claudtrait · 4 months
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made dereck a sister HDJSFJKF
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good-question-love · 1 year
okay so can we talk about how dirty they did theo??? not even the whole thiam thing (which totally should have happened, you can fight me on that).
but like the hellscape they sent him to?? like I know he killed people. but so did Peter. so did Chris. so did Jackson. and yeah Jackson in particular had extenuating circumstances. but you're telling me theo didn't?? like he was kidnapped, experimented on, and raised by literal sociopaths from the age of what?? 9?? he probably spent years trying to make friends with the other chimeras before they became failures and died!!
the Dread Doctors mess with people's minds and memories on MULTIPLE occasions and you expect me to believe that that little child maliciously pushed his big sister to her death?? for what?? no, I refuse. I refuse to believe that a nine year old child (in their right mind) decided to murder their older sibling. no. either the Dread Doctors fucked with him like they did Tracy or they killed Tara and made Theo believe it was him.
I also refuse to believe that that was actually Tara that dragged him to hell. no matter what the dessert fox ladies said. I firmly and immovably believe that that was Theo's own creation. that his subconscious believed that this is what he deserved for what happened to Tara. that his own guilt was literally trying to rip him apart.
I acknowledge that without the hellscape Theo would not have been the Theo that anyone would even want around. but I am thoroughly mad about the hypocrisy on everyone involved's part.
The only reason they punished Theo is because he almost beat them. Stiles HATED Theo because he outsmarted him. Malia hated Theo because he tricked her. Liam hated him because he used his own mind against. Scott hated Theo because Theo managed to rip his pack apart and actually killed him. (I will make an exception to the hypocrisy on Malia's part cuz that is actually on brand for her.)
And again he did kill people, but his eyes are still gold/yellow. he never killed an innocent. not like Peter or Chris or Jackson or other characters I am forgetting (leaving out Malia and Derek cuz Malia's was her mom's fault and Derek's was Peter's fault, technically Jackson's was not his fault but the point stands) oh like Deucalion and his alpha pack.
and if someone says that his eyes don't change color bcuz he is a chimera, maybe. just maybe. but can you name someone he killed that had not already killed someone (besides Scott and that is iffy)
i will retract any of the above points if feasible contradicting evidence is found. I am also very, very open to discussions about and additions to my argument.
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forest-falcon · 21 days
The Butterfly Effect
Chptr 14
"So what's the plan?" Rigby jogged up alongside John.
"Here," John pressed a button at his wrist and the rock face in front of them opened; much the way a garage door might.
"Impressive," Rigby mused aloud. He let out a long, low whistle as he stepped inside.
"We need to clear a path around the pool. Jetpacks just won't cut it if we're gonna try n' stabilize One," John pointed to his brother's green Bird.
"Need me to pilot her?" Rigby's face held more than a trace of excitement.
"Oh...no, sorry," John scratched the back of his head.
"You'll be driving one of her pods. When we've cleared enough of the debris, and the villa has been stabilized; I may need you in Phoenix's carrier to help with moving One."
Rigby straightened and gave a nod.
"Time is scarce. Reports say Alan's okay, but we have a further three people in the villa who may require urgent medical attention, and I can't risk McCready's team in there until we know they have a chance at making it back out again," John sighed.
Rigby cleared his throat; his face visually construing a silent inner-debate.
"What?" John urged, then winced inwardly at his tone. Adjusting to Earth's gravity appeared to be even more wearing when fearing for your family's well being.
"You know, you can call them by name - Virgil and Gordon. We...we have your back," Rigby gave John an awkward clap on the back.
The clap echoed around the cavernous hangar.
John swallowed hard to staunch impending tears. There was a second's pause, before the astronaut stepped into his missing brother's Bird.
*. *. *.
"Knock, knock!" Parker called to signal his arrival outside of Alan's door.
"Erm...am I supposed to say who's there?" Alan's young voice came back.
" 'Oo's there? Well, hI'm glad to see that yer haven't lost your sense of humour along with yer bedroom!" Parker chuckled as he worked the lock on Alan's door.
There was a satisfying sound of the latch clicking, and the door swung open.
"Looks like you could use an 'and, Master Alan," he smiled, extending a hand.
"F-A-B-," Alan enthused, hauling himself up, and into the corridor, with Parker's help.
The teen cracked his back.
"Welp, I think I now hold the Tracy Island record for the longest pull up!"
*. *. *.
"We had to make an 'ole in Master Gordon's window to get to you. 'Fraid your brother's parking had made somewhat of a mess," Parker gestured towards Gordon's rooms.
"Didn't you teach him to drive?" Alan grinned.
"Cars, young Master Tracy, not rocket ships! And, I'll 'ave less of yer cheek! Scott might not be firin' on all cylinders at the moment, but you mark my words - I 'ave a memory like an elephant!" Parker chuckled, wagging a finger.
"You look like one too!"
"Oi!" Parker swatted at the teen as he ran.
*. *. *.
John and Rigby had made light work of clearing the debris surrounding the villa, and the structure was stabilised enough for a team to head up to help locate Virgil, Grandma, and Gordon.
"-OVER HERE!" Gordon hammered a small rock against a metal support beam.
The team tentatively picked their way over splintered floorboards and around mounds of rock that lay strewn across what was left of the comms room.
"Allie, is that you?"
"The one and only! I've brought some friends with me. Didn't wanna hog all the glory, y'know?"
Jonesy took a step closer, with a small hydraulic whine from the suit.
"S'up Gords? I like what you've done with the place. You're kinda lacking in the door department though."
"Well y'know what Virgil always says; if you can't find a door, make one!" Gordon called from behind the fallen rocks.
"My thoughts exactly!"
"WAIT!" Tycho was almost pulled forwards into the rock face as he tried to stall Jonesy's suited arm.
"The structure's too unstable. Any attempt to move these boulders risks the whole lot coming down on top of Gordon," Tycho gesticulated wildly.
"Yeah, let's not do that." Gordon deadpanned.
"So what's the plan?" Jonesy couldn't deny that the thrill of using the exosuit had him itching to use his new superpower again. Two tonne boulder? No problem! He'd just shifted it like....kapow!
Tycho dragged his hands down his face as he thought.
"Hmm...we need to get a better view of what we're dealing with. Right here, we can only see half of the puzzle." Tycho pensively ran a hand down the largest boulder.
"And how are we gonna do that?" Jonesy was under the distinct impression that Tycho wasn't referencing the exosuit.
"I think I have just the thing!"
The scientist bent down and unfastened the clasps of a small metal case he'd carried down from the carrier.
"Jonesy, meet Mini Max.”
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harrywavycurly · 7 months
I need to hear Chrissy telling us she knows Eddie has a crush on her because why would she say that??👀
Hiii babes!! So I’m using this ask to give you a bonus conversation that’ll help explain why and how Chrissy mentioned Eddie having a crush on her! I hope you enjoy!!💖
-find all things Secret Rendezvous here✨
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“I think we should end all of our practices with frozen yogurt.” “I agree and as captain of the team I think I could probably make that happen.” “So…how’s it going with Jason? You two make up after the whole incident in the cafeteria?” “You know how he is…he says some mean things then he gets embarrassed and apologizes…it’s never that big of a deal.” “Uh…yeah it is…he’s an asshole and he’s lucky Edd…I mean that dude with the long hair didn’t kick his ass.” “Dude with the long hair? You mean Eddie?” “Oh is uhhh that his name? It fits…yeah he looks like an Eddie.” “Yeah that’s his name…he’s always kinda had a crush on me so I think that’s why he went so…crazy on Jason.” “What? A crush? On you?” “Yeah I think ever since middle school or so? He used to have a band…I can’t remember the name but yeah he used to always be writing these weird songs and I’m pretty sure the one he sang at the talent show in like seventh grade was about me.” “No fucking way…he wrote a song about you?” “Yeah but it didn’t go anywhere I mean…he’s not exactly our type.” “Our type?” “I mean…yeah he’s an outcast and we…well we are cheerleaders we usually date jocks or…come to think of it Tracy is dating a nerd…but still Eddie isn’t really looking to be with one of us anyway.” “That’s true.” “Jason has a few friends I can introduce you to if you want?” “Oh that’s okay…I’m good just being single right now but if I change my mind I’ll let you know.” “Okay…it would be fun to double date.” “That would be fun…but really I don’t have the time or the energy for anyone right now.” “Okay if you say so…”
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grimreaperschild · 1 year
Guitar practice 5 family escapades
summary: family day goes exactly how you expected, enid and wednesday are probably going to make you go grey by the time schools out
warnings: drug use, violence, swearing if i’ve missed any lmk
a/n: sorry it took me so long to get this out guys :0 just to make it clear this is callum speaking this is rs thoughts happy reading-🦷 ❤️
You shuffle around in your seat for what must be the 30th time in the last 5 minutes, your eyes dart up from the table and land on your mother she’s got fat you try and fail to hide the snort that leaves your lips at the untimely comment “something funny, little torch?” the nickname has you gritting your teeth “no ma’am” your brother leans across the bench “I heard your taking a girl to that stupid school dance” you freeze “yeah the raven” your mother cocks an eyebrow “a girl? What we raised someone gay now?” y/n cool it you take a breath “looks like it Tracy” “jack what you think of this” jacks your second oldest brother born 2 years after callum you don’t like to admit it, but he scares you 6ft and all muscle.
“I think I gotta teach our little torch a lesson” your head turns at the comment looking for enid your heart sinks at the realisation that the only other family in the quad are the addams’s “no common please” your aware of how small your voice is and you don’t like it before she can reply your being hauled out of your seat and a fist connects with your stomach he grabs the back of your hoodie pulling you towards the exit, panic floods through you and in a last ditch effort to avoid whatever your oh so loving family has in store for you a name falls from your lips “enid” it’s small at first but the further away from the bench jack drags you and the more you thrash the louder you get and soon your crying out her name “enid enid please” “shut up” your brother grunts as he throws you on the stairs.
From your angle on the floor you realise that Wednesday isn’t sat with her family huh? Is that really what I should be thinking about right now? Cover your head y/n fuck cover your head cals voice snaps you out of your thoughts and your arms shoot up to cover your head unfortunately not in time to stop the kick that leaves you seeing starts “fuck” you groan out and brace yourself for the next blows that surprisingly don’t come, when your vision finally clears you see enid thank you thank you thank you and Wednesday she has a knife to jacks throat “now you get away from my child” your mothers hurrying towards your little huddle “enid?” she’s by your side as soon as she hears your voice “im here, I got you” black dots start swimming in your eyes as a tall figure steps out protectively infront of you “and you stay away from mine” yes ma you tell the bitch the world goes black.
When you wake theres a hand in yours and a very worried looking weems stood by the end of your bed “ma” she smiles “your ok” “is that a question or a statement because if it’s a question the answers no” enid chuckles from your side “she’s fine” she kisses your forhead and stands “i’ll give you guys some space” you nod and as soon as the curtains slip shut you eye your hands and let out a sheepish “hi ma” larissa let’s out a dry chuckle “I thought i said no letting my sister visit y/n” she’s mad and you know it “ma im sorry” she hums “detention, 2 weeks with miss thornhill” you groan “yes mam, could you send enid in?” she leaves without another word and enid pops her head in “you called” you give her a toothy smile “come cuddle” she clambers into your bed in the infirmary with the grace of an exited puppy and pulls you into her chest you nuzzle your head into her neck happily “hey you and Wednesday?” enid sighs “we had a little chat, actually it was interrupted when I heard you calling for me” you bury your head into her neck in embarrassment “oh god don’t remind me” she traces love hearts on the back of your neck “what were you and nes talking about” “I think me and her should finish that convo before I get you involved babe” “babe huh? What are we girlfriends” you wiggle your eyebrows and she giggles “not yet miss eager, soon maybe” “ohhhh only maybe? Nah I get it the pyro isn’t good enough for you” she rolls her eyes “whatever you say y/n, now get some rest” you smile as your eyes get heavy.
Your head throbs as you crack your eyes open for the second time today, enid is nowhere to be found and you ignore the pang of hurt that flashes through you, opting to send her a text
(y/n): hey, woke up and you were gone :(
You set your phone aside as someone peeks in at you “she’s alive!” you giggle at your roommate “unfortunately” she climes into bed next to you pulling you in for a hug “you have a concussion, they cleared you to go back to your dorm I came to get you” she catches how your face falls “what’s up n/n” “enid left without a goodbye” yoko gasps “does this call for our first girls night of the year” you swat at her knee “your far too exited but yes I gotta fill you in”
You grab another biscuit as you lay with your head in yokos lap looking up at her as she lights the 3rd splif of the evening “I don’t know it’s like she’s there and then she’s not” you huff and steal the splif “we haven’t even spoken about matching outfits for the raven and it’s this weekend” ghosted “oh shut up callum your not helping” yoko raises an eyebrow “have you texted her recently” you shoot up “yes hours ago” you reach for your phone that you’d haphazardly thrown at your pillows in frustration.
(enid❤️): hey baby sorry I had some stuff to sort out
You leave her on seen, “one message, one singular message” you put on a voice “I had some stuff to sort out” you take another hit passing it back to yoko “let’s go for a midnight walk, please?” she stands and shrugs her coat on, she knows better than to try and say no to you. You strut down the corridors yoko following happily before passing you the splif when you reach the quad, you all but throw yourself on the fountain in frustration giggling at the way yoko looks from this angle not to be a snitch but enid’s trying to slink off over there your head shoots up and you see her and Wednesday scurrying off what the fuck? “addams” your voice echo’s through the empty quad and she freezes, enid turns around and clasps her hands infront of her “baby he” “don’t” you cut her off eyes not leaving the goths back “come, raven” ohhh your in your manipulative girl era ok that was kinda funny you watch as the notoriously uncaring girl falls over herself to get to you, your well aware of what’s coming so you stand not wanting you both to be thrown into the fountain reaching your hand out offering the splif back to yoko “3 then im killing it” again she knows not to argue. Wednesdays small form collides into you, her hands grabbing at the back of your jacket like you might disappear, she presses a soft kiss to your collarbone and sniffles slightly.
You push her away as enid approaches a shy smile on her face, yoko hands you the splif here we go “we need to talk” you hum, unsatisfied with her choice of words “I gathered that, your dorm or mine” Wednesdays hand grabs your sleeve and enid reaches for her wrist pulling you along “ours” what is this? Peter pan? Yes im going to follow you both to your dorm in a line you pause i’d follow you both anywhere actually you shoot a look at yoko over your shoulder pulling the only half smoked gone out splif from your mouth holding it in your hand “text me” she calls “i’ll come get you” you give her a stiff nod before your whisked out of view. ———————————————————————
taglist: @thedemoninme141 @alphaniner1415 @ctrlamira @allison-iloveyou
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𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓
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PAIRING : dean winchester x original female character
STORY SUMMARY : in series masterlist
CHAPTER WARNINGS : age-gap. playful teasing. a bit of angst. protective reader.
A/N : i love this gif! unfortunately, i saved it so long ago, i can't remember who to give credit to so if y'all know, feel free to tag them in the comments. don't forget to check out the story masterlist if you missed previous chapters. thanks for the love guys, it never goes unnoticed or unappreciated!
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Maricela's POV
"Abaddon? Seriously?" Dean asks rhetorically, staring angrily at Sam as we walk to the Impala. "Thought you Kentucky Fried that meat suit."
"I did, Dean." Sam counters, his hands raised slightly, trying to resist an argument in public.
"You—Well, then, how did she get it back?" He questioned before thanking the officer who raised the crime tape to let us off the scene. "And why's she playing G. I. Joe?"
Sam answers back, just as annoyed as his brother. "No clue. Why don't you ask her when we find her?"
"Oh, I will. Then I'm gonna chop her freakin' head off—again."
We enter the car, and then it hits me. Abaddon. I swear I've heard that name before.
"Wait—isn't she the Knight of Hell who tried killing you and your grandfather a few months ago?" I ask, making sure we're talking about the same monster.
Dean starts the engine, answering, "Yeah."
"I thought you guys chopped her up and scattered her remains. But you just said Sam burned her vessel. I-I'm confused." I confess, unable to put the pieces together.
Having needed a demon to cure, they had reassembled Abaddon's vessel for the final trial. Before they could use her as a test subject, they stepped away to take a phone call, and when they returned, she had escaped. Having previous knowledge of the Devil's Trap bullet, her unattached hands pried it from her skull so she could get away. She used her freedom to track Crowley down, and when she found him at the abandoned church, she attempted to kill him for the throne. Before she could ruin the trial, Sam doused her meat suit in holy oil and set it ablaze. So, the big question remains: How is she back and in her old vessel?
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Darkness fell upon us as we drove towards the bunker. Sam's phone began to chime over the music. Leaning over, he reached into his dress pants to retrieve his phone. Dean and I peeked over, wondering who would be calling at this hour. It was none other than our very own prophet.
Sam puts the call on speaker, greeting, "Hey, Kev. What's up?"
"A lady called Dean's other phone. I answered, but she expected to speak to a Winchester. So instead, she told me to give you a message: She has something you might want." He spoke in a rushed and shaky voice.
"Kevin, wait. Wait. Wait. Slow down." says Sam.
Ignoring, he continues, "She gave me these coordinates—44.053051 by -123.127860— and two names, Irv Franklin and Tracy Bell."
I type the numbers into the notes app on my phone before copying and pasting them into Google.
"Irv's a friend. Don't know Tracy." Dean replies.
"All right, the lady said they were hunters and that if you didn't go save them, that she would kill them."
"Yeah, I've heard that song before." The oldest hunter shakes his head, unamused.
"Dean, who was she?"
"She's the bad guy," he admits. "All right, new job. Dig up everything Men of Letters have on Knights of Hell."
"Knights of Hell?" With some hesitation, Kevin complies, "Sure."
"You find a way to kill one—I mean permanently—drop a dime," Dean mentions.
"Thanks, Kevin," Sam says before ending the call.
I zoom in on the digital map before presenting, "The numbers point to a spot on the outskirts of Eugene, Oregon."
"You know this is a trap, right?" Sam stares at his brother.
"Yep," he answers unfazed.
Scoffing, Sammy asks, "And we're just gonna walk right into it?"
"Guns blazing," he says fearlessly before glancing at his little brother. "You with me?"
Sam chuckles before shifting his gaze on the road ahead. "You know it."
Dean looks into the rearview mirror, locking eyes with me. "What about you, sweetheart, you with me?"
A flutter of familiarity tickled my stomach as I softly smiled back at him. He held my gaze until I answered, "Always."
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Before arriving, Dean stopped at a gas station so we could change. As we neared the designated coordinates, my heart quickened its pace. No matter how many times I fought alongside the Winchesters—or alone—my anxiety crept in, going over all the things that could go wrong. When we arrived at the gated part of town, I suppressed the negative thoughts and replaced them with positive ones. However, with the history behind this area, it became difficult to sustain a sense of optimism.
A chain fence had enclosed the abandoned buildings. Sam hopped out of the car and pushed open the sliding gate so the Impala could fit through. After Dean parked, Sam and I walked a few yards into the vacant town. Graffiti painted the stone structures while weeds grew on or around the buildings. A large, rusted sign was posted near the fence, reading: DANGER. HAZARDOUS WASTE AREA. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY.
"The hell happened here?" Dean asked, halting beside me with the army green duffle bag in hand as we stared at the crumbling buildings.
"A local chemical plant sprung a leak years ago. They evacuated three square blocks." I answer, visually searching the windows for any sign of life.
"Guess it's still contaminated," Sam adds.
"Wait, so this whole place is poison?" Dean questions uneasily, turning his attention toward Sam and me.
Replying in unison, we answer, "Yeah."
Dean moves his left hand to shield his nether region, attempting to protect his prized appendage against the toxicity lingering in the air. His eyebrows furrowed, undoubtedly debating if this mission was worth risking his manhood. I stifle a giggle, finding his action both cute and silly. Sam judgingly watches his brother's action, staring him up and down.
"That's not gonna help." He remarks before walking away, leading the venture further into town.
"It doesn't hurt," Dean mutters.
My giggle slips this time, attracting the older Winchester's attention. I nudge his arm before nodding in Sam's direction. "C'mon, big boy."
We walk towards the younger Winchester while taking in our surroundings. Birds caw in the distance, disrupting the vicinity's silence. We begin to pass Ozzy O's Diner when we hear a loud thud come from within. Concomitantly, Sam and I reach for our waistbands and take out our loaded guns. With our firearms raised, we ascend the few concrete stairs. Standing before the door, Sam glances in my direction, giving me a look. A look that silently asked if I was ready, to which I nodded with confidence.
Sam kicks the door open before storming inside with me on his tail. The sun's rays poured into the diner, illuminating its light upon two bound individuals. The man and woman were bound together while pieces of cloth muffled their cries for help. Sam and I step aside as he beckons Dean over. He strides in and makes a beeline for the older man.
"Irv? Hey." Dean's gruff voice fills the quiet diner as Sam shuts the door. He pulls Irv's gag down before asking, "Where's Abaddon?"
"Abaddon's been torturing hunters. She's trying to get intel on you boys." The older man confesses breathlessly.
"Do you know why?" Sam inquires.
"I seriously doubt she wants to add you to her Christmas card list. Now, do you want to make with the rescue or what?"
"Right after you take a shot of holy water, huh?" says Dean.
Sam retrieves his flask from the inner pocket of his jacket and approaches the girl. His fingers unscrewed the cap before tugging the cloth she involuntarily fashioned off as I put my gun away. She opens her lips to welcome the demon test. He fountains the holy water into her mouth and cups her chin to catch any excess water. He steps away, waiting to see if she flinched. Instead, she swallowed without hesitation.
"Happy?" She asks rhetorically, looking between Sam and me.
"Sorry about that," Dean utters.
Irv responds with understanding, "Don't worry about it. Last thing you need is us popping black eyes."
Dean reaches in between the hostages and breaks their restraints.
As the girl stands, I ask, "You're Tracy, right?"
She—and just about anyone else over five foot two—towers over me. Her eyes glimpse over my appearance from head to toe before answering my question with a nod.
"I'm Maricela Coca." I introduced myself before the Jolly Green Giant did.
"And I'm Sam Winchester."
Tracy glances at him like she did with me and responds with noticeable disinterest, saying, "Good for you."
Silence fell upon the room, startled at her curt reply. In that unexpected moment, I instinctively whipped my head towards the source of her disdainful glares. My eyes widened with shock, and my mouth hung open in disbelief. I was left dumbfounded. Did she just talk to you like that?! I shouted at Sammy in my head. He meets my eyes and shakes his head, advising me to let it go. My mouth began to twitch, wanting to say something just as crude. Just as I was going to allow my tactless opinions to emit, Irv began to advocate for her.
"She's new. We did a shifter job in Sacramento together. Smart, but got a mouth on her."
She scoffs but doesn't deny his comment. Dean's deep chuckle immediately catches my ear. Giving in to curiosity, I turned and gave him my full attention. His charmingly crooked smile gleamed in the dimly lit diner. All eyes were on Chuckles as we awaited an explanation for his laughter.
"Sounds like our Mari," He jokes, lightening the mood.
My lips part to say a witty remark, but Sam's snicker stops me. Instead, I roll my eyes and decide to move on. "Let's gear up."
Dean picks up the bag of weapons from the floor and moves it onto the countertop. I leave Sammy's side and walk over to his brother. He begins to splay the reminisce of the bag across the dusty surface. Sam perches on the edge of a table near the window to keep an eye on any demons.
"All right, we got Jesus Juice," Dean places his flask of holy water on the counter before continuing the rundown on the weapons he brought. "Guns loaded with Devil's trap bullets. Shoot a demon, put him on lockdown. The Angel Blade works—"
A distant clatter came from outside the diner, capturing everyone's attention. Sam gets up and moves toward the window. He peeks through the dirty blinds, confirming, "They're coming."
"Good," Dean responds confidently.
"They've got assault rifles," Sam mentions, dampening his brother's enthusiasm.
"Okay, less good," I add.
Dean shifts his focus to the weapons, searching for a plan.
"So, what's the play?" Irv asks.
Dean quickly explains a way to distract the demons. After he finished, I helped sweep the contents back into the duffle before he swung the sack over his shoulder. He nods at Sam, gesturing for him to lead everyone to the rear exit. I maneuver to the front of the group and quietly open the door, searching for demons nearby. After ensuring the coast was clear, I raised my hand and waved. We advance to the edge of the building to survey the area. Nada.
Sam's large hand covers my shoulder, offering me comfort. A reassuring nod is shared between us before we shift our gaze back to Irv and Tracy. Capturing their attention, Sam points to another spot where we could discreetly escape. Following their confirmation, we run like hell and wait for Dean. The distant sound of the diner's front door being forcefully opened echoes through our surroundings. Dean walks around the corner where we hid before telling us the other half of his plan.
"All right. We got to flank seal them douche in there, so, uh, Irv, you and me will go left. Sam, you, Mari, and Tracy go right." He orders.
"Okay. Let's move," says Sam as we walk in our assigned direction.
His hands grab our forearms, making sure we stay close. Suddenly, Tracy spins on her heel and pushes him away, maintaining a safe distance between them by extending her arm.
"Don't touch me." She barks.
Sam's eyes widen, surprised by her outburst. My rage causes me to see red, and before I know it, I push her arm off of Sam and use my strength to shove her body away. Tracy stumbles back, nearly bumping into the dumpster behind her, as I step between her and Sam. Her stunned expression flashed into anger before she charged toward me to attack. Meeting her challenge, I take a step forward, but Dean rushes over to intervene just as Sam pulls my body into his and holds me still.
"Whoa," I shrug from their restraints as I stare down the out-of-line female. Dean's eyes linger on my face before turning to Tracy, asking, "What's the problem?"
Tracy inhales before looking at the youngest Winchester and painfully confessing, "My family's dead because of him."
Taken aback, Sam asks, "What?"
"I watched a demon slaughter my parents, and the whole time, it talked about how it was celebrating. How some dumb kid let Lucifer out of his cage."
Tracy glared at Sam with intense hatred after she recounted her story. Although she had acted like an ass, I really couldn't blame her. My eyes shifted toward Sam, only to have my heart break even more as I witnessed grief consume both his mind and body. Before I could move to console him, Dean interjected.
"Okay, all right, we got to move. Uh, girls with me. Irv." He pats Sam on the chest, finishing his sentence with his gesture.
"Okay. Let's go, son." The older man tells Sam.
Sammy lingers behind me, staring sorrowfully at Tracy.
"He's going to be okay," Dean whispers in my ear after his brother follows Irv.
I nod in agreement and try to refrain from thinking of how much Sam was beating himself up. Dean marches away to play line leader as we trail behind. With our guns off safety, we cautiously move along the surrounding buildings. After rounding our last corner, the view of the diner was straight ahead. Dean peeks at the restaurant's entrance before giving further instructions.
"Okay, I think they're still inside. We wait till they come out, and we pick them off one by one." He gives us the side-eye before seizing the opportunity to address the new girl's animosity toward Sam. "Listen, for the record, Sam's not the only guy who thought he was doing right and watched it all go to crap. Okay? That's just part of being—"
"Being a hunter." Tracy finished with acerbity, not understanding the mini-lecture.
"Being human. Look, you want to be pissed off at Sam, that's fine. I get it. But if you want to go after somebody, you make sure that they got black eyes. Got to know who the real monsters are in this world, kid."
She remained silent after he finished his speech, allowing his words to marinate. The quietness was short-lived as gunfire erupted in the distance. On instinct, we raised our guns high and low, scouting every inch the barrel of our guns could see. After the shooting stopped, Dean silently motioned to move forward. Suddenly, Abaddon jumps out of her hiding place and clotheslines Dean, knocking him flat on his back.
My body wanted to run to his aid, but my brain told me to fight. I aim my handgun at Abaddon's head, but before I can pull the trigger, she telekinetically flicks it away. My hand instinctively reaches into my jacket, attempting to retrieve the angel blade I keep stashed away. The pads of my fingertips barely grazed the handle when she waved her hand, sending me into a brick wall. I heard Dean's voice call my name before everything faded to black.
Dean's POV
"Mari!" I call as she flies into the building beside her.
Her head hits the aged bricks, knocking her out cold. Before I could get to her, Tracy fired an entire round into the Knight of Hell. I swiftly move from the path of danger, instinctively protecting my face by covering it with my arms. Once the clip was empty, my eyes instantly scanned Mari's body, checking to see if she was free of any ricochet. Thankfully—other than the injury that she-demon caused—she was okay.
"Nice grouping." Abaddon mocks, lifting her black shirt to reveal her bulletproof vest. "Kelvar. Beats magic bullets. I love the future."
While the demon was distracted, I stealthily grabbed my flask from my jacket. I silently unscrewed the cap before flinging the holy water at the Knight of Hell. She gasped in pain as the purified water burned her vessel. As she stumbled away, I rushed to my feet and reached into my jeans pocket for my keys. After fishing them out, I grasp Tracy's hand and place the keys in it.
"Listen, my car is three blocks over. Go get more bullets, more holy water—get everything."
"No, no, b-but what about you guys?" She stutters.
I push her away, yelling, "Just go! Go! Now!"
Tracy listens to my order and runs away. Immediately, I fall to my knees next to Maricela before scooping her delicate frame up from the dusty ground. Carefully, I release her from my embrace, settling her against the wall. I cast a glance at Abaddon and see her recovering from holy water. Gentle but urgently, I shake her shoulder and leg simultaneously, attempting to wake the Sleeping Beauty. When she doesn't move, my hands anxiously cradle her wounded head. Blood seeped from her hair, running along her temple and onto my hand, painting it red.
"Come on, princess," I beg, worry filling every cell in my body. "Wake up."
Not having enough time to check for a pulse, I force myself away from her, fearing the worst. Protectively, I stand tall in front of Mari and face Abaddon. She brushes her hair out of her face and smiles wickedly. Her red lipstick mirrored the anger that was boiling inside me. My muscles ached with pain as I waited for the right moment to wipe the smirk off of her face.
She briefly glances at Maricela before returning her gaze to me. "Alone at last."
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FOREVER TAGS : @jaredpadonlyyyy, @nicksalchemy1, @impala67rollingthroughtown, @nancymcl, @graciehams
DEAN TAGS : @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles, @angelbunny222, @niktwazny303, @criminalyetminimal, @nikimisery, @angelicp0etry, @celticma, @xxorazz
JENSEN TAGS : @cheynovak, @deadlymistletoe, @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld, @kindollss, @juicyballsworld, @kamisobsessed
LEFT A MARK TAGS : @k-slla, @angelbabyyy99, @yvonneeeee, @mohrkaya-blog, @ladysparkles78
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: do not steal, plagiarize, translate, and/or republish any of my works* on here or another platform
*beside my writing, my works include : all banners, headers, dividers, and gifs that i use (which were made by me,) unless otherwise stated.
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diazsdimples · 10 months
Inspiration Saturday!!
I did a bad thing and started a new fic, which will be known as the Musician AU. Basically, Eddie, Hen & Chim are all players in the L.A Philharmonic, Bobby is the conductor, and Buck joins them for one concert as a new hot shot cello soloist. Eddie immediately falls head over heels for the man and him and Buck fuck nasty in many many backstage rooms. This is gonna be a long snippet sorry, I'm scared it's too niche lmao
Tagged by @callmenewbie @wildlife4life @loserdiaz @thewolvesof1998, thank you guys!
Eddie gets to his chair and takes a moment to fully appreciate that it’s his. He’s not played first horn for a while, let alone while being the principal, and he’s pretty hyped. He takes a moment to unpack his horn, slotting the slides carefully into place and pressing the valves up and down to make sure they don’t need any grease. He’s so focused on it that he doesn’t hear Hen sneaking up to his side, clarinet in hand, and almost jumps out of his skin when she speaks.
“So, have you seen our new soloist yet?” she asks, leaning casually against his music stand and Eddie lets out a startled yelp.
“Not yet” he responds once his heart rate has gone back to normal.
Hen picks at something in her teeth. “Apparently, he’s very good, Tracy and Jeff can’t stop talking about him. It’s getting on my nerves”.
“Makes sense that he’s good, you don’t solo with the L.A Phil if you’re shit” Eddie jokes and Hen sends him a flat look.
“You know what I mean” she responds dryly. “Was the youngest in his class at Juilliard and did a stint playing in New Zealand with the NZSO before moving back to New York and playing with the New York Phil”.
Eddie can’t help but be impressed; the New York Philharmonic isn’t easy to get into and from what he’s heard, the NZSO are no slouches either. “He must be alright then”.
“You talking about Wonder-Boy Buckley? More than alright from what I hear”. Chimney is slouching towards them, weaving his way through the chairs and music stands from where he usually sits as principal trumpet. “Cathy says he’s hot. You’d better not let him distract you, Eddie”.
Eddie rolls his eyes playfully at Chimney as he sets his music out on the stand. “I have excellent impulse control, thank you. Haven’t had a random hookup in almost a year, even though Joel’s been repeatedly trying to jump my bones”.
“He does that with everyone, don’t feel special” Chimney replies, and he pats Eddie on the back.
“Why do they call him Wonder-Boy Buckley by the way?” Eddie asks. “Buckley’s a weird name, isn’t it?”
“Buckley is his surname; his first name is Evan” Hen explains while Chimney blows into his trumpet to warm it up. “And he’s Wonder-Boy because he’s so young and hot”
Eddie scoffs at this. Wonder-Boy Buckley sounds like a bit of a prick, honestly.
“Ready for your big moment? First movement of the concerto has a pretty big horn solo, and Bobby is expecting big things from you”. Chimney is looking at him with big eyes and if Eddie didn’t know him better, he’d think the guy was actually concerned.
Eddie won’t lie, he is pretty nervous about it. The cello solo and the horn have a few moments in the piece where it’s just them playing and it’s damn high and fucking difficult. Eddie’s done it in concert before, but that was with a much more minor orchestra and not in front of an audience of 2000+ people. However, Chimney and Hen under no circumstances are allowed to know he’s nervous so he shrugs nonchalantly and says, “yeah, I’ve been practicing it loads and think I’ve got it all sorted. Unless the soloist is truly as hot as you say, I’m pretty sure nothing will throw me”.
It seems the gods are listening to Eddie and laughing at him, because at that very moment, an extremely attractive young man walks into the auditorium with a cello strapped to his back and all Eddie can think is fuck, he’s really fucking hot.
“Oh look, there he is” Chimney says, perking up and Hen’s eyes flit across the auditorium, coming to rest on the man and her jaw drops.
“Holy shit, he’s hot. And I like girls”
“How’s our resident dick-expert doing” Chimney nudges Eddie teasingly and Eddie’s currently making a conscious effort not to drool.
“Yeah he’s – uh – he’s not bad”.
Not bad? Eddie is convinced this is the hottest man he’s ever seen in his life. His muscles bulge as he swings the cello case off his back and sets it on the ground and he flicks his head up to talk to Bobby, his blond curls flouncing delightfully as he does so. Even from here, Eddie can see how his eyes are a piercing blue and he can’t help but notice the way they crinkle as he smiles at Bobby, flashing a set of perfect, white teeth. He’s got some sort of mark around his eyebrow, maybe a piercing? Eddie can’t quite tell from this distance but man, it’s got him feeling things he hasn’t felt in a long time.
Hen and Chimney are sharing a knowing look and Eddie firmly ignores them, instead picking up his horn and beginning to blow some warm air into it. Terry, Amy, Sophie and Grant, his fellow horn players, have all turned up and are setting up, striking up idle conversation with one another as they wait for Bobby to give the order to tune up and start practicing. Hen pats Eddie on the back before returning to her chair and Chimney wiggles his eyebrows as he retreats, flicking his tongue around his mouthpiece suggestively.
(No pressure) tagging @theotherbuckley @eddiebabygirldiaz @wikiangela @fionaswhvre @smilingbuckley @fortheloveofbuddie @fruitandbubbles @watchyourbuck @incorrect9-1-1 @knightlywonders @housewifebuck @monsterrae1 @evanbegins @cal-daisies-and-briars @thosetwofirefighters @disasterbuckdiaz @spagheddiediaz @malewifediaz @shitouttabuck @jeeyuns
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theninth09 · 6 days
So I have been in the whole Thiam things quite a while how and there is specific tag that got me wondering and it is the Jewish Theo Raeken tag the reason bcs where does this coming? Is this just a tag that an author like just created and ppl thinks “oh hey! This is really interesting!” And decide so write more about? Or this there any specific theories behind it????
hi yeah, that theo is Jewish is a headcanon. im pretty sure that its theoceanismyinkwell (they're under the same username on tumblr too!) who came up with that since most of the fics under that tag are by them! i dont know much about this headcanon, but theoceanismyinkwell is actually Jewish themselves, so if you have more questions about that, maybe try sending them an ask instead :)
in canon we dont really get to know much about theo's religion or ethnicity. theo just gets read as a white guy, which, well, he is. cody christian, his actor, is actually indigenous (his mother is penobscot) but teen wolf in general likes to cast actors that are racially ambiguous. froy gutierrez, nolan's actor, is of caxcan (indigenous to mexico) and mexican descent. victoria molores, hayden's actress, is of mexican descent as well. kelsey chow, tracy's actress, is chinese (im ignoring her claiming she's native american bc that's a whole controversy and im white european myself so its Definitely not my place to comment on that.)
my point is, all the characters ive listed can get read as white if you really want to. they're just racially ambiguous enough that you can ignore any non-white features they may have. and with the way teen wolf likes to be racist in general (the way they treat literally all of their Black characters, the way they treat kira and the incredibly poor way they handle their inspirations of asian and native american mythology) this feels... interesting to me. its definitely a choice they made.
sorry, i got of track. the racism in teen wolf makes me incredibly angry. canonically, theo mentions once that he's an atheist in s6ep9 when the sheriff threatens to shoot him "until god won't even recognize him" to which theo says "im an atheist. fire at will." if hes just always been an atheist or if his time underground possibly made him stop believing in higher beings- who knows. i think its a very fun tidbit of information about him since his name, theodore, means "gift of god." how ironic. (heres a post where i briefly talk about that btw)
anyway. that theo is Jewish is just a hc, and not an actual theory as far as i am aware! its definitely fun though. since we dont really know a lot about theo, especially his childhood and his life post-canon, i think giving him these kinds of hcs is so cool. adding aspects to his character to further explore him.
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noemitenshi · 19 days
Troy Otto x Alicia Clark s8 AU - Their story up to s8
Short recap: Troy finds Alicia almost dying after s7 and nurses her back to health.
THEY STAY TOGETHER because they are both alone. On their own. They’ve both lost their people. They stay together because of their shared memories of cherished people - not because they like one another. This, will come too, with time. But not yet. It’s not what keeps them together.
THE FIRST TIME Alicia wants to help people troy is all “lets go alicia” trying to get her away from them and shes all “no. they’re hurt. we’re helping them” and hes like “not a good idea. dont have the resources. dont know if they’re a danger” and she probably goes “Im not going” and hes like “thats ok ill carry you away” like thats the problem. and she goes “why are you like this. you helped me too” “yeah, i knew you. i dont know these people. lets go. now” (obviously they’re not going. Or well, Alicia tells him he can go if he likes, she’s staying. And grudgingly he stays too because he’s not about to leave her on her own with unfamiliar faces.)
THE NEXT FEW TIMES she does this, wanting to help people, they are constantly arguing about it. At some point Alicia probably even goes “it’s what mom would’ve wanted.” (She knows it’s complicated, Troy’s relationship with Madison but she kinda banks on the good parts winning out. him wanting to please her, still. Or at least that he’ll be turned soft because… it’s her mom’s wish (she does suspect about Troy having a soft spot for moms in general)). But he just goes “oh yeah? and where’s madison now, huh?” “youre such a dick you know that” “yeah, i know. lets go” (again, they are obviously not going)
AT SOME POINT Alicia notices that Troy is actually helping her even though his words are still unkind - he still insists on leaving the people behind. She notices there’s no bite in it, anymore. She humors him, replying in kind. He notices (was it the slight hesitation? Can he hear it in her tone? She’s not sure) and a grin splits his face. She decides she likes him like this.
THEY GROW COMFORTABLE around one another. In this way where they really know the other. They know what sets the other off, know how to get them through a rough patch, what makes them laugh. And they are there for one another (because for a while that is all they have). They become good friends – even though they still fight, too. Alicia hasn’t forgiven him for what he did back at the ranch (he didn’t apologize for it because he knows she wouldn’t buy it anyway) – but they did manage to move past it.
THERE’S LOVE THERE between them. Not romantic love but a deep platonic one. They have to rely on one another, they saved one another countless times when one of them was in a tight spot. They saw the other at their most vulnerable – they other has been there for their most vulnerable. How can there not be love? There’s such ease and trust between them. They might not love one another as a conventional romantic couple – but they *are* family.
THEY’RE AS INTIMATE as two people only can be, emotionally. And it spills over to the physical side. Alicia makes the first move. It starts out awkward but not for long; they *do* have chemistry. They both enjoy this new way of expressing themselves (of ending fights, too) quite a lot.
THEIR CHILD wasn’t planned. Neither one of them would consciously bring a child into this world (not with one another). When Alicia tells Troy he goes “oh shit” and laughs for five minutes straight (at himself for having forgotten about birth control. At the both of them. At the whole situation he couldn’t even have conceived while living on the ranch.). She does not share his amusement.
THEY DON’T CALL HER TRACY. Maybe Maddy though (and yes, that is her full name. Maddy Clark. Troy wasn’t happy about it, of course, but as it was important to Alicia he decided to concede that point. In fact, Alicia told him in no uncertain terms that when he was the one growing their child in his belly, would push it out of his vagina, he could also name it whatever he damn well pleased. He doubted this was true – though didn’t argue that point. Arguing with pregnant Alicia was a minefield not even he dared to brave (often)).
ALICIA STILL DIES like Serena did, while trying to help people. She was out alone because someone had to watch Maddy. (Troy *only once* suggested this is her job as the mom. It went over as well as you’d expect)
DISCOVERING MADISON IS ALIVE has Troy deciding he needs to have words with her. It was *her philosophy* after all that got his best friend killed. That cost Maddy her mom. Righteous fury burns in him.
HE ACTUALLY BURIED ALICIA unlike Serena in s8. But still plays mindgames with Madison and is cutting off walkers' arms (mostly because I think he was so funny for this)
Find part 1 here
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juststoriesintheend · 2 months
at this point in my life - part i
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Pairing: Mae Aniseya x sapphic gn!Reader
Content: inspired by Tracy Chapman's song of the same name; modern au, folk singer au, reunited exes, angst with a happy ending, Qimir is implied to be an abusive/toxic partner
Word Count: 1.9k
《 [series masterlist] 》 《 ii 》
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at this point in my life, i've done so many things wrong i don't know if i can do right
if you put your trust in me, hope i won't let you down if you give me a chance, i'll try
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It’s bittersweet to be on this stage again. For the last time, says the little voice at the back of her head. The shame that accompanies it is bitter enough that she can hardly swallow it. But she tries. She has to. She can’t sing and be choking on bile at the same time.
Mae looks out at the dwindling crowd and she’s not sure how to feel about what she sees. It’s the last night of the performance season, so bar-goers are tired and eager to relax on their Saturday nights, which means they’re not showing up. She supposes that means there’s less people to be nervous about, less hope to build up in her chest. If anything, it’s a sign - someone’s trying to tell her, and has been for years now, to quit the dream while she’s ahead.
The voice sounds a bit too much like Oshie’s dad for her liking, so she chases it away with a shot of something bitter and wipes the back of her hand over her eyes. Bittersweet? Yeah. But sad? Hell no. This is her grand finale. She’s going out with a bang, and damn every asshole who ever told her she couldn’t do it, even if they were right.
So it really fucking sucks when she’s halfway through her set, feeling more on top of the world than she ever has before, and she looks up just in time to catch a glimpse of you. Your smile flashes in the strobe lights, and the chain at your throat gleams when you move. Mae almost misses her next line, but she manages to save it at the very last moment. You’re not here with Oshie - a relief - and that means you’re not here with Qimir either - thank god.
You have new friends, it looks like: a button-nosed girl, her hair streaked with neon green, and an awkward-looking pretty boy whose locs are short enough to stick out awkwardly over the side of his head. At least your taste has improved.
Mae swallows her nerves and drops her head a bit, letting her gaze wander over the neck of her guitar. She focuses better when she can’t see your eyes. It’s always been that way, and she hates that some things stay the same even now. Still, she pulls through. She finishes the set and she doesn’t cry, she doesn’t lose her voice or forget her words, and she doesn’t totally bomb like she has every single night before this one.
It’s just enough, but it’s far too late to make a difference. Like everything else in her life.
A heartfelt thank you and an awkward bow are all she leaves in her wake, though she’s not entirely sure she didn’t leave her heart on that stage. Or with you. Either way, there’s nothing left in the gaping wound Mae calls a chest cavity once she’s stuffed into the wings and packing her guitar into its case. There’s only the thunder of adrenaline in her ears and the nauseating turn of her stomach when she breathes.
“Hey, man, great job! You fucking killed it out there!”
It’s one of the techies, an annoyingly sweet gay guy who is so cheerful that Mae’s considered whacking him in the esophagus at least ten times by now. He claps his hand on her shoulder a little too hard, but she smells the vodka off him before she can even raise her hand. Idiot.
Through gritted teeth, she acquiesces with a very polite, “Thank you.”
“Knew you’d bring the house down eventually.”
Oh, ‘cause that makes her feel so much better. “Yep. Thanks.” And she hopes that the aggressive flicking of the clasps on her guitar case will be enough of a sign for him to back off.
God, she needs a drink. Preferably something with vodka or gin so she can forget about everything hammering away inside her head and just black out.
You meet her at the bar. Or rather, you’re already waiting for her by the time she drags her sorry ass out and orders an obscenely titled drink that’s bound to taste like lighter fluid. Your fingernails tap lightly on the glass in your hands, your eyes flickering and sparkling all over like little fireworks. Mae thinks you look pretty when the lights switch from white to hazy pinks and blues.
She nods once, but she doesn’t allow herself to look above the line of your shoulders. “Hey.”
“You sounded good. I liked your set.”
Of course you do. She wrote half those songs about you. “Didn’t think I’d see you here,” Mae grumbles as she tips back another shot.
And even if she was looking at you, Mae wouldn’t need to in order to know you’re frowning. She hears it in your voice when you very pointedly reply, “I promised, didn’t I?”
You did indeed. But people say all kinds of things when they think they’re in love, and they don’t usually follow through on such promises when the romance fizzles out. Never in a million years would she have held you to an oath you made an entire lifetime ago. She’s not that kind of woman.
Rather than say any of this, though, Mae decides to throw caution to the wind and allow her curiosity to guide her. She turns and leans until both her elbows are resting on the bar. She hopes she looks effortless and cool, but with her luck it’s probably achieved the exact opposite effect.
“What’s with the clique? My sister and her boyfriend not interesting enough for you, or did you finally get tired of them fucking the personality out each other and decide to try something new?”
It’s a low blow. It’s cruel. But when has she ever been anything other than that? The jab certainly hits, judging by the furrowing of your brows and the swirling mess of pain in your irises, and Mae can’t help feeling proud of herself for it.
You take another sip of your drink that outlasts the ticking of irritation in the vein above your eyebrow. “Jecki and Yord. We met at pride last month. You’d like them.” A pause as you consider your words. And then the other shoe drops. “If you weren’t so busy being a dick, at least.”
The liquor in her stomach damn near curdles. “So that’s why you came?” she asks as she forces herself into your personal space, lips curling and her heart threatening to beat right out of her chest. “Wanted to rub some salt in the wound, huh, babe?”
“I wanted to see your last performance. I wanted to support you,” you snap.
Instead of backing down, you’ve stood your ground. You’re not impressed by her petty attempts at intimidation, which leaves Mae feeling lost in the cavernous space between her rage and her desire. Six months out and you still know exactly how to push all her buttons.
“Maybe you should’ve thought of that before you went chasing after Osha like a lovesick puppy.”
The stool you’re sitting on shrieks across the floor when you stand, your face suddenly filling the entirety of Mae’s vision. “I wasn’t aware I had to choose between my best friend and my girlfriend.”
“Yeah,” she snorts, “well, you chose wrong anyway.”
“Maybe if you’d just talked to me like a normal person, I would’ve made a better choice. But you never did know how to fucking communicate.”
She hates you. She hates you because you’re right, and she hates herself because she knows it. And she hates Qimir for stealing her sister, and she hates Osha for leaving, and she hates Sol for loving everyone except her. And most importantly, she hates that she ever loved you in the first place because it killed her to watch you leave, just like it kills her to look you in the eyes now and see what she might’ve had if she’d been a little wiser and a little braver. But she’s never been either of those things. Love is just a game that cowards like her can never win.
“You’re such a fucking idiot sometimes.”
Mae smiles until it feels like her face breaks. “I’ll add it to the list of fuck-ups and grievances.”
The bar’s starting to get fuzzy. Not literally, of course, but wouldn’t that be funny? The walls are growing distant and all the people have started to lose their individuality, slowly morphing into a vague conglomerate of limbs and booze. The vodka’s kicking in. Fucking finally.
Maybe that’s why it scares her so much when you grab her by the hand. She feels your skin on hers and she jolts like she’s been electrocuted.
“Mae,” and your voice is soft again, no longer highlighted with red pen like a failed report card. “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t… I didn’t know.”
“Mae. Please” You look at her like you do in her dreams, all pleading eyes and backlit by grief.
“Whaddyu want me to say?” she slurs when a surprisingly strong wave of intoxication almost bowls her over. “You chose Oshie. And Qimir. And you should’ve chosen me.”
It’s startling how serious you look when you nod in agreement. “I know. I was wrong.”
The bar glitches in and out of existence for a couple seconds, and for a moment, Mae thinks she’s back in that shitty apartment, sprawled out on the mattress with you, choking on her secrets because you deserve someone better than her. She’d take you down into the rubble and the gore, not because she wants to share it with you but because she’s never known anything else. So she let the prophecy fulfill itself, and she chose perfect misery over imperfect love.
“I didn’t want to come here to upset you.”
Mae blinks and she’s back in the present, looking into your eyes and regretting everything.
“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I thought I was being a good friend. I didn’t know the kind of guy Qimir was.”
Not many people do. He’s good at the two-faced persona, good enough to brainwash her sister and take you with them like some fucking prized pony, and all for what? Because she turned him down? Because she said she wasn’t interested?
“I wish you’d told me, Mae, but I understand why you didn’t.”
She wishes that, too. But if there’s a common theme in Mae’s life, it’s regret and poor timing. She never seems to do anything in the right order, or anything right at all.
She smiles, and this time she cries. “Yeah, well. You know how it is. I always fuck shit up.” Her throat feels raw and dry and drowning all at once. “Wish I hadn’t fucked you up along the way, but-”
“You didn’t.”
It’s sweet of you to lie, sweet enough that Mae feels her entire bottom lip quiver.
Your palm finds the curve of her forearm, then her elbow, gentle but strong the same way that you are deep in your heart, and Mae feels lost and found and dizzy from it. She finds herself looking in your eyes despite her better judgment, exposing herself like a raw nerve under your surgical knife, but you’ve always been good to her, you’ve never cut her like the rest of the world has. And she misses you. Even if she hates you. Even if she hates herself.
“I’m sorry,” you say, solemn as a prayer, as you draw her into your embrace. She goes willingly. “For everything. I know you can’t forgive me, but I just… I wanted you to know.”
Oh, she knows. She’s always known.
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taglist: @wolffegirlsunite @thatlittlered @padawancat97
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angel-sweets666 · 4 months
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bad influence
Mason freeland x fem!reader
One of Tracy’s friends has a crush on Mason🫀
chapter one
warning: swearing, drug use, mentions of sex but no sex
A/N: all characters in this series are underage, therefore there will be NO SMUT. Not unless I ate them up later in the series, this will be a shorter series, 5 chapters max. I had to make this fem because I don’t think Tracy would be friends with a dude or smth, however mentions of gender will be limited. I will make more gender inclusive things. Set in 2003 like the movie
“Oh shit, Mason and his cult of friends his here” Tracy groaned and turned around to look at you and Evie, to be fair you and Evie were a bad influence on Tracy and you knew it but Evie was completely oblivious to think that she too was a problem in Tracy’s already broken life. You smiled and tucked your hair behind your ear, trying to fix up your appearance. Evie grinned at you doing this, the look on her face says it all. That she knows and she supports it. “Stop trying to hit on my brother!” Tracy whines and shoved you playfully “ughhh but your brothers hot….” You groaned as you stumbled backwards on the pavement, you leaned forward to push her and Evie back “he’s 15!” She giggles “so? Who doesn’t love an older guy?” Evie smirks as she places most of her weight on her right hip, swaying her body. “Course you do Evie” you rolled your eyes and wrapped your arms around both of the girls as the three of you stumbled into Tracy’s house. You, Tracy and Evie all find Mason and three of his friends smoking joints on the couch. “Oooo gimme some” you skipped over and took the joint straight out of masons hand, taking a hit of it. Evie and Tracy grinned to each other, you could even hear tracy whispering quietly “maybe she’ll marry into the family…”
Mason looked you up and down then said “that was a good $20 don’t fuck it up.” He says calmly to you, unlike Tracy and Evie he regularly spoke in a more friendly tone with you. “Yeah yeah I won’t…” you said as you leaned on the couch “hey *name*” masons friends said “oh.. hi” you said bluntly as you took a hit of the joint “your hairs all wet Mason” you said in a more casual tone to Mason as you ran your fingers through his blonde hair “yeah.. had a shower before fuckwit one and two got here” he chuckled “oh… that’s nice.. now you smell good” you said as you twirled his hair in your hands, Mason looked up at you and you two had eye contact… comfortable eye contact though! It was great until Evie grabbed you “okay cmon *name* stop trying to give Mason head” she exclaimed loudly as Tracy gagged. The idea of her brother getting head from her friend traumatised her. “Bro she was so obviously flirting with you” “yeah.. maybe she was” he grins and leans back on the couch as he kept smiling his joint ,he liked that idea…
Tracy , Evie and you made plans to sneak out tonight to go to Melrose shopping centre. It’s cooler when it was at night, it was just more fun. You chucked on low rise jeans, a black halter top, a few necklaces and a different belly ring, you pulled up the thong strings past your hips and then looked at yourself “how I look girls?” You asked them, they were wearing similar “like a hottie” “I love it!” Evie and Tracy replied, you three grabbed bags for your “shopping”(stealing). You went to open the window to escape only to hear knocking and masons voice “I can hear you lot” he grumbled, his voice was groggy and low due to the fact he was woken up. You blushed and and slowly went back inside the room from the window sill, then walked over to the door. Only to find a shirtless and very tired, Mason. You smiled to him and looked him up and down “promise you won’t snitch if I get you something, hm?” You said in a sweet tone, in a attempt to keep yourself out of trouble “yeah yeah, whatever…” he grumbled and leaned on the door frame “you look tired, go to bed” you reached up to pet his hair. He sighed and nodded “yep…” he slowly stumbled back to his own room. You sighed in relief then ran back over to the window and climbed out to meet with the other girls outside. “You done bouncing on my brothers dick?” Tracy teased, grinning at you menacingly.
Several hours later
You helped Tracy back into the window before jumping into the window yourself, your two high friends stumbled onto the floor. You however were smarter then that and knew not to get high when sneaking out just incase something happened to you. You quietly walked into the hall way, finding your way your masons room “Mason..?” You called out to the boy “hm..?” He grumbled out “can.. can I sit in there with ya?” “Yep… sure”
that night you sat by his bed as you two talked, he even let you play with his hair and his fingers. It was a peaceful night
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twothpaste · 1 year
Y'ever think of what Aloysius and Lardna are like in Intermission? Yeah, they both suck, but they are both crucial to Porky's character, so they remain unavoidable. (You can pick Ness's parents or Paula's or even Pu's who have to exist but are never seen if you prefer tho :] ) They'd all be interesting, but you most certainly do not have to talk about them all now!
Oh, my friend, ask and you shall receive. I'll cover all of 'em.
Aloysius is a conservative sleazeball banker. Probably just about the worst guy ever. Divorced Lardna when Porky was 13, but the kids were still compelled to see & visit him periodically. He's been an unrepentant abusive parent since day 1. Picky avoids him like the plague. Porky absolutely despises him - all the while unwittingly regurgitating his beliefs and behaviors. There's this whole dynamic where Aloysius was smothering Porky in cash and expensive gifts (Mercedez Benz baybeeee) when he first started college. But then Porky's excessive demands and (admittedly reasonable) lack of gratitude got on the big man's nerves. The uh. Airbnb Incident. Was the straw that broke the camel's back. Aloysius cut him off financially, leaving Porky to come cryin' to Lardna for help.
Lardna's almost as awful, reigned in only by her wet blanket second husband, what'shisname Prettyman (one of the funniest Earthbound npcs I think). The kind of mom who's always got something to nitpick or chastise about, sometimes uproariously, with not a damn thing nice to say. Her fights with Aloysius persist years after the divorce, much to everyone's displeasure. She cuts Porky off, too. Big surprise. There's an awkward period where Porky tries to get Picky to be the middleman between them, but even Picky's had enough by that point. Poor Pete hangs in there, stuck living with Lardna 'til he graduates high school. After that he moves out, with intent never to return.
There's kiiind of this sad dynamic with the Minches, where like? Peter (Picky) is the only decent person here. And for a while he tries his darnedest to hold his splintering family together. And he gets nothing in return for it, not even from Lardna. I think he was closest with her, but even she becomes a lost cause, taking her frustrations out on him in Patrick n' Aloysius' absence. The bravest thing this kid ever does is tell her off and leave, on his own initiative. If they ever make any effort to patch things up, it'll have to start with an apology from Lardna. Miracles do happen, Pete supposes, but he's not holdin' his breath.
Anyways. On the absolute opposite end of the spectrum, Ness' mom is very sweet and silly. I named her Kathleen, Kathy for short. She loves kids, was always welcoming Ness' n' Tracy's friends for sleepovers, adores and dotes on every single one of his buddies. She's known Picky, Paula, Jeff, and Poo for years - she's practically like an extra parent to them. Her instinct to mother Lucas n' Claus is immense. Ness thinks it's a little embarrassing, Tracy thinks it's Very Embarrassing, but what can ya do. She's got a sad little empty nest thing goin' on, as Tracy gets ready to leave for college too. Even though Ness is going to school like, within 30 minutes of her house, and visits often. Maybe she'll get a cat. Or a girlfriend.
Mr. Kimura is as absent and busy as he always was in EarthBound, but also just as fond of frequent phone calls. Ness inherited from him a love of baseball, classic rock, old video games, and road trips. His car's also a hand-me-down from Dad. I don't think he's obscenely rich enough to be depositing hundred thousand dollar checks into his kids' bank accounts on the daily, but he makes plenty to help 'em with young adult expenses like college and rental deposits. He's a funny, laidback, good-humored guy. Kind of a calming counterbalance to Mom's pent-up energy.
Ness' folks got divorced when he was like, fifteen or sixteen. It was all on civil & amicable terms - mom could hardly stand dad's perpetual work trips, dad thought that was fair. Tracy was more shaken up about it than Ness, bein' younger than him. And since she's such good friends with Picky, she had a pretty nasty impression of What Happens To Families After Divorce. Thankfully, the Kimuras ended up going about it quite smoothly.
I wrote a lot about Paula's folks [here]. Her relationship with her neurotically tyrannical mom n' her poor ineffectual dumpling dad makes me ache so much. 🥲
Poo Rana is the so-called "Prince" of the Kansas State Senate, because his Mom's a revered Kansas State Senator. His dad's in politics too, though not quite as prolific. He grew up rich and esteemed, smothered in extracurricular activities and accolades, prepared at every stage to follow in his folks' footsteps. Then, as a teenager, he realized he doesn't want anything to do with any of that actually. So there's this weird tension between him and his mom. 'Cause he loves his family dearly, and doesn't wanna let them down. But he's a free spirit at heart, he can't give up his whole life on the altar of "royal" expectations. There's this bit during his senior year of college, where his mom's running for a spot on the U.S. Senate, and she's tryin' to rope him into helping with her campaign. While Poo rebelliously sneaks out of fancy dinners and plays D&D with his friends. He and Paula share a lot of solidarity, both bein' stifled by their overbearing moms. He's honestly got it a bit better than her, though. Senator Rana may be intense, but she's not petty or underhanded in the slightest. One of these days Poo will convince her he really is better off living his dreams as n anthropologist metalhead tabletop nerd, and one of these days she'll listen.
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stellaaglacies · 6 months
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an ao3 annie porter/jack traven post canon fix-it, by stellaglacies.
a little slice of life fic series for annie porter & jack traven from speed (1994), but they stayed together, had a happy albeit wacky time, and speed 2 can get Recked (even sandra bullock regrets doing that film, come on).
SUMMARY: jack traven is a LAPD SWAT officer, sworn to protect and serve the public. his bold, quick, and oftentimes impulsive (but always unusually so) way of thinking has saved countless lives over his somewhat short tenure as an officer, including many of those held hostage upon the terrorist bus 2525 incident in the spring of 1994.
annie porter is a graphic designer temporarily-turned-waitress (until she has enough money to shoot herself) whom had been taking the bus to work during the same incident. despite having had her license previously revoked for speeding, she ends up a hero ━━ the wildcat behind the wheel ━━ by driving said bus full of passengers above 50 mph until the SWAT team could neutralize the threat.
jack and annie not only dismantle howard payne's entire terroristic plot through their courageous and unrivaled teamwork throughout the ordeal, they also end up together after all is said and done. and, despite annie's insistence that relationships based on intense experiences never work, she and jack seem to be in it for the long haul in the end.
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PART 1 : don't wanna fall asleep.
Take my clothes off. God, please, Jack ━━ take me out of this body. There is no bomb strapped to her chest, but it's all she can think about ━━ all she wants for him is to take everything, rip all of her clothes off . . . throw them away, and just forget.
PART 2 : how i met your mother.
"Annie Traven," she finally says, out of nowhere, trying it out loud. Jack's lip curls slightly at the corner nearer her, a tiny grin at the implication of this. Annie looks at him, smiling back. "That sounds super weird, right? It's like a private investigator in a Dick Tracy thing." "Sounds nice," Jack says. "But you could keep your name. If we got married." "Really? You wouldn't mind?"  "Why would I mind?" Jack can't help but chuckle at that; the way Annie reacts to him sometimes is a stark reminder of the oddities of most others; he usually forgets that, oh, yeah. People are this way.
PART 3 : take me home.
He wants to ask her if that’s still true. Is that all they are, is that all they’re doing together? Two people, finding each other after an intense experience, coping with their own demons and nothing more — is that all they’ll be? Does Annie think that’s all it is?  He notices she’s tracing little circles with her finger on his hand, her other arm around his shoulders, as she sits beside him. Would a person who was basing this solely on sex do that?
PART 4 : from crisis to commitment.
“I want to do something stupid.” “We could go to Vegas,” Jack suggests, careful but curious. “Elope or … something.” “Oh my God, you’re right, that’s perfect.” Annie hasn’t hesitated for a moment. “Then we can come back in those T shirts that say Just Married (By Elvis). That’s how we’ll tell our friends.”
PART 5 : coming soon!
*this series is a work in progress and will be updated periodically.
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
Under the beach tent
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This one is for March of the OCs and @gaviiadastra​ It is not much, just a rambling scene that wrote itself. It doesn’t go anywhere or do anything, but it is Gordon and Sam and some friends and brothers.
Kermadec AU, after Minerva and before Kermadec Whales, but with no whales or dolphins involved (though I was tempted :D ) Also, I should add a warning for romance with Scott/OC, but they are really only scenery...much commented on scenery.
I hope you enjoy.
“So, do you think they’ve forgotten we’re here?” Gordon took a sip of his mocktail and stared out into the surf.
“Who?” Sam had his foot up on the edge of the blow-up pool. His other foot was dumped on the sand to his left, lest it catch the plastic and put an end to their spa.
Well, it wasn’t really a spa. More of a kids inflatable swimming pool half buried in sand and topped up with a mixture of sea and hot spring water, courtesy of Raoul’s highly active volcano.
Gordon shifted where he sat, a smile curving around the bamboo straw in his mouth. “Oh, Scotty and Mel.”
Sam snorted. “Forgotten, no. I think they just think we can’t see them.”
The surf was on the calmer end of Oneraki Beach’s wave action spectrum. A simple solid swell, built somewhere near Tracy Island or Tonga beyond, that was rolling in at a regular beat. It was perfect for surfing and along with the equally perfect weather, had made up a perfect day to drop in on some friends.
Even Johnny had come down, and after spending sometime showing off in the body surfing stakes, was now snoring in Thunderbird One’s shadow.
Earlier Gordon had slipped past him and gently placed a large sun hat on his face.
Because he could.
The knocked-together spa Sam and Gordon were currently lazing in was also in One’s shadow. Not the most orthodox use of one of the world’s premiere rescue vehicles, but it did make a great beach tent.
Secretly Gordon thought Two made an even better one, but he was saving that line until he needed it. Had to have two elder brothers in the same room to get that argument up and running.
He grinned to himself nonetheless.
“You know, I really think she’s fallen for your big bro.”
Gordon arched an eyebrow at his friend. “You think so?”
Sam turned to look at him. “Well, it’s been, what, six months?”
A calculation in his head. “I guess.” Come to think of it, he wasn’t aware of Scott straying anywhere else during that time. Hadn’t even picked up any new phone numbers. Even those thrown at him.
“He’s been very patient.” Sam slurped his drink, an orange and purple concoction that Gordon was determined to try next.
“What do you mean?”
“You know. She’s been alone this long for a reason.”
Gordon frowned. “What reason?”
“Her job. The isolation. Her obsession with these islands.”
“She can be challenging. I’ll give you that. Only person I ever saw Dad back down from.”
“Yep. That was a day.” He grinned. “Why do you think he sent me to liaise when we moved in and didn’t do it himself?”
“Weren’t you like fourteen or something when you moved out here?”
“Yeah. Don’t worry, Virg played escort.” He sucked on his straw. “Half the reason why she wanted to climb him like a tree.”
“Well, she’d climbing another one of your brothers right now.”
“I think I’m scarred for life.” He screwed up his face. Those two definitely thought they couldn’t be seen standing in waist deep surf and behind One’s fuselage. His brother was obviously distracted if he was making such a tactical error. Not that they were doing anything risqué, but they were definitely very involved with each other.
Gordon was happy for the both of them. They were both lonely and if they found something together, it couldn’t be anything but a good thing.
“How’s things with you and your ladyship?”
He glared at Sam. “Fine, thank you very much. And her name is Penelope.”
“Oh, it’s like that is it?”
“Yes, it is.”
Sam giggled.
“Shut up.”
“Why? It’s so entertaining to see you squirm.”
“Do I need to chat to Liam?”
“To what? Find out all our secrets?” He snorted. “Go for it.” Sam went back to his drink.
“God, no. I’m traumatised enough with those two out there.” He waved his hand in the general direction of his big brother and his scientist friend who were now attempting a mutual tonsillectomy.
“You should have invited her over. We would love to spend some time with her.”
“And what, tell her all my secrets?”
An arched eyebrow. “You have secrets?”
“What? I live on a secret island!”
“From which you launch rockets, on the Kermadec Ridge, one of the most seismically active and most monitored regions on the planet.”
“That’s exactly why we’re here! Camouflage!”
Sam grinned. “Calm down. I’m not after your secret stuff.” He twisted his lips. “Though you might want your genius engineer to double check that camouflage up against our latest sensors. I’m guessing it is Thunderbird Three that is messing with the readings.”
Gordon stared at him. “What?”
Sam took another sip of his drink. “Not worth panicking over. We only noticed it last week when the first of them were installed. Not one hundred percent sure, but worth checking. And before you think we’re into Tracy Island espionage, we just matched the readings up with the news reports. We think it’s Three, but I could be wrong.”
“Thanks.” It was a sobering thought.
“But today is a work free zone, so I’m changing the topic. Mel has probably reported it to your commander via Morse code on his uvula anyway.”
“Thank you for that gross image.”
“You’re welcome.”
Gordon stretched out in the water, wonderfully warm. The day was a beautiful one, but relaxing in volcanic springwater was something to be done down here at any time.
On his pile of dry sand, further under One, John snorted and rolled over, dropping the sunhat and face-planting into it.
Well, there was the benefit of wearing a sunhat in the shade. So kindly supplied by a younger brother.
Turning in the opposite direction of his sleeping brother, Gordon spied two figures finally returning from their walk up the beach.
Virgil had traded his usual flannel for a linen shirt and his jeans for swim shorts. Both arms were sporting the forearm crutches he still had to use in the wake of his leg injuries from months before. The crutches had been fitted with sand traction and he still seemed to be moving okay.
Scott had refused to let him wander up the beach alone with his camera, hence Alan walking along beside him.
It would have been Scott in Alan’s place, but a quick word to Mel had her distracting his overprotective brother.
Gordon had been prepared to go with, but Alan jumped in and off they went, Virgil muttering something about foliage, black sand, and colour contrasts.
Alan was likely to come back with a degree in colour theory.
But the two were talking animatedly and Virgil had that look that usually pre-empted his next series of amazing artwork.
Gordon found himself smiling.
“Looks like the plein-air partnership has returned. Give me a hand prepping their pool.”
“Sure, gimme two.” Sam reached over and grabbed his foot, sliding it smoothly over his stump and strapping it on.
Gordon clambered out of the warmth of the springwater and grabbed his towel. “Bucket duty time.”
The hot springs gushed naturally out of the sand at the top of the beach. The water was quite hot, so had to be mixed with a little sea water to lower the temperature to a comfortable level. Earlier in the day, the brothers, Sam and Mel had dug a couple of depressions in the sand, plopped in a couple of inflatable pools and filled them with a mixture of hot and cold water. Gordon loved to sit his butt in the mineral rich warmth. The steam coming off the beach was atmospheric - particularly on cold and cloudy days where it fogged up.
Today there was just a little steam and the sunshine. But the pools did need a little maintenance and for one of the thankfully few times in his life, Virgil wasn’t up for much heavy lifting.
So Gordon and Sam did the bucket carrying and by the time Virgil and Alan were within hearing distance, a fresh, warm bath awaited.
Virgil did look like he needed it.
Gordon had availed himself of these springs in the past for a very similar reason. It had been Sam and Virgil doing the shovelling and bucket carrying back then.
Out in the surf, Scott had turned and moved to where he could see the shore.
Gordon ignored him and hoped Mel could distract him back into tonsil hockey.
Virgil is fine. Take a break. Maybe get a room.
Apparently, Virgil was more than fine, the grin on his face fit to split something.
“Find yourself some pretty pictures?”
To Gordon’s surprise, it was Alan who answered. “You should see it, Gordy! So many coloured flowers against the black sand.”
Gordon stared at his little brother. Maybe Alan did get an art education on the beach. “Yeah?” He looked at Virgil.
“I found it inspirational.” Yes, there was light in his brother’s eyes.
“Great!” He gestured at the second pool as Sam emptied in a last bucket of hot water. “Take a load off?”
Virgil grunted, his shoulders dropping. “Don’t mind if I do.”
Both Gordon and Alan helped him down into the water, Alan talking about bindweed and pokey trees and birds the entire time.
It wasn’t often Alan took a lot of interest in wildlife, but apparently today it was the topic.
Gordon was hard pushed to hide the smile.
Second biggest brother now happily situated, Alan still babbling beside him, Gordon stepped up to the makeshift ‘bar’ - a storage crate from One’s cargo hold with a handful of mocktail ingredients stashed on it - and concocted a drink their resident artist would enjoy. He handed that and Alan’s favourite to his reclining brothers.
He then refreshed Sam and his own and returned to his little cocoon of lovely warm water.
Virgil relaxed back and sighed, drink in hand. “This is the life.”
Gordon held up his drink. “To Raoul and all her wonderful inhabitants and conveniences.”
Sam, who had plopped in beside him, again throwing his foot back onto the sand, held up his glass, paper umbrella and all. “To Raoul!”
Both Alan and Virgil shouted, “To Raoul!”
John rolled over onto his belly and began drooling into the sunhat.
Scott was now in even deeper water and much more distracted than even before.
Gordon couldn’t help but grin even more.
“To Raoul.”
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lvxybby · 1 year
Music Ties (kurt cobain x fem! reader) (pt6)
Dave got up and went over to the TV stand. he pulled open two drawers and was looking through movies "alright....horror....comedy....romance..ew...action...and uhh i think thats it...." he said looking back at us. "oh and thriller" he said looking again. "um..is horror ok?" i asked kurt. "sure" he said smiling "dave, is horror ok?" kurt asked "sure thats ok with me...we got...Children of the corn...the fog...lady in white...beetlejuice..." he went on to list a few more. "oh children of the corn" i said with a smile. "oh i saw that in theaters when it came out...scared the shit out of me..." dave said grabbing the tape and putting it in the small slot. "uh dave can i talk to you for a minute.." kurt said looking at him. my face changed from excited to a bit sad. were they gonna talk about me? plan something? ambush me? i began to overthink the chances. "sure" he said coming over to kurt. "privately..." he said looking into his room. "ok" dave said moving out of kurts way so he can get up. they walked into kurts room. what were they doing.
Kurts POV: "whats up?" dave asked me "dude...i like her...a lot" i said running my hands through my hair. "oh wow....thats straight forward...." dave said shocked a bit. "i know...but were band mates! what will people think! i really like her...shes nice and pretty and she has great style...shes so much more talented than me...should....should i make a move on her?" i asked him "ok ok...dont make a move just yet...its still a bit early to do that....but talk to her and know her better...go out together... hang out as much as you can but not too much y'know? invite her over some nights for some drinks maybe....and show her your true self...tell her your secrets but not too many just yet...and slowly start to hint you like her till the point you ask her out...if she says yes thats good and you can go from there..." he said pulling my hands to my sides. "help her when she needs it...say if shes having a breakdown...comfort her if she wants it...if she doesn't say you understand and leave her to collect herself. and reassure her you are a person to trust and to come to at any time" he said looking me dead in the eyes. "th-thats a lot" i say wide eyed. "just take things at a slow pace and be patient and it will turn i out well" he spoke. "what if she says no" i asked "then say...you got the wrong idea and you got the wrong hints, you'll be ok" dave said still staring at me. "okay..." i said looking around to try and remember the things he said. "alright...but im a slob! she wont like me!" i whisper yelled "you dont know that...you dont know her enough...she'll keep you in line" he reassured me. i took a few deep breaths before exiting the room with dave. i saw Y/N on the couch. she looked a bit sad. i sat next to her "you alright?" i asked putting a smile on, hiding my nervousness. "yeah..." she said fidgeting with her hands. she wasn't ok. "wanna talk about it?" i asked. she stayed quiet for a second before speaking. "what were you guys talking about..." she asked. i had to think fast. "we were talking about some personal things...about my ex girlfriend..." i said. "hm" she hummed "her name was tracy...she was a total bitch...and we would argue a lot...and uh she called me earlier and bitched me out...cant get my mind off of it" i lied. i wanted to make her feel better. she sat in silence before speaking "where am i gonna sleep?" she turned her head to me. "oh shit...i didnt think of that..." i said rubbing my neck. "well...dave sleeps on the couch....i dont have anywhere except for my bed....i can sleep on the floor?" i said looking at her. "but...i dont want you to feel uncomfy..." she said. she frowned a bit. "i'll be fine...its just one night" i said smiling a bit. "no" she spoke. "what?" "no" "why" "cause i dont wanna be an asshole" "you aren't though" "shut up...we can share" "what!" i was shocked. she wanted to be in the same bed as me...sleeping....is it perverted if i say yes? is it rude if i say no? it seems like i dont have an option. "you heard me" she replied with a small smile. my face grew extremely red. she giggled a bit. "focus on the movie!" dave reminded us "hehe ok" she said turning away and back to the TV. soon after she fell asleep. her head was on my shoulder. her arms wrapped around my waist. dave looked over at me and moved his eyebrows up and down while looking at us. i chuckle a bit. she groaned a tiny bit before cuddling into me more. i couldn't help but get butterflies from her touch. my hand grazed through her hair. i grew tired as well and knew i should go to bed. i slipped off my shoes and carefully picked her up bridal style. her shoes were already off thankfully. i told dave good night before i carried her into my room. i placed her on the bed and sat next to her. i pulled the sheets and blankets over her and lied down next to her. she almost instantly cuddled into me again. her face was on my chest with our arms wrapped around each other. her breaths were slow and calming. my god shes beautiful. my hand grazed through her soft hair. i soon also fell asleep. embraced in each others touch.
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werewolfbansheelove · 7 months
Home (School Sets)
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In preparation for an interview with Splits Magazine, Sue had her two new cheearleaders in her office. 
Sue: Ladies, what we have here is a grade-A dilemma. Mercedes, your vocal cords have had more fantastic runs than a Kenyan track team but that look simply will not do. At first I thought it was a subtle homage to yours truly but now I fear it’s some sort of ironic comment. 
Mercedes: Ms. Sylvester, I’m just not comfortable in those Cheerios skirts. They don’t fit me right.
Kurt: Mercedes, you shouldn’t feel embarrassed about your body.
Mercedes: Embarrassed? No, no. I’m worried about showing too much skin and causing a sex riot. 
The two best friends laugh and twirled their fingers. 
Sue: How do you two not have a show on Bravo? Here’s the skinny. Splits magazine, after much campaigning by one Sue Sylvester has named me cheerleading coach of the last 2,000 years. In seven days reporter Tracy Pendergrass will arrive on campus and my new star singer will have lost 10 pounds and be in a gender-appropriate cheerleading uniform or she is off the team.
Kurt (shock): Ten pounds? Are you serious? 
Sue: You could lose a few too, kiddo. You got hips like a pear. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to put in a call to the Ohio secretary of state notifying them I will no longer be carrying photo I.D. You know why? People should know who I am.
In the Staff lunch room, Will approach the coach quite angry. 
Will: Sue! We need to talk. The auditorium is padlocked!
Sue: Well, that’s curious. Did you check the sign-up sheet?
Will: What sign-up sheet?
Sue: Why, the one I keep right here in my waistband, William. Let’s see. Yeah, I’ve got the entire week booked solid. Got a big magazine feature coming up and it’s a little chilly for my girls to be practicing outdoors.
Will: Yeah? Well, let’s see what Figgins has to say about this.
Sue: Oh, I’m sure Figgins will just mumble something nervously and then pretend to take a call. I happen to be blackmailing him.
In the choir room, Will sat on a stool in front of the kids.
Will: Um, all right, I have one final announcement before we all leave. We can't use the auditorium for the next week.
Finn: But that’s garbage. How are we supposed to practice for regionals without the auditorium?
Will: The Cheerios need it to practice in. There’s nothing I can do.
Rachel: I recommend a sit-in.
Puck:  I recommend we torch the place.   That got half of the members to smile. 
Will: No. Look, we’ve all faced adversity before and come out stronger on the other end. I’m gonna check out a few off-site locations for us to use just for the week. I promise I’ll find us a new home. 
The school rang and everyone got out their seats. But Kurt approached Finn. 
Kurt: Oh, Finn! I wanted your opinion on this. It’s a swatch board. I’m redecorating my bedroom. Kind of going for a hunting lodge meets Tom Ford's place in Bel Air. I was hoping you could help me out with the hunting lodge part.
Finn: I live in a closet. There’s cowboy wallpaper on the walls.
Kurt: Oh.
Finn (points to a mix of blue and hey sheet.): But I guess that one's nice.
Kurt: Toile? I always pegged you as a chinoisserie type.
Finn walked away from him but Kurt smirked. 
In the cafeteria, Kurt watched Mercedes getting her food. 
Kurt: Mercedes.
Mercedes: This is healthy. Chicken breast and a salad, dressing on the side.
Kurt: You have a week to lose 10 pounds. It’s like having to lose one of my butt cheeks. Look at what I’m eating. Peeled celery and for breakfast I had Splenda. Look, Mercedes, now that we’re cheerleaders, we’re finally part of the in crowd. We have a place at the table. We don’t have to beg underneath for scraps of attention.  (Sighs): Don’t screw it up. (Walking away.) 
Brittany: I’m pretty sure my cat's been reading my diary.
Mercedes (approaching the cheerleaders): Hey, guys. Can I ask you something? How do you manage to stay so skinny?
Santana and Brittany grabbed their water bottles. 
Santana: The Sue Sylvester Master Cleanse.
(Sue: Water, maple syrup for glucose, lemon for acid, cayenne pepper- irritate the bowels and a dash of ipecac- a vomiting agent. I haven’t had a solid meal since 1987.) 
Brittany: Sometimes I add a teaspoon of sand.
Mercedes: That can’t be healthy.
Santana: Who cares? You can either feel terrible and look great or get kicked off the team when that reporter gets here.
Mercedes left her lunch but a blonde was watching the whole thing. 
In Sue's office...
Becky: I lost two pounds, Coach.
Sue: Well, Becky, you are assimilating beautifully. Instead of being different and an outcast you’re just like every other teenage girl in America sadly obsessed with vanity. Before you know it you’ll be leaving baggies of upchuck in your parents'linen closet. Congrats. I’m proud of you, kid.
Becky: Thanks, Coach.
Sue: You betcha. Next! 
Mercedes stepped up next. 
Sue: Hey, you’re still in your track uniform.
Mercedes: Yep, and I’m ready for my midweek weigh-in. I’ve been eating very well and walking everywhere and- 
Sue cut in: Well, climb aboard. Let’s see how many "libbies" you lost. (She did just that) Well, look at that, Mercedes. You gained two pounds. 
Mercedes (shocked): What? That's impossible!
Sue: Look, I’m gonna break it down for you. You have four days to lose the weight, get yourself in a uniform, or you’re out.
Mercedes: What am I gonna do?
Sue: Well, you might try dropping the attitude. I’m sure there’s a pound or two in that. You know, with the Cheerios we have only one lesson, and it’s a very simple lesson. You do whatever it takes. 
Mercedes frowned and stepped off the scale. The School Bell Rings.  Sue: Next!
Finn walked well ran to Kurt. 
Finn: Kurt! Hey! What the hell's going on with our parents? When did they even meet each other?
Kurt: Parent-teacher conference night, about a month ago.
Kurt (Voiceover:) I always accompany my father to those conferences to act as translator.
Burt picked up a cookie but Kurt slapped it out of his hand. Burt: How do you know this is not organic?
Kurt: Because you can see the logo. It’s encrusted in the cookie. 
Kurt (voiceover:) Fate brought them together.
Kurt lead Burt when Carole led into the classroom. Kurt: Dad!  Meet Carole Hudson. Ms. Hudson, my father, Burt Hummel. You both have dead spouses. Maybe you should talk.
Burt: I was just saying to a friend that acid wash should make a comeback.
He was referring to her jacket. Carole: Oh. Really and who said it ever left?
Kurt (voiceover:) It was an instant connection.
Finn: That’s impossible.
Kurt: Nothing is impossible when it comes to love. Haven’t you noticed anything different about your mom? New clothes, new makeup, a haircut that doesn’t look like it was styled by the Amish. Who do you think "Pretty Woman"-ed her up?  Has she started selling the furniture yet?
Finn: Yeah, yeah. She got rid of her old bedroom set and she tried to sell my dad's chair, but I stopped her. How do you even know that?
Kurt: People our parents' age don’t wait around for love to bloom. They know what they want. You and I will be roommates, with Mom and Dad cohabitating upstairs by midterms. 
Finn (shook his head) : No way.
Kurt: Give in to the inevitable, Finn. I want us to decide how to redecorate our room together. That’s why I asked you about the swatches. And don’t sweat that old chair. I have a lovely chaise picked out.
Finn: Look, screw y-your swatches and your-your "chez."
Kurt: Chaise. 
Finn: Whatever! I like my house, I’m not moving, and she’s not selling that damn chair! 
In the choir room, Will told everyone where they were going to practice. 
Tina: A roller rink?
Santana: Weren’t those outlawed in, like, 1981 for being totally lame?
Will: Come on, guys. Where’s your sense of adventure? The space is great and April is giving it to us to practice in for free.
Kurt (raising his hand): Mr. Schue? If I may? The New Directions is clearly a club with a dearth of direction. Rachel and Jesse refuse to accept that all of us would rather die before we allow them to become the next Beyonce and Jay-Z and Finn's mother's romance with my father is sending him into a wholly unnecessary tailspin of despair. (Hands papers to Will that he gives out.) What we all need right now is to explore the idea of a sense of place and how if we find that place within we will get that happy ending. 
Kurt looked to the piano player. Kurt: Brad, B flat. 
Kurt: A chair is still a chair, even when there’s no one sitting there. But a chair is not a house and a house is not a home. When there’s no one there to hold you tight and no one there, you can kiss good night. 
A room is still a room, even when there's nothing there but gloom. But a room is not a house and a house is not a home. When the two of us are far apart and one of us has a broken heart
(Finn at home was sitting in front of his dad's chair. Finn: Now and then I call your name and suddenly your face appears. But it's just a crazy game and when it end it ends in tears.)
Kurt: So darling have a heart, Don’t let one mistake keep us apart. I’m not meant to live alone, turn this house into a home. When I climb the stair and turn the key. Oh, please be there still in love with me.
Kurt looked away from the group. 
In the cafeteria, Mercedes was frustrated to no end.  Tina: Do you want half of my peppermint patty?
Mercedes: No. I don’t put junk in my body.
Artie: Why are you doing this? We like you no matter how you look.
Tina: And those shake diets are really unhealthy.
Artie: They also don’t really work. As soon as you go off them, you gain back the weight you lost.
Mercedes slammed her hands on the lunch table.   Mercedes: You know what? I don’t want to hear it! You have no idea how much I’m sacrificing to be a Cheerio, to look fantastic to finally fit in at this school. 
Mercedes then started to imagine her friends as food. 
Tina: We were just trying to look out for you.                     She was ice cream. 
Artie: We just want you to be healthy.    He was a piece of pie. 
Mercedes: Stop getting all up in my face, telling me what I can and cannot do and I’m really hungry, so stop trying to get me to eat you!
Artie: Hold up. Did she just say she wanted to eat us?      
Mercedes walked away but saw Rachel and Jesse. 
Rachel: The point is that Fanny Brice is the most iconic role...     Rachel was a cupcake and Jesse was a burger. 
Mercedes: Aw, damn.      Then she fainted. 
School Nurse: Hmm. Your blood pressure's low. Maybe that’s why you fainted. Your mom will be here soon. I’ll go and get you some ginger ale.
When she left, Quinn was there and approached the girl. Mercedes: Thanks. I’m not hungry.
Quinn: Yes, you are. You’re starving. I know. I’ve been there. Did all the other kids start looking like food right before you fainted?
Mercedes (a bit shocked): Yeah. How'd you know?
Quinn: Been there. Eat the granola bar.
Mercedes took the bar. Mercedes: Why are you being so nice to me? I can’t remember the last time you said two words to me that weren't "you" and "suck."
Quinn: Cause I was you- scared. Hating myself for eating a cookie. But I got over it.
Mercedes: Yeah, of course you did, Miss Pretty Blonde With the White Girl Ass.
Quinn: When you start eating for somebody else... so that they can grow and be healthy your relationship to food changes. What I realized is that if I’m so willing to eat right to take care of this baby why am I not willing to do it for myself? You are so lucky. You’ve always been at home in your body. Don’t let Ms. Sylvester take that away from you.
Mercedes begins to tear up. Mercedes: I’m so embarrassed. This isn’t me. How did I become this person?
Quinn: You are beautiful. You know that. I’m gonna stay here with you until your mom comes, okay? 
Kurt approached Finn at his locker. 
Kurt: Finn, we need to talk. (Finn looks to him.) We have to break up our parents immediately. I screwed up. I feel like the guy who set up Liza and David Gest. 
Finn: It hurt you, didn’t it? When I was talking sports with your dad and stuff.  I could tell that you were-
Kurt: Left out? Invisible?
Finn: Yeah. I don’t like that my mom's forgetting about my dad. It’s up to me to keep his memory alive and I don’t want to move in with you. No offense.
Kurt: None taken. So we put an end to them. Agreed?
Finn: Agreed. 
In the gymnasium, it was time for the pep rally. Sue approached the journalist from Splits Magazine and sat down beside him. 
Sue: Well, with a name like Tracy, I assumed you were a lady.
Tracy: Quite a turnout for a pep rally.
Sue: On assembly days, I arrange for the rest of the school to be fumigated leaving the gymnasium the only place with breathable air. (Tracy didn’t laugh or chuckled)  Come on. That was clever. You might want to start writing down my little bon mots. I’m gonna be dropping some beauties on you. 
Tracy: You know, this is just a freelance job. I was short-listed for the Pulitzer last year for my Newsweek piece on high school athletes going pro.
Sue: So my cover story isn’t a fluff piece?
Tracy: Nope. Hard-hitting investigation.
The Cheerios came out with the crowd cheering so loud, Kurt waved to the crowd but mostly to his friends. 
Sue: Feast your ears on this smokin' intro. In a few seconds, so important to build the tension.
Mercedes came out but Kurt was so confused so he looked to Brittany.        Kurt: What is she doing?    Brittany just shrugged. 
Mercedes took hold of the microphone and spoke into it.  Mercedes: Hey, guys. I’m Mercedes Jones. (Exhales) So most of you know Cheerios is about perfection and winning looking hot and being popular. 
Sue: Still building the tension. 
Mercedes: Well, I think that it should be about something different. How many of you at this school feel fat? (Some people raised their hands like Quinn was one of them.) How many of you feel like maybe you’re not worth very much? Or you’re ugly, or you have too many pimples and not enough friends? (Some more people raised their hands like Jesse, Tina and Artie) Well, I felt all those things about myself at one time or another. Hell, I felt most of those things about myself today and that just ain’t right. And we’ve got something to say about it and if you like what we have to say come down here and sing it with us.
Mercedes: Ooooooooh yeah, yeah, oh, oh, oh, yeah, every day is so wonderful and suddenly it’s hard to breathe. Now and then I get insecure from all the pain, I’m so ashamed
I am beautiful no matter what they say, words can’t bring me down. I am beautiful in every single way, yes, words can’t bring me down, oh no So, don’t you bring me down today
The cheerios turned around and joined in with the singing.
WMHS Students: No matter what we do
Mercedes and WMHS Students: No matter what we do
WMHS Students: No matter what we say
Mercedes and WMHS Students: No matter what we say
WMHS Students: We’re the song that's outta tune Full of beautiful mistakes
Mercedes: Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah
WMHS Students: And everywhere we go
Mercedes: And everywhere we go
WMHS Students: The sun will always shine (Mercedes: The sun will always, always shine) But tomorrow we might awake over on the other side
Mercedes and WMHS Students: Cause we are beautiful no matter what they say. Yes, words won't bring us down (Mercedes: Oh, no, oh, oh, oh) We are beautiful in every single way Yes, words can’t bring us down (Mercedes: Oh, oh, oh)
Mercedes: So don’t you bring me down today oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Don’t you bring me down today
Everyone applauded so loud and cheered loudly as well. 
Tracy: We can finish this interview in your office tomorrow.
Kurt approached her and touched her shoulder. Kurt: Thank you. I was wrong.   The two hugged. 
Sue entered her office with Tracy already there. Sue: Mr. Pendergrass, let me explain.
Tracy: Just have a seat.
Sue: Oh. Not used to taking orders in my own office. She sat down on her chair. 
Tracy: Sue, when I met you I instantly disliked you. You’re bossy, insulting, and the fact that twice you called me Rerun makes me think you’re a little racist. I came here to write a piece that would expose you as a coward and a cheat. I could not have been more wrong.
Sue: Beg your pardon?
Tracy: You got every shape and size Cheerio up there singing about empowerment and inclusion telling everyone it’s okay to be exactly the person you are. You’re a visionary, and I think redefining cheerleading. Bravo.
Sue: Well, thank you, uh, Mr. Pendergrass. I can’t say I’m surprised. Um, you know, I work so hard to get my girls feeling good about themselves  because it’s what's inside that counts.
Tracy: It’s an honor, Coach.  (He stood up and shook her hand.) When this hits the stands, it could mean big things for you. 
Once he left, Sue was relieved. 
April and Will were in the choir room, Will was shocked by what he was hearing. 
Will: I don’t know what to say.
April: Just say congratulations. I took your advice. I went home, I told Buddy that if he wanted to keep me around he had to ditch the old lady and give yours truly the top job and then he died. (Laughs) One of his eyes went all funny and he had a stroke right in front of me. 
Will: Geez, April, are you okay?
April: Okay? I’m rich! The ol' battle-ax was afraid I’d go to the Lima Times so she shut me up to the tune of $2 million.
They both laughed. Will: What?
April: So I’m sobering up and I’m heading to the Broadway, Will. I haven’t had a drink in 45 minutes. I’m going to take my hush money and I’m going to mount the first-ever all-white production of The Wiz.
Will: Okay. [Chuckles]
April: I’ve got you to thank.
All the glee members came into the room. 
Rachel eagerly smiled: Did you tell him yet?
Will: Tell me what?
April: That I bought y'all the auditorium.
They applause and cheers for her. Will: What?
April: I wrote ol' Figgins a check this morning. It’s now called the April Rhodes Civic Pavilion.
Will: I- I don’t know what to say.
Rcahel: We’ve got that covered.
That leads them to auditorium for a performance from the musical. 
April (New Directions): When I think of home, I think of a place, where there’s love overflowing. I wish I was home, I wish I was back there with the things I’ve been knowing. Wind that makes the tall grass bend into leaning, suddenly the raindrops that fall have a meaning. Sprinkling the scene makes it all clean.
Maybe there's a chance for me to go back, now that I have some direction. It sure would be nice to be back home, where there's love and affection. Then just maybe I can convince time to slow up. Giving me enough time in my life to grow up, time be my friend (Let me start again) let me start again. 
Living here in this brand new realm (Brand new realm) might be a fantasy, ohh (Fantasy, ohh). But it taught me to love, so it’s real, real, real to me. And I’ve learned we must look, look inside our hearts to find. Yeah, a world full of love (World full of love) Like yours, like mine (Like mine)
April with New Directions: Like home! Home!
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