moonsoupstar-ao3 · 6 months
I don't like this timeline anymore...
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facets-and-rainbows · 9 months
Blue Exorcist 147 summary
The official translation is delayed relative to the raws this month so I get to paraphrase a chapter just like old times! The nostalgia!
Fairly detailed spoilers and no images:
Asmodeus goes on about how Shura is full of contradictions (young but also somehow aged, cold like ice but with a burning passion, full of life but death has always been close by) and says she's his type (ewwwww) Shura says Asmodeus is not her type, sorry, and shoots him full of icicles XD He tells her to go deeper with it (eeeewwwwwwwww), the pain makes him feel alive
Rin and Yukio have another round of "BUT SHURA!" "BUT THE WHOLE MISSION!" and the mission wins out They safely make it to the door with the rest of the team, but the door won't open normally so we've got some kind of RPG style door puzzle on our hands Yukio sees the L (probably Left) and R (probably right) on the doors but that doesn't explain THAT MESSED UP LITTLE DISPLAY OVER THERE So the real question is what on EARTH does the bleeding corpse suspended over a meat grinder with the inscription "VL" mean Yukio and Neuhaus together wonder if the V is roman numeral 5 and 5L means you have to give it five liters of blood (one person's worth) to open it They get as far as wondering if you could just borrow like a freshly dead corpse from the battlefield, (they're not using their blood anymore, does it HAVE to be fresh?) before Rin is like….yeah we could take a look at the whole thing from above first though? Heh I think Rin is using fire to burn some footholds as he and Yukio climb? (Edit: wait I'm dumb it's Satan's fire, I already forgot that the walls burn you when you try to climb them lol) Yukio showed off his fireproofness and Rin was all impressed and Yukio very nearly almost smiled
MEANWHILE Amon is struggling with Osceola more than he thought In fact, the fight has damaged/destroyed his emerald ring! His 10.8 carat emerald ring!! Tragic He stomps on Osceola brutally while yelling THAT WAS WORTH MORE THAN YOUR DUMB HUMAN LIFE and OH JESUS IS THAT A DISEMBODIED ARM My Concern For Osceola Gauge just spiked again guys Katoh please he's two days from retirement!! Amon decides screw it, he's just gonna blow everything up at this point. Apparently being a sun god comes with the ability to go supernova and be reborn later (Huh! The sun disk over his head is his demon heart! and he's able to shatter it and have it reform) It'll take like ten minutes for this drama man to do his drama thing so let's cut back to the kids
Rin and Yukio find that the door leads to a bottomless pit even if you DO get it open So what gives? L might be "left" but what's the V? Rin observes that there's some patterns/symbols/something on the ground. Yukio recognizes them as Indo-Arabic numerals. V is 7. So I guess the seventh symbol on the left is the real door. They go there and find a little hidden entrance. No blood sacrifice required! The weird meat machine is a gross red herring! I feel like this is a lil jab at the first anime ending XD
On the way to bring everyone to the entrance, we run into This Asshole Again ("BUT SHURA!" "BUT THE WHOLE MISSION!") Asmodeus says that it's a pretty sweet gig, being a demon of his or Amon's level. Easy to find hosts and they don't disintegrate too fast. But BECAUSE of that, you don't REALLY get to feel alive (He shoots nasty energy beams at the kids and Shura defends them as he's saying this) Asmodeus says that pain and fear and despair are all proof that you're alive! And he can live vicariously through Shura by making her feel these things! Ew!
Cliffhanger on him winding up to kill someone or other in front of an exhausted Shura, while Osceola tries to stand up Osceola is just absolutely maxing out my Concern For Osceola Gauge in that last panel. Concern levels are off the charts here
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rinseveryday · 1 year
Hello! How are you ? Just one question! who do you think will die in the upcoming chapters of blue exorcist ? do you think anyone will die at all?
Hello anon! You're lucky because I'm having a nice easy week so I get to respond to you on the same day! (how rare)
Thank you for the question. I have seen this one come up recently within the fandom, especially with the manga ramping up for what seems to be a climax arc, but I never really had a solid answer for it. Kazue Kato is a master at misdirection and subverting expectations. She'd raise a death flag on purpose just for the lolz -u-"""
Personally, I don't see any of the main crew getting picked off, but then again, I didn't think Demon King! Rin was actually going to show up in his sweat pants so like... I'm just as scared as everyone else is.
I do think there will be some deaths though! And I'm hoping to see a few revives as well.
Spoiler warning for latest chapters under the cut
So from theories I've seen going around:
Renzou Shima has had major death flags on him for a while. This is probably just Kato trolling us though. I don't see any benefit coming out of his death anyways (snore) just kidding I love Renzou please don't die
Shiemi has said things that raised major death flags in the latest chapters, however, she's also under the protection of the Protagonist's Favored One's Halo, so unless Kato is a true masochist, I don't see her staying dead if worst comes to worst
Bon, probably also Kato's troll. Konekomaru is protected by the Cat Name Haver's Halo.
Izumo is in too much of a dire need for a glow-up to die.
Yukio is... cursed by the Protagonist's Favored One's Halo. Or at least he was but Rin feels a bit distracted lately. He'll live, but at What Cost? Couldn't say (probably a lot).
The Adults: Neuhaus is probably going to die. Shura might come close, but she'll hang in there so she can attend Rin's graduation. Lucy Yang might die. Lewin is favored by the author so I hope that means he's safe. Angel is not favored by the author so I really don't want to think about what's going to happen to him. Osceola better not die bc I need Rin to become his apprentice. Shiemi's mom is close to dying but I really hope she doesn't.
The Demons: I don't care either way so I never really thought about it (sorry demon lovers). If anything, it's more likely that we'll see demons that have crystalized, revive (Azazel, Armumahael, Shemihaza, Satan).
Also on a similar note, the demon eaters plot point was never fully resolved. Todou "died" off screen so unless Kato totally forgot about him, he's due for a comeback.
It's also interesting that Paku and Godaiin were focused on in the glimpse into the future. Nemu Takara also stayed back and is presumably still alive in that future, and those 3 from the kid's table still need to come back into the story. I doubt any of them will die ;w; that'd be too sad.
Jeremiah might die.
Dragulescu (??? idk how to spell his name) better die.
Other Illuminati: uhhh maybe the Lundstroms? I like Homare and I think she'll have something to do with Lucifer changing his mind about things. Lucifer isn't the main villain anyways so he's probably safe.
Rin... I don't think he'll be the same at the end of the manga, so to me, that counts as dying. Rin and Demon!Rin still haven't resolved their differences. Rin will have to choose a side, or face being forever unstable. But choosing will change him. Right now, he's living as 2 alter-egos/split personality. We've never seen him truly whole, and from the glimpses we have seen, he's kind of scary.
tl;dr Might die: Neuhaus, Shima, Lucy, Jeremiah, Dragulescu, Todou round 2, Rin (kinda)
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thislovintime · 1 year
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(Photo 1) Rehearsals for the Australia and Japan tour, 1968; (photos 2 & 3) 1970s, photographer unnamed.
Q: "When you left that project [The Monkees], was it just the foresight of seeing a sinking ship, and you thought it was time to bail? Peter Tork: "No, I had no idea [whether] it was going to die or not. I didn’t have enough experience to consider the question. Obviously in retrospect the TV show was the driving factor for everything! And without the TV show the thing was nothing. But basically no. I just wanted out because I didn’t like hanging out with those guys primarily because of the music aspect of things. You know, we did the 'HEADQUARTERS' thing and Micky said that he didn’t want to do it again, what he said was 'You can’t go back,' which was pure self-history, and just all a joke. Micky just says what comes to mind when he doesn’t want to do something. He will not tell you why, and all he’ll do is just throw up a lot of smoke. Davy on the other hand said that he didn’t want to do it because he was just banging a tambourine. We’re doing fifty seven takes of the same song working on arrangements. He’s got his part down take number two! And he was sick of banging a tambourine while the rest of us hassled over our parts, and he said his arm couldn’t take it (laughs). He didn’t want to do it anymore, and so you couldn’t argue with that. Mike wants to be the boss, basically Mike is 'my way, or the highway' and there’s no room for discussion in his cosmos. And Mike basically didn’t want to join the group. He wanted to be in charge, and all I ever wanted was to be a member of a group. And after 'Headquarters' we had this moment when we tried it out and it worked okay more or less, but we didn’t seem to have whatever it took to sustain it. So I quit to pursue music for better or for worse and of course nothing was heard from me again for twenty or thirty years or something." Q: "A lot of people followed every move you made though." PT: They may have but you know, some of my great musical triumphs in between time were on fairly small scales. I tore the house down in Fairfax California..." Q: "Fairfax!" PT: "Fairfax! I lived in the Fairfax area… actually San Anselmo, but Fairfax was the base. I was in the Fairfax street choir, and I worked at the Sleeping Lady Cafe. I was in a group called Asiola [sic - Osceola] with the late Chuck Vincent, and we played the ballrooms from time to time. I tore the house down when I played the Sleeping Lady one time with just a pick-up band… tore it up. It was great! You know, but it was a small scale triumph and I didn’t know how to parlay that into anything more significant." Q: "Did you ever record any of that stuff?" PT: "I did make one tape. I don’t have a copy of it though anymore." Q: "No?" PT: "I don’t have a copy of it anymore." Q: "There goes the anthology." PT: "Yep. (laughs)" - steve-escobar dot com
"[Peter] was a really good musician and I remember him playing at the Lady. […] I’ve heard some of his live stuff on tape that he did at the Sleeping Lady and was blown away by how great he really was as a musician.” - Marla Hunt Hanson, Facebook, January 3, 2021 (x)
More about the Sleeping Lady, and Peter's gigs there (including some ads from 1973, in an older post.
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focsle · 2 years
I understand if this is not…. The Content you want on your blog, but in your readings of logs and journals/diaries of whalers, do they talk about the sheer size of the whales? Especially in comparison to the boats used to hunt them? Maybe I just haven’t been reading closely enough, but there doesn’t seem to be much about the whales themselves in whaling logs. Which maybe speaks to how few and far between whales were successfully caught? But I also know that is faulty, because of how big the whaling industry was and how much devastation was wreaked on whale populations… LOTS OF THOUGHTS so I thought I would ask Tumblr’s resident expert.
Oh this is the exact content for my blog lol, call me Ishmael! Content warnings for animal death.
Because they're whalemen, when speaking about the size of whales they always referred to them in terms of 'barrels', meaning how much oil they imagined they'd yield. Many are the laments of losing a '100 barrel whale', which would be quite a massive animal indeed, and was very rare to see (though not unheard of). I think the largest whale I've seen a log capture was 120 barrels. This sample from the back of the logbook of the bark Osceola II, 1866, shows some of the typical sizes of the whales it caught:
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The average size of whales taken ranged from 30-60 barrels, from sperm and right whales. And the average length of a sperm whale is 35-50ft and 13-50 tons depending on if it's female or male, and for a right whale around 45-55 ft and 45-80 tons. So the rare 100 barrel whale seen here was likely a very large bull. They'd also take calves (😢), hence the smaller numbers too.
A whaleboat was about 25-30ft long, to get a sense of scale of boat vs whale. Whaling museums like installing whale skeletons alongside whaleboats to give that perspective. Here's the exhibit in Nantucket's museum:
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And here's an example, in relation to a man, of a sperm whale's jaw:
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The jaw alone could be up to 25 ft long. I've stood in front of these jawbones myself and MAN it gives me the willies every time.
The drawings of whalemen also can give a sense of what it feels like to be alongside such an animal. 2nd mate Benjamin Boodry of the Arnolda, 1852, drew an image of his experience of almost having his ‘brains knocked out by a whale' the day before, named here as 'Head breaker'.
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He wrote-- "I do not think that whaling will agree with mine that is if they are a going to Bite as Close to me as they did yesterday this being knocked 15 feet right into the air and coming down alongside of his jaw by a whales rooting is not what it is cracked up to be."
In the 19th century, whalers tended to go after Right whales and Sperm whales and, in the latter half of that century, Bowhead whales. Right whales and bowheads were sought after because they tended to be slow moving and rather peaceable, (😢) and had a lot of blubber and baleen. Sperm whales were much more aggressive, but had much more valuable spermaceti in their head case. Those three also tended to float when killed, though that wasn't always the case. Whalers also lowered for 'blackfish' (pilot whales), but only for practice because there wasn't much oil to make the labor worth it.
Humpbacks weren't particularly popular to hunt because of their tendency to sink when killed and their baleen was too short to be of commercial value. 'Mussel diggers' or 'devil fish' (grey whales) were also not hunted often because they had a reputation of being very aggressive and also had a tendency to sink when killed. 'Sulphur bottoms' (blue whales) were avoided almost entirely, because they were Way Too Big and Way Too Fast and sank. And 'finbacks' (fin whales) as well, because they were too fast and sank. Many a logbook complained about seeing nothing but 'humpbacks, mussel diggers, sulphur bottoms, and finbacks' and often didn't bother them much. Whalers only lowered for these whales when things were particularly desperate, and they usually ended up regretting it. Here's Mr. Stetson from the bark Arab, 1855, talking about a situation when they fastened to a mystery whale that escaped. He shared his thoughts on what it may have been based on its behavior:
‘[…] he gave the whale chase, went on and got fast to him immediately without any difficulty, but as soon as the whale was struck off he started like an affrighted race horse, and although he did not sound, yet he went so fast that they could not hold on to the line at all and the whale accordingly took the whole tubfull nearly as fast as it could run out of the boat, the boat in the meantime going like a locomotive engine. The 2nd mate allowed the whale to take the line until it became very evident that he could not prevented from taking the whole of it if they held on, and accordingly just before the end was reached he cut the line saying he could save enough for a “short warp” about four fathoms. Of all the traveling that I ever saw whales do, this I think was beaten only by the finback that we shot on Kodiak the day before leaving, and that fellow I think traveled at the extreme height of a whale’s speed. What manner of whale this was that the second mate struck was a subject of some controversy, as the transaction passed so quickly that no one hardly obtained a good sight of him: by some he was pronounced a sulphur bottom and by others a humpback, but the general opinion was that he was a sulphur bottom. Whatever species he belonged to he was certainly a racer of the first class.”
Either way, a whale is a huge animal regardless of species. It was an absolutely brutal endeavor--there was no way to kill an animal of that size quickly or cleanly. And the ones who killed it (which would often take hours) would then have to row those dozens of tons of deadweight back to the ship that was often miles off (which would also often take hours).
On a successful voyage, a ship might take 40 whales over the trip, but there were many voyages that didn't kill that many. Regardless, with hundreds of voyages every year, those numbers added up to the point that those whale populations are still in recovery today. But it can't all be attributed to 19th century whalers--there's 20th-21st century commercial whaling, boat strikes, fishing line, fracking, chemical and plastic and noise pollution, etc. that continue to harm those populations today. And there are also folks working to heal both old and continuing harm so...that's what's important.
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tomorrowusa · 9 months
To take back the country from climate-denying, abortion-forbidding, homophobic religious fanatics, we need to quit ignoring state governments. State legislatures in particular deserve far more of our attention. It's such attention which has helped flip legislative chambers in the past couple of years in states like Virginia, Michigan, and Minnesota.
In Florida this week a Democrat flipped a seat in a special election for the state House of Representatives. Although the Florida legislature still has a gerrymandered GOP supermajority in both chambers, the Republican defeat comes a day after the poor showing by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the Iowa caucuses.
Florida Democrats kicked off the new year with a major victory as businessman and Navy veteran Tom Keen flipped a Republican-held seat in the state House―a development that represents Gov. Ron DeSantis' second electoral humiliation in the span of 24 hours. Keen defeated his Republican rival, Osceola County School Board member Erika Booth, 51-49 in Tuesday's special election for the 35th House District, a constituency in the Orlando suburbs that Joe Biden carried 52-47. The Democrat will succeed Republican Fred Hawkins, whom Gov. Ron DeSantis appointed in June to serve as president of South Florida State College despite lacking any background in higher education. Republicans will hold an 84-36 supermajority in the state House as well as a similarly lopsided edge in the state Senate, so Keen's victory won't jeopardize the party's iron grip on state government. But Sunshine State Democrats are hoping that this win, which comes less than a year after the party flipped control of the mayor's office in Jacksonville, will give them another chance to convince Biden's reelection campaign and other deep-pocketed organizations that this longtime swing state is still winnable.   Former Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, who stumped for Keen over the weekend, is making the same argument as she tries to persuade national Democrats that her campaign against Republican Sen. Rick Scott is worth investing in. She's linked the two races in arguing that Floridians "can’t afford to pay their bills" thanks to "the failed policies" that began while Scott was governor.
WFTV offers this bit of analysis about Democrat Tom Keen's victory.
Digging into the numbers shows Keen overperformed with non-party affiliated voters, winning roughly 65% of the NPA vote, enough to overcome a raw vote lead in the race where Republicans cast some 900 more votes in the contest. Keen also overperformed in Orange County, where he beat Booth by 1,859 votes.
If you're thinking about getting a little more active in politics, becoming a volunteer for a local Democratic candidate for state legislature is an excellent place to begin.
Check to see who currently represents you in the legislature.
Find Your Legislators Look your legislators up by address or use your current location.
If you are represented by Republicans, contact your county or state Democratic Party and ask them who to get in touch with. You might also try contacting the DLCC.
Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee - Elect State Dems
If we need to take back the country one legislative seat at a time then we'd better get started right now.
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madi2112 · 10 months
The 8 days of Christmas
My plan for Christmas this year was to slowly increase the amount of the holiday I had to deal with.
This, of course, was blown up by the housepest I'm stuck with.
That slow increase was orginally planned because I knew I was likely to be invited to more holiday events then ever as part of the volunteer work I've been doing this year.
Which turned out to be very true.
So rather then posting each event separately I thought I'd just wrap them up as one big present 🎁. So to speak.
Day one: Jingle Cruise
The events started with a special ride on the Jingle Cruise at the Magic Kingdom set up exclusively for the Training and Development Department.
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Day Two: WIN Scavenger Hunt
This was a Women's Inclusion Network event at Disney Springs. We broke off into groups and completed a scavenger hunt throughout Disney Springs finding different themed Christmas 🎄 Trees and sending in photos. A great chance to meet other women from around the company and enjoy the evening!
It was also a chance to debut a new holiday dress I got for the season.
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Day Three: Come Out With Pride
This was a nice buffet dinner and craft event that unfortunately was sparsely attended. There was, maybe, 25 people at the event?
Still it was fun, and hopefully it will return next year.
I nearly forgot to grab a photo but remembered just before I left. Not visable in the picture was my red skirt to make this a festive combo.
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Day Four: The Center
Up next was the holiday dinner for volunteers at The Center Orlando.
Again, the turnout wasn't what I expected. Seems like a lot of the over 100 volunteers passed on this one. The attendance was about 40-50.
I, once more, debuted a new holiday dress for this event. A solid silver dress I thought would look better then it did. In retrospect, it definitely revealed just how bad my weight gain has been lately. Need to do something about that soon.
I also got recognized from my Finding Adventure show.
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Day Five: Snowball Express morning
This was a volunteer shift through work welcoming the family of fallen first responders as part of the Gary Sinise Foundation and the Snowball Express.
Over 1000 volunteers welcomed the families to the Magic Kingdom with a parade down Main Street.
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Day Six: The Nutcracker
Might be might favorite event this year.
I did a volunteer shift as an Usher for a matinee performance of The Nutcracker by the Central Florida Ballet Company.
Thousands of kids got to see a condensed version of the show. Which was a perfect introduction into ballet for them, and for me!
The dancers did a great job and the hour and fifteen minute run time was perfect.
This was the first time I've seen The Nutcracker as well as my first time at a ballet. I was surprised how enjoyable it was.
Even Rantoul an old friend of mine from my Tony's Town Square Restaurant days who had 2 of his children performing in the show!
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Day Seven: Equality Florida
The dinner for volunteers from Equality Florida was up next and was an interesting evening. Once again the attendance was smaller then expected but it was a lively bunch.
They did make a nice speech thanking us all and sharing the amazing numbers of people fighting the horrible things happening to our communities here in Florida.
I did snap a quick photo in the restaurant, but turned out terribly, but I promise I was there, lol.
Day Eight: The Best Christmas Pagent Ever
This was a stage production at the Osceola Arts theater where I did a volunteer shift. I had not had an opportunity to do a shift here in months as my work schedule had not allowed it. I was nice to be back.
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Now that these events are finished I can relax a little and maybe do one last road trip of the year....
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manwalksintobar · 2 years
Dear Deborah // Deborah Ager
They tell me that your heart has been found in Iowa, pumping along Interstate 35. Do you want it back? When the cold comes on this fast, it's Iowa again— where pollen disperses evenly on the dented Fords, where white houses sag by the town's corn silos, where people in the houses sicken on corn dust. Auctions sell entire farms. It's not the auctions that's upsetting but what they sell, the ragged towel or the armless doll, for a dollar. I hear they've found an eye of yours in Osceola calling out to your mouth in Davis City. That mouth of yours is in the bar, the only place left in town, slow dancing and smoking. It's no wonder you look so pale. Ever wish you'd done more with your thirty years? Seeing you last week I wonder if you crave that sky filled with the milky way or the sight of Amish girls in blue at sunset against wheat-colored prairie grass. Here, the trees are full of gossip. They're waiting to see what you'll do next.
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darrellcrewsseptic · 1 month
Darrell Crews Septic Tank Service in Sanderson, FL
At present, looking for a dependable RV tank pumping Northeast Florida is exciting. Moreover, there are many ways to shorten your search, too. To do it, prioritize researching about Darrell Crews Septic Tank Service since it is also one of your best options. Simply put, it’s the service provider that you should focus on studying nowadays. So, why you should choose Darrell Crews Septic Tank Service? Well, they prioritize fairness and honesty when it comes to serving the community. Aside from that, their ultimate aim is to establish lifelong relationships with their customers. No wonder they offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Isn’t it amazing?
Sanderson, FL
Do you want to know more about the economic growth of Sanderson, FL? If that is the case, you can learn more about its recent progress. Let's talk about its past economic records. Basically, white-collar workers make up 57.72% of the working population in Sanderson, while blue-collar employees account for 42.28%. Then, there are also 176 entrepreneurs in Sanderson (13.58% of the workforce); 911 workers employed in private companies (70.29%); and 169 people working in governmental institutions (13.04%). Apart from that, there are 1,513 housing units in Sanderson, and the median year in which these properties were built is 1996.
Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park
The Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park in the Sanderson, FL area is famous. In addition, Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park is a Florida State Park in the Osceola National Forest, near the town of Olustee. Besides, the site of Florida's largest Civil War battle, the Battle of Olustee. In addition, the park is located 50 miles west of Jacksonville and 15 miles east of Lake City, on U.S. 90. Moreover, it was one of the first parks in the Florida State Park system. Last but not least, the State of Florida actually owns only 3.09 acres of the park, but manages another 688 acres of the original battlefield under a Special Use Permit from the United States Forest Service.
Hocus Pocus 2 confirmed for Fall 2022 release, Disney confirms
There are past news stories in Sanderson, FL location about a Disney show. As reported, it’s been so many years. Right down to the day, at present the witch is back. Based on the story, there’s hell to pay. In other words, the Sanderson sisters are officially coming back, and the stars of the original “Hocus Pocus” film are returning for “Hocus Pocus 2.” Based on the news reports, Disney + made the announcement via Facebook Thursday afternoon. Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy and Sarah Jessica Parker also posted teasers on social media. Lastly, Hocus Pocus 2 had a release date sometime in Fall 2022. However, Disney hasn’t specified an exact date.
Link to maps
Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park 5815 Battle Fld Trl, Sanderson, FL 32087, United States Head south on Battle Fld Trl toward US-90 W 236 ft Turn left onto US-90 E 7.5 mi Turn left onto Co Rd 127/Pine St Continue to follow Co Rd 127 17.7 mi Darrell Crews Septic Tank Service 10626 James Crews Rd, Sanderson, FL 32087, United States
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facets-and-rainbows · 2 years
Blue Exorcist 138 summary
Apparently the raws came out just on the normal day this month while the translation got delayed by the holidays? I dunno man
Text summary below:
They snuck in a little anime announcement on the first page, heh
People are wondering what is even going on
Rin crawls out of the rubble and finds Satan also crawling out of the rubble
But Satan's regeneration isn't working right! Bits of him are crumbling! Dammit Lucifer what am I paying you for
The Illuminati are discussing how they probably can't recover [Satan? Maybe?] from this situation, Lucifer says he's going to be destroyed
Satan is lamenting the fact that he only had a body for 4 measly years, then just MCFREAKING LOSES IT for a second and tries to take Rin's body
Rin goes to punch him (Just like he said he would in chapter 1!) but ends up feeling sorry for him
"You should be allowed to live too, come on, if you just stop trying to destroy humanity maybe Mephisto can do something-"
Satan is like LOL NO, says Rin is brainwashed by humans into thinking you can tame the devil, Assiah and Gehenna can never coexist and he would rather die than get friendship speeched right now
Then he falls back into being angry that he can't have Assiah, he was gonna rewrite Assiah so he could exist there, he's a perfect being why couldn't he do it
Then as his body comes apart it looks like his mind is starting to come apart too, he gets pretty incoherent
"I want a body a body I don't have a body it's your fault your fault give her back I loved her give her back I wanted to be human you betrayed me I'll kill you you belong to me"
"I'm perfect, why is this happening to me, I'm god, call me satan-sama"
Then he reverts back to the more simple speech that he had when Yuri was teaching him, before he read all the books
It's enough like the movie 2001 that I get the song Daisy stuck in my head
Rin is like, wait a sec hang on don't go
Satan flashes back to his first meeting with Yuri and then seems to stop having a real consciousness
Now he's just that like...tree looking thing
Exorcists regroup, Lightning and Osceola are okay but Angel is seriously injured (alive though!) Shemihaza and Mephisto are MIA
Lightning: welp, we....half-succeeded? We did destroy his body, but now he's got nowhere to put all that power, and he's starting to corrupt the earth
soooooo I think Satan is like blending with Assiah somehow dun dun DUNNNN the end
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biblenewsprophecy · 11 months
‘More families having a hard time affording food’ and ‘Conditions Are “Drier Than The Dust Bowl Years” In The Heartland Of America’
Many are struggling in the USA to pay for food:
Data: More families having a hard time affording food
November 15, 2023
Jussane Goodman with the Phoenix Rescue Mission says the high cost of living and soaring food prices have amplified the number of people coming to them for help, forcing families to make difficult choices.
“The choice of paying their rent, the choice of putting gas into their vehicles,” she said.
High inflation and expiring pandemic-related assistance have more people turning to food assistance, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Numbers show that 17 million households reported not being able to afford enough food last year. That’s a sharp increase from the year before and even 2020. …
Goodman says long gone are the days when food banks were solely helping families in emergency situations. Now, they’re sustaining them.
“There has definitely been an apparent increase in families who are coming to receive and uptick post-pandemic,” she said. https://www.abc15.com/news/local-news/data-more-families-having-a-hard-time-affording-food
There have been reports that inflation is down. Earlier this week, however, I heard a piece on the radio stating that the problem for many to afford food is not the current official inflation rate, but the prices of the food. A reduction is the rate of inflation does not mean that prices drop–only that they are not rising as fast as they were.
There are also reasons to consider that prices will go up even faster in the future–and more than just those in the USA will be affected.
Michael Snyder had the following reports:
November 14, 2023
Conditions Are “Drier Than The Dust Bowl Years” In The Heartland Of America
The seemingly endless drought in the heartland of America is not going to be good for food production. For years, I have been relentlessly warning my readers that Dust Bowl conditions would return to the middle of the country. And now, Dust Bowl conditions have returned to the middle of the country.
According to drought. gov, half of the Midwest is experiencing drought right now, and things are particularly dire in the state of Iowa…
94% of Iowa is currently in drought, with 24% in extreme drought (D3). Despite decent improvement over the last month, drought is still impacting 68% of Wisconsin and 58% of Minnesota.
Needless to say, the heartland of America produces much of our food.
So it should deeply concern all of us that communities all over the Midwest are starting to run out of water…
Despite all of our advanced technology, we remain highly vulnerable to shifting weather patterns.
And at this moment we are being told that some parts of Iowa are literally “drier than the Dust Bowl years”…
Two counties in Iowa have had the driest three-year period on record, going back at least to the 1890s, he said.
“Drier than the Dust Bowl years,” he said.
Dozens of other communities are “carefully watching well levels and streams,” Hall said, “trying to make sure they don’t end up in the same situation as Belle Plaine or Osceola,” which are experiencing water shortages.
As a result of the extremely dry conditions, major dust storms are becoming increasingly common in the Midwest. …
The lack of precipitation is also causing enormous headaches all along the Mississippi River, and authorities are warning that this is not likely to change any time soon…
And considering the fact that so much of our food is transported on vessels that use the Mississippi River, this is a big problem for all of us.
Of course drought is just one of the factors that has been depressing food production in this nation.  Overall, natural disasters “caused $21.5 billion in agricultural losses” in the United States last year…
Research from the American Farm Bureau Federation suggests that nationwide, natural disasters caused $21.5 billion in agricultural losses last year. Only about half of those were protected by insurance, the majority of which is sold through federally-backed programs. Their payouts to farmers have increased over 500 percent in the last two decades.
That number is almost certainly going to be even larger this year.
And this is one of the reasons why food prices are going to continue to go up no matter what our leaders choose to do. https://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/conditions-are-drier-than-the-dust-bowl-years-in-the-heartland-of-america/
September 20, 2023
Hundreds of millions of people are desperately hungry all over the world, and by the time you are done reading this article more children will starve to death.  Earlier this year, CNN actually admitted that we are in the midst of “the worst food crisis in modern history”, but because the mainstream media rarely features images of the tremendous suffering on the other side of the globe most Americans don’t even know that it is happening.  Here in the western world, the primary way that the global food crisis is manifesting is through significantly higher prices at the grocery store.  Those higher prices are certainly painful, but we can deal with that.  But when you don’t have enough food to feed your family on a consistent basis, that really is a nightmare scenario.  According to the official UN website, 735 million people were in a “state of chronic hunger” last year…
By 2022, approximately 735 million people – or 9.2% of the world’s population – found themselves in a state of chronic hunger – a staggering rise compared to 2019. This data underscores the severity of the situation, revealing a growing crisis.
In addition, an estimated 2.4 billion people faced moderate to severe food insecurity in 2022. This classification signifies their lack of access to sufficient nourishment. This number escalated by an alarming 391 million people compared to 2019.
The persistent surge in hunger and food insecurity, fueled by a complex interplay of factors, demands immediate attention and coordinated global efforts to alleviate this critical humanitarian challenge.
We have never seen numbers like this before.
And the final numbers for 2023 will inevitably be even higher, because crops are failing all over the planet. …
Unfortunately, we are still only in the very early stages of this new global food crisis.
Multiple long-term trends will combine to make it impossible for us to feed everyone on the planet in the years ahead.
Our politicians know this, but they are being very quiet about our rapidly growing food crisis because they don’t want to alarm the general population.
But there will be no escape.  Hundreds of millions will not have enough food to eat tonight, and it won’t be too long before the number of people that are facing chronic hunger exceeds a billion. https://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/this-is-the-worst-global-food-crisis-in-modern-history-and-it-is-about-to-go-to-an-entirely-new-level/
Jesus warned:
6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. (Matthew 24:6-8)
Famines and food price inflation are consistent with Jesus’ words.
Notice that the ride of third horseman of the Apocalypse results in scarcity, inflation, and famine. Revelation 6:5-6 indicates that there will be food, but that it will be quite expensive (food-price inflation).
5 When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation 6:5-6)
Some will thus die as they will not be able to afford it, while others will survive but struggle.
What about the Anglo-American nations? The old Worldwide Church of God published the following:
The black horseman’s future ride will reduce the proud faces of white America, Europe, and the British Common wealth into the blackened skin of starvation such as now afflicts the vast majority of mankind. (Alexander G. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Ambassador College Press, Pasadena (CA), 1973, p. 31)
Expect more food inflation. And yes, there will be famines as well.
It is also wise to take physical steps:
6 Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise, 7 Which, having no captain, Overseer or ruler, 8 Provides her supplies in the summer, And gathers her food in the harvest. 9 How long will you slumber, O sluggard? When will you rise from your sleep? 10 A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to sleep — 11 So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler, And your need like an armed man. (Proverbs 6:6-11).
All who can afford it should, just for emergencies, have a week or two worth of food and water in case of emergencies and supply cutoffs. God’s statement about ants is intended to tell us to take proper physical steps.
However, do not deceive yourself that if you have several years supply of food, you will thrive while others starve.
Starving people will look for anything to eat–many will be willing to violently take food. Many, also, will be willing to actually eat other people as well.
As far as cannibalism goes, we put out the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:
Cannibalism is prophesied!
Recently, various ones have been looking into encouraging cannibalism as a way to help reduce climate change? Is cannibalism safe for humans? What is Kuru? What about Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease? Is cannibalism ethical? Should Christians avoid uncleanness? What does the Bible teach about the consumption of flesh? How does the Bible teach Christians should be holy? What was Solyent Green? Is it being advocated now? Is human cannibalism prophesied in the Bible? Will famine hit the Anglo-American lands and peoples? What can you do to not have part in it? Is human cannibalism really prophesied? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.
Here is a link to our video: Cannibalism is prophesied!
Related mainly to food issues, we also put together the following related video:
3rd Horseman of the Apocalypse and Food
There are reports about food price inflation around the world. While it is worsening in many areas, some believe it will improve in 2023. Instead, could prices continue to rise in 2023 and get much worse in 2024 and thereafter? What are the causes of food price inflation? Is there any connection between weather, government policies, fertilizer prices, energy costs, economic sanctions and food price inflation? What are we seeing in reports from the United Kingdom, Hungary, and South Africa? What about impacts from Russia’s ‘special military operation’ into Ukraine? Could EU and/or USA policies be effecting any of this? Is the ‘black horse’ the one associated with famine, food shortages, and food price inflation in the Book of Revelation? Are there any physical lessons we can learn from ants according to the Book of Proverbs? What are some spiritual steps we should take according to Jesus? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie address these matters and more.
Here is a link to our video: 3rd Horseman of the Apocalypse and Food.
We are getting to the end of the 6,000 years that God has allowed humans to rule themselves, which will soon be followed by the 1,000-year reign of Christ. Pray for Jesus to return and God’s Kingdom to come (Matthew 6:10).
Remember that Jesus said:
34 “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. 35 For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:34-36)
Do not be part of those who will not be ready. God, not humans, has a plan that will work.
Related Items:
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse What do each of the four horseman of the Apocalypse represent? Have they began their ride? Did Jesus discuss the any of this? Might their rides coincide with the “beginning of sorrows? Do they start their ride prior to the Great Tribulation? Did Nostradamus or any other ‘private prophets’ write predictions that may mislead people so that they may not understand the truth of one or more of the four horseman? There is also a related YouTube video titled Sorrows and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Cannibalism is Wrong, But it is Coming! Is it logical to eat human flesh? Or is it a curse that will return? Here is a link to a related video: Cannibalism is prophesied!
Is God Calling You? This booklet discusses topics including calling, election, and selection. If God is calling you, how will you respond? Here is are links to related sermons: Christian Election: Is God Calling YOU? and Predestination and Your Selection; here is a message in Spanish: Me Está Llamando Dios Hoy? A short animation is also available: Is God Calling You?
Christian Repentance Do you know what repentance is? Is it really necessary for salvation? Two related sermons about this are also available: Real Repentance and Real Christian Repentance.
There is a Place of Safety for the Philadelphians. Why it May Be Near Petra This article discusses a biblical ‘place of safety,’ Zephaniah 2 to ‘gather together,’ and includes quotes from the Bible and Herbert W. Armstrong on fleeing to a place–thus, there is a biblically supported alternative to the rapture theory. Two sermon-length videos of related interest are available Physical Protection During the Great Tribulation and Might Petra be the Place of Safety?  Here is something related in the Spanish language: Hay un lugar de seguridad para los Filadelfinos. ¿Puede ser Petra?
Physical Preparation Scriptures for Christians. We all know the Bible prophecies famines. Should we do something? Here is a version in the Spanish language Escrituras sobre Preparación física para los Cristianos. Here is a link to a related sermon: Physical preparedness for Christians.
Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse What is the pale horse of death and pestilences? What will it bring and when? Here is a link to a related sermon: Fourth Horseman, COVID, and the Rise of the Beast of Revelation. Some shorter related videos may include Amphibian Apocalypse: Threat to Humans? and Zombie Deer Disease is Here! Are the 10 Plagues on Egypt Coming? Here is a version of the article in Spanish: El cuarto jinete de Apocalipsis, el caballo pálido de muerte y pestilencia.
Weather Blessings and Sorrows Are weather problems a warning? What should be done? What does the Bible teach about weather? What about floods, droughts, heat, earthquakes, tornadoes, and solar storms? Here is a related YouTube video Does God Use Weather? A related item in the Spanish language would be Bendiciones y maldiciones del clima.
Could God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? Does God have 7,000 year plan? What year may the six thousand years of human rule end? When will Jesus return? 2031 or 2025 or? There is also a video titledWhen Does the 6000 Years End? 2031? 2035? Here is a link to the article in Spanish: ¿Tiene Dios un plan de 6,000 años?
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2023, 2024, or 2025? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede la Gran Tribulación comenzar en el 2020 o 2021? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? A related video is: Great Tribulation: 2026 or 2027? A shorter video is: Can the Great Tribulation start in 2022 or 2023? Notice also: Can Jesus return in 2023 or 2024? Here is a video in the Spanish language: Es El 2021 el año  de La Gran Tribulación o el Grande Reseteo Financiero.
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God This free online pdf booklet has answers many questions people have about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and explains why it is the solution to the issues the world is facing. It is available in hundreds of languages at ccog.org. Here are links to four kingdom-related sermons:  The Fantastic Gospel of the Kingdom of God!, The World’s False Gospel, The Gospel of the Kingdom: From the New and Old Testaments, and The Kingdom of God is the Solution.
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seeking-sanity · 1 year
Climbing the Whites...
I didn't seek out this journey, instead, it sought me with a soul that truly speaks to my own.
I didn't ever think about it, never desired to do it. No one had ever been like "hey lets do this super long walk up a tall mountain, to turn around and come back down. Just to say we did."
The first trip was ignorant compliance. Of course I CAN do it, lets just do it. The first trip was an experience in understanding. It was a coaching, coaxing my body to take one more step. It was a thousand tiny triumphs of not quitting. It was reaching the top to see the sights only a fraction of the world will ever venture to try... it was succeeding on sheer determination alone. It was a stubborn fit of not being willing to quit. I could do this! I did do it...
And the journey up was the one I needed. To understand the perfection in the moment. It was the lessons on the trip up that allowed the beauty of understanding on the hike down.
Making it to the first summit was the confidence I needed to attempt the second. The hike down unlocked this innate desire to take all the steps, to appreciate the accomplishment in each one...
The hike down was fueled by adrenaline, and love. Not only had I done it, I had someone beside me that encourged me the entire way. The reality in that moment was almost more breathtaking than the views from the top.
My dad worries, reminds me every time he asks about an adventure- that one wrong step could change your whole life out there. Reminds me that I am not 20, even if I feel like it. Reminds me that there is great risk in setting out.
And that reminder is heard, but over powered by the reality that- one right step changed my life forever. A thousand steps changed it for the better. That with this risk, immense opportunity lies just beyond the fear.
My body is capable of so much more than I give it credit for. My mind is stronger than the fear, in this- and so much more. My heart beats hard within my chest, but it doesn't explode as much as I may fear it will. In all things, these steps have shown me faith.
And then I reflect on the reality, that I hike with someone who abandons his fears at the trail head with the car. That pushes to a second peak because I want to. That encourages me when I start giving in to the physical demands I doubt myself in.
We climbed Mt. Moosilauke first. It wasn't easy, going from a sedentary life- to hiking almost 5k into the clouds. It wasn't easy pushing uphill for hours, for something I wasn't even determined to see.
Mt. Osceola and the East Osceola were the second trip. I had a triple peak loop I had wanted to do, but weather had us skip a weekend, and for whatever reason, we chose a different range the following weekend instead of Mt. Willey, Feild, and Tom. We will do that loop soon, but his better judgement on the demands of ascending and descending and continuing to climb made Osceola a better choice for sure.
Osceola was an easy hike, maybe because of the trail- or maybe because I had a thirst for it now. I wanted to get to the top, and I wanted to see both peaks. I wanted to climb the "chimney" I had read about in the trail guide. I hiked this one for me.
As we ascended that first peak back in May- I had a rollercoaster of emotions on the ascent. Did I want to do this? Was this something he could do without me? Maybe it would be better if he hiked, and I layed low and we enjoyed the evenings relaxing talking about our day. I was torn at times, worried he might abandon his love of hiking if I didn't want to do it too. I battled with my understanding that couples need common interests and seperate ones, balance of time. We have differences and similarities that until now- have been a perfect distribution of time. I spent about an hour of the first hike nauseated, hot, tired, and unmotivated to continue. He spoke up just in time to remind me he was there, I could do it, and we could quit- every time.
The second hike I was more prepared, I was motivated. I was excited. I felt like we were undertaking this adventure together. Every step was energized by the progress of the step before. Water crossings, rock scrambles, to a peak that left us misted in gusts of clouds as the blew in with the fog from the valley. Sitting on top of the second mountain top, I knew- there was no limit to the adventures I would talk with this man. There is no step I won't take.
We sat on top, shoes off- enjoying a snack and sharing a monster. Discussed the second peak. There is only 1 trail to east peak, and one muh harder ascent from the opposite side. There is no view from east peak, only a rock cairn- there is no external motivator to reach this peak, except the right to say you did it.
He hikes for the views. I am hiking for something else. Views, time together, exercise. But mostly the journey.
The realization that every step changes your life. Good or bad. A small miss step teaches you to be more aware, choose more wisely. Each calculated step, every justified effort. But in that, there is this internal journey. Learning to believe in myself. Learning to trust myself, allowing me to rely on my strength, and seeing the room I have yet to grow.
Every step is soaking in the earth below me, the history of a thousand hikers and their stories. Through hikers and the reasons they hike, all walked into the earth below us. All the answers they sought are out there too. I find peace in the sweat, I find happiness in the struggles. I leave demons on the trail to be ground into the mud too.
Sometimes, my mind brings up old clips. Black and white moments I guess my psyche held onto so I could see the replay and recongize what to do better. In the mountains, those replays are stipped off the reels. The tape is pulled out, the frames are exposed to daylight, and I mourn for the slightest moment, ever holding on to them.
Every mile leaves a hundred broken memories to rest. Every heartache becomes an trail marker as to how I am here today. If I had done things differently, this journey would be so different- if it even occurred at all.
East Osceola may be my favorite hike yet. Because we did it. After hiking a whole other mountain. We climbed down the "slide" we weren't experienced with. We ascended a second mountain, sat in a wooded area around a pile of rocks, and appreciated the companionship of some other hikers that also was appricating the underwhelming pile of rocks on top of a mountain in the middle of the forest.
We hiked back down, and climbed the chimney. And here is where my heart screamed. It was a vertical climb, 20+ feet. No spikes, no ropes, no ladders. Just sheer rock, and a few sturdy roots. We stood at the bottom for a few moments. Strategizing a plan. Do we scramble back up the slide? That was intimidating, but seemed doable- I mean, we made it DOWN without an issue. UP may be harder, but we probably could do it. OR, tackle the obstacle before us. And as we stood at the base, and tried to map a route of foot holds- we decided to go. He went first, which I had mixed feelings about.
Crazy to think that in a moment of a nice relaxing hike, my rationale for who took the lead was strategic to who could get help if there was a catastrophe, and how that would look...
He scaled the rocks slowly, methodically, without much anxiety once he started. As I started to climb, I realized I was more in my head about catastrophe than I was in success. Without asking, without even seeing my face- he simply reminded me to take my time, think about every move, and it wasn't too far to get to the top. He couldn't see me, but he knew- I needed every syllable of a reminder.
Not because I couldn't do it. Not because it was too hard, or too scary- but because I do need reminded that I need to slow down. I did need the vote of confidence, and the reminder that just beyond what I thought I was incapable of, is a man that believes in ME.
We managed to get up the chimney, without any real struggle. We finshed climbing back up to osceola, making it a 3 summit day- lingered for a while before exiting back to the trail head.
We spent 11 hours out that day. Battling bugs, humidity, heat, water crossings, rock scrambles, vertical climbs, and 2 mountains of over 4k elevation. WE did that after driving up after work, car camping in the parking lot, and enjoying a cold breakfast with the ambitious early morning bugs.
We endured the hard things of the day, without ever losing patience or lashing out at the other. There is no room for anything but beauty and bonding on those trails.
He hikes for the views, but the best view I have seen is his heart.
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dwolf4d · 2 years
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No my grandma didn’t come back to life and no I didn’t see one of my aunts, had a visit from Clara and Lucy whose mom gave the lipstick and they wanted to mark their territory. (at Osceola, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqY7C3dOvyi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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qbuilders · 2 years
Dollar Bay Roofing – Q Builders
Discover the Rich History and Culture of Dollar Bay
The Town
Dollar Bay, Michigan is a small unincorporated community located in Houghton County, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The town is situated on the shore of Portage Lake, which is part of the Keweenaw Waterway. Here, visitors can explore the natural beauty of the area and discover its rich history and culture.
Outdoor Activities
Dollar Bay offers a variety of outdoor activities for visitors to enjoy. From fishing and boating to hiking and biking, there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re looking for some outdoor adventure or a peaceful stroll through the woods, you can find it in Dollar Bay.
Explore Local History
Dollar Bay is steeped in history and culture. Here, visitors can explore a number of historic sites, including the former copper mining district of the Keweenaw Peninsula. You can also admire the beautiful architecture in the area, or take a boat tour of Portage Lake to see the many shipwrecks located in the lake.
Key Sites of Interest
1. Dollar Bay is situated on the shore of Portage Lake, offering beautiful landscape and excellent views of the Keweenaw Waterway.
2. The unincorporated community has a rich history that dates back to the 1800s when iron ore was discovered in the area and an iron mine was built.
3. Dollar Bay is located in Houghton County, Michigan, offering a unique small-town atmosphere with local restaurants and shops to explore.
1. Residents of Dollar Bay get to experience stunning natural beauty with access to outdoor recreational activities such as fishing, boating, and camping right at their fingertips.
2. The community of Dollar Bay is steeped in history and culture, making it a great place for locals and tourists alike to experience the area's past and present story.
3. With easy access from nearby cities such as Houghton and Hancock, visitors can easily explore all that Dollar Bay has to offer without having to travel too far from home.
History: 1887
Overall, Dollar Bay is a small but charming community that offers a quiet, lakeside setting and access to the natural beauty and recreational opportunities of Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
If you're looking for a place to get away from it all, Dollar Bay is the perfect spot. Nestled in the southwest corner of Osceola Township, this hidden gem is surrounded by natural beauty.
From the crystal-clear waters of Torch Lake to the rolling hills and forests of the Upper Peninsula, there's something for everyone in Dollar Bay.
And if you're looking for a place to build your dream home, look no further than q builders.
With over 25 years of experience in the construction industry, we know how to make your vision a reality. We're also committed to making our community a better place, which is why we donate a portion of our proceeds to local charities.
So if you're looking for a place to call home, or just a place to get away from it all, come to Dollar Bay. You won't be disappointed.
Thinking about  a visit to Dollar Bay
Come experience the beauty of Dollar Bay, Michigan! Whether you're looking for a quiet getaway or an outdoor adventure, this little town has something for everyone.
With its stunning views, peaceful atmosphere, and abundance of recreational activities, it's the perfect destination for your next vacation!
So don't wait - come explore all that it has to offer today!
  Dollar Bay Roofing – Q Builders is available on Q Builders Blog
Originally published here: https://qbuilders.us/service-areas/dollar-bay-roofing-q-builders/
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zencowpoke · 2 years
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grateful dead-fillmore auditorium, san francisco, CA. w/osceola, rhythm dukes, jef jaisun, and lightyear, december, 19, 1969.
53 years ago today, the dead played a fine show at the old fillmore auditorium. this performance is highly significant in band's history in that it is the first to feature an acoustic set. by all accounts, it appears that the evening’s wooden music was necessitated because of some significant technical problems. it was enough of a hit though that they rolled it out the next week in dallas, and then again numerous times in 1970 (with and without members of the new riders).
the owsley tape opens with a few comments by jerry on the topic of a missing bass player. he shares that phil “...is stuck somewhere, but he is on his way and will be here in some short time and we’ll be able to play loud and all that…in the meantime, me and bobby ace are going to regale you with some old favorites.” these early acoustic takes on monkey & the engineer, little sadie, and been all around this world come off quite nicely, similar to how they’d sound on bear’s choice. the one wild card is the vern stovall/bobby george song, long black limousine. weir, in fine voice, gets a chance to step it up on the tune, and garcia’s backing vocals are a perfect compliment. although the band played the song beautifully, they shelved it before realizing its full potential. the final performance–at the fillmore east–came just five months after this evening’s debut.
in due time, the full band is assembled and gets down to business with the electric portion of the show. it kicks off with an absolutely smoking mason’s children. from here, the lads settle into the usual late ’69 song selection with a solid black peter, a vibrant hard to handle, a rocking cumberland blues, and a funky take on good lovin’. the show concludes with a stirring other one suite that segues nicely into uncle john's band, followed by a well-jammed lovelight that spirals into a bold climax, which certainly must have left the crowd exhausted and satisfied. without question, this tape is worthy of your sedulous attention.
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madi2112 · 2 years
Checking on my Check List
Looking back at '22
It's that time of year again when you take a look back at what was and try to see what's next.
We as humans do that when something as defined as the calendar changes over to yet another year.
Before I try to come up with things I'd like to try this year let's look back at the list from this time last year.
Of the twelve things I posted last year I actually managed to accomplish exactly half of those. 6 of 12 which is 50%
The "got dones" include going to an Opera, driving to Key West, transferring at work, going on a date, doing a second television show and joining a theater group.
Not bad
The "didn't get done" list includes going line dancing, checking on more transition procedures, a make over, play in a golf tournament, vsit a lesbian space, buy a bicycle.
Not to bad.
Even the things I didn't get done are things I can still do this year.
So what were some of the other things I did get to in '22?
Let's look:
I went on 11 different trips! All over Florida, Georgia and Tennessee.
I started reading and enjoying audio books again
Volunteered at 6 shows at Osceola Arts.
3 three trips to the hospital
Tried Yoga
Turned 60
Went through 2 hurricanes, unscathed
This blogairy turned 7
Was a guest on a live podcast
But the two biggest events this year were easy to find.
In March my episode of "Finding Adventure with Kinga Philipps was released.
It garnered a fair bit of attention and hopefully got some focus on others like me. Because of the show I got interested in doing another and more. It was a life altering moment for sure. Plus I'm still friends with Kinga because of it. Which I cherish.
But really my biggest accomplishment this year was that I survived it at all. My depression often gets so bad I want to un-alive myself. Luckily that didn't happen.
Hope I can say the same this time next year.
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