#Nigeria accommodation
hotels-abuja · 11 months
Book Cheap Accommodation with Airbnb Abuja for Short Stays
Abuja is the capital city of Nigeria. Abuja sits right in the center of Nigeria and is a well planned city. However the city mostly hinges on the sketch plan drafted in the 1980s and the city is dominated by an enormous monolith named Aso Rock. All these structures combined make a great sight and you should book your accommodation provided by hotels in Abuja to enjoy them.
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georgia-stanway · 11 months
If forest continue like this they should be able to stay up fairly comfortably, the biggest concern is afcon. Half the team could potentially be called up, a lot of them key players
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Another Pattern: She's a Saboteur
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I can't stay here, it's off brand-London
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I can't stay here, fire hazard-South Africa
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I can't stay here, security threat-Nigeria
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When she's pre-booked for "complimentary" hotel accommodations that are beneath her standards, MEgain (Queen Jezebel 2.0) pretends to go along with "their plan," but all the while she's taking deliberate steps to undermine the reservation.
Palace aides observed a similar pattern during her 72 days of "work" in the BRF---she set-up the "role" to fail from the very beginning. #conartist
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
JAN MOIR: What do Charles and William think about the Spencers' very public embrace of Harry which could cast them in cold and unflattering light? by u/Von_und_zu_
JAN MOIR: What do Charles and William think about the Spencers' very public embrace of Harry which could cast them in cold and unflattering light? Witty prose from Jan. Ruddy of face, snowy of hair and thick of calf, the elder Spencers entered the cathedral like a shire farmer and his clan visiting a county fair to give the sugar beets a good old squeeze. \**And do you know what? I'm so very glad they were there for him. It's too sad to think of Harry flying over here, fretfully offsetting his carbon footprint, clutching his little box of medals, thrumming his fingers on his temples, his anxiety levels rising as the dog-bowl threat and the road less travelled rise up to meet him yet again. \**The Spencers don't have to forgive the Sussexes or accommodate their peeved intransigence or just seethe and suck it up. For Prince Harry has no beef with his Uncle Charles, nor has he ever hoisted his sauceboat of hot sulk to pour the usual grievance gravy over lovely Aunt Jane.He hasn't accused either of them, or anyone in their immediate family, of being racists, bullies, sneaks, liars and downright stinking rotters. He hasn't trashed them or betrayed them in books, podcasts or on television interviews watched by millions around the world. He hasn't caused reputational damage to their family, like he has elsewhere, ahem.He even thanked Earl Spencer and Lady Jane in the acknowledgments section of his autobiography, Spare — an honour accorded to absolutely no one in his inner blood circle.So their support was nice, and so was the small, cheering crowd of blimps who turned up for him, too. Not everyone hates Prince Harry for smearing his family — and by extension the entire country — as a racist backwater full of repressive thickos unable to see the bigger picture or wake up and smell the roses, like him and his sainted wife.Speaking of which, such a shame that the Duchess of Sussex was not at Harry's side this week, patting him like a puppy as per, holding his hand, sharing in the dim glow of this rare show of public popularity.Certainly, it is not like Meghan to miss a full on, super-swank opportunity like this; she's usually all over Invictus ceremonies like a regimental mascot on parade. It brings out her inner drum majorette, it gives her a sham regal sheen — so why the unexplained absence?Spencers or no Spencers, the Duchess hasn't got a proper excuse for avoiding the UK this week and the truth is that she doesn't even need one any more. The cavalry has been and gone, the dust has settled and we all know where we stand.Next stop, Nigeria. And I simply cannot wait for that.https://ift.tt/n6WN8AD post link: https://ift.tt/PbJBNfV author: Von_und_zu_ submitted: May 10, 2024 at 04:38AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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celticcrossanon · 4 months
Part 1 of Nigerian tea, take with salt. Royally Sage @sage1411 on twitter/X posted on May 22nd: "More Sussex squad texts have gotten to HGTudor. He says that the texts shows that the Nigerian defense department were paying for some of the harkle PR. They also laughed about signing an NDA that was not likely going to be enforced in Nigeria." FYI, the Nigerian defense minister did invite the Sussexes to Nigeria, though.
Part 2 of Nigerian tea, take with salt. Royally Sage @sage1411 on twitter/X second post on May 22nd: "The sugars also say that Scobie and bouzy are getting paid more than they are and Scobie would be doing better if he pushed out more harkle articles like he is paid to do." Not surprised if Scobie and Bouzy are getting paid more by the Sussexes than the Sussex Squad members.
Hi Nonny,
Thank you for sending these two asks in. I think I have screenshots of the texts, or a link to them in the last set of asks. I didn't know HG Tudor was involved - is this from his videos or from his X account?
If the Nigerian Defence Minister invited Harry and Meghan to visit Nigeria then it makes sense that the department paid for some of the costs of the visit, although I am surprised that it included PR costs (I would expect the department to cover eg security and accommodation costs).
IMO, those texts show how very clearly how the Sussex Squad thinks and works. It doesn't surprise me that Meghan pays for them. One member has already admitted it on social media (they had to post as they has a car payment to make). The rates of pay are no surprise either, as you said.
I can't link to the X account as posts no longer appear in chronological order so I can't find anything on X anymore.
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This is a message to my black brothers and sisters
Black history goes beyond slavery
You need to learn our cultures and traditions
Two major types of marriage exist in Nigeria: monogamy, a marriage of one man to one woman, and polygyny, a marriage of one man to two or more wives. In most cultural groups in Nigeria, traditional marriage is usually an arrangement between two families as opposed to an arrangement between two individuals. Accordingly, there is pressure on the bride and bridegroom to make the marriage work as any problem will usually affect both families and strain the otherwise cordial relationship between them. In most Nigerian cultures, the man usually pays the dowry or bride-price and is thus considered the head of the family. Adultery is acceptable for men, but forbidden for women. Marriage ceremonies vary among Nigerian cultures.
1 the ekpeye marriage
Bride price is paid in cash on every girl child before marriage is assumed to have taken place. This money is paid in stages and cannot be paid at once in one visit for several reasons. The first stage begins with the man and woman who after getting the approval of both parents, meet at the man’s best friend’s house for an initial introduction, which is called “Back Drink”. The bride will thereafter take the drink to her parents as a formal announcement of marriage.
The second stage is the “Front Drink” which is a bigger ceremony. In the past, this ceremony takes a whole day, but now modified to accommodate other issues in the marriage process. These issues include “Front Drink, Lineage Drink, Extended family Drink, Parents Bride Price, First Son’s bride price and the family bride price. These payments are done in segments. Although today, the issues listed are gradually being considered. There are other issues on the marriage such as cleaning of table, late coming, fixing of marriage date, service charge, etc. Some other amounts of money are paid in bits and segments, including drinks, snuffs, cigarette, etc before the final payment of “Head Money”, Ejie (2012). The head money is the most recognized and can be refunded in the case of divorce.
Payment of bride price ends with the family bride price. The groom’s wish determines the next line of action. If he wants a fanfare excursion, then another process begins. If he does not want any fanfare excursion, the bride is then allowed to formally depart and live with the husband.
Bride excursion is usually avoided in Ekpeye because of its high cost. The groom at this stage is required to settle for many other things for his wife to be escorted with gift items. However, there are compulsory gift items and non- compulsory items.
At the groom’s family house, a big ceremony is organized for the reception of the new bride and her entourage. These include young adult women, spinsters, and boys. After a day of this visit, they will all return back home, while at least seven spinsters will stay with the bride for another one week, helping her in customary domestic affairs.
This whole process of marriage makes you a man after initiation. Usually, you shall not be accepted for initiation if you have not paid the completed bride price.
Family initiation is a formal introduction of your wife to everybody in the lineage. Food and drinks are made available to groups in the lineage. These are men group, women group, youth group, boys, and girls and the children. Until every group has said they are satisfied, the ceremony cannot be over. A sign of acceptance is done by singing made in groups, especially the children group who shall raise a praise song in your name, Edema (2013).
When also these have been said and done, the couple shall be seated before the most elderly man and woman shall be seated for marriage blessings. This marriage blessing can be done traditionally or by prayers. Shortly after this special blessing, young men shall lift the man, while the woman shall be carried by women to their room. Both of them shall be locked-up in their bedroom where they shall remain until day-break. Their special assistants shall see to the end of the programme
2 Idoma marriage. The Idoma people live in central Nigeria, in the Benue State. The myth of their origin states that they are descended from the Zulu tribe of South Africa. They are mainly warriors. Some of their subgroups are the Adors, Otupas, Ogbanibos, Apas, Ofokanus and Owukpas. Marriage in Idoma land is considered a lifelong state, although divorce is possible on the grounds of A Nigerian bride and groom at their wedding ceremony.In most cultural groups in Nigeria, traditional marriage is an arrangement between two families rather than an arrangement between two individuals. KERSTIN GEIER/CORBIS adultery or other concrete reasons. When an Idoma man is at least twenty-five years old and has the financial and physical capacity to maintain a wife and children, he searches for and finds a woman of his choice, who is at least eighteen years old. He reports his findings to his family, which then chooses a go-between, a person who is familiar with the girl's family. The go-between investigates the family of the prospective bride to ascertain that the family has no history of mental disease, epilepsy, or similar problems. If the result of this investigation is positive, the prospective groom's family visits the woman's family with gifts of kola nut and hot drinks. After the first visit, another visit is scheduled for the woman to meet her future husband, after which a final visit is scheduled for the future groom and his family to pay the bride-price and offer other gifts. If the woman refuses to marry the man after these gifts have been provided, the groom's family keeps them
On the wedding day, in addition to the bride-price, the groom must pay a dowry first to the bride's mother and then another dowry to the father; this involves a significant amount of bargaining. Also every member of the bride's mother's family must be given money, with the groom's family determining the amount. The bride's age group and her more distant relatives also are given money, with the amount varying with level of the bride's education and productivity. Then the groom's family gives the bride a rooster and some money. If she accepts these gifts and gives them to her mother, she indicates her acceptance of the groom, but if she refuses, she signifies her refusal. If she accepts him, she is showered with gifts and money, and the two families eat and drink together. Before the bride is finally handed over to her husband, however, her age group will pose as a mock barrier to those who want to take her and extort money from the anxious groom's family. The bride's mother buys her cooking utensils and food because she is not expected to go to the market for the first five market days after her marriage. At the end of the eating and drinking, the wife is finally handed over to her husband's family.
Ideally the bride should be a virgin at marriage, which brings pride and joy to her family. If she is found not to be a virgin, she is taken to the husband's family' ancestral shrine for cleansing. After this the Ije is put on her to invoke fertility on her. This marks the beginning of married life among the Idoma tribe.
3 Marriage in Okrika land. Okrika is located in the eastern part of the Niger Delta of Nigeria, in the Rivers State. The Okrika clan is made up of nine major towns and more than fifteen villages.The fifteen villages are known as Iwoama (new towns). Okrika is the largest town with the largest population and is the administrative and traditional headquarters of the clan. In the Wakirike area, there are two main types of marriages—the Ya or Iyaye and the Igwa.
The Ya marriage ceremony involves certain customary functions that precede the consummation of the marriage. Here the bride and groom must come from the same tribe. When the husband is ready, members of the family assemble for the essential marriage rites, including the tying of the knot. The man is required to produce three to five pieces of kano cloth or Ikpo, one piece of real India cloth, or injiri, four yards of raffia palm cloth sewn together (okuru), and another separate yard of the same material. If the husband is wealthy, he adds additional kinds of cloth. He also provides three or four large pots of palm wine and twenty-two or twenty-four manila. These offerings are placed in the shrine of the family ancestors, and an elderly person in the family takes up the single yard of raffia cloth and ties the knot. The husband and wife stand before the shrine, side by side. The elder then ties the raffia cloth round the waist of the wife seven times, each time uttering some words that invoke blessings on the couple. Palm wine is poured into a drinking cup, and the bride and groom drink from it simultaneously. The knot has thus been tied, and divorce becomes virtually impossible. The single yard of raffia cloth is the essential thing to make the marriage binding. In case of unavoidable divorce as aresult of adultery on the woman's part, the parents of the wife are bound to return double the cumulative expenses of the husband.
The second system, Igwa, means mixed; the woman and the man may marry even though they are from different families. A woman married under the Ya system can be married under Igwa if the Ya husband is not living with her as husband and wife under the same roof. All offspring of this second marriage belong not to the biological father but to the Ya husband, who by custom is regarded as their legal father. If the woman has not been previously married to any man under the Ya system, children from the Igwa marriage belong either to the lawful husband of the wife's mother or to her brothers. However, the once unchangeable custom of the possession of children born under the Igwa system of marriage is relaxing under the pressure of modern times. Many adult men and young people engage in Igwa marriage if their previous marriage produced no children
4 Marriage among the Ibos. The Ibos are a very class-conscious group. They have a caste system and encourage endogamy. In the Ibo society, the castes include the Nwadiani, who are the upper caste of freeborn and land owners, and the Osu, who are the lower caste and descendants of former slaves. In the past, the Osu were used in human sacrifices. (Though the Osus are no longer slaves, yet they are still discriminated against by the free-born, who will usually oppose any of their children marrying an Osu.)
Within the Nwadiani are three groups:
The freeborn, who are able to trace their lineage to the founder of a segment of the community.
The Omoru, whose ancestors came from elsewhere to settle and become attached to the founder of the community. Their descendants are accepted as full members of the village or town because of their freeborn status in their place of origin.
The descendants of the autonomous groups who lived in the area before the founders of the state arrived and incorporated them into the structure of the community, which they established.
Intermarriage among Nwadiani has united these three categories in a closely knit kinship system. All the lineages in the village were believed to have descended from one ancestor or the other. Kinship links were sometimes invoked to create special relationships with neighboring village groups or village. Owing to their close kinship ties, men had to find their wives outside the village. One kind of link is between villages and village groups. Villages in a group, as well as neighboring villages, were linked by bonds forged by marriage alliances.
Endogamous marriage seemed to have served to perpetuate the Osu status, which is inferior. At Oguta, Osomari, Onitsha, and Abo, Osu could only marry an Osu because of their outcast status. They are thus despised by the freeborn. This discrimination was carried further at Osamari where the Osu class had their exclusive residential quarters (ebo) in each division. This also gave the servile quarters a sense of corporate solidarity in opposition to the "Freeborn" quarters. Through the intermarriage between members of different Ogbe, Ebo and the Osu of a community they have developed a web of kinship similar to that, which characterizes the Nwadiani. However, permitted intermarriage between Osu and Nwadianins and children born of such mixed marriages are allowed to have the status of Nwadiani. (Note that though this caste system is historical, the descendants of these castes have inherited their ancestors' classes and are therefore stratified along that line even today.)
Marriage ceremonies in traditional Ibo society are elaborate affairs celebrated with much fanfare and merriment. The couple must have had some period of courtship during which the prospective groom informs his parents of his intention to take a woman of a certain village as wife. The parent of his intended wife must be known to his parents, and the courtship requires the prospective bride to pay at least one courtesy call on her potential inlaws to enable them to get to know her. After getting acquainted with the woman, the parents of the bridegroom will give their approval if they are satisfied that their prospective daughter-in-law has an unblemished reputation. Such courtships usually become public knowledge. The day of the marriage must be mutually agreed upon by both families (Omokhodion 1998).
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roomselfcontain2 · 1 month
Upstairs new studio room for rent visit website with federal light affordable home beautiful design on a tarred road nice spacious self-contained accommodation available now at ozuoba by rumuaparali in port Harcourt city rivers state Nigeria.
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shortletnigeriang · 9 months
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Best One Bedroom Apartment For Rent In Nigeria
Short Let Nigeria is their ability to find one bedroom apartment for rent for guests who want to experience homely surrounding while they are in Nigeria. You can rent a one bedroom or two bedroom houses from the best neighbourhood in Lagos and other important cities located in the country.
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hotels-abuja · 11 months
Hotels in Abuja Start from Cheapest Price
Shortlets Nigeria Hotels are spread across different locations in Nigeria, we offer the best hotels across Nigeria. There is a wide range of hotels in Abuja to suit every budget. If you are looking for affordable accommodation, Shortlets Nigeria Hotel in Abuja is a great option for you. Visit our website now and contact our team.
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sageglobalresponse · 2 months
‘How Lekki Free Zone Is Boosting Industrialisation, Tackling Unemployment In Nigeria’
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The country head, Nigeria, Alaro City, Yomi Ademola has said that the Lekki Free Zone (LFZ) has become a ray of hope for local and foreign direct investments (FDIs) and a way to address the problem of unemployment in a significant development for Nigeria’s economic landscape.
Disclosing this at a media parley in Lagos, Ademola stated that the presence of industrial plots in the LFZ, along with simplified regulations and investment incentives, is attracting foreign investments and domestic capital, resulting in the development of a thriving industrial ecosystem.
He said, “Every business wants to reduce their costs and increase their profitability. At the end of the day, that is what capitalism is about. We’re a free market economy. We want people to bring those jobs and invest here. Most multinational companies who have left Nigeria, have significant relationship with the ports. Nine out of 10, if not 10 out of 10 would prefer to have their companies situated close to the port.
The Lekki Deep Sea Port is already generating more revenue for the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) than Apapa. Meanwhile, the largest ship coming into Apapa is roughly 4,000 Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) capacity. On the other hand, the ships coming into Lekki Deep Sea Port are 16 to 18,000 TEUs – three and a half to four times more.”
Speaking on the Alaro City project, Ademola said the city will help to bridge the housing deficit that is linked to the industrializtion drive in the free zone.
He said, “Alaro City is designed to accommodate everybody. We have residential homes and the other size of the city is for industrialization. We have completed about 200 units, out of the 576 units of apartment. We want more SMEs in Nigeria and foreign investors to take advantage of these unique opportunities.
“For instance, Aerial Foods, which produces ready-to-use therapeutic food, is situated at Alaro City. The company not only produces for Nigerians, but is currently exporting to other countries. For a company that needs to be efficient, looking to reduce costs, without compromising jobs or value proposition to their customers, then LFZ is the place for you.
“If you can bring down the amount of money you need to borrow from banks at high interest rate to pay for your working capital, including significant duty bill by locating in a free zone, that transforms the prospects of your company’s outlook, because you are saving millions of naira, that you would have spent on transportation, levies, duties, as companies situated in the LFZ are exempted from paying income tax, withholding tax on dividends, Value Added Tax and customs and excise duties, among others. Because of these benefits, we are attracting foreign investments, we are attracting new jobs and new opportunities.
Moreover, we can generate hard currencies by exporting to other countries. So, with the LFZ, we are bringing technologies, new jobs and attracting foreign investments into our country.”
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lboogie1906 · 6 months
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Olaudah Equiano (c. 1745 – March 31, 1797) whose father was an Ibo chief, was born in Southern Nigeria. At the age of 11 years, he was captured by African slave traders and sold into bondage in the New World. He was given the name Gustavus Vassa and was forced to serve several masters. While a slave, he traveled between four continents.
He mastered reading, writing, and arithmetic, and purchased his freedom. He presented one of the first petitions to the British Parliament calling for the abolition of slavery.
He became the first person of African ancestry to hold a post in the British Government when he was appointed to the post of Commissary for Stores to the Expedition for Freed Slaves. This abolitionist-supported venture would create the West African nation of Sierra Leone. He soon began to witness fraud and corruption among those responsible for providing supplies for the expedition. His unwillingness to accommodate this malfeasance led to his dismissal.
He continued to work with leading British abolitionists including William Wilberforce and Thomas Clarkson who urged Parliament to abolish the Slave Trade. He interjected his history into the struggle when in 1789 he wrote and published his autobiography titled The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa the African, Written by Himself. His narrative soon became the first “best seller” written by a Black Briton. He embarked on a lecture tour of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland to promote his book. He advanced several religious and economic arguments for the abolition of slavery.
He married an Englishwoman, Susanna Cullen (1792) and the couple had two daughters. He died ten years before the slave trade was abolished and 36 years before Parliament outlawed slavery throughout the British Empire. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Hundreds of sub-Saharan Africans are heading back to their homelands amid a spike in vigilante violence — including the stabbing of African migrants. After their ordeal, they say they are relieved to be back home.
Mariama Bangoura has just returned to her home country of Guinea from Tunisia after fleeing xenophobic attacks.
"They sent us out of our houses it is deplorable. At 10 p.m. they would knock on your door and send you outside of your room. We can't buy bread in the shops and in the markets, they chase us away," she told DW.
Despite appearing tired and haggard, Bangoura said she was happy and "proud to be back at home."
She is one of several migrants from sub-Saharan Africa who had to flee Tunisia amid rising tensions sparked by comments made in a speech by Tunisian President Kais Saied.
What did the president say?
Saied said that migrants were behind most crime in Tunisia and ordered officials to take "urgent measures" to tackle irregular migration.
His remarks fueled a spate of sackings, evictions and attacks against African migrants in Tunisia.
Rights groups were quick to condemn his comments.
The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) said it had documented human rights violations including arbitrary arrests and detentions, assaults, evictions and dismissals in the weeks following Saied's remarks.
Amnesty International (AI) said it had interviewed 20 people in Tunisia, including five asylum seekers and 15 undocumented migrants from Cameroon, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, Guinea and Ivory Coast.
All 20 interviewees said they had been attacked by mobs and, in at least three cases, police officers were present but failed to intervene, the rights organization said.
The African Union (AU) described Saied's comment as "racist hate speech" and postponed a planned conference which had been penciled in for Tunis this month.
Tunisia defends crackdown
The Tunisian leader said his crackdown on illegal migrants was aimed at fighting human trafficking but opposition parties claimed it was designed to distract people from Tunisia's economic woes.
Migrants have described the actions of the Tunisian authorities as offensive and inappropriate.
Ibrahima Diallo, a Guinean who fled Tunisia, told DW he witnessed attacks perpetrated by Tunisians on Black people.
"When the president gave a racial hate speech against Black migrants, the population started interfering and attacking Blacks, mostly women. They grab their telephones from them, beat them," Diallo said. "I witnessed many attacks."
Unexpected repatriation 
Guinea was the first sub-Saharan country to start repatriating its nationals from Tunisia following the clampdown on migrants.
Guinea's Foreign Minister Morysanda Kouyate accompanied the first planeload of Guinean returnees.
One of the passengers, Mohamed Cisse, described his gratitude to the Guinean government. 
"Really, they have helped us, we were in a distress. This is a big relief," Cisse said. 
The embassies of Ivory Coast and Mali provided emergency accommodation for dozens of their citizens evicted from their homes, including young children.
The first flight from Tunis landed in Mali last weekend with 135 Malians on board. Among them was Korotoumi Diakite.
''We had enough problems with both the police and the population," he explained. "Students were attacked for no reason. We're getting arrested for just being Black."
Another Malian, Mahamadou Diarisso — who had been based in Tunisia since 2021 — said it was a stopover as he hoped to reach Italy.
He told DW that he was also affected by the violent attacks on Black migrants and had to leave his apartment. 
"I slept on the street in Tunis for two weeks before we were repatriated," he said.
Among those fleeing the country are dozens of fee-paying or scholarship students who were enrolled in Tunisian universities and in the country legally.
Africa cannot be divided
Guinea's junta leader, Mamady Doumbouya, described what is happening in Tunisia as unacceptable and not normal.
"In the name of the people of Guinea, I am expressing our position, our vision on the situation in Tunisia, for us it is unacceptable and not normal in 2023," Doumbouya said.
"We are pan-Africanists, and we stand by it. Africa is not a continent that can be divided," he added.
As the wave of migrants returning to their homelands grows, Doumbouya and Guinean officials have promised to help them resettle.
"I want to tell you that our brothers that are still there ... we will search for you," said the leader. Addressing those who returned he said, "Finally you are now home — and there is no place like home," he said.
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baaaa-king · 2 years
I just read "SPHINX AU LORE DUMP".
I have to say, I really like the second concept. I don't see enought overt urban fantasy settings in fiction. (i mean urban fantasy where the magic/magical creatures are well known part of the day-to-day life.)
Also I am sucker for xenofiction. I wonder how the sphinx accomodations would look like.
What is your interpretation for sphinx's anatomy?
I get that thier front paws have to serve for walking but how good are they for holding things? Do sphinxes have, like hands with thubms and such?
Can they fly?
Outside of the fact that there is scarisity of them, and they speak modern egyptian, do you have any cultural worlbuilding for sphynx culture?
Also, also, "time traveler lost in the future". I don't see enought of that as well.
Hey, Sorry for the late answer! I'm in my final year of Uni so very busy.
I'm Very Glad you like the Modern Au! I enjoy a lot of Urban Fantasy as well and would love to see more o it in media other than Percy Jackson and the like.
1.) Sphinx accommodation.
Sphinx accommodation is always a wide, open plan at base. Most of them are derived from Wild cats of all type, which require vast amounts of space in order to be comfortable. So Sphinx homes are most of the time Wide, tall and have very little walls and pillars designed for separation, except in the cases of bedrooms and bathrooms.
Sphinx bathrooms are more like indoor pools than anything else.
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They are designed to be spacious enough to allow for multiple large individuals bathe at the same time. Places where a large amount of sphinx gather instead have whole bath houses for them instead of one giant pool per resident.
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Living rooms Are still wide with plenty of space and furniture is often arranged off to the side and along the walls. Couches and chairs for sphinxes are made with their Bipedal-Quadrupedal (from now on bi-quad) structure in mind. That is to say they are mostly long benches and L-shaped couches. Imagine a Roman dining room, but more modern and spaced out.
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2.) Sphinx anatomy.
Modern sphinx anatomy is generally like that of a sphinx in mythology, sans the wings and fore paws staying fully animal like. I can't really explain it well, but i suggest you look up @jayrockin 's Runaway to the stars, especially their types pf humans. They also have sphinx which are essentially what i try to explain here.
This post specifically gives a very accurate depiction of what i imagine modern Sphinx to be like anatomically. Ancient sphinx are really just the same as they are in the myths.
Their front paws are just as good as human sausage fingers! If you lay your hand on a surface flat but put your thumb the exact position as the other fingers, that's what it's like for the to walk on all fours. So yeah they can grab and operate tech with the same dexterity of a human, but most things for other species are custom built for their anatomy. Y/N and the boys go about their daily lives just fine.
Yes, Modern Sphinx can fly! It's a racial skill activated by very little magic that manifests as wings made of light.
3.) Cultural World Building.
Most of Sphinx culture is dependent on where they originated from and their subspecies.Though the Sphinx as a species originated in Egypt, they were wide spread and culturally integrated into all parts of Africa before European colonization. Y/N's family was one of the few sphinx families that were not actually displaced round the world an remained in Egypt. It's only recently that their parents moved to America and had Y/N. Y/N is the most common sub-specie of sphinx, a lion sphinx. Therefore they have lion-like behaviors translated into cultural values like being highly social and hard working.
In short a lion Sphinx from Nigeria is going to have cultural differences from a lion Sphinx from South Africa. And a Nigerian lion Sphinx will be different from a Nigerian Tiger Sphinx, even if they are the same ethnic group and from the same culture within that ethnic group.
As for the 'Time traveler lost in the future' bit you don't see? well, it's cuz:
a) Sun and Moon in this au are very fast learners, so are able to understand and adapt to circumstances better than normal.
b) They have Y/N and the internet! A modern individual who took time off from their normal life to help them catch up and learn the basics made transitioning much easier for them.
c) I am yet to come up with early day shenanigans of their clueless.
Sorry for the long Post! Brain rot is a wild thing.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
Nigeria’s Role in Invictus Games
Time to review some facts as Harold & M book another private jet to another continent. Hopefully some publications will engage in some research on this.
So how many African nations have attended the Invictus Games (IGs) prior to 2023? ZERO.
In 2022 Meghan Markle unexpectedly announced to the world that she was 43% Nigerian. Ibble Dibble does an excellent job debunking this btw here https://youtube.com/watch?v=0CYNcie-PAs&si=AJ5IF8qLod4KGyda
Setting aside that Meghan’s claim was false, Meghan still announced this on her Archetype podcast episode on “Angry Black Women” featuring Ziwe Fumudoh who is the daughter of two Nigerian immigrants. The highly profane comedienne also attended Northwestern, although it’s unlikely she was in Meghan’s white sorority. Ziwe was, predictably giddy, and the two instantly bonded. Not sure where her jelly post is.
Nigeria “mysteriously” applied to join the Invictus Games also in 2022, but wasn’t eligible to participate until last year’s IGs in Dusseldorf. They brought ten participants. The question is, which is the chicken vs egg? Based on her family’s ancestry records we know she can’t be 43% Nigerian, so did Harry tell M about Nigeria wanting to join the IGs and M thought “great!” I can be Nigerian, realizing no other African countries participate? Or did M make up the Nigerian DNA story and Nigeria latched on to gain more legitimacy and access some stale royal stardust? Or are we supposed to believe her fake story about being Nigerian in 2022 was purely coincidental to Nigeria applying to the IGs in 2022, when zero other African countries have shown any interest?
In January 2024 Harry & Meghan flew to Whistler, BC to attend some IG ski vacation boondoggle that cost IG tens of thousands of dollars for just H&M’s private jets and very luxurious accommodations, to say nothing of the staggering funds spent on this mini vacation holiday for the entire IG staff, Archewell staff & a very small group of competitors, which included a high society dinner with Michael Bublé serenading a large banquet hall of VIPs, including the Nigerian Chief of Staff who invited H&M to swan about Nigeria. Apparently the vets weren’t invited to that dinner, but they enjoyed all the other perks. That Chief of Staff brought some Nigerian participants with him, none of whom seemingly had any experience competing in winter sports, so it seems shockingly wasteful to squander so much money for a “pre-IG trip just so the Chief of Staff can say he met Michael Bublé.
Harry describes this May 2024 Nigerian trip thusly:
”His visit to Nigeria will include cultural activities and will “consolidate Nigeria’s stronghold at the games and the possibility of hosting the event in later years,” Gusau said.
Nigeria has NO stronghold at the games. They only fielded ten participants and have only attended ONE IG. One. That is not a stronghold. So what is the real purpose of this trip? To bribe Harry for a future hosting gig for the IGs? Bribery involving government officials is the most common form of corruption in Nigeria, according to Nigeria. And we all know how big their scam and bots industry is. That means bribery, although technically illegal in Nigeria, is also very commonplace. Wasting money seems like no big deal for them either.
However, the thought of Nigeria hosting the IGs is laughable. Nigeria has travel warnings throughout Nigeria due to widespread terrorism, kidnappings, armed gangs and general crime. The participating countries are advising against travel to Nigeria https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/nigeria-travel-advisory.html
Aside from putting other nations in extreme danger, it would cost Nigeria over $40M to host this week long party. Nigeria’s entire military budget of $3.1B is .003 of our (US’s) military budget. Basically a rounding error. Yet spending over $40M on a week long party for 500 vets from 22 non-US countries is still hefty enough that it merits a lot of lobbying here, since basic vet needs are not fully met. Yet Nigeria wants to cough this much money up so that 98% of the non-Nigerian prticipants can party in Nigeria? Why? Are all there other veteran needs being fully met? What else is in it for them? This can’t be what this trip is really all about
For Harry & Meghan this is all a win-win. They get to have another faux royal International trip where they cosplay still being royals with royal authority & privileges, which they no longer possess. They will be treated as VIPs, staying at the finest Nigerian hotels and riding in armed motorcades, which is apparently the thing Harry misses most about his former life as an actual senior royal. Meghan gets to rub more heavy bronzer on her race card while working to cement her presence as. co-host for all the future Invictus Games with Harry, who is only a patron, btw, and has zero official corporate authority for the IGs. She will be their Lolo waving her Nigerian flag. Harry seeks to throw his weight around proving that he can bring in nations that will pony up the giant hosting fees
There are rumors that the IG Foundation is considering replacing Harry as their patron. Harry believed his big Netflix Heart of Invictus series would stave that off, but that series didn‘t do that well. Perhaps he believes he can bring in all of Africa. I doubt that will work out well. I think this stunt smells like overwhelming desperation.
The Invictus Games Foundation needs to stop this out of control train wreck. Harry & Meghan going rogue on these projects only brings on more intense scrutiny. Will this charity survive if the amount of money spent on H&M is ever made public? If the US hosts the 2026 IGs I can assure you FOIAs will go out to the DOD. If Birmingham gets it I assume the UK will also FOIA the snot out of the records. The truly big waste isn’t in the IGF’s paltry budget it’s in the $30M to $40M plus sponsorships that goes completely unreported on. MSM, please do your duty!
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author: AM_Rike
submitted: April 29, 2024 at 03:32PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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mariacallous · 2 years
TUNIS, Tunisia—Tunisian President Kais Saied’s clampdown on both political opponents and undocumented Black migrants has accelerated in the past weeks, turning Tunisia into a country that has become unrecognizable from the one that gave birth to the Arab Spring revolutions that swept the region in 2011.
“Hordes of illegal immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa are still arriving, with all the violence, crime, and unacceptable practices that entails,” he told his national security council on Feb. 21. As for those arrested, often without charge, they were simply called “terrorists” and “traitors.”
The conspiratorial thinking that has long defined the novice politician, who came to power in a landslide election victory in 2019, now looks to have spread across much of Tunisia, with the hitherto little-known Parti Nationaliste Tunisien (PNT) leading a campaign flooding Tunisia’s social media with attacks on the country’s migrants.
Elsewhere, newspapers and television channels devote airtime to the latest international and domestic conspiracies intended to destabilize Tunisia. All the while, gaps on supermarket shelves remain, and the long-promised International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout of the country’s economy is as distant a prospect as ever.
Outside the International Organization for Migration building in Tunis,, a makeshift village of tarpaulins and blankets—which has grown over the last few months—is now strained to breaking point, as more undocumented Black migrants from across Africa compete for space.
Stories of evictions are the norm. Accounts of attacks with machetes, knives, and beatings are common. Many people speak about the burning of property and the withholding of wages. Before the president’s speech in February, awareness of racism in Tunisia existed but was barely spoken of. Now, it has come to define their lives.
On one street, a young Nigerian couple and their baby nestle under nylon blankets on a makeshift bed, protecting themselves from a bitter wind that blows off the nearby lake. “We’ve been here for almost a week,” said the woman, who asked not to be named. Before that, they’d spent the last few months living in one of the working-class neighborhoods that skirt the capital. “Things are very bad now. No home to stay in. The landlord drives us out. The police and the people harass us in the street. No work, no money. Nothing.”
Asked how she will describe Tunisia to friends in Nigeria, she barely pauses. “I will tell them what I experienced. A lot of Tunisians are very good, but many”—she pauses—“are very bad.”
Saied’s crackdown on internal critics and opposition figures had already drawn international criticism before his racially charged broadside against Tunisia’s vulnerable community of undocumented Black migrants on Feb. 21. He accused them of participating in a plot to change the demographics of Tunisia, echoing the so-called great replacement conspiracy theory popular with the European and American far right and that has inspired a number of racist killers around the globe. Saied’s claims have already won the approval of French far-right politician Éric Zemmour. However, to what degree Saied is motivated by cynicism and whether he believes these theories remain unknown.
The number of Black migrants, just like the number of white migrants—who include Western aid workers, development officers, and a large number of Libyans living in the capital’s northern suburbs—is impossible to determine with any accuracy. All told, there are thought to be around 21,000 Black migrants overall in Tunisia; many of them, through Tunisia’s opaque bureaucratic systems, are without the correct paperwork—meaning that establishing legal residency is almost impossible.
As such, accommodations are often arranged informally, through friends or with pliant landlords, and income is generated through casual employment, a plight ironically familiar to the thousands of Tunisians who migrate to Europe without paperwork every year.
Any mention of the dissonance between the treatment of Tunisians in Europe and what is meted out to undocumented Black migrants in Tunisia elicits little but frowns in the working class reaches of La Soukra in Ariana, next to the capital. “The EU won’t let them in, so they’re forced back here,” Bassem Khazmi, a fruit and vegetable wholesaler, said of the Black migrants to a translator.
Asked how the relatively small number of undocumented Black migrants compare to the thousands of Tunisians who leave for Europe without paperwork every year, Khazmi swiftly changes the topic.
However, the scale of the violence that followed Saied’s comments has surprised many observers. Testimonies of those impacted are startling. Evictions of Black migrants are widespread, with entire families being displaced across the country. In the last few days, InfoMigrants, a news site dedicated to the issue of migration, reported that four Black migrants were stabbed in the central coastal city of Sfax, while in Tunis, four students reported being attacked after leaving their university residence.
Elsewhere, in many of the country’s cities, gangs of predominantly young men are nightly kicking down doors and dragging Black migrant families into the street, some to watch their possessions burn. Testimonies of those confined to their houses, too scared to emerge for fear of their neighbors reporting them, are legion.
Few people would deny that some underlying racial tension has simmered under Tunisia’s ostensibly progressive surface for some time. However, since the start of February, a campaign calling on Tunisians to report undocumented migrants to the authorities by the PNT—under the leadership of Sofien Ben Sghaïer and recognized as an official party since 2018—has gained both traction and media coverage. In the first 25 days of February, spanning the period before and immediately after the president’s intervention, the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights told FP that an estimated 1,540 Black migrants were arrested.
“I don’t know what his motivations are,” Amnesty International’s Amna Guellali said, whe asked if the president’s comments were an effort to distract from his economic failures. “I don’t know if he’s surprised at the level of vigilante violence and xenophobia his words have unleashed … but he’s given the green light to a lot of people’s hatred.”
As the unrest has continued, hundreds of members of Tunis’s predominantly young and educated activist community, largely absent from the country’s street politics since Saied’s power grab in 2021, mobilized over the weekend to voice their solidarity with the country’s Black migrants.
By doing so, many Tunisians found themselves in surprising ideological lockstep with their former opponents among the country’s political parties, who were exercised by the arbitrary arrests of many former legislators when Saied froze parliament and dismissed the country’s prime minister. Whatever their intention, by coming together, they at least present the president with something approaching a unified—if still fragmented—opposition.
What difference that might make is unclear. Saied’s clampdown on the opposition has received widespread international criticism, from the United Nations to the African Union. His response has been to express surprise at censure and remind his critics overseas that Tunisia remains sovereign, risking future isolation and potential penury at a time when the country needs its allies the most.
However, what the president’s vision—either political or economic—for the country might be remains a mystery. As a potentially catastrophic default on Tunisia’s international loans becomes increasingly likely, Saied appears oblivious to the looming disaster. Rather than form a social contract with the country’s principal trade union—the Tunisian General Labor Union, which he will need to introduce the social reform he will likely require—he has expelled the union’s high-profile guest, European Trade Union Confederation chief Esther Lynch, for interfering in the country’s internal affairs during her address to a union rally.
Elsewhere, as negotiations on the IMF’s vital $1.9 billion bailout appear to have stalled, doubts over Saied’s willingness to engage in the international commitments and internal concessions needed to secure the loan are also finding voice.
In their place, he continues to target the “traitors” and “terrorists” of his opposition, accusing them of conspiring to assassinate him and selling out the country to unnamed foreign powers. With every showing, the president’s accusations have grown more idiosyncratic, with one list purporting to be of those conspiring against state security, including French public intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévy.
The scale and ferocity of Saied’s political purges are increasing daily. A growing number of the president’s critics and opponents have all been arrested—many without charge—in just the last few weeks. Those detained include key figures, from the leadership of the National Salvation Front and Citizens Against the Coup—groups dominated by many of the country’s former political parties—to the owner of a popular independent radio station to judges, lawyers, and businesspeople who have all been arrested by a freshly invigorated police force.
Some people have been accused of conspiring in the subsidized food shortages, and some are accused of increasing prices across the country. Others stand accused of plotting with the U.S. Embassy against Saied’s increasingly idiosyncratic rule.
Screenshots of representatives from Citizens Against the Coup, including what appears to be opposition activists Chaima Issa and Jaouhar Ben Mbarek setting up a meeting with the U.S. Embassy in Tunis, have been shared widely on Tunisia’s social media. Both Issa and Ben Mbarek have since been arrested. Issa has been charged with spreading false information; charges against Ben Mbarek are unknown as of time of writing.
In a statement issued to Foreign Policy, the U.S. State Department expressed its alarm that criminal charges against individuals in Tunisia resulting from contact with embassy officials may have led to their detention. The statement said: “A primary role for any U.S. Embassy or diplomat in every country in which we have a diplomatic presence is to meet with a wide array of individuals to inform the United States’ understanding of the different views and perspectives in that country. Tunisian and other foreign diplomats posted to the United States regularly engage in similar meetings.”
Irrespective of the details of any particular meeting, charges and accusations against many of the people now detained strain credulity.
“So much of what he’s saying is ridiculous,” said Hamza Meddeb, a fellow at the Carnegie Middle East Center. “I mean, how can a few individuals in Tunis cause a national food shortage and price rises? However, many within Tunisia’s security services are going along with it. It’s a marriage of convenience. They get to close down the public space while escalating repression across Tunisia. They don’t need to worry about the logic of what the president is saying. It doesn’t matter. This is about power.”
Moreover, with many of those arrested perceived as members of the country’s elite and political classes—whom many citizens blame for their current difficulties—the recent round of arrests is working in tandem with the campaign to scapegoat Black migrants.
“It’s basically an essay in populism,” Meddeb said. It has also unleashed repressed racism.
In Tunis, with the memory of former autocrat Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali still fresh in people’s memory, an old man in the city center openly boasted to a camera that his ancestors had trafficked in slaves.
For many Black migrants, undocumented and increasingly documented, none of it matters. Standing outside the embassy of the Ivory Coast near central Tunis, a family of documented Black migrants are preparing to leave. “Since the president’s speech, it has been very bad,” the father said. Asked if the change in attitudes toward migrants was sudden, he added, “It was like a switch being flipped.”
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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U.S. Air Force reveals B-21 - its first new bomber in 34 years
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/02/2022 - 22:33 in Military
The U.S. Air Force (USAF) recently revealed the sixth-generation B-21 Raider strategic bomber, in a live-air ceremony from the Northrop Grumman factory in Palmdale, California.
The B-21 is a deep-reaching, long-range, high-surability furtive bomber bomber, which will gradually replace the B-1 and B-2 bombers, becoming the backbone of the U.S. Air Force bombers fleet.
About 600 people attended the historic event today at USAF Plant 42 at Northrop Grumman, including Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall and a list of House and Senate lawmakers.
“The presentation of the B-21 Raider is a historic moment for our Air Force and the nation,” said the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, General CQ Brown, Jr. “We presented a new bomber for the last time more than 30 years ago. As we look at the threats represented by our pace challenge; we must continue to modernize ourselves quickly. The B-21 Raider will provide formidable combat capability in a variety of operations in highly contested environments of the future.”
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The B-21 with nuclear capacity will join the strategic triad of the United States as a visible and flexible impediment. It will be a component of a larger family of systems for long-range conventional attack, including intelligence, surveillance and recognition, electronic attack, communication and other resources. In addition to having nuclear capacity, the bomber will accommodate manned or unmanned operations.
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The B-21 is scheduled to make its first flight in a short time after being presented to the public for the first time during an event for guests only. This is expected to happen in 2023, eight years after Northrop was selected to develop the new bomber.
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According to Northrop, six B-21 test/production aircraft are in several stages of final assembly in Palmdale, California. The company and the U.S. Air Force have confirmed that the first flight of the B-21 is scheduled for 2023, but the real time of the first flight will be based on the results of the ground tests.
The service begins to finance the initial low-cost production of the new bomber in fiscal year 2023, spending US$ 1.7 billion in procurement financing, in addition to US$ 3.3 billion to carry out research and development activities. Air Force officers refused to comment on how many B-21 this amount will buy.
As for the B-21 on display today, Warden said: "The next time you see this plane, it will be on the air."
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The B-21 Raider is named after the Doolittle Raid of World War II, when 80 aviators, led by Lieutenant Colonel James "Jimmy" Doolittle, and 16 medium B-25 Mitchell bombers set off on a mission that changed the course of World War II. The actions of these 80 volunteers were fundamental to change the momentum in the Pacific theater. This marked the attack as a catalyst for a multitude of future progress in U.S. air superiority by land or sea.
The brave spirit of the Doolittle Raiders is the inspiration behind the name of the B-21 Raider.
Tags: Military AviationNorthrop Grumman B-21 RaiderUSAF - United States Air Force / US Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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