road2nf · 11 months
I thought this story was worth sharing, and whether it is read by none or one or twenty five, I’m glad I wrote it down, and I’m glad my brother read DFTBA from a bumper sticker on the highway. I hope someone smiles at the words on this page, before they are swallowed by the deluge of love and care sent by people all over the world with stories just like my own.
To be up front about it, your videos saved my relationship with my brother, Donovan.
He was my absolute best friend growing up, the person that everyone else had to live up to in order to be even considered a decent person.
He was my hero.
He’s three years older than me, and he was a protector as I went through the struggles that “high potential” kids have which aren’t always understood by those in authority positions.
All my teachers wanted to move me up a grade, which ruined the friendships I had cherished as ten-year-olds do. Fast forward six years, and my brother and I grew apart pretty quickly.
I was president of a couple of clubs at school and he was off to Vanderbilt that fall. We stopped telling each other everything, and I didn’t know what to do to keep talking.
We were driving to visit our grandmother who lived an hour away, and it was getting late.
We were keeping each other awake, blaring music and singing at the top of our lungs.
It was one of the best memories I had with him, and then it got better.
As a car passed us on the highway, my brother (pointing, reading a bumper sticker) yelled, “DFTBA!” And looked at me expectantly. I thought he was crazy, and he just kept repeating,
“Don’t forget to be awesome!...Vlogbrothers...John... Hank...none of this rings a bell?”
When I still didn’t understand, he just told me to go on YouTube on my phone and search “John Green pennies” because he couldn’t remember any specific title.
That was it.
Three minutes and fifty seven seconds, and I was hooked. We sat in my grandma’s living room until past 2:30 that morning watching any video that came up.
The most popular, related to the current one playing, and all of Hank’s songs. Since that day, we would run into each other’s room and talk about the videos for hours.
I also have a (totally healthy) obsession with Jane Austen, and watching all the Pemberly Digital projects with him has been second only to reading them in the first place.
We have read John’s novels together, and cried for hours.
This Christmas, my brother made a donation in my name for the P4A and it was the most amazing thing anyone could have ever done for me.
Without ever watching a video, our parents soon picked up on who we were speaking about when ‘John and Hank’ were mentioned, which is astonishing when they can’t even remember the names of our closest friends. I could list off one hundred other things about being a Nerdfighter, but most importantly is saying thank you.
Thank you for doing this and putting yourself out there which is so difficult to do.
Thank you for leaving your children something to be proud of when so many are left with nothing.
Thank you for turning Nerdfighters into Nerdfighters by decreasing world-suck.
And thank you to your wives and families who support you as you change lives on a daily basis.
Thank you for inspiring me personally, and showing me how easy it is to be passionate about writing and words. I thought this story was worth sharing, and whether it is read by none or one or twenty five, I’m glad I wrote it down, and I’m glad my brother read DFTBA from a bumper sticker on the highway.
I hope someone smiles at the words on this page, before they are swallowed by the deluge of love and care sent by people all over the world with stories just like my own.
Many good wishes and blessings.
-Kate Elizabeth
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Marvelous Cities to Live in Australia
Best Marvelous Cities to Live in Australia as an Immigrant
Australia is known for its high cost of living as compared to many other countries in the world. But, If you want to immigrate to Australia then there are some Marvelous cities to live in Australia that is listed here
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sixseasonsandamaia · 7 years
My Stories from Nerdfighteria
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Last week I conducted a (very) informal Twitter poll asking nerdfighters what has held them back from contributing their #NFstories to @road2nf.
If that last sentence made no sense, let me explain: my friends and I run The Road to Nerdfighteria, a worldwide multimedia project in which nerdfighters share their stories on how they found Nerdfighteria and what the community means to them. Nerdfighters can share their stories in the form of videos, blog posts, artwork, photos… basically any way you can tell a story. 
It’s been going on for 11 months now, and as we near the one year anniversary of the launch of this project, I’ve started thinking about the people who have supported the project but maybe haven’t shared their story yet, and why that might be.
The part of the poll that surprised me the most was the 32% who felt like they didn’t have much of a story to tell. Admittedly, the sample size is rather small, but at least ten people feel like they don’t really have a story to share. To those ten people, I respectfully disagree: I think you do have a story worth sharing. It might just be different from the one you think you should share.
The prompts for this project are: How did you find Nerdfighteria? What does Nerdfighteria mean to you? I think people may get hung up on the first question because of one of two reasons:
1. They don’t remember.
2. Their story can be summed up in a sentence.
Honestly, it’s fine if you don’t remember. We’ve featured stories from people who don’t remember when or how they happened upon Nerdfighteria.
Others may feel like their story is pretty basic: “My friend showed me this video. I read this book. That’s it.” And that’s okay, too. We featured people whose stories could be summed up just like that. However, they chose to give more context to their story: they shared what their life was like before Nerdfighteria, how/why all the events in their life led to discovering Nerdfighteria, and how their life has changed since. Those stories can get super interesting.
But maybe you don’t have a life-changing story like that, with a big Before and an even bigger After. That’s okay. Your road to Nerdfighteria doesn’t have to be a novel.
In fact, the stories I’m most interested in don’t even answer the question, “How did you find Nerdfighteria?” The stories that fascinate me the most are those that come out of the question, “What does Nerdfighteria mean to you?”
When I hear that question, a number of stories immediately spring to mind… 
Four years ago I took my first trip to Canada. I’d been quietly making YouTube videos for a year and a half, but I had no YouTube friends or any internet friends. At the time, the concept of making a friend through the internet was completely foreign to me. 
I was taking this trip to Toronto to attend this new thing called Buffer Festival, the first film festival for YouTubers. As excited as I was for international solo traveling, it also terrified me. While I had traveled solo before, this was the first time I would be in a foreign country without knowing anyone there.
I needed to make friends there. A friend. I needed one friendly face.
Miraculously, I found this online group of solo travelers also attending Buffer Festival, and through this group of Lonewolves I was able to make friends. Not just internet friends but real life friends. People who were kind and friendly, people who went out of their way to make sure you felt included.
I later learned that the people who founded this group were nerdfighters, which of course made sense. They cared about community, about creating a space where people could find friends and help each other navigate Toronto. That was the first time I saw the kindness of nerdfighters in real life.
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Two years ago, Hank Green and the Perfect Strangers were going on tour, and their first stop was in Chicago. At this point in my life, making friends through the internet was still a new thing for me. I’d made a few friends online, but it was not something that came naturally to me. I still felt clunky and awkward trying to initiate friendships online, so I wasn’t really good at the whole reaching out thing.
I didn’t know anyone else going to the concert, but I joined the Chicago Nerdfighters Facebook group to see if they were planning a meetup. Thankfully they were, and before the concert I headed alone to the meetup, hoping to make nerdfighter friends. 
Most of these people already knew each other, and I wasn’t sure where to insert myself. After some awkward smiling and waving, I found myself sitting next to a young woman who also didn’t know anyone there. She was warm and friendly, and talking to her helped calm my social anxiety.
Later I ran into some old internet friends, one of whom I was meeting for the first time in real life. With my old friends and my new friend, we headed to the concert together and spent the evening rocking out to nerdy songs.
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After the concert we headed our separate ways. It was late, and I was supposed to take the subway to a garage, where my car was parked. My new friend, a Chicago native, offered to ride the subway with me. (She was parked in that garage, too.) As we rode the subway, I started to get motion sickness, and she offered to keep me distracted by talking about our shared love of Doctor Who. (It worked.) When we got off the subway, she went out of her way to make sure I got to my car safely. We hugged like we’d been friends forever and parted ways.
That night, I learned that nerdfighters, regardless of whether they know you, look out for each other. It’s a very special quality, and I’ve seen it many times in Nerdfighteria since that night.
Two months ago I was at the cinema with a couple of coworkers to see Wonder Woman. One of my coworkers brought a friend of hers, because “I think you and she would get along.” 
We were waiting in line at the concession stand, and her friend and I hit it off right away, talking about Harry Potter. At some point in mid-speech she gasps and points at my shirt. I happened to be wearing a DFTBA shirt that day.
Immediately it clicks, but I have trouble getting the words out. “Are you…? You know DFT…?? You’re a…???” For a solid minute we’re both just geeking out, unable to say actual words, only excited squeals and high fives. Both my co-workers are looking on with confused faces, but they know something special just happened.
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We both tweet about meeting a nerdfighter in the wild because how often does that happen?? And right up until the movie starts, we go through each other’s Crash Course in Nerdfighteria involvement: how long have you been a nerdfighter? What nerdfighter things have you done? Which other YouTubers do you watch? Have you met Hank or John or Rosianna? Read the books? Gone to concerts? Harry Potter Alliance? Project for Awesome? VidCon? NerdCon?
You have to understand that where I live, it’s extremely rare to meet a nerdfighter in the wild, much less one you get along with so well. She was incredibly friendly and cool and did I mention she’s a Harry Potter nerd? 
I was 100% comfortable with being incredibly nerdy with this awesome new person, which was a far cry from how I was when I first discovered Nerdfighteria six years ago. When I found Nerdfighteria, I was this super shy nerd who was struggling to find other nerdy adults in my post-grad life. Now, it’s easier than ever.
Nerdfighteria has shaped my adult friend group, taught me how to be kind and helpful, and given me so many cool experiences and stories to share. The stories I have because of Nerdfighteria are what make me the person I am today.
I think anyone who’s had a brush with Nerdfighteria has some story to share, something about it that has made an impression on you. Something that sticks. Maybe the story isn’t your road to Nerdfighteria, but it is a story about Nerdfighteria that has some personal meaning to you. 
That’s the story I want to hear.
(As always, you’re welcome to share your story with The Road to Nerdfighteria. I promise we will love it.)
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My friend made this for gift wrap. How awesome is that? He's even managed to fit "this machine pwns n00bs" on the guitar! He didn't forget to be awesome 😎 DFTBA!
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katrinaeames · 7 years
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#NFStories introduction: I'm Katrina - I'm a creator who loves research, empathy, and Harry Potter
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road2nf · 1 year
Tuberculosis is curable, yet 1.6 million people die of tuberculosis every year while Danaher grossly overcharges for diagnostic tests for the people who can least afford it.
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road2nf · 2 months
They taught me so much
The Vlogbrothers make me laugh and helped me accept the fact that I actually like learning on my own account which has resulted in me telling the world that I do watch more documentaries than normal films.
Hank has increased my joke collection by around 50%, which my friends love, by the way. He has also helped me rediscover my love for science, thanks gratefully.
John has put me off reading the end of books. I now leave each book with about 10-20 pages left to read. Which is a good thing because it lets my imagination go wild.
In the short hand, the Vlogbrothers are one of the best things to ever happen to me.
John and Hank are simply amazing. They’re smart, funny and they’re my heroes. I can watch their videos for hours. They taught me so much: the Crash Course vids, SciShow, the Vlogbrothers… My understanding of the English language has improved greatly since I discovered the duo.
I enjoy the content and appreciate their optimistic outlook.
I’m new to the Nerdfighter community.
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road2nf · 11 months
Vlogbrothers gave me something to look forward to three times a week; it is still something I look forward to. It also showed me how not alone I really was.
Hank and John saved my life and they don’t even know it.
It was 2009 and I was struggling.
Then, I stumbled upon Accio Deathly Hallows, my first Vlogbrothers video and my first introduction to the Wrock community. Hank and John helped me find a community who cared if I was alive or not. But it did much more than that.
Nerdfighteria gave me a purpose, to decrease world suck, to do good with my life, and so I slowly started to.
Vlogbrothers gave me something to look forward to three times a week; it is still something I look forward to. It also showed me how not alone I really was.
John struggled with mental illness and Hank suffered from an invisible disease: here were two people who understood what I was going through.
I have never met either of them and I’m not quite sure I want to.
I wouldn’t know what to say, besides thanks, and they wouldn’t understand what that single word means. Because there really isn’t a way to tell someone that they helped keep you alive in your darkest hour, that they taught you how to smile again, how to laugh; that they gave your mother her daughter back.
Hank and John changed my life, so now I change others. I coach people with special needs and spend as much of my time working with them as I can. I do good wherever I can, because that is what Hank and John taught me. That is how they affected me.
-Case (magischgal.tumblr)
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road2nf · 1 year
The Law of Compound Nerdfighting—that 100 Nerdfighters as a group can do things that 100 Nerdfighters alone could not do
(Also, Happy Esther Day! I LOVE ALL OF YOU! -Matt)
Nerdighteria is a relatively new thing for me.
I just recently got out of public school, and am doing work on my own, so I have had a lot of free time the past few months to spend wasting on the internet. Being able to watch John and Hank’s videos is a blessing in and of itself, because I needed the break, but I am incredibly grateful to have the insight of two incredibly intelligent and funny adults who have a hand in so much that I am interested in.
Crash Course has made me feel like my brain is not in fact deteriorating at a faster rate than normal and that I might actually be learning and retaining things that are important to me.
It’s refreshing to hear about the world outside of my bedroom from people who are empathetic and who do not flaunt their knowledge, intelligence, and privilege like those who do not have those things are less than they are.
Very few adults in my life live and treat younger people this way. I’m very glad I discovered this micro-culture and I hope to explore it further.
Two particular things that Hank and John have stressed throughout their videos have affected me greatly. The first is the Law of Compound Nerdfighting—that 100 Nerdfighters as a group can do things that 100 Nerdfighters alone could not do—and the second is the phrase “imagine others complexly”.
The Law of Compound Nerdfighting has been a huge motivation for me as a leader in my college Nerdfighter club, as having dozens of Nerdfighters in a single place for 8 months out of the year represents an amazing opportunity to decrease world-suck.
Additionally, everything is better when you do it with Nerdfighters!
Imagining people complexly is a surprisingly difficult thing for me to do without consciously reminding myself of it, but doing so is more than worth it. It reminds me not to oversimplify other people in my head or to form conceptions of who they are off of how others portray them, and allows me to understand them better. It has helped me make and keep friends as well.
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road2nf · 1 year
they can be classified as geniuses and still spin around in their desk chairs just for the sake of spinning in a desk chair
Hank and John Green are such positive figures. Both support equal rights and positive body images and whatnot and that just makes me incredibly happy.
My favorite thing about both John and Hank is that they are really silly nerds.
As in they can be classified as geniuses and still spin around in their desk chairs just for the sake of spinning in a desk chair.
- Caspian
The Vlogbrothers have both affected my life in many positive ways.
I first discovered them by a friend suggesting I read “Paper Towns.”
I read the book in a couple hours to be honest. This sparked my obsession.
I had bought all of John Green’s books and began search the internet for anything and everything John Green. This landed me onto the Vlogbrothers channel.
I’ve never laughed so much in my life. It’s fun, funny, relatable, it has good music and explains things well. I’ve learnt so much from Hank and his explanations on SciShow.
These two brothers have completely changed my outlook on life for the better. I love them.
- Nicolette (imthatweirdgirlinthecorner.tumblr)
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road2nf · 1 year
the Vlogbrothers also showed me that you can find something extraordinary in every person
The Nerdfighter community has taught me that it is okay to be myself.
They made me more self-secure and happier.
They have welcomed me with open arms and shown me that there is still hope.
I never believed that ordinary people could change something, but by coming together we can make an impact. It might sound cliché, but the Vlogbrothers also showed me that you can find something extraordinary in every person.
- Cindy (nzfpenguin.tumblr)
I think the best to describe how I feel about John and Hank is... They’re like my favorite characters in a book, except here the book is the whole world. They really inspire me.
More than just being awesome, I think they’re really great people.
Best wishes from a french Nerdfighter!
- Anthoine
The Nerdfighter community (of course with John and Hank) became a place that offers a lot of service for a teenager like me, it’s like they have free food, knowledge and a group to be in for life. It accepts you in an intellectual and funny way but they still make you feel that you belong with them.
- Abbey Joy
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road2nf · 1 year
my boyfriend broke up with me, my friends ditched me, work started to suck and I felt pretty isolated. It was then that I went to my first gathering.
The Nerdfighter community has changed my life in ways I never would have expected.
I started off just watching the videos from time to time in 2010, then joined my local Nerdfighter group: CO Nerdfighters.
I lurked around in there for a while, considering going to events but never actually committing. Then my boyfriend broke up with me, my friends ditched me, work started to suck and I felt pretty isolated. It was then that I went to my first gathering.
Nerdfighters are indeed made completely out of awesome.
I was instantly welcomed in as if I was an old friend returning from a trip.
I’ve since made a number of tremendous friends that have helped me improve my life and myself in uncountable ways. These days, thanks to the people I’ve met because of John and Hank, I’ve learned to rock climb and knit, made numerous non-Nerdfighter friends, hosted my own open mic poetry night, and become more of an enthusiastic and outgoing leader. It’s reflected back on the rest of my life, too.
Thanks to the encouragement from the Nerdfighter community I’ve been recognized as an “outstanding worker” at my job, am friends with almost every person in my classes, and met my wonderful boyfriend.
I’ve also become an admin in the CO Nerdfighters community which has helped me to grow my confidence as a leader, world-changer, and overall world-suck-decreaser.
Thank you so much for creating the spark that started this wildfire. I am indebted.
Keep creating and DFTBA!
-Kaylyn Hunt
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road2nf · 2 months
a lot less suck in the world than things such the news portrays
As a young child who loved to learn, being part of such a wonderful community is really fun and opened me up to new lessons beyond what is taught in school and in textbooks.
So I was really happy to be part of this community!
The Vlogbrothers videos always make my day. The content in each video is never a let down and always leaves me thinking. They’re something I look forward to every week.
Through the Nerdfighter community, I’ve been introduced to awesome ways to reduce worldsuck such as kiva.org and The Project for Awesome. I also found many wonderful people to follow on Tumblr.
My life has improved greatly because of John, Hank, and the whole Nerdfighter community!!
The Nerdfighter community lets me know that there is a lot less suck in the world than things such the news portrays.
John writes books that speak to the bottom of my heart (they were especially comforting in high school). I treasure YA books like his that have substance.
Hank and John crack me up and are overall wonderful fellow life forms. I like listening to what they have to say.
Jill Bemis (@jmb121.tumblr)
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road2nf · 1 year
I have a lifelong condition that, well, freaking sucks. But life doesn’t suck.
Before I found the Vlogbrothers on YouTube, I didn’t know my life was missing anything.
I don’t mean this to sound sad or terrible, I just mean I was okay, my life was fine.
I didn’t have a lot of hobbies or have a cause I believed in, there were bands I really liked and TV shows I watched but... I lacked a passion for anything.
To me it seemed like John and Hank were passionate about everything!
Words and movies and nonprofits and Harry Potter and social media; they loved so much and so hard. Now that I have found the Vlogbrothers, I have also found a lot of things I love, but more importantly I have found that I am passionate about these things.
And I cannot thank them enough.
- AnnaMarie McCorvie
I am now proud to be an absolute nerd because Hank and John told me that it is awesome to be one.
- Cassidy
John has inspired me immensely, from his writing in The Fault in Our Stars to his down to earth personality. He has taught me that you cannot let whatever disease/condition you have devour you. You have to be you, not your disease.
I connect so deeply with Hazel, from TFiOS, I go to support group, and I met a boy there.
I don’t have cancer, but I have a lifelong condition that, well, freaking sucks.
But life doesn’t suck.
Thank you John for being such an amazing dude, and making me see things I never would have. I can never thank you enough.
Much love.
- Abby klosterman (abigailklos.tumblr)
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road2nf · 2 months
a great way to form a inclusive community.
I wasn’t in a bad place before watching John and Hank’s videos, but since I started watching YouTube videos I have become an overall more positive personal which has helped me in my life in general. I have more friends, I feel more confident and happier.
Izzie Dutchess
I stumbled upon the Nerdfighter community and realized it was with Mental Floss. As a virtuosos of useless trivia it was a great way. I later read Paper Towns, then found Brotherhood 2.0. I have been with clinical depression and anxiety for half my life, and surprisingly, Nerdfighters have helped. I say “with” because I know that I am not defined by the depression. If there is any group of people (including Hank and John) who understand adversity, it would be Nerdfighters.
Thank you all for sharing experiences, and exchanging ideas.
That is the highest form of communication, and a great way to form a inclusive community.
Hank and John have made an enormous difference in my life. Teenagers are constantly told that they’re not mature enough to make real decisions and have real opinions. That was something that I struggled with for years.
John and Hank took that view and turned it upside down. Through all of their projects, they have told me that my opinion matters and my choices are important. I cannot possibly thank them enough for that.
I have grown stronger as a person since finding the Vlogbrothers. I have learned to stand by my choices, and to even make choices. I have learned to be more open and accepting, to imagine others complexly. John and Hank have taught me innumerable lessons about myself and others, and for that I am eternally grateful. DFTBA.
Jenny (imaginecomplexity.tumblr)
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road2nf · 1 year
They have made me more open-hearted and caring towards other people, and I will forever be thankful for that.
The Nerdfighter community has affected me in a immense way.
Everything I have learned from the Nerdfighters. John and Hank have opened my eyes to many different ideas, facts, the diversity of the world, and many things that make me laugh.
I am positive that if I never found out about the Nerdfighter community I would be a very different person today. I thank every Nerdfighter out there for being who you are. You motivate me every day.
-Elena (syselena@tumblr)
I’m not one for a lot of words or deep stuff, so: The Nerdfighter community has helped me make friends, and be more awesome. And for that I thank everyone.
Hank and John have incredibly changed my perspective.
They have made me more open-hearted and caring towards other people, and I will forever be thankful for that. They’ve allowed me to make friends because of it and to find the nerdier side of me. So, thank you, John and Hank. And thanks to the Nerdfighter community!!
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