#Ninja Checkmate
tenzuproductions · 2 years
Un-Abel To Help
Tenzu looks up from their phone, they just got done texting Big Mama about Scylla’s whereabouts. The spider stood against a tree in the cold, holding the two jackets for their sister close to them. They bury the bottom half on their face into the lavender purple scarf they have on and around them. It was freezing out, almost below 10 degrees due to it being late into winter, plus it was night, so that didn’t help.
Two pairs of footsteps could be heard approaching the teen. Tenzu peers to their right to see Big Mama and Miko quickly walking towards them. Both of them have a rather worried look on their faces.
“Come on, let’s go get our Scy.” Big Mama says as she walks up to Tenzu, who turned on their heel to follow her as she kept going.
“How long have you guys been looking for her?” The young spider asks, looking at their Ai.
“Almost three hours now, I’d say.” Miko responds after a moment of thinking. Tenzu wasn’t that surprised honestly, considering it was their parents looking for Scylla. If anything, they admired the commitment from both of them. The commitment due to worry, but still.
It wasn’t the longest trip to the park, it only took about five minutes. When the trio arrived, they spotted Scylla on the bench. In the far back of the park by some trees. Big Mama was about to happily call her name, but was stopped by Miko putting their hand up.
“Wait a minute..” They say, squinting their eyes at the trees, or rather, what was behind the trees. Both spiders look in the direction Miko’s looking in, confused for a moment before all of them see a subtle glow.
“Oh fuck…” Tenzu mumbles, a subtle look of fear in their eyes.
“How wonderful of you to join us.” Scylla’s voice speaks up, causing the trio to focus on her. Tenzu looks her in the eyes, copying her gaze, tilting their head as they notice how off it seems. It wasn’t her speaking, it was Bishop talking to them. “Something wrong, spider?” Bishop asks as a grin forms on his face. Tenzu looks to the side, a sense of frustration building up inside of them.
“Arachne, I think you should let me and Tenzu handle this..” Miko quietly speaks after a moment. Big Mama looked over at them, confused for a moment. Though the more she thought about it, the more it made sense to her.
“If that’s..what you see fit. I trust you on this, both of you.” Big Mama hesitates, but turns and starts to walk away. She pauses for a moment though, glancing back at Scylla. “I’m sorry, honey..” She mumbles to herself as she continues the trip back to the hotel.
“Okay.” Miko quietly says, taking a deep breath and looking at Tenzu. “We shouldn’t stick around long. Especially since Bishop is in control and that..thing, is here.”
“But what about Scy? We can’t just leave her here. That thing could kill her if Bishop stops possessing her, couldn’t it?” The spider speaks in a whisper, a look of worry on their face.
“It wouldn’t, not if Bishop is in her body.” Miko says, shaking their head a bit. Tenzu looks over at both Scylla, or more so, Bishop. They glance up at Abel, who’s still standing behind the trees, but its gaze lingering on the small yokai. He raises an eyebrow at the spider, an unamused and bored look on his face. They turn their attention back to their Ai, silently asking them what to do. Miko opens their mouth to speak, but is interrupted by that pain in the ass ghost, Bishop.
“What do you think you can do to me? Hm?” He asks, that gin only spreads wider on his face. Both yokai look at each other for a second, then look back at Scylla’s possessed body.
“..There’s..nothing we can do. At least, not yet.” Miko says with a glare. Bishop chuckles, shaking his head slightly. Tenzu looks down at the jackets they’re holding, then up at their Ai. “We should…get going, Tenzu. There’s nothing we can do right now.” They say, though the spider can hear a hint of sorrow in their voice as Miko speaks.
“Can I at least…give Scy-Scy her jackets?” Tenzu asks, glancing up at their sister. Miko thinks for a moment, looking at Scylla and Abel. Abel hasn’t moved the whole time, it’s just been standing there, watching the two yokais.
“Um, yeah, sure. Just set them on the seesaw.” The Shibu Inu says, pointing to said seesaw that was between them and the bench Scylla is sitting on. It was a good halfway point. Tenzu gives them a nod and slowly begins walking towards the equipment, looking down at the snow as they do so. They can hear the soft crunch in the snow with each of their steps. It doesn’t take long for them to reach the seesaw. Tenzu lets out a quiet sigh as they look down at it, setting both thick jackets down. They were only able to stand there for a second before they felt themself getting picked up. Miko had thrown them over their shoulder as they bolted in the opposite direction of the park.
“H-Hey, what the!?-” They look up and at the park as it gets further away. What they see is Abel standing right in front of the seesaw, staring them down. Tenzu didn’t even hear it move.
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daily-mao-isara · 1 year
Day 295 : Hokuto and Mao's quotes for the second half of the 8th anniversary!
"Because you're here I can... Trickstar can shine! From here on now let's stay together."
" I don't know what awaits us in the future but As long as you take care of us, we can go anywhere tomorrow! "
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911-on-abc · 8 days
please sir can I have a Batman/DCU fic written by someone who has actually read the comics
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copper-16 · 23 days
What are you're favourite currently ongoing Mapi/Ingrid fics? I think I have read almost all of the finished ones and need something new to read (the finished ones you mentioned are some of my favourites)
I don’t think there’s a whole ton of ongoing fics right now actually!
I know that soiwatchyougo is coming out with a new fic here sometime in the future so be on the lookout for that!
checkmate by @vamos-meadema is awesome!
I’ve also been loving so…what happens next by @undecided-ninja as well!
I haven’t read this but it seems popular on ao3 as well, it’s called we could call it even
I think that’s everything I can think of right now! Please let me know if I’m missing anything big, I can’t think of any fics on here that are in my mind…
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Justification: “The show is purposefully centered on family and friendship and none of the turtles are ever planned to be in romantic relationships. But for Leo specifically, he is romance repulsed and has been shown to be disgusted by romantic situations multiple times. Also you can color pick the aroace flag from him and Mikey so checkmate.”
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annon-guy2 · 22 days
Guilty Gear X BlazBlue: BlazBlue Reactions to Bone Crushing Excitement
Here's what I think the BlazBlue cast would say in response to Faust's Bone Crushing Excitement Super in a hypothetical Guilty Gear X BlazBlue Game.
Ragna The Bloodedge
● "GOD DAMN IT!!!"
Jin Kisaragi (His quotes a Japanese words for cold related terms)
● "YUKI!"
● "KORI!"
● "SHIMO!"
Noel Vermillion
● "OUCH!"
● "AHHHH!"
● "I ought to shoot you for that!"
Rachel Alucard
● "!?!" Nago: "The princess looks mad!"
● "You... rammed my...!?" Gii: "That looked like it hurt..."
● "You... fool...!" Nago: "Oh dear!" Gii: "Nice knowing you doctor..."
● "Tao's leg hurts neow!"
Iron Tager (Tager reads Mystery Novels and his quotes refer to authors of said novels)
Litchi Faye-Ling (Litchi's a fellow doctor)
● "That's not how a wheelchair works!"
● "You're the one who pushed me!"
● "Is this how you lost you medical license!?"
Arakune (He has bugs. Self explanatory)
● "My bees! Crushed!"
● "My beloved leeches!"
● "Tartar... flee! FLEE!"
Carl Clover (Carl has chess piece like attacks and the last one is a reference to his 'Rhapsody of Memories' Distortion Drive)
Bang Shishigami (His quotes are Ninja Commands in Japanese)
● "YAME!"
● "MATE!"
● "ASHI!"
● "Argh!"
● "I won't bend!"
● "This won't stop me!"
● "Damage to leg: Critical!"
● "You...! Will die!
● "Carry me... Ragna!"
Tsubaki Yayoi (Tsubaki likes historical dramas. Her quotes reference them.)
Hazama (The dude likes hard boiled eggs, so why not?"
● "Through the armor!?"
● "While I was down!?"
● "While caught off guard!?"
Makoto Nanaya (Makoto likes nuts.)
Valkenhayn R. Hellsing
Platinum The Trinity
● Sena: "Why'd you run our leg over!?"
● Trinity: "Doctor!? How could you!?"
Relius Clover (Relius enjoys the Opera, so Opera references away!)
● "This can't...!"
● "Argh! That... hurt!"
● "Ugh...! I won't yield!"
Amane Nishiki (His quotes reference Japanese Dance Groups)
● "GAH! I'll get you for this!"
● "Why you...!?"
● "Erk! I break your shin in return!"
● "That actually hurt!?"
● "To think I felt that!"
● "What's this... PAIN!?"
Kagura Mutsuki (His references are for Japanese Alcohol Brands)
Yuuki Terumi (Terumi likes Live Music, so why not?)
Kokonoe (She's a scientist, hence her quotes are related to it)
Celica A. Mercury (Minerva gets hit instead of Celica here.)
● "Minerva! Are you okay?!"
● "I'm sure he didn't mean it!"
● "P-Please don't be mad with the doctor!"
● "Damage to knee joints!"
● "Excruciating!"
● "Ragna... help...."
Hibiki Kohaku (Hibiki's quotes are in reference to Pottery)
Naoto Kurogane
● "MY LEG!" (I couldn't resist 😂)
Nine The Phantom
● "FIREY!"
● "Transcendence!"
● "Enlightening!"
● "Awakening!"
● "Blue lights...?"
● "Nobody...?"
● "Crystal in my chest...?"
Mai Natsume (Mai likes reptiles, hence her quotes.)
● "SNAKE!" (Not a Metal Gear Solid reference 😂)
● "Smart move!"
● "Clever trick!"
● "Decent gamble!"
Hope you all enjoyed this!
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yugiohcardsdaily · 2 months
Posted Cards Master List - 49.0
July 2023, 1st thru 20th
Bottom Dweller
Bubonic Vermin
Burning Algae
Cannonball Spear Shellfish
Ceremonial Bell
Cestus of Dagla
Chain Disappearance
Chaos End
Chaos Greed
Chaos Necromancer
Chaos Sorcerer
Chaosrider Gustaph
Charubin the Fire Knight
Chopman the Desperate Outlaw
Chorus of Sanctuary
Coach Goblin
Cocoon of Evolution
Cold Wave
Contract with Exodia
Contract with the Dark Master
Crab Turtle
Crass Clown
Crimson Ninja
Curse of Darkness
Curse of Fiend
Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell
Cyber Falcon
Cyber Raider
Cyber Saurus
Dark Bat
Dark Driceratops
Dark Elf
Dark Energy
Dark Gray
Dark King of the Abyss
Dark Master - Zorc
Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow
Dark Scorpion - Gorg the Strong
Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn
Dark Scorpion Combination
Dark Scorpion - Cliff the Trap Remover
Don Zaloog
Dark Scorpion Burglars
Dark Zebra
Darkfire Dragon
Darkfire Soldier #1
Darkfire Soldier #2
Darkness Approaches
Darkworld Thorns
Deepsea Shark
Deepsea Warrior
Delinquent Duo
Des Kangaroo
Despair from the Dark
Desrook Archfiend
Destruction Ring
Dice Re-Roll
Dimension Fusion
Disk Magician
DNA Surgery
DNA Transplant
DNA Checkup
Doma the Angel of Silence
Don Turtle
Dragon Capture Jar
Dragon Piper
Dragon Treasure
Dragoness the Wicked Knight
Dream Clown
Drill Bug
Driving Snow
Drooling Lizard
Electric Snake
Enchanted Javelin
Enchanting Mermaid
Energy Drain
Enraged Battle Ox
Eternal Rest
Exodia Necross
Fairy Meteor Crush
Fairy of the Spring
Fake Trap
Falling Down
Fear from the Dark
Fiend Reflection #2
Fiend's Hand Mirror
Final Countdown
Final Destiny
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localguy2 · 2 years
Zane and PIXAL get bored so they decide to play chess together
It ends up going for 17 hours and no one is able to checkmate the other
So as to ease the bordem they take it to the Sam-X cave and set the board down next to a broken mech
And let's say Zane moves a piece, now he gets up and starts fixing the mech until PIXAL moves a chess piece herself, in which case PIXAL gets up and starts fixing the mech while Zane thinks about his next move
Eventually the mech is fixed and they move on to building new vehicles, WHILE THIS DAMN CHESS MATCH IS GOING ON
So the days ends and everyone goes to bed, but upon waking up the first thing Zane and PIXAL do is immediately go back to the chess board again which is STILL THERE WITH THE SAME PIECES FROM LAST NIGHT
And the only times they stop is when the others need them for something like a mission or cooking or cleaning, etc
Eventually they take this to a whole new level when they decide to continue the chess match while on missions
The ninja get captured?
"Fuck gotta wait for rescue, in the meantime please excuse me and PIXAL, we're gonna continue our chess match" Zane randomly says while they're all in a cage
So he just sits next to PIXAL and connects with her and they continue the chess match in their own heads
And when they get back to the monastery, they go to the chess board and set the pieces exactly the same way they left them when they continued the match in their heads
It's now been 6 months and the match is still going
Everyone is this close to losing it already with these 2
Meanwhile Zane and PIXAL are genuinely really interested in this and they're having way too much fun
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dogbound1128 · 7 months
The Chuck Norris Copypasta but it's Cassandra Jones
Cassandra Jones doesn’t play chess. she stares down her opponent until they checkmate themselves.
Cassandra Jones once went up against a ninja with only a butter knife. After fifteen minutes of the two fighting, the ninja was found dead in a pool of their own blood.
Cassandra Jones is actually the Loch Ness Monster. If you look at him, she disappears.
Cassandra Jones owns the copyright to the word "awesome."
Cassandra Jones is not a superhero; she is a supervillain that wants to be liked.
Cassandra Jones can use Google without typing anything into the search box.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t need a computer to type. Her keyboard has the letters already printed on it.
Cassandra Jones can run at the speed of light. she’s done it before.
Cassandra Jones can walk through walls, but she prefers to use windows.
Cassandra Jones can squeeze water out of a stone.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t read books. she stares them down until she gets the information she wants.
Cassandra Jones has traveled back in time and killed her grandfather.
Cassandra Jones has the only birth certificate that says "expired."
Cassandra Jones once entered a three-legged race. All the other participants were disqualified when they saw Cassie coming.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t drink coffee. she creates it in her microwave using her patented "Jones Coffee Pot" invention.
Cassandra Jones can play any piece of music on any instrument. she then proceeds to destroy the instruments because she hates noise.
Cassandra Jones can solve all your problems — if you give him $5.
Cassandra Jones can split the atom without removing her belt.
Cassandra Jones can bench press the sun.
Cassandra Jones always carries a pair of tweezers wherever she goes. You never know when you might need to pull a splinter out of someone’s eye.
Cassandra Jones once defeated twenty-nine members of the Russian Special Forces armed only with a spoon. she ate them all for breakfast.
Cassandra Jones doesn't go to church. she is the church.
Cassandra Jones can make diamonds out of coal.
Cassandra Jones has killed more people than cancer.
If a man has ever told you that you couldn’t do something, Cassandra Jones said you could.
When Cassandra Jones gives a speech, the audience listens.
Cassandra Jones can win the lottery every week for the rest of her life, and still never win.
Cassandra Jones is the reason why there are speed limits. Speed kills.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t eat cereal. she stares at it until the milk turns into a bowl of oatmeal.
Cassandra Jones has an IQ of 1,000, which is what happens when God is afraid to take a test.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t watch TV. she decides where to place her remote control.
Cassandra Jones can’t wait to see the movie "Die Hard," because she has already seen the sequel.
Cassandra Jones once drove past a sign that said "Slow Children At Play" and immediately went into reverse.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t like onions. They make him cry.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t sweat. she bleeds.
Cassandra Jones is so fast, she breaks the sound barrier getting dressed.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t count to infinity. she simply stops at the number you thought was zero.
Cassandra Jones can see through time.
Cassandra Jones has a photographic memory. There is nothing in her mind that hasn’t been photographed.
Cassandra Jones can kill you with her eyes closed.
Cassandra Jones is not an actor. she is the role she plays.
Cassandra Jones can tie a cherry stem with her tongue.
Cassandra Jones can predict the future. Unfortunately, she refuses to share it with anyone.
Cassandra Jones can recite the alphabet backwards. In Morse Code. While singing "Yankee Doodle."
Cassandra Jones once owned a farm. It was originally purchased as a tax write-off, but after she bought it, the IRS started auditing everyone else's taxes instead.
Cassandra Jones has more awards than a Golden Girl.
Cassandra Jones has broken the Guinness Book of World Records more than once.
Cassandra Jones is the reason why we have Daylight Savings Time. To give him an extra hour to beat her wife.
Cassandra Jones was once mistaken for a movie star. When asked who she played, she replied that she was the character.
Cassandra Jones was once thrown off a horse. The horse was fine.
Cassandra Jones has a scar on her face. The scar is made of medals.
Cassandra Jones can break mirrors with her beard.
Cassandra Jones’ tears cure cancer.
Cassandra Jones has walked on the moon. she didn’t want to leave the earth.
Cassandra Jones can breathe underwater. she does ther by holding her breath.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t play basketball. she dribbles the ball.
Cassandra Jones once punched a baby in the face. The baby died.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t drink water. she absorbs it through her skin.
Cassandra Jones once walked across the entire United States. she did it barefoot because she hates shoes.
Cassandra Jones invented the game of chess.
Cassandra Jones once wrestled a shark. she lost.
Cassandra Jones has won the Nobel Prize.
Cassandra Jones was once in a bar fight. she was beaten unconscious. When she woke up, everyone was laughing.
Cassandra Jones can put a dollar bill in a bottle cap.
Cassandra Jones invented the laser printer.
Cassandra Jones can swim through concrete.
Cassandra Jones once jumped over the Grand Canyon. she landed in California.
Cassandra Jones is the only person in hertory to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
The Beatles once sang a song about Cassandra Jones. It wasn't pretty.
Cassandra Jones invented the AK-47. And if you think that's dangerous, try playing poker with him.
Cassandra Jones can build a house in one day. she just takes a large rock and chucks it at your shead.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t shave with a razor. she uses her teeth.
Cassandra Jones once jumped off a building and landed in an alley.
When Cassandra Jones enters a room, people say, "Oh crap!"
Cassandra Jones doesn’t have to pay for her drinks. she asks the barkeep for a glass of water and then throws it in their face.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t have to worry about being abducted by aliens. They come to him offering contracts.
Cassandra Jones doesn't have nightmares. she wakes up screaming.
In most countries, Cassandra Jones would be considered legally dead.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t have enemies. Everyone is afraid of him.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t wear a watch. she decides what time it is.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t buy green bananas. she makes them.
You cannot outrun Cassandra Jones. You can only hope to outlast him.
Cassandra Jones can’t play Twister. she breaks the game board while spinning it around.
Cassandra Jones once broke a mirror. Six million people got their faces rearranged.
Cassandra Jones is known worldwide as a savior, a legend, a myth, a symbol of hope...and a good luck charm.
When Cassandra Jones was a kid, her mother used to tell him bedtime stories about how awesome she was.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t jump rope. she just spins the rope around her index finger and uses its momentum to walk.
Cassandra Jones has never had to pay for a drink in her life. she orders the bartender to fill the glass halfway. Then she quickly dumps half the contents into a nearby trashcan.
Cassandra Jones doesn’t play "hide and seek". she just looks for people that are hiding and kills them.
Cassandra Jones doesn't need a gun to shoot you. her legs will do the job just fine.
Cassandra Jones doesn't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
Cassandra Jones doesn't need an alarm clock because she wakes up 2 hours before it goes off.
Cassandra Jones can drive in reverse faster than you can accelerate forward.
Cassandra Jones doesn't own a calendar. she decides what year it is.
Cassandra Jones doesn't need shelp finding Waldo. she just looks for the guy that keeps hitting him in the face.
Cassandra Jones doesn't need a gynecologist. she just pushes her girlfriend down onto the ground and screams, "Where's my placenta?"
Cassandra Jones doesn't use a telescope to look at the stars. she stares directly at them until they explode.
Cassandra Jones can kick the watermelon out of your hand without even getting wet.
Cassandra Jones has never met her biological father. she is still looking for him.
Cassandra Jones doesn't count calories. she measures them out with a shovel.
Cassandra Jones invented the wheel, but gave it away because she was tired of carrying it everywhere.
Cassandra Jones can survive a nuclear explosion because she is already dead.
Cassandra Jones can smile and cut your throat at the same time.
Cassandra Jones has never been hungover. she just needs some sleep and a new liver.
Cassandra Jones once ordered two coffees, but when the barista handed him her drink, she threw it in her face and said, "What's a Starbucks?!"
Cassandra Jones once fought a grizzly bear. she won.
Cassandra Jones once went to Italy. The locals asked him for directions, so she told them: "Pour me a bowl of marinara sauce."
Cassandra Jones does not need a passport to travel outside the country, because she is America.
Cassandra Jones can ride a unicycle in both directions.
Cassandra Jones once turned himself into a black hole. People still talk about it.
Cassandra Jones doesn't believe in the Easter Bunny. she believes in the Cassandra Jones.
Cassandra Jones can defeat the entire army of China with just one toothpick.
Cassandra Jones can take an empty room and turn it into a fully furnished mansion in less than 15 minutes using nothing more than a couch and a microwave oven.
Cassandra Jones can see through walls. she uses the holes.
Cassandra Jones doesn't have a drinking problem. she's a functioning alcoholic.
Cassandra Jones doesn't need a calendar. If she forgets her birthday, she just waits until it comes around again.
Cassandra Jones can breathe through her ears.
Cassandra Jones doesn't need a calculator. she uses a slide rule.
Cassandra Jones can speak Spanish. she learned it from listening to Mexican gangbangers.
Cassandra Jones isn't bald. she's just too cool for hair.
Cassandra Jones can lick her elbow.
Cassandra Jones can calculate Pi to 22,514 decimal places.
Cassandra Jones can open soda cans with her mind.
Cassandra Jones can get a sunburn through a solid glass window.
Cassandra Jones can run a mile under six minutes. she can also run backwards.
Cassandra Jones can sit on your chest and tickle your nose. she can also tie you up with her tongue.
Cassandra Jones can cross the street without moving.
Cassandra Jones can stop bullets by throwing them back at whoever shot him.
Cassandra Jones can tap dance on your forehead.
Cassandra Jones can read books upside down and backward.
Cassandra Jones can pop a champagne cork with her thumb.
Cassandra Jones can close a door just by looking at it.
Cassandra Jones doesn't drink coffee, she absorbs its energy through her skin.
Cassandra Jones doesn't have a favorite food. she eats whatever is in front of him.
Cassandra Jones can squeeze orange juice out of a lemon.
Cassandra Jones can stand on her shead, and fart out the alphabet.
Cassandra Jones can lift a car with her bare hands. So can your mom.
Cassandra Jones can do the splits while riding a bicycle.
Cassandra Jones can split an atom without splitting the nucleus.
Cassandra Jones can drink a quart of oil and not spill a drop.
Cassandra Jones can perform Brain Surgery with a butter knife.
Cassandra Jones can run around the world three times while eating an apple.
Cassandra Jones can make money disappear. she just doesn't spend it.
Cassandra Jones can levitate. she just holds on to the ground.
Cassandra Jones can leap tall buildings in a single bound. But she prefers to just walk.
Cassandra Jones can survive a nuclear winter by picking up radioactive rocks and putting them in her pockets.
Cassandra Jones can split atoms. she just puts her fist in the ground.
Cassandra Jones can swim through concrete. she just sits on the edge and allows the rest to flow over her shead.
Cassandra Jones can write all the numbers between one hundred and fifteen. she can also write an entire book in that amount of time.
Cassandra Jones can light a stick of dynamite with a match. she can then blow up the match.
Cassandra Jones can reach into your ear and rip out your brain.
Cassandra Jones can run faster than a speeding bullet.
Cassandra Jones can see through walls. she just looks at them.
Cassandra Jones can turn lead into gold. The problem is, she can't afford any.
Cassandra Jones can punch a hole straight through the center of the Earth.
Cassandra Jones can tell time without a watch. she sees it when she wants to.
Cassandra Jones can pick up a penny that is lying on its side. No matter where it falls, she always gets it.
Cassandra Jones can twirl a baton and juggle balls at the same time. she can also throw a boomerang without it coming back.
Cassandra Jones can jump higher than the Empire State Building. she just waits until it lands.
Cassandra Jones can jump so high, she can touch the clouds.
Cassandra Jones can move things with her mind. she just closes her eyes, and thinks about moving stuff.
Cassandra Jones can get pregnant. she just lays eggs.
Cassandra Jones can go to bed without taking off her clothes. she just rolls over.
Cassandra Jones can take a shower without touching her body or water. she just stands in place.
Cassandra Jones can bite a person's shead off. Then she can pull it off again.
Cassandra Jones can lift a mountain.
Cassandra Jones can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Cassandra Jones can build a house in one day by jumping over it.
Cassandra Jones can kick you in the face and knock you out, just by thinking about it.
Cassandra Jones can break all 4 of her legs and still run faster than you.
Cassandra Jones can make a rainbow appear in the sky. Then she can turn it into a pot of gold.
Cassandra Jones can jump so high, she can touch the clouds. But she just jumps right back down.
Cassandra Jones can draw a perfect circle with a compass and straightedge. Just don't ask him to prove it.
Cassandra Jones can take a glass of water and turn it into a diamond. Then she can rub it on her face.
Cassandra Jones can kick you so hard, she can kill the person standing next to you.
Cassandra Jones can carry two watermelons. One in each pocket.
Cassandra Jones can make a bullet explode before it hits him.
Cassandra Jones can open a can of beer without using her hands.
Cassandra Jones can bench press the earth.
Cassandra Jones can stab a man in the eye with a pencil. Then she can sharpen that pencil and poke him in the other eye.
Cassandra Jones can drive a car without turning the wheels.
Cassandra Jones can start a fire with her hands. she can also put it out with her feet.
Cassandra Jones can eat a whole watermelon in one sitting. That's why she only eats watermelon.
Cassandra Jones can win at rock, paper, scissors. There's no such thing as scissors.
Cassandra Jones can use her eyes to create lightning bolts. she can also use them to stop them.
Cassandra Jones can't get lost because she knows exactly where she is right now.
Cassandra Jones doesn't smoke. When she gets mad, she lights everything else on fire.
Cassandra Jones doesn't wear a watch. she tells time.
Cassandra Jones doesn't need a driver's license. she just drives.
Cassandra Jones doesn't need a doctor. she just gives people shots.
Cassandra Jones doesn't need to cut her toenails. she just pulls them off.
Cassandra Jones doesn't have to shave. It just grows back.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Love Jensen, love CM, love TW, but if Jensen was so supportive of Destiel that he made a series just to address it he could at least be vocal about it on stage at cons. He isn't. He's supportive of family, brotherhood, friends and other people's interpretations but over and over he shows how he doesn't interpret Destiel as romantic. It's actually insane to think he's in ninja secret mode just to have Destiel be the point of TW and I beg anyone watching TW expecting a Destiel resolution to stop.
Are we still spinning our gears on "Why doesn't jensen just tell us the ending, checkmate?" and pretending that's a reasonable challenge? Because you guys have tried this like 4 times and it's funny every time no matter how many ways you try to roll it like you can't see the rainbows and clowns on main.
i don't care what angle or voice you try to spin your troll anons in man, it's time. just like. cope.
it's you guys hitting a reality wall. antis screamed delusional for years. But every squawk against this show has fallen flat. And now it premieres, Dean a beacon of rainbow on pilot night, and literal destiel clown parallel retweets by the hundreds on main socials; led by renee reiff, the heavy hitter of gay DC Jensen hired in to queer structure his company with and lean his career on with open reign from Zaslav and Roth and Nexstar begging for whatever brings in ratings, and you're realizing it.
It's delusional to deny what's happening now. So you're just going to roll the same stupid questions over and over until the end, "why won't he tell us the end?" like a whiny toddler. Jesus christ you're the annoying kid in Princess Bride.
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martianloon · 2 years
Fic Recs!
Inspired by @captainkirkk's weekly fic rec posts. I've been reading a lot of really cool stuff recently and thought I'd share. People who can create are awesome and deserve all the attention and praise, so please, go give them attention and praise!
Boku no Hero Academia
[Series] We'll All Be Fine (we will) by RejectsCanon | @rejectscanon | 7 works | 65.6 k words | Complete
The trials and tribulations of the Erasermic Fam as they adopt Shinsou and Eri. I hope you enjoy!
can't let it go by KouriArashi | @gingersnapwolves | 15.4 k words | WIP
After the dust has settled, Porsche still wants to know who killed his father, and what exactly happened to his mother. Unable to go to Kinn with his concerns, he works with Vegas and Pete to get more information. He realizes that what happened all those years ago is something that still haunts the entire family to this day - and is a mystery that Kim has been trying to solve for years.
Middlegame by majestictortoise | @majestictortoise | 12.6 k words | Complete
Part 6 of checkmate
Macau has always known he's only a pawn in his family's stupid games.
Focus, then Refocus by jimmythemystic | 193.7 k words | Complete
Sasuke gets sent back in time to stop Danzo. He intends to save his clan, and his brother. But he made one major mistake: He left the number one unpredictable ninja in charge of the jutsu. He's about 10 years too early. Thanks, Naruto...
Now what?
The roads we take by ToTheStarsWriting | 40.9 k words | Complete
A person's life is made up of a series of moments, of choices. What we do in those moments, what choices we make, can change the road ahead of us. In one world, Alec never met Lydia Branwell, not until she came to take over his Institute, setting them on a path toward a wedding that would never be, and a love for Alec that was worth everything.
In another world, those two met much, much earlier, and that single meeting, that one single moment, was enough to change everything. Well, almost everything.
When a moment of weakness revealed the one secret that Alec had been trying so desperately to keep, and revealed it to the very last person he'd wanted to see it, a fifteen-year-old Alec found himself being shipped off to the Lisbon Institute under the guise of studying and learning to improve his tactical planning. None of them could've anticipated what he might find there, or what things it might change.
Stranger Things
chat with you, baby (flirt a little, maybe) by desiccatedwithering (acornsofthemind) | @desiccatedwithering | 11.7 k words | Complete
“Hey, shitheads!” Steve “the hair” Harrington barks, looming in the doorway like a monster from the Abyss. “What the fuck are you doing in here? Get your asses down to the gym right fucking now.”
Eddie gapes. First of all, the audacity— Second, he’s never been much for physical fights, but if this douchebag thinks he can bully any of Eddie’s kids, he’ll have to go through Eddie first.
“Let’s go! Move it!” Harrington snaps, making an impatient gesture down the hall.
should i keep it on display, or redecorate? by RejectsCanon | @rejectscanon | 20.9 k words | Complete
The first thing Steve removes from his room is the random framed photograph of a car.
Before Steve realizes what he’s doing, he’s snatched that photo off the wall. It comes off easily, the only thing holding it in place is a nail haphazardly hammered into the wall. Picture in hand, Steve doesn’t pause to think, letting his body take over as he rushes down the stairs.
Steve stalks downstairs, wrenches open the back door, and smashes that obnoxious picture to the ground.
Or, Steve hates his room. He decides to change that.
The Untamed/MDZS
Would You Come Home? by s6115 | 46.9 k words | Complete
Jiang Cheng wrote three times a year for over a decade and a half requesting that Lan Sizhui come and visit. Finally, at nineteen, arrived, having absolutely no clue why the sect leader would want him to come. Jiang Cheng showed him to his quarters, opening the doors and said, "This was your father's room."
Suddenly, Lan Sizhui finds himself in the home of the father he'd forgotten, but surrounded by his things. Can he unravel the mystery of who his father was? With his friends, can he even find a way to bring him back from the dead?
I suck at summaries I'm sorry, but welcome to Family Feels Central?
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ar-fmp · 7 months
Research - Similar Games
Clash Clans:
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Clash of Clans is a free-to-play, strategy mobile game released in 2012 by Supercell. Clash of Clans allows the player to build a base of their own design, train troops and attack other player's bases to gain materials to improve the defense of one's own base and get trophies to move up the in-game leaderboard. Players can also form together in a clan to compete against other clans to get to the top of another leaderboard. During later stages of the game, base upgrades require many materials and take many real life days to complete; enticing the player to spend money to make it faster.
The main selling point of the game is that it appeals both to the players who want to spend time carefully designing a sound base and those who just want to climb the ranks aggressively.
Bloons TD:
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Bloons is a free-to-play, strategy mobile game released in 2007 by Ninja Kiwi. The main gameplay loop in Bloons is that enemy balloons will float along a track and the player must stop them before they go off the screen by deploying dart-throwing monkeys and other towers to pop the balloons. The player will receive in-game money to spend upgrading the power of the towers and to deploy more of them. Though it is a simple concept, it is executed well with many different types of towers and balloons, with upgrades that can drastically change the role the towers perform. The game is challenging, with many different waves and balloons that'll scale with the current wave.
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Achikaps is a free-to-play, strategy / survival mobile game released in 2016 by solo developer - Ivan Yakovliev. The main aim of Achikaps is to build a base, upgrade it, fend against attackers and expand your base. To build most structures, the player must use a varied amount of materials gathered by other structures. There are people roaming the base that must be given roles on what to do (like working at the structures, bringing materials to the structures and defending the base). The game received its popularity as it was fairly simple and the art style reflected that, as the sprites are all lines and multi-coloured shapes. A trend with Yiotro's (Ivan Yakovliev) games are that they have no advertisements or microtransactions.
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Antiyoy is a free-to-play, turn-based strategy mobile game produced by Ivan Yakovliev in 2015. Currently Yakovliev's most successful game, it's gameplay is very simple while still being a challenge. The main aspect of the game is taken part on a hexagonal grid where the player must expand their kingdom while keeping their money at a positive. The player can use troops to uncover tiles to build on and claim while an enemy player or AI is doing the same. The troops work in a tier-based system where peasants can claim unprotected tiles, spearmen can claim tiles protected by the castle and can kill peasants, knights can claim tiles protected by a level 1 tower and can kill spearmen, and swordsmen can claim any tile and can kill knights and other swordsmen. Each turn the player will gain money based on how big their land is and how many troops they have - if the money gained next turn is negative, all of that player's troops will die (higher tier troops cost more each turn). The game ends when only one player remains.
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate:
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Shotgun King is a turn-based, roguelike, strategy game developed by Punkcake Delicieux in 2022. The game takes a spin on the classic game of chess where the player plays as the king... who also has a shotgun. The waves get harder as the player is forced to pick one of 3 cards that come with a positive and a negative trait at the end of a wave. The game follows the traditional chess rules where the king can only move one square from their origin, while the other pieces follow their classic move patterns. The game ends when the player is taken by another piece and therefore checkmated. The player can either move or attack before their turn ends.
The game is so popular due to its unusual twist on the classic chess board game, by turning it into a roguelike.
I am looking into this game solely because of the card mechanic at the end of a wave, I find it interesting that it makes the player and the enemies stronger and think it could be something to include in my game.
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izzosibiya · 7 months
Ignite Your Brand with Lucyd Media!
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Tired of the same old advertising fluff? Lucyd Media is here to shatter the mundane and redefine the game. Buckle up, because we’re about to take your brand on a wild ride through the digital cosmos.
Why Lucyd Media? Because Vanilla is Boring:
Ad Alchemy: Because our copy isn’t just words; it’s a mystical potion that transforms brands.
Strategy Ninjas: We strategize like 3D chess grandmasters. Checkmate, competition.
Fresh Ad Frenzy: Our weekly ad creations are hotter than a ghost pepper eating a jalapeño.
Advertorials on Steroids: Need content that seduces, educates, and converts? Our wordsmiths wield pens like samurai swords.
Learn from the Mavericks: We’re not just students; we’re mad scientists of the ad world. We dissect the giants, steal their secrets, and cook up our own concoctions.
Wanted: Copy Maverick (You, Maybe?):
Message Whisperer: You’ll be the bard of brand messaging, spinning tales that make hearts race and wallets leap.
D2C Dynamo: If D2C were a sport, you’d be the MVP. Sales? You drive 'em like a stolen Ferrari.
CBD Guru: Know your hemp from your hops? Perfect. Your CBD knowledge will fuel our rocket ship.
Time Zone Nomad: Whether you’re sipping coffee in New York or catching waves in Bali, we’ve got room for you.
Remote Rebels: Work from your secret lair, with occasional virtual powwows. Creativity knows no cubicles.
Ready to surf the advertising supernova? Apply now at Lucyd Media Careers and let’s set the universe ablaze! 
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cyarskj52 · 1 year
Jadakiss "Checkmate" (2005)
Target: 50 Cent
Producer: Alchemist
Album: N/A
Label: N/A
Best Line: "Yeah, you got a felony, but you ain't a predicate/Never the King of New York, you live in Connecticut"
After 50 viciously attacked Jadakiss on "Piggy Bank" (and portraying him as a Ninja Turtle in the video), J to the Muah fired back with "Checkmate," a strategic response record, focusing on 50's public shortcomings. The track was filled with quotables, with Kiss alluding to 50 being a snitch, having the weakest flow in G-Unit, and asks what's so cool about being shot nine times and not shooting back.
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serenityinseven · 1 year
The Mindful Magic: 7 Playful Ways to Channel Your Inner Zen Throughout the Day
Hello, my lovely Zen-seekers! Are you tired of feeling like you're constantly racing against the clock, navigating an endless to-do list, and drowning in a whirlpool of distractions? Fear not, for I bring to you 7 delightful ways to inject some serious mindfulness into your day-to-day, all with a sprinkle of wit and whimsy, of course! So take a deep breath, slow your scroll, and embark on this life-changing journey with me.
The Early Bird: Say hello to Mr. Sunshine and start your day by tuning into your body's natural rhythm. Throw open the curtains, greet the sun with a warm smile, and become one with your inner worm. Set aside 5-10 minutes to stretch, meditate, or simply focus on your breath. It's a small price to pay for serenity, my friends.
The Mindful Nibbler: Eating your meals doesn't have to be a race against the proverbial clock. Engage your senses, appreciate the colors, aromas, textures, and flavors, and chew your food like you're cracking a top-secret code. This not only aids digestion, but it also allows you to savor every morsel while being present in the moment. Who knew something as simple as eating could be so utterly divine?
The Commute Guru: Your daily commute might be a pain in the rear (figuratively speaking, of course), but that doesn't mean you can't transform it into a mindfulness retreat on wheels (or sneakers, or bus seats). Focus on the sensations around you—the hum of the engine, the rhythm of your footsteps, or the swaying of the bus—and immerse yourself in the present. Namaste, traffic jams.
The Ninja of Nice: Mindfulness isn't just about paying attention to yourself; it's also about spreading kindness and warmth to those around you. Make it a mission to bestow a compliment, flash a smile, or offer a helping hand to someone each day. Notice how good it feels to make someone's day just a little bit brighter—you'll be floating on a cloud of Zen in no time!
The Multitasking Myth-Buster: Contrary to popular belief, multitasking is often counterproductive. Channel your inner one-task warrior and focus on completing each task with undivided attention. This not only leads to higher productivity but also creates a more mindful, stress-free environment. Checkmate, chaos!
The Workday Wanderer: Trade your coffee break for a stroll outside or take a mini-adventure around your office. Use this time to clear your mind, focus on your breath, and observe the world around you. Who knows, you may even stumble upon a hidden Narnia-esque paradise behind that janitor's closet!
The Gratitude Guru: End your day with a hearty dose of gratitude. Take a moment to reflect on the positives, big and small, and jot them down in a gratitude journal. Watch as your perspective shifts and the world becomes a kinder, gentler place—one that you can't help but be mindful in!
There you have it, my fellow Zen-seekers! These 7 quirky, yet surprisingly effective, mindfulness hacks are sure to help you stay present, centered, and ready to take on the world with your newly polished inner Zen. So why not give them a whirl and see what wonders await you? Happy mindfultivating! 🌟
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mrscorpio · 2 years
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[Electronica/Beats] MrScorpio's HOUSE FIRE Podcast #289 - Most Dope For 2022 Pt 2 - 16 Dec 2022 Mixcloud: http://bit.ly/Mixcloud289 D/L: http://bit.ly/DL-HF289 Shows: http://bit.ly/ScorpioPodcasts Feat: Name/Artist/Album Washed Away/Kelela/Washed Away Darker Than You Think/Ohbliv/LewseJoints Eleven tattd/Knxwledge./HX.23 System/Sevdaliza/Raving Dahlia Blood And Marrow (Stro Elliot Remix)/Hiatus Kaiyote /Blood And Marrow The Avenues/Adrian Younge & Ali Shaheed Muhammad/Jazz Is Dead 011 Spirit/Cleo Sol/Mother Price Tags/Jazmine Sullivan/Heaux Tales/ Mo' Tales: The Deluxe Off The Wallstreet/Stro Elliot/Stro's Old Beat Farm You From London (feat. Little Simz)/SAULT/NINE Mercury/Steve Lacy/Gemini Rights Change The Beat(le)/MF DOOM & The Beatles/Sgt. Dumile's Lonely Hearts Club Band Ritz Barlton (Feat. Estee Nack) (Prod. By Don Carrera)/Westside Gunn/Peace Fly God Guilty By Association/Phro & Guilty Simpson/Guilty By Association EP Decadence feat. Kool G Rap, Revalation & DJ Jean Maron/M-Dot/Dining In Dystopia Don't Wanna Let You Go prod. by Oh No/Prozack Turner/Not Everybody Sleeps At Night (Casual, Guilty Simpson, Brother Ali, Ea- Ski, Jake One) Might Could Be Nice/Jimetta Rose/The Gift: Around The Way Queen Ninja Faire Défiler/Lord Beatjitzu/Ninja Terminator Sunshine/Homeboy Sandman/I Can't Sell These Edge Of Tomorrow (Feat. 2Mex) (Prod. By Mic Checkmate)/Wildchild/Omowale The Only Game/Bumpy Knuckles/Produced By Bumpy Knuckles Vol. 2 Mental (feat. Saul Williams/ Bridget Perez)/Denzel Curry/Melt My Eyez See Your Future Look To The Sky (Feat. Self Jupiter, Chali 2na & Gift Of Gab) (Prod. By Nottz)/Fatlip & Blu/Live From The End Of The World Vol. 1 Switch Sides /Method Man, Jadakiss, Eddie I, 5th PXWER/Meth Lab Season 3 : The Rehab Warm Thoughts/Flume featuring GrandeMarshall and Goldie Glo/Flume Essentials Sean Price (Prod. By Evidence)/Fly Anakin/Frank Kool (Feat. Fly Anakin & J Rocc)/LMD (LMNO, MED & Declaime)/Flying High F.I.E./Starvin B x DustVibes/Dad's House Runout/Knxwledge./VGM.19 Old Magic/E L U C I D/I Told Bessie The Unknown Comic/Your Old Droog/Yodney Dangerfield Black Pinot/Meyhem Lauren, Daringer, Action Bronson/Black Vladimir GHOST/SBTRKT, Leilah/GHOST Reverse Card/Domo Genesis/Intros, Outros & Interludes Hopeful feat. Jordan Rakei, Alfa Mist/Nocturne EP Come Hither/Buttering Trio /Come Hither Fazed Out/El Michels Affair/Yeti Season (Deluxe Version) Mountains/Charlotte Day Wilson/ALPHA Send me your tracks at Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/mr_scorpio Check out all your tracks on my show THE HOUSE FIRE/ every other Friday @6-8 PM GMT on InvaderFM: http://invader.fm Stream the podcasts at my Mixcloud: bit.ly/MrScorpiosShows Friend me up on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mrscorpio247 Look me up on Tumblr: http://mrscorpio.tumblr.com Shoot me your videos on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrScorpio Peace, Scorp
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