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mj0702 · 2 months ago
okay this is going to be so long i am so sorry
the most common format
they are set on any day like not in the class exams are done in like another room (either one of the largest lecture halls if your class is smaller like <100 people, or more commonly theres like 3ish classes in the gym and were like given rows so one class is like a-f then so on to ✨organize it✨)
they are very fucking strict, like they release the schedule for ALLL the exams for the university during reading week (late october) and then you plan accordingly to take them on that date and time they set and if you want to change anything for most reasons they will laugh in your face and say suck it up, also changing the exam format takes like every single person in that class physically signing their agreement and if ONE person says no the exam can not change!! also the profs often dont even consider allowing that anyway (obviously accommodation and stuff are different but thats either like accessibility or extenuating circumstances)
so you often will have an exam anywhere from monday to sunday at any time between 8am and 7pm starts and theyre usuallyyyyy 2-3 hours!! (ive never had a longer/shorter one), typically they include like a multiple choice thing and then short, long, and essay questions but it depends on the class and professor!!
less common format:
sometimes exams are put online :D for various reasons (though i cannot confirm if they do that for the snow problems bc im lucky enough to have had exams situated just outside of those), tho i did have an exam released at noon on friday and due at noon sunday so that is possible (this exam was originally a 3pm sat exam that we convinced the prof to move online!! tho that only worked bc its a small class and department and the prof knew all of us very well, this class was like 15-20 people lol)
and ive heard of final assignments and presentations, but for those theyd just be in the regular class times before the exam period starts
leading to my final point that some classes dont have exams, more common for like online courses or like assignment/coursework heavy courses (very very very uncommon ive NEVER heard of it for psychology, bio, chem, physics ((psyc is science at my school)), or maybe math etc courses tho for some math courses you may get cheat sheets/formula sheets so thats nice)
but obviously ive not taken EVERY type of course (i do however know a decent bit bc i have friends in a many different degrees lol)
okay midterms:
midterms are serious, they are like an exam (they are an exam) just less formal! but they dont always exist like it depends on the class (personally i had 3 classes with midterms this past semester but two classes had two midterms each -same prof for both classes- so i wound up with 5 midterms anyways)
you write them usually on a set day thats like within your class time, so its like going to class and writing a test, but like a test on steroids bc the exam and midterm are almost identical in difficultly most times!!
however midterms CAN be set on saturday or sunday if the prof fucking wants to (this is common in chemistry at my uni) so yeah :)
okay i think this is all questions answered!! but yeah exams and midterms are like big for me!! theyre often also worth large amounts of your grade (in my two classes with 2 midterms each exams and midterms made up 75% of my final grade, each 25%), and while 25% is a bit bigger for one exam in my degree, theyre typically like 15-20% of your grade each!! so not a small impact if you were to fail!
overall, this is just MY university when it comes to specifics and my university is like slightly smaller than some of the others. however, i also know this is common for surrounding universities!! like i know for my lil southern portion of my province (where a lot of LARGE and well known canadian universities actually reside lol) this is not completely out of left field like its relatively common to hear about it!!
but yeah again im so sorry for how long this is!! :D
-lil canadian :))
I'm just gonna post it like this without reading it 😅😅
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jawllines · 6 years ago
"Its a bit dark I suppose," she admitted, waving her hand around lamely, "And the ceiling lights are more ominous than comforting at night and it feels more like an evil lair than a cozy bookstore."
His smile only grows bigger, "See? M'not an all gloomy, knife on the wall, grunge monster -- got me soft gooey spots too. Have a few art pieces I think you might like t--"
"Oi, don't get too big for your britches, I don't need an interior designer." She nips him off but he doesn't take any hurt from her words, only getting closer to her and raising the chair, moving it over a good chunk before setting it back down and holding onto it, nodding towards the chair and her face twists in confusion, "What?"
"Get on the seat then," he pats on it, "If you won't use me for my wonderful vision yet, then you can use me for my chair steadying hands."
Y/N's heart warms some, "Yet?" She repeats, plucking another nail out of the box and taking hold of the hammer again.
Harry shrugs, "Got hope you'll come to your senses."
Y/N has a bookstore and Harry owns the shop next door
Y/N's had it.
Absolutely had it!
When everyone told Y/N she shouldn't open up a bookstore beside a tattoo parlor, she let their worries float in through one ear and right out the other. She'd figured that they were just worried she was looking into opening up a business and the part of town she was on could be a bit shoddy at sundown, but the rent out for space was cheaper than anywhere else and it was right across from a bakery and café! Who didn't want to go to a bookstore after a nice cupcake and a half decent latte, to pretend they knew the first thing about Ernest Hemmingway in front of their smart friends and ultimately leave with a book that'll sit on their shelf for a total of five hours (they'll come back eventually, asking for a refund, and she could persuade them with a book more suited to them -- it's happened more times than she could count, honestly)? It was the perfect place to start out small, then escalate bigger and bigger. She had total faith in it!
But how was she supposed to do that when there was metal playing top volume at 9AM in the fucking morning?
There was always smoke clouding the outside of her shop, ashes in her flowerbeds, and men with piercings and tattoos all over their faces looming around. It wards people away like bug repellent. . .the days that the parlor is open are the days business can be ridiculously slow, yet the days that they're closed -- well, the door’s bell is chiming so often she questions whether or not she should take it down for her ears sake. It's those days that keep her running both moneywise and physically since she's running it primarily herself. It's those days that let her know that its the gremlins next door that keep people from even trying to come over.
Y/N loved books. She loved the intricate stories, interwoven plot lines, and unique writing styles. She loved being so enveloped within a universe that she's been reading for hours and it's felt like a blip of thirty minutes,  not wanting it to ever end, and endlessly searching to see if there was a sequel (or if there was going to be one). Falling in love with the characters, hating others, rooting for none of them and all of them simultaneously. Being so stressed out that she has to stop herself from reading a few lines ahead to makes sure everything was okay (failing terribly), changing positions about twenty-seven times, reading as she walked to the bathroom to pee and barely wanting to put it down to wash her hands. She loved feeling immersed like she was completely involved in the story, and she knows she's not the only person who feels that way.
So she majored in business, got a loan from the bank, and opened up a bookstore. If she could spend the rest of her life helping people find the book that does that for them, then she would be happy -- it'd always been her dream.
Which is why this was so frustrating -- for them to be so careless around a dream of hers. She'd written several polite letters that she posts up on the door in the morning before they open, but even though they're not still on the door by afternoon, her politeness is being blatantly ignored. It's so frustrating. So absolutely frustrating, that she could scream!
Y/N had tried everything. Had brightened up the storefront with more posters, changing the awning above the doors and windows, added more art and posters, planted more flowers so that looked welcoming and bright even despite the dark, blacked out windows and ashtrays right next door. Nothing could deviate the noticeable decline in sales on the days the tattoo parlor is open as well.
So when she finds more ashes in her hydrangea, she's had just enough. Stomped her way over next door, even though it was about five minutes to open, and shoved her way through the parlor door. She'd never been in here before, so she wasn't quite certain of the layout, but right up front was a small counter with a smooth granite finish atop of it, and a gruff looking man sitting behind it, two large gauges in her ears and a swirly tattoo decorating his forehead. The entire essence of this place was dark; all broody and deep shades of purples, reds, and blacks. Their stores might be connected by one wall but couldn't have appeared more different -- Y/N was trying to lure people in with a muted olive hue, and here they were with a massive knife glistening and dripping with a jam shade of blood painted on their front wall.
"Listen," she began immediately, pointing her finger directly at him and wishing she'd worn something more intimidating like an exaggerated satin lapel Armani suit tailored to fit, but she doubted that would fair well heaving boxes around all day so she had to settle for a worn tee, The Great Wave sketched out on it in black ink, "I know you guys are running a business and I know being rough and rugged is your aesthetic and you were here first! I get that! But I'm running a business too and my business is books and reading and quiet not loud, blaring Black Sabbath at top volume for the whole block to here. And if I find one more cigarette ash in my god damn hydrangeas I'm going to fucking --"
"Hello," a voice rings from behind her, startling her to a jump and she sees the eyes of the man who she'd been yelling at (who seemed rather unfazed) flicker over behind her, "What do we have here? Riktor here cheat on you? The naughty devil can never keep it in his pants."
When Y/N turns around to confront the face, she takes in a deep breath. The guy before her is pretty. . .maybe too pretty to be working here and the only indication of him possibly working here is the shirt he wears that sports the logo and the ink running up and down his arms, plus a tattoo gun that he's polishing with what looks like a scrap piece of cloth, massaging it diligently across the stainless steel tip. . His eyes are a very clear, light green like what one might expect to be the jewels of a mermaids earrings, and lips that didn't even look kind of chewed up -- like he'd never known stress in his life. Two perfect, smooth shades of pink skin to a strawberry milkshake that pullback in a simper, watching her closely and waiting for her next move but her brain had slowed trying to process that a could have been the cute boy next door archetype was for some reason in a very grungy shop such as this.
The words he'd said to her finally set in her head, however, and her brows reset in their irritation, "I'm Y/N and I own the shop next door and --"
"So you're our little book bee? The hydrangeas are beautiful."
She pauses for a moment, taken aback, "Yes," she decides, "Yes, they are beautiful, but they can't be beautiful when there are ashes in them."
The man pouts his lips, own face looking disgruntled by this, "Well that won't do. We've got ashtrays right out front for a reason, but I'll see about moving them to the back and changing the smoking area around there."
"Yeah," she says, maybe a little to forcefully, still geared up for a fight but she was bewildered by the very sudden change in tune. Y/N had kind of been expecting a huge argument and yelling and maybe her storefront to be spray painted, but he was -- this boy was. . .being very suspiciously understanding, "That would. . .that would be good." Her shoulders relax, dropping, "And the music --"
"Far too loud," he nods slowly, raising his hand, "I tell them but they never listen to me. Long as I'm here it'll be down but when I'm gone they crank it right up. However, you have my full permission to come over here and yell at them. Say Harry sent ya, they should put it at a suitable volume."
Y/N's pointing finger lowers slowly, and she wonders if her face conveys how truly alarmed she is that he's being so approachable and considerate. While there is always the possibility that he's doing it to get her off of his back and back to her shop so they can get to work, his face suggests he's being sincere, so she lowers another defensive barrier that she'd boarded up to get herself to come over here. She gives one final nod, "Okay, good -- um -- thank you very much."
"Anytime," he shifts the cloth and tattoo gun to one hand, holding out the other, "Nice t'a finally meet you neighbor."
"Nice to meet you." She took his hand in her own, giving one firm shake before turning on her heel and hot tailing it out of there. Had she been around him any longer, she's sure she would've said something stupid given the chance, because he was way too fucking cute and she was not having that. She doesn't like when talking to someone makes her feel nervous -- Y/N actually makes a point to not feel nervous when she's speaking with someone -- but this boy. Well, fuck sake, she's still a little jittery as she reenters her own store.
She doesn't know if she could ever face him again, actually.
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"You need to find another person to work here," Ayla saddles up on the front counter next to the register, one leg on either side, swinging them back and forth obnoxiously while Y/N was crouched over thumbing through a box of The Devil All the Time's hardbacks. She was counting them because she was fairly sure they'd shorted her by four books which would not have been a problem if hardbacks weren't the price of a limb. Ayla had come over to "help" but as always, her definition of help resorts to chatting with her with one of the bakery cookies held in her hand, watching while Y/N heaved and huffed big boxes of books around, "Get 'em to do all the grunt work and have yourself a latte while you read in the back room."
Y/N rolled her eyes, pausing on 26 to answer her, "M'good by myself for right now," she responded, looking up from the box to set her gaze on Ayla, watching her pick the dirt from beneath her fingernail, "Besides, teaching 'em how to do things the way I want them is such a bother, I'd rather do it myself."
"Still, you gotta be lonely," she shakes her head, "It can get so quiet in here even when there are customers, and y'know too much silence can drive you mad, I read."
She opens her mouth to respond, when a very distinct sound of a guitar riff floods muffled into their ears and her face sets into a deep frown, "How could it be quiet when I've got a shop neighbor who won't turn the music down?" Her voice escalates in sound every word, shaking her head slowly, "Y'know, I thought maybe the owner was actually genuine and really nice, but m'positive he's working today and the music's still blaring! How can they even focus on that going on? Won't the vibrations of the damn soundwaves fuck them over? They've got needles to people's skin, they should be focused."
It'd been a week since she'd gone over there and it was good for a few days; he stuck to his word about the smoking, putting the ashtrays in the back but that didn't really stop the few stragglers who were walking up to the place with a cigarette, so there were still buds on the sidewalk but it definitely had been better. However, the music was still loud and grating and nobody wanted to look at books when there were muffled rumbles of what she's certain is Led Zeppelin shaking her walls.
"They've got amazingly steady hands I heard," Ayla throws one last glance towards the vibrating wall before lulling her gaze back to where Y/N is squatted, "I dated a girl -- remember Rita? She used to be at tattoo artist and her hands were incredibly durable. . .she could go for hours knuckles deep inside me."
Y/N goes back to her counting, her finger on the binding of the book she'd left off on but she couldn't find the number she'd left off on, "I do remember Rita," Y/N murmurs, wracking her brain and tapping at the binding with the tips of her fingers, "She called me Prude Pringle for three weeks 'cos I refused a drunken threesome with you lot."
"A threesome?" Her face skewers, "When was that? Why'd you say no?"
"Back in August. Said no 'cos I was the only sober one and a little birdie once told me she couldn't partake in a threesome because she's too jealous for it."
Ayla nods, leaning back, "Good call -- 've I ever told you-you're a great friend."
Y/N opens her mouth to tell her to say it again but it's in that moment she realized that she definitely lost count and she's almost positive that the music got even louder! So instead of that, she slams her palm down against the bindings, "Fuck sake!" She nearly shouts, shoving herself up from the ground and dusting off her pants, "I'll be right back."
She charges over to the door, "Wait, shouldn't you jus' call and complain?"
Her suggestion is lost in the chime of her door's bell, again wishing she'd worn something more gruff and grungy than what she has but such is life she supposes. So she bursts through their open door in a shirt with a realistic gray octopus sat on a pile of books, surpassing the front desk man -- Riktor -- and heading towards the back, where the music was coming from.  There's a low, throaty voice of someone trying to stop her but she ignores it, coming past the curtain threshold, and there she finds herself with a group of. . .well, of tattoo artists. There's about three hunched over bodies -- one working on adding an additional flower onto an arm's sleeve, another inking what looks like a balloon on someone's hip, and another who's giving an ankle tattoo, what looks like a hammer and a nail. A few other people are just sitting about, on their phones, combing their fingers through their hair, another throwing a whole bottle of water in one go.
All of them ignoring that she'd stormed in. . .all of them listening to music at top volume.
"Excuse me," she tries over the music, and when she barely gets a flicker of a glance, she goes louder, "Excuse me!" Again, there's no response, so she scans the room for the stereo, spotting it in the corner beside a man with black inked all up his neck. She goes for it without thought, twisting and winding around stools and chairs, taking the volume dial and spinning it low. That catches their attention, and the resounding noise of the tattoo gun's needle cuts off completely, "Excuse me," she finally states with a huff, "Could you please keep the volume a little lower? It vibrates the walls when it's up so high."
She gets a lot of blank stares. . .a lot. . .and wordlessly, the man who was sitting beside it leans over and turns it right back up, even louder than it had been before, everyone going back as they had before she'd come through. Y/N is infuriated! She asked so fucking nicely, how the hell could they just ignore that? Was it the octopus shirt?
In the next few moments, she doesn't think. Instead, she turns back towards the stereo, leans down and reaches behind the speaker before yanking the plug from the wall and the music cuts off completely.
When she lifts back up, she deadpans the lot of them.
"Harry sent me." She snaps before walking out, slipping beneath the curtain, sparing a glance at Riktor who has his brows raised and when she pushes through the door, almost running into a body. A body that is very much Harry, who has his fingers curled around the top of two bakery bags, brows furrowed.
"Y/N?" He looks concerned, and she wonders if it's written all over her face that she's irritated, "What's wrong?"
She looks at him, and his stupidly gorgeous eyes, and his way too pretty mouth, and just shakes her head, "Nothing's wrong, I took care of it."
She leaves it at that.
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Y/N feels a little guilty later on. Not entirely guilty, because it felt good to shut it off entirely and she hadn't heard a peep from them otherwise, but guilty enough that she had thought about writing a note suggesting that they just switch the stereo to a wall that they're not sharing, but she stops herself. They'd probably just roll it in a ball and toss it in the trash anyway, so instead of writing a note, she worked on setting up the new display for The Devil of All Time and throws around a few ideas about how to draw people in with a poster or something detailing that this was going to be a movie soon.
Ayla had gone home after praising her for being a badass, leaving Y/N to her thoughts. A good amount of customers flowed in but it was a Monday and Mondays were always pretty slow (business picks up as the week goes on so she'd been expecting as much. So she does some housekeeping and wonders if she should hire someone to at least speak to when she's bored, but the thought of another person in here kind of gives her the willies. This store was her baby. . .her cute little, chubby fingered, drooly, bed wetting baby and the thought of letting a stranger step a foot near her innocent little baby to destroy it with their grubby hands got right under her skin. Y/N's better at working alone, she thinks, and she doesn't know how much she'd fair as a leader if she felt a teensy bit bad about taking initiative yelling at a ton of grungy tattoo artists.
She's suckling on her bottom lip, staring at a blank poster board and figuring she should probably take her little art project home rather than stay here any later than need be, when there's a jingle of her door's bell, and she looks up to see none other than Harry. Harry who looks very. . .very guilty, lips drawn downward, and Y/N opens her mouth to ask what he was doing but he holds one hand up, the other preoccupied with a rolled bag similar to the one from the bakery he'd had earlier in the day, "Before you rip me a new one, I just want to apologize. I had them turn it down all this morning and I leave for lunch and I don't doubt they twisted the knob all the way up again. I told 'em I would take the damn stereo away if they kept it up." He tears the beanie from his hat, combing his fingers through his hair, shaking out the curls, and waving the bag he'd brought,  " So I brought you a piece of Boston Cream Pie. Told 'em they better be nice to you too, 'cos you're our neighbor and they ran off the last cute little boutique we had and. . ." he looks around, gaze fluttering about the room, "S'kinda dark in here, Pet, you should get some more lights -- ooh, do those yellow fairy ones, isn't that what they're called?"
Y/N's head tilts to the side, brows furrowing as she takes the bag from him, "Excuse me?"
"Sorry, sorry, off topic I know,  I just thought this is a college town and y'know how they're suckers for fairy lighting; innocent little things, as soon as they get out they tear 'em down and pretend nothing happened."
Y/N tries not to show on her face that she definitely has fairy lights strung up in her flat, as she responds, "S'fine, um -- yeah, I'll look into that," she shakes her head, placing the bag to the side and unrolling it, reaching in for the pie and the fork, "Sorry about tearing the plug from the wall, hope it didn't short circuit or anything."
His eyes go wide, "No, no! No apologies told you to tell them arseholes I sent ya and that you did." He lowers himself before her familiarly and Y/N's brows raise, not expecting him to go ahead and make himself comfortable but not terribly turned off that he did. Though she was quite. . .taken by him -- enough so that she was sort of dry-mouthed as he stretched his leg out, leaning back and holding himself up with the palm of his hand behind his back. The ripped holes in his blue jeans pucker up, the cuffs of his jeans pinch rolled down to a very clean pair of pink socks and loafers. Once she sees the bottom half of him, she focuses then on the top, seeing him in a worn Pink Floyd shirt and he's just so. . .boyish, she can't get over it. "What're you staring at? Have I got croissant on me face?"
While he reaches up to swipe away at nonexistent crumbs, she shakes her head, "No, no," she reassures him, "No, s'just -- um. . .you don't look much like you'd be a tattoo artist. Or be the boss for that matter," her brows dip in, "Not like that's a bad thing, its just compared to the aesthetic of your parlor you kind of. . .stray from the part."
For a moment she wonders if that was rude but Harry doesn't seem all too bothered by her statement, poking at first his eyebrow and then his lip and nose, "Had a few piercings believe it or not. But I was with a girl a while back who absolutely hated them and I had 'em out so long that the holes closed up." He sighs, waving his hand over his face, "Would've gotten them pierced again but I found people find me much more approachable without them in, so I didn't bother."
Y/N's face skewers, shaking her head as she caps the sharpie she'd been working with, "That's shit," she mutters without thinking, finally popping open the plastic container with the pie, "You shouldn't have changed yourself for a girl's sake. If she really cared for you, then she wouldn't mind the piercings." She's digging the fork into the pie, wondering why it felt so easy to talk to him. . .he had a sort of charming way about him that sucked her in easily -- or maybe it's because she had nobody to talk to for hours on hours, being left with her own thoughts for way too long makes her rather susceptible to speaking without really being prompted to, "I mean, if I was crazy about a guy and he had like. . .like Nirvana's entire discography tattooed on his face, I wouldn't care if it made him happy, y'know? S'a shame thinking the world and all its people are s'pposed to bend at your will." She slips the pie into her mouth, realizing that maybe he didn't technically ask for her input at all, and her heart almost drops to her stomach because the last thing she'd want to do is make enemies with the one person who's on her side, "I'm sorry, that's none of my business."
She looks up expecting him to look pissy, gathering his things to leave, but instead, he's smiling, looking pleasantly surprised, "No, no, don't apologize. Wish I would've had you 'round when it was happening to me, would've done me some good."
And if she's honest. . .maybe she really should hire somebody, because she also (apparently) becomes very pushy and involved in other people's lives because she goes on to ask, "Well, what happened between you two? If you don't mind me asking." She pushes some of the whipped cream off the top of the pie, "I love a good romance story."
Snorting, Harry chuckles, "You're a bloody trip, y'know that? Just sat down and you wanna know all my nitty gritty feelings," He doesn't make any move to leave, "Your blatant and unapologetic interest is refreshing, however, so I'll give you it. I'm more or less an open book but  this "romance" was more like a dark drama -- was the farthest from healthy." He shakes his head, "Would've brought a beer with me if I'd known I'd be getting into it, but basically, I met her when she'd come in for a tattoo on her ankle -- a little boat on her ankle -- and we sort of clicked right off the bat. She gave me her number at the end of the tattoo, kissed my cheek, and I was proper swooning. Everything was really good for a while too, like we would go on these cutesy little dates and then elaborate ones and when we had sex that was nice too but after like the second-month things kind of went to shit."
"She told ya to take out the piercings?" She guesses and he nods, a somber smile starting at his mouth.
"Started there, sure. Told me to take them out because they looked dumb or summat -- made me seem like a brooding teen punk is what she said, but I was so moony-eyed for her I took 'em right out without a second thought. At first, she loved haring what tattoos people got, and then she said I talked about work too much, but when I stopped she accused me of cheating on her instead of going to work. After convincing her I wasn't and I would never, we'd sleep together, cuddle to sleep, wake up in the morning and it'd start all over again. Started feeling like she wanted me to quit work altogether, stay with her at home all the time. . .would suggest it in the morning then cry when I left and blow up my phone all day." He shakes his head, "Won't say I was a saint, 'cos I definitely wasn't. Started ignoring the calls and messages after a while until I finally told her I couldn't do it anymore."
Y/N frowns for him, tutting her tongue, "A right mess. You were right to end things, 'cos if you don't have trust what do you have?"
"It's like I walked in and opened up a Nicholas Sparks book," he jests and she furrows her brows at him, "Like y'know just what to say, huh?"
"I'm very smart," she gives a fake gloat, "S'why I bought a shop next to an incredibly loud tattoo artist's whose customers like ashing in my flowerbeds. I'm full of grand ideas."
The jab makes Harry's lips stretch wide around a grin.
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If someone had told Y/N while she was in high school, that her job would entail strolling in at seven in the morning, when the sky had just barely mottled a lavender, hazy dawn and wearing her cheap bear slippers -- she'd say they were crazy. Yet there she was, equipped with a box of nails (because they were much cheaper than command hooks), a hammer, and ten boxes of fairy lights so that she could lighten up the essential essence of the store. No matter how much she didn't want to admit that Harry was right about the lighting, he was, and she wasn't dumb enough to pass up an opportunity to make this place feel more home-y.
Harry was. . .interesting, Y/N thought. While she's ambling over the juniper colored rug (one she'd splurged on at the furniture store off main street, wool with a cotton-latex backing -- the man who had sold it to her somehow convinced her it was okay to spend the extra money for it to be 100% real and for a frazzled, newly bank loaned Y/N, she decided that wool was cool), she thinks about the time they'd spent together. He'd stayed a little while after he'd told her the story of him and his ex, waited for her to finish off the pie and reached for the container and stuffed it into the bag he'd brought it in. "As much as I'd love to stay, I really gotta hit the hay. M'right knackered," he'd stretched out his body with a loud, groaning hum and his eyes even watered some with the gratifying burn of it, "You should go get some sleep too since it's only you working here." 
"How'd you know that?"
He'd snorted and rolled his eyes as he gathered his things, "Please, you're the only one I ever see coming in and out of here every morning and night, plus you just spent an hour talking to your obnoxious neighbor like we're old friends," he shook his head, "Need someone to talk to throughout the day or you'll go mad -- thought I could tattoo by meself and now I've got more than five knob heads working for me."
Y/N isn't sure what kind of weird mentor/mentee relationship was beginning to germinate between the two of them but she had no idea how to feel about it. On one hand, it's nice to have because while college does a well enough job of teaching you how to run a business theoretically,  stepping into it on your own was a whole new world. Harry had been through the trials and tribulations of opening a shop, starting something, getting people there, and finding an aesthetic for his own store -- he could help her with some things, she's sure of it, and she knows that if she ever had a problem regarding being an owner, he'd most likely be the first person she sought out for advice. There was something undeniably charming about him, it made it easier to hear his ideas rather than wanting to tell him to shut the hell up and let her run her own store, hence the reason she's here so early hanging up string lights.
On the other hand, she fears he's only buttering her up so she doesn't file some complaint regarding his employees. Did he think she'd really go to the police? Or was last night him trying to feel out what kind of person she was and how far they might be able to push her before she does? She'd like to think that he was a hundred percent innocent in her intentions but she just couldn't ignore the flitters of doubt in her mind. Someone as winsome as he is doesn't not know that they could get what they want if they played their cards right and she wonders if he was pulling out all the stops on her -- bringing her pie, sitting with her on her rug, and entertaining her with a story knowing full well she'd be a sucker for it because, well, she owned a damn bookstore.
Despite all that, he was good company at the very least, and not too terrible on the eyes, so she figures -- even if this is him doing some sly buttering -- she'd let him come around. At least until he started to annoy her.
While Y/N lugs an old kitchen chair from the supply closet, she reckons that she needs to buy something of a small ladder for her endeavors such as this. There were a few stepstools she had placed strategically around the store, but they only went high enough for the bookshelves rather than for above them and along the junction of the ceiling and wall. She slides the chair up against the wall after spotting an outlet and prays that it's not wobbly as she plucks a nail from the box and holds it between her fingers, keeping the hammer secure against her palm as she hoists herself up. A small squeak leaves her in alarm when she thinks the chair is about to tip but the leg had only left the ground a fraction of a millimeter so she was fine for now.
The prospect of someone working for her was continuing to feel more and more like a good' she'd have someone holding the chair steady for her as she finally stopped tricking herself out and slowly pushed herself upward, straightening out her legs and positioning the nail just a few centimeters down from the ceiling. She pinches it loosely with her finger as she taps the blunt end of the hammer against it in gentle taps, seeing no need in wailing on it, especially when she wanted it at a slight incline so the chances of the wires slipping off and her having to get back up on this chair were slimmer.
Once she's finished the first, she's proper proud of herself. Is taking a minute to admire her work when the very sudden and alarming sound of her bell chiming and the sound of her squawking cry as she jumps and clutches onto the wall masks over the intruder, until she looks over and sees none other than Harry himself with wide eyes, "Oh, my bad Love, didn't mean to scare you."
"Could you at least knock?" she groaned, brows furrowed with a hand limply covering her chest, "We're closed, go home."
Harry snorts as he watches her dismount from the chair, catching herself on the wall once again, "Well, I was just coming 'round to open up, and I saw you nailing into the walls while standing on a very wobbly chair in what appears to be slippers and I came to offer my aid, if you'd like it."
"I'm fine," she told him, pushing the loose strands of hair that tickled at her face backward, trying desperately not to stare at him for too long. He looked like he just woke up and it was cute; he had sleep puffy eyes, fluffy, noticeably freshly washed hair pushed back by a pair of unnecessary sunglasses, swamped in a hoodie much too large for him and a yawn stretches his mouth out, "Why are you here so early anyway? Do people get tattoos at seven AM?"
Shaking his head, Harry sets down the sketchbook that she just now realized had been in his hand and a few different pencils, including a pencil sharpener and it only just hits her that Harry must draw and design a lot of that tattoos that he does, "Trying to do a few new designs for the wall but I get too distracted when m'at home, so I come 'round here before it opens. The vibe is. . .like, good for the brain, y'know?" Y/N nods, even though she doesn't know and she watches as he looks from the nail to the hammer on the seat, to the boxes of lights she'd ordered online, and a grin pulls at his mouth, "You took me advice, ey?" He looks proud of himself and Y/N can't decide if it's really cute or really annoying.
"Its a bit dark I suppose," she admitted, waving her hand around lamely, "And the ceiling lights are more ominous than comforting at night and it feels more like an evil lair than a cozy bookstore."
His smile only grows bigger, "See? M'not an all gloomy, knife on the wall, grunge monster -- got me soft gooey spots too. Have a few art pieces I think you might like t--"
"Oi, don't get too big for your britches, I don't need an interior designer." She nips him off but he doesn't take any hurt from her words, only getting closer to her and raising the chair, moving it over a good chunk before setting it back down and holding onto it, nodding towards the chair and her face twists in confusion, "What?"
"Get on the seat then," he pats on it, "If you won't use me for my wonderful vision yet, then you can use me for my chair steadying hands."
Y/N's heart warms some, "Yet?" She repeats, plucking another nail out of the box and taking hold of the hammer again.
Harry shrugs, "Got hope you'll come to your senses."
She gives him a soft shove to his shoulder only to find he's incredibly sturdy and she doesn't know how to feel about that either.
"Just don't stare at my ass, yeah?" She tells him, pushing herself up onto the chair again with no squeak required because the chair doesn't shift.
He gives a mocking, exasperated sigh, "Damn, the only reason I offered my help was so I could objectify you a little eensy bit."
Y/N laughs harder than she should and when she looks down at him, she can noticeably see his ego being stroked, and yeah, he's far too cute right now. She can't tell if she wanted more to coddle him to her chest and shield him from the world, or to be the one who is coddled, but she sweeps the idea of it from her mind just as quickly as it'd come. She wasn't looking to pursue the idea of any crush her mind and heart decided to concoct in an effort to finally do her in. Plus she's got no time for a relationship anyway. When it came to being with someone, she believed that it was something that took time and care -- like gardening almost. Planting the seed was the easiest part, but then you had to tend to it; water it daily, stroke it's petals tenderly, assure it that it's going to blossom so beautifully and once it does, you have to work even harder to not let it wilt.
How could she give the proper love and care to anyone when she's trying to work the garden of her bookstore? Nobody deserved to be second to that of a store when it came to their significant other, and from how mindful, thoughtful, and sweet Harry was. . .well, that wouldn't be fair to him either.
That's to say if he even liked her in the first place.
She shakes her head at herself -- why is she even thinking like that? Probably because he was looking all soft swallowed up in his hoodie and sweatpants, and he's helpful and kind and it's not often you meet boys like that. Usually, there's a catch and she's waiting for Harry's -- for him to be a closeted asshole who's magnanimity only scraped the surface but deep down he was nothing but molten, murderous evil. Maybe he was a homicidal maniac worming his way close to her so he could get her alone, lock her in a cage, and starve her out? Or he'd get her from behind, bludgeon her with a hardcover book just for the irony of it.
But then she looks down, sees that he's watching her hands and not her bum, his gaze flickering to her own before the corner of his lips draw back in a cordial gleam, "Your handy work is top caliber," he remarks, nodding towards where she's left the nail in the wall, "Bet your fingers are strong and skilled from all the page turning."
A huffed laugh comes from her nose, chest puffing out with it.
He couldn't hurt a fly.
                                                          .                                           .                                          .
Y/N needs to hire someone.
She knows she does, and Ayla nor Harry would let her forget it, but she's too proud! Told herself she could start and run a business with no help and had intended to keep it that way, but there was so much that was entailed regarding all of this it was going to drive her up the wall. Like when she's finally gotten taken off hold with Baker & Taylor's helpline to let them know they sent her forty copies of Fifty Shades of Grey and it's predecessors when she most certainly did not, but she has to step away from the phone because someone can't reach a copy of Dean Koontz's latest novel. Or when she's trying to multitask cleaning up someone's spilled coffee off the rug (assuring through a myriad of their apologies that it was fine, it's why she had purchased the industrialized carpet cleaner met for the tracked stains of a Great Mastiff's colossal muddy paws in the first place), setting up an automatic payment for the electricity (which had sparked in price considering the lights lining the walls but with this came more night time visitors so it evened out), and realizing that there were three people waiting patiently in line for her to check them out.
Having at least one other hand would be beneficial, but again, she could only stress how hard it would to find someone she trusted with her snotty nosed baby of a bookstore. Who would she feel comfortable leaving alone if she had to run errands? To run the store when she was home sneezy and feverish? To open up the books and not damage their binding with the box cutter like she'd almost did a handful of times (before specifically requesting they put a protective wrapping over the shipments so she didn't have to play the surgeon game of "let's not nick an artery" book-edition). The only person she could even kind of imagine was Harry of all people, and he was busy running his own thing next door!
She guesses she could put a help wanted sign up front, but she would draft up the application herself, and including a questionnaire seemed necessity at this point. At the very least so she could feel out what kind of person they'd be and whether or not they'd be able to click, or if they would share her intense and immense love for books and reading. If they're to work here, she wants it to be to their enjoyment as much as it's for their paycheck, which is a lot to ask from some people, especially in a college town.
Hiring someone seems worth it until she imagines the first time they manage to do something like knock an entire bookshelf over, and then she thinks she'd rather work around the clock 24/7 than dare let anyone who isn't her do anything ever.
All of this is weighing like two fifty pound dumbbells on her mind as she's sat on the ground, starting a new project rather than actually dealing with the problem at hand. A few weeks ago she had bought a decently large basket but had nothing to do with it so it'd just been sitting collecting dust in the corner of her room until an idea struck her of its purpose. She'd put books in it, sure, but books that are wrapped up all nice and neat, with only a short description of it scrawled out over the paper. There's one thing she's come to learn to be a reader herself, and that is no matter how hard someone might try, they will always judge a book by its cover. The story could be exactly what someone was looking for -- the right amount of suspense or romance, horror or comfort, a plot that would keep you intrigued, and a page-turner that you'll never want to end -- but you could pass it right up because you don't like the fruit bowl on the cover. Y/N reckons that every time you're in a bookstore or in the library, you're bound to pass what could've been your all-time favorite book, just because the cover hadn't had you arsed enough to pick it up.
So she bought all the supplies for it and waited until closing, as always, to set herself up on that green rug. She'd moved the display table on it (strategically moving the books atop of it on the checkout counter) off to the side to give her the maximum amount of space for the thick brown recycled wrapping paper, her four rolls of scotch tape, the bumblebee printed scissors she'd brought from home, and starting with twenty random books she'd plucked off her shelf as to not overwhelm herself.  Y/N had successfully completed three books with a permanent furrow in her brow before she heard the gentle rapping of knuckles on glass, looking up to see Harry's silhouette and his face pressed against the glass, mouthing let me in and point at the knob.
Her mood almost lightens immediately at the sight of him, placing her palms flat on the ground to push herself up on wobbly legs (she'd been sitting cross-legged for at least an hour) and walk to the door, unlocking it with the keys in the deadbolt and twisting the knob. "Jesus, are you ever home?" He questions as he steps in, "When did I help you with the lights? Two weeks ago? Don't think you've left since."
"You're not the only one who gets distracted when you're at home," she responds, relocking the door before retreating to her makeshift craft center in the middle of the floor, "Why wrap books when a bowl of popcorn and endless movies are at my disposal?"
"And the popcorn is far too buttery for you to be doing both," he adds thoughtfully.
Y/N snaps her fingers and points at him, "Bingo," she holds the edge of the paper down with her socked toes as she grabs for the tape dispenser, running the sticky side against the sharp teeth and nicking at the pad of her thumb in the process, "Why're you always wearing a beanie?" She asks him, referring to the olive green knit that's tucked atop his head, "You've got such pretty soft curls, don't hide them."
It takes him back some, she can tell, and she starts to wonder if she should've said it at all but a soft smile worms onto his lips and he manages to look way too cute like that, reaching up to pull at the top of the beanie, letting his hair fall about freely. It wasn't particularly unruly -- just soft brown tufts, that must be killer to run fingers through -- curls sprout around his ears, growing down towards his shoulders. She'd never seen hair like his; it was clear he took care of it and she'd reckon he'd used a hair mask or two, because it appeared healthy and clean, "Thank you," he murmurs sincerely, "Didn't think people much liked them -- get told to get a cut about every other day."
Y/N scoffs, "Well tell 'em to shove it. I like them, they suit you and I don't lie. Only cut your hair if you want to, but if you like it, who gives a rat what people think?" She shakes her head, ridding herself of the frustration building within her at the prospect of someone being rude enough to tell Harry to get a haircut when he clearly likes it long, trying to soothe the way she'd grumbled over by moving on with, "Anyway how was tattoo-ing today? Any fun stories."
Harry settles his keys down on the ground where he soon places his coat after slipping it off his shoulders, leaving it in a heap that he then sits beside, "I would tell you if I didn't think you were deflecting, but I got this aching feeling that there wasn't a furrow in your brow jus' 'cos you were wrapping books."
She wonders how he does that -- he's got an eye for people, she guesses, and she thinks having a secret that you have to keep from him was probably akin to one of the layers of hell. Y/N had never felt so cut open around him; like he'd pried her apart from the inside out, looking inside, knowing everything before she had a chance to even voice it aloud at all if she even knew it herself yet. Hell, she could make a book metaphor but it seemed a little on the nose as she's sat amongst a shit ton of them.
"Hey," he hums, catching her gaze with his own, and he looks so. . .gentle -- concerned and soft and sweet, "Y'know, you can rant and vent to me about stuff, yeah? Owning a business can be rough and not many people know the actual tribulations of it; never see past the whole, "you're your own boss!" aspect of it so I get it." He puts a finger in the air though, "However, if you're about to say something poor on yourself, I'll have you know that you're doing very well thus far from the amount of people leaving here with paper bags full of books, and to come to a college town that's absent of any small, homey little bookstores when they're discovering their comfort in things that are cozy was a well-planed move. You've accomplished so much already and you should definitely be proud of yourself."
A smile tugs at the corner of her mouth, her free hand going to tuck the hair behind her ear, "Thank you," she responds, "That means a lot." And it does! For someone to say that you're doing good when you've started something so much bigger than you -- it feels nice. Like the hug of your favorite sweater, or the way it feels to place your head against a feather filled pillow. Y/N couldn't believe how easily Harry has nearly resorted her to mush, so much so that she nearly forgot her problem at hand, "I just. . .I think I need to hire someone but I don't really want to." She takes the permanent marker from underneath her knee, before writing on the copy of Kathleen Hale's No One Else Can Have You:
Awkward Teenage Disappearing Mystery
Very Creepy
She pushes it off to the side as she continues, "Like, the help would be nice, but then I have to like them, and trust them 'cos this place means so much to me and I've put so much work into it that I can't just let any old stranger come in! And what if it's a college student and they invite their stupid drunk friends over before close? I can just see my lamp being destroyed and then I'd have to scold them, but I'm shit at yelling at anyone, I don't think anybody takes me seriously and its not like I could dox their pay even if I really, really wanted to but I can't fire them either for one little mess up. Like what if they need the money y'know? On those Myer Brigg's type tests I always get stuck on the one where it asks if you'd have trouble firing an employee who was shit at their job but loyal and I had always imagined it really could go either way, but how am I supposed to decide whether or not someone has a job?" Pausing, she knuckles worriedly at her eyes, shaking her head, "But I shouldn't even be thinking about that because I don't even have a fucking employee yet, so. . ."
Once he's certain that she's not going to say anymore, Harry speaks up, "This is the stuff they don't really tell you when you get a business degree, yeah? It's hard. . .working by yourself is hard and working with people is hard, and it sucks trying to find who suits you best as your first employee. My first was Riktor. . .proper hated the bugger," he leans backward on his palms, tilting himself sideways so he could stretch his legs outward, "He had a fouler mouth than mine and I thought he was a prick, if m'honest, but when I saw him do a full sleeve of the most beautiful work I'd ever seen, got a chance to really talk to him, and found out that him n'I have loads in common. You just have to give whoever you hire a chance, pick their brain a little, you'll understand them more as a person so if they do make a mistake it isn't just some mindless bumbling idiot."
A frown tugs at her mouth, "Why do you always know what to say?" She grumbles and he laughs brightly, warm, wiggling down in her gut and fluttering butterfly wings lick and tickle her insides.
"M'bloody smart, s'why," he drops his lid down in a wink, "Now, explain to me what you're doin, so I can help," he tells her, "For the time being, I'm your employee, I work for five cents an hour and require constant affirmation that I'm wrapping correctly."
Harry helps her, even though he's shit at wrapping (they both find this out at the same time) and even though he asks a lot of questions and worms the endings out of her despite how much she both simultaneously loves and loathes ruining books for people. But it was nice -- he was nice -- and it makes her feel quite soft. Softer than she likes to feel in the presence of anyone. . .Y/N prides herself on not losing herself in the thoughts of a relationship, putting herself first in all things, and it can't be seen as selfish because who would she be putting second if she was alone?
But Harry was like a pest. A squirmy little bug that has settled in her, and planted imagery of them going home together rather than leaving each other after this. To continue their conversations. . .laughing and teasing and cuddling and maybe Y/N could be held one night instead of falling asleep buried beneath her covers trying to keep warm.
Though she eventually remembers that she likes having the bed to herself and she'd probably get too sweaty anyway, so she shakes the idea from her brain.
Harry brought her from these thoughts though when he had plucked the last book from her pile, looking at it with brows raised before turning it to face her, "On Dublin Street, ey? This looks pretty saucy," he peers at the back, eyes scanning over the description, immediately lighting up as he reads from it, "Braden Carmichael is used to getting what he wants, and he's determined to get Jocelyn into his bed." He flickers through a lump of pages with his thumb, bending the book backward some as he does, "Didn't know you were into such filth, Pet."
Y/N rolls her eyes, "I haven't read it, but Ayla swears up and down that it's the best thing she's ever read in her life so I figured I'd put it in."
He holds it in his hands, front to back, before digging into his pocket  and pulling out a handful of bills, "I'll buy it off you."
"What?" She tilts her head but he's leaning forward, placing the money into her hand and closing her fingers around it, "Oi -- what're you --"
"Let's start a book club," he remarks decisively, a short nod of his head, "Just you and me. We'll read a few chappies, talk about it, and we'll start with this book right here."
Her mouth falls open, shaking her head, "Harry, I don't even have time to read books that I want to read, much less --"
"Then make time," he cuts her off, shaking his head some, "You love reading, don't you? Don't let what made you start up this store in the first place get swept under the rug. We'll read however many chapters we decide on and meet up for coffee on Sundays to discuss. This will kick it off, then we can move to books that we are actually interested in, but for now, we'll do a tester. Have you got another one around here?"
She doesn't really get a chance to tell him that yes she does, it's on the third shelf over from the desk on the erotica shelf (a cute little sticker labels it), because he's already stood up and ventured it out himself. It was true -- Y/N hadn't been able to read much since she initially got this place up and running, and she missed it terribly but it felt like it would be a chore more than anything some nights. It'd be easier to just turn off her brain than get invested in the stories she grows to love so much. And that's rubbish! Absolute rubbish, because she should be making time for the one thing that has always been her thing. She doesn't want to end up resenting this bookstore or books in general, just because she lost sight for what made her want to do this in the first place.
Y/N wonders aloud why Harry has made a habit of fixing problems she didn't even know she had yet, "I need you to start having problems too," she tells him, half joking, half serious, "Then I can start helping you out and this isn't so one-sided."
Harry grins at her, shaking his head.
"You help me," he responds, "You just don't notice when you are."
                                                                       .                              .                                   .
Y/N doesn't know why she feels so anxious. She and Harry had spent plenty of nights together, sat on her carpet and chatting with one another for hours into the night, pursuing her random projects and brightening up the store. He even stops by during his lunch breaks -- will bring some food for her even, mostly because she rarely leaves for lunch herself and sometimes forgets to pack her own. It had been routine almost, and she'd never felt nervous when he appeared at her door, smiling wide.
But now, when it comes to them meeting at the café to discuss this book though, she feels all types of tense and nervy. Y/N had left twenty minutes early, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth and nibbling on it hard as she made her way to the café. She briefly considered calling Ayla to soothe her nerves, but she knows Ayla would merely gas her up thinking this was a date when it wasn't. So she just tries to shake off her jitters and treat it like she's going to work, only instead of turning right on Grand, she keeps straight along the cobblestone path to the Mud Mugs café she had suggested as their meeting spot.
(It was a cute little nonprofit shop with killer lattes and milkshakes that she's been trying to wheedle the recipes out of one of the baristas for at least a year but he won't budge.)
Once she pulls the door open, she first scans the area for an empty spot for them to go to, before she realizes that Harry was already there, tucked away in a booth in the far corner with a mug of his own and one that's full across from him. Her heart feels full as she walks up to him, letting her purse slip from her shoulder down to the inside of her elbow, and towards her hand with her fingers curling around the straps. Harry looked incredibly pretty, which she is beginning to realize is a trend with him. His shirt is worn and black, light washed blue jeans cuffed at the ankles, and plain white shoes with baby pink socks, a pink beanie that matches it tucked on his head. She wonders if she should ask him to go shopping with her because she's feeling like a walking toddler in her overalls, but when he notices her arrival he grins at her, looking her up and down, "Well, aren't you just the cutest thing?"
Y/N rolls her eyes, taking her seat across from him, "Shut up," she grumbles, before leaning over the table, taking the top of his beanie and pulling it upward, "What'd I say about these, huh?" She settles the mussed curls with her hands, patting it down and rearranging them until they sat less messy on his head, leaving it all soft and washed, "They're cute, let them breathe."
"Okay, okay boss," he pats at his hair, making sure it felt at least partially how he wanted it to, patting at the beanie and slipping it over to the side, "I ordered you a white chocolate latte, but if you want something different I can get that."
"No, no, thank you these are my favorite," she assesses the situation, seeing that he's got the book out, bright post-its stuck out of the pages, his own latte half gone already. His hand is palm down to the table, fingers splayed, showing off the big brassy rings decorating his fingers and she tries not to let her mind wander someplace filthy. Especially when his fingers curl up, knocking on the laminate tabletop decisively before starting.
"Let's get right to it then, what are your thoughts?"
The look he gives her is one that reads I already know what you're going to say but she says it anyway, "I'm just. . . just so confused," she shakes her head, like she's trying to rearrange her thoughts, "Like are they sixteen years old? Why is it so important that he saw her naked?" Her brows furrow, and he's listening carefully like she's making an analytical thought and he's drinking it in, "It's not like he saw her pussy out, he at most saw her tits and they're acting like he walked in with her bent over, cheeks spread an all."
It makes Harry chuckle, "So you don't find it super, completely, totally wild and embarrassing when someone walks in you naked?"
"I mean it's embarrassing but not over two pages embarrassing," she leans back into her seat, "Like back in college, this boy I was kinda friends with kinda just worked together in class with walked in on me while I was changing and all he did was squeal, went back to my living room and we pretended that it didn't happen. Easy as pie."
Harry snaps his fingers, "That's because your guy wasn't a prick, but this Braden character seems like an asshole. I hate him already, the cocky bastard." He shakes his head, "S'like he was created just to be a creepy bloke."
Y/N all but slaps her hand down on the table, "Right! He's liked an Edward Cullen without all the charming vampire bits."
"Crazy thing is, tha's exactly what I was thinking."
They continue on for a little over an hour and its fun -- a whole lot of fun, actually. Y/N wonders why she had even been dreading this in the first place because she should know to trust him by now. He had good ideas and good thoughts and a good everything, really -- or at least that's what it surely felt like. The two of them just fell into things so easily, she was having trouble remembering that they'd only met a month or so ago because the way they moved and spoke in sync almost, was something that could take years for two people to accomplish it. To add on to all of it, he felt like the kind of person where she'd be able to sit in silence with him and not want to crawl out of her skin because of it, which is a very damning feat for most, given Y/N can find reasons to be uncomfortable in almost every situation.
In these moments with him, she wasn't stressed about work, or bills, or anything really, and she could only hope he felt the same.
"This is a blast," Harry had spoken with his vocabulary joking but the meaning behind them sincere, dragging her from her reverie, and apparently dragging the thoughts directly from her head, "We'll keep doing this yeah? And we'll have to hang out other than this too -- the guys at the parlor would love you, I can feel it in my bones." For a moment he pauses, quiet like he's thinking, then remembering, and then suddenly, with a click of his thumb and forefinger the excited gleam on his face when he'd first suggested this appeared, "Come to the club with us this Friday."
Y/N's mouth opens, almost closing but she just barely gets out an, "I -- I don't know Harry, that's not really my um. . .don't think m'very good at clubbing, is the thing. Not really my scene."
"You don't have to be good, you just have to have fun, and I'll be there, so it'll be fun" he informs her, and she thinks he may be hypnotizing her with the soft green gaze of his, feeling as if he'd cracked her open and begun peering into her soul -- his eyes were too damn mesmerizing, she's almost certain that he was something out of a story. Certainly not human, but a mystical being with promises of magic and dust that turns you all shades of pink and purple and the absence of all worries that you could ever think to have. If eyes were windows to the soul, then Harry's soul is all types of alluring and compelling. She had half the mind to wonder if he were a vampire or summat. . .he'd suit the role nicely. "And since you'll be there, then it'll be even more fun."
Though she's uncertain, she doesn't dismiss him right off the bat. Maybe it would be good for her -- she could invite Ayla, who's always complaining how she's no fun anymore. It might be fun even. . .outside of her otherwise natural habitat and she had kind of wondered what Harry was like around his real friends. Not just his weird, work neighbor friend who she's fairly certain he only talks to her because he can spread some of his wisdom that would otherwise be bottled up inside him. They were kind of in the same spot job-wise, so it must be good to relinquish some of the aches and pains he's experiencing with someone who also does, or even just to see that she's doing a little worse off in sorting some stuff out -- he probably finds solace in the fact that he's not at that point in his career anymore.
This makes her worry though -- what if he likes her just as a work friend? She'd definitely had friends like that, where they do better justice in the setting that you met them in, opposed to the outside world. Like that one really good friend in your math class that you would never, ever in your life think to go to the mall with. Or the boy that helps you pass time at your part-time retail job in the mall, where both of you barely bat an eyelash at each other when you pass one another on campus. What if they go out together and he finds that she is much better as just his work friend? Or she finds the same? What if he's a raging asshole in a club and the glorious image of him is crushed to smithereens? The thought of it bums her out.
But then he's looking at her with this tender, warm gaze, words coming from his mouth like little caresses as he says, "Of course, ys don't have to if you don't want to, but know that I'd enjoy your company." He puts his elbow on the table, his hand pressed to his cheek, looking at her in an almost dreamy like manner and she's about a hundred percent sure it's unintentional which is twice as aggravating as it would've been otherwise, "I think we'd have a good time together."
He's got her, "I'll think about it," she responds, which always means yes, and the smile that she tries to suppress must give her away because Harry bursts into a full-blown grin.
"Thank god, I've been wanting to spice these club visits up for a while now," he rolls his eyes, "Can only handle Eliza and Zig's melodramatic blackout breakups so many times before they start becoming humdrum and prosaic -- I'd like to see your reaction to it actually," Harry twists the ring on his middle finger with the pad of his thumb, "And I've kind of been wondering what a clubbing Y/N would be, if m'honest. Can't decide if you'd be the quiet, contemplative author type in the corner people studying or summat or if m'g'na be seein' you on the high tables in one shoe, an obscure song on, singing every word."
Y/N pushes the heels of her palms into her eyes, shaking her head as a distant memory threatens to prickle her brain from a very disappointing night in college junior year, "I was one of them once and it was an ugly night all around," she admits.
"Well, you've got t'a tell me now." He leans in but she shakes her head adamantly.
"Maybe if you get me drunk enough Friday."
                                                                          .                              .                                   .
Y/N is a little drunk.
Not too drunk; she could still walk by herself and she was fairly sure she would remember this night tomorrow morning at the very least, but it was just enough that she felt like she was floating on the tips of her toes spindling through the atmosphere on cloud nine. She was sober enough to be very aware of Harry's presence at her side all night but far gone enough to not overthink it too badly. It was a happy middle that she very seldom got to experience at any given point of her week.
The night had started off well enough-- Harry came around to pick Y/N up, simultaneously complimenting and giggling at her choice of attire (she brought out a different pair of overalls just to humor the both of them, "Let's get drinkin', at this here club, I've got t'a be back at the farm by cock's crow!"), and drove them to his place, where she got to stay all of three seconds because his mate had come to pick them up. She was only able to experience the messy trough of his living room, littered with clothing and soda cans for a moment in which he uttered bashfully,  "I sort of forgot to clean up."  And when she was opening her mouth to tell him it was fine, there was a honk outside.  
A man called Zig picked them up in a car a little worn for wear, with a loud clanking engine that she would have most definitely side eyed zooming down the road had she been walking somewhere, but he was nice enough. He had got out of the car and pulled the back seat forward, waving a dramatic mocking hand in swivels with a bow, "Your chariot awaits you," he'd gruffed out, voice mixed with an indistinct accent (like he might be Danish or Norwegian in root but Y/N didn't know enough about either to decipher it).
"Oh, Zig, m'honored," Harry tuts his tongue, a gentle hand on the small of Y/N's back as he helps her climb in, "It's not a trashcan for once."
Zig's face skewered up like the words stung, "Well, you said the book bee was coming and I figured the last thing she needed was to ride in a messy car," he closes the door when Harry climbs in beside her, helping her yank the seatbelt across her chest and clicking it in before his own, and when Zig opens the car back up on his side, "Especially when she has to spend a night with us max volume music listeners."
Y/N felt herself flush warm, "I'm sorry about that --" she had begun but Zig held his hand up, turning to face her some as he shifted the gear into drive.
"Ah, don't apologize. We were pricks and Harry gave us quite the upbraiding for it too."
This made  Y/N feel both good and bad simultaneously. Good because Harry had been telling the truth, and the fact that he had somewhat had her back before they even got to properly know one another made her feel warm. Bad because that means she was about to go hang out with a handful of people who got yelled at by their friend/boss for listening to their music too loud. What if they all resented her for it? Sure, Zig didn't seem to care but she had worried about everyone else claiming her to be annoying or summat.
She ended up worrying for naught though because everyone proved to be very kind to her, despite their past grievances. When they'd got to the club, her, Harry and Zig were both greeted with an exuberance that she had never encountered before. They had reserved a booth in the far back left of the club, at a sweet spot where the music wasn't overpowering their conversation and there weren't drunk college students clearly underage falling all over them. The lights were muted purple and blue hues, with spots of red that cast down in random spots, and while all of it was colorful and intriguing, Y/N had never felt more out of her element in the beginning. They were all nice enough, poking and prodding at her brain some, figuring out what kind of person she was, and a few times she was even able to make them laugh (whether it be with her or at her she couldn't be sure but she soaked it in none the less and booked on it being with her because she can be damn funny when she wants to be). She'd been sat beside Harry, who was sweet as ever, checking in on her every so often with a firm squeeze to the thigh that sends tingles up her leg.
Y/N hadn't been planning on really getting drunk at first. Had been content with a few drinks until she was on the pleasant side of tipsy -- but it had spiraled fast when Harry had left her side. She'd never felt more like she needed a security blanket more, eyes widening when he is whisked off to the dance floor before he could make it back to their table after using the loo and she realized that she was with a group of people she'd only just met. Zig was still chatting with her but part of her felt it was because he and Eliza (his girlfriend) had just had a nasty little argument in front of everyone and she was the only other person sat beside him. It's when Y/N looks out to the floor and sees Harry either courting or being courted by a brunette in a sparkly slip dress that things take a turn for her.
This feeling began to fatten inside her; like dark black ink staining her insides, the foul taste of jealousy on her tongue. She doesn't know why she feels jealous even -- she thought she'd been doing a semi-decent job reminding herself that they were merely friends and this wasn't anything more than that. That he had invited her so that she could have a good time, not because he had this secret, fiery love for her that he was too fearful to admit aloud and hoped a little liquid courage would push him towards it. This wasn't a book she was reading, this was real life, and boys don't think in real life. Most of them turn a certain age and bulldoze through people in pursuit of finding their person. . .barely any genuine heartfelt men out there that could compare to the likes of any romance novel written.
So she took Zig's offer up on another shot. And then another. And another. By the time Harry had ventured back to the table, absent of his new friend and slipping back into the empty space beside her, she was floating and her insides were warm from the alcohol. Harry seemed a bit drunker himself, grinning wide and loopily at her, "Hi beautiful," he'd hummed amiably, "Are you having fun?"
"Mhm," she nodded to him, "Riktor thinks that whale noises to sleep are very soothin' but I've convinced 'im that blizzard noises are good too." Her brows furrowed with a thought, "Hey, who was supposed to want to be my employee? Didn't you say he'd be here t'night?"
That's when Y/N was introduced to Niall, whose deep Irish accent explained why he didn't even seem touched by the three pints he'd downed in their time there. He had maybe gone a little too in depth as to why he needed a job (he lost his, can't tattoo for shit so Harry's parlor was out of the question, and his girlfriend kicked him out after a messy breakup) but Y/N still asks if he'd fill out an application for her because it was her first time doing this and she wanted to do it by the books and he had agreed, "I look forward to workin' with ya, if ya pick me," he had told her and she decided then that she probably definitely would (but she was also drunk and is just proud of herself for not offering him the job right there).
Throughout the night, Y/N felt that they liked to poke fun at Harry a lot, whom took it lightly but she's beginning to realize more why he wears beanies or is a little blushy face when she compliments him in any way. They can surely rip him one when they want to, from the slow way he talks sometimes like he's tasting his words before he says them, to his favored pink socks in his loafers, and above all, they tease him for his soft, curls. It almost enrages her to some degree, when they tell him he needs to cut it, or that the manbun wasn't "it", and while she knows its just some teasing between friends, she can see even through her drunk brain when Harry stops enjoying the jests and is resorting to soft little smiles and halfhearted chuckles until they finally move on to a different topic.
It's when he's begun fidgeting with his head and asking people if they had an extra hair tie or beanie perhaps that Y/N decides that she's had enough of it. Pushes her mixed drink to the side and pats on Harry's thigh, "Budge up, then," she urged him, "Going to the toilet." Harry slips from the booth but instead of heading off in the direction of the restrooms alone, she grabs him by the wrist, pulling him along with her. He lets out a few confused noises but ultimately letting her lead him with trusting ease. The bathrooms are tucked in a dim lit hallway with predominantly red lighting and for some reason the marbled black floors that they had been on changes to a stain mottled carpet. Instead of taking him into the bathroom, she instead pushes him down some, up against the wall and looking at him seriously.
"Are they hurting your feelings?" She questioned him, talking in an octave higher than she normally would due to the booming speakers on the other side of the wall and he feigned confusion, tilting his head.
"With what?" He asked in return and she rolled her eyes, shaking her head.
"You know what," she pushed and he curled within himself, looking down shyly because he did know what and that makes her heart feel like cracking in her chest. She reaches up, cupping his face in an overly affectionate manner before starting a reel of drunken affirmations, using both hands to tilt it up to face her, "D'ya like your hair?" She asks him, and when he does legitimately look confused this time she reiterates, "Do you like it long?" He barely thinks it over for a second, nodding his head gently and she hiccups, "Then don't listen to them. Same goes with your socks or how you speak. They're things that make you, you and if you like them then who gives a rat's ass what they think about it?" Adding a loving cheek pat, she leaves it with one more thought, and another soft hiccup, "They're only teasin' and they're your friends but teasin' can hurt sometimes too. Let 'em know when they're taking it too far, okay?"
Harry stared down at her with a certain look oozed from his eyes. She couldn't place her finger on what it was exactly, but it's the same look he gives her when she spits out a fact to a question that had just popped into his mind, or when she explains in detail the elaborate plots of some of the books she's read. Its soft and carries warmth -- close to adoration or a fondness but she wouldn't want to put herself on a pedestal with that -- and it makes her want to kiss him. Plant one on his sweet, pink pouty mouth and taste the bitterness of the dark liquor he'd thrown back just a few moments prior to her pulling him off.
"Thank you," he leaned forward, pushing their foreheads together for a moment, "Thank you." He repeated again.
The rest of the night, Harry was planted at Y/N's side and decided he seldom wanted to go anywhere without her. They were leaning into one another comfortably, relaxed, still chatting as a part of the group but also their own sector of thought and stories and jokes that made them a mess of eye-watering giggles. When a joints being passed around and Y/N doesn't take a hit with a polite, "I don't do that much anymore," (instead of going into an in-depth discussion on how she'd read a book solely about the lungs front to back and panicked to the point she'd handed the rest of hers off to her college roommate to do as she wished with it), Harry patted her thigh and gave it a small squeeze.
"Good," he'd murmured, just low enough for her to hear, "You're a good girl, yeah? Don't need this stuff," It had resonated deep within her, threatening a shiver down her spine at the slow syrupy way he'd said them and when she laughs a huff through her nose with a small nod, he grins, "Need'a just be me and you more, m'lungs would be aces."
"Your lungs are already aces," Eliza responds (at this point having made amends with Zig), passing the joint to Harry, "You don't inhale any bloody smoke."
Harry declines it this time around (though he had taken a puff earlier on when they first lit it up), in favor of tucking further into her side, "You smell too good to be around these heathens. . .like cupcakes or summat." A laugh leaves her, shaking her head and she wants to tell him no, that he's the one who smells so good. Wants to tell him how his scent is so lovely and so prominent that she thinks about it before bed sometimes, and in the least creepy manner, it soothes her weary mind to sleep -- but the words lock up in her throat. Instead, she only smiles gently and revels in the warmth of him glued next to her.
At some point his fingers had begun to play with strands of her hair (after asking her permission first), marveling at it and speaking to her softly, like he wasn't doing it. Had they been at home somewhere and not in a smoky club she would have filed this way in a book of sweetest moments she's ever had. He's looking at her like she was made of glitter, a soft gaze as he whispers how he thinks she's doing wonderfully with the bookstore and going on an anecdote of how she was handling running a business much better than him in his first few months. He tells her several times in several different ways that she was basically "kickass" and it's just too sweet. Especially when he begins gloating to Zig, Niall, and Eliza that he gets to see her almost every day. "Nice, pretty face," he hums, "I could only wish to have a face like that, yeah?"  She turned, hiding her face some in where his armpit and chest meet, feeling his chest vibrate with a laugh.
By the time everyone was ready to leave, there were a handful of designated drivers, one of which being Riktor who was much sweeter than he had originally seemed. He held her hand, helping her step off the small drop from the booth they'd been in, and guided her and Harry (who had his arms secured around her shoulders) to his car. He drives them both to Harry's and Y/N's too tired and floaty to panic about the fact that she'd brought nothing to sleep in, or how Harry probably only had one bed and not a particularly comfortable looking couch. Would sleeping beside him be so bad though? She doesn't think so. Thinks it might be quite nice to share a bed with him, dipping her nose into the covers and breathing his scent in deeply.
Harry makes a game of getting them inside, running his fingers up her sides in a tickling manner that makes her shriek and scamper ahead of him. He seems to love that though, the drunken stumbling bound of his feet close behind her until she made it to his door and realized that she didn't have the means to get inside before he did. Swinging around she bats away his playful hands, "Fuck off, fuck off!" She laughs and he flashes her a big old grin, turning around to wave at Riktor as he drove off before unlocking the door and letting them in.
This time Y/N gets to look a little bit more at her surroundings. It was a bit messy but not a pigsty, just some tidying could be done to the living room and it'd be good as new she reckons. He's got two lamps on either side of his three seater couch, a beaten plain navy with a small tear in the arm, a shaggy rug that is large enough to cover most of the hardwood flooring, and a small coffee table top of it. His TV is rather large and it looks like he'd been watching something on Netflix but forgot to turn it off when they'd left, its tucked in the corner on an entertainment center diagonal from the couch. Her eyes flicker along his walls -- a large tapestry of dark, intricately woven vines into some atypical design her brain couldn't conceptualize as anything at the moment, a few art pieces that she'd never seen before and upon closer inspection, she sees his name written in the corner of the most beautiful designs.
"Harry," she all but gasps, leaning in, gently touching her fingers to the edge of the frame it was in, tentacles opened up like the petals of a flower, so realistic it looks as if she could reach out and feel the slimy texture of it beneath her fingers, "This is amazing! I -- I've never seen anything like this before."
"Thank you," he murmurs happily, "I only hang up the ones I'm proud of."
She only fawns over his paintings a little more before she ends up following Harry to his bedroom, where he flops down onto the mattress with a umph and slings his arm underneath his head. Y/N shuffled awkwardly on her feet, standing in the doorway, unsure of what she was to do with herself. It's not until his head lulls to face her, that he waves her over, "Hop on in, Pet, don't have a queen size just so you can stare at it."
"You're sure you're okay sharing a bed with me?" She asks him and his face scrunches up.
"Are you a blanket hog?" He inquires seriously and when she shakes her head, then he nods, "Then of course I am. Now get your cute bum over here."
A fire is sparked to life in her veins as she makes her way over to him. The thought of sharing a bed with Harry was something that crossed her mind more than she'd like to admit it did, and she shivers when the intrusive ideas of something more happening in this bed try to swamp her mind filthy. She ambles over to the other side nervously, crawling in beside him, lying atop of the soft down comforter in her overalls, shuffling some to get comfortable. It may be a queen size mattress but she finds that there's very little space between them, especially when Harry flips over onto his side and beckons her to do the same, "So what'd you think of everyone?" He prods, like a teenager at a sleepover, hair splayed out on the white pillow cover, "Did they treat you well?"
Y/N nods quickly, "They were all very nice. I like Zig most I think, he was sweet. Pretty talkative."
A confused look warps Harry's face, "When were you talking with Ziggy? I don't remember that."
"S'when you were off getting courted on the dance floor," she responded, maybe a little too quickly and perhaps with a little too much fire under her bum. She hadn't meant to come off as jealous as she had felt in that moment, but she's almost certain that she did if his telling smirk was anything to go by.
"Oh, Y/N," he murmurs, reaching out for her hand and bringing it to his mouth in a very gentle graze of his lips against her knuckles and she thinks she might have gone slack-jawed as the next words leave him, "You're jealous?"
She opens her mouth to respond but her minds beginning to resort to mush, the words getting lodged, unlodged, and relodged in her throat until she can finally respond with, "I -- I don't know." Because she doesn't. . .she doesn't know because she thinks she likes him but she's been convincing herself that she didn't and it's all just fucked. Fucked because of course, when she wasn't looking for anyone she would find Harry, and fucked because she wants them to be something, and fucked that all of everything is being presented to her right now when her brain is drenched in Absolut and him and his scent and his sea foam eyes and raspberry mouth.
"Don't need t'a be," he assures her quietly, "Only got room in my heart for you, I reckon."
Y/N doesn't intend to lean forward but she does. Scooting so close that she could feel the warmth of his breath leaving his nose unto her upper lip, her vision unfocused as she gets closer to him until her eyes flutter shut and their mouths meet together tenderly. It's innocent and soft. . .the first kiss everyone imagines when they're growing up, she was experiencing (minus the being drunk and having already had her first kiss) here with Harry. She almost didn't want to sully the moment by pursuing it further but her mind renders lustful as she pushes further, scooting herself closer to him, and a whimper muffled against his mouth when his hand, decorated in those beautiful, brassy rings, lies gently on her cheek. Cradling it carefully like she was akin to the frail petals of a flower, and once she deepens it, pushing closer to his body feeling as his fingers slip from her face down the slope of her shoulder, tickling as they skim against her sides and ending at the round of` her hip, where his grip tightens. It stirs something deep in her abdomen when his fingers dig roughly into her flesh, feeling as she pulsates around nothing when he gives her a rough tug closer towards him, urging her leg around his hip and she feels his cock, firming from beneath his zipper and against her.
Harry moans against her mouth before she draws away, feeling lightheaded as air finally gusts back into her lungs, and her eyes flutter open to see that he's staring at her.
"Y/N," he murmurs, a soft snuffle from his nose as he wiggles, "You taste too sweet, you know? Don't know how m'gonna think about anything but your mouth from here on out."
Y/N thinks that will be a problem for her too.
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lesp1een · 3 years ago
BRET HART AND SHAWN MICHAELS REQUESTS YOU SAY... I'd just like a lil drabble about them being soft with each other. maybe its just a gentle day and they have a shared bath and then cuddle in bed under the covers. I love them and want them to be happy
This was supposed to be a lot shorter but I love them so much I got carried away sidkfdkdkd hope you'll like it!! ❤️
Sorry if there are any mistakes but english is not my first language and I'm still trying to get better at it,,
Bret invites Shawn over for a chill evening together, ft. Shawn having his first romantic dinner and Bret being disgustingly in love
"So you're being nice nice today, uh?" Shawn teased a bit, laughing softly.
"Don't make me regret this, Michaels." Bret was always a little bit harsh, but there was a softness to his tone, when he answered the other man.
It was the first time Shawn was being helped to undress for a reason other than having sex. It felt a little strange, to be honest. He wasn't used to all that relationship stuff, much less to spending a whole night at home doing nothing! But when Bret called him and asked him if he wanted to come over to his hotel room after work, he couldn't say no.
When he knocked at the door of the hotel room, the last thing he expected was to be greeted by a gentler than usual Bret Hart, who invited him inside with a hand behind his back.
"I'm really tired today, darling boy. So let's make it quick so i can rest a bit, okay?" Shawn was already starting to unbutton his own shirt, when the older man rest his hand on his, stopping him. "Not tonight, Michaels. I didn't invite you over for that." his voice was soft, and he was being honest. Bret was looking at him in a strange way, almost... Lovingly. He never got that look from him, and Shawn's heart couldn't help but flutted a bit.
"So why am I here?" God, he wished he didn't sound so abrupt all the time. He knew he fucked up his mannerism when he saw a blink of hurt cross the older man's eyes, but Bret was fast at hiding that, and he took Shawn's hand in his own, guiding him to the dining table, all nicely set up. The place was enlighted by the faint light of a candle, placed at the middle of the table. It was so stereotypically romantic Shawn smiled like an idiot, turning to face the other man with a questioning look.
"You... Invited me over for dinner?"
"Well..." It was the first time ever Bret was being nervous, timid, even, with him. "I heard you talk with the others today about dates and stuff, and you said you'd really like to have a romantic dinner with someone, so I ordered room service and tried to fancy it up a bit... I know it's not much but-" The man never got to end his sentence, because he was silenced by the blonde's fingertip on his lips and then a little kiss on the cheek.
"This is cute, Hitman. Let's have dinner now."
Shawn couldn't hide his excitement. Who would have ever thought that Bret Hart had a soft side to him? That he would enjoy spending an entire evening chatting and eating dinner and drinking wine with the other man?
Time was flying so fast and he was so relaxed he didn't even realize he was now sitting on Bret's lap, one hand on his waist, toasting with him and laughing his ass off at a stupid joke the other man made.
"Damn, you canadians got humor. I didn't expect that!"
"We got even more than that" Bret said with a cocky smile, and Shawn had to force himself to not stare at him. He was beautiful, with his cheeks red and wide smile and gentle eyes. "What?"
"A soft spot for pretty, southern blonds, I guess."
Normally, Shawn would have had another cocky response ready, that if he wasn't caught so off guard he almost choked on his last sip of wine. He was used to people saying those things to him, yet when it was Bret, the Hitman, who was always so cold to him, who never really flirted with him in the first place, the one who said them, he couldn't help but be completely awestruck.
When they finished eating, Shawn was surprised to find himself not wanting to leave. So he clinged to the other man, while he was cleaning up the table. He wrapped his arms around the wider man's waist, resting his chin on his shoulder.
"Hey. Can I stay over for the night? I am tired as shit..."
"Yeah, I'll go prepare a bath." saying so, Bret disappeared into the bathroom, leaving Shawn alone in the loft, pondering the growing, warm ache inside his chest.
How did they end up like that? Some months before, the two couldn't even stand each other presence. Bret was a pain in the ass, acting all high and mighty and treating Shawn like he was some kind of spoiled infant.
After some time together, they started to at least tollerate each other. Bret even started to show some kind of respect for him. The kid was an annoying little prick, but he was a good man. A fragile man, even. He liked to hide all his insecurities and need for affection under that arrogant façade, but it was to protect himself, and Bret knew well how it felt to not want anybody to see your weaknesses.
He grew fond of him to the point he wanted himself to be a safe place for Shawn. He wanted that kid to let that mask off for a bit.
He fell in love with the real Shawn, the one that craved affection more than he craved lust, the one who let himself cry and be comforted by Bret, the one that, in that moment, was letting himself be undressed of his clothes and his guises to be helped lay in the bathtub.
They bathed together, laying silent, Shawn's shoulders nestled against Bret's chest.
Shawn let the other wash his hair, and Bret caressed them with care, gently untangling the knots in his long, blonde locks. He lay a kiss on his head, and caressed his shoulders with calloused fingers, a touch so much different from every hand Shawn had ever experienced on his skin. It left his skin tingling with a pleasant burn.
Shawn let himself relax against the other, and he didn't even realize he was doozing off until he was woken up by a soft voice whispering against his ear.
"Wake up, sleeping beauty, we need to get out, your fingers are shrinking up."
Wrapped around one of the white hotel robes, Shawn was now on the bed, stretching on the duvet covers. The older man allowed himself to admire the other man, his lithe body stretching on the bed, his chest exposed, his long, damp hair falling around his head like a halo. He was beautiful, young and full of life. Shawn was that breath of fresh air Bret needed after being underwater for too long. He didn't even realize he had been holding his breath for all his life, before meeting him.
"I got something on my face?" His quiet admiration was broken by the other smiling and staring at him, spread out on Bret's bed like it was his property now, chin resting in his hand.
"I was just thinking."
"What about?"
No response was given. The man simply lowered himself on the bed, under the covers, and took Shawn's body in his arms, holding him tight.
Shawn now smelled like his own, and their bodies fit perfectly together, heartbeats melting together in a sweet symphony, like they were a single, perfect being.
"You're real strange, Hitman. Makes me wanna get inside your head and see what's goin' on there"
"I would say the same about you, I really wanna meet that agonizing hamster tryina ride the wheel of that little head of yours"
"Rude ass."
"Weren't you tired?"
"I am!"
"So sleep."
They stayed silent for a while, simply enjoying each other presence, Bret's finger tracing sweet nothings on Shawn's back, the other listening to the hitman's heart beating against his cheek. It was nice, it was warm, it was supposed to be like that.
"Ehy, Bret... You up?"
The other man grunted something, opening one eye and looking at Shawn. He couldn't see him well in the darkness, but he knew there was a pair of wide, beautiful blue eyes looking directly at him in that moment.
"I am now." They both spoke softly, like they were afraid of waking the world up, like they were afraid of the moon knowing their secrets.
"Thank you for tonight. You didn't have to do all that for me." his voice sounded apologetic, like he was asking for Bret to forgive him for simply spending time at his side. It broke Bret, to know Shawn was not used to genuine kindness. That everything he received he tought he did have to give something back.
"It was nothing."
"Yeah, but still-"
"Shawn." It was the older man's turn to gently ush the other, caressing his face. "You don't have to apologize. I wanted to."
There was no answer to that. Only Shawn's lips timidly reaching for his own, in their first kiss since he entered his room that evening. It was a gentle, slow, lips brushing against each other in the sweetest way.
"Can I tell you something?" Shawn breathed against Bret's lips, giving them another soft peck. "I may have a soft spot for you too."
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toko-writing-imagines · 4 years ago
i was gonna ask for some v3 boy headcanons but i saw you couldnt do them but i still got fuyuhiko :) can you do fuyuhiko with an s/o who shorter than him, really smart but extremely childish? i hope its not to hard!
Aahh no its okay! And I'm sorry the V3 boys are unavailable- honestly I just can't really nail their characters down and i just- am not a big fan of em (which also goes for most of the male characters in the entirity of danganronpa)
Maybe one day I'll try writing the V3 boys but for now they'll continue to be unavailable characters
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Fuyuhiko with an s/o who is shorter than him, really smart but also extremely childish
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• Oh he loves how you are shorter than him
• With really almost everyone he knows, he's usually one of the shortest people there so when he has an s/o who in shorter than him, it just makes me feel proud of being the tall one
• Also it just brings up his pride about being able to feel like the man in the relationship
• He feels like he can protect you at any time and wouldn't have to really worry about height, y'know?
• Also he is a huge sucker when you have to stand on your toes to give him a kiss, even slightly so, it just feeds his pride
• But only in private!! He is a yakuza after all and just isn't the biggest fan of PDA in general
• And you being like, super smart? Man this guy is lucky
• He really admires your intelligence a lot so you two are basically a huge power couple
• You gotta keep a watch of his temper though, since he usually is telling people off about really anything
• More so if the person in question is doing something dumb but that's beside the point
• He also just finds it cute about how childish you can be at times
• It's a huge contrast to his overall personality
• Even the rest of the SDR2 gang finds it cute how you two have a lot in common but can contrast eachother so much as well
• It's both funny and cute how this yakuza, leader of the largest mafia in the country, is dating someone so smart but extremely childish
• Well, either way you honestly couldn't ask for a better boyfriend
• And Fuyuhiko couldn't ask for a better s/o
Okay okay I maybe gave this half effort- but I still hope you like it!!
Might be a lil ooc but yeahhhh-
Also not feeling the best rn, just drained in general and back pains n headaches along with my weird n bad mental mindset rn is just blehhhh
Take care everyone ^^
~ Mod Toko 💜
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luisa2swag · 4 years ago
Love me for me (2)
"If you're so great how come you don't know how to tie your shoes properly, doo-doo head ?" I shot back, taking a step closer with my chin up, finger pointing at his untied basketball shoes. Jungkook scoffed "why am I even here arguing with you? You sure talk a lot but you forget that your last name is Mcniplecocker. Thats an instant L"
he towered over you, chest looking larger than usual thanks to the tight white shirt that stuck to his body with sweat. Your eyes darted to his nipple and before he could even muster another insult, His nipples were firmly grasped between your thumbs and index fingers, twisting away with all your might.
Your lips tugged upwards in satisfaction when he let out a yell of surprise and pain.
"What the actual fuck?!" He backed away, freeing himself from your hands. You smirked "Now you know why my last name is Mcniplecocker. Because I twist nipples and I certainly do have a cock!"
You were shameless as you said theses words. Jungkook couldn't even bother thinking of something else to say other than "okay I'm leaving." As you watched him walk away from you in the empty classroom. You saw him turn the doorknob but he did not move.
Was he maybe going to say something?
The tugs at the door knob became more violent with each twist and you could see Jungkook losing patience. His shoulders slumped, "We're locked in."
"W-wow." You looked at the school in amazement, boxes in your hands, you watched as the other male students buzzled around campus with their parents and installed themselves into their dorms.
You didn't have the luxury of being here with your dad. Imagine one of the most wanted criminals in the past setting foot into a place filled with lawyers. Your plan would be immediately dead but most importantly, you'd be behind bars.
This school must of been as old as Harvard. The building resembled the ones they would teach about in history class -You know the medieval ages- only the inside had been done up.
They were the only University that didn't open its gates to every gender which only lured more male heirs from all over the planet.
Parents thought that no girls meant no distractions but what they failed to know was that in 2018,some boys didn't just like girls.
"Hey, do you want help? You seem lost.." startled at the sudden deep voice coming from your right side, you jumped a bit.
Turning around to take a look at who had the audacity to initiate a conversation with your lonely ass. To be completely honest, you had just been standing around, mouth agape, looking at boys passing you by.
Holy shit he's hot
Instantly, you felt blood rush to your cheeks, you hoped that he wouldn't notice. He stood tall compared to you, nose long and eyes almost rectangle-ish. The sun and the ore gold were both jealous of his heavenly skin. You watched as he ran a large hand through his chestnut hair.
"Uh-huh" was all you could muster. A frown draped itself on your features, realizing how dumb and un-dude-ish you just sounded. Maybe you shouldn't be so hard on yourself, nothing could prepare you to the fact that a freaking model would be here speaking to your thirsty ass.
"Are you perhaps looking for your dorm? I had tricky time finding mine too in my first year." His voice god his voice.
"Am Taehyung, by the way." He smiled, a smile so adorable you couldn't help but smile back too.
"Am Bob, yeah I think I need help."you smiled sheepishly, holding your box closer to your chest.
"Alright, ill need the number of your dorm."
"Ahhh, that's the law dorms. So you're a law student huh? So am I." He seemed excited. Long legs already taking the lead to find your dorm.
"Are you a third year student or ?" You asked, now entering the dorm you presumed to be yours.
"No, just a second year." He smiled.
You both walked in a comfortable silence until he stopped infront of a door. "67-b is here." He said with the nod of his head, leaning against the wall near the door.
"Do we usually have roommates?" You read that since it was such a prestigious and little school, they would give you your own room but you needed to be sure. You didn't want any surprises. "Yeah it'll just be you in there." He affirmed with his usual dashing smile.
"Official classes start in two days but if you want, you could still go check out the classrooms. There won't be any teachers so make sure you leave the door open or else you might be surprised."
"Oh okay." You didn't bother dropping your voice a couple octaves, sure that in the near future where you could be possibly drunk or inattentive, It'd royally fuck you up. You found it to be a better idea to stick to your normal low but warm voice and let the guys think that "oh, his voice sounds slightly feminine!"
You took a step back, hoodie floating around your body and hiding your womanly curves the best it could, you bowed slightly "thank you so much. I hope I'll see you around school!" You actually did hope to see him around .
Not only was he devilishly handsome but very sweet. You wouldn't mind spending time with him all while gawking at his beauty greater than the Greek gods. "If you want, in about three hours I'll be able to hang. I would've been available way sonner if it wasn't for the fact that we both need to unpack a little bit. We could meet up at your new law class? What do you say?" He pointed finger guns at you, only making you blush more.
Fuck he doesn't even know I am a girl and here I am blushing like a schoolgirl just because he invited me to hang out.
"I'd love to I-I mean yeah, that be cool dude." Awkwardly, you raised a fist in the air which he happily bumped. "Okay I'll be off now!"
And just like that, the chestnut haired boy was out of your feet with hop of his own. Leaving you to unpack with the sound of 90's music from your cellphone.
Your room was a decent size, a simple bed on the left with a desk on the right, a tiny kitchen area and out and down the hallways were the shared bathrooms.
You took out the basics, some clothes, toothbrush, the frozen goods your dad had cooked you and bedsheets. You'd finish up your room later,after seeing Taehyung.
Yeah, I'll do this as soon as I get back!
[thirty minutes before being locked]
Your room looked neat. There were still some boxes here and there but you promised yourself to unpack them as soon as you got back.
Now you had changed into a comfortable black t-shirt and joggers.You made sure to duck-tape your breast, of course.
You stepped outside, the sun hung lower but still shined and the wind blew, giving you a comfortable breeze. The other students also seemed to take this evening as a chance to explore the campus more.
You watched as two boys ran, almost bumping you on their way. The shorter one with plump lips turned and blurted a bunch of apologizes before his taller lean friend dragged him by the collar. "Cmon Jimin, we need to get him !" And they were gone, leaving you to wonder exactly who they were going to get.
You continued making your way to the class, eventually finding it.
It was spacious just like in the movies about college life. You quickly found yourself a the front where the teacher desk was but before that you made sure to keep the door open, starring into space and waiting for the young man. You heard foot-steps and a smile already adorned your features.
You turned around, waiting to be met with the chestnut haired boy but you were just met face to face with a chestnut haired boy, that wasn't your chestnut haired boy.
"Erm, sorry." You squirmed away as the buff boy with the angular nose reached to grab something behind you.
"Were you really trying to steal the notes professor had prepared for me?" He took out a sheet of paper almost out of thin air and you just stared in amazement until it hit you.
Hold on, did this guy just accuse me ?
"W-what? I didn't even know that was there. I don't even know who you are!" Brows twisted together in confusion, you couldn't help but dart your eyes to the paper and to his piercing gaze, examining me like a corpse.
I gulped when he crossed his arms over his chest, oblivious to his flexing, he stood about one head and a half taller than me.
"You're lying. Everyone knows me." He scoffed, confident in the words he spoke as I blinked away, still In confusion.
"Come again?" I tried, I really genuinely had no clue who this dude was. I mean yeah he's kinda cute or whatever but with an attitude like that, I don't see him having any friends.
"Of course you would play dumb, well you are dumb for trying to steal my notes. Maybe you should take the initiative like me and ask teachers to prepare you notes of everything you'll have to study for the semester." His thin upper lip twitched upwards, his eyes trailing over my body, probably judging.
"I wouldn't be so quick to judge lil punk, school hasn't even started yet and to inform you, i am the smartest student here, I don't need your bitchass notes to be able to catch up on class before class has even started."ooooh I burned his bunny looking ass!
A smirk adorned my full lips when I noticed the blush spread across his cheeks like wildfire. I watched as his confident facade slowly broke when he took a step back.
"I guess you really don't know me then, my name is Jeon Jungkook." Now he was the one with the smirk.
I deadpanned, "Uh, yeah I totally know you. Omg I cant believe I didn't realize sonner!" Arms crossed, I rolled my eyes.
"Think harder dumbass. Jeon Jungkook, doesn't that ring any bells?"
I thought hard, past all the cat memes, gta on PlayStation 2 cheat codes, my club penguin password, the pin of my first iPod. Past all the unnecessary things my brain stored I finally found what he has hinting.
All boys : Great Jeon University
It couldn't be, no .
Or could it be ? With my luck it could. His smile grew larger as he saw my eyes widen in shock. "Don't tell me this is some crappy wattpad plot where your family happens to own this school?" I already dreaded the answer I knew I would get. "Yes it is." His chest proudly rose.
"Well I couldn't care less , dumbass." I stated, indifferent.
"I just told you that my family basically owns this place and you don't give a shit?" Index pointed at my face, he asked dumbfounded. Not sure if my lack of respect for him should be a good thing or not. "You have a lot of guts for saying that to the great Jeon."
"If you're so great how come you don't know how to tie your shoes properly, doo-doo head ?" I shot back, taking a step closer with my chin up, finger pointing at his untied basketball shoes. Jungkook scoffed "why am I even here arguing with you? You sure talk a lot but you forget that your last name is Mcniplecocker. Thats an instant L" Your eyes twitched confused, how did he know your name? Then your orbs wondered down to your shirt who haired had gifted you as a joke with your fake name written just above your left tit.
he towered over you, chest looking larger than usual thanks to the tight white shirt that stuck to his body with sweat. Your eyes darted to his nipple and before he could even muster another insult, His nipples were firmly grasped between your thumbs and index fingers, twisting away with all your might.
Your lips tugged upwards in satisfaction when he let out a yell of surprise and pain.
"What the actual fuck?!" He backed away, freeing himself from your hands. You smirked "Now you know why my last name is Mcniplecocker. Because I twist nipples and I certainly do have a cock!"
[taehyung pov]
I don't remember the building being so far... I entered the law block, nothing but the sound of my sneakers against the wood floor could be heard. Hallways were clear and so was the sky this evening. I smiled thinking of the new friend I had made.
Pat pat pat I whipped my head around st the sudden running noise "Jimin? Namjoon?" My brows arched in confusion, I watched how they frantically started shouting my name.
I looked back to the front
The class where I had so kindly asked you to meet up with me was maybe twenty steps away
I couldn't just blow you off, no that wasn't something I'd want at all.
But with a blink of an eye and a stumbling Jimin, we we're passed the door and left behind a loud clacking noise. In fear of having accidentally closed the door shut, I twisted my neck to look back all while running with the two grown man looped around my arms. "J-Jimin, the d-door!" I let out breathless, heart thumping
"Guys -wait there's someone-" Jimin quickly interrupted "Yoongi snuck a girl on campus!" I looked back again, wishing that my gut feeling was wrong, wishing I hadn't just locked someone in a classroom.
She might be late, everyone comes late nowadays! I reassured myself.
With a aggressive tug of my sleeve from Namjoon, I realized that I didn't have a choice.
I'll come back later, I promise.
[Narrator pov] You were shameless as you said theses words. Jungkook couldn't even bother thinking of something else to say other than "okay I'm leaving." As you watched him walk away from you in the empty classroom. You saw him turn the doorknob but he did not move.
Was he maybe going to say something?
The tugs at the door knob became more violent with each twist and you could see Jungkook losing patience. His shoulders slumped, "We're locked in."
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miracalicethebookgirl · 5 years ago
The Phony and the Famous Pt. 3
Pt 1. Pt 2. 
Summary: Lila spreads lies about being famous with worldwide connections to increase her local popularity. She’s confident that Marinette will never be able to prove otherwise. What she, and even Marinette herself, don’t realize is that Marinette won’t have to do any of that to come out on top. - A story in which everything Lila lies about, Marinette turns into reality for herself, usually unknowingly (our girl is quite the lucky one, after all).
“Yes, I suffer from tinnitus, a constant ringing in my left ear. I've had it ever since the sound of an airplane engine burst my eardrum on the runway when I was saving Jagged Stone's lost kitten.”
Season 3, “Chameleon”
Fang was a simple creature.
He was hatched straight into the hands of the human he now called his owner and raised among those who often cowered from him. Very rarely did a human try to test Fang’s temper, so he grew up rather tame. His owner fed him well and presented him with many interesting gifts, most of which were quickly chewed through within days, if not hours. When Fang was not feeding or playing (or taking delightful baths), he would walk with and rest near and carefully watch his owner, for Jagged was a human worth Fang’s avid attention.
He could see when his owner was happy and content. It happened most when Jagged’s frequent companion—that human with the clipboard in her hands and the phone to hear ear, “Penny” she was called—would smile at him. It was even easier to tell when his owner was irritated and upset. Such moments were less frequent but still happened once or twice a week. Fang was now very accustomed to emitting a loud hiss on sight of the annoying man with the sunglasses and clanky jewelry.
And so Fang had his routine. Eat, play with his owner, sleep, growl happily at Jagged and his friends, hiss at the rabble, lounge in the bath, repeat (some steps more often than others).
Sure, Fang was unusual for a crocodile, but he was still a simple creature.
There was one girl who Fang recently began to see often. She was one of the few he was happy to ask for pets from, considering his owner always shouted happily when he saw her.
His owner called the girl “Marinette” or something of the like, but Fang thought her name should be Treats because she typically brought a box of cookies with her on her visits. Normally Fang wouldn’t care for human foods, but ever since the girl began bringing a variety of meaty snacks for Fang along with the cookies, the crocodile learned to become just as excited by her presence as his owner.
She was also very kind to Fang. Sure, she was reluctant to approach him at first as most humans do, but Fang understood that was how humans protected themselves. It proved she was a cautious one, yet also a brave and understanding one when Fang noticed that over time she became more comfortable with him, allowing him to nuzzle against her legs and growl in joy before climbing atop some furniture to beg for treats.
So one day, it was with little fuss that Fang allowed himself to be led out of the usual hotel by Treats. As a crocodile, he understood just enough that he would be in her care for the day.
Together, they walked down the streets of Paris. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and nearby humans consistently gave them a wide berth on the sidewalk with horror on their faces. Just how Fang liked it.
He prided himself on being able to keep the massive crowds away from his owner when they traveled around the world. Under Fang’s watch, not once did a “rabid fan” lay their hands on even the hair from his owner’s head.
Well…except for that one time one of those “fans” managed to zap Fang with a bright light, thus sending the crocodile to some empty white place.
But that was neither here nor there.
Treats was watching Fang for the day, yes, but that also meant Fang would watch out for her.
“Wow, Marinette! You weren’t kidding when you said you were pet-sitting a crocodile today!”
And there it was. The first test.
As soon as the two of them entered a park through its gated entrance, a tall boy came running at them, followed by a few others. Fang was quick to intercept as he maneuvered himself in front of Treats and snapped his jaw in the air once. The boy instantly recoiled.
“Sorry, Kim! Fang doesn’t like it when strangers come too close.”
“Unsurprising. Crocodiles tend to get aggressive when their space is invaded and considering their large size, that space can span a couple meters radius from their body. I can’t quite tell if Fang is of the freshwater or saltwater variety, but I can tell you that 95% of attacks on humans are caused by provocation no matter what species the crocodile is.”
“That’s a pretty good explanation. Thank you, Max,” Treats said as she bent down to pat Fang’s head. “Fang is just really protective of his owner and it extends to other people he likes. It takes some time for him to know a person so best to keep your distance for today.”
The first boy slumped. “Aw, man.”
Fang turned his snout away. That was the human’s problem. No way was Fang going to let his guard down just from some pitiful look.
By then, more young humans had gathered around but stayed far away, much to Fang’s satisfaction. They seemed to be friends with Treats, judging by her easy smile as she conversed with them, so he figured he’d keep his hissing to a minimum.
The afternoon passed peacefully in the park. Treats’ friends came and went without bothering Fang much as he lounged in a sunpatch.
He kept a watchful eye on one boy, though, who seemed a little too familiar with the girl. When the boy placed a hand on her shoulder, Fang let out a quiet warning hiss only to be met by a short hiss from the boy himself. It was oddly high for a human and the others didn’t seem to hear. Fang retaliated by crawling over and draping himself over Treats’ lap.
She let out an indignant squawk but Fang ignored it, reptilian eyes focused on the boy who had smartly moved away when Fang had approached. All the boy could do then was narrow his eyes at the crocodile momentarily before his face smoothed over and he went back to smiling at Treats.
If his cold-blooded body had allowed it, Fang would have scoffed.
Crocodiles may be simple creatures. But cats were even more so.
At some point, Fang became hungry.
He plodded a circle around Treats, who by then had moved to sitting on a bench as she struck up conversation with more friends. He rumbled and groaned for attention, which she was quick to give, and he delicately snapped his jaws at her to indicate his hunger.
“Oh, no! That alligator is about to eat Marinette!” came a shrieking from the distance.
Fang’s jaws clamped shut as he was quick to look for said alligator so he could fight it. Maybe he could make a meal out of it because such a scuffle would take a lot of him.
He was ignorant to the random screaming that erupted from all around the park while Treats’ friends spread out to try and calm people. Fang huffed.
Seriously, how was he supposed to find the alligator with all the chaos?
He turned back to Treats to see her glaring at another human girl. Ah, this must be another test. Perhaps the girl cried alligator as a ruse to distract Fang.
“No, really!” the girl continued. “I’ve seen rabid reptiles before and this one just isn’t safe! They latch onto one prey and they’ll keep on chasing no matter what you do! We have to get Marinette away from that alligator!”
Humans around the park hadn’t stopped running every which way while Treats’ friends looked on uncertainly. It confused Fang, because he still did not know what alligator the girl was screaming about. So he simply plodded closer to Treats and nuzzled her leg, hoping she would clear things up for him.
She must’ve understood crocodile language because thankfully her next words cleared things up for everyone.
“Lila!” Treats shouted reproachfully. “You need to be quiet for five seconds so I can explain to you and everyone else in this park that it’s all a misunderstanding. I am absolutely safe right where I am!” Her expression reminded Fang of when Penny would stand up eerily straight with a glare and somehow tower over his owner despite being much shorter. Needless to say, the posture and tone got the girl to shut up just as quick as Jagged would.
Treats marched over to this “Lila” and Fang was quick to follow. At least until Treats turned back to him and kindly motioned him to stay. Fang was a good crocodile so he did as he was told. The friends kept their distance.
“Now listen here, Lila,” she started off quietly once she stood just a meter away from the girl. “I need you to remain calm because panic from you and panic from everyone else is not going to solve anything. Fang is a completely tame crocodile and though he might look threatening, he knows better than to attack anyone. In fact he’s lived with humans his entire life.”
Fang nodded in satisfaction. He understood now that the girl thought he was the alligator. How silly. But an unfortunately common mistake.
The other humans seemed to share the same sentiment. Many of them nodded and smiled in relief. The Lila girl however, notably did not look reassured. If anything, she looked about ready to burst into tears.
“But Marinette! I thought you knew that I’m deathly afraid of crocodiles. I was traumatized as a child when I had to save baby flamingos from a herd of them in Africa!” And then she covered her eyes with her hands and actually started to cry. “How could you ignore that and do this to me!” she wailed.
Okay, Fang felt kind of bad at this point. He was sure Treats would never purposefully scare someone but he didn’t want to stick around any longer if a human was so terrified of him.
A few of Treats’ friends rushed over to the crying girl and tried to comfort her but they also defended Treats.
“I’m sure Marinette didn’t mean any harm!”
“Yeah, she didn’t even know most of us would be at the park today.”
“Come on, Lila, maybe we should get you home?”
Treats herself took a step back to let the others surround Lila. She held a frown on her face but said, “If Lila needs some time to calm down then Fang and I will head out first. Better to take away the cause of her trauma immediately, right? Besides, it’s about time we get him back to Jagged anyway.”
Some heads perked up at that.
The cat-boy from earlier, who stood apart from the crowd (and noticeably much closer to Treats) had a little glint in his eye. “That’s right! Fang is Jagged Stone’s beloved pet crocodile. Pretty neat that you were the first person he thought of to pet-sit for him. He must trust you a lot.”
Lila had been taken to sit at a far off bench by then, but Fang’s crocodile senses allowed him to hear that her sobbing had stopped and surprisingly a low growl had replaced it. One glance at her and he could spot the fury and shock in her eyes, unseen by anyone else.
If Fang had eyebrows he’d have raised them so high up. He settled for a confused hiss.
He really wished humans were simpler creatures.
Most of Treats’ friends wandered back to them after seeing that Lila had calmed down considerably and they excitedly began to ask Treats questions about Fang’s owner.
She just raised her hands up placatingly and shook her head, insisting that she get Fang back to the hotel to avoid any other mishaps. It made Fang a little sad to go back indoors so soon, but he didn’t put up a fuss. He just waited patiently as Treats finally turned around to walk over to him.
However, as soon as she looked in Fang’s direction, Treats’ eyes widened and she screamed his name. Almost too fast for his eyes to follow, she sprinted towards him before scooping his entire body into her arms and lifting him above her head.
Nobody moved for several seconds as a large runaway food cart went speeding through the exact spot Fang had been in.
The cart crashed into a nearby tree and a man—probably the owner—rushed by in distress, a constant stream of apologies spilling out of his mouth.
Fang felt himself being lowered to the ground. When he turned to look at Treats, he saw that everyone looked as gobsmacked as he felt, even the heroic girl herself.
“Holy kwami,” Fang barely heard cat-boy say under his breath. The sound of his whisper seemed to break the group out of their trance.
“DC, that was insane!” shouted the tall boy from before. “You just deadlifted a massive beast! Max, how heavy was that?!”
“U-uh, let’s see. Based on Fang’s size, he could be anywhere from 80 to 85 kg (approx. 175-188 lbs).”
“She reacted so fast I didn’t even see her move!”
“My girl’s always been on another level. Guess I didn’t realize how much until now.”
“Marinette saved Fang’s life! Ooh, we’ve got to post this!”
While her friends continued to chatter in amazement among themselves, Treats didn’t even notice them. She merely stared at Fang in relief before she patted him on the head. He looked up at her in question.
“I’m glad you’re alright,” she sighed and slumped forward. “That was way too close.”
Fang was sure he could have handled it just fine, but was thankful nonetheless. He showed his gratitude by giving a low grumble and nuzzling her hand.
Soon the other humans finally calmed down, allowing Treats and Fang to leave the park. Treats herself seemed paranoid on the walk back, looking every which way to make sure danger didn’t come flying at them again. Meanwhile Fang made sure she didn’t accidentally walk into a busy road or run into objects.
They met with Jagged and Penny back in the hotel suite and were immediately brought into a group hug by the man.
“Marinette, your rock n’ roll heroic deed went viral and it’s all anyone’s been talking about for the past hour. I may have written a song about Ladybug and Chat Noir but I think I’m gonna dedicate it to everyday heroes like you, next time I perform it!”
The girl stuttered out some response while his owner kept shouting happily about this and that. Fang ignored it and ambled over to the couch to take a nap, something he felt he earned after such an exciting day.
He was a simple creature after all.
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coolgirl · 5 years ago
Jason expert rate Jason’s designs
sorry for being late i was busy with school but now i’m free so to celebrate. jason indulgence.
pre-crisis not robin
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very cute. i like that it has a lil more of flair to it? the collar and the lines on the gloves and the shorter cape.. also love it has pants. king rlly king. wonder if they already knew he was gonna be robin anyways or if they were still considering nightbird. anyways, 8/10 bc its cute
pre & post-crisis robin (bc its basically the same)
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i mean its a classic.. however it reminds me jason was the only robin who was simply given dick’s clothes rather than like. have an unique look? which sucks. 7/10 middle child syndrome is REAL
post-crisis robin (winter edition)
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OKAY NOW THIS. i absolutely love. is it tacky? oh yes without a doubt. i still love the pants and the sleeves. finally winter clothes for this child, especially considering his new titans scene where he was bitching about the costume not being snow proof. he got what he wanted! 9/10
new 52/rebirth costume by
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EPIC. IDC I LOVE IT.the circles on his arms and his boots.. the lines on his legs.. i just love it. i love the red mask too… it feels.. not more unique, but feels more jason-y than the other costume. 10/10
NOW. onto older stuff
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as u can see im VERY confusion about the pouches and the straps?? why??? whats the purpose.. generally its fine. the white strand moved a nation and i think the chest piece is cool, but everything else.. uglee. like the long as hell jacket and him looking 40 years old like why r u 19 looking like fifty? ugly white man. 5/10
winicks/utrh version
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LITERALLY A CLASSIC. i love this costume sooo much. like jason obviously grew out of it, as in it wouldnt make sense for him anymore to go with something like this as his main costume because i feel like this fit the utrh mood (him not veing a vigilante/hero/villain whatver but trying to be a mob boss n shit) and it just. fucks. i love the helmet just being plain with no stupid mouth or nose shape. i simply love it. 10/10
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its just. its just the nightwing costume. didnt even try he just stole that from dick. he still rocks it and looks better than dick, and u gotta give him points for accessorizing with his dagger. 7/10
red robin 
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im not. a big fan of this costume.. i think the cowl is ugly, it just does not work for someone as big as jason… however i do like why he took this mantle and what it meant.. 6/10 no words head empty. 
oh brother. furryman
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ITS SUCH AN UGLY COSTUME. muzzle batman walked so muzzle red hood could run. its just. ugly like ugly. i dont like the ears or again the muzzle or whatever the hell is going on in the arms.. its just so edgy. 5/10
Injustice 2 batman
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I2 HAD IT IN THE BAG BABY. i like that its like classic batman costume but again! with some jason touches! the red eyes, the electric tiddies making a comeback.. epic genuinely epic. 10/10
and if ur not into evil jason
100% dad ‘i have my life figured out’ batman jason 
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just like the nightwing costume this is just. batman costume. nothing special or different from it so its like did u even try? BUT in this scenario it actually means smth that he stuck to bruces costume.. sweet.. but boring. 7/10
speaking of. evil ugly designs. ugh i hate this.
this motherfucker
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ive never. ever. felt as humiliated by a costume than thetime jason wore this. like MORTIFYING RLLY. its DISGUSTINGGG. the helmet shape. the fucking WHITE. the SKULL PLEASE WHO DESIGNED THIS WHO HATES ME IN PARTICULAR SO MUCH??? THIS MAN DOES NOT FUCK! HES UGLY! HE STINKS!!!! the red guns are epic that much i can say. LOOK AT THOSE PANS GOD ITS SO HUMILLIATING. 0/10 WORST COSTUME EVER.
HOWEVER. winick and the artist spun GOLD from it, because next time jason wore possibly my favorite costume to date
this motherfucker…2!
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like look how much better it looks with a little of swag.. the helmet without eyes.. the belts.. the fucking leather jacket.. keeping the red guns/gloves.. like seriously i dont know a better man. the skull is still awful and i wouldve replaced the white for black and MWAH best costume. like the black part at the top make it all red and the white make it black.. god this jason fucks massively i love him. 11/10 my favorite by a landslide perhaps
new 52/rebirth red hood
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OKAY I KNOW theyre slightly different (rebirth has shorter sleeves and a more padded look) but to me its like. same thing. okay i think its.. fine. its not phenomenal but its not ugly.. i like the brown jacket more than the black jacket i have to admit, its more distinctive and i simply like the color more, however i do not.. like jason having the bat symbol.. but thats also a me thing about how badly written this is. anyways. the helmet with the mouth disgusts me and everytime its drawn like that its humilliating. like. 7/10. maybe 7+. when it has the mouth or like nose ANY FACIAL EXPRESSION RLLY its a 5. 
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oh i absolutely despise that helmet. he looks like fucking. terminator. its the ugliest shape ive ever seen and the visor is.. huge. i dont like the shoulder pads either idk what the fuck its going on with the thing around his neck either.. like hes. knockout batman and i HATEEE IT. damians costume slaps tho. i just… its… ugly. like.. 3/10. 
get damian back arc red hood costume
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oh im a HUGE fan of this design.i love how his costume is designed in a way thats like. if jason was a dnd character he absolutely would be a tank. the padding, the red undertones everywhere, i just.. love it. i like how all the costumes were done to reflect their personalities you know.. i like this robin red hood hybrid. 9/10 would even say 10/10 bc i just enjoy how gleason draws jason.
red hood/arsenal costume
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its like. i dont hate it completely (i love the way the hood+helmet looks) and thats.. yeah thats pretty much all i like about it. i HATEEEE the vest i hate it fr.i hate how huge the sumbol is and idk this costume just does not spark joy. 5/10
outlaw costume
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okay this one. this one drives me insane. because like. okay i dig parts of it. i like the lack of sleeves. i like the gloves thingies. i like the hood. i could get aboard him ditching the helmet - it breaks all the damn time anyways. i like the stripes on his pants in the boots. ALL SEPARATE? NEAT. now i hate. hate. the muzzle. like WHY IT LOOKS SO UGLYYY LIKE SO UGLY like unless the artist GETS IT and is SEXY it looks awful. look at this
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AWFUL. also like it made sense for when he was on the run and he had to make do and assemble a costume from what he had but like now hes sponsored by lex, get that man a goddamn new suit already please. anyways. 6/10.. like i said i like many elements from it but its still.. kinda ugly all together and depends A LOT on the artist.
three jokers
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im torn on this one.. i think its a bit boring.. i dont rlly like the top part, it reminds me SOO much of that one tt issue where he beat the fuck out of tim while wearing a robin costume like i understad the implications of him wearing a costume thats similar to the robin blouse but im not a big fan.. also i prefer the brown leather jacket. its like not his worst costume by far but not the best.. like pretty basic?  i would say 6/10
tiny titans & lil gotham
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okay these two are like. pretty much the canon versions of robin and red hood HOWEVER they both have details that are different from the original version and DESERVE a mention. the curls on robin jason and jasons red gloves/belt are ICONIC. whoever designed them knew what they were about, so 10/10 best bapy jason.
arkham knight
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does the person who designed this know how much theyve done for the lgbt community? i hope they do. i love.. a lot about this costume. i love the ears, i love how techno it is, i love the layers to it.. im.. not a big fan of the whole military thingy but i have to admit that applying it to the design itself is kind of neat.. i love the colors too and how.. practical it is while being. well. kinda dramatic? the whole bat aesthetic.. yeah. i love it. 9/10
arkham red hood
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this one.. when u think about it the outlaw version is VEEERY similar to this one: the pants, the hood, the jacket eve. however i like this helmet so much more, i have a weakness for eyeless (??) helmets.. i like the little details of it as well, i remember that pic going around of it being held together with like. fuckign stitches and bandaids. legendary. i love this look, i would say 9+/10
injustice 2 jason
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okay gonna go ahead and say it: not a big fan of the helmet. it looks like.. a bug? the lenses do not spark joy. this bitch has many styles and like toners etc and i will no rate them all. i think its a pretty basic design, not the best but not the worst either. like if it was an exam i would make them pass but make faces at what im reading like eeehhhgh. 7/10.
hag jason
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middle one is like literally, on the outside and superficial level, just. his usual costume. the jacket and the grey kevlar and the bat. now the gloves are sexy as hell.. and in the whit ebackground one u can appreciate the under costume better and i really like it?? i just.. like the design. I HATE HOWEVER the bat helmet. WHY IS IT HOLLOW?? BITCH HELLO?? AND THE BATMAN SYMBOL DOES NOT MAKE SENSE! and i like things making sense!!!. we will not talk about jason in this book. like.. 8/10. maybe 9 if im feeling it.
hag jason 2: the hagger and the furious
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hes just.. a little old man.. he cannot change this.. i like this design. i like seeing jason grow old. wish it wasnt in this context. my father rlly. 8/10
am i forgetting any jays.. i wont do all animated robins because they all look the same and the one that doesnt i do not like. SO HERES my thoughts..
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evolutionoflai · 5 years ago
the process of my realizing i was in love with you
huh...where do i start...i sat here thinking for a while...about you i mean...and i just thought way back to my first thought when i first saw you...which is a little weird because i don’t usually remember details of things but when it comes to you i can remember so much...you take up more than half of my brain hehehe...but anyways,i think...from the moment i first saw you, i was a little terrified.
when i moved here i wanted to leave the lai from (my old home) behind because i didn’t want to be that person anymore...after (someone i loved)..after everything...i just wanted to forget...forget it all...i hated that person. i came here not wanting to look for anyone...i wanted to know if there were people like me and if maybe i could make friends with them but i didn’t want anything. i hated everything and the idea of being with someone terrified me...but i swear to god...when i first saw you something just...happened inside me...like a small light switched on or something...i felt it and i was so scared. when i first talked to you, you welcomed me with open arms. your hair was like this violet pink color and it was WAY shorter...you smiled at me and that was the first thing i noticed...your smile...and i couldn’t help but smile back. when i noticed i smiled back, i said to myself in my head "what the hell are you doing..."
but i loved smiling back...its weird of me to say but the small cracks from the bottom of my heart faded a little when you smiled at me.
i told myself "don’t get comfortable....you don’t even really know..."but i wanted to know...i wanted to know...it was like i was abandoning my fear of closing everything off and just letting myself be at least a little happy...but i barely knew you and you barely knew me so i kept my distance...
and then there was that day when you heard me say that i thought i was fat and you said i wasn’t... my throat immediately went dry and i couldn’t stop starring at you...i’m sorry but i couldn’t...when you weren’t mine i couldn’t top starring...and when i noticed i was starring. i was like, 
"FUCK IM STARRING I NEED TO STOP. FUCK FUCK FUCK..."...after that i just wanted to know you a little more...
you started talking and sitting next to me more...
you just became more and more of my favorite person to be around... i loved it so much...i couldn’t get enough...i loved laughing because you made me laugh...
i loved feeling happy because you made me happy...i loved feeling..because you made me feel things..not even really in that way, yet.
you made me feel what i was afraid of feeling...
i only looked forward to school because i knew i was going to get to see you at some point of the day...
on your sad, dark days i was always worried...i always worried that you weren’t okay... when i would see you cry it would hurt me because you weren’t smiling...
especially when i wanted to help you in a way that i couldn’t because it wasn’t my place...you already had someone and i couldn’t do that... so i stayed away but i also stayed...i saw no one else helping or caring like anyone always should. i’m a little glad no one else did because i just wanted to be there for you...i wanted to be the one to take care of you so i swore to myself that i would stay but i wouldn’t do anything more than what a friend would do...even though i knew deep down i wanted it...
i didn’t....i held it inside and didn’t let it surface...
when i heard that y’all weren’t anything anymore, i fell apart.
even though i had a slight chance of getting you, you were heart broken and i could feel it...i knew that look...of just complete and utter dead...because it happened to me...i saw it and it broke me that you were feeling it too...i wanted to heal you then and there from the very beginning. 
even if i had to take my own heart out of my own chest, i just wanted to make you whole and okay again...
..i remember i was in Red River New Mexico, and (someone else) and i were together...i was very happy...but i don’t think it was what i wanted...it was like i was happy with that person and i had feelings but i had greater feelings for you that i needed to get over. i felt deep down that you and i were never going to be. she was so lovely and beautiful...but she wasn’t for me...she deserved better. i was good but i wasn’t for her...i was saving myself for something else...
and (someone else i thought i was in love with) was there but i was just in love with a ghost. it covered the fact that i was in love with you the whole time and i did not see it at all...
i saw you in the mountains when i was there...thats why its my favorite place on earth...because i saw you everywhere when i was there..i didn’t want to leave but i also wanted to because you weren’t there...
so i came back to possibly bring you with me....someday~ when i did finally see you again, it felt really sad and i knew why...but i just wanted to hold your hand and be there if you needed me...
i knew i loved you...and i had a feeling that you loved me too...but i didn’t wanna mess with it because you were hurt and it wasn’t what you needed....and then after a little while i started to feel worst and you noticed...
i was almost always sad...and you loved drawing on me because it made me smile...not only because you were drawing on me but when you would, you would always hold my hand...the way you would take it and hold it,  then you gave me this look like "...i wanna hold this at least...i know i cant hold you fully but i wanna hold this...its so soft..."(i know thats a little detailed but i’m in love with you so i cant help it hehe) it always made me so happy...my parents always yelled at me for it but i didn’t care...i loved it...i just did...i wouldn’t let anyone else do it...i just liked it when you did...
and then there was that one bad day and you were worried about me...
i didn’t know what was wrong with me, i just wasn’t okay...and i just wanted you.
then we had that weekend together....and everything that happened, happened....i couldn’t believe it...from the very beginning i knew you were gonna be something...but i wasn’t expecting it...i went from not wanting to get so close, to laying right next to you falling asleep in your arms...with my face facing yours....buried in your chest...while you were holding me.
i went to sleep that night thinking
i was so terrified of being heart broken but finally....you were finally mine....you finally saw me. you wanted me.
i have everything i’ve ever wanted...
everything i have ever wanted ever...you were and still are everything i have ever wanted or needed....i know i said this would be a "lil something" but you knowing me by now, its probably a novel....but at least i was writing about my favorite person to talk about....i also hope this was enough of a gift or meant something....i know its only been somewhat a while, but i want you forever...forever and ever and ever...i dream about it all the time...i dream about it so much that id rather keep it in my mind rather than write it because my mind can not be expressed in words....but i truly mean this from the bottom of my heart....you are my greatest dream....i am still slightly afraid because i only made it 3 months with the last one...but i know you're not her....i know i want you forever and you want me forever...thats what i love about you....i’m so thankful for our little infinity....i know when we both die, the star that appeared in the sky the night we first kissed will be bigger and brighter and more beautiful....its us forever....yea ?~
i love you always...i really truly do...you are my favorite person.
you are my person.
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seonfhwa · 6 years ago
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hello friends! tis your favorite (or not) mingi stan, here with her first follow forever! 
recently, i hit the big milestone of 1,000 followers, something i never thought would happen! really, i want to thank all of you for following me, for supporting my content, for being a part of this mess of a blog. 
to those who came on over after i remade, and to those who only started following me yesterday, i love you all from the bottom of my heart.
click for some more fun things for my moots! (it gets long, i’m so sorry)!
i was thinking of doing something special, but i don’t know to what extent i could really do for all of you guys ;; if there’s anything you want (a lil blurb, a moodboard, a smol gifset) just let me know! this part’s only for mutuals, though, so keep that in mind. i don’t know how quick i can get all of the stuff done, but i would definitely do anything for you guys!!
for my mutuals, i’ve written each of you a little message. some may be shorter than others, but know that my love is overflowing and unending even if i may not be good with words!! also this isn’t really in any specific order!
@smol-joong 🌟 miss anett... i have a whole lot to say (if i say all of it we’ll be here forever), but honestly the main thing is... you’re my number one. you’re the sweetest, the most lovely, the most heartwarming. you’re someone i can count on no matter what, whether i need a pick me up or just attention. i love you, i truly truly do, and you always know how to make me happy. thank you for being my friend, for letting me love you, and for always being there for me!
@cherryjoong 🌟 maggie!! you’re honestly the sweetest bean, the most relatable human i’ve ever met. you were one of my first mutuals who really ever spoke to me, and i will forever hold you in a special place in my heart. you’re another person who’s always there for me, who really deserves the whole wide world. thank you for having such a big, caring heart.
@honeyboysan 🌟 jules, darling jules. frankly, you’re one of my first friends on this hellsite. you know how my first thing to you was me going “i poked around on your blog for a while before finally following you”? im just a big babey and you’re one of the most lovely people in the world. i’m really glad we’re friends, that i was able to meet someone like you. you make my heart happy, and you deserve all of the happiness in the world. it’s really, really good to see you happy.
@heoneyology 🌟 miss rainah!!! everyone always says you’re the mom type, and i’d have to agree. you’re sweet, you’re loving, you’re charming, and you’re one of the funniest people i know. your love for your biases (especially jooheon, zico, hongjoong, and ravn) makes my heart swell, and whenever i see you on my dash, i just get so happy. not to mention, when you’re happy, i’m happy! thank you for always being there to pick me up when i need it, and for being a ray of sunshine in my dull life.
@multidino 🌟 kimora!!! my multifandom queen!!! honestly, first of all i want to thank you for supporting me in all of my adventures and being one of the first people to help me kickstart my vav blog. second of all-- thank you, for being you. for being a great friend, for being a kind soul, for being one of the best people on this website. you’re doing your best, and that’s what matters!!! i love you so so so so much!!!
@ateezartblog 🌟 hello my sweet pumpkin. how are you today? have you eaten? did you sleep well? are you taking care of yourself? i hope you know how much i care about you!! i know you’re usually the one to come and check up on all of us, but sometimes you need it just as much as we do. please, angel love, remember to take care of yourself, even when you feel like you shouldn’t. you are just as deserving as everyone else, and one day, i hope you can see that. until then, i’ll make sure to remind you all of the time!! i love you lots!!
@wooyuong 🌟 precious angel baby inna!! hello my sweetest beanie baby. frankly, i don’t know how someone like you wanted to be friends with someone like me, but every time we talk i’m like !! that’s her im super blessed bc !! we friends!! you’re super talented, you’re super cute, and pls pls pls always remember that!!! you deserve all good things in the world and i’m so super glad that we talk ;;;
@wangtaeil 🌟 iconic miss bee!! life’s too short to only have one bias, and your words haunt help me to this day!!! i’m really glad i met you, because you’ve kinda sorta been a really big source of inspiration and help for me, especially recently. from feeling shitty about gifs, not wanting to be around, to even needing help with some stuff, i know i can always trust you and confide in you. you’re a talented woman, and you really have so much going for you. and you want to be friends with a lil nugget like me??? i am undeserving but thankful.
@choisansbitch 🌟 upaamaaa!!! now every time i eat a tuna sandwich, i think of you (i eat tuna a lot, so take that... i’m ALWAYS thinking about you). i know when we first started talking, i was nervous because i ??? really didnt feel like i even deserved to talk to you, cause you’re like... super amazing. but i’m so glad we’re friends!! you make some of the best gifs, and even if you don’t think so, i love them so so much!! and you’re honestly one of the sweetest, most relatable people in the world. please never lose your charm, i love you so much.
@missminji 🌟 hARLSS!!!! im still shocked that your super secret detective skills figured me out, but hey!! in the end they helped because now i actually talk to my “redacted” (we all know who redacted is) and i love her sm ;;; we havent been talking too much recently (i think life’s been kicking us rip) but no matter what, i love you, and i love getting to talk to you whenever i can. thank you for being my friend, i don’t deserve someone as lovely as you.
@utopiagf 🌟 you crazy, but ily. that’s it that’s the post-- ehrbgjehb im kidding, there’s so much more. you’re literally one of the most fun, bright, cheery person, and i love seeing you around. i know you just remade (and i was confused bc i was like?? nik??? where she go??) but literally i love love love seeing & talking to you, even if these days i’m still... super intimidated by you. but you’re such a sweetheart, and thank you for blessing me with your presence in my life. uwu
@visualsan 🌟 honestly i need to talk to you more ehjbrhjge every time i talk to anett and we mention you (all good things, of course uwu) i’m like?? why do i not talk to bea more?? literally you seem like such the coolest person, and i love love love seeing you, your gifs, everything uwu so yeah!! pls let’s talk more ilysm!
@prettyseonghwa 🌟 yas, i think you have one of the biggest hearts around here. you are so caring, so loving, and you really need to know that. i love you, really, so so much. thank you for always being there for us, for always giving the best advice and love that we all need. just know!! that you deserve a break too. you deserve all of the love you give-- and more. 
@dreamboyunho 🌟 cami, miss cami, my numba 1!!! you’ve always been someone i adore and cherish with all of my heart, but even recently we connected in a different, probably more personal way. it may not have been the best of circumstances but i’m really glad we did! i treasure you so much, and i’m glad i found someone i can truly confide in. we’re like!! two peas of a pod!! i’m really super duper glad i met you and that i can call you my friend.
@jonghostation 🌟 miss adelle uwu you’re so sweet and precious and we need more jongho stans like you (and more jongho stans in general) in this world!! i love talking to you, though recently i’ve been dead and not really socializing but i really do enjoy seeing you around and getting to talk to you!! you’re such a sweet soul and i love you. recently i saw you said you lowkey wish i was your mom?? c’mere baby you’re my child now uwu thank you for being the sweetest angel. aND I COULD NEVER FORGET YOUR ICONIC URL!!! ATINY LESSGEDDIT!!! DROP THE BEAT YOOOOO!!
@celestial-yunho 🌟 nini, you are literally... so talented. i dont know how i managed to score such a talented, loving, and sweet friend. your art!! is so good and im always really excited to see more of what you do. you’re my lil moon witch, and i love you so so much. thank you for giving me the time of day to get to know you, to be able to say that’s her!! thats nini!! thats my friend uwu you’re so precious and i hope you know that!!
@nctyping 🌟 im gonna be honest idek why i first followed you-- not in a like “ugh why did a follow her,,” i literally just cannot remember why i did. either way, it was one of the best decisions i’ve ever made. you’re one of the sweetest people in the whole world and i love reading what you write. like?? teach me your ways ;;; ily abbey!!
@toothgaptual 🌟 sun sun sunshine sunnie!!! okay, we don’t talk a ton, but i love love love when we do get to interact. you always manage to put a smile on my face, and i looove seeing you on my dash. please never ever think you’re bothersome or annoying, and talk your heart out! ilysm you cutie patootie!
@wonderhwalls 🌟 sweetest little flower, i know we’re more recently mutuals/friends, but i’m really glad i met you. talking to you always makes me feel better, whether its about what we’re doing, gifs, breaks, etc. you’re a voice of reason amidst the mess of this world, and i love being able to talk to you when i need a good pick me up. ily mika!!!
@atiteez 🌟 sonia, i literally think you were the first atiny mutual i ever had. i will always, aLWAYS hold you in a special place in my heart. you’re such a precious soul, and you’re lovely inside and out. i still dunno why you call me a moodboard queen-- i’m not thaaat good at that kinda stuff-- but i love you so much nonetheless. thank you for being my friend and helping me step into atinyblr (even though now we’re dying off).
@wlwrensung 🌟 miSS YUKKIIIII i hope you’re having fun on your trip!!! you’re one of my favorite people in the whole world, and i love love love talking to you. i mean?? someone like you??? wants to be friends with someone like me?? idk what you’re on that you wanna, but pls you’re the best ;;;; thank you for looking on someone like me and deciding “that’s it that’s her i wanna be friends with her” i dont deserve you but im all heart eyes bc i get to be friends with you!!
@shikyus 🌟 im an idiot with a brain the size of a pea and the memory of a goldfish. i love you-- i really do!! you’re one of the only people i clicked with immediately, and that’s kinda rare for me. you’re a sweetheart, you’re one of the most lovely people i’ve met, but you’re so chill and cool!! how do you do it?? honestly i’m really glad i met you, because like??? how often can someone say that they met someone and immediately clicked with them? i mean ok it happens often but !!! im still shocked!!! thank you for being my friend, for being super sweet, and kind, and caring-- a-and hopefully forgiving ;;;; im sorry im a dummy ;;;;;; im a big lovable dummy tho!!!!
and last but not least, miss kiki. i know she’s isnt on tumblr for now, but if she ever sees this... i have so much to say. thank you for being one of my best friends, for being one of the sweetest people in the world. i love you, i love everything about you, and i miss you. thank you for being my friend uwu
some other super awesome mutuals that i don’t have a ton to say about (either because we’re new mutuals or i havent talked to you too much yet) that i love with all my heart nonetheless: @meinyunho @fan-chngchng @ultvisual @seonghwalove @han-seungwoo @kthscenery @yooyonqha @woovoung @sanbotaged -- come talk to me more often!! i love to be bothered uwu
super special shoutout to my 3 starlight buddies who came over here and followed me despite originally knowing nothing about ateez and still supporting, loving, and talking to me: @hakjeon @babieken and @hansanghyuked. my longest standing mutuals, and even annie’s more than just a tumblr mutual-- she’s one of my closest friends. i love you guys ;;
now, i can’t leave a special message for every single one of my followers. hell, tumblr won’t even let me tag every single one of you (stupid tag limit), but know that i still love all of you. if i could (aka if i had time and energy), i’d go down the line and personally message each and every once of you to tell you all the important things.
you are all wonderful, you are all lovely, and i’m truly blessed to have all of you following me. remember to smile, to keep your chin up, because when the world gets going tough, i’m always there to support you! i love you all lots lots lots, whether we do or don’t talk. stay sweet, angels!
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sweetestgrethan · 6 years ago
I just KNOW G&E had quiet mornings on the water in the mountains with sweet little kisses and long talks about what they’ve accomplished and what they’ve done I just— I am so soft for these two and the love they have
You are so right anon and I’m literally so obsessed with how in love they are as well, like it’s crazy how easy it was for them to find their literal soulmate 😭
Here’s a lil somethin for this wonderful ask! 🥰💕
Grayson can’t sleep. It’s not for a bad reason. Nothing is weighing on his soul that was particularly very heavy, he’s not being tormented by anything. He’s savoring. He can’t really do that while he’s asleep.
It’s day four of their spontaneous road trip and everyday feels better than the last. They managed to bag the cutest cabin ever, which was so cozy and warm, Grayson found he had a hard time making himself leave for the day. It’s only a mile from the river so it’s easy to bike, or walk even.
Grayson is especially excited about today because Kyle isn’t with them. He had left late the night before and Grayson hadn’t been able to quell his excitement for the day to come, where he could just spend it with his brother. So, he’d settled for going through the motions, getting ready for bed and slotting himself easily in Ethan’s arms, the younger twin always content with being the little spoon. They’d gone to bed pretty late anyway, but Grayson had spent the night dozing for a little while at a time, and then waking up to a warmth behind him and the galaxy showing through the window above. He was content, watching the stars unmoving and making himself aware of everywhere he could feel Ethan, wanting more, always wanting more.
They’re slow to rise and Grayson can already feel his natural instincts to go out and explore bugging him. He could barely get through his toast before he stood to pack their bag. Today, they were planning on heading down to the river and swimming for a while, soak the sun in and just be. That’s something they hadn’t been able to do in so long, and definitely not with the constant bustle and urgency to create in LA.
Here, it was different. You had no obligations. The land waited for you and opened itself up for you, you swam in its lakes and rivers and hiked its mountains and there was a sense of gratefulness for being able to experience it, to be alive and to feel the sun burning your face and the harshness of the cool water on your skin. Here, Grayson could hop into Ethan’s arms and not care how weird it looked. Here, he could kiss Ethan silly and have him kiss back, have his hands roam all over him and touch the places on him that needed it most. It was silent, forgiving, it gave and they took, but they gave too, in a sense. They attached memories to creeks and built fires in clearings and fucked under the stars like teenagers, which they technically still were, but would dispute. It was a sort of natural, clandestine give and take that Grayson felt him and Ethan were meant for. He loved being busy and loved having things to do, of course. But, if he could just spend his days with Ethan, discovering new places in the woods and bathing in the waterfalls they found along the way, he’d take it in a heartbeat.
The two walked hand in hand this time, with their bags slung over their shoulders, light conversation exchanged between the two. They left their phones in the cabin this time, wanting to give their utmost attention to each other and to the nature they’d be experiencing. The walk felt shorter than it had with Kyle, the sound of rushing water made Grayson’s skin prickle with excitement. As soon as they arrived at one of the river banks, Ethan turned and kissed him on the cheek, the biggest smile spread across his sharp features.
Grayson had busied himself with getting their set up ready; two towels, water, fruit and crackers, the basics. He had just happened to be looking over at Ethan as he saw his twin push his trunks down and step out of them, before walking waist-deep into the river. Quite the feat considering how cold it usually was. Once Grayson was finished, he walked right up to where Ethan’s trunks laid, repeating the same process and walking into the river completely naked.
Ethan had already dunked himself in, water droplets dripping down his toned chest and making it hard for Grayson to focus on his footing. Instead though, he decided holding on to Ethan would be the best bet, his arms easily wrapping around his brother’s waist and standing in his space, leaning up to kiss him slowly.
“Thought we’d save the skinny dipping for later tonight?” Grayson asked, smile wide on his face. “Just couldn’t wait to get me naked, huh?” He teased and kissed him again, letting his head rest against his chest.
Ethan’s hands, almost at their own volition, snaked up to cup Grayson’s cheeks, staring down at the beautiful, familiar face he’d fallen in love with so many times before. “Is that all you think about?” He asked playfully, pressing another kiss to his lips. “Can’t I just enjoy nature in my most natural state?” He laughed.
Grayson chuckled too, shaking his head fondly. He wasn’t sure how he could ever go back to their normal life after experiencing such intense harmony here.
Later on, they lay back on their towels and rest for a while, in comfortable silence, letting the sun soak into their skin and the breeze rush over them. Their fingers are intertwined and they’re so content, with each other and their place in the world. It’s amazing how good they have it.
They walk back to their cabin lazily, tired from swimming all day but happy to be together. Grayson makes dinner and Ethan eats it gratefully, and Grayson watches him with the fondest look on his face.
It gets so cold at night out here and they’re grateful Kyle is gone so they can share their warmth for the night, with no sneaking around or worrying about getting caught.
Except, Grayson is burning, sweating, he’s out of breath and he feels like he’s being split in two. He feels so dizzy, but his hips seem to move by themselves, gyrating on top of Ethan in circles and languid figure-eights. His hands are both on Ethan’s chest so he can keep himself up, letting small yelps with every thrust that Ethan gives against him. It’s dark, they have the lights off in favor of letting the dim light from the stars flood into the room.
Grayson can barely make out Ethan’s face, so he reaches up to feel his features, his thumb running over his brother’s plump bottom lip, trailing along his cheek bone and cupping it warmly, leaning down to kiss him hard. He moans into Ethan’s mouth uncontrollably, because his big brother is particularly amazing at finding that sweet spot inside of him and milking it for all it was worth. Grayson could cry at how amazing he felt, overwhelmed by all the stimulation on his senses.
Ethan holds his hips bruisingly, like he’d get away if he didn’t. He’s a little less elegant about these things. He’s clumsy as he gets closer and closer to his orgasm, kisses him with a sloppy tongue and nips Grayson’s lip and the skin on his jaw, thrusts a little too hard and neglects the dick in between them, slapping against his stomach and looking desperate to be touched.
Ethan sat up when he felt the first tear, sliding warmly down his chest. He’s worried at first, but he knows how Grayson gets. He can feel as Grayson wraps his arms tight around his neck and cries quietly into his ear, all while rutting against him like his life depended on it.
“S-Sorry, I’m sorry,” Grayson whimpers. Ethan holds him closer, kissing the side of his face as he continues to speak. “Feels so good. Love it, love how you fill me up, E.” He said shakily.
Ethan knows he can’t do much but be there, fuck Grayson until he comes so hard he sees stars, whisper sweet nothings into his ear and assure him it was okay.
“You’re so pretty when you cry, baby boy.” Ethan says lowly, eyes closed as he savored the deft movement of Grayson’s hips. “Love it when you do.” Ethan admitted with a soft smile on his face. “Means I’m doing something right, doesn’t it?” He purrs and pulls away just a little bit, so he could punctuate the sentence with a kiss.
Grayson’s lashes are wet, gratefully so, and the tear streaks on his cheeks show no sign of drying soon. “God, I love you.” He breathed. He’d said it so many times and it never failed to make the heat in his tummy flare up pleasantly.
“I know you do.”
Grayson comes a few moments later, thighs shaking and head thrown back as he rode through his orgasm, letting out a string of Ethan’s and I love you’s along with it. He makes a mess between them but Ethan doesn’t mind, he lives for how much of a slut Grayson can be about getting fucked by him. The boy lives for it, made to fit against Ethan perfectly.
Ethan fills him to the brim. Grayson slumps against him and tries to catch his breath. No matter how many times they toe the line of acceptability or how many boundaries they push and break down, it always feels the same. It feels like they’re complete.
Neither of them can sleep afterwards, so Grayson slips on a pair of joggers and grabs the duvet from the bed in one hand, and holds Ethan’s hand tight with the other. He lead him out to the back porch and walked him all the way to the edge of the yard where they have a clear view of the mountains and the horizon. It’s still dark so he’s careful as he leads him through some trees. There’s a log perfectly placed where they need it, and they sit down on it while Grayson wraps the blanket around both of them. He wrapped his arms around Ethan’s waist as well and rested his head on his shoulder, relishing in the familiar warmth radiating off of him.
They watch for a while, listen to the sounds of crickets turn into the chirping of birds. They watch the forest turn orange and yellow, quite a change from the dark, somber blue it was just a few minutes ago. It’s silent between them and nothing needs to be said. It’s all serene, it’s quiet, it’s perfect.
Grayson speaks anyway. Itches to say something.
“This is everything I’ve ever wanted.” Grayson starts softly, still crowded against his brother. “You, spending all my time with you. Doing what we do. Making people happy.” He sighs. He isn’t going to get emotional again, doesn’t make a habit of it unless he’s got Ethan balls deep inside of him.
“Yeah.” Ethan agreed easily. “It’s incredible.” He murmured, honestly. “Never thought I’d get to spend my days with you like this.” It was a struggle to get here, to the point where they were comfortable enough to kiss and touch. It was worth every struggle they had. It was worth the hiding.
“Love you, E. I’d do anything for you, I hope you know that.” Grayson whispered, moving to nuzzle his face into Ethan’s neck.
Ethan couldn’t help the wide smile that spread across his face, or the butterflies that made a mess of his tummy. “I love you.” He murmured. “And I’d give anything to be able to love you like this forever.” He said softly, turning to kiss the top of Grayson’s head.
They had it good. That they couldn’t deny.
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horanggae · 4 years ago
hi hi dear aera! (づ ◕‿◕ )づ
how have you been? sflr!! (i’ve been kinda busy with uni and work) it’s been a while since the last time I wrote you an ask (╥_╥) // are you getting assigned too much homework? how are your classes going? wishing you the best luck and success for uni!!
oh, after our conversations I could guess you’re from singapur or the philippines? (because of your english and mandarin?? + the dialect, don’t worry you don’t have to tell me yet but am I close?? haha) oh, i’m from north america but not from chicago, actually i’m not from the us! but i’m really close, you can still try to guess? (^_<) // yes, i just have one semester left! (for internship) and i’ll be free of college!! // no way, but you know some mandarin?? may I ask if your mom talks to you in mandarin? you’re so cool! you can speak three languages!! are you interested in learning a new one anytime soon?? (´。• ᵕ •。`)
oh, work limitations? should i take this as another hint? :o, one year is nothing compared to a lifetime dear! it’s okay to take your time, i’m glad you got the chance to choose something that you wanted too!! (choosing a major can be pretty difficult, that also happened to me after completing high school) I bet you’ll do great during all your uni journey, i really really hope you achieve honours. ♡( ◡‿◡ )
you seem too excited about the playlist thing!! i’m glad you want me to create you another one ^^, sure! I’ll send it to you as soon as I have it ready ♡. for me, I would like any playlist you can create, a little suggestion could be a playlist with song recommendations (can be any songs, not only kpop) or based on a season!!
yes we are!! sometimes I feel like we just started talking yesterday, I still get really excited when I go into your blog to see any response because you’re always so nice and I love to read your responses ^^ // mmm, talking about my daily life?? lately I started to work out (just indoor cycling) but I’m pretty excited to see results even when I just started last week lol (also I find funny that the day I started to do cycling, gyu uploaded his cycling night photo on ig ^^) and another thing I have been doing lately is wakening up at 7:00 am because of work and not at 9/10am anymore.... // do you like to do exercise? are you a morning person? I would love to also know about any recent exciting thing in your daily life!! how is uni life for someone from south asia? I see you have to make a long trip to uni from your place (you prev mentioned a 2h trip?) is your uni campus huge? I thought all countries still had only online classes? feel free to answer with a lot or not too much text, I’m always looking forward to getting to know about you and your daily life. (◕‿◕)♡
wishing you a great sunny day!! remember to eat and sleep well!
hello f🐯❤️ it's okay, im swarmed with assignments as well! It's picking up its pace ㅠ ㅠ classes are okay, it's just the expectations ashdjdfkfl. Hbu how are things at uni for you? Your vacation is over so soon? Close! Around that area!! mhmm lemme guess a lil more, Mexico city?
no, my mom speaks to me in eng while my dad speaks to me in chi! But as I grew older, we switched to dialect as I picked up from hearing them converse with my aunts, uncles & cousins! 3 languages yet all of them are subpar (´ . .̫ . `) no, my brain capacity of language is at its limits •́ ‿ ,•̀ what about, what language(s) do you speak, spanish?
yeah that's a hint too hehe. I'm hoping I get through uni okay with at least a decent GPA </3 you're graduating pretty soon!!! Do you have any plans after uni? Yeah!! I wanna expand my playlist a bit more! I'll try to make a playlist on another post! Dw I'll tag caratanonevent3 so you can find it!
Waking up early feels really good....... Especially when you're well rested or you exercise straight after waking up. I can't say if I like it or not ahskdmflfl bc I get lazy at the thought of doing the exercises but when I do it that's a different story, however, when it comes to swimming I love it a lot!!! I'd do anything for it unless im swarmed with stuff or im tired! I'd like to think I'm a morning person bc i enjoy waking up early except my body clock is screwed so badly that my sleeping timing is really late ( ・ั﹏・ั)
Half the week I'm usually in campus for f2f lectures & tutorials, by the time I'm home, I'm ready to jump into bed (≧▽≦) but I'd have dinner, play a bit of game, reorganize my notes and unwind before bed! Recently though, I've opted to stay out a little later than usual instead of going straight home after lectures. Solo adventures are really comforting even when there's no destination in mind! I used to dislike going to places alone but now I like it so much I'm afraid it would further encourage me stop socializing and hanging out with my friends lmao (๑•﹏•) OHH AND, the libraries here are open again!!! So i might drop by one soon to borrow a book!! ( ꈍᴗꈍ) Yeah my uni is on the opp end of where I stay!! So now that it's covid, the travelling time is shorter, 1h30mins! The uni I'm enrolled in requires us to be in campus for classes and I very much prefer that than to zoom classes hehe. Feels like an invisible veil when we're not having physical classes and it feels very disconnecting to me. :-(
Sorry for the delay in the replies! Mentally feels like I'm drifting in and out ahsjsmflfl, sounds like it's really bad but dw it's not, it's just things that are fluctuating! I hope to chat with you very soon again :-( miss talking about anything and everything with you f🐯❤️ please stay safe and enjoy the lil vacation adventure you mentioned in the following ask!! Hear from you soon <3
Ps. I saw that the event has come to an end!!! But you can choose to reveal yourself or remain anonymous if you like bc idm. Either way, i don't think anything will change even if you reveal yourself bc it's comforting talking to you like this too hehe. THE Mysterious penpal carat anon F (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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the-mf-bread-babies · 4 years ago
“Dennis, Aaron, Damon, Sawblade”
“Hm? Yeah. Look at Twitter, dude, it's trending,” Damon replied casually as the two quickly pulled out their phones. “What? It's not– oh, it changed,” Aaron stated, “It was normal, then it refreshed, and now I have over twenty notifications and DMs. Sorry, Denny,” Dennis narrowed his eyes at his husband. “I literally gave you that raccoon video last night. I know you didn't look at it,” he pointed out, petty. “How was I supposed to kn–” he argued, before Damon cut it off.
“So are you guys having the apocalypse Twitter now or what?” he asked, interrupted their quarrel. “Oh, I never update mine so I can still have the square icons and stuff,” “I'm just getting normal stuff right now; cat videos, ads, recipe videos, the occasional out of context fandom drama and discourse. The usual,” Dennis confessed. “Like, ever? Never updated it? You don't have lights out mode?” Damon asked, trying to understand this man's level of dedication for square icons. “Yup. Minecraft's square, which is nice,” he replied, smiling honestly. “Okay…” Damon processed.
“Oh, like, she really stabbed him. Like, with a knife. Like, to death,” Aaron said, bringing them back to the current conversation about apocalypse Twitter. “Hm? Oh, yeah, that. The dude, like, died, and stuff; F,” Damon said respectfully. “Chrissy Teigen bought rights to a nuke…” Aaron added. “And Hatsune Miku is leading a protest. Good for her,” He scrolled through his timeline. Dennis made a sad face. “Why's my feed so boring…” “I'm getting hockey spoilers. HOCKEY,”
“Maybe if you had circle icons…” Damon suggested quietly. “SQUARE ICONS ARE GOOD, DUDE, AND I–” Dennis's passionate and tenacious yelling was suddenly interrupted by an inhuman growl. “Oh, stupid cannibal rats. This isn't New York, goddamn it,” Aaron grumbled as he grabbed a broom and walked angrily towards the noise. “This is why stray cats are important, you dumbass mayor,” “Just friggin’, spay and neuter ‘em if you hate them so much, clip their ears and shit…”
“So, about Borderlands. Which one’re you playing?” Dennis said as they both waited for Aaron to investigate. “TWO!! I'M PLAYING BORDERLANDS 2, ON MY THIRD ULTIMATE VAULT HUNTER MODE PLAYTHROUGH, AND ALSO THE PRE-SEQUEL, AND I'M PLANNING TO BUY BORDERLANDS 3 WHEN THERE'S A GOOD SALE LATER!!!! I LOVE BORDERLANDS!!!” Damon explained excitedly.
“I wanted to buy the legendary collection on my Switch, but I… panicked and bought Animal Crossing instead. I have Raymond on my island, by the way,” Dennis said sadly. “I built a cage around his house the other day,” Damon stared sadly at this man, understanding his complicated dilemma. “That's very nice,” he said, “how does your island look like?” Damon leaned against the wall, holding Sawblade, who was now sleeping. “Bad,” the man replied, looking down in shame.
Aaron, on the other hand, was whacking the living hell out of the ground, determined to find the creature. “Wait, I probably shouldn't scare it off or something,” He realized, calmly holding the broom. “C'mere, lil guy,” he repeated as he whistled. Another odd growl echoed in the alleyway, sounding much closer than the previous one. “Hm,” Aaron thought as he stopped walking for a bit, unsure whether to call the two over or to keep going alone. “DENNIS! DAMON!” he yelled, extremely scared of whatever monster was luring him over. “Yeah, I have Graham, he's just ok–” Dennis conversed. “Aaron?! Did you find it?” He shouted.
The Mystery
“COME OVER HERE!!” Aaron yelled back. “What about Sawblade?” Damon worriedly asked. “SAW– Uh, just– just put her in the back, there's some food, water, litter boxes, toys, treats, ghosts, cable,” Dennis listed down as he carefully took her from the boy and carried her to the back room. “Well, basically, it's for cats,” He said as he closed the door. “Alright, let's go,”
As Aaron was waiting patiently for the two to follow, he took out his phone and browsed through a shopping app. Unsurprisingly, this had also changed. The feed was filled with knives, jackets, concrete powder, more knives, advertisements for people looking for commissions, and… snacks. “Oh, apocalypse stuff, huh?” he mumbled as he eyed the “Food” tab, tapping it, eager to know what apocalypse snacks are like. Hopefully not like, chips made out of gasoline or something.
“Tubby custard, Cookie Monster cookies, Why Does Anime Food Look So Tasty, Hottie's Microwaved Chicken, Salad Fingers’ Salad Fingers, ACTUAL rice fried by chickens, Lembas bread, and–”
“Zeruel meat, $20”
Aaron hastily pressed the “Add to Cart” button, uncaring if it's a scam or not. He continued browsing all the snacks sold in this new world, forgetting what he was doing before until Dennis and Damon came running into the alley. “YOU OKAY?!” Dennis yelled, the surprise of it giving his husband a flinch. “Yeah, honey, do you want to drink the blue milk from Star Wars?” Aaron said calmly. “Is Aunt Beru there?” Dennis asked, casually placing his head on his husband's shoulder to look at the phone screen, his arms wrapped around his neck, but like, in a loving and non-strangling way, you know how, placing a kiss onto his cheek.
“Hey guys, I have bread at my house. It expires tomorrow, so I'd recommend eating it if you want :)” Damon suggested. However, his voice was too quiet for them to hear it and they continued doing gross couple stuff like holding hands and premarital eye contact. Ew. “Now about that cannibal rat…” Dennis retracted his arms from around Aaron's neck, his hand still lightly wrapped around the other’s shoulder. He placed himself in front of the shorter man, close enough for Aaron to smell his stinky-ass breath that reeked of ranch dressing. Dennis smiled softly, waiting for an answer. “cannibal what now” Damon asked to himself.
“That can wait,” Aaron replied, his arms slowly wrapping around Dennis. “I dunno, guys, what if you're kissing and stuff, and then we all die or something,” Damon interrupted the couple's flirting. “When the hell did you– Uh, yeah, okay, let's, um, take care of that first,” Aaron said, only now noticing the boy's presence. “Hell yeah! Let's kill some rats!” Dennis yelled exuberantly. “Capture, Denny, don't kill anything,” Aaron corrected. “That's literally the first thing I taught you about the pet shop thing, honey,” Dennis looked down in shame and disappointment.
The trio went further into the alleyway, staying close to each other in case anything happened. “Wouldn't it be funny as hell if, like, it turned out to be a fridge or something?” Damon asked. “And the fridge was full of killer snails,” Dennis added sarcastically. “Killer snails are scary, you guys don't understand,” Aaron said angrily, “Just imagine sitting at the beach and some bitch-ass cone snail runs straight at you and you die right there on the spot. That's scary as hell,” he explained. “Run. A snail. That would take five months,” Dennis questioned his co-worker, “Babe, for a vet, you have really weird and specific and unrealistic fears,”
“It's because–” Aaron argued back, his sentence cut off with another growl, this time coming from the wall on his left. “A fridge, guys, a fridge,” Damon assured. “Nah, it's a zombie bear,” Dennis said, smirking. Aaron looked around for a door, or a window, so he could investigate. “Aliens, guys, aliens,” he mumbled, finding a foggy window. “Aha!” Aaron yelled as he turned on the flashlight on his phone. “So, Damon says it's a fridge, Denny says it's killer snails and zombie bears, and I said it's an alien, right?” Aaron said smugly, knowing his vague theory is way more likely than their guesses.
He directed the light through the window, its light revealing the inside of the building. It was dusty and empty, probably built as a store room. Or a weird cult place. “Well, that's that,” Dennis said, disappointed in the truth. “Cobwebs, huh? We're all wrong, then,” Damon said sadly. “ALIEN cobwebs!! I'm right, suckers!” Aaron yelled enthusiastically.
“You sure about that? Could be normal ones. Only way to find out is to go in… ;)” Dennis said, taunting the others. “Really? We wanna know that? They're clearly aliens. Not fridges…” Damon asked, looking down. “Suuuure, man. But y’know, it could be zombie bear fridges in those cobwebs… We could be right, and Aaron's wrong…” Dennis suggested. “So, honey, if you wanna make sure you're right…” Aaron scrunched up his face in offence. “I am. Do zombie bear fridges not sound alien to you.”
“Yeah, but… Florida probably has that, yeah?” Dennis said, angering Aaron more. “You think I'm gonna rush in there to prove that I'm right? You think I'm that dumb. Den, babe, I won't go in there,” Aaron asserted. While the two was arguing, Damon, bored, just walked around them in circles. As he was dragging his feet blindly, he accidentally stepped on something hidden under dried leaves, sinking it down. “SECRET DOOR!” he yelled out excitedly.
Damon kicked apart the leaves from each other, uncovering the part of the ground. “Who the hell puts a button here?” he questioned. “Oh, what the–” the ground shook, a piece of it falling down, revealing a staircase. It was carved from stone and it looked straight out of a history book. “Uh… should we go back, or?” Dennis said, weirded out by it. “Homestuck says we shouldn't trust stairs, so,” he added. “Karkalicious, definition: Makes Terezi loco,” Damon sung. “She wants to taste something something photo, dyin’ just to know the flavour, I ain't doin’ HER NO FAVOURS, no reason just season fresh and comes and goes like seizures, I'm Karkalicious,” he mumbled. “What the fuck?” Aaron whispered.
The three stood in front of the staircase, unsure what to do. Aaron was gripping a broom, while Dennis and Damon considered making a quick pit stop at the pet shop.
The Pit Stop at the Pet Shop
Dennis had made the decision to go back to get some tools to help them, and Aaron and Damon waited in the alley.
“So, you wanna look at the stuff they're selling here?” Aaron asked, passing the time. “Sure, why not?” Damon agreed as he peeked at his new friend's phone. “Alright, what're we gonna browse? There's video games, food, clothes, weapons…” “VIDEO GAMES!!” he shouted happily. “Okay…” Aaron said as he clicked a tab.
“Doom Crossing: Eternal Horizon Solid III Dawn”
“Borderlands: The Pre-Threequel – Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Apology Video ft. Tiny Tina: The DLC”
“Overwatch 2: Please Buy This Game – $3 Super Duper Legendary Deluxe Origins Edition”
“Gun Shooting War Tanks Rockets Missiles VR Simulator 46”
“Low-Poly Art Game with Hidden Metaphors”
“Gritty Old White Men Who Are Detailed And Angry 3: This Time There's More Pores”
“Not-Subtle-At-All Metaphor for Society and Politics, As Told By A Cishet White Man, Ultra 4K HD”
“Racing But Very High Quality and Immersive and Also Like $80”
“Ah. This is basically the same.” Damon stated sadly. “Wait, what about this?” Aaron pointed to a familiar video game. “Angry Birds Seasons,” it read. They both began to cry out of nostalgia. “Maybe this world isn't so bad after all…” Damon said gratefully as Aaron downloaded the game.
Meanwhile, Dennis struggled to carry an assembled cat cage, a carrier, a bottle of water, a ball, dog toys, flea shampoo, gloves, cat and dog treats, cat and dog food, and a partridge in a pear tree at the same time. Somehow, he did, and he wobbled over to his husband and the kid, his vision completely blinded by everything he carried. “Man… Aaron's gonna be so… impressed when he sees this. I'm so friggin’… strong…” He whispered to himself as he panted.
“Holy shit, it's Angry Birds, dude,” Damon said happily. “Rock, paper, scissors, whoever wins plays,” Aaron suggested. “Nah, you go first. I'm not really sure if this is the Angry Birds Seasons normally in our world or if it's some weird clone of it.” Damon said, scratching his head. “Wonder what's Sawblade doing,”
As the sound of dry food rattling and a cat cage being dragged across the street grew louder, Aaron excitedly went to help his husband, who immediately fell on his back in tiredness at the sight of him. “Carry,” Dennis panted, closing his eyes and probably about to take a nap. “Why'd you bring toys and treats?” Aaron asked honestly. “Just in case the little guy's angry,” Dennis explained badly. “It could be a zombie or whatever, you know… I'm pretty sure that growl didn't come from an ‘angry little guy,’ dude,” Damon argued.
“Well, okay. Who's going down first?” Aaron asked, making a face that was a combination of scared and taunting. “Uh, I'm like, a minor, and could die, so it's kind of illegal if I go first. Like, I'm all endangered and stuff. Yeah,” Damon stated. “I have scoliosis,” Dennis blurted out, giving Aaron puppy dog eyes. “I could trip and fall and die,” he added, nodding slowly while still maintaining eye contact. “I ate a doughnut for breakfast today, so I'm pretty full; if I go first, I'll just slow you guys down,” Aaron said. “Wolves do that. The slowest and oldest ones go in front so they don't get left behind,” Dennis replied with a smile. “Uh, my leg hurts a lot, I can't go downstairs,” Aaron added. “How about you roll down? It's a much more fun solution :)” Damon replied back, really not wanting to be the first one.
“Fine, we'll do rock paper scissors, then,” Dennis suggested impatiently. “There's three of us, it'll probably take a long time,” Aaron said, tilting his head and looking away from his husband's demanding glare. “Oh, lat tali lat,” Damon said casually, confusing the two. “Huh?” “Shooooot. Um, well basically, where I'm from, there's this game where it's like rock paper scissors, but it's for more than two people,” Damon explained in a very complicated manner, clearly wanting the situation to drag on longer.
After explaining how the game works, the trio finally came to a conclusion on the sequence they enter in– first, Dennis, then Damon, and Aaron behind them. “Oh. So who's carrying the luggage?” Dennis asked to Damon and Aaron. “Do we really need to bring that big ass cage?” Aaron asked. “Like, how the hell are we supposed to bring it down there? Just kick it downstairs and run?” Dennis thought for a bit. “Um, yeah.” “Oh, good idea, you can check for traps and stuff,” Damon agreed.
“A: What about the food? What if this alien–”
“D: No one said it was an alien except for you.”
“A: Fine, this zombie bear–”
“d: – Killer snails in fridges,”
“D: Ok”
“A: You think it eats kibbles? Little seafood delight kibbles?”
“D: Uh…”
“A: Maybe some of those chicken flavored ones?”
“D: I guess…”
“A: Huh?”
“d: Yeah, why'd you bring dry food?”
“D: Because if I brought wet food, I'd have to bring a plate and stuff.”
“A: Or, you know, just serve it in the can it was in,”
“D: What if it hates the texture or whatever?”
“Aliens probably like crunchy food better.”
“I like crunchy food better than… like, mashed-up meat drenched in some weird liquid. Aliens are like that too.”
“d: Good point, dude,”
“A: Hm. Yeah, can't disagree with that, man.”
“D: See? This is because I was kin with Megamind back in middle school,”
“A: That– okay.”
“D: Yeah. Take that, bitch.”
“Hell yeah.”
“d: So Megamind likes catnip too? We're bringing catnip downstairs?”
“D: That's to make him all chill and stuff.”
“A: Chew toys? Bouncy balls?”
“D: That's if there's guard dogs.”
“d: Oh, and the crab treats are for Jessica, only child, Illinois, Chicago?”
“D: Yeah…”
“A: You really brought everything from the shop, huh?”
“D: Yup! Except cat beds, leashes, collars, custom collars, microchip trackers, heat lamps, cat litter, litter boxes…”
“A: Okay, well just enough for this, then,”
“D: Yeah!”
“d: What if they're lizards, and they're too cold?”
“D: … Shiiiit.”
“A: Aliens aren't– Oh damn, you're right,”
“d: Well, let's just hope I'm not,”
“I don't want them to shit everywhere or whatever, man.”
“D: What.”
“d: This one time in kindergarten, my teacher brought in her iguana and it was shitting all over my desk. My poor, poor, desk.”
“A: Um? How?”
“d: I dunno. Just did. Like, splat, bitch, fuck you,”
“Wait, oops, sorry,”
“D: That's very sad.”
“d: Yeah. Thanks,”
“d: So are we going in or what?”
“D: No”
“A: dennis.”
“D: do i still have to be first”
“d: DUH”
“D: this is like that one anime with the big guys”
“the one thats pretty racist”
The three finally went downstairs in the order they agreed upon, and their discovery will be told…
In the next part.
still reading this? loser
??????? go do smth else
helloooo get outtttt
hey? you're reading this?
hisoillu is fucking canon
and Fuck parigings. if future me is reading this i really hope ur not pouring your heart out for the rat and the pig men. Really , Dude , Really .
nah jk if they g/y , they ok
unless its weird.
n e ways next part coming soon ,
uhhhh written by rocco wulfram cyaaaa
0 notes
angies-team · 7 years ago
92 Questions Tag!
TAGGED BY:  @hello-em75 (who is in every way awesome) 
drink: A wierd grape juice fruit blend thingy. I don’t really know but it was good.
phone call: my mother
text message: ditto ^^^^
song you listened to: Two Feet- I feel like i’m drowning.
time you cried: This morning I was watching Stranger Things okay 
have you:
dated someone twice: neyooo
kissed someone and regretted it: yeah. Every night i put my younger brother to bed and regret giving him a kiss of the cheek when he makes some sort of annoying comment.
been cheated on: sorry that role goes to my tests.
lost someone special: yeah, family, I’ve had a few friends who have passed away for multiple different reasons, some more painful than others. Uhhh... I’ve lost a few fictional characters close to my heart.
been depressed: oh look it’s the title of my autobiography.
gotten drunk and thrown up: nopers
list three favorite colors:
blue  aquamarine
also blue multiple other colours that are also cool
in the last year have you:
made new friends: I HAvE. I sweaarrr. I have friends! It’s hard to sit alone ever though, but I wouldn’t change things even if i had the chance.
fallen out of love: nah, my heart still belongs to my one true love, Hayden Christensen. 
laughed until i cried: did that yesterday, actually. 
found out someone was talking about you: probably, but i don’t remember.
found out who your friends are: Iii’mmm not exactly sure what this means but one of my friends did turn out to be Batman soooo...yeah. no i didn’t i’m kidding i swear
kissed someone on your facebook list: nope
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: probably most if not all of them
do you have any pets: we have two turtles: Spock and Chopper. (Chopper is the biggest lil shit too it’s perfect)
do you want to change your name: i mean not really. If i were going to i’d just make my nickname my legal name since it’s what everyone calls me already anyway.
what did you do for your last birthday: Which was TODAY WUT. uhhh idk played a little BATTLEFRONT 2 (IT’S AMAZING GAH), 
what time do you wake up: well i should wake up by at least 7 to get to school on time but lately I've been sick and i’m always sleeping in and late for school. Usually ranges from 8-8:30 on schooldays and i have no idea for weekends. 
what were you doing at midnight last night: uh i was totally sleeping. I wasn’t watching stranger things at all. nope. nuh uh. not a chance.
name something you can’t wait for: The last JEDI. gah just give it to me now i’m already dead you can’t kill me any more.
when was the last time you saw your mom: today
what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my math and Physics mark. that or get rid of my stupid concussion so i can do things again.
what are you listening to right now: 
have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah, my late grandfather. There have probably been other Tom’s in my life but i can’t think of one off the top of my head. 
something that is getting on your nerves: MATH. and this guy who keeps following me around and WROTE ME A FRIKIN POEM nopenopenope abort.
most visited website: youtube honest
mole/s: i don’t think i have any?
mark/s: freckles (if that counts, but i have like five and they’re practically invisible when it’s not summer), the large scar that appeared on my cheek this week, cuts, scrapes and bruises here or there.
childhood dream: teacher *shudders* glad i gave that one a rest.
hair color: dirty-ish light blond sort of thing i have no clue what my hair is. My eyebrows are black though and no i haven’t ever dyed my hair, except for that one time this year i went as sabine for Halloween
long or short hair: short. my hair was halfway down my back in around March and i chopped it all off for star wars.
do you have a crush on someone: sort of? I mean i don’t think it really counts as a crush i just think this guy is kind of cute but he also looks IDENTICAL TO EZRA I KID YOU NOT i swear on my life it’s crazy. but yeah that’s kind of the only reason i’m sort of obsessed with him i guess? But yeah I honestly dont even know who he is and I’ve only talked to him like three times and two were like “oh hey sorry is someone sitting here?” “oh no. sorry i’ll move my bag because its on your chair.” so yeahh. fun stuff.
what do you like about yourself: ummmmm... things? I love that i can find beauty in music and the world in ways alot of people can’t and i feel lucky because of that. My artistic personality is realy what defines me other than my constant use of sarcasm and dry humor, as well as terrible jokes and combacks that aren’t even comebacks and it’s helped me become who i am and will be fore the rest of my life. i love that i can use not only pictures but song, as well as words to express myself and other things to the world. I’m also terrible with words when i’m speaking so being able to write down what i mean with the detail needed to paint the picture into your mind is great. i also make no sense. like all the time.
piercings: one simple hole in each ear is enough for me
blood type: I....don’t actually know.
nicknames: Angie, Ange, Angeasaurus, tangeriene, angerine, Rey (it’s a long story), Bob, Frank, Joe (i am being serious, actually) 
relationship status: single not like a pringle because pringles come on tins which hold alot more than a single pringle (heh) soooo what am i even sayig
zodiac: scorpio
pronouns: she/her
favorite tv show: ooohhh that’s an unfair question. 
right or left hand: right
surgery: i don’t think so?
hair dyed in different colour: oh look i just talked about this. uh yeah, but temporarily for halloween
sport: ice hockey, water polo, tennis, swimming, baseball, something else i’m 100 percent forgetting.
vacation: i legit just went somewhere and i kid you not i cannot remember where it was. my memory is actually really bad.
pair of trainers: either my white sneakers or, if it’s winter or fall i’m always wearing my boots.
more general:
eating: a lolipop :)
drinking: lemonade
i’m about to: draw something stupid (probably)
want: to just feel like I’ve made a difference. To be happy. 
get married: one day. but i’m like 17 so...
career: broke student(?)
hugs or kisses: hugssss
lips or eyes: eyes mostly, but both
shorter or taller: taller
older or younger: older
nice arms or nice stomachs: both is the way to gooo
sensitive or loud: really depends on the time, place, and people
hookup or relationship: relationship
troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
have you ever:
kissed a stranger: nopers
drank hard liquor: uh yeah. i accidentally downed my mom’s vodka when i was like 11 because i thought it was water. heh mistakes.
lost glasses/contacts: i’m using my mom’s glasses actually right now because i lost mine
turned someone down: all the time tbh. just the other day actually (in my defense he was stalking me and it was getting creppy)
sex on the first date: uh nooooooooooo
broken someone’s heart: yeah (i feel like a terrible person saying yeah, but the things this guy did to me to try and get me to like him back were ridiculous)
had your heart broken: everytime my favorite fictional characters die okay in all seriousness, nope. I’ve never really liked someone that way. except for that one time when i was 12 but that’s a story for another time
been arrested: nope
cried when someone died: yeah. my grandfather earlier this year, a friend of mine commited suicide last year, and another one just died this yeah in a hit and run accident. so. other than that... *glares at stoick*
fallen for a friend: not as of current date
do you believe in:
yourself: sometimes 
miracles: yeah.
love at first sight: nah. romeo and Julliet is a LIE. sort of.
santa claus: nope. (i blame my mother for not being more stealthy when i was 11)
kisses on the first date: i guess it would depend
current best friend: doesn’t have tumblr and would rather i didn’t say his name.
eye color: blue (except when it’s really bright outside they turn almost white. it’s creepy)
favorite movie: The Empire Strikes Back
TAGGING: @twiggy242 @tarched @leffie-draws-fanart @jeditimelordinthetardis @fanwriter02 @fangirling1998 and anyone else who feels like doing this!
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tumblunni · 6 years ago
Random headcanons about the Qu species cos we never really learn much about them in the game except "they are funnie and cute". But i mean. THEY TOTALLY ARE! So i am love them and think more the thoughts.
* Okay so first off why is it that we see so few of them and all the ones we see are apparantly raised in a family of one elderly mentor and one student with apparantly nothing like a human parental structure? One of the few additional facts we got revealed in supplementary materials is that Quina is 89 in human years but this is considered "young adult" by Qu standards. So i'm assuming they have pretty damn long lifespans! Oh man, Qus are final fantasyverse elves?!?! I mean.. Lives amoungst nature... Mysterious and magical... Dedicates their long life to the pursuit of knowledge...it all adds up o.O theyre just elves if elves were funny instead of majestic! Normal elves do the same thing but with books n magic n archery n shit, seriously they just fuckin did ctrl + f replace everything with cookery terms. I HAVE CRACKED THE CODE, YOU GUYS
* okay sorry where was i LOL! Alright so i was thinking an explanation for Qus being so rare and seemingly not having a nuclear family unit = maybe theyre literally just spawned from nature? Like theyre technically a type of monster, just one thats more intelligent and able to form their own society. They just poof up out of the mist every now and then, and wreak havoc on whatever ecosystem they landed in with their Ultimate Super Adaptation Blue Magic Powers. So Qu Marshes are sorta like orphanage/lookout spots where elder Qus will try and find wandering bebs and invite them into the wider society. Most Qus are constantly nomadic, on the search for new recipes, and only the oldest ones will return to their childhood home and dedicate themselves entirely to teaching le youth.
* Either that or i dunno maybe Qus are like dragons in some kinds of fiction? Yknow the thing where a dragon egg is indestructable and lasts forever and takes a hundred years to hatch. So its rare for a parent to manage to keep ahold of all their kids long enough for them to be born, and most qus just wake up in a random place in god knows where and never find out who theyre blood related to. But their society is built more around these found family chef teacher structures so they dont really feel like they lose anything compared to humans. Also whenever a qu wants to pursue some other hyperfocus aside from cookery, they tend to seek out a human as their mentor/parent. After all, humans are everywhere and do lots of things! Its just a lil confusing sometimes cos the blacksmith accepting this random foreign exchange student doesnt expect them to get super attatched and start calling him dad! ("What do you mean you have nowhere to live??")
* oh and yeah i dont think that ALL qus forever have exactly the same personality and goals in life cos 'this entire species does one hobby' is a very stupid idea. Its just that they come from a very harsh and wild environment where you have to eat weird poisonous plants and dangerous giant monsters or else you starve. So itd make sense theyd develop a civilization around it when its a vital part of their existance and like.. The ability to acquire food more easily would be the entire reason WHY they coul start a society, cos otherwise it takes up 90% of their day every day. And developing complex cookery very quickly would also make sense because learning to prepare otherwise inedible stuff into edible form would be the greatest invention of early history! So food is just valued very highly because of those foundations of their society being one built on starvation. Nowadays theyre more able to eat enough to survive but that culture stuck around and they still celebrate even the smallest bowl of rice! So i think its totally probable that there are many Qu who have other hobbies and leave the qu homeland to pursue them, but i also think theyd still keep those cultural values of appreciating cooking even if they had other goals in life. So they do get the reputaion of "only ever chefs" from humans.
* Also to go with my headcanon of Qus being less of an anthro animal like most of the other races and more 'anthro vague concept of scary monsters in general, if they were actually nice and baked pies'. What if kid qus go through a tadpole/caterpillar stage where they actually are just monsters? Quina shows their baby photos and its just this big terrifying fangy blob in a cute onesie. I'm thinking that bebys would spend their childhood mostly feral and dangerous and then metamorphose into their more humanoid form once they become intelligent enough. So the length of their childhood stage could be shorter if theyre raised around other qus and learn to talk earlier. But probably those who rush through development like that would be physically smaller and weaker? Like higher magic stat vs higher defense.
* Qus have a more fluid concept of gender compared to humans. Its not like all of them are genderless but they're comparatively more accepting of people like Quina than humans are. The sexual dimorphism in their species is low so they mostly indicate gender through fashion sense and..well.. Saying "i am [insert gender here]". And their life is full of so many much more dangerous and important things so why the hell would they waste time thinking so much about dumb stuff like "uwu this person is somehow wrong about their own gender and i cant let it go until i prove it". So to a qu it would make literally no sense how humans are all "ugh this trans person is really [birth sex]" like uhh hello she said is girl, where problem??? Humans all look equally identical from a qu perspective so it all seems stupid.
* Similarly i think maybe qus adopt people from other species fairly frequently? By qu law, Vivi would be considered a qu citizen because his grandpa was a qu. If you're raised in the qu ways then you're not a human, that just doesnt make sense! Maybe you're a smaller weaker qu but youre still one of us! There are distinctions in the language between being part of the species and being an immigrant to the culture, but there isnt any predjudice about it. Qus get their reputation of being "stupid" because theyre very carefree and simple i guess, but thats not necessarily a "stupid" thing. They've advanced past a lot of bigotries humanity is still stuck on, because their society around hospitality like this. The power of food!!
* Also they don't speak "broken english" because they're stupid, like dont say that when you never made any effort to learn their damn language. I kinda have the headcanon that maybe qus speak all sorts of different languages since their culture highly values the idea of travelling the world to learn more cookery? Like they only have trouble being a master of any of these languages cos they learned SO MANY and its hard to remember all the different rules. Why do humans have so many countries!!
* I like the idea of Qus having the old medieval "perpetual stew" tradition. Having a family crock pot thats always bubbling with whatever miscellaneous leftovers everyone brings back with them each day. But maybe qus have a big community version? Just a giant town cauldron. Itd probably have way higher odds of giving terrible soup if literally everyone is throwing in ingredients with no regard for each other, but the roulette aspect would be fun, lol!
* Qus have a reverse of usual human traditions for guests. When a qu is a guest in someone's home its expected that they'll cook something for the people who invited them in, and the family will be hapoy to get a chance to share new recipes with this stranger. So its common to open your kitchen to anyone and keep a good stock of ingredients just in case. Similarly, the main way Qus judge if a human is trustworthy is to challenge them to cook something or take down some tasty boss monster. According to legend, humans first came into contact with qu society when a legendary knight slayed a ruby dragon and helped feed a villaige for a week. So thats why qus decided to trust humans,but still some individuals might be wary until you prove a similar feat of cooking strength. Any fellow gourmands are instantly accepted though, and many taverns across human society boast that they are "qu approved". The coveted "five yummy yummies" rating is ever elusive!
* Qus really like Fancy Hats
* i really like Fancy Hats
* this is why i love the qus
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deadcactuswalking · 6 years ago
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 23rd September 2018
Listen, sorry if I come off as miserable and exhausted, but, yeah, that’s because I am. It’s late, I’m tired, but I have to get this out before Friday so I can finish that BLAST TO THE PAST episode on Snoop Dogg. Hopefully once I move the timeslot back to Sundays I’ll have more time and passion to do these, but for now, here is a shorter, slap-dash episode of REVIEWING THE CHARTS, where I’ll end up somehow rambling despite not having much to say. Enjoy.
Top 10
It’s not exactly an over exaggeration here to say nothing really changed in the top 10, or the top 40 as a whole. This is a pretty routine and chill week so hopefully we can get through this rather quickly. “Promises” by Calvin Harris and Sam Smith stays at the number-one spot this week, which should be a depiction of the charts right now: kind of odd yet still dreary and not worth bothering with.
Also not moving from last week is “Eastside” by benny blanco, Halsey and Khalid. I’m still impressed by this song’s longevity.
I’m even more impressed, however, by how Lil Pump and Kanye West’s “I Love It” featuring Adele Givens has kept its place at number-three on its second week. This track has actually transcended the meme at this point. It has massive streaming and you better believe the recently-implemented YouTube rules are helping this one out quite a bit.
“Body” by Loud Luxury and brando doesn’t move an inch at number-four.
“Happier” by Marshmello and Bastille isn’t making me any happier as it jumps up a space to number-five. Joy.
“Taste” by Tyga and Offset is expectedly down a space to number-six.
Thanks to the video, “Lucky You” by Eminem featuring Joyner Lucas has increased two spots to number-seven.
“In My Mind” by Dynoro and Gigi D’Agostino has crept into the top 10 as it’s up six spots to number-eight, and, listen, I’m not mad these guys are charting, in fact, all power to them, but what is basically a sloppily-made mash-up shouldn’t be in the top 10 of any country.
“Girls Like You” by Maroon 5 and Cardi B is down two spaces to number-nine.
Finally, “Electricity” by Silk City and Dua Lipa is up five spaces to #10, being our second top 10 entry this week. Now for our climbers:
There were just a few this week. We have fine-position increases for “This is Me” by Keala Settle and the Greatest Showman Ensemble somehow up to #35, “Be Alright” by Dean Lewis up to #22, and “Don’t Leave Me Alone” by David Guetta and Anne-Marie entering the top 20 at #18, but that’s it other than a whopping (and unexpected) 16-space increase for “RAP DEVIL” by Machine Gun Kelly at #15. It really makes me wonder how “KILLSHOT” will fare, if all, next week.
Naturally, Eminem suffered a bit this week with “Fall” featuring Justin Vernon fittingly falling five spots to #13, and “The Ringer” decreasing seven spaces to #17, but we also have some other big fallers for songs that have lasted a hell of a while, due to the streaming cuts that they received after being in the charts for long enough. “In My Feelings” by Drake featuring City Girls is down five spaces to #26, while other tracks that suffered much worse fates were “God is a woman” by Ariana Grande down a 17-space rollercoaster all the way to #30, and “Lucid Dreams” by Juice WRLD falling close behind at #31 after a 15-spot leap. Otherwise, there’s nothing to see here.
No returning entries this week, so we just have two inconsequential drop-outs that were pretty expected to worry about, which are “Baby Shark” by Pinkfong out from #34 and “Jackie Chan” by Tiesto and Dzeko featuring Preme and Post Malone out from #38. Now I suppose it’s straight into the new arrivals, where we only have two, meaning it’ll be pretty slim pickings for the titles this week. Let’s listen, shall we?
#37 – “Just Got Paid” – Sigala, Ella Eyre and Meghan Trainor featuring French Montana
I think this is just Sigala’s song featuring the artists but it’s credited strangely on BBC’s website so I’ll just go with that because there must be some rhyme or reason to how they’ve ordered this foursome. Oh, speaking of the artists here: what an all-star cast of mediocre UK Top 40 fodder. Sigala is an EDM producer who... sure knows how to make a beat, that’s for definite, but lacks any real uniqueness, while Ella Eyre is a pretty great raspier-voiced singer who often lands on the wrong production in her charting singles. We also have some American imports here, including Meghan Trainor, polarising pop singer who I personally really like, for the record, and French Montana. Let’s just not talk about French Montana. So, what does this hodgepodge of artists make?
Something actually pretty great. Yeah, so it starts with a really brief but pretty great strings solo, before cutting out to Ella Eyre laying her multi-tracked vocals perfectly over the slick guitar strumming, while it slowly builds up with cash-register sounds accentuating the beat, leading into a drop that is incredibly fun and worth the wait, with not only the orchestral elements but what I believe are trumpets? Yeah, the horn section really adds a lot to this track... you know who doesn’t? Mr. French Montana, whose two best songs are either handled by Swae Lee or literally a meme-worthy interlude on a Kanye album, so you know what we’re in for. Meghan Trainor isn’t as great as Eyre but she doesn’t sound as awful as French, with subtle autotune and pathetic bars. Look, I don’t expect Kendrick Lamar from a French Montana feature on an EDM song, but put some bloody effort into your rhymes, because constantly showing up on otherwise pretty decent songs and throwing up all on them for a brief 30 seconds cannot be a great long-term business model. Frenchie here doesn’t last for long though, and he soon drifts off into the distance, allowing me to enjoy that pounding drop one more time. God, this is so good for the most part, so it’s unfortunate that Meghan Trainor doesn’t have much involvement and French Montana is... well, French Montana, because we could have some pop perfection on our hands. Props to Sigala and Ella Eyre; I love this.
#33 – “Goodbye” – Jason Derulo and David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj and Willy William
Oh, hey, another popstar foursome of two singers, a producer and rapper, instead here we have two male singers and a female rapper. It’s like these songs are simultaneously the same and the polar opposite. Now, I love Jason Derulo to death and I’ve made that clear before when I gushed over “Swalla” (also featuring Nicki Minaj) in my 2017 best list and when I mentioned “Tip Toe” (also featuring French Montana) way back in the first few episodes. He’s made some trash in the past, but, God, he’s improved so much since. Hell, I can say the same about David Guetta here, who’s come far from the days of “Sexy Chick” to say the least. Nicki Minaj, I’ve said enough on in recent episodes, but Willy William is someone who I have only briefly reviewed when he added nothing but an annoying bleating sound to “Mi Gente” (which landed onto my 2017 worst list), so I have no idea what he’s going to bring to the table. So, what does this hodgepodge of artists make?
Well, it’s listenable. That’s a good start. There are a lot of things I like about this track but nothing I really love. All the good ideas are kind of in a cluttered pile and they don’t develop or shine. I like Nicki’s multi-tracked and autotuned intro, it sounds pretty interesting but it soon drowns out into a reggaeton beat where, yes, Derulo sounds fantastic and full of swagger as always (even with some of his dumbest lyrics), but that vocal sample (and Derulo’s pitch-shifted line in the pre-chorus) is kind of grating and I feel like the drop is a bit anti-climactic, and in the first verse, completely non-existent. Wily William doesn’t add much either other than a verse that goes pretty fast and some brief ad-libs. Nicki’s verse is nice, actually, I like when she dips into Patois, but it’s not exactly different from what she does usually, with some sex bars and such, although the Roman flow was a nice touch. The synth in the outro is blaring and awful, though, which is unfortunate because I like Derulo’s vocals there. It ends with Nicki Minaj rolling an ‘R’ seductively, and wow, where was Willy William here? He’s not exactly the best artist here, far from it, but come on, he was there for just 20 seconds, while Nicki and Jason basically duet, even though Nicki is supposedly just a feature. Ugh, well, the production’s tolerable enough, Nicki’s okay, Jason’s great and Willy’s... barely existent, so it’s not like it’s bad, I just feel it could have used a bit more stripping down to really make it work.
Two songs, eight artists, all of which I’ve said my peace on before in my end-of-year lists and older episodes of REVIEWING THE CHARTS. Yeah, you see why I was late to this one? Best of the Week obviously goes to Sigala, Ella Eyre, Meghan Trainor and unfortunately French Montana for “Just Got Paid” but I don’t think the other song is good or bad enough to achieve either title. See ya next time, on a Sunday, for BLAST TO THE PAST and REVIEWING THE CHARTS!
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kirahrps · 8 years ago
Hi my lovelies! I just realized that I don’t have a muses, plots or anything page really. I just beg for 1x1′s like yeah and I have this piddly bio. So here, I’mma try and be better about things. I am old and not up on uses multiple pages, so hopefully posting this and putting its tag in my bio will be enough
NAME: I go by Kira, you can send me a message any time. Kira is not my real name but it’s what most people call me. 
AGE: A very young-hearted 29. 
GENDER: Female
SCHEDULE: I work three jobs and write songs, so my schedule is all over the place but I try to be around as much as I can. I reply when I see them, or if you tell me (but I always try and look so you usually won’t have to)
A LIL HISTORY: I started RPing over LJ, forums and AIM over 10 years ago. Which is why my Tumblr skills lack. I don’t really make pretty. Sorry. I try though. I’m good with sideblog, Tumblr messenger, Skype, Email, KiK or AIM ... or anything else you may like, just ask and we’ll figure it out!
THINGS TO KNOW: I play females. Females only. I suffered a pretty traumatic experience early in my writing years with a partner who took me for a ride and it turned me off playing males forever. If you want the story, message me, but I don’t do it. Beyond that, I’m pretty down for whatever.
I have a disability. A pretty prevalent one. Sometimes, it impacts my ability to type, as well as read posts. I love words, but sometimes my brain isn’t working right and I miss things. Or my replies are shorter. Feel free to call me out on missing things. <3 I’m sorry in advance. 
FC’S: Honestly, the reason I don’t have a muses page is I like to base a character on the RP, around what the character or story is. These days I tend toward using Zoe Sugg. In the past I have used Eliza Dushku, Michelle Branch, Krysten Ritter, Nina Dobrev, Shay Mitchell, Ashley Benson, Lucy Hale.  Leighton Meester, Blake Lively and Jenn Damiano. I don’t like to play Nina that much these days, but I’d be up for anyone else. I’m also totally down to pick up someone you’re craving, but in this case I reserve the right to say no and apologize for being unable to fulfill your dream, because sometimes I just don’t have muse. 
FC’S I love:
Okay, ready to get in deep? My love lists is long. 
Broadway musicals/theatre: 
My single greatest love/dream. I’ve been doing musical theatre for over 20 years. I’m getting older and more poor so I’m a little out of the loop but if you want to throw a plot of two Broadway stars at me I’m so down. I am the only person who hasn’t seen/heard Hamilton and/or Dear Evan Hansen yet. I’m working on it. I need time and cash. :)
Hanson: A band. Darren Criss’ favorite band. Also one of mine. Have a yearning to play a Hanson brother or two people who are fans? I’m in. Also anybody surrounding them. 
I’ll put the rest under fandoms but the above were special. On to more. 
DARK PLOTS: Characters with a crazy past, on the run, have been abused, runaways, drug dealers, whatever you got I want it. 
Good girl/bad boy or vice versa.
Student/teacher - but college. Because I am not here for pedophilia. :)
Starcrossed - They want to be together. They’re meant for each other. The timing is never right. The universe is always in the way. 
Smut - Please be 18, preferably 21+. Other than that, I’m here for almost everything. 
No order: 
Gilmore Girls
That 70′s Show
Kinks: I have them. Ask me :)
FC’s I am dying for:
Aaron Tveit. You don’t understand. Please just let me love him
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