#nct127 imagine
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Bsf!127 when you turn off your location

#nct 127#nct127 imagine#NCT imagine#NCT texts#NCT 127 texts#NCT 127 scenario#NCT scenario#NCT fake texts#nct 127 fake texts#kpop imagines#kpop texts#kpop scenarios#nct taeyong#nct johnny#nct yuta#nct doyoung#nct jaehyun#nct jungwoo#nct haechan#nct mark
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You were a solo artist in SM and got on with all the other groups really. You were a social butterfly known for being loud and confident. You were closest to NCT, being a similar age to them and that's how you found yourself sat with Johnny, Taeyong and Yuta at a party. When Johnny enquired about your love life you told him about your recent awful first date which had all the guys in stitches.
"So I'm basically never going to find someone" you said and Taeyong shook his head "bullshit, you'll find a guy who can keep up with you eventually". "When Taeyong? When!" you cried shaking him and Taeyong laughed pretending he hadn’t just discovered you were way stronger than him. "You know who I think would really suit you?" Johnny asked and you looked at him "if you say Mark I'm going to punch you". Taeyong and Yuta both laughed but Johnny shook his head "no you'd eat Mark alive! Jaehyun". You froze "Jaehyun...why?" but the others were all agreeing. "You'd look so cool together!" Taeyong said and Yuta nodded "plus they have the same energy, they'd be so badass". You frowned "but isn't Jaehyun like really quiet and shy?" you asked. The guys all paused and you sat up taller "okay I need to know what that look was! Is he secretly really kinky or something?". Johnny laughed "let's just say once you get past his shyness he's a little different". "Look at her face" Yuta laughed and you smiled because he was right, you were suddenly a lot more interested in the quietest member of NCT127. You were also friends with Seventeen and recalled DK went to school with Jaehyun and after many awkward interactions, they were now friends of sorts. So you went over to Seventeen and started chatting with DK about him. "Yeah he was pretty cool and nice, why?" DK asked and you shrugged "nothing just NCT suggested we'd be a good match and I was really confused why" but all of Seventeen began nodding. "I totally see that!" Joshua said and Vernon nodded "yeah me too, you'd look really good together". "You have complimenting personalities" Mingyu said and you frowned "really? Hmm okay" and Joshua nodded "plus you're clearly attracted to him so...". "I am not!" you cried and he grinned "yes you are or you wouldn't be asking about him. If they'd shipped you with a guy you don't like there's no way you'd be asking for details about him". You shrugged supposing that was true "I mean Jaehyun's not bad looking" you said and then Joshua's eyes widened. "What?" you asked laughing "we just all agreed I think Jaehyun's hot". Joshua pointed behind you and you saw Jaehyun was stood 2 meters away where the line for the bar was. They all shushed you but an idea came to you and thinking you were the smartest person in world, you carried on talking but in English...because you had no idea Jaehyun could understand English too.
"He is good-looking, he's got really nice cheekbones and hair and his smile is pretty cute. Plus from what I've heard he plays a lot of sport so I bet he's also very strong". Joshua nodded still glancing at Jaehyun "yeah...so you'd be interested in him?". You nodded "yeah I would be" and Vernon nodded before relaxing "okay he's gone now" and you all returned to Korean. "How clever was that" you cried high-fiving the boys "look at us bilingual queens!". Joshua and Vernon looked at one another and you paused "what?". "Erm...you know Jahehyun can speak fluent English right?" Vernon asked and you paused "WHAT! No! I would never have done that if I knew he could understand me! Why didn't any of you stop me?". "I thought you were doing that on purpose so he'd know you like him!" Vernon said and you shook your head "no!". Vernon cringed "Well this is awkward" and you nodded "yes Vernon it is!". Joshua shook his head "don't worry though, he didn't seem weirded out by it or anything, he was smiling". "He was smiling?" you asked and Joshua nodded making you smile too. When you passed the NCT127 table later on Johnny called out to you. Jaehyun wasn't there but you could tell by all the looks on the member's faces that they all knew what happened. "So Y/n...good night?" Johnny asked. You blushed "I didn't know he could speak English okay? I thought I was being really smart and sneaky but no". The guys all burst out laughing and you blushed "stop it!". "Hey don't worry it's fine" Taeil said and Mark nodded "I've done the same thing". "Really?" you asked and he paused before shaking his head "well no but I wanted to make you feel better". You laughed "well thanks Mark! Anyway I'm never speaking to him again". Johnny shook his head "no come on it was cute! Jaehyun liked it". "He did? He said that?" you asked and the guys nodded. "Now he knows you definitely like him" Yuta said "so the two of you can start flirting". "Yeah right, I'm pretty sure I've scared him off forever" you said when you realised all the guys were gesturing behind you. You turned to see Jaehyun making his way back from the bar and he paused seeing you. Luckily he hadn't heard what you were saying (this time) but he could clearly guess. "Hi" he said and you nodded to him "hi...I'm Y/n" you said "I feel like after everything tonight I should probably introduce myself". You knew of each other but had never spoken so it only seemed right to start here and Jaehyun smiled. "Of course I already know who you are but it's nice to meet you" and he shook your outstretched hand "I'm Jaehyun...but you obviously already know that". You smiled "I do but it's nice to actually talk to you and not to others about you...in a language you can already understand". Jaehyun laughed "that was pretty funny...yeah I lived in America for 4 years so know the language". You smiled "that's very cool, wanna tell me about it?" and gestured for you to sit together. Jaehyun smiled "I'd like that" and followed you. His members stared awestruck. "How did Y/n come back from that?" Jungwoo asked "she was so chill and cute about it". Doyoung shrugged "pretty, social people have that power, they can talk their way into or out of anything". "She is powerful" Haechan agreed "also did you see the way Jaehyun was looking at her?". Johnny grinned "this is why I suggested them, I knew Jaehyun would be attracted to her confidence!". "He totally was and even flirting a little!" Haechan said and they all nodded. "They will be a good match" Yuta said sipping his drink "I'm excited to see where this goes". Meanwhile, you and Jaehyun were getting to know one another and you asked Jaehyun to tell you about himself. "I've heard a lot of things from different people so I'm curious how you'd actually describe yourself" you said resting your hand on your chin and Jaehyun panicked because you looked really good and were undoubtedly more interesting than him. He started giving the typical explanation of where he was from, how he became a singer etc and you smiled. "Don't worry I'm not interviewing you, I just want to know what you like" you explained and Jaehyun felt a little better for that. "I don't know, I'm quite sporty" Jaehyun said "do you play any sports?". You smiled and Jaehyun leaned forwards "what?". You carried on smiling "yeah I used to play sports...but then I got banned so I don't anymore". "You got banned?" Jaehyun cried "for what?". "Being too aggressive" you laughed "to my own team...". "What?" Jaehyun asked and you explained how you were too competitive and would sometimes disapprove of choices your teammates made. "So now I just do solo sports" you laughed "running, swimming, weightlifting, cycling, stuff like that. What about you?". Jaehyun started listing off all the sports he played and you laughed "wow okay! Are you sure you're not a part-time athlete as well as an idol?". Jaehyun laughed shaking his head "no I'm not that good I just enjoy it" and then he paused as he saw you scanning him. "What are you doing?" he laughed and you shrugged "just out of everything people told me nobody mentioned you were really fit and I'm just wondering why". Jaehyun blushed "I'm really not...plus you're in great shape too". You turned to him "and how would you know? Have you been checking me out?". Jaehyun went bright pink and began babbling until you smiled at him "I'm joking, I feel like working in this industry you can't help seeing a lot of each other". Jaehyun nodded "yeah that's true and something I've always tried to fight against. I don't like showing too much of myself it just feels weird". You found that sweet and smiled "and that's totally your call. You get to decide what you show if anything and showing everything or nothing is okay". "Exactly!" Jaehyun said "I'm not opposed to people showing off their body, I actually think it's really great it's just not for me". You smiled "yeah I usually go through phases, when I feel good about my body I'm happy to show it but when I'm not I like to hide away". "Well I haven't been staring but I have noticed a little and I think you should always be happy with your body" Jaehyun said and smiled "you know, you're really good at flirting" and Jaehyun blushed "thank you...if you'd like to see more of it we could go out on a date?". Jaehyun returned to the table with your phone number, a date with you and a huge smile. The guys all chattered excitedly as he came back over and then looked at him. "So?" Johnny asked and Jaehyun blushed looking down "we've got a date next weekend". The guys all cheered and Jaehyun tried to shush them because you were only across the room with Seventeen and would hear. Sure enough, you heard and all looked over. You saw Jaehyun trying to shush them and then freeze as your eyes fell on him. Jaehyun smiled apologetically and you grinned back. Jaehyun just had a feeling right there, he was going to love that smile. During your first date with Jaehyun, you weren't sure if Nct were just making him sound edgier than he was. Don't get you wrong, he was perfect. He was a gentleman, he was funny, he was great company and he looked amazing but you didn't see this dark horse that had been promised. Not until he kissed you. You honestly weren't sure if Jaehyun was feeling this. He was hard to read and hadn't made any big moves during dinner so you half-expected a text from him when you got home saying he just wanted to be friends. However, as you were walking to his car you dropped your bag and Jaehyun rushed to pick it up for you. He stood up and wad close to your face and he passed it not stepping back "here" he said and you smiled "you're quite the hero aren't you?". "I'd rescue you any day" he said in his deep voice and you blushed, surprised at where this had come from and how he could turn it on so quickly. "Really?" you asked "I can never tell if you're attracted to me or not". Jaehyun nodded "I am, how about I show you?". You nodded and he cupped your chin before kissing you. Jaehyun was an insanely good kisser and that's when you got it. The way he caressed your body but barely even touched you sent shivers down your spine. How he made the kiss feel effortless and like you'd always just been right here kissing him. This was the side NCT meant and you loved it, so you enjoyed it. You pulled Jaehyun towards you by his hips and his eyes opened in surprise. You smiled up at him "don't tell me that's all I'm getting, I want more...". "You can have whatever you want" he said his hands finally finding your waist and you smiled like the giddiest woman alive. When Jaehyun realised you may be able to withstand more of this than him he broke away and looked at you. You saw the hesitation in his eyes, how he wondered if to take things further or not and you took his hands. Jaehyun was insanely hot and skilled but you knew he was still introverted and didn't want to push him to do anything he wasn't comfortable with. So you made the decision for him "that was amazing, I can't wait for our second date". You saw Jaehyun relax a little and he nodded "but I haven't even got to ask you yet". "I'm pretty sure that did it all for you" you smiled and Jaehyun finally blushed. Apart from another quick kiss as you got out of the car, you let the boy rest after your first date. You'd gotten a glimpse of the passion beneath and you wanted to make sure the fire was firmly stocked before unleashing it.
You and Jaehyun carried on dating and it was very similar. You’d have a good date, a great kiss that always left you both wanting more but you’d sense Jaehyun’s nerves and pulled back. You were enjoying yourself and so was Jaehyun. Everything between you was fresh, unexpected and fun...as proof of this, your fourth date wasn't even meant to be a date. The guys were having a games day and so Jaehyun invited you to join, knowing how much you loved Mario Kart. However, that morning all the boys except for Jaehyun, Yuta and Johnny got called into the studio for an emergency recording session. Yuta claimed he didn't want to be around a hot young couple and so it was just you, Jaehyun and Johnny which was fine. The three of you actually had a lot of fun and played tons of games but then after a while, Johnny decided he should go see how things were going at the studio leaving the two of you alone. You did both pause as Johnny left the room as you now had the house to yourself. It wasn't that you couldn't be left alone just it was much more tempting to keep going beyond a kiss in the privacy of your own home...but you told yourself that likely wouldn't happen anyway and put the next game in. You played a racing game and you really liked these games because you were good at them...but so was Jaehyun. This made your competitive side come out and you really wanted to win. Everything was going well, you were approaching the finish line on your final lap in first place when you got hit by a weapon. Your character spun around as you desperately tried to get over the line and Jaehyun tried to get passed you. You finally got your character facing forwards and were so close to the finish line but as you went to cross it, Jaehyun pipped you across and you cried out in anger and flopped back onto the sofa. "Noooooo!" you whined and Jaehyun smiled down at you before he flopped onto his back too "I'm sorry I'm so good and won" he told you and you gasped turning onto your side so you could see him. "You didn't win because you're good you won because you got lucky!" you cried poking him in the chest. Jaehyun smiled "I didn't know you were a sore loser" and you pouted and went to turn away but he snook his hands around your waist and began to tickle you. You squealed and begged him to stop and he told you he would if you turned around to face him and so you did. "Better?" you asked now that you could see one another and Jaehyun nodded. He had a smile on his face but was now serious "yes". The way he said yes made you blush and he smiled because you looked so pretty right now and you were here with him...only inches away. You could see the thoughts forming in Jaehyun's head and smiled "can I help you with something?". "Yes" Jaehyun said and he kissed you. At first, you were smiling because Jaehyun was pretty cute but he soon banished that word from your mind. Like always, you were surprised at how good a kisser he was and were soon lost in kissing him. You wanted more and moved, pushing him back slightly so you could hover over him. In response Jaehyun sat up, taking you with him and placing your legs securely on either side of him. This was a lot better angle and you nodded "good thinking". "Anything that makes it easier to kiss you" he replied and carried on. Jaehyun could feel your hands toying with the bottom of his top and could tell you wanted to remove it but you didn't want to pressure him. He was more than happy to remove it but wanted to tease you a little more and make you really want him. Finally pulled back and caught your hands in his "lost something Y/n?" he asked. You were not happy with his sarcasm and shot him a pouty angry look which was delicious. Jaehyun could practically see your frustration fighting your morality which was trying not to push Jaehyun but the funny thing was, he was more than ready for this. "Here" he said and lifted his shift off his body "happy?" he asked. You scanned his body before smiling "so happy" and Jaehyun smiled as you rushed to kiss him again. You wasted no time getting acquainted with Jaehyun's famous chest and definitely picked up your intensity, so much so it was now Jaehyun who was struggling. No matter what you did he just wanted more. He pulled you even closer to him and that still that wasn't enough. The second he touched your own top it was off and the sight was glorious but still not enough. When you could feel him getting restless you started rocking your hips slightly and that was when Jaehyun was ready to burst. He paused pulling back "would you like to go upstairs?". You nodded and quickly hopped up and laughed running for the stairs. Jaehyun caught you on them and couldn't resist a small pit stop. He picked you up and propped you up on the wall and was having a lot of fun. You forgot there was anyone else in the house until Yuta walked by and shot you both a look. Luckily Jaehyun was very much focused on you otherwise you think he might've been embarrassed to be caught like this. Yuta smirked and shot you a thumbs-up before going into his room and Jaehyun was none the wiser. "Why don't you take me to your room?" you asked figuring that might be safest and Jaehyun nodded "let's go" and carried you up the last few steps. Once you were alone in his room things progressed even quicker. Jaehyun was well and truly ready for this and from his actions, you guessed he might've imagined this a few times. He was incredibly hot and you made a mental note to thank the guys again but Jaehyun immediately worked to get rid of any thought except for him...and he did it. Afterwards, neither of you wanted to move. Jaehyun had you in a very comfortable hug and you were convinced there was nothing that could make you leave his arms. Then he received a text from Johnny that they were all on their way home and you remembered you'd left a trail of clothes to Jaehyun's room. "We should go get them" you told Jaehyun who nodded "yeah but we've got time until they get back" and nuzzled your neck. You smiled at the sensation but tried to stay focused "well why don't I just quickly go grab them and come back?". "But then you'd have to go" Jaehyun said putting his hands firmly around your waist and you nodded "yeah but the sooner I go the sooner I get back". "No just let them see the clothes I don't care" Jaehyun announced and you smiled "who are you and what have you done with Jaehyun?". He blushed but shrugged "if I had to choose between you getting out of this bed and the members teasing me, I'd pick the last one". You smiled "I'm already corrupting you" and kissed him. "Don't worry, I wasn't that innocent anyway" Jaehyun replied which would've floored you typically but you had a mission in mind. You carried on kissing Jaehyun, manoeuvring him onto his back and waited until he loosened his arms and hopped out of bed, Jaehyun made a whiney noise which was honestly music to your ears and you smiled "I'll be two seconds and grabbed one of his t-shirts and shorts to quickly put on. Jaehyun watched you with an angry pout and he looked so hot that was extra motivation to get back to him quickly. The truth was you'd worn your favourite shirt here and you didn't trust you'd get it back in the same state if all the boys came trampling through the living room. So you hurried downstairs collecting the clothes and reached the living room where you had to hunt for Jaehyun's t-shirt. You'd just got them all when the front door opened and of course, all the remaining members walked in. You quickly put Jaehyun's shirt to the bottom of your pile so they wouldn't see it and fixed a smile on your face "hey how was work?". "Tiring" Taeil told you flopping onto the sofa and Jungwoo nodded "my eyes hurt". "Aww you poor things" you said and were trying to make a break for it but Johnny smirked "what've you got there Y/n?". "Erm nothing..." you said "just doing some cleaning". "Isn't that Jaehyun's t-shirt?" Haechan asked and you cursed remembering you had his t-shirt on. You shrugged "no it's mine". "You sure?" Doyoung asked and you nodded "completely". "So you and Jaehyun didn't get up to anything while you had the house to yourselves?" Johnny asked. You shook your head when someone tutted "yes you did, I caught you on the staircase because you couldn't make it to his room" Yuta said and all the guys burst out laughing. They all began teasing you and congratulating you and you rolled your eyes. "Just be happy I came to gather the things we left behind, I was trying to be nice". "Where's Jaehyun?" Mark asked and you told them he was upstairs. "So we've been at work all day and he's been here with Y/n?" Jungwoo asked "and he's still upstairs recovering!". "I'm just glad he finally did something, he was going crazy about you" Taeil said and as you spotted a figure at the top of the stairs you smile "oh really, Jaehyun did you hear that?". The guys all turned and the cheering started anew. Jaehyun had a big smile on his face but still blushed at their comments. "I came to see if you'd ambushed her" Jaehyun said coming to stand in front of you "leave her alone" he said taking your hand and leading you away. The guys all made jokes about him being protective already and still blushing, Jaehyun led you upstairs. Jaehyun closed the door and you smiled, arms folded "you really did mean what you said about rescuing me huh?". Jaehyun nodded "yep but to be fair I knew you'd be fine down there...I just wanted to show off a little". You grinned "really, impressed with yourself huh?". Jaehyun looked you up and down and nodded "very". You smiled "now I believe you offered some incentive to get me to return here quickly, what was it again?". In response Jaehyun shook off his shirt and you smiled "that was it" and started right where you left off.
This will be a two part series and part two is out now! Click HERE to read the next part.
Okay I know I’m really late to this realisation but how freaking hot is Jaehyun?!? This series was inspired because I’m not buying Jaehyun’s innocent little face and I think/hope he’s got a darker side to him and wanted to imagine what that might look like. Enjoy ;)
#Jaehyun#jaehyun fic#jaehyun imagine#jaehyun x reader#jaehyun nct#nct jaehyun#jaehyun x you#nct#nct127#nct fic#nct imagine#nct x reader#nct jaehyun x reader#nct 127 fic#nct127 imagine#nct127 x reader#seventeen#johnny#yuta#mark#taeil#doyoung#haechan#jungwoo#kpop#kpop fic#kpop imagine
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NCT 127 X S/O With locs
REQUESTED: NCT127 x S/O with locs
a/n: God, I'm sorry I'm just now getting to this. It's been on my to do list. But I'm finally here with it. But side note, each members s/o comes with a different shade of blue. I don't know the members well this is my first time writing a NCT 127 ot9 request so my reaction may not be as accurate to them.
side note: wasn't really sure how to write this without it being repetitive and boring but I still hope it's somewhat good.
another side note: I don't have locs so what I'm writing is based on YouTube videos I've watched and drawn inspiration from and also Pinterest.
ANOTHER SIDE NOTE, DAMN: I finished this around 6:35 am. The imagine went different ways, nevertheless, I hope the requester enjoys the brief moments between reader and ot9.
JOHNNY: you have been doing your retwist for a couple of hours in between sessions you'd watch Netflix, FaceTime johnny when he was on break from dance practice, ordered something to eat because you were too tired to even try to fix something to eat. And by the time Johnny came home you were just about done with your retwist.
“Oh wow.” Johnny said when he see's the color of your locs. “That color looks good on you.”
“You think so?”
“Oh yeah. It compliments you.”
The color you dyed your locs was a pretty Cerulean blue. After your locs were done, you added some cute hair jewelry some locs.
Johnny was checking out his hair in the mirror. “Do you want to dye mine so we can match?”
“Your stylist won't chew you out, will they?”
“If they I don't care. I want to match with my baby.”
MARK: he's seen you do your retwist before and knows how time consuming it can be. Mark would feed you and make sure you have plenty of water and when your arms get tired, he gives little massages. Your locs were bleached and ready for color.
“I have two different blues,” you tell your boyfriend. “Which one is your favorite, Indigo blue or baby blue?”
“Baby blue.”
“I'm feeling baby blue too.”
“Do you need any help?” Mark just wants to make things a little easier for you.
You happily nodded with a smile. Mark knew a little something about locs since you taught him. Plus, he saw this as quality time and another way of bonding with you.
DOYOUNG: “You don't gotta stay with me baby, it's gonna take some hours for her to get me colored, retwisted, and styled.” You tell Doyoung.
This was his first time going with you to a hair appointment. It was his day off and he didn't have anything better to do than drive you to your loctician and wait for you.
“But I want to stay,” he said, slightly pouting.
The salon was filled with other women getting their hair done too. One woman who was getting a wig installed gushed over you and Doyoung.
Your loctician gets you right and now it was deciding on the color. You decided to do the back of your locs sapphire blue and the front locs ocean blue.
Doyoung was on his phone most of the time, but he would check on you making sure you were good. He ran out to get you your favorite food since you would be sitting under the hair dryer for some hours.
“Do you think the colors look good on me?”
“They do. The colors just add to your beauty.”
“Boy, stop.” you laughed.
Doyoung playfully rolled his eyes saying, “I can't help it that my girlfriend's beauty is something magnificent.”
JAEHYUN: When he hears the 90s R&B music playing from the living room, he knows what today is. Retwist day. You spent a good three days preparing for this day. Giving yourself a prep talk because doing your own retwist wasn't for the weak.
“Tell me I got this, baby,” you whined to Jaehyun.
He kissed your forehead. “You got this. Just think about the end results. You know you're going to feeling yourself.”
You laughed saying, “You right. You right.”
Jaehyun kisses your lips this time and tells you bye since he is going to play basketball with the guys at the gym.
From morning until noon, you were still at your hair. You hadn't planned on styling it. Just a color and retwist. But you saw this cute style on Pinterest and decided why the hell not.
“Y/n I'm home.” Jaehyun yelled when he seen you weren't in the living room.
He goes to the bathroom,leaning on the door door frame.
“What do you think?” You asked eagerly.
You had your locs in two space buns. With two locs in the front out with gold hair jewelry. Your locs were powder blue.
“I love it. You look so freaking cute.” Jaehyun reaches out and gently tugged you to him. “But it's a shame it'll only get messed up.”
You give your boyfriend a look. “And what does that mean, jae?”
He smirks pulling you to the bedroom.
“Oh no.” you protest. “Not when I spent hours on this!”
TAEYONG: he helps you on the days you did your retwist. He took a class on locs so he could be able to help you. That's how dedicated he was to helping you. After you bleached your locs. You sat in the chair while Taeyong prepared you for the color. You were dying your locs luxe blue.
“So, do you have a boyfriend?” Taeyong jokes with you.
“Um, actually I do.”
“Can he fight?”
“You tryna fight my man, sir?”
“If it means taking you out on a date. Then yeah beautiful.”
He always joked with you like this while doing your hair. After the color and the wash. You talked about what kind of style you wanted to do. It was just something simple. A half up/half down. It was giving “New Me”
And your boyfriend had to take pictures to post on his IG. He made sure you looked good in the pictures because he knew you hated it when he took the most outlandish pictures of you and posted them. But to him, he thought you looked good in all the photos.
He takes a picture of you with the caption: GUESS WHO ATE?🤪
TAEIL: Like Mark, Taeil likes the quality time he gets to spend with you while you're doing your hair. He's curious though. He asks a lot of questions like “Why do you have crotch hooks sometimes?” or “How come you don't do a retwist all the time?” and you're always more than glad to answer your boyfriend's questions and explain things to him.
“Have you thought about what color you're going to dye your hair?” Taeil asks you.
“I was thinking Sky blue or Cool blue.”
“Sky blue would look lovely.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah! But anything on you looks lovely.”
Your face grew warm at his words. Dang, this man really knew how to make you feel good about yourself.
“Want to help with the color?”
“Sure. Just show me what I need to do.”
These were the little moments that Taeil enjoyed with you. Just standing in the bathroom applying color to your hair while you asked him about how he was feeling. You always made it a point to ask him about his mental because you know how draining his job can be.
YUTA: he was gone most of the day while you were busy with your hair. You would send him pictures letting him know how the progress was going and taking slight breaks when needed. You decided to surprise your boyfriend when he got home. Yuta once had a style where he had white hair with blue streaks and you wanted to recreate that.
You styled your locs in this cute little style with two ponytails and a side bang.
When you hear Yuta come into the apartment, you call for him to come to the bathroom. You were in the middle of doing your baby hairs.
“Oh wow.” he said. “Blue and white? Reminds of a color I had.”
“You were my inspo boy.”
“Yes.” you turned fully to look at Yuta.
He was busy checking out your new style. “This style is cute,” he said. “My hair is sort of long enough. Let's match styles.”
“You for real?”
“I want to look cute too, girl.” Yuta winks at you.
HAECHAN: “Just say you want to be my twin, y/n.” he teases you, poking you in your side while you're trying to apply dye to your locs.
“I really don't haechan.”
“Then why are you dying your hair blue like mine.”
“first off, my blue is a different shade than yours.”
“Still blue, y/n.”
“Electric blue.”
“Okay?” he poked you again. “Like I said, still blue.”
“Why are you annoying me while I'm trying to do my hair?”
“Cause I'm bored and If I don't annoy you I'll die.”
“Go die in the corner.”
“Y/n if I did die you'll be sobbing your pretty little eyes out.”
“Nah. Now go die.”
“No.” he poked you repeatedly until you burst out laughing getting hair dye on you and him. “Are you going to style the locs?”
“I was thinking of doing a simple, classic back ponytail.”
“Oh, nothing.” he smirks.
“Nah, I hear it in your voice there is something.”
“You're gonna have your locs pulled back. Maybe we can do something.”
“Something like what, Haechan?”
“It has job in it.”
“Oh, boy hell nah.”
JUNGWOO: You were sitting between Jungwoo legs as he helped you style your locs. You wanted a side ponytail and jungwoo was oddly good at doing them, he even could lay your baby hairs too. Your locs were midnight blue. Your boyfriend helped with picking the color since you really couldn't decide between sea foam green or midnight blue. Midnight blue was the winner.
“Okay, all done!” Jungwoo gives you the hand mirror.
“The retwist and style got me feeling fresh.” you turned your side to side in the mirror. “You did your thang. The color is so pretty on me too!”
Jungwoo smiles feeling proud of himself. “Yeah, I did that!” he pulls out his phone. “Here, let me take pictures. I have to show you off to the guys.”
“Don't. They may fall in love with my beauty.” you say all dramatically making your boyfriend laugh.
“How many times can a person fall in love with the same person? Cause honestly I've fallen in love you with you so many times.”
“Oh, really?” you tilt your head back to look at Jungwoo.
He smiles at you, bringing his face down closer to yours. “Really.” jungwoo softly whispered. “I never want to stop falling in love with you, y/n.”
#nct127 x black reader#nct127 imagine#nct 127 x s/o#kpop x black reader#kpop fanfic#fanfic#kpop x ambw#kpop x reader#kpop x black fem reader#nct 127 x you#nct 127 x y/n#nct 127 drabbles#nct 127 fanfic#black reader#nct 127
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Blood Moon (M)

★ PAIRING: Werewolf!Haechan x Vampire!Reader
★ GENRE(S): Smut, Angst, Forbidden Love, Dark Fantasy, Mortal enemies, Slightly melodramatic lol, Haechan is a real yearner in this.
☆ SUMMARY: Your boyfriend is in an accident that leaves him in critical condition. You wanted to be the one to save him, to turn him, but his best friend beats you to it. How will your relationship change now that you’ve become immortal enemies? ★ ☆ WARNINGS: Minor character death, mentions of grieving and loss, blood, mentions of torture, reader has a messed up backstory,dry humping, rough supernatural sex hehe, rimjob, cunnilingus, knotting, unprotected sex, outdoor sex, drug use in the form of pixie dust, Its freaky asl idk, mature, MDNI
☆★ NOTES: Might have got carried away on this one whoops. I love fantasy so excuse the lore but enjoy this porn with plot!
Your heart was in the pit of your stomach. You'd always known this day would come eventually, but you'd been foolish to think you would ever be ready. The call from the hospital had come 10 minutes ago, and traffic crawled by like a sluggish beast. You wondered why you'd gotten behind the wheel, when you knew you were faster on foot.
The moon hung high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the busy streets. Your veins thrummed with a restless energy as you tried to sit still. You would make it. You had to.
Your heels clicked against the tile of the hospital floor as you darted down the corridor, your head whipping in every direction for the room the receptionist had told you was Donghyuck’s. The scent of disinfectant and sterile air filled your lungs, but beneath it, you caught a whiff of something else – a faint hint of his presence.
Finally, your eyes found the room number, and as you approached the door, your gaze fixed on the whiteboard attached to it:
Patient: Lee Donghyuck
As you entered the room, you didn't notice the strain in your shoulders or the way your breath caught in your throat until you almost yanked the door off its hinges. The bed was empty and cold, but his scent lingered. It hadn't been long since they'd moved him.
Your mind reeled with worst-case scenarios. You patted your pocket for your phone, but it wasn't there – you must have left it in the car in your panic.
You hear footsteps approaching, and they come to a stop outside the door. When you turn around, you see a nurse wiping the whiteboard clean.
“Where is he?” The harshness in your voice surprises you.
“If you’re asking about the patient who was in here, you just missed him. He was checked out a little while ago,” she replies, not looking up from her task.
You finally exhale, your legs growing weak beneath you as relief floods through you. He was okay. But then a flicker of confusion crosses your face, causing your slight smile to falter.
“Is something wrong?” the nurse asks, finally looking at you.
“I’m sorry, it’s just... his condition. I was told it was critical.”
The nurse nods, concern creasing her brow. “Honestly, I wasn’t sure he’d pull through. He was hit by a drunk driver. He broke several bones, and we thought there was internal bleeding. There should have been, at least.” She pauses, her expression turning puzzled the more she thinks about Donghyuck’s case.
“Where is he now? How could he just get up and leave after all that?” Panic begins to rise within you. He was human; you were certain of that. Humans don’t just bounce back like that, do they? Questions and doubts swirl in your mind.
“A few friends visited him about thirty minutes before you got here. One of them came to find me and said he needed to be checked out. I was just as shocked as you when I walked in and found him standing there, all his vitals normal. The doctor wanted to keep him for more tests, but the guys insisted on taking him home. Honestly, there wasn’t much we could do since he appeared fine.” The nurse shrugs, her confusion mirroring yours.
Just then, her pager buzzes, breaking the tension. “I’ve got to run. Sorry!” She glances at the notification before hurriedly excusing herself.
You start piecing things together, and the outcome doesn't sit well with you. You walk back into the room and focus. Your senses aren’t as sharp as usual, you’re due for another recharge soon. You sift through the scents in the hospital: sterile, metallic, but then you catch a whiff of something you missed earlier. It confirmed the nurse's story. They had been here.
Irritation bubbles up as you stride out of the hospital. You could leave a trail of fire in your wake with the heat radiating off you in fury. They had reached him first. They had taken him. You grind your heels into the pavement as you run. You’d worry about your car later; moving on foot is your best bet now. Better they didn’t see you coming.
The cold night air bites at your skin as you fly through the darkness, few cars passing you on the back roads. At this speed, they wouldn’t even catch a glimpse of you. The trees blur into shadows as you sprint toward your destination, buried deep in the forest. You split from the main highway to a side road, blocked by rusting barriers, stretching out for miles. its cracked and overgrown pavement leading to a half-built freeway that drops off into thickets of bushes and trees. No one comes this way; not many even know it exists. The only souls who dare venture down this path are high schoolers or college kids looking for thrills at night, chasing highs.
As you round a bend, your destination comes into view: a rundown motel, overtaken by moss and vines. It stands as the sole remnant for miles, until you reach the unfinished freeway. There's nothing else out here but forest.
You slow your pace, taking in the scene; it feels like stepping back in time. The once flickering neon sign, long burned out, hung tilted above the entrance, and the peeling paint on the walls had seen better days. The only thing guiding you through the darkness is the moonlight and your own keen night vision. Without them, it would be pitch black—no lights for miles.
Even before you see them, the smell hits you first: a wet, dog-like odor that makes your nose scrunch up in distaste. The moment you step onto the property, yellow eyes appear in the dark, and low snarls echo through the night. You’re in werewolf territory, and they’re just seconds away from ripping you apart. In an instant, you’re surrounded, their numbers closing in like a tightening net. Your own eyes flash red as you bare your fangs in warning, a growl rumbling in your throat. Teeth clash around you, spit flying as they display their own teeth.
“Where is he? I know you took him!” you shout, your voice carrying through the crowd. “I’m just looking for my boyfriend! I’m not here to fight!”
You took a gamble coming here unprepared. In the wild, they predominantly favored their wolf forms. The hairs along their necks and backs bristle, ears perk up, and they crouch low, ready to pounce. In this state, instinct reigns supreme; reason and negotiation was unlikely.
“Shit,” you mutter under your breath, preparing to unleash your own claws when a voice suddenly cuts through the chaos.
“Stand down,” an older voice commands as two familiar figures emerge from the pack.
One of the pack members howls, calling the others to attention. The wolf shakes violently, as if shrugging off water, before morphing into a human—a few others follow suit. The rest bound off into the dense forest.
“You shouldn’t be here. This is our territory,” the first transformed wolf says, a warning etched across his features. He stands before you, his human form unapologetically naked.
“Jeno, enough!” the old man insists, his presence commanding.
“She’s a vampire! She’s breaking treaty by being here without permission!” Jeno, points accusingly at you.
“He’s here, isn’t he? There’s no way you haven’t heard about the accident. He wasn’t at the hospital.” Your frustration boils over, almost uncontrollable. “You turned him into one of you, didn’t you? Answer me Jeno!”
He meets your gaze with a snarl at the mention of his name.
“I said enough! We don’t need to escalate this,” the old man interjects firmly.
“Dad!” Jeno says in disbelief.
“Follow me,” Jeno’s father commands, brushing aside his son’s fury with practiced ease.
You glower at Jeno as you follow his father deeper into the property. Your scowl is met with silent glares from the others, who stand in their human forms, their eyes watching intently. The chief has spoken. it’s clear—no one is to touch you.
You recognized Ten, Johnny, Kun, Xiaojun, Yangyang, and a few other familiar faces among the pack. Your boyfriend, Donghyuck, had grown up with them. His dad was friends with Jeno’s, so he and Jeno had played together since diapers. They were the ones who had given him the nickname Haechan. You always hated how close he was to the pack. He always carried a trace of their scent and there was a time you were fully convinced he might be one of them.
Donghyuck had been blissfully unaware of the supernatural world around him. When he introduced you to a few of his friends one day, you had to fight the instinct to bare your fangs. That night had been tense and awkward. You had learned to play nice while Haechan was around, but the moment he left the room, you were at each other's throats.
They guide you into one of the rooms. Despite the rundown exterior of the motel, the inside was meticulously restored, almost like an oasis in this forgotten wilderness. As soon as you step inside, your breath catches in your throat. The sight of Haechan makes your heart swell and break all at once.
At first glance, he seems fine—lying on a bed in the center of the room, his chest rising and falling gently. Sweat beads at his temples, and his brows are furrowed in a way that sends a rush of alarm through you. A slight grimace crosses his lips, hinting at discomfort or pain making your heart sink.
"What’s wrong with him?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper, fear creeping in.
“It’s part of the process,” Jeno says from near the door. “He’s adjusting. It’s a lot for him to handle.”
“Why would you allow this?” you target the chief. Jeno pulls you back by the arm before you can get to him, his claws digging into your skin.
“He didn’t know! I did this,” Jeno interjects.
Your anger shifts to Jeno, a growl escaping your lips. “You,” you spit, eyes glowing red again. “You know the risk of turning him, and yet you still did it!”
“He’s my best friend! I wasn’t going to let him just die!” Jeno’s voice rises with frustration and pain. “What were you planning to do when you got there? Watch him die?” He laughs cruelly, which only fuels your fury. “You’re just mad I beat you to it.”
The air is thick with tension, and you prepare to lunge at him when growls break the silence from behind you. Turning around, you see some of the pack entering the room. You lock eyes with Ten, Johnny, and Jaehyun, their expressions unreadable but serious. You sense their protectiveness over Jeno and reluctantly ease your stance, frustration boiling over in a huff of air. “Ughh!” You clench your fists, willing yourself to calm down as your chest rises and falls harshly.
“What’s going to happen to him?” you ask, looking towards the chief.
“He’s going to change,” he replies, his gaze steady. “He’s taking the bite well. There shouldn’t be any complications, but he needs rest. He’s been through a lot today.”
“How long will it take?” You say. You move carefully to sit at Haechan’s side and brush the hair from his forehead.
“It varies from person to person,” He says, pulling your attention away from haechan. “It can be a few hours to a couple of days. But he’s resilient, and he’s strong.”
You turn back to Haechan, your heart aching as you scan his form. The covers are thrown aside, exposing his chest, bare except for the sweat glistening on his skin. He looks different—his shoulders broader, muscles more defined, and his face sharper than before. He was still your Haechan, but you realize with dread that there’s one detail you’ll have to adjust to.
That smell. The unmistakable scent of a werewolf—stronger and more pungent than the subtle hint he carried before. He reeked of mutt.
You hadn’t told Haechan you were a vampire. It was safer that way or perhaps you were deluding yourself, too afraid to face the truth. As a vampire, dating humans was frowned upon. Humans were considered nothing more than food, meant to be consumed or else they’d spoil. Vampires, on the other hand, were the undead, nightwalkers who defied mortality and the passage of time. You didn't age, and You didn't die. Vampires were superior to humans in every way. It was common manners not to play with your food but eat it. You had sworn you would never date a human. Loving a human was dangerous but despite everything you couldn’t stop yourself from loving Haechan.
There was an abandoned cemetery just outside the city where you lived. Cliché as it might be, you loved the cemetery; it was one of the few places you felt truly at peace. You often found yourself wandering there, even outside of your biweekly recharging rituals.
Living amongst humans was difficult for most vampires, but those who tried had to make accommodations. Unlike some legends you could bask in the sunlight without fear of turning to ash under the sun or sparkling like diamonds. But there was a trade-off—when exposed to the sun, you were stripped of your immortality. You were the most vulnerable during the day. You’d still retain your speed, hearing, and agility, but you felt as fragile as a human. Many were terrified of this weakness, so they hid away until nightfall when they were the most powerful.
At night you were untouchable. Not even a stake through the heart, garlic, or silver bullets could kill you. Still, prolonged exposure to the sun would gradually drain your energy, weakening you until you were left with nothing if you didn’t recharge. Bathing in moonlight was one solution, but the quickest way to recuperate your strength was resting in a specially inscribed coffin. That kind of sleep rejuvenated you, allowing you to regain your vitality and power.
You had stumbled upon an unburied coffin in that cemetery long ago and inscribed it with runes of protection and rejuvenation. It became your perfect charging station. Tucked away from the bustling city, it was very rare that someone came here due to the cemetery's extremely run down appearance.
You thought it was perfect. The quiet stillness allowed you to gaze at the stars, and it was beneath that vast, twinkling sky that you first met Haechan.
You had spent an entire day in your coffin, allowing the darkness to wrap around you like a comforting blanket. As you pushed against the stone lid, it slid aside with ease, and you sat up, yawning and stretching your limbs. Blinking a few times, you find the moonlight spilling into the space and filling you with its magic. You bask in it as it dances against your skin. After resting you always got the zoomies, a few laps around the forest would do just fine before heading home.
Sliding out of the grave, you dusted off the dirt and debris from your clothes. Just as you began to shake off the remnants of your rest, a shuffle caught your attention a few yards away. Instinct kicked in, and your senses sharpened. The sweet, tempting scent of human filled your nose, and a smile crept across your face. You were starving and could go for a little snack, especially if some careless drunk college kid had stumbled their way here. You’d never understood why freshmen chose this spot to get wasted, but at that moment, you silently thanked whichever god had sent them your way. You were tired of dealing with the trash and beer bottles they left behind anyway.
You're naturally light footed so you don't have to sneak up on the hunched figure in front of you. Just as you were about to attack, a small sniffle stopped you in your tracks. You took a moment to observe the young man kneeling in front of a grave, fresh pink camellias in his hand. He was crying, and his tears sparkled in the moonlight as they fell, unknowingly watering the flowers. There was something ethereal about him, reminiscent of a fairy. For a moment, you could have sworn the flowers bloomed brighter with each teardrop, but perhaps that was just your imagination running wild. Taking a deep breath to better understand this mysterious figure. His scent confirmed he was undeniably human, tinged with a hint of canine—perhaps he was a dog owner.
You may be a creature of the night, but you weren't heartless.
As you gazed at the young man, you couldn't bring yourself to disturb him while he was grieving. Your voice, barely above a whisper, broke the silence. "I'm sorry for your loss."
He jumped, startled, and clutched his chest with his free hand. "You scared me," a nervous chuckle escaped his lips as he tried to calm his racing heart. "I didn’t think anyone else was here" he said, wiping his tears and clearing his throat. He gently set the flowers down beside him.
You offered him a soft, gentle smile and settled in beside him, your eyes drifting to the tombstone. "Who was she to you?" You asked, nodding toward the name etched into the stone. Your gaze flickered to his.
The young man stared at you, his mouth agape, his eyes wide with wonder. You couldn't help but giggle at his adorable expression – he reminded you of a baby bear, innocent and endearing. It's like he finally remembers you asked him a question and his mouth snapped shut, and he cleared his throat. His eyes refocusing on the grave and a fond smile spread across his face, and you could almost see the memories dancing across his features.
"She was my grandma," he said, his voice cracking slightly. You hummed softly, indicating you were listening, and he continued.
"She took care of me when my dad would leave on business trips when I was a kid. She got sick after I'd left the city, and I couldn't find the time to come see her... and now it's too late." Tears began to well up in his eyes. “She wanted to be buried by her mother but…” He trailed off. His eyes flit around the abandoned graveyard and its crumbling tombstones, their inscriptions faded and obscured by moss and creeping ivy. The path leading through the graveyard was overgrown with wild grasses hinting at years of neglect.
You smiled, understanding where he was coming from. This wasn't the most ideal place to lay a loved one to rest anymore.
"It's not your fault, you know. I'm sure you wanted to be there for her, and I'm sure she knew that too."
His eyes remained fixed on the grave as he traced the name engraved in stone with his fingers, a faint smile breaking through his sorrow. "Thank you," he replied, but you sensed it would take time for him to truly believe your words.
Suddenly, he turned to you with a new intensity. "I'm sorry I've been rambling about myself. Did you lose someone, too?"
His question caught you off guard. You had nearly forgotten that people came here to grieve, as you had your own reasons. You paused for a moment, scrambling to conjure a lie. But after the heartfelt story he had shared, you didn't feel that it was right to lie about visiting a loved one.
"I just come out here sometimes because it's quiet," you admitted, which wasn’t entirely untrue; sometimes the chaos of the city was overwhelming, and you needed a break from the noise.
Haechan looked at you as if you were crazy. "You're crazy."
You couldn't help but laugh at that. "I guess I am. But look," you said, pointing toward the stars. "They look so pretty out here."
His gaze flickered upward, captivated by the night sky.
"That one's Ursa Major," you said with a smile. "It's my favorite." You reached out, taking his hand to trace the constellation. "Do you see it?"
"What's it supposed to look like?" he asked, frowning slightly.
"It's a bear! You see the Big Dipper? That's part of the constellation, and all together it’s supposed to resemble a bear." You released his hand and used your own to outline the Big Dipper in the sky.
His eyes lit up as he stared at the stars, and you found yourself captivated by him. The way the starlight shimmered in his gaze was enchanting.
"I see it!" he exclaimed happily, turning to share the joy with you, but when he looked back, you had vanished.
Your skin was cold to the touch and you were gone so suddenly he had almost written you off as a ghost that night. He had nearly forgotten about that night until you appeared before him again. A month later, he saw you in the library, and he was certain you were real.
After his grandmother's passing, Haechan had moved back home. He was entrusted with managing a significant part of her affairs, leading to weeks of sleepless nights spent sorting through her accounts and handling paperwork. Juggling family responsibilities and his classes at the nearby community college had left him utterly exhausted.
When he first saw you he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. He rubbed his eyes tiredly but there you remained. You were just down the aisle, and he hurriedly packed his things, eager to follow you. When he turned the corner just a few seconds later, you had vanished again. His shoulders slumped in defeat.
“I’ve gotta get some sleep,” he murmured, shaking his head as he pulled his backpack higher up on his shoulders, preparing to leave.
“You probably should,” you said with a smile, making him jump back in fright, letting out a startled yell.
A few patrons shush the two of you. “I’m sorry. I should really stop sneaking up on you,” you said, a playful grin on your face.
“You think?” he whispered back, but a smile finally broke through his fatigue. “So you really are real,” he mused more to himself than anyone else.
Your smile widened at his revelation, and you nodded.
“What's your name?”
Present day
A week had passed since you'd last seen Haechan. You hadn’t gone back to see him and honestly you weren’t sure if you ever would. Dating a werewolf? It seemed even more complicated than a relationship with a human. Your mind was reeling, and you were still struggling to wrap your head around the reality of it all.
You sat on your balcony that overlooked the forest behind your apartment. Sipping hot chocolate and watching the full moon, you couldn't help but think of him. You wondered how he was coping with his first full moon. Having his first full moon so close to his initial change must be tough. With a sigh, you tried to shake off the thoughts. It would be safer for both of you if you stayed away from each other.
You moved back inside. You were walking into the kitchen to wash your cup when you felt a sudden draft as the wind blew in through the double doors leading to your balcony. You must have forgotten to close it all the way. You walked back over to close them, ensuring they were locked before returning to the kitchen.
You freeze when you spot the ash-grey wolf standing on your kitchen island. You couldn’t suppress the scream that escaped your lips. How the hell had it gotten in here without you noticing? Your senses were dulled, and you knew you were due for a much-needed recharge.
You cursed under your breath, taking in the beast before you. Its yellow eyes glowed, and saliva dripped onto your kitchen island, making you recoil in disgust. This wolf was not acting normal. Its shoulder heaved as it took ragged breaths, almost rabid in appearance. You instinctively put your guard up, creating distance between the two of you. You couldn’t fight it—not in your current state.
As you slowly began to back away, there was something in the wolf's eyes that halted you in your tracks. It couldn't be him.
“H-Haechan?” you called out, bending your knees to appear smaller so as not to frighten him. You wondered how he had ended up here. He looked scared.
“It's me, Haechan,” you said softly, hands extended in a non-threatening manner. You understood he was running purely on instinct. Perhaps he had sought out a place where he felt safe.
Now you stood just in front of him causing him to growl and bare his teeth. His body was rigid, and his ears were flattened against his head. Every sign warned you to stay back, yet you ignored them all as you reached out to touch him.
In an instant, it happened. One moment you were standing, and the next, he had pinned you to the floor, his powerful paws digging into your shoulders. He snarled, but you remained calm. He couldn’t kill you but healing would take days in this state if he did enough damage.
You looked into his eyes and took a deep breath. “Haechan, you need to calm down. It’s me. If you don’t find control, you’ll do something you’ll regret.”
He growls in response.
“Donghyuck!” you yelled sternly. “Snap out of it!” You scolded him as his claws dug deeper into your shoulders.
He flinched and whined, stepping off you reluctantly. His head hung low, and his tail tucked between his legs as he made a small circle before plopping down a few feet in front of you.
Breathing a sigh of relief, you realized he had regained some sense of awareness. Keeping your voice steady, you knelt beside him and tentatively reached out. When he allowed you to get close, you gently patted him. “You need to change back, baby. I know you're scared, but you have to. You can do this. You're stronger than this,” you whispered reassuringly.
He stood up, and you did too, backing away to give him space. He stretched into a downward dog and shook himself off, and to your amazement, his body morphed before your eyes. Finally, the Haechan you knew and loved stood naked before you, looking horrified as he took in the damage done.
“I’m sorry.”
Following his gaze to your shoulders, you smiled. “This is nothing; don’t worry about it,” you said, trying to comfort him.
He backed away slightly, shaking his head. “Don’t come near me!” he yelled, and you flinched. “I don’t want to hurt you,” he added, his voice softer this time.
Ignoring his plea, you walked toward him anyway. “You could never hurt me, love,” you replied, offering him a reassuring smile.
Tears welled up in his eyes as he sank to his knees. “I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t remember anything. Jeno and the others came for me and then turned me into… this.” He gestured to his hands, which hadn't fully reverted, his claws still bared.
Kneeling in front of him, you took his hands in yours. He tried to pull away, but your grip was firm enough to keep him in place. He looked at you in shock but before he could question your strength you spoke.
“Is that why you ran?” you asked gently.
“They turned me into a monster. How can I live like this?” His eyes searched your face for answers. Your heart ached at the fear reflected in his gaze. You felt a wave of shame wash over you; Jeno was right. If you’d gotten to him first, you would have changed him but that wasn’t what Haechan wanted. Jeno had acted selfishly, and so had you for even contemplating it.
“He was just trying to help,” you found yourself defending Jeno unexpectedly. Maybe you were subconsciously defending yourself. “You have to go back to them, Haechan. They’re the only ones who can teach you how to control yourself.”
“So I don’t hurt more people,” he scoffed, humorlessly. “How can you even look at me right now?”
“You’re not a monster, do you hear me?” you replied sternly.
“I AM! LOOK AT ME!” he yelled, his eyes glinting yellow as he finally found the strength to yank his hands away from yours. He stood and walked toward your room, rummaging through your drawer until he found a pair of pants he’d left behind. You stand in the doorway, watching him dress with your arms crossed.
“Haechan I'm fine,” you called out.
“Don’t lie to make me feel better!” he shouted back.
Frustration surged within you as you pulled your shirt over your head, exposing your already healed skin. “LOOK!” you yelled.
He halted, his eyes widening as he examined you. Your skin was unmarred, untouched by his claws. He dashed toward you, grabbing your shoulders and twisting you this way and that, searching for any signs of injury. “Wha—” he stuttered. “How did you do that?”
Closing your eyes, you remembered your true self. When you opened them, they glowed crimson. “You’re not a monster, Haechan. Unless you consider me one too,” you told him.
His eyes widened in astonishment, but he stood rooted in place, shock holding him there. “What are you?”
You hissed softly, revealing your fangs. "I'm a vampire," you stated simply.
You could see the gears turning in his head as he connected the dots: why you were always so cold to the touch, how you could sneak up on him silently, how you exhibited unnatural strength just moments ago.
Finally, his body relaxed, and he sank onto your bed, looking lightheaded. “So you’re a vampire,” he repeated, almost incredulously, as if trying to grasp everything that had just unfolded.
“Yes,” you said, sitting next to him.
“And I’m a werewolf.”
“Correct again,” you replied, resting your head on his shoulder.
“How old are you?” he asked next, genuinely curious.
You fought back a smile. “How rude!” you joked, shoving him lightly.
“Wait, no, I didn’t mean it like that!” he replied apologetically, running a hand down his face in embarrassment. “I mean, when did you become a vampire? Has it been a long time? Your family…” He trailed off, the gravity of the conversation settling in the atmosphere.
“They’re probably dead by now,” you replied, your voice softening.
“I’m sorry,” he said, and you could hear the sincerity in his tone.
“It’s okay. I don’t remember my human years; most vampires don’t,” you explained. “I was 24 when I turned. The one who turned me was the closest thing to a father I had, and he was cruel.” You bristled at the memories of your past.
Haechan stayed quiet, allowing you to open up if you wanted. You took a deep breath before continuing, "He kept me locked away and taught me how to survive, but the punishments were brutal. I knew I had to get away from him eventually."
You told Haechan everything…
You don’t remember how you ended up there, but when you awoke that night, a man in his late forties stood before you. He had dark hair and striking blue eyes. Now that you’re older, you realize blue eyes belong to ancient vampires, beings that had survived since the dark ages. With a voice like dark velvet, he taught you how to harness your powers and you learned the art of inscribing. His teachings also instilled in you a deep-seated fear of the sun. He spun tales of scorched skin and searing pain, convincing you that to step into its light would mean certain death. He taught you other things too, like to despise humans. He taught you humans were to never be trusted and that one day they would betray you.
He kept you locked away underground in an old tower, isolated from the world above. The room where you stayed contained only a coffin. You were tasked with maintaining the underground floors, ensuring they remained orderly. You weren’t allowed to venture beyond the floors beneath ground level. He treated you like a slave, proclaiming that you belonged to him in exchange for granting you eternal life. It was a twisted bargain that felt more like a curse.
You had been above ground only once, it was a rare and seemingly indulgent gift from your master. He would normally bring you his kills to feed on but that night he had taken you out into the world, to teach you to hunt. It was exhilarating to experience the raw, primal instincts that surged within you. You hunted until dawn, the sun creeping up threateningly beyond the horizon.
The night had ended all too soon and you headed back home. You made it to the front of the tower, and just seconds before you were ushered inside, the sun rose, spilling soft gold and pink across the sky. You had caught your first glimpse of its light, radiant and breathtaking. It painted the world warm hues, something you had never seen in the cold tower.
Your master’s hand gripped your shoulder. “We must return,” he said, his voice laced with authority as he ushered you back into the shadows. Since that one fateful night, you have never been allowed to see the surface again.
One night, curiosity got the better of you, and while your master was absent, you explored the tower. You snuck into the library and read until dawn. When the sun rose, you raced to the top floor and gazed out at the sunrise. You longed to bathe in its light, fully aware that it would be fatal. Your master had warned you that direct sunlight could kill you, only safe within the tower's shadows.
Everything changed one fateful night. You had taken a book from the library but your master returned sooner than you had expected. Despite the risks, you knew you had to return the book before he noticed.
It was through the pages of his books that you discovered the truth. You were taught many things, but after reading his books how many of them had been true? The books told you stories about humans, the outside world, and important history. It revealed that while the sun wouldn’t kill you, it could weaken you, and that to regain any lost power, you must sleep. He had kept secrets from you, you couldn’t trust him. Maybe if you could escape, you could live among humans without fear? You’d never find out unless you returned the book. If your master discovered you had sneaked upstairs, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill you.
The halls were quiet, and slipping the book back into place was easy. You were making your way back, using an old passageway you had stumbled across, when a flickering light caught your eye. The corridor was lined with doors, each one leading to a different part of the tower. Peeking through a crack in one door, you saw something chilling.
Your master stood in the center of a gathering room, surrounded by chained and shackled humans. An entire council of vampires filled the room, and the sight of the horrific treatment inflicted on the humans made you nauseous. They were beaten and tortured cruelly. Their screams echoed in your mind, and that night, you swore to escape. The humans you had read about had their faults but they did not deserve that.
You thought you had everything figured out until three days later, when your master visited with a human man around your age. He offered no explanation, only instructing you to take care of him. You soon grew close to the human, who introduced himself as Kun. He quickly became your only friend, sharing stories about the outside world and his family. For two years, he stayed with you, working alongside you as a fellow slave. At first, you worried that your master would eat him, as it wasn’t like him to let food spoil. Eventually you stopped worrying about it and just learned to enjoy Kun’s company.
You showed Kun everything: the hidden passageways, the library, and the sunset whenever your master was away. You promised each other that when the time was right, you would escape together.
Then one night, your master woke you from a rare period of recharging. He had previously insisted you slept. You found it strange but you hadn’t argued. There was no reason for you to recharge, you spent most nights watching Kun sleep.
You instinctively turned towards his cot but it was empty. Before you could voice your concern, your master ushered you out of your room and upstairs to the gathering room you had once watched from the shadows. Ancient vampires surrounded the area, their underlings present as well.
In the middle of the room was Kun. He was stripped bare, bruises, scars and welts were painted across his once beautiful skin.
“KUN!” you shouted, trying to rush to him, but your master’s voice stopped you in your tracks. He had the ability to compel, a power only ancient vampires possessed. You had read that the only way to break it was to call him by his true name, a name you didn’t know since you had only ever addressed him as “Master.”
“MASTER!” you screamed, desperation rising in your voice. “PLEASE, STOP THIS!”
Tears welled up in your eyes and you could feel yourself die. You knew you were already dead but this pain in your chest would have been fatal if you were moral.
“You brought this upon yourself, foolish girl,” he sneered.
The other ancient vampires laughed at your distress, their underlings at their side, made to watch to teach them what would happen if they disobeyed their master.
“Make her suffer!”
“Look how she cares for that wretched human!” one of them jeered.
“Kill them both!” shouted another.
They hurled insults your way while you trembled under your master’s control.
“Did you think I was a fool? I knew what you were up to. I could smell you in the walls, you little rodent.”
“Please, Master, I’m sorry! Forgive me!” you begged.
“It’s not me you need to ask for forgiveness. It is him,” he said, gesturing a long finger at Kun. “Because of you, this is his fate.”
With an audience of ancient vampires, he turned to them proudly and declared, “Nothing but ruin can come from loving a human. Witness now the consequences of defying tradition. Drink from him!” he ordered.
Your body moved against your will. You fought against his compulsion with every ounce of strength, but each step felt heavier. Standing before Kun, you could see that he was barely breathing.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault,” he managed to whisper. With the last of his strength, he smiled weakly. “Don’t let him break you.”
Tears streamed down your face as you bared your teeth and sank them into him. You could feel his life slipping away, and as you drank, your heart shattered in silence.
Later that night, you were thrown back into your room. You didn't move for months. Staring blankly at the wall, you cried until the hunger became overwhelming. Your master hadn’t brought you any food, likely leaving you there to die. You couldn’t let that happen; you had promised Kun.
Eventually, you found a way out. You fled during daylight, running until you could run no more. You felt the grass beneath your toes and the sun on your face. You ran so hard you broke your ankle in the process but by nightfall, it had healed. You lived as a nomad for years until you rolled into the city you now call home. Adjusting to your new life was a challenge at first, but eventually, you met a city vampire who taught you how to navigate life among humans.
Haechan listened intently, not interrupting once.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you all of this sooner; it was easier if you didn’t know,” you confessed.
“I’m sorry you had to carry all that alone," he replied gently. "I promise, you won’t have to go through that again. We’re stronger now.”
“That's it though,” you began, gathering your thoughts. “We’re not strong enough. You need to go back to your pack, Haechan. You can’t come back here. There are rules, and we have to uphold them.”
“I don’t see why we can’t see each other. I know you’re afraid, but you can’t just push me away.”
"You can’t just do whatever you want! This isn’t a game, and those rules are there for a reason—to keep people alive!" You didn’t want to sound harsh, but the history between wolves and vampires was too complicated to explain right now. “The others are probably already looking for you. I can’t have a fight breaking out if they catch you here.”
“So that’s it? I’m nothing to you now?” Haechan stood up, frustration etched across his face.
“That's not—” You take a deep breath. “I didn’t say that. It’s just… complicated.”
You heard a howl echo in the distance, and your heart sank. “We don’t have time to talk about this. You need to leave. Now!” You turned and headed toward your balcony; it was safer for him to leave the way he came. He wouldn’t run into anyone and he could head straight into the forest. You swung open the doors, only to be greeted by the last person you wanted to see.
“Where is he?” Jeno demanded.
You sighed, trying to keep your attitude in check. “He was scared.”
“I don’t know if you’ve understood this yet, but he’s one of us now. You need to stay away from him. I’m running out of warnings,” he snarled.
Haechan rounded the corner and met Jeno’s gaze. “Jeno, relax! You know her,” he said defensively.
Johnny chimed in, “you don’t understand, just stay out of this.”
Haechan stepped in front of you, shielding you. “Guys, seriously! We’ve hung out together plenty of times. Why is everyone suddenly so defensive?”
“I told you, Haechan, it’s different now. New rules apply because you’re different. You’re part of their pack, and I’m a vicious vampire,” you replied, your sarcasm biting.
“Sorry, dude, but that’s just the way things are,” Mark added.
“This is so stupid! I didn’t ask for this life, and now everyone’s trying to tell me what’s best for me!” Haechan yelled, frustration boiling over.
You took his face in your hands, forcing him to look into your eyes. “I know it’s unfair, love, but you have to go. I’ll see y—” You paused, stopping yourself from making any false promises. “Just… go with them, for me. Please?” You gave him your best pleading look, and slowly, he calmed down. Then he pulled you into a kiss. Neither of you wanted to pull away, but when he finally did, he turned away before you could see the tears threaten to fall.
He walked toward Jeno and the others, but when Jeno reached out to put a comforting hand on Haechan's shoulder he shrugged it off with a low growl. They all jump from your balcony and when you look down below to where they land a pack of wolves stare back up at you before running off into the forest.
A year passed, and you hadn’t seen Haechan again. You were the one who had told him to stay away, but still, there were moments when you couldn't help but ask Mark about him. Mark was the most reasonable of their pack; you wouldn’t quite call him a friend, but you could manage more than a few words with him without the threat of a fight looming over you. The city was considered neutral territory, so running into a member of the pack while out and about was not uncommon.
“Mark told me Haechan is adjusting fine,” you shared with your friend Sooyoung as you leaned against your kitchen counter. “It took him a while, but he can control his powers now. Apparently, it took longer than usual because Haechan was still mad at them and refused to learn, but they’re on better terms now.”
“You’re living in a soap opera,” Sooyoung huffed, plopping down on one of your barstools, resting her head in her palm as she slouched over your countertop. “Are you really not going to see him?” she asked, lifting her head slightly.
“I can’t. I really can’t,” you stressed.
“Well then I’m tired of hearing about him,” she replied through a yawn. There were many myths about fairies, and one was that they couldn’t lie. While that wasn’t entirely true, they preferred not to, which made them incredibly blunt.
“Wow! What a great friend you are!” you said, rolling your eyes playfully.
Sooyoung straightened up a bit as you focused on making dinner for the two of you. “I’m sorry,” she whined, “it’s not that I don’t care; it’s just that you clearly still care about him. I can’t watch you torture yourself like this. As your friend, I want you to be happy.”
“I am happy!” you shot back defensively.
“Not if all you talk about is your stupid wolf-turned-ex-boyfriend that you miss!” she countered.
“I don’t miss him!” you insisted.
“Do you think about him?” she asked knowingly.
“I do,” you admitted.
“And I have to hear about it all the time, every day, every minute.” she pointed out.
“I'm sorry.” You cringed.
“Why don’t you just go see him? Just once, for closure,” she added, trying to be convincing.
“But what if he’s moved on?” The thought plagued you, an echo in your mind. “He hasn’t come to see me at all.”
“He has his reasons, just as you’ve had yours,” she reminded you. You considered this as you took the dinner off the stove and plated it.
“Let’s just eat,” you said, setting the conversation aside for now.
You could feel eyes on you from the moment you woke from your slumber. The scent was unmistakably his—Haechan. Rising from your grave, you sensed his presence pulling away, retreating into the nearby woods. You knew you should let him go, but you couldn’t. Sooyoung was right; maybe you needed closure.
You followed him. His figure dashed gracefully through the undergrowth, and moonlight danced off his ash-grey fur, illuminating the way. He eventually led you into a clearing, where the moon cast a spotlight on him before he turned to face you. With a shake of his fur, he began the transformation you had seen so many times before. It unsettled you how his bones shifted and reshaped, until he stood before you—bare and vulnerable, yet undeniably Haechan.
“Why are you here?” you asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
“I missed you,” he replied, his eyes earnest.
“You shouldn’t be here.”
“I needed to see you,” he said, dismissing your warning. “I never stopped thinking about you.”
“That's enough!” you yelled, emotions welling up inside you.
“I know you’ve been asking Mark about me. I know you still love me,” he said, stepping closer.
“Stay away from me!” you shouted. If he came any closer…
“That’s why you followed me here. Admit it,” he pushed, standing a breath away. He searched your eyes, as if looking for the truth that lay hidden in your heart. “Admit it.” He says almost like he's trying to convince himself as well.
You didn’t stop him when his lips met yours. It was a desperate kiss, and you found yourself kissing him back instinctively. His hands found their way around your waist, pulling you tight against his chest, as if he feared you would slip away again. You wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him just as tightly. But before he could deepen the kiss, you pulled away suddenly.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, brows furrowed as he reached out to pull you back into his embrace.
“You know what's wrong.” you managed to say, your mind racing. “We can’t.”
Haechan ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “What’s your issue?! I can see it all over your face. You still love me; why are you fighting it? What are you so afraid of?”
“Losing you!” you cried, tears spilling down your cheeks as you finally let the walls come crashing down. “You’re so damn stupid!” You closed the distance once more, pounding your fists against his chest. “Why couldn’t you just stay away?”
He let you unleash your anger, waiting patiently until you had calmed down. Then, he wrapped you in his arms again, grounding you as your knees wobbled. You buried your face in his chest with a sob.
Haechan wasn't as ignorant as he was in the past. He knew the history between werewolves and vampires but eons of bad blood wasn't enough to keep him from you. He was fully aware of the dangers that came with being with you but he would rather die fighting for you than to do nothing at all.
Vampires had a long history of hunting werewolves. They were the only creature that could rival their speed and strength. It was a sport, a display of dominance, to show that they were the apex predator. Treaties were signed but broken, territories marked, and warnings sent. Vampires and werewolves had learned that the best way to keep the peace was to stay far apart from one another. Most city vampires were progressive, they partied with elves, drank with werewolves, and got high off pixie dust. They mingled across species, but such alliances were frowned upon by the more traditional clans. Any love across species was seen as a betrayal, deserving of the fiercest punishment—blood spilled in the name of ancient grudges. You could be branded a traitor just for showing kindness to a werewolf.
“I won’t let anything happen to you, and you won’t let anything happen to me. We were together when I was human, and that was probably more dangerous,” he pointed out.
“I know, and I was selfish,” you admitted.
“Well, now it’s my turn to be selfish. Just let me see you,” he said earnestly.
“This is not a good idea,” you warned, but his pleading gaze softened your resolve.
He must have sensed your wavering will, as he pulled out the puppy-dog eyes. “Please,” he begged.
“Fine,” you said with an exaggerated roll of your eyes.
Just as he was about to celebrate and pull you into another kiss, you raised a finger to his lips. “But that doesn’t mean we’re dating! And the moment your pack finds out about this…” You gestured between the two of you with your free hand, “whatever this is, it’s done.”
“Deal,” he mumbled against your finger before you pulled it away.
You turned to walk away, glancing back over your shoulder before disappearing behind the trees. Haechan stood there, wearing the dopiest smile you had ever seen. “Stop looking at my ass, Haechan. Go home!” you shouted.
You and Haechan had been stealing moments together ever since that night. You found eachother in the dark corners of clubs, had picnics on abandoned rooftops under the moon, and shared intimate conversations beneath the ancient canopy of trees in the depths of the forest
Tonight you texted Haechan to meet you at an abandoned amusement park in the next city over. It took a few hours to run there, but you loved the freedom of it—being stuck in a car always felt so suffocating. When you arrived you settled into one of the old, rusted teacups. You heard rustling from the trees behind you and Haechan emerged in his wolf form, a backpack clamped between his teeth. When he shifted back to his human form, you instinctively looked away. The brief glimpse of his bare skin sent your mind racing with thoughts that definitely crossed the line of friendship. You reminded yourself for the hundredth time that you were just friends and friends don’t think about their friends like that. The sound of him unzipping his backpack and rummaging through clothes broke your train of thought as he started getting dressed.
“You can turn around now, darling,” he said, his voice teasing.
You hopped out of the teacup and ran right into him, relief washing over you. You’d missed him so much, and honestly, you didn’t even care that he smelled like a puppy—you buried your face in his neck.
“Hey hey, watch those teeth,” he joked.
You pulled away and playfully shoved him. “Shut up,” you said, rolling your eyes. “How have you been?”
“Terrible. We took in a stray recently,” he replied, a hint of irritation in his voice. “His name’s Jisung. We found him while traveling. Total troublemaker, so they dumped him on me. Ugh, he’s been giving me a headache! I was lucky to sneak away tonight.”
“Sounds like someone I know,” you said, your voice playful as you both started to walk deeper into the amusement park.
“No way! I was not like that! He’s just so moody sometimes, such a teenager,” Haechan replied, shaking his head.
“I forgot, you had a valid reason for being so angsty.”
“Yeah, she’s standing right in front of me,” he said, then playfully tickled your sides, making you giggle.
You and Haechan were in a good place now, able to joke about the past without any hard feelings. You cherished these moments together and loved being with him.
“How did you find this place anyway?” he asked as you passed a distorted funhouse, a shiver running down his spine. “It’s creepy.”
“Is my puppy scared?” you mocked.
“I’m not scared!” he insisted with an annoyed tilt of his head.
You skipped a few steps ahead before turning around to face him. “Oh yeah? And what if I just left you right here?”
He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “Very funny, but I’m faster than you now.”
“Oh yeah?” you challenged.
“Yeah.” He says confidently.
“Race you to the top of the Ferris wheel then!” you exclaimed and took off.
You sprinted toward the Ferris wheel on the other side of the park, Haechan hot on your heels. As you dashed past a few booths, you grabbed some old, soggy plushies and hurled them at him.
“That’s so gross!” he yelled, dodging them with ease.
Determined to leave him in the dust, you picked up speed. You leaped over old concession carts and swung through the spider ride, with its twisting central column and spinning arms. With a laugh, you propelled yourself off its arms, feeling the rush of adrenaline. Haechan dropped down onto the car behind you before launching himself off to chase you.
“Catch up, slowpoke!” you called, glancing back as the Ferris wheel loomed closer.
Tension built in your legs, and you sprang forward, grabbing one of the metal bars of the ride and climbing higher. It was massive, and when you looked down, you were surprised to see Haechan close behind, springing off each bar with the agility of a cat. You swung from bar to bar, pulling yourself up and up. There was a car waiting at the top, and that was your goal.
As you climbed, you glanced down to gauge how far Haechan was, but he was suddenly nowhere to be seen. You froze for a moment, scanning the ride.
Your breath caught—though you didn't technically need to breathe, the habit was hard to shake. From this height, he could’ve easily fallen and gotten hurt. Werewolves were resilient, but they weren't immortal. They could almost live forever with how slowly they aged, as long as they weren’t mortally wounded.
“HAECHAN!” you called out worriedly. “THIS ISN'T FUNNY! WHERE ARE YOU?” Your voice echoed in the stillness of the night.
Just then, a laugh rang out. “Who’s scared now?” He called down to you from the passenger car at the very top.
A wave of relief washed over you. In no time, you reached the top and stood on the outerrail of the car while he lounged in the seat. The sides of the car weren't enclosed, allowing you to lean in and meet his gaze with a glare. “I thought you fell!” You grumbled.
“Sorry, babe. Couldn't let you win,” he said, patting the seat next to him. “Sit down.”
You ambled into the car and sat down across from him. “Don’t be mad,” he smiled, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Come sit by me.”
You uncrossed your arms, giving up the act; it had been too long since you last saw him. You slid over, the seat snug but cozy enough for both of you. It was probably intended for moments like this—everyone knew that when you reached the top of the Ferris wheel you were supposed to kiss.
He nudged you playfully, and you met his gaze. “I was counting down the days until I saw you again,” he confessed softly.
You returned his smile, warmth blooming in your chest. “I missed you too.” He took your hand in his and pressed a gentle kiss to your palm, his lips lingering longer than necessary before he pulled away.
He intertwined your fingers and looked up to the night sky. “You can see The Great Bear from here,” he remarked.
Following his gaze, you noted how Ursa Major shone brightly against the dark canvas of the sky. “Have I ever told you the story behind that constellation?” you asked, curiosity flickering in his eyes as he shook his head.
With a grin, you turned to him, relishing the moment. “In Greek mythology, Zeus once fell in love with a nymph named Callisto. When his wife Hera found out, she turned her into a bear.”
“Sounds like something you would do,” Haechan snickered.
“Except I would turn you into the bear,” you elbowed him playfully.
“Oww!” he laughed, rubbing his side dramatically.
A comfortable silence settled around you as you enjoyed each other’s company. Leaning against him, you closed your eyes, letting the peaceful moment wash over you.
“I love you,” he whispered, a soft vulnerability in his voice. Sitting up, you looked at him, his expression revealing that he was about to say something that he shouldn’t. You could see the longing in his eyes, how he yearned for you. He still wanted more.
Before he could voice his feelings, before he could reopen the wounds you both had worked so hard to heal, you leaned in and pressed your lips against his. The kiss was electric, you knew you couldn’t say it out loud so you put all your love and heartache into the kiss.
His hands held the sides of your face firmly, anchoring you in place as he refused to let you pull away. With a fervor you had almost forgotten, he deepened the kiss, a low moan escaping him as your tongues danced together. It was a sound so full of desire it sent heat pooling low in your belly. You couldn't help the slickness that dripped into your underwear.
You found yourself whining into his mouth, and the low growl that rumbled from his chest only encouraged you further. You fought to maintain control, willing your hands to stay in your lap. You knew the moment you touched him you wouldn’t let him go.
His fingers found their way to your waist and pulled you onto his lap. Your hands scramble to grip onto the rail behind him. The car swayed wildly with the motion of your bodies. A part of you tried to speak, to remind him that this was dangerous but he only pulled you back into the searing kiss in response. You didn’t complain when he started grinding you down against him, you had forgotten how well you fit together. You could feel his hard length pressed against you, and the realization made your head swim. You hadn't been touched like this in what felt like an eternity, and the sensation was overwhelming.
His hands began to roam your body, mapping out every curve. When he cupped your breast, a soft moan escaped your lips making him shudder. The world around you disappeared, and all that mattered was the way his hands trailed down your waist, gripping your ass possessively. The way his hips began to thrust up in desperation had you seeing stars. He held you there, utterly lost in the way you felt pressed against him. You gripped the railing tighter, your fingers bending the metal beneath your grasp. You had to stay in control.
You managed to whisper a single word against his lips, "fuck." His hand had trailed under your shirt, sending shivers of delight down your spine. But as much as you wanted to continue, the way the passenger cart was creaking was starting to worry you. You pulled away, using your strength to push his chest. You had him pinned, his back against the seat. For a fleeting moment, his eyes flashed a deeper shade of red, a hint of a growl forming on his lips, raw desire evident in his gaze.
You stood your ground, a playful smirk on your face. "Down, boy," you said with a raised eyebrow.
"This thing is old, it's too dangerous to stay up here. Come on, we need to get down," you said firmly, the reality of the situation snapping him back to attention.
“Alright, alright, I get it,” he replied, trying to mask his frustration with a hint of amusement.
You sit still in haechans lap until the cart stops moving. When the cart slowly ceased its swaying you sighed in relief, grateful that the groaning of the rusted cart had silenced. However, just as you began to relax, a sudden crash startled you—the door fell off its hinges, clattering loudly as it hit everything in its path on its way down to the ground.
You jumped at the sound, heart racing, and exchanged a panicked look with Haechan. The spell of the previous excitement diminished, and you both burst into laughter.
“See what I mean?” he said. “This place is a death trap!”
“Yeah, but it’s kind of thrilling, don’t you think? A little dangerous excitement?”
"You're crazy," he teased, helping you off his lap as you two made your way down.
“You loved every second of it.”
You made it to the ground safely, and as you turned to Haechan, curiosity etched on your face, "Hey, have you presented yet?" you asked. As a golden-eyed wolf, Haechan held a neutral status, but it was possible for his eye color to shift to either red or blue once he presented - red for an alpha, blue for an omega.
He looked at you with a questioning expression, "No, why?" he asked.
You teased, "No reason, I just thought it would be cute if your eyes matched mine."
“Ah, like a couple's item,” he said, a grin breaking across his face.
“More like a friendship bracelet,” you corrected.
“Or like matching wedding rings,” he countered, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Like matching t-shirts,” you playfully curved him again.
His expression shifted slightly, a teasing smirk playing on his lips. “You want me to be your alpha, is that it? Want me to dominate you?” His words hung in the air, full of just the right amount of flirtation.
You knew he was joking, but the way he said it stirred something deep within you.
Desperate to regain your composure, you shot him a playful glare, trying to mask your reaction. "Very funny, Haechan," you replied, rolling your eyes, though the grin tugging at your lips betrayed you. The tension between you was thick, a swirl of playful teasing and underlying desire, and you both seemed acutely aware of it.
“Just imagine it,” he continued, leaning closer with mock seriousness. “Matched for life. You, me, and our golden-eyed offspring.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head. “Keep dreaming.” Even though you tried to shake off the feeling, you could sense your face getting hot.
Noticing your reaction, Haechan's eyes crinkled at the corners, and he looked at you with a pleased smile. “Oh? You like that idea, huh.” He teases.
You stalked off, leaving him to follow beside you with a knowing smirk. "Shut up or I will kill you," you threatened, trying to mask your emotions.
"That's against the rules, you know that, babe," he tuts. "Besides, I'd like to see you try. You vampires aren't so scary, you know."
"Another challenge? You don't get sick of losing, do you?"
"I won the first one," he shot back, a flicker of pride in his voice.
"I let you win," you replied.
A fire ignited behind his eyes. "You did not let me win."
"If that's what helps you sleep at night," you teased, pushing all the right buttons to rile him up. He was super competitive so it was easy.
He leaned in closer, the intensity of his gaze sending shivers down your spine. "Okay, fine, you wanna play like that? I got a game for you. We have a few more hours before sunrise. You down?" The devilish smile on his face was one you knew better than to trust.
"Depends on what it is," you replied, crossing your arms defiantly.
"You think you’re faster and stronger than me, so let's put it to the test," he proposed, his grin broadening. "If I manage to rip your shirt off, I win. If you can evade me for a full hour, you win. Like that running man show we always watched."
Your jaw dropped in disbelief. "What the hell? You just want to take my shirt off!" you argued.
"Then you better not let me catch you," he shrugged.
You rolled your eyes, unable to hide the challenge that sparked within you. "Fine, it will be fun knocking you down a few pegs anyway."
He gave you a minute head start, and without hesitation, you took off, the ground fading beneath your feet as you covered hundreds of yards in no time. The scent of pine and damp earth filled your senses, and with every stride, you pushed yourself to create as much distance as possible.
But even with your impressive speed, you knew you couldn’t hide your scent from him; the bloodhound instincts of a wolf would always lead him straight to you. You would have to rely on your speed if you wanted to win, there was no point in hiding. You listened intently to the sounds of the night, and soon enough, the heavy gait of Haechan, now in his wolf form, reached your ears. He was fast, closing the gap between you with each passing second. You continue running. You fly through the trees, running, jumping and swinging between the branches. You propelled yourself farther and farther, you had been running at full speed for 30 minutes just to keep him off your heels and it was starting to annoy you how easily he was able to keep up. You had 30 more minutes and you were sick of running. You had to outsmart him if you wanted to win.
With adrenaline coursing through your veins, you decided to lead him to the place where you knew you could gain the upper hand: the fun house. You had been there before, giggling and disoriented off pixie dust during a fairy rave.You got trapped in the funhouse for hours.
You circled back, running until you were back at the amusement park. The giant tattered circus tent of the fun house comes into view and you look behind your shoulder to make sure Haechan was following. He was close, a few yards back.
As you rounded the corner into the funhouse, you felt a surge of confidence. With your last burst of energy, you darted through the maze of mirrors, instinctively weaving and dodging obstacles while leaving your scent against every reflective surface. The idea was solid; if you covered the place with your scent, he wouldn’t be able to pinpoint where you were. You hid at the end and waited.
A soft growl echoed through the maze, and the sound of Haechan's frustration made you suppress a giggle. When he entered the mirror maze, it was as if the walls began to close around him, reflecting his struggling figure infinitely. You could hear him bumping into the mirrored walls and howling in annoyance. He's about half way through when he gives up and decides he wants to go back before he realizes he can't. He's too deep inside now and he's stuck.
“Stuck already, big bad wolf?” you thought, grinning to yourself.
He lets out a howl when he bumps into another mirror. You have to hold in your laughter. Time began to slip away, and after about twenty minutes of him navigating the maze, he finally broke through to the exit.
When he finds you waiting at the exit he speeds towards you. You curse under your breath, you only had a few minutes left now but you couldn't outrun him. You're able to get back to the forest, hoping the natural obstacles of trees and bushes might buy you the time you need but it doesn't.
He charged at you, and with a yelp, he tackled you to the ground. You laughed uncontrollably when he shifted back to human, completely naked and utterly unbothered by his state.
The forest floor was cool beneath your back, the damp moss pressing into your skin as you struggled against him. It was chaos, a tangle of limbs and breathless laughter, one moment he was on top, and the next, you had somehow reversed your positions. The thrill of victory rushed through you as you caught his hands, using your strength to roll him onto his back while you straddle his waist.
A triumphant smile spread across your face as you taunted him, “Give it up. Only a minute left.”
His lips curled into a sly smirk, his chest rising and falling as he caught his breath. “I’m letting you win,” he insisted, echoing your earlier words with a gleam of defiance in his eyes.
You leaned down, your hair brushing against his cheeks as you whispered in his ear, “Oh, is that why you’re under me? What happened to dominating me?”
His gaze flickered, a flash of something feral erupting within their depths. Before you could react, he was moving—too fast, too strong. In an instant, he flipped you onto your back, pinning your wrists above your head with one hand. The other tore at your shirt, you gasped as he ripped your shirt from your body.
“Not so tough now are you?” he says, his smirk widening. But there's a flicker of something else in his eyes as they roam down to your chest. “Looks like I win.” His voice drifts away, leaving a thick silence between you.
You lie beneath him in the tatters of your shirt, your bra and a pair of low-rise skinny jeans. You can’t help but notice how hard he’s becoming against you. Your gaze trails over his exposed skin and lingering on the hard lines of his muscles until they reach his length. You bite your lip at how red the tip of his dick was.
“I guess you did win,” you breathe out, your voice heavy with tension. You can see the conflict in his eyes, the raw effort it takes for him to hold himself back. “But I think a victory like this deserves a prize.”
And then his mouth was on yours, fierce and demanding, stealing the air from your lungs. You moaned into the kiss, your hands tangling in his hair as he pressed his body against yours. Twigs and leaves tangle in your hair but you didn’t care. You needed him—needed this—more than anything. He broke the kiss abruptly to undress you, his lips trailing down your neck, teeth grazing your collarbone before sinking in just enough to make you gasp. A shiver ran down your spine as his claws pricked at your skin, trailing down your side before retracting, leaving only the warmth of his palm groping your breast roughly.
“Haechan,” you whimpered, his name slipping from your lips like a prayer.
He breathed you in deeply. “I could smell you,” he murmured, his voice raspy. “The moment you saw me, I could smell how much you wanted me. But you always want to play the good girl, don’t you? The rule-follower.” His lips found your ear, teeth nipping at the lobe as he added, “Want to act like you don’t like me… but look at you now.”
You whined again, your nails digging into his shoulders as his mouth moved lower, kissing, licking, biting—claiming every inch of your body as his. He wasn’t gentle, but you didn’t want him to be. His tongue traced the curve of your breast, sucking and teasing until you were writhing beneath him, begging for more.
He trails his kisses down your body until his head is between your thighs. He lifts your legs over his shoulders and got comfortable. You see it for certain this time, his eyes glow crimson. His gaze stays locked on you the entire time as he works his tongue between your folds, collecting your slick and slurping noisily on your juices. He sucks ruthlessly at your clit and you're no match for his strength when you try to close your legs around his head. His claws dig into the skin of your thighs as he holds you open. His tongue is so slick and he's basically drooling as he devours you. The entire lower half of his face is soaked. You throw your head back in pleasure and claw at the ground beside you.
“Yes Haechan!” You moaned as your hips kicked up and grind against his tongue. You chase your release unashamed.
You were always weak to his touch but there was something about him now that just made you want to submit to his every order.
When he sat up, plunging two fingers deep inside you, you rode your high out on his fingers, your legs trembling with the force of your release. You lay there, spent and shuddering. Your legs are shaking pathetically when he sits up. The moon behind him shines its light down on him. He obscures the view enough for it to look like a halo above his head.
The red in his eyes is nothing but devilish as he licks his lips. “Turn over.” He commands.
You didn’t hesitate, rolling onto your hands and knees as he positioned himself behind you. His hands gripped your hips, claws pricking at your skin as he pulled you back against him.
He was everywhere—his hands gripping your hips, your hair, your throat—filling you completely, stretching you in ways that made your vision blur. Each thrust was punishing, driving the air from your lungs and drawing a symphony of moans and gasps from your lips. You were certain he would have broken you if you were human.
This was exactly what you had needed. You liked it rough, and in the past, while Haechan did his best to indulge you, he was afraid of hurting you. He didn't know you were a vampire; he didn’t know you could take it.
You could feel the same doubt begin to cloud his judgment as his touch became lighter and his thrusts shallower as he noticed just how rough he had been. In a sudden surge of frustration, you whipped your head back, baring your fangs to make it unmistakably clear what you were and what you could handle. “Do I need to remind you of what I am?” you hissed, your voice low and thick with desire. “Don’t hold back.”
The last remnants of his control snap, and he thrusts into you roughly. A heavy hand pushes your skull down into the damp moss while the other maintains the perfect arch in your back, elevating your hips as he fucks into you. Your eyes roll back, lost in pleasure as he mounts you, his hips snapping relentlessly against you over and over again.
His grip tightens, pulling you back to meet each primal thrust. He was treating you like a rag doll, and you loved every minute of it. It hurt good, the pain reminding you of what it felt like to be alive.
With a fierce handful of your hair, he pulls you up, leaning down to press hot, wet kisses against the side of your mouth. His grip moves from your hair to your neck, his fingers constricting around your throat choking you. You smile up at him, your expression wild and hungry as he takes you.
He was so deep, you could feel the delicious ache of him inside you, as if he were going to tear you apart. You haven't been to recharge so you know that the marks he left wouldn’t fade immediately. You wanted to admire the bruises on your skin for days, to remember him long after he had pulled away.
You don’t think there’s a single coherent thought behind his eyes, just a primal urge to stuff you full. He’s mumbling into your shoulder, biting the skin there before sinking his teeth in, and you whine, clenching down hard around him. His eyes roll back in ecstasy as he releases deep inside you, his body seemingly on autopilot, his hips continuing to thrust rhythmically as if driven by instinct. He pushes deeper and deeper, fucking you until the mixture of your combined release seeps out around his thick cock. With a violent shudder, you cum so hard your cunt pushes him out momentarily but he’s back inside you in seconds, helping you ride your high.
“Stupid puppy, fucked himself dumb?” you tease with a smile.
He's too far gone to register your insult. He pulls out, flipping you onto your side, sliding himself in between your legs, straddling one while throwing the other over his shoulder. He grips your thigh tightly and fucks into you again, still impossibly hard. You could never get enough of him. He hugs your leg as he thrusts, and you reach down, circling your clit, the pressure building again as his breath comes out in ragged gasps.
“Fuck, baby, you feel so fucking good. I don’t think I can stop. Please, don’t make me stop,” he whines, the desperation in his voice sending shivers down your spine.
You pull him down to connect your lips. The kiss is raw and hungry, filled with teeth as you try to kiss him but every thrust that jolts your body upward makes it difficult. You could feel yourself growing closer and you cum again, soaking his length even more. He follows soon after, burying himself deep within you as he releases his hot cum, his body twitching with the force of his release.
Hours slip by in the haze of pleasure, the sun beginning to rise by the time he finally pulls out. He’s out cold, and the fangs and claws that once decorated him are nowhere to be seen; he looks entirely human now, vulnerable and peaceful.
Whatever power he had, he’s completely drained himself of it. You’re spent too, but you gather just enough strength to stand. The sun is creeping higher and you have to get home before it fully rises, or you risk losing the last remnants of energy you have left to make the run. You consider waking him to say goodbye but he looks too peaceful. You prayed he would understand your reasoning.
Ultimately, you slip away, making it home just before the sun breaks the horizon.
The past couple of weeks have left you feeling rejuvenated, like there’s a hidden spring in your step that wasn’t there before. Sooyoung, your ever-observant best friend, quickly pieces things together. You haven't mentioned your encounter with Haechan at the amusement park yet—mostly because you know she would freak out and bombard you with a million questions. Honestly, you didn’t need your best friend knowing just how much of a slut you were for your self-proclaimed mortal enemy.
Sooyoung's knowing smile has been ever-present, and you glare at her from across the couch while she takes a sip from her coffee mug. “What?” you ask, feigning annoyance.
“Nothing. Nothing,” she replies, her eyes flickering back to the movie, but you can sense her amusement. A few moments pass, and, unable to contain her excitement, her gaze shifts back to you, her smile widening.
“Okay, seriously, what is it?” you exclaim, shoving her playfully.
Sooyoung shrugs, taking a long sip before speaking. “That’s a nice mark you’ve got there on your shoulder. Who’d you get that from?” she asks pointedly.
Your expression falters as you realize that your shirt has slid off your shoulder, revealing the bruise he left behind, the one you had tried to cover with makeup. You curse under your breath.
“No need to be ashamed, girl. I knew the day was coming sooner or later!” she laughs. “But if you think you’re leaving without telling me what happened, you’re high off pixie dust.”
You bite your lip, a smile breaking through. Before you know it, you’re giggling and screaming, overwhelmed with excitement. Sooyoung smacks you lightly on the arm, her own laughter ringing out. “No way, tell me! He got you kicking your feet like that?”
You spill everything that happened and by the end of it, Sooyoung is standing up from the couch. “We need to go out! He broke your dry spell, this calls for a celebration!”
You playfully smack her on the butt as she turns toward the remote to switch off the TV. “Shut up,” you laugh.
You can hear the bass thumping even before you step into the old, abandoned church. City vampires know how to throw the best raves, and you’re not surprised to see half of the city’s paranormal packed inside.
Sooyoung drops her cloak, her wings unfurling gracefully across her back as she shrinks down a few sizes. At parties like this, no one bothers to cloak. Within the weathered walls of the church, every supernatural creature is free to shed their human facades and embrace their true forms. You allow your eyes to gleam a deep crimson, fangs brushing your bottom lip as you lose yourself to the pulsating rhythm of the music.
Hours slip by before you even realize it. The music here is enchanted—not so overwhelming that it would keep you dancing to the brink of exhaustion, but just enough to carry good vibes throughout the crowd. It also amplifies the high from the pixie dust, ensuring that everyone who joins in the dance has a good trip.
“I'm gonna go find a pixie! Want to come?” Sooyoung asks over the pulsating beats.
“Nah, I’m good,” you say, waving her off. She nods and heads off into the crowd while you make your way out back to get some fresh air.
Stepping outside, you spot a few couples making out against the building while others drift in quiet conversation. One familiar figure catches your eye. Jeno was leaning against a tree smiling at something on his phone.
Curiosity piqued, you walked up to him. “What are you doing here?” you ask.
“Looking after my pack. Why are you bothering me?” he replies, not bothering to look up.
“Just making small talk, you infuriating mutt,” you roll your eyes.
“Your boyfriend’s also a mutt, so how’s that make you feel?” He shoots back.
You glare at him, feeling a pang of irritation. “He’s not my boyfriend anymore,” you snap, afraid the wrong crowd might overhear.
“Right, that’s too bad,” he smirks, finally looking at you.
“And why is that?” you grit your teeth.
“You didn’t know? He presented. He’ll be going into rutt soon and he’s gonna need a mate if he wants to survive it.”
Your stomach drops. You didn’t need to ask what he presented as, it was obvious.
“You know, my dad’s been trying to find someone compatible with him.” Jeno says, an edge of satisfaction in his tone.
“And that’s probably going as well as it did for you,” you shot back. “Your sorry self is still alone. What, are you jealous that you'll have to jerk it solo during your rutt?” Venom laced your words.
Jeno’s smile grows wider, and he knows he's hit a nerve. “Don’t be too sad when he stops coming around. I warned you,” he says, shoulder checking you and heading back into the party.
You felt sick. If what jeno said was true Haechan would be looking for a mate to satisfy his rutt. Just like that your world crashes down around you. You go back inside and look for Sooyoung. When you finally locate her, it’s in the storage room, where she’s wrapped up in a makeout session with Renjun, a pixie you recognize as her casual fling.
“We need to go,” you insist, cutting right through their moment.
Renjun pressed a lingering kiss to her neck as she glanced past him at you, surprise flickering across her face. “Aww, but it was just getting fun,” she pouted.
“Well, I’m heading home,” you state flatly. “I don’t feel good.” Without waiting for her to pull herself from Renjun's embrace, you race home
It had been days since you heard from Haechan; he wasn’t answering your texts or returning your calls. It was rare for him to be home anymore, so you weren’t surprised to find his place empty when you went to check on him. Had his rutt already begun? You cringed at the thought and quickly shook it from your mind. If he were in rutt, they would have found him someone to lay with by now.
You realized that constantly thinking about him was driving you crazy. You needed a distraction. You left your home and headed to the library, but all you could think about were those late nights helping him study within those four walls. You decided to visit Sooyoung, hoping she could take your mind off things, but she had taken too much pixie dust at the last party and was still coming down from the high.
There was only one place you knew where you could silence your thoughts. You needed to recharge. Maybe if you slept long enough, you could forget about what Jeno had told you, maybe even forget about Haechan.
It wasn’t until you reached the cemetery that you realized tonight was a full moon. If Haechan had truly gone into rutt, it would officially begin tonight. A wave of bloodlust washed over you as tormenting images of Haechan with someone else flooded your mind. Maybe he was right; perhaps you and Hera did share some traits after all.
You could become deadly when you were jealous.
You locked yourself in your coffin, fighting the urge to storm into werewolf territory and tear them all apart. They weren’t the only ones who became stronger under a full moon.
The lid of your casket slid open, and when you locked eyes with the person who dared to interrupt your sleep, a primal urge to rip his throat out surged through you.
“Whoa, whoa! Hey, wait!” Mark shouted, jumping back several feet. You rose from your coffin, the scent surrounding you immediately igniting a rage.
The last thing you wanted to smell upon waking up was mutt.
“What the hell are you doing in my territory?” you snapped, your voice icy cold. “This breaks the treaty, and I have free rein to murder all of you.”
You scanned the graveyard, spotting Ten, Johnny, and Yangyang standing several yards away. Jeno and Jaehyun were closer, but not close enough to be within your reach, unlike Mark—who was either brave or incredibly stupid for waking you.
“Guys, I told you this was a bad idea,” Mark whined.
“She likes you the most; she would have killed me already if I'd woken her up,” Jeno replied, arms crossed.
“You have five seconds to explain what’s going on before I use your hide to make myself a coat,” you threatened, your patience wearing thin.
“It’s Haechan! He needs you!” Mark exclaimed, hands raised defensively.
You dropped your guard. “What? What happened?” You asked, stalking closer and gripping him by the front of his shirt.
“He’s in rutt. We tried to find him a partner to help him through it, but he refused. He’s getting more and more agitated as the days pass, and usually, the rutt would be dying down by now, but it isn’t,” Mark huffed, worry etched on his face as he recalled the events.
That idiot—what did he think he was doing?
“Dad thinks he’ll drive himself insane if he keeps refusing his urges,” Jeno butts in.
“How long has he been like that?” you demanded.
“Three days,” Jaehyun spoke up. “As much as we don’t like it, he’s our brother, and we can’t lose him. You need to go to him.”
“You waited three days to find me?” you yelled, incredulous.
“We thought he would break eventually, but now he just becomes aggressive if an omega tries to come near him,” Johnny explained, cautiously stepping closer now that he was certain you wouldn’t try to kill anyone.
“Well, let’s go,” you said, preparing to run off, until Jeno stepped in front of you. “If you like your head being on your shoulders, I’d move.”
“Are you sure you’re ready for this? If he hurts you, he’ll never forgive us for bringing you to him in this condition,” Jeno continued, his concern evident.
You flashed him a confident smile. “Fully charged.”
This time, when you crossed into werewolf territory, the atmosphere was far less hostile. Jeno and Jaehyun led the way and eventually brought you into a secluded room where a heavy door stood, carved with symbols that seemed to pulse with a life of their own. You could feel the whispers of magic, familiar and foreign all at once. To the side, a hidden passageway led down a narrow set of stairs, the faint echo of your footsteps reverberating off the stone walls as you descended.
“You’ve been keeping him locked up underground?” you questioned, a wave of memories from your past life flashing before your eyes.
“This is where we all go during the first rut. It can be dangerous,” Jaehyun explained. “The same goes for newly turned werewolves. If they can’t find control, the only way to keep everyone safe is to let them weather the storm down here.”
You finally reached a door at the end of the hallway. Jaehyun paused, the concern etched on his face deepening. “Are you sure?”
“I’m not scared, if that’s what you’re asking,” you replied, rolling your eyes.
“Well, we’ll be out here if you need us. Just yell,” Jeno said. He handed you a key, it's cold metal feeling heavy in your palm.
The door loomed before you, heavy and imposing, its surface cool to the touch as you reached for the handle. You stepped into the room, and your heart sank at the sight of Haechan. He was lying on the bed, shackled to the floor, but the chains were long enough to allow him some space to move around.
His red eyes snapped to you the moment you entered, studying your figure in the middle of the room. He was barely dressed, clad in nothing but a pair of briefs, and the covers beneath him were shredded to pieces. The remnants of furniture lay scattered around, completely demolished, and the walls bore deep, angry scars. Some looked like old wounds, while others appeared fresh, no doubt done by Haechan.
A sheen of sweat coated his tan skin, his hair matted to his forehead. Before you could process it, he was in front of you, moving faster than you’d ever seen him. If you had been any closer, he might have reached out to grab you. He thrashed against his restraints, hands straining towards you in desperation.
You weren’t afraid; there was no hesitation as you stepped into his embrace.
He pulls you close against his chest, his grip possessive and strong. He was burning like a furnace against you. “I missed you,” he murmurs, his voice low and almost unrecognizable. “I’ve been waiting, holding on for you.” You can feel his arousal pressing stiff against your stomach. Your body reacts immediately to him, your nipples harden and you can feel yourself getting wet.
“It’s okay, let go,” you reassure him, using the key Jeno had given you earlier to unbind him. “I trust you.”
As the last of his shackles clatter to the floor, he lifts you effortlessly, your legs wrapping around his waist as he slams you against the nearest wall. He bites your lip before he rips your shirt down the middle, pulling away just enough to attach his mouth to one of your breasts, his other hand eagerly exploring your body. He humps at your leg pathetically, dragging his cock over the rough fabric of your jeans.
You fumble with your pants, realizing too late that you should have chosen something with easier access. His patience wears thin, and with a flash of claws, he impatiently rips the crotch from your jeans. The cold air immediately hits your wet core, and Haechan inhales deeply. He drops to his knees in seconds, shoving his nose deep in your cunt, he wanted to drown in your scent.
“Haechan,” you gasp, instinctively pushing his head away.
One of his hands grips both your wrists tightly, pinning them against your lower stomach as he leans in closer, inhaling your scent like it’s the sweetest perfume. You glance down to find him stroking himself, eyes rolling to the back of his head.
He buries his face deeper, forcing his tongue between your legs. You can feel the tip of his tongue prod at the tight rim of your asshole. Heat rushes to your face as you try to close your thighs, but he pulls back only to bite your thigh in warning.
“Don’t fight me. You’re going to lose,” he huffs.
You shiver at his command, surrendering as you throw a leg over his shoulder. He instantly resets his focus, lapping at you while moaning in appreciation.
“God,” he exhales, the muscles in his arms straining as he grips himself tighter, strokes growing rough and desperate. His eyes screw shut in frustration. “Not enough, I need you.”
He manhandles you, turning you to face the wall and pressing you firmly against it. Your jeans cling uncomfortably to your skin as he grips your hips tightly. In one deep thrust, he’s inside you, and it feels like he’s rearranging your guts. He feels different from before—thicker—and you can’t help but rise onto your tiptoes with every deep thrust. You brace yourself against the wall, palms flat against the surface.
“You don’t know how bad I wished you were here. I needed you,” he grunts. His thrusts grow more aggressive. “Where the hell were you? Huh?” His grip tightens in your hair, forcing you to look back at him.
You whimper, brain fogging as he stretches you open. “I’m here, Haechan. I’ll always be right here.
You feel the familiar heat building within you, and his fingers find your clit, rubbing in tight circles. “That’s right, baby. Give it to me.”
You come hard and he pulls out, dropping to his knees to lick deep inside you as he ate you out from the back. He wanted to taste every last drop of you and you would let him suck you dry.
You don't realize he's thrown you on the bed until you're staring at the ceiling, the tattered sheets beneath you. He crawls towards you, like a predator about to catch his prey. Gripping your ankle, he pulls you closer, ripping your pants off. When he kisses you, you can taste yourself on his lips.
He sinks back into you, and you wrap your legs around his waist, rolling your hips against him, your nails raking down his chest as he takes you.
���Mmh fuck.” He whines.
His mouth drops open in pleasure and you can tell he appreciates the way your pussy grips him. He looks like hes on cloud nine as he fucks you into the bed. You were exactly what he had been needing these past few days. You grip the hair at the back of his nape and pull. He moans breathlessly and his next thrust is so sharp it knocks you up the bed a few inches.
“Alpha,” you moan.
He grips your thighs, pressing them against your chest, holding you in place as he ravages you. The sound of the bed creaking fills the room with each thrust, the headboard connecting rhythmically with the wall. He doesn’t relent, his hand gripping your chin to make sure you’re looking at him. “Say it again.”
“Alpha!” you scream as he abuses your cunt.
“You’re mine,” he growls, capturing your lips in a quick messy kiss. “Say it.”
“I'm yours, only yours.”
As he releases his grip on your face, he pulls your hair, making you watch as he thrusts between your legs. “Look at how you take me. So fucking beautiful.” He growls.
He quickened his pace, raw and desperate, and the bed shakes beneath you.
“Shit” you scream. You dig your nails into his shoulder and take it. You cling to him, your breaths coming in short gasps as pleasure builds low in your belly. His lips find yours again, silencing your moans as he fucks you with an intensity that borders on pain. But it’s perfect—it’s everything you both needed.
You don't even get the chance to warn him when you come around him, clamping down impossibly tight. He fucks you into the mattress, unable to hold back and the bed shakes so forcefully it gives out under you, collapsing to the ground with a loud creak. He doesn’t look up, he doesn’t stop, he doesn’t care.
He buries his face into your neck and chants your name. You could feel him swelling inside of you and he bites down hard onto your shoulder hips stilling as he spills into you.
He rolls you on top of him but stays buried inside of you. Knotting you to make sure not a drop of his cum spills out. You take a look around the room, your shredded clothes lay haphazardly on the ground and the bed lies in splinters below you. You laugh breathlessly before snuggling closer to him.
“I'm sorry I was so late,” you say. “When they told me you were in rutt I thought you would take someone else.”
“Never. You’re the only one I want. The only one I’ll ever want.”
You smile, tracing patterns on his chest. “Good. Because I’m not sharing.”
He laughs, the sound warm and rich. He looks at peace, his eyes no longer clouded with desperation.
A loud knock echoes through the room.
“Haechan!” Jeno’s voice calls from outside the door. “If you're back to normal We need to talk. Now.”
Your body stiffens at his voice. You had forgotten they were out there.
You feel Haechan’s body stiffen as well, his grip on you tightening. “What is it?” he barks, clearly annoyed at the interruption.
“It’s serious. Dad found out about her being here. He’s ordered everyone to the meeting hall… including her.”
It isn’t until much later that you and Haechan muster the energy to finally roll out of the bed, or what’s left of it. You find yourself dressed in his clothes, feeling a little shy. The walk to the meeting hall is quiet, but Haechan’s hand remains firmly intertwined with yours, offering a sense of strength and support.
At the head of the room stands jeno’s father, the pack leader.
His eyes shift from Haechan to you, studying you with an intensity that makes your skin prickle. You had assumed it was his orders that brought you here, but maybe not.
“You,” he says, his voice low and measured. “Come closer.”
Hesitant, you move forward, Haechan’s hand reluctantly releasing yours. The alpha steps down from his platform, circling you slowly.
“Do you know,” he begins, stopping in front of you, “how rare it is for a werewolf in rutt to resist an omega’s scent? Even more so for three days?” His tone isn’t accusatory, it’s almost… impressed.
You swallow hard, unsure of how to respond. “I… I didn’t realize…”
“And yet,” he continues, ignoring your stammering, “he endured it. Refused every omega offered to him, tore himself apart fighting his instincts—for you.” He pauses, his gaze piercing. “Do you understand what that means?”
Your breath catches.
“It means,” he says, his voice softening ever so slightly, “that you mean more to him than anything else. More than his instincts. More than his own survival.” He turns to Haechan, who’s standing rigidly nearby. “Isn’t that right, son?”
Haechan doesn’t hesitate. “Yes.” His voice is steady, unwavering. “She’s mine. And I’m hers.”
The alpha stares at him for a long moment before nodding, almost imperceptibly. Then, he turns back to you. “If one of my sons is willing to endure hell for you, then I can see no reason to stand in the way of this bond. I give you both my blessing.”
The room erupts into murmurs, shock rippling through the pack. But the alpha silences them with a single raised hand. “Anyone who challenges this decision will answer to me directly.” His gaze sweeps across the room, daring anyone to speak against him. No one does.
Haechan steps forward. “Thank you,” he says, his voice thick with emotion.
The alpha nods again, his expression unreadable. “Take care of her,” he directs towards Haechan before turning back to you. “And take care of yourself. If this is the path you choose, then make sure you’re strong enough to walk it.”
You nod at him, still in shock as haechan picks you up off the ground in a tight hug.
Mark and Ten approach, clapping Haechan on the back. “Guess you’re part of the pack now,” Ten teases you playfully.
Jeno steps forward too. “Don’t think just because my dad likes you that I do.”
You laugh, wrapping your arms around Haechan’s neck. “It will be a cold day in hell before we’re friends.”
“Just ignore him,” Johnny says with a chuckle. “If the chief says so then you’re family. We’ve got your back whether he likes it or not.”
Jaehyun nods in agreement, a reassuring smile on his face. “If anyone tries to come between you two, you can rely on us.”
A smile blooms across your face. All the fear and worry you once carried begins to lift. You felt safe knowing they had your back. Vampire or werewolf—let them come. You’re not fighting by yourself anymore.
#haechan smut#haechan scenarios#haechan fic#haechan fanfic#nct dream smut#nct dream imagines#nct dream scenarios#nct dream fanfic#nct dream x you#nct dream x reader#haechan x reader#haechan x you#haechan x y/n#nct smut#nct x reader#nct fanfic#nct scenarios#nct 127 x reader#nct127 x you#nct 127 fanfic#nct127 smut
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words of affirmation
summary , jeong jaehyun can't seem to take a compliment about his stroke game...
jaehyun thinks that one of the times that you look your most beautiful is right after the two of you have just had sex. you’re a complete mess, in a good way, your hair is disheveled, and the hot steam from the shower makes it that bit frizzier. your cheeks are going to be a flushed pink colour until the next morning when you wake up, and your lips feel a tad softer with the reminiscent thought that jaehyun was right there only moments ago.
he peeks his head from behind the bathroom door, placing his toothbrush into the little cup that you balance on your sink and shuffling towards you in the obnoxiously fluffy slippers that you bought for yourself, conveniently in his size.
“look at my girlfriend…” jaehyun hums, looking down at your limp body on the bed that is covered barely with his shirt. he leans down over the bed, running his hands down your sides gently, “why do you look so tired?” he jokes, falling into the space next to you, head hitting the pillow and damp hair being thrown across his face.
look at him, thinking he’s so smug. he thinks his subtle bragging goes unnoticed, and it makes you want to take him down a notch. you pull yourself up to his ear, pressing your warm face against his, “its because my boyfriend is so good to me.” you mumble into his ear and immediately jaehyun is frozen still. it’s only until you pull away to look at his face, ears and cheeks red, smiling from ear to ear that he huffs, “why would you say that?” he hides his face in the crook of your neck in embarrassment.
his lips pout to leave small kisses on your skin that try to conceal his utter joy mixed with the feeling in stomach that makes him want to make you feel good all over again. honestly, he could start jumping up and down on the bed, or break out into dance to get his emotions out and stop him from asking you to keep repeating that in your smooth voice a hundred more times.
the look on your face is amused, and he pulls away with a sulking face as soon as he realises, hitting his head against the pillow and looking up at the ceiling to avoid eye contact; but even the shadows that dance across it mimic the way your lips moved when you whispered out to him. “what? what did i say?” you thrum, and he just groans out, furrowing his brows and looking away.
“i can’t say that my jaehyun makes me feel sooo nice?” you breathe out a laugh and he groans again even louder, grabbing the pillow from underneath his head and smothering his face with it to stop his breathing before it gets out control and he explodes out of happiness.
your hand reaches for the pillow covering his whole head and he doesn’t fight when you take it away from his hot face because he’ll succumb to anything your heart desires. he’s still sulking, bottom lip even pouted out a little bit. “you need to learn to take a compliment.” you say, pressing a finger into the exact spot on his cheek where his dimple is, and it appears suddenly because he really cant control himself. “i can take compliments, just not when they’re about that.” he tries to sound serious behind his massive smile.
you scoff, “then how are you supposed to know if you’re doing well?”
he just shrugs. “you tell me in the moment, doing it after feels wrong.” he says, but what he means is that having a post-sex debrief riles him up enough to undo the shower he’s just had, and flashes images in his mind that he saves only for when he misses you. his face turns to take a quick look at yours, and to see the smile on your face that feels almost deliberately evil.
“well i want to tell you now.”
jaehyun shakes his head but it just spurs you on further, “i want to say now that it always feels super good.” the palms of your hands run around the curve of his shoulders and his nose scrunches. you lean back into him to cup his cheeks and see him try and fight a smile, “and your face always looks super cute during it.” you squish his cheeks and he muffles out an unintelligible grumble.
never in your life have you seen him so worked-up. “you’re voice is so nice too.” you nod and he groans out. “just like that.”
“stop.” he groans again, bothered by the smirk on your lips that looks annoyingly good on your face, unsure whether he’s desperately asking you to stop or the blood in his veins that is rapidly pumping away from his face and into something else now.
jaehyun strokes through your hair calmly to distract himself from the thoughts that cloud his head but your slick tongue never knows when to stop.
“and i want to say i wanna do it again.”
you shriek loudly when his hands reach out to grab your waist, pulling you across the bed and into his torso, reaching for you like they have been waiting to be this greedy. his lips immediately at your jaw again and working their way down to your collarbones as you giggle out, arms wrapping around his neck. he doesn’t stop when you laugh breathlessly, trying to push him off you—giving you a taste of your own medicine. “stop saying things like that.” he strums with a grin, pressing a kiss across your giggling mouth in between every word until you give in and lay back weakly. to shut you up and stop this from going too far, because water bills are pricey and because the both of you have to be up early tomorrow.
#𐙚augustinawrites#jaehyun x reader#nct 127#jaehyun nct#jaehyun imagines#jaehyun smut#nct127 smut#nct imagines#fluff
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Backseat 𓂃 🌹 sjn

:¨ ·.· ¨: paring ー fwb!johnny x fem!reader
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ warnings : slow(ish) burn, fwb to lovers, very little angst, smut, johnny spoils tf out of you, unprotected car sex (WRAP IT UP!), pet names (baby, doll, pretty, etc), grinding, riding / cowgirl, i'm probably missing a few oh well :p
★彡 4.5k wc!
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ authors note >< : valentines day posttt hehe :3 i saw this edit and knew i needed to write something car related w johnny... ENJOY & HAPPY (LATE, im sorry!!😭😭) VALENTINES DAY!! this lowk isnt my fav.. i kept procrastinating posting but theres such a lack of johnny fics on here i need to bless my fellow johfam 💗. Pls trust the next fic that comes out will be very delicious u guys r gonna love it mwuahahaha (๑>◡<๑) this was proofread at like 4am pls ignore spelling mistakes..
Things were always just meant to be casual. Sure, it wasn't too casual to fuck on a regular basis or talk to each other the way you do, but you always felt a little bad for keeping him in the friend zone for so long, knowing how he felt about you. You and Johnny had known each other since high school; you've always been best friends.
And to be completely honest, you couldn't help but be completely whipped by him. He bought you gifts nearly every day, whether it was something small or something thoughtful. You'd catch yourself admiring a necklace at the store, and sure enough, the next morning, it would be sitting at your front door with a cute note attached. He was like that with everything: the things you needed, the things you didn't even know you wanted, and especially the things that made you smile.
He wasn't just good at spoiling you with things. He always knew exactly what to say when you were upset, how to touch you in a way that made you feel safe, how to fuck you so good you were seeing stars. Johnny knew you better than anyone else. He knew your body, your moods, your every little habit. He could read you like an open book.
But the lingering fear that if you ever crossed that line and took things further with him, things would go south and you'd lose him as a friend was what always kept you in check. You couldn't bear the thought of losing him, and that fear kept you at arm's length.
But even today— valentines day, a day meant for romance and cheesy gestures, you told yourself things were still supposed to be casual. That’s what you kept telling yourself as stepped out of the shower and got ready for the night ahead.
You couldn’t stop thinking about the flowers he had sent you this morning. The bouquet was massive, the kind that looked like it belonged in a romance movie, wrapped in black satin and tied with a sleek ribbon with a cute card tucked into the petals with a simple message:
“Happy Valentine’s Day, baby. Be ready by 9, dress extra pretty for me. -J <3”
It had made your stomach flip. You hadn’t been prepared for that— not from him. It wasn’t that Johnny wasn’t sweet, but this felt… different. Special. His usual kind gestures and love had turned into something else and you weren't sure if you were ready to handle all of that. But as the day had gone on, you couldn’t help but smile every time you thought about it.
Now, standing in front of the mirror, you add the finishing touches to your hair and makeup. He knows how much you hate fancy restaurants and anything overly formal, so you’ve kept your outfit casual yet still put together. A maroon cropped cardigan draped over a delicate white lace-trim cami, paired with the black skirt you know he loves. Every time you wear it around him, you catch his lingering stares and feel the way his touches last just a second too long, like he can’t help himself.
The clock was ticking, and with each passing second, your nerves grew. You thought you had it all figured out. It was supposed to be casual, after all. But you couldn’t ignore the fluttering in your chest as the minutes passed. It felt like tonight was different.
And before you knew it, you were out the door, the cool night air greeting you as you walked toward his car, your heartbeat syncing with the rhythm of your steps.
The air nipped at your skin as you approached Johnny’s car, and your heart skipped a beat as you saw him standing by the passenger door, leaning against the car with a grin that gave you butterflies. His eyes scanned over you in that way he always did when he looked at you, a look of admiration mixed with something else you couldn't quite describe.
He straightened up when he saw you, his grin widening as he took a few steps closer. You almost missed the way his hand reached out to take yours; the warmth of his touch was enough to melt any hesitation you might’ve had.
“Hey, angel.” He spoke softly, his thumb gently traced the back of your hand as he held your arm up, a small smirk tugging at his lips. “Twirl for me, baby, let me see the full fit.”
A small laugh bubbled up in your chest, but you couldn’t resist. You spun around once, letting your skirt flare out as you turned. You could hear him take in a sharp breath behind before you faced him again.
“God, you’re so beautiful, baby,” he murmured, his eyes never once leaving you. His voice was low, almost reverent, as if he couldn’t believe you were real.
The way he said it made your chest tighten, and a small heat spread through your cheeks. It wasn’t just the usual compliment— there was something more behind it, something deeper, but he didn’t press it. He just smiled, that easy, confident smile that made your heart race.
“Let’s get going, yeah?” Johnny added, keeping his voice light but warm.
You nodded, still feeling the buzz from his words. As he opened the door for you, he moved closer, guiding you toward the seat. His hand briefly brushed against your waist as he helped you into the car, soft and slow, nothing rushed, just enough to send a jolt of warmth through your body.
It didn’t take long for the night to escalate after that. His constant lingering touches and sweet words, laced with a quiet intensity, were slowly driving you mad. It started innocent— his hand brushing against your thigh every now and then as he drove, his soft chuckle as he teased you, asking about your day. But it was clear that each moment with him was a little more than you could handle. This wasn’t at all the usual for you two, even though you’re very used to his ‘dates’ there was always the friendly demeanor behind them. This one was all a complete shift in the energy, it made you nervous, like this was an actual real date and not just two friends hanging out and flirting.
By the time you made it to a quiet spot by the water, the atmosphere had shifted. The air around you crackled, thick with something unspoken, an electric current that you could feel building between you two with every glance, every word. You weren’t even sure how you’d ended up in this position, but you didn’t care.
One minute you were sitting side by side in the backseat, laughing, the next you were straddling his lap. The shift had been so gradual, so natural that you didn’t question it until you felt his hands begin to roam.
His fingers slid under the fabric of your cardigan, the sensation sending a shiver down your spine. You instinctively leaned into him, your body reacting before your mind could catch up. You could feel the heat radiating from his chest, the way his breath hitched slightly as his hands slid around your waist.
You continued talking, but your words felt like an afterthought, drowned out by the racing of your heartbeat. Every now and then, Johnny would murmur something that made you blush, his voice low and teasing as he casually slid his hand under your top, his large hands gliding against the skin of your back.
But it was his eyes that truly did it for you. They were still so sweet, full of admiration and affection, but there was something else there now. A flicker of heat, of raw desire, a hunger that made your pulse spike.
“Johnny, you’re looking at me like you want to eat me.” you spoke with a small chuckle, your voice betraying the nervous flutter in your chest. It was a poor attempt to ease the tension and the heat pooling between your thighs, but it was all you could manage as his gaze burned into you.
Johnny tilted his head slightly, the smirk never leaving his lips. His fingers tightened at your waist, sending a shiver up your spine. “Only if you want me to.”
His voice was low, teasing, it was enough to make your breath hitch. His hands slid down to your thighs, his fingers tracing slow circles into your skin before gripping just a little tighter, pulling you in until there was no space left between you.
The subtle pressure of his touch mixed with the feeling of his painfully hard bulge pressing right against your core made heat pool in your stomach, your breath coming out uneven as you bit your lip to keep yourself together.
Johnnys gaze flickered to your lips, then back up to your eyes, and the grin on his face grew just slightly. He was enjoying this, the way you tensed up under his touch, the way your body was reacting to him before you could even find the words to respond.
“You like that, pretty?” His voice was smooth, almost lazy, but the way his hands slowly slid up to your hips sent another rush of warmth through your body. He gently rocked your hips against his, just enough to let you know what he wanted. What he knew you wanted, too.
“You’re being awfully shy tonight,” he murmured, his eyes searching yours. “Am I making you nervous?”
“Johnny…” You barely breathed out, your fingers gripping at his shoulders as a small, helpless whine slipped past your lips when he pushed you further onto his lap.
You didn’t know what was worse, the way your body was betraying you, or the way he was looking at you like he already knew everything you weren’t saying. Like he was waiting for you to catch up to what he already understood. The tension was driving you insane. It wasn’t just the way he touched you, the way he looked at you like you were the only thing he wanted— it was the aftermath. The way he could act like this, make you feel like this, and then leave both of you tangled in that same unspoken confusion the next day. That lingering feeling that always stayed around for days every single time the two of you had sex.
Longing. Maybe even love.
You wished, more than anything, that you could push past the fear of relationships, of rejection, of getting hurt. But it clung to you, holding you back, even though you knew deep down that Johnny would never hurt you. He cared about you too much. He always made sure you had everything you needed, always put you first in ways you weren’t sure he even realized.
And it made you feel guilty for pretending your feelings weren’t real. For acting like this didn’t mean something.
The weight of it all pressed down on you, a storm of conflict and confusion swirling in your head. You let out a quiet whine, your frustration spilling over as you looked down at him, torn between everything you wanted to say and everything you were still too scared to admit.
Johnny’s fingers flexed against your hips, and his smirk softened into a small smile. “I know, baby,” he spoke, his voice quieter now. His hands slid up your back, holding you close. “You don’t have to say it. I already know.”
His words sent a shiver down your spine, and before you could stop yourself, your hands were moving up, fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt like you needed something to hold onto. Like if you let go, you’d fall apart completely.
Johnny chuckled, the sound warm against your skin. “Just let me take care of you, yeah?.” His fingers traced slow patterns along your waist, his touch patient, steady. “It’s a special day today, and you’re my special girl. You deserve it.”
He didn’t wait for another word. The second your head dipped in a nod, his lips were on yours, slow and deliberate, he wanted you to feel everything neither of you could say out loud. His hands slid up your back, fingertips pressing into your skin just enough to make you shiver.
The kiss deepened in an instant, all hesitation melting away as his tongue intertwined with yours, teasing, coaxing, making your breath hitch. His grip on you tightened, your hips instinctively picking back up their pace rolling against his.
A small whimper slipped from your lips, and Johnny groaned lowly in response. The friction you felt as he slightly thrusted up pressing further against you sent a sharp wave of pleasure through your body, you gasped, breaking the kiss for just a second before he chased your lips again, capturing them in another heated, desperate kiss.
“You feel so good, baby,” he murmured against your lips, his voice hushed but dripping with hunger. “Always so good for me.”
His mouth traveled, trailing slow, open-mouthed kisses along your jaw, down your neck, sucking softly at the spot he knew would make you squirm.
The heat between you was unbearable now, every touch, every movement sending you spiraling deeper into the feeling. You didn’t care about what would happen tomorrow, about the confusion that always lingered after nights like this. All you cared about was him, his touch, his lips, the way he made you feel like you were the only thing in the world that mattered.
His hands moved with purpose, slipping beneath the hem of your top, his palms searing against your skin as he slowly dragged the fabric upward. There was no hesitation as he pulled your clothes over your head, tossing them somewhere beside the two of you. His eyes darkened at the sight of you, his gaze drinking in every inch of exposed skin.
His hands were back on you in an instant, skimming up your sides, thumbs grazing just under the band of your bra as he leaned in, kissing along your collarbone, down the valley of your chest.
The anticipation was unbearable, your breath coming in short, needy gasps before the fabric slipped away. The cool air made you shiver, but Johnny was quick to warm you up, his mouth finding your skin again. Kissing softly before latching onto one of your nipples, sucking and swirling his tongue around the perky bud, making you moan and pull softly at his hair.
He hummed, the vibrations against you causing a whimper to leave your lips. He tilted his head back, releasing your breast with a small pop, immediately diving back into your chest to kiss and mark you in places nobody else would see. His hands moved lower, gripping your thighs and pushing them apart, the feeling of his clothed cock flush against where you needed him most was almost too much to handle.
Johnny groaned, his head dropping to your shoulder as he rocked you against him with more intent. “You feel that, baby?” he rasped, his fingers digging into your skin. “You want me just as bad as I want you, don’t you?”
The way he said it, the way his voice dripped with need, made you dizzy. Your body answered before your words could, your hips grinding down against him, a desperate moan slipping from your lips.
Johnny’s grip tightened, and he exhaled sharply, his restraint hanging by a thread. “Fuck,” he muttered. “Sit up, pretty girl.”
Without hesitation, you lifted your hips from his, your hands gripping his shoulders tightly as he worked fast to undo his belt and free his aching cock. You watched as it sprung out, a drop of pre-cum already leaking at the tip.
Johnny worked quickly, sliding your skirt and panties down your legs with practiced ease. Before you could even process the loss of fabric, he was pressing the tip of his cock against your entrance, dragging it along your slit in slow, deliberate strokes that had your breath hitching.
A frustrated whimper slipped past your lips, your hips instinctively trying to push down onto him, but his grip on your waist was firm, keeping you exactly where he wanted you.
His hold on your waist tightened as he continued to tease you, the head of his cock dragging along your slick folds, never quite pushing in. You let out a shaky breath, hands gripping at his shoulders, desperate for more.
“Johnny, please..” you tried, your voice soft.
He hummed, tilting his head slightly, clearly enjoying the way you squirmed beneath him. “Please what, baby? At least ask properly.”
Your body trembled as he rolled his hips just enough to nudge against your entrance, sending a jolt of pleasure through you.
You swallowed hard, your pride slipping further with every second of his agonizing teasing. “Please,” you whined, voice breathless and needy. “need you so bad, please fuck me...”
His smirk faltered for just a moment, his restraint nearly snapping at the way you begged for him. Without another word, he finally pushed into you, stretching you open inch by inch. A small gasp left your lips.
Your fingers dug into his shoulders, nails pressing into the fabric of his shirt as you tried to steady yourself against the overwhelming sensation of him filling you completely.
Johnny groaned low in his throat, his grip on your waist tightening as he forced himself to move at a steady pace, savoring the way your body welcomed him so perfectly. “Fuck, yn,” he murmured, his voice strained. “Always so tight for me.”
Your head tipped back once again, a broken moan slipping past your lips as he bottomed out, his head kissing at your cervix with just the slightest shift of his hips. He gave you a second to adjust, his thumbs stroking slow, soothing circles against your hips, but the way your walls clenched around him made his patience waver.
“You okay, angel?” he asked, his voice softer now, despite the way his restraint was hanging by a thread.
You nodded quickly, your body already desperate for more. “Mhm, feels so good..”
That was all he needed. With a deep, satisfied hum, he pulled out just enough to thrust back in, slowly, making sure you felt every inch of him. His hands guided your movements as you rocked against him, your moans spilling into the air between you.
“Just like that, baby,” he praised, his lips grazing your jaw before trailing down to your neck. “Taking me so well.”
Your fingers tangled in his hair, nails grazing his scalp as you let out a breathy moan, overwhelmed by the way he moved— how every roll of his hips sent waves of pleasure crashing over you. He tilted his head up to watch you, eyes dark, completely filled with a mix of love and lust.
“You feel so good,” he whispered against your skin. His lips trailing lower, pressing open-mouthed kisses down your throat, lingering at your collarbone before nipping lightly, just enough to make you shiver.
A soft whimper slipped past your lips as he slightly picked up his pace. He caught your sound with a kiss, deep and unhurried, like he wanted to drown in the taste of you. His tongue traced along your bottom lip before he pulled away just enough to whisper, “You like that? Want more?”
You could only nod, barely able to form words with the way he was unraveling you so effortlessly. The intensity of his gaze never wavered, watching every little reaction, every shiver, every breathy sound that slipped from your lips.
“Use your words, doll, want to hear you.”
A shaky inhale filled your lungs before you managed to whisper, “Yes… more, please.”
His lips curled into a soft smirk, but there was no teasing in his eyes only devotion, only the overwhelming need to give you exactly what you asked for. His movements deepened, his hips snapping into yours with a bit more urgency, dragging out every sensation. A deep groan rumbled in his chest as he buried his face in your neck, his fingers digging into your hips, guiding you to match his rhythm.
Every thrust sent waves of pleasure crashing through you, your body trembling in his arms as your moans grew louder. He was losing himself in you, in the way you felt, the way you sounded— so sweet, so desperate for him.
“Johnny—” His name spilled from your lips like a plea, your fingers gripping onto him like you’d fall apart if you let go.
His hands roamed your body, both hands resting just under your breasts, his thumbs rubbing small circles at your nipples. He kissed you again, much deeper this time, his tongue sliding against yours with a tenderness that had your heart pounding against your ribs. It wasn’t just desire; it was more than that. It was the way he held you like you were something precious, something he never wanted to let go of.
“Fuck,” he muttered against your lips, his voice strained, almost like he was trying to hold back but couldn’t anymore. “You feel so damn good… can’t help it, baby.”
His grip on you tightened as he thrust into you with more intensity, repeatedly hitting that spot that made your toes curl, but his touch remained gentle, his hands smoothing over your skin, grounding you, making sure you were with him through every moment. The sound of your moans only spurred him on, his breath coming out in ragged exhales as he broke the kiss to bury his face against your neck.
“Taking me so well, angel,” he groaned, his lips brushing against your jaw between each word. “So perfect— so beautiful —just for me.”
Your fingers still tangled in his hair, tugging slightly as another whimper escaped you, and he nearly lost it right then. His hips snapped forward with more force, his control slipping further with every sound you made.
“God, you drive me crazy,” he breathed, pulling back just enough to look at you, his eyes dark, filled with adoration and something raw, something unrestrained. “Need you to know how good you are to me… how much I love you.”
You couldn’t even form words in response, your head spinning with the overwhelming sensation of him pounding into you. You clung to him, feeling each thrust of his hips, the way he drove deeper, harder, pushing you toward something higher. Your breath caught in your throat. For a moment, everything seemed to stop. His words hung in the air, but your body was too lost in the bliss he was giving you to process them fully.
You couldn’t focus on anything except the way his hips crashed into yours, the delicious pressure building inside of you, the tenderness in the way his hands touched you, each movement making you feel like you were in pure bliss.
“Just like that,” he whispered, his pace faltering as he grew closer, but still, he stayed gentle with you, his hands caressing your skin, as if he never wanted to let go.
Your body gave in to the intensity of it all, a rush of heat flooding you as you reached your orgasm. His name left your lips in a breathless string of pleas and moans, but still, he whispered praises against your skin, each word a caress, as if he were reminding you of how much you meant to him. Soon both of you reached your limits, his thrusts nearly stopping and cock twitching as he came. The feeling of his warmth seeping into you mixed with your own arousal soaking his length was enough to make your legs twitch and breath hitch once again.
As the intensity began to fade, the air between you was thick with lingering heat, you both slowed, your breaths coming in shaky, uneven gasps. His forehead rested gently against yours, as he soothingly rubbed your sides.
He kissed you slowly, deeply, savoring the aftermath, his lips soft against yours as he pulled you closer, like he was trying to keep you attached to him.
But as the world around you slowly started to come back into focus, his words played on a loop in your mind, each one like a soft echo against your chest. As much as you tried to convince yourself it was just the heat of the moment, you couldn’t deny it. You knew he meant it.
And deep down, you realized that you really felt the same way. The realization hit you like a wave, slow and steady but impossible to ignore. For the first time, you were tired of parading around the topic of love when it came to him. It wasn’t just the sex, the intimacy, or the wild rush of everything that had just happened, it was the way he made you feel, the overwhelming warmth in your chest that never went away when he was around.
All you knew for sure, as your heart beat in time with his, was that you weren’t going to shy away from him anymore. You weren’t going to play games, or pretend like there was some distance between you. You wanted him. Not just in the way your body craved him, but in the way your heart had always known he was the one you were meant to be with.
You wanted to be his, as badly as he wanted to be yours.
“…I love you too,” you breathed out, your voice full of the same raw honesty that had been in his. The words felt like a weight lifted from your chest, the last piece of the puzzle locking into place.
His breath hitched, and you felt the shift in him— a gentle smile curving his lips as he looked at you, soft with emotion. “Yeah?” His voice was quiet, as if he was still letting the confession settle between you both.
You smiled back, still clinging to him. “Yeah, Johnny, I love you.”
His lips found yours again in a tender kiss, but this time it was slower, more deliberate, like he was savoring the sweetness of your confession. “Good,” he mumbled against your lips, holding you close, like he’d never let you go.
The world outside may have still been waiting, but in that moment, nothing else mattered but the warmth of his arms and the love you had for each other.
Eventually, everything calmed down. He pulled back just slightly, a lazy smile spreading across his face as his thumb traced gentle circles on your skin. “Now,” he spoke up, his voice soft but playful, “let’s get cleaned up and go get some dinner, yeah?”
You chuckled softly, still a little dazed, but the warmth of his words made your heart swell even more. “Yeah, I think that sounds perfect.”
As you both reluctantly untangled from each other’s arms, you shared one last lingering kiss, both of you smiling into it, feeling the weight of the moment settle between you.
You were his. And he was yours.
Love letter from mae 💌 : ughhshshgsh i need him bad 😭 i rlly do hope u guys like this way more than i do because truly i almost scrapped the whole thing like 7 different times LMFAO
ty for reading!! ♥︎♪ヽ(*´∀`)ノ
#mae fics#nct x reader#johnny x reader#johnny suh smut#nct hard thoughts#nct imagines#nct smut#nct127 smut#johnny suh#nct#nct 127
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texts w/ boyfriend!jaehyun
part ???? who knows… i love him tho… also any jjk fans: jaehyun as nanami.. ARE YOU SEEING WHAT IM PUTTING DOWN?????
#nct#nct scenarios#nct scenario#nct imagines#nct social media au#nct smau#nct texts#jaehyun#jaehyun scenario#jaehyun texts#jaehyun smau#jaehyun fic#jaehyun fluff#nct 127#nct x reader#nct fic#nct127 texts#nct fanfic#nct fluff
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Soft Spot for u
- When you started college, one of the student associations assigned you a senior mentor. Back then, you never thought you'd still be friends with him as you enter your final year, while he’s already long graduated. Even less that he’d be the guy of your dreams—the one who makes your heart race. -
Words : 2.6K

You’ve never been much of a party girl. Well, not in the “nightlife scene” kind of way. But a night owl ? That’s totally you. Staying up late doing all the things the daytime doesn’t allow ? That’s your jam. Especially when you’re spending those nights with him.
Since your freshman year, Yuta has been your go-to for late-night hangs: studying, laughing, bickering, drinking, and dancing. You quickly adapted to his vibe - even though, unlike you, he thrives in the nightlife. He loves hopping from on-campus parties to the city’s best clubs. For Yuta, you’d adjust to anything. Normally, you’re not big on people or physical contact, but with him, it’s different.
The first time he asked you to join him at a party, you tagged along, thinking, Why not? At least I’ll have a story to tell. You didn’t like dancing in public—the stares, the unwanted touches—but his touch? That was different. Before long, you were showing up to every party he invited you to, becoming a campus party regular.
Little did they know, you hated parties. You only went for him. For those moments on the dancefloor when his hands rested protectively on your hips, silently warning other guys to back off. It drove you crazy that it felt more big brotherly than anything else. But when you danced together, something shifted. He wasn’t being protective—just… present.
You’ve always wanted to make a move, but the fear of losing him held you back. If he hadn’t made the first move, it probably meant your feelings weren’t mutual. Right? But honestly, just being by his side was better than being with anyone else.
Yuta changed you—not just in how you see relationships, but in how you see life. He was more than a mentor for academics; he pulled you out of your comfort zone and into a brighter, more open world.
Waiting for him to pick you up tonight, you’re lost in thought, touching up your makeup as Keshi’s Soft Spot plays in the background. Your phone buzzes.
Yuta: Be there in 2 mins, love.
You grin, his name lighting up your screen. Gosh, this man owns my heart.
When you hop on his bike, he whistles, eyes raking over your silver sequin dress.
“You planning to set the campus on fire tonight? I don’t remember telling you to outshine me, little miss.”
“No one’s hotter than you, Yuta.” You flirt back, the way you always do when he compliments you. It gives you butterflies every time.
He smirks, giving you a playful smack on the thigh. “Flattery’ll get you far, baby. Keep it up.”
At the party, Yuta, as usual, commands attention. Walking in with him feels like entering as a rockstar’s date—his magnetic aura turning every head. You join his friends—Johnny, Taeyong, Doyoung—who’ve already lined up shots.
Johnny hands you a suspiciously colorful concoction. You sniff it. “Johnny, is this safe? Because I really don’t want to start the semester in the ER.”
Everyone laughs, and Taeyong teases, “Sometimes I forget you’re still in school. Those were the days…”
Shots clink, faces grimace, and the party kicks off. But soon, the buzz, the chaos, and the alcohol start working their magic on your senses. All you want is to dance—with him.
The noise, the games, the music, the chaos of people chatting and singing along, all the stuff happening around you, mixed with the alcohol buzzing in your veins, has your senses on high alert. And now, you only want one thing—to dance with him. You’ve shared him with the crowd long enough, and now it’s your turn. Just you and him, in your world, even if it’s just for a bit.
You leave Jungwoo and Kai behind, still going at that ridiculous card game where every rule somehow ends in "take a sip." It’s funny as hell, you can admit that, but nah—right now, you need him. It’s all you can think about.
You find him at the bar, mid-conversation. You head toward him, sitting by the counter, your mind racing with one single thought: you wanna throw your arms around his neck and kiss him like it’s the only thing keeping you alive. His legs are spread like he’s waiting just for you, a couple of messy strands of hair falling into his eyes, and his half-unbuttoned shirt teasing you with a glimpse of that stunning belly piercing and a peek at his tattoo.
You stop in front of him, hesitating for a second. He’s still chatting with Taeyong but doesn’t miss a beat, sliding an arm around your waist like, yeah, I know you’re here. That little gesture? making you go crazy, and without a second thought, grab his wrist and pull him to the dancefloor. Pressed against him, your bodies move in sync, his hands on your hips, his breath on your neck. Butterflies? More like fireworks.
He’s totally getting with your vibe, moving with you like he’s reading your mind. When you turn around, you catch that huge smile lighting up his face—and wow, it’s the kind of smile that hits you right in the gut. He’s loving this moment, and it’s setting off a full-on butterfly storm in your stomach.
You kinda wish his smile wasn’t this attractive, this unfairly cute, this stupidly sexy. Because all you can think about is kissing him senseless. Like, right now.
You keep getting closer, grinding up against him more, and for some reason tonight, you’re feeling extra bold. You slide your fingers into his, guiding his hand to trace your curves in a way that’s definitely more suggestive than usual. Yuta doesn’t just go along with it—he’s into it. His response is all green lights, like his body is totally in tune with yours, wanting this as much as you do.
You feel his breath on your neck as you press your back against his chest, and yeah, it’s short. Is he... out of breath because of you? The thought sends a shiver down your spine, and without even thinking, you push your hips back against him, swaying like it’s second nature.
And then you feel it—him. Hard. For you.
That’s the last green light you need. You turn, locking eyes, fingers tangling in his hair as you kiss him, pouring years of longing into it. He kisses back—hungry, desperate.
Next thing you know, you’re in a dimly lit laundry room, pinned against the door as his lips crash back onto yours. His hands are everywhere, his voice dripping with desire.
He kisses you again, and this time it’s pure, raw desire. Like, where the hell has he been hiding all this? Not that it matters—you’re practically melting in his hands. Your skin’s on fire, and it feels like your blood is boiling. He’s gonna make you explode, like you’re some freaking nuclear reactor on the verge of meltdown.
The only way you can even begin to handle this insane craving is by biting his bottom lip, cutting the kiss short. He pulls back just enough to look at you, and there’s this spark in his eyes that makes your breath hitch.
“I didn’t know you had this bad girl side,” he says, smirking. “You’ve always been my sweet, innocent Y/n.”
“Not that innocent I guess, if only you knew about my dirty secret.”
“Hmm tell me more baby” you smile hearing the petname he gave you, you love it soo much.
“I touch myself so many times, soaking my panties, just thinking ‘bout you”
He groan “You didn’t.”
“I can’t even count how many times since I know you, you’re my favorite fantasm.” You say a lil bit shyly.
He looks into your eyes, a proud smile on his face. “Then allow me to make the fantasy come true.” He takes hold of your dress, so small that it doesn't take much effort for him to expose your already soaked thong. He slides two fingers over your pussy to caress you through the fabric.
“You’ve been holding out on me, huh?” he growls, fingers brushing against the lace of your underwear.
“Only for you, daddy,” you whisper, testing the nickname that’s been on your mind for way too long.
He freezes, then smirks. “Gosh, you’re gonna drive me insane.”
You've never been so willing in your life. You only dream of one thing: his tongue on you and IN you. He lifts your leg and places it on his shoulder to get better access. You feel his breath on your inner thigh and you moan at the sensation alone.
“Oh god.” He look at you, from the bottom and smirk “You can call me Yuta.” And with those words he wraps your whole soaking pussy in his mouth. First he eats you through the fabric of your thong. Then, using his fingers, he shifts it to the side. He flicks his tongue up and down your folds and then concentrates on your clitoris, sucking gently. The stimulation sends you into heaven, you feel as if you've left this earth. And then he starts playing at your entrance with one of his fingers, looking at you “Want me to get inside baby girl?”
“Yes, please, yes !”
“Your wish is my command.”
He takes hold of your clit again, nibbling lightly, then gently and deliciously slides a finger into your pussy, soon adding a second, which you welcome as a blessing. You try to be as quiet as possible, but your little cries and sobs excite Yuta even more. He picks up the pace and eats you up like he's starving, tasting you like you’re his last meal, you’re trembling. Soon you feel your orgasm coming on and you press down on Yuta's shoulder as if to let him know you're about to burst. He smiles, "Let it go baby, I'm here for you.” You feel the most powerful orgasm you've ever had in your life rushing through you. And this time you can't help yourself, you moan his name out loud and pray that no one else walks by at the same time. He stands up and sucks on each of his two fingers in front of you. Then he slides his tongue back into your mouth.
“I think you can still feel yourself on my tongue, so much that I've sucked you in.” You wrap your arms around his neck, wanting more, but Yuta slows the pace. “Maybe we should slip away before we're noticed.
You slip out quietly, not even bothering to say goodbye to anyone. On the way back, you’re still all sensitive from the way he completely wrecked you earlier. When Yuta pulls up in front of your dorm, he looks a little more hesitant than before. Still, you invite him to come up with you for a bit.
As you close the door to your apartment, you see him sitting on the couch, his hands covering his face like he’s deep in thought. But you don’t stop to overthink it—he’s already given you too much tonight for you to back down now. You climb onto his lap and kiss him, slow and intense. He kisses you back but suddenly pulls away.
“Wait,” he says, looking at you seriously. “I need to understand what’s happening here. Like, what are we doing right now?”
You stare at him, confused. “Do you want a diagram or something?”
“No, I mean, seriously. Isn’t this, like, a bad idea? I’m older than you, and you’re totally wasted. I am too, actually.”
“So what?”
“So yeah, I don’t think this is a good idea. You’ll probably regret it tomorrow. I don’t want to mess things up between us. You mean a lot to me and—”
You cut him off with a dramatic wave, making it clear he needs to stop talking immediately. “This is unreal. Stop seeing me as the clueless first-year kid who doesn’t know anything and needs a protector. Yuta, I don’t want a protector—I want you.”
He just stares at you, speechless.
“I got a soft spot for you, from the very beginning,” you continue, your voice shaking with the weight of the truth. “And honestly, I’ve been hoping every single day since we met that one day you’d wake up and feel the same. But you’ve always had this big brother vibe, and God, it’s been killing me, because I love your attention, I love how affectionate you are, and how you’re always there for me. But Yuta, I want so much more than that. I never said anything because I didn’t want to scare you off or ruin what we have. But seriously, I’ve been into you since day one. So please, stop being my bro—be my lover. Tonight, I felt like it was now or never. There was this moment, this chance, and hell, it’s my last year. I want to leave this university finally dating the guy I’ve been crushing on since freshman year. So if you’re not into it, just say it, but please stop looking at me like I’m some little kid and start seeing the woman I could be by your side.”
Yuta’s lips crash onto yours, giving you the single greatest kiss of your life.
“So you’ve been this into me for all this time, and you never said a word?” he teases, a grin spreading across his face.
“Yuta, please. I’m not exactly the most social person, but I’ve spent practically all my time with you. I hate parties, yet I’ve been at them every week since I met you. I HATE octopus, but I learned how to make Takoyaki like a pro. I think Naruto is the most boring anime ever, but I binged every damn season. Why do you think I did all that? For who?” you shoot back, exasperated.
“Uh… sorry?” he mutters sheepishly.
“Don’t apologize. Honestly, I love most of those things now because they remind me of you, or they’re just so you. I don’t force myself. If it means spending time with you, it’s always worth it in the end.”
He smiles at you, soft and affectionate.
“I’ll admit, I’ve thought about this a lot over the years too,” he says quietly. “But the age gap always felt like too much. And I had this mentor role, you know? I didn’t want to look like some creepy older guy. More than that, I didn’t want to lose you or ruin what we have.”
Your heart pounds at his words. So he doesn’t see you as some desperate little kid, and, more importantly, the guy of your dreams feels the same way about you.
“Can you say it out loud, though? Just once?” you tease him.
“I got a soft spot for you, Y/n.”
“No, no, no, you can do better than that.”
He chuckles, running his tongue along his cheek, clearly amused but knowing you’re not letting this go.
“I got a big crush on you.”
Your smile stretches ear to ear, and you crash your lips against his again. He responds instantly, sliding his tongue against yours, his hands moving to your hips as he pulls you closer. Then, without breaking the kiss, he lifts you effortlessly and carries you to your room, laying you gently on the bed.He trails kisses along your jawline, down to your neck, and a soft moan escapes your lips. He nibbles at your earlobe before whispering, “If you play your cards right tonight, sweetheart, you just might get me to admit I maybe am in love with you by the end of it.”
#nct 127#nct smau#nct smut#nct yuta nakamoto#nct yuta x reader#yuta nakamoto#yuta nct#nct127#nct#nctzen#nct yuta fic#nakamoto yuta smut#nct yuta smut#yuta#nakamoto yuta#nct au#nct fanfic#nct 127 smut#yuta smut#yuta fluff#yuta x reader#nakamoto yuta x reader#nct x reader#yuta imagines#nct imagines#nct scenarios#yuta scenarios
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but you can learn from me.
haechan x thick POC! reader
sex tape, squirting fixation, oral fixation, unprotected sex, oral (giving & receiving), college au implied, thick POC reader, cum eating, fingering, praising, fuck boy hyuck implied (bitches on bitches), hyuck and reader are a lil desperate
you gulped at the pornographic-like scene your best friend balls deep into a random girl who let out broken squeals and moans to every harsh thrust he did on her, the manhandling grunts and harsh smacks echoed through the speakers as he let out breathy groans and incoherent praises of 'good girl' or 'such a tight fucking pussy'.
you both ended up in this predicament due to you. doubting his infamous sex skills and if the girls on campus were exaggerating about how good the sex was with hyuck. to say he wasn't offended by it would be a lie, taking it straight to his ego he was too prideful about his sexual life that he had to- no he was willing to prove you wrong and show you what you were missing out on.
"if you wanna fuck just say that, not gonna lie i had a few fantasies about you.."
"thanks but no thanks."
"then how will i prove to you that i don't disappoint in bed? are you gonna watch me or something, because i'm into t-"
you rolled your eyes in disgust flipping through one of the many magazines piled up on your nightstand, nonchalantly and dramatically tossing the paper at every flip and scanning through pages to zone out on whatever hyuck was going on about, until you landed on a certain page; 100 Reasons Why You Should Make A Sex Tape your mind lit up like a lightbulb. "record it."
you shrugged looking at the boy who laid across your bed, playing with the ends of your blanket and scrolling through his phone. his eyes met yours with a full smile making him giggle at your request, it wouldn't be the first time he's ever done it but
anything to prove to you why he's the school's labeled 'sex god', this was a big deal to him now. "wouldn't it just be hotter if you joined?" he teased whilst wiggling his brows puckering his lips towards you making you annoyed and questioning why the two of you were even friends-the number of times you rolled your eyes, you swore they could fall out any moment now.
"donghyuck shu-"
"okay okay, i'll do it.. but we watch it together, i wanna see your face when i prove you wrong."
"okay deal."
"maybe you can give me a treat after.. since you hurt my feelings.." he pouted making you throw a pillow at his face with force, knocking the male off your bed and earning laughter from your end at the scene you caused.
it was towards the end of the video, the view of the girl's ass coming in view of the camera as his slender fingers ran down her cheek, giving it another hard slap decorating her skin in a deep red watching it jiggle with her squealing. your focus was given to the video playing intensely, jolting slightly as his hand would impact on her ass ringing through the speakers of his laptop— she was whining at the sensitivity as she arched her back to push her ass closer to hyuck, earning a chuckle before smacking it one last time with a louder moan escaping her.
you felt your palms become sweaty and your heart race as he shifted to place the camera down to get a view of the scene facing towards the both of them, completely distressed. you were already on edge since the beginning and since it's already been a week since you and hyuck had this conversation you genuinely forgot about the whole deal, now spending your thursday night watching your friend fuck some girl's brain out seeing how big his “praised dick” was.. you were going mad trying to look unfazed by everything you've seen tonight, never in a million years did you think you'd see your friend's sex tape by your simple request that you half joked about- you swore you were sweating buckets.
he smirked at the camera making his way back to the girl who was still positioned on the bed, flipping her over on her back and dragging her down lower to have her pussy become face to-face with him— biting his lip as he stared at her glistening cunt, eager enough to part his mouth to stick his tongue out.
"she was so fucking wet.."
hyuck taunted into your ear as you stared at the scene of him eating the girl out, her back arching and her chest heaving as her hands reached to squeeze her boobs for support. he looked over to you as he was taking in your body language, smirking as he watch your hands slowly balling up against your exposed thighs that trembled slightly. he couldn't help his perverted thinking, could you be wet? turned on? wondering what it would feel like to have him do this to you?
"f-fuck!" the lewd moaning and sounds of sucking snapped hyuck from his thoughts regaining his composure and clearing his throat he proceed with watching alongside you, mentally praising himself at how good he was doing and mostly how good he looked while doing it a cocky gemini.
"gonna cum for me?"
your eyes boring into the laptop feeling as if you were watching a show, catching yourself from interacting with the screen.. but something about his words made your stomach twist and cheeks to flush as if he was speaking directly to you; after seeing the male in a new light you felt dizzy almost immediately.
"gonna cum so hard around my fingers.."
he groaned as his fingers slipped in and out of her at ease watching how his arm moved back and forth picking up speed and making her tremble with profanities slipping out of her. "s-shit haechan!"
"i'm gonna go get some water.."
"wait you're gonna miss the best part!"
he dragged you back down to your seat as his pumping increased with her body shaking uncontrollably, thrashing around he held her down with his free arm to keep her from pushing away from him the anticipation growing inside of you as hyuck kept his arm linked with yours with his childlike smile plastered on his face. "watch this."
he whispered as her body went still and muscles flexed, her moans falling silent with the sounds of hyuck fingering her intensely, the lewd noises making you clench your thighs together before the loud sound of liquid squirting out of the girl could be heard. screams of pleasure and pleads for hyuck not to stop in her shaky state with the male on the ther hand assisting her high; liquid gushing out of her. all over him.
"y-you make them all do that?" you muttered somewhat fascinated by the fact that
he could have them squirt faucets, drenching the bed below them, drenching his upper body you just knew it felt amazing. "yeah, you'd be surprised how many of them say they've never squirted or even think they could ever squirt.." he laughed as the video finally came to an end, you stared at the laptop and the video's thumbnail as hyuck let out a sigh reaching to close the laptop and push it to the side.
"so? what do you think? i own up to my label huh?"
he smirked as you both looked at each other, deciding to tease the male even further you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of it yet. "eh, i've seen better.." you shrugged standing up to walk away from your bed before getting dragged down to hyucks level in a blink of an eye- he wasn't pleased and by the looks of it, he looked pissed by your choice of words.. irritated even. showing off some of his best work in a 10-minute video just to get an "i've seen better" in response, he was fuming.
"yeah? you've seen better?" he scoffed making your cheeks flustered realizing how he had you straddling his lap, your bodies dangerously close together, skirt riding up your thighs exposing more and more of your skin. "your bluffing.. no one's better than me" he taunted taking in your tense features, how rosy your cheeks became and how intimated you looked at the male your throat wanting to slip a whimper out in defeat so badly fuck you lee donghyuck. "why so shy baby?"
he snickered as you gulped, seeing with your own eyes what the man was capable of your mind flooded with ideas and you can tell he was thinking the same the male who treated you like his prey, ready to devour.
"listen ____.. i don't know how you feel but to keep it real with you... i really, really wanna fuck you right now."
he was blunt with his words almost too casual with how he came across. his words sliding off of his tongue at ease as he brushed your stray hairs away from your face, the other hand placed on your hip to keep you in place. you'd be lying if you told him you weren't down to fuck, the video images playing through your head over and over again you could feel yourself growing wet by the lewd noises staining your hearing like permanent ink.
"if you don't want to it's okay i'm so-"
"can you do what you did to that girl.. to me?"
you whispered making him smile in satisfaction, moving his hand lower to squeeze your ass with you slipping a soft moan at the tight engulfing on your ass. "of course i can." he said in a 'duh' like tone making you punch his arm playfully as the two of you shared a giggle.
you feeling bold enough to cup his cheeks and connect your lips- though it wasn't the first time you two kissed, it had been a while. you asked him a few years ago how to properly make out with someone since he was the more experienced out of anyone you knew in your sophomore year, he taught you how to french kiss using a lot of tongue hoping you'd enjoy it so much you'd keep asking for more- you did but around that time you ended up landing your first relationship and shared your new knowledge with another male constantly before you broke up and that made hyuck furious, even though he had taught you, you went and gave another man besides him the honors of kissing you every day.
you two grew up and hyuck still held onto that grudge, wondering if you still do what he had taught you.. and by the looks of it, you do. he always imagined what it would be like kissing you now that the two of you are more mature with more experience; kissing him felt normal and comfortable. it had to be one of your favorite things about him that he was a terrific kisser still using tongue, swirling them around making the scene so dirty- you missed this and you always remembered how he was on your top 3 for favorite kissers list, maybe that 'favorite" will change tonight. he guided your body onto him, grinding down crotch to crotch, slipping grunts and groans at the friction. slipping his tongue in your wet cavern you let out choked moans gripping the back of his hair.
he snaked his hand under your skirt feeling nothing but your flimsy underwear, he pushed your skirt up to lay above your hips as he fondled your ass cheeks, squeezing and slapping them forcefully.
"hyuck..” only you get to call him by this, only you made it seem so fucking hot.
"get on your knees baby.." he mumbled on your lips making you obey instantly sliding off his body with a wet patch coating his
light-washed jeans, he snickered at the sight making your cheeks flush even darker in embarrassment. "don't be embarrassed baby, so fucking wet.. all for me.." he bit his lip, caressing your cheek making you feel small below him. "plus they're coming off anyways." he reached for your hands bringing them up to his belt to undo it for him, leaving you to get the hint he watched as your shaky hands undid the buckle revealing his jean button that you unbuttoned quickly along with unzipping his zipper. he assisted in pulling his pants and boxers down revealing his rock hard dick, tip semi wet as he twitched to produce more precum.
"don't you think you should make me feel better after hurting my feelings, princess?" you nodded vigorously as he chuckled at your eagerness. "good girl, suck my dick baby."
not needing to be told twice your hand reached to grab the base of his cock, sliding your tongue around the tip to taste the saltiness of him earning a groan from the korean. you licked up the base to the tip before collecting your saliva in your mouth to spit on it for a better glide. whilst pumping you placed him back in your mouth, licking between his slit and around his sensitive tip before trying your hardest to deep-throat him. fondling his balls, his breathy outtakes and groaning filling in the atmosphere reaching to place his hand over your head gently as his fingers laced through your locks following your motions.
throat clenching around his stiffened cock as you gagged and choked around him with saliva dripping down to your chin your eyes clouding with tears, loving the taste of him on your tongue, and the stretch in your throat going straight to your pooling core. clenching around nothing and soaking your panties, pussy aching to be touched or for any sort of friction. pumping what you couldn't fit in your mouth your other hand reaching down to circle your clit to reduce the aching, moaning around his shaft, and feeling his thighs flex seconds at a time.
"f-fuck baby just like that.." he whimpered using force to guide your head up and down his cock, gagging and moaning pathetically.
"ah fuck let go.."
you did as told as he pumped his dick vigorously directly in your face, keeping your face in place with his free hand panting and whimpering as he felt himself growing closer and closer to his well-awaited orgasm.
"fuck gonna cum.." he whined taking the hint you opened your mouth letting your tongue fall out to (try) and catch as much as you can of what was about to come out of the boy. "fuck so hot.. so h-hot.." he hissed as the white ropes of cum splattered on your face, flinching backward slightly as the warm semen dripped down your nose and chin to your neck and shirt. panting like he ran a mile pumping himself steadily and milking himself dry, you swallowed whatever shot in your mouth licking your lips and corners of your lips making him groan.
"a slut for cum huh?"
"just yours.."
your voice was hoarse due to the previous activities, coated in saliva, cum and tears- makeup ruined along with your shirt he couldn't help but bite his lip at your fucked out persona. "you're so hot.." he let out a dry chuckle resulting in you blushing. "take this off yeah?" he referred to your drenched shirt making you look down at it before looking up at him with a smirk. "take it off for me." he scoffed at your response, patting his thighs to signal you to sit on them which of course you did. crawling up his legs like a cat desperate for attention, eyes locked together with your face painted with cum as if he owned you; in this case, it felt like he did.
"lift your arms baby.." gripping on the ends of your baby tee, he lifted it above your head letting your exposed breast hang out; he knew how much you were against bras due to how much the wires bugged you leaving you to feel uncomfortable so it wasn't a shock... though he has seen your boobs plenty of times, he still can't get enough of them.
"wanna fuck you so bad.." he whined lifting your skirt and repeating the same actions from before— skirt resting around your waist hand squeezing your ass. his free hand groping your tit as he began to suck on your neck, a mission to mark you up for the world to see that he had finally got you maybe even wants to keep you.
"hyuck.." and again
you whined like a child grinding down on his thigh.
"please.. i need you.." you whimpered as you circled your crotch around his thigh, didn't do as much justice as you wished but you were hoping he wouldn't leave you hanging for too long; thank god he didn't. "ride me, and after this i'll take such good care of you.." he mumbled into your neck. "treat you like a princess.. my princess.." he groaned as he reached to pull your underwear to the side, welcomed by your wetness he couldn't wait to make a mess out of you. "so wet.. i made you this wet? and you kept saying you didn't wanna fuck me.." and yet he still had time to make jokes, typical hyuck. "s-shut up."
you gasped feeling his fingers circle your swollen bud, jolting at the feeling that shot through your body like a firework-it felt amazing. the smirk on his face as he watched you gasp and bite your lip aggressively circling your clit slowly.
"c'mon baby, ride me." he taunted with a smile making you whine, trying your hardest to reach for his now harden dick to line him up with your drenched hole. he teased you further as he sped up his motions making you tense up and fall forward onto the male who had the audacity to chuckle at your reaction. "so mean.."
you whined into his chest as your chest heaved, regaining all the strength you had left in you to sit down on his dick. slowly inserting him into you, the unfamiliar stretch making your grip tighten against his shirt with your face making a slightly uncomfortable expression going noticed by the male. "i'm sorry i should've— fuck, i should've prepped you.." you shook your head in all honesty loving the stretch of him; feeling him glide down your walls with the help of your essence making it easier for the both of you.
"touch me hyuck.." you whimpered breathlessly, fuck you were gonna be the death of him. sliding down lower as you found yourself taking him all in. he didn't hesitate to circle your clit again as you moaned towards the ceiling, eyes shut tightly as you began to move at a comfortable pace before gaining enough strength to speed up the motion.
the lewd squelching noises on top of the throaty yet high-pitched moans coming from hyuck and the incoherent blabbering and hisses coming from you; at this moment it felt like angels were singing above you, clouds parting ways to shine a light down on the two of you, serenading soft beautiful tunes- sex with hyuck felt like heaven. "don't stop.."
you cried placing your arms on the back of you to rest on his knees for more support. he enjoyed this new feeling of being inside you, almost something he could've never imagined- his fantasies proving him dead wrong, they couldn't have topped how good you've been making him feel.. he swore he could get used to this. "g-gonna c-cum!"
"cum on my cock baby, make a mess on me..
wanna feel you cum on me.." he panted with his climax being close behind, falling into pure bliss of the delicious feeling you both couldn't pull it together.
everything was more than what you could ever imagine it being. shaking and thighs trembling your mind clearing of any thoughts as the sounds of angelic music filled your soul, growing louder and louder as you released all over his cock. a loud moan escaping you as you panted heavily, his cum painting your inner walls making you hum in satisfaction as you bounced mid-pace to ride out your highs before coming to a genuine halt.
"full.." you whispered as he sheepishly smiled at you. "gonna take good care of you like i promised princess.. gonna take it all like the good girl you are?”
he whispered back eyeing your lips before looking up into your mascara-stained eyes, looking so pretty after you cry. "y-yes hyuckie." you nodded as he placed a chaste kiss on your lips before flipping the two of you over, pulling out of you slowly which made you whine at the emptiness. "m'make you feel so good princess i promise.." "i know hyuckie.." you giggled as he gently began undressing your now bare bottom, your glistening cunt painted with his cum drove him through the roof- taking a mental picture of your perfect pussy with his essence for those late nights.
"fuck.. such a cute little cunt.."
kissing and nibbling on your inner sensitive thighs making them tremble slightly as he reached lower and lower to now only to be faced with your core. he licked his lips as he locked eyes with you before licking a long stripe from your hole to your clit. jolting in sensitivity he decided to take your engorged clit head-on. thrashing around slightly as the images from the video earlier started to cloud your mind, subconsciously mimicking the girl by grabbing onto your boobs for support and arching forward to chase for more of that incredible feeling.
"taste so good princess.." he groaned into your pussy, using his two fingers to push your pussy lips aside for more access to your clit. "h-hyuck!"
your throaty grunts coming out louder than expected, your freehand reaching to place on the top of his head; tugging at his scalp making him groan. he subsided the spread of his two fingers to now inserting them inside of you at ease. you sunk into the pleasurable movements he made on you, already feeling the familiar knot in your stomach arising and ready to explode in you.
"p-please please please.." you cried feeling your orgasm rushing through you quickly, grinding down on his tongue as he scissored you open at such a quick pace, reaching places you couldn't, curling them at just the right degree and hitting all the right spots— maybe he does hold his precious little title after all.
"cum baby, lemme taste you.." his simple words had you falling into a pit of pleasure, cumming harder than you ever had before making your stomach and thighs tense before turning into a sensitive shaking mess. "f-fuck!" you cried with both hands now gripping on your bedsheets for your dear life as he worked your pussy like magic. clenching your thighs around his head as he never came to a halt, fingers pumping in and out of you with his tongue licking at your clit at a brief movement.
"hyuck hyuck hyuck.." fuck fuck fuck
you spoke his name like a mantra, feeling your stomach twist and body jolting with electricity as if someone had put a defibrillator on you. "so good princess.. so good." and unfamiliar feeling erupted in you, the same feeling you had got when you would accidentally overstimulate yourself before you would stop due to the overwhelming feeling— it felt like an all-time high as he worked you up faster, pumping into you harder and deeper with his a-1 tongue game circling your bud beautifully.
"o-oh my god.."
you gasped letting whatever was pushing to come out of you out; ears ringing and eyes shut tight you couldn't hear how loud you were let alone the gushing sounds of your juices squirting out of you. hyuck continued his work until he knew you were fully satisfied; you felt numb and completely worn out, squirting as much as you could let you out before pushing hyuck away to signify you were truly done with his work.
"well.. now you can't tell me i'm not the school's sex god.."
he wiped his drenched face off with the ends of his shirt before completely taking it off and tossing it to the side with the pile of your scattered clothes. you lazily opened your eyes as he flopped down next to you, giggling as he pulled you into his embrace. "maybe you should prove it to me at least one more time.."
"god you're so obsessed with me!"
#haechan#haechan smut#lee donghyuk x reader#donghyuck smut#nct smut#haechan imagines#lee haechan#haechan suggestive#haechan scenarios#nct dream smut#nct127 smut#nct imagines#thick reader#kpop smut
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september nct recs

my library of favorites from SEPTEMBER <3 all creds to authors
[ sorted by word count ]
[m] HAECHAN | settle down pt. 1 | pt. 2 | @hyuckmov — rockstar!hyuck, genre: angst, smut (18+ minors dni), fluff
[m] MARK | sweet cream, cold brew | @lucyandthepen 26.4k — something about mark lee keeps you up at night, and you’re pretty sure that it isn’t the lingering smell of espresso on his shirt.
[m] MARK | my little doll | @haechansdoll 20k — Humans have hormones, you understand that much. But does that explain why you can't stop the filthy daydreams that fill your head whenever you see a specific redhead? Does it excuse you for getting turned on by him simply breathing in your direction? And to make matters worse, he is off-limits, if your father found out you were messing with his prized boxer? You would be chained to a tower and your red-haired crush would be used as mincemeat.
HAECHAN | one, two, three | @cherryeoniis 19k — In which you devise three different ways to get your best friend to fall in love with you, but things never really go quite as planned.
[m] JENO | summer hair = forever young | @setsugekka 18.1k — Only three weeks after being broken up with by your long time partner, you’re dragged along for your friends summer vacation plans despite your best attempts at staying home to do little more than feel sorry for yourself. Day one? Dinner and a movie. Day two? The bar down the street that smells like old socks. Day three? Well, that’s the waterpark, and the cute, blonde lifeguard that seems to make the lazy river his mainstay is a bit of a sight for sore eyes.
JAEMIN | written in ink | @cherryeoniis 15.3k — professor!jaemin, historical au (early 19th century), fluff, angst, strangers to lovers
[m] MARK | watch me | @sluttyten 14.6k — you pick up the voyeuristic habit of watching your neighbor that never closes his curtains and whose face you never see. on an unrelated note, you start dating the cute barista from down the street that also happens to live in the building across from yours. what could happen?
TAEIL | in earnest | @neonun-au 12k — a letter written in haste when you were fifteen and in love with your best friend gets sent out in the dawn of your engagement. when a reply is sent, revealing feelings you had long thought forgotten, you are left with a choice to make amidst a rather awkward visit.
[m] JENO | fight club | @tyonfs 11.9k — after park jisung introduces you to his shady after-school activity, you realize it’s far too dangerous to be involved with the underground fight club in any way. their members are rough around the edges—except for lee jeno, who keeps you coming back for more.
MARK | a series of white lies | @tyonfs 10.5k — in which it takes you six years to accept that you’re in love with mark lee. (it takes him one.)
HAECHAN | wicked games | @cherryeoniis 10.1k — angst, fluff, suggestive, university! au, friends with benefits, fuckboy! haechan
MARK | baseball (& other disasters) | @tqmies 10k — Everyone admired Mark Lee, starting pitcher of your school’s baseball team and famed ladies man. You, on the other hand, only know him as the boy who broke your dorm lobbies microwave the first time you met.
[m] JAEHYUN | dive | @yougotthatbilly 9.2k — frat boy!Jaehyun: Jaehyun calls shotgun.
[m] RENJUN | high-waisted shorts | @tyonfs 7.8k — huang renjun might be the least committed to all this “bitch hunting” bullshit, and he doesn’t want to stoop to the level of stupidity his friends are at. that’s why he’s pissed when you’re strutting around in those high waisted shorts wherever you go, making renjun lose all sense of reason.
[m] JAEMIN | blur | @jaeminvore 7.5k — Waking up to the sunlight blazing onto your face and hungover was one thing. Waking up to the sunlight blazing onto your face, hungover and in a bed that wasn’t your own in nothing but a pair of sweatpants that were obviously not yours, was another and a punishment specifically made for you—your own personal hell.
[m] JAEHYUN | racer | @smileysuh 6.7k — street racer!Jaehyun, star-crossed lovers, secret relationship, step-brother!Johnny
[m] HAECHAN | tattoos together | @cherryeoniis 5.4k — rockstar!haechan x reader
[m] DOYOUNG | hungry for you | @sluttyten 4.9k — doyoung is your best friend’s older brother, and you hate each other until one evening you’re alone together and the tension finally breaks
HAECHAN | dance to this | @cherryeoniis 3.8k — dancer! haechan x dancer! reader, university au, slight enemies to lovers
. . .
drowning in college rn :((
xoxo <3
#nct fic recs#nct fic rec#nct imagine#nct smut#nct127#nct 127 fic#nct 127#nct dream#nct#nct u#nct imagines#nct fic#nct fics#nct dream imagines#nct127 imagines#nct127 fic recs#nct au#nct aus#nct scenarios#nct dream fluff#nct 127 fic recs#jaehyun fic#jaehyun imagines#jaehyun fic recs#haechan x reader#haechan imagines#haechan au#haechan fic recs#haechan smut#renjun imagines
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student f!reader x prof!johnny
part1 / part2[soon]
The lesson finally ended and the classroom slowly began to empty. As you wrote your last few notes, your eyes drifted to Johnny. He was surrounded by a few female students, joking and laughing.Johnny was always known for being so friendly, it was no surprise that he was the most popular professor. That was what made you feel uneasy, you didn't know if you had feelings for him but every time you saw him so close to other students your heart ached. Because you couldn't be close to him like they did, you were always holding yourself back for some reason, you weren't attending his classes, you couldn't listen to him. The laughter between them practically echoed in your head, you stood up and quickly gathered your things. You couldn't help but ask yourself, why were you so shy? You didn't even have the courage to ask him anything when everyone was so relaxed.
You didn't even know why you were drawn to him, was it just because he was handsome? Or was it because he was so mature yet had such a fun personality? You didn't know. Yet you always preferred to stay away from him, afraid of doing something wrong, not wanting to remain the weird student in his eyes.
As you gather your things and are about to leave the classroom, you notice a girl approaching him and whispering. When she pull away, Johnny throws his head back slightly and laughs. You turned to the doorway and stood there, your eyes blurring. Should you just leave or should you do something? Even if you did, what would change?
Just then, Johnny catches sight of you and frowns slightly, realizing that you’re just standing there in the doorway, doing nothing. He interrupts the conversation and calls out, "Y/n? Did something happen? Do you want to talk?" You felt your heart race at this sudden interest, Johnny notices your concern and wants to talk, which makes you feel embarrassed. You turn around, Johnny still staring at you, and you pull yourself together when you notice the students around you are also facing you. "No...I was actually, uh...just going to leave." You cursed the shakiness in your voice. Johnny glanced at your face for a moment, it was obvious that something was wrong, but he couldn’t force you if you didn’t want to talk. "If you say so, but I'm here if you want to talk, okay?" You nodded slightly and quickly left. Johnny stared at the doorway for a while longer. He sat down, thinking about the worried expression on your face.
When you got home you threw yourself straight into bed, even when you closed your eyes the image of Johnny that came to your mind made you mutter a curse. The notification on your phone made you lose your thoughts.You open the phone and saw that your close friend had sent a message. 'We'll be at the usual bar tonight, you in?' Your hand went to write 'no' but you stopped, for a moment you thought that you actually needed this, you couldn't just sit here and waste time thinking about him. After deleting the message you wrote and writing another reply in its place, you stood up and opened your wardrobe.
As soon as you stepped into the bar, you frowned at the loud music, your friend grabbed your arm and pushed you to the corner where you always sat. You glanced around briefly, it was full of people flirting each other, cigarette smoke making the atmosphere even more gloomy. Your friend put the drink she bought for you in front of you, You took the glass in your hand without thinking. Your friend watched with a smile in surprise when you bought a big sip. "Hey, slow down, you seem like you're in the mood today?" You laughed briefly, it was actually a day you were definitely not in the mood for.
The comfort that came with every sip and the thought in your head going away made you want to drink more. That bitter taste in your throat made your thoughts blurry. You drank for a while, you danced, you enjoyed the atmosphere. But Johnny kept coming back to your mind, and it seemed like he wouldn't go away no matter what you did. The thoughts made you frown, your head ached as the already noisy environment gave you a headache and you left the bar, went to a sidewalk and sat down. The cold wind that blew in the night made your body shiver, you tried to come to your senses. Hand went to your instant phone, you dialed Johnny’s number, you never even called him for lessons but you still kept his number in your phone.
You stared at the screen for a while, knowing that any decision you made from now on would be wrong due to your drunkenness. But you did it anyway, pressed the call button and waited. A few ringing sounds echoed in your ears, you buried your head in your knees, the pain was getting worse, as if it was a warning. "Y/n? I'm surprised you called at this hour, is everything okay?" Johnny’s concerned yet gentle tone made you smile sadly, a tear simply falling down your cheek.
Not getting an answer from you, Johnny got up from where he was sitting and closed the book in front of him, frowned and spoke again. “Y/n?” The way your name came out of his lips so beautifully made you laugh hysterically, you swallowed hard, tried to speak even though you couldn't properly. "I feel confused...I.. I don't know, I just wanted to talk to you..please don't...hang up." He realized that you weren't yourself because the words weren't coming out of your mouth properly. He took his important belongings and spoke as he left the house "Where are you? Listen to me, are you safe?"
You smiled, your heart beat faster as he was so worried and thinking about you, you mumbled "I'm at a party...It's too loud in here...And I...think I drank too much, I don't know." Johnny muttered to himself as he got into his car. "God, how much have you had to drink?" The fact that you weren't in control made him even more worried, so he started the car, hoping you weren't in danger. “Okay Y/n, now listen to me, take a deep breath, and tell me where you are.” You gave him the address in a half-asleep voice and mumbled words. Johnny hung up the phone and increased the speed, trying to get to where you were as quickly as possible.
You waited with your eyes half-closed, your head continuing to spin and ache. You closed your eyes with the oncoming car lights, you stayed like that for a while as the light hurt your eyes, when a tall figure passed in front of you and blocked this light, you raised your head and saw him. He helped you as you tried to stand up, but lost your balance for a moment, he held your waist tightly as you fell on him. The incoming voice caressed your ear, "I caught you." you lifted your head, your noses touching briefly. “You came for me. Why?”
The sudden question made him frown and he started to walk you towards the car. "Of course I was going to come, I care about you, after all you are one of my students." You leaned your head back as you got in the car. Johnny turned to you, started the car. "Tell me directions to your house, I'll take you there." You were silent for a while, you didn't want to go home, you wanted to be with him, after a while of silence, you turned your head to him. "So I'm just a student to you? That's all?" He looked at your face, took a deep breath and turned back to the road. "Then we're going to my house."
You were silent the whole way, and Johnny thought about you in that silence, not understanding what you meant by the question, or maybe he didn't want to understand. You rested your eyes for a while, finally opening them with difficulty when the car stopped. When you looked out the window you realized you had come to another house "This is not my house." Johnny turned his head to you "Since you didn't answer my question, that was the only option." He opened your door and grabbed your arms to make you stand up. You took a deep breath as you walked in his arms, his scent making you smile slightly, making you feel even drunker than you already were.
When you got home Johnny took you to the guest room and gently made you lie down on the bed. "You're lucky there aren't any classes tomorrow." you grinned, looking at him with your eyes half-open. “You didn’t answer my question either.” Johnny looked at your face for a moment, then brushed your hair away from your face. “What question?” you held his hand as he was about to pull it away from your hair, he tried to understand what was happening for a moment, and then he looked at your hands. “Am I just a student to you?” The question came again and made him swallow. He pulled his hand away from you and looked away. “You all are.”
"Then why are you so different towards me, you laugh and have fun around others but...not with me." He stood up and put the blanket over you "Are you asking that? You're the only student who doesn't attend my classes and doesn't care about my exams, Y/n." You thought, it was actually true, but it was always easier to blame others. As Johnny was about to turn around and leave, you grabbed his wrist, making him turn back to you. "I care, you have no idea how much I actually care." Johnny sat back down, "Is that so? Because you stubbornly keep failing my exams. I was going to talk to you about it, but-"
"I didn't say I cared about the exams." You didn't even realize what you were saying, the things you would regret when you woke up in the morning were suddenly coming out of your mouth under the influence of alcohol. He looked at you in disbelief, thinking you were just talking nonsense because you were drunk. "What are you talking about, Y/n?" You stayed silent, trying to silence yourself but keeping it inside was making you feel worse. "I care about you." Your words were running through his head, considering that you were out of your mind, you were likely to say nonsense, so even though he was confused, he thought about not taking it seriously. "You better get some sleep now, Y/n."
He got up from the bed, watched him as he turned and walked away. "What can I do to make you smile at me like the others?" He stopped in his tracks, looked at you and stared at you for a while, you felt yourself tense up as his steps moved towards you again, guess you had gone a little too far. He leaned towards you, the whisper of his voice giving you goosebumps. "Try not to be a coward, Y/n. Don't keep looking and running away, come here and see how well I'll treat you." He came closer and gave you a faint kiss on the forehead. You held your breath for a moment. He pulled back and smiled softly. “Good night.” Those were the last words you heard from him, he left the room and turned off the light. Left you alone with your thoughts in the dark room.
#nct imagines#nct reactions#nct 127#nct dream smut#nct smut#nct 127 imagines#nct scenarios#nct x reader#nct x you#johnny imagines#johnny suh#johnny suh imagines#johnny smut#nct johnny#nct johnny imagines#nct johnny smut#nct127 smut
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Between Us
SUMMARY | When Johnny and Yunho get a little too jealous that you can't pick a favorite between them. PAIRINGS | NCT Johnny x Reader x ATEEZ Yunho RATING | Mature, NSFW, EXPLICIT, MDNI, 18+ GENRE | idol!Johnny, idol!Yunho, photographer!Reader, smut, established relationships, polyamorous relationship, threesome, jealousy CONTENT/WARNINGS | profanity/strong language, filthy dirty thoughts, unprotected sex (wrap it up ya’ll!), fingering, oral sex (both female/male receiving/giving), dirty talk, praise kink, pet names, vaginal penetration, anal penetration, creampies LENGTH | 9,508 words TAGLIST | — NETWORKS | @illusionnet @cromernet @wonderlandnet @k-vanity @othersideoutlawsnetwork @ksmutsociety AUTHOR’S NOTE | Sooooo… I decided to throw both my NCT and ATEEZ bias in one fic together because of this video. Originally, it was going to be Doyoung instead of Johnny but I decided to go with my giant man lolol. And man, just actually thinking of being sandwiched by both Johnny and Yunho is making me feral lolol. Thank you @wooahaeproductions for the pretty banner!! 💚 Show support by liking, commenting and reblogging. Love you all 💚
NCT Main Masterlist
You were fucked. Absolutely fucked.
It was one thing to be sleeping with them separately at different times throughout the year and just trying to avoid detection. Now you were here alone with both of them, you didn't know what they had in store.
They were in your apartment all of a sudden with seemingly no warning. And then the first words that came out of their mouths were as soon as they saw each other…
"Why is he here?" They ask together, their faces displaying similar sour expressions.
Johnny let out a heavy sigh as he plopped on your couch, eyeing the tall, young man that seemed so confused standing in front of you. You awkwardly held an arm in front of each of them, as if they were about to lunge at each other the moment that you dropped your arms. But Yunho didn't move, and neither did Johnny. There was only tension hanging in the air.
Of course they knew about each other. How could they not, being in the same industry and all? Who would've thought that they would both have fallen for you, a freelance creative designer and photographer? You were an established creative in the industry, despite your young age and experience and this had gotten you working with both of them (as well as others from their respective groups) on separate occasions. That was the way that you met them and became quickly enthralled by each others' professional talents. Your love for their music and their love for your art helped make your relationships blossom.
Yet despite their music being vastly different from one another, what attracted you to them was their friendliness and kindness. Johnny could come off as intimidating because of how tall and good looking that he was, but he had the aura of caring for others that made it so easy to become attached to him. Then there was Yunho who was warm and protective and upbeat, making everything seem light and happy around him. They were so similar yet so different, you didn't know why or how you wound up loving them both.
You've been in a relationship with Johnny the longest out of your whole dating history. For five years, he was there for you during the tough times when your exhibits and gallery displays weren't selling, through the tears and breakdowns and fears of "What's the point in this anymore?!" He'd been the best emotional support you could have asked for, letting you vent it all out to him and being there to bring you back up on your feet whenever it seemed like no one in the world loved or cared for you and your artwork. He had been an amazing comfort and you felt like you could never replace him or anything that he did for you.
Yet your relationship was fairly new with Yunho who gave you just as much strength in different ways than Johnny had. For the past year, he helped you break out of your mold and be more brave with your designs, feeling okay with being expressive with your color choices, patterns, and with different techniques. He told you that you didn't need to follow rules and that your artwork would be so much more beautiful if you did. And he was absolutely right; when you finally got the courage to step away from what others expected of you, you saw the works that you did sell skyrocket. You wouldn't have gotten to where you are right now without him. And if he hadn't pushed you to take more risks, you didn't know how you would have lasted under the intense stress that came with being an artist in this day and age.
And so you were stuck between two incredible guys, in both a professional and a romantic sense. There was no easy way of breaking up with either of them because they each inspired you so much, and you didn't have the heart to do either of them wrong. So one day, you told them separately that you were seeing other men, thinking that it would be a clean and easy cut. Neither Johnny nor Yunho reacted as badly as you expected, but they both tried to stay out of each other's way when it came to you.
"Let me make coffee," you mumbled, slipping into the kitchen and making your morning drink while you kept your eyes trained on them the best that you could over the countertops. There was still no movement, and the silence between the men in the other room was almost deafening. You could barely concentrate on pouring yourself a mug, and once the coffee machine was off, you scurried back to the living room to intervene. The second you sat between the pair of them on the couch, though, all hell seemed to break loose.
"Look," Johnny begins, sitting forward on the couch and holding his hands up.
"Why? You're going to tell us it was a mistake coming to see her," Yunho replied, leaning his long body back against the cushions.
You found yourself wishing that you were still in bed, maybe you were still asleep, maybe it was a dream and they hadn't shown up at your place uninvited. Or at least it could have waited until the afternoon.
"Guys, please, look—" you attempted to say.
Johnny looked unamused. "What are we supposed to do, Y/N? Come here every time the other isn't around and take turns on who stays?"
"Johnny-oppa!" you exclaimed. He was making things so complicated.
Yunho cleared his throat. "Oh, so he's oppa?"
"You guys are the same age," Johnny rolled his eyes. "What else is she supposed to call you?"
"Guys, if you'll give me just a minute, maybe I could—" But their bickering began to drown out your voice.
Johnny laughed. "She doesn't have to call you anything other than your name if you weren't such a fickle flake."
Yunho furrowed his brow. "Oh, I see, just because you're older means that everything is okay and there's no issue, is that it? Of course a brute like you would feel entitled to take her."
"Entitled? Just because I've known her for longer doesn't mean I'm entitled to her or whatever stupid shit you're thinking," Johnny looked angry now, sitting at the very end of the couch. "She's only interested in you because she feels like you're a new challenge. New shiny toy."
"Look at me! Have you seen me?" Yunho was nearly standing now as well. You were positive he was going to hit Johnny, if not the couch if you didn't put a stop to this. "You're pushing thirty now and she's obviously realized it and has turned her attention to better and more youthful individuals like me—"
"Guys!" you shouted, grabbing both of their arms. "Stop talking about me as if I'm not right here, will you?"
They stopped fighting, but still eyed each other angrily from where they were. Johnny bit back whatever he was about to say before relaxing against your hold on him. Yunho settled into the couch a little, his hair a little tousled.
"For God's sake," you continued, covering your face and sighing heavily. They were being ridiculous. They were not going to fight, not right here in your living room on a random Friday morning. "It was already complicated enough before and now this? This is ridiculous," you complained, shaking your head and crossing your arms in a huff.
"You're the one who's sleeping with us both, babe," Yunho frowned slightly at you, leaning his tall body towards you with his large hand resting on your knee. "Can't you choose already? I'm still young and-"
"You don't want an old man like me, huh?" Johnny muttered. He couldn't hide how defeated he sounded. He wasn't getting any younger, but that wasn't exactly something he was aware of before. You just made him feel young, made him feel so special. "Is that it, Y/N? Are you bored of an old man like me? We've been at it for five years, so I understand if—"
"What?" you responded immediately. He couldn't have thought it was because of something that minor, right? "Oppa, you're only four years older than I am. Where is this coming from?"
You cupped his cheek with a soft hand, forcing him to look at you. His eyes were glossed over. He had genuinely thought about losing you because you'd rather be with a man in the peak of his twenties and he was nearing thirty. You needed to comfort him and reaffirm him in every way possible. "Johnny, don't be silly. I could never grow tired of you. If anything, it's my art, it's the stress and—it has nothing to do with you being older. Don't ever think like that. Ever."
Johnny immediately took you into his arms, holding you tightly and stroking the hair along your back. He nuzzled his nose in your hair. "I can't ever let go of you, baby girl."
Your touch was so nice and tender and Johnny let out an uncharacteristic sigh before clearing his throat to compose himself. It wasn't lost on Yunho, either, as he watched you lovingly tend to the other. But the latter remained silent and stared down at his socked feet while you tended to the older man.
"And you—" you started, pointing a finger at Yunho, who immediately straightened his posture at the tone of your voice. You quickly reverted it back to a gentler one, knowing that wasn't how you actually wanted to talk to him or any of them. But, damn it, you needed to do something to get these men to see reason and listen to what you had to say. "Do you honestly believe this is about age? After all the time we've spent together, and seeing how upset Johnny is over thinking he's not good enough, is that seriously all you've understood?"
"I—" Yunho started, swallowing. He knew better than to argue. "No," he admitted.
You sighed again and stood up, unable to deal with the mess that your relationship—relationships, plural—had turned into in a matter of days. But neither of the men made a motion to follow you. They waited until you had shut the door to your bedroom, thinking they had messed up everything before deciding that the only thing for them to do now was sort it out between themselves and explain.
But after a long while, you didn't leave the bedroom. Rather, neither of them heard you stir from the space and both looked worried, the tension of the air having disappeared.
"I fucked up," Johnny concluded, running his hand through his dark hair. "She didn't leave us, but I know it's probably my fault and not yours."
Yunho's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at Johnny. "Wait, what? You think it's your fault? I never thought it was that serious, but now I feel like it's my fault..."
"It can't be your fault, Yunho." Johnny tilted his head slightly.
The two of them continued like that for what felt like a long time. They weren't actually yelling or raising their voices, but somehow their discussion—if they could even call it that—just went back and forth with the two of them bouncing blame around between each other until it reached a stalemate. They had somehow formed a bond over how much they messed up.
"You love her too, huh, sunbae-nim?" Yunho quietly asked. There was a soft smile on his handsome face as his hand reached out and gently patted the other's shoulder.
"Just call me hyung," Johnny answered with a little laugh. He shook his head as he replied. "And there's no reason to hide it from you. How could I not fall for someone like her? She's an incredible woman - a perfect balance of gentle and caring, yet strong and confident." He spoke with genuine warmth, his shoulders relaxing as he gazed towards your room. "What about you? Do you love her?"
"Oh, fuck." Yunho leaned back against the sofa, staring up at the ceiling ."I never understood what a real relationship was until I met her. So yeah, I think I'm falling in love with her. It sounds crazy, right?" He trailed off, his thoughts a jumbled mess. The more he focused on you, the harder it was to think clearly. He ran his hands over his face, anxiety creeping in. "What if she leaves us both now?" he whispered, his voice barely audible.
Yunho's worry about you leaving amused Johnny, who chuckled lightly. "Well, I guess we'd have it coming." A thought struck him - maybe there was a solution. With a playful grin, he leaned in and patted Yunho's shoulder. "What if we shared her?" he suggested, his heart racing with a mix of excitement and nerves.
"W-what?" Yunho stuttered, taken aback by the unexpected suggestion.
"We're both head over heels for her, aren't we?" Johnny said, a nervous edge to his voice. The idea sounded crazy even in his own head, and saying it aloud made him feel ridiculous. Time was limited, but if it meant keeping you happy and in their lives, wasn't it worth a shot? "She clearly doesn't want to choose between us, and we can't bear to lose her. But neither of us is willing to give her up to the other." He ran a hand through his hair, trying to make sense of his own suggestion.
Yunho watched with curious eyes, barely catching up with what his sunbae was trying to say. What kind of absurd suggestion was that?
"She's an amazing woman, of course," Johnny continued. "Sharing a girlfriend has to be tricky. But if anyone can figure this out, then shouldn't it be us? Think about it, I'm sure it would make her happy to know that her boyfriends don't have to stop seeing her anymore and everyone can be satisfied."
"I mean...if it's just you and me with her, and not anything between us...then yeah," Yunho mumbled softly. He chewed on his lip, considering the idea carefully before meeting Johnny's eyes. "I'm only doing this for her. As long as I can still be with her, I'm willing to try this crazy plan."
Johnny extended his hand, sealing the agreement with a firm handshake. "Deal," he confirmed, a sense of relief washing over him.
Both men shook hands and agreed. They felt an immense sense of relief wash over them, glad that there was now a solution. They were planning to spend the rest of their lives with you anyways. The first step was already the hard part. Now, all they had to do was convince you.
Before approaching you, they decided to iron out the details of their unconventional arrangement. Neither had been in this kind of relationship before, and there was a lot to discuss to ensure things ran smoothly. They talked through every possible scenario, doing their best despite their lack of experience. They hoped their plan would work.
Your bedroom door suddenly creaked open, prompting the men on the couch to silence their conversation. Their heads turned in your direction, and you looked at them with your arms still crossed.
"So? What do the both of you have to say for yourselves, hm?" you inquired with a sharp tone. They swallowed, sitting straighter. You may look small but you could certainly fill a room.
Yunho was the one who spoke first. "First, we want you to know how sorry we are, baby. It was wrong of the both of us. I promise it'll never happen again."
"Yeah, no more of this. Just us from now on," Johnny added with a serious nod. "From now on, you have our full attention, all the time that we have and are willing to give. It should all be given to you, and you alone."
"But how do I know I can trust the two of you after this? Look at you, arguing right in the middle of my living room first thing in the morning," you exclaimed, exasperatedly flinging your hands up. "Honestly, what makes you think you can come to my home and fight each other like this, huh? Answer me that."
Johnny interjected before Yunho could speak, "To be honest, baby, you've got us both on edge. It's hard not to point fingers when we both love you so much and want the same from you."
"Honestly, Y/N, you never leave my mind. All I want to do is be with you all the time," Yunho added quickly, a frown appearing on his boyish face.
You pursed your lips and studied the two men who were gazing at you longingly with the sweetest expressions they could muster. The kind of gaze that made you melt inside, like they would do anything to prove their undying devotion for you. The pair of them seemed ready to get off the couch and on their knees to plead with you, even. It was too cute for you to handle so early in the morning.
"I love both of you so damn much, I swear," you quietly answered. Tears were pricking the corners of your eyes. "I can't bear to leave either of you, can't stand not being the one who puts smiles on your beautiful faces, and I can't—I don't ever want to stop hearing you tell me how wonderful and amazing I am. So how the fuck could I possibly choose?"
Johnny stood, crossing the room to where you waited, your lower lip trembling. He drew you into his strong embrace, his lips finding yours in a tender kiss. Yunho soon joined them, his hand hovering near yours as he sought Johnny's silent consent to take his turn.
Johnny smiled and pulled away so the latter could kiss your soft lips with his own. Each kiss was slow, warm and felt incredible. And you moaned quietly in between them while their arms embraced you. They didn't let you go.
"How did I fall for two giant men like you two?" you murmured after the many minutes of making out with each of the boys' lips.
"Don't pretend you don't like it." Yunho laughed at you, kissing the top of your head.
"Are you alright?" Johnny asked softly, lifting your chin with a gentle touch. He sensed your inner turmoil, the struggle of loving two men and the anticipation of a painful separation. His eyes searched yours, filled with tenderness. "Do you understand that neither of us can walk away now? We know how deeply you care for us, and our feelings for you are just as strong."
You nodded, still sniffling but much calmer now that they've clarified where your relationships stood.
"So, can we keep dating you?" Yunho asked, his grip on your hands tightening. The thought of losing you was unbearable. "Johnny and I can learn to get along and share you, can't we? Please say yes. I've never met anyone as incredible as you, and the thought of not being with you is breaking my heart." His voice was filled with desperation and hope. "This can work, right?"
Their hopeful expressions melted your heart. You couldn't resist their pleas, nodding enthusiastically as you reached out to caress their cheeks. Pulling them close, you kissed each of them, unable to deny the affection shining in their eyes.
"I know this sounds crazy," Johnny admitted, kissing your forehead gently. He held you close, his arm a protective barrier around you. "It could all go terribly wrong, and someone could get hurt. But there's something undeniably special here, something worth exploring. It's more than just romance."
"Baby, we'd never intentionally hurt you." Yunho glanced at his sunbae before sighing, cupping your face and admiring how perfect you were. "It's a chance I'm more than willing to take if you'll let me. I would do anything to be with you for the rest of my life."
"The rest of your life?" You blinked.
"Absolutely," he responded. "Why? Don't you feel the same way?"
You bit your lip to keep from laughing. How could Yunho look so cute and be so genuine when he asked you a question like that? You held his hand that was cradling your face and squeezed. "Of course I feel the same way," you admitted quietly, nuzzling his palm.
You turned around and glanced back at the handsome Johnny, his arm still wrapped around you. He gave a gentle kiss to the top of your head and replied, "You have my heart forever, darling. The two of you are stuck with me whether either of you like it or not," he finished with a small chuckle.
A giggle escaped from your mouth. "Can I just say one more thing?" They hummed, gazing deeply into your eyes with the utmost attention, waiting to hear what you had to say. Instead of keeping that in, you let the question spill past your lips. "Can you both kiss me now?"
They eagerly fulfilled your request, their bodies enveloping yours in a warm embrace. Their lips trailed kisses along your neck and shoulders, savoring the taste of your skin and the soft moans that escaped your lips. A blush crept onto your cheeks, and you hoped they hadn't noticed the effect their combined touch was having on you - at least, not yet.
But judging by how their fingertips had already roamed down your side and began touching you in other places, you were definitely sure that both of them noticed how wet you were for them. Especially with Johnny whispering hotly into the shell of your ear.
"Tell me what you want us to do to you, sweetheart," Johnny growled.
"What is it, baby?" Yunho murmured. He nibbled on the skin of your throat, and you let out a deep and shuddering breath. "Speak."
"W-wait," you moaned in between kisses. "I want—I need you both."
"We're already yours," Johnny squeezed the flesh of your ass with a large hand before running the tip of his nose over your collarbone and drawing another moan from the back of your throat.
You giggled and lightly slapped his bicep, muttering something under your breath about being cheesy before turning around to face the tall, younger man. With an enticing smile, you dropped to your knees and unbuttoned his pants. You slid them down to his ankles, taking a second to admire the huge outline of his cock tenting his boxer briefs.
You heard him groan above you and when you glanced up to meet his gaze, the desperate pleading expression on Yunho's face had you working even faster. With his boxers pushed down, his cock sprung up before your wide eyes.
"Open up," he murmured gently, massaging your neck and easing the nerves he was certain you were feeling in this moment.
And you did.
A long and low grunt fell from his lips as he slowly eased his impressive dick past the fullness of your pretty lips and down the silk of your tongue. You relaxed your throat as you felt him make himself comfortable and nuzzle his cock inside. It wasn't too long before his balls met the line of your bottom jaw.
"Such a perfect little mouth. Isn't she a good girl?" Yunho muttered. His long fingers slid past the silky strands of your hair. It made you whine softly from his praise, and he felt the soft hum against his length and the vibration tingle him. His grip tightened a little in your locks.
You dragged your tongue against his girth, staring up with wide and loving eyes. And you felt how his legs trembled. His face twisted in pure ecstasy. Your mouth pulled back, stretching around the throbbing vein lining the length of his shaft. "Yunho, do you like that? Do you like how your cock fits perfectly in my mouth?"
He gave a moan and a shiver and slowly his hips began rocking. In response, your small hands clutched the smooth curve of his ass. Your fingers spread apart and took hold of a firm cheek in each hand. He gave a quiet grunt above you with each thrust.
"Fuck," he quietly whispered. "You're doing great, baby."
Your tongue danced around the swollen tip, pulling off for a few short seconds with a long trail of saliva still connecting you two and slurping the dripping precum into your mouth before popping it back into your warm, wet mouth. Yunho whimpered, pulling your head towards him a little further and causing the tip of his hard dick to hit the back of your throat. But you could take it.
"Fuck," Johnny quietly commented at the back. You could barely pay attention, focused completely on your man and the cock in your mouth, his salty cum and musk filling your nostrils and filling all of your senses. It had been far too long since you had him in your mouth.
With a hand threaded through the hairs at the base of your scalp, Yunho lazily thrust in and out of your wet mouth. You kept your head as still as possible while you allowed him to fuck you in your throat, drool dribbling down your chin.
It was a sight that Johnny didn't think he could hold off from any longer. His hardened cock ached at the sight of it, pressing against the front of his sweatpants as he slowly moved behind you.
Your arms shook slightly on the hardwood floor beneath your knees and Yunho released you to check in, a soft and concerned expression appearing on his handsome face as he brushed your hair out of the way. You smiled appreciatively as you took in deep, heaving breaths of air. You gave him a slight nod as your lips and lungs recovered from their sore state and you wiped at your spit and saliva mess before returning your tongue back to his thick head. He was coated in your slickness now, and he didn't seem to mind at all, biting his bottom lip and stroking your face with the pads of his thumb. You would take that as an encouragement to continue.
"Fuck, baby," Johnny started. "After you finish sucking Yunho off, we're moving this to the bedroom." He patted the side of your hips before grabbing one ass cheek and roughly smacking the fatness of the cheek before moving aside. "You've got an appointment with my cock next and I've had to sit back and watch far too long today as it is," he grumbled impatiently.
Your pussy clenched around emptiness and you whined around Yunho's dick, knowing how insatiable and demanding Johnny could be. Sex with Yunho was intimate and slow and sweet, just like their dates. But with Johnny, you didn't have that patience. He was always ravenous and starved for you, and you could never stop him from getting a piece of you whenever the both of you are alone.
The thought of your other lover with the same attitude was making your heart race, pumping your blood at rapid speed until your pussy was gushing out for the both of them. The harder you sucked Yunho's dick, the deeper he groaned, praising and adoring every move of your head, neck, and lips as you pushed him closer and closer to the brink of orgasm. It had been weeks since the last time Yunho came in your mouth, and you were not disappointed.
"Yeah, baby," he whimpered. He thrust his pelvis forward one more time and spilled his hot white load over your tongue, filling your mouth to the point where you're practically drinking him. You took your time drinking him down, licking and sucking until every drop of him had been drained. "Ah, fuck. Yes."
"Yunho," you called softly when you let him slip out of your mouth. A sliver of white cum stained the corner of your lips. He lifted you to your feet and smeared it on his finger before placing his digit back into the warmth of your lips. You licked every trace of cum and spit from his finger with your warm, pink tongue, making him chuckle.
Johnny smacked the side of your hip a little more urgently the second time. "Alright, baby. Bedroom."
"Wait." You stopped him.
His lips flattened into a firm line. You smiled in response and gently gripped the wrist of the hand holding you. "What is it?"
"Your turn," you said sweetly.
"You can suck me off when I have you in the bedroom," Johnny suggested, tugging on your waist in the direction of the bedroom.
"But John~" you pouted with a whine.
That got a groan out of him and it seemed to do the trick in winning him over. Within seconds, he had you slung over his shoulder like you weighed nothing.
"How can a giant man like you move so fucking fast," you grunted, shimmying your legs.
He spanked one cheek as a warning. It made your stomach flutter in anticipation. "Don't worry about it. Your bed is waiting. And so am I."
When he threw you on top of the bed, you laid there and allowed your two gorgeous men to strip off every last item of clothing. Even though they had both already seen your body several times, it was making your cheeks flame hot just thinking about the next steps they had in mind for you. Johnny tossed aside the fabric of your pants and panties while Yunho unhooked your bra and gently pressed a kiss to one of your breasts, causing you to shiver beneath them.
Yunho opened his mouth and ran his warm tongue over your erect nipples. A throaty moan fell from your lips. He chuckled, grabbing both of your breasts into his large palms and squeezing, kneading the supple flesh while his tongue swirled around a pink tip.
"Our sweet baby is very excited," Johnny commented as he watched Yunho sucked on your nipple. "All of this is for the two of us? That's quite generous, princess."
You tried your best to glare at him with your half-lidded, sex filled eyes. Johnny sat back against your headboard with a hand lightly placed on his pelvis. His dick was standing straight up, rock hard and throbbing. "Come on, babe. You said it's my turn."
You crawled in front of him and gripped the bottom of his shaft. Johnny grinned as you slowly wrapped your lips around the thick head of him. "Fuck yes. Keep those pretty lips warm, love."
He gazed at the pretty sight of your lips, his hands pulling and stroking and yanking on the ends of your hair until he was fully sheathed in the welcoming warmth of your mouth and tongue. Your spit coated every inch, and Johnny moaned your name, eyes fluttering shut, the sounds of your sucking making his heart hammer quickly. His cock slipped in and out of your mouth over and over again as you moved a hand to wrap your fingers around what your lips couldn't reach, making him tremble with pleasure.
"There you go. Goddamn it feels so good," Johnny grunted. He looked at Yunho who was waiting patiently for a chance with you next, staring with his big round eyes. "Yunho, don't stand there. Finger her pussy or eat her out man."
You hummed at the thought of Yunho's tongue teasing your folds and making you lose yourself all over his mouth and face, a tremble coming from your knees and legs. He approached you from the end of the bed, rubbing your bare thighs and squeezing them tight. His fingertips worked their way over the damp, sensitive spot in between. The sudden sensation of his thumbs touching your pussy made you gasp and moan around Johnny's dick, but your older boyfriend only smiled smugly.
"Just as I thought," Johnny commented, beginning to thrust into your mouth and relishing how hot your cavern felt around his member. "You love Yunho eating out that dripping little pussy, don't you?"
You whined in between moans around his length, hips jerking forward and backwards as a tongue lightly traced the swollen area around your clit. You lifted your bottom half up so that your lover could hold the thick curve of your thighs as his tongue pressed against you.
"Hell yes, princess. Fuck," Johnny groaned deeply, letting his head fall back and resting a large palm atop your head. "Does my dick taste good? Does it, baby? Open wide," he rasped.
A pool of saliva and pre-cum had coated Johnny's thick shaft as you began to pick up the pace of sucking his cock while a tongue lapped at your dripping core and plump folds. It was overwhelming having Johnny force himself deep into your mouth, and feeling him grunt and growl from below you. But you kept on sucking, closing your lips firmly around the thick, sensitive head of him each time before swirling the soft underside of your tongue underneath him.
"Say you want Yunho to put his tongue in your pretty pussy," Johnny urged in a husky voice.
"Babe," you could hear the whining from Yunho's voice. It makes you dizzy with want and desire. The other man's cock jerked on your tongue. Johnny grunted and petted the crown of your hair. "I'm listening," the younger man urged.
"Fuck," you mumbled in-between your moans. You had an aching in your center for Yunho's mouth and touch all over your wet pussy. "Please. Please, Yunho. Eat me, lick my cunt, put your tongue in me, please."
"That's it," Johnny held onto your hair and was rocking into the heat of your mouth with his eyes glued to Yunho below you. "Make our pretty baby feel good, Yunho."
You didn't want to blink and miss one second as you saw the taller man position his head between your thighs and drape his full upper lip around your clitoris. He lapped with his tongue and massaged the little bundle of nerves, causing your thighs to twitch in his hands. The grip on your thigh only grew tighter as his wet mouth pressed in further.
And oh, god.
When his long fingers began to slip up inside, pressing down on the rough patch of skin that had your back arching and you feeling so much pleasure, your lips fell open and you completely lost yourself and became completely unfocused on the cock between your lips. Your eyes fluttered, threatening to fall shut in bliss. The older man shifted and watched you with dark eyes and a small smile.
"Look at you, princess," he started, nudging his thumb against your lip and sighing in delight when it fell open and he shoved the digit between your lips. He palmed himself as he observed the expressions on your face and felt his cock began to pulse from how amazing your lips looked stretched and wet. "Good girl, that's our pretty baby. Yunho's gonna make you come, isn't he? Cum all over his face, baby."
"Yes, John," you whispered obediently, pulling your body together again and hollowing your cheeks before dropping your warm mouth down on his length once again. Johnny moaned quietly as you began to suck. His hips jutted slightly forward into the slickness of your eager, compliant, wet mouth, and you felt a gentle rumble come from the base of his throat in satisfaction.
Yunho's breath suddenly touched your exposed pussy again, causing your nerves to set ablaze, a fiery trail following him down. One arm wraps itself tightly around your thigh and you moan, beginning to suck on the member that was still shoved into your mouth in appreciation. "Baby, you taste so good." He circled his tongue around the hood of your clit, flicking over it a couple times and pushing down firmly. The movement and pressure drew another deep groan from your lungs, vibrating around Johnny's cock and making the man above you curse loudly.
Johnny tugged your head by the roots of your hair, panting hotly. "Sweetheart, get ready. Fuck—"
Before Johnny could give you his last warning, hot seed shot from his tip, filling your mouth. Some dribbled past the corners of your lips and down your chin while the rest was dutifully swallowed. You licked up all that spilled and were careful to be gentle, working on cleaning his pulsing member with your soft and slick lips. Johnny petted your head and groaned softly. He was proud of you, and the best part was watching how wet you were becoming just by pleasuring him.
Johnny pulled his dick away to give Yunho a chance to finish you off. You turned to see Yunho moving his lips around the area, spreading apart and dipping inside. His long fingers curled and straightened back again, slowly caressing and touching you, and you're starting to cry out and shake from pleasure as his tongue works your clit relentlessly. A long and wanton moan leaves your body. Your core clenched and quaked at his skillful lips and fingers. You were a mess by the end, letting the last tremors pass through your body as he slowly stroked your slit in tender circles and loving brushes with his thumbs, working through every pulse and aftershock and encouraging it with soft kisses placed along your inner thighs.
After cleaning Johnny off with your mouth, you turned to see Yunho gazing up at you, chin glistening with your juices. There was a loving smile on his boyish features and then his lanky figure was sliding over you and meeting you for a deep kiss. You hummed when your lips slid together in the midst of exploring the sweetness of the other's mouths.
"It feels different tonight," Yunho mumbled. "With Johnny-hyung here."
"In a good or bad way, Yunho?" You cupped his face, rubbing his cheekbones softly with your thumbs.
His tongue darted out to taste the lingering sweetness on his lips, sending a shiver down your spine. "It's good," he admitted, a hint of bashfulness in his voice. "Maybe it's because all three of us are here together, sharing this intimacy. This is the first time I've seen Johnny with you like this." A nervous laugh escaped him. "Don't get me wrong, but I don't want him to have you all to himself." He mumbled the last part, pressing his forehead against yours, their noses brushing, while Johnny's hand gently swept away the hair from your face, leaving a tender kiss on your temple.
"We're just getting started. You and I, we can't let her catch her breath." A warm chuckle emanated from Johnny's chest as you crawled further up his lap to straddle him. He made sure to show Yunho his eye smile in appreciation. His lips lightly brushed the shell of your ear when he murmured hotly against it.
"Plus, she likes when I'm rough with her. You're more the...soft and romantic type. Though I know you're a bit more rough than the average Joe," his eyebrow rose with a pointed look at your thighs. He studied your naked, wanting form with darkening orbs before adding, "But still, baby-doll needs more. Right, sweetheart?"
Your jaw clenched. "Johnny, please," you answered quietly, voice sounding small and high-pitched.
A mischievous glint passed the older man's gaze as he spread the lips of your labia, and a smirk of his lips appeared upon seeing your pink insides clench around air and drip for something to stuff you. "Tell us what you want, Y/N." His index finger slipped between your swollen, tender lips and circled around the ring of muscle that made you shudder. "We won't know if you don't tell us. Is it my cock you need or his? Or both?"
"Fuck me," you muttered, gazing up at their handsome features. "With both of you, together. At the same time. Fuck me until I'm screaming," you whimpered.
Johnny grinned. "There it is. So feisty tonight. My cock hungry girl needs to get her needs taken care of. She needs both of us inside her at once. Do you like that, sweet girl?"
"Fuck, Johnny," You nodded. "Yes, yes, that's what I want," you purred, fingers brushing over the bones of his collar.
"Can you handle the both of us?" the young man questioned seriously. "We'll both break you, and I wouldn't forgive myself if we ever hurt you in any way."
He caressed your cheek with his rough fingers. The back of his knuckle lightly stroked the column of your neck as he examined all of your beautiful curves.
"I promise I want this," you muttered, focusing on the heated touch on your skin. "I can take you, Yunho. Both of you. Just...let's get moving before I die from being empty."
Johnny let out a small laugh, his hands at your hips. "Okay, sweetheart. But the second this goes wrong, if anything is uncomfortable for you, no more, alright?"
You grinned, teeth raking along your plump, bottom lip, and rolled your eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."
You pulled him forward and attached your lips to his before switching around to pull on Yunho and draw the younger man in with an even longer kiss. "Please, I need both of your big dicks stuffed in me. My poor little cunt and ass is lonely without you guys and I really really badly need to be fucked," you finished off by putting extra emphasis on the syllables to add in an extra dramatic flair.
Their smiles only turned into playful growls.
"Then let us fill your needy pussy and ass up and have you bouncing on both of us at the same time," Johnny purred, leaning in close and leaving sloppy open-mouthed kisses down the crook of your neck, paying special attention to the junction where it met your shoulder. Johnny nuzzled at the expanse of your neck, his large hands gripping your hips to lower you down on his dick.
"Fuck, John~" you hissed under your breath, clawing his shoulders.
"Tightest little cunt I've ever had the pleasure of fucking," he rubbed his nose gently on the apple of your cheek. "Hold on tight, sweetheart. Yunho is behind you, ready to play with your cute, tight ass."
He kissed your lips softly before swiping his tongue inside your warm cavern and finding your wet one to greet his with an eager slide and sliver. You moaned into his mouth and closed your eyes to relish the feeling.
At the same time, the sound of a cap opening caught your attention, making you peek and catch Yunho squeeze a generous amount of clear, gel-like fluid from a bottle over your ass. A warm thumb immediately pushed into the ring of muscle there to make sure the lube gets nicely coated and rubbed into the entrance. The thumb soon turned into a couple fingers thrusting inside you, slowly scissoring apart to widen you in preparation for another body part, stretching the walls of your hole. You began to pant, toes curling against the duvet cover and palms gripping Johnny tighter as Yunho pressed forward, moving his lubed member to your ass to begin the first push. The tip was at your entrance, waiting.
"Deep breaths, babe," the younger man instructed.
"Do it. Fuck me in the ass, Yunho, please. I'm ready," you huffed out, nodding your head eagerly as Johnny pressed soothing and loving kisses against your throat. You wanted to be full, and now.
Johnny lifted his gaze over your shoulder. He watched the careful expression on Yunho's face, tipping his head to the side. "Slow. And steady," he reminded with a nod of his head.
Yunho smiled slightly, sending him a grin as a way to communicate, 'Don't worry, Hyung, I got this,' in return before turning his gaze back to you. His palm skimmed over your ass, squeezing one cheek and causing you to moan from the pressure. His large and lubricated cock nudged and pushed its way into your tight ring. The stretch burned as Yunho finally thrust into your tight hole.
"It feels amazing," you whispered, whining. He started out shallow before pushing further until his balls were brushing the curve of your bottom.
"How's this, sweet girl?" Johnny asked, brushing away the stray hairs that hung loosely around your forehead as he pulled away. He smoothed his palm on the surface of the skin.
Your hips begin to push against Johnny, seeking the friction and push inside your pussy as your hole and insides are gradually stretched by Yunho's big member. A low rumble began in Johnny's chest, chuckling at your eagerness and lust.
"Don't stop," you said quietly, shifting a little. "More."
Both men grunted from the friction and pace. "Our greedy, cockhungry girl," Johnny observed with an amused smirk. His grip on your hip tightened. He added, "Tell me how we're doing. I want you to talk me and Yunho through everything. Okay, babe?" He guided your head and cupped a hand at the back of it.
"Big," you tried not to moan. "So...so thick and big. It feels full. God, this is exactly what I need."
"Really? How good does this feel? Tell us, sweet thing," his gaze darkened with desire, enjoying the pleasured face that formed when his cockhead knocked your cervix.
"Fuucckkkk,” you moaned.
"Use your words, precious," Johnny urged, his voice a low, husky growl.
You could hear the moans from the taller man behind you. He leaned in closer, mouth brushing the shell of your ear. "Is it good, baby?"
"Mhm," you nodded. "I've wanted this to happen. Being sandwiched between both of you. Finally, finally," you couldn't hold back the moan that ripped out of your lungs. "All I could think about was coming home to my boys. Having my two men fuck me. Taking turns with my mouth and holes. I never knew that I wanted a dick in every hole but right now, I need it."
"Good fucking girl," Johnny muttered in agreement. He tilted his head down, and captured a nipple in-between his lips. He sucked deeply while he bobbed his head and swirled his tongue against the sensitive skin there. You arched your back at the contact. "Does this feel nice? Does Yunho filling up that tight ass feel good? You're a dirty girl, sweetheart. Getting the two of us together so that you can be taken care of like this. Getting double teamed."
"Please, I want it so much," you pleaded. "I want it deep and hard."
He smiled gently at you and petted your hair, pushing it from the beads of sweat dripping onto your temple. "Don't worry, sweet girl. You'll get the entire load from us."
You felt a kiss pressed onto the center of your sweaty back, causing your hips to twitch as pleasure and lust traveled in waves throughout your body, moving further with each stroke from both sides.
"Love you like this," Yunho said in a thick voice. "Bent over and taking two cocks."
Johnny's lip curled back to reveal his white teeth as he breathed hard. "She takes them so well, doesn't she?" He gazed down between your thighs where you were sandwiched against him. "Her cunt is sucking me so tightly while you fuck that ass like that. Does that feel nice, sweetheart?"
Your fingers roamed over the bones of his shoulder blade before traveling down. "Ohhh...yes, Johnny, oh yes...it's so good, feels so fucking good," you moaned.
You moaned as both cocks begin moving faster. Yunho pushing forward from behind and Johnny pushing in at the same time, the tip of their lengths meeting just at the exact spot that would make you lose your senses. Yunho's front was covering the plane of your back, allowing the ridges of the dips between his abs to press and rub on you, sticking and sliding on the layers of sweat that developed from the movements of bodies rubbing and thrusting against one another. His balls smacked at the line of skin between your two entrances.
"Your poor pussy, and your tiny hole," Johnny was groaning. "Look how our pretty baby-doll has to accommodate the both of us." He thumbed your bottom lip. His gaze was on Yunho. "Not a fucking word about us stopping."
"Fuck no," you mewled, fingers gripping on Johnny's biceps. "If you stop now, I'll hate you both."
They didn't speak more but looked into one another's gazes. You could tell from the twinkle in the men's eyes, Yunho with his large, round puppy eyes and Johnny with his trademark mischievous, bedroom orbs, that the two were getting into a rhythm with each other, synchronizing the movements of their thrusts so both men would thrust in simultaneously at the same time instead of taking turns.
And, you found yourself more stimulated and satisfied by the both of them when they moved inside you together. "Oh, fuck, please."
Their heads both lowered and left simultaneous marks along your shoulders, not minding or bothering to avoid one another, tongues tasting the salt that formed at their spots, biting harsh enough for a bruise to form, licking over it as a consolation after they were done. They took their time adoring your body. And you let them.
And when they heard you calling their names, chanting, whispering, and muttering in their ears while they pressed kisses wherever and whenever they could find available spots on your body to lavish, they couldn't resist continuing the affection.
The whole time, both Johnny's and Yunho's deep and sultry voices urged you on to keep your eyes open while their cocks kept stuffing you with pleasure, filling the room with the noise of lewd, slapping sounds, grunting and cursing and dirty talks, their little remarks filled with praises about your pretty, pretty skin, or their wet tongues dragging along their own swollen lips, the taste and sight of you overwhelming their senses and making them feel completely light headed.
"Give her all you can," the older man whispered. The young man behind you listened and gripped at the globes of your ass and pulled apart to open up a little space to drill in deeper, thrusting his length deeper inside you while the man below you kept up his steady and measured pace, plowing upwards in a familiar, methodical way. They knew how to fuck you. And the three of you were here, exploring what worked for you and what you craved. "Stuff her full until there's nothing left."
"Fuck...yes. My god," you groaned.
Yunho cursed in agreement and whispered hoarsely.
Johnny gave one of your breasts a firm squeeze. He rolled and played with the soft flesh in his palm. "You've been taking us so well, babe."
Yunho gripped at the long locks at the base of your neck. The bed rocked harder when he pushed himself forward, almost bending your smaller form over Johnny's, the motion pressing down the front of his broad, muscular chest at the middle of your upper back.
"Still good, angel?" Yunho placed kisses to the side of your neck. "Is this what you wanted all this time? Me and Johnny-hyung fucking and using your holes at the same time?"
You shuddered and groaned. The stimulation had begun to make you ache in a way that almost had you buckling your legs. "Yes..."
"Angel," his mouth lowered to the top of your spine and dropped kisses over the hills of your vertebrae. "This is amazing. Fucking you and feeling your ass squeeze me the same way your dripping little cunt sucks and sucks on me." He pumped his hips, adding the rest. "Fuck, baby."
"Shit, shit. Just like that, come on," Johnny encouraged the two of you to keep moving faster, hands pushing at your waist to slam you on his throbbing length even harder and more relentlessly. "This pretty baby is being used by us at the same time right now. This gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous human. So fucking good, keeping your legs open for two, huge dicks."
"Gonna...gonna come," your mouth fell open as your hips shook and vibrated with so many sensations as your nerves grew hot and sensitive. You weren't going to be able to last any longer and held Johnny and Yunho even tighter, urging them to fuck you quicker.
"Already?" A low chuckle rumbled from the chest below you. "Come for us then."
Johnny's dark eyes traveled past the bridge of your neck and his expression locked eyes with Yunho. You watched from over your shoulder and saw him give a nod. A few seconds later, the other young man, with his curls clinging to his dampened forehead, stopped kissing the spot between your neck and shoulder to pull his mouth away, placing his chin right above your back. Their pace continued. "Show us what a mess you make when you fall apart with two big, fat cocks filling you up and stretching your tight, greedy pussy and ass."
"I need you, baby. Want you to come hard all over Johnny-hyung and me, now," you heard Yunho's voice in your ear. You glanced and watched his tongue rake over his swollen bottom lip. You're ready. Your legs grew weaker as the knot that grew and grew at the pit of your stomach was about to unravel. A guttural, low moan was stuck in your throat when you heard the younger man add a firm demand, "Come."
When you heard his command in the midst of his heated breaths tickling the rim of your ear, you did as you were told. Johnny began moving faster while Yunho slammed his thick, long member deep in your ass at the same time. Your chest heaved violently when it released a huge breath of air and let out a cry of intense pleasure while the men underneath and behind you followed close behind with a growl of their own, hands squeezing you tightly and then their release mixing with yours as it spilled between the three of you, hot and messy, warm, and filling, leaving your inner thighs drenched and covered in the thick, sticky white substance.
You moaned and gulped and allowed Yunho to slide his now limp cock from you first while Johnny wrapped an arm around your waist and rolled over. He had you lay on the mattress first and pulled out next with a wet sound.
"Fuck, I've never come so hard in my entire life," you finally managed to speak out. You giggled at them with a goofy grin. "The both of you are absolute angels and devils with what you did, but I think that was the best fuck I've ever had so far."
Both of their smirks only widened as the satisfied laughter emanated from their chests. Yunho's hand roamed, pushing aside some of the strands that stuck to your flushed and sweaty face. He caressed your temple. "Glad to please. Though, that was good for me too," he added, brushing away the droplets that rolled off your chin.
"Wow, you did well. Took both of us just perfectly, didn't you?" Johnny's finger ghosted around the outline of your body. "How are you doing?" He questioned carefully. "Still feel okay?"
You grinned back and pecked both men at their cheeks, laughing out loud. "I need a bath and my sheets need to be replaced."
"Let us take care of that," Yunho nuzzled his nose into the space between your neck and shoulder. He grinned cheekily. "You want a bath right now or later? It's your choice."
"Well...I still have energy. Enough for one more," you admitted with a sly grin.
"No way. Nuh-uh." Johnny's jaw dropped and his gaze widened in disbelief. He clicked his tongue as his fingers trailed over the red marks forming on your thighs. "My dick will fall off. You're impossible."
"Wow. Way to make it sound romantic, Johnny." You rolled your eyes and lightly pushed him.
He laughed. "My apologies. Shall we get clean, then, beautiful? We can shower, the three of us, and help you with your neediness," he added with a raised eyebrow.
"Sounds perfect," you sighed as he cupped his warm palm at the back of your neck, a flurry of soft pecks raining onto the sides of your face.
Yunho let out a husky laugh. His features grew dimmer and darker while his tone gained a teasing, playful edge. "In the shower...hmmm. Can't promise she'll be quiet though, hyung."
"Wanna bet? A pretty baby like you can be good, can't you?" Johnny murmured, his voice husky and his orbs holding a smoldering, intimate gaze while he stroked the lines of your lips with a teasing and very fleeting touch.
You simply hummed with an eager smile on your lips as they took care to lift and lead you to the bathroom.
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Part One
Tag list: @dulyrana
Jaehyun was ecstatic about your first time together and every time since. Something just came over him when he was with you and he knew he was never going to get tired of this. However, one thing that was bothering him was he typically either dated or had one-night stands whereas you were somewhere in the middle. You hung out and slept together frequently but never called it dating or defined your relationship. One night it occurred to Jaehyun you might have lots of other guys like this and that thought drove him crazy! In return, he drove his members crazy asking about it. "You know you can just ask her what you are right?" Johnny asked him "she won't think you're clingy or weird". "Yeah but if it's such a straightforward question then why hasn't Y/n asked me it yet?" Jaehyun replied. Johnny shrugged "Y/n's not an over-thinker so maybe she just never thought to. She might think it's obvious what you are and doesn't realise you need reassurance". "I don't need reassurance!" Jaehyun said "I know we're not dating I'm just...not sure what we are". Johnny nodded "clarification then, either way, she'll be fine. She's a very honest person" and Jaehyun nodded "I know" but that was half the problem. He didn't know how he'd react if you told him you weren't together and never would be. He didn't want that kind of honesty. Johnny was right and you had no idea anything was bothering Jaehyun. Jaehyun appeared incredibly chill, atleast to you, but on the inside was a different matter. Jaehyun really liked being with you but also felt like it was only a matter of time before you got bored and moved on to someone else. He wasn't sure how long he could capture your attention although he tried his hardest to keep you excited and happy. Then it seemed like Jaehyun's fears were coming true.
Jaehyun was walking through town one afternoon, just out for a walk when he passed some basketball courts. He scanned the courts quickly as he always did as he passed and saw a young couple messing around on the court. He looked away seeing they were being quite intimate and then he heard a familiar laugh. Jaehyun's jaw dropped because it was you with Seventeen's Joshua. You were playing basketball in a really cute jersey but Joshua was shirtless. He was trying to get the ball off you so was close up behind you and his arms kept reaching around you. You looked really comfortable together and Joshua looked really good, surely you'd be around someone hot like that and get ideas. You were only human and Jaehyun couldn't blame you. He tore his eyes away from you and hurried away...meaning he missed you elbowing Joshua out of the way and going to score. Joshua fell down and stared at you with a shocked smile "that was so cheating". "Yeah well I think it's a foul to wrap both arms around another player" you shrugged helping him up "don't dish it out if you can't take it" you smirked and Joshua shook his head "it is on!". "So think you'll be able to play with Jaehyun yet?" Joshua asked later after you’d settled your war. You'd told Joshua how sporty Jaehyun was and how you wanted to become more sporty to impress him. Joshua played basketball regularly and so you'd been meeting weekly to hone your skills. You weren't exactly a beginner having played a lot growing up and so you were just developing your skill again but Joshua didn't think there was much else he could teach you. "Why do you think I'm ready"? you asked and Joshua nodded. "I don't know how good Jaehyun is but you're a decent player, why don't you invite him to one of our Saturday afternoons?". You nodded "the guys will be okay with that right?". "Of course!" Joshua nodded "DK might be a mess but other than him they'll be fine." Once Joshua realised you could handle yourself well he invited you to the games he and his Seventeen members played. There was typically always enough of them for a full-on game and you'd fit in excellently. It seemed like a perfect way to introduce Jaehyun to some of your friends and also play a sport he liked. So you texted Jaehyun right there and then, asking if he was free next Saturday. Jaehyun however was a bit busy recounting what he's seen to the others. "I don't think she's dating Joshua" Taeil said "or doing anything with him...". Yuta nodded "I've seen them interact and they just seem friends". "Y/n's friends with a lot of idols that's probably just what it is" Doyoung said. Jaehyun nodded "she is friends with a lot of idols..." and his words did not have the desired impact. "No I meant that in a good way!" Doyoung said but Jaehyun frowned "how? If she's friends with so many people that's just even more people for her to play shirtless basketball with". "Wait Y/n was shirtless?" Mark asked and Johnny hit him on the head "I'm pretty sure it's just Joshua idiot". Jaehyun sighed and looked down at his phone to see he had a text from you. "What is it?" Jungwoo said reading his expression and Jaehyun paused "she's asking if I'm free next weekend". The guys all then began to tease Jaehyun for overreacting and he replied back that he was. He was finally calming down and smiling again when he realised what you wanted to do. "She wants me to play basketball with Seventeen". The guys all paused and there were varying degrees of shrugs to frowns but Taeyong spoke first. "Hey that's good right! Seventeen are great guys and she wouldn't invite you to meet them if she was also sleeping with one of them. I bet they're just her friends and she wants you to meet them". Johnny nodded "that's good! It's always a good step when a partner introduces you to their friends". "Is it?" Jaehyun asked and the others all nodded. "Okay, I'll text her back" he said. It was agreed you would meet Jaehyun, Mark and Johnny around the corner from the basketball court. He'd gotten nervous about the idea of playing with Seventeen and so Johnny managed to score him and Mark an invite too. Jaehyun really appreciated their offer to accompany him and also yours to meet before. He would've hated to walk to the court and already see you messing around with Joshua, his hands all over you...so this was a lot better. You were already there when they got there and you spotted them immediately and waved. "She looks so cute" Johnny said and Jahyun smiled because you did. You had a different basketball jersey on but you'd coordinated it with your hair and looked like you were shooting a sporty music video or something. How hot you looked while playing sport amused Jaehyun. "Hey! Thank you so much for coming" you cried hugging Johnny and awkwardly patting Mark before coming to Jaehyun. "Hi" you smiled at him and he smiled back at you "hello". You wrapped your hands around his arm and led the way to the basketball court. Seventeen were already there and Jaehyun realised your bag was there too so you must've come with them which was a little bit of a kick to his confidence but he tried to ignore it. "So some of the guys had better things to do than play basketball" you said and Joshua shook his head "losers" making you smile. "I know you probably all know each other but just in case one of us has forgotten the other's name" you said side eyeing Mark "this is Mingyu, Jun, Seungkwan, DK, Hoshi, Dino, The8 and Joshua! Guys this is Johnny, Mark and Jaehyun" you said. Jaehyun liked how your hand brushed his chest when you said his name and put his arm on your waist just in case any of the guys didn't get the hint you were kind of together. Everyone waved and said hello and Jaehyun tried to look friendly, he knew DK so nodded to him in particular and ignored Johnny already making friends with Mingyu and Dino. "Okay so there's 12 of us so 2 teams of 6?" Joshua asked. "Sure, how are we splitting the teams?". "How about foreigners vs Koreans?" Hoshi suggested "Johnny, Mark, Joshua, Y/n, Jun and The8 against us?". Everyone shrugged figuring that was one way to divide the members and Jaehyun didn't feel he could protest so he went along with it. Ideally, he wanted to be on your team or failing that, with his members but he didn't want to cause a fuss and so just got into position. When he saw he was marking Joshua he grimaced but vowed he wouldn't get competitive. He lost 3 seconds in when Joshua barged him and scored. Jaehyun decided he wasn't going to let Joshua get the ball if he could help it and threw his whole body into blocking him. He knocked the ball out rather than let Joshua get it and was glued to him. Then Joshua claimed Jaehyun had grabbed his shirt but Jaehyun pretended like he hadn't. Both sides paused unsure what to do and then Joshua shrugged "don't worry about it I'm sure it was a misunderstanding" and that made Jaehyun even angrier because Joshua was acting like the bigger person! Luckily after you'd been playing for a while Mingyu suggested you all switch positions. Everyone agreed and Jaehyun was going to move to mark Johnny or someone when he saw you say something to Joshua and come over to him. You stopped in front of him and smiled "guess whose marking you?". "Mark?" he asked pretending like this wasn't exactly what he wanted and you smiled "no but I can swap if you...". "No!" Jaehyun said and then he paused "this will be fun". You smiled "don't think I'll take it easy on you just because I like you". Jaehyun's heart was fluttering and he was about to ask what you liked about him when Seungkwan blew the whistle he'd brought and you knocked the ball from his hands and raced down the court. Jaehyun couldn't even pretend to be mad. He chased after you like he'd wanted all along. Things were a lot better now Jaehyun had you to mark. It wasn't as competitive and more fun. You'd poke his chest and tickle him or grab his arm which were all fouls but he didn't care. At one point he couldn't get around you so just picked you up with one arm. You weren't pleased and covered his eyes with your free hands until he let you go. Mark and Johnny smiled to see how playful Jaehyun was around you and how into each other you clearly were, however, you proved to be dangerous. Your antics encouraged others and when Jun got DK in a headlock Joshua called it a day. Your team had won and you ran to celebrate with your team before coming back to Jaehyun. "You're good" Jaehyun smiled "I never knew you were good at basketball". "Joshua's been teaching me" you admitted "I'd played in school but that was a while ago, I wanted to be good by the time we played and so he's been coaching me". Jaehyun smiled "really? I wouldn't care how good you were". "I know but I wanted to impress you, did it work?". Jaehyun smiled "you have no idea" and you laughed wrapping your arms around his neck. Jaehyun happily stooped to meet you and happily kissed you in front of everyone because honestly, he forgot they were ever here. When it was safe (aka Jaehyun remembered where he was and abruptly stopped kissing you) you all went for drinks and food. Jaehyun ended up in between you and Joshua. Jaehyun found the boy a lot more pleasant now he'd realised he wasn't trying to steal you away from him. Joshua was nice and seemed very in support of this pairing. After you all ate you stayed for drinks and Jaehyun relaxed anymore. He ended up with an arm with you, listening to Seungkwan tell a fun story and was really pleased with how today had gone. On the other side of the table, Johnny saw Jaehyun loosen up and begin to talk more to Seventeen. With you by his side, he was a lot more confident and Johnny was pleased. When they were back home with all their members after dropping you off Johnny asked Jaehyun "So how are you feeling after basketball?". "Pretty good" he admitted, "it was a very good game". "Of course you'd say that you just flirted with Y/n the whole time and made out with her afterwards!" Mark said. Jaehyun blushed but didn't deny it. He shrugged and the other guys all laughed and applauded. "So Jaehyun will be playing with Y/n and Seventeen whenever they will have him" Taeyong commented and Jaehyun nodded "yep!". "And you could clearly see her and Joshua weren't a thing right?" Johnny asked. Jaehyun nodded "yeah it turns out he was training her because she wanted to be good for our match. So she could impress us". "Impress you more like!" Taeil said and Jaehyun blushed again. "I knew you had nothing to worry about" Johnny smiled and Jaehyun nodded because he actually did see that now. He felt happy and secure with you and considering he was pretty into you that was a very good thing. So Jaehyun proceeded with no restraint with you. The two of you still hadn't labelled anything but Jaehyun was pretty sure he was the only guy you were interested in and that made him feel secure...so he decided to show you how he felt.
You came over one night after work and when the doorbell went Jaehyun rushed to the door. He hadn't seen you in person since the basketball match a few days ago and he missed you. He barrelled out of the kitchen nearly taking out Doyoung in the process but successfully made it to the door. He opened it and smiled at you "hey". "Hey you" you smiled and reached up to kiss him. Jaehyun wanted to make up for lost time but was aware it was chilly outside so quickly kissed you and then ushered you inside. Jaehyun then took your bags from you and your coat. "It's only been 3 days but it feels like longer" you commented and Jaehyun couldn't agree more. "I know!" he sighed "thank you for inviting me to basketball, I had a great time and it was really nice to be a couple with other people". "You don't have to thank me" you said resting your hands on his shoulders and Jaehyun shrugged "I know but I want to...I will happily mark you again any day". "Oh so that's why you liked it so much!" you said and Jaehyun paused smiling shyly "is that bad?". "No it's great and I think you're really going to enjoy something I brought to wear later when we go to bed...". That broke Jaehyun's restraint and his hands went to your waist yanking you against him "want to skip dinner and show me now?". You laughed and shook your head "you'll survive waiting a few hours...but to tide you over" and you kissed him again. Jaehyun was finally exactly where he wanted to be but he only got 3 seconds of peace with you. "Oh for crying out..." you heard someone say and broke apart to see Johnny staring at you "so do you two not need any food considering you're eating each other?" he asked. You separated and punched Johnny in the shoulder "just try touching my portion and see what happens". Jaehyun smiled watching you and you noticed smiling too. "Now how can I help?" you said stepping into the kitchen and rolling up your sleeves. Taeil got you chopping up some more vegetables and you chatted with the boys as you did it. Jaehyun was washing all the rice and when it was done Taeil took it off him. Some of the guys then moved onto the grill outside leaving the kitchen largely empty...except for you and Jaehyun. You looked around for him and spotted him leaning on a counter watching you. "Something caught your eye?" you asked and Jaehyun nodded "yep" and came to stand behind you. "Need any help with those vegetables?" he asked and you shrugged "I'm pretty sure the vegetables aren't on your mind right now". Jaehyun smiled placing his hands on your hips and leaning over your shoulder "no they are I promise" and then he placed a kiss on your neck. You laughed "you are such a liar and a distracting one at that" but you were smirking. Jaehyun smiled "I have no idea what you're talking about" and kissed your neck a few more times getting as close to you as possible. "Two can play that game" you replied and gently rocked your hips against Jaehyun's. Then as he went to kiss your neck again you turned and kissed him instead. Jaehyun let out a large sigh/moan when you separated and that alerted the guys outside something was happening. They all looked up to see the position you two were in and sighed. "Really?" Yuta asked "you two can't be left alone for 2 seconds?". "Y/n come here!" Johnny commanded "Jaehyun you stay there and finish the vegetables...you're like teenagers". "Right in front of the poor vegetables too" Haechan nodded and you and Jaehyun laughed but did as you were told and separated. "I see you helped Jaehyun get over his public intimacy issues" Jungwoo said and Yuta nodded "lucky us!" making you laugh. Jaehyun looked on from the kitchen where Doyoung and Taeil had him trapped and you shot him a smile. In response, he smiled back and Taeil sighed and yanked his face back to the pan he was meant to be watching. At dinner, the guys purposefully seated you at opposite ends of the table but that was fine. You did need to cool off and you figured if you had Jaehyun next to you, you might get indigestion. So you chatted with Yuta, Doyoung and Mark and soon had them laughing about a misunderstanding at work. You realised everyone was listening and noticed Jaehyun watching you with a proud smile. You never got nervous but the way Jaehyun was watching you made you pause and you faltered before carrying on with your story. Johnny noticed and smiled. Half of you stayed to wash the dishes and Johnny made his way to you "noticed you got a little flustered there at the table" he said and you blushed "I don't know what you're talking about". "The two of you are really sweet" Johnny said and you smiled "yeah I know" making him laugh. "You're petty happy together aren't you? Just based on how we can't leave you alone together". You smiled "we are happy but not just in that way but very much in that way...you have a very talented member". Johnny shook his head "I didn't need to know that about him" and you shrugged "well don't tease me then" and threw the tea towel at his head. In the living room, you saw Jaehyun sat on the sofa and placed yourself next to him. He immediately wrapped an arm around you and you leaned into him. "Hi" he said smiling at you and you smiled back "enjoy your dinner". "Yep" and rested your head against him. Yuta swore when he saw the two of you together but you both behaved and spent some time with the boys. It felt really nice and domestic. Then Jaehyun put a hand on your leg and that excitement came back. So when a few of the guys headed off you grabbed Jaehyun's hand and he practically jumped up. You got behind Haechan on the stairs who purposefully took forever guessing what the two of you were rushing away for. When he stopped to do some stretches Jaehyun just full-on pushed past him and Haechan paused "oh sorry did you guys have something you had to get to". In response Jaehyun shot him a look and then closed his door "so where were we?". Jaehyun really liked the basketball-themed lingerie you'd brought but it didn't get much wear. It ended up on the floor pretty quickly but neither of you minded. You were now very sleepy wrapped up together and you yawned happily "I like sleeping here". Jaehyun smiled "you do?" very happy with this piece of information. You nodded "It's very comfy" you said and Jaehyun smiled "yeah I bought a good mattress a few months ago". You laughed and Jaehyun wondered why that was funny until you turned to him. "I don't mean the mattress I mean you!". "Me?" Jaehyun asked and you smiled "yes you! All the guys make me feel comfortable and I love coming over but recently you've been the main appeal" you admitted "I love spending time with you and you have the tidiest room of any guy I know! You always smell nice and well you help me to sleep" you sighed and Jaehyun paused "I do? How?". "I don't know!" you said laughing "I usually struggle sleeping but your chest must be magic or something because anytime I'm against it I sleep well". Jaehyun didn't think he'd ever got a nicer compliment and he smiled widely. Extremely proud of his magic chest. "Well then I guess you'll have to use my chest more" he said and you looked at him "what stay over more?". Jaehyun nodded "yeah if you wanted and I could come to yours...if you want?". You smiled "okay but ask the guys and make sure it's okay with them". "I will but they won't mind" Jaehyun told you "they're pretty big fans of you too" and he kissed you softly. "Well I like them too...but you're my favourite" you replied and Jaehyun smiled. He loved hearing that and knew he'd never tire of it. Luckily it seemed like he'd get to keep hearing it for a long time. _______________ So I purposefully ended this with the couple not in an established monogamous relationship because that's not the only way a relationship looks, my friends! Polyamorous or open relationships are just as loving and fulfilling.
I hope you enjoyed this min-series! There will hopefully more Jaehyun stuff to come.
#jaehyun#jaehyun fic#jaehyun imagine#jaehyun x reader#jaehyun x you#nct jaehyun#jaehyun nct#nct127#nct#nct imagine#nct fic#nct x reader#nct x you#nct127 fic#nct127 imagine#nct127 x reader#nct127 x you#seventeen#seventeen joshua#johnny#mark#haechan#yuta#doyoung#taeil#jungwoo#kpop#kpop fic#kpop imagine
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He had his eyes closed. Hand on your hips as he groans slightly. You were kissing him, and by him you mean every inch of him.
"So pretty, you're so pretty" you mumbled in the crook of his neck as you sucked on a spot. It drove him insane.
"You're killing me here" He whines softly. "Am I?" You grin. You don't get a response and you leave it at that.
"Let me take care of ya" You say as your hand travels under his tshirt. "Cmon, take it off"
He obliges. Your eyes travel all over his body, your hand mimicking the path followed by your eyes.
Your head dips and you start kissing him, every inch of his bare skin. "Sometimes I can't believe you're real"
He only smiles lazily to that. You cup his face to kiss his lips again.
"I love you" He sighs.
"I love you too"
Found random motivation after a million years to write something
Wrote this in like 10mins leave me alone😭
#seonghwa smut#ateez smut#luke castellan smut#kpop#skz#ateez#smut#fluff#boyfriend#nct#bf imagines#imagines#oneshots#nct smut#skz smut#stray kids smut#tumblr#nct127 smut#nct dream smut#nct u smut#seonghwa#mingi smut#luke castellan#pjo smut#pjo luke#sm entertainment#bang chan smut#kinktober#dom!reader
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𝕿𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖗 | 𝕷𝖊𝖊 𝕯𝖔𝖓𝖌𝖍𝖞𝖚𝖈𝖐

W.C: 0.8k (curtinho vai) | 💢Sugestivo💢 |
★ Notinha da Sun | toda vez que escrevo Haechan carioca eu lembro da @nominzn KKKKK Na verdade, acho que a Izzy é a minha maior influência pra escrever br!au, juro!! KKKKK Sinceramente?? Eu não sei bem o que rolou aqui, fiz uma pesquisa básica porque sou terrível quando o assunto é futebol (né, @dreamwithlost?? KKKKK) e só escrevi, me deixei levar. Então, se existir algum erro, passem pano, é um universo alternativo, pronto!! KKKKKK Tá beeem clichê, mas vocês já sabem que eu sou apaixonada por coisas previsíveis KKKKK
Boa leitura, docinhos!! ★
— Dormiu comigo, foi? — Haechan provocou assim que você entrou no bar lotado de torcedores do Flamengo e do Fluminense. Você olhou para sua camisa verde e vermelha do Fluzão e deu uma leve beliscada no tecido, como quem dissesse: “Hoje somos rivais, não vou falar contigo.” — Não vai me dar nem um beijinho hoje?
— Nem pensar. Não quero correr o risco de dar azar pro meu time — você respondeu estreitando os olhos, desconfiada. Haechan adorava te ver marrenta e toda nervosinha, com a cara fechada e os braços cruzados. No meio da galera do Fluminense, lá estava ele, no lado oposto, ostentando orgulhoso sua camisa rubro-negra, pronto para te provocar. O Flamengo nem tinha começado a jogar direito, e ele já estava mexendo no seu cabelo enquanto você bebia sua long neck e beliscava uns salgadinhos Torcida.
Haechan mal olhava para o telão; estava mais ocupado te observando. Seus dedos passavam levemente pelos seus fios de cabelo, e a mão dele, furtiva, subia pela parte interna da sua coxa, aproveitando o shortinho jeans que você usava. Por mais que tentasse se concentrar no jogo, seu corpo reagia a cada toque. Seu time podia estar em campo, mas quem estava jogando contigo ali era ele.
— Haechan, para com isso — você disse, segurando a mão dele e afastando-a do seu corpo. Mas ele, ao invés de parar, entrelaçou os dedos nos seus, e beijou os nós dos dedos, fazendo seu coração acelerar. Você evitava olhá-lo, sabia que, se o fizesse, perderia completamente a concentração no jogo. E até então, ninguém jamais tinha feito você se desviar dos seus sagrados jogos. Mas Haechan, com seu charme carioca, estava te tirando do sério.
— Olha pra mim, bebê — ele pediu, com a voz suave e provocadora. Você cedeu e o olhou pela primeira vez naquele dia. Ele sorriu, vitorioso, e se inclinou para beijar seu pescoço. Você fechou os olhos por um segundo, tempo suficiente para ouvir o bar inteiro explodir em gritos de comemoração: gol do Flamengo.
— Cê é tão fraca quanto o seu Fluzão — Haechan sussurrou no seu ouvido.
Você se afastou na hora, o rosto vermelho de raiva e... tesão, mas ninguém precisava saber disso.
— Eu te odeio! — você disse, empurrando-o. Haechan riu e envolveu sua cadeira com o braço, achando graça da sua irritação.
— Relaxa, amor. O jogo ainda não acabou — você disse, confiante, prendendo o cabelo num coque malfeito para se concentrar melhor no jogo. Era superstição, mas sempre funcionava.
— Cê acha mesmo que o seu timezinho vai virar? — ele provocou, recostando-se na cadeira de forma descontraída. Você bufou, enquanto ele acariciava suas costas, os dedos brincando de forma distraída com o fecho da sua roupa íntima. O toque fez você ajeitar a postura, mas ele continuou.
— Não precisa responder, gata. Já sei que 'cê é iludida.
Você estava prestes a responder, quando ele se aproximou mais uma vez, sussurrando ao pé do ouvido:
— No final, a única coisa que vai virar aqui é você... de costas, na parede do meu quarto, enquanto eu beijo sua nuca.
Seu corpo esquentou imediatamente, mas você tentou ignorar com um longo gole de cerveja. No fundo, sabia que ele estava certo, de um jeito ou de outro, você sempre acabava seus dias na cama dele. Quando o apito final soou, o placar mostrava 2x1 para o Flamengo. Haechan te olhou com aquele sorriso de vitória estampado no rosto, e você queria chorar de frustração, mas ao mesmo tempo sabia que a vitória dele não seria só no futebol.
Em poucos minutos, vocês já estavam no apartamento dele, que ficava a poucos quarteirões do bar. Você atravessou o caminho de cara fechada, mas sua mão não soltou a dele por um segundo sequer.
Assim que chegaram, ele te virou de costas, envolvendo seus braços ao redor da sua cintura, e beijou sua nuca, aproveitando o coque malfeito.
— Vou te pegar só com essa camisa do adversário — ele murmurou, sorrindo.
— Haechan… — você resmungou num tom de alerta, mas ele sorriu, e você soube disso pelo movimento que sentiu perto do seu ombro.
— Que foi? Agora cê quer me olhar, né? Quer um beijinho, amor? — ele provocou, te virando de frente, e te beijou suavemente, contrastando com a força das mãos que apertavam sua cintura.
— Já disse que te odeio? — você murmurou contra os lábios dele.
— Tá na hora de trocar o disco, bebê — ele respondeu, galante, desabotoando o botão do seu short e deslizando o zíper. O vislumbre da sua calcinha branca de renda fez ele umedecer os lábios em expectativa.
— Pra variar, vou te fazer quicar um pouquinho até dizer que me ama.

★ Notinha da Sun² | mais uma pra série de “Maloqueiro Romântico” 🙏
#sun favs#imagine nct#nct 127#nct u#nct br#nct br au#nct127#nct x reader#nct dream#nct dream imagines#nct fanfic#nct scenarios#nct pt br#nct haechan#nct imagines#nct 127 haechan#haechan x reader#haechan fanfic#haechan imagines#lee haechan#lee donghyuck x reader#nct lee donghyuck#lee donghyuck#nct dream fanfic#nct dream fic#nct 127 fic#haechan fic#haechan x you#nct 127 imagines#nct 127 x reader
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jeong jaehyun (n)sfw alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
he’s alllll up on you, literally unable to disconnect himself from you. if he’s not holding you against his body, arms wrapped so tightly you start to think that your circulation is being cut, he’s following you around the house like a lost puppy. when you stand up to shower he jumps up to grab you a towel, and your clothes, continuing to pepper kisses across your shoulders and neck as you walk into the shower where he joins you and mumbling small compliments into your skin.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
what does he spend all that time in gym for if not to throw you around like you’re the weight of a feather? his favourite part of his own body is his muscles, only because he knows that you like them and when you are happy so is he. “happy wife happy life.” he secretly likes when you take a little longer to gaze at his biceps when he carries something heavy, or after going to the gym together; so feeling you grab onto his arms during sex stirs something up in him that he has never felt before.
its also a crime to say that jaehyun is anything but a boob man. don’t get me wrong, he appreciates a good ass (specifically yours), he enjoys an occasional slap, a hand softly placed on the curve of your ass just to touch you. but your boobs are on another level…his favourite thing to do is squish them at literally any moment he can. the sensation of the flesh filling out the spaces between his fingers is something he craves when he is away from you, not even just in a sexual way—but because it makes him feel close to you. and the fact that you would let him do that to you makes him feel a little soft inside. during sex though, they’re the second most viewed thing (the first being your pretty face); he’ll put them in his hands, his mouth, against his skin, you name it, he wants it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
apart from in you? he’s not a super fanatic of doing things with cum, just like any man he likes to see his cum all over your lips after you’ve given him a blowjob to use his fingers and swipe it across your lips like lip gloss. to be honest, most of all he likes to see the look on your face when he has your cum on his chin and nose, letting it glisten under the dim lights of your room.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
the thought of recording his own porno just for yours and his eyes really plagues his mind. every time you and him get intimate there is a little thought in the back of his head that wonders what it would look like from another person’s perspective, and the way that your little breaths and moans reverberate into the mic and speakers. being able to look back on videos whenever he pleases, whenever he misses you enamours him and is something he wishes to have. he’s a private person, it would never see the outside of your bedroom, and whenever a member tries to go through his phone he immediately snatches his phone out of their hand. he wouldn’t ask you to film a sex tape right from the get-go though, it would start subtly with a couple of sexts, then the exchanging of a couple nudes, then maybe having phone-sex when he’s abroad. he would only bring it up later into the relationship when he knows that you are enjoying doing things like this as much as he is.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
virgin? obviously not. extremely experienced sex master? also no. he knows what he’s doing, he knows the steps and what women generally enjoy. i mean, how can you go wrong with head? however, he’s in his element when he’s with you. being in a long term relationship with you means that he can get to know more than the surface, he knows ever single curve of your figure and where his hands fit perfectly, and what things get your face to flush and your lips to part. you give the experience he needs, and it only gets better the longer you are together because you get to explore different things that he and you like.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
apart from missionary, where he gets to see your face and all it’s little micro expressions, your boobs that are always nice to look at too obviously. its the fully package really, all within reach of his greedy hands. it gets better when you put your leg on his shoulder and he was some leverage to grab on to, and to turn his head to press his lips against your skin. he also likes the face off position, a more intimate cowgirl where he feels most connected to you. the skin-to-skin contact, being able to press worn out kisses all over your face and wrap his arms around your shoulders to bring you even closer to him while you ride him. the real deal.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
it can vary, when you first started dating he would try to act more serious because he would be overthinking everything and trying to make sure it felt good for you. he also wanted to seem like a serious candidate for you. but the more times that you get intimate, because he is the most unserious person at heart, he can’t help but letting a laugh slip sometimes. like, you haven’t ever laughed at a queef before????? it’s funny. also just the feeling of being so happy and so intimate with you, literally the closest two people can get can be overwhelming, in a good way, which makes laughing feel like the only right thing to do.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
it would be weird if that happy trail of his led to nothing, but its cleaned up, he takes care of himself.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
so romantic, he thinks that literally every movement of yours is the most beautiful thing ever, so graceful and so pretty. he likes to see the way your hands sometimes grip around the bedsheets, and to encase your hand with his to spread his warmth. his lips struggle to leave your skin, whether it be your lips, your neck, your jawline or anywhere where he can feel the goosebumps that riddle your skin and the sweetness of your natural scent. the lights in your room are always dim and there’s always a playlist of rnb playing quietly during it. he is able to romanticise every little movement and every noise, being with you is an experience on a different plane of existence and he wants to savour every single moment of it. he prefers to go slowly, lots of talking and smiling and giggling.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcannon)
when he’s away, he seems like the type to let you know that he is jerking off. he only resorts to doing so when you aren’t around and the whole time he’d be thinking of you. you’d be alone in your bed in the dead of night, sleeping on his side of the bed to smell his presence and then receive a text message. it wouldn’t be explicit or anything, something like “thinking of you right now” and you’d just know exactly what he was doing. he would never ask you to send nudes, but when you’re in the right mood you would send him something to usher him on.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
honestly, he doesn’t seem like a very kinky person, but he’d be willing to try new things for you. when you ask him to try using his tie as a blindfold he would say yes, and he would enjoy watching you squirm and twitch under him when he ghost his fingers along your body. he liked to slap your ass prior, but seeing the surprise mixed with pleasure when your eyes were covered was even more enjoyable. on his birthday, when you asked to blindfold him and give him his birthday surprise he was hesitant, but he trusted you enough to let you do that to him. he enjoyed it, but he thinks it’s because it was your hands that were touching him and heightening his senses, letting him focus on sensations that he had never before. so as long as it was something that you wanted to do, he’s just happy to take part—although i think he would draw the line at things that hurt you seriously.
i see him liking the idea of public sex too, not too public obviously. but cars and rooms that are separated only by paper-thin walls excite him. being able to make you moan and having the headboard creak only to just walk out of the room and act like nothing happened is amusing to him.
breeding kink????? are you joking? of course. he is just waiting for the day that the two of you are fully ready for a child, and you give him the green light to go all in. until then, he likes to play with fate and do it rawwwwww.
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
other than in your bed, his favourite place is the couch in your living room. the atmosphere of the tv that usually plays in the back, shining different colours on your face from the movie that was long forgotten about. the blinds are usually slightly ajar, reflecting your profiles in the window that he likes to take a quick glance at, and playing up to the fact that someone could see the two of you—a picture perfect snapshot that he would capture with this film camera if he could.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
domestic girlfriend. homey girlfriend…should i continue? i know a pile of laundry hates to see him coming because it’s never actually going to be done. ever since moving in with you, the sight of you doing things that are ordinary have riled him up like he has never been before. the curve of your back when he watches you cook from the island in the kitchen, the old shorts and tank top you wear when there are no clean clothes left on a sunday, the way that you flip your hair and expose your neck when you are vacuuming. they help him envision a future where it is just the two of you forever, with hopefully a few kids running around which excites him more than you know.
even just the lazy days when you have been lying around all the couch the whole time, in your pyjamas can get him excited, because your cami is tight and you don’t wear a bra, and the way you eat food is attractive, and the way you drink is too, and so is the way you throw your exposed thigh over his lap when you’re getting comfortable on the couch. at any given moment when he is given the time to look at you for too long, he can imagine himself being all over you.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
extreme kinks, he wouldn’t want to hurt you in any way. even if you were to suggest trying new things that are a bit more extreme, it would take a lot of convincing because he wouldn’t want the two of you to try something and then regret it. he’s open-minded, but cautious.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he gets pussy drunk so baddddd, literally dripping from the chin and back onto you when he eats it. he could go on for hours because the way that you moan out his name quite literally sounds like music to his ears. so much so that the first time he gave you head he came in his pants without you evening touching him, just from the way you were reaching out for his hair from above him, and breathing out his name. he only confessed it to you a year into your relationship in which you were so flattered you gave head just the way he likes it, which is definitely just as messy as him. he wants you to use his cum as lipgloss, and when you guide his hand into your hair. he isn’t a massive head pusher, only when you let him do it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
always slow, he doesn’t see the point of getting intimate if he isn’t able to have the whole experience. he enjoys foreplay, and wants to give you all the attention he has by going through the steps and focusing on every bit of you. even if he’s mad or frustrated he would still go slow, because he doesn’t want to take his anger out on you. instead, he likes the way the slowness calms him down and brings him back to his senses. and make-up sex after arguments would be even slower as he feels he has to relearn the little things about your body and wants to relish in the things he could’ve lost but thankfully didn’t. the only times that he would be fast would be the mornings before a flight abroad, and even though you two would have had sex the night before he just needs to do it one more time before leaving so he can remember the sensation when he is away from you. it would be quick because he doesn’t want to be late for his flight, and also because if you were to take your time he just wouldn’t leave.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
not a massive fan. again, he just wouldn’t see the point when he can take his time with you, there’s no rush. although there are times when you’re together in a group setting, like on a vacation with friends and the sight of you is just so unbearably gorgeous he can’t resist pulling you into the room you share in the airbnb. and then you come out no more than ten minutes later, which is just enough time before people start to realise you’re missing.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
not a massive experimenter, he likes to do what you like, to an extent.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he could on for hours, and sometimes he does. on the days that you look extra good, or have managed somehow to make him jealous even though he isn’t really a jealous person. but on a day to day basis 2-3 rounds is a happy medium, because he believes everything is better in moderation.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he would never buy a toy for himself or for you, but if you were to get gifted one from one of your friends as a joke, he would probably try it at least once.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
very subtly throughout the day, maybe very small gestures like his hand on the small of your back, or caressing your shoulders when you are talking to someone. if he were to tease you seriously, it would be more privately at home like if you were to have gotten some icing on your face from a cake you were eating, and he’d kiss it off you. he prefers to be teased rather than tease someone.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
not super loud. he’s for sure not screaming or anything, but he does let out some breathy moans and groans. he’s more verbal when he’s having sex, like whispering words of praise and your name constantly. i think he could also let out an occasional whimper when something just feels too good, and his deep voice would crack under your actions.
W = Wild card (a random headcannon for the character)
shower sex. he’s obsessed. ever since you let him step into one of your showers and you turned around and kissed him with the warm water pouring over your heads like it was some sort of romcom he was hooked. you’re naked anyway, why not just have sex? he likes pressing you up against the glass door of the shower, and then seeing water that water that has condensed everywhere but the shape of your body. he also likes the steaminess that makes his eyesight a little hazy. it’s all very romantic and intimate to him. plus, you don’t need to get up to shower after sex because you’re already in there. even when you have regular sex in your bed, sometimes when you get up to shower it continues in there because it is all just too tempting for him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
yeah. biiiiig.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
i don’t think he’s crazy by any means, he prefers simpler and more cute moments with you. don’t get me wrong though, he’s still definitely horny a lot. but he keeps it to himself most of the time.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
after a quick wash up he’s out like a light. snoring and everything. he’s worn out completely, there’s no chance for pillow talk when he’s already under the covers and pulling you into him to sleep.
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