#Not proud of thisssss
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ducksydoodlesofficial · 3 months ago
swapped (I couldn't think of a better name) part 2, rushed at the end, had to put it down before I forgot.
Little backstory: told from Alastor's POV. 2p alastor is in the 1p-verse while 1p is in the 2p-verse. So if you don't know, 2p alastor is kinda like a lil timid, shy, underwhelming version of Alastor, so obviously no one would fear him. 2p Lucifer is of my own design because yes. Yes, they still hate each other but 2p-Luci hates 2palastor because he's sorta a "waste of space" and good for nothing.
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Part one
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sunscess · 9 months ago
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independent & highly selective rp blog for  arianne martell  from g.rrm's a song of ice and fire series. exploring the themes of: the spoiled princess, feminism, independence, & family. written by honey
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You can control his gay ass with WASD
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skhardwarevers1 · 1 year ago
so speaking of that tad bit longer hair I used to have…
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Woaaaaah me self portrait!!!!! ( of me from a few months ago but whatever)
BONUS!!!! Side by side and original picture
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were--ralph · 26 days ago
noticed something interesting after following you for a couple years now. I don't hate my fatness, my broad shoulders, my round face, my square build. I don't hate that I will never have an hourglass figure. I LIKE my body hair and my wispy beard. I don't even feel as much dysphoria from having tits.
But also. I have begun to Actively Hate my ass. it is Concave. it is Hank Hill levels of tragic. and I NEVER cared until I started liking everything else about myself. so thank you for helping me quash the literal life-ruining dysphoria, but also fuck you, now I gotta find a way to max my glutes. I NEED to have a dumptruck that would make Were Ralph proud.
if you go to planet fitness the hip abduction machine is like magic just use it until you max out and drink lots of protein
you got thisssss
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hughesmuse86 · 3 days ago
https://www.tumblr.com/hughesmuse86/776509950480564224/jack-hughes-coded these pics make me crazy are u kidding me🫦🫦
Anyways how have you been sweetheart?🥝🩷 i got sick so i haven’t been very active but i can only blame the school stress hahah
I dream of this relationship dynamic with jack where both of us have busy schedules and stressful jobs so we know when the other needs to blow off some steam and just give them head until their brain is numb without asking for anything back
I just wanna feel like i’m floating above clouds, like u know u get after like 3-4 orgasms🤣
But sub jack is secretly my favourite of them all🤭
𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚞𝚋!𝚓𝚊𝚌𝚔, 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎-𝚞𝚜𝚎, 𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚕, 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚖., + 𝚞𝚗𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎�� 𝚙 𝚒𝚗 𝚟
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RIGHT! It even looks like his little button nose. I don't know if you would call it that, lmao, but I would 100% bring it to a plastic surgeon because the envy is real.
But yes, anytime I can find pictures like that, it just fuels the fantasy for me 🤭🤭🤭
I’ve been great just working and writing. I’m working on my SMAU for the other fandom I’m in, and it’s so much work 😭 but I love it. This is my first one, and you're creating this storyline while also creating the media for it so it's definitely a challenge.
Oh, you were sick! I’m sorry, bb! I hope you're feeling better!!
Ahhh, thank you for filling my brain with these thoughts. THISSSSS 🔥🔥
Lots of free use and late-night sex. Jack shows up for his flight out with a big smile because you snuck in a quickie before he left—and it’s pretty much the only thing he’s thinking about on the plane. Also, imagine you, mid-meeting, having to shut off your audio and camera because his tongue was too good.
I feel like he’d be a big orgasm counter. Does that make sense? It’s almost like he’s in a competition with himself. Like, “fuck, I only have ten minutes. How many do you think I can get in, bunny?” Or, “Last time, I got you off 4 times. Do you think I can do it again?” And, you’re so blissed-out and cock-drunk, and he loves to hear it, so he’s making you count out loud, mocking you teasingly, but he’s so proud of himself and smug as fuck 🤭🤭.
You both are overworked, so when you get to relax, you just want to be close to each other and help one another, so just space out. Jack will be between your legs, pulling out orgasm after orgasm from you until you’re a trembling mess, ears ringing, thighs shaking. And when it’s his turn, you’ll be sucking him off with his hands in your hair, using your mouth to stroke his cock as he watches you work.
Sub!Jack oooohhh how I love you. He’s so eager to please, and he loves praise. I like the idea of him not even considering being submissive for anyone until you came around, and then everything shifted. But even more than Sub!Jack is going to be Switch!Jack, for me, because the idea of you teasing him shamelessly and him being really into it until he gets so frustrated and snaps and takes complete control scratches my brain just right.
I hope you have the best night bb!!!! Thank you for your ask as always.
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chezzbooger · 6 months ago
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jinx-o-rama · 1 year ago
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GAHHHH I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF I LOVE THISSSSS!!!!!!! (maybe I will do a ULTRAKILL one next idk =] )
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platonic-soulmates-gencest · 3 months ago
One of my mommy Dean headcanons is that while mostly he gets filled with a weird sense of proudness at Sammy looking like that, he gets really self conscious about the fact that his chest will never be the size of Sam's because it feels like one more failure. He couldn't nurse Sam *and* he can't even look like he could? He's a failure as a mother and he's illogically afraid Sam knows it
Agshshdndjdgshshggggh anon I love you! Thisssss this is so precious to me !!!
I'm guess you've read my breastfeeding fic but if you haven't, here it is. I'm pretty sure you will like it.
Nowww about your ask. I can definitely see the vision. Dean never gets over not being able to nurse Sam but he's mostly put it in the back of his mind until he hits puberty. It's not even about his puberty. It's about looking around and seeing all the girls in his class, their chest getting heavier, and realising once again that not only was he unable to produce milk, he didn't even have the right equipment.
(This crosses over to nobinary Dean territory but I would love Dean to have a fashination with bras after this. He always pays too much attention to girls' chests and he loves taking their bras off and maybe he likes trying them on imagining his chest filling them up properly, then gets sad because it never will.)
He calms down by the time he's twenty. He's forgotten about his inability to nurse Sam again. Then he loses Sam and he can't think about anything but the hole his brother's left behind. He's so happy when he gets Sam back.
Then, he sees Sam naked and he sees how his tits are sticking out a bit and Dean is gone. He gets caught up in the same place of hopelessness again at how inadequate he is. He always averts his gaze anytime Sam walks in the room naked. Looking makes him crumble under his disappointment on himself.
Dean tries hard so Sam doesn't notice. But maybe something gives and Sam realises something is wrong and because Sam is Sam he's gotta know what's up with his brother. So he pushes and pushes and pushes and it comes out and... I can't really tell what Sam's reaction would be. He would definitely try to do something to make Dean feel better. Maybe get him bras. Not sure. He would be so soft and gentle about it though.
Thank you for the wonderful ask! (I think I wrote too much 😅)
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cherrb333 · 8 months ago
Random ahhh story I thought up after seeing someone's art piece ;)
Part 1/???
Thanks for the inspiration @sunnyyyteaaa :D
Timeline: the 2018 turtles are about 7, 3, and 1. More explanation later
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Thunder split the earth, rumbling the ground, and rain pattered in buckets onto the ground, leaving nothing but the sound of wet splats on the wet muddy ground. A mysterious cloaked figure can be seen running through the horrid weather. An infant's cries filled the air, complimenting the pound of rumbling clouds. Water fell like a waterfall onto the ground, loudly panging on the mysterious person. A hue of purple filled the air as the cloaked figure was hit with a ball of light. They yelped, dropping onto the muddy ground, dropping the grip they had on the older more spike child, who called out for his papa. The other three clung onto his fur, rain pooling on their bald heads. He quickly stumbled to his feet, pivoting and picking up his children, taking off once again as the hood fell from his head to reveal a mutated rat, fur brown in color, dull from grime and dirt. His clothes were ripped, an old uniform from his old acting career. He swerved left and right, trying to throw off the chasers, but despite all his attempts, they were relentless. It seemed the sky fit his mood as he suddenly ran into a dead end, cursing under his breath as he clutched his son's tighter into his chest. He froze as a familiar voice broke through the loud weather, sending a shiver down his spine.
“Nowhere to run, deary. Now, why don't you just hand over what's mine, and we can get this over with”
a voice chirped from behind him, heels clicking as the woman clacked her way over to the rat. A woman clad in purple business wear pushed her glasses up as she snapped her fingers, a bunch of men dressed in bellhop uniforms surrounded the man as he held a hand protectively over his son's head, holding out the other to shelter the red one from view.
“You know how big mama hates to wait!”
the woman , big mama as she had said, sneered, crossed her arms, digging her long nails into the fabric of her cashmere top jacket. How had she found him so quickly? The man, now newly formed as a rat mutant, pulled his hood over his head as he stared daggers at the taller woman.
“No. I will not fight for you, ever again. I vowed not to harm another innocent creature ever again. So you can send whatever army, I will not let you take me again.”
He hissed, clutching the strap that held his sons to his chest and back, a makeshift sling he made out of an old hoodie and string. Mama tutted, shaking her head disapprovingly at the man.
“No no, silly willy, I meant the little turtley wurtles you have for children. They would be perfect for my nexus, blood children of Lou Jitsu. The seats would be filled!”
It was like big dollar signs twinkled in her eyes as she swooned from side to side, humming a soft tune. The rat man scowled, holding his fists up as he handed the three brothers to the eldest, who blinked up at his dad.
“Papa? What's happening?”
Little Red called, grabbing his father's finger with his tiny tridactyl fingers wrapping them in a fist around the appendage.
“Don't worry, red, your old man just needs to take care of business. Take your brothers, and run, ok? Papa will distract them”
the older mutant whispered to his son, holding a warm but stern gaze as he gave one final forehead kiss before standing up, fists ready. Red watched as his papa lunged forward, stalling in a mesmerized haze as his father whipped his fist clean across one goon's face, tail whipping out and slapping another away by accident. raph trembled, stuck in a trance as his father was thrown into a fight, he slowly and hesitantly took tiny steps backwards, holding a firm grip on his siblings, who all cried at the sounds of bones crunching under flying fists. He shook his head, no, he had to listen to Papa. Focus, red, get your brothers out of here, he turned on his heel, long tail smacking against the floor anxiously, almost tripping him as he broke out in a long sprint, holding tightly onto his brothers as he high-tailed out of there, gasping as he muscles screamed at him, too young and weak to function properly.
He tried to block out the fading noises behind him, his breath getting harder and harder to take in as his eyes stung With unshed tears. He weaved through the alleys, rain still beating down on him, and making it harder to keep from slipping on the concrete. Lightning lit up the sky, sending a booming tremor through the air that left red anxiety to spike tremendously. He huffed loudly, breaths rugged and uneven as he slowed to a stop, looking behind him, and sighing in relief when he saw none had followed Him. He looked down at his brothers, frowning when he saw the droplets fall and roll down their chubby cheeks. They were going to get sick, he looked around for some sort of shelter, holding the 3 tighter to his chest to give them warmth, but stopping when he felt a hand on his shoulder, he screamed as the grip tightened, another strike of lightning brightening the sky and causing the younger siblings to break out in loud cries
Suddenly, They were all falling, the thunder becoming a distant noise that eventually settled into quiet as the person who tried to kidnap them was knocked out cold from The fall. Raph groaned as he landed on his shell, rubbing his big thumb along the young spotted box turtle's head, which chirred in response, the other two twins whined, squirming, one overstimulated, and the other trying to break free. Raph looked around, noticing immediately how dull everything looked compared to the usual vibrant tones of New York. He wasn't home. Not anymore.
Masterpost | next
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lonelycowgirls · 2 years ago
Harry and Stella at LOT Wembley
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Liked by annetwist, dolly_mallonex and others
stellamallone ready to melt for 2/4 nights in Wembley, still can't quite believe I'm saying that 🫠
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gemmastyles can't wait to see you! Stay hydrated 🥰
dolly_mallonex on fire baby G!
annetwist our boy is home ❤️
↳stellamallone Manny will always be home ❤️
harrystyles not a lot of melting to be done in all those layers 🙃
↳stellamallone you love it
13 June 2023
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dolly_mallonex the girlies are OUT for Love on Tour
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stellamallone I can't believe we're dressed like this for a gig in ENGLAND 🥵
↳dolly_mollonex only because @mayajama said it's time for the summer of lurrrve
↳mayajama killing it chicassss 🤌
↳stellerrrr let me innnnnnn
harryshoes the friends and family box is about to be FULL full tonight 🥹
sideboobrry @dolly_mallonex show us Stella and Harry!!!
carlybaby11 Stella's getting railed tonight
↳frankiejane that's her baby sister y'all 😭😭
↳harrytheone you guys are too much 😅
14 June 2023
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Liked by court_xo, tbslamber and others
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cruel_summerrr she is the cutest!
raven3333 I love how she interacts with fans
sweetchels13 she's so like Harry fr
↳ginacorrin like mother like son 🥹
harrysgirl I love herrr, saw Stella and her sister with Anne and Gemma too
↳ari_love We saw her too! She's so small!
↳rinaaaaa Yeah she's super small and cute 😍
↳kristbsl she must be so proud of her boyf
↳larry4life if only it was real 🙄
14 June 2023
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harry_update Harry looking like a sculpture on stage at Wembley Stadium! June 17 via nikkimariejpg
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adore.starry Stella liking this is so me coded
sweetcreature22 STELLA LIKED
tori_wilks how does he look like thisssss
uma.clarke2 Have you seen the state of his body
freddiejones I can't keep going like this 😩😩😩
lilyrose05 he's fucking shredded 😩
becca_jane Stella's getting this every day... let that sink in
↳mylarry you spelled Louis wrong
↳becca_jane @mylarry be serious 🤣
17 June 2023
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dolly_mallonex wishing my bb an amazing trip to Italy with her bb @stellamallone
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harrystyles thank you for dropping us off Dolls ❤️
↳dolly_mallonex no bother, I'm always up at half four in the morning... 😉
↳stellamallone Harry singing Holiday by Madonna at the top of his lungs didn't help 🙄
↳harrystyles heyyyy
↳tbslamber do you believe in miracles???!!!
annetwist have a fabulous time you two ❤️
19 July 2023
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harryflorals HARRY ARRIVING IN ITALY THIS MORNING via italrry23
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sideboobrry this fit
harryshouse_x welcome to the final show 😭
tina.snow.33 how do we never get pap pics of Stella anymore 🤔
↳hannasmith probably because ya'll scarred her back in 2014 🙄🙄
↳kirstyloml I'm glad tbh my heart can't handle
elenavatore Harry waved at us through the window of his car today! I think they're heading to his villa ❤️
19 July 2023
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Liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and others
stellamallone thirteen years <3 one guess who Delilah's favourite parent is...
So proud of this smiley man. Love on Tour has been the perfect celebration of your talent, music, kindness and love. Four sold out nights at Wembley fucking Stadium. I'll never get over what you can accomplish. What an achievement.
The love your fans have and show for you inspires me to strive to be the most adoring and supportive partner that you deserve... most of the time 😉
We're now where we're meant to be. Together, eating all the pasta and gelato we can possibly stomach, sipping on Aperol Spritz's in the sunshine - our true natural habitat.
That reminds me, next round's on you, Gorgeous.
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annetwist The greatest of blessings ❤️
dolly_mallonex We're all so proud of our H!
zayn 🤍
MummaMallone Can't wait for our big family holiday soon. ❤️
↳stellamallone Can't believe it's finally happening!!! 😍
niallhoran Love to you both
harrystyles you make it all worth it, Stell x
harrystyles and Lilah knows where the good cuddles come from
24 July 2023
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Liked by izzypope, stellaflorals and others
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starryforever Crying real tears 💔
toriiii_x he's in his feels
harryholics guys what if he proposes on this vacation
↳tbslamber omg we could see fiancerry by HS4
↳oliviamac don't 🫠
↳kiwidaddy FINALLY
georgieanne This dress she served 😍
jamiestyles_xo He's in photographer boyfriend mode 💘
carly_d what a beautiful sunset ✨
willowshouse Luckiest bitch in the world confirmed
24 July 2023
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Hope you enjoyed this piece of absolute self-indulgence because I want this to be my life 😂
Okay, bye!
Nel xo
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burbujeroo · 6 months ago
Podría haberlo hecho mejor pero acá estamos. 🗣️
TR: I'm not proud of thisssss, the food will be better next time.
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theyaremycrocsyoudonut · 11 months ago
Not my usual content, this is not related to shameless at all, BUT I AM MAKING SOMETHING AND WANTED TO SHARE IT WITH THE WORLD
The reference pic and my first sketch/draft:
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rebelrue20 · 1 year ago
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drew this for my friend ^_^
im really proud of thisssss :D
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qwertyfingers · 7 months ago
4, 14, 24, 34 :P
4) what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
when i was in psychiatric hospital as a teen my mum and i did this bit where we would google insane new agey woo woo "treatments" for mental health problems and laugh about them. our favourite was 'eat 40 oranges per day and you'll never be depressed again' so now every time i speak to my mum she reminds me i need to eat an orange or forty and it cracks me up without fail. we've been doing this for 12 years at this point.
14) what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
i don't know if I have another answer for this. taking a trip abroad I guess? but I'm not scared of that anymore I just don't have a passport atm
24) what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
going back to school after being out of education for 13 years :^)
34) any pet peeves?
i reeeeally hate when you have an argument with someone and they insist there were Specific Intentions behind your actions like 'you did [x] to deliberately upset me' or just keep saying you're lying about something. i'm too fucking autistic for thisssss.
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loen-kennededy · 5 months ago
ughhhh I'm really not good with thisssss. It'll be so cringy don't read.
Soo, uh.. it's 29th already where I live so.. um, like good job getting out alive. You did really well. I'm really proud of you for not giving up. You deserved better.
Thank you, sweetheart. This genuinely means a lot to me. 💙
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