#Ninjago headcanon
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taddymason · 3 months ago
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fun headcanon: jay is completely immune to any bug bite because any insect that touches him dies instantly.
@blinksalot jay being a bug zapper trap
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theaceofarrows · 4 months ago
Since the live action Ninjago movie is confirmed, here are some of my crack predictions
They DC-ify all the Gi's (think the animated movie but x10)
They retcon half the lore
Lloyd is played by a 25+ year old actor
Dareth is there, but he's serious and played by Chris Pratt
Cole is purely token big, strong dude of the group™️ and isn't a sweet cinnamon roll
Kai's actor is blond (that'd be so funny. It'd be like how Miles Morales's Peter Parker was blond)
Zane is a human
#I'm not like other girls Nya
Jay's actor is 6ft
Wu is played by Jackie Chan (cool) or by Danny DeVito (cursed)
Garmadon is either a giant hulking mess of CGI or just some guy dressed in black with red eyes and the occasional black, purple shadow
No Serpentine (boooo!!)
FSM flashback, but it shows his face, so it's just WRONG
Fugidove cameo for shits and giggles
Cole doesn't get a giant scythe (cowards)
Kai flirts with a bad guy as a distraction
"Ninja never quit" *cue dramatic boss music*
The Weekend Whip starts playing on someone's phone/on the radio
Nya hardly gets any screen time
No dragons (also a booooo!!)
Lloyd's eyes glow red during an intense fight
No spinjitzu tornadoes (I'd classify that as a crime)
Kai's hair is straight and lifeless, with not a single spike insight
There's something Wu hasn't told them yet
Morro reference for the people in the back
They get one F-bomb (please, oh please, it be SO FUNNY!!!😩)
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skierisa · 3 months ago
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somewhat a study/design of lloyd getting older
top is dr, middle is s8, still want to make one more for child's play to s7, because i dont think the tea aged lloyd that much, and the bottom one is s1 to child's play (headcanon him being around 11-13 at that time)
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llannasvsp · 11 months ago
i do not trust a single person who thinks lloyd is younger than 20 in dragons rising, mentally and/or physically.
also the people who think arin and sora would be older than lloyd if it weren't for the tea.
that is just so... so factually incorrect.
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localaceken · 1 year ago
I think Jay canonically not dying even once in the entire show is really funny.
But also it gave me the idea for my fave headcanon for him ever a while ago so, Jay fandom this is for you;
Unless Jay gets any of his vital organs damaged [Ex. him getting large amound of sea water in his lungs in Seabound], he can't die.
If he gets thrown/crushed by something and his heart enters cardiac arrest without damage to any of his organs?
His lighting powers would just, automatically re-start his heart if it were to stop.
Not only that, but depending on the wound and the organ, his lightning can also turn off his nerves because of the sudden adrenaline rush, so he can't feel the said pain unless the adrenaline wears off.
If he were to get beaten to death, he can't die unless his entire body bleeds to multiple organ failures and he won't feel the pain of it until he loses the adrenaline rush he's in due to the said blood loss.
TLDR: Jay's lighting powers are his built in Defibrillator unless he fucks up his vital organs and bleeds to death/organ failure.
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miksterrr · 5 months ago
headcannon that lloyd was able to feel when the ninja reached their true potentials.
Okay just hear me out here-
Lloyd was able to harness their elements at first, right?
And like I know there's a headcannon out there where Lloyd's like an empath and whatever bc of his element- but who's to say it couldn't reach more?
Like just imagine- he's just sitting in that cage the serpentine put him in when suddenly he's absolutely freezing, like dead of winter, negative degrees, kind of feel but he also feels powerful and even though he's only known the ninja for like a month at this point he can just tell it's zane-
can feel the pure relief at knowing at something that finally comes to light- and something in his mind is reaching and reaching and trying to connect with him with the absolute freezing power in his veins and trying to reach out to zane for someone to rescue him-
but that feeling's gone as soon as it arrived.
and then like a week later than feeling comes again but it's different but just as powerful as the first time- this time it's electricity rushing up his bones, making his hairs stand on edge, and he feels so energized yet completely drained at the same time- it almost feels warm (like a summer storm) but it's only flashes of warmth compared to the complete freezing of zane's-
but just like zane he knew it was jay, he knew by the absolute excitement he felt and the utter relief and shock speeding right alongside the electricity- he knew that whatever was going on was jay's power- his element reaching out to him for some fucking reason-
once again, that feeling is gone as soon as it arrived.
at this point he's waiting, anticipating feeling that same connection with cole or kai
and what do you know, a week in a half goes by and suddenly it's like he can move mountains. it feels almost more powerful that before, that the he can crush the cage with just his hands but he can't- there's warmth traveling up his veins this time, it's slow-moving but it's a constant warmth opposed to the electricity and it's a nice kind of warmth too, one that doesn't set him on fire or make him panic, it's one that he knows-
it feels like cole's hugs. he's maybe gotten two hugs from the older teen, but this warmth and strength and powerful he's feeling feels just like cole's hugs and he doesn't know what to do with this knowledge- the memory of cole's hug or the same feeling of relief that jay and zane had, along with lingering feelings of contentedness and connection- once again lloyd feels himself reaching for this power for this feeling of relief-
and it falls away just as quickly.
even though lloyd still doesn't under what exactly these connections are- he knows he's waiting for kai, he's waiting and waiting and waiting and yet almost two weeks go by and there's still no sign of power and relief from kai-
it's not until he's lying in bed still reeling from the fact that he's the green ninja when he remembers the feeling. it was overshadowed by his own fear and acceptance and relief but now he knows kai was also feeling the same-
lloyd remembers feeling heat and fire shoot up his body like it didn't know where else to go- he remembers feeling hot, and now he knows it wasn't just because he was in an active volcano- it was definitely part of it but it was also a different kind of heat- it was more similar to cole's but it was also angry and rushing and safe-
and that's how lloyd knew it wasn't only the volcano, because he's only felt that safe with kai before and he remembers that feeling only blooming when kai picked him up he remembers the shared feeling of acceptance and fear and how it was intertwined with the heat- lloyd remembers how that connection unfurled until he could almost see it- where it connected between him and kai and that was the moment lloyd knew kai was his protector- that all of them were meant to protect and mentor him-
the feeling fell away as soon as they landed on the bounty.
but- it was still there- a single minute thread that connected them together- that connected all of them together. lloyd knew if he just tugged on the thread that connected to zane or jay or cole, he'd feel that same kind of power that connected them all those weeks ago.
He doesn't realize what this meant until he started harnessing their elements as well- he doesn't realize until he hears the prophecy of the green ninja again and knows it was meant for him.
unbeknownst to lloyd but the connection works both ways.
the ninja didn't feel each other's true potential or felt what lloyd was feeling in their moment- but they felt lloyd's.
Kai is the only one that was aware of it when it happened, as the other were under the possession of dark matter, but he knew- he felt laces of gold and green threading under his skin and there was energy that he didn't know what to do with- he remembers acceptance and sorrow and relief and conviction- he remembers reaching out to this energy- trying to connect with trying to make it last enough to hear his apologizes-
it's gone as soon as it came.
It takes them all years to realize what it was- it's not until Lloyd was talking about true potentials with Arin and Sora and Wyldfire and the rest of them swapping their stories of them reaching their true potentials do they realize that lloyd was able to feel when they reached theirs and vice versa.
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lightning-and-dragons · 6 months ago
What if the only reason the Nunchucks of Lightning are nunchucks is because no elemental Master of Lightning could be trusted with a sharp object until they had trained with a dull object for a few years.
The Master of Fire gets a sword...with a sharp edge.
The Master of Ice gets shurikens...with a sharp edge.
The Master of Earth gets a sythe...with a sharp edge.
But the Master of Lighting? They get nunchucks, a weapon without a sharp edge, that could only hit people with brute force if not for the lightning it contains.
I can just imagine Jay desperately wanting to use Kai's sword or Cole's sythe in training but then nearly killing everyone with the sharp edge. Swinging it randomly as he talked, grabs it from the sharp side of the blade if he drops it, nearly cutting off fingers as he tries to do fancy tricks with it.
This is also the reason Jay isn't allowed in the kitchen.
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senseioftheseidiots · 1 year ago
If Wu ever has a phone, he definitely ends his texts with 'Signed, Wu' on them like he would his letters
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aroninshonour · 10 months ago
No clue about you guys but headcanoning Zane as like 6'7" is really fuckin' fun cuz like imagine Dr. Julien designing him and going "Ykw I'm gonna make my son the tallest mf anyone's ever seen." And actually going through with it.
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delusional-ninjago-fangirl · 2 months ago
Zane is both the best and the worst at keeping secret ever
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s0ull3ss-p3rs0n · 10 months ago
Guys you know how the green ninja prophecy said that one of the ninja rises above the others and becomes the green ninja or smth and the OG 4 assumed they were the candidates of sorts?
So what if that part was a mistranslation due to FSM illegible ass writing.
Like, FSM wrote the prophecy and drew the picture, BUT, instead of what the prophecy says now, he originally wrote something along the lines of "The four guardians will find and protect the one that rises above them and becomes the green ninja until they are ready to defeat the dark lord" but due to the illegible ass writing, the translators could only decipher "four", "rises above", "green ninja defeat", and "dark lord", and used the image as a little out of context in order to make it to be what it is now.
Just a thought that came to me.
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taddymason · 1 year ago
Elemental Master of Ligthning
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You're a snake, you're a snake I can see it in your face
Jay fights snake style in my mind.
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froginninjago · 5 months ago
This was a conversation that happened when everyone reunited after the merge, prove me wrong:
Zane: Arin! Could you help me understand something?
Arin: Oh! Uh- yeah, of course!
Zane: Thank you. What are "glowing blue orbs?"
Lloyd: *spits out tea*
Kai: Zane... Where did you hear that?
Zane: I read it! It was on this informational website I found called "Archive of Our Own!"
Sora: Zane... Zane that's not an informational website...
Zane: I don't understand. It says archive, does it not?
Lloyd: It isn't exactly...
Arin: An archive of historical records.
Sora: It's more like a fan-forum!
Zane: Ah. That doee explain the questionable wolf-pack dynamics.
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greendest1ny · 3 months ago
lloyd sprays garmadon with a spray bottle everytime he's being annoying or evil. garmadon is constantly drenched
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llannasvsp · 18 days ago
MY NINJA HCS!! (How have I literally never posted these before??) Also there are not a lot because unfortunately I am not a creative soul but enjoy nonetheless.
Kai: - Bisexual - Can sing INCREDIBLY well. - Drinks black coffee. - Cartilage and lobe piercings. - Burns paper and other flammable objects as a calming method. - Pop music enjoyer (his favorite songs are 100% by Chappell Roan).
Cole: - Gay - Actually CAN cook, but the others mess with him for fun. - Wears eyeliner (moreso as a teen, but occasionally as an adult). - Has depression (lowkey this one is canon though). - "Dad" of the group.
Jay: - Bisexual - ADHD and anxiety - Is VERY good at doing makeup. - Pin and button collector.
Zane: - Asexual - Has episodes of derealization. - Actually LOVES the color pink. He wears pink pajamas and sweaters. - Knits in his free time.
Nya: - Pansexual - Literally so buff. - Anger issues. - Cannot cook to save her life. - Super disorganized. - Mom of the group (about 1/2 of the time). Lloyd: - Aroace - Panic disorder (also pretty much canon). - Trains as a method of calming himself down (also sort of canon). - Cannot cook to save his life. - He has a terrarium in his room. - "Mom" of the group (the other 1/2 of the time).
Again, this is literally so not creative, but I hope this was somewhat entertaining. Also!! Leave your own headcanons in the comments because I wanna know them all!!
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psychologicalwarclaire · 7 months ago
Ninjago Team Medic Headcanons
Wu gave them all basic first aid training, and later taught them some more advanced techniques, but I think everyone has their own specialties.
Kai - Kai treats the serious injuries. He’s the only one who can cauterize wounds, if needed. But other times, he can splint broken or sprained limbs with ease. Kai is the closest thing the ninja have to an official medic. His protectiveness led to many sleepless nights watching videos ranging from treating muscle soreness, to burns, to CPR, to live surgeries. 
Jay - Good at treating injuries during missions, but is prone to… unorthodox methods. If you need something dealt with fast, he is the guy. Accidents in the junkyard and his time on the Misfortune’s Keep taught him how to quickly patch up anything out of almost any material. His methods of sloppy stitches, makeshift bandaging, or increasingly strange ways to prevent infections are temporary solutions, but they’ll keep you alive long enough to get real help. He’s always got fun bandaids stashed somewhere. But in terms of moral support, he’s your guy. Jay is a master of distraction, keeping the others either chuckling or groaning with his jokes while he or someone else works. When he gets very stressed, however, he’ll be dead silent as he treats the wound, looking on with a clenched jaw.
Nya - Nya is the best of everyone at traditional first aid. Before she was a ninja, she did a lot of the patching up after missions, so she’s got lots of experience. Nya is also so good at treating burns that it’s like her second elemental power; back in the day, her inexperienced brother had many blacksmithing accidents in the forge. It’s been established that she can’t access water inside of people’s bodies (cough, water in Jay’s lungs, cough), but if the blood is outside of you… It’s not quite bloodbending, but she can keep her team from bleeding out. She is also helpful during times of rest and recovery, keeping everyone drinking plenty of fluids and threatening them to take it easy. She’s an expert in heatstroke and dehydration because her stupid ninja forget to drink water on a daily basis. 
Cole - Cole’s big hands and strength make it difficult for him to treat delicate injuries like stitching someone up, but if you need a joint popped back into place or a broken bone set, he is absolutely your guy. Most of what Cole provides to his team’s wellbeing is emotional. He gives the best hugs. Kai and Jay utilize his calming presence when dealing with more… tricky wounds. Also: as mud is nature’s sunblock, he’s always happy to provide some to prevent his team from getting burned when they inevitably forget sunblock. 
Lloyd - Lloyd still believes in the magic power of bandages. For himself, and for others. Over the years he’s gotten better at recognizing when to use them and when more serious medical attention is required, but he’d still prefer not to have to deal with his injured team. In a situation where someone gets badly injured, usually Lloyd has many different problems to deal with and the other ninja are happy to take things off his plate instead of making him deal with a downed teammate. When it is up to him, he’s no medical expert by any means, but he’ll try his best. Occasionally, he’ll have to use his powers to combat some sort of magical ailment. 
Zane - Do NOT try and get Zane’s help with an injury. You think his ability to access any and all medical knowledge would be useful? WRONG. The guy sees one of his friends injured and practically shuts down. Dislocated joints? Broken bones? Heck no, he needs to leave the room. Catches a glimpse of blood? He is gone. Poor guy once almost started crying when Lloyd got a bloody nose. The whole situation is a mix of him hating to see his loved ones injured, and also being queasy over blood because he doesn’t have any. All those body parts that he doesn’t have are GROSS. The only thing he’s able to help with is diagnosing illnesses and occasionally pointing out concussions. Even then, it gets out of hand (“You have a mild cough? MY SOURCES SAY YOU HAVE FIVE DAYS TO LIVE.”) After treatment, however, he’s always ready to provide an instant ice pack and physical therapy. 
Pixal - Pixal is eager to help. Do not let her help. Her solution to almost everything-- whether it be a skinned knee or fractured wrist-- is amputation. She has spent years building so many backup prosthetics and just wants to be useful (“please let me implement my prosthetics, Kai, please! Lloyd would look so good with a robot arm!’). She knows hundreds of different options but she feels more comfortable working on machines, so what’s her solution? Cut it off, install a machine. That she can work with. Luckily, the ninja deal with both of the nindroids by having Zane keep her away, successfully distracting both of them from bloody situations. 
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