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Kendrick Bangs Kellogg (1934 – February 16, 2024)
Kendrick Bangs Kellogg was the pioneer of organic architecture. In the past decades, Kellogg completed over a dozen striking structures (residential and public), each marked with his distinctly curved, irregular, and expressive style. Influenced by his family’s ties to Frederick Law Olmsted, the ‘Father of Landscape Architecture’, Kellogg’s independent architectural journey began after a brief meeting with Frank Lloyd Wright in 1955.
However, unlike Wright and organic architect Bruce Goff, his style explicitly defies categorization, often alluding to a mix of the Sydney Opera House and Stonehenge.
In fact, Kellogg prioritized durability, solidity, and intricacy, a vision reinforced by his collaboration with visionary clients, using high-quality materials like copper and concrete.
Sculpted over 30 years, the Kellogg Doolittle estate in Joshua Tree California is probably the greatest example of organic architecture signed by Kellogg.
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nativeindianorganics · 2 years ago
Looking for the best place to buy organic seeds online in India? Look no further! Native Indian Organics offers a wide selection of high-quality seeds for all your gardening needs. From vegetable seeds to herb seeds, flower Seeds, to fruit seeds, we've got you covered. Our seeds are carefully selected from the best growers and are sure to yield healthy, vibrant plants. Shop with us today and start growing your dream garden!
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satocam · 2 years ago
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今朝パン🍞オーガニックのイチジクジャムとオーガニックのパン🤗健康配慮😊 #oganic #costco #oganicbread #有機jas #イチジク #無花果 #イチジクジャム #朝パン #今朝パン #おうちパン #breadstagram #breadlover #homemade #homecooking #breakfast https://www.instagram.com/p/CqK8M1qyxA6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wickedsniffles · 1 month ago
another night that i can't sleep
Summary: L/ogan is driving W/ade insane with his allergies, and being a bit of a stubborn brat about it. W/ade decides to fess up.
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: L/ogan Howlett aka W/olverine x W/ade Wilson aka D/eadpool
Tags: snz of course, kink!Wade, kink confession, smut, L/ogan being a grouchy brat, holdbacks/stuck sneezes, anal sex, top Wade/bottom Logan, fluff, spray
Word Count: 3.8k
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There are fewer things more elusive than a Wolverine who doesn’t want to be disturbed. 
A lesson Wade’s learned many times as they’ve cohabitated, and come to respect as they’ve become partners. Logan just needs his space sometimes. He’s not asking for it to try and get away from Wade specifically – okay, maybe he is sometimes, but everyone needs a break from one another now and then. It’s more like he just wants to be alone to think. Be somewhere quiet. 
Wade’s fine with that. They both need time to chill out as individuals, a couple hours or a whole day. Logan does his drive-out-to-the-woods thing and Wade keeps himself busy with something sensory seeking that would normally drive Logan up the fucking wall. 
And they get by with this little routine, this mutual understanding. When they’re together again, it pops any balloon of tension that might have formed. Logan’s always happy to see him, and Wade’s clingy enough that he’s going to melt for affection as soon as he gets it. He’d say this happens about once a month since they started living together, since that boundary was first set. 
Like he said, fine by him. But the past few days haven’t fallen into the rhythm of that agreement. 
Logan’s been in a less-than-cheerful mood, and Wade can guess why. Spring is staking its claim on the city, and though they’re both glad for that first warm breeze after the grasp of winter, Logan’s struggling hard. Or his nose is, anyway. Having super senses isn’t all fun and games, as Wade’s been discovering. As much as Logan might try to hide it, almost everything seems to affect his sensitive nose. 
Before the pollenpocalypse hit, the main thing Wade noticed that set him off was dust. He’s guilty of putting dusting off for ages, because fuck is it tedious. But Wade definitely makes more of an effort to keep things dusted after seeing how itchy it gets Logan, trying to stifle irritated fits of sneezes whenever any amount of it gets stirred up. 
Does that go directly against how fucking hot Wade finds the whole thing? Well, yes. But if he can do something to make things a little easier on Logan, he’s willing to try it. He’s not a sadist. (At least not all the time.) 
Wade hasn’t exactly let Logan in on this kink just yet. Why not? Well. How would you feel if you told the hottest man you’d ever seen that you were into something kinda bizarre and he said “wow, Wade, what the fuck?” and hit the road right then and there? He’s waiting until he’s a hundred percent certain that Logan won’t laugh him out of his own apartment before spilling that kind of tea. 
It doesn’t help that Logan’s been outright torturing him this early spring. First of all, he almost always acts like he’s not affected by it. Nothing gets to the Wolverine, right? Instead, he just goes about his day, sniffling and blinking back allergic tears. Temper shortened by about half. Pausing throughout the day to squint and gasp before muffling sneezes into his shirtsleeve or handkerchief or tissue. 
Stupid 19th century etiquette. How dare he be so fucking polite. 
If Wade pauses to bless him, or suggest that he maybe take a nap or drink some tea or something, he just gets growled at. Because Logan’s fine and it’s just the weather changing and I don’t need you to fuss over me, Wade. Leave me alone. 
Fine, whatever. If this is what he needs to keep his ego intact, Wade’ll do his best to pretend he’s not jerking it in the shower every other day. 
But he only lasts half a week before he wakes up in the middle of the night to an empty bed. Now that’s a red alarm; as grouchy as he might have been recently, Logan’s soft in that he loves physical touch. Hold his hand, be his big spoon, pet his hair. Whenever they’re apart, he confesses that it’s hard for him to fall asleep without Wade holding him. He’s never seen Logan actively try to avoid it. 
Wade walks out to the living room to find the lamp on, creating a dim circle of light around his missing partner. His partner who is curled up loosely on the couch, looking miserable. Dark circles under his eyes and his nose scrubbed red. There’s no way to know how long he’s been out here, but something tells Wade that his allergies have kept him up for quite a while. 
“Hey,” Wade says, moving to sit down beside him. 
He bumps his shoulder against Logan’s gently. 
“Why you sittin’ out here?” 
“Well, I –” Logan looks down. Frowns at the floor. “I didn't wanna bother you. I guess. Thought I might keep you up.” 
Wade melts. Why didn’t he just say that? Not like he’s been dying to take care of him or anything, stubborn ass. Not like being with him is a gift and a treasure. 
“Aw, baby, c’mere,” he says softly, reaching out. “You're not bothering me. You don't ever bother me.” 
Hesitating only for a moment, Logan sighs and leans forward into his arms. He knows he's been a bit distant, acted annoyed and snapped when it wasn’t even Wade’s fault. He’s been stupid. It's nice to just curl up into Wade and not have to put unnecessary space between them. Nestling his face into the soft material of Wade's shirt, he lets himself relax. 
“That's better.” 
He kisses the top of Logan's head, shifting further into the couch so that Logan can cuddle in closer under his arm. Logan doesn't say these kinds of things out loud, but he loves being held. He makes a small, contented sound when Wade starts carding a hand through his hair. 
It feels so good to just lie there together like that for a while. Logan's thumb runs comforting little circles on Wade's arm for a few minutes, then drops to the side. Wade would almost think he'd fallen asleep, if not for the continued sniffling and occasional restless shifting to scrub at his face. 
“Still getting to you, huh?” Wade's voice is full of sympathy, and despite the reaction that this gets out of him, he means it. 
“Not a big deal,” Logan says. “Just a pain in the ass.” 
He curls up tighter into Wade, resting his cheek sleepily on the other man's chest. Like he really just wants to go back to bed but his nose won't let him. 
“Poor Wolverine,” Wade teases lightly, grinning even though Logan can't see him. “Don't think the comic book writers would guess your biggest weakness is just, like, trees and grass.” 
That's Logan's cue to growl and snap and tell him to shut his mouth. He doesn't take it. Instead he's gone strangely still in the cradle of Wade's lap, and Wade realizes what that means as soon as it's happening. 
He only hears the quietest handful of hitched breaths before Logan half-stifles two sneezes into his shoulder, each sounding desperate and irritated. 
“God, bless you,” Wade all but trembles out. He's so hard, holy shit, he can't move an inch or Logan will definitely know there's something not kosher about his beef. 
“Thanks,” comes Logan's reply, still breathy from sneezing. So hot. “And also, fuck you.” 
There it is. His spicy little guard dog. 
Wade pretends to pout. “Hey, who came out here to see if you were okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah. You know I'm just messin’ around.” 
Logan sighs, sniffling thickly and shifting to lie on his stomach to look up at Wade. In doing so, he rubs full force against Wade's very full, very hard cock. They freeze and look at one another. 
For once, Wade has nothing clever to say. 
“Um.” Logan grinds down for emphasis. Wade hisses, arching up on instinct, biting his lip. “The hell is this?”
He tries to look innocent. Innocent is not an easy look on him. 
“My…my penis? My disco stick? My –” 
“I know what it is, smartass,” Logan growls. “I'm asking you why you're this hard just sitting here right now.” 
Of course, he says all that with such an exasperated, sneezy look on his face that Wade's cock has to be leaking in his boxers. There's no way it isn't. 
Wade's never been shy – so he really doesn't need to pick tonight to start, does he? It’s probably time he confessed. 
Fuck it. 
“You're turning me on,” he admits. “The sneezing, it's – it's always kinda done it for me. You're looking at the reigning champion of weird and surprising kinks.” 
Logan takes a second to process this. 
“It – huh. I do. When I –? Oh.” 
He doesn't say that in a negative way, just like he's contemplating it. There's a beat of quiet. 
Wade tests the waters, his anxiety getting the better of him. 
“And… what is your opinion on that?”
Logan gives him a self-conscious half-smile. 
“I mean, not the weirdest thing I've heard of by a mile. And if that's what you're into –” he chuckles, “ – seems like you lucked out with me, huh?” 
His brain does a series of excited little skips and hops before registering that Logan's pulling the Bedroom Eyes on him, dark and seductive. A cute, sniffly Logan who's just learned one of his weirder kinks and is cool with it. And who just now happens to be propping himself up for better leverage, leaning pointedly into Wade's cock again. Grinding up and down, waiting for a response. 
“Jesus Christ,” Wade whispers. “Did you know you're fucking perfect?”
Logan smirks. “I wouldn't go that f-far…heh…heh’ESSH!” He ducks down with the force of it, popping back up a little pink in the face. (Wade has to be dreaming, right?) Logan's expression stays stuck in a moment of pre-sneeze bleariness for a handful of seconds until “ – ESSH! huh’ESSH’ew! God.” 
“Bless you, fuck,” Wade blurts out. 
Grinding even harder against Wade's cock, Logan blushes deeper, but says nothing. He reaches up to take Wade gently by the jaw, closing his mouth for him. 
“Do you wanna fuck me, sweetheart?” 
Just a low purr of a question delivered in Logan's sexy voice, and Wade's gasping, squirming, so ready for anything. 
“Please,” Wade begs at once, tears threatening to well up from how badly he wants it. “Please, Logan, I want that. Want you, baby.” 
He grins. 
“You're such a weirdo.” 
Logan leans up to kiss him, the words coming out fond. He takes a second to wrestle out of his sweatpants and underwear. Wade's too stunned stupid to do the same at first. He just lies there still clothed as Logan kisses him, grinding into him hard and dirty. Logan's such a good kisser that it's hard to blame him, all hot, open mouth and little sounds of want. Wet allergic sniffles. 
On every grind, the tip of Logan's cock rubs against Wade's stomach, slipping up under his shirt and leaving a trail of precome behind. It's tantalizing, hot, like they're teenagers doing something they shouldn't. Wade knows he's already making some pathetic sound, knows he could come like this if it goes on too long. A mess. 
“Don't know how you plan to get inside me like that,” Logan pulls away to remark, considerably breathier than before the kissing had started. “C'mon, Red. Lose the pants.” 
“Right yeah of course I was totally gonna do that –” 
He hooks his thumbs in the waistband of his pajamas and almost dislocates a hip in the hurry to get out of them. Logan's eyes are burning on him for the second they have to break contact, and when they touch again, it's like gasoline on fire. He wants to be fucked about this newly voiced kink. Badly. 
Wade moans into Logan's mouth when their bare cocks rub together, thrilled when Logan answers with a sound of his own. He whines a little when Wade's mouth travels to his neck, granting him full access. Grinding into Wade when he bites down. Like a whore. Like he's been so fucking ready all day, waiting – 
“If you wanted me this bad,” Wade murmurs, fishing for the bottle of lube stuffed between the couch cushions, “why didn't you say something earlier?” 
“‘Cause I'm like this,” Logan answers, gesturing vaguely at his whole face. Eyes a little watery, nose scrubbed red and irritated. “Most people don't really want to fuck someone when they're like this.” 
“Lucky for you that I'm always down to clown,” Wade jokes weakly as he lubes himself up. He doesn't miss the way Logan's eyes follow his every move. “Lift up, baby, move your legs – there we go. Perfect.” 
With a shaky exhale, Logan adjusts until Wade's right up against his opening. 
“You ready for me?”
“So fuckin' ready,” Logan says, low and needy. 
Wade pushes in slow, taking time to savor the way Logan's body takes him perfectly every time. If it were up to Logan, he'd be pressing in harder, rougher. But Wade wants to a.) tease him a little and b.) be gentle with him, at least to start. Logan deserves some gentleness in his life. 
They're tangled up in a mess of limbs. Logan's legs around Wade's back. His arms around Wade's shoulders. They kiss like it's a language each is desperate to tell the other, interspersed with little moans and gasps as Wade gets closer and closer to bottoming out. 
And all the while, Logan sniffs and huffs and tries to ignore the buzzing itch in his nose. All he wants to think about right now is Wade, how good he feels and how he's trying to thrust back. His face is practically buried in Wade's neck when they pull away to breathe, making him all the more aware that he's trapped. But if Wade really likes that sort of thing, then… 
“Is that good, peanut?” Wade asks with his first handful of thrusts, because his answer is oh holy fucking shit this feels amazing and he's hoping they're on the same wavelength. 
He feels Logan nod right away. 
“Fuckin' course it's good,” he answers. “I just – if you don't move, I'm probably–” His breath hitches, interrupting what he's trying to say. “Y’know, I'm gonna – huh –” 
Wade feels Logan's whole body tense, feels that delicious hitched breath in his ear. Disappointingly, he turns as much as he can and stifles four each in rapid succession – but God does he clench around Wade’s cock. 
“Bless you,” Wade says, then mutters cockblock though he knows Logan can hear it. 
He sniffs thickly. “Cockblock? You're inside me, asshole!” 
Too true. Wade picks up the pace again, faster now, and Logan buries his face in the other man's collar with a needy moan. 
“Guess I am,” Wade teases. “And if you want me to stay here, you should probably do what I say. Right?” 
A stubborn look flits over Logan's face, replaced quickly with want as Wade adjusts his angle just right. 
“And what are you gonna tell me to do?”
Ooh, this is just like Christmas. Better than, maybe. 
“I wanna hear you. No stifling or holding back. Got it?” 
Logan rolls his eyes, but he's blushing. Wade's not fooled; he knows Logan likes to be bossed around a little if he's going to be the one bottoming, and hey, Wade is more than happy to give him what he wants. 
“No promises,” he says finally. “You fuckin' brat.” 
Wade gives him a satisfied hum. 
“We'll work with it.”
He kisses Logan on the shell of his ear, pleased to get a little shiver in response, and ups his tempo. Logan clings to him, grasping tight at his tshirt, his little moan sounding relieved as Wade fucks him deep.  
Logan's never one to hold back when they're having sex, dissolving into it, a mess of pleased sounds and open expressions. Nails and teeth. Letting the animal out. So why draw the line now, just because of some pesky sneezes? 
“You needed this, huh?” 
It takes Logan a few seconds to answer, panting hot and open against Wade's ear. 
He's crushing Wade to him, body tense, his cock wedged between them. Every inhale comes with a hitched whine, eager to take everything he's given. Every few seconds he sniffles, harsh, as if that's going to help anything. 
“My poor kitty cat,” Wade simpers. “Tell me how it feels. Tell me how bad you want it.” 
Another long, low sound before Logan can focus enough to find the words. A few breaths. He swallows. 
“It's good,” he says finally. “You always make it f-feel so fuckin' good, and you're really deep inside me and I – hh–” 
Logan fucking rubs his nose against the collar of Wade's old tshirt to try and quell the itch. And yes, Wade does gasp about it. 
“All I wanna think about is what we're doin’ but I cahhn’t–” 
“Can't what?” Wade asks, trying to keep his tone somewhere near neutral. He feels like he's about to pass away. 
“Can't think,” Logan groans. “Itches too bad, all the fuckin’ t–hih-time–” 
God the suspense is too much. Wade can't concentrate on rolling his hips up into Logan with perfect timing and think about whether or not he's about to have all his kink dreams fulfilled. His rhythm falters. 
Can he write it off as a power play? …Maybe. But probably not. 
“What did I just say?” 
Wade's tone treads the line of stern but doesn't quite get there. His voice is too gentle for it, too utterly delighted to hear Logan all tense and caught up the way he is. 
Logan really can't think, poor guy. His body feels tense, breath coming in halted pants, clicking in his throat. 
“Told me not to hold back,” he answers finally. “I'm not doing it on – purpose. I just can't.” 
“Oh, I believe you, kitten.” He forces himself to go completely still inside Logan, prompting a disappointed huff. “You're getting all shy about it now, huh? Performance anxiety?” 
Another growl as Logan thrusts up, trying to get them going again, making Wade's legs twitch. He's a lot less intimidating with all the snuffling and watery eyes. 
“I don't kn–heh–” Logan breaks off in a series of hitching gasps, and Wade bites him lightly on the shoulder, groaning in anticipation. But nothing comes of it, and Logan sighs, just as frustrated. He's cute when he's irritated. “ I don't know. Can you just fuck me? Please?” 
“Sneeze first,” Wade says sweetly. “Or I'm not moving. C'mon, I know you wanna.” 
“What I wanna do is claw you through right now.”
Wade ignores that; they both know it's an empty threat. 
“It'd feel so much better to just let it out,” he muses, teasing Logan with a handful of thrusts. 
Logan arches for it, whimpering. He can't even suck in a full breath without hitching like he's about to sneeze, grappling with it. Wade keeps talking. 
“I can tell when you're trying to hide it, you know. Those cute little stifles you think I don't notice. And it itches so bad, doesn't it? All the pollen and the dust. So sensitive, right? But you don't want anyone to –” 
“Wade,” Logan trembles out. “F-fuck, I'm gonna – hh – hih –! HEHSSH’IEW!”
“There we go,” Wade says eagerly, sliding his cock back up into Logan deep with a groan he doesn’t even bother to contain. “And bless –” 
Logan is not done. The first sneeze was wet, desperate, and loud, spray landing on Wade’s shirt and collarbone. If there’s one thing Wade’s taken away from watching him endure allergic irritation, it’s that he never sneezes just once. 
“Fuck, sorry,” he manages to say before tensing up again. “I – heh’ESSH! ESSH! ESSH-uhh! God, Wade, please please don’t stop –” 
The way Logan melts into a breathless whine as soon as he can stop sneezing to do it makes Wade go fucking crazy. He growls in answer and shifts one of Logan’s legs, fucking him harder, knowing he’s found that sweet spot when Logan keens so high his voice cracks. He reaches down to stroke himself, and Wade gladly lets him. 
“That feel good, baby?”
“Yes, hell yes, I’m so – hh so fucking –” 
Wade’s rarely heard him so undone. His own self-control is in tatters, orgasm building at a rapid pace as Logan comes apart underneath him. He can hear himself panting, ragged, open-mouthed, but can’t bring himself to care. 
“ESSH’iew! ESSH! Heh’ESSH! HEHSSH’IEW! Oh god,” Logan gasps. “Wade, Red, sweetheart you’re gonna make me come –” 
“Then you’d better – do it. C’mon, peanut, give it to me.”
With a broken sound, Logan keeps his promise, sinking his teeth into Wade’s t-shirt and covering it with streaks of his release. Wade’s only a few short thrusts behind, shivering through every pulse and praising Logan for being so fucking good for him. 
(At least, he’s pretty sure he’s praising Logan. His mouth is moving and words are coming out, and Logan’s looking up at him all dazed and sweet.)
For the interested reader, here's the dialogue that Logan would later tell Wade was being babbled out at him: Logan. Oh my god holy fucking shit. Bless you baby bless you times like a thousand I fucking love you. You're so fucking hot. You took me so well, didn't you? Such a good boy. You're the hottest person on the fucking planet. Would it be weird if I kissed your nose right now? Yeah probably I'm not gonna do it, okay, I love you, did I say that already? You're so pretty, fuck, you're so pretty –
Eventually, Logan smiles at him, all soft edges. He reaches up and cups Wade’s face. 
“Do you even know what the hell you’re talkin’ about right now?” 
“Uhh.” It’s a little humiliating to admit he can just ramble without having a fucking clue what’s coming out of his mouth. “No. All systems offline. Floating through dead space, captain.”
Logan huffs out a laugh. “Then float back to me, knucklehead.” 
Something in his chest goes all half-baked cookie dough soft. 
Wade leans in to kiss him, aware of how fast his heart is still beating. That got intense. And so fucking hot. To be honest? He's already raring to do it again. From the way Logan's nose has been acting up, he's certain they'll get their chance sooner rather than later. 
“Hey, bub?” 
Logan swallows, his eyes cutting away. 
“Sorry I've been kind of a prick. Haven't felt the best, but that's no reason to get short with ya.” 
Well, shit. If fucking him senseless through an allergy attack was all it took for Logan to go this soft, Wade would have done it weeks ago. 
“I get it,” Wade says playfully. “You have a whole testosterone-fueled persona to maintain. But you could, you know. Let me take care of you. Help you feel less sniffly and pathetic.” 
“Not tryin’ to maintain anything,” Logan argues. “Just not used to people wanting to – I dunno. Look after me.” 
“Then get used to it,” Wade says. “Cause I don't plan on going anywhere.” 
Logan blushes at that, smiling a little despite an effort not to. Wade kisses him one more time, a soft and purposeful thing, and they shuffle into the shower. Even Logan's sneezes sound sleepy now, and this time when they crawl into bed, he tucks close into Wade's chest and falls asleep in minutes. 
That's more like it, Wade thinks.  
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outsidereveries · 2 months ago
I saw that Sunghoon from enhypen and Wonyoung could work as mcs again in the kbs festival, can you do a reading on how they feel about that, especially wonyoung after all the mess about hybe talking bad about ive, do they feel awkward that people keep linking them together as mc duo or friends or they dont really care about their company dramas??
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[🔥 | 04012025]
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sunghoon: judgement rx, the moon
sunghoon wasn't happy. he felt screwed. (he might.. idk, dislike her or sth)
wonyoung: 9 of cups, the chariot
wonyoung on the other hand was over the moon because she was hosting again with someone who didn't like her! it's not that it's a challenge and these circumstances got her adrenaline pumping to give her all, but she'd rather work with someone who dislike her than someone who tried to flirt with her all the time.
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blastedking · 2 months ago
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[56/64] Universe: Law Of Fire IV - Remnants of Gods
*Self-proclaimed. 🙏
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drkatz · 5 months ago
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[ID: Image of a man with a skull head and deep sunken eyes, brownish and white colors for the outline and off-white, with only a few teeth, he has a big puffed out color and is wearing a buttoned up suit, french-style. he's holding a rapier and has a red cape END ID]
Since I'm still drawing public domain characters, have a funny skeleton man
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tokyostreetphoto · 2 years ago
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Pink Wall, Matsubara 松原
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digitalfountains · 3 months ago
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Lauris Ogan by Anaditya
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bloodhaven99 · 1 year ago
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On Fields of Sorrow…
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rochenn · 6 months ago
I want to make moody character playlists to brood over and all but I only ever listen to songs about slaying dragons. None of this relates to my little guys. Life is hard
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lucky-draws · 2 years ago
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loopscereal · 5 days ago
i kinda wanna organize an event thing for us fhs community guys but i think ill just do it myself and then see if everyone wants to do it next year edit: haha i drafted this on the 18th of november and it was about doing a ship appreciation week secret gift exchange sorta thing where we all appreciate eachothers ships or something but i just wanted to appreciate everyone myself i think, lol so i made everyone (everyone i knew anything about) aesthetics for februaryyyy tell me if you guys think anything of the idea tho! maybe next year lol
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loiterer87 · 5 months ago
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Finished this at three in the morning, because of work. Bleh. Anyway, day late but let's talk about Orden Ogan and their immortal mascot, Alister Vale! 
A German Power Metal band formed in 1996 by two guys named Sebastian. The name meaning The Order Of Fear using the German 'Orden' and the old Celtic word for 'fear'. The band's albums all follow a loose concept about Alister Vale, a cursed immortal throughout the ages.
Here, I've done Alister during his time in the Old West, chronicled in the 2017 album, Gunmen. Power metal with an old western kick? Why not! Other timelines explored have included a post-apocalyptic nuclear winter and a science fiction dystopia where ai wipes out most of humanity. So fun subjects then... 
I've also heard they've got a couple of comics out about Alister and his travels, so I may have to track them down...
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who-do-i-know-this-man-s4 · 3 months ago
⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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outsidereveries · 2 months ago
in ive it always seems like its wonyoung and "friends" how does she feel about people who put her above her members and is that what they have their differences about nowadays? does she feel that she overshadows the group or have people made it look that way?
whereas in izone cause they had many more members it mustve been easier for her to hide in the back or did she hate being centre all the time?
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[🔥 | 04012025]
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temperance, 5 of cups rx, 9 of wands, 3 of cups rx, king of cups, 5 of wands, 2 of wands
in her temporary group she felt much better not because she was hiding somehow, but because behind the scenes things were cleaner and more honest between the girls and she just felt at home there. with ive on the other hand, 1) she saw a drastic change in yujin since izone disbanded (this seems important, let me continue). because of this impression, the red flag went up in her that things here would be radically different and a bigger nightmare than she imagined. 2) as far as i can tell, she has known rei and lesseo since izone disbanded, and the other 2 girls since before that. behind the scenes, one of the girls (i guess it's lesseo because i only saw something like that with her) can't stand her. they have disgusting conflicts behind the scenes and for wonyoung, the other girl is sometimes unbearable to her. the problem with ive is that wonyoung feels like she's at war there, and that ruins her desire to be in the group more and more. first with yujin's change of character, and then with the fact that she doesn't get along with lesseo. as far as i understand, she gets along with the other 3 girls. her problem isn't that she's still the center of the group, but with the things behind the scenes between the girls. if things in the group were okay, she would still have endured starship until ive's seventh year, but things just aren't the same for her.
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