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hey. hey gwen.
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Buffy s1e09/S1e10 opinions
Hell yeah puppet episode. I was surprised to hear that some people really dont like the computer demon episode for some reason. Like is it kinda shlocky and has it aged aged like eggnog? Yeah. But its funny. I love the shlock tbh. Call me a fake fan but I might have even preferred it over the abgel episode. I kinda prefer the shlock over whatever they were doing with angel.
I know buffy is the slayer but principal Snyder is the one who really slays. When he started talking I listened. The last principlay got eaten but this one eats. Mr Flutie was a beta male with no spine.
"But he was eaten. You're in ny world how" (musical sting) (how long til he dies too. Part of me hopes he survives til the end. I wanna run bets on like which one of these side characters are gonna die.
How many times has willow been flirted with the monster of the week? I guess only twice. I hope this doesnt become a pattern.
Im realisong now i think i kinda prefer the non vampire episodes to the vampire episodes. I guess theyre not as "plot important" but idk. I like the variety.
Does her mom not pay attention to what happens at her daughters school? "Whats wrong are you upset?" Someone was murdered of course shes mad about them just going on with the talent show like normal. Thats crazy you should fucking cancel it til you catch tbe murdered. Principal snyder gave birth to me and breastfeed me but i cant forgive this.
Why is the dummy being alive so far out of the question. They treat her like shes stupid but like. Idk, thats not that much more wacky then the like mantis woman. This kinda reminds me of victorious.
The dummys a good guy? Thats so Stupid. Not even in a good way.
I didnt like this one as much. It felt kinda confused and aimless. It felt like they had an idea for a twist but then you look down and theres the more minutes.
S1e10 thoughts below
Willow being afraid of spiders feel so in character. Also we now have phobias for both willow and buffy which is interesting. Buffys phobia kinda Makes me think of her dynamic with angel. A ventriliquest dummy is basically just tricking the audience into believing that something unalive is in fact alive. Kinda like what happened wirh angel. Thats kind of a stretch but i think its interesting even if unintentional. Willows prpbably scared of spiders just cause spiders are freaky :-/.
I bet these D listers probably shit themselves when they see the three weirdos walking over to you. Theres a sixty percent chance you'll get killed by the monster of the week before long.
Holy shit buffys nightmare is so much worse then everyone elses. I mean in the main group. I guess its not as bad as the girl whow as nearly bear to death as punishment for her tobacco dependency but also i dont know if that was a nightmare technically.
Okay why does the syart of Xanders clown nightmare is a swastika just spray painted on the wall. He also acted like nazis were his equivilant fear earlier in the episode. What is this implying???
Oh shit buffys getting burried alive. Is this a isttg referance??? (Joke)
Oh but unironically the fact that buffy being buried alive is niles nightmare is actually delicious.
All things said and done i think buffy is the big loser. Like the rest of em got temporary agony or embarasssment. But i feel like being told to your face by your dad that "sorry, i dont love you anymore" basicslly. That shit would stick with you certainely.
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ok so first context
theres no names for most things because i dont waste my PRECIOUS time NAMING things but theres this planet near the center of the universe (i dont think i ever explained to you the universe lore so i dont know if youll get any meaning from that)
and its similar to our society except a bit more advanced and its more globally synchronized
also most of it runs on synthetic magic which i will get into later
so people here are normal people 99% of the time but occasionally someone will be born with innate magic + spellcasting abilities. this is constant across the entire universe but much more common on this planet bc its so close to the center. theyre called warlocks on this planet. they come with innate magic power inside of them + the ability to maninpulate that power. all of them have some sort of physical manifestation of this power that if removed would remove their ability to use the magic (however they still have the power source inside of them they just cant use it now)
the power source itself is basically useless unless they manage to get ahold of a wand built for natural magic or a natural magic user comes and uses them as an additional power source to boost their own spells
also magic isnt crazy strong it could never be a oneshot tactic in combat it serves more practical use in normal life
but theres also synthetic magic which is much more widespread. it functions the exact same as regular magic except its power source comes from regular energy (fossil fuels :drooling emoji: or wind turbines or you know) and it requires some sort of apparatus to manipulate (like a wand but here a wand is defined by anything able to manipulate magic so a wand could also be idk a glove that when powered heats up your hand or a mirror that when powered connects to another mirror so its like zoom)
the only thing is synthetic and natural magic interfere with each other a lot. you cant use them together or else theyll both expertly fail
so this leads to natural magic just pretty much being unused a lot of the time bc synthetic magic is everywhere and more convenient and you using natural magic just kind of ruins everything for everyone
it also means high risk or authoritative positions dont allow natural magic users bc like if youre a surgeon and you accidentally use your magic all the computers and equipment nearby would fail + your magic would fail so theres no benefit
also syntehtic magic just kind of replaces most electricity in our world
now we get into our guy abel
so hes a warlock and has a pair of deer antlers on his head and he really wants to be an astronaut so he studies really hard and trains really hard to become an astronaut and he gets into the equivalent of nasa but they say he cant be an astronaut bc hes a warlock + his horns overcomplicate designing a helmet anyway
hes sacrificed so much to try and achieve his dream of becoming an astronaut and to hear this when hes so close is devastating for him
so he goes home and saws off his horns thereby making him elligible
and then wow hes an astronaut yahoo he spends a few years up in a space station and whatever
and then he gets called or a solo mission to a distant moon to set up a moon base
now these guys have set up a few bases on other planets and moons already but the majority of the population resides on their original planet
abels like yahoo!! and goes off to da moon where the base has already been mostly constructed (they sent some guys there to build it previously)
but when he arrives the ppl who built it just arent there
so he tells the control center that and theyre like "oh man ok hang tight idk look around or something"
and he does that
but when he tries to report back his findings (nothing) the communication panel just doesnt work - it just plays static
so like what is there for him to do besides wait
and abel waits and waits and after three months and still nothing he starts losing his mind and realises if this continues he'll lose his sanity soon enough so he comes up with a plan
the food oxygen and water systems are all self sustaining but the heating and lighting systems are not (theyre supposed to be but it seems like the ppl in charge of installing the required parts never got around to it) so theyre currently running on backup generators
so he makes a crude wand out of whatever materials he can find and reroutes the generator energy to the wand and uses it to erase his own memories
so he only remembers the first 3 days so he wont go insane from the isolation
he leaves himself a note explaining that he has to erase his memory periodically but doesnt explain why (because if he knew that he had been alone for months he might go insane anyway)
and slowly as he repeats this more rooms of the base become inaccessibile bc their heating shuts off and hes kind of running out of time but theres literally nothing he can dobecause there is no possiblity of there being enough fuel on this itty bitty moon to get him back to his planet which is so far away he cant see it
and thats it he just stays on the moon for 3 years repeating that
hes left to wonder whether the ppl on his planet abandoned him or one reason or another (his guess is the cost of retrieving him was more than it was worth) or something happened to them
he sort of accepts the possibility of him being abandoned there and makes peace with it
its actually a very tranquil time for him despite his oncoming doom
until he finally gets pulled from it to enter the main story of piss lore
he believes he was only trapped on the moon for maybe 6 months until its later revealed he was there for 3 years and hes like BRUH!!!!!!
personally id like to imagine his entier planet jsut exploded one day and then later when ari sees that theyre like ohhhh my gruh what do i tell abel
@alias-mike i want you to do this specifically
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The Comfort of A Mother
Awesomest of Them All 2.0
Part 11 of 13
Word Count: 1558
Batman x Batmom!Reader
You know what the bat family needs? Someone to pull them together and give them all the love they deserve. Who better to do that than you? An author rising to stardom in Gotham who catches the eye of a billionaire with your standoffish attitude at a huge social gathering. You are yourself and never pretend to be more or less than that. Plus you're the most stubborn person in the world, refusing to let good things go without reason.
This is a rewrite of my story Awesomest of Them All, I wanted to see how much I've improved over 3 years.
As soon as you and your family arrived back home Bruce dove head first into this case, sometimes going for a few days without talking to you more than once or twice. This was usually how things went when there was something big going on, and normally you'd make him pay attention to you at least one every few days. But this case felt different, you felt like he needed this time to work on this one. On top of that you were in the middle of editing another book you'd written so you were able to do something to keep yourself from feeling completely ignored.
It was for weeks on end that life went on like this, and you let it go on for a while, until you had almost finished with editing and noticed that it had been more than a few nights in a row that you had fallen asleep and woken up in bed alone. So tonight after three nights of sleeping alone, it reaches midnight and you make your way down to the cave, knowing your husband had been coming back for Damian to be able to get a reasonable amount of sleep because he had school on the morning, and you wait for him. When they finally arrive back home you're waiting for them, in your pajamas, leaning against the desk of the computer. You had already sent Tim up to bed and volunteered to take over while he got some sleep.
When they get home you give Damian a soft smile as you say, "Sleep well."
He nods in reply and makes his way to change before heading upstairs.
After he's gone you turn to face Bruce, "So, are you going to come to bed dressed like that, or would you like to change?" You cross your arms and give him a look to let him know you're serious about this. "Because as your wife I demand at least 16 hours of your full undivided attention, because it's been weeks."
"Alright, dear," with that he scoops you up in his arms and carries you to your bedroom, still fully dressed as Batman. Once you both make it upstairs he goes and changes into sweatpants and no shirt before coming and lying next to you where he sat you on the bed.
You can tell that he's tired since after he lies down he pulls you against his chest, wrapping his arms and legs around you protectively and doesn't even say anything to you. "I love you," you state and give him a kiss before snuggling fully into him.
You wake up to Bruce running his hand through your hair, and you open your eyes to see his face in front of yours. "Hi, handsome," you say tiredly.
He smiles softly and gives you a kiss, "good morning beautiful."
You smile and roll over so you're lying on top of him, and glance at the clock. "Well, it looks like I still get another four hours of your attention." With that you look back at him and kiss him deeply, and her slides his hands up your shirt against your back, holding you as close as possible, just wanting to feel your body.
A few hours later as you're lying against his side and tracing your fingers on his chest, he says, "Honey, there's something I need to tell you."
You tilt your head just enough to look at his face, "yeah?"
"The first night I didn't come to bed. It was because we were finally able to track down the Redhood. And, well, I'm not sure how to say this any better, The Redhood is Jason. Jason is alive."
You can hardly believe what it is he's telling you, you're just frozen there staring at him until finally you get yourself to ask, "Are you sure?"
"Yes, thats why I've waited this long to tell you. I needed to be sure for you."
Tears form in your eyes, as you look at your husband. He was serious very often but you had rarely ever seen him this serious, the last time you'd seen this look on his face was as he said 'I do'. He kisses you gently, and you can hardly believe it, your baby who you thought you had lost for these few long years was alive. "Why, do I feel like there is something to this you haven't told me? There has to be a reason he hasn't come here."
"There is... I don't know yet how he came back but he did. He's still recovering his memory. And, he's not the same as he was when we lost him, he's killing people... and I confronted him about it," he looks almost ashamed as he says the last part.
"So, now he's mad at you?" you guess, and his slight nod is enough of an answer for you. "Thats alright, we just need patience. You saw what it took for Damian to even come this far, for Dick to finally come back to us. We'll figure it out, him being alive just means we have that chance again," with that you kiss him to let him know you're serious.
You and Bruce had been invited to the policeman's ball for the GCPD and Bruce wasn't able to come so you had gone for the both of you, ugh. The ball was over so you were heading out to your car that was in the parking garage. As you're walking you keep thinking you hear another set of footsteps. They're subtle and anyone who wasn't married to the most paranoid man in the world wouldn't think it was anything, but you did. You kept walking confidently, trying to figure out where it was they were coming from, since there was no one else out here right now since you were leaving early.
As you get to your car the lights in that part of the garage go out. You freeze not moving to unlock your car, just waiting for whoever it was that had been following you to make the first move. You might be wearing a fancy dress and be in heels but that doesn't mean you can't kick ass if you need too. The first move you make is pulling your heels off, giving yourself a weapon, and making it easier in case you needed to run.
Theres a shuffle behind you and you spin around, only to be facing who you could only assume was Redhood, judging by his choice of headgear. You stay still, waiting for him to make the first move, praying that if it really was Jason he'd say something. Slowly he raises his hands, showing they're empty, and removes his helmet, and a mask from under that. Your breath hitches when you see him, he was older, he looked tired, but there was no mistaking him, "Jason," it comes out barely audible.
"Hi, Mama," thats it. That's all he says.
You pause for a split second before dropping your shoes, and taking a step towards him, holding your arms open, asking if it's alright for you to hug him. He closes the rest of the gap as soon as he sees that. And as soon as he's in your arms thats when you break, thats when you start to sob. You both stand there hugging each other tightly, and as you do you can feel him shaking slightly, but you don't say anything, knowing he just needs to let it out.
Eventually both of you pull away slightly, and you look up at him, he'd gotten so tall, but that doesn't stop you from giving him a motherly kiss on the forehead and holding his cheeks so you can look in his eyes. "Can I ask what happened, or not right now?" You ask this quietly as you look at his eyes, they aren't blue anymore they're an eerie shade of green, and they look hurt, he has this deep pain behind them that isn't just going to go away over night.
"Not right now, please, I just wanted to see you."
"Thats alright, my Jay-bear."
He seems a little startled by the nickname, it had been years since you'd called him that, since anyone had.
"What?" You say raising an eyebrow, "you know you'll always be my little Jay-bear even if you are taller than me now. Is it alright if I tell Bruce I saw you, or would you rather I didn't?" You ask this without explaining why you'd even wonder this.
A small smile comes to his face and he hugs you tightly once again. "You can, it'll be better than him figuring it out himself," a pause before letting go, "I should probably get going... I'll see you around though right ma?"
"Of course you will, my phone number hasn't changed it you need anything. And I can keep a secret at least for a while, so don't go sending me your address, but if you tell me when and where we can meet up." With that you hug him one last time and watch as he puts his mask and helmet back on and he makes sure you get into your car safely and as you head home he heads off into the night.
#Batman#batman x you#batmom#batmom reader#batfam x batmom#batman x batmom#batman x batmom!reader#batfam#batfam x you#batfam x y/n#batfam x reader#bruce wayne#bruce wayne x you#bruce wayne x reader#bruce wayne x y/n
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things i despise abt working as a hostess/cashier in a restaurant:
-people who order takeout and DONT tip while also being the most demanding (a guy yesterday didnt tip me and then asked me to give him three separate kinds of sauces that i had to run around trying to pour in different places and he STILL didnt tip me but glared at me instead for taking so long)
-customers who walk in and ignore my greeting and just hold up fingers to show me how many people are in their party. “HELLO! WELCOME!” i will say again until they acknowledge me like im a person and not a robot.
-people snapping at me from their tables (like “garcon!” vibes). makes me wanna spit in ur eye tbh
-people complaining abt their server (sometimes even my mom!!) when they come to the register to pay and seriously expecting sympathy from me (i will glare at u instead bc im servers > customers every time.... especially when its my mom)
-people saying “keep the change! thats ur tip :)” about cents (this happens to me every shift). if u feel compelled to do this, consider: i dont want ur change. im not THAT broke. jesus
-people trying to seat themselves or pointing out empty tables as if this isnt my ACtual job or as if i dont know what im doing. see also: people saying they dont mind table OR booth and then whining and bitching when i dont seat them in a booth. or “can i sit in that section?” “no, sorry, that section is closed” “but i see empty tables over there.” ok????? AND????
-people who say “table for 4!” and neglect to mention theres also three baby strollers theyre bringing to their table. SHOCKER! but babies also count as part of the party. idc if theyre not gonna eat. i need to seat u which means i need to know how much space u need. someone once said “it might be a party of 4, maybe of 8, depending.” BITCH THOSE ARE 2 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT NUMBERS and would get COMPLETELY DIFFERENT tables. get back to me when u make up ur mind (see also: “party of 3” “okay. any children?” “yeah, 4.” “oh. u mean party of 7 dont u.” “uhhhh party of 3 plus 4 kids.” INSANITY that this happens EVERYDAY)
-ppl ordering to-go and trying to talk abt modifications even tho im asking abt sides (and ignoring me when i stress to them that i have to put things in a specific order into the computer). basically: answer my questions. ive done this before. its my job. u can add modifications at the end. u know, when i ask. also pls have ur order ready when u call/come up to me. i have other things to do and when u have to go talk to someone else and ask abt smth that u shouldve figured out already it just shows that u dont respect my time. when i order takeout i always figure out exactly what i want ahead of time. write it down if u feel like it! thats actually better for me! DO NOT call me for take out and then say “well that was my order. BENNY HEY BENNY WHAT DO U WANT FOR DINNER?” i will skin u :)
-delivery ppl getting snappy with me abt “how long the food is taking” when they see that i am very obviously NOT in the kitchen cooking. like what do u want ME to do abt that???
-delivery ppl getting pissed when i dont offer them free beverages (if they have a kid i will offer the kid apple juice! but not u. ur not even a customer i dont care)
-ppl asking what the soup of the day is, disliking my answer, and then asking if theres some other soup, as if “soup of the day” isnt hint enough that THATS the soup for today and there is no alternative. “can u check?” why would i do that. where would this “alternate soup” even come from?? are u stupid
-doordash/ubereats/grubhub/etc orders. i get it.... but also.... understand me... i dont make money off of them and theyre sometimes way too demanding so i consider it a waste of time and they end up being my lowest priority when theres customers who are ACTUALLY tipping me. ill get it done, but Robert tipped me ten bucks so hes getting the works and all my attention. not u. ur driver got that tip, not me. maybe the driver should put in the work then! (but they dont! they never check anything and never ask follow up questions and never know ur order. they WILL miss the drinks if i dont remind them. i should get the tip instead)
-ppl asking me for salad dressing/maple syrup on the side. as if thats not default. why would i put dressing on ur salad. what restaurant does that?? WHY WOULD I PUT SYRUP ON UR PANCAKES IDK U
basically in summation: TIP THE CASHIER WHO MAKES UR TO GO ORDER. she is very cute but has a bad temper and will pour u very little salad and dressing if u dont tip her. if u DO, she will pack EXTRA dressing, extra vegetables, offer u a free drink, give u extra anything, bc she loves u and u showed appreciation for her efforts!
#im gonna be honest#even if u think ur super awesome as a customer. u have serious shortcomings#if u work in food service even for a few months u will all of a sudden Realize#and alwaYS remember: when in doubt TIP THE PERSON TAKING UR ORDER#if u cant afford to tip then u cant afford to eat out. and thats that#anyway this is a post where i complain for once#enough yelp!!! its time for restaurant workers to form a website that rates customers!!!#find out how many servers dread u being sat in their section!#red stuff#i might delete this but#i just wanted to vent some very minor inconveniences#every day that i work in a restaurant i am reminded that customers do not view me as a human being whose time is valuable.
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KHUX - Where’d they all go?
Alright so, first!
Who and what and where did everyone end up?
Maleficient: Took a pod to a specific point in the future, achieved this by also using her pet crow to force memories of her present self by having it fly her cloak to the great fairies and make them remember her
Ephemer: Brain from outside manages to send two pods back into the data Daybreak Town to rescue Ephemer and Skuld, (with the last Pod still in the Data meant for the Player, so all three could escape) Pops out of the pod to see the destroyed real Daybreak Town, goes back in with Skuld to escape the dying worldline along with the others, Gets flung forward in time just a tad from his own perspective to become the Founder of Scala Ad Caelum from the ruins of the destroyed Daybreak Town (Still doesn’t answer how or why he popped out in KH3 to help, but eh, guess that’s a question for Dark Road?)
Lauriam: Hops into one of three Pods in the real Daybreak Town to escape, Gets flung to present KH Times in a flower field from Snow White’s world, most likely proceeds to become a nobody some time later
Elrena: Hops into one of three Pods in the real Daybreak Town to escape, Gets flung to roughly the same time and place as Lauriam, but on the stormy mountain from the Witch’s area of Snow White’s world, most likely proceeds to become a nobody some time later
Ventus: Hops into one of three Pods in the real Daybreak Town to escape, Ends up in the keyblade graveyard, roughly a few years before BBS and is found by Old Xehanort starting that story
Player: Tricks Ephemer into sealing them and the 4 darknesses into a piece of the Data Daybreak Town by pretending to have fallen to darkness, ends up dying from the 4 Darknesses, sacrificing themselves to save Ephemer and Skuld. In the realm between Death and Sleep, their dying heart then reincarnates eventually into a new young Heart (as they sometimes do), into that of newborn Young Xehanort, who is from Scala Ad Caelum in the time of Dark Road-ish, gets sent to Destiny Island’s by a mysterious old man who then dies, and then Young Xehanort begins his journey in Dark Road
Strelitzia: Her apparent Nobody gets sent to the future into the real world by Luxu, but it’s unknown where or when she ends up, last seen walking off in a white version of the Nobody Coat (I suppose this is another question Dark Road will likely answer?)
Skuld: Brain from outside manages to send two pods back into the data daybreak town to rescue Emphemer and Skuld, Pops out of the pod to see the destroyed real Daybreak Town, goes back in with Ephemer to escape the dying worldline along with the others, We don’t find out her whereabouts, but the remaining theory is that she is Subject X from BBS, Lea and Isa’s friend with amnesia (I suppose this is another question Dark Road will likely answer?)
Rest of the Sleeping Dandelions/Fallen Keyblade Wielders: As their hearts fall asleep, the Chirithy that is bound to their hearts also takes on a sleeping form and become Dream Eaters, Spirit shaped by their wielders Dreams in order to protect them
Luxu: Last seen dragging along the box, holding the keyblade, and lifting up his hood to reveal that he looks exactly like Brain just without the hat
Brain: Gets flung forward roughly to the time of Dark Road-ish, last seen in Scala Ad Caelum that has been rebuilt for a while now by Ephemer the founder from a long time ago, just without his signature hat, and due to his conversation with a figure named Sigurd (who gives him his hat back), has likely fallen roughly into the times of KH Dark Road, and is perhaps a closer ancestor to Eraqus than first thought! maybe even a grandpa or great-grandpa
now the fun thing about Luxu and Brain and why they might look the same, cuz there’s a few options:
Is that before their final scenes, the 2nd last scene Luxu and Brain had was with eachother, right after Brain sent everyone on their merry way, Luxu pops up and says hey watcha doing, and Brain says he wants to stay behind to help free all the sleeping keyblade wielders, even if it takes him the rest of his life, and Luxu comments at him that it’d be a shame for him to waste his life like that or something to the effect before a fade to black
and the thing is, we don’t get to see their individual arrangements for how Both Luxu and Brain escape to the worldline along with the others. We just know that for sure he doesn’t stay and wake up the wielders, because all of their chirithy’s turn into the dream eaters. (And also that apparently he left his hat behind before he left as he picks it up in Scala when Sigurd gives it back to him)
And since there’s only one seemingly possible pod left to take, the one from the data world left for the Player (who never took it and instead dies), theres seem to be only one spot left on the ride out, and with Luxu’s body snatching tendencies, it seems to suggest that Luxu overtook Brain’s Heart and Body, grabbed the last pod from the data and adios’d
BUT the key here is in their apparent attitudes that we know this is likely not the case, and also the Hat, not only does it make it obviously clear who is who, the logistics of the Hat make it clear as well
In both cases, the boy who ends up in the graveyard with the box and the key, and the boy who appears in Scala, neither of them have Brain’s hat
But Brain IS last seen with his hat
If Luxu had overtaken Brain, there would be no reason for him to discard the hat, since the entire point of the body snatching is to be that person
Then, when Brain wakes up in Scala, Sigurd comes along and presents the hat saying “We’ve been waiting for you.” and Brain takes it back
Brain would neither remove his hat, nor would Luxu remove it if he had overtaken Brain
Instead, the likelier option is that Luxu forcibly put Brain into a pod and sent him to the future, saying it would be a shame if Brain were to die while Daybreak Town fell to darkness, because that’s what would’ve happened if Brain tried to stay behind
Where does that Leave Luxu though? How does he get back?
Well back in the data daybreak town, there are actually two Pods left, one meant for the Player who never used it, which Brain likely ended up taking, and a Destroyed Pod that got written off since who would know how to fix it?
Oh, Luxu would! And we know he does, because he specifically taunts Brain with that knowledge, asking him if he even knows how their supposed to work, And wouldn’t ya know, it’s in the Data Daybreak Town, meaning Luxu wouldn’t have even need to physically fix it, he could have easily reprogrammed it to be fixed from the computer side
So, two people, two pods, Luxu sends Brain on his merry way, in the scuffle because Brain would have resisted, the hat might’ve been removed, and Luxu could have easily set it up so that the hat could be preserved and in the future they would know to look and wait for Brain to appear
The only mystery remains then is why does Luxu looks like Brain?
appearances are tricky things in the KH series as well all know, and Luxu’s face has been hidden all this time, likely because his face would have been a spoiler or potentially confusing had it been shown from the beginning of KHX, not KHUX even
The one hint we have, is that in the Back Cover cinematic, which takes places during KHX, If you look closely, apparently you can see a shaggy lock of hair under his hood that matches Brain’s
which means Luxu has probably looked liked Brain all along from the start!
And before getting into the crazier reasons of why someone would look like someone else in the KH series (look at you Ventus/Roxas, Sora/Vanitas, Kairi/Namine/Xion)
the one that makes the most sense to me personally, consideriong this fact, is that Luxu is a Replica of some sort, of Brain, made by the Master of Masters to fulfill a specific purpose for him, and considering Luxu’s purpose was easily the most important of MoM’s plans, and with how in his early appearances Luxu appears very withdrawn, shy, or dependant on MoM but also separate in some way from the rest of the 5 and with how we know that MoM has no qualms creating living things to do his bidding like the Chirithy’s, we know he’s aware of the replica technology at the very least since the pod system appears to be a workaround for this very issue of needing a medium for the flesh at the appropriate time and place
I think him being a replica with Brain’s appearance makes the most sense, Brain was certainly already on MoM’s radar as a special keyblade wielder, since he was one of the ones MoM chose to be a new union leader, and the way that Luxu’s appearance has always been hidden, how he always wore the black coat which in KH3 seems to be confirmed as what a “default” Replica body appears in when not in use, as we see when Riku Replica shunts out evil Repliku to have the body for Namine, it appears as a doll covered in the black coat
To me, I think it’s fitting, and I think that Luxu being comfortable with shunting from body to body and switching between forms is also part of that, his original form is a replica made to mimic another person, so why wouldn’t he continue that trend? Moving his heart from vessel to vessel, never getting attached to the flesh or identity itself?
So yeah, I believe that Luxu taking over Brain is a red herring that KHUX ending presents, but I believe it will ultimately not be the case, and the rest of Dark Road/Verum Rex will go further into the reason why that is, with Luxu being a Replica of Brain from the very start coming out on top as the most likely series of events
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Demon Outfits Discussed
The wait is over :) thank you for your patience and all the lovely comments on the casual discussion!!
I feel like it got longer this time, so I hope it’s all an enjoyable read! Also, I apologize for the ugly pictures--it was the easiest and fastest way to both have all the design in one image and also prevent it from stretching so far.
Like last time, please don’t take this too seriously; we love these boys and Justin doesn’t know them but has no grudges against them. We’re just harping on their fashion sense. Absolutely no hate is intended towards the boys or the design team!
Participants in the discussion were
Jo ( @jodaneko ), our art major with storyboarding/character design experience, who finds they have more in common with Satan each passing day.
Justin ( @justinlester0629 ), our fashion expert, who dressed up and filled a wine glass with water for the occasion.
Noodle (Me), our untrained eye who owns the Barbie as the Island Princess video game on three different platforms. It’s not even that good.
Featuring emergency guest star Megan ( @maggo77 ), my sister who is physically near me as we look at the backs of their designs for the first time.
Edit: Distracted by the pretty jacket, we made a mistake when putting in Levi’s silhouette rating. It’s the worst. 2/10, not 6.
“Boy looks like he’s about to swing open the doors of an expensive mansion during a debutante party and give some SCATHING NEWS.” —Justin
“Short shoulder cape and a long split butt cape lol” —Jo
Jo has realized that based on both outfits, Lucifer doesn’t want people looking at his butt. Possible reasons are: he doesn’t have one, or Diavolo someone was getting distracted.
His shoes match his outfit. After last time that’s all I care about.
A triple popped color, and how many layers is the middle one? Is that a book? Dude has like 27 collars.
The forehead diamond is very important and it’s great that there are diamond buttons to match it. But uh. How about those red diamonds on his sleeves. They. They sure are there. (I actually like the red accents and that they match his gloves; I just can’t take the diamonds seriously.)
Lucifer 🤝 Some Horses Diamond on the Forehead
The peacock motif is HERE and we’re all living for it. HOWEVER, the feathers on the cape and coattails should have matched, OR there should have been more lime green because there’s so little of that color.
The pants have a pleat in the front, which Justin says means he responsibly irons his clothes, and Jo says only heightens the fact that under the capes this is a marching uniform.
Can he fly? Jo says these are baby wings that can’t support his weight, and his cape has a hole for the top pair but blocks the bottom pair? Can’t believe Lucifer handicapped himself for the sake of fashion.
The red makes it regal and the wide flowy design makes it imposing. Good job, Lucifer! I might actually be intimidated if I saw you.
Definitely the classiest outfit. You can tell they put care into it.
The whole thing does amazing with only three colors. We’ve noticed the trend of black and white + one color, but I mean hey. It’s working so far.
Damn those pants sit low. No wonder literally all of you wear belts.
The leather jacket? The studs and harness? Bless. Justin calls it “the perfect blend of stylish and ‘I’ll see you tonight *wink*’”.
Kind of don’t like how the belts connect to the pants, though. It looks better in the back.
“He found a really cool jacket, but it didn’t pair with anything so he just didn’t wear anything.” —Jo
Honestly though? We’ve all made fun of Mammon for having big hoe energy in his outfits, but like, he knew he had wings and planned his outfit to accommodate for that. He’s the only one who didn’t cut holes in his outfit. Maybe Mammon was the smallest hoe after all.
Also if there’s a motif it repeats elsewhere, like the studs and diamonds on his jacket and pants. Did he and Lucifer have a “tastefully putting diamonds on my outfit” battle? Because Mammon definitely won.
One of the charms broke off the belt loop and he never bothered to replace it, and honestly thank god there isn’t two of those anymore.
Torn between wishing the boots were tighter to match the rest of the outfit and saying “yoooo they’re open in the back!!!”
Ok so so far we’ve said generally only good things, but there is one major issue with the design: Its gravity. Everything points down, his tattoos, the diamonds, even his wings. The center of gravity in the image is his shoes. Bitch loved his shoes so much he made his whole outfit point to them.
Either way this was universally considered the best and I mourn Justin who doesn’t know how far Mammon’s standards are gonna fall from here.
Diagonal zipper
“Levi what the fuck.” —Megan
He looks like an e-boy.
Honestly it looks like he borrowed something from Justin’s wardrobe for Pride but he didn’t know how to put it on.
APPARENTLY the biggest hoe. Abs that he shouldn’t have coming through a mesh t-shirt. I thought Mammon’s pants were low, but Levi’s whole-ass ass is out. Ok Levi, I see you.
The shirt pattern is good but he probably leaves it partially unzipped because it’d look really dumb fully closed.
Justin loves the funky pants pattern and Jo likes the pants but not with the outfit. It’s because the devs were too coward to give him a thick tail base so his pants had to fill that role by sharing the pattern.
The shoes are good, and not just because they incited Justin’s deep-set hatred for Christian Louboutin and his uncomfortable red-bottom shoes.
Justin is offended that he’s hiding his suspenders; either show them completely or not at all, no in between. Jo’s not fully convinced it isn’t just one suspender. What are his suspenders doing? What are they attached to? Are they holding anything up? Apparently not.
Jo pointed out that if you squint the belt on his waist looks like fangs and the orange dots on his sleeves looks like eyes so it’s like theres a snake head on his outfit. Cute!
The gloves are throwing us off though. Why is Levi of all other brothers need gloves? I bet he has sweaty hands.
Ok really, does his sweater unzip all the way into two pieces? Or does it hang by that tiny thread underneath the tail hole? There’s even a button, just in case.
Can’t believe this antler-sporting, suspender-wasting nerd went diagonal zipper on us because we beat him at a trivia game. Should have just zipped his hood.
“I hate everything about this.” —Megan
First of all, he’s straight up wearing Lucifer’s casual shirt. Does it only button down the back? Can he take it off?
Then he spilled bleach on his pants. Like I get what they were going for but with the white on black that is literally just bleach stains.
Incredibly differing opinions on the belt. He got it in the cowboy department. Justin adores it. Jo despises it.
And are those… athletic slip ons?
And now the elephant in the room. The ribcage made of ribbons. The ribboncage. The idea is great! I love that they gave him a skeletal theme without throwing him into a Hot Topic.
But if you take the ribboncage and feather boa off he’s literally just wearing a dress shirt and some nice jeans. And that’s the problem with Satan’s demon form. Not that it looks goofy. It’s that they took risks but then hid all the risks behind business casual.
Also Megan said that the back of the ribbons look like a rock climbing harness. Someone (probably Justin) said the front reminds them of the underbelly of a green cockroach. Ew.
The feather boa would look better if it was over something you wouldn’t literally wear at the office. (And also didn’t look so much like worm on a string.)
“He is going to Dragcon 2020 and is definitely going to take a picture and ask to lip sync, but accidentally start beef with Acid Betty.” —Justin
On a good note, loving how the tail fades to highly radioactive green. Feels dangerous. Megan pointed out that it’s a pretty wimpy tail, though. Jo enjoys the self-conscious posture it expresses.
That’s basically the only good thing we have to say, though.
I just????
Merry Christmas.
The kanji on the picture is just saying that the coattail is the same on both sides.
Ok now with that out of the way, HONEY.
I’m sure he says that to others but I hope he says it to himself too when he looks in the mirror.
Starting with the good. The wings? Adorable. The heart-shaped hole to accommodate them? Adorable. One of the only good adjustments.
And I love that the tips of his horns look venomous, like a scorpion tail!
We love a good floral design and a good twin tailcoat.
But once again, the shirt just has too much going on. The flowers. The buttons. The brick-pattern stitching. The brooch. The long collar. The fact that if he closed the last button it’d end in a diamond covering his crotch. Sometimes less is more, Asmo.
That scorpion brooch is the best thing to ever grace my computer screen and it shouldn’t have to share the spotlight with the rest of his shirt. It should have wrapped around his arm and been paired with some more jewelry. Then he could have ditched those giant cuffs.
The bleeding heart tattoos are a really good idea! But they should have been angled better and not like someone else put them on at the roller rink. And maybe they shouldn’t have been outlined in pink. Those aren’t tattoos, those are gaping holes in his arm. Is he ok.
I’ve been avoiding the pants, but. The pants.
“Oh dear god. Oh no that’s… I thought you were a designer…” —Jo
One side is buckled the ENTIRE way down, and then the other side is COMPLETELY plain. It’s too extreme on both ends. It should have been only half a leg of buckles. Not whatever this is. I still don’t think he can bend that leg.
The shoes are ok but they COULD have been a stiletto so.
Jo is DONE with these demons’ inability to wear socks.
We expected better from you, Asmo. I hope you have to fasten all those buckles every morning as retribution.
He said “how many belts can I wear on one outfit.”
Justin said it’s like Barry B. Benson and Post Malone had a beautiful baby boy, and Obey Me! is cancelled for creating a sequence of events that could lead to me hearing that with my own two ears.
The jacket? Stunning. “It’s steampunk mixed with Jack Sparrow, mixed with Billie Joe Armstrong,” says Justin. It’s got puffy sleeves! And there’s objectively too much going on with the jacket, but since it’s a leather jacket I can forgive it. Justin and Jo can’t.
I’m not sure why they keep giving him weird jacket collars but I prefer belt number 9 to fur.
“Why is it bucked in the back? Couldn’t it have just been a jacket?” —Megan
Good that the black tank isn’t only black, but he has so little color on his outfit that it would have been nice for it and the matching pattern on his boots to have been a color besides gray.
I don’t mind the belts down the leg because they’re not too in your face. Jo wants the white belt to be thinner. Justin wants him to just pick one and go with it.
Poor Beel, he can’t do his lil thigh pat pose without his right hand being assaulted by studs and that bear trap-shaped buckle.
Justin feels like the cowboy boots are too wide up top and it’s probably because they’re FAKE cowboy boots. I don’t know why he didn’t just get cowboy boots instead of putting fake coverings over his dress shoes.
Can’t fault the twin belt, though. And the wing hole isn’t terrible.
Idk I guess. They knew what they wanted to do at least.
That seems to be the pattern with Beel: they know what they want to do, but something weird happens in the middle of it.
“I don’t know which Teletubby let their son go through the it’s just a phase mom phase, but they should be ashamed.” —Justin
A toddler who just learned how to cut holes in paper got a hold of his hoodie.
Is it a hoodie? A jacket? A poncho? The cow print actually isn’t terrible. At least it had the decency to be unique in its spotting. And the actual presence of blue is very appreciated.
On the topic of colors, Jo is calling the devs out on their apparent fear of color. “Put the pink elsewhere, cowards,” they say.
We actually don’t hate the horseshoe, and using it for the belt buckles is actually really clever. Even if 75% of them are doing literally nothing. Feel like he didn’t need that many. Could do without the bottom one, maybe even bottom two.
There’s a teeeeny tiny cowbell on the back? Megan apparently finds that VERY important. Why do they go to such great lengths to remind us that Belphie’s a cow? Beel doesn’t rub his hands together 24/7. Mammon doesn’t even get bird wings.
Just like Satan spilled bleach, Belphie has tar pants.
It’s nice to see a change in pant style, but. Am I biased because I hate harem pants? Maybe. Are these harem pants too short on him? Yes. Maybe they were supposed to be parachute capris? But it just looks he outgrew them too fast and Lucifer won’t buy him new pants yet. At least they look comfy.
If he puts his keys in those pockets will his pants fall down? Probably. That’s a problem considering his are the only pants that look like they could hold any keys.
The shoes are fine. I can enjoy a high topped sneaker. …Is that a security tag? Did he steal his shoes. Belphie stole his shoes.
On the tiny tail hole, I appreciate that Belphie went for modesty. But I hope it’s impossible to wear these outfits outside of demon form because I don’t want him walking around with a tiny hole right above his ass.
Honestly he doesn’t even look like a demon? He just looks like… a cow.
There’s one more aspect of their demon forms that I didn’t feel comfortable forcing into a smaller space than it deserved: Silhouettes. Jo puts a lot of weight on silhouettes and their role in character design. Is it dynamic? Is it recognizable? Jo ranked them as such:
1. Lucifer: 9/10. Care and effort were put into this design and it shows. 2. Mammon: 7/10. Points deducted for most of it being form fitting but otherwise still manages to get a passing grade. 3 (tied). Beelzebub: 5/10. His wings have actual mass but his horns being mostly hidden by his head reduce his score. 3 (tied). Belphegor: 5/10. Evens out since his clothes aren’t as form fitting as the others but they also kind of turn him into a blob. 5. Asmodeus: 4/10, and only because he’s got multiple wings and that his tailcoat breaks up the bottom half. 6. Satan: 3/10, for the fact HIS BOA carries most of the work in altering his silhouette. 7. Leviathan: 2/10. The tail and horns prevent this from being a total flop.
Our (surprisingly unanimous!) ranking of their outfits (not counting Megan her opinions deviated) were:
In conclusion, any M-rated fic that doesn’t have it take demon Satan 20 minutes to take off his shirt is too unrealistic.
#got it out on time for demon day yaaaay#half of it got deleted because i'm a DUMB BUTT who hit the power button#so I had to redo a lot but I think it's all there#none of our notes got lost luckily just how I worded them#obey me#obey me one master to rule them all#obey me shall we date#obey me swd#swd obey me#shall we date obey me#obey me!#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor#obey me outfit analysis#image
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The Real World - Chapter 11
Ok so this ones a bit more of a slightly slower chapter and kinda does a bit more world building sooooo yeah. BUT ALSO THERES SOME WHOLESOME FRIENDSHIP MOMENTS SO THATS GOOD
Made in collaboration with @i-have-this-now Thank you to @rivys for beta reading and editing!
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Silence. Complete and total silence fell over the call as both Tubbo and Wilbur tried to process what Tommy was saying. The moment was tense, and loaded with unanswered questions.
“Fuck…” Wilbur muttered. He didn’t know what else to say. He was in a state of shock. What was he supposed to do? He had just learned that two of his friends were trapped in another dimension, and that said dimension was going to be destroyed because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
“Yeah. I feel like that sums it up pretty well.” Tommy had no idea what he was supposed to be doing, or even feeling. There were so many emotions raging through his mind. Anger at Wilbur for talking to Dream. Relief that Tubbo and Wilbur weren’t screaming at him. Fear that his home was going to be destroyed.
God, he was sick of being afraid. He had felt nothing but fear and terror for a week straight, and thought that he had grown numb to it. He had thought wrong. The raw terror that coursed through his veins in that moment was nothing like he had ever felt before. It was cold and numbing. It made him want to just crawl into his bed and lay there. He felt completely and unbelievably hopeless. At least during the war there had been a small sliver of hope. A tiny beacon of light in all the darkness. It had been what kept him going. Now, there was nothing. He had no way of fighting back. No way of even contacting his friends and seeing if they were safe. He hated it.
“So. What’s the plan?” Tubbo’s voice shook Tommy from his intrusive thoughts. He couldn’t help but feel grateful for Tubbo’s optimism, despite the fact that he knew it was hopeless. “How are we gonna stop him?”
“What do you mean?” he asked, his voice quiet.
“We’re not just going to let him kill all those people, right? There's gotta be something we can do. Some way that we can stop him.”
“Tubbo, I-” “No, he’s right.” Will interjected. “We aren’t just going to sit around and do nothing. Besides, if what you said is true, then our Tommy and Dream are stuck there as well. We’re not just going to let them die.”
“You guys don’t get it, do you…?” Tommy muttered. He knew his friends were trying their best, but the hopelessness of the situation was suffocating. It was like he was standing in a pool of quicksand, slowly being dragged down. Each time he struggled and tried to resist, he was only dragged down farther. He was tired of fighting it. “You can’t stop him. We don’t even know where he is.” Tubbo was silent for a moment. “What if we switched you guys back? We could figure out the command that swapped you in the first place and just run it again.”
“I mean, you can try. But wouldn’t you need Dream’s computer?”
A sly grin spread across Tubbo’s face. “Who says I need access to his computer to access the server? Just give me a few minutes.” The sound of typing echoed through Tommy’s headphones.
He frowned, confused as to what was going on. “What are you doing?”
“Trying to access the server.” He didn’t offer any more information.
“While he’s doing that, maybe you could tell us more about what happened to you. How did you even end up involved with Dream? From the sounds of it, he's fucking terrifying,” Wilbur asked. He figured that the more they knew about what was going on, the easier it would be to try and solve their issue.
“I… He used to disappear for really long periods of time. Eventually I got curious. I saw him leaving and tried to follow. He caught me pretty quickly. He… he said that he would kill everyone in L’Manberg if I didn’t go with him and do what he said.”
Wilbur’s eyes narrowed. That didn’t make any sense. Why on earth would Dream force Tommy to go with him if he hadn’t gone far? Something wasn’t adding up. “What-”
“I’M IN!” Tubbo yelled out, cutting off Will’s question.
“You’re in?” Tommy asked.
“I have access to the server.” Tubbo explained. “Maybe I can try and contact them.”
“Wait, what do you mean you have access to the server?” Wilbur said.
“I have the console open, wait- here.” Tubbo started sharing his screen on Discord.
A black background filled with white text that neither Wilbur nor Tommy could understand appeared on the screen. It was filled with coordinates and commands that were constantly being updated every couple of seconds. A waterfall of white text was filling Tubbo’s screen. He could see a grayed out command that read ‘/msg TommyInnit hello?’.
“Hey, wait a second,” Wilbur said. “Tubbo’s commands aren’t working.”
“Do you think it could be some sort of activation key?” Tommy asked, but it sounded more like a statement.
“...Exactly. How did you know?” Tubbo asked.
“I think I may know where that is.”
“What the fuck?” Tommy held the wooden bow in his hands, staring at the blinking light. “Have either of you ever seen this kinda thing before?”
“Why the hell would I know anything? I’ve been here as long as you have,” Dream remarked as he took another drink from the glass bottle.
“I dunno, maybe because you’re the server owner?”
“Just because I’m the server owner doesn’t mean I know what's happening.”
“Well, maybe you should.”
Dream only rolled his eyes. Tubbo squirmed a bit. Seeing Dream acting so casual was… unnerving. The lack of a mask only made it ten times worse. Until an hour ago, he had never even seen the man’s face. It was always just the blank mask, cold and emotionless. Seeing the raw emotions on his face was somehow scarier than not seeing them at all. A shudder ran down his spine.
“Tubbo? Any ideas?”
Tubbo jumped slightly, caught off guard by the sudden question. “Huh? O-oh! No, I don’t know. Sorry man, I’ve never seen anything like this before.”
A sigh escaped him as he ran a hand over the leather wrapped grip. The blinking light stared up at him, almost taunting him in a way. That was when he felt it. A small raised section of the grip, right where his finger would sit if he were holding it normally. He frowned. “what the fuck?”
“What? What is it?” Dream asked quickly.
“I dunno. It’s just a weird bump…”
“Oh. That's it? It's probably just from the other Tommy making his bow wrong or something.”
Tubbo shook his head, quick to defend his best friend. “No… Tommy was really good at making weapons. He wouldn’t have done something like that. It’s not like him.”
Tommy’s brow furrowed as he ran his finger over the strange button. On a whim, he pressed down.
A scream was torn from his throat as a robotic voice played in his ears. “Hello?” it said.
“What the fuck?!”
“Tommy?! Tommy are you ok?! What happened?!” Tubbo was instantly on his feet, trying to check on his friend. His instincts kicked in. Everything that had kept him and his friends alive during the war came rushing back to him as he frantically checked Tommy for any wounds or injuries. Nothing. No visible cuts or bruises. Maybe it was mental? Or a type of potion. Or maybe even-
“Tubbo, Tubbo! I’m fine! I promise. Just a bit startled.” Tommy’s voice brought his train of thought to an abrupt halt. Tubbo sat back down, his face burning with shame.
Dream stared at them in concern. “What happened?”
“Did you not hear it?” he furrowed his brow, trying to put the pieces together.
“Hear what?”
“That weird voice thingy. I pressed the little button and the robot lady started talking.”
“You’re hearing voices now? Are you alright?”
“Yes, Dream! I’m fine!” he cried out in exasperation. The blinking light on the grip of the bow had gone dark, leaving nothing but a regular wooden bow.
“How do you even know that they’re in your world?” Wilbur asked. Tubbo had already set the command in the server, and now the three of them were just waiting for some sort of results. Now, they were all just sitting around, trying to get more answers out of Tommy. “I mean, for all we know they could be floating out in the empty void of nothing.”
“No, I’m sure that your Tommy and Dream are in my world. Dream seemed really confident about it. He said something about it already being tested or whatever.
“Tested? Tested on what?”
“I don’t know. He never told me. All he said was that the test had worked.”
“Alright, I’m just gonna be the one to say it, thats sketchy as fuck.” Tommy couldn’t help but jump. Tubbo had been so quiet while they were talking, he had forgotten that he was even there. “I mean, I get that he’s a sketchy guy, but that's just weird.”
Tommy took a deep breath to try and calm his racing heart. “Yeah… It really is. I learned pretty quickly not to question him though. He was fucking terifying whenever he got asked too many questions.” A shudder ran down his spine as he remembered the blank, emotionless mask. God, he hated that fucking mask. Every night, he was plagued with nightmares about it.
“Tubbo, I think your command went through” Wilbur said, his voice cutting through the fog that was starting to build in Tommy’s mind. He looked at the screen. Sure enough, the grayed out text was now gone, replaced with a blank text box.
“Someone must have found the trigger. Hopefully it was your Tommy and Dream. I’m not sure what would happen if someone else managed to get their hands on it.”
“Either way, it should have only sent the message to Tommy, right?” Tubbo asked.
“I don’t fucking know. I wasn’t allowed anywhere near the console.”
“Probably because you’re a little gremlin child.” Will couldn’t help but make the snide comment. Maybe he just wanted to pretend, if only for a moment that nothing had changed. Maybe he was searching for a way to lighten the mood. He wasn’t sure.
Either way, the comment earned him a cry of protest. “The fuck is that supposed to mean?!”
“It means that you are a little gremlin boy. What else would it mean?” Despite his best attempts, he couldn’t quite keep the smile out of his voice.
“Alright, you son of a bitch, you listen here. I could beat your fucking ass in a fight, no questions asked.” Despite the harsh words, Tommy couldn’t help but grin. The friendly banter was familiar to him, and he couldn’t help but be thankful for it. In a world where everything was strange and foreign, it felt nice to have something that stayed consistent.
“Oh yeah? Prove it”
“Alright. Next time I see you, how about we 1v1? Me versus you.” “Uh, I don’t think that's a really good idea,” Tubbo interjected.
“What? Why not? I’ve beaten him before, I’ll do it again.” Tommy’s voice was dripping with confidence. He may not have been nearly as strong here as he was back in his home world, but he still knew how to fight. Not to mention, he had spent most of the past week trying to get his strength back.
“I don’t doubt it, it’s just that fighting someone is generally considered not good here”
“Are you serious? That's so lame! Back at home we used to spar all the time!”
“Yeah, not here. Unless you’re in a fighting style sport, sparring just isn’t something that you do here”
“Ughhhh, that’s so dumb.” he grumbled.
“So, uh, what’s the plan now?” Tubbo asked. On the screen, another /msg command was pulled up, ready to be sent. The message section itself was blank, but it was clear that Tubbo was itching to try and communicate with his best friend.
“We just input the command, right? We swap you back, you guys could go home, and we get our Tommy and Dream back. Boom, problem solved.” Wilbur couldn’t help but feel slightly confused. Hadn’t that been the plan from the start?
“I uh… I don’t know the command that he used,” Tommy admitted.
“Fuck.” The three sat in silence, trying to figure out what to do. Tommy couldn’t help but feel like hopelessness starting to drag him down again, pulling him down into the pit of quicksand.
“What if we brought them to the console? That way they could actually respond and we might be able to come up with some sort of plan?” Tubbo suggested.
He weighed his options. On one hand, it was the best bet they had. Hell, he was about 99 percent sure that Dream would have left some sort of clue as to what the command was, if only because he enjoyed the thrill of the danger. On the other, who knew what kind of trap Dream had set up. Knowing him, he would have expected them to do exactly this. No. No he couldn’t think like that. This was their one chance. It was his only chance at saving his home, at saving his friends.
Swallowing his fear, he nodded. “Yeah. Alright, that sounds good.”
“What the fuck?! Why is it blinking again?!” The small red light was back, blinking up at the blonde teenager annoyingly.
“Press the button again?” Dream offered helpfully.
“What? No! I’m not pressing that fucking button again! You press it if you’re so curious!” he tossed the bow onto the table carelessly, the loud noise making Tubbo flinch.
Dream grabbed the weapon and looked over it. “Alright, maybe I will. Where did you say it was?”
“On the grip, right next to the little light. It's really small though, you have to feel it.”
“Got it!” with a soft click, Dream pressed down on the button.
Instantly, the robotic voice echoed through Tommy’s mind once more. The voice was cold and metallic, with no emotion whatsoever. It reminded Tommy of pretty much every computer generated voice he had ever heard, only this time, it echoed through his skull. He could feel his teeth vibrating from the sheer volume of it. His eyes shook, causing the world to vibrate and jitter. It reminded him of when the bell had been rung, only this time he was the only one could hear it.
“Hey Tommy, it's Tubbo. This other Tommy just told me and Wilbur everything that’s been going on. Don’t worry, we’re gonna get you out of there, alright? Apparently the other Dream is going to really fuck everything up if we don’t stop him. And by that I mean he’s going to delete the server and most likely kill all of you and I really don’t want that to happen. So we’re gonna stop it!”
The voice continued for a bit, explaining what the plan was and where he and Dream needed to go, and Tommy did his best to keep track of Tubbo’s directions. “... Anyways, we really miss you man. I swear, we’re gonna figure something out and get you guys home. Yours truly, big T.” The voice stopped, and Tommy blinked. Tears pricked at his eyes.
He didn’t really understand what was going on, but he did understand one thing: there was hope. He might be able to go home. Tubbo and Wilbur were going to bring them home.
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#if you cant tell i wrote this over two days#and i forgot what i wrote#so theres a bit of repetition#but whatever its fine#its still fun#wilbur soot#wilbursoot#tubbo_#Tubbolive#dreamwastaken#mcyt#mcyt au#The Real World#The Real World AU#my writing#dream team#dream smp#fanfiction#tommyinnit
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From Baby to Babe~
I once wrote this https://miss-choco-chips.tumblr.com/post/190983954737/theres-a-point-in-all-the-rouges-gallerys-lives and @theturdis wanted a fic about it, so... Just remember, you asked for this hon. This ain’t my fault.
Tagging @animemangasoul who just told me to tag them the next time I wrote something.
Fair warning everyone, I somehow did this in one sitting, and, I can’t stress this enough, there’s no edit whatsoever. Like, none. Enjoy, if you can ignore the eyesore of my multiple mistakes.
Bruce despairs in the knowledge of his sons growing up hot.
When Dick came back to Gotham as the new Nightwing for the first time ever… well.
Bruce didn't like to think about the first suit, back then. All those feathers and glitter, the plunging V neck, the mullet… His son had insisted on it being the trend at the time. Bruce just couldn't grasp how was he supposed to blend into the night and take anyone by surprise. There was too much... everything, and not nearly enough stealth.
He was an innocent man, back then. He looked at a horse gift in the mouth and was completely blindsided when it raised on it’s hind legs and kicked him where it hurted.
When Selina approached him a few weeks after N had come to him with the blueprints of his new suit, he had been quiet relaxed. Or as relaxed as one can be when crouched like a gargoyle and looking over the city. He was just getting back on track after… Jason (it still hurted, and probably always would, to think about him), his new partner helping in ways he couldn’t foresee, violence tampered by Tim’s brilliant smile every time he came to Bruce with the answer to a particularly difficult riddle he had been having trouble with. He had to get his act together, because Tim was so bright, mind so beyond what Bruce could ever aspire to, and he was at such an impressionable age… If Batman allowed himself to fall deeper into despair, he would set a dangerously bad example to the kid, which could be really damaging… to the world at large. He was the kind of kid that B wanted on the side of Justice, because the opposite would be quite catastrophic.
So yes, he had been very distracted lately, merely glancing over Dick’s blueprints, noticing the lack of brilliantine and gold, and giving his wholehearted approval.
Stupid, innocent man he was. He had needed Catwoman of all people to open his eyes.
(To this day, he still wondered about Alfred’s reason for not warning him sooner. Perhaps, and this was the theory he had running, the old butler had been just so delighted at seeing the Disco suit gone, he would approve almost everything in its place, and Dick’s virtue had never been his responsibility to preserve, so to hell with it.
Betrayal always hurted the worse when it came from those closest to you)
-Hey handsome.
She rolled her eyes, already beyond his brood, and just walked out of the light, joining him into the shadows with a sigh at his dramatics.
-No theft today?
The woman grimaced a bit, letting herself fall at his side with as much grace as she did everything else. Diamond claws scratched at her scalp, carefully not tearing the frail skin, and Batman finally conceded and turned his head to look at her directly. She was never so hesitant.
-Look. I really, really don’t want to be the one telling you this. I would literally rather leave this to anyone else, but… it’s getting out of hand.
-What is it?
-Nightwing. Hadn’t you noticed anything about him?
That got whatever rest of his attention she hadn’t already caught. Speaking of his sons always had that effect on him.
-What happened to him?
-Nothing, just… He’s been out a lot, hasn’t he? I thought he didn’t operate in the city as much…
She was stalling, which was worryingly out of character for Selina. But since this was about Nightwing, he had to be patient and let her talk her way into whatever information she was going to lay on him.
-I’ve been… -training a new Robin, not that he could tell her that- busy, lately. He’s picking up the slack while I’m focusing on it -a.k.a helping him both patrol the streets and teach Tim.
-I noticed the changes, yes, whatever therapy you’re doing is great for you -she encouraged, more honest than he thought her capable of. He could already see her deadpan when she figured out the reason for his change, his ‘therapy’ as she put it, was an eleven year old thrusting himself at this dangerous life of his.
-Well… Anything noteworthy about him lately? Crime Fighting related?
Since she was stressing the words so much, he gave them deep thought.
-He has been on a streak lately. A lot more arrests… What’s your point?
He could almost see the second she internally said ‘fuck it’ and just blurted everything out.
-That’s because his new suit is, and this is coming from me, B, indecent, and every criminal out there is focusing more on his ass than his punches and flips so he’s kicking ass easier.
Bruce kicked his way to the forefront of his mind, the father in him hip checking the vigilante out of the way so he could properly freak out.
What? He knew the suit was a lot more tight than the former one, but he’d been so relieved at it being mostly black he hadn’t given more than a cursory look… and he barely saw the man in it, often training together in workout clothes and coming and going to patrol at different times. He… wasn’t prepared for this.
-Excuse me?
-I’m sorry, someone had to tell you. Normally, I’d be completely on board with a suit change from boring to daring, and you know of my good relationship with leather, but I’ve literally seen that kid grow up. If I have to listen to Harley talking about Nightwing’s ass one more time, Ivy won’t need to worry any more about the Joker killing her, because I will do it myself.
He wanted to thank her for standing up for his son, but he was still busy internally screaming.
-You want to hear Riddle’s last work? While looking directly at N, he asked ‘is buttcheeks one word? Or should I spread them?’. And then he winked. Winked, B. At your eighteen year old kid. You need to get your ass on gear and make sure Nighting changes his. I mean, I’m getting used to it, but you’ve been doing great lately, violent wise, and I’d hate for you to relapse because you heard Zsaasz asking N to tie his ropes tighter and harder.
B… needed to go back to the cave and call N back early. They had to talk.
When Jason came back, the first thing to break past the ‘holy shit my son is alive’ wall surrounding his brain was just how tall he had grown. How strong, how broad, how big. The little boy he had picked up from the street, underfeed and hurting everywhere, had turned out almost bigger than B himself and twice as brave. The wave of pride he felt was massive, but the feeling was short lived.
Jason was killing criminals, had even attempted to murder Tim. Even if the father in him could, in his desperation, try and overlook the first bit, the same side couldn’t get past the second. Tim was as much his as Jason, and he couldn't turn a blind eye to it.
The relief of him being back that overflowed from Bruce clashed horribly with Batman’s unbending morals, and the two sides warred for days for control. The attack on his youngest son had been the deciding factor in who finally won; Bruce couldn’t fight the darkness in him when he needed it to help protect Robin from his predecessor, as much as it pained him.
Theirs was a long road, a difficult path to come back together as a family after so many mistakes on both parts (more his than Jason’s, he knew, but admitting so was so hard…), but they had finally, finally came back together. All his children, sitting around the dinning table at the manor, throwing food at each other behind Alfred’s back, Dick failing to give Jason a noogie, Tim succeeding in elbowing his way past both of them to claim first picks over the brownies, Damian rolling his eyes while sneakily drawing in his notebook what B suspected was a portrait of the three of them, Cass and Steph laughing at their antics… His heart felt like it could give out.
Again, his mind was anywhere but in… that. Already used to the dirty looks aimed at Nighting, he focused his anger into strength behind every punch, taking care to kick specially hard when aiming at the criminal’s genitals as light punishment for the lust they aimed at his oldest, but not longer trying to essentially castrate them.
He had the hang of it, and it was just one child. He could do damage control with one, it wasn’t that hard. Stephanie wasn’t really his, just under his protection as a mentor, and even then, she was mostly Barbara’s; Cass could and would take care of anyone who dared look at her in a way she didn’t like, so she was also good. Seventeen year old Tim and thirteen year old Damian were babies, so they wouldn't be an issue for a long, long time.
And then. And then, Steph had opened her mouth.
-Why can’t Tim do this? -she had whined, raising the heels to eye level and studying them with profound distaste- I hate fighting on these. He’s much better than me at that anyway, and he makes a hotter chick than I when he goes full out on his undercover gig.
Red Robin, who was walking past her on his way to the training mats, high fived her.
Barbara’s voice came from the Batcomputer, Oracle’s voice filter not needed while they still were on the Cave.
-Because he and Jason can’t act like a couple for more than two hours before one of them breaks into hives or laughter, and this is an all night long gig.
-Then why can’t Tim and Dick go? You just need a girl as pretty arm candy distaction, the guy is the one who’s gonna do the work, and Nightwing can take care of a few drug dealers himself.
-While Dick is certainly pretty enough to gain permission to enter this very private party -the man, stretching with Tim, stopped mid motion to give the computer finger guns. Barbara coughed to cover a laugh and kept going-, the goal is for him to be invited into the boss’s personal office, and we can only do that if he’s interested in what he sees. From what Tim gathered for me on his last recon, he favours… Jason’s body types more than Dick’s.
Bruce, who was just getting out of the locker room, suit fully in place except from the cowl, raised an eyebrow at that, stopping to analyze his second oldest. Tilting his head, and still as confused, he asked what would undoubtedly bring him an unhealthy amount of regret in the very near future.
-What does that mean? Jason’s...body type? You mean tall? Dick is also pretty tall.
There was total silence in the cave for a few moments. Dick and Tim got up from their positions, shared a look, and made a run for the showers, claiming they were ready for patrol (they weren’t, not warmed up enough, but he had other things to focus on now). Damian, already fully suited, tutted and dragged the hood of his cape over his face, almost completely covering it. Cass looked on impassively, and Stephanie seemed to be getting a worryingly amount of glee from whatever this was.
Jason himself was… blushing? What?
-Who’s gonna tell him? -finally asked Barbara, amusement breaking her professional facade.
-Oh, me, me! Let me do this!
Apparently still a naive man, he nodded at the blonde, ready for someone to clear this up for him.
He was regaled with a half an hour long rant about biceps, pecs, and thighs that could compete against tree trunks and win. It was supported by apparent citations from different criminals that ranged from appreciative to full on scandalous.
In the end, everyone left the cave, Batgirl with a notorious spring on her step, and Bruce had to stay home instead of going out, needing the night to fully process about his second son, almost twenty one but twelve in his mind’s eye, apparently featuring in multiple Arkham calendars.
He came out of that realization a scarred man, to say the least.
It was barely a few months after his traumatic chat with Stephanie when it happened again. He’d like to say he was ready for this.
He wasn’t.
When Conner Kent found him, he was completely focused on his WE’s work. For once on the office, with the TV providing some white noise in the background, he was fully prepared for a day catching up. He couldn’t keep letting Tim take over most of the work, the kid deserved to have a normal (or as normal as any of them could achieve) teenage life.
He was of course notified the moment the meta breached the city’s limits, but figured he was here on Titan’s business or hanging out with Tim. The light knock on his office window was a big surprise.
-This is unexpected, Conner. What can I do for you? -he greeted after letting him in- Tim isn’t here today, he’s giving a press conference.
-Yeah, I know. I’m actually here for you. We, the team, heard from Tim you’re making the blueprints for his next suit.
This conversation was already going in a very confusing way. Why did they care about Tim’s gear?
-Well, you need to double check with us before you show anything to him -something akin to indignant surprise must have shown in his face, because the meta quickly raised both hands-. We don’t mean that as you needing our approval, of course you’d know better how to keep a non-meta well protected. We know jackshit about kevlar and armor. But it’s the… style, that has us worried.
He let the anger bleed out of him, replaced with puzzlement.
-What do you mean?
Conner looked down, as if gathering strength, then up and straight into Bruce’s eyes, a feat very few younger heroes could achieve. This was serious.
-Tim isn’t big like Jason, or as… stretchy as Dick, but he has… very, very attractive features. I won’t go into detail with you about how thin his waist is, how shapely his legs or cute his ass. That’s not something I need to say or you to hear.
Yes, it definitely wasn’t. Bruce was having an inkling as to where this was headed, and he didn’t like it. Tim was a baby! Barely eighteen and so damn small!
-But I do need to tell you, his ugly ass suits have been good at keeping that all on the downlow. We made fun of him for them, sure, but never encouraged him to change, because we know what will happen if he does. It would be awful. You think Nightwing and Red Hood have it rough? Tim has Ra’s Al Ghul’s undivided attention and appreciation. If we add attraction to it? Mayhem. Absolute mayhem. We can barely keep him from being kidnapped by older, nasty villains as it is. We don’t need the extra work, sir. I’m begging you on behalf of the team, don’t let him get anything that would look good on him. Like that Untranet suit he told me about, for example. That one would be so bad. Or the Red Robin one with tighter pants and a domino under the cowl so he can take it out and flash the world his luscious hair.
Bruce fell back into his desk chair. Elbows resting on the table, he buried his face into his hands.
A long silence filled the room.
-You already approved and made one of those, right?
A small, shaky nod.
-...The Ultranet one?
A firm shake.
-Fuck me. The Red Robin with tighter pants and domino?
Another nod. Conner sat abruptly on the empty chair in the other side of the desk, like a puppet with its strings cut.
-Well, fuck.
Fuck indeed.
Bruce despaired.
This time, he would be ready. He swore it on his honor, on his oath, on his parents.
So when Damian turned sixteen, growth spurt kicking in (he towed over Tim, and it wouldn’t be long until he left Dick in the dust as well), he made a thought but necessary call.
He phoned Talia.
-We need to talk. About Damian, and… sex appeal.
Her shock was evident even through the phone.
-Excuse me? My son is a child. He has no such thing.
He closed his eyes. Once, a long time ago, he’d been just as naive. Now he knew better.
It was a hard lesson to learn, but she needed to. And quickly. Damian was growing faster than his other children. Time was of essence.
-Let me tell you what I wish I knew years ago, when Dick decided to change his Nightwing suit.
She was probably going to hate him for opening her eyes like this, but Bruce just couldn't do this alone.
He could deal with Talia’s hate, but criminals lusting after his baby son? Hell no. He might actually go rouge.
#my writting#I have no excuse#no edit#bruce wayne#dick grayson#jason todd#tim drake#damian wayne#Cassandra Cain Wayne#Stephanie Brown#selina kyle#barbara gordon#Alfred Pennyworth#conner kent#kon el kent#batfamily
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i yearn for one(1) thing only, and that is to have a nice, simplistic, cartoonish artstyle. an artstyle that doesnt rely on anatomy, but the "movement" of the drawing, if you get what i mean.
i dont want realistic proportions and traditional colors and basic poses and gradient shading, i want funky lil dudes in funky poses with funky styles littering my sketchbook :( but alas i havent figured out how to develop that kind of style yet, my brain wants anatomy to look nice but also i dont want to draw eyes. i dont want to take time out of my day to learn how to draw lips i want to draw a line that extends past the characters face. i dont want all my characters to have pointy chins with curved cheeks i want their heads to be round and friend-like or full of sharp edges depending on their personalities and styles. i want to give them all not-quite human ears, blob feet, simple faces, but at the same time i want enough detail to convey the story or emotion im trying to tell.
ive spent so much time recently agonizing over how to use 3d model websites, using real-life references and tracing over them for practice, color-picking from real images to try and do realism and failing miserably, but you know whats easier than that? funky little dudes. little dudes who do not care if their legs are too long or their hair is too bouncy. i dont want my characters to look human.
ive spent enough time on the artfight website to realize that most people who classify their characters as "human" have the most basic ass designs (no offense to people who like basic human designs its just not my thing) or its like dnd-medieval style outfits which i cant draw for the life of me (ive tried). again no offense to people who actively enjoy and draw characters like that. i just need my dudes to have that certain,,, off-ness to them. tails are cool. wings are swag (especially if they arent even like,, fully attached,, ), elf ears are so wonderful to me no matter how much theyre overused, horns are so much fun to draw, and colors!! i have no knowledge in the color theory department so this works great for me!! the only thing i really know is dont shade with black, other than that i just colorpick from references usually but i dont want to do that!! i want the colors to hurt people's eyes but in a satisfying way. like the character's design is so nice to look at that you dont mind your eyes hurting a bit. like how im enjoying writing this post even though its 2 am and the brightness on my computer wont go any lower.
and then another thing ive noticed from being on the artfight website is that a lot of people classify their characters that are anthro/have anthro features under humanoids/monsters. like i made a google form to find some people to attack and someone sent me in a character with some sort of animal (wolf? idk) arms and legs. like dude!! peak character design i love her. but me personally? i cant draw that shit, its so hard for me. i tried a while back and its just Not my thing. nothing against furries i just. cant. and i dont want to either.
and i got another submission that i accidentally deleted that was like full anthro/wolf-like like my comrade,,, i cannot draw animals what makes you think i can draw an animal who acts like a human lmao. i can do like. very basic tails, and also animal ears but i cant do the arms and legs and such i just dont know the anatomy, and i know i was talking about how i dont want to care about anatomy but i feel like for anthros you really do need to know at least basic animal anatomy so you know how the limbs look and shit and i dont have that knowledge and dont feel like gaining it.
and then there were some submissions that i absolutely adored. there was one that like, was vaguely human shaped but definitely was not a human. they had a dark-ish lavender colored skin and horns and tusks and like goat ears and a sorta fluffy tail with spikes on it and they had wings and such and they were such a pleasure to draw i love them. and they had a fairly simple outfit too, nothing too complicated. and then i also enjoy object head characters, theyre so neato to me. i got one of those and i really wish i had the motivation to work on it cause it looks so fun.
i want to make funky characters but id have nothing to do with them because the only book i ever tried writing (key word tried - never got past planning it out) had strictly human characters in it, and most of the books i read are humans/humans with powers in situations specific to them so id have no idea what lore to make with the dudes. assuming i have the motivation to make lore and backstory because honestly i just really enjoy character designing its super duper fun.
(side note a song about trucks doing the deed came on just now and its interrupted my flow, apologies).
i only have three actual characters right now. one is an original roleplay oc whos design is literally athletic shorts, an oversized long sleeved grey sweatshirt, long purple hair, and demon horns. the second one is my persona whos design some sorta medival knight outfit kinda thing? but not ugly it looks really cool (idk one of my friends designed it bc i won some contest from him but the drawing was on a super small scale so idrk the details,,,) with a plague doctor mask and crown, and shoulder length wavy brown hair, dyed bright pink at the end. and then my last one im not too comfortable using other places because theyre a character my friend is using in the story hes writing, and thats really the only place theyve been used. but theyre easily my favorite and im already writing a ton so ill talk about them too.
they're a sorta elf species thing from another planet, with pale green skin and pointed ears. they also have a tail, its like,, super thin, but with a feathery bit at the end. probably not the texture of a feather but i dont know how else to describe it. they have short, curly, almost-draco-malfoy-blonde hair that when it gets too long they can put in a man bun. their eyesight is kinda shitty so when they got to earth, they were exploring some supply closets around the airship. drop off area. thing. like airport but for rocketships and also fancier. yeah. they were exploring that area and found a nice big pair of round glasses with grey frames. and they also found a cowboy-style hat and a sharpie so they wrote their name on the underside of the brim of the hat and stole the hat and glasses (but left the sharpie in the supply closet).
yeah theyre my favorite, my absolute beloved, my child, so cool. i want more characters like them but with maybe a bit more snazzier designs. theyre super cool and all but they could have more pizzazz if they werent in a story where its too late to give them more pizzazz. i just want to be able to give my characters thigh-high boots with a bunch of buckles and fluffy hair with tons of accessories crammed in and abnormally large and long ears that can harbor many piercings and horns that can hold rings on them and special little details on their outfits like who knows what but i dont have any characters to do that too, so i have to make them from scratch, which is always hard especially when you have artblock.
and i also have like 17 characters i need to fully draw, line, and maybe color for artfight before august 1st. so i dont know. i have many things to do and plenty of time to do it but instead i spend my time halfway watching repetitive youtube videos that get boring or sleeping all damn day because i stay up too late doing things like this or i just do nothing at all and its tiring and frustrating but i also feel nothing about it like theres no consequence if i dont do it besides you know. not doing it, not gaining that experience, not making something i enjoy.
so i should do it but i dont for whatever reason, i think its called executive dysfunction but im not sure. this post started out very differently than it ended and i said somewhere up there that i was writing this at 2 am but now its almost 3. this is so many words why couldnt i have put this energy into something productive
#long post#sorry its so messy but like i said its almost 3 am and i dont want to go back and format all this#i might come back and make it look nicer in the morning#maybe not who knows#i just checked and this is 1.5k words what the hell
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For the prompt list, maybe ”I'm sorry for asking.” with an s/o that asks to be in a poly relationship with Tenko and Himiko after realizing they're in love with both of them? I think this would be a pretty cute idea. 🥰
Oh my god you're right that is a really cute idea anon! I hope I do it justice. ;v; Sorry if Tenko and/or Himiko are ooc btw, I dont know too, too much about their in-game personalities. This is also probably my longest post so far, so yeah. Lemme know if you want a rewrite! Stay safe!
S/o confesses to Tenko and Himiko and ask to be in a poly relationship after realizing they're in love with both of them
You had begun talking to Tenko because she had been walking around the school advertising a magic show between classes. She pretty much went up to every person she saw and at least gave them a flyer. When you saw her walking up to you, you were actually kind of excited. You honestly had your eyes on her for the past week or so. She had just. Caught your eye if you're being honest. You weren't entirely sure why. Maybe it was her enthusiasm.. or maybe her beautiful long hair put into those twisted twintails.. or-
"Hey, there's going to be a magic show on Saturday! You should totally come!"
"O-oh.. uhh.. yeah! Yeah, I'll be there!"
"Seriously?! Thank you! Here's a flyer with more info!"
She hands you a flyer that's pretty well made.
'Come see the amazing Himiko preform tonight!'
That was the header of the flyer. The rest was some info about 'The amazing Himiko' and where she was performing. There was also a picture of her in the middle doing a magic trick.
Oh fuck shes actually kinda cute-
What the hell? You thought you were attracted to Tenko?! Welp. The only way to find out if you're actually attracted to 'The amazing Himiko' is to go to her show.
Well.. you were already planning on going, but you know what you mean!
Saturday comes faster than you anticipate, and you already find yourself in the school gymnasium where the magic show was being held. You walk in and see at least a small group of people in some chairs. You take a seat and like the others wait for the show to begin.
After about 5 minutes, the same girl on the flyer appears on a small stage. She gives an introduction speech and the show begins. She actually performs some really cool tricks!
After the show, everyone else leaves, but you figured right now was better than ever to confront Tenko. And now that you knew you seemed to have a crush on this Himiko girl, might as well talk to them both.
So you walk over to them and introduce yourself.
"Uh, hey, my name is y/n. I just wanted to say that that was really impressive!"
"Nyeh? You really think so?"
"Heck yeah!"
After that, you started talking with the two in the halls, going to lunch together, then outside of school, and soon enough, you three would all hang out often.
Tonight was movie night.
You were so excited, you could barely sit still in your seat during your classes. When lunch came, you noticed Tenko wasnt there.
"Hey Himiko, where's Tenko?"
"Nyeh? Oh, she's sick."
Sick? On movie night? Would it be canceled?
You ask Himiko if movie night is canceled, hoping it's not, as it was the only thing you were looking foward to today.
"Well, I thought we should let her get better and reschedule, but Tenko said she was fine, and that if it got worse, she would reschedule."
Oh thank heavens.
After school, you and Himiko walk to Tenko's house together, which is where you three decided to have movie night tonight. You two walk in and see Tenko on her couch, seemingly half asleep.
"Huh..? Oh!"
She immediately jolts up after realizing it's you two.
"Sorry theres no snacks, I'll go get some."
She gets up and slowly walks to the kitchen as you two walk in and close the door. You stop Tenko before she reaches the kitchen.
"You sit down. I'll handle the snacks."
"No buts. You're sick. Now go, sit."
You turn Tenko around and lightly push her towards the couch. She complies and sits down next to Himiko, who begins talking to her. You begin making snacks. Popcorn, some drinks, etc., plus some soup for Tenko. (It was canned, so you weren't sure if it was actually gonna do anything, but the gesture was still there.)
After you're done making snacks, you sit down next to Himiko. You realize Tenko had gotten up. You look around a little trying to see where she went, when you suddenly see Tenko headed straight for you two with a giant blanket. You barely have time to react before Tenko tackles you both, hugging you close.
Tenko begins laughing and you two join her. Once you three get settled in the blanket on the couch, you begin to pick out a movie.
You three decide on watching the classic, A Nightmare On Elm Street. After you three watch that, you kinda just put on a cheesy romance film so you can just relax.
You three end up snuggling up close and falling asleep. Before you fell asleep, you had a thought about how nice this was, and how you wish it could last forever. After you fell asleep, you had an amazing dream where all three of you were just huddled close and sitting peacefully in a field.
Then, Himiko kisses you.
You immediately shoot awake, your face going red. As you begin to calm down, you start to think about it.
You absolutely had feelings for both of them.
You didnt wanna choose between them though...
Was there a way to..?
You doubted it.
But the thought just kept appearing. It had literally been two days and you kept wondering.
Alright, that's enough.
As soon as you got home, you got onto your computer to do some research.
It only takes you a few minutes to find out about polyamorous relationships. You do some deeper digging for about an hour before coming to the conclusion that you think you want to be in a polyamorous relationship with the two people you love the most.
But would they agree on it?
You hoped so, especially since the two had known eachother for longer than you had known them.
You decided to wait until your next hangout to ask them. Luckily, the next hangout was at your house, so you decide to do something special.
You three were supposed to have a study session together and then have a sleepover.
So you decide to add a few things you hope mix all three of your personalities and interests.
You three had given eachother access to each others music playlists, so you decide to take a bunch of songs from all of your playlists and put them into one special playlist. You even add in a few songs that just remind you of the three of you.
You buy some magic supplies that Himiko particularly likes, and you also grab a spare yoga mat you have so you can make some padding for Tenko to practice some of her moves on. You had also added a few things you liked.
You had also decided to buy a little projector that projects a galaxy onto the ceiling as if you were stargazing outside. The galaxy even moved as if it were the real sky! A few shooting stars pop up as well at some points.
And to top it all off, you had bought everyone's favorite snacks.
*Knock, knock, knock*
You answer the door and see two beautiful smiling faces that you adored.
"Come on in!"
You three complete your study session in about three hours, with Himiko almost falling asleep about four times.
At this rate you were afraid Himiko wasnt even gonna stay awake long enough for your confession.
They were also a little shocked by the special playlist.
"Who's music are we gonna play for this session?"
"Well actually, I made a special playlist with a mix of our songs on it, if you'd like to play it."
"Woah, really y/n? Of course we're gonna play it! You worked hard on it afterall!"
You play it, and you find its actually really nice to have a mix of songs you all love.
After that, you three head to your room for the sleepover part of your hangout.
You tell the two about your setup of activities and they both smile.
"Wow y/n, you really did a lot for this hangout!"
"Yeah.. just felt like doing something special today."
"Well me and Himiko really appreciate it!"
Tenko then grabs you and Himiko and hugs the two of you close.
You feel your heart stop and your face grow red.
Oh my god they're sO CUTE-
You three each do separate activities and show off for a few hours while eating snacks. Himiko didnt even seem to be tired, so you hoped she would last until your confession.
After you three show off to eachother, you all lie down and you turn on the little projector, to which you smile.
This is perfect.
"Hey, are you guys still awake?"
"I wanted to ask you guys something really important."
Tenko sits up.
"Yeah of course, what's up?"
Your heart begins racing faster than Usain Bolt and you can feel your face grow as red as an apple, and you are so glad the other two cant see you right now.
"I- er- uh..."
You sit up as well.
"I... like you guys.."
You barely whisper it, but they seem to hear you.
Himiko sits up surprisingly quick and you can see Tenko go wide eyed.
You get up and turn the light on so you can see their faces.
Tenko is indeed wide eyed and her face looks like someone had painted it red.
Himiko is also wide eyed and almost as red as her hair.
"Are.. are you serious y/n?"
"Yes. One hundred percent."
"Well.. I think I like you too. I just never really wanted to acknowledge it.."
"Nyeh.. I uh.. I like you too.."
So that part went well.
Now for the bigger question.
"Do you guys wanna.. be in a polyamorous relationship?"
Both of them seemed to grow confused.
"I'm sorry for asking, that was kinda sudden!"
Tenko gets up and walks towards you.
She has a soft smile on her still flushed face.
"We have no idea what that means y/n."
You sit back down and end up explaining what a polyamorous relationship is, and throughout it you can feel your face get warmer, and you can see the same happening to Himiko and Tenko.
After you're done explaining, the room is silent, but all of you were extremely red.
"I agree."
Tenko said that and you looked up to see her looking at you with the same soft smile.
You loved that smile.
She took both of your hands into hers.
"I really do like- no- love, both of you. I've honestly had a crush on Himiko for the longest time. I just couldn't bring myself to say anything like y/n. But.. now that you're both here, my life truly is complete."
Wow. You had always suspected Tenko had a thing for Himiko.
"Nyeh.. I swear, if you two get any cuter, I'm gonna kiss you."
You turn around to look at Himiko who was smiling.
"I love you both as well."
You're heart flutters at this.
The two people you loved the most were now your lovers.
Lovers. Heh. You never thought this dream would come true.
Himiko did in fact kiss you two, and you both kissed her back. It was really cute, but clearly none of you knew how to kiss.
#danganronpa#danganronpa imagines#kai imagine#sunset souda#writing prompt#tenko chabashira#himiko yumeno#polyamorus
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a/n ⇾ i know it’s not what you all were expecting but i hope you enjoy regardless. sorry for being away so long. i think i’m back now lol... thank you all so much for reading and for all your love and support! ✨
LIFE WITH BANGTAN | knj + myg + jhs
genre ⇾ smut, fluff + comedy
pairing ⇾ bts x fem reader, yoongi x reader, namjoon x reader, hoseok x reader
summary ⇾ you don’t usually get invited to the studio when your boyfriends are working so you know something is definitely up when Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok ask you to stop by bc they need your help...
warning ⇾ it’s s m u t so; polygamous relationship, dirty talk, praise kink, pet names, overstimulation, threesome, voyeurism, fingering, nipple play, oral sex (f receiving), masturbation + usual warnings: cringy-ness and swearing
words ⇾ 6k
. * ✦ . ⁺ . * ⁺ ⁺
You ring the doorbell to Yoongi’s Genius Lab and wait patiently.
After hearing a few electronic beeping sounds, the door is being pulled open. You are happy to see a pair of bright eyes and a heart shaped mouth, forming a smile at you.
“Hi Hobi,” You greet him and stand on your toes to reach his lips for a peck. “Hi Angel, thanks for coming!” He says after kissing you back and stepping aside so you can step in.
Once you enter the room, your eyes land on Namjoon, whose arms are already stretched out, waiting to receive a hug from you. You giggle at how cute he is. “Hi Joonie,” You say as you step into his arms. He waste no time wrapping his arms around your waist and you wrap yours around his head, softly holding him to your chest as you stroke your fingers through the strands of hair at the back of his head.
Namjoon closes his eyes and enjoys the soothing feeling of your fingers in his hair.
It’s only been a few days since you’ve seen him but he always misses you dearly when you’re apart.
Still wrapped in Joon’s arms, your eyes meet the side of on Yoongi’s face.
His bottom lip is pulled in between his teeth as he focuses on the computer screen in front of him. He hasn’t turned to see you since you entered the studio which isn’t unusual.
Most people would take offense to him not greeting them when they arrive but you know Yoongi well enough by now to know that that’s just the way he is.
Usually when he’s focused on his music, he has little to no time to pay attention to anything else.
“Hi Yoongs,” You finally say, just wanting to let him know you’re there. “Hi Kitten.” He responds, not taking his eyes away from the screen.
“He’s been like that since we got here earlier.” Namjoon mumbles to you and you nodded understandably. You unwrapped yourself from Joon and walk over to where Hoseok is sitting on the couch. You find your place on the plush seat next to him. He drapes his arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer to him and you snuggle up into his side.
“So what goes on?… Why did you guys tell me to come here?” You asks, mindlessly playing with Hoseok’s hand. You use the tip of your finger to trace the skin over each bulging vein.
You never thought yourself to be a person who is attracted to someone’s hands but as mentioned before, a lot has changed since you met the boys...
“We just wanted to see you.” Namjoon speaks up and you have to raise an eyebrow at him in suspicion.
‘I just saw you a few days ago.’ You think to yourself.
“Ok, not that I don’t want to see you guys too but y’all never really invite to the studio.” You say crossing your arms over your chest. “So excuse me if I don’t believe that you told me to come over just because you missed me...” You add in disbelief.
“I always invite you over.” Hoseok protest you, moving his hand down to wrap securely around your waist.
“Yes, I know Hobi but these two,” You say pointing between Namjoon and Yoongi. “Never want me around.” You say jokingly with a pout forming on your lips. “Lies, you tell.” Namjoon argues and you giggle.
“There’s a reason why I don’t invite you here when I’m working and you know that...” Yoongi says, finally turning around in his chair to face you.
You take a few seconds to take in his appearance. He’s dressed in all black... One of your biggest weaknesses.
A beanie on his head, a hoodie, some sweatpants and a pair of Balenciaga sneakers on his feet to finish off the look.
Although he looks good enough to eat, you can tell by the look in his eyes that he is exhausted. You almost want to scold him because you know he’s been staring at the computer screen all day, probably hasn’t even eaten or taken a break, but you refrain from doing so as you know it would be pointless…
He’s going to do what he wants, especially when it comes to his music, even if it means working himself tirelessly...
“Why do I always tell you that you can’t come here while I’m working?” Yoongi asks again, getting you out of your thoughts. He looks at you expectingly.
“Because, I’ll be a DiStRaCtIoN.” You say in a mocking tone while holding your fingers up to put air quotes around the word. Yoongi can’t help be chuckle at your antics. “Bingo.” He confirms before swiveling back around in his chair.
“Well I for one,” Hoseok starts, gathering the attention of you and Namjoon. “Love when you come visit me Angel.” He says, theres a hint of mischief in his voice and you know exactly why.
“Yeah because her visits to your studio always ends with her mouth around your cock.” Namjoon apparently knows why too…
You bit back a smile and hold your hands up to your cheek as they start to warm up from embarrassment. “I won’t deny that that is true but it’s not the only reason why I like when she comes around…” Hobi informs him. “I mean that’s a big factor but not the only reason.” He says, and you blush furiously before hiding your face in his chest.
“Cute.” Namjoon coos, beaming over at you.
He thinks you’re the most adorable when you’re flustered, as do the other boys.
You know you should be used to these types of conversations with your boyfriend by now and you know they’re even more detailed when you’re not around but for some reason they still make you blush like a little school girl… You can’t help it.
“Any who,” You say as remove your face from Hoseok’s chest. “Why am I here?” You ask, getting back on topic.
“We need your help with something.” Yoongi informs you, eyes still glued to his computer. “Something like?” You ask curiously.
“A song." Namjoon tells you.
“You need my help? With a song?” If you were confused before, you are even more so now.
Why would the guys ask for your help with a song… It’s not like you’re music expert or anything. Yes, you understand the basics... You know what it is and you enjoy it but anything beyond that? Nope.
“Yeah we want you to listen to something we’ve been working on.” Hoseok explains. “We got the beat down but we feel like it could be better.” He continues.
“It’s missing something.” Namjoon voices.
You nod your head, letting them know you understand what they’re asking of you. They just want me to listen and give your input. That doesn’t sound too hard…
You suddenly perk up in your seat when you realize this is probably a song that no one else has heard yet. You’ll be the first to listen to it… You feel a sense of pride swelling in your chest knowing they respect your opinion enough to let you listen to one of their unreleased songs.
“Okay, I don’t know how much help I’ll be but I’ll take a listen.”
“Nice!” Hobi says enthusiastically.
Soon after the word leaves his mouth, Yoongi hits a button on his keypad and a beat starts to pour through the speakers in the studio.
Yoongi swirls back around in the chair to face the rest of you.
The beat starts off slow. It is definitely giving R&B vibes. It’s very… sensual and different from the usual style of music they do.
You bob your head as the tempo picks up just a bit.
You don’t noticed that they boys are watching you intently… You are too immersed in what you’re hearing to pay attention to anything else.
You continue bobbing your head to the rhythm. So far so good. You really like it and just from what you hear, you already know whatever lyrics the boys decide add later, will make the song ten times better.
But you do agree, there is definitely something missing. You’re not sure what but, there could be more, like Namjoon mentioned.
“What do you think?” Yoongi asks after the beat fades out. “I love it.” You say immediately. “I love all your other music but this is different…” You explain. “It smooth... It flows nicely... It’s more sexy?” You try not to cringe at the use of the word sexy but you couldn’t think of a better word to express what you mean.
“Thats what we were going for.” Hoseok says proudly beside you. You beam up at him, happy because he is happy.
“Although it’s already good, I do understand what you mean about it missing something…”
“Right? There could be more.” Namjoon suggest and you nod.
“Which is why we thought about you.” Hoseok confesses and you turn your head to look at him.
“Me? Why would you think about me?” You ask in confusion.
“We thought your voice would be a nice contribution...” Yoongi says.
“Ha!” You laugh out loud, throwing your head back. Namjoon chuckles with you and Hobi smiles. “You’re joking right?” You ask with amusement in your voice.
“Nope, not at all.” Yoongi say without a hint of humor in his.
You look at the three of them, your mouth falls open slightly, in both shock and disbelief.
“The three of you are aware of the fact that I cannot sing right? Like can’t hold a note to save my life... I’m worse than Joon in the shower.” Yoongi’s eyes scrunch closed and his shoulders visibly start to shake as he laughs at your statement. Namjoon on the other hand did not find it funny. “Hey! I can sing.” He says, glaring at you. “I know you can baby but in the shower? Not so much.” You retort. You feel a slight pinch on your thigh which causes you to yelp softly. You look over at Hoseok, knowing he’s the one who inflicted the pain on you. “Don’t be mean.” He warns you, with an amused smile on his face. “I’m not!” You defend yourself. “Joon knows I’m only kidding, right baby?” You say before getting up from the couch to walk over to Namjoon. You plant yourself in his lap and he instantly wraps his arms around you.
If he was mad at you before, there’s no sign of him being mad now.
“Anyways,” Yoongi speaks up. “We weren’t asking you to sing.” He informs you.
“You weren’t?” You say a puzzled look on your face.
“Mm, mm.” Yoongi hums and shakes his head.
“Then what?” You ask.
“We were hopping to use you voice for something else...” Hoseok mentions. You look at him, curiosity taking over you features.
“Okay...” You trail off, wanting him to give you a proper explanation.
“Something different...” Namjoon chimes in, his voice has suddenly dropped an octave and if you weren’t so perplexed about what the boys needed your voice for, you probably would’ve felt the tingle you always feel in your abdomen, every time he uses that voice on you.
“Why does it feel like you guys are beating around the bush...”
Yoongi sighs. “Cause they are...” He says. He spins his chair around to face you for third time tonight. “We want you to moan for the song.” Yoongi blurts out and had you been drinking anything, you would’ve spat it out in shock, right in front of him.
“W-what?” You stuttered out.
You’re not sure if you heard Yoongi correctly, he does have a tendency to mumble when he speaks sometimes...
Maybe he didn’t actually say what you thought he did.
“We’d like to record you moaning for the song.” Yoongi says.
“Ok, so you did say what I thought you said.” You mumble to yourself. You sit up in your seat, placing your hands neatly in your lap. “Lemme get this straight,” You start, looking around the room to see each of their facial expression as you talk. “You all called me over here because you want to record the sound of me moaning… For your song?” You question. Even saying it out loud, it sounds fucking ridiculous. This has to be a joke.
“Correct.” Yoongi confirms nonchalantly while nodding his head.
You clear your throat… “I’m flattered really, I am but I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Your voice is filled with worry. “Why not?” Without turning to face him, you can almost hear the pout that you know is on Hobi’s face and you hate to reject them but you can’t help but think of the fans.
You're sure ARMY would get suspicious if the boys released a song with some random girl moaning in the background. Releasing a song like that would be basically be like ratting yourself out because, knowing the fans - they’d just dig and dig until they find what they’re looking for. You’ve done an exceptional job a keeping things under wraps so far... No need to break the streak now.
"What about the fans?" You finally voice your concern. "Hm?” He hums cutely. “Why do you ask Baby girl?" Namjoon asks, tilting his head to the side like a puppy would if they were curious. "Well, I'm sure ARMY would have a lot to say after hearing a girl moaning in the background of one of your songs." You stated causing Yoongi to chuckle.
"We've already thought about that and have come up with a solution."
"Enlighten me..."
"First of all, your voice would be subtle in the background.” Yoongi begins explaining.“We'd be rapping over it, so it wouldn't be picked up right away.” He continues.
“We'll blend it into the beat so it sounds more like an instrument rather than anything else.” Namjoon chimes in.
“And if they do catch it-...” You cut him off, “Which they will… You forgot that your fandom is exceptionally sharp and quick witted.” You state the obvious. “If they do catch it…” Hoseok picks up from where Yoongi has left off. “We’ll just tell them that we’ve taken Jungkook’s voice and pitched it up. They’ll have a field day with that.” He seems enthusiastic about the situation.
“So why don’t you just do that instead… Use Kookie’s voice” You suggest, wondering why they’d wanted to take a risk by using yours. “We don’t want too use Kookie’s voice… We want to use yours.” Yoongi says bluntly.
“Isn’t it too risky?” The weariness in your tone makes Namjoon raise an eyebrow at you.
“You really don’t want to do this huh?” He asks, a hint of sorrow in his voice.
You know it must sound like you are coming up with every excuse in the book to not have your moan recorded but you just want to make sure the boys have thoroughly thought this through and will have no regrets later on.
“No, it’s not that I don’t want to… I’m definitely intrigued but I just don’t want this to cause any problems. I don’t want ARMY to be upset or anything…” You say solemnly.
“You’re so considerate, its cute but you don’t have to worry. We know what you’re doing.” Namjoon assures you.
“It’ll be fun Angel… The song will be even more special this way and only the three of us and the kids will know about this.”
“The other boys are on board with this?”
“Jungkook was the one who said to tell ARMY it’s his voice.” Yoongi notifies you.
“Hmm….” You hum to yourself. Thinking for a few seconds about whether or not this would actually be a good idea.
“So what do you say?” Namjoon is impatiently waiting for a response.
A few beats of silence pass before you finally give in. “Okay.” You say shrugging your shoulders. You trust your boys and if they say it’s going to be fine then it’s going to be fine.
“That’s our girl. Come on, let’s go.” Namjoon says standing up.
Fuck, you didn’t think they’d want to start immediately. “Right now?” You ask, suddenly feeling a little nervous.
“Of course, why waste time.” Yoongi says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
Hoseok stands too and holds his hand out for you. You put your hand in his and he leads you to the recording booth… Namjoon follows closely behind.
Yoongi stays seated, messing around with all the little buttons and knobs on the sound equipment. "Aren't you coming my love?" You ask, directing your attention to him. He shakes his head. "I have to stay here, make sure everything is running smoothly but don't fret Kitten, I'll be watching you." He assures you.
A pout falls on your lips. You want him to be in there with you too...
As you step into the booth, you are greeted by an array of plush blankets and pillows covering the center of the floor.
It seems like the boys had been anticipating you agreeing to do this for them, already making arrangements to keep you as comfortable as possible during the recording process. “How did you guys know I’d say yes?” You ask, turning around to face Joon and Yoongi. “Cause’ we know you and you’d do anything for us.” Yoongi’s voice fills the room you’re in, even though he’s on the opposite side of the glass.
You’re not sure how recording booths work but you suppose he can hear everything that is and will soon take place in the room.
You just nodded in agreement at his statement. He’s one hundred percent correct about that... You’d do anything for them.
Hoseok gets down on the floor, sitting comfortably on the plush blankets. He spreads his legs open for you. “Come sit Angel,” He instructs you and you spring into action, getting down on the floor to sit in between Hoseok’s legs with your back pressed against his chest.
You lightly lean back against him, not wanting to put too much of your weight on him in fear that you might hurt his back because of the position he is in.
“Comfortable?” He asks against your ear and you nod your head, rubbing your hands over the softness of the blanket you’re sitting on.
“Nervous?” Namjoon inquires next, squatting down so that he can meet your gaze. Your eyes suddenly drift down to the thickness of his thighs...
To be honest, you noticed them as soon as you came into the studio… The way they look in the black shorts he’s wearing, how thick they’ve gotten and the way the muscles in them beginning to bulge a bit whenever he flexes them, even more so now with new position he’s taken on.
Oh how you’d love to have his thighs in between your own right now. The thought of you rubbing your core on his muscular thigh sends a delicious shiver down spine. You pull your bottom lip in between your teeth to stop the whimper that is at the back of your throat.
Namjoon notices this and a smirk forms on his lips. He knows one of your favorite things about him is his thighs and he knows it drives you insane when he wears shorts but he does it anyways to get a reaction out of you.
You finally snatch your eyes away from his lower half to look up at him. He’s smirking at you...
You’ve been caught staring... Again.
“Huh?” You ask, hoping he’d repeat whatever it was that he asked you. “I said are you nervous?” He asks again. “Oh... Uh, a little bit.” You say truthfully, looking down at your hands. Namjoon reaches out and grabs hold of your them to stop you from nervously fiddling with them. “Don’t be baby girl.” He tries to assure you. “Yeah, it’s just us... And don’t we always take care of you?” Hobi adds, kissing your bare shoulder. “I know you guys will... I’m not worried about that... Just the whole idea of being record is...” Your voice trails off. “Is what?” You hear Yoongi’s voice again. You look over to see him standing up with his hands on his hips, staring at you through the glass window. “What if I sound weird…” You say shyly which causes the men around you to laugh. “Not possible baby girl. You make sweetest sounds I’ve ever heard and I’d really like to hear them now if you don’t mind.” Namjoon tells you and you feel your face and body heat up with arousal at his words.
“Okay...” You say softly.
Suddenly the lights in the recording booth are being dimmed down to set the mood. You assume it’s Yoongi’s doing. “Just relax, okay?” Hoseok comforts you, by wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Whenever you guys are ready.” Yoongi encourages you all.
Hoseok is quick to pepper kisses on the exposed skin of your shoulder and neck. You tilt your head to the side to give him more access, always loving the feeling of his mouth on you. “Mmm.” He hums contently. “You always smell so good.” He compliments you and your face heats up for the hundredth time tonight. “Thank you?” You respond softly, not sure of what else to say.
Hobi chuckles at how adorable you are.
Your eyes start to flutter open and closed as the feeling of Hoseok’s lips on your neck cause a warmth to spread between your legs. You can feel your heat getting wetter by the minute... It’s becoming a bit uncomfortable and you’re itching to get out of the leggings you’re in.
Namjoon is now on his knees in front of you. He brings his hand forward to brush the back of it across the side of your face. “Our beautiful girl.” He whispers and you smile, leaning into his touch.
Your heart feels like it might explode from the affection and attention you’re receiving from your boys. In times like this, you can’t seem to wrap your head around the fact that you are actually in a relationship with seven amazing men who adore you and worship the ground you walk on....
You of all people?
‘How did I get so lucky?’ You think.
Namjoon leans forward until your faces are only a few inches apart. His breath is fanning over your lips. “I love you.” He mumbles sweetly. You respond by leaning forward, closing the rest of the distance between the two of you so that you can press your lips against his full ones. Namjoon can’t hold back the smirk forming on his lips as the two of you begin molding your mouths together, all the while Hoseok is still attacking your neck, leaving a beautiful array of lust induced bruises on your skin.
He unwraps his hands from around your waist to place them against your thighs. He grips them softly, causing a small whimper to escape your mouth.
Any little touch counts at this point.
When your lips part for a brief second, Joon takes the opportunity to pull your plump bottom lip between his teeth. He nibbles softly on it then sucks it into his mouth before letting it spring back into place.
You almost whine at the lost of Joon’s lips from yours. You want more, you always want more. You lift your hands up to grab hold of the strings on his hoodie, pulling him closer to you with as much force as you can. You smash your lips against his frantically, eager to taste more of him. He groans against your mouth and you waste no time slipping your tongue in.
The taste of his mouth is familar yet so sweet. It swallows you whole and makes your cunt tingle with anticipation. If you could spend the rest of your life making out with Kim Namjoon, you do it.
“She’s wearing too much clothes.” The impatient tone of Yoongi’s voice catches you off guard. You pull away from Joon to give your attention to Yoongi. His eyes are burning into you, so much so that you can feel an electric shock pulse through you just from his gaze.
You wish he were in the room with the rest of you.
“Is that so Angel? Should we take these off?” Hoseok says as he pulls on the hem of your shirt. “And these.” Namjoon hooks his fingers in the band of your leggings, teasingly pulling at them.
“Please.” You say in needy breath, not sure if you can take much more of how slow things are progressing.
You just want them to play with your pussy already.
“Always so polite.” Joon smirks at you and your clit throbs instantly at the sound of his voice.
You need these panties off, immediately.
“Arms up Angel.” Hoseok instructs you and you do as you’re told, sitting up straight and lifting your arms up for him.
Hobi hurriedly takes your shirt off, exposing the ugly heather grey sports bra you’re wearing. You suddenly feel self conscious, wrapping your arms around yourself. “Uh uh uh.” Yoongi tsk at you. “Don’t cover yourself up Kitten. I wanna see you.” He commands.
“If I had known…” You moan out as Hobi nibbles on your earlobe. “That coming here, would end with me being half naked…. I would’ve worn something prettier.” You try to make an excuse for yourself, thinking that they wouldn’t be happy with your appearance.
Hoseok laughs against your skin. “Oh Angel.” He says against your skin. “You’re pretty in everything…” He informs you.
“It also doesn’t matter what you’re wearing,” Namjoon says from in front of you. “It’s all coming off anyways.” He starts to tug your leggings and panties down in one go, causing you to lift your hips off the blanket.
When the material is completely off your body, he tosses it behind him. You hear it hit the floor with a soft thud.
Namjoon’s eyes fall on to your wet center. Your lips are glistening with your arousal and in Namjoon’s eyes, you are the most appetizing thing he’s ever seen.
“Fuck, she’s dripping.” Namjoon thinks out loud.
“God, I bet.” Hoseok growls, just the thought of how wet you are is making his pants feel a lot tighter.
“Fuck.” Yoongi groans at the sight of you.
“Let’s give Hyung a show, yea?” Hoseok mumbles in your ear for just the two of you to hear. “Yes,” The word is strained as it leaves your mouth.
“Spread her open for me Hobi.” Namjoon instructs the man behind you.
“My pleasure.” He starts. “I can’t wait to get my fingers wet…” He kisses the side of your head before sliding his hands in between your legs, his index finger slipping in between your folds. You throw your head back against his shoulder, eyes fluttering closed. “You’re so soft and warm.” He compliments you. His finger glides easily against your harden nub. You lift your hips up off the floor, wanting to feel more friction against your clit. “So needy.” He says teasingly.
“I said spread her, not play with her.” Namjoon hisses, laying down on his stomach, positioning himself comfortably between your thighs. He kisses a trail up from your knee too the middle of your thigh.
“Sorry Joon, I couldn’t help it.” Hoseok confesses as he hooks his hands under your thighs, spreading you open wider.
Namjoon and Yoongi now have a full view of your glorious cunt. He watches in amazement as your hole clenches around nothing. His dick twitches in his pants at the sight.
You’re so pink and pretty and swollen for them and he can’t wait to taste you.
Namjoon goes back to peppering open mouth kisses on your inner high. He’s leaving a scorching trail with his lips on your skin, getting closer to your core... You think he’s finally going to give you what you want but he switches his attention over to the right thigh before he gets to your most needy part.
“No more teasing... Please.” You beg as he nibbles on your skin. “Someone’s impatient.” Hoseok mocks, followed by a devious smirk from Namjoon between your legs.
He grips your knees, using them the pull you a little closer to him. Your back slides further down the front Hoseok’s body. You can now feel his thick, hard cock pressed against the middle of your back. You want so desperately to take care of it for him, but the thought flies out of your mind the minute Namjoon licks stripe from the bottom of your pussy to your clit. “Oh fuck,” You moan out instantly, back arching against Hoseok.
He removes one hand from underneath your thigh, sliding up your side to caress your skin. He slips his hand under the band of your sports to grab the hold of your bare breast, gripping it softly before kneading the flesh as best as he can within the confinements of the material.
Namjoon on the other end is licking into to you repeatedly, the grit of his tongue gliding in between your folds is causing a string of soft moans to escape your lips.
It feels so good but of course it’s not enough for you. You put your hands on his head and grip at his hair. “More.” You breath out. “What was that Angel?” Hoseok asks, being the only one to have heard you... Or so you thought. “She wants more.” Yoongi informs his members. “More what?” Namjoon speaks against your wet center. The sounds of his voice vibrating against you, making your hips buck forward. “Please, suck my clit.” You beg him, not caring how weak and pathetic you sound at the moment.
“Ah,” Namjoon says in realization. “Patience Baby girl, I was getting there.” He assures you and you almost let out a groan because patience is something you don’t have enough of right now but Yoongi’s voice stops you from doing so...
“You guys aren’t doing your best tonight.” He teases the other boys. “If I were in there, Kitten would’ve been on her second orgasm by now.” Yoongi says smugly.
You don’t have to look over to him to know there’s a cocky grin on his face.
Namjoon growls at Yoongi’s words before diving mouth first into your pussy. He pays special attention to your clit, lapping his tongue around it. You throw your head back in pleasure, pulling at Namjoon’s hair.
‘Yes, this is what I’ve been waiting for.’
“Fu-uck yes! Right there Joonie,” You moan out loudly. “Right here?” He responds, mouth wrapped snuggly around your clit. He sucks it into his mouth, savoring the taste of you.
You begin panting, the more he sucks on you. You’re chest heaving and your mind spiraling at the pleasure building inside of you.
Yoongi’s words must’ve also lit fire underneath Hoseok with the way he is frantically pulling your bra up over your breast, freeing them from the god forsaken cage that was your sport bra.
Both his hands come down to cup your perky round breast in his palms. He began rolling your nipples between his index and thumb. You whimper out at the feeling.
There is so much going on that you’re sure you will not last long.
You hadn’t realized but you’ve been lifting your hips up off the floor to meet Joon’s mouth. “You’re so eager Kitten.” Yoongi confirms from where he’s sat.
At this point you were a moaning uncontrollably, whimpering weakly between the two men, panting their names back and forth.
Namjoon was making a mess of both you and his mouth. He pulled away from you, letting out a ragged breath in the process. His lips glazed are over with your arousal, breath fanning heavily over your swollen clit.
“God, you taste amazing. You always taste so amazing.” He compliments you. His words causing your pussy clench around nothing
He brings his hand up, taking two fingers to run up and down between your lips. The tip of his fingers brush against you sensitive bud. You breath out, the sound of your moan getting caught in your throat. “That’s it baby. Nice a loud for me.” Yoongi encourages you.
“You’re doing so well.” Hoseok praises. You want to respond to him but Namjoon sliding his fingers into your tight hole causes you to lose your train of thought. “Oh my god.” You whimper, your eyes screw shut. “How are so tight?” Namjoon questions you before latching his mouth back on to your clit.
He plunges fingers in and out of you, the wet squelching sounds of your pussy, mixed in with your moan and ragged breathing fill the room.
“Fuck” You hear Yoongi groan, you take a chance and glance at him... Your mouth falls open at the view. His head is thrown back against his chair, his neck and adams apple is on full display... The way is bobs as he swallows does something to you. You can’t see anything past his waist but it doesn’t take rocket science to know that the up and down movement of his arm, means that he is pumping the flesh of his cock between his palm. The sight of Yoongi is enough to push you closer to your climax.
“Yoongi,” You moan out his name, his head snaps up to look at you and he smirks when he realizes he’s been caught. “I can’t wait to get my hands on you Kitten.” He informs you, his voice is so desperate and needy that you almost want to run to him and drop to your needs before him.
You swear you were about to beg Yoongi to let you suck his dick but Namjoon begins making out with your clit as his fingers pump relentlessly inside of you. “Come on Baby Girl.” Namjoon encourages. “Please cum for me. I want you to cum around my fingers, please.” He begs as he curls his fingers up, moving them against a certain sensitive spot inside you. “You’ve been doing so well Angel.” Hoseok tells you. “Making such pretty noises for us.” He adds.
The pressure you feel on your abdomen is heavy... Something finally snaps inside of you after building up for the past 5 minutes, you can feel your orgasm consume you. It feels like being submerged under a pool of pleasure.
Your body shakes in Hoseok’s arms, all the while Namjoon is still giving you his all, mouth and fingers still on and in you. You begin pushing his head away from your core, “I-I can’t...” You nearly scream out. “One more.” It’s Yoongi’s voice again, he is pumping feverishly against his cock, his breathing is staggered and his words are strained.
“You can give us one more Angel.” Hoseok’s voice is so sweet, yet so sinful in your ear and you can’t decide which side of him you like more at the moment.
Namjoon is up on his knees now, steadying himself with his fingers still in you. He pumps them in and out of you and places his thumb on your clit, pressing down hard. You yelp and buck your hips, feeling another orgasm approaching.
You didn’t even have enough time to recover from the first one. “Joonie,” You whine out his name, ready to beg him to stop. The overstimulation is way too much that tears start to prickle your eyes. “Gimme one more Baby, just one.” He says, fingers pumping mercilessly.
Hoseok puts his fingers under your chin and turns your head towards his. His lips crash down on yours as a way to distract you and it works for a bit when he slips his tongue into your mouth and sucks on your bottom lip but then you hear Yoongi panting and grunting from the opposite side of the glass. Your pussy clenches tightly around Namjoon’s fingers at the sound. “That’s it Baby girl.” Namjoon speaks lowly, as if he’s talking more to himself than to you.
You gasps against Hoseok’s mouth as you feel a familiar warmth roll over inside you. Your mouth falls open but the sounds is caught in your throat, as your orgasms washes over you for the second time. You eyes roll back into your head for a brief second before you hear Yoongi’s voice again... “Look at me.” He growls. He selfishly wants your attention as he is also about to come undone in his hands. You force yourself to keep your eyes open, giving Yoongi the eye contact he asked for.
He grunts and groans as he cums, making sounds you are all too familiar with as you have been the cause of them many times.
Namjoon watches you ride out the rest of your orgasm, cumming all over his fingers, palm and the blanket. He smirks, seeing your arousal drip down your thighs.
You look so pretty like this, completely lost in lusts, covered in your sticky, sweet substance and flushed beyond belief.
He pulls his fingers out of you and you whimper at the loss.
“You are amazing.” Hoseok whispers in your hair, placing multiple kisses to the top of your head. He brings his hand up to wipe the sweat off your forehead. You skin feels warm under his palm. “I’m proud of you Baby girl.” You smile tiredly at Namjoon. “Did you get it Yoongs?” You ask curiously and Yoongi chuckles in the same tired manner. “Oh yea, I definitely got it,” Yoongi confirms and your smile grows a little bit wider.
“I hope you guys invite me to the studio more often.” You say after finally catching your breath. This causes your boyfriends to laugh out loud. Hoseok wraps his arms securely around you and sways side to side. “You’re always invited.” He tells you and you hum contently.
“Let’s get you cleaned up.” Namjoon says before popping his fingers into his mouth. He nonchalantly sucks your arousal off them while standing up to retrieve your leggings. “What about the three of you?” You say, eyes traveling to the tent in Joon’s pants. You feel bad that you hadn’t been able to touch or pleasure them the whole entire time. You wanted to return the favor.
“Oh don’t worry Kitten.” Yoongi tells you.
“We’re gonna clean up then we’re taking you back home.” There is an insanely smug look on his face, you’re not too sure how what is going on in his mind but you would certainly love to find out. “We’ll need a bed for what we want to do to you next.” He adds. Your cunt throbs again at his dirty words...
‘Oh fuck...’
#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#bts ot7#bts ot7 x reader#bts x you#bts x fem reader#poly!bts#poly! bts#poly!au#poly! au#bts smut#bts fluff#bts crack#bts comedy#bts yoongi#bts hoseok#bts namjoon#bts seokjin#bts jimin#bts taehyung#bts jungkook#bts myg#bts knj#bts jhs#bts rap line#bts rapline#lwb series#kpopfromtheblock
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Haikyuu HC to COVID-19 (Karasuno edition)
This is horrible 💀 im just so bored so I made whatever this mess is KFJSJDMSK enjoy
Hinata Shouyou

huh? isn’t it just the flu?
“No, hinata. People have died from it-“
goes bananas
whenever someone sneezes or coughs, his soul leaves his body as he runs away to sanitize/wash his hands for a miserably long time.
eats an expired can of peaches thinking it’s his last resort
lowkey happy school is closed because homework sucks
but also highkey hates it because now all volleyball tournaments are closed
then gets all angry when he realizes he’d have to do online school???!!?? like wtf he got jipped.
thinks they could still do volleyball if they did online calls cus if the school can do it,, then vOLLEYBALL CAN
will probably miss half of the class calls from oversleeping/forgetting anyway.
sheepishly ask yamaguchi, yachi or tsukishima for help on assignments/notes. (he will NEVA ask kageyama. he’s always in competition with him here!)
still practices volleyball 24/7 in his backyard or room (maybe even with his baby sister??)
He’s really good at practicing all by himself from practicing all alone in middle school—
but will probably go crazy being alone all the time with his family. he just wants to play volleyball with the team again.
looks up “what to do when you’re bored” or “what to do at home while in quarantine” on youtube
Kageyama Tobio

probably says he’s immune to the corona because he’s just better than everyone else
doesn’t really think it’s real until school shut down because of it
When he sees that corona is airborne he wont know what that means so he’d probably think it’s produced by air itself?? which makes him think air is trying to kill the human race?? and will be so confused as to why it decided to pop up now???
DESPISES online school. He had enough trouble understanding it from the gecko, so now he has to learn it basically all by hiMSELF?!?
And no way is he just gona email the teacher for help. If he does it’s gonna be only once in his lifetime. Anymore than that he thinks he’s doin too much. He doesn’t want his teachers thinking he’s dumb 😭
he says literally nothing during the calls he just tries to pay attention? and fails because he’s on a computer. in his room. alone. he’s bound to daze off or stare at a pen for 5 minutes.
Obvi still practices volleyball. Very much misses it. At least Hinata had his sibling to practice with him. tobio is a lone wolf in his household.
When his mom goes out to get groceries he gives her one of those doctor masks so she doesn’t catch corona.
Few moments later through the internet he realizes that corona is smaller than air molecules so if you can breathe through something you could still get it so he struggles for an hour thinking he just killed his mother
When his mom is back he keeps his distance in case she’s carrying the plague
omg did she just cough or am i imagining things no she definitely coughed she has corona oh oh god
In reality she was just clearing her throat.
is lowkey worrying about everyone and how they are 🥺 (yes, maybe even hinata).
thinks he’s science smart by calling it covid-19 than corona.
Asahi Azumane

He just worries about everyones health
like he just imagines the worst case scenario’s and starts to get really worried if people got it. Always checks on everyone and asks if they’re feeling any symptoms of corona ❤️
He’s either not gonna get it or he gets it and dies there’s no inbetween
but he’s jesus himself so theres no way he nor anyone in his bloodline can get it
is very happy to know that dogs can’t get it.
Takes online school seriously and tries his best
And is honestly so sad school just ended??? even if it’s temporary, he could be learning, playing volleyball, and going about his day instead of staying in a cage. he’s a third year so—how would graduation even go..?
always is up to date on the news !! and notifies everyone if anything important is added/changed.
Always tells everyone to stay safe! Whether through text or before ending a call.
only buys a lot of toilet paper from the fear of there being no toilet paper in stock since evERYONE IS BUYING IT-
Starts to try new hobbies that he put off for the longest time cus quarentine is rlly getting to him.
Is all out a family guy so he doesn’t mind the extra time with his family.
Nishinoya Yu

420 blazin’
thinks going outside means you’re instantly gonna die from corona attacking your white blood cells (????)
but also probably doesnt care as he goes outside like everyday to run around and get rid of energy (and to practice volleyball, of course).
also why is it called white blood cells when blood is red ☠️ smh
Buys 101611018320129 bags of chips because that’s his comfort food
yay more gaming time!!!
Noya🐒: Tanaka do u wana play minecraft 2getr latr?
Tanaka🍌: HELL YEAH!!
doesn’t shower for three days straight because screw personal hygiene!! No more school!!! Can do whatever he wanted!! It’s basically summer!!!
until he’s forced to do online school.
Is def the class clown. Probably somehow kicks the teacher out of the call through a little bit of hacking.
“alright guys so i’ll be you’re substitute teacher for the day-“
tbh acts the same as he would in school. maybe a little more rebellious because, i mean, what is the teacher gonna do? send him to DETENTION? call his mOMMY?
Calls/spams literally everyone in his contacts because he’s so bored and lonely. Answer him!! Y’all will be on facetime for hours!!
He’s fun to facetime.
Will call you a loser if you don’t have an apple iPhone because then he can’t facetime you and facetiming is one of his favorite things to do to pass time (besides gaming)
Okay but he lowkey still tries at school for the sake of his grades and his future ;-; maybe calls asahi or sugawara for help??
always looks up his homework on the internet to see if he can get an answer key or something (he did that anyway even before corona but)
will do one subject for 3 hours thinking he’s finally done with everythinf till he realizes he has like 4 other subjects and needs to do those too.
Sending memes all the time
Tsukishima Kei
oh, what about corona again?
honestly could give NO fucks??. like ABSOLUTELY ZERO. nonxistent.
doesn’t even remember it’s still happening half the time.
is surprisingly very knowledgeable about corona.
he’s just smart and sciency¿ so he understands the ins and outs of corona like how it works and how its spread.
so if you tRULY want any update or background info on the corona virius, ask Tsukishima.
bitch don’t touch me you have rabies.
doesn’t care that he’s obligated to stay at home because he would have stayed either way. he very much likes being alone.
might go a little crazy cooped up in his room so he’ll hang with his brother/family or go outside before he says ‘okay that’s enough’ and goes back to his room.
isolation? oh okay *puts on headphones*
he rlly gonna be rocking it out in his room cus he can listen to music all day any day
developes a really bad sleep schedule since he had no way to get rid of the energy he got rid of at school.
still a huge tease so he says everyone has the corona virius.
is never online on social media which means he’s never up to date with his frIENDS. Doesn’t have a clue what those dipshits are doing and could care less (besides yamaguchi,, they probably facetime or call thru skype or something).
I bet the whole volleyball squad has a groupchat and honestly he puts all notifs on mute cus his phone keep goin DING DING DING DI DING ID DID IDKNG DING DIG
Brother: Omg why are you getting so many text messages?
Tsukki: Shut up
if he is online on the gc and he texts it would be simple replies like “Hi” “Okay.” “No.” “Goodbye.” and then he’s gone for another week
every first year is begging on their knees for tsukishima to give the answers or help them out and he obviously says: go do the hw yourselves idiots
besides yamaguchi!!!! again!! cus theyre gay for each other
maybe practices once in awhile with his brother or alone in his backyard but he doesn’t care
Tanaka Ryuunosuke

buys 101817 pounds of toilet paper because everyone else is? but not because of the same reason as asahi. he thinks toilet paper is the cure to corona.
probably has a part time job at a grocery store so he still has to go to work 😭 i dont even know how he could have a job in the first place he’s probably always late-
still gamin with noya of course
also buys like all the junk food thats in stock. and since he works at the grocery store he gets a ton of coupons and deals.
texts Kiyoko everyday goodmorning ❤️❤️❤️ and goodnight 😘😘 texts just to be left on read.
“i love it when she ignores me !!!”
scrolls through tiktoks for 1000 hours to pass time
School Is For Losers!!
similar to noya, he thought it was basicaly summer until he realized they were gonna be doing online school. literally had a fit and said he didnt wanna do jack squAt
Laughs so hard when nishinoya somehow kicks the teacher out of the call he’s like laughing so loud and hard he starts crying
all of the sudden has a better view on school
gets excited when he sees nishinoya on the call
makes funny and ugly ass faces when the teacher isn’t looking. everyone laughs and the teacher’s like 🤨
probably uses the green screen effect so he can change hus background (somehow) and accidentally misclicks a file so a girl wit a bikini becomes his background for .5 seconds before changing it to a cursed meme:

doesn’t get half the shit the teacher is talking about
but it’s okay because the half he doesn’t get is the other half noya gets
and the half noya doesnt get is the orher half tanaka gets
they’re two peas in a pod 🥰
until they try explaining it to each other and suddenly get confused?? mental malfunction ¿?
yeah im SMART!!!
s -
m -
a -
r - penis
t -
Daichi Sawamura

quite calm about the whole coronavirus
like he knows it is serious and understands how it is spread but he’s still calm about it??
tells everyone to sanitize and wash hands on a regular. and social distancing!!
honestly still wakes up like he does on normal school days and does all his academics just fine.
he even does gym activities (besides volleyball) for 30 minutes to an hour!!!! he be running on that treadmil! getting stronk!
does each subject on his own for 20-40 min each day. he’s really good at self discipline
makes sure sugawara and asahi are up to date on school work and will gladly help.
sadly can’t help the first years (and probably second years) because that info is deep in his brain and basically forgot how to do it after a year or two of not using it.
VERY VERY VERY sad that volleyball nationals are cut off. this is his last year and for it to be??? gone??? just because of some flu?!?! hates it.
he wishes school to go back and still has hope that school will go back to normal in a couple of weeks (even though it’s a slim chance).
asks the teacher questions whenever he has questions. He’s also vv considerate so he’ll ask questions he knows the answer to but asks them for anyone who’s confused ab it/wants to ask but is too shy. (literally i lov daichi sm)
Eats a healthy amount of everything
asks asahi for any updates on corona even though he’s quite up to date himself. he just wanna make sure he didn’t miss anything.
also doesn’t mind being around his family. he’ll do more chores around the house to help his parents out :> he’s literally perfect wtf
def does worry about everyone in the volleyball gc and anyone else he has contact with. Will also email classmates and ask if they’re doing all right. Even away from volleyball he’s a team player ☺️✌️
Is happy for the rest of the day when asahi tells him dogs can’t get corona.
Yamaguchi Tadashi

doesn’t know what to believe anymore
keeps in touch with everyone!! always online 24/7 on social media, vball gc, you name it.
Literally everyone is acting so normal why are people so calm am i the only one worrying about this and the worlds future like this year has been really bad so far for not just me but the whole nation actually the entire world honestly like war almost broke out in january and now this corona stuff is really buttering my crissont the wrong way-
Even though tsukishima literally gives No Fucks, yamaguchi is the complete opposite.
like tsukki and yamaguchi call on skype and eVERY TIME yamaguchi starts with ‘how have you been? do you feel sick at all? have you drank enough water today?’ and so on
“What are you even worrying about?”
“Well...what if you get the corona virius?... it can be deadly, you know!! Thousands of people have died from it!!! The fact school is shutting down and people are panicking is making me feel like i should be panicking-“
Tsukki will then snarkily reassure him it’s fine and people their age are the least likely to get it bad.
Yamaguchi will feel a little better afterwords
“Thank you, Tsukki!”
Tsukki will ‘tch’ it off
Even though he gets really good grades he has triuble finding motivation to do any school work?? doing school work in his own home? 😐
His home was kinda a place he can chill whereas school is a place he can be fully focused
but now his home is ALSO school??!!?
Luckily he understands the work, at least.
When he sees tsukishima on the call, too, he instantly says hello.
“Tsukki!! Hey!! 😁”
“Shut up.”
“Gomen, Tsukki.”
Yeah. Even when they aren’t at school, he’s still the same as always.
He takes extra care of his family and always stays in touch with other relatives. Especially grandpa and grandma. THE SECOND he learned elderly people are at more risk you bet your ass he’s calling them making sure they’re okay. He checks up on them everyday now.
He peobably practices volleyball a little, too. He’s more focused on schoolwork though.
Sugawara Koushi

Have you guys ate dinner yet? 🥺
obviously checking up on everyone
he would fail as a mother if he didn’t.
Actually reads in his free time?? He finally has time on his hands to read these books so.... here we are!
Wakes up at a scheduled time everyday (minus weekends. Maybe sleeps for an extra hour or so).
He dresses in pjs rather than actual clothes because he’s not going anywhere with this social distancing thing.
Always tries to lighten the mood when all the students are on the online call. Maybe crack some joke or innocently play around with the effects.
He still pays close attention in class and does quite well on his own. No help from his parents! He can do everything on his own! He a big boi!
Does homework really well, too. Probably does extra work or more work than needed just because it makes him feel good afterwords.
Honestly i can see him cooking in his free time. If he doesnt feel like reading or scrolling mindlessly through his phone, he gonna cook.
Will make the best cookies in the universe.
Honestly isn’t too good with exercise so he might gain a few pounds or grow the smallest chub 🥺🥺🥺 he would be so cute omfg.
is realy involved with his family!! they play a board/card game every friday night and have the best time.
if he has a dog, cat, or literally any animal you know he’s gona be hanging with them since he has more time.
Still! Playing! Volleyball! I mean by now every boy is practicing at least a little bit. He would probably be in his backyard playing volleyball with his family. Theyy’d set up a net and everythin! They’re all rookies at it but he still cherishes the moments with them.
It’s honestly still practice. Better than nothing
He talks about how his family plays volleyball and everyone is so jealous like 😭😭 makes him more grateful hearing half the volleyball team saying they have to practice alone.
Watching youtube videos of random videos/vines making him giggling.
“Hey, Dachi, look at this video.”
#haikyuu headcanons#sports anime#anime#tsukishima headcanons#tsukishima kei#yamaguchi tadashi#hinata shōyō#kageyama headcanons#tanaka ryuunosuke#yū nishinoya#haikyuu#dachi headcanons#anime headcanons#sugawara koushi#sugawara headcanon#tanaka headcanons#haikyuu asahi#asahi headcanons#hinata shouyou#coronavirus#coronamemes
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Family First
Awesomest of Them All 2.0
Part 10 of 13
Word Count: 1963
Batman x Batmom!Reader
You know what the bat family needs? Someone to pull them together and give them all the love they deserve. Who better to do that than you? An author rising to stardom in Gotham who catches the eye of a billionaire with your standoffish attitude at a huge social gathering. You are yourself and never pretend to be more or less than that. Plus you're the most stubborn person in the world, refusing to let good things go without reason.
This is a rewrite of my story Awesomest of Them All, I wanted to see how much I've improved over 3 years.
You leaned against Bruce's chest as he sat at the desk in the Bat-Cave working on the the computer on who knows what, at this point it was easier to not ask unless it seemed to be upsetting him. You weren't paying any attention to what he was doing, you were busy trying to come up with the plan as to how you would be able to get to know Damian since he seemed to try and avoid you every way he could. He had been down here helping Bruce until you came down then he suddenly had to go upstairs for some unknown reason and hadn't come back. As you sit in his lap you tilt your head so that you can look at his face.
You just sit there taking in all his features like you hadn't already see his face a million times. Eventually he pauses long enough to look down at you a soft smile on his lips. You smile back and sit up just enough to cup his cheek and give him a kiss. "What's going on with you my love?" he asks.
"What do you mean? Am I not allowed to hang out with you?"
"Thats not what I meant," he presses kiss to your forehead, "you're being unusually quiet for yourself. Is there something on your mind you'd like to talk about?"
"Mmm," you hum and sit up to face him, one leg on either side of his body, "actually there is." You have a serious look come onto your face, "Damian is definitely your child. He is so so so stubborn," you say kissing him with every 'so' with a short laugh as you finish.
"Is there a reason thats bothering you?"
"Yes. He is so stubborn that the only way I know would work for me to get through to him is by arguing with him, like I did when a certain someone tried to break up with me," you say with a pointed look at him while wrapping an arm over his shoulders and pulling yourself closer to him.
"You really meant it when you said that you wouldn't be letting that go anytime soon, huh? How many years have we been married now?"
You smirk at him and say, "only six, and you should have known I keep my promises," you kiss him again. "The reason it's bothering me though is because I don't want to argue with him and make feel like I'm going to treat him how he was while he was with the league."
"Well, my dear," he began as he wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you tighter against him, "I don't think you, or anything you do could be ever confused for anything similar to what the league does or treated him," a kiss on your lips. "But I understand your worry, i warned you it'll take him some time to get adjusted-"
"I know, I know, but don't you dare tell me to be patient. I've been with you this long after all, I know it takes patience but you saw him leave the room as soon as he saw me. If he doesn't give me even the chance I can't use patience to help him on his way," you state simply.
"Do you have any ideas for how you'd like to try and fix that? I can tell you've been think about it a lot," as he says this one of his hands travels up your back, and he begins to gently trace your spine with his fingers, while his other arm remains where it is to keep you close to him.
"Actually, I do, pause for effect," you say out loud, "how do you feel about taking a break from this for about a week?" You ask tilting your head back just enough to gesture towards what he'd been working on before.
"I guess things are slow enough right now and the GCPD seems to have it covered it wouldn't be that big of a deal, why?"
"Well, I figured if we went on a vacation to a cabin in the woods it would be harder for him to hide from me. Especially if we get the other kids to come and we have family time, at your request," you say giving him a look, "at least tell Damian that it's something you want because we both know he wouldn't listen if it was me asking."
"Very well, y/n my love, that sounds like something we could manage to work out," he gives you one more kiss before returning to work as you settle in his lap gain.
A little over a week later you were holding your husband's hand as you, him and your three boys and three girls took a walkthrough the forrest, as the sun was beginning to set.
"You ever wonder," you muse, "if theres a reason people began telling those creepy stories about the woods? Because with everything else life has thrown at us I personally would not be surprised is there was an axe murdering ghost with a hook for a hand that haunted these woods and took it out on couples because his girl friend dumped him and he died from a being a little bitch who can't take no for an answer."
"I thought we were trying to have a nice quiet vacation mom, without axe murderer ghosts," Dick cuts in with a laugh.
"We are, but I'm a writer who's family is always in danger and you're expecting me to not think about the possibility of.m being killed by ghosts?" You retort to your eldest son.
"Is this going to be one of those mom lessons?" Dick sighs as he tilts his head back like a little kid.
You laugh, "sure, since you seem so excited about the idea of ghosts being one of those mom lessons." You pause a moment and think, looking at Bruce who had his arm around you, "what's that thing you always say? About the no surprises?"
"If you're prepared no situation will surprise you when it arrises," Bruce finishes the statement for you.
"Alright, so that. You need to be prepared so axe murdering ghosts don't kill you." Another pause, "it might just be a dumb thought but if I know all of you, and I do, my guess is all of you have thought of at least one way to try and take down a ghost if one suddenly appeared."
You raise an eyebrow and look at each of your kids, adopted or not, as though challenging them to tell you their thoughts on the matter. But before any of them can answer you turn to Damian, "what about you Damian? I'm sure with your many talents you'd be able to easily take down a ghost. How would you do it?"
"Tt," he sounds off but stays quiet, you watch him and you can see in the way he purses his lips and scrunches his eyebrows a little that he's thinking. He's so much like Bruce, if he wasn't then you'd have no idea how to read him. You want so badly to give him a hug, as you see nothing but a little Bruce in front of you, but know that isn't his thing so you keep your distance.
Finally he comes up with his answer to your question, "there are plenty of couples here so I wouldn't have to worry about the ghost coming after me, so I would just have to leave and the ghost would go after one of you fools."
You smile and laugh gently, "That works, I'd be more than happy to distract the ghost so each of you can get away safely."
He gives you a suspicious look, as if he thought you would leave him for dead. But you move on, asking Tim how he would fight a ghost and letting Damian think what he wants too about your answer.
It's almost midnight and you're sitting on the deck of the cabin you had rented sipping some hot chocolate and reading a book. The kids were playing video games together inside and Bruce had fallen asleep on the other half of the oversized chair you were on and was leaning across your lap as one of your hands absentmindedly ran through his hair.
When you hear the cabin door open and close quietly behind you glance up from your book to see Damian coming outside. He has a stoic look on his face and he takes a place in the seat across from you. You give him a soft smile and resume reading your book.
You look up again and he's just watching you, you smile reassuringly at him.
After another few minutes, you hear him ask quietly, "Why would you say that earlier? You would clearly be killed by the ghost and stand the least chance of surviving."
You stick a finger in your book to mark your place and look up at him. Theres a soft look on your facd as you look at him to answer his question. "Damian, that's what a mother does. Even if she knows she won't survive she will do anything to protect her family," you say without a single hesitation.
"Mother said you were only here because of father's money. But earlier you said you'd sacrifice yourself for us to get away, even me."
You raise an eyebrow slightly and smile gently at him, "I did say that Damian, and I meant every word of it, it doesn't matter to me if we are blood or not. The moment you decided you were staying with your father, you became my son too and that means I'm going to do whatever I can to keep you safe."
He nods slightly and leans back in his seat and looks away from you. You think the conversation is over until he speaks again, "y/n, why would you do that?"
"Any mother's child should come first it is as simple as that," you say and he nods once more before standing and going back inside.
As soon as he's gone a huge smile breaks across your face, that was the longest conversation you'd had with him and your week long vacation was almost up. You had been beginning to worry that you plan wasn't going to work but now you felt your heart swell with even more love for the small boy.
You move to pick your book back up but you're interrupted by a kiss on your neck, which was the only spot Bruce could conveniently reach without moving from his comfortable position.
"You heard that didn't you?" you say more than ask.
"Yes, and it seems like your patience is beginning to work," he says a soft smile on his lips and you can't help but give him a peck on the forehead.
When you all arrive home from your vacation Damian is no longer intentionally avoiding you. He doesn't speak to you still but he at least stays in the same room as you. It's not much but its a step in the right direction.
While you had been on your way home the evening before there had been some odd reports coming in from around Gotham. There was another Vigilante in town, but this one was different from your husband, they killed to reach their goal. The GCPD had given him the nick name of Redhood, seeing as he was only ever seen with a red helmet on that covered his face. And Bruce was determined to find out why he was killing everyone who got in his way so needlessly not caring how many fatalities there were.
#Batman#batman x you#batmom#batmom reader#batfam x batmom#batfam#batfam x you#batfam x y/n#batfam x reader#bruce wayne#bruce wayne x you#bruce wayne x reader#bruce wayne x y/n
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I wrote a sad KyoSaya oneshot.
There’s lots of angst. Sorry.
Sayaka slid into her desk chair with a sigh. “Ugh, schoolwork is so boring,” she complained to no one in particular. She opened the lid of her computer, and entered her password in a blur. She’d finished her homework with Madoka, time to scroll through tumblr and talk to people! She’d missed befriending strangers on the internet. And maybe Kyoko would be online.
It had seemed like her girlfriend was avoiding her, and their most frequent interactions nowadays were reblogging and liking each other’s posts on tumblr, and if Sayaka texted first, late nights spent talking for hours upon hours about nothing and everything. However, Sayaka eagerly snapped up even these snippets of conversation, when they forgot themselves and easily fell back into their old rhythms just as they did before Kyoko distanced herself.
Her shoulders sagged as she opened Google and typed in tumblr. She took a breath and forced herself into her usual cheerful posture and smile. It’s fine, I’m fine, nothing’s wrong, I’m okay. It worked, at least for the time being. She shook her light blue hair over one shoulder. It was growing long in quarantine, and she quite liked it. Sayaka logged in to tumblr and was greeted by her familiar blue dashboard. She clicked the blue ‘create a post’ pencil and started recording a video.
She grinned, letting go of her fears and worries and insecurities, and for a moment, she was actually fine. The grin slowly became more genuine as the camera started rolling.
“Hey everyone, Oktavia here! Sorry it’s been a while since my last post, I’ve been really busy with school and stuff. As always, make sure to drop me an ask or DM if you have a request for what character I should draw next. The top three as of today are-” she consulted a piece of blank loose leaf paper, though her viewers didn’t know that. She’d committed the list to memory and the paper was just a prop. “They are… in third place, Keefe Sencen from Keeper of the Lost Cities, requested by an anon. Sorry anon, never read the series. I’ll look up some reference art and post the finished product by tomorrow night, though! Uraraka Ochako from My Hero Academia (requested by lilywritesfanfic is in second place, and I’ll livestream drawing her on Saturday. And finally, our first place winner- Spider-Man, requested by eva-the-demon07. I’ll post a drawing of him tonight! Have an absolutely incredible day, everyone! Bye!” she waved at the camera with one hand, then clicked post with the other.
She slumped down in her chair, satisfied. Within seconds, comments started rolling in. We love you, Oktavia! Take as much time as you need, remember, you’re not obligated to draw for us. I love your drawings, but you’re more important, take care of yourself, okay? You’re amazing, Oktavia!
Her need for validation filled, she clicked over to Kyoko’s blog and was greeted with several new posts. Her cell phone lit up with a text just as she was clicking on the first one. Sayaka groaned and picked it up. There was a new text from Kyoko and two new ones joined it on her screen. She tapped on them immediately. Kyoko had written ‘idk how to break up with people properly ive never done it before but im breaking up with u’ and then ‘i dont love u anymore’ and then ‘theres someone else’.
Kyoko was breaking up with her? There was ‘someone else’?
“Are you kidding me?” she didn’t realize she said it out loud until she heard it. “There’s someone else? Just how long has this ‘someone else’ been someone else?” she snarled at her phone, tossing it onto her desk.
Sayaka flopped onto her bed, shocked. A tear leaked out of her eye and she angrily swiped it away. She lifted her right hand, seeing her bright blue Soul Gem growing dark with sadness and bitterness.
A knock on her bedroom door came.
“Come in,” she said listlessly. She made no effort to sit up or disguise the fact that she was crying. A red-haired girl with a ponytail stepped into the room, her usual bravado tinted with slight shame.
“What the hell do you want?” Sayaka stood up, the venom in her voice surprising her. She stalked over to Kyoko.
“Just hear me out, Saya-” Kyoko started.
“I care enough about you that I will. But after that, get out of my life forever,” Sayaka snapped.
“It was a dare!” Kyoko burst out. “It was a stupid dare, just a game. I didn’t mean it.”
“You didn’t mean any of it.” The words came out hard and cold. “It was all just a dare. That makes sense- you never loved me. You were just playing with me for a year.”
“Saya- I wasn’t-” Kyoko clearly hadn’t meant for it to go like this.
“Leave me alone, Kyoko!” Sayaka shouted, her voice breaking. “We’re done.”
Kyoko stumbled backwards in shock. “Wait, no! But Sayaka-”
“Just go! I can’t believe I fell for your act!” Sayaka ushered her out of the room and slammed the door. She braced herself against the inside of the door and slid to the ground. She opened her hand, revealing her previously bright Soul Gem a dark midnight blue. It was almost completely corrupted.
Sayaka sighed with regret, and closed her eyes. She could feel her Soul Gem cracking, and when it shattered into a Grief Seed, she didn’t feel anything at all.
“Kyoko,” she whispered. And then she fell to the floor.
On the other side of the door, Kyoko slammed the side of her fist against the wall.
“Damn it,” she swore, anguish in every word. “Why did it have to go like that?”
A witch’s labyrinth expanded through the door, and Kyoko gasped, swiveling around to stare at it.
“Damn it! Sayaka!” she called. “Sayaka, can you hear me?” Receiving no reply, she transformed, and slammed the dull end of her spear against the door, and it collapsed inward painfully slowly. “Sayaka!”
She broke through the door at last. Sayaka was crumpled on the floor in front of it.
“Sayaka, no! This can’t be happening.” Kyoko tentatively turned Sayaka over, noting the lack of Soul Gem. “No!” She knew what had happened. Sayaka had succumbed to despair and turned into a witch, and it was all her fault.
Tears slid down her cheeks as she released Sayaka.
“I love you,” she choked out. But it was too late.
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the avatar series: 01.03
chapter three
A crowd surrounded her. She was in the ring and the walls were caving in. The spotlight shone down on her; all eyes were on her. They were all expecting something from her - something she cannot give them; greatness. She felt herself getting smaller and smaller – or maybe the stage was sinking lower and lower. Most likely, both. The audience was growing bigger, overpowering her. She’s disappointed them. It was her duty to protect them - but she only hurt them, she only disappointed them.
At the announcer’s desk sat her closest friends; Doyoung, Sonan, Kilara, and Johnny. Behind them were her other friends; Lucas, Roddie, and Taeil amongst others including Sehun, Kyungsoo, and Hendery. They all were standing up, looking down at her. All of them screaming and yelling and insulting – using words against her all at different times. The words were like ammunition, shooting at her constantly. Her head hurt, her heart was wounded, her hope disappeared, her purpose never fulfilled.
They were angry. Infuriated. Full of rage.
She could see them seething between their growls and their yells, telling her she’s a failure. Telling her she never deserved to be the Avatar. Telling her she failed not only them but her purpose and humankind.
The stage got smaller and smaller; she was trapped. There were no exits as the walls were millimeters away from her. Her breath got caught in her throat, she couldn’t breathe. She looked at the ground as she soon fell to her kneels, staring at the cold cement floor beneath her. The only thing preventing her from falling to her death.
“Where is everything we taught you?” An angry voice called from in front of her, “You are right. You fail at your powers. You fail at everything.” The voice taunted, full of venom. Tari looked up, and saw Sukiara and The Osaka Prince in front of her – the Osaka Prince bending lightning whips and remaining silent. “He should’ve been the Avatar, not someone as pathetic and weak as you.” Sukiara seethed.
As The Osaka Prince whipped the lightning rope towards Tari, she saw the Avatars before her in the Avatar State. They were supposed to be helping in the Avatar State; they have the ability to protect her, to protect the Avatar. They have the ability to transfer their powers, their knowledge. The Avatar State is where she’s the most powerful, but she had never felt more weak.
They’re letting me die, Tari realized as the previous Avatars stared at her hopelessly, letting her get repeatedly whipped and attacked by the man who should be the Avatar. She could only feel the static sensation that made her shake, that made her shiver, that made her wince in pain. “I’m sorry,” Tari croaked, trying to apologize to the world around her but her voice failed her. “I’m sorry for failing you, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for messing up.” The final vision she saw was the distant image of her family; her older brother, her younger sister she’s only heard about, and her two parents ; none of them she’s seen since she’s been taken away from her parent’s custody.
With one final lash, she was greeted by darkness, but she could still hear the blaring alarms and the voice echoed throughout a megaphone. “This is a police raid! Everyone here will be arrested for supporting the Avatar and for bending!”
“You okay?” She heard a soft voice chuckle, calling her out of her slumber. Wait, where am I? She wondered as she knew for sure she wasn’t in her own room. Once her vision readjusted from their sleepy haze, Tari looked around and realised she was in her living room - her head using Johnny’s thigh as a pillow on her couch. Johnny was still on his laptop - the only light illuminating the dark room as he continued to type and write his article for submission to the editors later. Continuing to look around, she noticed Doyoung had fallen asleep on one of the beanbags - his soft snores echoing throughout the room, bouncing off each wall. The sight made Tari aw - Doyoung sleeping was always the sweetest. He always looks calm, even when he’s one of the most secretly chaotic people she knows - but when he sleeps, it looks like theres nothing in the world that can hurt him. And it’s my duty to make sure nothing will, Tari’s thoughts reminded her. Everrything has been reminding her of the stupid Ava-“You were shaking and whimpering.” He commented. Despite his friendly and soft voice with a teasing edge, she could see the serious concern in his eyes.
Or it could be disappointment, she sighed, looking into his brown orbs and seeing their somewhat distressed nature. “Yeah, yeah, just a dream.” She couldn’t talk to him about it, she couldn’t. He wouldn’t be her friend anymore. She’d hate to disappoint him. Tari readjusted so she’d now be sitting up, getting off of Johnny’s lap and throwing her arms up into the air to stretch and yawn.
CRACK, Her elbows cracked, making her eyes widen and Johnny to put his hand over his mouth to prevent himself from laughing and waking up Doyoung. “How long have you been awake for?” She softly whispered, crossing her legs and turning to face Johnny. Her head fell into the palm of her hand as she looked at Johnny, waiting for his answer.
“Haven’t slept yet.” Johnny commented nonchalantly, “I want to get this article done for the online deadline for tomorrow.” At the mention of sleep, he yawned. “I shouldn’t be having any workr tomorrow so guess whose gonna turn up here at midnight because he slept the whole day?” He said in a hushed fake excited voice. “Hey, though, can you look at this?” The journalist scrolled through his document, showing Tari the beautiful photographs full of life taking over the pages and the thousands of words portraying the story. He looked excited about this article – probably the most excited Tari has seen him be in a while, and that means a lot as he was always quite excitable. He’s one of the most positive people she knows.
Tari leaned closer – her eyes still hazy with sleep – and she read the text out loud through hushed whispers, hesitant to wake up Doyoung. “’The Avatar Day festival is a celebratory day initially to remember and commemorate the heroic actions of Aang and Team Avatar. However, within the last few years, it’s become a celebration for the existence of Avatar; from Wan to Aang, no previous Avatar or their companions can be forgotten’” Tari read, before grinning. ‘This is an amazing introduction, Johnny.” Johnny gleamed with pride.
“Wait, look at this bit.” He scrolled towards the end, “Do you think it’s too strong or provocative? I want to make it umph but not too offensive, you know?” He showed a paragraph where he practically called on the Avatar to speak up against the government if they ‘refuse to do their rightful duty, the 100 year war may repeat itself but instead of the fire nation, it’s the non-bending government’.
A heavy weight seemed to fall on Tari’s heart. Could I really do something to help? She questioned herself, watching Johnny smile with pride at his article. Could I really do something to reduce the suffering of my fellow benders? Of my peers? She knew this issue was beating up Johnny, but she never saw herself as capable of influencing it. Thinking about it, she realizes all her friends talk about doing things – Johnny was the only one actually doing it.
“So,” Johnny called Tari out of her trance, “what do you think?”
Tari bit back her feelings and forced a smile, “It’s great. When does the editor read through it?” She had a feeling it was good. She knew what he was going for and if she was anyone else but the person he was targeting, she knew she would feel inspired or angry and support his cause.
“This afternoon.” He gleamed, pressing save on the document. “I have a few more details and photos to add, but otherwise – it’s done and the editor’s job to fix it.”
Tari yawned – partly fake and partly not. She was tired, but she wasn’t tired enough to leave Johnny and Doyoung yet. She just couldn’t be sitting next to someone she know she’s only disappointing every second she refuses to speak up. Her guilt was eating away at her. “I have to get to work tomorrow afternoon. I’m lucky Hendery is doing the 5am shift.” She let out an awkward chuckle, “I’m going to sleep…it’s 2 in the morning?” She said more as a question as she searched around the room for any hint of the time, eventually letting her eyes set on Johnny’s laptop clock.
“Alright,” Johnny smiled softly up at Tari as she stood from her place.
“Good night” she called as she got into her room, her head peeking out the door as she noticed Johnny about to respond.
“Goodnight, Tar.” Johnny wished, looking up from his computer and up at her. “I’ll make sure Doyoung gets into bed okay. Sweet dreams.”
Tari was about to shut the door, but made sure to quickly remind him where the blankets and pillows for the sofa bed is since Doyoung and her moved it a month ago from its usual spot to another spot in the apartment.
As she fell back onto bed, she couldn’t fall asleep. The only thought running through her head; how will I ever be good enough?
One benefit of working in a café is definitely the fact that the bitter and earthy smell of coffee beans really can wake someone up. Even if that someone slept for a maximum of three hours the night prior.
The café had a cozy vibe. Either music was playing in the background or the soft hum of the TV, plants took over the walls (thanks to the owners being earth benders, these plants were low maintenance) and the floor was full of beanbags and the coziest chairs you can imagine. Today, the soft hum of the news was on – replaying videos from Avatar Day and discussions of current events.
“I know you let me off early yesterday,” Hendery stifled a chuckle as Tari rushed behind the counter to put on her apron – greeting some patrons on her way to the back, “but I don’t think that excuses you for not sleeping last night.”
Tari rolled her eyes and smiled, “Sorry I can’t be a model like you, pretty boy.” She teased, reaching behind her back to tie her apron. “But for real, is it that obvious?”
Her co-worker shrugged, “I mean, it’s mainly that we’ve worked together for how many years now?” He asked rhetorically. “And because I’m assuming you chugged that weird caffeinated tea you drink to wake you up because you’re also faster and jittery than usual. You’re usually like a turtle-sloth.” Tari dropped her jaw in fake offense, before scanning the patrons – noticing most of them already having their drinks.
Hendery and Tari work together most of the time – they’re the two main workers for Iroh and Me. It’s a small local café which is most known for its bubble tea, but it’s still a family café and not necessarily in the center of town – just a bit south of it. So, they really only need two to three workers. They work mostly together but only one of them takes up the morning shift, which is usually Tari, and then the both of them do the afternoon, and then someone – usually Hendery – closes at 11pm. Today, since Tari tapped Hendery out early yesterday, they swapped roles.
“How did you find Avatar Day then?” Tari inquired as the two of them leaned back on the counters to wait for a table to clean or a new customer to greet.
Hendery smiled at the mention – “I met with my older sisters and Yangyang and his sister,”
“Yangyang is the animal-racecar dude right?” She clarified, remembering the name from previous stories of his.
“Yeah, and we had a picnic and just did our usual festivities.” Hendery gleamed. Tari knew he was an avid celebrator of the event, but her focus on of him and his usual festivities quickly changed - what are his opinions on the Avatar? She looked at him inquisitively, making him turn to her and mimic her expression. “What?”
“What do you think of the Avatar?”
“Like the concept or the person?”
“Both, I guess.” She shrugged, biting her lip and trying to hide her anxiety for his question.
He let out a sigh, “To be completely honest, I don’t think there is a current Avatar right now.” He shrugged. The statement itself made Tari unclear about how she should react. “I kind of think it’s just a past story. Like, I have no doubt they existed – but like I feel like it’s an extinct animal or...” He snapped, finding the words to saa “kind of like the fire lord’s power.” Tari looked at him – confused. “Like, the Fire Lord – she exists and the family is very important, like Prince Jaehyun is one of the best fire benders in the world.” Obviously, he hasn’t seen the Osaka Prince, she chortled – her insecurity eating her up inside. She’s beginning to think her insecurity is manifesting into hate for the fire bender. “But they’re power isn’t as strong as it is before, their importance is less. Why do we need a protector anyway right now? It’s not like there’s a war going on.”
Tari had all the answers to that question; she was raised learning them and frankly, Sukiara reminded her of some of the answers the night prior. Hendery’s interest soon turned to her concentrated and preoccupied reaction to his response. “Why? What do you think?”
She quickly dodged the question, thanking whatever is up there that a patron stood up and left the café - leaving their table full of empty plates. “Thank you, have a great day!” She called after them in her customer-service voice before grabbing the cleaning rag and tray from the shelves in the counter. “I’ll get this one.” She winked, sneaking out from behind the counter.
On her way there, she recognized the married couple who always takes a long time to drink their beverages; Mrs Kim Tae-hee and Mr Jung Ji-hoon. She knows them quite well and know they always joke about trying ‘to finish their drinks hot’ but they never do. The two of them always spend an hour seated at the café once every few weeks and just spending time together. Tari bit her lip and did her usual thing to anyone like them; anyone who takes long to finish their drink, making it cold.
“Hey! Haven’t seen you guys in a while.” She smiled, reaching in her apron to grab spare tissues. “How are you guys? Let me give you guys some extra tissues.” One thing Tari learnt in customer service is that very rarely do people deny more napkins.
Ji-hoon smiled, taking his wife’s hand and rubbing it with his thumb from across the table. “Great, Tae-hee just got a promotion at work so this is our first time having a ton of time together in a while.” Tari smiled; she wanted a relationship like theirs. They could be sitting here for hours but just be happy with each other’s presence. Its as if the world doesn’t matter as long as they’re together. She lifted Tae-hee’s Americano and slipped a tissue to be underneath it. While holding the mug full of now-cold coffee up, she concentrated on her fire bending – only bending enough to warm up the coffee. She repeated this process with Ji-hoon’s drink as Tae-hee spoke about being named one of the best stage performers in the performance theater.
“But Ji-hoon also started his own business!” Tae-hee smiled proudly, both of them looking at each other as if the other had all the universe in their eyes. “Todays have been our first off day in months.”
Tari smiled, “Well, let me get you guys two slices of cake as a celebration. On me.” She offered, “Any flavor preferences?” While Tae-hee politely declined, saying it’s too kind – Ji-Hoon requested two flavors; red velvet and chocolate (which he clarified was for Taehee). Tari knew Tae-hee was just being shy, she was shy to order a second drink the first time the couple came in and saw a new barista. “I’ll be back in a minute, let me clean up after someone.”
As she was walking back behind the counter; the tray full of dirty cups in hand, she heard the door chime. She spotted a regular she actually befriended when the same patron spilled a cup of coffee on herself and Tari lent her one of her extra shirts,. It was Tari’s rule to always bring an extra shirt, because she knows the pain of a coffee stain. “Hey Roddie,” Tari sang, grinning at the familiar face.
“Hey Tari,” Roddie sung back, grinning as well. “I would give you a hug but your hands look full right now.” The university student turned behind her, “By the way, these are my classmates ; Chenle, Jeno, and Jaemin. Guys, this is the best barista around.” The three boys behind her waved, smiling wildly.
Her introduction caused Hendery to call out from behind the counter. “Offensive! Guess who won’t take your order today.”
“I recommend you redact that statement; I’m doing something else right now.” Tari leaned, almost like a whisper – despite being at least a meter apart. “Anyways, I know the truth.” Tari winked teasingly, before rushing behind the counter and putting the dirty dishes in the sink for her to clean once she gives the couple a piece of cake each and pay for it using her employee’s account.
Roddie smiled with her whole face and spoke in a staged manner, “BUT HENDERY IS TRULY THE BEST!”. She and her group of friends approached the counter, ready to order their drinks.
Eventually, an hour has passed and Hendery and Tari were back leaning against the counter – coming up with life stories for the few patrons they don’t know well once they ran out of current debate topics or life updates. Afterall, they do see each other every day. As they were two of the four faces that represent the café, they basically know every patron’s name – only do they know a few life stories.
“Tari!” She heard Roddie call from her seat in the back. Her hair was now in a messy bun; a few strands hanging out as she and her group mates sat on a table full of notebooks and their laptops, the three of them obviously studying together.
“What’s up?” Tari asked, rubbing her hands on the front of her apron as she approached, before she slipped her hands into the pockets. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, I just wanted to ask you something.” The barista raised her eyebrows, indicating her to continue. “What is your opinion, as a bender, on the bending bans?”
Two friends of her’s look insulted, as if Roddie forgot to ask them. “Uhm,” She chuckled, “I mean I don’t use my powers regularly or publicly so like, it’s not a big thing for me. I just hope it doesn’t escalate. But, as long as I can bend at home, I’m good.”
“What do you bend?” One of her friends ask, leaning forward.
I can bend all four elements, and you? She said sarcastically in her head. “I can bend water.”
“Oh, no way!” The one with the vibrant blue hair exclaimed as he pointed at the taller boy with black hair, “Us too. Which tribe are you from?”
To be honest, Tari always forgets the name of her village. She was moved from there when she was 4, she has minimal memories. “Uhm, somewhere really small in the Northern Water Tribe. I think it’s referred to as Karagatan?”
The one with blue hair bit his lip, “Well, I always knew one of the most beautiful towns calls for the most beautiful ladies.” Tari got flustered but hid it behind furrowed eyebrows and hiding her laughter. So he must be a flirty person.
“Jaemin and I are from the center.” The one with black hair rolled his eyes at his friends antics, “Please excuse him, he’s always flirty.” At that, Tari laughed. “I’m Jeno by the way.”
Roddie groaned and dropped her head onto the table, “I don’t get why our politics class is making us learn about these bans and why they’re wrong rather than letting us actually protest and make a change.” She pulled her head up from the table and looked at Tari with the saddest expression she could muster.
The boy – who out of the process of elimination is Chenle seemed to be reasonable. “Noona,” So he’s younger than her, “It’s teaching us both the goods and bads.”
“Yeah, but the ban is so unreasonable!” Roddie was known for her very strong opinions. She’s locally famous for always protesting and calling out the mayor – who conveniently is her father - for his ‘biased’ and ‘unfair laws’. “When I went home the other day to visit my mom, I overheard my dad say something about increasing the ban or making it stronger. I think he’s even banning bending from Avatar Day for next year.” Roddie dropped her jaw, “Avatar Day!” She stressed, “Literally the day we celebrate bending.” Tari’s heart felt like it dropped. Yeah, sure – she doesn’t use her bending much publicly, but it’s still a part of her. She grew up with it. She’s already hiding 3/4s of herself - does she need to hide her whole self?
“Ugh, speak of the devil.” Roddie groaned once more, looking up at the TV and noticing her father is being interviewed on screen. “Can we change the channel?” Tari nodded, expressionless as she tried to figure out how she was feeling about this. Conflicted, but Johnny was right. It is only getting worse. Could she be the one to stop it from getting worse? How can she?
“You think we won’t learn about this in class?” Jaemin asked rhetorically.
“Rather hear it from Mr Nam’s mouth than a rat’s.” Roddie retorted.
Thoughts and inner debates ran through her head as she made her way to the counter where the remote was.
“Benders are proving to be increasingly dangerous to our safety,” Roddie’s father said on the TV, “They are born with something that distinguishes them as more powerful and-“ As much as she wanted to listen in, she turned it off and replaced the ambience noise with calm music. She can’t think of this. She has to ignore it.
But can she? Was Johnny right again about it being her responsibility? Or will she make it worse? Afterall, with his logic – she’s the most dangerous one of them all. She can bend with four different elements with extra powers like energy bending and the Avatar State. What good can she do if she was locked up?
The café at night was much more different than during the day. The hum of the music filled the café, echoing off the walls. The café was now closed but Tari remained inside, cleaning up anything to make things easier for Hendery to take over for tomorrow. He’d be doing morning shifts until Sunday (when the café closes at 7pm) so that Tari can get her usual sleep schedule for her usual 6am call to work. She was waiting for Doyoung. The few times she would have night shift, Doyoung would always come pick her up.
His schedule at the training gym happens from 12pm to 6pm, and then he goes to dinner with his friends and co-workers, and then he goes to the temple for a few hours to volunteer or do some extra work. So, coming to the café to pick up Tari seemed to be a natural event, especially as he walks past it on his way to the train station for his way home.
Tari pulled out her phone, sitting in one of the booths and texted Johnny, knowing Doyoung was already on his way.
tari: did you see the news today?
Johnny was always quick at responding – even when on missions. At least, with her and Doyoung he is – potentially because he stays at their place a lot, potentially because they call themselves ‘gaang’, something Johnny came up with due to Katara, Sokka, and Aang being the original peas in a pod and Tari heavily refused to be called ‘Team Avatar’.
leach: I went to the press conference – so so so annoying, mayor called it last minute, i wasn’t suppoosed to be working today! glad i went tho, he’s such a dick honestly…think he’s going insane. Can I come over?
Tari chuckled; this is the first time he asked to come over. But she doesn’t know if she want’s to say yes. Whenever she thinks of Johnny now, she thinks of what he believes in.
tari: ask doyoung haha still in the café. First time you asked in a year or so, I’m surprised.
leach: firstly – I asked bc I was outside ur apartment and neither of u were here and I mightve left my copy of the keys in ur place and also bc u seemed upset w me this afternoon
leach: u usually say goodbye you just left in a rush
leach: im waiting for ur response but im rn in the corner shop nearby. do u want me to buy a ice frostie + dimsum?
She’s upset, but she can’t tell him why. But, she’s also upset that Johnny knows her weaknesses.
tari: I WAS LATE
tari: stalker
leach: *someone who cares abt u a lot
tari: *** stalker
Suddenly, as her phone dinged in her hand, she heard the door chime. She stood up, grabbing her stuff and laughing as she was about to tell a story. “Doyoung, Johnny is a-“
“Not Doyoung, guess again.” She looked up and saw Sukiara again. Sukiara’s deep blue eyes haunted her; her jet black hair with a few stray gray strands running like a waterfall down her back. “I need to talk to you and you cannot keep running away from me.” With that, Sukiara iced the doors behind her. This is the first time Sukiara ever used her bending skills against Tari – she knew Sukiara was serious.
As much as she hated Sukiara with every fibre of her being, Sukiara was also her guardian – the one who protects her and watches over her. As much as she hated Sukiara, Sukiara was practically her mom.
“What?” Tari gave up and fell back onto her chair, dropping her stuff onto the floor.
“You need to train more. Not just once a month anymore.” Sukiara sighed in defeat, falling to the chairr in front of Tari.
Tari let her head fall back. “I came to Sooman to experience a somewhat normal life. To not have the world lay on my shoulders. There’s nothing I can do right now, and even so, if I mind my own business and not call myself out - maybe the best will happen. Plus! I’m not good enough to be the Avatar, Kiara. And the people here don’t need me. If I show myself, the mayor might kill me.”
“You will never have a normal life.” Sukiara almost growled, leaning forward across the table. “You are not able to live your life for yourself. Your life isn’t yours. It isn’t your families or your friends. It’s the worlds. You are the Avatar and your purpose is to protect the world and mankind.”
Tari stood up from her seat, “From what, Kiara? From what?” She sighed, “If I show my powers, how likely is it that the mayor puts me in jail or kills me?” The realization struck her, “To be fair, if he kills me, you might get a better Avatar than me next time.” She chuckled sadly.
“Shut up.” Sukiara growled as she jumped to her feet - matching Tari in height. “Listen, there’s bigger things than the mayor. If you leave now, if you do anything dumb now, you’re just proving yourself right and showing that you weren’t good enough. Train more. Admit your identity. Admit to who you are and stop running away from it, because you’re only doing more damage.”
Before Tari could respond, Sukiara seemed to glide out of there. As her hand touched the handle and dissipated the ice into steam, Tari saw Doyoung approaching the café. Sukiara, having watched Tari occasionally, recognised her roommates face and left the door open, smirking. She could reveal me to him now, Tari thought as she interpreted the cocky look on her face as she approached her roommate, and then I’ll lose him forever.
Doyoung bowed his head gently and thanked her before coming in. Sukiara, as she was walking out, looked back and turned to look at Tari, “You know how to contact me.” She let go of the handle and disappeared into the night.
“Who’s that?” Doyoung asked, eyes furrowed in confusion.
“Nobody.” She sighed, hopeless and full of dread. Doyoung’s eyebrows furrowed more – he can read her easily, he knows she wasn’t nobdoy. Tari shook her head, faked a smile and looked up. She grabbed her stuff and stood up. “No one, just a health and safety person checking for hygiene. She thinks I didn’t do the dishes well and she’s going to tell the bosses” She lied, “Has Johnny texted you about how dumb he is?”
request anything for future parts / penny for your thoughts here
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