#OR stupid hero and smart villian
Trope idea,
stupid ass fuckin villian x the smartest hero
Thanks for listening
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uly55es · 1 month
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'In another life, We could have been more.'
More details below// Uncensored Image Below!!// MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH!!! In the slowburn I'm writing, Monoma and Shinso live through a long and yearnful friendship. Both convinced the other would deny their feelings to focus on their pro-hero journey. Monoma wants nothing more than for Shinso to take Aizawas places as a night-time/quiet hero, to take care of his parents and Eri. He can't fathom Shinso wanting to be in the light with him, to do pro-hero modeling, interviews or such next to him. He knows Shinso- he knows how he prefers to be in the dark through his work, knows his association with Deku and his parents Pro-Hero history. He values himself and Shinso so so much- he doesn't want to force him into a spot light that he couldn't cope with. Imagine what the press would say? if the silent hero was caught around the loud, arrogant and hated 'Phantom Thief'. It's unfair to tangle Shinso's chaotic life in his status, for the chance that his confession instead causes disrepair in their long friendship. Shinso wants so badly to stand with Monoma, to be in his shadow- watching his six. To stalk alleys with him while looking for those to help or capture- But he's not stupid. Monoma is bright-brighter than the sun, louder than anyones he's met and his energy fills any room he walks into. He couldn't forgive himself if his adoration- if his love for Monoma pressured him to follow Shinso to the shadows, to dim his light. He knows that the dark hero 'mind-jack' is already fighting the press about his villianous quirk and appearance, he almost leans into it- but To push Monoma into that drama? someone whos sobbed into Shinsos arms about his own parents calling him 'evil' for his 'Villainous' quirk? its unfair, a chance that Shinso can't take. He hates seeing Monoma is pain as it is. There is silent acknowledgement of their friendship turning into something more domestic and intimate- drunken kisses, holding hands for comfort, practically living with eachother, calling and texting constantly. But- never as Pros, never as 'The Phantom Thief' and 'Mind-Jack'. The press, the danger and the chaos of their undisclosed relationship couldn't be risked. Risk. Shinso wish he took it- they're both Pros anyway, and Aizawa filled his head with the understanding that being a pro is dangerous- His own missing limbs or senses to prove it- and that he needs to live life smart and proud. But he's a coward at heart, never pushing the limits of their relationship, never trying to learn if these feelings were actually requited or not. It doesn't matter now. A villain who was just lucky enough, hitting the right place, movements too quick and now- nothing. Now he has nothing, no love, no friend, no light.
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YAH :D I've been drawing too much fluff of these two. so. Yah :D
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puppyie-innit · 1 year
wholesome teases, nicknames, an sillyness in frenship, that mean A LOT to me but can't admit it:
(t-word edition!)
“I would call ya giggler, but we both know yur more like a gigglee…” (SO SMART BUT SO- MMMHHH 😖)
“M gonna getchaaaa!~” (meanie not sayin this enough 😠)
“Both haaannddsss~” (ESCAPE MODE ACTIVATED)
“Coochiecoochiecoooo!!!” (Slippin, slippin, slIPPIN!!)
“ ..Sorry, was i.. ticklin you!?” (in the baby talk voice tooooo, am alreday meltin)
“Hiiii Gigggllleeesss!~” (thank God for tumblr an my amazin dino boy 🦖.. even tho it’s NoT mY nAmEee, stupid nickname- I lov- HATE it)
“Yur adorable-“ (🫠 nuh-uh!)
“The chikin goes…” 🐓🦆🦃 (i was so confused when it firs happened, but i love an miss this so much)
“Puupppyyy, good puppy!!~” “She’s practically my little sister” (curls up in a ball, these make me so happyfull!! 🐕😋)
“3…” (..uh oh)
“2-“ (here it comes..)
“1..!” (cue me gettin to it firs, hehe!)
“i can make it feel better-“ (plz ❤️‍🩹)
“Challenge accepted!-“ (..oh)
“dun dun… dun dun…. dun dun dun dun.. dun dun dun dun- ..dunnnnnnnnnnnnn!” (Sharky, circlin around me like a sharkyyy 🦈)
“i happen to know a weakness of yurs~” (🤫)
“do i need to tickle you?” (MOST DEFINITELY YES)
“c’mere” (jus a hug right? ..Awh :< uH I mean, GOOD 🫂)
“do you wan the rules to be the same like before?” (cant remember how ya worded it but yesyesyesyesyesyes!!!)
“Aaawh, you embarrassed? All flustered an flutteryyy??~” (absolutely not💗🦋)
“..an guess wat? m the tickle monster..”(CRUMBLES- SINCE WHEN?! YUR THE VILLIAN, MEMBER??)
“Anticipation!” (EEP)
“This must take a lot of self control for you right now..” (not at all, want do ya meeaaannn 😵‍💫)
“I like makin ya happy” (🫶 💜)
“Yur gonna be so itchy after this-“ (WELL NOW THAT YOU SAID IT)
“Wats this button doo?” (not the dAnGeR zOnE, nuuuu!)
“Ya said you weren't ticklish here, member?” (M NOT, ITS A REFLEX)
Me when he used to snap his fingies: “Eh, this is fine”
Me realizin there's a purpose now of: (snaps fingers and ups your level of ticklishness by 100) “..oh no” (YAYYYYY)
“Wat happens if i doonnttt?”
“Ooo, wats this!?” (deflection!)
“Watcha gonna do bout it? >:3”
“..jus tense, stressed- that’s all” (i despise massages an scratchies an pat pats, they feel so good thoooo ^~^)
“Am i botherin you? Is this a nerve??” (snarky cuz it’s the only hints i can give ;w;)
“Evil, very very evil- STAHP DOIN THAT!”
“This doesn’t do anyth- ..oki”
“M not even- that… thing”
“tables hav turned, hehe!!” (ruthlessly- but not painfully, targets yur neck 🐢)
“REVENGE!!” (Hero time!!!)
”yur too weak” “m not scared of you!” (HOW ARE YOU NOT GETTIN THE HINTS >:p)
”this is mine now-“ (CMON BRO, it’s very obvious wat. m. doin)
“TAG, yur it!” (Chase chase chASE CHASEEE❣️)
“Don’t even think about it-“ (🥺 pwease do think about it)
“Ooooo, exposure-”
“FlaiLeR >:D”
“..darn, got last place again? Oh well-“ (😇)
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seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumptober Day 2: Nowhere to Run
Fandom: Avengers
Day 2 of Whumptober, wow I cant believe im doing this, these are probably the quickest and shortest stories ive ever written.
Tony knows theres a quote that he'd love to use right now. Something from an older movie, something about not cornering babies or something, but all his brain power is currently being used elsewhere.
Tony didnt like the other side of this. Not that he much liked being kidnapped either, but the other side of it sucked majorily. Especially when the people were kidnapped because of him. He thought being on a super hero team would keep things like this from happening. Sure he'd been kidnapped since the invasion (not that the team was aware of it anyway) but that he could handle, hes been saving himself since he was 5.
And of all his teammates, Bruce and the spy twins were not who he'd expect to be kidnapped. Sure Nat and Clint were human ish, but they were SPIES, and Bruce was the freakin HULK. It just didnt compute, and when did villians get smart enough to think of kidnapping teamates to get him to do things!?
And they were even smart enough to put him in such a time crunch they had zero time to plan anything. Every tick of the clock (mental clock as it was) was another foot of the walls closing in on him, an extra shot of adrenline that had his heart beating painfully against the reactor and his lungs constricting tighter and tighter.
His half an hour was almost up, the live feed of his teammates and the count down was only making him nervous but he couldnt bear to have it out of his sight. The device in front of him was rudimentary at best compared to what he could do with a bit more time, but it would work, the reactor was the important part anyway. Always the freakin reactor.
He puts it in a case, like those cliche movies, and books it to the meet up, Jarvis playing the livefeed for him and a soothing voice in his ear. He should have left a note or something, Cap would be mad hes sure, Pepper and Rhodey furious. But that would be someone elses problem, he only had one thing on his mind.
Keep the spies from being shot and a drugged up Bruce being launched attached to a rocket. (He didnt know what the man could survive and didnt want to test it.)
"JARVIS, how they doin?" He focus' on directions and birds and things that pass, to ensure he can actually make it to the rendevu.
"Alive sir. Annoyed in Ms. Romanoffs case, Bored in Mr. Bartons. I'm afraid Dr. Banner has been given another dose, and is incoherant still."
"Any chance they've found a way out yet?"
"...It does not seem so sir."
Tony curses vehemently, glancing at his teammates. Nat and Clint both wear iron prisoner gauntlets, to keep their hands unusable, chained to the bars of their cages, spread to further imobile them, legs tied together- and of course guns ready to shoot when the timer hits zero. Bruce- as mentioned before- is collared with several needles attached to it, and bound to a honest to god rocket.
Whoever was stupid enough to take them, would be dead. Tony would make sure of that, ledger be damned. He might of only had half an hour, but hes Tony Stark, and no one messes with his team.
The meet up is too close to a warehouse to be a coincidence, one of their many mistakes. A mere four people are waiting for him, and hes a little insulted, if not for a previously mentioned dead mans switch, Tony would blow them all up here and now.
"JARVIS, you know what to do. Remember, priority is the others, and if things go wrong, you know where my updated will is."
"...Yes sir." JARVIS was against it, but Tony was too determined to be deterred.
He lands, steps out of his armor, and feels JARVIS' departure, though his eyes stay trained on the people before him.
"Welcome Stark, bring what we asked?" The man he'd garnered was in charge over their interactions.
"In the case. But I want that timer shut off, they're safe first before I hand over anything."
"Are you really in the position to negotiate?"
"They die, and not only do you not get this thing, but you'll end up dead too. I have a record im sure you've reffered to."
This causes pause at least, they all fidget and have a quiet conversation. The count down continues in Tonys mind, but he carefully puts out nonchalance, free hand in his pocket as he leans back just slightly. Never show weakness.
"Fine." A laptop in one of the others hands, some quick typing, and the screen is flipped to show him the disarmed timer, guns, and rocket.
Now he has the tech guy, the leader, and the muscle. He moves forward finally, a pace between uncaring and not quite rude. He opens the case when hes a few feet away, watches the mans face light up as he takes the device and inspects it. The case is put aside, Tony knows what comes next, and while they think it is the last step, that there will be no further confrontation, they will be sorely mistaken. Tony wonders if he'll get to see their faces when they realize they were outsmarted by the man they underestimated.
"Now," mischief swims in his unhinged eyes as he looks to Tony, "show me how to connect the Reactor, how to start it."
Tony moves his shirt aside, heart beating harshly, as he twists
And pulls.
Its easy enough to connect the two things, even simpler to show the man how to opperate it.
"And how do I know this thing works?"
Tony makes a show of stumbling, moving away from the group and towards the nearest tree, leaning on it heavily.
"Try it out for all I care. Just let my teammates go."
He sneers, turing to consult with his group, all the better as they huddle close. They are newbs, they may have gotten the drop on 3 of the Avengers, but that was their only accomplishment. Tony could almost feel sorry for them, if he didnt detest them so.
His heart flutters, chest spasma, his knees give out, breath harder to pull in now. Still he watches, watches as the tech gestures to the trees, how they make a space and point their 'weapon', he cant quite see their faces, at least not all of them, but the one muscle guys he can see is enough.
The wave of energy that comes with the activation of the device is intense enough to bend the branches of the trees and blow up a large cloud of durt, but from Tonys hiding spot he still gets to peak at the destruction left behind. No fallen or burnt forest, no crater of disentegrated anything. Just four bodies, a mere smoking crisp of what they once were.
His disguised reactor was nothing more than a self distructing decoy. It could keep him alive for a time, even power the suit, but one wrong move? And you get this. A sure way to solve situations such as this, one made in a fit of paranoia, and one he was glad for. Even if it now means his slow death as shrapnel inches ever closer to his heart.
He slumps now, his part of the plan completed. Stares up at the sky as best he can, thinking of things left undone and red ledgers and the ones left behind. Its not quite how he thought he'd go out, no blaze of battle glory, or assasination attempt. Instead it will be the slow one taken from him all those years ago, in the hot desert.
His eyes fall closed at some point, waves of pain wracking his body, curled on his side in hopes to relieve, of course its in vain though, he can just picture his heart now-whats left of it- being torn to shreds.
Did he say goodbye to his bots? To JARVIS?
Why is the air so thin? Why cant he move? Is he trapped? What happened??
He must be trapped, hes dying, no he needs to get out, but why? Where is everyone? Why whywhywhywhyw-
Theres noise... so far away. Is he underground? Caged and buried!? HELP, JARVIS please-
"ONY! Listen, you gotta calm down! The new arc is almost here I promise! Just stay with me!"
The warehouse was so close, was it to taunt him with these visions? To feed him false hope in a never ending world of a fantasy life where he may actually have people that care? Jokes on them, he has long since accepted... that he is not the one anyone WANTS.
"Come on man, just try and breathe. Jar will be here any minute, you got us out, we're here now."
Well hes heard of two faced but this is ridiculous. Hes pretty sure fusing Clint and Bruce had not been a threat, but there they are, two heads in a pair of shoulders. Theres one head theres two, three fourfivesixse- where was he going with this?
"We're gonna have a talk about this Kotenok, this self sacrificing theme our team has going is going to turn me grey."
"Yerstll perty."
"Not the point, I dont like seeing you so close to death."
Something is running through his hair, gentle and soothing, he hopes its not snakes, that would suck.
"I can see JARVIS now buckethead, just a little longer."
He shudders and curls tighter as his chest tightens like a vice, splintering whatevers between its jaw. His eyes slip closed to panicked shouts, and his visions fade.
"I swear Tony if you ever do something like this again, I'll... sic Pepper, Rhodey, Happy and JARVIS on you!" Steve paces by the window unable to be still.
"That threat doesnt exactly-"
"Anthony! I have brought the biggest bear of well wishes I could find! I was told slaughtering a live one in your honor was frowned upon so I hope this will do!" The bears bigger than he is and Tony will treasure it forever.
"Thanks big-"
"Tony! You're Alive!" Bruce bursts through the door, disheiveled and out of breath.
"Yes Brucie bear, and youre coher-"
"They told me what you did, we're setting up a talk about how much you mean to us as soon as youre well enough to leave. You cant keep doing this, the Hulk and I forbid it."
"Potts just picked Rhodes up from the airport, just to warn you." Natasha slinks in and perches on the edge of his bed.
"Airport?? Why the hell did I even give him a s-"
"I found balloons with our faces on them! Our FACES!" Clint has enough balloons to float a small dog, and they fill the ceiling like the bear overfills the visitors couch.
"Yes, I had to paten them-"
"Can I finish one sentence?"
Pepper fumes as she and Rhodey rush in,
"Im gonna wrap you in bubble wrap and keep you in a padded wagon if you keep trying to kill me like this."
"I believe I was keeping people from being killed. Minus... the guys that got killed but they were lame."
"How many times am I gonna have to tell you you matter to us before you actually get it?" Pepper squeezes his hand, tight and trembling, tears in her eyes that make his already tender heart squeeze.
"I'm sorry, I didnt have much time... I couldnt watch anyone die. I couldnt stand by when I could do something.... you guys matter to me, no matter how frustrating you are, so I did what I could. But I am sorry for worrying you all."
"We'll have to remind you more that your safety and wellbeing are just as important to us брат, (omg guys its pronounced Brat but means brother I cant so true) but thank you, for saving us." Natashas hand is warm on his ankle, but her words are warmer.
"Aye, I wish to have as much time as I'm able with you all, I am honored to both fight and exist with you." He bows his head, fist over his heart.
"Theres only one of you Tony, and we would like to keep him around." Bruce gives a small smile, eyes shining with truth.
"I was wrong in the hellicarrier, and Im sorry for it, Im glad to call you a friend." Steve has stopped pacing, standing tall and speaking every word with meaning and warmth.
"You're the reason we were able to become a family dude, stick around and enjoy it would ya." Clint pats his other ankle with a smirk, thats both kind and nervous.
"We'll tell ya everyday if we have to Tones." Rhodey ruffles his hair and Tonys eyes well up against his will. He blinks frantically, refusing to let a single one fall, before offering a hesitant smile.
"I cant promise I'll stop scaring you guys, I'll still protect you guys with my all, but I'll try to be better about the process." He pauses to breathe and swallow the lump in his throat, "and thanks... it means a lot."
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wernher-von-brawny · 1 year
”Absolute Death has been absorbed, and ultimate skill ‘Say You Love Me In This Loveless Age, 2023′ has been acquired.”
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Shinka no Mi: Shiranai Uchi ni Kachigumi Jinsei (The Fruit of Evolution: Before I Knew It, My Life Had It Made) S02 E12 (Series Finale)
I was cringing through the first half of this ep., but stuck it out for sake of "completing the set", if you will.
And then, after all the perfunctory "Everything Falls Apart" setup, they kicked off "The Hero’s Comeback" with the classic "Power of Love" twist, an original "Power of Love" theme song, and an "Everybody Lives!" revival of all the dead characters.
Total bullshit -- I loved it!
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IDK if it made up for the whole "emo villian and his annoying catch phrase" arc of this last season. It was such a boring slough, I skipped a bunch of episodes.
I'm just so fucking tired of edgelord villains. And edgelords in general, y'know? I wish the world was as well, but as long as there are pre-pubescent boys in the world, I suppose there will always be a market for them.
Especially in politics! (Ba-dum-Dum!) 😃
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It may be a false impression, but season two was missing the wacky hijinks of the first one. Or at least had a significantly lower percentage of them. This show was never smart, but it was the fun kind of stupid. Like Adam Sandler movies, and that bitch just got the Mark Twain prize!
But at the last moment, in the last half of the last episode, they went back to stupid and fun. Yay!
Hyper-Kawaii Seichi? Yay!
Muscle? Yay!
Interspecies romance? Yay!
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And now that it's over, I realize I'm kinda gonna miss it.
Bye-bye My Kawaii Gorilla Wife. You were never a great show, but you made me smile, so arigato.
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attractivemyfoot · 2 years
Well, just some info not believing smart people a humour is hear you will love it later. 1st time on Tumblr Wattpad failed as before never mind . Will Akuma class graduate or fail with Lilass' lies.? What a way to dirty a pure name lily? seriously shame,so how many can pass except MPS or neutral grounds. Needs going pass or fail i want to laugh on fictional characters that show fucking irritates me to no levels. I feel murderous enough to study and pass exams for plot they literally hack the country system crack it up to crumbles and see who has fucking butterfly sanctuary see where cameras aren't there cause it's odd and Don't fit right and bank accounts are easy to access by banker ask as a hero to the banker can even tell you how a murder or something happened they've more data about people cause when people are bored they talk and because of it people have clues but are lazy or plain dumbass man that show has lot of loop holes then weaver sweater every episode and villian fucking irritates me butterflies see what type of species it is if that dumb can show something right i will spend every dollar in my account in a day. Half true but that stupid has to buy it right see accounts of those sanctuary anyway see big names 1st clue in the show or 2nd rich person 3rd isolated bitch 4th whoever your suspect is keep it there. Only 8 things were needed to be done. Harassment is okay . Emotional manipulation is okay ask that blonde ass which boils my blood. Total stupid encouraging wrong thing is good . Stealing is good. Totally taking someone's blame is good. bribing is good. Every type of crime is good huh. This show just disgust me comparing marinette and that assgreste. She is way too much better than that shity cockroach. There was a scene of literally that gives vibes of sexual intercourse. That's just inviting a disaster. What skin tight atleast see the viewer's. Half of shows shows this type of behavior is okay. That's why criminals have no fear. Stupidity of fucking society he broke few French laws man even though it was for people but do they mean something right. Man i hate kids behaving like creeps the moment i heard miraculous ladybug and chat noir. I wanted to break that kid or writer and most stupid astruck something.that bitch I hope he have 3rd stage cancer while kemo therapy he just die bring a decent writer but no a total percent and low graded human scum of the bag. I wish the moment someone sees that I just finished watching 1st season with my sis in my life i never had so much argue to kill someone than today. I generally read fan fics cause they're more well written than the original cause it corrects the wrong or totally don't show it that's total cool but this is insane my blood ran cold i binge watch it all together i am observer i see errors in everything but they can be brushed off but this god knows i might kill someone today in cold pursuit. Sorry that witch saw and ignored the flaws the golden boy is perfect just because his eyes are green as leaves and hair is blonde and skin is pale doesn't mean he is little good i don't doubt a single percent about a bitch being sentimoth. When i heard sis praising that blonde and cursing the girl i won't touch it cause more you see more problems you see . My favourites Gaslighting, parental abandonment,victim blaming, every abuse and it's type and harm can be seen but half of them are wrong. I won't bitch it but it fucking touched my sister manipulating asshole should be punched till the ground and bones don't become one. I am practically 15 i saw it Were so called' adults 'were cooing over it fools do the goddamn research like i do.
See it yourself don't believe me anyway
Akuma class 18 (graduating)
MPS 16 (singers with different degrees)
Dick24 (passing University of business )
Jason 18 (graduated with degrees literature,arts, doctor, mechanics and honours)
Tim 15 (co CEO like Nettie but instead of fashion it's medicine)
Damian 15( making blunt comments with correcting teacher)
Marinette Dupain Cheng/Nettie Martha Haywood Wayne 14( degree holder of fashion,bussiness, technology enjoying the chaos , troublemaker and singer and main artist behind songs and the costumes)Story of Nettie Martha Haywood Wayne
here is a story of a girl of Gotham who was sold by her stepfather known as Willis Todd due to Joker . A mother and boy's misery . A mother who is not true but poured love through heart got addicted to drugs a boy in grief and to care for mother are the basics after some events he is taken as ward of bruce Wayne this time he never got killed because Willis killed Joker because he was dying atleast i will avenge my daughter and take down a monster. Jason learn fighting in alleys as some people were willing to teach a kid self defence but seeing a talent taught every fighting style street has offered and weapons training
you know what Tim has a big role in reunion of two brother and sister by blood solve a case bring justice for 3 countries . that's one only lila Rossi . Ceo of black trades Gris et or technology and enterprises and l'ange des cieux another CEO of Wayne and Drake enterprises a billionaire will they dominate the world or not . A singer named Le labyrinthe . you know what Tim has a big role in reunion of two bro and sis by everything but blood solve a case bring justice for 3 countries . that's one only lila Rossi claims to be NMHW and it's achievements of this one surely gonna kill. Claiming to be her infront of her is dangerous well.
Marinette/Nettie -Ceo of black trades Gris et or technology and enterprises and l'ange des cieux
In English, black ,grey and gold trades and enterprises
The angle of
(scream for the heavens you heathens)
As fashion company name or pen name
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U got any shigaraki and deku acting like siblings hcs ? 😁
*Note: I have a little sister myself, so I know how the sibling culture goes 🙄😈. And oh, we even trained Tae Kwon Do together, so you can included the real fights in the list.
First of all, we're not talking about two calm and collected, perfectly behaved boys.
Let's imagine they keep all for one and one for all, but instead of being like gods, they stay with only two quirks and their power is reduced, and also they can't pass the quirk to another person or steal other quirks any more. They're stuck.
Deku has his superpower and black wip. Tomura has his decaying quirk (under control now) and he can float, just like Nana.
And because they are two stubborn little pricks, they argue all. the. time.
Don't get me wrong, they normally won't react like that with other people. Tomura would let you slap him and he won't even blink. Same with Deku. But as it often happens, no one can push our buttons like our siblings.
That's exactly why, at least once a week, someone needs to interfere in their fights.
I mean the "they're up in the sky fistfighting, kick hitting, swearing like sailors" type.
I'm not promoting violence on here. THIS IS HOW MANY SIBLINGS WORK, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT.
Tomura feels the sudden urge to kick Deku while he's walking down the hall. Deku wants to save his game over Tomura's session because "oops". They like different foods. They argue about if a certain pro-hero is cool or totally useless. Tomura thinks Deku's hair looks like moss and Deku tells him he's like a failed Monster High.
And they fight.
Now, this is a typical case of "no one can insult my brother except me".
No one defends Tomura as much as Deku does. I'm talking about Deku telling to All Might's face he's being a dick and Deku telling Bakugo to shut the fuck up.
And then you have Tomura, former symbol of fear. After redeeming himself, you can bet his favorite new hobby is picking assholes apart via analyzing them and telling them what's wrong with their childhoods and traumas.
That's absolutely not nice of him. But come on, let's talk real. None of them are saints and none of them are where they are because they're nice all the time.
They are what everyone fears compacted in two weirdly buff geniuses. They are nerds and they are awkward and fight over who's asking for the pizza this time, and at the same time they obey no authority but themselves.
Deku is like “if you don't like Tomura, keep that to yourself. It's embarrassing.”
Tomura is like "If can't stand Deku, then kneel before him.”
One is a former villian, the other is an almost villians and the best they can do it's meet in the middle: gray moral characters that, in lack of a better option, created their own side.
Let's change subject to what really matters:
They are annoying.
You can't possibly watch a movie with them. They talk too much, criticize too much, have an entire combo of figuring out the ending in the middle of the movie and they ruin it because they are too smart. They are officially banned from movie nights.
I've say this before, but the amount of inner jokes and references? Heavens save us all.
They can be referring to something nerdish, like a fact you wouldn't know if you weren't well versed on Victorian authors, and the next minute they would be talking in tiktoks and YouTube recommendations at 3am.
Kings of bullshit. They don't have a single clue what they're doing. They're figuring out while it goes. Plan? What plan? They're baffling. If you listen to them for too long, you're gonna lose your mind.
They're also banned from playing scrabble. Tomura always make up words that somehow exists and Deku is a walking dictionary.
When they're alone, they're nice to play with. Deku is a wonderful team mate and friend. Tomura is actually pretty chill and funny.
What the fuck happens when they get together, no one knows. They are like sure of themselves and all that self-confidence turns into chaotic energy. They can just be chilling around or not even talking, but the tension is there, not between them, but to the rest of the room. They could begin their activity at any minute.
Their direct rivals are Aizawa and Bakugo.
It's the only way you can balance the situation. And I'm not talking about fights, I'm talking about the game nights still.
You have the decaying-bunny duo vs the eraser-dynamite duo. This is, and I'm not gonna lie, actually a pretty intense and funny rivaly situation. Everyone needs to pick a side and then they go.
There's another duo that can face the decaying-bunny team, and that's the Todosiblings. The problem is that Shoto and Dabi are half of the time supporting Deku and Tomura on their chaos, and half of the time fighting them.
You have the Voice of Reason team (Spinner and Iida), the Bloody Gravity team (Uraraka and Toga) and the Dadteam (Kurogiri and All Might).
Imagine how intense are Tomura and Deku as siblings that they forced other people into creating teams to fight them. Not because they wanted to, but because people found it necessary.
Oh but boy, you can bet they are also maximum crushes of half the world.
They are the type of celebrities you call assholes when they appear on the news after saving a bunch of people from a natural disaster. They are talking with the reporters and??? They look fresh and smiley, gentle and charming, almost naive, but you're getting distracted because how can they be so handsome???
Misters "I don't know how popular I am" because they're clueless, they don't know how often they break the internet with their online activities.
Their merch is everywhere. They make the money they need just by accepting appearing on ads and commercials or doing cameos on TV shows, music videos, etc.
“Are you dating someone”, “Oh, am I?”
All I'm saying is that they have an amazing connection. They are best friends and rivals and worst enemies and each other's fans #1.
I love the headcanons of them being cute, a little distanced siblings, but I prefer the cheer chaos of them being really close.
Mostly because I know they could have the type of bond that gets you through the worst times. The type where you don't need to use your words, you can talk with your eyes, just by looking at your brother and you already know what they're thinking.
And this has so many implications. From stupid things like Tomura sitting on a shopping card while Deku buys the things they need for the week, to them both fighting side by side against the worst enemies they could think of.
But those implications are things that I need to study further in future posts. 😉 So don't be afraid to ask for more headcanons about the decaying-bunny duo.
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proship-ghost · 2 years
My favorite ships from my favorite fandoms (that I recall) as a proshipper and multishipper;
My Hero Academia (the most):
Ochako Uraraka x Katsuki Bakugou
Ochako Uraraka x Toga Himiko
Ochako Uraraka x The Dekusquad (basically the whole group as a Polycule, and can include her and everyone within the group as a couple, throuple, etc.)
Bakugou x The Bakusquad (the same as the Dekusquad)
Shinsou x Denki
Shinsou x Monoma
Shota Aizawa x Present Mic (I forget his proper name)
Shota Aizawa x Midnight
Shota Aizawa x Fatgum
Shota Aizawa x OC
Midnight x Miss Joke
Midnight x Shota Aizawa x Present Mic
Midnight x Miruko
Fatgum x OC
Mr. Compress x OC
Dabi x Shigaraki
Toga x Izuku
Steven Universe
Pearl x Rose Quartz x Greg
Garnet AKA Ruby x Sapphire
Connie x Steven
Genos x Death
Lust x Fall
OCs x Original Sans
Frisk x Asreil(?)
General tropes
POLYCULES I love them as I am a part of them and they're (almost) always so amazing
Sunshine and happy x Dark and gloomy
Angel x Devil
Smart x Stupid
Mutual pining
My not so favorite ships (but if you ship them I'm not going to be pissy about it)
My Hero
Any Adult x Minor really - not my cup of tea.
Anything involving Mineta or Endeavor
Bakugou X Midoriya (I just don't like it personally but I can see why people ship it)
Steven Universe
Lapis x Jasper
Undertale / The Multiverse?
Flowey x Sans of any form
Papyrus x Sans of any form
Frisk x Sans
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
President’s Day Special: Masters of Horror: The Washingtonians (Comissoin for WeirdKev27)
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Happy President’s Day all you Happy People! I’m Jake I review stuff and for this oft forgotten aside from the day off it gives us holiday, I got a really special one for you, courstey of patreon and frequent comissioner WeirdKev27. Seriously while Kev knew the bonkers premise, and comissioned it based on that, he hadn’t seen it before doing so. And god bless that as this film is a so bad it’s good gem more people need to see. It’s an attempt at horror comedy that fails at being scary due to it’s gloriously dumb premise, funny on purpose due to half the cast taking this way too seriously and the other half hamming it up so much you can’t possibly take it seriously, It is the kind of So Bad It’s Good gem a critic like me dreams of finding. 
But before I can dig into the femur of this wonderful bit of nonsense, some backstory. The Washingtonians is an episode of Masters of Horror, a showtime tv series from the late 2000′s. The series came about when horror director Mick Garris had dinner with a bunch of other horror directors, and enjoyed the camraderie they all had, complementing each others work and having a good time. So he got them together for a series and it was a huge hit. And honestly i’m not judging the series on this: besides the fact that, at least according to tv tropes, season 2 marked a bit of a downturn, even among season 2 this episode is apparently widely regarded as laughably stupid. It’s very clear director Peter Medak, who did direct a film I still badly want to see with the changeling that looks and sounds like a moody, slow horror masterpiece, had no idea how to ballance comedy and horror and what tone to go for, and as such we have the main cast being wooden and underplaying it (Which I don’t play them for. The mom, played by Venus Terzo is a talented voice actress and you can only do so much with bad direction and a terrible script), and the villians hamming it up like no tommorow. The result is a terrible film but one of the funnest times i’ve had watching something for this blog. 
So before we dig in your probably wondreing what this is about.. and trust me that alone will hook you to see how much more insane this thing gets. And what it’s about is very simple: A man finds a letter in his recently deceased grandma’s house that reveals George Washington was a secret cannibal. Trust me it somehow gets more batshit than that and you can see what I mean under the cut. 
Our story begins with a young woman running away from something at night. Given this is a horror film, she’s naturally dead meat, real dead meat. So far so standard horror stuff.. but what gives us our first hint at what we’re in for is HOW she dies. Two men in powedered wigs, riding horses and carrying sabers chase after her and DECAPITATIE HER WHILE ON HORSE BACK SENDING HER HEAD FLYING. 
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So we get to our real protaganists soon after whose names I genuinely did not pick up over the course of the movie so i’ll be using a variety of nicknames because i’m a smart alecky weirdo and that’s what I get paid for. They are a dad with a huge forehead, his wife and their easily scared daughter. Their also listening to talk radio talking about how politicans lie to you and make up the narrative nad how they KNEW there were civilians being killed in iraq and did so anyway. GET IT POLITICANS LIE AND DO HORRIBLE SHIT TO PERSUE THEIR OWN AGENDAS THIS. GET IT. GET...
So our heroes head to the house where they encounter Creepy Old Guy. He has a name, but frankly much like our heroes it does not matter. Their your standard “Family about to get thrown into horror” you see in horror films good and this one, and Creepy Old Guy is, on paper your standard “Mildly creepy but seemingly friendly person.” In fact the guy gives off more red flags than a man in a bear suit standing in front of you with a large blood stain holding a knife.  On the bright side Creepy Old Guy is an utter delight, as he just.. radiates “RUN” while every delivery of his is inherently odd in the best way possible, from showing off his teeth because CANNIBALS AMIRITE, to whiping out a sucker that he keeps in his coat which normally, a horrifying predatory adult giving a child a sucker would be terrifying, especially since I have nieces and nephews.  But in this case he’s just so cartoonishly over the top I can’t remotely take the threat seriously. Also just to make this even funnier the Wife in a later scene refers to him as “that sweet old man” yes just like their sweet, innocent never harmed a fly neighbor, right buddy?
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He’s her soccer coach. Anyways the daughter, who is afraid of everything which in the case of this film makes her the smarter than her own mother half the time, goes down to the creepy basement and thinks she saw a man. Turns out it’s GEORGE WASHINGTON... all caps becaue I can’t type GEORGE WASHINGTON half the time without hearing leslie odom belt it before Georgie does a sick rap. I just can’t. I”m not made of stone. 
The Dad calms her admitting that thing freaked him out too.. though he didn’t come down here often anyway because his grandma usually had it locked. So the daughter does what any normal child would do: scream i’m not afraid of you at the portrait till it ends up falling over. Her mother’s reactoin to a giant canvas nearly falling on her daughter.. is to ask what her daughter did. 
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But they soon have bigger problems as Dad finds a letter and a fork made of human bone behind it. The letter is a threat to skin and eat someone’s children.. signed G.W.... George Washington.
The wife brushes this off as entirley fake, but husbando isn’t so sure.. which is fair. If it’s a fake then why would anyone hide it, much less the bone fork. Unless his grandma was into sick pranks this might be real and just because George Washington is seemily untouchable historically dosen’t mean he wasn’t hiding something. And while the script often tries and fails to make some sort of message this is the one message it has right: Sometime’s history is alterted to tell the narrative people WANT to hear instead of what actually happened. We’re dealing with that shit right now with Critical Race Theory and many white dumbasses not wanting the country’s long ass history of whitewashing it’s worst decisions. I could see a horror having this sort of thing as the center now and being done much better by someone who actually wants to be here and dosen’t just want a quick paycheck making a story about george washington eating people. The core, a hidden history, a secret society of privlaged asshole cannibals, that’s good stuff.. it just falls apart because they stapled george washington to it and decided the villlians should dress in powerded wigs , george washington wigs and false teeth. I’m not joking but I am getting ahead of myself. 
So the next day’s the funeral where a bunch of creepy old people come up to the daughter.. and the parents do absolutely nothing despite the daughter’s clear discomfort and you know again, these all being strange people. She’s right to be at least a little nervous. 
So Creepy Old Guy has a letter and has a pow wow with big foreheaded dad. He wants the letter and instead of you know trying to be SUBTLE about it after the Dad says no, he keeps trying to bring up a friend who has it and trying ot take it in any way possible. And one up I can give the film is that the dad.. is not remotely stupid. The guy offering so much intrest is a red flag that not only is the letter REAL, but that he’s going to hide it or destroy it. Creepy Old Guy dosen’t help by INSTNATLY getting threatning demanding the letter and getting pissed at the meer implcation daddy daddy do would make it public and tells him to “sleep on it”. 
So our family goes out to eat that night and we get a scene of people ating things messily that I can’t get the tone for, and when our heroes return home... they find the place ransacked, the bone fork gone (Daddy-O was smart enough to keep the letter with him), and themselves rattled. The dad being confronted by some weirdo on horseback earlier didn’t help. They also find a heart left there and the police are utterly usefless.. and intentonally as SHOCKINGLY the white dumbass police officers in a small town ran by a cult of old people are in on it and tel lhim to sleep on it. Once again daddy guy makes the right call and immdietly heads back home with the family. And shockingly for a horror movie.. it works. Presumibly the locals didn’t want to call attention to it.  
Things escalate quicker than that though as the daughter sees a creepy man try ot get her to let him in, in said powerded wig, white makeup, uniform I forgot to mention and wooden teeth I certainly didn’t, scaring her and once the parents belivie her them... and he’s not alone as soon a group of them are pounding at the door. And this is when things gear shit into full blown insanity. yes the decaptation and creepy old man were just the appitizer. This is the main course. So the soundtrack, the family’s actors , everything tries to play this seriously.. but instead it’s a bunch of hammy guys in powerded wigs asking for the letter while looking thorugh the peep hole, whcih for some reason is shot like their in some sort of alternate dimension. Even then threatning ot eat the daughter..just makes me laugh because they look like some evil mirror universe verison of bulk and skull with the sort of evil bad guy voice a child would come up with. It’s great. 
Dad”s Dad Dad calls the police.... and it works. This time there aren’t any molls and the fuckers run off, but there’s enough evidence presmuibly, i’m guessing foot prince to get our heroes protection. Daddy Was in Fact There calls in a historian friend of his. The Historian is our exposition guy, you know the guy in a horror movie whose been hunting this monster a long time and knows how to take it down. Upon being told what these guys were like he not only recognizes them but knows of them, and confirms that yes, Washington was a cannibal, the truth covered up to tel lthe proper narritive other historians wanted. As for these guys, their the washingtonains, a cult that not only wants to keep this truth to themselves but eats anyone who gets too close to it. And this is again why the dad’s smart: he went to someone he trusted, only told him about his perdicament in person to prevent someone else from hearing it and sending goons sooner, and gives the guy the letter to run. He knows he and his family might die.. but likely gets their dead either way: even if they gave them the letter they know the hidden truth and as for the daughter, they apparently like eating virigins. Which is creepy but for once intentonally
So the idiots storm the castle, and in my faviorite moment of the film one of them hammilys houts HERE WE ARE!. It’s just.. I love this dumb fucking movie so much. Our heroes are kidnapped and taken to Washington’s first secret dining club where the whole bunch is there, with Creepy Old Guy being their leader and giving us backstory. And I hope you strap in because while this film has been stupid so far, it’s saved the dumbest for last: So for starters the bone fork is one of a set.. made of continental congress members femurs. I’m not kidding. George Washington hutned down and ate the continential congress here. Oh and it hasn’t begun to get silly as we find out WHy George is a cannibal: he was desperate at valley forge and found it sharped his focus and brainpower to eat humans. Yes George Washington apparently had the power to get smarter by eating human flesh. Which granted i’ve seen done much better in a story I’ll be covering soon enough on this blog, but is still VERY weird in this context. So the cannibals, after grossly snacking on a human which isn’t so much underving as it is just... ughhhh and that’s onlyd ue to my delicate sensablities, i’m sure most horror fans would be unphased adn the bodies all look hilariously fake, and plan to eat the wife and child in front of him.
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Cue the historian arriving with the govverment’s secret coverup crew. And what STARTS looking like a big brawl between them and the washingtonians.. is instead just the privlaged dicks being realistically gunned down because they only have canes and dueling pistols to fight modern guns. Seriously tha’ts how it ends.. just lots of shooting and Historian guy having them double check. He then has dad and fam run to get the word out and give them the letter.
Six Months later suprisingly given this fucking country, the campaign worked. Our heroes are now vegetarians, fair enough and we get one last ATTTEMPT at humor and easily the worst as a sterotypically chinese delivery man gives them some new ones... with George W Bush. GET IT THEY SWAPPED OUT GEORGE WITH GEORGE! And they make sure to tell you this! Also while this is played as the bad thing it is.. I..don’t get the toning here. I mean yes again the guy who took us into a war that cost millions of lives for oil intrests is bad, I get that. But is the story saying our heroes should’ve been eaten? That history is worth lying for the bigger picture? That Geroge W Bush Sucks?
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It’s just really fucking weird in a movie full of it. 
Final Thoughts:
If it wasn’t clear from the premise of “Actual Cannibal George Washington” this film is gloriously stupid. As I said the main family acts straightly.. but also with the intenseity of a rotted plank of wood.. as Plank has proven an in tact piece is a master thespian. Contrast this with the villians all acting like they did a mountain of cocaine together and you have a bloody so bad it’s good treat you’ll want to gobble down again. While the Washingtonians was rightfully mocked upon it’s release I feel it’s my patrotic duty to try and give this film the so bad it’s good second life it deserves. It may be the second dumbest thing i’ve reviewed for this blog but by god, it’s one of the funnest. Thanks for reading, the movie’s free on Tubi along with the rest of Masters of Horror, check it out. 
If you’d like to help me support more reviews of great media and also tire fires like this, please consider joining my patreon. Patrons get a free review on signup and even if you can’t, following and reblogging is still much appricated
Have a good presidents day. 
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sukunasbabymama · 3 years
I am sorry that I missunderstood you about kisaki! But all good, I respect your opinion! He was a nice villian after all XD
Yes!!! Everyone puts mickey on a pedestal, he is just a human being ( a little crazy one, yes, but still) it kinda annoyed me how everyone is like haha yeah he will fix things he got this.
Like no. Draken said so in one of the futures he was just a kid with a heavy burden.
So I think that future where takemitchy should have married Hina was the best. Mickey didn't drag anyone with him, he made his choices and that is that. Sad? Absolutely, but everyone from toman was alive!
Hm yes hero complex sounds about right. More to give to the idea that he might die in the end or feel frustrated from not being able to save everyone.
I meant on the start of the series like, Hina does mention it he sounds different but they shrug it off XD I would 10/10 think he had some kind of disorder.
Reading those last chapter I got a bad feeling this won't end well for senju side. I also found a bit offensive to use Brazil's favela like that ( I am brazilian :D) it rubbed me off a bit... rude.
Though I am glad akkun and Co. And the rest of toman is not involved yet. I hope they won't be involved, though because of draken death, they might.
I think mickey new a lot and pretended to either not see or ignore. Not only about mucho, but others too, I don't think he is stupid. He definitely hid and hide things.
You are right about mucho I just didn't saw it coming that he would have someone else!
On that note shinichiro was everyone anchor eh XD the guy had a lot on his plate!
Yeah, yeah, in this house we respect smart villains but don’t simp like for other and stuff.
There’s a lot of things that need to get unfold and I think it’s gonna happen after whatever the fuck Senju and Terano are doing rn.
I think they tried to show people what a bad childhood can do to a person but I can’t talk about it too much cause although here you kind of grow up like Terano it’s not my place to talk about it since it’s not about my island.
And yeah, that childish and nagging Mikey was just because he felt comfy around his friends, but that doesn’t make him dumb.
Shinichiro is the Buddha of that dam universe goddamn.
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Stupid villian and smart Hero
"So... you got stuck... in your own trap?" Hero asks looking at the, currently stuck in a classic rope trap, villian.
Who is also almost upside down.
"Would you believe me if I told you no?" The villian asks with a false hope. The hero moved a little closer to the villian. The villian isn't able to back up very far, every time they move, the trap moves with them.
When the villian was making a classic "rope-trap-that-hangs-from-the-roof-of-an-abandoned-building-and-traps-you-whole-when-you-step-on-it" trap, the last thing they expected was a spider to come out of no where and nake them jump. One thing villian hated mroe than hero was spiders.
What an embarrassing way to get caught villian thinks to themselves
"How'd this happen exactly?" The hero questions while examining the ropes a little more. The heros hand moved but villian camt see where to.
"Well if you want me to start from the beginning i cant-" villian is cut short by their sudden fall. Turns out the hero had grabbed a pocket knife and was able to easily slice through the ropes.
"Weak trap, villian. I've seen much better from you." Hero comments. Villian glares.
"I'm not good with ropes, better at building things, this isn't fair!" Villian huffs out, crossing their arms in front of their chest. They don't move from the ground.
"I could arrest you right now."
"I know."
"I should, shouldn't i?"
"Maybe. But you wont."
"You are so sure of yourself." the hero steps closer, villian is on their feet quickly. Taking 2 steps back for every one step hero takes towards them.
It isn't until hero almost has villian backed intro a corner that villian realizes one thing. They're not in the trap anymore.
Villian quickly steps on heros foot before harshly shoving them and running off.
"This isn't over, hero!! I won't get stuck in my own trap next time!" Hero and hear villian yell back. They only listen to villians footsteps getting further.
"Dumbass." Hero mumbles fondly to themselves.
hi this is like my 2nd snippet or whatever! Anyway you can continue this if you'd like, tag me too so I can read it :DD or use it as a prompt maybe? Either way tag/credit me if you do! I didn't proof read this at all + I didn't want to + it's 11 at night and I'm a little sleepy.
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dreamy--six · 4 years
the good villian, (kaminari x reader)
i held his body not moving, he was dead, he didn’t deserve this, i stood up a woman walk towards me she killed him she deserves to die she can breath she needs to be ripped a part piece by piece,
“die.” she collapsed blood seeping from her mouth, more people needed  to pay for what they did,
 deadly intent as i walked into a city, i yawned as i stepped towards the ‘hero’ or more accurately glorified murderers school, UA it needed to burn, they  were responsible for what happened , now 15, ten years later.
I sighed “its gonna be a long three years.” i said looking up at the building, im guessing they knew, well at least the teachers know, that my familys villains well were. 
i stepped into the class room, my face not changing i noticed everyone gasped when they saw my face, huh  guess a scar happens to be enough to scare heros? stupid. sure i had been mutilated before, but it was all his fault, the stupid motherfucker i rolled eyes and stared at the teacher.
“this is y/n fujioka.” i looked at him my face full of hate not changing “shes going to be a student in this class.” he looked at me obviously expecting me to introduce myself, the green haired boy looked scared? did he know?
“im y/n fujioka, im not willing to be friends with idiots.” i walked to a open seat, 
the week progressed, boringly. we did combat training and i got paired up with bakugo, he's a dumbass, sure he might be smart but acting with out think and acting on your emotions will get you killed. 
until friday, we  had USJ training, i sighed glaring at the outfit i got stuck with i didn’t want it nor need it, the stupid blond kid with a lighting bolt in his hair or as he said to call him, kaminari, had decided he was going to be my friend, which was incredibly annoying, but then again hes friends with the anger issuses kid so i don’t think he cares
“so y/n, what does your quirk do exactly? and what is it?” kaminari asked, izuku turned towards me, “yeah you don’t use it in combat training,” alot of people were now staring at me, all of them expecting a answer, i opened my mouth then shut it quickly, a sneer crossing my face, “guess you’ll have to find out.” i giggled, from what i could see izuku blushed along with kaminari
the bus stopped, we stepped out looking at the building. as 13 was explaining what was going to happen a portal opened, a man with a hand on his face stepped through. multiple thugs started fighting children.  i looked towards everyone else who had been frozen in place, until the idiots stared fighting, a portal pulled everyone somewhere different i was with kaminari,momo and jirou. 
i stared at the man who was holding kaminari, “you two,” i turned around to face momo and jirou. “close your eyes and don’t open them until i say so.” horrified and confused they closed their eyes, “put him down,” i stared at the man, “why?” he said with a sneer, “its a warning put him down.” he didn’t put him down instead he just laughed. 
a glare broke through my calm face, “put. him. down. last. warning.” he pretended to think about it then said no laughing “fine then don’t tell me i didn’t warn you.” a terrifying expression broke through my expressionless face my eyes full of murderous intent. “die.” he let go of him but fell to the ground screaming. my face turned back to normal and dropped down next to him,he was sobbing
“p-please don’t kill m-” his words were cut off by me pulling my gun out and shooting him in the face. i stood up “anyone wanna go next?” i sneered they froze. “you can open your eyes” i said looking towards momo and jirou, the gasped my face had gotten blood on it from blowing that guys head to bits, 
i bent down next to kaminari, “you okay?” i asked him my face full of concern “y-you killed someone” momo said in shock i turned around, “and you aren’t going to say shit.” my face full of anger i don’t know why i care about this idiot. “you got blood on you,” i muttered cleaning the blood off him. “you’re really pretty” he giggled i rolled my eyes blush filling my face. 
after everyone was found fine, with almost no injuries, i felt his eyes on me the blue haired idiot. kirishima, mina, sero, jirou, and bakugou walked over to me still worrying about kaminari. “you got blood on you?” kiri asked i jumped “uh yeah i did.” his face filled with worry “are you okay!? did you get hurt?!” he asked “n-no its not mine.” i muttered looking at my feet still clutching on to kamis hand, they were confused “then who’s is it?!” mina asked, jirou explained what i did i was still holding onto kami, terrified. they all gasped, i looked at them “he was going to hurt kaminari.” my face back to being stern, then sighed.
we went back to normal classes although everyone except kaminari avoided me i don’t know why but it made me upset.
896 words- longer then my essays
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
If this Bruce doesn't adopt Tim I will! But I'm kinda scared for Tim I mean he's either gonna end up with Buce or the titans at some point, im afraid that something terrible is gonna happen his family and then titans/bruce takes him in? That boy loves batman and robin so much like even his family seeing the news knew how much it would upset him although I will say that for the brain that kid has he makes some pretty stupid decisions, hes driving around GOTHAM plastered in the bat-symbol that's not a good idea! the amount of lunatics that roam free in Gotham (and possibly have escaped from arkham) and hate the bat and hes driving around with the bat symbol on him KID be careful!
Some kind of Anti-fear toxin does seem more accurate cuz he's clearly taking something to not be afraid. Maybe it's something he found in Gotham and decided to try it and got addicted so he's using that lab place to try recreate it? and maybe he can't recreate it perfectly cuz in the crowbarring scene he seemed kinda anxious about his surroundings and he'd just taken that inhaler thing to overcome fear so I dunno?? Or maybe he went to arkham to see Crane for some reason and Crane has orchestrated the whole thing and told him about the drug but then wouldn't Crane have to know everyone's identity then? Dude I dunno I need more episodes even tho the low quality glitchyness is painful lol
There's probably an abundance of rooms to choose from at Wayne manor yet Jason takes Dicks old room and keeps the flying graysons posters up! I like to think that he does view dick as an older brother and just took his room to kind of have a connection to him and that he admires him hence the graysons posters being left up, yooo dick calling him his brother! I really want a nice family reunion with dick jason and bruce 💕
Babs was too mean to bruce when she went off like I get where she's coming from but yo lady his son just died dial it down like a notch yikes but also babs being like 'i wonder how long it'll take for bruce to replace jason and dick is all 'what no the last thing bruce is gonna do is rope another kid into this mess'. Cut to scene of Bruces potential robin folder 😅 but I also like that dick was trying to be considerate and compose himself for bruce but once he found out that bruce is idiot enough to pull another kid into this, that that's when he got mad and bruce so brokenly begging dick to come back and be robin 😢😢😢
I know the show is constantly trying to push bruce out/sideline him cuz it's a titans show not a bruce wayne show and I know they're going for a different portrayal of bruce which I'm not complaining about I do like this version of bruce (more than I thought actually) and this universe but I feel like they could have gave more cracks you know, I like that they showed him trying to avoid the reality of jasons death and just not stopping not even for a second and just immediately jump into another case and that breakdown verge where he's begging dick to be robin and then when he finally I guess let's the weight of jasons loss sit on him to the point where he whacks in jokers head with a crowbar just like he killed jason (he could have killed joker so many other ways like a less violent bullet to the head but oh no brucey crowbars him to death!!)
There's a lot of character stuff that i do like but that scene where he's in the cave on his knees scrubbing his sons blood out of the suit he died in, the suit that he only ever wore because of batman. 😢 I feel like they could have had him crack there and let out a gut wrenching scream and then just continue on doing what he was doing as if nothing happened and dick walking in on that should have had more of a reaction!? like he could have stopped in his tracks at the sight of his brothers blood all over his father and bruce screaming, dick could have like took a step back almost like he's gonna run but forces himself to stay there, because who wouldn't want to run from that and no matter how much horrible things you've dealt with before sometimes your brain does just take over against your will and makes you react, the rest of the scene just could have played out the way it did. Literally one ounce more emotion is all I wanted.
No one really emotionally cracked at jasons death. I get that it just happened and that people put walls up and denial can be such a prominent thing when a loved one dies but it couldn't have been that difficult to put in little mannerisms now and again to show that everyone is deeply hurt but holding it in. Honestly gar seemed more hurt to me than dick did. But I do like that dick reacted in detective mode and started trying to figure things out from jasons side so at least there's that.
This redhood is defo not an anti hero he has well and truly landslided into villian territory and I dunno how that's gonna be reconciled? they better not kill him off! and they better not just straight up keep redhood/jason as a full on villian! but if they do get through to jason and bring him back a little how the heck is that little man gonna deal with what he did to Hank?? I feel like they had a bond you know and for all Hanks talk about putting Jason down I really don't think that Hank would actually have killed him even if it came down to Hanks life vs Jasons I think Hank would rather die than kill Jason (but that's heavily biased cuz in my mind jason is my son and I freaking love hank sooo) but Hank to me puts on a hard front like 'yeah I'll get in your face I'll come at you b*tch' but internally he's like 'yeah I'll come at you to help you' 😅 like internally he defo has a lot of soft spots though that's not to say he'd be like this for someone like the joker or scarecrow or whatever guys like that he'd be like no screw you you die or go to arkham like byeee
Nevermind how jason is gonna come back from this though HOW IN THE ACTUAL SH*T is dawn gonna come back from this!!?!!
Random side note here but imagine Jasons first time in the batcave he would be so excited and trying to mess with everything and being like ohh what's that do and pressing random buttons and bruce having a hernia trying to get jason to stop before he accidentally blows the cave up 😅 also he has probably been caught several times trying to 'borrow' the batmobile, I can just picture him trying to sneak down the halls of the manor without the floor creaking and making it all the way into the cave and doing a victory dance cuz he didn't get caught and he hops on into the batmobile in his pj's and let's out a scream cuz alfred is sitting in the freakin passenger seat waiting for him and then they just hang out in the batmobile alfred had the good foresight to bring a flask of tea books and a blanket for jason
Speaking of Alfred I think it would have been more angsty and hurtful if Alfred died shortly after Jason and after a few days Jason claws his way out his grave and the first thing he sees is Alfreds headstone and that's how he finds out Alfred died : (((
This is so long girl I'm sorry I know it doesn't seem like it but I did restrain myself 😅 one more thing before I go maybe this Dick is the absolute worst mf and the reason babs feels betrayed by him and is so upset with him could be that he left her (or cheated on her) with Dawn cuz of that weird flashback thingy in the other season where dick dawn was a thing I dunno I hope not though that would be ughhh
Oh crap, you right about probably something bad will happen to Tim for Bruce or Titans to take him in, I was gonna say he could just demand to be in their lives to save Bruce/Dick like in the comics but he also has kinda shitty parents normally and these people seem cool so really it could go either direction, but like it’s Titans so it doesn’t look good lol. Also, I wonder if it’s gonna be Dick who is basically gonna adopt him this time since we already had a huge track record in just 2 seasons lmao. But I know right, true I like how his parents knew immediately how much the news would effect him 😭 I hope he goes down the making himself robin and forcing himself in Dick and Bruce’s life xD I love that route. Lmao, the kid is all book smart, very little street smart when it doesn’t have to do with outsmarting someone XD
I was also rewatching and that gas he takes def has to be some anti fear toxin cause he mentions fear so many times and flash backed to his near death fall, which he felt was probably holding him and back and thus had to prove himself and adds to whatever is influencing him. But ohhh he did seem pretty dang anxious at the carnival grounds, that’s a really interesting theory but recreating something he found hmm, I can see that.
Apparently according to a YouTube who got to see the first 5 episodes, we find out what his deal is a lot more in episode 5, so one more week hopefully
Brooo trueee, I couldn’t believe jason took dick’s room and like didn’t even change anything. Like Jason looks or at least use to look up to Dick SO much, like in his first episode in the first season, he went on quite a lot about how much he had always wanted to meet him and how much he looked up to him, which is probably also fueling his red hood rage, being hurt by your idol and brother like he did in S2 must have really just killed the boy. But yes omg, there freaking better be a dang family reunion scene like, after so much angst we deserve that 😭
And yesss, I loved seeing how mature Dick is getting and just how much he is growing as a character, the fact he was so calm and considerate with Bruce at first really shows that compared to s1 Dick, only breaking when Bruce tried to get more kids involved. That scene by Brenton was sooo well acted omg, the way he yelled that he doesn’t want to robin again, heartbreaking man. And Bruce begging like that omg
Yeah, this version of Bruce is def so different than any Bruce we have seen on screen before, like def the most emotionally constipated, and that’s saying something xD But I like how they are taking a risk, it also helps Dick’s character more and give him more of an arc, as he seems to be taking on Bruce’s normal role with Jason and red hood. Bro, you are so right omg, like the fact Bruce could have killed the joker in any way and he does it with the dang crowbar. It really shows how broken he really was and why the man shouldn’t depressing any and every damn feeling and emotion lol.
Omg, I love how you have the exact details of what you wanted to happen in that one Bruce and Dick scene 😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 bro if you dont already you should totally write fanfics cause that was so detailed, I love it
Yeah, I do wish someone cracked (other than Bruce lmao) a bit more, but I do think each character reacted in character though, like it is very Dick(at least this version of Dick, other versions may break down tbh) to put everything into solving the case and figuring out what was up, that’s more this version’s way of caring than just breaking down, like he rarely ever has broken down completely. I think dawn could have been a little more emotional about the death (tho she has enough coming for her lmao). Connor didn’t know Jason that well so it makes sense he would just be sad. Gar seemed pretty sad and in character about it, maybe could have had a bit more, same with Kori, tho she showed it by being almost angry and fiercely protective of everyone else, so I think that makes sense for her. It would have been interesting to see how Rachel and Rose would have reacted though (where did rose go btw?! She would so have a reaction to Jason’s death). But yeah, i wish there was more resolution and break downs for Jason, but also it may have just not felt real since they weren’t there? But I agree
You think? Idk, I think they could def still make him an anti hero towards the end, especially if it’s crane behind the whole thing. Cause if they don’t they are gonna have to go down the gosh awful overused villain gets redeemed while he dies/only to die right freaking after , and I will be so freaking livid if they do that omg. Like they better freaking not. But true, he would be broken by what he did to Hank, oh yikes. But I can see him then that leading to the anti hero path, like he would never go back to be on the titans cause he would feel too guilty, thus giving more of a reason for the anti hero life. But I know, I loved Jason and Hank’s love hate relationship 😭😭😭😭 You know Hank secretly loved the kid and probably saw himself in him.
Yikes poor dawn, you right. Like I have no idea how she is gonna be now like wow.
OMG GIRL, You are on a hc angst train today!!!! That scenario of Alfred dying right after jason and Jason climbing out to see Alfred’s?! Heartbreaking!
But I can’t believe they killed Alfred off so casually tho😭
Omg I swear if they freaking show Dick having cheated on Babs I will be so freaking pissed omg, he better have not! Im hoping they had a more high school romance thing/grew up together then got together type of thing
And omg don’t apologize I LOVED IT and reading your asks!!! I feel ya too!
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violetnotez · 5 years
Rookie |3|
Dabi x UA Traitor! reader
WOW I finally posted??? 😦😦 Now that my school has been cancelled (thanks Corona!) I’ll finally be able to write a little more! 😋 I’m going to end this little series so I start working on other requests and fics I have ideas for
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 3702
Warnings: cursing, Dabi being a WhOrE
Summary: Dabi has begun training you since your the newest rookie to enter the LOV, and things get a little heated.
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“Oh he didnt tell you?” Dabi smiled evilly, making your heart race. “We’re going out training tonight- just you and me.”
You internally screamed. What the hell Shigaraki?! He knew how much of a pervert Dabi secretly was- he didnt try that hard to hide it. SO why was Shigaraki trying to screw you over by placing you with this man you were slowly gaining reluctant feelings for?
“ Shigaraki thinks it would be a good idea for me to train you,” Dabi continued, hardly noticing the terror erupting inside you from being alone with him, “ since our quirks are similar. Help you feel out how to work alongside me once we put our plan into place.”
You simply nodded your head, trying to pretend you were cool and collected about learning this new information.
“Smart-alright, I’m in. I just need a place to change into my costume.”
“Oh, thats alright princess- I don't mind if ya do it right here. Matter of fact- I’d really love it if you do.”
You and Dabi were standing in the middle of an empty field, the air around you warm and full of flaming embers, reds and blues mixing into purple in the night sky.
“Fix your form-your not focusing your power right.”
“Well maybe if somebody would stop dodging,” you panted out, your chest filling with slight annoyance,”I’d maybe- be able- to aim properly!”
You and Dabi had been doing this for quite a while, at least 30 minutes.
After that fateful day you had come to the LOV offering information for the Villian group, (particularly about Izuku Midoriya), in exchange for a place on the League, Shigaraki had been hesitant to let you join. But he had begun to realize you could be a good asset to the League of Villians after seeing how powerful your quirk could be. You had the look for a Villian: when you activated your powers, your body would turn a bright red, your eyes turning a deadly black color. Your powers were equally as interesting, as you could control fire on one side of your body while your other side was able to read the mind of anybody you touched. You went by “Demon”, and even though it annoyed Shigaraki to no end that you used a “stupid nickname”, he couldn’t avoid the fact that you could be good addition to the team. You were now training with Dabi under Shigaraki’s orders for your mission to invade UA at their summer camp, information you had generously given to Shigaraki as you were a student at the prestigious hero school.
“Or is it because your still flustered from changing into your suit?”
Dabi has moments ago given you your new Villian outfit, the feeling of the tight outfit restricting your breathing slightly with how heavy you were panting.
He grinned devilishly, making your already red cheeks redder. His icy blue flames came dangerously close to your skin, the scorching heat singing the tips of your hair.
“Watch it doll, we don’t want to be burning that pretty face of yours, do we?”
You threw him a dirty look, your chest heaving against the black material of your new suit. You were tired and overexerted, while Dabi stood there calmly, almost amused as sweat began to trickle down your fiery red skin: your quirk couldn’t last for long, no more than an hour at a time, and you could feel the power you had over it slowly diminish already. It took a lot for you to hold on to your altered form, which was something you had been working on at UA.
You shifted your feet, grounding yourself into the soft dirt. Even though Dabi was extremely attractive and a huge flirt, you wouldn’t allow him to make a fool out of you. You would use every last ounce of your power to make sure that he knew you were strong enough to fair against him.
“Well-“ you huffed out, “if somebody wasn’t trying to keep sneaking peeks like a perv-I wouldn’t have been all flustered in the first place!”
You threw a large fireball, the flames licking dangerously close to Dabi’s stomach, his torso swiveling a few seconds before it made an explosive impact. The flames hit a nearby tree, engulfing it in a ball of gray smoke as Dabi looked at you in shock.
“Guess I’m not the only one who needs to watch themselves, huh?” You snickered proudly at his dumbfounded expression.
Dabi shook his head, a deep chuckle rumbling in his chest. You were too damn persistent on one upping him-it was pretty cute. And that damn fireball was pretty powerful-he wouldn’t ever expect that much force to come from you. He watched as your face continued to hold that triumphant smile, even as your legs began to shake and your shoulders slumped from exhaustion. You were overexerting yourself, and he felt a part of him feel respect for you for putting up so much of a fight against him. He had to admit, as much as he was trying to play it off that he was in control, you were giving him a slight workout. They were obviously doing something right at UA, because a little newbie like you shouldn’t being fairing so well against an experienced Villain like him.
“You were lucky that time-I was distracted.” Dabi smirked again, letting his eyes travel up and down your body, allowing it to be blankly obvious that he was eyeing your form.
He was overly pleased with how your new Villain suit turned out- it was elegant, mysterious, and absolutely gorgeous on your figure. Not to mention that it hugged your body from head to toe. Dabi’s mouth was practically watering every time you did any type of maneuver that showed off your chest or your ass. Dabi’s mind was deep in the gutter, imagining what it would feel like to grab you. He loved to imagine how it would feel to coax sweet little moans out of you, to let his hands travel your body like he had wanted to do for so long.
Something about you made you irresistible to Dabi, as if you were this rare gem that had fallen into his life that he wanted so badly to be his.
“Distracted?” You panted, straightening your back as you tilted your head. “Or just looking somewhere your weren’t supposed to?”
Dabi shrugged, that proud smirk still plastered in his face. “Maybe a little bit of both.”
Your eyes looked down, your mouth biting the tender skin on the inside. Every Time he flirted with you, you got overly flustered-it was like Dabi had a hold of your precious feelings and he toyed with them like a hobby. You huffed out your breath, your lips in a slight pout. You wouldn’t let him get into your head-not that easy.
Dabi’s hand twitched, the image of your lips plumped out like that making his body go into overdrive. You had the most gorgeous face he had ever seen- with your lips moving all so prettily like that, he couldn’t help but just want to eat you up right then and there.
You let your feet leave the traction of the dirt, running quickly to charge him. Your body engulfed in flames, your hand and suit on your right side lighting up in a flurry of red and orange. The sweet night wind brushed against your skin, making the fire crackle and spit dangerously as you tried to land yet another hit.
Dabi dodged each one with ease, as if he had been anticipating each one. You grunted, swiveling your legs around in a crouch. You wanted so badly to prove it to him, to yourself, that you were worthy of a place in this team.
“Why are you trying so hard, Demon?” Dabi asked calmly, as if reading your mind. “Have something to prove?”
“No-“ you lied, wiping a bead of sweat off your forehead, “just feeling like kicking your ass a little.”
Dabi smirked, licking his bottom lip. God, why was your determination so goddamn hot to him?
He looked down at your body, noticing that your skin wasn’t a fiery red anymore- a few patches of your skin were turning into your original pigment, like paint being smeared off of skin. Dabi smirked-you were tired. How precious.
He quickly threw a blue flame your way, making you shriek as you dodged it.
“Dabi, what the hell-“ you yelled in shock.
Dabi swiftly grabbed your arm, now dangerously close to you now. His figure was towering over your smaller frame, his eyes scanning your body.
“You sure it’s just about beating me?” He interrogated in a low voice. You gulped, those icy blue eyes glaring into your soul, the warmth of his hand dangerously close to burning your skin.
“Or is it because of something else?
You stayed quiet-you couldn’t possibly tell him why you were trying so hard. You couldn’t even figure it out yourself. You knew you were so happy to be doing exactly what you knew you were capable of-but the past kept surfacing in your mind. The name calling, the fear, the suppression you faced because of how scary your quirk is-hell, your own family were terrified of you applying to UA because they didn’t want the world knowing who you truly were. They argued you to stay home, to go to a normal high school, not one meant for hero training.
“It’s safer,” you remembered your mother saying, “nobody will bother you if you don’t use your quirk.”
You knew they were just worried for you-your quirk did have many giving you strange stares once you activated it, some cringing out of terror. You were called names all the time, many of them unpleasant-everyone who knew of your quirk seemed to think you were a monster. And even if you did get someone who seemed more interested than scared than you, you’d always get the same remark-
“You’d make a very good Villian.”
“How’s UA doing? Having fun at your little Hero school?” Dabi broke through your thoughts, his low, silky voice sending a shiver down your spine as his grip tightened slightly.
“UA is….doing,” you shrugged, not wanting to gaze into those blue eyes. Everytime you looked into them, you seemed to lose all control over yourself.
You tried to use Dabi’s little small talk to get out of his intense hold, yanking your arm away with sudden force. Dabi seemed to anticipate your movements, as he quickly yanked your arm again, a quiet gasp slipping out your lips as he pushed your back painfully into his chest, immobilizing you.
“Just doing? Seems to me you're hiding something,” he snickered huskily into your ear, loving how flustered you became. Your heart was pacing, your legs shaking-the hold you had on your quirk was slipping as Dabi overpowered you. You shimmied harshly, only getting Dabi’s hold on you to be stronger.
“I think I know what’s going on-you want to prove your not a hero,” Dabi grinned devilishly, loving the feeling of your body against his, “You want to show your different from them. Why is that Demon?”
His voice was so calm and silky: he knew he was in control, and he was drinking up every second of it.
You huffed, a single strand of hair falling in your face. Those few words were sending your body into a frenzy, a sudden heat flooding your chest at those simple words. But even though Dabi was turning you into a flustered mess, unwanted Memories began to flood in your head:
You remembered Getting into UA and being put into Class 1B, the excitement and slight disappointment filling your body-your classmates crying in shock when you transformed for the first time, some shouting why you were even in one of the Hero courses if you looked so scary.
You remembered the way the teachers tried to cover you up, your hero suit completely covering your skin as if it wasn’t right for you to show off your quirk, at least just a little bit.
That whole school reeked of superstition and prejudice.
How foolish you were to think being a hero would gain you acceptance in society.
You grunted again, trying to get out of Dabi’s tight hold.
“Let’s just say,” you chided,
“I was a little demon thrust out of hell.
Because the Devil couldn’t cope with me.”
Dabi let those words sink in, absorbing each syllable you spoke.
He smiled, a chuckle rumbling out his chest, the vibration causing your back to shiver. He knew exactly what you were going through-you hated this world, this world that shut you out for being different.
“I’ve never heard truer words, dollface.”
Dabi let go of you, surprise flooding your body. You turned around, rubbing your arm, the skin beginning to turn back to your normal pigment.
Dabi stared down at your annoyed face, a soft smile unlike his usually seductive, lazy one gracing his bicolored lips.
He had never related to someone more, and it somehow being you made a strange sensation fill him. He still found you unbelievably attractive, the imprint of your body forever ingrained in his mind, making him wish you could stay close to him forever-but he now just wanted you for more than that. Something about you made him go crazy inside, this electric attraction he just couldn’t ignore.
You looked back at him, confusion plastered on your face-his smile was so much more...tranquil, blissful. He was looking at you with such adoration it made your heart palpitate and flutter with each passing beat.
“Why are you looking at me like that Dabi?” You smiled weakly, a blush creeping on your cheeks.
His slender fingers found themselves to the crook of your chin, raising it so he could see more of your beautiful face in the moonlight.
“Just wanted to see my little Demon a little better,” he grinned, that ever creeping blush making his insides go wild.
“What do you mean your-“ you began, but couldn’t finish as Dabi’s lips rammed themselves onto yours.
The kiss was anything but soft-it was rough, full of raw, unfulfilled emotions Dabi had been feeling for so long. His lips were strong, the scarred skin and metal prickling into your tender skin. But he was holding back-his wasn’t trying to overly touch you, which would surprised the hell out of you if you weren’t completely in shock.
You were tense, your brain going a million miles a minutes. He was kissing you? You knew he had some strange thing for you, he had made it panifully obvious, but you assumed it was a joke, a little game he liked to play- nothing serious that warranted this kind of desperate kiss. You were also terrified-doing this with Dabi muddled your plans-it created an emotional attachment you didn’t want.
You were scared of being rejected again like so many other times for being yourself.
But Dabi had accepted you, right? He was never phased by your transformation-in fact he seemed in awe with it. He didn’t treat you differently, or make you feel strange in your own skin-but then again, he was a Villian. He could be doing that to somehow get something of value out of you.
You felt your left hand itch, the hand that allowed you to look in other peoples minds-to see their deepest desires in that moment. Fear bubbled in you-this whole time you had been fighting with just your fire dominant hand from a far range. Your left hand scared you, it being the side that was harder to control for you. Who knew what you would see in Dabi’s mind? Were you ready to see whatever desires he wanted?
“Fuck it,” you thought blindly-you wanted to know, to get these confused emotions sorted out.
You tentatively kissed back, liking the roughness against you as you slide your shaking digits through his soft black hair.
An instant rush came over you, a blinding white light taking your vision whole.
Everything became hazy, the outer linings of your vision turning suddenly dark, gold flecks dancing across your eyes.
Your voice hitched, watching the blissful dream-like scene in front of you.
You were meet with another version of yourself, but instead, you were dressed in intricate black lingerie as you lounged on top of Dabi’s bare chest you both were sitting on a plush bed, your hips grinding into Dabi’s own. You were feverishly kissing his scarred neck as his hands traced every curve of your body hungrily, breathing moans of his name escaping out of you like a mantra. Both of you were so intense in your make out session, it was as if you two had never touched another person in your lives.
Before you could even process the scene, your sight instantly turned brighter as began to witness another desire.
You looked as you were again in something revealing, but not as sexual. This time, you were wearing a white shirt, it’s fabric loose around your body, it’s length stopping around your mid thigh. Something about that shirt was very recognizable: you craned your head for a better look, the unmistakable v-neck having to be Dabi’s own white shirt on your body. Your legs were tangled with his as you laid on his chest, the look on his face so blissful and sweet you couldn’t help but feel your heart swell.
Another and final blinding white light took over you, this time seeing something strange-it was an actual memory. It was the first time you and Dabi were alone together, you singing to one of your favorite songs as you were putting away papers for Shigaraki. Dabi has walked in on your little solo song session, you being too wrapped up in the lyrics to be that embarrassed. You had laughed as he rolled his eyes, expecting him to walk away like he did in real life.
But instead, he walked up to you, grabbing your hand, and twirling you around, bringing you gently close to his chest. He held you like that, your face a wreck as he chuckled. He had whispered something in your ear, making your eyes wide as he pulled you into a sweet kiss, the hazy lights quickly turning into black.
Your eyes shot open, all the images swarming into your head so quickly it made you feel dizzy. You instantly pulled away, feeling your chest begin to tighten as you stared at Dabi’s slightly confused face, that lazy smirk still on his lips.
“The hell was that?” he asked, malice gone from his voice as he looked at your now completely human form: it seemed like using your quirk sucked out any energy you had left.
“I-I,” yiu gulped, pushing a piece of hair away from your face, “I used my left side on you-I looked into your mind-“
He looked towards the side, a thoughtful expression on his face. He didn’t really mind you looking in there-at least you knew how he felt towards you now. But the one thing that was concerning him was the last scene-he remembered that day, how he had found you so adorable, he just wanted to pick you up and never let you go. He wanted to tell you everything then and there-how attractive he found you, how you were so incredibly hot he couldn’t stand it, how he loved your personality and the way you got flustered-he loved every part of you, and wanted you to be his. But he didn’t-his emotions were too guarded. He didn’t want to be seen as weak, so he let that perfect moment go and he had been kicking himself in the ass for it ever since.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, swallowing thickly. He was too silent-you were terrified that he was angry with you for doing so intimate without his permission.
To your surprise, he smiled that mischievous grin that made your heart go crazy.
“No worries dollface,” he grinned, “I’m just happy we’re on the same page.”
“Now what I’m wondering,” he continued as he snaked a hand around your waist, pushing your body back into him, “is if you think the same about me?”
To your surprise, his voice wasn’t confident-he sounded almost nervous about your answer.
. “Maybe…,” You grinned, your voice shaking as you placed your hand again behind his head, “does this help?”
You then leaned your face, connecting your lips once again, feeling a delicious warmth fill your body. Dabi was this intense rush, with the harshness of his lips while his hands being so gentle, as if you were so delicate he could break you. His warmth was intoxicating, making you melt into his chest. You couldn’t breathe, the sensation and the smell of him turning your head into a fuzzy haze.
Finally, you were forced to part, both of your breaths a soft pant.
Dabi was in love with this-he desperately wanted to touch you more, to feel every part of you, but he knew he needed to take it slightly slow for you. Dabi knew he had to be a least a little patient-you were new to this lifestyle, this change in morales no matter how stubborn you were to say it. He didn’t want to overwhelm you- you had to walk before you ran. And right now, Dabi was surprised he was okay with this-you were intoxicating to be around, and just having a little intimacy was good enough for him.
“What were you telling me,” you asked in a daze, your feathery light voice making Dabi’s heart skip.
He cocked his head slightly in confusion, letting a hand rest on your hip.
“In the last scene,” you asked, “when you whispered-what did you say?”
He chuckled, that rumble in his chest making your chest tighten.
“I just wanted to know if you wanted to be mine,” he asked nonchalantly, as if it weren’t such a big deal.
“And what did I say?” You asked, your finger beginning to trace the outline of his collarbone.
His grip tightened on your hip, knowing full well you two were headed in dangerous territory if you kept up with touching him like that-you were making too damn hard to control himself.
“Yes,” he said through slightly gritted teeth, everything in him keeping from grabbing a handful of your ass.
“Huh-guess that little fantasy was right,” you smiled, bopping his nose delicately.
“What the hell?” His face instantly turned confused, a sweet laugh exploding out of your chest.
“Your so cute when you're startled,” you said between giggles, not noticing the way Dabi was looking at you with hunger in his eyes, his tongue licking his bottom lip.
“Ya know what would be even cuter?” He asked, his voice low and rough.
You hummed a response, your pretty eyes boring into his, making his stomach do a flip.
He grinned devilishly, knowing full well that what he was about to say would throw you for an unnecessary loop of emotions he had no remorse for doing.
“If we re-enacted that first little scene-think you’re up for some lingerie, dollface? Cause I know I am.”
Tag List for this little Dabi Multi=Parter:
@cin-midnight​ @justaweaboonugget​ @missalicebaskerville​ @velvet-kissesss​ @nekee-lilac02​ @rubyninja1​ @placeoftime​ @lilushx @itskindofafairything​ @dinastilinski​ @cloudylove0601 
I hope you guys enjoyed this!!!! :)
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 4 years
Random fic idea:
Izuku has the power to start riots when he is an agitated emotional state. He first discovered it as a little kid when he had a panic attack in a mall and caused the place to break out in a giant riot. Luckily the side effect of his power was that people’s Quirks were disabled so people weren’t using them.
Even luckier that Aizawa was at the mall and he realized what was going on, using his Quirk to cancel it out before it hit him and then going to find the kid.
Due to this though Izuku was Quickly branded a future villain as his Quirk could start riots and people got hurt in riots. He got into a lot of trouble as kids would blame him for their fights because he had to have been using his Quirk.
That stopped when they tried that excuse and the teachers put detention in his record... only for his mom to loudly remind them he wasn’t even in school that day.
However Izuku was really disheartened and became a bit of a shadow of who he could become. His mom didn’t like that though and found a support group for parents of kids with ‘Villain’s Quirks’ and while a lot where awful people who treated their kids pretty badly (and she totally reported them) some where amazing and she got their kids numbers.
So Izuku grows up with other friends who are a little like him. People with Quirks that people called villainous. He became friends with Shinsou and Monoma and even Toga ended up a friend as she was one of the kids his mom reported the parents of and she got an early intervention and now is adopted and happy.
He still wants to be a hero and works with his Quirk at a special site devoted to helping people like him and learns he can stop riots the riots he creates. He is curious about if he can stop riots in general but there’s no place for him to practise that.
So he wants to be a hero like Backdraft or maybe a simple underground hero who helps with dealing with gang fights and the such. Even if he uses his power to make them more rowdy they lose the ability to use their Quirks and he can immediently stop the riot after.
So he works at it with his friends and they work with him and they’re going for their goals. Nothing will stop them- they even plan on opening an Agency together. They jokingly call it the Villianous Quirk Agency.
Other notes:
-Bakugou is still a dick because his bullying was always because of his superiority complex and he was fine with Izuku following him around before he got that shit into his head. He views Izuku’s Quirk as stupid and weak.
-Izuku is homeschooled after the school incident because Inko just won’t put up with that shit and can’t trust them. She does take it to the media who roasts the school so now they actually have to be an actual school. Which does lead to some Bakugou redemption in that he is firmly not allowed to bully anyone. He’s still an asshole and still not friends with Izuku.
-Aizawa is actually Izuku’s second cousin ansntehy find out due to the fact that a Quirk Erasing side effect is pretty rare. So Aizawa likes to come over sometimes to train with his cousin because the kids has a drive and why not?
-SHINSOU AND MONOMA HAVE GIANT CRUSHES ON IZUKU CAUSE HES CUTE AND SMART AND IS STILL AN ADORABLE BEAN. Toga likes to watch and laugh at them because Izuku thinks of them as his best friends and that’s about it. At least for now.
-Izuku manages to get into UA on a recommendation from his Uncle. He still goes into his class due to the fact his Quirk is dangerous and should have someone like Aizawa on hand if needed.
-Due to the bad blood between Izuku and Bakugou even if it’s downplayed due to no physical bullying (verbal is still awful) and neither going to the same school for years, Bakugou and Monoma swap classes.
-Shinsou gets in to, beating out Mineta who ends up being expelled from Gen Ed.
-Toga also got in and goes into 1-B as her blood based Quirk is something that needs to be kept an eye on by someone with a similar Quirk.
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the-final-sif · 5 years
Just read you recent think on Mitsuki, and while I agree with some things, you're forgetting a lot. Like how Mitsuki is so ready to trust UA cuz Aizawa seems to understand Katsuki. Or how, in the first ep flashback, Katsuki just got praise for his 'stupid awesome quirk' without deserving that praise. Or, you know, how Katsuki got to the point in middle school where he was telling Izuku to jump off a building? And the sports festival? Katsuki probably would have laughed if it hadn't been him.
I’m not forgetting any of that, they’re all things that have been taken into consideration and either aren’t important to the situation, or are part of what I’m talking about.
To break this down,
I don’t care if she thinks that UA “understands” Katsuki, her child was kidnapped and held hostage for 2 days, and forced to fight for his life multiple times against several adult villains. The only thing that stopped the villians from murdering/torturing/turning Katsuki into a nomu/etc, was that they decided not to during that 2 day period. Even if she’s willing to forgive UA/Aizawa and understands that the situation was bad by all accounts, she could still show at least a little concern for her child’s physical and mental safety after he was kidnapped. The idea that she really believes a school “understanding” Katsuki and not praising him too much is more important then the fact he got kidnapped for and was held by villains for 2 days, speaks volumes on it’s own.
Also, it’s worth noting that Aizawa and UA do not understand Katsuki. They fail him multiple times, and call out in canon that they did so. Including; The Sports Festival, The kidnapping, & the aftermath of the kidnapping. Even going so far as to say that they neglected his mental health, in canon. They’ve messed up with him multiple times, and while it’s good that Aizawa doesn’t let him get away with bullshit, that doesn’t mean that they’ve done much to help him either.
Yes, Katsuki got a lot of praise as a child. I could talk for ages about gifted child syndrome and how that built up unrealistic expectations on him such that he believes he’s not allowed to make mistakes and takes responsibility for way to much as a result. However, this isn’t something I forgot in my original post. In my original post, the point was that Mitsuki acts/talks about it in such a way that implies that just sort of happened, when in reality that is on her and Marasu for not parenting Katsuki correctly. If they had raised him better, taught him to be kinder to others, put him into anger management/therapy, taught him how to handle his emotions in a health way, etc, he would be a much different person. But they didn’t, yet she still talks about it like she had no hand in it.
Also, again, as I said in my original post, a big part of this is timing. If this was just a PTA meeting or something, I’d have a very different opinion on this entire thing. But that’s not what this is. This is a meeting right after he got kidnapped, at a point where he likely still very shaken from the experience, and where he’s likely being dealing with a lot of negative media attention online. If there is any point in his life where he needs support from his parents, this is that time. I don’t care if he’s been a shitty kid in his life, right after he just got kidnapped is a time when he needs love and support from his parents. Not them talking about how shitty he is to his teachers while he’s still trying to recover from that.
That really has no baring on the conversation, at all. Was Katsuki telling Izuku to jump off a building unacceptable? Yes. However, neither Katsuki’s parents, nor Aizawa/All-Might have any idea that that event transpired. It’s called out in canon that what happened that day was unusual for Katsuki, that was not a normal interaction between him and Izuku. It was also something that happened when Katsuki was 14, ~2 ish years prior to the conversation I’m talking about.
Katsuki was an asshole, particularly to Izuku, when he was a kid. He still has a lot of those tendencies. That in no way negates the fact that after he was kidnapped is a wildly inappropriate time to start ragging on his flaws, alongside blaming him for getting kidnapped in the first place. Instead, that’s the sort of thing to be worked on through therapy and teaching over time. Or just, to be talked about at any other time besides right after he got kidnapped. 
Also, it might be worth reflecting on why he was an asshole, where he learned to behave that way, and why he considers his own words/actions acceptable. Because as it turns out, kids don’t develop those habits out of thin air.
Here’s the thing, you can say that Katsuki would be laughing if it was anyone but him chained up at the sports festival, but I’d argue that he wouldn’t, because nobody else would ever be chained up at the sports festival. Neither the school, nor the author, could ever get away with that for any other student in class 1-A. If Shouto had refused to use his fire on Izuku, causing Izuku to win the fight and Izuku to follow him out of bounds in frustration and reject the first place medal, we all know damn well that he would’ve been allowed to walk away from it. Hell, we actually see Ojiro resigning after round 2 because he felt like he hadn’t earned his win, and he was allowed to do that without any issue. The only one who isn’t given the right to say no, and the only one who would ever be chained up to that podium is Katsuki.
And that comes down to the fact that because Katsuki refuses a lot of things, both on a character and reader level, people stop caring about whether or not he consents to things. They get used to forcing him to do things, and so that becomes normal and acceptable. He’s seen and portrayed as inheritable violent, uncontrollable, and “bad” which means they treat him in ways that would never be acceptable for other characters, and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy as he sees himself that way. This happens on every level, be it touch, the sports festival, izuku following him around, etc. Katsuki is basically never respected when he tries to say no to something unless he steadfastly enforces that boundary through physical force.
That’s why Aizawa calls out what happened at the sports festival as a failure on UA’s part. Because that’s what it was.
That’s also why we see Tomura with the photo of Katsuki at the sports festival, and why Tomura thought Katsuki would join him. Tomura understands what it’s like to be seen and treated as monstrous, to be seen and treated as fundamentally destructive and dangerous, and he assumed that Katsuki would want to join him to be free of that.
When Tomura has restraints taken off Katsuki when asking him to make his choice, it’s because he understands how Katsuki’s been treated, and he’s playing to that. He explicitly says that they need to treat Katsuki as an equal, and to prove that he means that, the restraints have to come off. He also calls out that he’s not worried about Katsuki fighting back, because he believes Katsuki is smarter then that (which was a miscalculation on his part, not because Katsuki isn’t smart enough to know not to fight back, but because he underestimated Katsuki’s convictions and personal morals).
What Tomura is doing there is a very significant and important demonstration. He’s showing Katsuki through actions, that he is willing to treat him like a human being, even if the heroes aren’t. Tomura is showing basic respect for Katsuki, however undermined by the kidnapping it may be, moreso then his teachers/the heroes did, by allowing him his freedom when making a choice. Perhaps even more important, he’s showing that he sees Katsuki as capable of restraining himself, and of being non-destructive. What he’s really offering Katsuki there is proof that he is willing to treat him better then the heroes did, and that’s why he believes Katsuki will join him.
Anyways, the long and the short of it is that no, I did not forget any of that when I was making my prior post. I did consider all of those things on some level, and they don’t change my opinion that how Mitsuki behaved after the kidnapping is indicative of her being a bad parent, and that were this another character or if the gender roles of the situation were reversed, then I feel strongly that this wouldn’t even be a debate in the fandom.
That being said, who knows what direction canon will takes this. I’m hopeful that the issue will be explored more thoroughly, but we may very well never see Mitsuki in canon again. I’m also not saying that anyone else has to agree with me. My own opinions are not universal truth, and we really have very little canon interactions with Mitsuki and know so little about Katsuki’s childhood in general that nearly anything is possible. I can definitely appreciate Good Parent Mitsuki headcanons, and I’ve read some great fics with those sorts of takes. But my opinion on the matter is the above.
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