#Of dragons and gods
00blackbird · 4 months
Evolución de Yao Vs los Dioses
«Me chupan un pie los Dioses»:
«Los mortales necesitan a sus dioses, porque nacen con tal idea adherida y la alimentan por costumbre. Es la inercia de creer en algo más fuerte que ellos mismos, que les alienta, les empuja o incluso les castiga. Nunca he creído que los dioses sean más que meros espectadores, concediéndonos la oportunidad de labrar nuestro propio destino y asumiendo en silencio las culpas de nuestros propios errores cuando les maldecimos. No es que no les importemos, es que no pueden participar de nuestro juego. Las plegarias son meras alabanzas que alimentan un ego que no necesitan. Oraciones vacías que no pueden atender pues, de hacerlo, lapidarían su verdadero propósito en el mundo.»
«Les estoy cogiendo manía, no te voy a mentir»:
«"Separar a los hombres de los dioses". Ésa era tu causa. ¿Sabes? He pensado en ello varias veces a lo largo de este tiempo. En si sería posible, y en cómo. Pero, sobre todo, en por qué. Admito que intenté verlo desde tu prisma, pero no pude. Supongo que los dioses a mí no me molestaban tanto, siempre los relegué al nivel de entes lejanos, casi meras supersticiones que no me interesaban. Pero, después de saber que soy un dragón, ya no sé qué pensar. Los dragones cayeron en el Letargo por culpa de los dioses. Traicionaron al Creador y le arrebataron su poder, desterraron a sus heraldos. Y siento cómo a una parte de mí le quema eso dentro.»
«Los odio, ojalá se terminen de matar entre ellos»:
«Te doy tiempo para asimilarlo, es normal que te sientas abrumada al saber que tus dioses no han sido proveedores de nada más que de un legado del que se han adueñado. Antes de saber que soy era Kaim, los dioses no podían importarme menos. Los veía como figuras distantes, entes que gobernaban inalcanzables y que, de vez en cuando, jugaban a estirar de los hilos para hacer temblar el mundo de los mortales. Muchas veces sin un propósito genuino, sólo por aburrimiento o por crueldad. Pero, por encima de todo, se mantenían ajenos a nosotros y al mundo. Y ahora lo entiendo: ¿cómo van a sentirse involucrados en un mundo que no han creado ellos mismos con sus manos? ¿Cómo van a querer cuidarlo, cuando no han pasado por el esfuerzo de mantenerlo a salvo? No somos sus hijos, sino los hijos de alguien más cuyas almas han robado.
Ahora... He de confesar que los desprecio más cada día. Que juzgo sus acciones y siento el peso de la traición que ejecutaron. ¿Acaso se arrepienten? ¿Sienten el menor remordimiento si quiera? No. Siguen en sus grandes palacios y santuarios, regodeándose de su poder, luchando por tener más. Su ambición no tiene límites, se devoran unos a otros en busca de esa superioridad. Al menos, mientras estén ocupados matándose unos a otros, prestarán aún menos atención a los mortales.»
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Expertise can't help you here.
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antennatoheaven · 15 days
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formulanni · 9 days
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Roan of Arc
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Tag list: @st-leclerc @rubywingsracing @saviour-of-lord @three-days-time @the-wall-is-my-goal @albonoooo @ch3rubd0lls
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christadeguchi · 6 months
my negative rizz loser boy who you’d think was combatting the sirens’ song by completely killing the vibe but was actually just trying to sing along with them because he’s a ✨fanboy✨
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alicenthighstower · 2 months
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I like to believe I'm still the Lady Alicent, but all anyone sees when they look at me now is the Queen.
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criston-cole · 2 months
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I am at last myself. With no ambition greater than to walk where I please and to breathe the open air. To die unremarked and unnoticed and be free.
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albaharu · 1 month
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did you know if you support merrill in her act 2 mission you get rivalry points with everyone except isabela and varric. anyway merrill support team no one is gonna be mean to her on my watch
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aramblingjay · 2 months
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#if i had a nickel... HOUSE OF THE DRAGON 1x04 // 2x08
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manny-jacinto · 3 months
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'And... Ser Harwin Strong?'
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adler-obsessed · 3 months
god. Vivienne really is just. that character. She is taken to the circle so young she does not remember what her parents even looked like and someone had to tell her. She wouldn’t even know if they were telling the truth. She is ruthless, the terror and nightmare of the Orlesian court. She almost weeps when you find the Tranquil skulls in Redcliffe. She hates drop waists. She is harrowed younger than any other mage in living memory. She teaches Bull the steps to the dance of the six candles. He likens her to a Qunari dreadnought that has half the enemies on the ground before he’s even reached the front line. Her accent’s not Orlesian. No Free Marcher can tell where she is from either. Is her original voice another part of herself she cut off? She enchanted a duke within one meeting and they scandalised even Orlesian society. She was good friends with his wife. They possibly fucked too. No can control her. She’s been owned since the moment she was first brought to the Circle. She belongs to no people. There are a dozen leashes around her neck claiming otherwise. She makes fun of an elven god for setting his coattails on fire.  She is on the verge of banishing Cole back to the Fade all the time. She can’t help but grow to care for him at the end despite her best efforts to pretend otherwise. She hates herself for it. She thinks caring makes you weak. During the first conversation you have with her unmasked as a Trevelyan, she begs to know if you also cared about her childhood friend, Lydia. She tries to import illegal fur into Skyhold. Did she kill everything soft within her soul herself or did the Chantry sisters do it for her? She is impossible to prank. Some might say she’s even better than Sera at pranking. She was pulled into the game by the time she was nineteen. She’d faced worse things since she could first remember her dreams. Life has never been fair. One merely needs to be hard enough to survive. The blade at her neck when she lay on the floor of the harrowing chamber was no different from the hunger in her belly as child, a necessary pain that only drove her forward. Maker, was there ever any chance that she did not see cruelty as simply another word for life? Is there any version of her that does not end up surrounded by moral filth? 
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me-beef · 17 days
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@strangeravatar made a great point
i was gonna focus on the spike-hotboxing-celestia aspect but i got distracted somewhere along the way and i think i forgot what joke i was trying to make
but dont you think its interesting how many guards of the exact same color/body type she's managed to accrue?? i do
ooohh you want to go look at our stickers so bad
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littlemissmoodswings · 2 months
seasmoke meeting darklyn;
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jeyneofpoole · 2 months
enjoying the sliding scale this episode of daemon whispering sweet nothings into his brothers hair over the cooling corpses of his wife and child to rhaenyra just lezzing out hardcore
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kcrra · 3 months
it makes me literally sick to think about alicent's relationship to her children. like. they are all she has. she loves them more than anything and hates them just as much. each of them is a shackle around her neck. they are her babies even though she was a baby herself, forced to be their mother. she'll pick up a knife for them. they are her living prison. everything she ever does is for them. their very existence makes her sick. she understands them and yet doesn't know them at all. they are her future. they stole her past.
she was 15 years old tethered to a rotting body of a man entirely against her will, watching each of her children invade her body as a result of martial rape. how were they ever supposed to have a normal relationship!!!!!!!
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franzkafkagf · 3 months
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this is genuinely the funniest thing ive seen all day
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