#Nicole Kidman scares me
artemis-moon23 · 22 days
I find irrational fears hilarious
Not like fears of clowns or dolls or things that are scary, but won’t hurt you.
But like SUPER specific fears.
Like my friend’s fear that the titanic only sunk because Leonardo di Caprio went back in time and sunk it himself just to star in the titanic movie, and that he is some all powerful time traveler that is also a serial killer? Apparently “he has too much power.” And “our fate is in his hands”
Idk what’s going on.
Now I’m starting to think he also invented the stock market.
(I’m also kinda scared now to)
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malinculia · 1 year
i am relieved to learn that other people were also terrified of jumanji as kids. i still to this day haven't finished the movie...
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geekgyrl · 1 year
The Stepford Wive 2004 Movie Review Normal is More Terrifying
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elvisabutler · 2 years
Hi I’d like to request a smut about Austin Butler and reader. Reader stared as Pricilla in Elvis and Austin and her became very close And they flirt all the time but when Austin dates Kaia reader feels like she has no chance Then the cast goto the oscars where Austin is nominated and wins Reader is also nominated but for Marilyn Monroe(Love her!)she goes down the isle Austin kisses her in front of everybody like Alexander Skarsguard and Nicole Kidman reader confronts him after leads to smut.
love was just a glance away
summary: after bonding and flirting nonstop on the set of elvis, you fall for austin but don't take a chance on telling him. when he starts to date kaia you think your opportunity is gone for good until oscar night. fandom: austin butler | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: m pairing: austin butler x priscilla actress reader ( different verse than my usual ). austin butler x kaia gerber is also mentioned, plays an somewhat important part as the prompt implies. word count: 2642 warnings: cheating on austin's part, kind of. pining. oral ( f receiving ). age difference ( austin is the older one in both relationships ). mentions of the movie blonde. author’s note: so this has been tricky for me for a number of reasons that i won't get into. but anon if you're still around ( since this was from the beginning of september, lord have mercy ) thank you for this prompt and i hope you enjoy! and we're all gonna pretend that blonde wasn't a trash fire, alright? just for this fic. and for those of you who don't remember, yes that kiss with alexander and nicole did happen. it's okay, i forgot about it too. and special thanks to @blurredcolour and @ab4eva who helped talk me out of setting this piece on fire. no taglist this time for this is a piece i am still very unsure of.
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Austin Butler has a magnetism you wish you could blame on him playing Elvis- wish you could blame on him not being able to separate himself from his character. You wish you could and yet you of all people know the truth, that Austin will look at you as if you're the only person in the room when talking to you, will act as if he cares about all the little tiny details of your life that most people just sort of pretend to care about. No one could fault you for falling for him- no one could fault anyone for falling for him, especially when you had been his costar- the Prisicilla to his Elvis for almost two years, watching Elvis movies together, learning everything about the real life people that made your characters who they were.
You tell yourself you should have made a move on Austin when you had the chance. You should have made a move on him at that stupid brunch or that stupid moment in the water at the wrap party. You should have but you were too scared, too much that young girl who got the part and found yourself starry eyed over your older costar. So you allow him to slip through your fingers and move onto your next project while he moves onto his. You keep faintly in touch, talking over text until the pics with Lily Rose come out and you ignore him for a week, too hurt that he moved on- like you had ever been together- to speak to him. When you finally do you're shorter than you've ever been with him and he backs off for a month. He backs off thinking you're- he knows he's made you angry, hurt you but he doesn't know why. You two were never anything more than close costars, hell, you had been one of the few he'd had that stuck around past filming like this, stuck around and had him keep that sense of family he always lost when shooting wrapped for any project.
He backs away for a month but then he meets Kaia and she feels like a balm. A part of him, a part deep inside the recesses of his mind knows he's probably using her and that she doesn't deserve this- she's not even 21 and here he was just fooling around with her. She's nice enough though- her parents less so but- no one was perfect and he was dating her and not them. Getting to know her is a whirlwind before the press tour, coffee dates and trips to Paris and making out over masks because she's better than 'Nessa ever will be about obeying the rules when it comes to the pandemic.
Seeing you on the press tour, seeing you in your dress at the Met has his heart thudding in his chest, has his hands itching to touch you. You're flying solo while he has Kaia on his arm being sweet and as lovely as can be. She's everything he could want in a girlfriend he thinks, and yet she's not you. Still, she doesn't deserve this, doesn't deserve to have anything but his undivided attention so he tries to remind himself that if you two were meant to be- if you two were supposed to be together you would be. Life isn't the Notebook and people don't drift apart only to come back together in a sweeping scene in the rain. When he reminds himself of this, when he let's himself tell his subconscious this over and over it sinks in, it makes it easier to be the adoring boyfriend Kaia deserves and after the standing ovation that lasts twelve minutes and you congratulating him, he allows himself to forget about it.
He allows himself to bury his feelings for you because he's not a cheater, he's not the type to break up his own relationship on a- fling, a potential friends with benefits situation- a something that isn't another relationship. He's not a cheater by nature but sometimes- sometimes he wishes he was, wishes he could call you up on the nights he's in Budapest or the nights he's in Ohio and tell you everything. Tell you that he loves Kaia but he's been at least a little in love with you since filming and it's not just Elvis and Priscilla. No, it's you and him. You're filming- something else at this point and he knows your Marilyn movie is getting rave reviews, not like he expected any different, and yet he only congratulates you, doesn't try and tell you his feelings, content to ride whatever his relationship with Kaia proves to be because you don't- You two missed your opportunity.
Never in his wildest dreams had Austin thought he'd be nominated for an Oscar for Elvis but if you had asked him- and you had- you were always going to be a shoo-in for a nomination for Marilyn. If you ask him, the phone call he has congratulating you- the one that takes three hours of just the two of you catching up? That might have been the straw that broke the camel's back with Kaia.
His relationship with her might not have been PR but he knows- and she knows it's a PR nightmare to have them break up right before the Oscars, and they may not be together but they like each other as people and Kaia murmurs against his shoulder that "you deserve to have your moment" and he does, doesn't he? After all those years of slaving away trying to become the actor he knows he was born to be.
You try to not watch Austin and how he looks with Kaia on his arm on the red carpet. Everyone's busy asking about your nomination and how it makes you feel and only occasionally do they bring up Austin's own, it's- it's fine. Handling this would be a piece of cake unlike figuring out just where you were supposed to sit as far as your respective casts went. You choose to sit with the Blonde cast, scrunching your face at Xavier and giving Bobby and Adrian the largest hugs imagable. You glance across the room to see Austin staring at you with something- with some look you don't dare identify as jealousy, after all, Kaia isn't too far away from him but it's something you're not sure you want to put a name to.
The ceremony itself feels like a blur- feels like a rush even though you know when you're watching it at home it never feels like that. Maybe it's just one of those things you have to experience in person to get the full effect. Austin wins- of course he does, you had no doubt and despite how complicated things have been with you and him- or how you wish you had made a move, you're still proud of him. Your standing ovation is practically a version of his one from Cannes and you see him grinning seeing you still clapping even as you sit down. It's hard to focus on the words he's saying after you hear "and my Priscilla, the wonderful Y/N," and realize he's still looking at you with something akin to joy and awe rolled into one while he continues to thank people. Brushing it off as just him needing to focus on one person in the audience is easy enough especially as your nerves start to truly hit you when it comes to your own nomination. Your heartbeat rushes in your ears a constant thrum as the names are read off until you hear them say your name and you see your castmates clapping and pushing you out of your chair. You're so thankful you didn't pick a dress with an obscenely long train because you can focus on walking and you do up until the point when you see Austin's body in front of you. Before you even have a chance to ask what he's doing you feel his large warm hands cup both sides of your face and pull you in for a kiss. Your own hands cup his face unbidden, forgetting that you two are on live television and forgetting that his girlfriend is right there. When you pull away your shocked eyes search his eyes for an answer only to get a look of pure love that you recognize, if only because he's given that look to you as Elvis so many times.
The speech you give is not the one you intended to, it's discombobulated and you swear a little nonsensical but it's over as soon as it happens and you find yourself whisked away to the backstage area where you see Austin of all the people standing there. There's an urge to slap him that threatens to bubble up to the surface before you pull him aside and snarl at him.
"What the fuck, Austin?" You pause. "What was that? Why- Why aren't you with Kaia?"
Austin pulls you farther away, into a small room of some kind before he sinks to his knees and frowns. "That- That was me kissing you. And we're- I don't need to be with her, she's twenty one years old, Y/N."
The next words that leave you are hissed as you look down at Austin on the floor, on his knees looking like he's wanting to find his way under your dress. "She's your girlfriend. Get off the floor." Your eyes dart around Austin, trying to not focus on how he looks as he looks up at you and licks his lips.
"She's my ex-girlfriend," he clarifies, as his hand moves to touch your calf, earning a slight shiver from you. "I- We should have gone together. I should have- I wanted you, I want you. Let me just- Let me make it up to you, please. Then you can be mad at me."
You raise an eyebrow at his words, wondering just what he means has his hand moves slowly upward until it reaches your thigh and you shiver, your chest heaving ever so slowly as you whisper. "Austin- You-" You shut your eyes and for once let yourself enjoy something, like he said, he wants to make it up to you, he wants to beg for your forgiveness on his knees. You can let him and then be mad at him like he says. "Please."
Your murmured please is all he needs to push up the fabric of your dress, exposing your underwear covered vagina. The underwear is pulled down enough in a flash as he wastes no time in burying his face in your crotch, inhaling a deep breath before his tongue starts to work you open. He licks at you, flicks his tongue against your clit, in your cunt, everywhere he seems to be able to reach. It's all too much and too little all at once as your hands move to grab at his hair, pulling it and earning a moan from him that he lets out around your clit. You shouldn't enjoy this as much as you do, you shouldn't be letting him do this even though you've dreamed at how his stubble would feel against your pussy, how it'd feel against your thighs. The feel of his fingers and of coolness of the two rings that are on his fingers against your pussy have you clenching around them and you hear him chuckle a little as you feel a rush of embarrassment at your reaction.
For someone who has never had sex with you and someone who- despite flirting with like your life depended on it out of character- doesn't know how exactly to pleasure you in the exact what you want, he's doing a phenomenal job. There's still calluses on his fingers that you want to ask where he's gotten them from but you feel the roughness of them against your clit and that and all other thoughts flutter away in a hiss of pleasure. He pulls away just slightly kissing your thigh and whispering words you never thought you'd hear from him. Whispers of his love and adoration for you on and off set, how he loves how you scrunch your face and how he knows this year is just the beginning for you and how he loves you and wants you to be his. It's too much for you, the words circling around in your head as you feel his fingers curl against your g-spot and feel his mouth sucking your clit that you let out a choked off shout, stopping the sound with your forearm against your mouth.
Your breath comes in short pants for a good few minutes as you lean up against a wall, not trusting your legs to hold you up as you try and recover, a fresh spike of arousal hitting you the moment you look down and see Austin's face glistening with your cum. Austin manages to push himself off the ground as you stare at him, his head tilting as he tries to get a read on you. You know you shouldn't know this is unwise but you can't help but messily kiss him, wanting to taste his tongue and taste how it mixes with your taste. He responds in kind, a growl forming in his chest as he tries to deepen it only to have you pull away and push him away from you.
"I'm- You might have ruined this night for me, Austin. Not- this. This was the only good thing I think you did." You shake your head, the anger you feel starting to push its way to the surface after your orgasm has cleared your head. "You kissing me is all everyone is going to talk about because you're still with Kaia." Austin starts to cut you off before you shake your head. "Even if you're broken up, no one knows that but the two of you. I didn't even know that and you decided to kiss me as I'm about to get an award I worked so hard on."
"Y/N- I-" He pauses and looks down at the ground apologetically. "I didn't mean for that to happen. I should have thought about it but I'm not going to apologize for kissing you. I wanted to kiss you, I've been wanting to kiss you-"
Your hand waves him off. "You could have, Austin, you could have broken up with Kaia ages ago or whenever you had this realization but you didn't. And now I look like a fool and like someone who you're cheating on your girlfriend with. Making your break up when it goes public look like my fault."
"Babe-" He starts before you glare at him, pulling up your underwear and straightening out your dress.
"Don't even think about it." Because he does not deserve to call you babe or baby or apologize with words like he's going to try to after what he's done tonight. "I'm- Austin- if you want to be with me like you seem to claim. Figure out what in the hell is going on with you and Kaia and whatever is going on with you as a person and come find me. I have to go answer a million questions about you kissing me now."
Your hand moves to open the door and you think about not looking back, think about walking out the door in a dramatic sort of huff before you sigh and look back. Austin's frowning as he stares at the floor, rubbing his head. Comforting him crosses your mind but you shake your head to yourself as you swing the door open, not even giving Austin the dignity of a farewell as you exit into the cacophony of noise outside the door.
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thedvilsinthedetails · 8 months
What each marauder’s fav musical would be (in my opinion):
James - beetlejuice (chaotic af, funny and happy ending…)
Regulus - Jekyll and Hyde (thought provoking, sad ending also he’d find ‘bitch bitch bitch’ funny bc that’s lowkey exactly what the ppl at functions he has to attend are like. Also he loves ‘bring on the men’ and I won’t accept questions and if ur confused about the name, it’s exactly what it sounds like.)
Remus - Hamilton (he just…would love it.)
Sirius - Six (no question. And he would sing ‘Don’t lose ur head’ at the drop of a hat. He defo learnt the dance to ex-wives and six finale)
Peter - Dear Evan Hansen (he just gives me those vibes like he genuinely would love it and I love that 4 him)
Barty - Heathers (pretty sure this was in like one of my first posts too but he would LOVE heathers.)
Evan - Moulin Rouge! (OMG this one was actually hard icl I couldn’t think of one for ages but I actually think this is perfect for Evan. He definitely prefers like plainer style of stuff and shit and pretends not to like musicals but he goes excited like a puppy dog with proper heart eyes if you show him the absolutely over decorated stage they perform moulin rouge on. And you best believe he knows all the lyrics of ‘Firework’ by Katy Perry but no no my friend it’s not because he listens to her, in fact he’d probably be confused about the annoying pop song arrangement of ‘the song from moulin rouge’ also he loves the song mashup bit in ‘backstage romance’ that they dance to (if you don’t know what I mean then play this song but skip to 2:30 bc the start of the song won’t make sense without the entire plot detailed to you) because I say so because everyone does because it’s impossible not to.)
Mary - Anastasia (look I will not be accepting slander of this musical and neither would Mary. It is a masterpiece.)
Lily - Jesus Christ Superstar (fucking love this musical and only the best for Lily Evans. She would love it because I said so.)
Pandora - Hadestown (thought provoking, gorgeous music, based off a Greek myth. Just yes. Also I can picture her humming Orpheus’ tune but especially the extended bit in ‘wait for me’ )
Marlene - Les Misérables (ok so I know this might seem like an odd option for her but hear me out hear me out…Marlene attempting to perform all the parts in ‘one day more’ and blasting ‘Do you hear the people sing?’ from her phone as an attempt to scare people.)
Dorcas - Phantom of the Opera (the absolute dramatic theme is definitely her jam and she absolutely knows how to play it on every instrument. Like she doesn’t necessarily know how to play an instrument but you can bet she at least knows the phantom’s theme on it.)
my theatre kid side is rlly coming thru in this oops
also if anyone wants to know the specific albums (bc a lot of them have more than one recording) of the musical that I prefer and am thinking of as I write this then check below ‘keep reading’
beetlejuice/hamilton/anastasia all only have one - the original bway cast
Jekyll and Hyde - ‘Jekyll and Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller’ (the 1995 one with Anthony Warlow as J/H)
Six - ‘Six: the musical (studio cast recording)’ sorry to the Broadway cast lovers, I prefer the og Brit one bc it feels weird to hear them with American accents to me
Dear Evan Hansen - the original Broadway cast recording, not the movie one
Heathers - Original West end cast. Again sorry to all the ppl that prefer the off broadway one, west end heathers ver till I die, it’s just better like ‘never shut up again’? I say no? I’m sorry it’s just better, no matter how much u say ‘blue’ is better than ‘your welcome’
Moulin Rouge - original Broadway cast, as much as I love Nicole Kidman I just prefer the bway cast recording to the movie recs
Jesus Christ Superstar - ‘Jesus Christ Superstar (Remastered 2005)’ the one with the 1996 London cast, it’s just my favourite album of it because of the song arrangement
Hadestown - original Broadway cast recording (I feel like ppl don’t rlly listen to the concept album anymore bc it’s just so wildly different from how the actual show music ended up sounding, I do actually quite like it but the musical ver is better in my opinion)
Les Mis - holy shit there’s a lot of albums for this one, tbh I’m not thinking of a specific one but maybe the 2010 London recording - the live one(?) I just quite like it but tbh I listen to a diff album each time I swear 😭
Phantom of the Opera - the original 1986 London cast one bc I just prefer it to the movie
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i-didnt-hate-it · 5 months
I didn't hate The Fall Guy, I absolutely loved it!
There's nothing that makes me want to make movies more than watching movies about making movies.
Inside me there are two wolves. One loves watching serious, "important" ✨️cinema✨️, and the other one loves watching fun, over the top action movies. Because both of them are cinema, matter what anyone says. Movies are a way to escape. To have some fun when you aren't feeling too great. To have a laugh when you've been crying too much. To have a cry when you've been holding it in too long. To get angry in a way that inspires you to make a change. To get scared enough to feel something when you think you've gone numb.
If Nicole Kidman needs a new AMC commercial, tell her to call me.
Anyway, if you love movies, if you love action, if you love stunts, The Fall Guy is for you. If you love Dune (in a fun way, not a crazy zealot way) you'll love The Fall Guy.
I loved almost everything, if not everything about this movie. I thought the story was a lot of fun, the soundtrack was great, the cinematography was cool, the pacing was consistent, and of course the action, vfx and stunts were awesome!
The performances struck a balance of earnestness and tongue-in-cheek that reminds me of the self-awareness of Barbie or The LEGO Movie. Ryan Gosling is definitely still feeling the Kenergy, and it's nice to see Ken doing well on his own without Barbie. Actually, scratch that, he found a different Barbie in Emily Blunt, who made me wish I was on a film set right now so I could fall in love with a camera operator. I haven't directed a movie (yet), but I could feel her nerves as a first-time director, but her growing confidence also came across beautifully. Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Tom Cruise–sorry, Tom Ryder–made me remember that I love to watch good actors act like bad actors. I feel like Hannah Waddingham can't give a bad performance, 10/10, no notes. I wish Winston Duke had more screentime, but what he had, he absolutely owned. The only other thing I've seen him in was Us, which was fantastic, but I definitely want to see more.
But of course, my standout performance has to be my girl Stephanie Hsu!! It's criminal how little I saw her in the marketing of The Fall Guy, it's almost like she's just a Jobu Tupaki cameo, but she absolutely crushed her scenes. I mean, they gave her a great action scene, thank you EEAAO for showing the world what Stephanie can do.
Slight spoilers in this next paragraph. The Fall Guy isn't overly emotional, but there was one part that got me moist in the eyes. It wasn't the love story, okay it was part of that, or the message about always getting back up, or that nihilism is a viable worldview (I learned that from EEAAO, nothing matters 😁), it was the line that Ryan Gosling says to Emily Blunt's character Jody, about how she has to finish her movie because she might end up inspiring the next generation of Jodys. As soon as he said that, just a wave of emotion. Because that's how movies keep going, because filmmakers inspire filmmakers who inspire filmmakers. It's so simple, yet it is so profound and beautiful. And the fact that a movie has the power to inspire a young woman to make a crazy fun Mad Max/Dune love story with Jason Momoa is so stupidly powerful. But this movie also has the power to inspire the next generation of stunt performers, directors, writers, producers, and all that is just amazing.
If you've read this far, it looks like you're just as crazy as me, the guy who will sit in the front row of as many IMAX viewings of as many movies as he can, because he just loves movies. And like I said, nothing makes me want to make movies more than watching movies about making movies.
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turnipoddity · 2 months
Do you know The Others? I know it's just pg-13 or something, but it was the first horror film I ever watched when I was a kid, and it still scares the shit out of me 😭
nicole kidman? Oh yeah that was a CLASSIC ™ . The twist was insane and blew my teenage mind as well HAHAHAHA
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abnormalpsychology · 11 months
I went to my first Rocky horror screening on Friday and I literally miss it so bad!!! I lost my mind and felt so hot and it was . transcendent . so I made a list of highlights:
- OUR VIRGIN GAME WAS LITERALLY NOT BAD AT ALL DESPITE ME HAVING BEEN SO SCARED LOL. “I went to Rocky horror and now I’m popped!!” as our repeated call to worship with a guy dressed as the pope agahshgk, they were so gentle w us fr
- the audience making a joke to the stage guy (who was like probably 30) abt skibidi toliet and him being like “what the FUCK are you talking about” 💀
- preparing the audience for the ride like “people are going to be yelling the worst things you’ve ever heard in your life at the screen.”
- “fight a triffid” “WHAT THE FUCK IS A TRIFFID”
- doing the time warp with a crowd was like the most fun I’ve ever had
- I can’t even remember all the crowd chants but so many absolutely DESTROYED me w laughter
- “you say goodbye / and I say” “hello 😒”
- “hey Janet are you a slut?” “yes ☺️ I am”
- “keep calm / don’t panic” or something like that and everyone just screamed in unison 😭 multiple times lol
- everyone had so many funny chants that kept surprising me but I was just singing along bc the songs already are just sOOOOO INCREDIBLY FUN anyways
- the improvisations by the cast were so consistently v funny, I loved them . and like everyone was trans!!! so many binders!!! it was incredible
- “-visitors, let alone offer them hospitality “HORSE BRUTALITY?” WAS SAID SOOO LOUD LMAO
- “it’s a Bird it’s a plane it’s SUPER ASSHOLE”
- THE BEDROOM SCENE OUR FRANK WAS LIKE “yep it’s totally me . Brad majors 😐 That’s me” not even TRYING and I fucking died lmao
- the Eddie chanting (“not the ass but the side!”) was SO FUN I WAS SO HAPPY I STUDIED FOR HOURS READING THE PARTICIPATION SCRIPTS LMAO
- Eddie live where they did the hand jive and I couldn’t do it fast enough and Rocky was wtaching me and said “IM LOOKING AT YOU”
- them like “haha Dr Scott! we are eating ur nephew” 💀 #prankd
- I got to throw in my own little lines with like “You’re going to kill him? What’s his crime?”“WHATS NOT?” And I FELT SO FUNNY FOR IT
- riff saying “my most beautiful sister” and my friend (WHO HADNT FINISHED THE MOVIE) turning to me slowly like .. 😟?
- they had audience members also be the table Frank rides in the scene and the sonic oscillator which was so great!!! my FAVORITE of which was the cutie playing the globe at the end who got so dizzy she had to stop 😭❤️
- anyways it went crazy. pls go to Rocky horror if you get a chance asap!!!! go to events! be gay! it will change ur life
- <3 u rockyhorror :)
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meraki-yao · 1 year
RWRB Musical Ramble Part 3: Jukebox Musical
yes I'm back on this MWAHAHAHAHAHA
I’m also wondering if RWRB would work as a Jukebox musical (a musical using pop songs instead of original songs, our darling Nicholas has already starred in a, with all due respect, not that good one: Cinderella 2021)
That way we can keep some of the amazing song choices in the movie: If I Loved You, Get Low, Can’t Help Falling in Love With You. Plus with RWRB being a modern fairy tale and stuff maybe straight-up using pop songs would work better with the entire tone of the show/movie
But like, certain scenes/moments/songs from & Juliet and Moulin Rouge (ok these are the only two jukebox musicals I’ve listen to so far) could work for RWRB (yes I’m realizing this is more me finding musical songs that work for RWRB than anything but sue me)
“I Kissed a Girl/Boy” from & Juliet/ Katy Perry would work well for the entire Red Room -> Hook Up -> Polo Scene, granted RWRB would be more intense than what’s in & Juliet since our boys are doing… a little more than kissing :)
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“Whataya want from me” also from & Juliet/ Adam Lambert, even from the same ship, can work for the Kensington Confrontation
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This is less direct, but parts of “Elephant Love Medley” from Mouline Rouge, more distinctly in the Broadway show version, Santine sings about how love is not something she believes in while Christian sings about how he wants love with her. The idea of a love medley can work with Firstprince too, maybe during the Paris date or the lake scene: Henry not believing he can have love while Alex wanting to tell Henry that he’s in love with him. Plus Your Song (and Can't Help Falling in Love, briefly, in the broadway show version) makes an appearance :D (Even though personally I think Can't Help Falling in Love fits Firstprince more)
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A lot of us talk about how Taylor Swift-coded Firstprince is, and it’s true (and I personally love it), but in a jukebox musical, the TS songs can be directly used: personally think Labyrinth would be fitting for where If I Love you is in the film, but having Henry sing it, especially since the first verse fits the imagery of Henry holding his aching heart under the water so well (sorry I can't find the freaking gif) :
It only hurts this much right now
Was what I was thinking the whole time
Breathe in, breathe through
Breathe deep, breathe out
I'll be getting over you my whole life
You know how scared I am of elevators
Never trust it if it rises fast
It can't last
Uh oh, I'm falling in love
Oh no, I'm falling in love again
Oh, I'm falling in love
I thought the plane was going down
How'd you turn it right around
And my other otp Malec kind of owns this song, but Ruelle’s War of Hearts at the very least lyrically suits Firstprince as well:
I can't help but love you
Even though I try not to
I can't help but want you
I know that I'd die without you
And Nick’s song Comfort (which I have been listening to on loop, its amazing please go check it out) actually suits Henry’s mentality really well:
Wanna stay, wanna run, wanna disappear
I keep biting my tongue just to keep you here
Made you wait for someone I could never be
And it's killing me
I’ll be the first to admit I don’t actually listen to that much pop music, so please please please feel free to add more, but so far this is what I got in terms of jukebox musical and narrative pop songs
Part 1 / Part 2
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glindaselphie · 2 years
11 year old me staring at nicole kidman as mrs coulter: i don’t know what I’m feeling. she scares me but I like her so much????
26 year old me: it’s bc ur a lesbian. and we’re now obsessed with a different actress as the same character lmaooooo
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openingpandorasbox1 · 5 months
My Movie Blog
               Once upon a time ago I used to have a thing for Tom Cruise. I think everyone had a thing for Tom Cruise in the 80s and maybe the early 90s. He became popular after appearing in Risky Business, Cocktail and Top Gun and was considered one of the sexiest actors. I still like some of his movies but I don’t know why I’m not into him anymore, maybe my taste in men has matured or maybe it’s the whole Scientology thing.
               I remember when I was young the film Risky Business was on television and I taped it onto a VHS video and I would watch it often. One day my brother taped over it with something else (I can’t remember what it was). I was so upset and almost crying. Today I don’t own a copy of the movie, so  you could say that I’m over it.
               Years ago I used to go to this same sandwich shop every week at this little shopping centre in town. There was this lady who would see me and would call me Rebecca De Mornay and told me they thought I looked like her. They asked me, “Do you know she is?” I said yes and told them I have seen her in the movie Risky Business. I personally don’t think I look like Rebecca De Mornay at any stage of my life but I didn’t mind them saying that I look like her (it could be worse).
               I still had this thing for Tom Cruise when Days of Thunder came out, I think this was around this time he started dating Australian actress Nicole Kidman. Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise both appeared in this film. My brother was into cars and kept scrapbooks of cars when he was a kid and as an adult he would go to car shows and take photos of cars and make photo albums with lots of car photos in it. When this film was at the movie theatre it was around the same time as my birthday, so my brother and I went to see the film. After the movie as we were leaving all these other people who also saw the movie were driving around like maniacs like they were racing car drivers. They were speeding and behaving irrational on the road. It scared us both.
               I still like Tom Cruise movies, I enjoyed Steven Spielberg’s remake of War of the Worlds. I also like the Mission: Impossible franchise. The worst film Tom Cruise has been in had to be that Irish movie he made with Nicole Kidman, that movie was just awful.
               A few years later my brother got a tumour and we later found out he had cancer and over time he became frail and sick. He was still able to go out a bit and drive his car. My brother couldn’t eat so he had to drink these milkshake things they were a bit like protein shakes. Before he gave up driving he enjoyed drinking milkshakes from this shop at Penrith Plaza (Penrith Westfield) so we both went down to the shops so he could get his favourite milkshake. My brother was extremely skinny, he had always been skinny but he had lost a lot of weight. His neck was swollen due to the tumor in his throat. He only had a tiny bit of hair because he had lost most of it from the chemotherapy which had left him sick. He would always wear a blue beanie. When we were out in public some people treated him just like a normal person, but there were some people who would walk past him and give him dirty looks and there were others who would snigger at him while looking at him. The way my brother looked was the least of his concerns and shouldn’t have been anyone else’s concern. He couldn’t help the way he looked, he had cancer. Some people were so ignorant and rude. Some people would have known he had cancer just by looking at him; perhaps they had gone through a similar experience with someone they had known. My brother got worse he had to give up driving, sometimes my mum would take him down for his favourite milkshake. He got worse and frailer so he couldn’t really go out much anymore. My brother died about 4 or 5 years after Days of Thunder was released. I can’t remember what happened to my brother’s car I think they sold it.
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alexalblondo · 1 year
joining the "i got scared to hell bcs of the nicole kidman ghost movie when i was 9 and every so often i rmbr it and get scared all over again" 🙃
🤝 anon 🤝 me
Like … it was so scary in such a calm way omg tf i can still hear the shushing and did i ever mention i live alone cause omg my apartment is dark right niw
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sewerfight · 2 years
had a nightmare that hinged upon the fact that Hollywood was officially making an abo movie. scared me pretty bad. In the dream I was cast in it for some reason alongside Nicole Kidman, and I was telling everyone it was my big break but my friends were taking the absolute piss out of me when it came out cause it was so awful. And I was yelling "But I was an alpha though???" at them but it didn't make any damn difference. frightening.
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noeljpenaflor · 1 year
An excellent ghost story with a twist you should see coming but don't...
As you see from the date, I saw this the day after 9/11 to in an empty theater besides myself. It made the movie much scarier to me.
Nicole Kidman's brittle performance is heartbreaking at times, considering the arc of her character.
There are a few dead spots, but it's easy to forgive them.
Over the years, the story still resonates so you're not just watching it simply for the twist, even if it is a good one. Too bad one of the movie's best scares got ruined in the trailer.
6 Horror Movies That Would Make Karen Call the Cops or Ask to Speak With the Manager (LINK below)
Click Here For An Otherworldly LINK!
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baddingtonbitch · 2 years
would In the Cut be better (for you) if Nicole Kidman was the lead, as planned, instead of Meg Ryan?
honestly if i could briefly hop into an alternate dimension where it happened i would like to see it but mostly just out of curiosity, i wouldn't change it tbh. like i fully believe nicole could do it justice without question, i can envision it so clearly like i can practically hear her saying some of frannie's lines because the way meg says them is sometimes vocally similar to nicole. but there's something so special about meg's performance to me. i'm not sure if it's the stark contrast to her body of work up to that point or if i've just seen literally 5 times as many nicole films, but it just stands out more. it's my fave role of hers and she brought something to it that i wouldn't trade even for nicole. i think maybe it's even because i can so easily imagine exactly what nicole would do with the material. i've watched it many times and i still find myself fascinated with the tiniest things that meg does with her eyes or little microexpressions that just feel so right and so...true idk, i find everything she does so engaging. and the way her chemistry with jennifer and mark (and kevin) works, i'd be wary of switching her out because everything feels like it aligns in a really specific way. i think i find the movie as a whole too special to consider changing such a massive part of it, even though the "what if?" is really interesting to think about. In the Cut meg ryan is an entirely different entity to me than any other meg ryan and idk if i would be able to say the same about In the Cut nicole kidman.
like the way she conveys so much about frannie's loneliness and sensitivity and desire for connection here and how she's grateful to make use of her specific knowledge and to be of use herself and a source of comfort to her sister even if it means enabling her and even contributing to the romanticisation of behaviour and thinking that concerns and even scares her. and how she tries to do the right thing at first and give the advice she feels she should but loses her resolve when reminded of her own alienation so she participates in the form of love that's available to her and that she's able to give even when she's clearly aware it's not the best thing to do in the situation but it's a mutual solace that they're both grateful for likeeeeee...hello. i'm sure nicole could do all that too but i'm too obsessed with how meg does it.
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firsttarotreader · 8 days
One movie that scared me big time and I don’t even really know why was The Others, with Nicole Kidman. I was scared to sleep after, I watched it in the evening. 😭
Same here. It's a great film but creepy af. Same with The Sixth Sense. I still walk into the kitchen expecting the cupboard doors to be open 😐 The scariest I've ever seen is The Exorcist, though. I watched it in the 90s as a young teen. I genuinely had fear. I'd be OK watching it now, but at the time, it scared the shit out of me.
The funny thing is I never got scared watching The Exorcist, I didn’t even flinch. 🤣🤣🤣
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