#Nine Parts of a Whole
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A visual reference post for my MC Devi from Obey Me! Devi appears in my series ‘Of Love and Demons Loved,’ my story ‘To Reign in Hell,’ my story ‘Nine Parts of a Whole,’ and my story ‘The Sacrifice.’ Go check them out, if you haven’t already!
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The above is a picture of Devi with Quinn (left) and Vette (right); Quinn and Vette are Devi’s oldest friends and co-owners in both of her businesses. They are in an open relationship with each other, and have been for years. Devi considers them to be her true family, found or not.
The below is a portrait of Devi’s blood family. Devi is to the right, her younger twin sister Khaterah to the left, and her mother Raziela behind them both; her relationship with both of them, as far as she is concerned, is non-existent. Unfortunately, as Devi’s businesses are direct competitors to Raziela and Khaterah’s businesses, she has been unable to completely cut off contact with them.
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Commissioned art: @paulawithsharks || @obaby-obeyme || @coconut-tree-cafe ||  rujellyroll on twitter || que_sont on twitter || @devilllain on twitter || psyxxko on twitter || @pinepickled-artblog || corrykitty3 on twitter || glambeary on twitter || @boxbusiness
Student ID templates: Year 1: mammons-gf.tumblr.com Year 2: TARBLOODY on twitter Character sheet template: cparrisart on twitter Relationship chart template: glambeary on twitter Q & A template: wrathfulsus on twitter Meet My MC template: Cybils_Drabbles on twitter Tell Me About MC template: yaocaishib69979 on twitter Picrews: 1 2 3 4
I love playing with dolls and graphics ^__^ so more under the cut!
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Due to tumblr's picture-per-post limit, more picrews can be found here!
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post-it-notes7 · 20 days
Please tell me this will be a happy ending
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dearest anon, only time will tell
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shallowseeker · 7 months
Dean, who sometimes fantasized about being admired, about getting real meaningful attention, like how in Tall Tales he romanticized a love interest saying: “looking at you is like staring into the sun”
God I mean
no one talks like that outside of cheap romance novels probably but but but—
If Cas did get flowery
if he did happen to break out the poetry
Or words like beautiful
Dean would’ve never recovered
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Thinking abt Nine being apathetic to other people's well being, Thinking abt Nine not really taking to acount anyone else besides himself (and Sonic. Sometimes.) Thinking abt Nine not caring if someone gets hurt because of him (purposefuly or through negligence he didn't even consider being his problem) Thinking abt Nine not knowing how to interact with people in a cassual setting Thinking abt Nine being surprised when someone thinks of him before themselves, Thinking abt Nine slowly begining to feel guilty when he's caught and called out for being selfish but also is not prepared for the vulnerability of caring for someone Thinking abt Nine being confused and not trusting of friendly interactions not counting as transactional I love thinking about Nine not being nice and considerate unless he makes the active (dangerous!!) choice to do so
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I wish we had gotten to see Odo shapeshift into objects and animals more throughout DS9. It could have been so much fun. Let the man be liquid.
Like, imagine a holosuite episode where Odo is stuck in one of Bashir's spy programs (he did not want to be there in the first place, and is very grumpy about being trapped), and the people he's with keep trying to play the game normally, while he keeps shapeshifting them out of things.
Locked door? Oh lookie, his hand's the key. Sidequest skipped. Character needs a disguise? Odo shapeshifts into a wig. Disguise acquired. An enemy puts him in handcuffs? Oops! No more hands! Bonds escaped. You need something on the other side of that ravine? Good thing Odo's a bird now! Detour averted.
and so on and so forth, while his companions are like "I know where the key is! Oh, never mind... We can steal a disguise from- ah, I guess not? Handcuffs? Are you just going to -- yup, I thought you might. ........ You know, Odo, you might have more fun if you actually played the game."
(later, Julian commissions a game from Felix that prevents those kinds of workarounds. little invisible walls are programmed in that prevent any key but the correct one from working, you can't leave the room until your cuffs are actually unlocked, not just off, etc.)
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rosemaryreality · 1 year
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holy shit this conversation, i have. so many thoughts.
i'm like, 80% sonic is gonna face some kind of betrayal from either dread or nine
#nine because he is the most important variant obviously so his betrayal would hit harder#also because he wanted to use a shard to create his own perfect world. and sonic needs them to fix his#also also because it's likely fixing sonic's world would make the shatterverse dissappear#and with nine having researched the shards i find it likely he could be the one to find out about the consecuences of fixing the cristal#and i doubt he would be a fan of the whole dissapearing to instead become a part of someone else thing#plus he was the one named during the conversation about the people from the shatterspaces#and in the trailer for s2 we had images of him implying he would meet the other tails#i'm not saying he's gnna be EVIL but he might be against sonic at some point#and in the case of dread#WE the audience know he's selfish and only cares about himself and his treasure#but neither his crew nor sonic found out about that#i find it unlikely they would just let him get away with using people like that#so at some point he's gonna have to do something that outs him as the ruthless person he is#plus he is OBSESSED with his shard. why would he let sonic keep it#we know the council gets hold of his shard at some point#so maybe they loose it on their first appearaence this “season” and then he cooperates to get his shard back#but when the moment comes to let sonic have it (after recovering the shard) he steals it or something#sonic prime#sonic prime season 2#sonic prime spoilers#sonic prime season2#sonic prime s2
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moccasins · 5 months
had this dream a while ago but thought i should share
it was a modern au where reaper, who's still a god, got in trouble with the other gods and was "grounded" in a sense where he was temporarily stripped of his powers and sent to the mortal realm but when he woke up instead of being in a skeleton form he was a cat and he wandered around and got hit by a car and then woke up and found that he's still immortal. or had nine lives or smth idfk. so he wanders the city for a while, gets caught by animal control, and eventually gets adopted by geno.
geno is depressed and has some kinda disorder. like an immune system disorder where its constantly fighting his body or some kind of permanent injury from an accident or smth. the doctors suggested that it might be best if he gets a support animal, one that could help keep him happy and motivated to take his medication and do exercises and stuff. he ends up buying reaper and now the god of death is in charge of keeping this small mortal alive and at first he's thinking "when tf can i be a god again this fricken sucks wtf". he batted a few of genos meds off the table a few times out of spite and geno started to really rethink the whole support animal thing. eventually reaper learns how important he is to genos health and he starts to care and actually try and help.
eventually he learns to be happy with the mortal realm and be nicer to mortals, which is apparently what the gods wanted so he was given his powers back and he immediately goes to genos house like "GUESS WHO YOUR CAT REALLY WAS LMAO" and then my dad woke me up and said i had to take the trash out.
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cairavende · 5 months
Worm Arc 19 thoughts:
Hopefully this is the only time I have more than a month wait between arc recaps. I was distracted.
Not a long arc really, but god damn did a lot happen.
My daughter is no longer eaten . . . ate . . . aten . . .
My daughter is no longer inside of a creature. That's good. Even though I was obviously 100% fine at the end of arc 18. I'm just more fine now.
Big props to Weld for just going swimming in a giant flesh pool and pulling people (and dogs!) out. He's an ok guy.
Based on the weird "dreams" Skitter was having while inside Echidna I am running on the assumption that the clones are pulled from alternate reality versions of the consumed person where said person had died. Well, not the clones themselves really, but the powers of the clones (and possibly their personalities/memories). Not sure it will end up mattering, with Echidna being dead.
But basically I think the dreams were partially visions of alternate realities.
I've been on the "alternate realities are gonna play a big role and are tied to powers and everything" boat for awhile now, but this arc finally brought that all to the forefront of everything. Just with Scapegoat and Scrub's power, clone Eidolon's powers, the door, and such. So that's cool!
Speaking of Scapegoat, I love his ridiculous little power. I saw it coming the second I saw the name and I was enjoying every second of it.
"She’s fucking blind!?" has gotta be one of the best moments in Worm so far.
Skitter finally realizes that Tattletale has been very clearly taking actions to portray her as the leader to everyone else. Cause bad ass lesbian super villain trio is everything.
Skitter hard carried the second Echidna fight. Everyone would probably be fucked if she wasn't there.
Starting off with taking out the teleporter Grue clone. My girl knows rule number 1. First, GEEK THE MAGE!
And of course she was using her bugs to monitor the entire battlefield, but then she starts giving information and direction to everyone. Kept track of clones, preventing any (hopefully) from escaping). And taking out a fair share of them herself!
Fucking just full on use swarm speech to speak to everyone across the battlefield at once! FUCK YES SHE IS BADASS!
I'm sure Shatterbird won't show up again and isn't going to be an issue at all!
And she's the one that sets up the trap to cut Echidna in half and contain clone Eidolon so Miss Militia can take him out! Clockblocker gets partial credit for helping I guess. But still, Skitter saved all their asses 10 times over.
Also Clockblocker is obsessed with my daughter. Kid has it baaaaaaaad.
I love that in the first few chapters there is some teasing of Cauldron's secrets being spilled a little bit, then Legend completely reveals that Cauldron exists but lies about details, and then suddenly clone Eidolon just dumps everything out there!
Faultline and crew - "We…worked on finding info on Cauldron for a year…and…he just…he shouted it out."
And through all of this Tattletale just out here like "I'm gonna tear a hole in reality!" God I love this reckless chaos child.
Gully deserves to punch a few Cauldron people. As a treat.
Lisa "I took one look at you and instantly knew I would take over the fucking city just to see you smile" Wilbourn over here! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
Real quote: "Maybe- maybe when the interuniversal trade takes off. Can you imagine? With me and you as the top dogs? The whole world will pay attention to us." HOW CAN SHE BE THIS LESBIAN?
(I'm sure Taylor crumpling the papers from Dinah in her fists at the end of the arc isn't ominous at all.)
Blasto Interlude thoughts:
Sucks to be Blasto I guess
Accord is terrible as always, glad to see more of him. Love his minions.
Colin can't do anything right. Seriously dude you cut Bonesaw in half and still lost! You have magic cut through anything and turn it to dust tech and you couldn't kill her! God.
Dragon is hard carrying this SH9 hunting team.
She got Manton! That's crazy! Good job robot daughter!
I 100% do not expect Siberian to stay gone. I mean outright Bonesaw is gonna be cloning people and she can probably get some of his DNA. But even without that, it was just too convenient, happening off screen like that. I dunno. It's not safe.
Also Blasto, I'm really sorry about what happened to you but also you tried to make a half Simmy clone! God damn that was the dumbest thing you could ever have done. You are so lucky it didn't work (probably), cause if it did it would have been because she planned it. God damn.
Time for the Slaughterhouse 99 or whatever. Gonna really suck for people.
Parahumans Online Interlude thoughts:
Timeskip!!! Shortish timeskip but still! It's been so day to day for so long so suddenly jumping ahead was surprising.
Greg from act 1 is back! And also kinda a dick. And probably has a Thinker 1 power. Tattletale light basically. Fits with what Taylor said about him in act 1 too.
GstringGirl is probably Sveta, that feels right.
Glad to see the Case 53s making their own team, that's a good start.
WagTheDog wanting to work for Bitch is super cute! I'm glad it seems like that is going to work out.
Loved seeing some of the stuff of people talking about Skitter. I've been wanting to see what the general public has been saying about her cause from an outside perspective the stuff she has done seems 10 times crazier than it is, and it is already crazy.
Emma Interlude thoughts:
Fuck this bitch
Sure she went through a really hard situation and she has terrible parents and it is easy to see how she got to where she is, but that doesn't excuse her actions. I still don't like her at all.
I don't know how much more I need to say, except that Alan shouldn't have left his traumatized daughter home alone with the instructions "If you feel like doing something bad please call the therapist who's number I put on the fridge" christ dude. You are worse every time you show up.
Like learning that Alan knows everything about Sophia as well? Just makes him even worse! Probably upgraded from a 3 fire asshole to a 4 fire asshole by now.
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camellcat · 8 months
WTFFF I thought thirteen would be my new girl crush love of my life heart eyes wife you-came-after-twelve-you-must-be-better-than-they're-all-saying bbygirl and then I had to sit down and watch as she told a man who (if he were not a murderer, of course) literally every regeneration before her would've LOVED and FULLY SUPPORTED that "the systems aren't the problem. how people use and exploit the system, that's the problem. people like you" </33333 !?!?
#WHERE IS THAT POST THAT SAID NINE WOULD KILL THIRTEEN FOR BEING A CLASS TRAITOR#WHY WOULD YOU SAY “ERODE PEOPLE'S TRUST IN AUTOMATION” ALL WORRIED AND CONCERNED LIKE THAT???#WHEN DID YOU START LIKING AUTOMATION OVER PEOPLE THINKING AND DOING THINGS FOR THEMSELVES???#AND WHY ARE YOU TRAVELING WITH A COPPER??? WE HATE COPPERS??????#did we FORGET into the dalek?? how about how he treated danny?? god there's so much more I can't even remember off the top of my head#(I understand soldiers are different from cops but c'mon don't even PRETEND twelve would've been any nicer if blue or danny were just COPS)#also a bit off topic bUT MAY I JUST TALK ABOUT ARACHNIDS IN THE UK FOR HALF A GODAMNED SECOND—#I know the companions are usually the ones to do the doctor's dirty work here but like#I just can't see the other doctors NOT having the business man lure the spider for being so fuckin annoying about it#like I was genuinely surprised when they had him do that whole song and dance about not doing it and then he actually just. didn't do it#the doctor LOVES fucking with evil rich business men this is PERFECT. plus why not get back at him for being awful to their companions?#absolutely gobsmacked thirteen let him act like that. I am wrong in thinking that the others would've shut his shit down a LOT quicker??#anyways. I love jodie whittaker and it's just so upsetting to have her doctor do something so wildly off#THIRTEEN PLEASE I HAD SUCH FAITH IN YOUUU I WAS IGNORING THE HATERS AND FOR WHAT#I can SEE the other doctors in her still I can FEEL them they're there she's doing an AMAZING job but. oh my god. what did they make her do#I can't even say she feels ooc as a whole because jodie is bloody brilliant. it's just these... moments. that don't make ANY sense to me...#especially coming off of twelve?? I get the radical personality switch but that belief is a core part of the doctor. or at least I THOUGHT#thirteenth doctor#doctor who#I still love all of you who love her and reading ur posts/fics but I. will not be making any myself. I do not think.
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feminurge · 1 month
tbh discovering my own autism and then diagnosing ishtar with it because she's my special girl has been a wild ride
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A visual reference post (Part 2!) for my MC Devi from Obey Me! Devi appears in my series ‘Of Love and Demons Loved,’ my story ‘To Reign in Hell,’ my story ‘Nine Parts of a Whole,’ and my story ‘The Sacrifice.’ Go check them out, if you haven’t already!
These are a whoooooooole bunch of picrews and other doll makers I've played with and customized for Devi!
Picrews: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Nekas: 1 | 2  Other Doll makers: Doll Divine/Fairy Tale High/Meiker.io
Part 1, with my commissioned art of Devi, can be found here!
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blush-and-books · 4 months
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donna and harvey, imgonnagetyouback
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edlucavalden · 10 days
The aftermath of being in a toxic (abusive?idk) relationship is certainly... something!
I guess it just sucks. not only do i have to deal with the feeling of betrayal over someone i cared about hurting me really badly but i also i have with cope the damage the relationship did to me in the first place.
I was bed bound at some point. I didn't eat or take care of myself. I guess im just shell shocked... abused to the point relapsing really hard to self harm and eating disorders, like genuinely suicidal haha. I was literally just dead at that point.... it was. Bad
Like omg lmfao its crazy how even now i still doubt that it was that bad...Irs hard to think rationally and logically when youve been hurt to the point where youre constantly in fight or flight mode. You dont realize it when uour in it... until its too late
.. im only functional now because i have a routine to follow, and even then, im barely doing so haha. Living on only a routine is barely living at all... not to mention that i have trouble maintaining it, i dont really have the desire to soo its a little harder. Then again Its better than literally being catatonic for weeks straight..
It'll... hopefully be ok. After all i ended things a month ago so. (Its crazy how recent it is haha) itll be hard but i know i can do this. Even if its just alone.
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(Have kbms bc why tf not
In hindsight i dont think i should be talking about super personal information like this in my public accs but. I really dont care anymore. Its my blog i can do what i want.
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b1uedcollar · 5 months
“seth, what IS cody’s faceclaim?”    i don’t know! the guy at the gas station holding three hot dogs and a bigassicecold diet coke.   just the ugliest pitch around. idk!
#and he’s staring at the candy aisle so long that a bystander makes a face because she thinks he’s gawking.#but he’s ACTUALLY looking at them sweedish fishies. that straight ASS candy that his grandfather loved.#and he misses him so he yanks them off the shelf.#yapping away with miss penny behind the counter the whole time he’s in line.#she’s got a new do. (lookin’ good!) and she’s telling him all about her grandson’s homerun from the weekend.#and twenty minutes later he hands the dogs to the homeless guy outside the door#(and his pal chico. even though that’s dawg on dawg crime in some parts.)#shakes his cup and takes a long sip. before yelling cross the way to that gal at the air pump#no way her daddy was around because she ain’t doing this shit right.#(and he knows he wasn’t because she’s someone he graduated with. divorced and back in town. the usual.)#and when he’s done making sure the rest of them tires got enough air#(and hearing the gunshots from his phone signaling the it’s me! text as she’s leaving the lot)#he gets back to his vehicle. tanking up and waving at sixty nine people who pass by.#he’s gotta drop off them green beans he got for maw. an exchange for them empty glasses clanging around on the floor#(he’s bottling up some blackberry wine for boss this weekend)#gonna make a stop at the cemetery to share that damn box of fishies with pop.#and then he’s got the audacity to straighten that no trespassing sign on the fence#before pulling into the long shell driveway to his “boat”house.#but anyway! yeah .. he ugly.#𝙲𝙾𝙳𝚈 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙿𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙸𝙴𝚁. 〈 🔩 〉 screwball.
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despair-tea · 3 months
my thoughts turn so dark when I'm tired. I don't get ideation every day anymore (weird to think!), and it doesn't set in as quick or hard on the days that I do. it used to be that any minor thing would set off the self-destruction urge. lately it's more like "ughhhhhhhh i don't know maybe it's time to die i guess".
always worse when I'm tired.
I used to be tired all the time. no sleep - at least not the real stuff.
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locallepidoptera · 1 year
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We’ll rebirth. Second earth. I’m awakened. Their forsaken. Meant to be. Don't you see. I guarantee. Please believe me.
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