#OC: Elon
knight-tyme · 8 months
To heck with it
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For @im-no-jedi's birthday last year I decided to do something a bit different. I would draw a bunch of things about the persons characters I've been wanting to draw all together in a more sketchy format cuz if I wanted to make them full art pieces I could, but for now they're like this.
So; We have from top Left to bottom Right:
Blaise and Zippy in the style of Studio Mir/ATLA
Elon's Beaches (from left to right) Mark (my character), Chroma (friends character), Elon ( @im-no-jedi's character), Pia ( @jam-n-ham's character), Darragh (other friends character), and Sully (My brother's character) in the style of Studio Trigger
Haleykaen, Kia, Link and Kal in my style
and lastly Zai also in my style
Reblogs are welcome!
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im-no-jedi · 3 months
this headcanon generator has been making the rounds, and so I decided to generate some for several of my OCs (namely SW, DnD, and the Misfits LOL)
Matt has a Mary Sue OC
you know what, I could see this being legit. his OC would just be a thinly veiled version of my Guardian tho 😜
Rocky does not know what sleep is
BIG false, this dude crashes every night without fail. and if he ever does end up having a rough night’s sleep, he just spends some extra time in the Crucible the next day to get eepy 😆
Isaac knows the lyrics to every Hatsune Miku song by heart
IM LAUGHING SO HARD OMG. this one should be switched with Rocky’s tbh ROFL
Ace is very willing to eat inedible things
considering who his dad is… this is too accurate 😝
Marvel enjoys doing taxes
heck no, watch my girl do everything in her power to avoid paying taxes without shame lolololol
Lunaa knows the lyrics to Let It Go by heart
Nova is tumblr famous
SHE WOULD BE OMG. she’s already really popular amongst the entire GAR, and her efforts are well-known throughout the whole galaxy; she’s basically Tumblr famous 😌
Quickdraw is a sleepwalker
he wasn’t before, but I love this idea and I’m making it canon now 😂
Mutt will go feral. Watch out.
Y E S. he’s a goofy goober 99% of the time, but if someone hurts one of his brothers, it is ON SIGHT 😤
Gunner has chronic nightmares
…after a certain point, yes he absolutely does. and that’s all I’m gonna say 🤭
Clank has not showered in two and a half weeks
FALSE. my boy likes to be clean tyvm 😌
Gildish is afraid of doing anything without other peoples permission
LOLOLOLOLOL literally the exact opposite, he does whatever tf he wants and doesn’t care what anyone says or thinks about it 😂
Ember has fallen asleep at their desk while working in the middle of the night
I could see this happening in the modern AU where she’s a fashion designer for sure haha
Zai gets road rage
Kal will remind others in the midst of chaos how good they're being
Kia has punched a hole in their wall
absolutely NOT, this sweet girl has not physically hit anything once in her entire life, she is baby thanks 🥰
If Zippy was presented with an intergalactic portal, they would enter it without question
PFFFT. he would only go in if his friends did. or if there were snacks guaranteed to be on the other side 😝
Elon tackles and wrestles people to show affection
in his own way, yeah. he’s not very strong, but he would glomp people, for sure 😆
Goobert has a Roblox account
DYINGGGGGG 🤣🤣🤣 he would not, it’s too beneath him 😜
Vel gets ready for Christmas WAY too early
HE WOULD HAHA. he loves to celebrate and spend time with family, I’m positive holidays are a BIG deal where he’s from 😁
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teathattast · 1 year
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failbaby · 1 month
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what is going AWN
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clottedscream · 2 years
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this one is dedicated to everyone who simped in the tags of my last post and also to my friends who 100% saw it coming that i would make this
[Image ID: a monochrome digital illustration of a humanized version of Tumblr. She’s a human woman in casual alt clothing, including a dark hoodie, doc martins, and a wrinkled shirt with the old tumblr logo. Yes, her jeans are cuffed. She wears fingerless arm warmers and a kandi bracelet that says nov 5. She has an asymmetrical haircut that covers half of her face, which is towards the viewer. She sits on the floor (there is no background) and grins smugly. End ID]
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noecoded · 10 months
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genuinebluff · 1 year
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Eliminate Good Vibes
Our patented Vibe Vacuum technology sucks in unwanted good vibes and replaces them with a void of despair.
"I've never experienced such a profound lack of positivity." Satisfied Customer
Try the VIBE DESTROYER MINI and destroy vibes on-the-go!
Need content? | Genuinebluff.com
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aguriart · 22 days
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Well I guess I can't use X anymore! Still feeling mad about it, RIP brazilian twitter...😮‍💨🇧🇷💔
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weirderscience · 1 year
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realized i had the power of self insert comics. have this stupid doodle
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jaytherobot · 2 years
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I wanted to spend a little more time on this and actually try to be funny, but the squares have already started filling themselves in.
EDIT: Didn't notice I had a duplicate entry. Updated with new addition.
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corawithfanfiction · 2 months
The Next Step Is Evolution & White Wolf and Polaris
there's too much pain to come (Episode 5)
episode 4 - episode 6
Logan (Wolverine) and Lorna (Polaris) arrive at the mission. Once the password is revealed, nothing will ever be the same again.
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It was well past midnight and the streets of New York were quiet. Maybe a lot quieter than they should have been. Logan and Lorna hadn't spoken a word the whole way. As they approached the All - In Casino, Logan noticed that Lorna was breathing more frequently. A street away from the casino, he wanted to remind her of their plan to comfort the beautiful woman beside her.
Lorna didn't look at Logan as he cleared his throat, but she knew the man next to her was about to start a serious conversation. With a small smile, she turned her body a little from her seat to Logan.
"We're close-"
"I'm aware of that.
"Let's go over the plan one last time before we go in." Logan's jaw tightened with each word. Lorna was the last person he wanted to go on this mission with. Frankly, he didn't plan on going on any missions with Lorna for a while. What had happened was still weighing heavily on him. Of course he knew that none of it was Lorna's fault, but something was nagging at him. He didn't know what it was. That part was too fuzzy. For a man who couldn't remember his past, it was ironic that something in his mind was trying to warn him.
At Logan's words, Lorna nodded in the affirmative. Quickly recovering from his thoughts, Logan began to explain the plan again.
"We'll leave the car two blocks back. Somewhere secluded but easy to get to."
"Uh-huh." Lorna was once again listening with the same weariness to the plan she had listened to perhaps fifty-odd times since the morning.
"When we reach the door, you will let us in with your famous combination. You realize you still haven't told me the combination, right?"
"I don't need to." Lorna cut Logan off once again. Logan continued to explain the plan without getting angry, which was not uncommon.
"We're going to hang out at the casino for a while to keep a low profile. It's important they don't recognize you. We'll probably play a hand or two," Logan started to park the car as slowly and quietly as possible as they reached the street where he was going to park.
"Then we'll request a meeting with Bella, and after we talk, we'll grab Mama and get in the car quickly. We'll drive around before we get to the Academy, just in case. Once we're sure no one is after us, we'll make a quick trip back to the Academy." Logan glanced to the side for confirmation from Lorna, unbuckling his seatbelt at the same time.
"Logan," Lorna was still staring at him through the windshield.
"Yes?" Logan fidgeted uneasily where he was.
"Nothing is going to go as planned, you know that, don't you?" it certainly wasn't a question when she finally locked her eyes on Logan's. Lorna had been conflicted with the truths she knew from the moment they'd first made the plan, but she hadn't wanted to speak them in front of Charles or Legion.
"When we walked in," she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When her eyes met Logan's again, there was no expression on her face. "Everyone you see probably knows more about your past than you do. And when they realize who you are, and they will, Logan, stop looking at me like that!" Lorna's voice sounded angry at the lack of expression on her face. Logan couldn't make sense of it and wanted to say something to comfort Lorna, but she wouldn't let him.
"Don't, I'm not done yet!" she lowered her voice a little, but there was a distinct anger in it.
"When they realize who you are, they won't hesitate to rub it in your face. And if I know them at all, the last thing they'll do is lie to a man who can't remember his past. Logan, whatever you hear out there," Lorna swallowed and continued. "I want you to promise me that you will remain calm until the mission is over, no matter what they say to you, no matter what they say to me. You will stay calm! Promise?"
Logan's confusion grew with every word he heard. He couldn't make sense of it. When he thought he was thinking inwardly, he was actually thinking out loud.
"How could they possibly know about my past?" Logan tilted his head to the left. It was more of a self-interrogation than a question to Lorna, but Lorna didn't want to keep any more secrets. Especially not now.
Now was not the time.
"Because you're about to gamble at the same table as the men who experimented on you and erased your memories." There was an obvious calm in Lorna's voice. She was afraid of how Logan would react and what he might do. Or rather, what he might do to her.
"You, what? How - all this time," Logan's face showed disappointment, not anger, as he shook his head quickly to try to collect himself.
"I hid it all this time, yes." Lorna remained calm.
"Why?" Logan said with a silent scream.
"What did you expect me to say? For God's sake, turn to you in bed one night when we made love and tell you that I've done things to hate my life and self in the shithole I've had to live in for years, and the people I did them with are the people who did this to you?" Lorna tapped her index and middle finger against Logan's chest. There was no trace of calm in her voice. It wasn't angry, either. Just pure anger. As soon as he realized this, Logan became alert.
The old Lorna.
I guess it was more than just a pair of black leather boots and some weird eye makeup.
Logan wasn't sure if he was ready to meet her.
Logan wasn't ready to meet his own past either.
He had waited years for this day. Charles had made countless trips into his mind, trying to pick up clues.
But he wasn't ready for the past he couldn't remember to be shoved in his face a few minutes later by people he didn't know.
What if I did bad things?
What if I'm not who I think I am or who I'm trying to be?
Who am I!
Lorna slowed as they approached the door. She turned to Logan, two steps behind her, and saw him struggling with a past he wasn't ready to face.
After a silent sigh, she looked at Logan. By this time the two-foot distance between them had closed.
"Are you ready?" Lorna asked. She was worried about the man next to her. Never for herself.
Logan nodded in the affirmative. Then he began to examine his surroundings.
It was a dark and somewhat narrow street. Although there were luxury buildings, they looked neglected and abandoned. Most of the street lights on the street were not lit. There was not a single car. There was no light coming from any window. Logan started walking towards an old iron gate. But when he saw Lorna going in another direction, he stopped and followed her, though he couldn't make sense of it. The only solid door here was the one he had just stood in front of. It was obviously the entrance to the Casino. But Lorna continued down the dark alley. She seemed to be kicking harder with each step, ignoring the sound of her heels.
Finally, about five buildings away from the door she had just stood in front of, Lorna stopped in front of a neo-classical stone building on the corner. There were no windows and the whole building had been demolished. Many things had been scribbled on the walls with spray paint. Lorna climbed the only step in front of her to reach the door. She reached out her hand to the white door in front of her. Despite the dirty and neglected building, the door was too white and clean. It had the letter 'A' painted on it in red paint. In the center was a strange key-like symbol. Lorna turned to Logan as he tried to figure out what it was. She knew what he was looking at.
"Uh-huh." Logan was snapped out of his thoughts by Lorna's voice.
"It is an ancient Egyptian symbol represented by a cross bearing a key-shaped loop." In a calm voice Lorna explained to Logan what he was looking at.
"Ancient Egypt? You mean ancient Egypt where the pyramids were built, but that's beside the point." Logan began to study the symbol on the door more carefully.
"The key of life, also called the key of the Nile or the breath of life. It means eternal life. It supposedly unlocks the enigmas of heaven and earth." When Lorna finished with a tiny smile, Logan realized that the red paint on the door was not paint but blood and grimaced. He hadn't yet figured out the connection between eternal life, ancient Egypt and a casino with underworld criminals.
Nor did he yet understand why they were standing at the door of a building with no windows.
They had to get into the casino and get out with Anna. And quickly.
Lorna stepped closer to the door and extended her right hand toward it.
Logan continued to watch her in amazement.
She tapped first her ring finger and then quickly her middle and index finger on the door, making a sound.
Logan continued to watch in amazement.
The door opened with a high-pitched creak. A man's voice was heard through the ajar door. But there was no one in sight.
Lorna put a smile on her face that no one at the Academy had ever seen before.
This was very dangerous. This was the old Lorna.
And the old Lorna was no one known outside the Casino.
The hatred in her voice and the tone that made it clear she was going to take enormous pleasure in what was about to happen next frightened Logan.
Who was this woman?
Lorna pulled her gaze away from the door, fixed it on Logan's eyes and said those three words with great relish.
The dangerous smile on her face grew with each word.
As Logan tried to remember the word that sounded so familiar to his ears, he failed to notice the two men walking around the back of the building.
Two men, one white and one black, cautiously, stealthily, and nervously making their way toward the Casino. Logan was so caught up in the words that he didn't even notice the white man with a Vibranium on one arm, whose scent was too familiar. He knew they had met before.
But he was still trying to figure out how he remembered the words.
The meaning of the words that came out of Lorna's mouth and brought an indescribably dangerous smile to his face.
"En Sabah Nur!"
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filurig · 1 year
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short comic i made in feb for portfolio stuff. the theme was injustice... so i made a character who worships injustice out of a kind of... hyper darwinian sense of morality or whatever (well another flavour of it considering thats a big theme of my other ocs LOL)
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misssepale · 1 year
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First post here ! Back to our roots I guess ✨
Fuck Elon btw
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thephoxborohottubs · 1 year
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guy i’ve had 4 like 5 years
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zhvran · 1 month
Hello my friends,
I am Mohammed Ayyad from Gaza Shuja'iyya
I have sought refuge with you because of the devastating war that caused me to lose my home and my mother and our displacement from one place to another and I lost my children's future and there is a severe shortage of basic materials,
I have sought refuge with you so that I can provide a decent and safe life for me and my family consisting of my wife and my children Yasser, Omar, Maryam, Jana and Sarah, each of whom has dreams but unfortunately they have lost hope and despair controls them,
I hope that you will stand by us whether by donating if possible or participating widely,
Thank you very much
Hello again, I donated a €5 let's see if others can match my donation. Boost / reblog if you can't donate ✌️
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charmac · 1 year
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Never breathed a bigger sigh of relief in my life than I did seeing the steering wheel and getting confirmation that they’re not actually using Tesla in this episode
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