qkrovv · 4 months
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suffarustuffaru · 4 months
So thoughts on the final
major spoilers for arc 8’s ending down below!!! :3
anyway heres a slightly more coherent list of things i liked about the finale :)
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^^ priscillas ending speech will forever live in my head ;-;; what a way to go out ;-;;;; shes so amazing ;-;;;;; and wowwwwww this speech summarizing the whole thing with rezero and its relationships oughhh oughhh oughhhh ougghhhhh and tying it back to priscillas worldview and character fuuuuck
subaru is now an adult again yayayay!!!!!!!
i like the bittersweetness of it all :) i hope everyone gets a lot of rest after all this!!!!! but i also hope subaru gets more consequences for his rbd abuse but im sure tappei will cook with that Eventually. theres some Depressing third trial lines to get to after all. but also you could say priscilla permadeath Was some form of consequence ;-; ough. you cant save everyone….. and she accepted this end for herself….
this dialogue vv
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al schult and heinkel are up for adoption after this huh. and arakiya……. will be in shambles…….
im gonna cry every time priscilla comes on screen for season three :(((((((((((( ough :((( :(((((( :((((((
i like how we briefly revisit everyone in the last arc 8 chapters :,)))) ough………… good leadup for that ending amirite ahahahahahahahah
a bit of stuff happened in my personal life at the same time this chapter came out so i was glad to cry over fictional things :) BUT RGGAHHHHAGAGHRRGHJ PRISCILLA :((( a good send off for her though!!! :(((( thank you priscilla for being the character ever :,,,))))
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stevethehairington · 8 days
5, 20, 35 for wee woo show asks -@girlboygarfield
eeeeeeef hiiii ty for the ask friend!! 💕
5. Least favorite episode
i simply cannot answer this question with just ONE episode, bc my most HATED is a fucking THREE PARTER, CAN YOU BELIEVE. 😩 the fucking. season 7 opener. the fucking. cRUISE SHIP ARC MY BELOATHED. MY WORST ENEMY. genuinely, THEE worst opening disaster and one of THEE worst, if not THEE worst, arcs of the whole entire show.
i just. god. i don't even know where to begin with it. bc like. IT WAS A FUCKING MESS. A FUCKING MESS. seriously. like. it feels like when they were writing it they were like oh MAN we GOTTA do something that will top everything that came before this, it's gotta be BIG, it's gotta be CRAZY, and then they threw spaghetti at the wall and INSTEAD OF WAITING FOR NOODLES TO FALL, THEY WENT OH FUCK IT ALL STUCK HELL YEAH LET'S THROW IT ALL IN. i mean seriously. there was S O much going on and N O N E of it meshed well and it was just. so fucking MESSY in the WORST way.
like. starting off with making athena have all these like. mysterious issues with bobby and their marriage all of the sudden?? OUT OF LEFT FIELD. but then to like. have that and make them go through all of that AND THEN NEVER FUCKING BRING THAT UP AGAIN??? LIKE HELLO??? WHAT? WHERE? W H Y??
and then. bringing back fuckin norman and lola. like. that could've been a fun nod! but then it just got annoying lmao. i was like i dont caaaaare about these people!!!! there were SO many extra people. norman and lola and the dollar-store-chase-from-house-md-boat-dude and the numerous crew members and then the fucking family that home aloned their child on the boat like MY GOD SO MANY PEOPLE. when really all i wanted was to focus on BOBBY AND ATHENA.
AND THEN THE FUCKING PIRATES????? LIKE WTF??? they fr brought fucking p i r a t e s into the mix for them to hold the ship hostage for like 2.5 minutes and shout about a fucking dongle (which. MY GOD i know thats a real thing but PLEASE THAT WORD IS SO UNSERIOUS AND ALSO THAT WASNT EVEN A DONGLE) and then to fucking. leave and then never show back up again. like WHAT was the point. what was the point!!!!!
i just. ough. i had suuuuuch high hopes for the cruise ship arc, it COULD HAVE BEEN SO GOOD, but then it fucking SUCKED and im still mad about it.
genuinely. THAT is my villain origin story. ALL THAT FUCKING AWFUL MESS AND THEN WE D O N T EVEN GET TO SEE OUR HEROS SAVE THE DAY. ITS STUPID ITS SOOOO STUPID. they shouldve fucking nixed the pirate storyline and actually gave us the helicopter landing on the overturned boat, gave us buck and eddie and hen and chimney SAVING BOBBY AND ATHENA AND EVERYONE ELSE. im so fucking mad about this!!!!!! it was like the stranger things 2 days later EXCEPT A THOUSAND TIMES WORSE ACTUALLY.
ALSO. by not showing any of this, they realllllllllllly fucking shot themselves in the foot wrt bucktommy tbh. bc like. this was supposed to be their first meeting. this was suppose to be the origin of buck's crush, yknow, the one that makes him coocoo bananas enough to maim his best friend in the next episode. EXCEPT. BECAUSE we never see them interact (like. LITERALLY at all. we get maybe one exchange in the helicopter BUT EVEN THEN NOT REALLY), we never see them chat, we never see the cool things tommy does that makes buck go all starry eyed over it - so it makes it reeeeeeaaalllly fucking hard the next episode to understand where and why and how that crush even came about. (which - dont even get me started on this particular issue, the overabundance of offscreen relationship progression, for ALL couples not just bucktommy, bc it is perhaps my biggest pet peeve about this show and i could rant about THAT for hours gkflgdf)
BUT ANYWAYS. this was supposed to be a good arc!!! it had ALLLLL the opportunity to be that!!!! but it fucked SUCKED ASS and im mad about it and i will ALWAYS be mad about it.
(W O W sorry lmfao i went OFF there. did NOT realize that question was going to awaken something in me LMFAO)
20. Moment that made you cry the most?
oh my goddd okay. like. genuinely this show has made me cry SO many times, like ALMOST every fucking episode has something in it that makes me at least tear up, but i have DEFINITELY ugly cried at SEVERAL moments...... the only problem is i am now COMPLETELY blanking on all of them fskjglfdkgs. or, at least the one that made me cry the most. maybe this is a cliche answer, but the mitchell and thomas storyline truly got me so good it made me CRY. and then also since this is most recently in my brain, the madney wedding episode, but specifically the scene where chim is with the lees and they're talking to kevin. the buck begins end scene and the "i almost gave up" moment, like FUCK (already fucking EMOTIONAL scene and then they went and threw the song from fucking broadchurch my BELOVED over it which made it a thousand times more emotional to me). god i know there are so many more too but ough ough.
35. Underrated moment?
DO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wee woo show asks
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bi-turtle-enthusiast · 8 months
Danmei ask, from all 3 of MXTX works,
a). Who is your fav protagonist? Why?
b.) Who is your fav male lead (love interest)? Why?
c.) Who is your fav canon couple? Why?
d.) Which is your fav story from those 3 works? Why?
e.) Are they a certain quotes from those 3 works, that are your fav?
a. Xie Lian. I love everything about this man. He's silly, but also serious, but also kind, but also human. He's guyfail and he's girlboss. He's so funny. He's so resilient, and gives me hope.
b. Ok so it's kind of a tie between Hua Cheng and Lan Wangji because I like and dislike them both in equal capacities. The Untamed made me like Lan Wangji a lot more, and upon rereading MDZS I realized I had misinterpreted him a lot. Rereading TGCF made me realize that,, Hua Cheng really is kind of insane and Feng Xin and Mu Qing had a point. So yeah I have my gripes with both. But also, their unflinching love is so powerful. I love how they love so deeply and unabashedly. I love how they're both neurodivergent to an extreme /pos.
c. Hualian. They make me insane
d. TGCF! MDZS is a close second but it's just too sad despite WWX's attempts at lightening the mood by being himself. I'm kind of insane about every single character in TGCF and I find myself going back to it the most.
e. Ough this is hard. I think right now it's
"Don't you understand? If you insist on protecting them, it means I can't protect you!" -Jiang Cheng
I'm insane about Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian's relationship and I love how this quote beautifully showcases Jiang Cheng's struggle of caring so deeply for his loved ones but being in an impossible situation where society's demands of him prevent him from protecting and caring for them the way he wants to.
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saiiboat · 3 months
helloooo hello hi music recs you say. :D
not an album but MOFO by Reolamos is a banger I have to mention it
I like TEMMIS' EP Klinge! it has 4 songs and they're a bit more of a melancholy vibe, but not in the sad way, more in a "sitting on a speeding train and staring out the window" way. does that make sense idk but the second song is Literally About That LOL. either way I like it
Adeus, Aurora by Supercombo is good! this is also a "sitting on the train" vibe to me but more upbeat this time
Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann bei Nena is a banger song (this is the same band that did 99 Luftballons which you've probably heard of)
Es ist Abend und wir sitzen bei mir by AnnenMayKantereit is a more chill vibe too! probably wouldn't listen to most of the songs individually but as an album it's a vibe
and. gonna stop there for now but there you go? :D hope you don't mind the amount of german music I figured it was stuff you were more likely to not already know
ok my thoughts s^_^ never apologizing for recommending songs in other languages btw. its awesome
this gets a bit long so reactions under the cut
MOFO: FODA. fucks like hell. in love with it.
Klinge: i love the rhythm. damn
ICE 579: oh this is awesome fucking vibe. yeah train music
augenringe: love the bridge at the beginning. one must imagine me bobbing along to this song as i type
verloren wie ich (pt. 1): oh this is cooollllllll ok. ok. digging this.. wtf......
adeus, aurora:
guarda-chuva: love how it climbs. really fits the album art i think. also like the lyrics for this one
o guerreiro e a selva: jam. what can i say. i like this one a lot
maremotos: i know this one! massive fan. sos good. it also gives me insane deja vu for some reason. where the fuck have i heard this song before
menina largata: jam. VERY interesting bridge here
robozin: interesting beat.. i feel like this one might be more of an acquired taste for me but i can see myself liking it
2 e 1: ohhhhh i love the last 3rd of this song oh this is cool. it grabbed me
meu colorista: OUGH fucks. cool as hell. woah crazy vocals. ok kinda fucks okkkk
parafuso a menos: ok!!! okay!!!!!! OKAY!!!!!!!!!! :D good song
cela: kinda a vibe ngl. cool song
xepa das estrelas: i really like this one
overall it was enjoyable but a bit of an acquired taste? there are a few songs in there that i do really love off the bat but the rest i can definitely see myself enjoying later on. ME FROM A FEW DAYS LATER! yeah this album fucks 🫶
Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann: FUCKS. this fucking rules. love this one. yeah this rules
Es ist Abend und wir sitzen bei mir:
lass es kreisen: oh ok so this fucks fucks. okay.
3 tage am meer: vibe. ok. ok. ok. great song
es ist abend: ooooooooooooooooo strong start. yeah i love this one
lottoscheine: ohhhh ok the bridge got me. hooked
verliebt sein: thisones sweet i like it
ausgehen: vibe
erdbeerkechen: this rules. wtf
heute abend wird es regnen: wow that was a shift. i like this one
weißhausstraße: this is cool.
kein stern: good song
als ich ein kind war: interesting. the lone voice with just the drum for a minute is crazy
du tust mir nie mehr weh:good song
orangenlied: very good. i dont have any german so i heard "forrest gump" and my head twitched
tommi: also very good. brings the album to a very nice end
overall thoughts: really enjoyed this. awesome fucking album. loved it.
THANK YOU FOR THE RECS!!!!! you have great taste these are all awesome
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volivolition · 5 months
HEWWO wanted to send these in before we forgot Jfjskakdkfjsf hopefully we aren't sending them Too fast lmk if we are FHDJDJD But!!! two songs this time!! bc the first one is Very Very Short but
First one is!!! Cosmos by Jawbreaker Reunion!! You rbed a Jean fic that looks super interesting we'll have to read it later bUt it reminded us of our Jean's favourite song which is this!! he says it rlly reminds him of him and Harry tbh!
Second one is Sober by FIDLAR! v loud and energetic and Yeah this is an E-Chem song. FHHDSJFJDKSKFKD like. points at the lyrics. That's a fuckin e-chem song right there!! and a harry song tbh but it's on our Skills playlist 4 E-chem
ok that's all we hope you have a good day!! :3c
HEWWO!! my music friends the furies!! <333 send me as many as you want, anytime you feel like it!! :D it just takes me a while to formulate responses because im a sleepy guy with lots to say -ᴗ- <3 but i appreciate you taking time to share music with me!!!! i will listen to ALL of it :3 <3
cosmos fills me with EMOTIONS i really like this one!! makes me melancholy in a good way :'] <3 OH THE FUCKING. SUDDEN SWELL OF THE INSTRUMENTS. WAUGH... HELL YES this is going in my playlists hjkhf <3 oh when you're a satellite... weeps!! absolutely a jean and harry song, i love it, short and sweet :'] <3
(also YEAH TAR AND TONIC WATER IS SO FUNNY, its a wild ride of a story <3 i fondly think of it as "A Spilled Kaleidoscope"'s younger sibling fic in the "whoopsie-daisy, bro, your proximity to harry means you got voices now!! get used to it!!" concept)
POINTS AT SOBER YEAH. YEAH I ABSOLUTELY GET IT. songs that you can scream to!!!! "LOOK IM TRYING TO GET BETTER, WHY DO I HAVE TO FIGURE OUT WHY IM LIKE THIS" ough. OUGH OUCH THE LYRICS. e-chem and harry!!!! :'0 <333 love that, love that <3
thank you thank you i hope you're having a good day too!! :D <333
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glsneeg-enthusiast · 4 months
Anon is back. Happy to supply more questions. I do follow you but I’m a memory issues haver so I don’t mind hearing things again. Is there a canon time/age Sneeg was taken by showfall? What are YOUR thoughts on when he was taken. Was he the hero before?? I always interpreted it like that. He was supposed to be a hero but he was too defiant so they put his ass in a cage for [indefinite amount of time]
osudgsghshsgfhf. okag. okay. ok. tehres not a confirmed tiem he was taken. HWOEVER. like charlie its kind of implied that he was taken as a kid if not raised by them. because. he cant read or spell and he s chdilish the way chalrie isbyt tno t int he same way ist more in the upset defiant chidl way. so rhat feeds kid theory a ltotle bit to me. and i think they never really loked sneeg that much bc idk if youev seen franks file i hope you have but in the file franks also called Taken liek sneeg showfall neveer gave sneeg his own title like anyone else ehich idk maybe it was bc the file was for frank who was mostly a joke and his fiel was also mostly a joke but tiss. ough. and i think hes always been a probelm no mateter how long hes been with them because the bad hat scene wasnt. treate d liek it was soemthign new for him? if that makes sesne? lieke it seemed liek he new what to do and how to get out the e mploeyyes kne wwhat to do to him and idk maybe im readign too much into that bit but mea t for thought. and i thnnk thr fialed hero theory is alot better with all of that ratehr than they just kidnapped sneeg and yried to make him a hero liek ranboo. and the cage with frank is so mhcyh its so much
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worldwright · 7 months
good evening :3
i was looking into trying to get the paper you need to work with children in France, so you need a formation and all
nuh uh, i'm not doing 8am-6pm for 8 days when it's the other side of the town and i can only move by bus (i trust no one with a car) AND HAVING TO TAKE MY MEDS AT 8AM N E V E R
that's how i'd die so no thanks, gotta talk with my therapist to be sure im not throwing myself under the guillotine yk
I bought a blueberry donut and a hot chocolate because damn, I deserve it (don't ask if i ate another thing) (i didn't) (what a surprise)
Have a wonderful morning my friend !
wait is "throwing yourself under the guillotine" the normal way to say it in France??? I'm cracking tf up lmfaooooooo
(it's "under the bus" here)
anyway good morning :333333 YAY CRUTCHES!!!!!!!!! and YES. L/R. THEY WILL PROTECT YOU also having them holding my hands all the time????? 🥺😭❤️❤️❤️❤️ I would feel so fkn safe
and that way, if you're right-handed, you can fuckin whack ppl in the knees with Razlo!!
con tomorrow!!! con tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
d&d last night was fun, tho I held back more than I should have (there's no reason not to kill the characters in a non-canon session. I fkn shouldn't have nerfed the monster) but anyway I got to drop some worldbuilding lore as well as having ppl blow off steam by smashing gross-looking monsters! yay!!
ough idk if you know about critical role (d&d stream) but there's these. lofi mixes. completely made from scratch by a fan. music n all. and they have character lines in them that follow the character's journey and growth . along with some genuinely fantastic music and mmmmmmmmm I just love them so much. speedrun 1000 hours of playtime (not even exaggerating) into 1 hour of pure character development while fuckinnnnnn VIBING
ok it's
the second two are both for the same character lol
hope you have a lovely evening, friend!!
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hunterwritesstuff · 7 months
Pre-fall, cuz I’m assuming he’s had a thing for he a bff since then?
Sweet! Thank you! Hope ya enjoy! Hopefully it's long enough! I'm not exactly the best with writing fight scenes lol Under the cut, warning for blood, violence, and yk. Hex having a rough time. <3
"End of line, First Man."
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Adam coughed as he made contact with the cold, almost glassy floor. They'd been at this for a while. Adam and Hex would never get along well(Adam was from Heaven, after all.) and that escalated into a full-on fight.
Adam coughed up a small puddle of Ichor. Shit. "Alright, man. You can cut this shit out." Adam coughed.
"Like Hell I will." Hex said, throwing another punch, sending Adam crashing to the ground again. "You're cancerous, y'know. You corrupt all that you touch. You're like a virus in a computer." He said, kicking Adam while he was down on the ground.
"Cut it out!!" Adam growled, shoving him away with his wing. "I AM ADAM!! FIRST MAN!! YOU WILL RESPECT ME!!" Adam snapped.
"Respect?" Hex asked almost...dazily. As though he was in a trance.
"YEAH, BITCH!!! I'M FUCKING ADAM!!" Adam shouted, taking another hit.
"Don't talk to me about respect." Hex said blankly, landing another hit, drawing his Angelic-Disc with his other hand.
"UGH!!" Adam grimaced. "TRY HARDER, YOU LITTLE BI-"
SHATTER. Adam's eyes widened as his mask shattered and broke away, the Angelic-Disc held mere inches away from his face.
"Do-on't t-alk to m-e about-t respe-ct. You d-on't kn-o-ow a THI-ING about resp-ect." Hex's voice glitched, filled to the brim with anger.
Adam panted heavily, the length of the battle taking its toll on him. "I...don't have to...respect you....sinner." He growled. Adam cried out in pain as the Angelic-Disc wedged into his arm.
"Yo-u're an u-ugly ma-an. Hate is the ma-arrow in your b-ones. Disd-ain is pro-ogrammed into-o yo-ur b-eing. Y-ou're a h-ateful-ateful man-n. A can-cer. Y-ou do-'nt de-serve my be-st friend. Y-ou dese-rve r-ot." Hex hissed.
"I'll...get with her...one way...or another..." Adam snarled.
"...s-uch pretty w-ings...." Hex chuckled. Hex pulled the disc out of Adam's shoulder. "Y-ou w-on't mind m-e r-oughing th-em up a b-it, w-ill y-ou?"
Hex didn't wait for a response, slashing at Adam's wings a few times, not enough to be irreparable, but enough to be painful. "Th-ere." Hex sighed.
"You're...a piece of shit..." Adam growls.
"A-lready kn-ew that." Hex laughed.
"You're...a stupid...loner..."
Hex's lights on his suit turned a bright red, reacting, in a snappy manner, landing a potentially killing blow.
"SIR!!!!" Hex's head snapped open, finding Adam's Lieutenant making her way down.
Hex growled, pulling out his light cycle, riding away, leaving Adam behind.
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strawberrycriisiis · 9 months
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[ finished the indigo disk it was really good :) i'll keep tagging everything that has to do with it as spoilers for at least one more month, but for now!! comments under read more!!!!
ough i loved loved LOVED the music!!!!!!!!!!!!! both kieran's champion theme and terapagos' theme im ngl i had. such a bittersweet feeling staying in area zero again fndmsg,,, while i really hoped to see something regarding the professors again -- and i'll GO TO THE LAKE like nox is yelling at me now!!!!!!!! - i really liked it
hell this dlc really made me like carmine too and gave me a proper antagonist rival!!! i love kieran and id kill for him im glad the lady didnt turn out to be a "twist" villain too!!!
also i adore ADORE A D O R E both the electric cave in the biothingie area and the crystal tree in the abyss holy shit. theyre such good areas
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i still need to finish both the kitakami and the blueberry pokedex and do perrin's second mission, so!! time to work!! ]
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❤️ 🦋 💕 💡 🎁 for the fanfic writer asks?
thank you so much for the ask! :D
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Oh I have a few, but one that comes to mind right away is probably from this e rated fic about Crow and Guardian.
"But a ruin is far more beautiful when edged away by time."
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
Hmm! I've been really enjoying writing Saint-14, even though I don't do it very often. His voice is really nice to capture for me, and I'm always having fun balancing him between humorous lines and something more serious. He's a bit of a challenge, but in a pleasant way. I also like to write Crow, obviously!
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Oh this is hard lol. Of those that I think of lately, The Leviathan's Song, Outsider-centered fic from Dishonored. I was feeling so many things that inspired me to write it, and I'm really happy with that work. Also Gratitude, my e-rated fic about Rev and James, which actually brought James into existence lol.
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
So many. Oh so many. One really big one, I hope to finish it some time soon because the setting of that AU really makes me go ough.
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
MMMYEAH. From that aforementioned AU haha.
He breathed in deep until it was all that he could feel. Then, there was the sight. Verdant and dark, fluffy moss on the cold stone walls, wilderness of ivy, hanging from the unreachable ceiling. Darkened thorns, bejewelled with roses, fighting for dominance against all the living.
Fanfic writer ask game
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deliasamed · 10 months
Pronunciation of the letter "a"
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Pronunciation of the letter “a”
  Here are some common pronunciation patterns for the letter a :   Short a Sound: Examples: cat , bat , hat     Long a Sound (CVCe Pattern): Examples: cake , late , made       Long a Sound (Open Syllable): Examples: baby , paper , apron         Long a Sound (Vowel Teams): Examples: rain , tail , aim         ar Sound: Examples: car , star , farm           au Sound: Examples: August , author , cause         al Sound: Examples: ball , talk , small         aw Sound: Examples: saw , draw , claw           ai Sound: Examples: mail , sail , gain           Schwa a Sound (Reduced Vowel): Examples: banana , camera , about           ea Combination: Examples: bread , head , ready       ough Combination (pronounced as a): Examples: thought , brought , taught       The CVCe pattern: The CVCe pattern is  common  in English words. It refers to a specific arrangement of letters within a word, typically consisting of a consonant (C), followed by a vowel (V), then another consonant (C), and finally ending with a silent e (e).   Here's a breakdown of each component:   C: Consonant - This is a letter that represents a speech sound produced with some constriction or closure in the vocal tract. Examples include letters like c, b, d, f, and so on.   V: Vowel - This is a letter that represents a speech sound produced without significant constriction or closure in the vocal tract. Vowels include the letters: a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y in certain contexts.   C: Consonant - Another consonant follows the vowel.    e: Silent e - This is an additional letter e that comes after the second consonant and typically does not have a corresponding vowel sound. It's silent and doesn't affect the pronunciation of the preceding vowel but often influences the pronunciation of the preceding consonant.   The CVCe pattern often results in a long vowel sound for the vowel in the middle of the pattern.   The silent e at the end of the word is not pronounced but serves to modify the preceding vowel sound, making it a long vowel sound instead of a short vowel sound.     Examples of words with the CVCe pattern and long vowel sounds: cake late ride cube hope   In these examples, the a, e, i, and o vowels are pronounced with their long vowel sounds due to the influence of the silent e at the end of the word.           Here are the exercises for each pronunciation pattern along with their answers:   Exercise 1: Short a Sound: Write the transcribed word for each given word. - cat - bag - bat - mad - tap Answers: - - - - -       Exercise 2: Long a Sound (CVCe Pattern): Fill in the missing letters to complete each word and provide the transcribed word. - c__ke - l__te - m__de - s__ve - br__ve Answers: - cake - late - made - save - brave       Exercise 3: Long a Sound (Open Syllable): Write the missing vowels to complete each word and provide the transcribed word. - b__by - p__per - __pron - t__ken - b__con Answers: - baby - paper - apron - taken - bacon     Exercise 4: Long a Sound (Vowel Teams): Choose the correct vowel combination to complete each word and provide the transcribed word. - r__n - t__l - __m - tr__y - br__k Answers: - rain - tail - aim - tray - break       Exercise 5: ar Sound: Write the transcribed word for each given word. - car - jar - park - farm - star Answers: - car - jar - park - farm - star       Exercise 6: au Sound: Fill in the missing letters to complete each word and provide the transcribed word. - __gust - __thor - c__se - p__se - l__nch Answers: - August - author - cause - pause - launch       Exercise 7: al Sound Write the transcribed word for each given word. - ball - tall - call - small - talk Answers: - ball - tall - call - small - talk         Exercise 8: "aw" Sound Write the transcribed word for each given word. - saw - raw - draw - straw - claw Answers: - saw - raw - draw - straw - claw         Exercise 9: "ai" Sound Write the transcribed word for each given word. - mail - tail - fail - gain - sail Answers: - mail - tail - fail - gain - sail       The Schwa sound:  The schwa sound is a unique and common vowel sound in English, represented by the symbol ə in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). It's often described as a neutral, unstressed, and reduced vowel sound. The schwa sound is the most common vowel sound in English and appears in many unstressed syllables in words.   Here are some key characteristics of the schwa sound:   Neutral Sound: The schwa sound doesn't have a strong or distinct articulation. It's a central vowel sound, meaning that it's produced with the tongue in a relatively neutral position in the middle of the mouth.   Unstressed Syllables: The schwa sound usually appears in syllables that are not stressed in a word. In multisyllabic words, one syllable is typically stressed (strongly pronounced) while others are unstressed (pronounced with less emphasis). The syllables with the schwa sound often fall into the unstressed category.   Reduction: When a syllable is unstressed, the vowel in that syllable tends to get reduced to the schwa sound. This reduction makes the vowel sound shorter and less distinct compared to when it's stressed.     Variability: The exact quality of the schwa sound can vary based on surrounding sounds and accents. It might sound closer to a short ih sound in some cases, especially in certain accents.   Examples: The schwa sound can be found in various unstressed syllables within words.   For example: in the word banana, the second and third syllables have schwa sounds: . In sofa, the first and last syllables contain schwa sounds: .   The schwa sound is crucial for understanding the rhythm and stress patterns of English speech. It's one of the reasons why some unstressed syllables might sound less clear or even seem to disappear in fast speech.       Here are some common rules for the occurrence of the schwa sound in English words, along with examples for each rule:   Rule 1: Schwa in Unstressed Syllables: In multisyllabic words, unstressed syllables often contain the schwa sound. Examples: banana potato camera table happy     Rule 2: Schwa in Unstressed Function Words: Unstressed function words like articles, prepositions, and pronouns often have the schwa sound. Examples: apple the to and for       Rule 3: Schwa in Unstressed Suffixes: Suffixes like -er, -ing, -en, -ly, and -es in multisyllabic words often contain the schwa sound. Examples: teacher running happen quickly boxes         Rule 4: Schwa in Reduced Vowel Sounds: Certain vowel sounds in unstressed syllables might be reduced to the schwa sound, especially in fast speech. Examples: potato computer little family thought   It's important to note that while these rules provide general guidelines for the occurrence of the schwa sound, English pronunciation can vary based on accents, regional differences, and individual speech patterns. As a result, the presence and quality of the schwa sound may differ in various context                 Pronunciation of the letter “a” Pronunciation of the letter “o” Pronunciation of the letter “y” The Phonics rules for reading The Alphabet names in English The International Phonetic Alphabet symbols for English phonemes Read the full article
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Hi guys :D
Ahhh yeah XD just being polite lol
XDD that is very specific lol
Uh ohhh
Ahh but they don't know it's a pregnancy yet (I'mma pretend to be surprised in a second lol)
Like half jokingly lol
And I was like ". . . well, I mean, based on the promo, YEAH IT'S GONNA BE" XD
O O P SHE'S P R E G N A N T???!!?!
Anyway past the surprise, oop, there it is! Not like the saying but very literally
Ahh and she's not surprised 😬
Ahhh, at least she talked to her about it? But still 😬😬
Welp, there's nothing you can do Jordan
Hi guysss :)
Their bickering lol XD brothers lol
But yeah they're both right there is a happy medium lol
XDD still a hilarious scene lol
Besides the fact that it's an extremely risky surgery xdd
Hi Park :)!
Ayyy Kellen :DD!
Not okay xdd
Anyways aww that's nice :))
Oope she asking him 👀👀
Honestly, I think what Park's saying has a lot of worth
Like it would be immediate not even as the kid gets older :/ as soon as you're back form maternity you're back to it :(
But it is a super huge opportunity!
Hope she's happy with whatever she decides <33
Hmm these are all complicated laws xdd
Or like it's a complicated situation I guess
I mean 😬 y'all could discuss it further
But yeah legally Jordan you don't really have a case
I mean I personally don't think she should be either but it ain't my decision now is it
And yeah, no good options ://
Woah wait Lim, you can still use their input
I think it's been too long since you've been this hands on lol
Aww hey y'all in normal clothes lol but the aww was: poor Perez :((
I mean he's not totally fragile but it's nice of Asher to check up on him :))
Okay, good he's talking to someone <3
Ooh yay it's good so far!
Ope back to washing dishes lol xdd
Just like that other episode with Shea I mean lol
Anyway at least it's working well for right now :))
Ayy and croissants and everything :DD
See we're all good :))
For now xdd
We're not even halfway through the episode though xdd lol
Gosh good doctor episodes always feel so long XD I like it though lol
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Can we get a drabble of that mission where Chuya got hurt and now has a scar because of it?
(You are amazing at writing these drables)
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((Hi there anon and sure, I can write this for you. also, thank you for the comment. I enjoy writing these drabbles and their so much fun. I hope you like this one. <3))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
"Stop them you idiots! STOP THEM!!"
Both Blade and Chuya were running down a hallway away from a group of guys trying to catch them. They were able to complete the mission for a while now finally but they were trying to get out without being caught. Chuya was using gravity to grab some boxes to throw back at the guards hitting two of them and saw them crash into the others.
Blade did fight back but he already attacked to see him hit another before they keep running to get through a door into another section. Both Chuya and Blade panting that they keep going down the hallway trying to find a way out.
"We should find a way to get out. Their should be a hidden door somewhere." Chuya looks around seeing Blade behind him as they ran.
"I'm sure we will find it Chuya." Blade looks to him but he keeps following him as they ran. However, the two got to another room to open the door. It seems it was the main front of this place with the outside! They were almost out!
"Were almost out. Come on Darling!" He said looking to him but turns to hurry over with him. However, as soon as he started running towards the door.......
BANG! A loud shot rang through the area that made Blade stop moving to look behind him hoping his husband was following him but...he stood there looking quiet. "Darling?"
"......" Chuya didn't move nor did he speak before he felt a stinging pain in his back. He looks down seeing a seeping dark red color on his shirt to see something shot him. He looks down about to speak but someone comes behind him to stab Chuya's side with a dagger.
Blade's eyes widen in horror seeing his darling hurt as he saw Chuya wince in pain with blood dripping down his side as the one that hurt him grip his throat now keeping the blade in his side.
"Stay back...if you don't want your little bitch of a darling to die..stand down." the enemy warns but he sees Chuya wincing with tears but he tried to shove him back from him but grunts feeling the blade digging into his side. More blood spilling out but Blade looked silent as he saw this guy hurting his husband..his darling.
That's when something snapped.
The other saw Blade look down but his face was hidden while his hands closed into a fist. Chuya hopes Blade was alright till he opens his eyes seeing his husband.
"...Mission start: termination...and rescue"
Huh? the other holding Chuya was confused seeing Blade slowly look up but he shows his weapon ready at will. "New objective: terminate threat from adding more harm. Initiating attack sequence.." Suddenly Blade dashes towards the enemy to quickly stab the guy in the head that drops the injured Chuya as he falls to the ground. The ones that shot him was shocked seeing this but Blade begins going to terminate the other threats in the area.
Chuya was laying on the ground but the hat he had on was on the ground as he tried to sit up but winces not able to move from his injuries. Blood seeps from his chin watching his husband. "B...blade..."
More of the enemies were killed and stabbed by Blade. He didn't spare anyone that threatens to kill him. However, Chuya saw him hit the last one down before he begins killing him by stabbing him.
Chuya saw his husband kill each one in a blood massacre. Within moments, Blade still kept stabbing him spilling more blood. Chuya slowly winces to get up trying to get to his husband to stop him.
"Eliminate..Eliminate..Eliminate.." Each time he stabs the dead enemy when she speaks but as he tries to do it again, something grabs his arm to stop it. "?????" Being coated in blood, he looks to see Chuya resting on his back still bleeding.
"E...en..ough...Blade..you got t..them..no more alright?" he whispered even if he was in pain. Blade said nothing but slowly looks down while Chuya was bleeding to look and carefully turn around to look at him.
"Blade?" He reaches with a bloody hand about to touch his cheek but Blade grabs his hand to stop him. He winces wondering if he remembers to see him looking at him.
"Blade..it's me, Chuya. Remember??" he asked looking tired but he only sees him slowly lower his wrist to look at him.
"...D...darling???....." He slowly sees him look at him but before Chuya speaks, he slowly passes out from blood loss that Blade got worried to carefully try to stop the bleeding and get him somewhere to help. He only held his husband close after they got back home from their mission but Chuya was sleeping in bed bandaged up with Blade sitting by him.
"........." He held his husband's hand hoping he was alright but he only remains silent to do what he must to protect his love. His darling. For now, he knew he will recover but bearing the scar that had him remember this mission for a long while.
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Second tier list! Based on how fuckable I think your (and a few of my) blorbos are. I struggled with the tiers way more than before, but I think I got it in the end. Unfortunately, I had to leave out some donghua dudes, I think? Mainly because there was a LOT of them and the animated versions looked kinda samey anyway. There are only so many handsome willowy men I can put on this list before it gets boring.
Tier explanations below.
S: Please -- Ough ough awooga, you know? This guy’s the dream. The wet kind. Doesn’t need any more explanation. We don’t wanna get too graphic here.
A: I would be honored -- This guy either seems well-adjusted enough to not be a fucked up bitch, or he’s a fucked up bitch but he’ll still be respectful and pleasant and show you a great time, before, during and after. He’ll probably have some interesting conversation, and if not that, then he’ll just be a charming and attractive fellow throughout. No regrets.
B: I’d be embarrassed but come back for seconds -- This guy is a mistake you keep making. You knew it was a bad idea. He’s got crumbs in his bed, or maybe he’s got a weird kink you don’t get, or he’s just a war criminal. You know you shouldn’t do this again, but the sex was nasty in a good way so you slink back and hope nobody notices.
C: Unfuckwithable -- This guy is too intense to fuck with, in every sense of the word. You’re kind of intimidated by the amount of raw animal charisma of him (Doc Ock), or you just don’t get enough sexual energy off of him at all (Legolas). Either way, this guy kills it and you respect him but you admire him from afar. He’s too cool for you. Or he’s a faceless monster man. Or the being that created the universe. You can look but you know you can never touch.
D: If nothing else is available -- This is fine. It’s a man. He’s got the necessary parts, probably. You’ll have a decent time but you won’t remember it, even though you were fully sober. Gets the job done but there’s no passion or weirdness or charm to keep you coming back. It’s fine. A little underwhelming maybe. But it’s fine.
E: I’d rather stay celibate -- Something’s just a little off here. You’re not sure what it is but you’re not really into it. These are full turnoffs and your horniness isn’t powerful enough to override it. He’s got nothing going for him but he’s also giving out some really awkward vibes. Maybe he’s part of an obscure political movement. Maybe he’s an incel. Maybe he seems normal at first but can’t sleep without releasing a jar of bugs into his underwear to feel them squirm.
F: I will kill him if he approaches me -- This is the red flag zone. This man has done weird shit and he’ll do it to you and he won’t even be pathetic about it like the B tier. This man has done a hate crime. However he’s also exquisitely killable. Just a spineless little slug of a creature. He exists to be dunked on, to be exterminated. And to exterminate him is your destiny. He does not fill you with lust, but with rage.
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cassahina · 3 years
i thh ink yoo u re taa lkkin g tto mm e
daan g an rronp aa, ffoor thh e ssou rce
aan d hee re is whha t i wrr ote iincaas e yyou dee leted ii t aaall rready
ii a m an int j-t, mm y riising (zoodi ac) ss ign is Liib ra.
ex tternall y, I t endd to ss eem carell ess, cc ol d, ann d so rrt of du ll.
bu ut ii tee nd to ff ake mm y pper sonality. .
m yy feew friiend s saay i m like a n oniion
i haave layer s, aa nd make peeo ple cry.
I aam eeas y to bo re, sso I g o aaar ound annoyying peeo ple for fuun.
cco ntradicting my teendancy to ac t as if i m bett er thhan ever yone, i sommetiimss g o off on theese rant s about mmy worthlessne ss.
ii m sor t of insens itive. .and peeo ple tryy to inssullt me by c oomparing mme to fictionaal villain s.
whh ille, yee s, i vaalue trruuth andd deppth, annd th ink whitte liess/smaall taalkk is uuselees s annd down riight st upid. .i also fiind lyying quitee fu n.
mmyy perso naliity iss filled o f contra dictioons. an d to mme, liife is likke a giaant gam e of chh ess
trr uust? ah a w hho carees aboout t hat? whhy hide behiind that stuppid wordd, th att st upid lliie?
ii m preetty cluuelles s witth roo mance, a s itt s nevver liingerred in m y miin nd lo ng een ough to wo rry abb out it
i haven t trul y cr ied in yea r s, bu t i m gre at at fak ing emo tion s.
Yeah, I was, thanks for resending it with the source! I’ll match you up this time! Hope you like it.
I match you with….
Kokichi Ouma and Celestia Ludenberg for a kin matchup!
I chose both of them for the same reasons. You said you come off a bit as cold or distant and tend to fake your personality, which is very fitting for them both as Kokichi lies to himself to try to protect others while Celestia lies about her personality to fit others standards. You mentioned how you annoy people when you are bored, which also seems fitting for them both as they are both quite mischievous. Your values towards truth and enjoyment with lying also fits them as Kokichi is a proud liar and Celestia is the queen of lies. Just really they both are very good at masking emotions, causing mischief and telling lies which are the vibes you are giving off from what you have said.
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