#a person can have ocd around religion or morality stuff to.
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astralvoids · 7 months ago
Funny thing to explain that tends to fall on people's ears even with immense research is how versatile OCD is.
OCD simply refers to obsessive compulsive disorder. It's a disorder around an obsessive thought which distresses which then triggers an compulsion or urge that is done or is on the mind in order to sooth the obsessive thought.
Nowhere in this disorders description refers to cleaning or cleanliness so it does irk me that people still use the term "I'm so OCD" for referring to not standing mess. It's not only immesly rude but also further perpetuates the social myths of what OCD is vs the actual disorder.
I could elaborate further and have spent a long time researching the negative effects of disorders like OCD being buzz terms negatively effecting the people who struggle with OCD but that's another thought.
TLDR: OCD is not a cleanliness disorder or peak organization and schedules disorder. But an actual disorder that affects people in a variety of ways that's not silly goofy
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deer-motif · 2 years ago
I could not possibly be any further in orbit from the fandoms you're involved in... and I still enjoy seeing your posts and tags on other posts. If that anon is so bothered, they can just... leave? Or block you? It's so easy.
Anyway, please give me an essay on any topic you want (if you want to give an essay, that is! Also hi!)
awwww, thank you, lol — i really don't know what that anon was on about. also hi!! always nice to see you in my notifs :D
as for an essay. i will now say why i think leonardo from tmnt 2012 has ocd.
to start off, i really think he struggles with hyper-responsibility. first off, what is hyper-responsibility? people with ocd are particularly prone to hyper-responsibility, which is the idea that you can and must manage things around you to prevent harm — even when those things are totally out of your control. someone might feel responsible for things that they can’t realistically control, including how other people behave and feel, natural disasters, accidents, etc. when something goes wrong, they might blame themself and feel guilty. they may obsess over this guilt and/or the potential dangers that could occur, and/or experience compulsions in order to prevent these potential dangers. i feel like it's definitely possible that leo would experience this and could explain why he's very helicopter-y at times. as someone who also struggles a lot with hyper-responsibility, i feel him. if he exhibited these traits as a child as well, it's fully possible that's why splinter thought he would make a good leader: because leo is always making sure that his brothers were being responsible and safe.
in regards to a specific subset of ocd, i'm not quite sure. however i think that ocd regarding violent obsessions/morbid obsessions. which would be a fair assumption for leo due to the amount of violence and violence-related trauma he and his brothers are exposed to throughout the show. in some situations, this can be correlated with harm ocd. what is harm ocd? harm ocd is a type of ocd that causes a person to have doubts and fears about whether they are in control of themselves and if they could become violent towards themselves or others.
i think leo could easily create obsessions or imaginary situations in his mind where he is sacrificing himself or harming himself in order to save his family, and likely has a lot of intrusive thoughts regarding his injuries post-s2 and his enemies slaughtering his family and potentially himself, or himself going "darkside" due to this loss and becoming monstrous (see: the nightmare jei gave him where all of his family died and jei said that there was a "darkness in [him]" or I suppose the mutant apocalypse where he becomes a warlord). leo is also fighting people almost every day, who are typically adults, and it can get pretty nasty at times. leo has a very strict sense of justice, and there are few situations where i feel like he could actually feel the need to kill someone (note that i said few: he does have the highest kill count out of all of them). i think he could easily have intrusive thoughts regarding killing someone or brutalizing them further than necessary, or potentially killing the wrong person because he messed up or his sense of justice led him down the wrong path. i think this would be something he struggles with a lot and is tied up in his hyper-responsibility. and this also branches onto another subset of ocd, which revolves around religious/moral obsessions (more moral than religious for leo, but i've seen people actually make some interesting stuff regarding 12 leo and his potential relationship with religion). also, i feel like his specific issues could also branch into perfectionism related obsessions.
so pretty much his three main issues would be violent based obsessions, moral based obsessions, and perfectionism based obsessions. he struggles a lot with hyper-responsibility and his compulsions often come out in managing his situation and the other people in the situation to make sure they are safe and no one is harmed.
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morningstarlucemon · 5 years ago
((So, this is a super personal thing that relates to my beliefs. So if you don’t wanna read cause you’re not interested, that’s totally cool. This is gonna be OOC and stuff. I just wanna post this here cause I don’t feel that I can openly say this anywhere else just yet. It’s not really safe for me in case bio family sees it. But I’m just... really excited and wanna talk about it. So if you’re interested, read more is below. There’s a TL;DR at the bottom if you want.))
So, anyone who knows me personally in any intimate manner might know that I’ve struggled with my beliefs for a really long time. I was raised super, super Christian, and even though my family was non-denominational, and we didn’t have a lot of religious “rules” like in mainstream Catholicism or anything similar, it was still really oppressive to me. Parts of my mental illnesses were blamed on demons and went untreated, and actually aggravated with the methods used to “help,” namely my OCD. To this day I have ticks that were programmed into my thought patters based in prayers I was taught that became compulsive habits rather than soothing mantras. And since I was very young I’ve been in a really precarious place with my faith.
I wanna say first and foremost, I don’t think Christianity is bad. I DO think the way people carry it out is harmful. But I don’t believe the faith as a whole is bad. I think that any religion practiced by someone for the want of peace and personal fulfillment without harming others is good so long as it makes them happy. I’m only saying that Christianity as I was taught it hurt me, and the people who taught it to me hurt me. And I now have a very uneasy relationship with the faith as a whole.
For probably around ten years or so, I’ve been a very... nihilistic person, not out of choice, but out of a compulsively logical mindset. If I didn’t have proof of it, my brain didn’t wanna believe it. It still doesn’t. I don’t claim to have ever experienced any proof of the supernatural. But I didn’t wanna call myself an atheist. I WANT to believe in something, anything. But any time I try, the logic part of my brain steps in and demands proof. And it’s been slowly killing me for several years, choking off my spirituality and adding to my depression. It didn’t help that, although I was too logical to believe in anything, I still had the fear and guilt that came with believing I was gonna be sent to hell. I had all of the guilt of religion, and none of the personal peace or fulfillment.
I have spent the last few years of my life talking to people of other faiths and lack there ofs-- atheists, agnostics, Lokean, Wiccan, Catholic, Voodoo practitioners, Heathens, Jews, Muslims, Hedonists, Multi-Theists, Hellenists, and a lot more, as well as several variations of Christians. But no matter what I tried, nothing seemed to fit. I couldn’t settle back into Christianity, no matter how much I tried to fit myself into more secular and relaxed sections of the faith, it never felt welcoming or comfortable. I could never get away from the guilt. But I also never felt attached to any other faith I dabbled in, either. Nothing clicked. I felt present and welcomed, but I didn’t feel at home.
I’ve been working in therapy to really explore myself, and doing a lot of self-reflecting. And part of that has been looking back on what I’ve identified with through the years. And something I have always gone back to was Dark Angels and things associated with Death. When I was very little and my Mom would watch Touched by an Angel, I’d ask her about the Angel of Death, and she would explain that he was not a bad person, but that he was someone who would come take us to Heaven when we died. And that stuck with me. I’ve always been drawn to characters who were outcasts, logical thinkers, people who thought of things with raw data and not pre-conceived ideas, and, of course, those associated with Darkness. Duo Maxwell, Treize Khushrenada, Lucemon, Violet Parr, Levi Ackerman, Rorschach, Raven Roth, Laura Kinney, Vaal Hazak, Sephiroth, Howl Jenkins Pendragon, Adrian Tepes, Black Shucks, Damien Bloodmarch... I never could put my finger on what they had in common until now. All of them are outcasts who think differently than society as a whole, many of them with dark or complex morality or emotionally injured themes about them. I have always been drawn to the darkness, even since I was a little kid. And I think, because of the fear I was taught, I denied and lied to myself something that I’m fairly sure I’ve known for years.
After really learning what other beliefs are, that they’re not all goat sacrifice and child rape, and learning the actual principals behind them, I think I might finally be ready to choose a title for myself and my belief set. After years of introspection, and debate, and self-exploration, I, for now, when it is safe to do so, will align myself with  Luciferian Satanism.
I have chosen this faith for many reasons. Lucifer expects nothing from me, not even for me to truly believe in them. Do no harm, and take no shit. This faith allows me to still be a kind human being, but also to not let myself be hurt and abused as I’ve been in the past. It is the first thing to slightly allay my fear of death in years. It recognizes that life is sometimes shit, but that we don’t have to live in existential dread all the time because of it. Sure, this life is piss sometimes-- but what the fuck is sulking about it gonna do? I might not be able to change the world, but I can make a few people feel better for a little while. I don’t need to search for the meaning in life-- it doesn’t matter if life is inherently meaningless, cause I am here, so I’m gonna have fun. And I’m gonna help others have fun, too. I’m gonna be kind to people because it makes me feel better to know I’ve made someone else feel better. Yeah, it’s a selfish motivation, but that’s what all acts are motivated by-- the want to feel better. And that’s very much okay. There’s nothing wrong with helping people because it makes you feel good, knowing that someone else’s day was improved by you. I don’t need an entity threatening me to make me do good things, and I don’t need praise from humans. I can worship myself, I can love and care for myself, and that’s not only okay but expected. Things aren’t good or bad just because society says they are. Things are good or bad because of the effect they put out into the world. It’s okay to be weird as long as you’re not hurting anyone else. I don’t have to always speak as others do or move like they do. It’s okay that I’m on the spectrum. I don’t have to pretend to be normal. Whatever comes for me, I’m gonna embrace it with open arms, and will take control and improve what I can, and ask for help when I need it, because I’m alive and I chose to try and be happy. I don’t need the promise of heaven or any afterlife to make me happy. If one comes, that’s wonderful. I hope I’m surrounded by people I love and who love me.
I’m not going to lie and say Lucemon didn’t have a part in me realizing I’m a Satanist, because they definitely did. I don’t think I would have ever been willing to even truly consider it if not for this angel. But I want to clarify one thing, as some of my friends seem to be a bit confused. I do believe I am kin with Lucemon. I do not believe myself to be kin with Lucifer, Satan, or the Devil. I may have a shard of them in me, but I lay no claim to their power except what I’ve been allotted in this life. I will absolutely claim myself and my power and title as Lucemon, Demon Lord of Pride in the Digital World. But I at no time want to claim to speak for Lucifer or have any right to his power.
On a similar note, I am not in this belief for the power. I don’t expect Satan to bestow me with a silver tongue or armies of demons. I do wish to become stronger in magic and charisma and use of my natural abilities to get what I want, but I intend to work for these things, not have them handed to me. I recognize that I have nothing Lucifer could ever potentially want, except possibly, maybe my understanding. I have nothing I could offer that would be of use to them. So I won’t try to barter for something I know damn well I’m not entitled to. I intend to work, study, practice, listen, and learn to grow my power. Lucifer expects nothing from me, I expect nothing from him. I only wish to devote to them my heart and respect because I feel a kindred spirit within them.
I believe Lucifer to be an enlightener, a symbol of progress, logic, exploration, love of knowledge and acceptance, and seeing things without bias. They may exist as a concept, or as an actual entity, or something in-between, or something totally outside my comprehension. Regardless of the nature of their existence, they bring me peace, and I find speaking of and to them to be soothing and helpful to me. I also do not feel that my devotion to them will interfere with my offerings to other gods. Lucifer is not tyrannical. Lucifer is not Jealous. They want only for me to be kind, and be myself. And that’s all I want.
I’m getting super tired, and I’m really rambling at this point. But I really wanted to state all this somewhere. I’m so grateful to finally begin to have something to take solace in. And I intend to accept this and further growth, regardless of where it takes me, openly and thankfully, as holding back has only hurt me. I intend to further research my stance, and potentially am looking into calling myself a Warlock. I understand that term is typically given to you by others as a derogatory term, and is used for those who have been expelled from their covens. But with that said, I HAVE been ejected from everything I knew before. I’ve thrown much of it out in favor of healthier beliefs and practices, and I seem myself as not fitting in with where I was and as something of an “other.” So I feel this term resonates with me and what I am and want to be.
So, yes. TL;DR: I consider myself a agnostic Luciferian Satanist, and am hoping to study and grow fully into a Warlock. This has given me peace I haven’t had in many years, and I am happier with this than I’ve been with anything else since I was a child.
Thank you all so much for listening to me. I love you.
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attina-the-responsible · 8 years ago
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Attina Monroe Triton - Character Sheet
all these couples are kissing / and i can't stand the heat / i lost my shoes and left the party / i wander in the street
i put my feet into the fountain / the statues' all asleep / no use wishing on the water / it grants you no relief...
Archetype — The Caregiver Birthday — June 22, 1991 Zodiac Sign — Cancer MBTI — ENFJ Enneagram — 2, the Helper Temperament — Melancholic Hogwarts House — Hufflepuff (burned) Moral Alignment — Neutral Good Primary Vice — Envy/Lust Primary Virtue — Charity Element — Water   
Mother — Athena Triton (nee Oceana) (deceased) Father — Jeffery Triton Mother’s Occupation — Homemaker Father’s Occupation — CEO of Triton Industries (they fund coral reef preservation and ocean clean up) Family Finances — Wealthy (from shipwrecked goods) Birth Order — Oldest Brothers —  None Sisters — Andrina (Anna Kendrick FC, Birthday: February 7, 1992), Adella (Tara Lynn FC, Birthday: March 14, 1993), Arista (Lily James FC, Birthday: March 22, 1994), Aquata (Brianne Hildebrand FC, Birthday: September 20, 1995), Alana (Grace Phipps FC, Birthday: September 23, 1997), Ariel (Sophia Lillis FC, Birthday: December 4, 2002) Other Close Family — Melody (cousin, Lily Collins FC, September 2, 1994), see family tree here. Best Friend — Nala Calame Other Friends — I’m sure she has them. Her sisters. Enemies — Guys that have broken her heart or fucked w her sisters. Pets — None. Home Life During Childhood — Happy, though, had to keep being a mermaid a secret and that was rough. Town or City Name(s) — The Ocean, Boscombe Reef. Swynlake, England. What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Shared with Andrina. Was constantly picking up after her. Had bright colors--yellows and oranges and reds. Any Sports or Clubs — Band/Orchestra. (Harpist/keyboard.) Favorite Toy or Game — She totally has a little blanket that she’s had ever since she was a baby and it’s all ragged but she lowkey keeps it in her purse. Schooling — Swynlake Secondary. Favorite Subject — Biology! Popular or Loner — Popular Important Experiences or Events — First time a guy broke her heart (16? Same year mom died.) Health Problems — OCD Culture — Mermaid culture. Religion and beliefs — Uhhh?? They believe in the ocean???
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Sarah Drew Complexion — Pale Hair Colour — Red Eye Colour — Green Height — 5’4 Build — Petite Tattoos — a whale tail on her finger. Piercings — ear piercings Common Hairstyle — lots of various styles, attina loves to mess with her hair Clothing Style — brightly colored, trendy Mannerisms — talks with her hands, laughs awkwardly a lot Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Not really. Physical Ailments — None. Neurological Conditions — Anxiety, Depression, OCD. Allergies — ��Seasonal Grooming Habits — Attina does it all--face masks, pedicures, bubble baths. She loves it all! Sleeping Habits — A pretty good sleeper, but a light sleeper. Eating Habits — Can skip meals when stressed. Probably eats more sweets than she should. Exercise Habits —  Does yoga sometimes. Emotional Stability — 5 out of 10. Tina has a lot of anxiety and her OCD can make her really hard to function sometimes, she is quick to panic and quick to anger and quick to tears. Sociability — So. Friendly. Too friendly. Body Temperature — Runs a little cold to the touch, but isn’t actually cold Addictions — none Drug Use — recreational Alcohol Use — all the time.
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — she’s ocd so there is a plethora to choose from Good Habits — always diligent lmao she locks doors like 15 times Best Characteristic — so caring, so sweet Worst Characteristic — sooooo nosy and lowkey desperate Worst Memory — learning that her mother had died Best Memory — each time her sisters were born. Also her first kiss (even if the guy was a dick) Proud of — her degree and her sisters Embarrassed by — pfft everything?? She gets so easily flustered, mostly bc she overshares Driving Style — Doesn’t drive. Strong Points — fiercely loyal and fiercely kind Temperament — bubbly but self-deprecating Attitude — optimist but also a pessimist about her own life Weakness — uhhh so many things? Her desperateness for love she could be easily used if someone tells her they love her Fears — unlovable; something happening to her sisters Phobias — well--OCD is kind of a phobia of disorder Secrets — she’s a mermaid, lol. Also, she got a job at the great barrier reef she turned down Regrets — turning down the job offer (but not really, she’d do it again) Feels Vulnerable When — she likes someone; when her sisters tease her about being overbearing Pet Peeves — when her sisters DONT LISTEN TO HER; messy people (aka all her sisters) Conflicts — wants to live her own life but feels a duty to her fam Motivation — her fam Short Term Goals and Hopes — keep everyone safe Long Term Goals and Hopes — get married. Have a family. (have a job she likes) **disclaimer: she’s given up on all of these Sexuality — Straight Exercise Routine  — she goes when andrina drags her, otherwise she swims and walks a lot. Day or Night Person — Day. Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert. Optimist or Pessimist — Optimist.
Likes and Styles:
Music — she likes lots of pop; megan trainor lana del ray katy perry. Basic bitches. Also movie soundtracks Books — anything romantic. Literally. Anything. She reads those 10 cent novels you buy at the grocery store that literally no one reads Magazines — vogue def. Probably whatever the british equivalent of People is (the Sun??) Foods — she’s a pescatarian. She lovesss fresh fish. But also fruits and veggies. Lovesss smoothies. Drinks — Smoothies. Also drinks lots of water or she’ll start looking like she’s dying Animals — starfish are her fave but she loves all sea critters. Especially coral reef dwellers bc she’s actually spoken with them Sports — uhhh does marching band count? Social Issues — magicks rights/a kinda skewed feminism/she’s p socially aware Favorite Saying — a boat is safe at shore, but that’s not what it was built for. Color — orange! Like her tail! Clothing — she dresses kinda like vintage but cute Jewelry — she wears like pearl earrings every day as a staple and different necklaces. Her mother’s stuff on special occasions. Games — uhh?? None rly. Tho im sure she’d loves those like shoot ‘em up games idk Halo? skyrim? Websites — tumblr def. Facebook def. Insta DEF TV Shows — god she loves trash reality. Movies — likes gore. Likes romance. Loves when ppl die. Greatest Want — to keep her family safe Greatest Need — to take charge of her destiny
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — She lives in Castle Suites, in a three bedroom apartment with her sister Andrina. (The third bedroom has two sets of bunkbeds and probably a futon in it so hypothetically all the sisters could stay the night.) Household furnishings — Pretty modern and always, always organized and clean. Her house always looks like it is getting ready for a photoshoot, though she has to get on Andrina for putting things away. Favorite Possession — Anything that was her mother’s, or that her mother gave her. Most Cherished Possession — A handwritten letter from her mother that Athena gave her the day her tail “popped” Married Before — Nope. Significant Other Before — Jason Madison (only serious boyfriend, they dated for nine months when she was 15-16). Children — Nope. Relationship with Family — She’s very close to all her sisters and keeps in touch with the cousins (on land) the best that she can. She’s the Perfect Daughter. Car — N/a. Career — Clerk at Whosits and Whatsits Dream Career — She wants to preserve the coral reefs in the world. Dream Life — Travel the world, but then, settle down and have a family. (Preferably have a partner during her worldly travels) Love Life — She dates around. She says “non-existent” Hobbies — Trashy reality television. Hanging out with her sisters. Knitting (bc she’s an old lady.) Watching documentaries. Hanging out in nature. Guilty Pleasure — Chocolate. Attina is always trying the newest diet craze, but when she sad chocolate is her go to. Sports or Clubs — She was in the chess club as a secondary student. She was also the favorite for student body president but she didn’t run during her upper sixth years. Talents or Skills — Attina is a talented piano player, harpist, and singer, though she hasn’t practiced any of these in quite a while. Intelligence Level — Attina is very bright, but she definitely dumbs herself down for boys. Smh. Finances — Her family is rich, but she makes a pretty meager salary at the shoppe.
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On Mental Health, Treatment, and Drugs
You know, I was talking to my grandmother about the use of medication today, and it made me think of one of my favorite stories about therapy that gets passed around every so often in the psych community:
There was a woman with OCD (or anxiety, depending on who is telling the story) who's main obsession involved intrusive thoughts about a curling iron being left on and setting fire to her house, resulting in a compulsion to constantly check it, preventing her from getting a job. This woman goes in to see a therapist because its ruining her life and she needs help. Now all of the therapists colleagues want him to medicate the crap out of her, put her in a mental hospital, really intensive therapy, all of that stuff that therapists would usually do for a woman with severe OCD. But this particular therapist doesn't do that, and the woman still gets her life back. What did he do?
He had the woman take the curling iron to work.
Now this story is pretty much the psych community's version of the ham story or the story about the one olive saving money that gets passed around the business community so often. It's oversimplified and used for a good moral that nobody really listens to or follows, let alone really causes any changes.
But I have been recently thinking about the psych community, and the health community in general, and really sorta.... figuring out where I stand on certain topics. There's this idea in the psych community, and our culture in general really, that anything at all mentally abnormal or unusual needs to be given a diagnosis and "fixed" through medication and therapy and whatnot.
Now I'm going to throw away any pretense of politeness in speech and say, fuck you, that's bullshit.
Traditionally, there has been this idea in psychology that a disorder is only a disorder if it causes distress or dysfunction in a patient. If we are honest with ourselves, that idea has never really been listened to, outside of the cases of maybe not pathologizing religion, culture, and people in bad situations. If we are honest, that last one still happens, but I digress. The issue is that we treat any divergence from the norm as a pathological issue, and we shouldn't. It may be that I am neurodivergent myself, but if certain things are unusual, but don't cause issues, why should we try to change them.
And I do take this idea to the logical extreme. If a person hears voices in their head or sees things that aren't there, but is not bothered or inconvenienced by them (maybe even reassured or comforted by them being there), why do we need to slap a diagnosis of schizophrenia on them and give them psychotropics? Or another instance, if someone has multiple personality disorder (which is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder) and has two or more distinct personalities with their own separate thoughts, memories, and lives, why do we need to combine them into one, so long as the system functions on a meaningful level? Sure, it's fucking weird, but some estimates put 1% of the population as having DID, about the same amount of people that have autism, and it could seriously be just another, granted unusual, "operating system" of the brain. Speaking of Autism, if flapping and communication aids allow them to function in the work place, who gives a damn if they use them, if they do the job?
Our society has an issue with accepting the unusual, even to the point of pathologizing it. In psychology, humans are said to have a logical fallacy or bias towards believing that others have the same thoughts and opinions as ourselves, and I truly believe that this a culturally acceptable and encouraged form of it. I think that our cultural also encourages a negative view of neurodivergence, and that encourages social dysfunction, which is further demonized and ends up snowballing into an endless cycle of suffering.
I support and will forever encourage neurodiversity to be accepted and accommodated.
But I'm also not a completely optimistic fool, and I know that there are those who do need help.
And in such cases where the person can't function, where they can't handle the voices in their head, where personality two and three get in the way of things, therapy, medication and treatment need to be there to help.
But besides getting them help, we should not judge what helps them. For some people, their depression is helped by getting out in nature, fresh air, and eating better. For some, it's one of the dozens of varieties of therapy. For others, those simply will not work and they need to be medicated for whatever reason. I will never understand or sympathize with those who shame medication. The way that meds work is literally the same way that any other hormone or neurotrasmitter in your body, and the purpose of medication is to replace neurotransmitters that are deficient or reduce and block the ones that are overproduced. I almost want to compare them to game exploits allowing for gold farming, but unfortunately, good mental health will not get you that +5 longsword.
An example of a medication that is easily explainable is Prozac, a SSRI. Prozac is a brand name for the chemical fluoxetine, which in the body is metabolized, or literally changed by the body, into norfluoxetine, which prevents your nerves from reabsorbing seratonin, a chemical that makes you feel happy, and so you feel happier for longer. There is literally a hormone in your body that does that naturally, this is just the storebought version for people who need it, like buying eggs to make a souffle, even though you have chickens in the backyard.
St. John's Wort also does the same thing (I'm pretty sure that they affect the exact same variant of the exact same hormone group, but i don't have that kind of time for that level of research), but the particular chemical found in that plant may not work for all people that Prozac does, and vice versa. This is why there are so many different forms of SSRIs (anti-depressants that work by the method described above) alone, and not all depression is caused by lowered serotonin levels, requiring additional classes of drugs. Yes drug companies are money hungry scum, but humans are also just weird like that.
There are also meds that do things that cannot be replicated in nature. Anti-psychotic medications are necessary, and though certain plants and minerals found in nature can help, I'm sorry, Quetiapine works better in almost all cases.
That being said, there is an issue with overmedication in the western world, especially the US, probably tied to the obsession with pathologizing everything, and it needs to be fixed. Most of the statistics I can find say that most Americans have some sort of prescription (though the numbers I find include non-psychotropic meds, a rant for another day), which is an issue that needs to be tackled, but not by shaming or shunning medications. Not immediately turning to medication would be a good first step, but if meds are necessary, only using them for as long as needed is also a good step. For some people, that is literally the rest of their life. We need to accept that, and stop shaming people for taking medications.
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