#Noah deserves the world
byleriscannon22 · 2 months
Não podes ver um edit de Byler ou do Will no tik tok e ir aos comentários que vão ter pessoas a falar do Noah. Aprendam a diferenciar a personagem do ator. Se pararam de gostar do Will por causa do Noah isso sinceramente é coisa de criança. Se vocês não querem ver o Noah em Stranger Things, então eu recomendo a não ver a 5 temporada. Pois a 5 temporada é centrada no Will. Na sua conexão com o 001 e o U.D, os seus sentimentos, a sua relação com o Mike e principalmente um dos plots da série, a pintura. Sem falar que o Noah tava a tomar o lado do seu país religioso. O Noah é judeus. Ele só tava a dar suporte ao seu país religioso mas isso não quer dizer que ele suporta as ideias e as medidas que o governo de Israel faz. Ele já pediu desculpas e disse que queria paz. Tudo bem que a cena do vídeo foi uma coisa má, mas sinceramente ele só estava a gravar e ele só estava lá. Sem falar que o Noah já é adulto. O que me mais irrita é que ele pediu desculpas mas as pessoas que não tem que fazer nada na vida estão sempre a puxar o assunto de volta. Tipo, para que?! Para dar mais hate? Pois desde o início o Noah recebeu hate. Ele saiu do armário e disse que era gay. Ele recebeu hate. Foi chamado de f slurs. Então, aconteceu está polémica. Recebeu muito hate, mas muito hate e se certeza absoluta comentários a dizer para ele se m*tar e tudo mais. Sem falar que outros atores, influenciadores também mostram o seu apoio a Israel. E uns nem sequer pediram desculpas. Mas o problema é que não receberam o hate todo que o Noah recebeu. O Noah recebeu esse hate todo porque havia pessoas que não tinham o que fazer da vida para estarem sempre mas sempre puxar o vídeo e o assunto para tacar hate no Noah. Ele já sofria comentários de hate por ser ele mesmo e por ser gay, agora que veio aquela polémica só foi mais uma desculpa para tacar hate e voltar a chamar-lhe nomes homofóbicos. E sem falar que o ator que faz o 5 na Umbrella Academy também defendeu a sua raça religiosa e eu não vi ninguém dar-lhe comentários de hate. No vídeo de desculpas do Noah dá para ver que ele está a segurar as lágrimas e isso parte um pouco o meu coração. Tudo bem que tu possas não gostar do Noah como pessoa mas isso não significa que tens que para de gostar do Will. Vocês só tem que aprender a diferenciar o ator da personagem. “ porque que eles não metem outro ator a interpretar o Will” vocês só podem tar a brincar. Isso é literalmente um dos comentários mais burros que eu já vi em toda a minha vida. O Noah já está a interpretar o Will por 8 anos. E meio que eu já não consigo ver outro ator a interpretar o Will. O Noah já é considerado o ator do Will. Não há outro ator que possa interpretar o Will. Uma coisa que eu acho super injusto é falar que o Noah atua mal. Ele é considerado um dos melhores atores da série. Ele gravou super bem as cenas da possessão do Will. A tristeza dele. A raiva dele. A angústia dele. Não devem e nem podem desmerecer o trabalho do Noah por causa de uma polémica. Ele já pediu desculpas. Pronto. “ Ah o Finn agora deve se sentir desconfortável perto do Noah” mhmmm.
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Poupem-me. Eles continuam amigos e isso quer dizer que o Finn está confortável com o Noah. Eu só sei que haverá pessoas que irão vi tar mentiras e espalhar rumores sobre coisas que o Noah “fez” quando ele tiver no seu momento na quinta temporada. Eu acho que o assunto já vai estar mais esfriado,do que já está agora, mas ainda assim haverá pessoas que vão trazer o assunto de volta porque não aguentam ver uma pessoa a ter o seu momento e a sua oportunidade, coisa que o Noah merece por causa da sua atuação. Sem falar que o Noah toma as suas próprias decisões.
19 notes · View notes
peenor · 8 months
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4K notes · View notes
I hope you settle down, I hope you marry rich, I hope you're scared of only ordinary shit
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🎨:moncuries & moonsnqil
583 notes · View notes
luckout22 · 4 months
Total Drama World Tour AU where Lindsay is the first person to figure out Alejandro’s game.
This idea was inspired by how much I love Lindsay’s development in Action and think she deserved better in World Tour.
In this AU Lindsay immediately flags that somethings up with Alejandro. She might not be a super genius like Courtney but she’s had a ton of experience with guys trying to take advantage of her so she can spot a manipulator a mile away. Alejandro? Red flag city.
Lindsay tells everyone who will listen that Alejandro can’t be trusted (hush hush strategies and counter-manipulation is just not her style). She does everything she can to try and out Alejandro for the manipulative creep that he is.
At first Alejandro panics, he didn’t expect to be found out (certainly not this early) and is desperately plotting how to do damage control and get Lindsay eliminated before she ruins everything.
But the thing is, nobody actually believes Lindsay. I mean, the idea that Lindsay of all people saw through an act that fooled the rest of them? Just not possible. Like, the rest of the cast disbelieve her so hard, if anything her accusations are actually helping Alejandro’s cover (cue him plotting to keep her in the show as long as possible because she’s obviously not a threat and actively helping his strategy).
It’s to the point that even Heather is doubting her suspicions about Alejandro. She doesn’t know which option is worse: that Alejandro is actually as suave and perfect as he appears, or that Lindsay was actually right about something.
Noah would still figure Alejandro out, he’s basically a genius and (unlike some of the other players) not egotistical enough to ignore the evidence just because he doesn’t want to admit Lindsay figured something out before him. Also I think a Noah/Lindsay alliance (friendship) has great comedic potential.
It would somehow all come down to Alejandro, Lindsay and Noah as the final three.
I don’t love Tyler, but I think Tyler/Lindsay would actually work well in this AU because Tyler makes a good narrative foil to Alejandro (and every other guy whose ever tried to take advantage of Lindsay) because he’s just so sincere, and genuinely likes her.
Also AleNoah because I’m a huge sucker for those losers lol.
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doobledabbadoo · 1 year
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the total drama bug has bit me ACK… heres sum guys iguess
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f3ralbadomens · 11 months
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happy birthday king 👑
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thenoahsebastianfiles · 11 months
He deserves the world on a silver platter 🩵
165 notes · View notes
lurking-book-cat · 5 months
Critique me - CaffeinationNation
“what he didn’t expect was to run into a familiar face in his creative writing course.
Alejandro Burromuerto.
He froze, nearly dropping his rented textbook. The familiar eel was sitting and chatting familiarly with one of the other students, not noticing Noah come in through the door.”
Pretty poisonous - G4Y
“Noah and Owen sign up together for The Ridonculous Race, and this time, Noah was determined to get the money, no matter what obstacles he might face; be it through challenges, or other competitors. Upon arriving at the starting line, however, he was unpleasantly surprised to see a familiar tan face, with poisonous green eyes and a slimy exterior.”
Incomplete - possible discontinued
1 mile to go - SerenaCypher
“Of all the rotten luck he’s had in his life, from getting voted out 3rd in Total Drama, to never winning a single reality show game, to his string of failed relationships and now this.”
Hung up - doom_delrey
“in which Noah plays his cards a bit better than in canon, and Alejandro gets curious.
A canon divergence fic from just before "I See London," where, against their better judgement, two teammates begin to collaborate, and things quickly spiral out of control.”
Incomplete - possibly discontinued
Messy times at wawanakawa high - imhungry_3769015
“Welcome to Senior Year at Wawanakwa High!
Strange to think it's the final year for Principal McLean and Chef/Mr. Hatchet's (secretly) favorite class of students.
But, the antics of these diverse group of students are only ratcheting up from last year.
Settle in for a large mix of drama, action, mystery, emotion, politics, idiocy, romance, sex, comedy, and horror at the hands of these twenty five students.”
Incomplete - on-going - slow updates
Lovers and fools - HenkePenke
“In trying to get each other eliminated, Heather and Alejandro both end up making deals with Noah. The aim? Make the other jealous to throw them off their game. Noah plays along, but secretly plans on using the new arrangements to his own advantage. Because really, their "feelings" are just for show, what could go wrong?
(I have yet to figure out how tagging works so they're going to update a little whenever I remember stuff, same thing with characters and relationships, my apologies)”
Incomplete - on-going
Total drama: apology tour - KookyVonKoopa
“a special Apology Tour just for my bbg Noah-
But on a serious note:
Alejandro wins the million dollars, and gets called back a year later to participate in a new total drama season: Total Drama: Post Tour. He hesitates but has to accept it anyways, because it’s in the contract. Now, he has to face the wrath and anger of his previous teammates and enemies, along with a certain someone itching to go eel hunting.”
Incomplete - on-going
Curl up like a pill-bug - honeyhoneypot
“The store around him is quiet, and the light from the rising sun streams through the window, casting warm, tangerine rays across the glass tabletop. It’s almost comforting, and for a brief, tiny moment, Noah feels a little bit at peace with himself.
That is, until a series of sharp, confident steps echo across the store, and Noah barely has time for his stomach to fill with dread before a voice – a smooth, eloquent, and familiar voice – fills his ears like salt water.
“Well, if it isn’t my dear Noah!” The voice speaks, and when Noah whips his head around, he's staring directly into the eyes of none other than Alejandro Burromuerto.”
Incomplete - on-going
Look my way - CinnamonToes
“Noah and Alejandro are high school rivals who are about to enter college. As their rivalry calms down and they become friends Noah makes the sudden and horrifying realization that he's caught feeling for Alejandro.
He tries to continue his friendship with Alejandro but he wonders if he'll be able to ignore his feelings or if they'll ever be reciprocated. but it may just end up being too painful to keep up.”
Incomplete - on-going
One step behind - eva107
“Everything changes when Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot is given the win in London. With the Amazon's loss causing Heather's departure, how will these new circumstances play out?”
Incomplete - on-going
Dig A Mace Into His Chest And A Shotgun Into Mine - WriterQuil
“Noah has been selected for the Hunger Games after volunteering to take place for the boy contender and compete alongside his best friend, Gwen, to give her an advantage at winning. His original plan is to lead Gwen to victory and once it was just the two of them remaining to end his own life so she could claim the title of the victor... but even with Noah's smarts, this plan proves to be more difficult than originally speculated. And it's only going to be harder when the District One tribute, Alejandro Burromuerto has taken an odd liking to him.”
Incomplete - on-going
✩ Lips were made to lie - Alenoah ✩ - Noahs_sarcasm
“A retelling of Total Drama: The Ridonculous Race where Alejandro takes the place of Owen.
Noah is pessimistic, cynical and struggling to keep up with incoming bills. After his Total Drama fame has died down, he has no choice but to compete around the world again.
Alejandro, the hispanic heart throb, has always lived in the shadows of his younger brother. After he finally snaps, he decides to take back the spotlight.
An unlikely reunion. A million dollars. A race around the world.
A love story.”
Incomplete - on-going
Bittersweet love - alenoah_real
“Noah works at a coffee shop in a small town, and nothing intresting happens.
Well, except for reuniting with Alejandro: the guy who pushed him off a plane.
Things escalate from there.”
The healing process of an ex-villain and a teenage genius - Nress
“All-Stars fic where Noah has graduated from being chris's assistant to work on the show and Alejandro doesn't come out of being trapped in a robot suit mentally or physically stable.”
Incomplete - on-going
All-Stars and Assistants - Mpaigeu
“Total Drama's newest season premieres, featuring a cast of the best players to ever grace the hallowed grounds of Camp Wawanakwa!
For Noah, this means assisting Chris McLean once more, and confronting the past head-on after a year of ignoring, feeling, changing, and healing.
For Alejandro, it means a second chance at life, and freedom the network that hurt him in the first place. It also means physical pain and the onset of unwanted feelings in all aspects of his new, colorful, chaotic life.
For Heather, it means reuniting with the boy she loves, and learning to love even more, no matter who may try to keep her in the "queen of the villains" box she built for herself in her early teenage years.”
Incomplete - on-going
You are my obsession - AyaWilliams
“Nothing in Alejandro's life brings him joy. Until Noah arrives at school that is. Noah makes him feel seen in a way no one else does. Alejandro is determined to win him over, but he wants it to go as smoothly as possible so he's going to have to deal with a few rivals for Noah affection.”
Incomplete - on-going
Wrong, try again! - cloudyskiiees
“All is going well for Noah in World Tour up until London, where he's sure to get eliminated. Things get quickly turned on his head as he's murdered and sent right back to before the London challenge, where he gets to try again. And again. And again.”
Incomplete - on-going
The red carpet - sirenscharm
“Noah gets invited to a bar since he and his friends are old enough, (18-19) and Total Drama has a new cast so he gets to live normally again.
He for sure isn’t gonna meet the OG cast again after this, or go back on that godforsaken show again, right?
(Before All Stars and Ridonculous Race.)”
Incomplete - on-going - slow update
Face the Sun (and Fall) - Noah_bout_it
“The city of Wawanakwa is one with bad crime and worse secrets. The hero producers made the hero tower and started collecting superhumans when their powers manifested at the age of 10 to train them and help fight said crime- but it still runs rampant.
One vigilante is just doing his best to keep himself and the very few people he holds close to his heart alive. And maybe he just wants a bit of justice. Just a little bit.
In which I have created a totally normal superhero/vigilante/supervillain AU. The normalest ever. Totally.”
Incomplete - on-going
Total Drama Kingdoms and why Noah hates royals - QuestionableLasagna
“...okay, what the fuck?
Noah can only stare in dazed bewilderment as a hand slowly emerges from one of his mirrors.
He was rudely awakened from his much deserved nap by an alarm from King Bossy that someone entered the confessional. Chris wants every single scrap of drama that this show could get and that means sending Noah tumbling out of his bed in the corner of the room to activate his surveillance.
He barely finished opening the damn portal before an amulet appeared in his face. And then came a fist, then an elbow, and then a shoulder. Before he knew it, a face managed to push through the rippling glass and another hand emerged to clasp tight onto Noah’s arm, the metal gauntlet digging into his skin.
Green eyes blink open and stare down at the half-awake wizard, those eyes curving into crescents as the man going through the mirror gives Noah a dazzling smile.
“Pleased to finally meet you great magician, I’m prince Alejandro of the Burromuerto Kingdom, at your service.”
Total drama fantasy AU where Noah is the magical assistant to the worst fantasy reality entertainment show ever created while a certain prince keeps trying to get his attention.”
Incomplete - on-going - slow update
The Alejandro Hate Club (Working Title) - Brick_bronze165
“Noah was eliminated in London. Alejandro won and, he was fine with that.
He should have been fine with that, until a couple of eliminated contestants invite him to join an alliance of sorts. An alliance to make Alejandro pay.
Noah doesn't care about revenge but, somehow he's volunteered to carry out the plan. Little does he know the plan will involve returning to the competition to face the very person he once called a teamate.
There's absolutely no way will blow up in his face.
Basically, a Total Drama rewrite where Noah rejoins the competition instead of Blaineley-- with some additional support.”
Incomplete - on-going
Problem and Solution - astrokyle
“Alejandro has been having difficulties sleeping. As in, he can't sleep unless Noah is near.
(And his family really sucks.)”
Incomplete - on-going - slow update
Intertwined - circusclwn
“After season two of the reboot, MK finds herself wondering; Why were her parents on Total Drama?
After a heated argument with them, she wishes she could just know what and how they did, and why they didn't stop her from joining.
And so, she wakes up back in the distant year of 2005 with her younger brother Nicolás, when the third season of the show "Total Drama" was being filmed.
Will she, with the help of some familiar faces, discover what her dads are hiding from her, or will she perish after facing challenges that were much more dangerous than they ever were on the reboot?
Alenoah as MK's gay dads AU + Time Travel/Loop AU!”
Incomplete - on-going
Lethal attraction - saturnsanarchy
“Noah owes his good buddy Owen a favor, but he wouldn’t have done it if he’d known he had to tag along with him on a reality tv show at a summer camp. A last minute change to the script flips Noah’s brain, making him question things he wouldn’t before.
Alejandro joins this show to cause some drama and show everyone what a Burromeurto is capable of, but he ends up getting more than what he bargained for.
A Total Drama Island rewrite where Alejandro and Sierra join the cast early that is basically Alenoah.”
Incomplete - on-going - slow updates
World Tour if the Writers Weren’t COWARDS and Let it be Gay - Anonymous
“So I'm I not getting my book back?" Noah asks.
He wouldn't be surprised if the man tried holding it hostage in order to get an alliance or something.
Weirder things have happened on this show.
Alejandro just picks up the book from where it landed and politely hands it back to him, his fingers barely brushing Noah’s, and shoots him a blinding smile.
Noah just snatches the book and turns back around. He blatantly ignores the butterflies attacking his stomach right now. He already knew he was gay but that didn't mean he had to stoop as low as reality TV crushes.”
Snap, crackle and pop - MaybeOphe
“Silly little concept AU wherein Alejandro uses his hypnosis abilities to keep Noah under his thumb post-Jamaica, all because everyone's favourite snarker couldn't keep his big mouth shut and had to play sceptic.
Somewhat inspired by To Reach New Heights by Creative_Creatures, though I admittedly haven't read more than a few chapters. The idea is neat though!”
Incomplete - on-going - slow update
Brewed to Love. - (After the Fall) . Alenoah. - dollison
“Noah works at a cafe, and Alejandro cannot get him out of his head. Scratch that. It could have been the perfect, standard romance. Meeting inside of a cafe, strangers to lovers.
This is what originally made the theme Brewed to Love come to.
A vision for this tunnel was constructed until disaster joined, destroying the ideal cafe love story. An apocalypse was the last thing anyone could have thought of. If they wanted to build up the relationship from the cafe, they would have to survive first.
Through radio silence.
Through each other.
Brewed to Love : After the Fall is semi-based off of situations in the movies A Quiet Place and Bird Box.”
Incomplete - on-going
who watches over you - hoser
“See you later, Noah.”
As she picked up her suitcase, all he could do was stare at her retreating figure as she walked out their front door. Mary Kate’s hands were reaching out towards her mother, as he raised a hand to wave after her, saying one last thing to the empty air:
“Yeah, see you later..”
Being the father of a toddler at the age of twenty six wasn't in his plans, but then again being divorced wasn't either. Noah navigates parenthood as a single parent, while reconnecting with familiar faces along the way.”
Incomplete - on-going
Noah's Extraordinary Playlist - cloudyskiiees
“Noah's life is okay. Not great, not terrible, average at best. His office job is a little less than ideal, working with idiot's all day, but at least it pays well. He's very content to continue slinking though life in the shadows, alive but not quite living. His plans however, are completely thwarted by an moron and a magical MRI machine. Being able to read people's feelings through giant musical numbers was not something he had ever planned on, especially when he learns his only friend is not the charming guy Noah thought he was.”
Incomplete - possibly on hiatus
The schemer - kaeborii
“As the new reality show is about to be announced, Chris McLean confesses to his assistant, Noah, that it's all a plan to lure the cast of Total Drama into another season. In order to keep things interesting, he asks him to play the role of antagonist, thinking it will be a simple task; Noah accepts.
Unfortunately, this will lead him into trouble he can't avoid, along with new friends, enemies and maybe something else.
⤷ AU where Noah takes the competition seriously and becomes the villain he deserved to be.”
Incomplete - possibly on hiatus
Red handed - MaxxAndCheese
“Noah stumbled a bit before hearing mumbling from behind the corner. “Alejandro-“ he was cut off by the sound of crunching. He turned the corner to see Alejandro’s boot pressed against some poor guy’s head. He watched as Alejandro kept kicking his head until the guy stopped moving. Blood was pulling around him and Alejandro groaned. Noah quickly looked away, pressing himself against the wall with his hand over his mouth.
“What a worthless target.” Noah could hear the venom in his voice.
“José could have done better…”
Assassin au”
Incomplete - possibly on hiatus
Flips and turns - Spicysodapop
“The camera switched to frame of the Reality TV Pros. Noah sat down, visibly disturbed, with his arms crossed.
“An eel dipped in grease.” Noah recited, talking to the camera.
Owen, beside him, raised both eyebrows and widened his eyes in reply.
// AU in which it's Alejandro and José in the Ridonculous Race instead of Kitty and Emma,”
Incomplete - possibly on hiatus
but I know we’ll meet again some sunny day - jasmine_sea
“Over two years after the disastrous ending of Total Drama World Tour, Noah and Alejandro cross paths at the University of Toronto.”
Incomplete - slow updates
Unwithering - astrokyle
“ (noah): how the hell did you even send it to me in the first place?
(alejandro): Um
(alejandro): I met someone a couple days ago, and they put their number in as “little bitch”
(noah): ??
(noah): and what did you put my name as?
(alejandro): little shit.
(noah): are you serious?
(alejandro): fitting, isnt it?
In which Noah receives a text from Alejandro on a random Monday afternoon and it slowly becomes a normal occurrence.”
Incomplete - on-going
Uprooted - niamhlovesu
“IN PROGRESS STORY] this is basically tdwt except justin and katie are added!! (+teams are shuffled a lot).. this is alenoah because alenoah supremacy! my chapters should be around 2-5k words each (yes the first one is short because its a prelude don't judge LOL)”
Incomplete - possibly discontinued
Collateral - astrokyle
“Noah ends up handcuffed to Alejandro. It’s stellar.
A missing reward challenge from World Tour.”
Incomplete - possibly on hiatus
World weary - Mpaigeu
“Instead of getting voted off during I See London, Noah miraculously stays in the competition for one million dollars. Less miraculously, he's stuck on a plane with someone he just called an eel. Someone who is stupidly attractive, and even more cunning.
Throughout messy breakups, nasty butterflies in one's chest, and insane challenges cooked up by one psychopathic Chris McLean, Noah vies to keep his sanity and feelings in check as he makes unlikely relationships with his fellow competition.”
high off vertigo (when you're close) - lonleybrachiobrute (triceratroops)
“all goes to according to plan.. (ft. everything going wrong, eels & bookworms, and questionable father figures)”
Incomplete - possibly on hiatus - please update
Kiss me under the stars - cupidscrossbows
“Noah has been living life about as well as a micro-celebrity known for kissing a dude on international television can live. He has a good job- working for the devil himself, Chris McLean.
He doesn't expect to have to go onto another season, but considering he was “fired” for this show, he might as well try to win it.
… Does that new guy seem fake to anyone else?
Another assistant Noah Alenoah with fatherly figure Chris McLean fanfic... With some fun little surprises thrown in”
Incomplete - possibly on hiatus
This Killing Feeling - astron_nommeeerrrsss
“Everything had been going normal in his life until a new student came to their school.
One year later, his friends leave him alone at lunch.
A certain someone comes up and talks to him.
Things escalate from there.”
Incomplete - possibly on hiatus
Alone at Home - WriterQuil
“Eight year olds Alejandro and Noah's parents were the closest of friends but Noah and Alejandro couldn't hate each other more. Despite their children's evident rivalry, Noah's parents make the arrangement to go on their annual trip to Paris but this time invites Alejandro's family to tag along with them. Their plan to have a fun family trip to form a relationship between Alejandro and Noah goes awry when in their initial lateness and the flurry of the morning, they accidentally leave Alejandro and Noah behind. Unfortunately for the two boys, things are about to get a lot worse than being stuck home alone with your primary school rival, because two burglars have their eyes on Noah's house…”
crash (TOTAL DRAMA ALL STARS REWRITE) - niamhlovesu
“BASICALLY total drama all stars but I removed sam and lindsay and added Tyler, Noah, Brick and Anne Maria! focused around alejandro and noah (yes im keeping Mal in argue with the wall! he's just not as... mal-,y?)”
Sweet-Tooth - sharkish
“Despite sugar’s addictive tendencies, you always go for more.
The same sugar that already got Bridgette and Lindsay addicted.
The same sugar that would get Noah addicted too, eventually.
He just had to wait.
OR, A rewrite of Total Drama World Tour, starting from the beginning - literally.
It is Alejandro and Noah centric, but the focus changes from character to character each chapter.”
Possibly discontinued
Noah Sterecra and the All-Stars - vampicie
“Alejandro Burromuerto is the leader of the band “The All-Stars” that consists of him, his two best friends Courtney and Heather, and Courtney’s crush and friend Gwen. They all hope to become a famous, worldwide known band one day but for now they play small gigs at clubs downtown.
Noah Sterecra is a solo singer who’s making it big in the music industry. With his mesmerizing voice and beautifully thought out lyrics, it’s hard not to love his songs. He wished he could say the same about people loving him.
When these two music artists collide, it seems like their success is written in the stars. However, they’ll soon find out that even the brightest stars of all die someday.”
Possibly discontinued
With a Little Help from My Friends - Cinna (Cinnamas) - Cinnamas
“TDWT retelling from after the 'Eye see London'
In an unexpected twist of fate, Noah is the one who stumbles upon Duncan and Gwen's secret rendezvous in the confessional. He decides to tell Courtney, feeling that she deserves to know the truth about her boyfriend and best friend. Of course he couldn't predict how doing so would dramatically, shift the course of the show and lead to unexpected alliances, rivalries, and romance?”
Two eels don't make a right - orphan_account
“Being Chris’ personal assistant had its ups and downs. The pay was nice, but then again he was also Chris’ personal assistant."
Noah didn't think he would ever have to participate in another season ever again. That is, until Chris turns to him as a last resort and Noah can not say no to a million dollars. After all, he had gotten much farther in world tour, he just needed to keep alejandro at a distance. oh... and hello Jose-
(Name subject to change)”
Possibly discontinued
masterminded - -em- (unfortunatelyem)
“I See London" takes a different turn when Owen is caught at the beginning instead of Alejandro. Noah is forced to be in a close proximity to Alejandro, who knows what might happen. He won't be called an eel, that's for sure.
Blainerific is replaced by a new competitor.
Courtney gains a new friend and ally.
Unexpected betrayal? Who sees who kissing?
All will be revealed (unless i change my mind *cue maniacal laughter*)
A way out - Brick_bronze165
“Noah knows he's going home, everyone heard him call Alejandro an eel. He also knows that after the day he's had he just want's to be alone until the parachute is put in his hands.
Life seems to have other plans for him when he find himself trapped in the confessional with the one guy he hates most.
What could possibly go wrong?”
Total Drama: Halloween Edition - Brick_bronze165
“To celebrate the spooky season Chris decides to host a special episode of World Tour involving costumes, scavenger hunts, and forced bonding.
What could go wrong, especially when he has a couple of tricks up his sleeve in the form of a giant run down mansion and, acess to Hollywood level makeup.
A lot, the answer is a lot.”
Total Drama: Reloaded! - Nightinggale (orphan_account)
“Alejandro and Noah are dragged into another season of Total Drama, via contract, hijinks insue as they are unwillingly teamed up. Who will be the first eliminated? Who will be the Finalists? Who knows? Me, I know 😈”
On hiatus
Reward - alixxao3
“What if episode 13 had been a reward challenge, and Noah remained in the game?
A rocky and originally false alliance between Alejandro and Noah after episode 13 creates feelings between the two, and they come to find they are more similar than they realize.”
Possibly discontinued
A Little Miscommunication Goes A Long Way - Strawberry_Diamond
“It's been a year since Total Drama: World Tour and Noah hasn't talked to anyone, Owen decides to host a reunion and invites everyone from the cast. Noah accepts, but not without a lot of emotional turmoil. How will he face the people he went through the hellish show with after ignoring them for a year? Surely they don't want to see him right?
Noah leaves for a year and just shows up one day, various people have varying reactions”
Possibly discontinued
An Insulting Indifference - drowzeee
“After three years of radio silence following the end of Total Drama World Tour, Noah reaches out to Alejandro Burromuerto.
Some say he should resent the guy, while others insist there was something between them that could have been genuine friendship.
Noah doesn't have a strong opinion either way.”
Incomplete - slowww update - please update you only got one chapter left
The return - OhemGee132432
“Chris has rounded up many past favourites for another creative rodeo of bullying teenagers!”
Possibly discontinued
Fashionably late - Brick_bronze165
“Noah is tired, tired of losing every reality show he's ever starred in. Sure there was Total Drama but, ever since World Tour there were others. He's ashamed to admit how desperate he is for the tabloid fame Total Drama promised him. He feels stuck.
Then by pure chance he meets Alejandro on the set of his latest show, a fashion show none the less.
Only Alejandro isn't the same.
It isn't like Noah cares.
Afterall he's an eel, an eel who's finally making him realize how screwed up his life has become.”
The personals - SuperSunGunner
“Noah has been Chris’s Personal Assistant for over a year now—and he knows he’s damn good at his job. But when Chris gets punched in the face at some random bar in Colorado, Chris goes behind his back and hires none other than Alejandro Burromuerto to be his Personal Bodyguard. Which now means that the guy is going to be LIVING with them for the time being.
Yet, when a VERY much expected rivalry grows between the two of them, they’ll do anything to get the other fired first.”
So sick of you - Brick_bronze165
“Noah's determined to make it further than last time, the first season was a fluke. He has everything in place until bad luck strikes and he falls ill with a cold.
What could possibly go wrong? Especially when Alejandro decides to make it his mission to take care of him.
This won't be the thing to take him out of the running, not if he can help it.”
I See London in Your Eyes - Brick_bronze165
“Everything was going along as planned until the plane began to take a dive into the river Thames and delay the competiton.
Noah is more than annoyed but, Alejandro sees it as an oppurtunity to finally figure out a way to eliminate Noah for good.
Only things don't go as planned but, when do they ever? Alejandro can adapt- if only the annoying feelings would go away.”
A New Rolling of the Dice - Erebis_jams
“Chris calls everyone back for a fourth season of Total Drama (and because they're unfortunately legally obligated to, they come), but things are a bit different this time around.
What follows is a high stakes competition full of unexpected friendships, romance (except don't tell them that as they insist on being difficult), scheming, rather brutal betrayals, questionable ethical practices, and several questions yet to be answered.
Like who the fuck gave Chris McLean access to virtual reality (the sci-fi kind, like going inside of video games kind. C'mon this universe already works on cartoon logic I think it's fair) and thought it would end well?”
The other side - WeirdNCrazy
“So what do you get a Host with too much money plus firing too many interns that he is short-staffed for his World Tour? Well, that equals him keeping his newest assistant Noah Sterecra on board, of course, he is oddly efficient and knows the ropes around enough to not get killed.
Why is Noah putting up with the host in devil skin bullshit? The Pay. He would have left long ago if it wasn’t for that nice check that rolls into his bank account and for that he can bullshit his way through this god awful show and boss. He supposes it helps that his boyfriend got roped into this, at least he doesn’t have to suffer alone.
He may have to wrestle with animals, the contestants, staff, and host, but at least it’s gonna be hilarious since he’s on the other side of it all.
Assistant Noah!”
Inescapable - fluidfox
“You’re… Noah, right? What was it called… Total Drama!”
Yeah, Noah loved being reminded of his time spent in a waking nightmare filled with everything from bed bugs to food poisoning to OSHA violations to threats of death and frequent near-fatal experiences. “Yep.”
“Man, that show looked nuts. Sorry you went through all that.”
“Funny, most people tell me they’re jealous.”
“Nah, I’ve seen enough of that show to know that some of those stunts the host pulled weren’t fake. It must’ve been awful. But hey, you got through it!”
“Physically speaking, yes.”
He gave him a sympathetic smile before grabbing the smoothies. “Have a nice day, man!” The bell chimed as he left the building.
“I doubt it.”
It seems like no matter what Noah did, Total Drama and the things that came with it were always going to come back to haunt him, including a certain Spanish man and news of a new season.
Or: Noah is a student working at a smoothie shop, and shit starts getting weird when Alejandro shows up.”
Slippery slopes - courtney-deserved-better (persephones_garden)
“After his suspicions surrounding Alejandro have been confirmed, Noah is determined not to let his two-faced teammate win without a good fight. He may not be the strongest competitor, but he's gotten this far already.
Alejandro expects his life to get easier with Heather's departure, not made even more difficult by Noah's intelligence and biting wit. He may have incorrectly presumed them to be friends, but he's determined not to underestimate his competition again.
Of course, when it comes to Total Drama, nobody can predict the chaos to come.
An Alejandro x Noah World Tour Rewrite. Starts during I See London…”
The Sweet to my Bitter, the Sugar to my Coffee - Thicc_eyebrows
“Noah's a bitter person and he only gets more bitter when Owen suggests that the duo host a Total Drama reunion. He's less than thrilled about the idea but decides to play along for the sake of his friend. Noah dreads seeing someone again at the reunion and with his dumb luck, ends up alone with a certain slimy eel and his sugary words due to his friends' schemes.”
Keep your enemies close - AyaWilliams
“During the ripper challenge Noah remembers something that prevents him from badmouthing Alejandro. This means different things for different people.
For Noah it means an opportunity to get further in the game
For Alejandro it means a new alliance partner.
For Heather it means a second rival.
For Gwen it means stopping a huge mistake.
And for the audience it means tons of drama.”
Willows and Serpents - CrystalRoseWrites
“An "appealing" thing about working at Total Powers is being able to put on a mask, metaphorical and literally. Noah was never able to grasp why someone would bother going through such trouble. The answer still eludes him as he stares at Prometheus. Looking at the sad little man, he can't understand why one would try so hard to be someone you're not.
He doesn't think he ever will.”
Only these thorns could be so deadly - Confused_maple
“What could be worse than senior year? Devolving hanahaki disease and not knowing who you’re crushing on during senior year.
This is the case for Alejandro, throwing all assumptions he was straight out the door and trying to find the courage to confess to Noah, the pretty boy he talks to in study hall, before the flowers in his lungs take him away.”
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squash1 · 1 year
the revelation of noah being a mirror is so interesting to me. and especially the way ronan & gansey & adam are presented in his memories. ronan’s hidden kindness . gansey’s strength that he often fails to see in himself. and adam’s fear, both being something to fear and being afraid. noah reflecting and seeing them for who they are and especially those pieces of them they don’t always lead with us just so !!!!!
how i love noah czerny <3
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dsireland86 · 29 days
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I'd do anything to see him smile like this every day. Noah deserves to be happy, genuinely happy. I hope the person who finds him will cherish him. He's too precious. 💕
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ebechnasheim · 8 months
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Look 👏🏼 at 👏🏼 them 👏🏼 so proud of our boys | source
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clericxhood777 · 9 months
They're going to make Byler canon
Is Gay, ships Byler
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Plays gay/bi characters, ships Byler
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The kiss and it being canon is def happening between these two
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maegalkarven · 11 months
Family matters.
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m!(trans)Dark Urge x Enver Gortash.
Brainworms finally got to me, I caved in and wrote a oneshot on the topic of "but what if Durge and Gortash had a child prior to all that mess"
Featuring my Dark Urge Levi, pre- and post- memory loss.
There was a living, breathing infant child in his arms; and for the first time in a long while Lord Enver Gortash was in complete loss at what to do.
“What is it?” fell rather flat down, a poor excuse of a question.
Leviathan rolled his eyes.
“A meaty flesh of some newly created life,” he huffed, visibly annoyed. “Also known as a child. I assume you’ve met their kind?”
Enver felt anger rise alongside with deeply rooted annoyance. Whatever spectacle the bhaalspawn decided to partake in, now was not the time for that. Neither it was the time for his witty itty remarks.
“I am well aware it’s a child,” he argued back just as sullenly, the said child held loosely in his arms. In his arms. Why was there a child in his arms? They were not made for holding babies.
“I’m asking why is it a child and why is it here. The questions any sane person in my place would indulge in.”
There was something...off about the bhaalspawn.
Not only Enver hadn’t seen the man for almost the entity of a year, an assassin always claiming some task of utmost importance, but now he decided to pop out of the thin air with a live child in a tow and immediately push said child into his, Enver Gortash’s, not so open arms.
It was alarming, to say the least.
“Oh, that,” Levi waved him off like it was a casual annoyance and not a conversation two adults, so-conspirers - partners - had. Like Gortash imposed himself into his free time and personal space and not the other way around. “It’s yours.”
It’s what?
“Or at least I assume it’s yours,” Leviathan followed as Enver’s thoughts came to a rapid halt. “Since I haven’t touched anyone alive but you in a long time. And look where it led me,” the look of pure disdain was all the child was getting, it seemed. “A freshly made meaty cage for a new soul. Disgusting. You’d think Father would make this shit stop and would not allow a child of banite to be born, but I guess any bhaalspawn is a good little pawn under his merciful gaze. Anyway,” a wild, excusing gesture of a hand. “I don’t have any use for this...thing. Sceleritas suggested to bring it into the fold and let my men do all the work, but well, the bother. So you can take it instead,” a winning smile what would work wonders if not for the whole absurdity of the situation Gortash just found himself in. “Think of it as of a gift. A proof of my loyalty to our cause, hm?”
Sometimes the bastard was more annoying than he was charming and his presence took a toll on the man.
Sometimes Enver wanted nothing more than to break Levi’s pretty slender neck.
That was one of these times.
“And what am I supposed to do with it?”
“Oh, whatever you want,” another wide, generous gesture. This asshole truly thought of that...child as if of a gift to be given away, didn’t he?
Enver shouldn’t have been surprised, not really, he knew Leviathan’s stance on children.
“Taste good, not much of use when alive, it’s funny when they die first” – was as good of a take as one could expect from the leader of the Cult of Murder.
“You can throw it away or feed it to the dogs. You can raise it or give it to a hag or even sell it to the devil,” another smile that’s more malicious than anything else. “I don't really care, if I'm being honest.”
Unfortunately, killing a bhaalspawn when you were holding just another bhaalspawn would prove to be close to impossible.
It would have to wait, and Leviathan Anchev still had his uses, bratty as he was.
And his appeal, as deadly as that ordeal proved to be. Or how complicated.
A child, huh? Well, Enver supposed every ruler needed an heir.
“Bring me the wizard,” was the first order out of his mouth when bhaalspawn left. The child was safely given into the care of the first competent older servant, who looked just as bewildered as Gortash himself felt. “Tell him to scan the...the-“
“The boy, my lord.”
“Right, tell the mage to scan the boy’s heritage. Let’s find who his parents are, shall we?”
Trusting a psycho murderer was an awful idea even at the safest of times, and now were not those. Levi would lie just to fuck with Enver. Levi had to lie, because there was no way this infant boy was actually his, Enver’s, flesh and blood.
Leviathan Anchev did not lie.
Levi moved away to sprawl his body across the bed, the creature of leisure he was. He sniffed the air and then wrinkled his nose, closer to an animal than any other person Gortash has ever known. More appealing in that, in his beast-like fluid grace.
“You still have this thing around,” the man commented, frowning. “Why? Playing the dollhouse? How...quant.”
“This thing has a name,” Enver couldn’t not parry. “Noah.”
Leviathan groaned.
“Oh, spare me the details; I want nothing to do with that flesh meat. Having to carry it inside my body for almost a year was a bother enough. Almost cut it out myself on multiple occasions, but Sceleritas insisted the internal damage I’d deal would be too great to handle. Idiot.” A moment of a thoughtful pause.
“You know what my destiny is, right?”
A searching gaze, reaching hands, clawed fingers cupping Enver’s cheeks almost gently. Something changed between them some time ago, but what it was Lord Gortash could not pinpoint. 
Yet something...Shifted.
Levi searching his face for some kind of acknowledgement was a sign of this.
Leviathan Anchev Enver first met would not care less about his approval. Leviathan Anchev of now was Enver’s nearest and dearest and it was pretty much a mutual kind of thing.
“I know.”
To kill everyone in the world and then himself. In Bhaal’s name. A gruesome fate, and pointless. Dull, lacking of any grandiose his, Enver’s, path had.
If only he could break off this deadly conviction in his dear ally, if only there was a way to make him stray out of this path...
They could be good for each other. They could rule together as the gods of the new age; glorious, undefeatable, perfect.
The rulers Toriel truly deserved.
“Then you know I’ll have to kill this...thing,” a moment of barely noticeable hesitation. “This... Noah.”
Enver also knew he would rather see his lover bleed on the altar of his dreadful father than let it happen.
“I do.”
“I,” another uncertain pause. “I was planning to leave you for last. To kill you and myself in one final blow; a perfect tribute to Father. But,” and really, those damn pauses were starting to get on Enver’s nerves. Levi was never short of words before, so what in the nine hells had happened? “Would you rather prefer I’d do you and...Noah... together? To kill you two in one blow?”
Enver saw it for what it was, in the uncertain, searching gaze of his unlucky lover, in the carefulness with which he produced words.
Something warm flooded out the irritation from before; something warm and soft and entirely fragile.
It was mercy, the only kind of mercy the bhaalspawn could know. Leviathan Anchev, the man fully capable of destroying everyone and everything on his wake, offered him a tiny piece of his own surrender. A confirmation of his affections, almost a confession.
In some ways he did care.
“That would be very considerate of you, yes,” he agreed, bringing bhaalspawn close. His bhaalspawn, his ally, his lover. The father of his son.
If there was a way of bringing Bhaal down without bringing Levi with him, Enver would find and utilize it. Otherwise he’d have to kill the best partner in crime he has ever had.
And that would be...unfortunate.
Levi leaned into the touch, soft and gentle in a way he has never been before; almost fragile.
“Does it...know about me?” came out in a whisper, almost unbidden.
“He knows you exist,” was all the response Enver could give, enveloping his assassin into his arms, holding him closely, firmly, painfully so.
The bhaalspawn squirmed for a moment before finally settling in.
“Oh,” he breathed out. “I didn’t think you would...What you would tell him I do. Exist, I mean. I’d expect you’d spin a tale of some tragically dead wife or-“
“There is no tragically dead wife,” Enver cut off, feeling rather irritated. A mystery of complications, his dear murderer. “Only a lunatic of a murderer for a father. Not what Noah knows that, he knows we’re working together and what you’re a very busy man.”
“Hmph,” Levi’s breath brushed Enver’s neck. “I guess that is true.”
“Do you want to,” and now it was his time to be a hesitant bother. “Meet him?
At that Leviathan actually laughed.
“Oh, absolutely not, keep him and that strange dollhouse of yours as far away from me as possible. I have things to do, people to kill, empires to rule. I don’t have time for meat-things, of my own creation or not.”
And just like that, it was as if nothing has changed.
The alarm goes off the moment Karlach finishes the last of the Hands and flies into a wall by the force of the explosive detonating right into her face.
Enver doesn’t stop to register that, or to look around at the bodies of his faithful, to mourn his perfectly constructed plans – his watch, the Iron Throne, the little fireworks shop – because the alarm in Noah’s private chambers went off and it only means one thing.
He skips one step at the time climbing up the steep steps to the higher, more private level.
Could that be the remaining of Orin’s assassins?
Levi said he dispatched of them all, but surely some had to survive by the sheer luck of not being in the temple at the moment. Are those Ravengard’s forces, Florrick’s?
Is it Leviathan, finally coming to sniff out the life he himself created?
He is vaguely aware of the younger Ravengard and the pale elf taking the chase after him, of Karlach joining in.
They think he is escaping.
Enver tries not to think what he is leading the enemies right to his son; he’ll deal with them later. Right now there’s blazing alarm shrieking what something is wrong – and indeed it is, as he discovers with the first body lying dead on the floor. Then the second. Then the third.
All of them – with their throats ripped open, Leviathan’s favorite style.
Enver turns the corner and reaches for the door handle – the door is unlocked and half open: this is bad, bad, bad-
Then he hears a laughter and pauses.
He opens the door slowly and carefully instead of throwing it open as he intended at first.
And sees...
Levi is sitting cross-legged on the floor, leaning slightly forward.
Across of him, sitting in the exact same – ridiculous – pose sits the boy not older than five. He has a dark messy hair, blazing green eyes what betray his nature, and the new game Gortash brought to him just recently. He is trying to explain the rules to the tiefling in front of him, who listens attentively, nodding here and there.
“Wow,” Leviathan Anchev comments with an air of nonchalance he didn’t have before. “I did not understand a thing. But good for you, lil one, good for you.”
“It’s really not that difficult,” Noah insists. “I can teach you! We can play together.”
Enver steps closer, somehow is still not detected neither by his son nor by his...his what?
Karlach almost crashes into the doorframe after him, but somehow manages to steady herself, takes in the view in front of her – and freezes.
So do the other two of Levi’s unruly companions. Gortash especially doesn’t like the pale one; he has a habit of sticking way closer to the bhaalspawn than it is proper.
“I am not that good at these kinds of games,” Levi admits as his tail flips from side to side and nostrils flare; he has detected him. Probably smelled before sensing. “But I have a friend with a real knack for them. He is a wizard and knows a lot of fun things; I think you’d get along.”
Noah looks uncertain.
“Are you sure?” he looks down. “I don’t think...I’m not allowed outside.”
“Really? And why is that?”
“Well,” the boy fidgets with his game. “Father says people who oppose him would try to use me against him, if they knew I existed. So I am kind of...a secret? It’s for my own safety!” he immediately adds, seeing Leviathan’s face blank out. “There’s a murderer on the loose, she really doesn’t like father despite supposedly working with him. Father says she will kill me if she finds out I exist.”
“Oh,” Levi looks taken aback at that. “I don’t think you need to worry about that anymore. If you’re talking about who I think you’re talking about, then she has been dealt with already.”
“Oh!” Noah brightens. “By whom?”
“By me. But say,” the spawn looks quizzically at the child in front of him, frowning slightly. “Is it just your father and you? Where’s your mother?”
“I don’t have one,” and this is definitely the moment then Enver needs to intervene, but he is just...frozen in place, turned to stone.
Leviathan Anchev he knew hated children.
This Leviathan Anchev is talking to a child as it was his best friend.
“I have a dad though!” Noah is a sweet fool, Enver taught him much better than telling complete strangers his entire life’s story. Stop. Talking. “He is...working a lot and is too busy to visit,” the boy looks down gloomily. “But! He and father are very close; they even stole from the devil together!”
Levi blinks. Then blinks once more. Then again.
“The devil, you say?” and is it just Gortash’s imagination, but did the man’s voice just rise up an octave?
“Yes! And not just any devil, the achdevil Mephistopheles!” Noah looks so absurdly proud of that it hurts. “They snuck right into his home, stole a crown from his vault and returned here. Unspotted, unstopped. Victorious.”
“What the fuck?” Karlach lets out and both the boy and the bhaalspawn who created him turn to the door.
Noah’s face immediately brightens.
“Father!” he exclaims, hastily getting to his feet and rushing to him. Behind the boy Levi gives the man the most bewildered stare he has ever seen.
“You have a child!” young Ravengard speaks out with the accusation in his voice. Enver really isn’t sure whom the man is addressing.
Noah is unperturbed.
“Father, I met a really cool guy, his name is Levi and he must be your friend because he came here with no problem at all; and he has children at his camp, two girls named Yenna and Arabella. Arabella is a druid because she stole the idol of Sylvanus and it gave her powers, and Yenna has a cat! But the cat is anxious so I shouldn’t pet it, but I can look at it! Please, can I look at Yenna’s cat? Levi said the evil murderer is dealt with, so it’s probably safe. And Levi can guard me if needed. Also there’s a vampire spawn in his camp and-“
The pale elf coughs.
“Hello there,” he tries, pulling a not entirely convincing smile up his lips. “A vampire spawn speaking. And you would be...”
“I am Noah!” says Noah right away; and did Enver shelter him too much? Damn, he has sheltered him too much. Look at the boy, he wants to befriend a vampire spawn. “I’m the son of the Archduke! Hello.”
“Yes, hi,” the elf looks at Levi uncertainly and back. “So...”
“So,” the bhaalspawn steps forward, the bewildered look stuck to his face. He crouches down to Noah’s level and takes his hands into his calloused and clawed ones. “So Noah...Your dad is the man who helped your father to steal the crown from the devil, is that right?”
Noah nods vigorously and Enver takes his time to observe the scene; the two bhaalspawns in front of each other, Levi’s posture, his relaxed shoulders, his slightly shaking hands. The tail that seems to have a life on its own and moves agitatedly behind its owner.
Three companions of the bhaalspawn, all somewhat stuck in place, with different levels of surprise stitched up their faces. The pale elf – a step closer, almost lingering at Leviathan’s side. Annoying.
Yet somehow, no matter how hard Gortash looks at it, he doesn’t sense any danger. Doesn’t see it, even with Karlach still aflame by the doorframe.
“Yep,” Noah agrees eagerly. “I wish he’d come to meet me soon. He will come, right? Once the work is done and all,” the boy sighs. “I mean, I am his son, surely he would care to come to meet me.”
“Um,” the tiefing looks uncertain. “And what if...something happened to him? What if he, say, lost his memories?”
“How? Did something hit him in the head?”
The vampire spawn chokes on a laugh and Levi rolls his eyes at him.
“Sure,” he agrees. “Let’s call it that. So...what if he doesn’t...exactly remember having you?”
“You mean if he’s lost and doesn’t know he needs to come back?”
“Something like that.”
“Well, I guess I’d come looking for him. He is my other father. It’s important.”
The force of conviction behind these words hits harder than a thunderwave.
Leviathan blinks hard, clears his throat, and then-
“You...don’t have to. I don’t remember much about my life before...certain events, but it was made adamantly clear to me I was the one to break into the Mephistopheles’ vault with your father. And if your dad is who did that, then,” he stops. “Then I guess- Enver, are you really just going to stand here like a fucking statue? Tell me if this is what I think it is or not.”
“You swore!”
“No, the fuck, I did not. Enver-“
“Now you swore twice!”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake-“
“So,” Gortash steps forward, a lazy smile dancing on his lips. Gods only know how much this smile costs him. “You have known your son for the entirety of twenty minutes and already taught him a swear word. Really impressive.”
“Oh, listen here, you poignant prick-“
This, Enver thinks, is what family feels like.
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ihateitthankyou · 10 months
As an extension to my AU, here are some ideas to how some challenges would play out: I See London
Owen ends up being the one captured at the beginning of “I See London” and Alejandro takes it as an opportunity to get close with Noah, but Noah spends nearly the entire time worrying about Owen and wondering if he was okay.
Noah is more distracted during the challenge due to Owen being missing and Alejandro points it out (since he always has his attention on Noah).
Noah: I’m just thinking about Owen, I’m worried about him! Alejandro:(Seriously) What do you see in that guy? Noah: He makes me laugh.
In the beginning of the episode, when Owen made Noah laugh with the ‘noseshakes’, Alejandro is very bitter about the fact that Owen can get Noah to laugh so easily, especially with childish and disgusting humor, but it takes a lot of effort for anyone else to make him even smile, so for Noah to say that just makes him even MORE jealous of Owen. Even more so because of the fact him and Noah were together for nearly the entire night and all Noah could think about was Owen.
In the double decker bus, after Alejandro saves Noah from the “Ripper”, they are sharing a moment and slowly leaning forward toward each other for a possible kiss when Noah interrupts it by saying he hoped Owen was okay and how he couldn’t wait to see him, walking out and leaving behind a fuming Alejandro, who hopes the Ripper was extra rough when capturing Owen.
(Not saying Noah did it on purpose, but if anyone took a closer look, they could see Noah stifling a giggle as he was walking away)
It’s ends up not being a non-elimination round (or the Amazons lose, or Team CIRRH still loses, however you want it to go) because screw canon! Thanks for the show Fresh TV! but we’ll take it from here!
I’ll probably remake this because I’m planning on making a miniseries of how World Tour would go in this AU along with other ideas and prompts!
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byliever · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to Noah Schnapp!
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changanomaly · 1 year
talking about nemma because brainrot and i love them 3 2 1 go.
emma loves jane austen to an unhealthy degree. she got obsessed with her books at 15 and never stopped being obsessed with them since. she's kind of embarrassed to admit this to anyone except for This One Time confessing the detail to noah around the time when they've moved in with each other and only when she was drinking way too much one night on a particularly bad day- she wasn't one to let anything overwhelm her, but even someone like her would plummet at at least SOMETHING that law school would throw at her, and found comfort in wine.
on her 3rd glass noah managed to get her to bed before she could get anything more and had her settle down a bit. and she utters out how not even jane austen could make her feel particularly better right now, and noah- out of curiosity, a way to lighten her load even by a little amount, and maybe even out of a want to tease her, just a bit, because she doesn't usually let things she found minorly embarrassing slip- eggs her on about this. she ends up telling him of her little collection, that he apparently hadn't noticed until she pointed it out. (he only didn't notice beforehand because they decided to buy multiple ikea bookshelves to combine and make a giant one to put all their favorite books on, of which there are plenty)
he spots them around the second bottom row and picks up austen's sanditon and starts to read it aloud, softly as he could. it was rather short, but even so around half way through he found emma asleep on his chest (though regardless kept reading, even after tucking her in a bit)
the first coherent thought emma had after waking up from her hangover that morning was formed from seeing noah reading her copy of sense and sensibility on their bed, as he handed her a cup of hot coffee from their bedside table (where there were several jane austen books stacked upon each other), saying that he hasn't read it in ages and that he honestly prefers it over pride and prejudice.
and despite her tired muscles, even on her face, she smiles. it was a stupid opinion to have, she thought, sure, but she grinned more as he talked about austen than noah's ever really seen her grin for a while now, and she discusses it with him half-awake as she lays her head down on his shoulder, only pausing to let him read some of the lines from the book and to take a sip from the coffee he made her- just the way she liked it.
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