#OPTIMIZE windows
101now · 1 year
Oroville area church services – Chico Enterprise-Record
SUNDAY Oroville Calvary Lutheran Church: 10 Concordia Lane. 533-5017. Visitors welcome. 8:45 a.m. with children’s church. www.calvarylutheranoroville.org. The Gospel of Jesus proclaimed. 533-5017. Christian Science: Sunday 10 a.m. up to age 20. Wednesday testimony at noon, Christian Science Reading Room. 1940 Bird St. Reading Room open Monday, Wednesday 1-3 p.m. 533-1274. Church of Jesus Christ…
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pckeepcleans · 1 year
PC Keep Clean is a website for tips and tricks about Windows maintenance and cleaning your computer. Both physical computer cleaning, such as screen and keyboard cleaning, and also cleaning the Windows operating system.
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bal0neymalon3y · 1 year
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digital/3d art by ein.garden
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iguessitsjustme · 9 months
What do I want in 2024? I want poly. I want multiple shows to have love triangles that result in poly. I want different poly options. I want all of the poly. Will I get it? Unlikely but I will remain ever hopeful
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minglana · 22 days
im looking for laptops bc atp i can tell that i wont be able to get it fixed, especially by next week lol. im considering getting one w no os so i can install linux on it. but despite how much i hate windows, im scared of changing os kinda badly :/
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Great to add to my various woes, someone came into the front yard and clipped the tree branches and left them piled up there, while I was gone, and I have no idea who it was or if they had any right to do so (the landscapers only come on Tuesday and I wasn't gone over Tuesday plus they would have taken the debris with them)
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anghraine · 25 days
I spent much of the day with my parents, who I'm visiting after the requisite post-COVID time (I still have a cough and am easily tired, but neither is nearly as bad as a couple of days ago). It was really fun—we talked a lot, I got to see the family pets, my dad and I played one of my favorite card games (Neolithic; it's simple but fun), and then we all ended up playing City of Heroes, which is officially legal again (not that we were playing for years before the official license or anything >_>). We're currently doing an experiment to see if it's even possible to get to level 50 without ever leaving my favorite region of the game (Praetoria).
(I like Praetoria in part because of the various urban aesthetics underpinned by horror, in part because Praetorian characters get actual choices and it's easier to imagine they have real personalities and stories, and in part because it's a sort of mirrorverse AU of the main game where superheroes aren't really a concept. I don't especially care for superheroes despite most of the game being all about them, and mostly like the game for mechanics and costuming options, so a story-centric customizable character arc in a dystopia zone where people with superpowers are understood in wildly different terms than the rest of the game is ideal. Nobody else seems to much care for it; sometimes I'm the only person who seems to be in Nova Praetoria at all and my mother doesn't much like it, but she volunteered to join the experiment, lol.)
We were also waxing nostalgic about the good old days when we used to play Might and Magic VII together, and I was like... you know it's on GOG, yeah? You could just play it. I don't think it's expensive. So we looked and, good news, she actually already had it on GOG, but bad news, it wasn't working on her new laptop.
She went to bed and after about half an hour of finagling, I figured out what was wrong and got it working again. Arcomage is in our future once more :D
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cinematicnomad · 1 month
hey! just wanted to drop in and say I really appreciate your terror gifs – you've opened up this really unique opportunity for us to discuss scenes in such close detail, not to mention how gorgeous the gifs themselves are!!! thank you so much for all your work <3
i've been posting a terror gifset a day since november 2022 (!!!) and at the start i would post multiple sets a day. according to my blog, that means i have currently posts 708 terror gifsets since i started. which is. WILD.
but i've genuinely had fun doing it and i feel like it's made me a better gifmaker (god some of these scenes are so fucking DARK) and i've loved getting the chance to really hone in on the script and the individual scenes and characters. hilariously, despite being almost 2 full years into this project, i still cannot always identify the individual little white guys (there is a dude in the background of this tuunbaq scene with hickey's crew and i cannot for the life of me figure out his name!!!).
my point being: while this has been a labor of love for myself, i am SO thrilled to hear that you've enjoyed these sets and that you feel like they've given you an opportunity to talk about the show and i need everyone to know that i read every single tag added to my gifsets and it always makes me so happy. like, beyond ecstatic when i open my activity page and see a giant block of text 🥰
when i first started making these gifs i was worried that i was kind of late to the party and that no one would really be around to notice my gifs. i am so glad i was wrong and even if we ARE small, we are MIGHTY! and i love everyone in this fandom so much ❤️❤️❤️
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chiropteracupola · 2 months
many thanks to my dear dead granddad for keeping one million beautifully conditioned perfectly sharp x-acto knives and a beautiful heavy chisel-handle that actually makes them usable.
ZERO thanks to my dear dead granddad for keeping them in a LIDLESS AND BROKEN BOX LOOSE IN A PLASTIC SHOPPING BAG
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uxtitanofficial · 17 days
Key Benefits of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
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Improved Performance: PWAs are designed to load quickly, even on slow networks. They use caching and service workers to ensure fast and reliable performance, providing a smooth user experience.
Offline Functionality: PWAs can work offline or in areas with low connectivity. By caching essential resources, they allow users to access content and continue interacting with the app even when they're not connected to the internet.
Cross-Platform Compatibility: PWAs are built using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, making them accessible on any device with a web browser, whether it's a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
Cost-Effective Development: Unlike native apps that require separate development for different platforms (iOS, Android, etc.), a single PWA can work across all devices. This reduces development and maintenance costs significantly.
No App Store Approval Needed: PWAs bypass the app store submission and approval process, allowing businesses to launch updates and new features instantly without waiting for app store reviews.
Increased Engagement: PWAs can send push notifications, encouraging users to return to the app. This helps businesses maintain ongoing engagement and drive user retention.
Easy Installation: Users can install PWAs directly from their browser, without the need for an app store. The app icon appears on the user's home screen, providing quick access without taking up much storage space.
Enhanced Security: PWAs are served over HTTPS, ensuring secure data transmission and protection against unauthorized access. This builds user trust and safeguards sensitive information.
SEO Friendly: Since PWAs are essentially websites, they are indexed by search engines, improving their discoverability through organic search results, unlike native apps, which are only searchable within app stores.
Automatic Updates: PWAs update in the background without requiring user intervention. This ensures users always have the latest version, complete with new features and bug fixes, without the hassle of manual updates.
Seamless User Experience: PWAs combine the best features of web and mobile apps, offering an app-like experience with smooth animations, intuitive navigation, and responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and devices.
These benefits make PWAs an attractive option for businesses looking to enhance their digital strategy and provide a superior user experience across all platforms. If you're interested in exploring how Progressive Web Apps can elevate your business, check out our website at UXtitan for more insights and expert solutions.
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101now · 1 year
Chico area church services – Chico Enterprise-Record
SATURDAY Congregation Beth Israel: Hebrew 5 Class at 1 p.m. Saturday. Havdalah 7:30 p.m. on Zoom. 1336 Hemlock St.  Chico Seventh-day Adventist Church: 10 a.m. worship service Saturday. Sabbath school classes at 11 a.m. In person, livestream at http://www.chicoadventist.church. 1877 Hooker Oak Ave. 342-7777. SUNDAY Chico Aldersgate United Methodist Church: Luke 22:7-20. “Passover-the Root of…
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pckeepcleans · 1 year
PC Keep Clean is a website for tips and tricks about Windows maintenance and cleaning your computer. Both physical computer cleaning, such as screen and keyboard cleaning, and also cleaning the Windows operating system.
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redstrewn · 1 year
so about this
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are you understanding
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mwagneto · 8 months
sometimes i'm home alone for months at a time coz my parents leave (like rn) and ofc that's usually when the "ooh neighbour scary you never know what you live next to" stories find me which almost spook me but then i'm like. idk why i'd be scared of my neighbours being insane when i'm literally the insane neighbour
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dr-wormman · 4 months
Something about the space directly below my bedroom window is irresistible to cicadas (I have a headache)
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waffletardis · 7 months
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Lost Planet 2 propaganda: please play lost planet and get the ASS rating. Please. It’s a glorious experience. Also at one point you get to fight a bunch of giant dicks I can’t make this stuff up-
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