The Future Is Radqueer. Make It So.
516 posts
My name is Act. She/They/It/Neos. Join me in making the future a better place. For you, for me, for our community. Read my call to action in my pinned post.
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trulyradicalactivist · 10 days ago
Something finally clicked for me:
Antiparas don't care about kids or animals, maps & zoos are just low-hanging fruit and it's easy to make yourself look morally superior by harassing them.
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trulyradicalactivist · 10 days ago
Pedophiles are not subhuman.
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trulyradicalactivist · 10 days ago
There's this interesting phenomenon where when you're a child, or some other vulnerable minority dependent on a job for shelter, you are actually under duress almost constantly. You can't say "I don't want to work today," you cannot say "I don't want to do the dishes, actually," you cannot choose not to participate. In a lot of cases, the punishment is explicit. Your parents might yell at you. Your boss might fire you. But in other cases, it's implicit. The mood will sour. You lose leeway. People get mad at you. And that creates a really shitty environment where you're constantly being coerced to do things!
And here's the kicker; you're not allowed to acknowledge that. You cannot acknowledge that you are being coerced, you cannot acknowledge that your free will is not being respected, because that's punished too. Your boss insists that you act excited. Your parents punish you for acting surly. You are forced to fake enthusiastic consent, constantly. It's a fucking nightmare. Your hand is being forced, you do not have the option to say "no," and if you ever, for a second, try to acknowledge that, everyone acts like you're the aggressor.
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trulyradicalactivist · 10 days ago
Women can be MAPs.
MAPs are not all old men. They can be young women, they can be lesbians, etc. You can't know if someone is a MAP just by looking at them.
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trulyradicalactivist · 10 days ago
hey antis telling paras rqs and transx folks to commit s/u/i/c/i/d/e and wish horrible things on them is not the "justice" you think it is
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trulyradicalactivist · 10 days ago
'Fuck ableists!!!' the anti-radqueers say. And yet, I am certain that, if I (CisID) were to start a cerebral palsy group and support TransC-Palsy havers, they'd happily kick my teeth in and call me a spaz. They don't actually care about disabled people who aren't either themselves or otherwise in their inner circle.
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trulyradicalactivist · 10 days ago
I find it funny how the only argument that those who are anti-consang have is just “I SUPPORT EUGENICS,” which also immediately goes down the drain when it’s a same-sex relationship or a relationship between two people who don’t want children.
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trulyradicalactivist · 10 days ago
The way antis think that transabled folkel "take away resources from actually disabled individuals" is odd. Why would they think that in the first place? I am in desperate need of a walking cane, service animal, hearing aids, screen reader, better glasses, and better treatment (both physically and mentally), but I can't because I can't afford it + the current medical system sucks ass. If they can't even give it to a CISdisabled individual, why would they give it to transabled folkel?
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trulyradicalactivist · 11 days ago
Most people who claim to be against purity culture aren't actually. Y'all can't exclude paras and consangs when you talk about being anti-purity culture. You can't. You're being hypocrites. We belong here with you.
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trulyradicalactivist · 11 days ago
"If you're transharmed and have any kind of ego you disgust me. You are subhuman, you want to be abused, you don't deserve any kind of opinion or standard."
Ren doesn't enjoy talking without using my preferred first person pronouns but for the sake of needing everyone to be able to read this in the simplest way possible, I'm going to regress to using I/Me.
If you are TransHarmful, or support Radqueer or Transids or really just interact with this community, and you *agree* with the statement first quoted at the top of this post. Don't fucking interact with me. I don't speak on behalf of all the TransHarmed people out there, but I advocate for myself and my Harmed friends when I say, fuck you. We're not subhuman for having an identity, we deserve to have our voices heard especially when it comes to transition, we deserve to pick and choose who we are around for said transition, and we ESPECIALLY get to choose who's helping us transition to being harmed.
We're allowed to have standards, we're allowed to have boundaries, and we're allowed to not consent to being harmed despite our identities.
Some of us consent to being harmed by strangers, some want to develop relationships with their abusers, every TransHarmed is different with how they want to transition. Me personally, I want to develop an equally obsessive abusive relationship between me and the person helping me transition.
Some of us, want multiple people to help transition, others only want one person to transition. I personally want one person to help me transition.
My points are, every TransHarmed is different in how they want to be treated, some agree with your view that they're pathetic or subhuman, others don't enjoy being viewed that way. Automatically seeing someone that way, BECAUSE they identify with something is a dick move.
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trulyradicalactivist · 11 days ago
shoutout to people who are trans[our cis ids]:
shout out to transautistics
shout out to transplurals
shout out to transadhds
shout out to transarfids
shout out to transteenagers
shout out to transnpds
shout out to transbpds
shout out to transocd/ocpds
shout out to transrsds
shout out to transableds
shout out to everyone with transids, i love you /p <3
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trulyradicalactivist · 11 days ago
TW: extremely violent descriptions that include themes of torture, death, harassment, etc, alongside paramisia (anti-map bigotry, specifically). Read at your own risk
Proof that mapmisia is still a thing, and it's worse than you can imagine
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This will be a collection of reblogs. Please don't reblog without the final edition
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trulyradicalactivist · 11 days ago
Stop saying pedophile when you mean sex offender.
Stop saying zoophile when you mean sex offender.
Stop saying necrophile when you mean sex offender.
Stop saying paraphile when you mean sex offender.
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trulyradicalactivist · 11 days ago
btw chrono adults calling chrono minors unintelligent, because of their age, in any capacity isn't cool
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trulyradicalactivist · 11 days ago
Does anyone else notice how anti-radqueers never touch any post that's actively calling them out? Anyone? Like the harassment causes death post or education posts that prove them wrong. Or how they just outright fucking ignore people when they say they're CisPOC or CisIntersex or CisDisabled making flags or posts for TransPOC, TransIntersex, and Transabled people??? Like am I the only one noticing how rare it is? Maybe this is a situation of fork found in drawer but I feel like we need to talk about the fucking LEVEL of cognitive dissonance they have that makes them so rarely interact with these posts.
I'm Native, I'm Intersex, Im disabled, I'm Cis all of these things, and when I mention that, suddenly the anti that was calling me the n-word and calling me redskin or calling me a retard, doesn't wanna respond to me anymore. Hm. Odd. Kinda crazy. Let's talk about that.
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trulyradicalactivist · 11 days ago
Hello. I saw your post and have some answers and my own opinions to add into the mix. If you accept DMs, I always extend an offer to anyone I reblog to answer more detailed questions and have one-on-one discussions there, as I find it easier to do so. If not, I hope this reblog is of assistance.
I am CisDisabled myself, and I use mobility aids when I need them to get around, though I do identify as TransAbled for a few of my disabilities, as I have yet to be diagnosed for some that I am aware I have due to my genetics. Many people use TransAbled identities to describe similar situations. Some were raised around people with disabilities they don't have and so they gain dysphoria over not having the same ones, such as a friend I know who is TransDeaf due to almost their entire family being deaf, but they aren't. For TransAutistic, there can be a lot of reasons. Some have autism but don't have a diagnosis so feel more comfortable using the term. Some wish to have autism because they are seen as autistic by those around them. Some have a mixture of disorders that make them emulate autism and its symptoms. It differs very heavily from person to person.
TransRacial, or DiaRacial if you prefer not to use the term, is also complex. I am a bodily oppressed race in the place I reside, though I prefer not to speak of my body race, and I am DiaRacial to another POC group. I know many friends who are WTB (white to black), BTW (black to white), NATW (native american to white), POCTPOC, and so on. Personally, I simply do not feel that my race is my correct one. I do not identify with the traditions and the culture surrounding my identity and feel a large disconnect, and a lot of dysphoria, surrounding it. I have friends of my preferred racial identity who help and support me, guide me through the culture, and introduce me to different aspects of their daily life. I don't have hatred towards my birth race. I simply don't see it as it is for me. Very similar to my gender as a Transgender Woman.
As for TransHarmful, there are many ways to transition without hurting anyone non-consensually. BDSM is a version, yes, but one could also indulge in fiction, daydreams, such things as that. There is also roleplay, with humans and with AI, and conabuse, consensual abuse, between friends, family, and partners. There are also quite a few reasons one would be TransHarmful, such as being raised in a family where that form of harm (abuse, bigotry, etc) is the norm and so that harm is connected to one's identity directly. One of my dear friends has a past life where they were harmful and so they identify with TransHarmful due to that, so spirituality is also an option.
We in the radqueer community support all of these identities in all shapes and sizes they come in. People deserve a place to be themselves and to feel safe within their own life and body. I hope this has helped. Again, my direct messages are always open.
Thank you for being open minded! Have a wonderful day.
hi. just call me artisan. im curious about radqueers, in regular circumstances i'd be against you fellows but honestly maybe I could hear you out.
im what you'd call cisautistic, quoigenic cisplural and (most likely) ciscluster-b. I am also transspecies (a term I associate more with alterhumanity than transids), transgender, and anti-c pro-para as one of our sys members is a non-disordered paraphile. also pro-endogenic if it wasnt clear by us being quoigenic.
i know atypical dysphoria and such is a thing, I experience it myself as a transspecies dragon, but also often finding myself wanting 'worse' trauma than I already have gone through, even though I perfectly understand that would only worsen my mental health and cause a plethora of problems and also even if others have had it worse I am just as valid a survivor, so in a way i empathize with transharmed folk.
as for specifically some other transids, I am confused about them. transabled for instance, BIID I get it but otherwise I find it quite odd, as bodily disabled folk (as I've heard) find this to belittle their struggles; getting diagnosed, getting treatment, trying to function. however, ive done quite some thinking on my own as a creature on the autism disorder. me, personally, I cannot truly and sincerely bring myself to care about transautistics as a "threat" to the autistic community. i find that ableist people are way more a concern. i struggle with sensory overload, some verbal issues, and i am a major stimmer. and, again, i cannot really bring myself to care about people wanting those symptoms, with all the bad that comes, or even with just the good "cutesy" stuff.
wanting-to-be-another-race also comes to mind (won't be using the term transrace as that belongs to adoptees). i would also bring up me being bodily latino, but for one i literally cannot give two fucks about my race and two, i live in south america and thus everyone is a latino, so there really isnt any racism against us and thus i don't have the experience to speak about the topic. i honestly wonder if there's any folks bodily of oppressed races willing to explain and defend this one to me. transnationality to me would basically be same situation to me as transautistic is: can't care about someone wanting to be of my country and learn my language and stuff.
transharmful is also something i wonder about. how do you approach the possibility of transitioning? if it's something similar to BDSM as in both parties are consenting and such then it's alright by me frankly.
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trulyradicalactivist · 11 days ago
transID beings!!
if you have transitioned, i love you
if you are transitioning, i love you
if you plan to transition, i love you
if you don’t plan to transition, i love you
if you have dysphoria, i love you
if you don’t have dysphoria, i love you
if you are trans in ANY way, you are seen and you are loved ( unless you don’t wanna be, that’s cool too )
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