#OCD talk
astralvoids · 3 months
Funny thing to explain that tends to fall on people's ears even with immense research is how versatile OCD is.
OCD simply refers to obsessive compulsive disorder. It's a disorder around an obsessive thought which distresses which then triggers an compulsion or urge that is done or is on the mind in order to sooth the obsessive thought.
Nowhere in this disorders description refers to cleaning or cleanliness so it does irk me that people still use the term "I'm so OCD" for referring to not standing mess. It's not only immesly rude but also further perpetuates the social myths of what OCD is vs the actual disorder.
I could elaborate further and have spent a long time researching the negative effects of disorders like OCD being buzz terms negatively effecting the people who struggle with OCD but that's another thought.
TLDR: OCD is not a cleanliness disorder or peak organization and schedules disorder. But an actual disorder that affects people in a variety of ways that's not silly goofy
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cherrryem · 16 days
My hands are all dry and cracked, a sign to slow things down and get back at it again.
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safehaven3d · 1 day
can't wait for the sun to come up tomorrow, 'cause these nights are getting terrifying
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feralthembo · 2 months
i hate when people gatekeep intrusive thoughts like "thats not an intrusive thought, if you gave into intrusive thoughts youd be trying to kill yourself" is like. my intrusive thoughts won. they did. but im not gonna make myself road jerky about it. im just $700 behind on this months rent. i get to go into my birthmonth in over a thousand dollars of debt because i couldnt argue my way out of a cycle of "youre a horrible person for taking resources in while your goodest friends are lagging more behind than you are. if you try to fundraise for yourself youre a selfish monster with no heart and your family was right about you"
like. i know this is wrong. i know this probably makes everyone feel worse. but i fucking lost. the fight. now its the end of the month and im hunkering down to have the shittiest birthday i can imagine so whatever happens im probably gonna be pleasantly surprised. probably.
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maripr · 10 months
After unlocking all achievements in pathologic 2 and 72 hours of playing (and that's JUST haruspex! Imagine what I will be like when (🥹) the other two campaigns come out), I have Thoughts about the game just like I did for Patho 1 that I find myself currently unable to explain but I will maybe try to find a short description for this game: a masterpiece of pain.
Also you must play imago at least once, because it's worth it. I don't know what but it is worth it. (And also once you've beaten that every other playthrough is gonna feel easier)
Just like fear and hunger 1 and 2, although I loved both games in both series, the thought of replaying the respective first one, despite my love of the ambiance and characters etc, fills me with DREAD. Replaying the second game? I'll do it. It'll be painful and annoying and maddening and I will have to be very careful it doesn't trigger my ocd obsessions about having to finish that section now and today because oh boy then I'm gonna lose 4 hours of my life in the fucking abbatoir but I will replay the game and in the end, I'll enjoy it.
Idk even with both second games not being fully completed yet, I find the experimentation you can pull in a playthrough incredibly interesting. While the respective first game is doomed to remain a somewhat unfinished beauty.
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baileyboo2016 · 6 months
“I’m a little ocd i like to arrange my pencils in CoLoR oRdEr” 👹🤭
Ok. First of all, you’re not “a little ocd”. You don’t have it. And trust me, you do NOT want it. I would give you mine if I could :)
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adelle-ein · 10 months
whenever i see someone with ocd talking about their compulsions my reactions are always like
a) that compulsion is sooooo unrealistic and dumb and supported by nothing, unlike mine which are all 1000% real
or b) the compulsion feeds off or is similar to one of mine and i immediately start developing it too
and that's why i need to Stay The Fuck Away from ocd subreddits or ones that attract ocd behaviors :(
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silenthillmutual · 11 months
my therapist once told me that ocd is "the closest you can come to having a delusional disorder without having a delusional disorder" and i think i'm still a little lost on how we draw the line in the sand. maybe it's because i also have bipolar disorder, so my obsessive thoughts are amplified by the unstable emotions, but when do hard-held beliefs about which compulsions will fix or negate the obsessive worry cross from one side to the other? at my worst i have been on the floor vomiting, fully bought into the belief that every siren i heard was the police coming to arrest me for crimes i could not remember committing. i believed that bleeding would "purge" me from my "sins" and make me whole again.
i don't have an end to this. just questions.
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b-lessings · 2 years
I would like to apologize to the part of my brain responding to my health OCD. The poor neurons must be in overdrive! I am causing them burnout. 😭
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whereisthesun · 19 days
I HATE MORAL OCD. well i shouldnt say hate thats a strong word. and i dont want to sound like i hate people WITH moral ocd because i dont of course. i just hate having it. but i shouldnt think that, i do like having morals, its just stressful to be thinking about them so constantly and scrutinizing every little thing i do or think. but really thats the least i could do so i should at least try, right? just because i suffer from— no, struggle with moral ocd doesn’t mean i should just stop thinking about things all together, thats not what im saying and i should make that clear, but i
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angelicgarnet · 9 months
the way people online talk about autism is getting really weird, like do they know that neurotypicals still have interests? that someone being passionate about a hobby doesn't mean they're autistic? you guys know that right
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rosesforscully · 2 months
My health anxiety has been through the fucking roof lately (like almost as bad as it was at the beginning of the pandemic) and I don't know why, but I know if I tell my psych she'll just want to increase my prozac dose and I don't think I want to do that ugh
Anyway I cracked my neck a lil too hard just now so I'm definitely going to have a stroke and die :)
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cherrryem · 1 month
So, I've been washing and cutting my salad/veggies lately instead of buying everything finished and done. I felt ready to try it out and see how it goes. There have been episodes where I have thrown everything away, but not as many times as before.
The thoughts of things not being safe are still so effing loud, but I know I just have to ignore that and not let it overwhelm me.
I have also bought food I have avoided making for almost 10 years. Just thinking about it makes me almost freak out, but I have decided to not let it rot in the refrigerator this time.
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safehaven3d · 2 days
I love cooking so much it's so ironic that I have an issue with eating it after
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mxrstar · 5 months
the way my partner talks about my ocd is so hilariously on point. for context, i experience a lot of verbal compulsions (feeling like i Have to Say a Certain Thing to magically fix another) and he just told me. "most of the time it's easy to spot a compulsion cause literally nobody asked"
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vieramars · 4 months
Btw unfriendly reminder that while "don't like it, don't engage" works wonders in fandom and discourse, it doesn't do shit for people with OCD and psychotic disorders on this hell of a site. Even if I choose to not engage with a post calling me whatever detested thing of the week for ignoring it or promising bad luck/curses for ignoring it, it still gets stuck in my brain and fucks over my mental state for any amount of time that can vary from half an hour to days (some from years ago still make me paranoid. I hate it in my brain). That shit does need to be tagged but nobody fucking will cause people who reblog bait are doing it on purpose and people who do it as a joke or on accident don't get why it's a problem. If you happen across a scummy reblog bait post or even one that's well intentioned, please tag it with a warning for an OCD trigger if you decide to or have to reblog it. I use the tag "OCD trigger" in my reblogs for any post I think could be potentially a problem for someone, even if it isn't the specific kind that fucks with me.
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