#Not because in have no ideas it’s mostly that it all super super depends on what happens before AL and other stuff
blobbei-art · 2 years
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More doodles and stuff for this ghost Descole AU, this time with focus on Death himself as well
Since I made him way too ghostly to pass as a living human anymore I just decided he can look less or more human depending on his general stability. The gunshot wound however stays, but I suppose he could put a bandaid on it to stop the bleeding a bit haha
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weaselle · 4 months
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i had to make a solution for this for myself, mostly because of depression, but it makes a nice How To for folks who are low on spoons or could use some help in the kitchen.
Fortunately i was a professional cook for over a decade. UNfortunately the first post i made explaining it was suuuuper long. Let's see if i can do better
So you select any protein that you can cook in a frying pan -- chicken breasts, ground beef, pork chops, sausages, steak, chicken thighs, whatever. You also select one or two types of veggie (mushrooms or tubers also work, i just did this with potatoes and carrots for dinner tonight).
[i like cooking for vegetarians, but this is how i cook for myself when i'm low on spoons - perhaps i'll do another post for meatless meals]
You'll also need some kind of oil, and a sauce or two of your choice in a bottle. All cooking gear is a large frying pan with lid (i prefer non-stick) a spatula, a cutting board, and a knife.
You cut the veggies into bite size pieces, cut up enough for two meals. One kind of veggie is fine, or you can do mix two or three
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Put frying pan on medium heat with a little oil. Tubers or mushrooms or go in the pan a few minutes before the protein. 2 portions of the protein goes in the pan, about 5 minutes with lid (don't worry you can still get a good sear on both sides)
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Now flip your protein if it's flip-able and add normal veggies, put the lid back on another five-ish minutes.
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Take your protein out and put it with one portion of the veggies in a microwave safe container. That's going to be your lunch tomorrow. Put the other portion of protein on a plate to rest (you have to let a cooked protein sit a couple minutes before you serve it or when you cut into it all the juices run out and it goes dry - the liquids thicken as it cools, preventing this drying out if you let it rest, the goal is to serve it very warm but not hot hot)
While it's resting, pour some sauce from your bottle in the pan with the rest of the veggies and turn up the heat. A single sauce/bottle is fine, i like to get fancy and mix a couple. Two examples of personal favorite mixes are 1: bbq sauce and a hot sauce like sriracha 2: roughly equal parts low sodium soy sauce and worcestershire (makes something similar to a teriyaki sauce) A swallow of wine is almost always a great option if you want to add that to your sauce too, just add it to the pan before the other sauces so the alcohol has time to burn off.
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Here is the important bit. While your veggies are finishing, wash your cutting board and chef knife. Then when you dump your veggies and sauce over your protein on the plate, while it is still too hot to eat, you wash your frying pan and spatula before you eat. Now the only dishes you have left to do are your plate and fork. Maybe a steak knife.
The whole thing takes about 35 minutes even with washing the dishes, and that includes your lunch for the next day- just pour a different sauce on and stick it in the microwave for a couple minutes (or five minutes back in the frying pan) and you have a full healthy lunch with a different flavor
You can use this technique every single meal and it yields hundreds of combinations, from pork and potatoes bbq, to salmon and broccoli teriyaki, to chicken and zucchini in a soy glaze.
It will keep you down to less than an hour of kitchen time per day total for both lunch and dinner including all dish clean up, uses the least dishes, the least effort, requires the least technique, and is, depending on what you pick out, very affordable
here are a couple more examples from this month; i didn’t take pictures of the salmon i did recently, but you get the idea
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it's not super fancy, but it is easy, affordable, quick, and any flavors you want. Hope this helps some folks
Happy Cooking!
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dadsbongos · 3 months
giving minimum wage clerk laios sloppy
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3.1 k words / warnings - oral sex, hand jobs, public but it isn't focused on, you call laios 'good boy', not proofread
summary - you flirt with your coworker laios and suck him off in an alley outside
Laios slumps against the bag racks after returning the pharmacy key up front, prompting you to be nosey and ask,
“What’d he need?”
“Right? I don’t get why they’re so shy about it,” Laios yawns, squeezing his eyes shut to revel in the sweet resulting burn, “It's worse to go in unprotected.”
“For sure,” you hadn’t meant oh as in oh, you’d meant oh as in oh because you don’t want Laios to talk about condoms. Him talking about condoms will make you think of him using one, which is only going to fluster you.
“He also wanted Plan B.”
He yawns again, then letting his head droop while bracing himself against the end of your lane. Arms pin straight and (mostly) visible, since all he’s wearing is a black Tee. Past the edges of his store apron is red vinyl, crackled from no doubt years of wear and wash. He’d shown up with a hoodie, which is strange because it’s the middle of summer, and no matter how hard you pray: the nighttime provides little relief. Either way, you’re glad to see he hasn’t snuck it on -- his arms look so much better bare.
“You tired?” a stupid question on your part.
Thankfully, Laios is your favorite coworker for a reason. He earnestly answers with a weary nod and quiet, “Yeah.”
“Poor thing,” you sit against the divot to your left, where your own set of bags rests and perch your chin in your hand, “How come? Usually you don’t get the sleepies until ten.”
And again, if it were anyone but Laios, you’d be mortified to have let that tidbit slip.
Laios perks up, scrambling for his phone as he speaks, “I was finishing that red dragon set.”
“Jeez,” you lean forward as he holds up a picture of the completed plastic array of knock off Legos; more affordable and just as dependable, “You did that all last night?”
“Took four hours, but it was worth it.”
“I thought you were gonna complete it on your weekend.”
“I was, but then, look!” he swipes over the screen before shoving it back into your face, “A winged lion!”
“Oh, cool,” when you feel that’s too bland, you add, “Isn’t that the final piece in your Griffin set?”
“Technically,” he grumbles, “I hate how they called it the Griffin set. Only one of them is a Griffin. This is just a hybrid, and the other one’s a Hippogriff. But it still looks super cool, and the instructions are way longer than any of the other ones.”
Laios looks up from where you were supposed to be staring at his screen, finding that you’re instead watching him with a stupid smile on your face. Your cheeks heat up at being caught. Just before you can stutter out an excuse, though, Laios is speaking again,
“Awesome, right?”
“Very,” you confirm with a nod.
“I’ll have to move some stuff so I can display it on my desk properly. I just have no idea where,” he pockets his phone, rolling his head onto his shoulder, “I’d have Marcille or Chil’ help but they’ll probably just tell me to trash it all.”
“Aw, I’m sure they wouldn’t! They're your friends.”
“Right. They just…”
“They tease a little too hard.”
“You can say something, you know?”
“It’s easier to just ignore,” he shrugs.
You open your mouth to retort, to encourage him to tell his friends off, but a demon beats you to it.
“Well, don’t you two look bored!” all warm fondness freezes in your chest the minute an approaching middle-aged man says that, “Break time’s over!”
Another reason Laios is your favorite is that he doesn’t find those jabs funny. You even heard that back when he first started, he’d reply to those remarks with stern sincerity. Now in his ancient wisdom, he just lets you blankly stare the man down. With clerks like Doni, you feel a pressure to at least feign a smile lest he overcompensate by actually fake-laughing.
You suffer down the interaction with as few words as you can get away with before bidding the man a goodnight.
“I hope he crashes,” you sneer, flipping open the silver cap of your change dispenser and confirming your coins can go a little longer before being filled.
Laios hums halfheartedly -- long now used to your aggro behavior towards customers you don’t like, and no longer prone to bouts of wide-eyed horror. His head is turned towards the doors, gaze lazily flicking over self-checkout to assess if anyone that way needs assistance.
You take the moment to assess him. Neck stretched and lashes beating his cheeks with every heavy blink. His lips are pressed firm, likely subconscious, and from the quirk in his hip you can tell he’s got a leg crossed over the other.
Breaking you from the study, Laios bellows another exhausted huff.
Before you can cast a cursory glance towards the clock on your screen, your supervisor is chirping from beside you, “Last break!”
So it must be nine.
God, two more hours of this? Laios sounds ready to collapse.
After signing off in order for Kabru to hop onto the register, you slip between the little gap where checkout lanes end and SCO begins. Opening one of the grab-n-go fridges with trepidation.
Does he even like energy drinks?
You’re almost certain you’ve seen him mull over them at least once… before ultimately deciding to not buy one…
He definitely doesn’t like coffee. You recall him telling Kabru the bitter taste was off-putting enough, never mind how it devastated his gut (which was entirely too much information, but it made you laugh).
Gatorade makes him think of his high school gym class, and you take that as a negative considering he nearly shivered upon just remembering the period.
Ugh. He needs the energy and there’s a three for five deal on the Monster anyway. You snatch three of the flavors that look most appealing from a Laios-point-of-view and rush to self-checkout.
“Plan on being up all night?” one of the attendants, Toshiro, warily approaches.
“No, uhm, it’s… It’s three for five! That’s like, 1.50 each!”
Mithrun, the other SCO cashier, is staring down a woman that frequently attempts walking out without paying, “I thought you didn’t like Monster.”
“The fruit punches are okay.”
“You didn’t buy fruit punch.”
“Go fuck yourself, Mithrun.”
He blinks at you slowly, “Okay.”
With an agitated scoff, you strut back to register six and saddle up by Laios, loudly clinking sweaty drinks against the faux wood surface. Kabru hurriedly checks the time, to which you interrupt,
“I’m not going to the break room, I’ll just sit here for ten minutes.”
Visibly restraining himself from pointing out you’re not supposed to do that, Kabru nods and clears his throat to greet a couple pulling in. His eye twitches with the urge to remind them loads of less than five items should go to self-checkout rather than a register. One day, you’re sure, he’ll crack -- and you desperately want to be there when he does.
“So,” you case your hands around the drinks so Laios doesn’t accidentally bag one for the couple, “Do you like Monsters?”
He frowns at you, lips flapping vapidly. Internally struggling between asking if you’re serious or if you’re being mean on purpose.
Picking up his turmoil, you blurt, “The drink! I know you like monsters. Do you like Monsters?”
“The fruit punch ones are good.”
You shouldn’t like his answer as much as you do, “I like them, too. But, uh, I didn’t get it…”
Kabru sighs as both of you go without greeting or thanking the customers before they leave.
“Oh, trying new ones?”
“No, not really. I got them for you? Kind of…”
Kabru’s icy stare pierces you, annoyance replaced with interest. You’re reminded of why he stays at this job despite hating it: drama.
“I thought, maybe, you’d want one since you’re super tired. And they were three for five, so I basically had to buy them.”
Laios silently looks at where your hands cage the cans, when you realize he’s waiting to see the flavors you pull away like you’ve been pinched. He leans on his elbows to better read each can, sleeves on his shirt riding up to expose more skin.
Laios likes orange juice so you got Ultra Sunrise. Laios likes cheesecake so you got Orange Creamsicle because they’re both sweets. And Laios supports his sister’s lesbian relationship, so you got Ultra Violet because that’s basically lavender.
His brows furrow down at the lineup before he reaches out and tips the middle one into his palm: Orange Creamsicle.
“You should have the other ones, I’d feel bad taking them too,” Laios admits, cracking open the drink, “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”
“Of course,” when you notice Kabru hasn’t blinked since the interaction started, you jerk your head towards him, “Want one, mister manager?”
“Assistant front end manager,” Kabru sours, judging how your eyes repeatedly fall to Ultra Sunrise before taking Violet, “I don’t even have real power.”
“You’re basically a real manager, I don’t see Yaad or Thistle out here. Like ever. Even Delgal doesn’t come out of the office!”
To avoid accepting flattery, he scrounges around the cabinet beneath your receipt printer for ‘PAID’ stickers to slap on each drink.
Laios, meanwhile, sinks into his own head. The distress he felt when you asked if he liked monsters was downright alarming. He wonders if he would’ve felt that level of despair if it were anyone else asking.
Logically, he knows it’d be more hurtful because you and him are friend-ish and talk often, naturally meaning you hear about his interests quite a bit. Deeper down, past a thudding chest and into his churning gut he can tell it's more than that.
And from how hypnotizing he finds the sight of your throat bobbing around swigs of carbonated caffeine, he’s certain there’s more to his feelings than that.
But in all his years as a trusted courtesy clerk at his local branch of a large corporation grocery store, he’s seen many people fall victim to the allure of workplace incest. Subsequently, he’s seen many people quit over those fallouts.
Laios sips from his drink, trying to distract from such thoughts by taming a cringe at its bubbly stabbing on his tongue.
How could he even assume you felt that way about him? He can’t be sure you’re available for mingling.
“Are you single?” he asks, without much thought. That’s a casual topic, right? Lots of people are concerned with dating at your shared age.
Kabru signs out of the register as your break comes to a close, stubbornly lingering right behind to hear your response.
“Why?” a nervous chuckle bubbles out, you beat yourself for it, “You interested?”
Laios drinks again, shooting Kabru a pointed look.
Kabru can read it perfectly well, it’s a glare that reads: GO AWAY, GO AWAY, GO AWAY. Instead of listening, he cheerfully asks, “Ready for your last break too, Laios?”
“Yeah, I’ll take it right here. You should go away.”
You snort, fastening a hand over your entire jaw as if to physically repress the sound.
“Oh,” Kabru repeats, quieter, “Someone has to bag, though…”
Laios steps back with a solemn nod, wiping his clammy hands against his uniform apron. Despite picking up on the dejected tone of Kabru’s voice, Laios’ only curiosity is if you thought he looked cool being so blunt, or did he come off as some dickhead tool?
(much less some dickhead tool that speaks harshly with a very polite, very friendly supervisor)
Both you and Kabru watch as Laios snakes through the seasonal aisles toward the break room. Once he’s out of sight, Kabru’s eyes stab into you, lip twitching, “So?”
“So, what?”
Kabru’s beams at you silently.
“Ew, do not look at me like that.”
“How long?”
“You don’t need to know that.”
“I'm a supervisor! I’m supposed to know what’s going on with my fleet.”
Before you can properly lecture him on referring to his coworkers as a ‘fleet’, a pair of potential teenagers slam thirty packs of sour beer onto your conveyor belt. Excitement to card them floods you.
Thankfully, Laios’ break seems to blow by -- he’s soon muttering an apology to Kabru and replacing him at the head of your lane.
“Back already?”
Laios hums, starkly avoiding your eyes. His sudden, almost uncharacteristic, shyness compels you to take forward charge,
“I’m single, by the way.”
“Me too,” he keep looking at you, then away, then at you, then away. Over and over again until eventually you’re craning to be forced in his sight.
“You asked for a reason, right?” you click your tongue and wink in good humor, “You want me to clean your belt, huh?”
Really, you should’ve known better than to try playing coy because all Laios does is shrug with a polite yeah, sure before backing away for you to spray down his smaller conveyor.
Oh. Oh, you can’t just not suck his dick.
“No, Laios, I have a proposition.”
Despite no promise of getting the favor returned, you don’t know if you’ve ever been so excited to clock out before. Scurrying out as soon as your legs could carry, barely managing to bid Kabru farewell before rounding the side of the building.
Laios is leaning against the bumpy wall, hands laced at his hips and thumbs circling.
“Hey, pervert,” you coo.
His face flushes, eyes widening, ���You’re a pervert, too.”
When it comes to him, you don’t mind being labeled crass. Or even nasty. It’s why you’re so pliant to crash onto your knees while yanking his jeans apart and down his thighs. He hisses, honey gaze sweeping up towards the empty road through the thin line of trees.
Noticing his distraction, you intentionally scrape nails against his flesh when wrangling his boxers.
A soft, warm palm hesitantly cups the side of your head -- his concern somewhere between pulling you to stand and keeping your attention where it is. Though, he remains conflicted on how embarrassed he should be, especially given the way you’re biting your lip.
“Already?” you coo, teasing a finger along the hot underside of his cock, “I haven’t done anything to you yet.”
“You’re just… so pretty,” Laios huffs, praying you can’t make out the glisten of sweat across his forehead.
“Aw, thanks, big guy,” you chastely kiss his flushed tip, giggling quietly when it twitches into your welcoming pucker, “Not so bad yourself.”
He whines, raising a brow at you almost expectantly, though respectfully restraining his hips from jumping towards you. Deciding to put the man out of his suspended misery, you lave him with your tongue in a broad stroke before sucking him in.
Velveteen cheeks clamping around him as you squeeze around him, tongue pressing against smooth skin. He has no particular taste beyond ‘man’, but you hum and slide him deeper as if he’s sugary sweet. Laios lets out a muted moan, biting the hand not leisurely splayed along the side of your face.
Curling fingers beneath the bone of your jaw, he feels out the bulge plumping your cheek -- heart throbbing between his ribs at the recurring thought its his fault.
Obsessively, he mulls that point over and over until he’s unthinkingly bucking into your sodden mouth. A lewd slurp from you makes his head swivel sharply, as if someone would await this point before calling the cops.
Wiry, trimmed though not kempt, flaxen pubes tickle your nose. Laios coaxes you to bury him deeper in the cinch of your throat, and you’re content to comply. Gags and sputters are lulled from you, saliva gushing through the seam on your lips and wetting his pelvis. Drool rolling down your chin and ruining the black shirt and apron you’d thrown on before leaving.
“Aw,” he pants above you, swiping away the slick with his thumb pad, “you’re gonna ruin your shirt. It’s my favorite one, too.”
Liking the way he babbles, you pull back to hawk twah into your hand and playing his balls before slipping off his cock completely,
“Yeah, baby? You like it?”
Rolling your tongue around his tip and teasing him against your cheek, fluttering wet lashes up at him.
“Uhhh…” he whimpers, “Your arms look good in it, and I can see your collar bones…” his breath hitches, adam’s apple springing with desire, “I love when you wear that shirt.”
Laios plops free, smearing spit and pre against your hot skin. Before you can obsess over the admission too long, you’re moving to bite his hips. Fully intent on bruising him. Your hand sweeps up from his nuts to stroke him, fist blurring along his cock with soaking click, click, clicks.
With a hiss, his hand flies to the crown of your head -- not pushing either way, only grasping firm and needy. You bite harder, latching to suck the flesh swollen as you flick your wrist while jerking him off. His hips thrust against your hand, absolutely mewling.
“Good boy,” you grin into his burning pelvis, “Fuck my fist, Laios. You wanna cum for me?” he nods, mouth only capable of leaking choked versions of your name, “Wanna cum in my mouth?”
He cannot hide his gasp, jerking in your grasp.
Your hand slows, much to his pathetic displeasure, “Speak then, Laios. Good boys speak.”
“Please!” he barks, entirely uncaring if anyone around the corner could hear, “I want to cum in your mouth, can I cum in your mouth? I want to bad.”
Resuming your previous speed, you nod (though not without a “Good boy, Laios, very good.”) before flattening your tongue beneath his weeping tip. Laios digs his shoulders against the wall, fervently pistoning his cock through the cramped hole of your first and toward your mouth. Sliding along the buds of your tongue. Pitchy moans and huffs overpower the drone of faraway cars.
With a hushed grunt and “fuck” from overhead, Laios is splattering -- drowning your palette. Warm and thick, you barely scrape the salty taste before shucking it down with an instinctual gulp.
“Ah!” Laios makes a quiet hack of protest, then sighs, “You didn’t have to,” breathlessly adding, “I know some people hate the taste.”
Weirdly, you didn’t. You’re unsure if that’s something you should share, however.
Rather, you stumble onto your feet, wiping the back of your hand over your mouth in case of any… spillage. Then follows the sudden wave of shame -- regardless of Laios being a full consenting adult, and your previously steadfast attitude, you do feel like a pervert. You feel like he’s going to look down on you. You feel like-
You’re nearly startled into the bushes when you look up, Laios’ eyes split open and gleaming in the moonlight with unsettling brightness. Fists clenched at his sides after what you’re sure is the world-record for pulling one’s pants back up.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks simply.
Or maybe he’s just as into you as you are him.
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zhongrin · 2 years
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— a short and casual genshin impact otome game.
⟣ 𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕟𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕕 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 ⟢
┊ (Windows 🪟, Linux 🐧, or Mac 🍎 only!)
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◇ 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬? ◇
Just a simple something I had in mind for a Genshin otome game... I have 0 attention span, 0 time, and 0 knowledge to write and build a full-fledged 3D game with intricate stories, plot, and mechanics. This is just a simple visual novel with a streamlined plot and partial voices. You should be able to complete everything in like... 30 minutes long in total. Might be less, even.
◇ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 ◇
The game will contain the following: established relationship, FLUFF, comfort, lots of pet names, suggestive themes, lots of kissy sounds on some routes, implications of violence (not towards player), a sprinkle of protective behavior
◇ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 ◇
Zhongli, Xiao, Childe, Diluc, Kaeya, Itto, Kazuha (Zhongli is selected by default because who doesn’t love geo daddy???)
◇ 𝐰𝐡𝐨'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫? ◇
This is a very self-indulgent project, hence the dialogues were written with fem!player in mind. It will contain suggestive themes, so please be aware of that before downloading / playing!
◇ 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲? ◇
Yes, it's totally free - in fact, I do not accept payment.
◇ 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲? ◇
Click the link to download the appropriate file based on your OS. Only Windows, Linux, and Mac are supported. No, I won't release it on other platforms.
Open the game, and you’ll find that it’s pretty straightforward. Customize your profile, select your love interest, then start the game.
There are no wrong answers and the love interest can be changed anytime (just go back to main menu and select the character’s picture on the right side).
◇ 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐢 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬? ◇
You can personally send links to this post / the game’s itch.io page to your friends via DMs, but outside of that (reposting), NO. For example, posting about this on Reddit is prohibited.
◇ 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞? ◇
This is a super casual project.
Scripts are not proofread. Probably lots of grammar mistakes.
Novel format without narration (full dialogs).
There are no actual sprites, just official art and something akin to a speech bubble to cater to the characters’ changes in ‘expression’.
There are voices, but only partial - mostly just grunts, chuckles, kisses, and stuff. I’m using JP voices EXCEPT for Itto because Max Mittelman is a gem. No, I will not add other languages' voice versions.
Sound cues and voices are quite important for this game so I recommend using headphones.
Depending on when you open the game (morning, afternoon, nighttime, midnight), your currently selected love interest might greet you differently.
To reiterate, there are no wrong answers.
Selecting all talk/act options for a character will unlock a small event where they'll give you unique gifts.
I lowkey have so many ideas on how to expand on this in terms of gameplay and options but let’s be real here it probably won’t happen lol why can’t my brain be this creative when it comes to work
◇ 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐮𝐬??? ◇
No... That said, anyone can literally say that. Please be responsible for your own actions.
I have also released other games on the same itch.io profile, so this isn't my first rodeo. Feel free to check the reviews on those before making your decision if you're wary about downloading!
◇ 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 ◇
hyv please don't sue me i gain 0 dollars for this and i just wanna simp in peace
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⟐ 𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚜 🄸 𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑.𝚒𝚘 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎 🄸 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 ⟐
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ do not repost or share without permission. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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yumeka-sxf · 6 months
Japanese Linguistic Observations in Spy x Family - part 1
This is a post series I've been planning for a while and I've finally had the time to complete part 1! 😃 I may have mentioned here before that I got my B.A. in Japanese/East Asian Studies, and even though I'm not fluent, I know the linguistics of the language fairly well. So I thought it would be fun to examine the interesting aspects of the Japanese version of the SxF manga that aren't reflected in the English translation. It might also be an informative experience for those who don't know any Japanese to learn a bit about the language through SxF! I'll try not to get too technical with the linguistics and keep my explanations at a beginner's level.
Part 1 - Twilight's "honne and tatemae"
One of the main themes in SxF is how many of the characters have secrets they want to hide, so they act a certain way in front of others in order to mask their true selves. Japanese has a word for this phenomena called 本音と建前 ("honne and tatemae").
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I remember learning about the concept of "honne and tatemae" during my Japanese college studies – a quick google search will yield a lot of publications on the topic and its relation to Japanese culture in particular. While the idea of hiding one's true intentions behind a fake facade can exist anywhere and is not something unique to Japan, it is enough of an occurrence in Japanese culture that there are specific words for it. The Wiki article has a basic but good definition of honne and tatemae, to quote:
A person's honne may be contrary to what is expected by society or what is required according to one's position and circumstances, and they are often kept hidden, except with one's closest friends. Tatemae is what is expected by society and required according to one's position and circumstances, and these may or may not match one's honne. In many cases, tatemae leads to outright telling of lies in order to avoid exposing the true inward feelings.
Sounds very much like the characters in SxF, doesn't it? Twilight especially, because unlike other characters like Yor and Anya, who simply have secrets they need to keep but don't create fake personas for themselves, Twilight does – the cheerful, friendly Loid Forger is a different person from the cold, calculating Twilight after all. Also unlike Yor and Anya, who speak the same way consistently no matter who they're talking to, Twilight uses different speech levels depending on which persona he's using and who he's talking to.
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There are many different levels of speech in Japanese, ranging from super formal to totally crude. These speech levels are distinguished mostly by the pronouns the speaker chooses to use for themselves and who they're speaking to, as well as how they choose to conjugate the words they use. For example, 座ってください (suwatte kudasai), 座って (suwatte,) and 座れ (suware) all mean "sit," as in, telling someone to sit down. But the tone being conveyed is different: the first one is polite, the second one is casual, and the last one could be seen as rude if you're not using it with a close friend/family member.
As Twilight, he uses casual speech with the masculine and less polite pronoun 俺 or オレ (ore). This is the speech he uses when talking to a fellow spy like Fiona, and for his own inner thoughts.
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As Loid Forger, he uses the polite 敬語 (keigo) speech, which is basically comprised of using the -ます (-masu) conjugation for verbs and the "to be" verb です (desu). He also uses the pronoun ボク or 僕 (boku), which is the standard male pronoun and more polite than "ore." He uses keigo to address pretty much everyone who doesn't know his true identity. When talking to a higher-up like Sylvia, he'll still use "ore" but will use polite speech instead of casual speech.
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Anya is an exception to this: with her, he uses his most casual speech, the same as he uses with Franky.
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I discussed a bit about this in part 24 of my Twiyor analysis posts, but this could be because Anya is a little kid, so he doesn't feel the need to put on any airs with her (same with Bond, whom he also uses casual speech with).
An interesting side note is that, as a child, Twilight used the pronoun "boku" but then changed to "ore" as soon as he became an adult/soldier.
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Another aspect of keigo, besides using the more polite forms of pronouns and verb conjugations, is putting the honorific さん (san) after people's names. Twilight does this all the time with Yor, as she does with him. However, he switches to casual speech and drops the "san" part in her name when addressing her in front of people who (supposedly) believe they're a real married couple, such as Yuri and Fiona – because it would be weird for a real couple who have been married for a year to address each other in such a formal way, especially the husband. In the below panel when Fiona visits them, he's calling her "Yor" instead of "Yor-san" and using casual speech instead of keigo.
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Oddly in these situations, while he uses just "Yor" when addressing her directly, he still calls her "Yor-san" when talking about her. During Yuri's first visit for example, he calls her "Yor-san" when telling Yuri how much Anya loves her (talking to someone about her) but then calls her just "Yor" a few moments later when telling her that he'll clean up the spill (talking to her directly). It's strange to me that he wouldn't just consistently use "Yor" whether he's talking to her or about her in these situations...I'm honestly not sure if he does this intentionally or if he just slips up since he's so used to using "Yor-san" in her presence.
*UPDATE* Thank you to @dentedintheworld-blog for enlightening me with the below reply about this!
"In Japanese, when speaking to your spouse's family about your spouse, you address her/him by attaching "san" her/his name out of respect for her/his family. This is also to show her/his family that you respect your spouse. That's why Loid calls Yor with san when he talks about how much he loves Yor to Yuri."
That definitely makes sense for why Twilight switches between "Yor" and "Yor-san" in these situations.
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Regardless, this is why the scene in chapter 86 is so significant – when Yor isn't present, there's no reason for him to refer to her as "Yor-san," especially in front of a fellow spy like Fiona who knows he (supposedly) shouldn't have any feelings for her. Yet, even after he just called Yuri by his full name "Yuri Briar" a moment before, he doesn't do the same for Yor and continues to call her "Yor-san" here, much to Fiona's dismay.
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In the same chapter, it's also significant that he uses "ore" when addressing Yor directly in his thoughts. Even though he's not speaking out loud, I believe this is the first time he's speaking directly "to" her as Twilight and/or his true self and not as Loid Forger.
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But despite all this, I think that both Loid Forger and Twilight are tatemae…they're both masks to hide the person he truly is. The person who fondly talked about his mother to Yor on the park bench, the person who genuinely expressed gratitude for her sacrifice when leaving the resort island, the person who refused to kill Yuri in a life-or-death struggle because he knew it would hurt her…that's his actual honne. But of course, the ongoing conflict of the series is that he has yet to realize this. He won't even show his honne to his closest friend, Franky. Seems like it mostly comes out in dribs and drabs during his interactions with Yor...no surprise there, lol. The man is certainly a work in progress. When he finally starts letting his "honne" show, I'm curious what form of speech he'll adopt.
Continue to Part 2 ->
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maxwellatoms · 5 months
Hello Mr. Atoms, I'm an animation student in college and fan of your work. I got this assignment in which I need to ask questions to a professional in the area. Could you pretty please answer them? It'd mean a lot to me.
1- Are you happy with your career? How it's going.
2- What are your opinions, expectations and hopes about the independent animation industry that's developing?
3- What do you think about the advent of artificial intelligence? Do you fear for the future of animators?
4- If money wasn't a problem, would you still do what you do?
5- Any animators you admire and would like to mention?
Okey dokey.
1- Are you happy with your career? How it's going.
Not really, in that there seems to be no career left.
The animation industry swelled its numbers greatly before 2020. Almost immediately after that, corporate greed synergized with a pandemic to reduce animated programs and the number of people working on them to almost zero. It takes almost a year from beginning to end to make a single episode of an animated show (by the modern standard). There was nothing being made in 2020 and four years later, we''re not in a much better spot. It's going to be a long drought for (especially) Kid's TV Animation.
Recently, many of my former co-workers have hit the financial wall and can't continue, moving away after (sometimes) 20 years in the industry. I begin to wonder if I'm very far behind.
A "bounce back" a year from now would need to start today. There are still some animated shows being made now, but those are almost universally "library" properties. That means it's an existing I.P. (Intellectual Properties like Garfield/Mario/Batman/Star Wars) so as an artist you're immediately in that box. Depending on the property and the studio, it can be an unpleasantly tight box. I grew used to holding and maintaining the vision for a show, but it's less fun when it's not my vision. It's even less fun when you can't inspire someone to follow your vision because they've been so ruthlessly abused.
I'm pretty sick of how big media corporations treat their employees. If I inherit one more burnt out crew due to mismanagement, I'm gonna lose it.
Over a decade ago I fought hard to get board artists story credit for the episodes they were actually writing, and felt like I'd won a big victory for everyone. The second my back was turned, it all reverted.
Mostly... what is the point now? My career is/was developing ideas, crafting those ideas into a workable show, then managing teams of thirty to seventy people to produce a couple of dozen episodes per year. Studios actively do not want new ideas right now, and are actively searching for ways to eliminate what artists from the process. I'm not sure what my job would be under this new system, but it feels like they decided to hang onto the anxiety-inducing deadlines while removing anything remotely pleasurable from the experience.
2- What are your opinions, expectations and hopes about the independent animation industry that's developing?
It's the only way to get anything done, currently.
The current state of the industry is not sustainable. I (along with a lot of other animators I know) are trying to decide what's next, and pretty much everyone agrees that "you just have to make something".
It is (in that very specific way) a great time to be a young animator. The system was never going to treat you well anyway. If you can get something like a Hazbin Hotel happening without studio help, you can currently write your own ticket. I'm super proud of Vivsie, because that's a LOT of stuff to handle. I never had to handle my own marketing or drum up money to make Billy & Mandy happen.
There are opportunities there, but it's definitely "Hard Mode". The best idea is probably to team up with a few other people you like and like to work with.
Hopes? I hope that the young animators take over and make something new on top of the bones of the old industry, rather than just allowing that industry to patch its rotting hide with their collected works.
3- What do you think about the advent of artificial intelligence? Do you fear for the future of animators?
I suspect true AI might just peace-out like ScarJo in "Her", but we're not there yet. What we have now isn't Artificial Intelligence at all (though I do believe it may be the underpinnings of the Artificial Suconscious of what may one day become an actual Artificial Intelligence.)
The LLMs and "Generative AI" are (so far) a big dumb waste. They consume tons of energy and aren't great for doing anything creative. If you've sat down with Chat GPT for a creative writing session, you've probably run into the "out of the box" limitations which prevent it from talking about sex or violence-- which happen to be a major component of most stories.
Still, the technology has come incredibly far in an incredibly short amount of time. I imagine we're going to hit the point where we're being hazed by artificially generated political ads way before Generative AI can produce a consistent and usable character turnaround, so that'll be the test. Whatever the legal fallout is from this stuff over the next few years will set the tone.
Still, studios have a vested interest in pleasing their shareholders. Generative AI potentially has the capability of not only replacing swaths of money-eating artists, but handing that control directly to the billionaire studio heads. Mark my words: We're headed straight for billionaire-generated content.
I don't think the public at large will want to watch Elon Musk's fever dreams, so there's that. So law and general distaste might stave it off for a while, but I think there's just too much impetus for studios to continue to try to please their investors. "AI Art" is here to stay.
Eventually that will lead to millions and millions of bots generating millions and millions of songs and paintings and movies all day every day. Most of it will be utter trash. Right now (so I'm told) viewers are already burnt out, and will generally only click on what they already know. On Netflix, where there are twenty things you've never heard of and one you have, you're more likely to pick the thing that gives you comfort and gives you a guarantee you're not wasting your time. With exponentially more A.I. trash, how would you even begin to filter it out?
You'd need absolute control of an already existing distribution system. We currently have a few of those, and all of the media companies are desperately trying to merge with them to insure their own survival.
To me, the post-Gen-AI landscape looks a lot like old-school Cable, but with endless I.P. and fewer masters.
4- If money wasn't a problem, would you still do what you do?
The real question is, maybe, "What am I even doing?" These days I try to do a lot of gardening. I'm trying to learn new art skills, because suddenly twenty five years of experience managing, drawing, and writing isn't worth much. I recently worked on Jellystone until Zaslav lost 2.5 billion in the wash and had to find justification for his new yacht. The show before that? Also culled midway through to save money. The days of multi-year gigs seem to be over, and if I'm going to scrape by doing freelance, maybe I can do that somewhere else.
I'll always make art. I can't seem to help it. Ideas aren't my problem-- it's executing those ideas without the help of a structured pre-existing system. I honestly don't know if I'll ever be able to pull that off. My strengths are great, but were always supported by friends I worked with.
Can I start an indie cartoon with all of these cool friends? Sure, maybe. Most of those people have gone on to have other careers of their own and got used to being paid. Now nobody is getting paid and no one can pay anyone else. My immediate circle are all now middle-aged people with families and no jobs. Convincing them to give up a large chunk of their day for an idea that's not guaranteed to pay off is going to take some real effort.
I technically have fifteen years until I can claim my "retirement", assuming that still exists by then. That's a pretty big hole to fill with... I don't know what.
The difficult "What comes next" discussions at home are really just starting.
5- Any animators you admire and would like to mention?
There are a lot of cool animation people out there. I already mentioned I was proud of Vivsie. I was also reminded recently just how great C.H. Greenblatt and Mr. Warburton are. I know they're my friends. They're both just really upstanding, creative people who take good care of their crews.
The treatment of animation industry professionals by the studio system has been one of the most demoralizing and heartbreaking parts of this demoralizing and heartbreaking time.
So there ya go. If you want to look for someone whose attitude is a little more upbeat, I won't blame you a bit.
Wherever you are, I wish you the best of luck. For me, just climb up there and crush it. I would very much like to add you to #5 someday.
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pressureplus · 1 month
Various Dating Sebastian Solace Headcannons
Warnings: Mild Suggestive Content, Intersex Sebastian
◞꒷◟ ͜ ͜ ◞ྀི◟୨୧◞ྀི◟ ͜ ͜ ◞꒷◟◞꒷◟ ͜ ͜ ◞ྀི◟୨୧◞ྀི◟ ͜ ͜ ◞꒷◟
He loves to kiss you more than anything, loves to be loved honestly
Please touch him, he hasn’t been touched in so long
He’s got a fascination with scars, any old scars that you let him see he will absolutely trace with his fingers
Mildly obsessive, 100% possessive, he doesn’t really like the idea of sharing you or letting other people flirt with you
Insecurity is the root of it mostly, who would choose a massive fish monster over any average human? Let alone an attractive one.
He tries to make light of his insecurities with jokes but know that he is genuinely concerned he isn’t attractive enough for you. He plays it up like he thinks he’s the hottest man alive…
He doesn’t.
Very playful and makes tons of jokes about lots of things, dark humor to cope included
Once asked if you were a monster fucker, leaned in real close so you could look into his eyes properly
Grinned because he already knew the answer
He doesn’t like being flirted with by other people unless this means he’s getting something out of them, flirting to get more data is not above him
He knows some of the sick freaks down here look at him funny, and though he doesn’t know why, he wont stop them if it gets him something he needs
Never be scared of him leaving you, he’s got attachment issues and trust issues. You’re practically half his heart.
You better be able to handle being pawed at. Maybe not a ton but he likes to grab at thigh, chest, hip, anywhere that has the most meat. He’s got favorites depending on exactly how you’re built
If you’re on the thin side, he wants to squeeze your hips or waist to feel like he’s got a firm grip on you
If you’re on the average side, he prefers anywhere he can see the most pudge, stomach included
If you’re on the chubby side, he absolutely loves your thighs as it’s the easiest thing to grab for
He only squeezes and bites you when he’s fully comfortable, and would be happy to accept the same
Leave marks. He’d like that.
He doesn’t grab things off shelves for you unless he’s in a hurry or in front of other people
He prefers to pick you up and lift you to whatever you’re trying to grab…he has a habit of not letting you go after though so be careful
He does have a sex drive, he’s just not super open about it…again, insecurities
He doesn’t exactly have a human dick anymore you know
He’s got female anglerfish DNA too…so he also has pussy just cuz I feel like he should.
Yes he struggles with the idea of you being disgusted by that, he had some body issues for a while over it too
Honestly thinks you’d be disgusted with him if you wanted to sleep with him, so he’ll never bring it up and he’ll be nervously avoidant about the topic
Plus, he’s practically twice your size! That probably wouldn’t be fun for you at all anyway
All in all, insecure but loyal and quietly loving. He’s still rude and honestly? Most people would probably tell you to leave that guy. Definitely not the brand of man you wanna bring home to mama
But he’s in love with you. Genuinely. Hopefully that’s all you need from him
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vaadazen-codes · 2 months
How To Get Started Making Visual Novels
Wanna make a visual novel? Or maybe you've seen games like Our Life, Blooming Panic, Doki Doki Literature Club, etc. and wanna make something like that? Good news, here's a very basic beginners guide on how to get started in renpy and what you need to know going in! Before you start, I highly recommend looking at my last post about writing a script for renpy just to make it easier on you!
Obviously, our first step is downloading it from their website
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thankfully, its right on the home page of their site. Follow basica program installation steps and run the program. I highly recommend pinning it to your task bar to make it easier to access.
From there, you're met with the renpy app, it's a little daunting at first but let's talk about what all these buttons are for.
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This part is simple, it just lists the current projects in the chosen directory. You probably won't have any in there of your own. You should still see Tutorial and The Question!
Both of those default projects are super helpful in their own ways, i highly recommend testing out the tutorial and playing around with it just to get comfortable with some of the basics.
Create New Project
The first step to actually making your game into a game!
You'll be met with a prompt letting you know that the project is being made in English and that you can change it. You can click Continue.
From here, you'll be asked to input a project name! Put in your games title, or even a placeholder title since this Information can be changed later! (this is also the title the folder will be in your file browser, be sure to name it something you won't overlook)
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Now we get to choose our resolution!
If you have no idea what to choose, go for 1920x1080! This is the standard size for most computer monitors and laptops, but it will still display with moderately decent quality on 4k monitors too!
You can choose 3840x2160 as well. This is 2x the measurements of the default, with the same ration. These dimensions are considered 4k. Keep in mind, your image files will be bigger and can cause the game to have a larger size to download.
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Now we get to choose our color scheme!
Renpy has some simple default options with the 'light mode' colors being the bottom two rows, and the 'dark mode' colors being the toop two rows.
You can pick anything here, but I like to choose something that matches my projects vibes/colors better. Mostly because depending on how in depth you go with the ui, it minimizes the amount of changes I need to make later.
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Click continue and give it a minute. Note: If it says "not responding" wait a moment without clicking anything. It can sometimes freeze briefly during the process.
Now we should be back at our home screen, with our new project showing. Let's talk about allll that stuff on the right now.
Open Directory
This just opens that particular folder in your local file explorer!
game - is all the game files, so your folders for images, audio, saves, and your game files like your script, screens, and more.
base - this is the folder that the game folder is inside of. You can also find the errors and log txt files in here.
images - takes you to your main images folder. This is where you wanna put all of your NON gui images, like your sprites, backgrounds, and CGs. You can create folders inside of this and still call them in the script later. EX: a folder for backgrounds , a folder for sprites for character a, a seperate folder for spirtes for character b, etc.
audio - Takes you to the default audio folder. This is empty, but you can put all your music and sound effects here!
gui - brings up the folder containing all of the default renpy gui. It's a good place to start/ reference for sizes if you want to hand draw your UI pieces like your text box!
Edit File
Simple enough, this is just where you can open your code files in whatever text/code editor you have installed.
Script.rpy - where all of your story and characters live. This is the file you'll spend most of your time in at first
Options.rpy - Contains mostly simple information, like project name and version. There aren't a ton of things in here you need to look at. There is also some lines of code that help 'archive' certain files by file type so that they can't be seen by players digging in code however. Fun if you want to hide some images in there for later or if you just dont want someone seeing how messy your files are. We've all been there
Gui.rpy - where all of the easy customization happens. Here you can change font colors, hover colors, fonts, font sizes, and then the alignment and placement of all of your text! Like your dialogue and names, the height of text buttons, etc. It more or less sets the defaults for a lot of these unless you choose to change them later.
Screens.rpy - undeniably my favorite, this is where all of the UI is laid out for the different screens in your game, like the main menu, game menu, quick menu, choice menu, etc. You can add custom screens too if you want, but I always make my own seperate file for these.
Open Project - this just opens all of those files at once in the code editor. Super handy if you make extra files like I do for certain things.
last but not least, our actions.
Navigate Script - This feature is underrated in my honest opinion, it's super handy for help debugging! In renpy you can comment with # before a line. However, if you do #TODO and type something after it, it saves it as a note! You can view these TODO's here as well as easily navigate to when certain screens are called, where different labels are (super great if your game is long, and more. It saves some scrolling.
Check Script (Lint) - also super duper handy for debugging some basic things. It also tells you your word count! But its handy for letting you know about some errors that might throw up. I like using it to look for sprites I may or may not have mispelled, because they show up in there too.
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Change/Update GUI - Nifty, though once you start customizing GUI on your own, it isn't as useful. You can reset the project at any point and regenerate the image files here. This updates all those defaults we talked about earlier.
Delete Persistent - this just helps you delete any persistent data between play throughs on your end. I like to use it when making a lot of changes while testing the game, so that I can reboot the game fresh.
Force Recompile - Full disclosure, as many games as I've made and as long as I've been using Renpy, i have never used this feature. I searched to see what it does and this is the general consesus: Normally renpy tries to be smart about compiling code (creating .rpyc files) and only compiles .rpy files with changes. This is to speed up the process since compiling takes time. Sometimes you can make changes that renpy don't pick up on and therefore won't recompile. In these cases you can run force recompile to force it. Another solution (if you know what file is affected) is to delete that specific. rpyc file.
The rest of your options on this right hand side are how you make executable builds for your game that people can download to extract and play later!
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Sorry gang! that was a whole lot of text obviously the last button "Launch Project" launches an uncompiled version of the project for you to play and test as you go! Hang in tight because my next post is about how to utilize github for renpy, so you can collaborate easier!
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velnna · 1 month
The more I learn about your comic... The more I fall in love with it. Especially your bugs! Like can you explain more about them? I'm really curious about them (from the full bugs to the hybrids and anything else that comes to mind).
Anyway your art is wonderful and I adore seeing it on my dash. And you can info-dump too. If you want ofc.
Thank you!
The worldbuilding is a work in progress (as it always is, but the first chunk of the comic itself is pretty self-contained so we've been slowly tinkering at the rest of the world and creatures as we go without affecting it much), so we mostly have loose rules and ideas for the bugs as a species. Or anything in between for that matter.
For all intended purposes, bug people are all the same species and can usually cross-breed within mechanical constraints, as well as mix with the elves we threw into the mix. Genetics? Don't know her. We operate on Sims logic here.
A full bug has roughly a human lifespan, with some variation depending on the type of bug it's closer to and some type-specific quirks. The one we've explorer the most, as it pertains to Ashton and the latest batch out of the oven, is the ability that some types might have to undergo metamorphosis, usually at the expense of lifespan. This is Ashton btw
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And this is Ashton pre-metamorphosis:
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Something like this isn't super common tho! So despite me drawing a bunch of butterfly or moth people they generally don't get to that point and stay looking more like funky lizards with many arms
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Bugs can have many arms or legs or eyes, funky colours, exoskeletal bits, antennae, or look pretty close to your average human/elf with hidden bug features. Dahlia for instance is a vaguely spidery bug but can easily hide a bunch of her eyes and secretes venom thru hidden glandes so you could mistake her for an elf
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Meanwhile it'd be very hard to mistake someone like this guy for anything other than a horned bug
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If u catch my drift.
Some bugs are small! Some are huge. Some are out there committing atrocities
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Some dont look like bugs at all
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They're generally not as physically strong as the average elf but more resilient in a cockroach kinda way. They can have a chaotic range of circulatory systems and internal organs that sometimes just make them really hard to kill and its also pretty hard to keep track of every variation of the species and their quirks.
That being said in a lot of places they're super common and coexist with elves just fine, mix up and it's also not super uncommon to have half breeds like our man Staeve (the ThUG edition). The closer you get to elf the longer you live and less "non human" traits you have. There's also a bunch of different types of regular ass elf and it all falls under the elf category unless we decide to name them something else down the line.
Then you've got a smaller category of super elves that have been isolated for so long they never blended with anything else, are more attuned to magic and in general have a sort of mythical status amongst everyone else. They also have the longest lifespan at around 250 ish years.
That's sort of the TL;DR for now! Ollie and I have started to put all the info we've got into a single repository and do want to start sharing it (probably as patreon posts for now) because comics are slow and the scope might not encompass that much of what we want to explore of this world. And the chaotic idea machine never stops
Here's a metamorphosis meme for ya
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torakowalski · 1 month
More Swimmer Steve!
(part one | part two | part three | part four)
"Kinda cold to be sitting out here," Steve says, dropping down onto the grass to sit next to Eddie. He leans his back against the hotel wall and blows on his hands.
"Can't smoke in my room," Eddie says, staring out into the dark evening. "My roommate's quitting."
"Sounds like a drip," says Steve. He picks up the packet that Eddie has been making his way through, gives it a shake, then puts it back down without asking to borrow a light.
Eddie's relieved; with the way he's feeling, he totally would have given one over, even though Steve really is serious about quitting this time.
"Nah," he says. "He's an athlete."
Steve laughs a little under his breath. "And an idiot."
That gets Eddie turning toward him. "Huh?"
Steve rubs his hands up and down his thighs, skin making a gentle noise against his denim jeans.
"I mean, I knew you liked guys, it just never occurred to me that that meant I should act different. I'm sorry, man. I won't forget to take underwear into the bathroom with me, anymore."
That...is not what Eddie expected. Eddie has been sitting out here, trying to work out if he had the cash for a Greyhound home, if Steve kicked him out of the hotel. This is not that. At all.
" You knew I liked guys?" Eddie asks. Far as he knows, the only people who know are Robin and Gareth and Wayne and Dustin, what with how they're the only people he's told. "Did Robin -?"
Steve shakes his head. "She wouldn't. No one told me, I just... You know how you just know?"
"No?" says Eddie who has never ever trust his ability to know that. The idea of getting it wrong is too frightening.
"Huh," says Steve. "I always seem to know. With guys, at least." He smiles a little to himself. "I'm not so good at spotting lesbians."
"They camouflage," Eddie says, automatically. Even he doesn't know what he means by that, but it makes Steve laugh, which is all he ever wants. "But like, you're cool? We're cool?"
"I guess that's up to you." Steve turns to him, devastating eyes all big and earnest. "I'm the one who's been... What did Robin say? Exposing myself to you."
Eddie chokes. "That makes you sound like a creep in the park."
"That's what I said!" Steve knocks his knee against Eddie's. "But anyway, I'm sorry."
"Nah, it's fine. I know you weren't trying to like, taunt me or anything. I thought I was being a creep for like looking."
"You barely looked," Steve says which, how does he know? Did he look at Eddie looking? "And it's no skin off my nose, if you do." He catches Eddie's eye, bounces his eyebrows up and down. "You deserve a treat."
"Oh you're a treat, huh?" Eddie asks. He reaches out, gives Steve's arm a shove, and feels about a year's worth of panic melt away.
Steve just smiles, smug and annoying and fully aware of what he looks like.
He leans back against the wall, staring out across the parking lot. "It's just cos I'm a guy, right?"
Eddie hums a question at him.
"I mean, you're looking, or not looking, because I'm a guy and you like guys. Not because of anything to do with me?"
Eddie freezes. He doesn't do that much; he's much more inclined to flight or fight. Mostly flight, let's be honest. But right now, he doesn't know what Steve wants to hear, so he doesn't know what to say.
Steve huffs, turns to Eddie so Eddie can see him rolling his eyes at himself. "Sorry, stupid question."
"It's kinda because it's you," Eddie admits, because Steve looks like he thinks it _isn't_ and that's apparently unacceptable to Eddie. "Like, a little. Partly."
He holds his pointer finger and thumb an inch or so apart, so Steve can see how much of Eddie's horniness is dependent on Steve's Steveness.
"Huh," Steve says and grins. "That's cool. "
"It... is?" Eddie asks. "Not super fucking weird?"
Steve shakes his head. "No? I mean, I had way more than a little, partly thing for Robin for ages, but after we talked everything, it wasn't weird to her. That's basically the same thing."
Sometimes Eddie has no idea how Steve's brain works. "How?"
"Because!" says Steve, like it's obvious. He definitely picked that tone up from Dustin. "My sexy parts were into hers, but hers weren't into mine, no one's fault, just the way they were made. So if she wasn't weird about me, I'm sure as shit not gonna be weird about you. You know?"
He does a little shrug, hands spread. Eddie knows he hates explaining himself.
"You're something else, Harrington," Eddie says.
"In a good way?" Steve asks.
"In a great way," Eddie promises.
"Cool." Steve nods to himself. "In that case, give me a cigarette."
He reaches for the packet. "Not on your life, you're not that great," Eddie lies, and snatches it away from him.
(continued here)
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mimasroom2 · 3 months
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Bunny baby ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ♡
Ellie x reader w ptsd
I was inspired by @elliezlils11utt fic of Ellie x hypersexual reader and it reminded me I’ve always wanted to write some Ellie hcs that can help my ptsd :)
This is specifically with Jackson!ellie bc she’s my favorite :3
C/w: ptsd obviously. A bit of smut. Mostly fluff tho :3. Flashbacks. Intrusive memories. Triggers. MDNI 😒
W/c: ≈ 800
- It depends on how you guys met + how your relationship started,, but you’d definitely be super shy ab your trauma & ptsd and would avoid telling her as long as you can.
- When you finally tell her she’d be soooo sweet☹️. She’d sit you guys down on the couch and sit across from you criss cross applesauce style
- You wipe your tears away and laugh a little at how cute she is. Like why’d she have to go and sit like that ?!!
- You don’t feel nervous with her per se,,, but you feel kinda weird uncanny and naked (in a gross way) talking ab this, so most of the time when ur ranting you’ll focus on her eyebrow scar.
- You talk for as long as you want to and Ellie listens and nods and holds ur hand if u start crying ☹️☹️
- Surprisingly she doesn’t say anything like “whoever did this to you is gonna fuckin’ pay ‘mkay??” Because yknow….. she’s Ellie. She doesn’t want to rile you or herself up and make you uncomfortable >•<
- When you’re done explaining she’s gonna hug you and ask to kiss you. She’ll reassure you and say “Thank you for telling me baby. Now that I know I can try to help you in any way I can,, and I’ll stick by your side no matter what.” She giggles as she pulls you in closer :))))
- She’ll try to understand your triggers but sometimes it’s really hard for her to. “Fuck I’m so sorry princess.. was it what I said or like.. the way I said it?”
- The truth is she LOVESSS cuddling and if you’re ever upset she knows it’ll for sure calm you down.
- Even if ur trauma isn’t related to sex she’d still be careful and sweet with you. Like,,, you’d have to BEG her to degrade you.
- “Els please… I know what im asking for I literally think it’s so hot when you do it🙁”
- “Angel idk if it’s really a good idea bc you had all those intrusive memories today..”
- “Ellie if you don’t degrade me I literally don’t think I will cum.”
- And then she perks up and yelps “ON IT!” 😭😭😭
- During the middle of it she’d literally stop and ruin it😭 “Yeah? You fuckin’ like these fingers huh babe? God such a fuckin’ slut for me..” she whispers in your ear”… heyyy is this like… still okay or? I dunno just seemed weird.” As you were like MOANING AND WHIMPERING
- You playfully smack her face “YES ELLIE please just- you don’t have to hold back!”
- Aftercare would be hugeeee for the both of you. Just in general Ellie really needs it but especially for you.
- “Jus’ don’t wanna hurt my princess after I’m done fucking your cute pussy” she looks down at you and you squeal for her to stop and cover your face with your hands.
- She laughs and rubs your back and starts talking casually about what her plans are for tomorrow.
- Sometimes you feel guilty that you’re taking up most of the attention in the relationship bc of your ptsd but she immediately interrupts your rambling and reassures you ♡
- If you have nightmares she’d wake you up and cuddle + distract you until you were tired enough to fall asleep again.
- Maybe if you were in the mood she’d distract you by eating you out 🤭
- If you ever felt uncomfortable or had a panic attack or flashback in public she’d take you home immediately even if it was inconvenient.
- “No babe.. what the fuck no.. it was not your fault okay. Getting scared is never your fault.” She tilts your chin up (,,•o•,,) “Let’s just try to calm down, yeah? That’s my girl.”
- Ellie hears ab service animals for ptsd and since Jackson really only has horses she managed to find you a BUNNY
- “Ellie how the fuck WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU FIND THIS BUNNY?!!,??.!.”
- “Don’t be scared babbbbbeeee I just got it somewhere okay?” She smiles all mischievous and lifts the brown bunny up. Its nose twitches.
- “Who’d you have to trade? WHAT did you trade actually??” Your eyes grow wide.
- “Jus’ got it from Tommy baby,,, no big deal.” She sits down on her knees to put it in the cage she got. “Found this cage jus’ lyin’ there. Asked around and nobody needed it.”
- After a few hours of playing with your new bunny you kiss her cheek in bed and whisper “Really, Els. Where’d the damn bunny come from.”
- “Really I already told you! Got it from Tommy… I was uh.. askin’ about like what he thought would be good for ptsd and he told me about a time where people would have dogs and other animals trained to help people. I dunno I thought it was cool.” She smiles sheepishly.
- You think that is the sweetest thing EVER because you thought she just finally wanted a pet for the two of you (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡
I’m actually gonna melt why do ppl never write sweet Ellie 😞💘
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Smutty Kol mikaelson headcanons?
mmm smutty kol… i need to get back into the swing of writing for him!
okay. i have so many WIPs where he's more dominant, but have only posted one smut of him and he's submissive in that one. that being said, i can see him going both ways.
also, in general, idk why i started doing my hcs like this, but i can switch them back to the other format if preferred
tw: cnc / dub / non section; minor noncon mentioned
he's definitely experienced & mostly dominant
he's been alive since the dawn of time
he's an original vampire & whether or not he reveals that status, he will embody it by being the more dominant one in the relationship / situationship
and as charming & flirtatious as he is, it's safe to say he's got a lot of experience under his belt (HA - accidental pun)
that is to say, though, he's probably never been super serious about any of his flings
until, ofc, he meets the one that he absolutely falls for, and none of those hookups matter + he's lost interest in anyone else
1920s - little subsection for if you met him in this decade
okay so i read about this thing that happened in the 1920s called "petting parties," where PDA and sex weren't really acceptable, so people would have these orgy-type things centered around heavy petting and i can see that as SUCH a kol thing
i was actually going to write something based on that idea but need to do more research on it first
but kol would be so engaged with something scandalous (for the time) like that
he'd have girls worshipping him for the way he touches them; for the feel of his fingertips against their skin; the way he undresses them with his eyes, both parties wishing they could strip themselves of the last layer of separating fabric
he'd get into so much trouble in the 20s for this kind of stuff
flirting with other men's women, making crude hand gestures under tables to turn them on
he knows how to lay on the charm and fit in with the 20s, but he has the sexual appetite and style of a modern man
ofc, those words being nothing negative, but instead just him knowing how to be rough and how to please
modern day
likes the vulgarity & speed of modern sex
likes that he can strip a girl of her clothes and pin her to the wall and she welcomes it
likes that there aren't a thousand eyes watching his every move; likes the freedom & lack of rules nowadays
he wasn't around for the sexual revolution of the 80s (thanks, klaus 😞), but he would've relished it
all the young women looking to finally express themselves sexually; him giving them the best first experience he could deliver
despite all that, though, he loves the tender, loving sex of being with someone he knows, once in a while
he appreciates it more once he gets into a stable relationship, but sometimes his menial hook-ups were on the gentle side, too
modern day in an established relationship
rougher by nature, but can certainly be sweet, and often is
slow & passionate, kissing all over - forehead, neck, down your stomach, chest
roughness or gentleness depends on his mood
depends on your mood, too, because he cares & won't ever push you into something
respects boundaries if you say no
he maybe wasn't always like that, but when he started running with witches, he learned a specific respect & appreciation for others, especially women & those he'd sleep with
so, when he wants to have a long-term relationship with you, he really puts in the effort to be the best he can be
he wants you to know he loves you and shows it
so i read a fic about this, and i can see it fitting him 100% - some kind of predator / prey; hunting / hunted type dynamic, where he stalks & hunts you & then when he finally catches you off guard, fucks the daylights outta you up against a tree
very much a kol thing
throw a knife in the mix, too
you're pinned to a tree with a knife at your throat and his fingers are underneath your clothes, pleasuring you out of sight
bonus points if it's at night. or, if he hunted you all day and finally caught you at night. by now, he's extremely hungry
speaking of hunger, let's not forget about feeding
he definitely fed on most of the girls he railed in one night stands, but if it were a person he loved, he wouldn't feed until he knew he had enough control to not hurt them
the most intimate situation he can imagine is slow, passionate sex with blood sharing at the end
him drinking from you, then healing you back with his blood, or a mutual feeding if you're a vampire, too
first time with him with someone who just turned, he'd be very gentle, knowing how difficult the transition is
giving into every single need, including offering his own vein when the blackness starts to form under your eyes
i'm not sure kol would be into exhibitionism, but pda and public flirting, certainly
flirting across the bar at the grill, beckoning you closer with his eyes, then (mostly tasteful) jokes once you sit next to him
even when you're dating, flirts like you're strangers and he's still trying for your attention, just for the thrill
though places that are kinda hidden but kinda public, he loves to take you into those for a quick time ;)
bathroom stalls, dressing rooms, janitor closets, the whole lot
also... shower sex
he'd think it'd be a great idea even if you're skeptical
but you agree & it's ofc, a disaster, bc it never actually works out like it does in tv
but you make it fun anyway & he has a very strong hand on you to keep you from slipping
now, klaus' room, i think, he'd love to take you in there as a "fuck you" to his brother after a fight
an orgy type of guy, i think, as long as you're consenting of it
and then gives you all his love & attention afterwards when you get jealous of one person in particular
makes up with gifts & a very long night in the bedroom, with lots of aftercare
witch!kol would 100% tease you in public
it's over for you once he discovers vibrating panties
sometimes gets turned on by you at the worst possible times
you stand up to him against one of his brothers? yes
you fight off an enemy all by yourself? yes
even if you're joking around and fit a whole doughnut in your mouth or something, he's dtf
and his response to your shock is always along the lines of, "i can't control it!"
if he's in a submissive mood
is submissive at times, and some times, needs you to be more dominant
especially when esther is around
i can see kol having mommy issues & needing that reassurance
but it would take a certain level of trust for him to be comfortable telling you that
at first, you were surprised at how submissive he got, but then you were happy to provide what he needed
he's very appreciative of your comfort & lack of judgement when he gets in that type of headspace & makes sure to shower you in thanks & kisses when he "wakes up" from it
tw: cnc / dub / non
can't see him being into this, especially in a relationship
except for the desire to hunt you, i don't think he'd be into it straight up
as previously mentioned, pre-witch hanging-out, he might've had a few incidents that were a little questionable, but he's straightened out & learns that those incidents were wrong & does not repeat them
his biggest offense in one of those situations was probably nonconsensual blood drinking that turned him on
was still kind of a baby, psycho vampire when it happened, & he probably still regrets it to this day
dubcon, though, where you're both drunk after a night of bar flirting, he's into
like, if you were used as a distraction for him when caroline was used to distract klaus
you're both drinking way too much and one thing leads to another and then you find yourself in the mikaelson mansion in the morning like 🤷‍♂️
he makes sure you don't regret it, though, and you don't
calms his worried little not-beating heart
somnophilia, given explicit consent beforehand, he would like
the prospect of you waking up full of him, or with him delivering pleasure via tongue or fingers
you wake up and the first thing you feel is pleasure brought on by him - he loves that concept
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
The TWST cast from the original Fyuuture Kid timeline is so Cleopatra by Lumineers coded. They just get their (pregnant) joyfriend ripped away from them, cursed, and then sent back to earth, where they can't follow all in one day. That's gotta be a fucking nightmare. They just lose everything at the same time. Bro. Imagine Jamil or Azul, they had to fight for everything and just when they finally, FINALLY, think they have something that will never leave, it's taken away. Imagine malleus or cater or silver; they've already lost so much, silver just lost his dad and now, when he's going to make his own family, they're taken from him too.
You wrote one time that of Yuu ever died, Floyd would be quick to follow, so. Did Jade and Azul have to put him on suicide watch? My mind is reeling there were NO WINNERS in this timeline Goddamn.
Sorry for the angst dude I just think about this AU a lot
i am so sorry for making you all live with this many thoughts and just waltzing on off to do fuck all
So there weren't any winners in the original timeline no, but the way things went down sort of prevented the type of outcome you are describing with Floyd due to the potential for hope, that most dangerous of falsehoods. In a way that sort of makes it worse though... so lets talk about what went down shall we?
(I'm going to keep this post to more general information, but I did write some specific ship thoughts I'll probably use for another post later on, I just need to think on some of them more...)
notes: they/them used for Yuu, this is part of my fyuuture kid au which can be found under the series section of my masterlist. This post will not contain discussions of suicidal ideation, but will contain major character death and descriptions of violence. If you are curious about what happened to Yuu and Fyuuture kid, look at this post here.
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General Original Timeline Facts
To give a brief re-cap of what happens to Yuu, they were arrested by the Magical Marshall's office and sent back to their world, while pregnant, and cursed to forget everything that had happened to them in Twisted Wonderland. Something I didn't mention in that first post, mostly because I intended to imply it in the answer about Riddle's relationship with Yutu but ended up cutting, is that none of the characters actually know that this is what happened at first. They know that Yuu disappeared, but they don't know that the Marshalls were involved or that Yuu went back to their world, which causes a real sense of panic in all of them because holy shit their spouse and unborn child just went missing and they can't seem to get anyone to take this seriously. How the Marshalls went about hiding this information, and what the general public believed happened to Yuu depends on who their husband was, as did the fallout of their disappearance.
For anyone who might be a bit confused, the Magical Marshall's Office is an elite squad of police officers who investigate magical crime, and occasionally deal with overblots. They are the organization that Deuce wants to join one day, which does mean that the people who made the decision to see Yuu as a threat to public safety and send Yuu home were Deuce's own co-workers and friends.
Deuce is the first to suspect that the Marshall's might have had something to do with Yuu's disappearance, but he isn't able to really do much with that. He tries, but he is stonewalled and eventually fired- though by the time that happened monster attacks started getting really bad in the Queendom and Deuce had a whole other set of questions.
Speaking of those monster attacks, the instant Yuu is removed from Twisted Wonderland Grim overblots I have an idea as to why, but it isn't super set in stone. This "Chimera" begins hunting and stirring up monsters, inciting them to attack civilization while it focuses on trying to "wake up" the Phantoms of the Great 7. These phantoms want to re-join with their respective overblot boy, which is an easier task for some of them than others.
The first phantom to re-appear was the Thorn Fairy's. Malleus chose to seal himself and his phantom in an eternal sleep inside the Briar Valley capital after ordering Sebek and Silver to evacuate everyone who lived there, leaving his people truly leaderless and in shambles. He technically also ordered Lilia to go with them, but he refused. He wasn't able to abandon another Draconia to die alone. A lot of nocturnal fae died to the Phantom before Malleus's sacrifice, but because the problem was more or less contained to Briar Valley not all of the other nations saw the monster problem as a threat. They should have.
The second phantom to re-appear was The Queen of Hearts'. Riddle, having been approached by Deuce with his suspicions regarding Yuu's disappearance and outraged by what he saw as a clear violation of the law (if nothing else) was easy prey and re-assimilated into the monster. The phantom then began hunting down each of Riddle's previous dorm mates to corrupt them into card soldiers for its army, eventually fashioning four lieutenants that were a touch more sentient that the others out of Trey, Cater, Deuce, and Ace.
Certain members of the Al-Asim family saw that happen and quietly, without Kalim's knowledge, arrange to have Jamil killed. This doesn't prevent the Sorcerer of the Sands' phantom from reuniting with him, it just means the monster is puppeteering a corpse. And dragging around a second once it gets its hands on Kalim...
Obviously at this point something of a pattern has been established, meaning S.T.Y.X. is expected to do something. Idia does not actually overblot for a second time thank you very much, Phantom Ortho has a mind of his own and he promised to stay in the Underworld until it was Idy's time. His first order of business is to check in on Vil, Azul, and Leona to make sure they're ok. He manages to make contact with Vil, but the Coral Sea proves impossible to get a message through to and Leona is M.I.A. Literally, he and Ruggie have both disappeared while investigating monster attacks around the slums. Idia has a decision to make, and it's not one he really likes, but S.T.Y.X. has a better relationship with the Sunset Savannah than it does the Coral Sea, so it's off to the Elephant Graveyard while Vil agrees to stay behind on the Isle of Woe under observation for his own safety.
It's a decision Idia regrets later. He gets to Leona in time to help him fight and kill the King of Beasts's phantom, but it costs Leona and Ruggie their lives, and while he's there, the Sea Witch's phantom finds Azul and begins using his magic to drain the merfolk dry. Floyd manages to use his unique magic to distract Azul long enough to allow Jade to escape, who only flees because he thought his brother was behind him the whole time. The oceans become polluted with blot, forcing the surviving merfolk to the surface. Many go to NRC and take refuge in the Octavinelle dorm pocket dimension, resulting in the Mostro Lounge being closed to make more room. Somehow that feels more like a killing blow to Azul for Jade than what the phantom did.
Schools like NRC, RSA, and Nobel Bell become sort of centers for survivors due to the large amounts of mages, magical wards, and artifacts that such schools typically have made them safer than most towns. NRC specifically has seen a large influx of magicless people who run a lot of the things the ghosts used to and runs a lot of normal school classes in additional to the magic program, which shifts over time to be more focused on fighting due to the increased monster attacks.
Also Crewel is now Headmage. It would have been Trein but I don't think he needs the stress. I haven't decided if he is still alive or not, but Vargas and Sam are still kicking.
So to give a run down of where everyone stands in the original timeline in order: Malleus and his phantom are trapped in an eternal sleep, Lilia is dead, Silver and Sebek are alive (at least at first) and trying to help the fae refuges displaced by the Thorn Fairy's Phantom. All of Heartslabyul are overblot phantoms, and actively making the Queendom of Roses unlivable. Jamil was assassinated and the Sorcerer of the Sands's phantom went on to kill Kalim and most of his family. To be clear that wasn't because of Jamil's lingering emotions, but good luck explaining that to most people. Vil and Idia are overblot free, Vil because he is being detained on the Isle of Woe and Idia because of his promise with Phantom Ortho. Leona and Ruggie died fighting the King of Beast's phantom. Azul and Floyd are blot phantoms, while Jade is alive and tending bar at what remains of the lounge at NRC.
Now Epel, Rook, and Jack aren't named in that list. No one really knows what happened to them, but they are assumed dead (or at least Jack and Epel are.) Since this is my AU and I get to give out the information, I'll let you know that Rook is a phantom under control of the Fairest Queen's phantom, Jack is dead, and Epel is alive, but cut off from the rest of Twisted Wonderland by the monsters under the Fairest Queen's control. He's right teed off about that, hey Yutu go get him that ladder he's gonna give Rook a piece of his mind-
I do have some ship specific thoughts but I want to cook with them a bit more... but to maaaybe tease some of them?
Yutu and his friends had to fight the Heartslabyul boys multiple times. Yes this hurt their Yutus a lot, and is one of the main reasons Riddle! Yutu hates his dad so much.
Vil can hear the Fairest Queen talking to him and it's not great for his mental stability. Neither is being cooped up in the Isle of Woe, his Yutu did meet him and remembers it being a terrifying experience.
Jade has a good relationship with Floyd! Yutu, Jade and Floyd are their own people but losing Floyd killed a part of him that was slightly healed by getting his nephew back. He likes to tease Azul! Yutu and told him a great deal about his dad. As for his own Yutu... their relationship is a tad strained by how protective Jade is over his son. He is terrified of losing him and what is left of his pearl...
Not all Yutus are in the same dorm as their father. I haven't decided on where all of them are yet, but I did mention once in my replies that Azul! Yutu is in Savanaclaw. I did not mention that he did intend to transfer but couldn't when he accidentally became the Dorm Leader because he got tired of being mouthed off to and knocked someone out. I have an ask about Cater! Yutu I'm working on but I'll add him here as having been put into Octavinelle, and I think I want to put Kalim! Yutu into Pomefiore but I need to cook more...
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ronearoundblindly · 26 days
No pressure at all! But I had an idea for your ‘how would the Cevans characters react’ I’ve loved every installment of this so far 🥰🖤🥰
How would they react if reader was having an off day and for some reason couldn’t get off so she faked having an orgasm in bed.
Is this because of @cevansbrat0007's Ari fic? (which is great, go read that, but I feel like I've seen a surge in this trope since) Because, see, this is very interesting to me, and I really hope you've read other stuff of mine before, nonnie. I don't write everybody as a perfect gentleman...
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Warnings for various levels of spice since we are, in fact, talking about orgasms, duh! MINORS DNI. See my Light Masterlist for all-age friendly fics!
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James Mace
Ok, I'm not sure it would get so far as for you to actually fake it. Mace is a slow, steady, deep kind of lover. He'd realize you aren't getting anywhere or building up to it pretty quickly, all things considered, and he would make you talk to him while he continues foreplay/touching you. Pretty sure he just wants to be attached to you in some way while you have time together...
Curtis Everett
Curtis gets very intense when he senses you're holding something back, like predatorily intense. Uses his body to cage you in, constant eye contact, probably even pinching/tickling you until you confess.
He doubles down. You fake one; Curtis forces two out of you in return.
Jimmy Dobyne
Shockingly, Jimmy would be super upset if you faked an orgasm with him. (There is one caveat to this: IF HE FINDS OUT.) Jimmy is a straight-forward guy who doesn't enjoy dating games. You aren't into sex right now? Fucking say something. He's horrified by the idea you would just lay there and take it or whatever because what the fuck???
He's got simple rules. If you don't like something, tell him because he can handle himself for one night/a little while or he'll happily do something different. If you never want something he does, then you two shouldn't be together. That's it.
Sex is an important aspect of your relationship, but it ain't the whole thing. Tell him to piss off, or ask for a quiet night of holding each other. Do not lie, cheat, or steal. You lied about being satisfied, you cheated him out of the chance to actually give you what you needed, and you stole his confidence that he recognizes your body's signals. Yes, Jimmy sorta makes it about him, but that's mostly because he feels helpless and a little dirty.
Johnny Storm
Existential CRISIS.
Have you ever faked it with him before? Have other women faked it with him?? Is this a common thing??? Hot shot goes into full-meltdown mode, and unsurprisingly, you end up kinda lost in the narrative there, soothing him instead of yourself.
Oddly enough, you two do end up closer from the experience though because Johnny realizes that he very much values trust and honesty, whereas before he would have thought plain ol' fun the most important thing...
Jake Jensen
Jakey, my beloved, clueless noob... He doesn't really know what to do. He asks a lot of questions. What's wrong? What can he do? What do you want in this moment? Should he have done it differently? Do you need more? Something else? Was it him?
For a dozen times after, he'll ask if that one was real or fake. He's touchy about it, but 90% of his concern is just that you are actually happy. He puts in quite a bit of extra effort for a while after, too.
Lloyd Hansen
I am a broken record when it comes to Lloyd: he does not care. At best, he'd be torturing you to come for his own pleasure. At worst, well, he's there to get off. You don't need to.
If by some magical scenario Lloyd does give a fuck about you or your feelings, I think he'd expect you to take what you needed from him to climax. Otherwise, it's not really his problem.
Ari Levinson
Depends on his own mood for sure. When Ari is stressed or tired, he tends to turn inward and focus on his own feelings, not purposefully ignoring you but still. It reads like he didn't/doesn't notice and just continues on with sleep/the normal routine. If he's got the emotional, energy bandwidth to talk it out with you, he absolutely will. Don't take any offense. Sometimes he's muddling through like you.
Ransom Drysdale
Has no idea. Probably doesn't want to have an idea. Unless it becomes a regular problem, he's just gonna let it slide. He won't bring it up if you don't.
Steve Rogers
On the surface, Steve looks concerned and listens to your reasons for faking, but honestly, on the inside, he hates the idea that you felt the need to. Steve will easily forego sex in favor of literally anything you want to do, so to let it get all the way to love-making and apparently suffering through till he's finished? It makes him a bit sick. He'll get more more restrained and cautious in future, all for want of you never faking again.
Bucky Barnes
Feels like a huge failure as a partner. Spends a good portion of the conversation having you promise to communicate with him better from now on. This is from a man who has so many things going on in his mind that Bucky is often derailed from pleasure/enjoyment during sex. He's just very triggered by the darndest things, and you've been so understanding. Why can't he be that for you, too?
Thank you for asking!
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A/N: I know these are a bit short. Let me know if there's one or more you'd like expanded on, but thank you for reading!
[Main Masterlist; 'Who Would...' Asks; Ko-Fi]
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spidybaby · 1 year
can we get a gavi the type pleaaaase i love your writing
Gavi the type
Summary: A compilation of the type of boyfriend I think Gavi would be ✨️
Warnings: none 🫶🏻
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I feel like he's the type to somehow always mention you in a conversation. No matter if the conversation is about grass, he would find a way to mention you.
"I prefer pasta with not that much Parmesan cheese." Frenkie says.
"I'm more into a lot of cheese, like all the time." Ansu jokes, making some of the guys laugh.
They were at a restaurant, having a nice out time, not being able to do that much because of training and the season being super heavy.
"Well, for me it depends." Pablo says, thinking of the times when he orders pasta at a restaurant or when he eat it.
"Depends on what?" Pedri asks.
"Well if I'm trying for the first time the dish, I like to eat it with no cheese so I can taste it. But, for an example if I order some carbonara then I'm asking for extra cheese, my girlfriend also loves some extra cheese with her carbonara."
Raphinha erupts in laughs, making the others follow.
"What?" Pablo asks, confused about their reaction.
"You own me 50 euros, Raph." Pedri patts his back. "You just make me win some money."
"I don't get it."
"We made a bet, if you somehow mention your girlfriend in the first twenty minutes Raph, Frenkie and Robert owned me and Pedri."
"Assholes." he says, rolling his eyes smiling at the thought of them knowing he would mention you.
He's the type to be very clingy when you're alone and kinda serious when you're with other people. But don't get me wrong, in front of his family and his closest friends he was his normal touchy one. But while you're outside and there's cameras taking pictures of his every move, he's not the most confortable. (As we know his father said he's very shy)
"Let's go, pretty girl." he says, grabbing your hand to make you spin. "that dress is ufff" he whistle making you blush
"Well you look very handsome yourself mister Páez." you blow him a kiss.
"Mister Páez is my dad." he laughs. "But thank you miss." You both join his parents at the living room. All ready to go out.
He asked you to go with him to Sevilla for his vacations, you doubt it at first. Knowing your relationship was not that new but fresh enough to not know his parents. But Aurora helped him with getting you to say yes. So you did.
You both walk hand in hand outside of the residency where his house is. Aurora and you were talking about some dress she wanted.
The streets were pretty lonely, not that much people. Mostly older people. But as you walk closer to the restaurant you notice more and more people and they also began noticing Pablo.
He let go of you, thing he usually does when you were in public. He was very touchy when you were alone, even with his parents there. But in public he's more shy, specially because he knows people often takes pictures of him.
Once you got inside and seated, he took your hand again, kissing and caressing it with his tumb.
"Omg, do you ever let her go?" Aurora jokes, making you both blush and his parents laugh.
"It's young love, rora." Belen says, "and don't talk too much because Javi and you are just like that." She makes everyone laugh.
You understand his situation, appreciating that he wants to protect you as much as he can.
He's the type to invite you to every single match he plays.
He's the type to be a super supportive partner.
As a romantic partner is even better, because he would be involved in every step of any new project. Even when he's very busy with his football career, he's there for you.
"Are you sure about this?" he asks, confused about your abrupt decision. "I think you need to consider this a little bit more."
You were talking with him about college, you got a full scholarship into the University of Barcelona. Not sure if you wanted to go there you quickly threw the idea out. But when he found the letter they sent you, he was confused on why not even hear the whole proposal they offer you.
"I don't know, what if I'm not the right fit for this?" you say anxious about the whole thing.
"Don't say that, mi amor. You are the smartest person I've ever met."
"What if I'm not what they're looking for? what if I fail? I'm scared."
"Amor, please listen to me." he says, cuping your cheeks. "You're so smart, so hard working, such a good classmate and more. You're perfect for this, don't doubt it for a minute."
"You're the best, I love you."
"And I love you more."
He's the type to always kiss you, like everywhere (when you're in private, of course). There's like a thousand videos of him kissing the boys on the shoulder, on the cheek, on the head. He's a lover boy, he loves affection and loves giving affection.
"Are you ready to go?" He asks from outside the room. "We're going to be late, mi amor."
"I'm almost done. Can you help me here?"
He walks over to you, grabbing the necklace and clipping it for you.
"Let's go, pretty girl." He kisses your shoulder multiple times, moving from there to your neck and to your hair. "Princesa mía."
You smile at him, sending a kiss over the mirror. "Let's go."
You are on your way. He has his hands on yours, every red light he takes the opportunity to kiss it.
"Aurora, hola!" You hug her, saying your greetings while Pablo greets everyone else.
"You look amazing!"
"She always does." Pablo interrupts, hugging you by the waist and kissing your cheek. Making you blush.
He's the type to always post you on ig stories. I know he's very private and we all know he doesn't even control his insta post anymore, but I feel his stories are other thing, also he would only post you on his close friends.
He's on his phone all the time. We all see the barca videos of him on his phone. So I feel he's the type to always be in communication with you.
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(*・∀・*)ノ I wanted to fix my request on the cody one since ik you don't do cody so sorry! Can you do a scenario if zalgo were to put a 24 hour curse on the creeps so that their personality would flip and then slender would have to deal with some of his kids being super rude but some being super nice? (Sorry again and sorry if this is an odd request (ToT))
I appreciate you fixing it! I was going to handle it myself, so I appreciate you helping me :) I hope you enjoy, I tried!
He thinks he must be dreaming. Surely, Slender thinks, this must just be a very realistic nightmare that he's living in, but nope, this is his life. He knows the spell won't last more than a day or two, but he cannot wait for all of this to be over and for things to go back to normal, because this is absolute hell. Normally, they all get along, and act (generally) respectfully toward Slender. But now, now there's constant screaming, there's constant yelling, and the mansion has become swallowed up in chaos. He can't even depend on Tim, his right-hand man, to help him with this because Tim has become the most disrespectful of them all, and quite honestly, it hurt Slender's feelings, not gonna lie.
In an unlikely turn of events, the ones he has to turn to for any amount of support are Kate, Helen, and Candy, who are the most stable. Kate who is usually an energetic trouble maker has become calm and stoic, listening to Slender easily, and then there's Helen, the avoidant guy who is now incredibly emotional and clingy, and Candy, who despite his normal shenanigans like Kate, has become incredibly toned down and serious to the extent Slender wondered if it was Terrors he was speaking to and not Candy. Kate and Candy easily separate fights together, of which there are many. It's heartbreaking for Slender to see the family he has built quite literally tearing itself apart at the seams. Natalie and Toby are screaming at each other and breaking things, Tim and Brian (the two who have never fought before in their lives) have been arguing for hours, and that's just the stuff he can see and hear, he has no idea what anyone he can't find it up to, and it worries him. Not because of the mansion itself, but because he worries for their safety and their feelings. Kate and Candy do their best for damage control, eventually corralling everyone and getting them somewhere Slender can see, but the bickering continued, until finally, Helen snapped.
Their personalities may have switched, but the sight of Helen, who never expresses emotion, breaking down sobbing and just asking for everyone to calm down and get along so they could be a family again triggered something in all of their brains, and they all shut up and did as he had asked. Some of them had even apologized to Helen (and Slender as well), but the display had clearly gotten them to relax. They all stayed in the same room together, all eventually falling asleep, and finally waking up the next day having returned to normal. Of course, despite the spell, they all remember the previous day, and there are a lot of tears and apologies to just about everyone in the mansion. Those who broke things were quick to clean them up and offer to repay Slender, those who had arguments apologized and asked for forgiveness, and just about everyone was apologizing to Helen for upsetting him so much, which caused Helen to become extremely embarrassed, curling in on himself and wishing he could disappear because of his actions the previous day. It made Slender so happy to see them all apologizing and trying to fix things, but he was mostly just happy to have his peace and calm back, especially as they were all doing their best to make it up to him. The only person to miss the entire fiasco was poor nocturnal EJ, who had slept through the day and upon waking up at night had felt unusually lazy due to his personality change, so he went back to sleep. Upon finally coming downstairs that afternoon, he was very confused by the sound of all the broken things being thrown away and the sound of so many people crying, wondering what the fuck had happened. It was an awkward explanation, to say the least.
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