#Noriaki x reader
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agsbf · 13 days ago
Death No More
Stardust Crusaders x Isekai! Leitora
Capítulo 12: Nós Ouvimos e Não Julgamos
Capítulo anterior - Masterlist
Algumas horas haviam passado desde a pesquisa de Abdul, ainda sem resposta. Atualmente você estava no quarto junto a Kakyoin, haviam substituído os pijamas pelo uniforme da faculdade, embora não tivessem a mínima pretensão de participarem das aulas por um tempo. O cômodo possuía um silêncio mortal, o único som presente era dos pertences de ambos sendo guardados nas respectivas mochilas, não trocou palavras com o ruivo desde o evento da mosca, ambos presos nos próprios pensamentos.
—Promete não me julgar? —Noriaki perguntou, olhando para você, quebrando a tensão no quarto.
Você guardou seu telefone em uma divisória de fácil acesso na bolsa, encarando o universitário, respondendo:
—Eu ficaria do seu lado até se socasse um bebê. —Replicou, trazendo uma risadinha ao rosto do homem, antes do sorriso nos lábios dele ser substituído por uma linha reta.
Sendo novo no quesito amizades, Noriaki não tinha uma boa base de quais pensamentos são aceitos para serem compartilhados com os amigos, bom, pelo menos sem deixar um clima estranho. Mesmo prometendo não julgá-lo, ele não pôde abandonar o pressentimento de que você ao menos levantaria a sobrancelha com a próxima frase:
—Estava pensando em me juntar ao Jotaro para derrotar Dio e salvar Holly.
O ruivo não conhecia o trio há um tempo considerável para existir um vínculo capaz de fazer valer a pena arriscar a vida em uma luta contra um vampiro de poderes misteriosos, porém essas pessoas tinham sido as primeiras capazes de vê-lo e seu stand, soava imoral para o rapaz não acompanhá-los, ainda mais quando foi graças a eles que não acabou morto pelo esporo-come-cérebro. Noriaki fixou os olhos em sua figura, suor escorrendo pela testa enquanto tentava avaliar sua reação, não parecia ter ficado desconfortável ao ouvir a fala do usuário, a única coisa feita foi piscar os olhos, parecendo surpresa, mas poderia estar escondendo os reais sentimentos sobre ele agora, mentalmente chamando-o de emocionado, pensando nele como alguém grudento e facilmente apegado.
—Por que eu te julgaria por isso? —Questionou, indo contra tudo previsto pelo universitário capaz de ser sua resposta. —Eu quero ir também, mesmo não sendo chegada ao Jotaro, Holly é uma pessoa legal. Inclusive, foi esse tal de Dio quem controlou sua mente quando ia bater no Jojo, não é? —Você ergueu a sobrancelha, entretanto por um motivo diferente do imaginado. Dessa vez, foi Noriaki a pessoa a arregalar os olhos, te perguntando:
—Como descobriu?
—Longa história, mas resumindo: o Kujo deu uma dica e eu sou formada em Scooby Doo, então somei dois mais dois.
O estudante balançou a cabeça em concordância, mesmo não entendendo nada, ele não viu a necessidade de pressioná-la para saber mais, ciente que caso fosse algo importante, você mesma diria.
Kakyoin ficou em silêncio por alguns segundos. O rapaz achava mágico ter a companhia de uma amizade durante o tempo que passaria fora, apesar da jornada perigosa, seria o mais próximo de uma experiência de viagem entre amigos tida pelo ruivo, um sonho de infância carregado até a vida adulta finalmente podendo virar realidade. Entretanto, exatamente pelo horror capaz de se tornar essa aventura e pelo apego a sua presença, o homem preferia que você mantivesse distância de qualquer coisa relacionada a Dio, o controle de mente do vampiro mostrando o potencial mínimo do monstro da noite. Embora o mencionado por Noriaki sobre moralidade e respeito referente aos demais fosse verdadeira, você é a primeira amiga do usuário, logo a maior prioridade dele, o pensamento de perder esse vínculo de fraternidade era uma das únicas coisas capazes de mantê-lo acordado de noite, porém ele jamais iria te pedir para desistir quando é sua escolha continuar, amigos não agem assim, Kakyoin faria tudo ao alcance dele visando enfrentar qualquer obstáculo ao seu lado, um servindo de porto seguro do outro.
—Sabe que vai ser extremamente perigoso, não sabe? Caso o senhor Joestar não tenha avisado, além de Dio possuir poderes que não fazemos ideia, ele é um vampiro. —Noriaki comentou. A frase não tinha como objetivo te fazer voltar com a decisão, mas o rapaz gostaria de ter a certeza que você compreende todos os detalhes da jornada a qual concordou participar.
—Eu imaginava que ele fosse algum tipo de ser sobrenatural, porém minha aposta seria um Frankenstein pelo corpo roubado. —Deu de ombros, continuando. —Se Dio é um vampiro, ele pode me chamar de Senhorita Van Helsing, e escolher se prefere ser deitado na porrada com alho ou apanhar até o nascer do sol.
Kakyoin soltou um suspiro com sua piada, colocando as mãos no seu ombro enquanto te encarava com a boca franzida, um olhar afiado presente no rosto. Apesar do estudante gostar das suas brincadeiras, a expressão do homem te avisava do quanto não era um momento oportuno para elas. O universitário se lembrava das coisas feitas durante o período que foi controlado pelo Brando, cada detalhe de como teve a mente distorcida usando as próprias motivações e sonhos, quem Noriaki era antes foi transformado em uma marionete devota a Dio, embora existisse uma carcaça do ruivo em algum canto, as características boas foram menosprezadas nesse novo ser, só restando uma ampliação do lado que Kakyoin não se orgulhava. Ele aprendeu da pior maneira o quão baixo o loiro jogaria a fim de obter a vitória, o estudante era descartável, se morresse na batalha contra Jotaro, seria apenas mais um dos vários corpos de lacaios do vampiro, um falecimento sem valor na visão do Brando, mesmo com a adoração cega proclamada no Egito. Diferentemente de Noriaki, você não passou por essas experiências, não sabia o quão desprezível o monstro da escuridão era, o universitário queria que levasse a sério a jornada futura, pois uma brincadeira em batalha podia significar o fim de sua vida.
—Isso não é engraçado. —O ruivo advertiu, encarando o fundo dos seus olhos, a voz em tom firme. —Prometa que vai levar as coisas a sério.
Você gostaria de retrucar com um “Teve alguma vez que eu não fiz isso?” para dar uma quebrada no clima, porém a expressão de Kakyoin demonstrava preocupação verdadeira, não parecia certo desprezar os sentimentos dele assim. Respirou fundo, colocando no seu rosto uma feição séria idêntica a de Noriaki.
—Eu juro. —Promessas vazias nunca foram de seu feitio no final das contas e o comprometimento com a jornada foi algo decidido desde quando colocou os pés nesse mundo. —Kaky, entendo estar apreensivo, mas meu stand é relacionado a cura e de certa forma a vitalidade. Se eu tratasse uma questão de vida ou morte levianamente, não seria digna de portar o Crazy Diamond.
Não julgaria o universitário ou qualquer pessoa por imaginar que você não estava lidando seriamente com a situação, as piadas ou comentários espertinhos apenas adicionando razões a essa dúvida, porém tendo a consciência do quão ruim tudo poderia acabar, trazer um pouco de humor passou a ser a única coisa capaz de mantê-la esperançosa junto aos demais. Os Crusaders precisavam de alguém com capacidade de enxergar luz mesmo no cenário mais opaco, uma pessoa vendo a escuridão e apontando o quanto tudo soa sombrio só serviria para piorar as coisas.
Kakyoin tirou a mão do seu ombro, desviando o olhar.
—Me desculpe. —Ele não queria te insultar ou questionar suas habilidades, só não gostaria de ver a melhor amiga em um caixão.
—Não esquenta. —Deu de ombros, bagunçando os fios do rapaz com o objetivo de deixar o jovem à vontade outra vez, até mudando o tópico. —Falando sério, deveríamos conversar com o Joseph, duvido que sem a aprovação dele vamos conseguir fazer alguma coisa.
O estudante acenou com a cabeça, concordando.
Vocês dois se levantaram, indo em direção a sala de estar onde foi colocada a figura desmaiada de Holly. Não trocaram palavras durante o trajeto por uma questão de sensatez, assuntos fúteis enquanto duas pessoas lidavam com o luto não soava de bom tom, já outros tópicos como Dio ou combates aumentariam o clima de velório da sala; conselhos clichês para os membros da família também não eram uma possibilidade, frases genéricas tipo “Relaxa, vai ficar tudo bem.” teriam um impacto tão significante quanto dizer “Calma, respire fundo.” a um asmático em crise. Ou seja, não adiantaria porra nenhuma. Às vezes, o silêncio é a melhor coisa a ser feita.
Sem nenhuma surpresa o Joestar se encontrava no lugar previsto, sentado no chão próximo a filha, caso a mulher acordasse. A expressão do homem continuava semelhante à de mais cedo, os olhos ainda baixos acompanhado de uma postura caída, embora as lágrimas tivessem secado. Jotaro se manteve no sofá perto da mãe, entretanto com o semblante estóico quando comparado ao avô, mesmo assim não tinha dúvidas de que por dentro o rapaz estava abalado com toda a situação.
—Alguma novidade sobre Holly, senhor Joestar? —Kakyoin perguntou.
—Estamos esperando Abdul descobrir alguma coisa, mas por enquanto não temos nada. —O mais velho respondeu, soltando um suspiro cansado.
—Entendo que pode soar estranho. —Você comentou, indo direto ao ponto. —Mas quando descobrirem onde está Dio, gostaríamos de ir junto com vocês para derrotá-lo. —Embora sua justificativa tivesse sido planejada desde sempre, sua afeição por Holly e motivações eram reais.
Joseph arregalou as sobrancelhas com sua frase, a declaração com certeza o pegou desprevenido. Apesar de toda ajuda ser bem vinda, ele não poderia evitar de questionar as razões pelas quais dois jovens estavam dispostos a morrer em uma batalha contra um centenário do mal com doses de psicopatia, ainda mais quando não existia relação entre a dupla e a família. Jotaro possuía a mesma dúvida, mas diferente do avô teve uma abordagem mais agressiva, imediatamente se levantando do sofá enquanto direcionava um olhar afiado aos colegas:
—Por que vocês querem ir?
—Não me levem a mal pelo o que vou dizer agora. —Kakyoin nem começou a sentença direito e você já sabia a pérola que viria a seguir. —A senhorita Holly é o tipo de pessoa que faz de tudo para acalmar quem está ao redor, se fosse para eu me apaixonar, gostaria que fosse por uma mulher como ela. O sorriso é um daqueles que você tem vontade de ver de novo.
—Você… Acabou de admitir abertamente que quer pegar minha mãe? —Jotaro piscou, incrédulo junto ao Joseph, fazendo o ruivo abrir a boca em choque, gaguejando explicações. Antes que Noriaki piorasse a própria situação, decidiu intervir em prol do seu melhor amigo:
—Caralho Jojo, ta interpretando com o rabo, é? Kakyoin apenas disse que admira o cuidado de Holly até mesmo com desconhecidos e que acha injusto ela ter que passar por isso quando só merece a felicidade. —O erro do universitário foi se expressar mal, mas estaria mentindo se falasse que iria apresentar muitos parentes para o rapaz, quer dizer, e se com o papinho de personalidade, ele pegasse sua avó? Iria ficar um clima chato na família.
Joseph ficou em silêncio, não parecia certo trazer duas pessoas inocentes à jornada. Você percebeu a relutância do homem, então adicionou:
—Posso não ser tão próxima de vocês, nem conhecer Holly há muito tempo, mas ela me captou pela bondade presente no coração, então quero ajudar a salvá-la. Além disso, por tudo que me disseram sobre o Dio, o vampiro soa como alguém desprezível com o privilégio de ter muito poder nas mãos, quanto mais aliados contra ele, maior a chance de vitória. —A fim de provar seu ponto, nada melhor que trazer alguns motivos óbvios para o avô do protagonista ceder. —Não quero contar vantagem de Stand nem nada, mas o Crazy Diamond sabe bater, deformar e curar, o Hierofante Green consegue ser discreto em batalhas, permitindo ataques surpresa. Nós dois somos boas adições.
Seu melhor amigo acenou com a cabeça, aproveitando sua fala, completou:
—Também quero participar como uma forma de agradecimento por terem aberto os meus olhos. —Um sorriso genuíno foi formado nos lábios do ruivo, a feição de gratidão presente a cada segundo que olhava em direção aos Joestars.
—Está mais para terem aberto sua cabeça. —Quis dar uma quebrada no clima, recebendo um “Ei!” do estudante, acompanhado de uma risada leve do idoso.
Trazer felicidade aos outros em um momento tão triste enchia seu corpo de alegria, de certo modo trazendo um sentimento de dever cumprido toda vez que conseguia afastar os pensamentos ruins dos Crusaders, mesmo tudo estando longe de acabar.
Abdul finalmente voltou, entrando na sala correndo com uma enciclopédia em mãos, você o assistiu anunciando o recado tão aguardado:
—Senhor Joestar, descobri mais sobre aquela mosca.
Pensamentos Intrusivos:
Resumo de desenvolvimento de personagem da S/n até agora:
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sha-n-dowbannedlol · 4 months ago
Jotaro Kujo — Never Had
you were the best i never had, the only chance i wish i had to take
an: ugh the oscar isaac brainrot is brainrotting
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God, how long has it been since he last saw you?
It must've been decades now.
So many questions ran in his mind, a cascade of curiosity and longing. How have you been? Have you been well? Were you married? Kids? Have the years been kind to you? Has life granted you the serenity you deserve?
But when you approached him with that sweet smile of yours, the sparkle in your eyes mirroring the laughter of youth long past, a small shy smile as if you thought he doesn't remember you...
What a funny thought. As if he'd ever forget you.
As if he could ever erase the indelible mark you left upon his mind, his heart...
50 days.
He spent less than fifty days with you, yet that was all it took for his heart to become a canvas painted with the indelible strokes of your presence, of your memory.
"I'm glad to finally see you awake," You spoke, giving him a small relieved smile.
All it took was the sound of your voice, the sight of your smile, and suddenly, he was seventeen again.
The heat of the desert, the ache in his muscles, Polnareff's jests, Kakyoin's antics, Avdol's nagging, Joseph's pranks—each moment etched in his mind like a cherished painting.
The dingy hotel room, sitting next to Kakyoin as he admitted his feelings to the teen who highly encouraged him.
But he was a kid back then. A kid burdened by the weight of his thoughts and unable to fathom the complexities of love.
It just wasn't the right time.
Suddenly, he's in the airport in Cairo, watching you walk away, to return to your home country. His heart heavy with unspoken words and unexpressed emotions, he watched you vanish into the crowd, carrying his unspoken feelings with you, forever sealed within the chambers of his heart.
A love that never found its voice.
And now, God... he would've loved to stay. Loved to catch up, especially in light of the absence of a ring adorning your finger.
But he had much more important matters.
"I'm sorry, I need to go," Was his response, laden with a sense of urgency, and he watched the way your brows furrow even more in concern.
"What's the rush?" You ask, laced with genuine worry and a subtle plea for him to stay. He doesn't blame you, he'd been out of it for a while.
"I need to—" A momentary pause hung in the air,  his gaze locking with yours, a flicker of conflict dancing in his ocean-blue eyes; he felt like he was betraying you as he spoke, "I need to get to my daughter."
It's not the right time.
That thought flashed in his mind again, swiftly followed by another.
Will it ever be the right time?
He caught the subtle widening of your eyes, a flicker of surprise on your gaze at his words. Your lips hesitated, parting, on the verge of responding, only to retreat into a thoughtful silence moments later. The weight of your unspoken thoughts hung in the air, a pregnant pause that lingered for a beat before you finally broke the silence with your response.
"Is she in trouble?" Your voice carried a note of concern, your brows knitting together in a display of genuine worry. He always thought you were far too nice for your own good—too caring, too helpful, sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.
But then again, he couldn't find it in himself to be mad—can't fault you for it, as it was that quality of yours that led you to him, that led him to love you.
"No," He replied instinctively, the words slipping out before he could reel them back in, knowing that you would undoubtedly offer to lend a hand if he were to tell you the truth, and he can't.
He couldn't risk putting you in harm's way again. Couldn't bear the thought of dragging you into danger once more because of his cursed bloodline.
"Jotaro-" You begin, but he cuts you off with a shake of his head before you can finish your sentence.
"No." He spoke once more, his voice firm this time. Shaking his head still. "I can handle it."
Another pregnant pause stretched out between the two of you, a palpable tension hanging in the air. Your eyes brimmed with concern and worry, while he was certain that his own gaze betrayed a whirlwind of unspoken affection resurfacing to the forefront of his mind as he found himself reunited with you.
"I.. need to go." Jotaro decided to break the silence, and if you hadn't known him for so long, you would've missed the way his voice sounded breathy. Yet, you choose not to mention it.
"...Alright," You sigh defeatedly, "Don't let me keep you."
You try your best to give him a small smile, one of reassurance. In response, he simply nodded, a familiar gesture reminiscent of your teenage years when he would try to look cool in front of you—not that he'll ever tell you that.
"I'll come back." Jotaro found his lips moving when it should be his feet starting to walk away from here. "I'll come back here, for you."
Jotaro found himself teetering on the edge of a decision, a fleeting impulse urging him to lean in, to reach out and cup your face in his hand, to bridge the distance between you and savor the warmth of your lips against his own, yet, he held himself back.
It's not the right time.
"Okay.. I'll wait for you."
But maybe, just maybe... after he finally gets rid of the lingering thorn of his cursed bloodline, after he ensures the safety of his daughter, after he finishes the fight with this priest...
Maybe it'll finally be the right time.
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bexalert · 1 year ago
Stardust crusaders having a crush on you
(Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Mohammed Avdol)
Stardust Crusader stuff because I just finished part V and I miss them 😔
Also, I started this a WHILE ago, and it’s just been sitting in my drafts, so here you go.
I’ll also probably be making something for part V soon because I love them all. My accounts about to just become Jojo I’m so sorry 😭
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Jotaro Kujo:
• He’s such a sweetie (he will literally ignore you)
• He doesn’t know how to just care about people??? So he won’t say anything
• But he will be very protective of you
• Atleast he’s not insulting you 😭
• He’ll just be watching you at all times, making sure you’re ok.
• He gets flustered, and then gets more flustered since he’s flustered
• Not that most people would notice
• He just starts sweating a bit and looks away.
• but you know who’s NOT shy???
• Star Platinum will not hesitate to play with your hair, stand by you, stare at you
• Obviously Jotaro will try to control him, but sometimes it just subconsciously happens
• He gets frustrated because people (POLNAREFF COUGH COUGH) will tease him
• But he bluffs well enough so you can’t tell
• When he does ask you on a date (if he does)
• It’s short, and almost a demand 😭
• “Go out with me.”
• He moves his hat so that you can’t see his face
• But he’s lowkey shaking
• Bro could defeat dio, multiple other stand users, and stop time without breaking a sweat, but when it comes to you?
• He’s just very out of his element, give my boy a chance
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Noriaki Kakyoin:
• He’s just naturally so charming
• Especially if you’re around Jotaro and you’re a woman 😭
• He’ll comfort you if Jotaro makes any rude remarks
• “Pay him no mind.”
• He acts like you don’t affect him as much as you do
• But not to the point of being rude to you.
• He tries to impress you, but might not even realize he’s doing it
• Like he’ll do something cool and then immediately look to you to see if you saw him
• Might act just a smidge more charming
• Oh you need to walk through this door? He’ll open it for you. You’re having a seat? Here, let him pull your chair out for you. There’s a puddle? Oh, don’t get your shoes wet! He can carry you across- for your safety of course!
• He’s very polite, and respects you so much
• Always want to hear your input
• What do YOU think is the best route? Which hotel do YOU like?
• “What do you think, Y/N?”
• Just cares about you very much.
• He’ll be confident but humble when he asks you out
• “Y/N, I like you. Would you go on a date with me?”
• He’s shaking in his boots
• He just always has this content smile when he’s with you.
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Jean Pierre Polnareff:
• Oh brother we got ourselves a yapper 😭
• Everyone knows he likes you
• It is absolutely not a secret
• You just assume he’s joking, or think he doesn’t really mean it
• But he is DEAD serious
• Shameless simp- he doesn’t care who makes fun of him
• “Ah, Y/N, do you need help with that? I’ll help!”
• You didn’t need help, he just can’t stand to see you working
• “Mon amour, someone as beautiful as you shouldn’t have to do work like this. Hohoho! leave it to me!”
• He’s incredibly corny and will say the cringiest things at any time.
• “Ah! You’re eyes are as beautiful and shiny are Silver Chariots armor!”
• and you’re just like thanks???? I guess???
• He will ask you out constantly. Just got done fighting? He’ll ask you out to cuddle in his sleeping mat (and also proclaim his undying love) you’re hungry? Please! Let him take you out to eat (and proclaim his undying love) you said you’re tired? He’ll ask you if he can carry you (and of course proclaim his undying love)
• When you finally take it seriously enough to give him a chance, he is over the moon
• He’s telling everyone
• “they said yes! We’re dating!”
• He’s so head over heels and just adores you
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Mohammad Avdol:
• Dude he is SWEATING
• Like you won’t notice because he’s very calm and collected, but he’s freaking out
• It also doesn’t help that Magicians Red always comes out when you’re around, and he just keeps getting hotter.
• Like if you’re having a long conversation with Avdol, it will just progressively get more hot
• He tries desperately to keep Magicians Red under wraps, and for the most part he does
• But he gets so embarrassed when he cant
• He’s super respectful, like feels bad for even liking you
• He thinks he’s being gross for thinking of you like that especially if he doesn’t think you like him 😭
• He feels embarrassed outright asking to just have a conversation with you, so he always tries to cover it up with something else
• “Y/N, do you mind helping me read this?”
• HE COULD READ IT!!! He just wanted an excuse to talk to you ☹️
• Since he’s also the groups stand teacher, he’ll use his knowledge to his advantage
• Like you’ll made some off comment about “hmm wonder why that happened.” And he’s going into nerd mode
• 🤓☝️ “Actually when a stand user…”
• Like it was not necessary for him to go off like that, but the way you listen so intently makes his heart flutter.
• if you take his advice into account or say something reminded you of him, he is DEAD
• You actually thought about him, even just for one second, and that is wild to him
• He is also a simp, but no one would notice. Pouring your tea for you, helping set up your mat, bandaging your wounds, etc.
• You just think he’s being a good friend
• When he finally asks you out, he’s so flustered, but tries to keep calm.
• “Y/N, when this is all over I would like to take you on a date. Is that ok?”
• He’s just the sweetest nicest big ol’ teddy bear.
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rougepancake · 2 years ago
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Experiencing the “there’s only one bed” trope with them
Ft. Muhammad Avdol, J.P. Polnareff, Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, & Joseph Joestar
Warnings: Just fluff. I don’t have it in my heart to make this smutty 😭 Not proofread
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He knows good and well that Joseph is the whore behind all of this 😭
As soon as he gets to the room and realizes that you’re all set up he wants nothing more than to pass away and die
Like you walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your body and he’s like FUCK
The funny part is he got shitfaced like two weeks prior to this and accidentally told Joseph that he would smash you if given the opportunity
So there you are. Standing in front of each other in total awkward silence as you both figure out what to do
“Would you like the bed for tonight?” He asks slowly, shifting uncomfortably as he stand before you. To his surprise, you only shrug in response.
“Nah. I’ll take the floor.” You turned your back to him and pulled a robe over your body, dropping the towel underneath it before looking back at him. “Plus don’t you have back problems or something??”
He stopped. How did you remember that? He had told you that when he first met you, as a way to make conversation, not in any serious connotation.
“R-Right…” He cleared his throat and looks down at you, giving you a stern look before speaking once again. “But it’s not good for you to sleep on the floor.”
“So what? You wanna share the bed then?”
“I don’t see why not.”
He instantly regretted saying that I kid you not
Like he’s freaking out BIG TIME and is praying he just spontaneously dies in his sleep tonight
What if he does something in his sleep??? What is he sleep talks and accidentally confesses????
Yeah my guy is having an internal panic attack
Once you guys get around to getting to bed, he stays strictly on the edge of the bed, his back facing you. He wants to give you as much space as possible
But the mf wakes up holding you in his arms
Almost fucking dies because you’re still asleep and he almost shouted
The sight warms his heart though, so he allows himself to stay this way until you wake up
Then neither of you speak of it again
But you both kick Joseph’s ass afterwards
He did this himself and failed at it so bad you guys
He was like “oh no I suppose we’ve got no other choice but to sleep in the same bed together”
You told him to sleep on the floor
Was genuinely offended but let you win because he thinks you’re hot
“Oh my, look at this situation we’ve gotten ourselves into.” He teased, smirking as he watched you set your stuff on the hotel bed.
“You mean you.”
You turned around and glared at him, rolling your eyes at his ignorance. “I know you set this up. Now suffer and sleep on the floor.” You pointed to a nearby corner, smirking as you teased him.
“You’re cruel.”
Is a big baby about it and eventually guilt trips you into letting him up onto the bed
Cries with relief when you cave
He snores so loudly that it makes you regret everything
Also cuddles in his sleep and you have to keep pushing him away but he’s like a fucking brick 😭
Rolls over at one point and nearly crushes you but plays it off in the morning
He’s batting his eyelashes and shit when he wakes up as if he slept like a cute little baby
You beat his ass LOL
Never heard the end of it from Joseph
Kakyoin set him up and he knew it as soon as he walked into the room
You had just gotten settled when you saw him walk in there
And holy shit was he pissed
Or he looked that way
He was projecting his embarrassment poorly
Naturally, there was one bathroom and one bed (which he hated)
He does not like the idea of forced proximity but deals with it because he’s got no other choice
So the question comes up of “do we share the bed or do we both sleep on the floor?” Cause lord knows you’re both too stubborn to let the other sleep on the floor alone
“What’s the plan for tonight?” He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, his hat covering his eyes as he stood, which made it difficult for you to get a read on how he was feeling.
But his ears were red.
“I was just going to take the floor.” You shrugged, grabbing a towel before you walked over to the bathroom. “I don’t mind.” You closed the door behind you and he couldn’t help but blush at the thought of you just being so comfortable with this.
“You’re not taking the floor. I will.” He tells you through the door, and you scoff in response.
“You’re not taking the floor either then.” You grumble and turn on the water.
He pauses and has this brief moment of ‘so what now’ but once he gets what you’re insinuating he feels his heart fall to his stomach. What if he snores? Or crushes you?? Oh he’s so gonna kick Kakyoin’s ass if he makes it out of this alive.
Stays as far away from you as possible when it comes time to sleep. He’s got a good poker face but GOD DAMN his heart is about to explode
The two of you talk a little until you fall asleep mid conversation, which he finds annoying but doesn’t mind that much bc he’s a cutie
You wind up spooning him in your sleep and MY GOD he loves it
Dude would spend the rest of his life in your arms if he had the option
He sleeps like a rock though, so once he’s out, he’s out
But you wake up to Star Platinum poking your cheek and Jotaro asleep in your arms, which is such a beautiful sight 😩
Makes you wish you had a camera, but you just sit there and enjoy the moment
When he wakes up he makes you swear not to tell anyone about what happened
Secretly hopes that Kak has the balls to do this again
He gets to the room first and sets his stuff down on the bed, when you walk in after him he swears he’s going to have a stroke
It’s not that he minds or anything but what the hell???
All things considered, he plays it off pretty well. He’s smooth in the way he handles it and even offers to take the floor if you want him to
All the alarms in his head are blaring but he’s fine dw
The original smooth operator
Refuses to even let you suggest sleeping in the floor or anywhere else- you’re already here so why not just stay?
“So how are we going to do this?” He asks as he sits down on the edge of the bed, a soft smirk on his lips.
“I was going to j-“
“Excuse me?” You paused and looked at him, seemingly offended by how he interrupted you.
“Surely it’s not good for your back.” He shrugged it off and patted the spot beside him. “Why don’t we just share the bed instead? That way no one has to sleep on the floor.”
If you have any form of routine before bed, expect him to join you or help you out
This is his chance and my man is NOT throwing it away
Would do your hair if you asked him to
Probably reads before bed, so don’t be surprised if his side of the room is still lit up after you go to sleep
Subconsciously gives you head pats while you sleep next to him; catches himself and wants to die
At some point he finally decides to stop reading and grow a pair, rolling over onto his side and gently wrapping his arms around your waist
He loves the closeness, and loves being able to bury his head in the crook of your neck
It almost doesn’t feel real to him, but he’s happy that it is
When you wake up he teases you about how you slept like- “you snore” or “I thought you were gonna kick me off the bed”
Unlike the others, he’ll bring it up from time to time just to mess with you
WHORE (pt. 2)
He set it up himself thinking he was about to be smooth and it went horribly wrong
Like as soon as you see him walk into the room you’re like “fuck”
But not in a ‘omg he’s so hot I can’t even’ type of way it’s more like ‘oh god no it’s Joseph’
“Oh my god!! There’s only one bed!!” He pretended to be shocked, his hands coming up to his face as he feigned surprise. “What’ll we do?!?”
“I’ll sleep on the floor.” With the way you said it, it was clear that you weren’t going to accept any other answer.
“Wha- are you sure? It’s not good for your back, or your anything for that matter.” He did his best to argue, but you shot him a glare and began setting up on the floor.
“Yep. I’m pretty sure.”
He’s never felt so defeated in his entire life
Like ever
Bro wishes he was as smooth as Kakyoin 🤭
Keeps hinting at it periodically, but gives up when you stop responding to him
Eventually, you fall asleep on the floor, your face buried into the pillow that you had taken off the bed
He decides to pull a funny and pick you up while you rest, setting you on the bed and covering you up before taking your spot on the floor
When you wake up you have a slight change of heart, but he’s still a whore so you’re not having any of it
Brings it up from time to time and his bullied by Polnareff and Avdol for failing so hard
They won’t ever let him forget
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naomijoestar · 5 months ago
Masterlist here <3
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genre: fluff
warnings: none
characters: speedwagon, will. A zeppeli, caeser, polnareff, kakyoin, okuyasu, bucciarati, mista, ermes, weather report, gyro zeppeli (yup, alot)
notes: GN!reader, you can see this as platonic or romantic whatever you like, and yes i included will zeppeli because my hamon king doesn’t get the love he deserves <3
How the jobros would react to you asking to try makeup on them
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Speedwagon is rough around the edges but a softie at heart. He’d be taken aback at first, scratching his head with a nervous chuckle. “You want to put makeup on me? Well, if it’ll make you happy, why not!” He’s not really into the idea but does it for you, and secretly enjoys your attention.
Will A. Zeppeli
Zeppeli would be amused, stroking his mustache thoughtfully. “Makeup, you say? I am always up for a bit of artistic expression!” He’d be curious and would even offer pointers on color coordination, treating it as a chance to embrace beauty in all forms.
Caeser Zeppeli
Caesar would laugh confidently. “You think you can make me more handsome? Give it your best shot!” He’d go along with it playfully but might turn the tables by offering to put makeup on you too, turning it into a fun, competitive game between you two.
Polnareff would be over-the-top about it. “Makeup on me? Oh là là! Well, I suppose a handsome face like mine could use some extra flair!” He’d strike dramatic poses the whole time, loving every second of the attention but pretending to be too cool for it.
Kakyoin would be calm and composed about it. “Hmm, I’ve never tried makeup before, but I trust your taste.” He’d sit patiently, interested in the process, and probably compliment you on your skill afterward. He’d even keep it on for a while, curious about how others react.
Okuyasu Nijimura
Okuyasu would be confused at first. “Huh? Makeup on me? I dunno if I’d look good…” but he’d quickly give in with a grin, wanting to make you happy. “Alright, why not! You better not laugh though!” He’d be a bit shy, but secretly thrilled by the whole experience.
Bruno Bucciarati
Bruno would be open to it, seeing it as an opportunity to bond. “If it’s something you’d like to try, I don’t see why not.” He’d take it very seriously, sitting still and offering gentle compliments as you work. He appreciates your creativity and trust.
Guido Mista
Mista would laugh, not taking the request too seriously. “Makeup on me? Sure, why not! As long as you don’t turn me into something crazy.” He’d be laid-back and crack jokes during the process, but when he sees himself in the mirror, he’d grin and say, “Damn, I look good!”
Ermes Costello
Ermes would raise an eyebrow but smirk. “You want to try makeup on me? Alright, but only because it’s you asking.” She’d go along with it, teasing you here and there but secretly enjoying the experience. She’d probably keep it on to show it off later.
Weather Report
Weather Report would be indifferent at first. “Makeup?” he’d say in his usual quiet tone. But if you seemed excited, he’d agree, not really minding one way or the other. “Sure.” He’d stay silent the whole time, but when it’s done, he’d nod appreciatively.
Gyro Zeppeli
Gyro would laugh loudly, not at all embarrassed. “Makeup, huh? Sure, why not! Let’s see what you got!” He’d playfully tease you during the process, but when you’re done, he’d be impressed. “I gotta say, you’re pretty good at this!” He’d wear it proudly, turning heads wherever he goes.
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I hope you guys liked this! I didnt include anyone from jojolands because i havent started part 8 yet! If anyone has any requests please go ahead <3
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keenzinemugstudent · 10 months ago
Kakyoin: Jotaro you and Y/n really are close
Jotaro: We're dating...
Avdol, Polnareff, Joseph, Kakyoin: *Shocked*
Y/n: *Shocked*
Polnareff: Why the hell are you shocked?!
Y/n: Oh right sorry I kind of forgot for a minute there
Joseph: How?!!?
Jotaro: Yare Yare Daze
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randoimago · 1 year ago
I don't know if you're able to write the Oingo Boingo brothers but I was wondering if u could write for the crusaders who taught their s/o being flirted by Oingo (who is disguised as them) because apparently it has something to deal with Boingo's stand's predictions (sorry if this is too much specific details ^^°)
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Character(s): Muhammed Avdol, Kakyoin Noriaki, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo
Note(s): Okay so please correct me if I got this wrong, but I believe the prompt is crusaders seeing their S/O being flirted with by Oingo (disguised as them)? But not too many details at all, I'm happy to write this!
Also, I could be wrong, but I don't think any of them ever saw Oingo in the show? Cause he was disguised the whole time so this is such a funny ask (especially cause some of these guys are a little dumb)
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Avdol is taken aback when he comes out of a store and sees himself flirting with you. He's immediately on guard because it's so obviously an enemy stand user. He never flirts with you so publicly so he hopes you can see through it as he's staying back and planning his own attack from a distance so he doesn't jeopardize your safety.
Kakyoin, like Avdol, is taken aback by the flirting of the copy. He already has an Emerald Splash prepared, trusting the range attack to scare the copy off and make sure you're safe.
Polnareff is an idiot so he thinks he's seeing things when he sees a copy of himself so obviously flirting with you. He feels angry and annoyed at whatever is happening and he stomps his way over. The copy of himself ends up running and Polnareff gives chase, planning to check up on you later.
Joseph is also surprised to see you with a copy of himself and he has to rub his eyes a bit to check that he's not seeing things. But he also stomps over. The copy runs away, which shocks him by how easy that was, but he's checking that you're okay. He didn't even process the fact that his copy was flirting in the first place.
Jotaro is beyond annoyed when he sees a copy of him flirting with you. The idea that he'd even think about openly showing affection is annoying. He huffs but waits to see what you do. It should be obvious that it's not actually Jotaro flirting so he hopes you piece that together. Otherwise, he'll gladly step in with Star Platinum.
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deadratdonoteat · 6 months ago
Jotaro Kujo x Reader
An awkward aquarium “date” with some edgy teen
Tags- Fluff, Awkwardness, hand holding, Sitting on his lap, reckless driving, perverting(From Jospeh and Polnarff), aquarium date
W.C= 1.6k
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This was humiliating. This is not what I thought I'd be doing when I was offered to join the group to defeat a vampire. When I visited Jotaro in jail with his grandpa. I just thought we were bailing him out, not going to egypt. I don't even know how Mr. Joestar found me. I was walking out of school and he said he was there to pick me up, what a creep. But I went with him when he said his grandson, Jotaro, was in jail.
Yes, me and Jojo are friends. He sure doesn't act like we're friends, We eat lunch together on the stairwell. We always partner up for class projects. He acts like he hates it but I'm always his first choice. His fangirls hate my guts.
Now here I am, sitting on the broody teens lap. There are six of us, not including Iggy. Joestar insisted on this model of car. It only had five seats. We sat behind Avdol, Mr. Joestart driving (For some reason), Kakyoin in the middle, Polnareff behind the driver's seat, Iggy on pPlnareff’s lap with his head out the window.
Since Mr.Joestar was driving the drive was bumpy and swaying. Jotaro refused to use the seat belt. His left hand was by his side, while his tight rested on the window seal. I had to hold on to nothing. Of course Jotaro wasn’t going to hold me to ensure my safety. If we crashed I would definitely be screwed. Another bump. I held onto Advol’s seat. Praying to myself that I’ll gladly drive next time.
“HOLD ON!!” The old man yelled while speeding up. I couldn’t see the road so I didn't know what was coming. I can see Joestar moving his hands on the steering wheel, he was about to make a sharp turn. Why’d he speed up?I screamed to myself. This was the end. I’m about to go out the window. I’ll never see Dio get destroyed. Suddenly a tight grip was around my waist.
Jotaro had wrapped his arms around me. Pulling me closer into him. My back was flushed against his chest. Thank god he could see my face, it went completely red. The car made a turn. Me and Jotaro were pulled against the car door. Thankfully Kakyoin was wearing his seatbelt so he only tilted. Polnareff was holding Iggy for dear life while screaming. Joestar held his hat as if he wasn't the one causing this.
Once the car was straight on the road again, we all calmed down. The yelling began, it was only Polnareff.
“I VOTE TO MAKE Y/N DRIVE,” Polnareff called out. Kakyoin and Avdol nodded and agreed with him.
“Stop whining!” The homan user retorted, “I don’t mind driving Mr. Joestar,” I spoke to him. He took his eyes off the road to face me. He loved it when I called him that. His smile was huge.
“Face the road,” Advol reminded the driver. I was so focused on the others talking that I didn't realize Jotaro was still holding me.
“I told you to stop calling him that,” Jotaro’s deep voice whispered into my ear. My face heated up. “I’m just being polite,” I tilted my head back to whisper back to him. Our faces are only centimeters away. He grumbled something about his grandfather being cocky. He looked out the window. His face always looked so serious. His jaw was always tight. I was staring. Jotaro met my eyes.
“What?” He asked while furrowing his brows.
“You look g-” “Y/N!” Polnareff interrupted me. I was about to complement Jotaro. This stupid frenchman. I look at Polnareff, Jotaro quickly unwraps his arms.
“Take Iggy!!! He's Farting over here!!” The white haired man whined. I made a face of disgust.
“Keep him away from over here,” I called to him, he whined more. Just as I was going to yell at him, Joestar interrupted me.
“WERE HERE!!” He yelled for no reason. I could see his leg move. He was definitely going to stomp on the breaks to park. I grabbed Jotaro’s hands, which were by his sides. I wrapped them around myself and pushed my back into his chest again. He got what was happening and tightened his grip. As predicted the car screeched at a sudden stop. Polnareff let out a completely manly scream as his head smacked a seat in front of him.
“A warning next time,” Avdol said, releasing his grip from the safety handle.
“Three rooms available at the moment,” the front desk lady told Avdol and Joestar. After buying the rooms, they told us to pair up.
“I call Y/n,” Polnareff said with a smug grin. What a creep. “Don’t even think about it,” Kakyoin told him. The red haired teen grabbed a key card from Avdol, then dragged the frenchman to their room. Avdol handed me a card as well. Jotaro, who was behind me, said his classic phrase. I guess I'm sharing a room with him. I don’t mind it at all, I hope he doesn’t either.
Thankfully there were two beds. After saying goodnight to the others and changing. My pajamas were just comfy shorts and a simple black tank top. Jotaro stayed in the same outfit. After getting settled for bed I was going to tell the stand user goodnight but he wasn’t in bed. The balcony doors were open. As I walked outside I smelt smoke.
Jotaro was leaning on the railing, with a cigarette betweens his lips. He looked magical. He didn’t turn to face me.
“Need something?” He asked before tagging a drag of the cigarette.
“I was gonna go to bed,” I replied, “Are you gonna head to bed soon?” He just grunted at my question. My eyes followed his gaze. He was looking at a building. I walked up to the railing with him. Leaning forward to get a closer look. The building was an aquarium. Of course that's where he was looking off to.
“Would you like to go there?” I asked him. His shoulders tensed. His head slowly moved to face me.
“What are you talking about,” He said while pulling his hat down to cover his eyes.
“We can go tomorrow…together,” I mumbled the last part.
“We don’t have time for that nonsense,” he stood to leave.
“What if we went right now?” I questioned. I know that he needed to take a break. Why not walk around one of his interests? That seemed to pique his interest. He fully turned to me. He still had a stoic face but his eyes were glowing. He turned back to the room and walked in. Was he seriously not going to say anything? He kept walking.
“Are you coming?” He said with a tone of annoyance, opening the door.
The walk to the Aquarium was cold. I didn’t have time to change with Jotaro leaving so fast. The lobby staff gave us weird looks. It was 11:00pm, two teenagers, one wearing heavy clothes while the other was barely wearing anything. After buying the tickets and getting a map.
“So the first tank is the touch tank,” I held the map higher to show Jotaro. He just glanced at the paper.
Touching the sea animals was fun. One of the fish really likes Jotaro, following his hand everywhere. It was a nice scene. Jotaro had a small smile while leaning on the open tank. His sleeves rolled up while his hand was in the water. He pointed to one of the fish I was wagging my finger at.
“That's the Slender danios, mostly in a school of six,” He told me. The small fish did have five others around it, though this one seemed to be the bravest. Some smaller fish would follow our hands. There was even a shark, which Jotaro taught me was a tiger shark. Jotaro was ready to see the next animal but I wanted to stay in the tunnel for longer. The teen grabbed my hand. I would have protested but the way he grabbed it was different. He wasn’t dragging me, he was holding my hand and walking. My face heated up as we left the tunnel. He didn’t let go. We continued to hold hands
Before leaving I told Jotaro I needed to go to the bathroom. He stayed by the exit doors telling me to hurry. I went to the gift shop that wasn’t closed yet. I looked for a dolphin keychain. Finding the perfect one and buying it, I met Jotaro by the exit.
“Took you long enough,” the taller teen huffed, “Oh shush, I was doing something,” I retorted. He side eyed me. It sounded a little weird when I said it like that.
“I got you something,” I spoke as we exited the building. We stopped on the sidewalk. He turned to me, his eyebrow raised. Reaching into my pocket I revealed the keychain. The simple dolphin charm attacked. I held it up for him to take. His eyes followed my hand. Jotaro picked it up and inspected it.
“Not bad,” he mumbled. Before I could say something he held out his fist. Opening it to show a shark keychain, similar to the dolphin one. This grumpy teenager had seriously sneaked away to buy me this. My heart fluttered. I laughed at the coincidence, he smiled.
“Not bad,” I say mockingly. His smile dropped and he snatched the shark from my vision.
“I was joking!” I say as I grab his hand that held my keychain. He showed me his now empty hand. I sighed and took his hand. We crossed the street with intertwined hands.
“You can get yours in the morning,” He grumbled as he held the door open for me. “You’re so mean.” I sighed.
“Or you can not get it at all,” I gasped at his words, “Jotaro! You're so unfair,’ I complained.
I woke up to find the shark keychain on my nightstand
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stoutpancakes · 24 days ago
AKA how the Stardust Crusaders react when you're learning their primary language!
Ft. Muhammad Avdol, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, & Noriaki Kakyoin
Muhammad Avdol
When Avdol finds out you're learning his primary language of Arabic, he's honored.
Needless to say, Avdol is a great teacher as long as you're serious about learning the language.
He gives you plenty of material to help you study.
But be warned, he believes immersion is the best form of learning.
Expect for him to speak nothing but Arabic in you two's shared household on occasion.
(Don't worry. He'll help you out if he sees that you're struggling!)
Avdol teaches you basic phrases to help you navigate everyday situations while you're out and about in the city you two live in.
Again, definitely the best teacher out of the bunch.
Corrects you when you get something wrong, but takes the time to explain what was wrong about it.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"
Jean Pierre Polnareff
He's surprised when he finds out you're learning French.
You love him that much to learn his native tongue? How romantic of you!
He will do everything in his power to help you learn the language as he knows it can be tricky.
Kisses you sweetly every time you get something correct or even when you're wrong because at least you're trying!
He may not be the best teacher, but he's very passionate about his language and culture.
It's very infectious and is a great motivator!
He desperately hopes that you're enjoying it as much as he is.
Teaches you romantic phrases and terms fairly early into your language learning endeavors.
"I love you" is at the top of that list to teach you.
It just melts his heart to hear you say those little words in his native tongue.
Gives you little treats as motivators for when you're studying.
"How is the studying going, ma chérie?"
Joseph Joestar
Oh, boy.
When you tell Joseph that you want to start learning English, he's ecstatic.
But be warned, this man is the worse at teaching you.
He'll definitely teach you slang and curse words first.
"That's where the fun is at!" he exclaims when you chastise him for being so vulgar.
You finally get him to take teaching you English seriously (though that in itself is a feat alone).
Again, Joseph is not the best teacher.
He tries his best, but he expects you to pick up the language as quickly as he speaks it.
You then have to explain to him that he's a native speaker of English and you, in fact, are not. So naturally, it's going to take some time for you to learn the ins and outs of it.
He's also not the best at explaining the grammar. Just... be patient with him, please.
"You know... Their, they're, and there! All three are different!"
Overall, the most excited for you to be learning his native tongue even if he can't help you very much.
Jotaro Kujo
While Jotaro acts as if he doesn't care that you're learning Japanese for him, his heart flutters along with the butterflies in his stomach when you tell him.
But he mustn't betray his stoic nature.
He's not the best teacher as, much like Joseph, he expects you to pick it up quickly.
"It's simple conjugation, dammit," he'll mutter, pointing to the paper in front of you like an irritated father helping a child with their math homework.
You have to remind him that Japanese is his native tongue and not yours.
He slowly but surely begins to understand, though he can still be stubborn when teaching you at times.
He's also strict when it comes to your Japanese lessons, so expect the lessons to be everyday at the same time.
Don't you dare be late unless you want him to brood the whole time.
"Good grief..."
But again, the poor boy just doesn't know how to properly communicate his emotions.
And deep down, he loves you even more for wanting to learn his native tongue.
Noriaki Kakyoin
"You want to learn Japanese? For me?"
Kakyoin is shocked at first.
You want to learn his native tongue... For him?
No one has ever done something like this for him before.
It brings tears to his eyes, and the only thing he can do after you tell him is embrace you in a tight hug.
He's still reeling over it even months into teaching you the language.
He's a decent teacher, much more patient and understanding than Jotaro.
Kakyoin knows that Japanese can be difficult with the different symbols if you're not accustomed to the kind of language that it is, so he does his best to help you learn it!
Writes up flashcards for you and studies with you.
Grammar isn't his favorite, but he brushes up on the basics to teach you better.
Comes up with little songs and rhymes to help you remember things!
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elusive-writer · 2 years ago
𝘈𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘯𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘴
(GN! Reader)
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I got this idea very randomly so I thought why the hell not 🤭
Word count : 671
✩ 𝘑𝘰𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘰 𝘒𝘶𝘫𝘰 ✩
Yeah no, you’re gonna have a hell of time tryna convince this man to let you paint his nails.
Be prepared to beg and bargain cause that is the only way you even have a CHANCE of changing his mind.
When he begrudgingly agrees to letting you paint his nails, (after you agree to buy his cigarettes for the remainder of the trip) he only lets you paint them black.
Maybe with a small star on the middle finger if you’re lucky 😌
(he won’t admit it, but he likes the way you hold his hands as you work 🤭)
Once you’re finished, he’ll glance at your handiwork before muttering an “it’s alright…”
actually really likes it
Will absolutely chip the nail polish on purpose so you’ll re-paint his nails.
And will absolutely deny it if you call him out on it.
✩ 𝘕𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘒𝘢𝘬𝘺𝘰𝘪𝘯 ✩
Will probably be a little hesitant at first.
But after some minor convincing he just says fuck it.
And of course, a nice cherry red is the obvious choice to go.
After you’re finished tho he is LIVING for it.
He swears it’s given him like a power boost or something.
He feels fucking POWERFUL.
Insists that you let him paint yours now.
(he’s an artist so it’s obvi gonna be amazing)
Once he’s finished, you best believe he’s gonna want to show off to all the other crusaders.
and also convince them to paint their nails as well dkdkdjdjdk
Y’all would have a lot of fun with this.
✩ 𝘑𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘗𝘪𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘦 𝘗𝘰𝘭𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘧 ✩
It’s you that’s asking, of course he’d let you paint his nails!
“For you mon amour, anything 😉”
He would let you do ANYTHING to him.
ahem ahem anything
Would probably ask for silver because ya know… silver chariot.
But I could see him being convinced into doing a pale blue.
Or whatever your favourite colour is.
(is he easy, or can he just not decide? I honestly don’t know)
Another one that feels on top of the world once you’re finished.
Will also insist on letting him paint your nails.
The result is…. most definitely something.
you don’t say anything to spare his feelings
Will gate keep you from the others.
Can’t have HIS nail tech getting stolen 😤
✩ 𝘔𝘶𝘩𝘢𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘥 𝘈𝘷𝘥𝘰𝘭 ✩
He’s a little taken aback by your request.
But you’ve proven yourself a reliable companion throughout this journey so he trusts you.
Could def see him going with a fiery orange.
Or a nice gold that compliments his jewellery.
sorry, getting carried away
Finds the overall experience to be extremely relaxing.
Between the feeling of your hands and the way you subconsciously hum as you paint almost has him falling asleep.
Is honestly a little sad when it’s over.
Likes the look of the polish more than he expected.
Will be a little shy to ask for you to do this in the future but if you offer, he will happily oblige.
✩ 𝘑𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘱𝘩 𝘑𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳 ✩
Oh my god don’t even get me started.
He is ASTRONOMICALLY down for this idea.
Bitch, he’s probably the one who suggested it when he saw you painting yours.
queue tequila joseph
You better believe he’s going for a bright ass pink.
His confidence to through the fucking roof and life is too short. Bring that pink polish NEOWWW.
Is one of those ppl that cannot sit still for the life of him.
You have to constantly tell him to sit the fuck down so that you’re not painting the entirety of his hand.
Once you’re finished he’s like a peacock.
Constantly bragging, showing off… THE WORKS MAN.
might even bust out the old dress if he’s feeling especially bold dkdkdjd
Is absolutely gonna ask you to do this again in the future.
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gingernut1314 · 6 months ago
Touch Me...If You Want, Of Course pt. 1
Kakyoin x GN!Reader
Summary: How Kakyoin likes to be touched.
Warnings: Takes place during JJBA part 3, feel-good fluff, poor overthinking/anxious Kakyoin, touch-starved Kakyoin, use of pet name
Word Count: HC: 340+, One-shot: 1K, Total: 1.4K
A/N: Dedicated to the lovely @arielbeflyy and your love for Kakyoin! Smooches 😘. I hope you all enjoy!!
Taglist: @cinnbar-bun @lostfirefly
↞ to Jjba Masterlist | Request Rules | Blog Navigation ↠ part 2
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At first, Kakyoin is going to come off like he doesn’t want to be touched
It's hard for him to accept the fact that someone actually would want to touch him let alone be friends with him
But dear lord does he crave touch
He’s touch-starved 
So please try to be patient with him
He just doesn’t know how to be touched without tensing up and internally going
O-oh god
They’re touching me?
Did I do something wrong?
Or not??
Did I do something good?
I like this…
This is nice…
What is going on?? 
You might see his tensing up and almost panicked features as a sign that he doesn’t want touch
So when you stop your gentle touches, Kakyoin only grows more panicked
He doesn’t know what to make of the situation or what to do about it
Again, he is not well-versed in the ways of friendship
Jotaro is his friend
He doesn’t touch Kakyoin
Well…maybe Jotaro isn’t the example he should be going off of
So Kakyoin is stuck in this internal battle about why you want to touch him
About what your touch means
About if he even wants you to touch him
A battle that only grows when he watches you touch the other Crusaders
Touches to their shoulders and arms and cheeks
A gentle smile on your face as you do so
You seem to like to touch Polnareff the most, though the Frenchman is more touchy than you are 
What to do, what to do? 
One night, when he is unable to sleep, staring blankly up at the ceiling of the hotel room he is sharing with Jotaro
He comes to the solid conclusion he does want you to touch him
He wants you to place a gentle hand on his arm 
To interlock your fingers with his as you two continue your journey to Egypt
He wants to hold you tight and feel you hold him back just as tight
He doesn’t want you touching anyone else
And he definitely doesn’t want others to touch you
Kakyoin pulls himself from bed, unable to find sleep thanks to the thoughts whizzing in and out of his mind. 
Thoughts of you. 
He ever so slowly puts his slippers on. Ever so slowly pulls himself to his feet. He creeps through the darkness, taking extra care as not to disturb Jotaro sleeping silently in the bed closest to the door. His eyes watch his friend closely as he opens the door, it giving a soft, wooshing sound that makes him cringe. 
Too loud.
But Jotaro remains asleep and Kakyoin makes quick but quiet work of fully leaving the room. The light that filled the hallway was nearly blinding compared to the darkness of his shared room, making him squint his eyes to ease the slight sting.
You, you, you. 
All he can still think about is you as he makes his way down the hallway. 
Room after room he passes until he makes it to the elevator. He pushes the button down and waits for the small ping of it reaching his level. 
Some air. Yes, that will help him get rid of this restlessness that has invaded his bones. 
The elevator pings open and he walks in. He pressed one of the buttons on near muscle memory, waiting as the door slowly shut and he descended downward.
Yes…yes, some fresh air and maybe some water. 
The elevator pings back open not even half a minute later and he finds himself on the second floor. 
He hardly thinks about his mistake and moves off the elevator. 
Down this hallway, he goes. 
Room after room he passes. 
Maybe he would get himself some tea? His mother always used to make him tea when he struggle to sleep….yes. He would get some air, make himself some tea, and he would find sleep. 
Kakyoin blinks and finds himself outside of your door. 
Before he can truly begin to think of what to do next, your door swings open and you come to a jumping stop. 
“Kakyoin--” You start, a rush of air leaving your lungs when your brain catches up with your eyes, recognizing he was a friend and not some enemy Stand User come to try and kill you. Kakyoin watches your features shift from surprised, to ease, to slight concern. “Is everything alright?” You ask just as Polnareff, who you were sharing a room with, gave a mighty, throaty snore. You huff at the sound and pull yourself into the brightness of the hallway, shutting the door behind you. 
“Sorry--he’s been doing that all night and I’m this close to grabbing the nearest pillow and smothering him with it.” You gruff, rubbing your tired eyes. Kakyoin continued to stare at you in slight shock as he watches you yawn and cross your arm in an almost hug. He still couldn’t wrap his head around how he had gotten to your room instead of the lobby. You give him a small smile as your eyes find him again. “What has you up at this hour, huh?” Kakyoin watches your grip on your arms tighten almost as if to stop yourself from--from what? 
“Oh…it’s--too quiet,” Kakyoin said sounding so dumb to his own ears. 
Too quiet? What kind of answer is that? But you chuckled softly at his response. 
“Want to trade roommates? Polnareff is like white noise from hell.” Polnareff gave another throaty snore that shook all the way out into the hallway. You huffed at its sound. 
Kakyoin would have laughed at your words. He should have laughed because he found you to be the funniest person he knew but--his mind raced back to all the thoughts that had been plaguing his brain and keeping him from rest. 
“You can touch me.” He blurted out like he had no sense of self-control. Maybe because in that moment, he had none. You’re lips parted at his words on a small intake of breath, eyes widening at his brazenness. “Uh--if you want, of course.” 
Damn him. Damn him and his mouth and his overthinking brain and damn him for even--
“Are you sure?” You asked softly--kindly. God, you were always so kind to him. Why were you so kind to him? He didn’t think he deserved such kindness….but he did his best to shove all those thoughts down. To only see and hear you. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable--”
“Please touch me.” He breathes, moving closer to you. You’re lips parted once more and it was only making Kakyoin’s need for touch grow. “I’m sure. I…I’m not good with all this.” He said cringing at himself. “I never had friends till I met you all and never in my wildest dream did I think someone as--as beautiful would want to touch me so…I want you to touch me but only if you want--”
Kakyoin’s final words caught in his throat as you placed a hand on his arm. Warm. Solid. It was a hold that told him you were there and would be there for as long as he needed. Your fingers moved up his arm slowly as a bashful little smile crossed your lips. 
“You think I’m beautiful?” Kakyoin could hardly think past the fact that you were finally touching him again, but he found the strength to nod his head. You chuckled at his quietness, your smile only growing brighter and brighter as your fingers rose higher and higher. “Thank you, sweetheart.” You murmured making Kakyoin’s heart flutter. 
His body moved without so much a single thought besides the thought of you and his hand found its way to grab the one still rest at your side. You squeezed his hand tight as your other hand made its way over his shoulder, fingers brushed against the skin of his cheek. Kakyoin sucked in a shaky breath but instantly found himself leaning into such a touch, you more than happy to spread your fingers over his cheek. You draw lazy, looping circles with your thumb into the soft flesh, making Kakyoin’s eyelids flutter at the feeling. 
“Sweetheart?” He murmured on an unsure voice. As if drawing attention to it would make you take it back. As if it would make you pull away from him again. That smile of your was as bright as the sun that would rise in the sky in just a few hours as you gave a simple nod. 
“Yep…cause you’re my sweetheart, sweetheart.” Kakyoin couldn’t help the smile that bloomed over his face.
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agsbf · 18 days ago
Death No More
Stardust Crusaders x Isekai! Leitora
Capítulo 11: Amanhã Há de Ser Outro Dia
Capítulo anterior - Masterlist
Essa era a palavra capaz de definir Joseph nesse momento.
Os olhos do grisalho se fixaram na loira, um turbilhão de pensamentos sobre como havia sido tolo passando pela mente: a dona de casa carregava o mesmo sangue que ele, Jotaro e qualquer descendente de Jonathan, o equívoco cometido ao pensar na possibilidade da maldição não afetar a Joestar foi um erro grave. O caráter pacífico da filha, ao contrário do imaginado, não conseguiu repelir a natureza do Stand, ao invés disso, auxiliou para no lugar de Holly controlá-lo, os poderes a domarem, usando sua força vital como meio de sobrevivência, atuando como um parasita. A respiração do grisalho começou a ficar irregular, ciente da necessidade de matar Dio a fim de reverter essa situação e do tiro no escuro absoluto, pois nem o paradeiro, nem os poderes do vampiro foram descobertos pela Speedwagon. A incapacidade de fazer algo enfurecia o idoso, fechando o punho, o usuário do Hermit Purple gostaria de socar alguma coisa visando dissipar a fúria, porém sabia da inutilidade da ação.
Jotaro levantou da mesa, apesar de manter a fachada de durão em momentos difíceis, percebeu como o estudante engoliu em seco ao ver o estado da mãe, colocando a mão no ombro do avô com firmeza a fim de trazê-lo algum juízo, perguntando:
—Do que você está falando?
Abdul se aproximou de Holly, ajoelhando para avaliar a situação, embora a conclusão dele não fosse diferente da obtida pelo Joestar.
—Stands tem natureza combativa, pessoas pacíficas são mortas por ele. —Muhammad explicou, levantando, a testa franzida antes de fazer um adendo importante. —Mas…
—Mas o quê?! Porra! Vai direto ao ponto! —O protagonista levantou a voz.
—Diferente de Stands normais, o de Holly tem relação com a volta de Dio.
—Então… —Você começou, fazendo os demais olharem em sua direção. —Para curarmos ela, precisamos matá-lo. —O usuário do Mago vermelho acenou a cabeça.
Jotaro olhou para baixo, encarando os próprios pés, se desviando de qualquer contato visual com as outras pessoas na mesa, usando o chapéu como meio de esconder o rosto. Os ombros do estudante enrijeceram e suas mãos tremiam, as memórias de todas as vezes onde foi grosso com a mãe se repetindo como um círculo vicioso, o desejo de ter agido diferente aumentando a cada segundo que olhava para a figura desacordada da loira, estar ciente da possibilidade de não conseguir corrigir os erros deixava o banho de água fria mais gélido. Se ontem as palavras “eu te amo” foram difíceis de serem ditas a mulher, caso soubesse da situação de Holly no dia seguinte, às diria mais de uma vez, não apenas para a dona de casa saber sobre como se sentia em relação a ela, mas usaria a frase como um pedido de perdão pelo passado. Entretanto, não adiantava nada tudo isso, o remorso não muda aquilo que já aconteceu, somente o fazia sentir pior. Ele fechou as mãos, os punhos ainda tremendo, a única sensação capaz de sobrepor a tristeza pela qual o Kujo estava passando, era o ódio: a raiva direcionada ao esboço de espermatozoide do Conde Drácula, um merdinha decidido a fuder a vida de toda uma linhagem por pura mesquinhez.
O silêncio estava presente na sala, a desesperança no ar sendo quase palpável, até mesmo pessoas sem parentesco com Holly, como Abdul e Kakyoin, possuíam expressões sombrias no rosto, tanto pela consciência do quão improvável seria salvar a mulher, quanto por empatia aos familiares, o clima na mesa de jantar podendo ser comparado ao de um enterro, apesar da loira não estar morta. Você sabia dos acontecimentos, todavia a certeza da doença mortal não deixou o golpe mais leve, Holly se tornou alguém importante para sua pessoa e assisti-la sofrendo quase te fez chorar, só não cedendo a emoção por um motivo:
Não podia se dar esse luxo.
Alguns poderiam considerar não revelar seus sentimentos o ápice da toxicidade consigo mesmo, argumentando que guardar problemas é como uma ida na praia, onde o mar começa raso, porém a cada passo, a água fica mais funda e a costa distancia, a teimosia te fazendo continuar até perceber não ter volta, não conseguindo sentir a areia nos pés, nem avistar pessoas para pedir ajuda, sendo consumida pela vastidão do mar enquanto é afogada em arrependimento. Nessa metáfora, a água são suas emoções; Controladas, mas podendo virar um problema caso não aja direito; os passos dados fazem alusão ao comportamento de lidar com as dificuldades em silêncio; um ato inocente, até te fazer perder a percepção do seu real estado; a costa atua como a razão; inicialmente visível, entretanto ficando mais longe e distorcida pela forma como optou por agir. Você também vê dessa maneira, todavia se alguém possuindo conhecimento do futuro e capacidade de mudá-lo chorar, optando por ver apenas o infortúnio do presente ao invés de todo o processo, como poderia ficar sã em uma jornada cruel? Gostaria de ser afogada nas próprias lágrimas da mesma forma que Joseph, cerrar os punhos ou engolir em seco igual o Kujo, porém não podia receber o direito da tristeza, pois se você com o potencial de alterar tudo cedesse, nada restaria aos demais. Não importava o jeito, precisava manter sua cabeça erguida e permanecer forte, agir positiva diante os desafios apresentados para assim existir a chance de um final melhor.
—O quê nos impede de deitar esse arrombado no soco? —Utilizou a fachada alheia à história de Dio ao seu favor, obrigando seu cérebro a usar as forças a fim de formar um semblante convincente de dúvida, ao invés de lembretes sobre o quanto as chances estavam contra você.
—Vou pegar um futon para colocar Holly. —Kakyoin anunciou, recebendo um olhar grato do Joestar junto a um aceno, antes do ruivo sair do cômodo.
—Dio não é um usuário de Stand normal. —Abdul respondeu, sendo interrompido pelo homem grisalho:
—ELE É UM MONSTRO! FEZ DA VIDA DO MEU AVÔ UM INFERNO E ROUBOU O CORPO DELE! —Joseph nem de longe era alguém sério, porém a voz do idoso ecoou por toda sala de jantar como prova do ódio ardente pelo vampiro, o evento da filha sendo o estopim. —Esse filho da puta é um ser desprezível! Já deveria estar morto, mas é tão ruim que o purgatório o devolveu! Se Desamparo tivesse um servente, iria ser essa máquina de ruindade chamada Dio! Mas sabe qual o pior? —O Joestar questionou, olhando para você. Havia sido uma pergunta retórica, pois antes mesmo de abrir a boca e formar uma resposta, ele continuou. —Não temos informações sobre esse centenário do mal!
Kakyoin voltou com o colchão japonês, os olhos do idoso indo em direção a loira. Tanto o avô quanto o protagonista pegaram o corpo da mulher, posicionando-a deitada no futon. A pele da dona de casa estava em um tom cadavérico, embora ontem Jotaro tivesse comentado algo sobre a mãe estar pálida, nem se comparava ao estado atual dela.
O Joestar ajoelhou próximo a figura desacordada, colocando a mão na testa de Holly para ter uma ideia da temperatura. Você não iria perguntar como ela está, sabendo que a resposta só iria aumentar o clima de velório na sala. Joseph voltou ao tópico anterior, as pálpebras do idoso pesadas, um indício do quanto o mais velho estava farto de toda a situação:
—Eu já tentei de tudo, meu Stand permite fotos espirituais. —O idoso comentou, tirando uma imagem do loiro de dentro do bolso, te mostrando a forma de Dio. —Mas em todas onde esse filho da puta aparece está um breu desgraçado, não consigo descobrir a localização.
Você acenou a cabeça perante o que foi dito, colocando a mão no ombro do Joestar tentando trazer algum conforto. Mesmo não mudando muita coisa, o grisalho apreciou o esforço.
—Tem o sobrenome? Ou alguma informação sobre os poderes? —Perguntou.
Ele assentiu, respondendo:
—O sobrenome do arrombado é Brando. O Stand dele se chama O Mundo, porém não temos nenhuma ideia das habilidades.
Abdul, que estava em pé ao lado do avô do protagonista, centrou os olhos na imagem tirada pelo pai de Holly, antes de adicionar:
—Também já tentei diversos métodos para localizá-lo, entretanto a escuridão na foto prejudica qualquer dica sobre o paradeiro.
Jotaro ergueu uma das sobrancelhas, encarando a dupla com a nova informação mencionada, o tom de voz subindo:
—Por que não falaram isso antes?! —Ele se aproximou do egípcio, pegando a fotografia.
O Kujo deu passos firmes em direção a mesa, colocando a imagem sob ela, materializando Star Platinum. Os olhos da forma humanóide roxa se fixaram no retrato, a pupila do Stand aumentando e diminuindo a cada piscada, lembrando a lente de uma câmera ajustando o zoom. Enquanto a manifestação de alma analisava a imagem, o protagonista foi em direção a sala, trazendo um bloco de notas acompanhado de um lápis.
—Ele achou alguma coisa. —Jotaro anunciou. Você e Joseph levantaram em questão de segundos para se aproximarem do protagonista. Kakyoin, assim como Abdul, também chegaram próximo ao filho de Holly, todos encarando o desenho começando a ser feito pelo Star Platinum, o esboço de uma mosca aparecendo aos poucos.
—Uma mosca! Grande ajuda! —O Joestar bateu palmas, revirando os olhos. —Parabéns, hein netão!
—Calma Joseph, tem todo direito de ficar puto. —Você respondeu, antes de adicionar. —Mas tem certos bichos que só existem em partes específicas do mundo, incluindo insetos, talvez essa mosca possa nos fazer eliminar alguns continentes ou com sorte alguns países. —Se não podia chegar e falar: “Dio está numa mansão no Egito.” iria dar um empurrão nos personagens para a direção certa.
—Bobagem! —O idoso argumentou. —Uma mosca não pode indicar o paradeiro de Di-
—Já vi essa mosca. —Abdul disse. Os olhos do Joestar arregalaram junto à sobrancelha.
—Ah, nem fudendo!
—Jojo, tem uma enciclopédia? —Muhammad perguntou, recebendo um aceno positivo.
—Fica lá nos fundos. —O protagonista gesticulou, desaparecendo com o Star Platinum.
—Me empresta esse desenho, irei pesquisar para ter certeza. —O egípcio pegou o rascunho feito pelo Stand, indo pelo caminho mencionado pelo estudante, eventualmente sumindo de sua vista.
No anime, considerou o jeito do local de Dio ser descoberto uma grande conveniência de roteiro, capaz de te fazer encenar um pai comentando: “Começou a mentirada!” enquanto assistia. Entretanto, estava grata por essa ajuda do Araki nesse momento, sabendo da dificuldade que seria descobrir algo sobre o vampiro se não fosse por essa mosca e o conhecimento do rapaz de Bantu Knots. Você e os demais trocaram olhares, incertos sobre qual passo dar a seguir. Até o homem trazer os resultados, a melhor coisa a fazer seria esperar.
—Papai? —Holly comentou baixinho, respirações irregulares saindo dos lábios a cada palavra. A loira tentou se apoiar no antebraço, mas o membro ficou tão fraco pela maldição que a fez recuar, deitando novamente.
Joseph correu ao socorro da filha, ajoelhando próximo a ela. O Joestar manteve um sorriso no rosto, agindo como se o desmaio da dona de casa fosse apenas um pequeno susto, mesmo sabendo ser o oposto. Holly estava dando tudo de si a fim de parecer saudável e não preocupá-los, agir ignorante a doença era a única coisa que o idoso podia fazer para dar paz de espírito à mulher enquanto não achavam o verme-suga-sangue. Questionar a loira sobre por qual razão não avisou do Stand a deixaria mal, sentindo culpa. O grisalho soltou um suspiro de alívio, aumentando a credibilidade da reação, mudando o olhar para Jotaro, perguntando:
—Pode buscar um copo d’água para sua mãe?
—Volto em um minuto. —Ele respondeu, indo em direção a cozinha.
—Tem algo que eu possa fazer? —Você perguntou, aproximando da loira.
—Algo que nós possamos fazer? —Kakyoin corrigiu, chegando perto da sua figura.
Holly soltou uma risada baixa com a consideração da dupla. Cada segundo com os colegas do Kujo a deixava mais contente, pois sabendo do quanto a saúde dela estava prejudicada, a Joestar tinha ciência da alta possibilidade de não estar mais aqui para o filho. A existência de outras pessoas capazes de serem o porto seguro do Jotaro trazia calma ao coração da dona de casa, havendo a certeza de que mesmo se partisse, não deixaria o universitário sozinho no mundo.
—Eu estou bem, foi só um desmaio por tontura.
O protagonista voltou com a água. Joseph ajudou a filha a se sentar, pegando o copo das mãos do Kujo antes de entregá-lo para a loira.
—Não gaste suas energias falando, Holly. —O idoso advertiu, recebendo uma revirada de olhos da mulher. A mais velha ingeriu o líquido em goles longos. Após esvaziar o copo, o grisalho serviu de apoio para a dona de casa deitar no futon mais uma vez, adormecendo em questão de segundos.
—Holly? —Joseph não foi respondido.
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sha-n-dowbannedlol · 11 months ago
Jotaro Kujo — kakyoin's amusement
cw: nothing rlly, jotaro kujo is bad at feelings tag
an: inspired by that tiktok audio of when he sees me lol
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Always being on the move with barely any breaks and with enemies at every turn has left Kakyoin with little to no entertainment. Of course, he doesn't mind, even if he's already starting to miss his NES.
Fortunately for the red-head teenager, it seems that the Gods have heard his prayers and have blessed him with a new source of entertainment, exclusive front-row seats that only he is the audience of, said entertainment being the hidden feelings between you and Jotaro.
Well, it's not really hidden—you're both aware of your feelings, just not each other's. And being the only other teenager left, the two of you ran to Kakyoin to rant about your feelings. 
And just the admissions alone was already absolutely amusing.
You were the first to admit your feelings. 
It was still early on the journey, and Kakyoin was tasked to retrieve tickets with Jotaro, but he found that the teen had already gone on without him. Shrugging it off, Kakyoin opted to enjoy his stay and make the most of the hotel amenities instead. 
He found himself in the pool area, and much to his surprise, he caught you in one of the beach chairs on the poolside. Feeling his eyes on you, you wave him over, and he approaches you to sit on the beach chair adjacent to yours. 
It was quiet, and Kakyoin racked his brain for anything to say. Eventually, he opens up the conversation with one of the obscure facts he knows off the top of his head. 
Thankfully, you responded in kind, and the conversation flowed easily from there. Your conversation bounced from one thing to another before eventually, the both of you settled in comfortable silence while laying back on your respective beach chairs. 
It was a bit sudden for Kakyoin, but he'd be lying if he said he was surprised when you suddenly admitted it. 
"I think I like him...." You spoke, suddenly breaking the silence between you and the red-headed teen. Kakyoin glances at you, and he can see you feeling a bit embarrassed to say it out loud. 
"Hm..." Kakyoin hums in response before adding with a noticeable teasing lilt in his voice. "Who? Polnareff?"
"Yes, of course. Because I want a grown man." You respond sarcastically, rolling your eyes as you look at him, watching his lips turn up to an amused smirk. "I'm talking about Mr. Joestar, obviously."
"Right, my mistake." Kakyoin matched your energy, the both of you sharing a chuckle, before he turns to look at you, meeting your gaze. 
"So, Jotaro, huh?" 
Kakyoin's smirk widens at the sudden smitten look on your face just from the mention of the name, and he's 99% positive that you don't even realize it. 
"Yeah..." You sigh, one that reminds him of a hopeless romantic protagonist of romcoms he's seen his parents watch before. "I mean, can you blame me? Going through all these troubles just for his mom? How he jumped to save that kid without hesitation? And that face of his isn't helping."
"Honestly? I can't say I'm surprised." Kakyoin responds to your small rant, his voice soft and comforting. He sees your lips part, looking at him in slight panic, and he cuts you off before you can even speak. 
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."
"Thanks, Kakyoin."
"Mhm. Thank you for trusting me with this."
On the other hand, it took Jotaro quite a while before he admitted it—both to himself and to his friend. 
After a long day of fighting the menace that was Steely Dan and a long day of traveling, they ended up in another hotel. As usual, Jotaro and Kakyoin ended up sharing a room, and you ended up getting separated from them with your very own room. 
It was a really long day for both teenagers; both were drained and worn out, with Kakyoin mentally exhausted from exerting the effort to manifest his stand in a much smaller form and Jotaro both mentally and physically drained after all the beating he took earlier in the day. 
"I should've beaten him up more." Jotaro groans from his bed, making Kakyoin turn to look at him, a brow raised. 
"Steely Dan? You ended up hating him that much?" Kakyoin responds before leaning on his elbows, still lying on the bed. "How bad are the things he did to you when we left you with him?"
"That's not the issue. I've already made him pay for what he did to me." Jotaro responds, before shooting up from his bed, removing his hat, and placing it on the shared nightstand between their beds, running a hand through his hair. 
"But...." Jotaro trails off, and Kakyoin sits up on his bed as well, raising his brow even more. 
Jotaro grumbled something under his breath, and Kakyoin could swear he heard your name amongst the words the other teen grumbled. 
Kakyoin repeats your name, and Jotaro faces Kakyoin, his gaze hardened. 
"What about them?" Kakyoin asks curiously. 
"I can't easily forgive him for the shit he did to them."
Kakyoin is quite surprised by his words and how genuine they sound. His gaze darts to his friend's face, his scowl deeper than usual, a vein almost popping on his temple. Jotaro's exhaustion must be making him slip his composure, his emotions taking hold of his exhausted mind. 
"What did he do?" 
"He grabbed them. Right. in front. of. me." Jotaro scowls, his jaw clenched tightly. "Grabbed onto their arm so tightly like they were his."
Kakyoin blinks at that, his eyes widening slightly. No.. that expression on Jotaro's face.. it wasn't annoyance. Not completely...
"Held their chin to make them look at him. His face was so damn close to theirs, I would've punched him right then and there if it wasn't for the old man."
Definitely not annoyance. It's jealousy.
"I could feel Star Platinum just about ready to make him regret being born, and I had to actively hold him back." Jotaro finishes his mini-rant with a deep, annoyed sigh, his eyes darting over to look at Kakyoin. 
It was Jotaro's turn to look confused at the amused grin on Kakyoin's face, a knowing look in his lavender gaze, making Jotaro's brows scrunch in confusion as he looks at his friend. 
"The hell are you smiling about?" Jotaro asks bluntly with a deep scowl, "Didn't you hear a thing I just said?"
"I think you're the one who didn't hear what you just said, Jotaro." Kakyoin responds amusedly, his grin not faltering even under the scrutinizing gaze of Jotaro Kujo. 
"What are you blabbering about?"
"Think back to your words, Jotaro. You're not stupid."
Jotaro paused for a while, running a hand through his already messy hair at his friend's cryptic behavior. He was already exhausted and pissed off; he didn't need any more of Kakyoin's bullshit—still, curiously, Jotaro did as he was asked. 
Kakyoin's amused smile slowly widens along with Jotaro's eyes slowly widening in realization as he plays his own words back in his mind. His surprised gaze turned to look at Kakyoin. 
"Are you suggesting....?" Jotaro trails off with a hiss. "Fuck off."
"I'm not even saying anything."
"Don't think about it. I'd rather eat my socks."
"Don't look at me like—" Jotaro sighs. "It's not like that,"
"But it is," Kakyoin insists with a raised brow and a smirk, "Isn't it?"
Jotaro didn't even respond this time, looking away from his friend's teasing gaze as his own landed on his bed sheets. Kakyoin could see the dust of pink on the other teen's cheeks the more he remained silent, and that was already enough of a response to him. 
"God fucking damnit." Jotaro curses under his breath at the realization, letting out a deep sigh as he glares at his sheets. Kakyoin remained silent as he let Jotaro think about his newfound feelings. 
Eventually, Jotaro turns his head to look at Kakyoin, the usual calm, cold, neutral look on his face as his ocean gaze stares through his lavender ones. 
"Turn away for a bit." Was all Jotaro said. Confused, Kakyoin did as he was told, turning his back to Jotaro and looking at the wall beside his bed. 
Suddenly, Kakyoin jumps slightly in surprise. 
Jotaro is screaming.
It's muffled, probably by his pillows and his sheets, and it probably wasn't loud enough to be heard outside their room, but loud enough to surprise Kakyoin.
It didn't take long before he heard a deep breath and then silence.
"Good night," Jotaro spoke nonchalantly, and Kakyoin swiftly turned, but Jotaro was already on his side, back turned towards the red-head who was only blinking at him in a mix of amusement and surprise. 
"Also, don't tell anyone about this."
"Aye, aye, captain."
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bexalert · 2 years ago
Jojo characters reactions to you being hurt
(Jonathan, Joseph, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Dio)
(mentions of violence)
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Jonathan Joestar:
• Since he can heal, he’s not too worried
• But he’s still freaking out a bit inside.
• He’s SUCH a gentleman
• “Are you alright? Here, let me carry you.”
• Even if you’re fine, this man is watching you like a hawk.
• He just doesn’t want to lose anyone else :(
• If it’s a more severe injury, broken limb, stab wound, etc. He’s more jittery
• Like if you’re visibly in pain he’s gonna feel awful.
• “Please don’t cry- it ok. I’m here.”
• If he can’t be there, he’s gonna have Speedwagon or Baron watching you.
• He’ll fight for your honor 😤
• He’ll just do to your attacker what they did for you
• And a little bit more 🤭🤏
• But he’s still honorable! So he won’t go too far
• He knows you’re capable he’s just really worried and paranoid.
• He just cares so much :(
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Joseph Joestar:
• He’ s gonna be making jokes
• Not because he doesn’t care, he just wants to make you feel better
• He’s so confident it’s almost annoying
• “Don’t worry, Joseph Joestar is here!”
• *wink*
• But if someone did this to you, you best believe Joseph is messing them up.
• “You made a big mistake hurting Y/N!”
• It’s gonna be night and day
• He’s so gentle and nice with you
• And then he’s beating someone half to death
• If it’s a more severe injury, he’s PISSED
• Tells Caesar or Lisa Lisa to watch you while he murders someone
• Skipping the witty quip
• Just going straight into destroying them
• He’s gonna be a lot nicer if you’re genuinely hurt
• Doesn’t want to make jokes if it’s more serious
• “Everything’s gonna be alright, Y/N.”
• He’s not leaving your side
• If medicine isn’t making you feel better, he will.
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Jotaro Kujo:
• If silent but deadly was a person
• He’s not even gonna have to fight whoever hurt you
• He’s just gonna walk up to them and they’re already on their knees apologizing
• “Don’t apologize to me.”
• Now they’re desperately apologizing to you, and you’re confused cuz it’s just a scrapped knee.
• You’ll have to tell Jotaro that you’re ok and it’s not a big deal.
• Cuz at this point you feel bad for this random guy
• But if it’s a severe injury
• This person is fucked
• He’ll make sure you’re ok, and leave you with one of the other Stardust Crusaders
• And then Star Platinum is killing someone
• And Jotaro is just glaring
• You are not leaving his line of sight
• “Are you ok?”
• You won’t notice, but he’s gonna be hyper aware of what you’re doing
• Helicopter parenting
• He’s gonna make sure you’re happy and safe.
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Noriaki Kakyoin:
• He’s very worried
• If it’s something small, he’s probably not gonna go after whoever did it
• He’s just gonna make sure you’re ok.
• “Are you hurt? Let me see, I’ll help.”
• He’ll patch you up, and you’ll go on about your day
• But if it’s a worse injury
• He’s FREAKING out
• His eyes are going all wide and he’s gonna go straight to you.
• If it’s an easier enemy, he’ll stay with you and have Hierophant Green get them, or vice versa
• But if it’s another stand user, he’ll leave you with the Stardust Crusaders and destroy them 🥰
• He’s making it quick, cuz he just wants to make sure you’re ok
• He feels guilty that he couldn’t keep you from getting hurt
• He doesn’t want to seem clingy, but he’s gonna stay right by you’re side
• “I’m sorry you got hurt. I won’t let it happen again.”
• And he means that
• He’s going to keep you safe
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Dio Brando:
• oh boy
• You gotta try and calm him down
• Like you’re frantically trying to convince him not to kill this poor dude
• “How dare they touch you?!”
• If you’re able to convince him to leave the guy alone, his mood will be soured, and you won’t hear the end of it.
• But eventually he’ll let it go
• If you’re seriously injured, however, he’s not letting it go.
• He’s going to take his time and make them suffer.
• He’ll have one of his lackeys take him away, and make sure you’re fine.
• If you’re not, he’ll get you the best care
• And he WILL make this person suffer
• “They will not get away with doing this to you, believe me.”
• He’ll do to them what they did to you, but tenfold.
• And he’s gonna be clingy, but will deny it
• He’s gonna act like he’s on top of you 24/7 for your sake
• But he was actually just really worried
• He knows that he has many enemies, and doesn’t want you involved
• He’s not gonna forget about it for a while.
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mints-bizarre-posts · 1 year ago
Incorrect Quotes #114
Kakyoin : It's pretty cold outside.. wanna hold hands? We should stay close.
Y/n, blushing : Okay...
Jotaro : It's summer.
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lady-of-endless · 10 months ago
Hello! Can you please make headcanons for your relationship with Fugo or Kakyoin? You can use both SFW and NSFW (as a nuance or zest you can add a shared love of books and libraries)
I wish your blog will grow fast ❤️
Author's Note: Love it to see these two get requested! I'm soft from writing these, hope that you'll be too after reading those hcs. Thank you for your request and your patience. Hope you'll enjoy it! The GIFs are not mine, I'm thanking the owners.
Panacotta Fugo, Kakyoin Noriaki x reader SFW and NSFW relationship headcanons
(with a dash of shared love for reading)
(The characters are aged up)
Pannacotta Fugo
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- Fugo seems to always be slightly confused by your love and affection towards him. He knows all of his flaws and all of the things he should but cannot change about himself so why love him? Are you sure about that?
- At the initial phase of the relationship, he still is a bit reluctant to your affection, mainly because of his past. He needs time, to be understood, and you to let him take the lead with the pace of the relationship. If you accept this, he again considers himself too lucky.
- Fugo's love language is acts of service and words of affirmation, the latter comes in time. He is there anytime you need anything and loves doing things for you. He will also like to compliment you from time to time, but he won't be overwhelming.
- He is not opposed to pda but only if it's not too much or too obvious. It's tricky. He enjoys holding your hand, and caressing your back, but kissing? That might be too much for him in public.
- Something unexpected is that he gets clumsy because of you. Everyone notices how he starts stumbling or dropping things by accident and they start teasing him about genuinely "falling" in love.
- There's a big inner battle in him when trying to decide if he should tell you that he thinks of leaving the team. It's tearing him apart because he knows that if he leaves the team behind, he leaves you behind.
- Fugo is definitely the type to sit next to the bathtub as you take a bath and read something to you so you can relax more. His voice is calm and before turning the page, he steals a glance at you with loving eyes.
- From a young age, Fugo was a studious person and old habits die hard, and now his favorite subject is you. He likes to observe you when you're not paying attention to him. When you read, he's next to you, reading something as well. However, if you pay close attention you'll notice how he just won't turn the page in a few good minutes. You can tell he's distracted but can you tell why?
- When he snaps out of that trance, he just clears his throat and asks you about what you're reading. As you explain, he inches closer with a look in his eyes that tells you that he wants something right then and there, nodding and listening to you. His intentions are clear when he gets close enough to straddle you and take the book from your hands to put it away.
- With you, Fugo is surprised to discover how useful intimacy is when it comes to daily self-control. As you two get more intimate, his anger fits diminishes in frequency. It's like a balance.
- As mentioned before, Fugo needs to feel like he is taking the lead to feel comfortable with everything that's going on and that goes into the bedroom as well. He is very careful soft dom in bed. Him being the one to take care of you and decide the next move puts him at ease immensely but it also gives him confidence.
- Regarding kinks, he doesn't have many but one thing is for sure. His tie will always somehow be on you, either around your wrists, neck, or over your eyes acting like a blindfold. Plus, it turns him on the next day when he wears it and catches on your scent that stays on the fabric.
- But besides that, he likes to keep it simply loving and profound. He leans to a slow and sensual pace with lots of eye contact and praising whispers. Besides those whispers, he is going to be vocal and that might come off as a surprise for him too. He'll try to cover those sounds by moaning into the curve of your neck, into your shoulders, or against your lips.
Kakyoin Noriaki
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- I feel like even within the group of crusaders, he feels a bit left out, he can't tell why. Maybe it's out of habit. However, this changes once you become his friend and even his lover later on. He feels more connected to the group through you. It's like you took him by the hand and brought him closer to the others. He will be forever grateful for that.
- Kakyoin is introverted by nature and has a complex personality so there are some aspects that you need to know in the initial phase of the relationship. He might act differently than how he truly wants to act just to make sure nothing bothers you. If you encourage him, he'll slowly show his true beautiful colors until he becomes totally comfortable with just being himself around you.
- As he opens up in the relationship, you discover a new side of him, one that's more playful and bold. This is when you understand that besides acts of service as his love language, there is also physical touch as a way to express his strong emotions.
- Because you're so perfect in his eyes, Kakyoin wants to impress you but has no idea how. He makes the greatest mistake to ask the group for advice. However, he's smart enough not to follow their suggestions. So he feels defeated. He doesn't know that it's the little things he does that impress you. Little things such as: always opening the door for you, placing his hand on your lower back protectively, making sure you're hydrated, lending you his jacket if you're cold, telling you how beautiful you look when he wakes up next to you, and so on.
- His favorite gesture to remind you that he's there for you is to put a strand of hair between your ear and kiss your cheek.
- Kakyoin will notice a change in your mood immediately, you won't be able to hide it from him. He asks what you need, to be heard, to be distracted, or to get an opinion. He goes a long way to make sure you're alright, you're too precious to him.
- Call him your cherry boy and he's putty in your hands, blushing and looking at you with big eyes. If you play with his curl too, he's done.
- Wants to present you to his parents one day. He is just so happy he's not alone anymore and wants to share it with his dear ones. And let me tell you, his parents will adore you.
- Kakyoin often thinks of ways to spoil you and show his appreciation to you in different and authentic ways. He saves some money and takes you to a date at your favorite library and tells you to choose any book you want without a care.
- You're art to him, his muse, and that's why his sketchbook is filled with you. His favorite scene? When you're curled up in an armchair, lost in a book. However, there might be other sketches that are a little bit suggestive and maybe explicit. He usually tries to draw them from memory and as he replays the intimate scenes in his mind, he feels overwhelmed and hot under his clothes.
- Kakyoin is a total switch in bed but might be leaning more toward being submissive. Again, you can overwhelm him very easily, use it wisely. He gets dominant only if you tease him too much and wants to get revenge.
- He's a big experimentalist, wanting to try everything once with you. The result of this is that he will develop many kinks. I feel like one of his favorites is Shibari, done on you. His artistic nature makes him appreciate beauty more and seeing you tied up in intricate knots takes his breath away. And because he's a switch, another favorite of his is when you edge him and turn him into an overstimulated, pleading mess.
- He likes to set the scene for you. Probably has a playlist for those intimate occasions and he always updates it so it doesn't become repetitive. But it's just background noise because he wants to hear you more than anything. And maybe some cherry-scented candles placed around.
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