#OE Technology
noohyah · 7 months
Delphi vs AC Delco: What Are The Key Differences?
In auto parts, Delphi and AC Delco are two big names that might leave you wondering, “What sets them apart?”  Let’s break it down simply.  Delphi and AC Delco are both brands that make crucial components for vehicles, like fuel pumps and ignition systems.  The key difference lies in their roots: Delphi is an independent company, while AC Delco is associated with General Motors.  Picture it like…
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crazydiscostu · 15 days
Nank OE Earbuds
Step into a world where audio innovation meets unparalleled comfort with Nank OE Earbuds. These earbuds boast an open-ear design that seamlessly integrates with the user lifestyle. These earbuds redefine the conventional listening experience, blending cutting-edge design with unparalleled comfort and functionality. Nank has set a benchmark for excellence with its range of premium audio…
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oesquebec · 2 years
Get Production Printer for Sale - OES
You can decide whether to buy or lease a printer once you've found one that meets both your needs and your budget. You can select the rental duration for leasing based on your demands. The production printer for sale from Oki is made to give users the most flexibility possible when printing their papers. Several printers are available from OES Quebec. Get the greatest product for your home and office right away. A production printer is also available for purchase at OES.
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rassicas · 5 months
I have looked everywhere for a clean explanation on what exactly a LIMITER is, all i know so far is its illegal to participate in turf wars without one and they regulate an inkfish's Special Ability.
...Yet what does it look like, when is it added to ones body and why is there so little known about it?
Ive looked up Inkipedia (best boi for info besides you X)) and theirs not much on it.
Like Captian 3 has their Limiter removed a.e frommthe boss fight in OE and i think that weird specail she was capable of in S3 only cause HER limiter was still gone. So does it like not only keep control of what special one can use and actually perform like an inputted template?
And without it and enough practice an Octoling or Inkling can somehow create their own Special? Could that have used in the Great Turf War?
Is that one reason why Limiters are put into us?
I am hooing yah might have a better insight into these...
>why is there so little known about it? Was literally only mentioned one time in canon. this is too many questions in one ask that nobody has answers to (i do NOT wanna get into talking about things like special weapons themselves and special cans, too huge of a topic) so ill just talk about limiters. Based on what other official info we have about specials i have thought about it and I think i have a decent idea of what it could be for. I've been hoping to talk about it in a video properly one of these days. Specials are canonically tied to strong emotion, and are powered by ink from inkfish in heightened emotional states. This is evidenced from the finale of Octo Expansion, a page in the s1 artbook, and a couple other places.
Something like emotions is really variable from person to person, and if emotions can literally effect your ink output, then that doesn't seem... fair? I think the limiter is a part of the ink tank has the function through— whatever kind of advanced technology they have— to regulate their special output so its not purely emotion based but rather tied to a more concrete value of ink output (though i imagine there is some gameification happening here). I also imagine ink tanks regulate clothing abilities too. special charge up would lighten up the limiter. anyways, Another important thing to note is that using a special also results in the output of a LOT of ink.
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If someone is able to constantly be in that special charge state, using specials, and producing that much ink, I can easily imagine it being a strain on their body after some time. In short, I think the limiter is a part of the ink tank that helps keep turf wars fair, and has a second purpose of keeping the player from overexerting themselves.
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brainrunbygoblin · 9 months
(aka glorified rambling/infodumping about side order & a bit of portal 2 compiled into a post)
side order looks SO GOOD and i;m SO EXITED I CANT WAIT but with the trailer i Noticed some things
largest one being THE ABSENCE OF MARINA (this isn't yet another "marina is evil" theory, i promise)
in the first side order trailer, the only (full) clip we see of marina is this one
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to me, it kinda looks like she's begging/trying to reason with someone/something (or singing, which is what i thought originally)
side order seems to be technological, in a sense (examples being pearldrone, the pallet, agent 8's armband, dedfish/acht kinda, the respawn/spawn animation, the fish enemies, the whole yellow code rooms, and the HUGE FUCKING GLaDOS-ESQUE ROBOT AT THE END???)
(off topic but the whole thing gives me huge portal 2 vibes. pearldrone obviously reminds me of wheatley, the spire of order kinda looks like aperture, and dedf1sh kind of reminds me of rattman)
(warning: this is where it gets a bit dumb) marina is an engineer. it's most likely that she designed pearlbot, and i wouldn't be surprised if the large robot at the end was her doing as well.
i mean, she MUST have some kind of "behind the scenes erm actually it guy from a spy movie" role, partially because that's what she did on octo expansion and there's a canister with her face on it (like the hyperbombs from oe) in side order
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anyway, back to the robot. going off both splatoon 2 and portal 2 storylines, it is somewhat likely that whatever that robot thing is somewhat sentient & probably is the core of the spire of order. whatever it is it probably owns the place.
what I'm thinking is (in typical splatoon fashion) marina built SPLaTDOS (which is a stupid fucking name but i'm using it anyway), with the hopes that it would maintain order. it did, but a bit too well (hence, the Bleaching of the Coral). i can see the image of marina above as her trying to reason with SPLaTDOS before it goes totally TARTAR mode. considering how the square looks atm it's safe to say she failed. my best guess as to her current location is somewhere deep inside the spire of order (kind of in a cuttlefish at the end of return of the mammalians situation)
my best guess is that side order has a splatoon 2-esque storyline, in which Something Happened To The Square Let's Go Fix It & Hey Wait Where The Fuck Is Marina.
anyway im really excited for side order :3
TL;DR: marina built a big robot fuck, robot fuck bleaches the city in the name of order despite her pleas, more in spring 2024
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Iota Timeline! (real)
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I’m gonna give a "quick" description for each stage too! (under the cut)
Splatoon 1: Iota was a pretty shy kid back during the events of Splat 1, only getting involved with hero business due to being too embarrassed to back out of it. Other than that, she was a relatively average kid, save for their love for the outdoors and secret underlying anger issues. Iota never spent much time in battle either, preferring the peaceful solitude of Octo Valley. This didn’t make her a worse fighter however, just maybe not as elite as those who basically lived on the battlefield.
Splatoon 2/Octo Expansion: The effects of OE weigh heavily on Iota’s psyche. Being more or less useless during the entire fiasco (except for destroying the blender, after which they were immediately knocked out) was so deeply embarrassing that she was wracked with guilt and sorrow. But in her mind, a real hero isn’t supposed to feel sorrow, are they? Aren’t they just proving their own point by feeling sorry for themself? Why not turn that self pity into anger? At least anger is something you can work with… Obviously this mentality is flawed, but a mix of denial and grief pushed any of those thoughts away. The scar she earned from the whole ordeal was just another reminder, further driving the shifts in her personality, as well as the amplification of certain traits. A preference for the natural world turned into disgust for almost anything technological (especially since it was a phone/ai that caused her suffering). For a long while, her ink color was stained too, having a turquoise tint that wouldn’t go away no matter what.
Splatoon 3: The NSBS really helped Iota break out of the spiral she found herself in, but she’s by no means in a completely healthy mental state, but it is much healthier than what it once was. Occasionally, the old Iota will break through —one’s true nature isn’t exactly easy to change. This improved mental is reflected in their scar too; slightly healed but by no means gone (their ink colors also are now a bit more pale than before). One thing that hasn’t really changed is Iota’s distrust in technology, but the nature lover in them has returned fortunately, so she has a much healthier outlet now.
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ultrajaphunter · 7 months
IDF 7th Brigade & Yahalom OE Engineering Unit, Raid Hamas "Zabra" Battalion Post.
Discovered Anti-Aircraft Missile Operation & Calibration Systems near Loaded Rocket Launcher.
Mortars, Weapons, Technological Assets, Electronic Components & intelligence Documents Organization Found."
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catchyhuh · 8 months
If each of them would ever have YouTube / Tik Tok account... What would their content be?
i tried so hard to really and truly answer this but i just kept thinknf of this throughout
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lupin: started as a joke but he IS having fun with it. he’s mostly just fucking around there’s like NO production quality there it’s just. viddy oe. and thats the case whether its youtube OR tiktok, either way it’s going to be quick cutesy spur of the moment junk. if he ever really went all out, he might make some kinda digital calling card (he has made video cards before to inform his targets he’s about to rob their asses lmao) but it’d be some stupid hilarious shit. like imagine those video wedding/graduation invitations with the poorly animated stock resources and generic acoustic guitar music. text slides in that says “i want that statue dumbass” (cymbal fade sfx) “so yeah i’ll be taking that” (dramatic text pan) “seeya thursday, can’t wait :)”
jigen: no profile pic no real username. just like jigen76943 with the blue j icon. NO tiktok. NO tiktok for our guy. insists lupin shouldn’t be using tiktok either as its shortening his already horrible attention span. jigen doesn’t really post videos too much, but if he does it must be something very important to him, really only uploaded so he doesn’t lose it. there’s a handful of videos from some of their vacations (whether its an intended vacation or just ‘oh shit we’re in spain. we should have fun with this’ type deal) but it’s almost all privated. he’s not really showy about stuff like that
fujiko: she had a momentary lapse of judgment when making it, because she thought, easy way to sucker in idiots and make some money off that ad revenue. but also… do you REEEALLY want the world knowing exactly where you are, what you’re doing, at any given moment? well. no. but if you heavily screen every tiny fraction of your video before even THINKING of posting it, maybe nobody will be able to tell you’re literally sitting inside the taj mahal. posted a makeup tutorial once while she was already wearing a full face of less obvious makeup just because it was funny to her to see comments insisting she was so much prettier “without makeup.” so yeah like everything else in her life she’s found a way to rig this for money and her own personal entertainment
goemon: Nay. you know i don’t personally subscribe to the “goemon cant understand ANY technology he’s so archaic teehee” philosophy, but this ain’t even about that, it’s about the fact that goemon is the only one who’s initial reaction was “you want me, a wanted criminal, tagging the people i have been around and locations i have been to? for ‘clout’????” at best he just uses jigen’s phone to watch random stuff that interests him, and like, he’s not PHYSICALLY RECOILING when fujiko tries to show him a funny tiktok, he enjoys the fun of it. but he’s not making one, and if he has anything to say about it, he will not be featured in lupin’s bullshit
zenigata: doesn’t even have his own. he’s like a background feature when (SURPRISE YATA SNEAK ATTACK) yata posts. yata will be like “wow the louvre!!! look!” and take a lil video and zenigata’s just in the background looking bored out of his mind. in the louvre. he’d never BULLY zeni into participating, but once yata becomes aware of the fact people are playing where’s waldo with his stuff, he might try to have fun with it. q&a with the inspector. share some life advice with the audience. and the whole time zenigata’s like “um. uh. don’t break the… law?” and the commenters eat it UP. zenigata thinks its stupid but he tells yata he’s doing it because yata enjoys it, and that's it. however secretly you know he’d fucking love the attention
so final verdict: unfortunately i believe all of these people would be baffled and horrified if i explained how many times i've rewatched defunctland's disney channel theme video in full. but they could have a little fun with it
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moumantaimf · 3 months
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Bad actors
Panel 1: The guys are standing next to several houses. Sher says "One of my first shocks was learning that this is how humans live here on Earth. You've seen how my home is, just a set of underground caverns and actually lacking any kind of technology.".
Panel 2: Sher continues. "I also had a very bad experience that cemented something Roi told me when talking to me about Earth."
Panel 3: Shows Sher about to be mugged. One of the muggers say "oe ermanito no teni gamba pa la micro no tenimo ni uno. Por ultimo pasa el gorro marciano conchatumare" [hey bruh dont you have some (money) for taking the bus. Or at the very leart pass the hat you fucking martian]. Sher says "m-may I help you? I can't understand you".
Panel 4 Shows Sher running in his fours while the two muggers pursue him with some very silly pose. They say "ven pacá mono chuchetumare, the la oi a metértela con ajo qlo" [come here you motherfucking monkey, i'm going to stab you after sharpening the knife with garlic]. Sher's narration says "Not everyone on Earth is good or has good intentions. You'll have to learn how to read people to stay out of trouble".
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componentcables · 5 months
Alright, wake up Honey. Time for my 10pm Rant about Splatoon Side Order Theory
Thank you for coming to my Impromptu TED Talk.
I want to see Side Order live up to Octo Expansion. O.E did some amazing things with the story and lore of Pearl & Marina and it would be a crying shame for them to shoot themselves in their foot by making Marina the main villain or god forbid force her into the role with Mind Control or bringing back an older already used vilian like Tartar or something. Marina is shown to be incredibly smart, especially with technology, so it would be hard to believe that she was used by someone else. And I'd hate to see any form of Hypnosis being used.. Since it just robs her character of importance and just makes her a 'reward' sort of like Callie from splatoon 2s story mode.
Side Note: For Splat2s base storymode, It would have been interesting to hear the two parts of the squid sisters have some sort of dialogue in that story. It's obvious that Marie cares about Callie to go to these lengths, but outside of some sparse moments in a handful of levels, we never see it in game outside of the final fight. It would have been interesting to have Callie be a much more present threat to the player in maybe the boss battles or something. It would've been really cool to maybe have her talking to Agent 4 throughout the final few levels to intimidate them and Marie would have some sort of reaction to it.
Honestly would hurt to see Marina be relegated to a 'damsel in distress' when it comes to Side Order. She deserves the agency and there's CLEARLY some theme going on with Marina in the tower itself. With the various imagery of Memcakes (the collectable from OE) being either made or packaged to go somewhere, and the fact that there's various bits of memories from Marina like the baby mobile, Children's toys like Wooden blocks, and specifically pink pianos being held in stasis or again, being transported somewhere.
Personally, I don't want there to be any big villain or world ending threat.
Here comes the big theory:I think it would be more interesting for the plot-point of her(Marina) choosing to stay in the Spire due to Sunk Coat Fallacy.
To me, it fits character more to be wrapped up in her managing and repairing the Spire to where she might as well be trapped in an endless flow of Micromanaging the well oiled machine she made. Rather than her being Trapped at the top of the place she might as well have built with her own two hands. Genuinely I think it would be an amazing idea for the main conflict being Pearl, Agent 8 and Acht be the ones to physically go over to Marina sort of like an Intervention. At least Pearl would understand that Marina didn't mean to hurt anybody, but their main concern would be her own physical and mental health since she's.. More or less walled off everything that isn't her work for the sake of keeping things running smoothly if at all. It would be hard to justify abandoning a project that you either put years of planning into(like the few years between splat 2 ending and… We'll, now) or something that Just ballooned so much in scope that it literally needs the constant maintenance and checkups for it to not collapse on itself.
She's probably spent a shit load of time and resources on something she clearly cares about for one reason or another (hopefully to help others). To actually guess as to what exactly the Spire does would be foolish since its less than a week away.
We even see the spire itself show signs of damage in that new trailer so there's probable chance that something unintended is happening if that wasn't obvious from how… Literally everything around it is dead and bleached sand and coral.
My reasoning is that Marina had some… Genuine concerns about the world falling into chaos in splat 2. She felt rightfully scared that she'd never see Pearl again if there wasn't some sort of order with the world. So thats my best guess.
But I know this.. Well, won't happen due to how the main Side Order Trailer starts with the player character of Splat 3 falling asleep On a train. And the fact that the description of the DLC describes it as a 'What If' scenario if Order one the Final Fest. So I'm fully expecting things to be as non-cannon as can be if I'm lucky.
Side Topic Act II:I don't want the reward to be another playable species.. Since the main draw of Octo expansion Was the octolings, a feature people wanted since the beginning.. It would Really suck for there to be something like 'Salmon-lings' since the Salmon in game have a… Shit ton of lore dedicated to then as an entirely different society with unique well, everything. So to go back on that design for a basic looking humanoid salmon.. Thing, would again.. Be shooting themselves in the foot. I think the big reward other than Inkopolis Square, would be the various weapon skins. It looks like every main weapon in the game, or at least slot of them, have some sort of Prototype version that's used in the Spire simulations. And I'd imagine that beating the Spire with that weapon, unlocks that skin for multi-player use. Not as a separate weapon, but as a literal togglable thing for the weapon you already have. It would be that extra bit of motivation to play with the weapon you enjoy to get a unique variant of it or something. That, and the option to tint your fingers and tentacles. Since Color is another big theme with Side Order. And it's another thing people have been wanting since the 2nd game.
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scruffyplayssonic · 1 year
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80's/90's syndicated cartoon? Episode 35: We're in space now! (part two)
Welcome back to my look at the ArchieSonic comic series, and how it shared a lot of the same story tropes as a typical ‘80s or ‘90s syndicated cartoon! Let’s continue our look at ArchieSonic’s space-based adventures.
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Two milestone issues after the Robo-Robotnik reveal, Sonic was beamed halfway across the universe and the Tossed In Space arc was kicked off, running from Sonic #126 - 129.
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Sonic wound up on the planet Thoraxia, surprised to see that this planet had chaos emeralds just like the ones he was used to on Mobius, only red instead of green. When a race of alien wasps called the Bzzz tried to wipe out the local inhabitants, an ant-like race called the Blodex, Sonic attempted to save the day by seizing the red chaos emeralds.
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He was shocked when he didn’t transform into Super Sonic himself but Super Sonic instead manifested as a separate entity, one who did wipe out the Bzzz threat but was also intent on causing chaos and destruction (this is apparently a reference to how Super Sonic is portrayed in the Sonic the Comic series).
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When Sonic tried to stop this new Super Sonic he was quickly overpowered, but thankfully the Super Sonic entity wore out quickly and just vanished before it could finish Sonic off.
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After saving the Blodex Sonic hitched a ride aboard a vessel heading for a galactic trading hub, in the hopes that he might be able to find a way back to Mobius from there. The vessel’s Captain, Oe, also provided Sonic with an implant that let him understand alien races, which made his journey less awkward. Their journey was cut short when a nearby planet exploded and the ship was damaged by debris. The crew were ordered to evacuate in the escape pods, but they hadn’t counted on there being another person aboard and didn’t have enough escape pods for everyone.
Sonic tried to convince Captain Oe to take the last escape pod, but the captain stung Sonic with a paralysing toxin in his tail, shoved him into the pod and sent him on his way safely before the ship exploded.
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Let that be a lesson to you, kids. Always obey the capacity limits on public transport.
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Sonic’s pod landed safely on an uninhabited planet that was initially inhospitable, but after snacking and napping the pod told Sonic that it was now safe to go outside. He quickly noticed that the planet seemed to be in the early stages of developing life but that it was happening faster than he could properly comprehend. He decided to return to his pod for safety, and after taking another nap awoke to find a primitive civilisation had formed, and was advancing in technological development before his eyes. After the outside world had become a futuristic city Sonic realised that time had seemed to slow down outside the pod, so he cautiously went outside again to find an entire alien race called the Azurites waiting for him.
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Because he had lived for centuries of their time the Azurites thought he was an immortal God, and had created a device to slow down time so that Sonic could come out of his pod and join them. Sonic explained that he wasn’t actually a God and that he had just been stranded here while trying to get back to his home planet.
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The Azurites very kindly created a spaceship for him, turning their time-slowing device back off so that from Sonic’s point of view it was created almost instantaneously. Sonic was now free to explore space on his own terms and search for a way back to Mobius.
The Azurites advised Sonic to go to a technologically advanced planet called Teragosa 6 next, but when he got there he found nothing but asteroids.
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Encountering an armada of spaceships, Sonic soon learned that Teragosa 6 - and many other planets like it - had been completely destroyed by someone Sonic had encountered before: E.V.E, the Exceptionally Versatile Evolvanoid.
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E.V.E was created by Dr. Robotnik way back in Sonic #21, programmed not just to seek out and destroy Sonic, but also to learn and adapt from each encounter in order to become even more deadly. Robotnik created E.V.E using both his own and Sonic’s DNA, believing it would give her a combination of his own genius and Sonic’s resourcefulness. What actually happened is that she got Robotnik’s evil and Sonic’s good. E.V.E decided to overcome her programming limitations by zapping Robotnik out of existence (he got better), and after being encouraged by Sonic to choose her own purpose, decided to leave Mobius and seek out her destiny in the stars.
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That all seemed well and good back in Sonic #21, but when Sonic explained his previous encounter with E.V.E to the armada commander, Bagbar Beeblebrox, Sonic was blamed for the carnage that E.V.E had wrought and had to flee.
Too bad Sonic didn’t tell Commander Beeblebrox, “Don’t panic!” - that might have calmed him down. ;)
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Feeling guilty for his role in E.V.E’s rampage of destruction, Sonic decided to go after her but was too late to stop her from absorbing another planet, and Beeblebrox’s fleet as well. Sonic managed to infiltrate E.V.E’s core and have a heart to heart with her, finding out that after she left Mobius she had been unable to find a home because everywhere she went she had been feared and threatened with destruction. However as she grew, E.V.E had started to sense other sentient computers across the universe and had taken it upon herself to “liberate” them from their masters, absorbing them into herself and destroying the planets they came from in the process.
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Sonic pointed out that the computers weren’t really liberated, as they now served her instead of the people who had built them. E.V.E was distraught at this revelation, declaring herself no worse than her oppressors and deciding to kill herself - heavy stuff for a kids’ comic.
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E.V.E gave Sonic enough time to escape and advised him to travel to the Bem homeworld of Argentium before throwing herself into the sun.
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Unfortunately before he could get to Argentium, Sonic had to stop for repairs. Unable to afford the repairs himself, he entered a race so that he could win enough prize money to get the job done, wagering the ship itself as his entry fee.
…hmmm. Is it just me, or does this plot sound vaguely familiar?
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Anyway, Sonic’s morale took a devastating blow when he came in second, as not only was he going to lose his ship, but he also now had to live with the knowledge that there was someone out there faster than him.
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But it was immediately discovered that the alien who had won had used an illegal rocket booster and he was disqualified, making Sonic the true winner of the race and giving him the prize money he needed to repair his ship and continue on to Argentium.
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Things didn’t exactly go to plan when Sonic got to Argentium, but I’ll go into more detail about what happened there in a later post.
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Suffice to say, Sonic did indeed find the way back to Mobius from Argentium, and arrived home to find that even though from his perspective he’d only been gone for a few weeks, an entire year had passed on Mobius in his absence.
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But he was reunited with his family, his friends, and his fiance, and that’s what matters, right?
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…oh. Well, that’s awkward.
That’s all from me for today. Leave me a comment if you can think of any other space adventures I missed in ArchieSonic, or just to let me know what you’re thinking of this blog series I’ve been writing. Next time we’ll be looking at episode 36: “New love interest! They get together, yet she never shows up again!” See you then!
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This day in history
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Going to Burning Man? Catch me on Tuesday at 2:40pm on the Center Camp Stage for a talk about enshittification and how to reverse it; on Wednesday at noon, I'm hosting Dr Patrick Ball at Liminal Labs (6:15/F) for a talk on using statistics to prove high-level culpability in the recruitment of child soldiers.
On September 6 at 7pm, I'll be hosting Naomi Klein at the LA Public Library for the launch of Doppelganger.
On September 12 at 7pm, I'll be at Toronto's Another Story Bookshop with my new book The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation.
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#20yrsago BBC to put its entire archive online http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/3177479.stm
#20yrsago Citytv invents live television blogging https://memex.craphound.com/2003/08/24/citytv-invents-live-television-blogging/
#20yrsago Save Christiania, August 30th march in Copenhagen https://memex.craphound.com/2003/08/24/save-christiania-august-30th-march-in-copenhagen/
#15yrsago Kids can’t “go out and play” anymore https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2008-may-15-oe-brooks15-story.html
#15yrsago Mickey Mouse bridges the culture war when teaching evolution to evangelical students https://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/24/education/24evolution.html
#10yrsago LOVEINT: NSA spooks illegally stalking their romantic interests https://www.wsj.com/articles/BL-WB-40005
#10yrsago Why it matters that you can’t own an electronic copy of the Oxford English Dictionary https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/aug/23/oxford-english-dictionary-future-digitally
#5yrsago Law and Order Republicans have suddenly discovered the undeniable injustice of “flipped” prosecution witnesses https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/yes-witnesses-flipping-does-corrupt-justice-but-not-because-theyre-rats/2018/08/23/c88871c4-a71e-11e8-a656-943eefab5daf_story.html
#5yrsago TSA racially profiles Muslim woman, makes her show her bloody sanitary towel https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/i-may-have-to-quit-harvard--because-the-tsa-wont-stop-searching-me/2018/08/14/0dbdbb72-9a55-11e8-b55e-5002300ef004_story.html
#5yrsago The Democratic Party is surging thanks to leftist policies, but its leadership are convinced they have to stop it https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-election-progressives/
#5yrsago Prisoners in 17 states are on strike, demanding an end to prison slavery and basic human justice https://theintercept.com/2018/08/21/prison-strike-2018-attica/
#5yrsago “Bad health care has killed more American artists than I can list” https://austinkleon.com/2018/08/18/single-issue-voter/
#5yrsago Britain is a money-launderer’s paradise, Part LXII https://www.buzzfeed.com/janebradley/shell-companies-money-laundering-uk-paul-manafort
#1yrago Trump gave Moderna all the patent-waivers it needed to make a vaccine https://pluralistic.net/2022/08/24/waivers-for-me-not-for-thee/#vaccine-apartheid
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autelscanner · 2 years
Autel IM608 Pro- All-In-One Automotive Scan Device
The Autel IM608Pro is an auto diagnostic device with a wide range of features. It offers advanced key programming and auto scan capabilities, as well as multilingual and diagnostics functions. The device is compatible with both PC and Mac computers and is available in both standard and extended versions. It also comes with a warranty.
Diagnostics capabilities
Autel IM608 Pro is an all-in-one diagnostics tool that supports 80+ makes and models. The device is able to perform OE-level diagnostics and offer a wide range of other services. It also comes with a year's worth of free software updates.
The IM608Pro can read IC Cards and transponder data. This means that you can find and solve problems with your vehicle's onboard computer system faster than with a regular OBD2 scanner. It is a good choice for locksmiths and automotive repair shops.
The IM608 is lightweight and comes with a 10.1-inch touchscreen display. Its design also makes it easy to use, even when you are using a mobile device. Its operating system is Android, allowing for fast booting and multitasking.
In addition to reading IC Cards and transponder data, the IM608 can also perform testing, key programming, and maintenance. It is compatible with a wide range of vehicles, including BMWs, VWs, and 3rd generation Benz vehicles. Its Bluetooth OBDII interface can be paired easily with your vehicle.
Advanced key programming
The Autel MaxiIM IM608 is a state-of-the-art ten-inch Android based touchscreen tablet with a number of advanced diagnostic features. The autel IM608 pro is a great tool for any auto technician or locksmith who is looking to replace old or damaged keys. The software suite provides all the tools necessary to get the job done. The IM608 boasts a number of features including a wireless JVCI J2534 pass-thru programming device and a number of OE level diagnostics. The device is available in two variants, the XP400 and the XP400 Pro, and both are capable of repairing your car's ignition system. Moreover, the IM608 is compatible with most Bosch engines, which makes it a formidable ally in the auto repair garage. The device is also designed to be portable, so you're not tethered to the bench all day.
Auto Scan tool
Designed for auto technicians, Autel IM608 Pro is an automotive scan tool that offers OE level diagnostics for 80+ makes and models. It offers a wide range of features and capabilities, including 20+ advanced service options, which can be used to perform scheduled maintenance tasks and read and erase DTCs and ECU information.
With an Android-based 10.1-inch touchscreen tablet, Autel IM608 key programmer provides total coverage of IMMO functions. Its key programming capabilities include a built-in MaxiFlash JVCI reprogrammer. In addition, it offers a high-performance operating system with a powerful Samsung hexa-core processor. This combination gives it high performance, enabling it to provide full-featured diagnostics and programming for almost any make or model of car.
It has a user-friendly interface and comes with a wide range of connectivity options. It includes a Bluetooth link that can stretch up to 210 feet, making it possible to connect to a vehicle at a distance. This enables you to easily retrieve the data you need for your diagnostics. It also comes with a handy carry case, which is ideal for storage.
Multilingual suite
If you are in the market for a new diagnostic tool, then consider Autel's IM608 tablet, which comes with a one year warranty and an 8.0 mega pixel camera. Also, there's a multilingual suite built into the package, ensuring that your clients will have an enjoyable diagnostic experience no matter which language you choose to work in. In addition, the IM608 is equipped with the best of Autel's arsenal, including the latest VIN based technology and an impressive selection of vehicle models. This includes all three generations of Benz and BMW cars, and is compatible with a range of vehicles from 1996 to today. This makes the tablet a great choice for any automotive shop.
The most exciting feature of the IM608 is the ability to perform a VIN based diagnosis, which is a huge step up from what was possible just a few years ago. Additionally, the IM608's new features include a feature that allows you to perform a more thorough search for faults, which is a step forward from the old school approach. Another impressive function is the ability to change certain transponders.
When you get your Autel IM608 key programmer, you can rest assured that you're getting a tool that is covered by a warranty. You'll also receive free software updates for a year. If you want to keep your device in tip-top shape, you can sign up for the Total Care Program, which gives you one more year of updates. These updates include the latest software, reducing out-of-pocket repair costs and shop downtime. This program also covers the latest vehicle makes and models.
As part of the Total Care Warranty Program, the IM608 is backed by a 12-month manufacturer's warranty. If the tool becomes defective during that period of time, the tool can be fixed or replaced at no charge. If the tool is no longer under the warranty, it is still covered by the Total Care Lifetime Warranty Program.
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stratharchives · 2 years
Christmas at the Tech, 1912-1963 - Part 3: Christmas Lectures for Young People
To conclude our short series of posts about Christmas activities at Strathclyde’s antecedent institution, the Royal Technical College (RTC, known from 1956 as the Royal College of Science and Technology), we look at the annual Christmas Lectures for Young People. These commenced in the 1950s, upon the suggestion of the Scottish Education Department (SED). Popular science lectures for older children were then an established feature of the Christmas season in London…
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Christmas Lectures for Young People
The RTC’s annual Christmas Lectures for Young People commenced in the early 1950s, upon the suggestion of the Scottish Education Department (SED). Popular science lectures for older children were then an established feature of the Christmas season in London, and the SED, feeling that ‘Scotland was lagging behind England in this matter’, approached the Director of the RTC, Dr (later Sir) David Anderson, in 1951 with the idea of providing similar lectures for secondary school pupils in the West of Scotland.[1] Anderson responded positively, and the first Christmas Lectures for schoolchildren in Glasgow and the West of Scotland, organised by the RTC in conjunction with the SED, were delivered on 3 and 4 January 1952. The presenter, Dr Charles H. Giles of the RTC’s Department of Technical Chemistry, addressed the theme of ‘Chemistry and Colour Photography.’
Having proved successful, the lectures then became a permanent feature in the RTC calendar, taking place every December. Lectures on two different topics, delivered by separate presenters, were offered each year, with both presenters repeating their lecture a second time so that as many children as possible could attend. In session 1953-1954, external academics from the University of Edinburgh and University College, Dublin were invited to come and deliver the lectures. However, it proved so challenging for them to arrange and rehearse their practical demonstrations at the RTC in advance that, in subsequent years, the speakers were selected solely from the staff of the RTC.
The Christmas Lectures for Young People were carried on by the RTC’s successor bodies, the Royal College of Science and Technology (RCST, 1956-1964) and the University of Strathclyde (1964 onwards). While their primary purpose was to inspire and instruct children in aspects of science and technology, the lectures also served to entertain, and the presenters often chose topics that would appeal to children, such as ‘Pests and Parasites’ (1954) and the aptly named ‘Combustion – Some Burning Questions’ (1958). The photograph above shows Dr P.T. Carter, senior lecturer in the Department of Metallurgy, explaining the principles of jet and combustion engines to some of the children who heard him speak on ‘Metals in the Service of Mankind’ in December 1956 (reference: OP4/191).
[1] OE/12/12/24, Papers and correspondence relating to Christmas Lectures. Note on Christmas Lectures, c.1955.
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bucketsquid · 2 years
i’m late to the party but. thoughts on story mode (i finished it two days after release i’m just. forgetful)
you know what? i liked it. it wasn’t perfect: it lost the plot thread of “looking for craig” after a bit and just felt like more of “progression for the sake of progression” but maybe that’s because it didn’t stay actively super focused ON looking for craig. i wish we got more reasoning as to why we’re using an OE-style testing system besides “because the humans thought it was fun or something” and “the devs like this style of level design i guess”.
but those are really my only main gripes. if it had been a bit tighter written and fixed up the plot focus + explanation for level design, it would’ve been perfect.
big fan of the logs, the tone and art style were very good while giving us some awesome backstory. the liquid crystal concept is really good, as it being “responsive to electrical impulses” means it can respond to both the brain and muscular activity, so it perfectly explains why inklings + octolings can change ink color in such sophisticated ways. this plot point finally explaining how sapient life re-emerged after only 12000 years is also very nice, i always had a runaway theory that it was radiation or another human influence on evolution. i just REALLY like this plot point it’s super good okay THE CHEMICALS TURNED THE CEPHALOPODS GAY
deep cut’s involvement was.... pretty alright? i don’t see the complaints; they really are just Team Rocket, and while their turnaround near the end feels kinda weak it fits thematically and that’s more important overall. i like how much they care for their community. big man’s boss fight was underwhelming + probably should’ve been first; compared to frye and shiver it was just. eh. even if it is a mario reference
mr. grizz being the Big Bad was really delightful; i actually didn’t expect splatdevs to commit to “he’s just a sapient bear” as a bit and his design is nothing short of the funniest thing possible. he doesn’t really come out of nowhere given the After Alterna logs: being drawn to a hold of human technology in a mammal-less world feels coherent and his backstory as a whole feels fine. the finale in space was great, decently challenging, and all I could think of was “this is just the Sonic Adventure 2 finale. this is JUST finalhazard”. the bear even shoots lasers, amazing
little buddy ascending to divine status? excellent. flawless. i lost my mind when that happened and the Inkantation really does just Do Stuff huh. having a degree of mysticism and magic, very very faintly in the mundane things like the Inkantation or the fax machine, feels very nice. little buddy said “no, i don’t want us all to die, i’ll fight and risk my life” and i have infinite feelings about it
finally YES I GOT MY OCTAVIO REDEMPTION ARC. kind of. him being the first boss was a fun sucker punch and the notion of “i’m looking for my people who got KIDNAPPED. where ARE THEY” --> “oH IT’S YOU. FUCK YOU IN PARTICULAR” is good. i wish we knew more about what he had been up to during the story mode, but we might get info later or something. also others have said this but the fact that he’s the one that calls the Inkantation “that heavenly melody” is really really good because it feels like he’s finally, truly come around, giving a sense of unity to the group in the face of annihilation. i really love that.
tl;dr it wasn’t perfect but as a splatoon worldbuilding and loremonger i am genuinely very delighted. it was a crazy ride and i screamed way too many times over all the crazy twists and turns
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In honor of the Splatoon 1 servers coming back, I decided to rework my design (that I’ve never posted lol) for Agent/Captain 3!
This is Iota! (she/they) Based on my WiiU username which is √-1, with “iota” being another term used to describe that value!
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The overall vibe I was going for is kinda the “wilderness survival” type? As Iota became very distrusting of technology (particularly phones) after the whole OE fiasco, and already was kind of like this beforehand. It’s just the whole experience amplified those traits to the extreme. As implied in this comic, Iota is no longer in possession of the Hero Headset, having thrown them out soon after leaving the metro out of a mix of paranoia and disgust. She now instead wears a bandana (Hero Bandana?) with the same patterns, but obviously without any of the technological aspects that would allow for things like remote communication or tracking.
(More details under the cut)
(Some more personality/detail stuff that I haven’t solidified 100% so it might change later.)
- I imagine they’re very distant as a captain, almost as though they don’t even want to be there half the time. She’s also almost never seen participating in battles, or even hanging around the city for that matter. Only a select few know where she’s always sneaking off to.
- Cannot be found unless they want to be found. She actually is quite good at living on her own and away from everything. It’s relaxing.
- Iota is a Humboldt Squid (I’m still unsure of this) and is actually pretty tall, contrary to what the name “Iota” implies.
- Yeah they can kinda act like a “Phone bad, book good” boomer at times. The NSBS makes jokes about it sometimes.
- Doesn’t hate the NSBS or anything, but is definitely disillusioned with it and they don’t have that spark they did when they were younger. Generally fine with being captain though.
- Even though she doesn’t really participate in battles anymore, Iota had always been a fan of the original inkstrike special. (Both weapons they main have this special).
- There are a lot of scattered inspos, and I think it would be funny if I listed them without going into detail. (I might elaborate later): Bad Wi-Fi, the Big Hero Six tv show, YouTube Shorts, Dick’s Sporting Goods/REI, an au of a YouTube webseries, and dislike of ai generated images.
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