#Non-Alcoholic beverage
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sapphirenotes · 6 months ago
Mr. Mojito: This Beverage is Your Ultimate Source of Refreshing Taste
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Are you in search of that ideal drink to cool you down? It goes to the final tab of non-alcoholic beverages, and it’s Mr. Mojito for everybody who finds himself thirsty. This refreshing mix contains a citrusy lime and cool mint flavor, promising a revitalizing taste with each gulp. Whether you find yourself at a social function with friends or sitting in the comfort of your living room, Mr. Mojito’s unique recipe guarantees a rejuvenating experience.
This is how Mr. Mojito can be recognized: it has the sharp taste of lime and fresh mint, but it is not too sweet. It is suitable for everyone who needs a refreshing and blended drink to quench their thirst apart from the normal sugary products associated with mainstream beverages.
So why not add a little more sophistication to your beverage intake? Introducing Mr. Mojito, the drink that will offer you the right taste and satisfaction to rejuvenate your spirit.
Enjoy the great taste of Mr Mojito today. For more information, explore Mr Mojito beverage blog at London juice company website..
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goodbar12 · 6 months ago
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Non-Alcoholic Beverage Catering services in California
Hire Non-Alcoholic Beverage Catering to elevate your Southern California events. Select non alcoholic beverages that will delight your guests.
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flickeringflame216 · 2 months ago
cold drink! hot drink! cool drink! warm drink! sweet drink! savory drink! ice cubes in drink! whipped cream in drink! acidic drink! basic drink! pH neutral drink! give it up for LIQUIIIIIIIDDDSSSS!!!!!!!!
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owletstarlet · 1 month ago
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searchsystem · 1 year ago
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Gustav Nordebrink & Niklas Rosén / Independent Designers Collective (IDC) / Non—Alcoholic Beer / Packaging / 2024
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cheshiire-warper · 1 month ago
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[Id: A rectangular flag with 5 even horizontal stripes, the left flag is colored from top to bottom; Black, very dark brown, brown, light brown, and black. The right flag is colored, from top to bottom, very dark brown, dark brown, brown, light brown, and very dark brown. Both flags have clip art of a half-filled glass of whiskey on the left side. end pt]
Any queer person who presents their gender through the color brown. Alcoholic variant of Coffee (link)
Coined on 1/22/2025 | Colors are from the original Coffee flag and my version | Symbol credit
Requested by a headmate
(Taglist) @radiomogai @obscurian @presentation-labels @beveragepresentationsystem & @seekerstock
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papsiguesss · 1 month ago
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The Grand Moff does NOT like to be disturbed while having his evening libation.
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robinsnest2111 · 10 months ago
thinking about the Benson doesn't go ham on his coworkers AU where he and Randy tentatively get closer, Benson learns Randy recently turned 21 but no one really celebrated with him (except his mom who set up a very childish birthday party, party hats, confetti, an adorably decorated crocodile-themed birthday cake and all, maybe even invited some of her friends from church, Randy just letting the celebration happen around him, staring off into the middle distance, expressionless while all the middle-aged ladies congratulate him on his big day)
So Benson takes it upon himself to take Randy to a bar, get him his first alcoholic beverage, trying to get Randy out of his shell (or so he says).
After some back and forth, and some white lies fed to Randy's mom about where he's going and what he's doing ("just a sleepover with a friend from work, mom, no we won't stay up too late"), they end up in a bar a couple towns over (lest word get back to his mom) to properly celebrate.
It's still quite early, not too many patrons mingling just yet. Still, Randy clings to Benson's side like his life depends on it while Benson orders him his first drink. It tastes absolutely awful, and since he's with Benson and has built up some trust, he actually voices that thought albeit in a quiet voice only meant for Benson's ears.
Benson lets out a surprised chuckle, picks up Randy's glass to take a sip, then declares: "You're damn right it does." He assures him it's an acquired taste with a mirthful tilt to his lips, and Randy agrees to try another.
This next one, Benson explains, is a mixture of alcohol and soda, sweet enough to cover the awful taste but packing quite the punch if you overdo it. Just as expected, Randy takes a liking to it, asking Benson to get another one as soon as that bottle has run dry.
The hours pass, the evening drawing in more patrons to the bar, seats and tables are filling with people getting more and more drunk and loud by the minute. Randy is quite tipsy at this point, but also more open with his expressions and reactions to Benson's banter, actually engaging in their conversation, Benson revelling in Randy's attention and marvelling at how beautiful it is to see the boy so alive for the first time. They're still huddled close together, both pretending it's due to the bar filling up to capacity (and, if they're honest, beyond) but it's also something else neither of them can or wants to put a finger on quite yet.
Once it's some time past midnight, the patrons are starting to get a bit too rowdy for Benson's taste, a couple of them stumbling and bumping into Randy's shoulders in their drunken efforts to get from one end of the bar to the other. They apologise but the pats on Randy's back while they slur their "sorry, buddy"s make Benson's blood boil.
He decides it is time to go home, both he and Randy had enough for the night. And it's best to leave when the spirits are still high. Randy is very much drunk at this point, having had one too many of the deceptively sweet drinks. He clings to Benson all the way to his car, stumbling along, smiling up at him with unbridled adoration. It does weird things to Benson's heart.
Getting Randy into the passenger seat and all strapped in to make their journey home is surprisingly easy, the boy's limbs obeying at the slightest push and pull. Randy rolls his head into Benson's direction as soon as he's in the driver's seat, about to turn the key in the ignition. He shoots Benson the brightest smile he's probably ever smiled, mumbling out "Thank you Benson, I had so much fun. I think I love you."
The last part made Benson's heart stop for a second. "We'll see about that in the morning once all the alcohol has worn off."
cue Benson and Randy getting back home to Benson's place, tiptoeing past Benson's mom, curling up in Benson's bed. Randy waking up a couple hours later with a raging hangover, Benson helping him into the bathroom, holding his head and rubbing between his shoulder blades while poor Randy pukes his soul out into the toilet bowl. <3
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ihavedonenothingright · 3 months ago
The Virgin Flavor (Travel Edition)
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So a while ago I discovered how to make a non alcoholic version of The Flavor in my college's dining hall(s). This time I have managed to rope @plantsgottapen into making it with me, and together we have developed a recipe. The bottle is for ease of transportation.
Recipe below :)
Recipe for The Virgin Flavor™️
Four parts Minute Maid Lemonade™️
Three parts Dole Cranberry Juice Cocktail™️ (for those who don't have this ingredient, a combination of grenadine and cranberry juice should suffice)
cucumber spa water (to taste)
And finally, one part Lemon-Lime Gatorade™️
The plan is to feed this to a few friends of ours once they get out of choir practice. The diagnosis from our previous trial participants is that it does indeed... taste? Also it seems to have developed a foam, but I'm sure that's fine.
Anyway, good luck to everyone in their Flavor endeavors.
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sunnibits · 8 months ago
character concept: gruff middle aged man who’s always broodily sipping out of a flask, except there’s actually no alcohol in there it’s just a normal ass drink like milk or apple juice or something. he takes a deep dramatic swig before a fight with a heavy sigh but it’s literally just diet coke.
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moonlight-fan2008 · 1 month ago
Moonlight drinking game (difficulty level: death)
Take a drink every time Beth or Mick break the law
Take a drink any time a beheading happens
Take a drink whenever Mick is almost exposed as a vampire
Take a drink anytime Beth is almost killed or kidnapped
Take a shot any time Mick is injured in some way
Take a shot every time Josef says something sarcastic
Take a shot any time Carl gets annoyed by Beth or Mick
Take a shot any time Josh is gets jealous of Mick/Beth
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goodbar12 · 7 months ago
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Non-Alcoholic Beverage Catering services in California
Hire Non-Alcoholic Beverage Catering to elevate your Southern California events. Select non alcoholic beverages that will delight your guests.
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satosktty · 8 months ago
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satoru balancing both yin and yang is so dear to me.. people try to put him to one or the other side but he works as both; too much yin or yang creates imbalance and while satoru is definitely a character with imbalance in his life; I feel like this symbolism is the perfect balance of himself ?
darkness; satoru becoming a monster for his students, for the hopes of a better life in the jujutsu system for them, he goes against the original plan, his reasoning of even teaching in the first place ( finding strong students to overturn the systems themselves ) for these kids safety — abandoning one goal that shaped him so greatly, the very reason he got to meet the children he dearly protected
- along with it is limitless; it's dark, a void of space filled with knowledge beyond human comprehension
passive; the textbook definition for passive is to not take action and let things happen to them; satoru doesn't argue about them using his body ( if ) he werre to die — even though he was confident he would win. he selfishly was willing to give his body; resign himself to a similar fate of kenjaku's victims and of his best friend to aid his students. his soul could've fought back as geto's did, but he did not.
soft; from his teenage years satoru has grown more mature; his coping mechanism also works as a method to uplift the nature of his students; shown with how silly he acted with yuji and nobora in season one, how he cheerful he looked finding out him and yuta were relatives in jjk0 ( notably after yuta had to fight geto and give rika's soul up. ) and even letting yuji pat his back when he was off to fight sukuna ( it brightened him up just as much as it did yuji ); people tend to mistake softness for calmness or silence but the gentleness satoru shows his students emotions trumps the 'standardized' practices of soft
"Yang creates the air, while Yin creates the senses, which belong to the physical body. When the physical body dies, the spirit is restored to the air, its natural environment. The spirit receives its nourishment through the air, and the body receives its nourishment through the senses."
six eyes is the natural sixth sense gojo and presents as yin — working as an extrasensory perception for himself. it is his his extra sense; his body has moulded before birth to accommodate said power via his blue eyes. infinity is yang; the air / space around him which works as a force to keep people out. satoru post-hidden inventory receives the most comfort with his infinity on, and through his comfort he is able to focus his other abilities.
light; as darkness satoru is light; it goes hand in hand with his softness; he is a natural light to his students and rather they realize it or not he subconsciously uplifts their spirits with his own positive attitudes; bright shiny personalities tend to relate to the sun
active; his passivity with his students and loved ones does not extend to everyone. he is willing to fight in cases that call for it; he was willing to take down geto even though the man used to be a close person to him, due to his obligations and the fact the man was going to kill his students; he was ready to kill jogo without second thoughts ( twice ) and his willingness for action and his ( most likely unknown ) enjoyment of jujutsu and the act of fighting directly opposes his nature with his loved ones and i think it's a large reason why he can have such a vast amount of male and women fans
guidance; doesn't have to be explained how he has dedicated himself to teaching to garner a group of kids to rival/be on par with/surpass his own power regardless of the trauma that has weighed on his life since he was their age??
tldr; yin and yang are both in need of one another and I think people forget that in yin there is yang and in yang there is yin..
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appetizeme · 6 months ago
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searchsystem · 1 year ago
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Gustav Nordebrink & Niklas Rosén / Independent Designers Collective (IDC) / Non—Alcoholic Beer / Packaging / 2024
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zipmode · 7 months ago
spongebob narrator voice ahhhhh ze simple pleasure of putting grenadine in an alcoholic beverage mixed with orange juice to make a sunset...
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