astro-break · 11 months
Thoughts on the 2nd ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. Spoilers beware
The add busses that run irl in asian countries always embarrass me ngl they're kinda cringy imo TBH is kinda lame for a group name but i mean its not any better than some of the stage team names either MTC MTC MTC I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUU my biases haven't changed fromed last season as you can all tell lmaooo I still absolutely love MTC and their silly antics oh this is hilarious actually lmfaoooo did they just steal everythinggg I love how the yakuza got overwhelmed by women and children love the little detail that Samatoki never actually bought any new cigs ever since he ran out in the first ep Yes, go samatoki, use your brain for once i love youuuuuu the musicccc theres some nice at least some callbacks to older yakuza films HIS RINGTONE IS THE SAME AS THE BG FOR THAT YAKUZA MAN LMAOOOOO i like how they're bringing back old faces from the first season of the anime, its nice nostalgia ah so they're using the mics to incite violence i see LETS GO ME PREDICTING EVENTS i'm way too into this fandom lol wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww THATS HILARIOUSSSSS this man is just another con with a love for karaoke. YO RIO that is such a diss holy shittttttt I love crazy samatoki ngl he kinda cute Rio you silly weirdgirl, hes so weird and I love him for it he has everything figured out and is so chill about it too Samatoki is just another weirdgirl, MTC is just two weirdgirls and a hidden weirdgirl trying to be normal Go baby girl go fight the wind OH MY GODS ITS AN INTRODUCTION AS HIS RAP HES SO SILLY LMAOOOOO I forgot how silly Hypmic actually is, they're just hilarious HAH they recreated the Great Wave paitingsadkjfhlaskjdf I still love their anime gorl transformations they're so cheesy and recycled but such a delight Damnnn this song is really nice, I love the very old school beat that permeates that song, its quite a throwback to old rap styles the lyrics themselves are also a homage to the old introductions of Yakuza, if you follow the spoken intro and MTC's version you can see the parallels The white horse is a Samatoki staple askdfhkjlasdghfj NICOTINE WITHDRAWLLLLLLL oh i love how silly he really is HAH LOOK AT ME CALLING OUT ALL THE PLOT TWISTS BEFORE THEY"RE REVEALEDDDDDDDDDDDDD my ego is unstoppableeeeee the disgn of the white haired dude is nice ngl, that mask and circle sunglasses is a good one. reminds me of murakumo kagetsu MTC ENDING LETS GOOOOOO hes just so stylish i love samatoki's outfit a lot
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corvidcas · 4 years
i’m just gonna write what my vibes were at the deancas wedding today, cuz i’m super high and it sounds immersive and i wanna memorialize this experience. i apologize in advance for being extremely earnest and extremely self-indulgent, i’m literally too high to be normal about this or feel shame:
so i was just. on the verge of tears through the whole reception and EVERYONE cheered obnoxiously loud when they kissed :) like there were dog whistles and all that hootin and hollerin that hicks do as well as like frat boy roars like the crowd simply went wild yall. there were at least 5 gunshots into the sky. because hunters are like that!
at the reception, i had like 1 house special and then started in on the shots. i’m mostly in a big circle w a mix of tumblr folks and spn folk drinking and talking loudly and cheerily. i also of course at some point congratulate dean and cas and remind them that they can make it through literally anything, including death and the fourth wall, and i’m so happy for them and they’re gonna be so amazing. ill do that in a normal and casual way (lmao). as the party picks up i will absolutely end up out on the floor dancing with friends the majority of the time, just absolutely feelin it bc i’m so drunk and think nobody but my friends can see me. charlie and claire and kaia and jack are there but they’re dancing just as earnestly as me, actually, everybody in the group is. people could see us if they looked but they’re having too much fun doing their own thing. once we tire out we go get high smoking in the bathroom. and if i’m gonna commit to incorporating uquizzes, somebody kisses me but i don’t know who. i also get a number on a napkin where the name isn’t legible by the end of the night. so i get a romantic interest i guess!! :) (god i hope it’s charlie) we have both really stupid and really deep convos and have a blast and when we come out there’s a slow song playing and i dance to it with a friend. dean and cas are heartmeltingly cute slow dancing together. not overwhelmingly graceful but they look so happy and relaxed with each other. it’s sickening but i’m so proud of them and, again, absolutely ecstatic for them. anyways by the time everybody is absolutely wiped and headed home, i’m wearing someone’s military jacket (there were at least 52 people wearing military jackets in attendance) along with my 4 other layers and a beanie and snow boots (do you know how cold it is in nebraska right now?!) and i’m hugging everyone who i felt i bonded with that night goodbye, which is a LOT of people, because i was drunk enough that i would feel like we bonded if you had accidentally made eye contact with me and smiled on reflex. i’m not sloppy drunk tho! i’m just feeling very happy and empathetic :) anyways we’re all tired and happy and relaxed with each other and we’re all united by how much we love dean and castiel, who just got married!!! and it’s perfect :)
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obeymematches · 4 years
Hi!! I saw matchups were open and 👀 I'm an ANFP (A for ambivert). Generally with friends, my personality adapts to them, but I'm talkative, energetic and pretty playful. I like to annoy them by doing petty things such as untie their shoelaces or pat their head. I'm 5'2" with long black hair and brown eyes. I love learning about everything, I'm an enthusiast for learning new things!! My most favourite thing to learn about is cultures/languages or anything in the arts department! 1/4
I'm in love with music. I love all types of it and it's my life, though pop is the genre I most appreciate. I also enjoy making my own music, and will make songs for my partner, possibly a whole album for our anniversary. I also love writing and creating stories. It's a big passion of mine. I recently took up drawing too, and I would love to draw a portrait of my partner, should they allow me to!! With my partners, I tend to be overly affectionate. I love giving them praises!! 2/4 I've been told I'm very good at flirting, so I would wholeheartedly flirt with them, even though my pickup lines are very cheesy and wholesome. I will snuggle with my partner pretty much constantly should they allow me and press kisses wherever I can. I love playing with my partner's hair and giving them the world. I'm a switch in terms of being more confident or more flustered. It goes either way. I don't usually get mad, and I'm not normally a jealous type either. 3/4 I do hate being restricted though. I have a lot of guy friends and girl friends. If I'm not allowed to hang with them, the relationship will not go well. I also don't like a partner who doesn't respect my decisions about my life or my dreams. I'm very laid back about dates or things. I don't care much about gifts or where we go, more the experience and fun we have. Thank you so much and I hope this was okay!! Love your work!! 💕4/4 Oh hecc I forgot some hobbies!! I'm a singer!! A mezzo-soprano and I love singing given the opportunity! I'm a coder that's forever interested artificial intelligence! I love the thought that I could create a thinking mind with just codes or wires. I'm a true neutral. I love food as well as cooking it too!! But I'm not greaaat at it. I'm also in love with JRPGs and anime! And kpop haha. However, I'm not necessarily revolving my life around it. I bite my nails and I hate it. Sorry and thank you!
💕 Hi! 💕
Thank you for sending in a request, and thank you for your kind words! I hope you like the result! 
So I decided to match you with Asmo! 
My other choice would have been Levi since anime, but I decided to stick with my first thought. Levi can be too jealous at times and he definitely wouldn’t do well in a big social circle but I’m sure you’d be best friends, or it’s up to you if that would turn into something else. Because besides that there wouldn’t be any conflicts and the two of you could be just yourselves.
Here is why: 
 I think he is also talkative, so the two of you would have some things to talk about at all times! 
I think it would be easy to annoy him but I’m sure he can prank you back if he wants to. I mean he lived with his brothers for centuries, for sure he has some ideas when it comes to pranking someone. 
He likes the fact that you like to learn, that makes you smart and thats so cute! 
The fact that you are ambivert probably means that he was the one who initiated conversation at first but you were very good at keeping that conversation about whatever was the topic, so you two connected early on. 
I think at some parties he met with people who studied something similar as you are interested in so because of that he might actually know a thing or two about your interests. Sure he is probably more into gossip or makeup or fashion but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t listen when a different topic comes up. 
He also likes pop music the most, so you would never have any conflict concerning this! You later mention that you sing a lot, so imagine having a duet with him!!!! I mean think about that!!! You could establish a band, juts the two of you! 
Or if you are not into that then he would be sure to show you off at karaoke bars! The whole club would be looking at you two! 
He would definitely serendae you if thats what you want, any time, on the spot!
I think his gosspis might influence some stories that you write. I mean us humans can’t even imagine all the things that go on in the devildom. 
Jokes aside he would absolutely NOT be shy about that, you could practice drawing and he would be flattered! 
Oh his love language is definitely affection so theres no conflict or conversation that needs to be held because of that! Imagine all the cuddles with him!
Asmo definitely loves himself and he definitely enjoys compliments so he would really appreciate that about you! Be prepared though because he is going to return the favor tenfolds more! 
He is definitely one of the better flirtes of the bunch so if you two are at it i’m not sure who would decide to stay in the room anyway
Especially early in the relationship he would cuddle you so so much, lay on top of you, snuggle you, etc! very affectionate couple! 
Oh I’m not sure if he likes it when someone touches his hair but if it’s you he might make an exclusion! 
It’s really handy that you are not jealous because I don’t think he will ever stop flirting even if he is in a relationship and some might consider that cheating. But it doesn’t matter because the two of you have a strong connection! He is definitely not going to be nearly as jealous as Mammon would be for example, so hopefully you’d have no conflicts. 
He is one of the more open-minded demons so he will definitely not restrict you in any way. Literally any way.
Oh it’s really nice that you have many friends, he is a social butterfly so he will feel just fine in your circle!
Maybe he would suggest merging his friends group with yours to have an extra big one where all of you have fun! Idk, think about that, its up to you
Anyways house parties are always loud and crwoded when the two of you are hosts. (imagine all the food you need to prepare beforehead....and all that cleanup afterwards...oh god i feel so bad is it really a good idea to match the two of you...)
I know you said you don’t care much about gifts but for sure thats his giving love language so expect many gifts just for you! Makeup, clothes, keychains, instruments, anything that reminds him of you!
I think he would respect you being a coder, I mean that means you could code some stuff for him too, right?? honestly he adores that you are so smart to do all these!
Don’t worry about food, I think you’d go out so much or have food delivered that your cookings skills might be unnecessary.
I think the fact that you are into animes would draw Levi in your circle and honestly Asmo would not really mind that. As I said he doesn’t mind your friends as long as you can give him attention too. He might join you two sometimes before going out or something. If you catch feelings for Levi along the way he doesn’t mind that either, I mean... he is the avatar of lust.... he knows how things work.
I mean in case Asmo hurts you or something I’m sure Levi would be the first person to be there and support you through it!
I headcanon that Asmo is into kpop. I mean idols are just perfect, just like him! you could definitely talk a lot about that! 
He cares so much about appearance he would definitely find a way to have your nails well-kept! 
So this is a very outgoing and energetic relationship, theres always something going on. But the two of you also trust the other and both of you are open-minded so hopefully there wouldn’t be many conflicts. He would absolutely infuelnce your appearance. He is also supportive and sensitive when it comes to you so you really feel special! Your hobbies differ a bit but hey, that is just a way to explore more of what life has to offer! 
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neufocklagh · 6 years
Answer questions 1-100 (:
The meaning behind my url: - it means ineffable, but i forgot what language and i cant find it :-(
A picture of me: I will post one later (-:
How many tattoos i have and what they are: I have zero but I want a lot!!! hopefully i get one for my birthday 
Last time i cried and why:  -last time i cried was a few days ago, i was really aggravated about a lot of little things and i felt like my life wasn’t balanced. 
Piercings i have: -i have my nipples pierced and my ear lobes, i used to have my nose pierced but it fell out :-( i want to get my tragus pierced 
Favorite band:  -for nostalgic reasons and because i still bop to it today, Fall Out Boy
Biggest turn offs:  -inequality and demanding attitudes
Top 5 (insert subject): -I’m gonna choose the subject. my top 5 songs rn, 1. RPG (kehlani), 2. Girl (destiny’s child), 3. Nunya (kehlani), 4. Pretty Little Fears (6lack ft. J.Cole), 5. Stay Fly (three 6 mafia)
Tattoos i want:  -a rose on my ankle with my name on it (my mom has a rose with her name on it), “here i go down circle road” on my ankle, peonies and poppies with a snake running through them on my back, a tree on my thigh, and the faces from “theres a voice inside you” on my shoulder looking towards my head. 
Biggest turn ons:  -independence but reassurance that they want me in their life, self reliance, and confidence.
Age: -20, but i’ll be 21 in 28 days!!!!
Ideas of a perfect date:  -something that allows us to talk and get to know each other better, but also a little competitive (-:
Life goal:  -to be financially stable enough that i can help out my family.
Piercings i want:  -oops, my tragus and maybe second earlobe piercings
Relationship status:   -single
Favorite movie:  -oh my goodness so many options… but i guess i’ll go for the first movie that really got me into movies and that was kill bill vol 1.
A fact about my life:  -i don’t wish anybody that has done me wrong any harm.
Phobia:  -i have a fear of falling! not of heights but of falling
Middle name: -Cameron
Height:  -5′1″
Are you a virgin?  -no
What’s your shoe size?  -mens 3.5 women 5
What’s your sexual orientation?  -straight
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?  -i drink occasionally
Someone you miss:  -i miss my best friend a lottttttttt
What’s one thing you regret?   -i didn’t pick more flowers when i had the opportunity
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: -Lucy Liu
Favorite ice cream?  -strawberry!!
One insecurity:  -my body
What my last text message says:  -”i’m proud of both of us! we gonn kill it this time!”
Have you ever taken a picture naked?  -yes indeeedy
Have you ever painted your room?  -i did when i was in 7th grade, but that was the last time because i didn’t have a room after that
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?  -yes i have
Have you ever slept naked?  -yes indeedy
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?  -heck yes, all the time. 
Have you ever had a crush?  -oh yeah, not very many but i definitely have
Have you ever been dumped?  -nope
Have you ever stole money from a friend?  -god i can’t even ask my mom for money, i would feel terrible if i did that
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?  -yes, probably not the best idea, but yeah
Have you ever been in a fist fight?  -oh yeah
Have you ever snuck out of your house?  -no, but i never really had a reason to do it 
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?  -yes that hurt like a mofo
Have you ever been arrested?  - i havent
Have you ever made out with a stranger?  -oooo nooooo 
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?  -yeah i definitely have
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?  -i mean yes but they weren’t there so i feel like this doesn’t count as sneaking out that’s why i didn’t count it on 41
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?  -nah
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?  -yessssss, my mom would be disappointed if she found out
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?  -oh yeah, i used to have major sleepovers with my best friend
Have you ever seen someone die?  -no and i’m really glad i haven’t
Have you ever been on a plane?  -yes!! and i loved it!
Have you ever kissed a picture?  -yes (-’:
Have you ever slept in until 3?  -oh god yes
Have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now?  -i have definitely been in love, love is an amazing feeling. do i miss past loves? no, i just wish them the best
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?  -yes and i love it
Have you ever made a snow angel?  -i haven’t :-(
Have you ever played dress up?  -sooooo much 
Have you ever cheated while playing a game?  -honestly… yes
Have you ever been lonely?  -oh yeah, but i get over it fast
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?   -i can’t, i dont know why but i can’t
Have you ever been to a club?  -YAAAAS AND I FUCK THE CLUB UP BBY
Have you ever felt an earthquake?  -i have not
Have you ever touched a snake?  -siiii
Have you ever ran a red light?  -very few times but yes
Have you ever been suspended from school?  -yes and it was so stupid
Have you ever had detention?  -yes and it was also super stupid
Have you ever been in a car accident?  -yeah, but it was super minor
Have you ever hated the way you look?  -yes oh god yes, i still have those days but i’m trying to get better about it
Have you ever witnessed a crime?  -lmaooooooo yeah, like all throughout highschool and like everyday in my neighborhood
Have you ever pole danced?  -no but i want to learn!
Have you ever been lost?  -yes 
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country? -YEAH!!!!
Have you ever felt like dying?  -god kill me now
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?  -yes i have a lot, sometimes its cathartic 
Have you ever sang karaoke?  -yeah i have, i’m terrible (-:
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?  -everyday i tell myself i am not spending money today and somedays i don’t listen to myself and there i go spending money at some food place
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?  -i’ve only done this once!
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?  -not in a romantic way or any kind of sexual way, yes
Have you ever kissed in the rain?  -in a dramatic romantic movie way? nah
Have you ever sang in the shower?  -heck yes bby
Have you ever made out in a park?  -no
Have you ever dream that you married someone?  -i always dream about marrying mark ruffalo
Have you ever glued your hand to something?  -no i haven’t
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?  -no, i don’t live in a place cold enough to do that 
Have you ever gone to school partially naked?  -wait what? do people do that?? 
Have you ever been a cheerleader?  -no, i did gymnastics outside of school though
Have you ever sat on a roof top?  -yes and i loved it
Have you ever brushed your teeth?  -who doesn’t?? if you don’t, please brush your teeth. i had a lady come in and she was so freaking excited about her new dentures because she could now smile, and she said “take care of your teeth, take it from me.” and that scares me so much. 
Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?  -yesssss
Have you ever played chicken?  -no i haven’t 
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?  -yessssss
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?  -no but this older man winked at me when i finished ringing him up and i was like “pls no”
Have you ever broken a bone?  -no i haven’t!
Have you ever been easily amused?  - i feel like im easy to amuse honestly
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?  - yes and i love those moments
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?  -no, i don’t think so 
Have you ever cheated on a test?  -yes, but why would you leave the answers right in front of my face though? 
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?   -all the time, i’m so bad with names
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?   -you mean geminis? yeah
Give us one thing about you that no one knows.  i will only wear sandals when my toes are painted, because i feel like my toes only look cute when they are painted. and if the paint is chipping then i wont wear sandals. 
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caratau · 7 years
Dad! Seungcheol.
Tumblr media
y’all ever watched Cheaper By The Dozen?
S. Coups is basically the Dad.
raising 12 kids irl but i’d see him with a good 4 or 6
dominantly boys 
speaking of babies i read on a wattpad comment a million years ago that if theres a dominant amount of sons then that means the dad’s got a big willy and if there’s more girls then its small.
just a fact but idk if its bs so don't rely on me oK I WAS 13 MY INNOCENT (LMAO BIH WHERE) WAS TAINTED AND IDK IF ITS REAL BUT YEAH BACK TO PAPA COUPS.
but yeah like mostly boys for kids and then
hear this
his youngest is a little girl
this bewildered dad man and his three boys watch this little angel in amusement ok it was unexpected asf seen as papa coups and momma coups decided to keep the gender a surprise like hOW I HAVE THE PATIENCE OF A CHIPMUNK I GOTTA KNOW WHAT MY CHILD IS
im also not one who differentiates between genders :)
and that is how papa coups rolls too
hold up before we go onto the life lets go a trip down memory lane from the first boy
momma coups is a worry wart
she's calm and shit but like??? a baby??? she trusts papa coups but like, he’s only ever been a father to 12 teenagers and young adults???
how dis gonna work out??
and so the journey begins
not really lmao coups had to buy a personalised ‘Daddy Coups’ barbecue apron to make it official.
woozi did not approve
nor did momma coups
that apron became a scarring nightmare in those kids lives as teenagers for friendly barbecues imma tell ya that now
# prayforthechoi’s
but yeah back to the pregnancy i derail hella fast
will also buy a t-shirt with ‘daddy coups’ lmao momma coUPS HAS HAD IT
she burns it in a fit of raging hormones
poor ol’ cheol doesnt let the underlying dislike of these raging hormones show
woozi is high fiving momma coups in the bg.
do they have regrets?
being connected to cheol yeah they do
jk jk  they both love him
but yeAH 
he’ll be a wreck at the ultrasounds
not really a wreck
he’ll be all nervous and I'm picturing it now; momma coups’ hand is clutched between his and he keeps the back of it near his lips and he’ll kiss it every few seconds and ik it’s weird but like its a type of reassurance to him aND momma coups as if to say that everything ok bc they just have a fear of losing it and I'm going really sensitive I'm sorry
cheol’s eyes water y’all I'm crying inside
he sees a blob, with help from the nurse, and he just breaks down bc he made that blob y’all.
he made it
and throughout that whole break down, he realises its all real and fuCK he’s gonna be raising a child from biRTH, not from teenage years like he did with svt.
and he's just so happy from there on
honestly theres changes of him in interviews and v lives and all and everyone just loves it
will sO be the dad to take bump pics aW MY ACHEY BREAKY HEART FUCK
will do a montage
he’ll make a pinterest just for nursery ideas bc he’s gonNA BE A DAD
a participating father does diy
it surprisingly goes well
momma coups is impressed
she invites jeonghan over in hopes to watch coups suffer but the two end up stood at the door of the nursery with teas in their hands and they're just admiring the man that probably keep them sane through different points of their lives
speaking about some of svt, they consider you as their momma coups (jeonghan is shaking) 
so when y’all tell the svt kids you're expecting an actual child, the room basically has an earthquake
hug here, hug there, may god help momma and papa coups bc they were being squished 
and then at the baby shower, cheol insisted that his sons be invited bc they're the life of the party
and its true
they are
Seungkwan does a lot of karaoke
but on a stage
and to people
he does some trot
thats when it gets lit
seokmin and soonyoung take over whilst seungkwan pulls vernon over for a slow dance to a song they're screaming to???
meh its svt ok they jam to anything and everything
i forgot to mention that since coups wasn't really so prepared for a bABY (teenagers and young adults aren't a default approach to fathering, ya gotta raise them from birth) he and momma coups are a regular attendee of birthing classes
just so he can be prepared
the classes were more for him than momma coups
she gets bored really easily
tiredness is a symptom of a pregnancy
night of the birth
2:36am is the dreaded time
although seungcheol was half dead bc damn dads need sleep too, dude’s still able to grab the hospital bags, slip shoes on, get the car keys and make it out of the house in record time and into the car
when they get to the hospital, cheol is talking at 100 miles a minute to two phones (maternal and paternal parents) of how the births happening
next is the svt kids
theres a lot of screaming over the speaker but it doesnt beat your scream when you went through a sudden contraction
and that was the beginning of the long ass birth of your first son
we’re at the fourth child
a daughter
a tulip
a little princess for the family to adore
no one expected it, as i said at the beginning
momma coups that she was doomed with boys but nah, theres still hope
from the day of the birth, papa coups has his boys, ages 7, 5 and 3 stand in a line in the hospital room as if they were in the military.
momma coups is cackling in her bed as she holds princess coups.
“boys, we’re now in a default mission.” 3 year old coups struggles a bit with balance and don't even expect concentration from him. baby looks away from papa coups for a sec 
“3rd son coups, look at me please-”
“3rd son coups, where are you going-”
“i demand the presence of 3rd son coups”
lmao 3rd son coups goes to sit with momma coups on the big hospital bed aw aw he pokes princess coups’ hand
“pwincess coups?” he asks momma coups with those starry eyes (coups genetics are amazing)
“princess coups, baby.” momma coups answers back and the whole family just gathers near the bed. 
“she's a diamond, boys, we gotta make sure no one tries to break or steal her, thats all i ask of you”
“yes dad”
cheol will piggyback the kids all day errday YGM
piggyback to brush teeth, piggyback for breakfast agh
everything is also almost like a military operation
this is where cheaper by the dozen tropes come in ok
i wouldn't say that cheol is a competitive person but if someone makes their family (*cough* jeonghan *cough*) out to be better than everyone else then its war
theres also summer trips to a lakehouse w the rest of svt and their families and my heart is hurting more now
but yeah
this is where the ‘daddy coups’ apron comes out.
did i forget to mention that princess coups has a small crush on woozi’s kid
this is when they're like 14 ok
they're both fucking shy too 
ofc cheol knows
instead of being protective, he pROVOKES IT AND OMF ‘DAD CAN YOU STOP WE GET IT’
princess coups isn't the biggest fan of her dads antics
still loves him as a dad tho
lmao his plan acc works tho like woozis kid and princess coups go on dates (both woozi and cheol chaperone lmao it ends up as a dads meeting)
OOH OOH (ooh aah I'm sorry oops)
will be the dad to make a mountain out of a mole hill over his kids dreams and damn i want cheol as a dad i feel as if very morning would be ‘CHASE YOUR DREAMS OK DONT LET ANYTHING HOLD YOU BACK’
would drive you where you needed to for these dreams
soccer games for boys, hell soccer games for the girl too she's grown in a practically all boys household
cheol doesnt degrade it tho
oh yeah all the boys are taught to be respectful towards women but the full on lessons go on at the hong’s.
coups pays joshua in the form of a future son-in-law for one of his little girls
joshua acc slaps coups i lAF
“if i see any of your boys near my princesses, choi, you're dead :))))))”
coups doesnt take it the wrong way bc its understandable?? but also not bc he trusts his kids to not make the wrong decisions
will be an emotional wreck at graduations
will also be the dad to scream their kids name at the graduation too
lmao my brother did that for my sister at hers but it failed terribly
people also had competitions at my brother’s graduation as to who could shout their graduate relatives name the loudest and ngl it was lit
but yeAH
will basically be dead at the kids weddings bC FUCK HIS KID HAVE GROWN UP WTF DID THE TIME GO
princess coups marries woozis kid btw lmao woozi regrets his whole life as cheol drunkenly cries on his shoulder at the reception
is not ready to let his kids go off into the real world but knows that he prepared them enough to be ready
or isn't he sure?? 
BUT YEAH thats the end of dad! seungcheol i hope you enjoyed my first post :) expect some of these coming dad au’s to also be angsty bc I'm an emotional wreck like that :))))
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nothesc · 7 years
@ur-nitemare  said: THIS was like the worst reading experience ive ever had, like you first of all, posted it in the worst time possible and i was like “im a strong woman” ((i kind of hear now words strong woman in cengiz’s voice oh my god why)) and decided to go on a walk with my dog, and was like ‘its just an hour, you can survive it, you’ll wait’ so i went with my dog, already stressed and hyped as when my 12 years old self was expecting one direction to drop their new music video  so when i came home, my dog acted like he was dying and i was like?? excuse me??? you cant act like a choking primadonna now, here you have water drink it’ll be okay. after all, this ended up okay and i was running to read that fic and was like shit my phone has only 9% of battery but i was like I CAN DO THIS and made myself a popcorn and literally ive never prepared more for reading, i swear. i actually wanted to send you a picture where i like had a bit of wine  (i didnt really drank it, i was so done with that fic while reading, i forgot bout it), popcorn and tissues and i wanted to send it to you like “more than words last chapter starter pack” well,,, i was so hyped that i forgot about it and started reading THEN when we got to the “do you still love me?” question MY AUNT STARTED CALLING?? AND I WAS LKE??? HOW DARE YOU?? I WAS THAT DAMN WHITE MAN BLINKING MEME AND I WAS LIKE?? THAT AUDACITY?? CALLNG ME RN?? LIKE I ANSWERED IT  AND SHE WAS LIKE “im coming over in 10 minutes” and i was like?? okay ?? then like a second after i ended that call my granma started calling me and i was like wHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENNG and she told me that my cousin called her and now hes not picking up and that shes coming over probably and i was like??? okay im at home like 3 hours and NOW when all i want is peace and silence you decided to hAVE A FUCKING FAMILY REUNION AT 9PM. so i was running downstairs to tell  my mom about all this mess and was so stressed because what did yousef answer??? he thinks shes engaged!!! does he love still love her?? aND WHILE I WAS RUNNING DOWNSTAIRS I STEPPED ON MY FAVOURITE SUNGLASSES AND BROKE THEM AND I WAS LIKE why. so with my already fucked up karma i was 100% ready for yousef to die and me to actually use these tissues and sana to get together with anna’s karl. well, i survived that 5 minute meeting with my family and they all kind of  gave me peace and i was like YES!! CANT WAIT TO READ ABOUT HOW YOUSEF DIES!!! and well, the rest was calm, my phone was only dying meanwhile so before elias had THAT conversation with yousef i was searching for a charger like 10 minutes, and if i thought i had my one direction are about tO DROP A FUCKING CLIP hype, this was worse. this was such a big hype my 12 years old self would be like oNE DIRECTION ARE ABOUT TO DROP A FUCKING FULL TITANIC LENGHT DOCUMENTARY  and then yousef started to realize?? and i literally had to look up from my phone to the sky and was like “THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE UP THERE THANK YOU I FEEL BLESSED” and then yousef told sana he cant meet her and i this video is my accurate reaction twitter.com/bechnas… AND I WAS LIKE OH MY GOD IS HE GOING TO TELL HER !!!!THERE!!!! ??? AND THEN THE PARTY HAPPENED AND THEY WERE ABOUT TO GO TO THE ROOM SANA AND YOUSEF HAD AND I WAS  LIKE YOSSI?? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS WHY ARE YOU PLAYING WITH SANA LIKE THIS THAT AINT FAIR THAT POOR GIRL JUST NEEDS TO REST AND THEN HE TOLD HER “BE CAREFUL YOU DONT WANT TO GET HURT YOUR FOOT WITH THAT DOOR AGAIN” AND I SUDDENTLY TURNED INTO THIS MEME twitter.com/AnselEl… aND THEN THE REUNION HAPPENED AND I UNCANCELLED YOU FOR LIKE NEXT UPCOMNG 10 YEARS I SWEAR I ALMOST NEEDED THESE TISSUES OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO PURE AND SO GOOD  like honestly,,,, sorry for this lenght but you wanted peoples reactions so here you are ALSO??? the time you dropped this fic riverdale panel started and new s02 trailer is out and the new season has 22 episodes? i was literally aggresively skipping through these posts abou that panel but like as i said noelia, worst timing EVER. anyways, this fic was SO FREAKING GOOD. honestly, ive never been so invested in a fic before and i was never invested in somene’s fics before  that much bc i was more like that random ao3 reader but now you are my favourite fanfic writer EVER, like when people say “noelia?” or “nothesc” iM LIKE YAS MY QUEEN THE HERO OF SAVING MY LIFE WITH HER NOBEL PRIZE FOR LITERATURE WORTHY FANFICS I LOVE HER HAVE YOU READ HER FICS COME ILL TELL YOU MY FAVES I READ EVERY SINGLE ONE AT LEAST TWICE, IM PLANNING A ROADTRIP TO SPAIN TO PERSONALLY THANK HER YAS QUEEN!! and seriously, more than words? that was amazing. like… skam is shaking. teen wolf is shaking. THIS HAD SUCH A GOOD PLOT? i laughed, i fell in love with the characters, i felt the pain, i felt the joy when they told each other as pen pals that they like each other and then when they stopped writing my heart broke but at the same time it got healed because irl yousana got together and then the break up we dont talk about as we dont talk about karaoke apocalypse like it was so well written?? like every good fanfic needs that  angsty part and this absolutely broke me, in the best way possible. and then the angst continued?? but then the plot twists and all of that, tHAT WAS ALL SO WELL THOUGHT, and the whole last chapter?? tHE WAITING THAT WAS THE WORSE, like you followed every rule to make the perfect plot and you DID THAT, i swear i want to study film and im about to suggest that as an actual plot of the movie and im gonna make the second oscar worthy piece, like a movie based on fanfiction?  an oscar winning movie based on fanfiction? name something more iconic. you cant. like titanic, the notebook, love rosie… all these movies are shaking. but seriously, i know that theres really a small chance that this could happen but my hopes are never really low, im extra when it comes to expectations. honestly, this was amazing. perfect in every way and im so glad i could witness a masterpiece like this. seriously noelia, thank you from the bottom of my heart  also sorry for 1,3k words long comment, this fanfic made me feel more than all my real life crushes and it was just so genius i couldnt help myself
I’m so sorry to hear that you had to suffer that much to read the fic but I’m gasd you finally didi it and that you liked it.
I loved the memes and the videos you linked hahaha and yes I asked for people’s reactions and your is just priceless
Thank you so so so so much for taking the time to read the fic and to leave these amazing comments, I don’t even know how to thank you 
Seriously it means so much to me
also.....i’m sorry.......but........wine with popcorn???? seriously??? and I’m the weird one??? smh 
I’ll forgive you ‘cause you’re the queen of comments but okay....
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vividlasagna · 8 years
fair warning this list will be mostly mountain goats songs
1. a song from the year you were born
smash mouth - all star
2. a song that reminds you of school
cascada - everytime we touch
for a very specific reason...
3. a song tied to a specific moment in your life
oh man there are... a lot of songs to choose from here but uh. have a bunch
the mountain goats - hast thou considered the tetrapod
sufjan stevens - for the widows in paradise, for the fatherless in ypsilanti
defiance, ohio - oh susquehanna 
the mountain goats - broom people 
4. a song that is not sung in your native language
fuck uh... um. oh wait i know a good one
5. a song over 5 minutes long
godspeed you black emperor - the dead flag blues
6. a song under 2 minutes long
ok, so this is technically exactly two minutes but whatever
neutral milk hotel - king of carrot flowers, part 1
7. an instrumental
sufjan stevens - redford (for yia-yia and pappou)
8. a classical piece
bedrich smetana - die moldau 
because it sounds like hatikvah, obviously
9. a song with no percussion
the mountain goats - high hawk season 
10. something you’ve heard performed live
ajj - big bird 
11.   something you’d give ANYTHING to hear performed live
oh man theres... a lot by the mountain goats, its hard to pick one. ill go with a classic.
the mountain goats - this year
12.   a song by an artist who’s from where you’re from (town/city/state/country)
sufjan stevens - oh, detroit, lift up your weary head
13.   a song made suddenly precious because of a special someone
the mountain goats - night light
14.   a song made suddenly awful because of a special someone
i swear to god i had one for this like 20 minutes ago but i forgot it. fuck
15.   something to BELT SHAMELESSLY/do DIVA HANDS to
bastille - pompeii
16.   something to SCREAM ALONG to
i have scream-sung along to this one on an empty stretch of road at 50 mph with all the windows down before, it was one of the best moments ive ever had.
the mountain goats - going to georgia
17.   a song for raging
the mountain goats - lovecraft in brooklyn
18.   a song that demands lipsyncing into a makeshift microphone
ok this is.. really cliche so im sorry but
queen - bohemian rhapsody (yes, i linked to the muppets one for some variety)
19.   the last song you had stuck in your head
guster - architects and engineers
20.   a song you’re dying to master all the words to
the mountain goats - sinaloan milk snake song
21.   a song that you could SLAY at karaoke
the mountain goats - cry for judas 
22.   a song you can’t help but dance to
this is the same as 23 and im doing this out of order so im not answering this one
23.   a song that makes you want to dance on a table
the postal service - such great heights
24.   a song that makes you wanna STRIP
25.   a song with a great music video
i... dont watch music videos so uh. heres one off the top of my head
they might be giants - birdhouse in your soul
26.   a song that makes you act out the music video when you hear it
the talking heads - once in a lifetime
27.   a song with counting
neutral milk hotel - holland, 1945
28.   a song with spelling
dead man’s bones - my body’s a zombie for you 
29.   a song with lots of clapping
santa esmerelda - don’t let me be misunderstood
30.   a song 40 years older than you
technically 35 years older than me, but whatever. 
irma thomas - anyone who knows what love is
31.   a song you wish your parents didn’t know the words to
i honestly dont have one for this
32.   a song whose lyrics shocked you once you were old enough to understand them
simon and garfunkel - cecelia 
33.   a song you have ZERO patience for
that one that goes “i can make your hands clap”
im not linking it because that would be an act of domestic terrorism
34.   a song you’d like your favorite artist to cover
if john darnielle covered chicago i would literally die
sufjan stevens - chicago (demo) 
35.   a great song you discovered thanks to a movie
oscar isaac - fare thee well
36.   a great song you discovered thanks to television
all along the watchtower - bear mccreary
37.   a song you’re ashamed to have in your music library
johnny hobo and the freight trains - harmony parking lot song
yes that’s right kids i had a gen-yoo-ine folk punk phase
38.   ok what’s the song you were too ashamed to even post for #37
never forget that im a slut for real actual great lakes folk music
lee murdock - banks of cold waters 
39.   the most played song in your music library
i use spotify so i dont think there’s a way to look, but its probably this
old college try - the mountain goats
40.   favorite disney song
john williams - star wars (main title)
that’s technically disney right
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