you like!
Taking a break from taking a break because wow people still send asks even while I’m on break-
And Ispini I hope you have an amazing day so far and that you sleep nicely later tonight!!
Love you!
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
a A a I'm sorry I'm sending in asks when you're cleaning yours out but- for the color thing
Mauve: they're just. friend shaped
Electric Blue: let's be gay and do crimes together
Tangerine: artistic mutual, very talented
Maroon: would marry them if they're up for it
Acid Green: mutual that likes so many interesting/unique things. keep talking pls
Lemon: so cool, they are almost intimidating
Baby Blue: so sweet, so caring
And also 👏?
afhakjdlfadhf YOu better BE SoRRy- /j 
Color thinggg! :D 
YAY! OKay- 
Friend shaped? 
it’s okay, you can admit how fluffy I am XD 
What’s a friend looking shape tho? 
Electric Blue: 
YES! Let’s start by committing arson! >:D 
Ispini, I know I drew a fox for you, but I legit cannot draw anything else, that was literally copied from the internet, I am not artistic mate XDD 
Hell yeah, I’m up for it >:) 
Monster truck here we gooo XD 
Acid Green: 
I W I  L L - 
I will get around to watching... that... anime... you were... saying... 
Still need to get into it >:T 
Silly brain for making me forget. 
I better hope I’m not *that* intimidating, I can assure you, I ain’t that cool... yet ;) 
I will be cooler once I figure out how to *be* cool 
Part of being cool is not knowing how to be cool, so I’m like a few steps there :D 
Baby blue: 
Noooooo, you’re the sweetest, caringest, softest, one in this relationship (? frienship? shipship) 
But thank youuuuu
I know what you’re here for *stares into your soul* 
Okie, so, you’re like a good mixture of like orange and green. 
Sometimes, I get purple and red vibes from you. (Could be your tumblr theme. It could be it.) 
Hex codes: 
#DBA520 - Goldenrod 
#C49102 - Dijon 
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#60100B - Jam 
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
O! Do you have any ocs? If so, I'm giving you infinity tickets to talk about them! M a g i c! Use em whenever!
*vibes in technically all my OCs are like my a l t e r s-*
My brain weird don't judge XD
Uhhh okay let's make an OC on the spot then!
Name: Marshall
Nickname: Marsh
Age: 16 (going on 17)
Gender: Juparian Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Romantic Orientation: Aroflux
Sexuality: Bisexual Aceflux
Status: Single
Siblings: A little sister and a cousin that is almost like a sibling
Hair color: Dark brown with a few blonde highlights
Eye color: Chestnut Brown
Height: 176 cm
Clothes: (I imagine him to be like a tik tok star with that hair that parts in the middle so-)
Species: Human
Tattoos: A feather on the side of his pointer finger
Piercings: None
Scars: On the knee because of a failed skateboarding experience
Personality: Quiet-Loud, like screaming in lowercase, thats him. Really caring and protective towards his lil sis
Likes: Chicken nuggets, Pepsi, Chocolate Strawberries, Good People and a really good dog
Dislikes: Bananas and Giraffes
Trusting: Yes
Trustable: No, he cannot keep a secret to save his life.
Favorite band: AJR and MCR
Favorite singer: Mxmtoon
Favorite color: White
Favorite Animal: Dog
Favorite Food: Spaghetti
Fun fact: He's claustrophobic and the reason he dislikes giraffes is because of a freak accident when he was a child that the giraffe leaned down and licked him and he was scarred from that day on XD
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
Pfirsichkuchen! What's your favorite time of day?
New more longer words that I can't spell XDD
Pfirsichkuchen... pfir- sich- kuchen-
Okay so... its pfir and it sounds like fish? But its not fish. It's "such" but spelled wrongly.
And kuchen is kitchen but spelled wrongly and kuchen reminds me of cooties because of the "oo" sound so-
Pfirsichkuchen and I C A N spell it!!!
My favorite time of day is either like at night, or like 3 or 4 PM in the afternoon coz like thats when I finish school and I don't have tuition or anything during that time so its a time for me to vibe and like take a nap or smth uwu
What about you??
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
*falls from the ceiling fan* iiiii am spamming you with asks until tumblr stops me- anyways how are youuuu o greatest pfirsiche pie? O I should translate pie to german hold on-
*catches you so you don't bonk your head*
*looks down at you and smiles* Hi-
YAYYY! More spam to never answer until I get spammed again-
Just kidding. I'm clearing out my inbox b e c a u s e you spammed so :)))
I'm doing great o' h a n d s o m e william! I run you to the highest mountains and to the deepest seas uwu
Peach pie-
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