#the mummy whenever they showed scarabs
malinculia · 1 year
i am relieved to learn that other people were also terrified of jumanji as kids. i still to this day haven't finished the movie...
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
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SPEAKING OF POST MORTEM POWERS... as said, only Scarab is the known living character to have patron god-related powers, and his are even quite different from the others (not mummified, no talisman around his neck or anywhere, again a different transformation that looks more painful and a animalistic making him rip his robes and looking like he is growing into it rather than a magical-girl transformation like the others, doesn't need to say "WITH THE STRENTH OF RA" to activate it just his own thoughts, doesn't discharge nor need to recharge and can transform and detransform indefinetely, no magic weapon, and again PERHAPS the presence of the beetle tatoo/mark on his back), meaning his powers are probably coming from another source whenever that was which we will never know since the show was cancelled. And Kimas, the only minor mummy, after resurrecting is impressed by the others' powers who tell him all mummies have those and teach him how to use his, meaning Scarab aside it is obvious as day and night it is a mummy thing in that universe
Later in the show we see Ja-Kal was killed (and possibly Rath, Nefertina and Armon too) by the hand of his evil brother Arakh, who, jealous, had offered his services to Scarab, who accepted but told him he needed (in my own words) some more upgrades. After that we see him kill Ja-Kal with his scorpion powers he has as a mummy in present days
But something that bothered me... is he already had grey skin. The same grey skin he later has and all mummies are drawn with
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So either it is a just an animation error and they did not bother recolor him right
Or, since his powers seemed to work like the others and not like Scarab's,
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goldemas1244 · 3 years
Heyyyy I have a question :3
Do you have any headcanon/s for these character : Scraptrap, Scrap Baby, Lady Dimistrecu, the three daughter of Lady D, Heisenberg and/or Molten Freddy ? :3
You don't have to do all the proposition, you can choose what character you want to do :3
Have a good day/evening and stay safe ! :3
*Cracks knuckles* \(^v^)/
You already know I'm doing all of them! Thank you for the ask! Headcanons under the cut!
He loves rice and would do anything to get his paws on it. Fortunately, the pizzeria is quite close to a Chinese restaurant so rice is easy to get.
He orders a rice-based menu at least three times a week, so the owners aren't at all that surprised to see a tuxedo-clad zombie-rabbit come in and ask for their signature fried rice with buttered lobster on the side.
Since he like to dine-in there, he usually asks Michael to give him a bath in exchange for pizzeria improvements. Michael usually shrugs and gives him a well-deserved bubble bath and his tuxedo.
He likes it when Michael gives him head pats and rubs. It makes him feel loved and appreciated.
He has a pet pigeon named Fernando Buschmann. It's German and likes to listen to the violin.
He likes ASMR and memes. ASMR makes him go feral with murderous intent while memes make him question the modern generation.
He has social media accounts, all named "Willton-Moldover". He usually posts cosplays and furry art on them and has 93 followers on his Reddit profile, 1.5 million followers on his Instagram, 550 followers on his Tumblr, 35 on his Snapchat, and 3.95 million on his TikTok.
He also has a YouTube channel with 10.784 million subscribers called "Willton-Gameover". He plays videogames one-handed and roasts popular YouTubers and famous people. He would never roast Keanu Reeves though, because Keanu Reeves is precious bean.
Due to his popularity he gets a lot of hate mail and private pics. He doesn't like them at all so he blackmails the people who post them. And if the media and police are involved? Well, he has a strong fanbase that's not going down as well as a good alibi so that works out well for him.
Yes, his fanbase also knows of the Fazbear Murders, and he admits to it but frankly, he's shown them the approving ghost kids (who've bonded and gamed with him) so that's no big deal. Only Cassidy hates him, but it's usually constipated anger.
He's bisexual and has an ENORMOUS crush on one of his favourite game characters, Karl Heisenberg. Something about that man reminds him of himself and Henry, although he's not sure what. Still, don't let that distract you from the fact that he owns a nude Karl Heisenberg body pillow, CAPCOM official.
Scrap Baby
Her favourite Monster High doll is Draculaura. She doesn't understand how pink goes well with black but oh boy, pink goes so well with black.
She knows how to skateboard like a pro. Despite her weight, her trusty skateboard still stands and, if she falls, she's always got her skates to spare. She likes to impress the boys at the skatepark with her ability to perform even the most difficult of moves with ease.
She's subscribed to fifteen different tabloid subscriptions. She likes to read them and criticize the stupidity of the human race, like her father. Hey, it's hereditary.
The lights in her boobies glow in the dark. They also glow whenever she gets tired.
She likes reading furniture and gardening catalogues. She's judgy of the prices though and usually becomes a full-on critic with Lefty listening.
She owns a crab named Mr. Tootie. No I will not elaborate on the name. I'll only tell you that it's taken a liking to kazoos and party favours.
She's listed as the No. 1 Best Fan of her father's social media accounts. Michael's in nineteenth place but don't worry, he's as emotionless as a mushroom.
She likes to make origami lotuses. She's such a pro at it that she's even got a mini-stall at the pizzeria: 1 lotus for 50 cents. It's a lucrative business, and it's still growing. Oh, and she switches to other origami works of art every week such as origami guns and origami nine-tailed foxes.
She's the Restaurant Rescue manager. Usually she saves kids from trouble. For this reason, yes, she's commonly seen in the pizzeria itself. Kids love her though the claw worries the more irksome parents.
She's a professional Karen dealer. Karen comes to see the manager? She's hypnotically talented in weaving her words through the toughest of craniums so don't be surprised if a Karen walks out with a new viewpoint of life.
She performs on stage on the occasion, which usually gets her a lot of fan love. She cherishes everything good they give but ignores the problematic everythings. Problematic stuff? Oh, she's good friends with the police chief.
Molten Freddy
He loves noodles. Give him a bowl of ramen and he'll shut up for the entire night. Enter him in a noodle-eating competition and his high metabolism rate means absolutely non-stop spaghetti.
He misses Bon-Bon very much. To the point where he's even tried to make a scrap version of him. Sadly, it doesn't work. He cried that day.
He dies inside whenever he finds out there's a spaghetti shortage in Utah. Poor Molten.
He's a bit wonky, but if he tries to play with you or get into your personal space, don't get mad at him! He's just lonely and wants someone to talk to and play with.
He likes to play Exploding Kittens. It's the only card game he's good at. It's also the only card game he owns.
He sees Helpy as a little brother and boops his nose on a daily basis. He also likes to reenact The Lion King with him (It's the ciiiiiircle of liiiiiife~). Hopefully Helpy doesn't mind.
He knows a lot of jokes in a lot of languages. So German-speaking Molten Freddy wouldn't be too far away from expectation. His favourite jokes are in French though; the wordplay is just immaculate.
He's good in French, English, German, Russian, and Malay. He's currently learning Japanese because he's a mega weeb.
His favourite cartoon is Charlie and Lola. He just likes to see the sibling shenanigans as it somehow reminds him of the good old days.
His favourite shows would be prankster shows. He especially loves the ones that give him new and creative ideas. He doesn't like the scary ones though. They make him feel unsafe and give him anxiety.
Surprisingly, he has a distinct taste for opera. He can modulate the remnants of his voice box to perfectly sing I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General. This both pisses off and impresses Henry to an extent.
Resident Evil 8
Lady Dimitrescu
She might act like the opposite but she really loves Heisenberg as her little brother. His determination, strength, speed, dexterity, and workaholic nature impresses her, who can't even fit through a doorway. She sometimes wishes she's as short as him too.
She's an avid collector of glass, porcelain, and anything fragile. It's a good reason to always be careful where you tread in her lair. She'll make you swallow every last shard if you don't.
She's an avid romance fanatic and is very loving towards the romance novels she owns. All those books you see in the in-game library? They're her collection of lesbian romances that she's collected over the past decades.
She doesn't like hats and prefers to stick to the one she wears in-game. She DOES have a collection of hats though. Last anyone counted, there were over fifty, one or two for each decade she's lived through.
She files her nails on a constant basis and owns an ornately decorated nail-clipper. Hygeine is of the utmost importance. She doesn't want to be compared to that filthy Heisenberg.
Despite her size and carefulness she keeps losing her stuff. Over the course of a week she could misplace three wine glasses, two reading glasses, and fifteen bottles of wine.
She's an expert at dodgeball and golf and even owns a lifetime access to the most prolific Country Club in Romania. With permission from Mother Miranda she goes there every year for the yearly party. It's one of the times she gets to see modernity (and Ed Sheeran) at its finest.
She loves bands from the 1920s and 1940s. However, she gets bored of them occasionally and switches them to something more modern, like Ed Sheeran. Seriously though, what is up with mums and Ed?
She's into executions and torture methods. So it's no surprise that she's a HUGE fan of Horrible Histories; even if she can't watch the show, she'll binge-read the books over and over again. She's even had the chance to encounter (and receive an autograph from) Terry Deary. They have sworn a bond not to tell anybody about this.
She loves exotic animals like anacondas and jaguars. She may or may not have owned a 10ft long Saltwater Crocodile (which was also about 5ft wide).
She's an incredible physicist and mathematician. She's also created many original formulae but unsurprisingly, she doesn't tell anyone about them, for fear that either more people may know of her, or that she may be wrong.
Dimitrescu Babes
They can devour an entire human being in mere seconds as flies. It's sort of like the scarab beetles in The Mummy movies. However, unlike the beetles, they are able to strip the bones as well. They leave nothing behind.
They all know how to play the piano with varying levels of success. Daniela can already play professionally while Bela is still stuck on Grade 5.
They love to listen to their mother when she tells them stories. Gotta hand it to 'em, when you're a fly, you know how to enjoy life in its most simple of moments.
They all love being around the hunky Soldats of Uncle Karl. Fortunately, they don't know of the rebellious plan to conquer Miranda.
Bela is bisexual, Cassandra is asexual and pansexual, and Daniela is demisexual.
It gets hard when you're a fly during the summer. If it's not the lizards, spiders, and other predators, it's the heat. Because of this, despite the material waste, they have invented the world's first blood-powered air conditioner.
The three girls have never ever ever touched a stove or oven in their life. They HAVE touched the hot end of an iron though. A good reason to not touch a bloody oven. Alcina has though, but doesn't tell them that.
They love puppies! Uncle Karl brought them a baby labrador. For the rest of the week Alcina had lost quite a bit of favour from them. Not that they minded of course. IT'S A PUPPY.
They don't like snow one bit. Not just because it's cold, but because it's too white. Too bright. Too shiny. They just can't focus on their prey!
They like to go over to Auntie Donna to play with Angie. Well, you know what they say, crazies attract the crazies, and the crazy has attracted the crazies.
They also like to go to Uncle Moreau's because he's the only one in the village with a PS4. Usually they'd spend about three-quarters of a day playing his games and eating his cheese.
Karl Heisenberg
He owns a dark blue armchair named Junkyard. Despite the name, he loves it dearly because it was a gift from Alcina for his twenty-first birthday. It became part of his final transformation too. Right under the hat.
He's a little blind in the right eye, much to his annoyance. It was a minor accident with Sturm; another reason for him to hate the uncontrollable wretch. He'll never live that day down.
Somehow, he sees better in the dark, which is why he wears such tinted glasses. He also wears them to hide his expressions, since, more often than not, he tends to end up wearing his heart on his sleeve, and his emotions in his eyes.
He's under a lot of pressure so it's no surprise that he breaks down in his factory when he knows he's alone. And by break down I mean crumple into an exhausted heap on the floor. Not even his Soldat Jet squad can wake him up until he's had a reasonable eight hours of rest.
He bathes once a day, every evening, but only three times a week. Perfume, tobacco, and cologne keep care of the rest.
He's the only Lord with a daily contact with the outside world due to his electrical abilities. Don't tell Miranda, but he can electrically CONNECT TO GOOGLE AND THE ENTIRE INTERNET IN GENERAL. He likes to play funny YouTube cat videos in his head when Miranda's having a boring meeting. It's also how he finds out that Chris is a boulder-punching asshole.
He does stimming! He likes to tap his fingers on his desk and the metal rails in his factory. He also buys stim toys from the Duke and keeps them in a well-kept box. His favourite is a non-ripping squishable toy duck. He also sings to chill out.
He's absolutely in the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise, and may have once believed in the pizzeria's existence. Come on, he's a mutated Overlord with magical magnet powers. Children souls stuck inside animatronics isn't too far-fetched of an idea. His favourite characters are the Funtimes and the Scraps, mainly because of the blueprint complexity. He HAS tried to replicate the animatronics in his spare time, but he's usually too busy with his Soldats so the project gets scrapped. He loves The Living Tombstone's songs and remixes though.
He doesn't like William Afton at all (though he marvels at his survivability). William's nature and habits remind him of Mother Miranda. He DOES however enjoy Michael Afton and often thinks how it would be absolutely amazing to have that resilient being in his Soldat army.
He's scared of what lurks below the watery depths and fire. Ironic because his brother is a literal fish and he works in one of the most hazardous fire-conducting environments. He's also scared of heights, though he doesn't get airsick.
He once died due to a killing electric shock whilst working on Sturm. It's the only time he's felt that sort of pulsing agony and also the first time he's had the confirmation that yes, Hell is real and yes, he'll end up in quite a dark pit in it. Or it could've been an electric dream, who knows? Anyways his soul apparently ran towards the opposite direction of the flames and he woke up alive after the passing of FIVE ENTIRE WEEKS. Oh boy did Alcina get worried when she couldn't find him.
Thank you for the ask! I hope you enjoy!
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myth-lord · 6 years
Updates, Updates, Updates
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Arrach (Scottish) – I’ve added this invisible horror yet again to my project, I kinda based their design on both the D&D Invisible Stalker and the Ettercap. They are naturally invisible, even creatures that see invisible creatures can’t see an Arrach, only when they die they become visible. Arrach aren’t very powerful, but their traps, poison and evasion can be very annoying in battle.
Caladrius, Melalo (Romanian) – Another variant of the healing birds called Caladrius, whenever a Caladrius absorbs too powerful (or too many) diseases it sometimes dies and is resurrected as a monstrous undead version of itself. Melalo also absorb diseases, but only from corpses after they spread the diseases themselves. Melalo are birds of diseases, appearing as two-headed songbirds with dirty green, unhealthy feathers.
Incubus, Alp (German) – While they look exactly like an Incubus, the Alp is much more powerful, they are bright white-skinned instead of nightly black and can turn into either a swarm of white moths or into a giant white moth. Alp invade the dreams of mortals and exhaust them from within, then feed on the breath, but rarely killing victims as Alps are insanely cruel. The dust that comes from the moth-form’s wings cause exhaustion and sleep, getting too much of the white dust will cause a coma.
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Metminwi (Hawaii) – I’ve cut the Taka-Onna from my project and instead gave the Mr.Fantastic-like powers to the Metminwi. Now the Metminwi can stretch it’s limbs and body as it likes, turning it into an even more freaky bogeyman variant.  The Metminwi is also my Slenderman.
Munuane (Colombia) – Swamp giants with the eyes located in the knees, they aren’t very special just the giants of the swamp. The skin of a Munuane is all kinds of green, and mosses grow over it.
Munuane, Aigamuxa (African) – The desert variant of the Munuane, but instead of having eyes in the knees, the Aigamuxa has its eyes underneath its feet. This endless torture made the creatures tough, bitter and aggressive. Aigamuxa have a dark brown skin and hard-plates grow where normally eyes would be.
Nemeos (Greek) – Nemeos are powerful and magical lion creatures, their manes are covered with arrows and the weapons of their victims, their skin is very tough and hard to pierce with normal weapons, only magic and very powerful magical weapons can harm a Nemeos.
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Nemeos, Mngwa (African) – Undead variants of the Nemeos, these black and grey monsters only appear during the night, during the day they simply don’t exist in this world. Like the Nemeos their skin is very hard to pierce with non-magical weapons, only holy weapons and spells are said to be able to hurt a Mngwa. They always spawn from the same location during dusk and they disappear again during dawn. They have darkness and shadow based abilities, and just like the Displacer Beast from D&D their true location is very hard to guess.
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Nemeos, Nian (Chinese) – Very powerful variants of the Nemeos, next to their almost impossible to penetrate skin, the Nian also has limited powers over time, their magical horns can move back and forward in time. They hate the color red and loud noises and those are its weakness. Nian mostly show up only once a year during the time of celebration to destroy the happiness.
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Pard, Mishibizhiw (N-American) – The water panthers, these half fish, and half panthers have a strange magical ability, water will always flow behind them, so they move incredibly fast in any source of water. They are the fastest swimming creatures in the game.
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Pard, Ccoa (Peru) – The air/lighting/ice variant of the Pard/Panther family. Ccoa are the only ones that can fly/hover. They control hail and lightning and are very fast fliers. They are based on the Snow leopards.
Pard, Zheng (Chinese) – The fire panther, these fiends have a thick horn on their forehead which burns like hot coals, being attacked by these demonic felines will cause both burning and piercing damage. Their five tails always move around in different directions, making it very hard for enemies to stay focused. They are bright red in color with black spots all over their body. Like their pard relatives, the Zheng is very fast.
Pard, Cath Palug (Welsh) – The earth and stone based panther/pard monster, like their cousins they are very fast on foot. Cath Palug can absorb stone and earth into their bodies, growing in size or growing sharp rocky spikes or other parts on their own bodies, they can’t endlessly absorb earth into their bodies through, only grow into sizes of huge, but not beyond. They are often taken as pets/allies of the Antaeus giants.
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@art found in: https://www.shutterstock.com/nl/image-illustration/illustration-handdrawn-poreskoro-mystical-creature-legendary-699686365?src=ZbTDYzWcdlAbw_UPSNfJNQ-1-16
Poreskoro (Romanian) – Beasts and signs of pure chaos. These 9 headed things have four feline-like faces, four canine like faces and one tail which ends with the head of a viper. Poreskoro spawn in the core of the abyss where pure chaos comes from. They are very powerful enemies and use raw chaos to destroy their enemies with.
Scarab, Minceskro (Romanian) – I only added Minceskro because the other Childs of Ana were all there… But this one is my least favorite child of ana, Minceskro in my project are much like the Scarabs from the mummy movie, they crawl around in huge swarms and enter the bodies of their victims to eat them from the inside out.
Schilalyi (Romanian) – Another child of Ana, this one is a cold rodent creature with multiple legs, they always have a random number of legs, some have three, others have twenty. They appear as very white mouse/rat creatures with bright red eyes, they bring all types of cold-diseases with them and only live in very cold places.
Skolex, Bitoso (Romanian) – These horrible white worm creatures are terrifying parasites. They randomly appear in my game when you kill another enemy, from their corpse sometimes spawns a Bitoso, which lived inside the enemy host until it was killed. They appear as human-sized white worms, from their maws grow many tentacles with head-shaped forms, though without eyes and only with snapping maws on them.
Succubus, Caorthannach (Irish) – A dangerous variant of the Succubus, Caorthannach look much like the Empusa, but their fiery hairs are green instead of purple. The fire of a Caorthannach is very special, it burns and is very poisonous at the same time. These burning, bat-winged women love to spoil water supplies and poison and burn everything around them. While they sometimes charm their way out of fights like their Succubus sisters, the Caorthannach love to battle and can never stay in the charming role for long. They also throw green fireballs and use arm-blade weapons in battle.
Zoureg (Arabian) – Small and deadly snakes with arrow/knife tipped heads, the Zoureg are actually juvenile forms of the Jaculus. They can’t fly/hover yet and speed across the ground, piercing and cutting their way through plants, rocks and flesh with ease.
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@rt = ABookOfCreatures
Zoureg, Jaculus (M-European) – When they become adults the Zoureg grow into Jaculus. These can fly and hover and their aura will sharpen other things (like rocks and weapons) around them, making them useful to many other creatures who want sharper weapons. Jaculus use their own body as arrows and spears and love to pierce their prey from above, hanging from trees until a victim passes underneath.
Full List of Monsters, like always found here: http://monsters-and-beasts.proboards.com/thread/13/world-building-project
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