#Oblivious queen
thebookdragonshoard · 3 months
The Folk of The Air spoilers ⚠️⚠️
Jude: why would Cardan risk war to save me from the Undersea? why would Vivienne trust Cardan to come save me from Maddoc’s camp? Why would Locke try to puzzle out Cardan’s true feelings for me by making me Queen of Mirth?
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justaz · 9 months
merlin who grew up in a small village and only having one (1) friend growing up (will) and them two being thick as thieves and not making friends with anyone else so they have like no boundaries and they eventually begin to court without really knowing what they’re doing but just knowing that they’re super close and care for each other deeply but not being able to put a name to what they are. which in turn leads to merlin growing up thinking that like spending 24/7 together, holding hands everywhere you go, staring into each others eyes and at each others lips, cuddling at night even when it’s boiling hot, and kissing is normal in platonic friendships which leads to a LOT of misunderstandings and miscommunication when he gets to camelot.
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obamerzslop · 9 months
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
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Incredibly funny to me there was literally an explosion behind Anti-Wanda when she was feeding Foop for the first time and neither she nor Anti-Cosmo turned around... Eyes only for BABY!!!
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Anti-Wanda listening to Timmy share his plan about making Foop cry on purpose. she and her husband will be cheering for their son's tears in 8 seconds btw.
Moodboard of Anti-Wanda excited for motherhood:
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Her son is a smidgen under 7 hours old and she's about to send him to jail <3
Bonus Anti-Cosmo trying to find his baby .2 seconds after Anti-Wanda had him, because it cracks me up every time:
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World's dumbest husband <3
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all for the game is a not a book series it's a mental illness
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allthegothihopgirls · 4 months
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this is what i mean when i say oblivious jayroy btw
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 month
God can you imagine? If Rangi and Kyoshi really were BOTH oblivious about their own feelings this entire time???? Can you imagine the talks Hei-Ran and Kelsang probably tried to have???? TT0TT
Hei-Ran: I've noticed you've been.....running a lot more lately. Rangi: Yeah. Hei-Ran, trying to solve what strange mating ritual her daughter is performing: Is there someone you.... like? Romantically or....otherwise? Rangi: No? Why would you think that? Hei-Ran: I....I don't....know just.... What are your thoughts on Kyoshi? Completely unrelated. Rangi: She's a good friend. Would probably die for her. Might explode if she holds my hand. That's normal with friends, right? Hei-Ran, trying not to cry: I see. Kelsang: Kyoshi do you like anyone? Kyoshi: Me?! NO! Never! Who is this "anyone" you speak of? Hahahaha Yun didn't say anything to you, did he? Kelsang, really confused: Yun???? No- I just. Um. Rangi- Kyoshi, grabbing Kelsang by the shoulders: RANGI SAID SOMETHING?! Kelsang: She said you were running late! Um, what do you think she meant? Kyoshi: I DON'T KNOW! I think I need to clean, yes, this'll keep my aching heart from hurting! *runs off* Kelsang: So her heart aches when she's thinking of Rangi???? TT0TT Kyoshi we need a talk please come baaaaack!
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the fact Darling gay panicked her way through this scene and Apple didn't really bat an eye
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the face of someone who doesn't understand why her "friend" keeps getting awkward around her but doesn't point it out cause its been going on since they were kids
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trexpel · 5 months
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So kiss me
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clockworkbee · 11 months
When you realize that Jude hadn't pardoned herself, not because she hadn't figured out the loophole in the exile (meant specifically for her) but because she had loved Cardan (even if she wouldn't admit it to herself), and was hurt.
Jude had loved him since before she became a prisoner of the Undersea. She loved him when she agreed to marry him. She had hoped her feelings were returned but the exile didn't just mean she couldn't go back, it made her think (and believe) that Cardan hadn't loved her. She wanted to go back because Elfhame was home, she wanted to go back because she missed magic, but how could she go back to where the boy she loves—the King—was probably enjoying himself with his ex or a new lover, mocking her with his friends and laughing over her with her sister, being free at last of any commands, all while knowing (assuming) how much of a fool she was made?
Jude was hurt, not incapable of understanding the faerie wordplay she'd grown up listening to most of her mortal life. The slap she gave Cardan only showed a little of how deep that hurt went.
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darlingod · 6 months
Jude in QoN: “Of course it was a trick” That’s what you said.
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thejudeduarte · 27 days
Jude is so delusional
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hey-imma-fangirl · 1 year
✨Luci’s Lessons on Flirting✨
This took forever- actually just 3 days lol- but enjoy ^^
I’ve been wanting to do this since I started these crossovers, but I just kept on procrastinating lol
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icespur · 8 months
Incorrect Quotes Akeshu #40
Akechi: Come on, Niijima-San. Nobody actually believes that Akiren is in love with me.
Makoto, to The Phantom Thieves: Raise your hand if you think that Akiren is helplessly in love with Akechi.
*Everyone raises their hand*
Akechi: Akiren, put your hand down.
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cooliogirl101 · 2 months
In wtl Exe AU, what are Ichigo thoughts on the whole thing. Actually. What are shinju thoughts on the whole Aizen Momo thing.
Ichigo is…really, really glad he never got into the whole romance thing, if that’s an example of how it could turn out. He also thinks Momo has really shit taste in men and doesn’t hesitate to let both of them know he thinks Momo could do better.
Which also pisses Momo off because excuse you, does he think she chose to be stuck at the side of the world’s most egotistical asshole for half a century?? She’s a victim!!
Shinji likes Momo, he really does, he thinks she’s got spunk and fire and he truly respects what she’s done for Squad 5, but does she have to keep broadcasting to his former lieutenant how much she prefers Shinji over him? It was bad enough when Sousuke was just a vicious, petty bastard, the last thing Shinji wants is for him to turn into a jealous, vicious, petty bastard.
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chaosgremlinmunson · 3 months
STWG prompt: Tuesday but make it gay
There's a clatter in the next room and Steve knows, he just knows, that if he goes to look it's going to be one of a few different things that could be happening. The first is that his kids, the gremlins they are, have infiltrated his home yet again and someone knocked something over again. The second is that Robin got that text she was hoping for from her crush and promptly fell off their couch, because that's something she apparently does often when flustered. Or, the third thing, is that Eddie is here. And Eddie is trying to be stealthy. And that's suspicious. So Steve sits for a moment staring at his door to see if he hears the kids or if he hears Robin scrambling to his room to throw herself on his bed and go on and on about what these texts mean, which of course he's going to be right there with her while she deciphers all of it. Instead he hears silence, and then another clatter and a soft, “Jesus H. Christ, get it together Munson.” As his notoriously loud roommate attempts to make his way past Steve's room undetected. And that, well that just won't do. Eddie had been gone for two weeks to the Appalachian mountains to see his uncle, he wasn't gonna slide by without at minimum a hello.
Steve stood and padded softly to his doorway, he leaned in the frame crossing arms pulling a move, he knew, but trying to look calm and amused as Eddie came around the corner before squeaking at seeing Steve looking straight at him.
“Heyyyyy, Stevieeee.” Eddie was fidgeting, a box in his hands. Ah, so that's what he'd been dropping as he tried and failed to sneak into the house. Now Steve was infinitely even more curious.
“Hey Eds. How was your trip?” Steve looked back up to Eddie's eyes, an easy smile on his face, “did anything interesting happen while you were up there?”
Eddie swallowed and looked down to the wrapped box in his arms, then back to Steve again. Without saying a word he sprinted to his room and closed the door leaving Steve standing there confused.
The next morning after Steve got back from his jog he came into the house to Robin and Eddie sipping their coffees.
“Stevie!! Happy Tuesgay!!!” She yelled, “best day of the week! You're helping me with my drag tonight, right? I need something to really capture Del’s attention.”
Steve grinned, “Obviously Bobbin, you have to help me fit into my Karma drag anyway. Y'know Eddie needs to see her in action.”
“Oh, that I do. I'll be going to Rosa’s after the show by the way, just a heads up.” She smiled knowingly at her best friend.
Later that night he helped Robin get into her leather pants, a mesh top, with tape pulling her breasts to look like pecs, hair teased into a Mohawk and facial hair painted on. She was edgy, hot, and Del was going to drool if she had any taste. In turn she helped him melt into his blood red sequined gown, the chest dipping down to his navel as his chest piece made his chest look full and voluptuous. He painted his lids dark, and his lips a full pouty vamp red to match, the last was the hair, teased to the gods. Eddie wasn't going to know what hit him, and the number he had in mind would at least capture his attention. Maybe if he was lucky Eddie would finally realize it was him he was pining for.
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