pandr-bur · 1 year
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lol i love oda sensei
big problem require big solution <3
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sanny-chan5 · 2 years
Happy B-day!! 1/1 & HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023
Odacchi-sensei 👑✨✨
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Ace, from OP
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Ren, from SK
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Reinhard, from Re:Zero
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Tachiaki (Miira no Kaikata), Tora (12 taisen)
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lulushishii · 1 year
If anyone hasn’t seen the SBS where Oda answered what jobs the straw hats would be if they weren’t pirates or in the real world, and you’ve somehow come across this post, lemme just say that FROBIN IS REAL, ZOLU IS REAL!! I mean, look at the parallels! It’s so cute
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Luffy & Oden: Parallels Wano eyecatches 960-965 | 966-971 | 972-976
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ikebanaka-art · 1 year
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Zoro’s Egghead outfit has me in a chokehold
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poyopachii · 1 year
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chenziee · 2 years
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Baby, please, this is very sweet and I love you but also I beg you to go to therapy and worry about your own trauma before sacrificing yourself for any one person you met 5 minutes ago at any given opportunity
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onepieceanimals · 1 year
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RIP Drake
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kyros-tha-soldier · 1 year
It's been so long since I talked about the manga, and honestly I just felt a lil uninterested in it these last couple of days. Especially after the Garp fiasco and stuff, seeing him losing really left a bad taste in my mouth. However I did enjoy his mini flashback with aokiji. And this got me wondering: what exactly is Aokiji doing? Is he really with BB and just now he realized his mistakes? And with Pudding being held captive (as well as Moria but that's for another topic) and with her powers awakened she could read poneglyphs, then there's a chance he might turn his back on the Blackbeard pirates and take Pudding with him. However my theory only lacks his motives of bringing Pudding along, maybe he wants to make up for something terrible he's done?
Also, just like pre-timeskip op, Oda got back to the theme of "redeeming yourself" with characters like Katakuri, Kuma, Pudding, Sentomaru, Lucci (to some extent), Jinbe...etc being characters who were/seemed evil at some point just to redeem themselves and help, maybe even sacrifice themselves for what they believe is the great good. So what will Aokiji's purpose be?
All of these questions won't be answered until next year because as we all know Oda keeps on fidgeting between characters, either the revos, the royalties, the strawhats...etc. but honestly I just wanna go back to egghead and see what Oda will be baking for us
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Whoopsie poopsie Marimochan lol
That death pact in One Piece was made just for zosans thank you very much odacchi
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ns-media · 3 months
LMAO he fucking did it AGAIN!! Once again Oda draws Nami with Luffy's hat OUTSIDE OF THE MAIN MANGA STORY literally 2 weeks after my long post pointing that out. I am so on point with my post and I'm proud as hell.
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This shit feels so good lol, and this isn't definitive but I think she even has Luffy's freaking flip-flops on??? LOL yeah yeah Oda, just keep giving us more obvious LuNami hints in cover pages/color spreads and supplementary material. Oh yeah and of course Chopper is always included with these 2. For whatever reason he KEEPS doing it dude this is no coincidence.
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This is what ONE PIECE staff posted. It's for Weekly Jump, AKA "not so important material that nobody will take seriously unlike what happens in the manga storyline" which was my central point in my earlier posts. Yeah okay man, I see right through ya, Oda.
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I am just at a loss of words, wtf do you expect me to even say at this point? I want to remain levelheaded here as I always try to be when posting and talking about stuff but the more he does this, and as a result the more he proves my 2 earlier posts right, the more I'm just gushing like a complete idiot lol, I love this.
Gochisousama deshita, Odacchi :)
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gffa · 1 year
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ODACCHI,  W   H   A   T
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mugiwaraboyyy1 · 7 months
Jump Comics “ONE PIECE” Volume 108
Commemorating the release on Monday, March 4th!
Odacchi is also a favorite creator
Collaboration with poor ❗️!
ONE PIECE × Poor ❗️
Special collaboration video released 🏴‍☠️
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listening-to-thunder · 10 months
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Tiny Luffy and his neat stick in chapter 257.
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breakonthroough · 9 months
Parallels in Trigun and One Piece.
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Today I would like to share my thoughts about the parallels and references in One Piece, which I noticed for myself when watched the anime Trigun — both versions old and new (and yes, I came to them after I caught up with OP ongoing). I may have imagined something, but some parallels suggest themselves. I think Oda-san, like many other mangakas, took a lot of inspiration from Yasuhiro Naitou's classic work.
Analysis may and does content ! spoilers !
1. First of all, from the direct references and easter eggs of Oda-sensei, I would note the similarity of Sanji holding a wounded Zoro on his shoulders, bandajed like a cross, in the Wano arc with Nicholas D. (!) Wolfwood, with his big weapon-cross at the ready. It was a funny gag from Odacchi :)
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2. Then, the "Sandsteamer" in Trigun reminded me very much of the "Sea Train" in OP. I don’t know if this is a reference or not, but they definitely have something in common. The principle of movement of steam vehicles in an atypical environment.
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3. Another point - the antagonist character of one of the episodes (just about the Sandsteamer), Brilliant Dynamites Neon, very much reminded me of Arlong, both with his toothy design and his charisma.
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4. Well, the gang of the Donquixote family reminded me in many ways in its diversity of Knives’ organization “The Gung-Ho-Guns”. (And also it reminded me the BB crew too).
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5. Well, the most important parallel for me is the clear and definite similarity of the story and the contrast between the main characters of Trigun - Knives Millions and Vash the Stampede with the Donquixote brothers. I’ll go into more detail here, because there are plenty of references, besides the fact that each of them is a handsome blond.
▪️If Vash, in fact, bears little resemblance to Rocinante, except for his wounded and scarred body and the fact that, unlike his brother, he is also kind and soft-hearted. Both of them often play the fool, posing as awkward, stupid simpletons (with different goals, of course), and at the same time almost never show outsiders their deeply sad soul, traumatized by losses and experiences.
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▪️Doflamingo personality as character imo was largely inspired as personality of Knives, as it seemed to me. The parallel is that he and his brother are similarly representatives of a superior (in their opinion) race, but they only treat ordinary people differently.
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▪️Knives and Doflamingo, unlike their kind brothers, are evil incarnate. Proud, arrogant and cruel. Intolerant and merciless towards human weaknesses and any manifestations of kindness and gentleness. Both have a justified and (from their pov) very logical reason to hate people as a race and the whole world order.
And both also have a plan to destroy the world that does not suit them and build their own, ideal one. Both of them are involved in the murder of people dear to their brothers (father for Roci, Rem for Vash). Well, in both cases, the good brothers are trying with all their might to prevent the implementation of the grandiose plans of the evil brothers.
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▪️Well, I must say that the showdown between Vash and Knives ends in the anime much less disastrously than that of Doffy and Roci. But even in the general plans of these scenes, analogies and parallels are visible, as it seemed to me. 😢
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Well, as you know, the brilliant refers to the great. I'm glad that for all their similarities, these stories and characters turned out to be different. Oda may have been inspired by the work of his predecessor, but he created his own epoch-making story with a great plot and beloved, touching characters.
Russian translation below 👇
Параллели и отсылки к Тригану в One piece.
Сегодня я хотела бы поделиться своими мыслями насчёт параллелей и отсылок в One piece, которые отметила для себя, когда посмотрела аниме Триган — обе версии (да, я дошла до них уже после того, как нагнала онгоинг Куска). Что-то, возможно, мне померещилось, но кое-какие параллели напрашиваются сами собой. Думаю, Ода-сан, как и многие другие мангаки, немало почерпнул для вдохновения из ставшей классикой работы Ясухиро Найто.
1. Прежде всего, из прямых отсылок и пасхалок Оды-сенсея я бы отметила сходство Санджи, держащего на плечах раненого Зоро, перемотанного как крест, в арке Вано с Николасом Д. (!) Вулфвудом, с его оружием-крестом наперевес. Это был смешной гэг от Одаччи:)
2. Затем, Песчаный Пароход мне очень сильно напомнил Морепоезд. Не знаю, отсылка это или нет, но что-то общее в них точно есть. Принцип движения парового транспорта в нетипичной для него среде.
3. Ещё один момент — персонаж одного из эпизодов (как раз про Песчаный пароход), Brilliant Dynamites Neon, очень сильно напомнил мне Арлонга, как зубастым дизайном, так и своей харизмой.
4. Ну и банда семьи Донкихот мне во многом напомнила своим разнообразием организацию Найвса "The Gung-Ho-Guns".
5. Ну, и самая главная для меня параллель — явная и определенная схожесть истории и противопоставления главных персонажей Тригана — Найвса Миллионса и Вэша Урагана с братьями Донкихот. Тут остановлюсь подробнее, ведь отсылок, помимо того, что каждый из них прекрасный блондин, предостаточно.
Если Вэш, по сути, мало чем напоминает Росинанта, кроме израненного и покрытого шрамами тела и того, что он, в отличие от брата, также добрый и мягкосердечный. Оба они часто придуриваются, изображая из себя неловких глуповатых простаков (с разными целями, разумеется), и при этом почти никогда не показывают посторонним свою глубоко печальную и травмированную потерями и переживаниями душу.
Дофламинго же, как мне показалось, во многом списан с Найвса. Параллель в том, что они с братом аналогично являются представителями высшей (по их мнению) расы, только относятся к обычным людям по-разному.
Найвс и Дофламинго, в отличие от своих добрых братьев — воплощённое зло. Гордые, высокомерные и жестокие. Нетерпимые и беспощадные к человеческим слабостям и любым проявлениям доброты и мягкости. У обоих есть обоснованная и очень логичная с их точки зрения причина ненавидеть людей и существующее мироустройство. А также есть план по разрушению не устраивающего их мира и построения своего собственного, идеального. И тот, и другой причастны к убийству дорогих для их братьев людей (отец для Росинанта, Рем для Вэша). Ну и, в обоих случаях, реализации грандиозных планов злых братьев всеми силами пытаются помешать добрые.
Ну и, должна сказать, разборки между Вэшем и Найвзом заканчиваются в аниме куда менее плачевно, чем у Доффи и Роси. Но даже на общих планах этих сцен видны аналогии и параллели, как мне показалось. 😢💔
Что ж, как известно, гениальное отсылает к великому. Я рада, что при всей своей схожести, эти истории и персонажи получились все же разными. Ода, возможно и вдохновлялся работой предшественника, но создал свою собственную эпохальную историю с великолепным сюжетом и любимыми, трогающими за душу персонажами.
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s-hirokujira · 9 months
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Happy Birthday Ace and Odacchi
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