#Newton’s law of universal gravitation
Hilarious Histories - July 5
Newton especially struggled with the problem of counterfeit currency...
On July 5, 1687, a man slightly more brilliant than myself, Sir Isaac Newton, published the “Principia Mathematica.” Two hundred fifty years later to the day, Spam was introduced to a grateful world. Coincidence? I think not. The eminent scientist unveiled several wonders for humanity, which in deference to him share his name. These include Newton’s laws of motion, Newton’s law of universal…
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catherinelwriter · 1 year
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
These relationships are encoded in Newton's law, and careful observation of the moon's orbit around the planet therefore allows for the planet's mass to be determined.
"Human Universe" - Professor Brian Cox and Andrew Cohen
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The equation says that the gravitational force between two objects – a planet and a star, say – of masses m1 and m2 can be calculated by multiplying the masses together, dividing by the square of the distance r between them, and multiplying by G, which encodes the strength of the gravitational force itself.
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"Human Universe" - Professor Brian Cox and Andrew Cohen
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flowersandspacestuff · 7 months
Laws of Physics Series
The Law of Universal Gravitation:
An object attracts another object in direct proportion to their combined mass and inversely related to the square of the distance between them.
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svndaysaweek · 2 years
Aftermath — {Feat. Kazuha}
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1.8k words
A/N: After math is science. Hope y'all like this one too,, Also thanks to everyone for 200 followers and big big support on e^(iπ)+1=0!! I hope I've improved a little. Inclined words are scientific terms so google it if look unfamiliar!!(Certainly will help you understand this)
Tag: Science (?), Loving sex, creampie
The ride's finally over. Even before you turn the car off she eagerly hops off. Kazuha opens the door for you.
Now she hops on your arms.
You are suddenly burdened with her body, but not the weight. As if she is violating the law of universal gravitation. Although you weigh her much more than the Earth you two are stepping on—in fact Kazuha isn't—this time Earth just lets her go.
"Carry me inside,"
That famous position—arms around your neck, both legs on your arms, face right in front of yours—and that cliché progress, which is to carry the girl inside and then make love. You follow just that, but with a kiss it's clicheic no more.
You were wrong then, to allege that Kazuha violates the law of universal gravity. You are now pulled into an absorbing kiss, like the light and a black hole, like an apple and the Earth. A kiss that does nothing less than force your eyes shut.
Almost blindly you open the main door to enter her house.
"Which one?"
You detach from the kiss and gaspingly ask her.
Inertia—Newton's first law. There's no turning back from here. Even if there's extrinsic force it's from Kazuha, and it only adds positive acceleration to you.
You open the first door you see as told, carry Kazuha to the bed and toss her onto it. Accelerated, you hastily take your shirt off. Kazuha successfully gets rid of your pants and boxers while you take your bare torso out.
A supernova itself—a breathtaking explosion to leave the core only. Kazuha takes her own clothes off, to leave the cruelty of her body only. As she brings her hands behind her back to unclasp her bra, you stop it.
"Let me,"
Chest unlocked.
Without anything to hinder the observation, you now get an immaculate visual on the pulsar. Heat beaming in tandem with her heartbeat is the clue notifying you of her anticipation.
Then the formation of a black hole—your hands are driven wildly toward those breasts. This close to her beautiful mounds, time doesn't make sense. You touch eternity, immortality, permanency, to tip yourself over the event horizon, into oblivion.
Her hot breath steams your face up, and you feel the ultimate need to devour her tits. The inclination to Kazuha's breasts is far above scientific explanation.
It's a lunar globe, you would say, faced with how her spit-glistening tits reflect the dim moonlight. Not so big, not too small. One in your mouth, another grabbed firmly by your hand. You thoroughly clean them both by dirtying them with your saliva, which is flooding with your instinctive intention full of filth.
"Baby, I need you down here."
Kazuha takes your hand softly down to her hot crotch. Her both pairs of lips have their energy right on you. You kneel on the floor to find her gushing core. Kazuha eyes you approval with her lower lip tucked in by her teeth.
Newton's third law—action and reaction. Your tongue presses on her third nub to draw such a raw response. An agonizingly addictive taste blesses your nerves, as Kazuha makes a wild reaction to the electric action you take. She pulls you in and she is definitely being pulled in, too.
Even the slightest actions of your tongue make her reactions go crazy. Her squirming even almost feels like struggle not to reach the wanted high—or the opposite.
"Fuck, baby just like that…It's so good,"
Like the Moon orbiting around the Earth. Like the Earth rotating around the Sun. Your tongue draws an imperfect circle around the very centre of her system. Not too far, not too close—you've found the Goldilocks Zone on her clit.
And as you remember, Goldilocks Zone is where liquid water can exist–
"Haa, I-I'm cumming…!"
Kazuha herself proves it, as she proudly waters your face with her cum. Ironically it tastes fatal. You lap up the remnant of her godly liquid, readying to truly fuck her.
You detach your mouth from her pussy and raise your hand to wipe your mouth but, no.
"Give me a taste,"
She holds your arm from going further and calls you in for a kiss, a wet one. Kazuha needily licks over your mouth with a long, low, satisfied moan, which turns you on too much to let her continue.
So you challenge her.
During the kiss you bring your dick to her waiting pussy and rub it on her entrance, collecting the wetness needed. Kazuha's arms slowly lock behind your neck, simultaneously with her legs around your hips.
She bites your lower lip, pleading you to push inside her.
As you smoothly push in your cock, her animalistic response hits back.
Kazuha's entire body is becoming an undeniable proof that Earth is round: Her tongue curls inside your mouth, around yours. Her back arcs upward to form a sexy curve you can't unsee. Just like what Magellan did, you could wrap your arms around her body.
There's only space for you to fill up, but you are pulling back—same reason why Mars retrograde occurs, how heliocentrism was invented. Nothing in the universe works straight, not even light. Things curl, get absorbed, go back, and those are the most basic, the most natural things to happen, even when written rules carry straightness only.
(Besides, to such a perfection of a body, who wouldn't dare to break the rules?)
You gradually up the pace of your pistoning, in the second time of asking—Newton's second law: F=ma. With your accelerated, massive cock making love inside Kazuha, she is forced to cum.
And you've experienced it so, so many times. Tachyon flies slower than you, as you travel back to every night you shared with Kazuha. You are fucking her until time runs backwards, not giving even the slightest bit of fuck to the theory of relativity—actually, you are giving all the fuck to Kazuha right now.
Oh, Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me. Kazuha's lips always remind you of this phrase. You can't just let them stay idle. She already came once so the main sequence starts now. Like protons undergoing nuclear fission, you two in bed are tangled, synthesized, fused into one—into a totally new individual.
"Come on, baby. You need to cum, too."
Your body that once was over Kazuha's is now reversed and under hers, but again, you feel no weight at all. Like she is the light itself.
With almost no mass, she feels light—maybe that's why it was named that. That however, is not the only reason you compare Kazuha to the light.
The horny side of Kazuha, sexy, hot, wet and curvy. That's a wave. The lovely side of Kazuha, on the other hand, cozy, comfy, cheerful and straight. That's a particle, a photon. The duality you love, you adore. Whenever you notice the deviant changes in her eyes in bed it enlightens you, makes you wonder what her real nature is—that's what even Einstein wouldn't be able to discover, of course.
"God, Zuha… You–"
You bring your hands to her ass to start your thrusts, but then Kazuha stops you by pressing your arms down on the bed.
"Let me."
Hypnotized, you let your arms down in compliance with her direction. She then puts her hands on your heaving chest, readying herself to start riding you.
"I can feel your heart,"
You too. Your head is thumping loudly at your heartbeat, as if your brains are now working as another blood pump. And Kazuha raises its rate so easily.
"How does it feel?"
You ask, putting your hands softly on hers, on your chest.
"I don't know,"
The last thing you see is Kazuha's divine smile, before your eyes are forced shut by her sudden tightness descending to the base of your cock.
You feel her fingers dig into your chest as she gradually accelerates the speed of her ride.
"You, maybe."
You smile and look at her. What a cheesy girl, you think to yourself. And at the same time the lust-filled look on her face is so cute—opposed to what's going on down there.
Kazuha breathes out her word then halts.
"Go ahead,"
You give her the knowing smile.
"I love you."
Yes. Love. Love is the only correct word to be spoken right now.
Because, as always, you feel how wonderful, how powerful it is. Within just a night you've witnessed so many examples of how easily love ignores laws of physics like they're nothing.
After saying that she never loses eye contact with you as she almost hazardously rides you out. Her tightness is fatal, fatal enough to vitalize your throbbing dick inside.
"I'm close, Zuha… Keep going,"
She knows you are. You try to sit up to kiss her but her arms sternly deny it.
Let me make you cum, her eyes tell you.
You can just stay there, let me serve you, her lips whisper.
Let me pay your love back, Kazuha's love speaks for itself.
You can even hear it, as your ears go numb. You see the ecstasy itself, as your eyes slam shut. You breathe loving words out, as you stop breathing.
"Zuha, I'm cumming…!"
You grab on her ass and begin to pour your seed into her.
"Go on, baby. You deserve it."
Kazuha doesn't stop grinding on you for a little more until you ease down completely. She then climbs down and lies beside you.
That is when you again admire her presence. Her black hair, dark enough to absorb any light except herself. Her blushed face and even redder lips perfecting the angelic façade of hers. Her perky breasts heaving up and down to indicate the intensity of the love between you two. Her toned, tight abs, wet crotch and both silky legs that are on yours.
How did I even end up next to this girl?
She deserves much more love than I can possibly give her.
"Zuha, I–"
Lack of strength out of the aftermath haze blocks you.
"Go ahead,"
This time she throws a knowing smile back to you.
You can only laugh at this moment. Kazuha being such a perfect partner, you can't help but say–
"I love you, Zuha."
Beside her is the best place on the planet, you could proudly announce.
You look at her in awe, and she turns her head to you with a grin.
"What, wanna go for another round?"
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 4 months
TMAGP 19 Thoughts: Bad Scientist
Another really strong episode, and one with a lot to get into. Probably the densest episode yet in terms of historical context, lore content, and mystery clues. So a lot to get into and no point in any more preamble.
Spoilers for episode 19 below the cut.
Sam and Celia's chat is somewhat interesting. She's now looking into alchemy. It looks like she's looking into the exact stuff Sam was, because she's also looking into the Magnus Institute now. Darrien 2 did a world hop and the Magnus Institute scooped him up so that lead makes sense to follow. Although it's curious that she hadn't done that yet. She's continuing to push Sam to keep up that research too. Celia is pretty much always trying to pull people's strings like that. It being such a consistent character trait does bring into question how sincere any of her actions really are with the rest of the office.
Before I get into the incident proper, this is going to be a bit of a weird one. There is a lot of historical context and alchemic terminology in this one. As such I'll be quoting the show more than usual to explain and explaining who people are, what they're doing, why it's relevant, etc. Like I said, it's very dense. There are also a couple of points of interesting grammar to mention as well which would be missed without the transcripts.
The incident's format is a letter from Robert Hook to Robert Boyle who are both Fellows of the Royal Society. Which is a lot of context off the bat. So, Robert Hook was a 17th century polymath who's most well know these days for his work in microscopy with a microscope of his own design, and for his work in helping rebuild London after the Great Fire (which we'll get to). He also did a lot of work on gravity and planetary rotations which ended up being quite foundational to Newton's law of universal gravitation. He wasn't, however, an alchemist. Boyle on the other hand very much was. Widely regarded as the first modern chemist and he's most famous for The Sceptical Chymist, a work that would be hard to overstate the importance of for the field. Hook, Boyle, and Newton all overlapped a lot in a lot of ways outside of these things too, especially in fields like optics and colour theory.
They were all also Fellows of the Royal Society at this stage too. Which to give it its full name is The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge. It's general goal is to promote science, offer support to scientists, and helping shape policy. It was only founded in 1660 and so hasn't been around for a very long time at the time of this incident. The Royal Society is also what's being referred to with the numerous mentions of "Good Science". In short, it's about using science for the public good and to aid in further the endeavours of other scientists to that end. So the Royal Society is probably not up to anything nefarious here. Despite the fact that Newton ends up becoming its president later in life.
Another big thing mentioned here and repeated throughout is the "Protocol". Capital P in the transcripts. So, yes, they said the thing. It's not the first time it's come up but both times it's come up it has been standalone. I don't know if I mentioned it in last time but I have a feeling that the "Magnus Protocol" isn't really a thing. There is just the Protocol and it was used against the Magnus Institute. For its full title to be the "Magnus Protocol" it'd likely have to be named after Albertus Magnus, who is a noted alchemist himself, but I think it's more likely that the Magnus Institute is named after him than the Protocol itself. The most interesting detail we get about it though is that whatever the Protocol is it was enacted against London to burn out a plague. Which would mean in this setting the Great Fire of London was deliberately set to combat the Great Plague of London.
So now we're at Newton himself. The gravity guy. But also the laws of motion guy, the calculus guy, the optics guy, and a lot of other guys guy. Of note here is that Newton was a very noted alchemist and theologian. Both fields were large parts of his full body of works. I think Newton is well known enough that I don't need to get into that though. Besides it's not the first time I've talked about him. As a quick reminder of that though Newton was Warden and Master of the Royal Mint. At the time he served in those roles the Royal Mint had moved out of the Tower of London to Royal Mint Court. Which is where the OIAR is currently located.
Okay for our first quote we have this:
It was only through the Protocol that we were spared from that Dread emission and I fear that such an act is once again required
The capitalisation there is how it appears in the transcript. Protocol we've talked about but "Dread emission" is very interesting. The capital implies that it's the name of something. Which I would wager is either one of, or the whole of, forces Lena mentioned that need to be kept in check.
Then we get to Newton's work proper with this:
he had finally perfected the work of Wilhelm Homberg to produce what he termed the Arbor Philosophorum Perfecta.
Which is very interesting for a number of reasons. Arbor Philosophorum, the Philosopher's Tree, or Diana's tree is a real thing. It's a dendritic amalgam of silver and mercury. Basically meaning it's a metal who's crystalline structure grows to resemble a tree. Wilhelm Homberg is German natural philosopher that wrote a fairly simple recipe for this process and while it's not known if Newton ever attempted it we do know he had a recipe for this. Although it's actually George Starkey's recipe which is a gold mercury amalgam instead. What's more important is that Diana's tree was thought to be a precursor to the philosopher's stone itself. So Newton has basically perfected something of similar nature to it. With some fairly fucked up results, as we'll see.
Out next quote is Latin:
de ligno autem scientiae boni et mali ne comedas in quocumque enim die comederis ex eo morte morieris
Which is Genesis 2:17, and in English (NET) it reads:
but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will surely die.
Because, as noted, Newton was a theologian too. People probably think of him as a rational scientist atheist type but back then there wasn't as much conflict between the two. He was a devout, if not exactly orthodox, Christian.
Christian or not he's playing God a little. We get to see what the fruit of his labours are and it's not looking like good science at all.
such a creature must by all natural law lack that essential and ephemeral anima that is required for such awful knowledge I tell you here Robert, it saw me and it knew me.
So this is an interesting thing to say. Anima in this context isn't the Jungian syzygy but something more akin to "spirit". The anima has a lot of overlap with the tria prima. Which I've spoken about a fair bit before but is an alchemical concept that sulfur, mercury, and salt embody three fundamental principals, but also defined human personality. Mercury is spirit and is related to concepts like morality, imagination, but most importantly for us higher reasoning. A lot of emphasis is placed on the dog's knowledge and Diana's tree, the catalyst for this transformation, is a silver mercury amalgam. So it looks like Newton found a way impart spirit onto something.
There is also this:
I propose that we enact the Protocol but limit it only to his laboratory, destroying his research and correspondence
Fun fact: the dog Newton is experimenting on is likely Diamond. Diamond has a lot of stories about him. The most important one is that he burned about 20 years worth of Newton's manuscripts.
And that's that. Quite a lot to break down as I said. But we're not quite done.
Sam talks to Alice about the computers listening to them. Which isn't the first time he's had that thought but it's nice to see him bringing it up. Alice is very Alice about it but Sam is at least trying to figure things out.
Lena and Gwen have a Lena and Gwen conversation about Lena sending Gwen to her probable doom. But Starkwall is mention again. Nothing too interesting to say on it though.
We finally get more of Colin. It's been too long. He obviously know's Freddy is listening in at this stage but what I want to focus on is the last two sentences here:
No, what I need is to not be seen. He sees too much already. Doing mummy and daddy Stasi proud, I’m sure. Not that anyone cares as long as it all balances, right? Not too much mercury or the world ends, not too much sulfur or we all go mad…
So as I was just talking about the tria prima, here it is again. Sulfur is the soul which is emotions and desires. Which lines up fairly well with how Colin describes what too much of it would do. But this whole thing seems to tie into Lena's talk about balancing forces. Which makes a great deal of sense as the alchemical symbols for the tria prima, along with the philosopher's stone, all appear in the OIAR's logo. How Newton ties into that remains to be seen but there is a very large link there. The mention of the Stasi is also sort of interesting here. For those that don't know the Stasi are the East German secret police. Germany has come up a few times before with Freddy having German source code, Klaus being a German, and most relevant to this in the ARG the largest body of text was a usenet group about people leaving East Germany. Which then ties back into Colin as one of its member hacked the OIAR, and also seemed to be helping out jmj.
Okay, all done. Now it's time for more of the same but nerdier and unhinged.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet and Terminology Sheet
DPHW Theory: 1137 is very reasonable. Just a Weird thing that was very weird and had a little bit of mental manipulation to it which looks to be Helplessness' purview. It's also more weight on my idea that 1 is the floor with 0 being the ceiling and counting as 10. There was nothing in the supernatural element of this one that had any strong resonance with Death or Pain as concepts or themes. If 0 was the floor I'd expect to see it for this one.
CAT# Theory: CAT13 is a great a CAT#. It's exactly the sort of thing I was talking about in the essay on why it's not Person/Place/Object. The supernatural "person" here is either Newton performing the magic, or the dog that's the subject of the magic. The object is the crystal that induces the transformation. Which is a virtually identical setup to the tattoo incidents but those aren't CAT13. They're CAT3, CAT23, and CAT1. It's continuing that trend of data that you can explain in isolation but becomes incongruous when taken as a whole.
Anyone that's read most of these rambles will have heard me mention the notion of CAT# being related to the tria prima. It's something I talked about when the first couple of eps came out. Colin mentioning sulfur and mercury is a fairly overt reference to it, and Diana's tree is a silver mercury amalgam. In relation to CAT# it's always been something that felt right. What tria prima describes and how CAT# works would go hand in hand for this sort of thing. Now, I'd be a hypocrite if I clung to the idea just because it felt good. So I quickly discarded it because episodes didn't line up will with it pretty early on but it might warrant a fresh look. I might have been right but with too little data to see the pattern.
The way Colin talks about it also ties in with another idea I've floated that CAT# is about the domains of either three entities, a triple deity, three purviews multiple entities share, or that each combination is an entity that's a portion of a whole. Lena's comment about the OIAR balancing forces would obviously tie into that notion too.
R# Theory: Rank BC is about what I expected on this one. It's not something you'd think happened but it's at least backed up by a historical account of someone well known. So more weight behind it than a letter about a mass hysteria event, but still in the realms of "yeah, nah".
Header talk: Transformation (canine) -/- growth (Crystalline) is bonkers. Transformation (Canine) you would think is a Transformation that is somehow canine in nature. Transformation (Eyes) isn't just your eyes. So, if this is correctly filed, dogs have their own subsection that encompasses all of transformations that occur to dogs. Any transformation, regardless of what it does, so long as it transforms a dog would be Transformation (Canine)? Growth is fine. It grew root-like things/Diana's tree is grown. So it makes sense. Although I'm not sure it's the most compelling crosslink when it was doing the whole "know the nature of you" thing. Crystalline on the other hand is madness. Sure, Diana's tree is a crystal but it's formatted like the subsection of a crosslink. Or a sub-crosslink, I suppose. Which hasn't been implied to be possible thus far and if it is possible why don't they all include it? Surely this helps with the problem in specificity that was mentioned in the very first episode? This one feels the most like a misfile so far. No format again either.
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gunraekae · 1 month
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
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Newton by William Blake
>ikemen vampire
>isaac newton x thicc reader
>a/n: suggestive short based on this meme I saw on ig. minors dni or I'll tell your mom!!
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Isaac likes them thicc
 Isaac Newton’s most well-known law of gravity: the greater the mass, the greater the force of attraction. It was about gravity but with the way Isaac’s eyes raked over your body, you could apply it to your situation now. 
“Isaac, is something the matter?” The timid scientist’s eyes snapped up to yours, its sinful trip down your soaked body interrupted. The both of you had fallen into the fountain earlier, and to your delight, you believed that Isaac had finally stepped out of his shell and grew comfortable with you. With some laughter at your rotten luck and an irritated carriage driver later, the two of you sat inside the bumbling vehicle back to the mansion. Isaac gave you his coat to cover up, but you caught his lingering gaze on your body. Your own face wasn’t spared from warmth with the knowledge that your loose clothes now stuck tight, your every roll accentuated and presented to the world. Or at the moment, to your dear Isaac. He’s probably shocked at how big I am. He’s used to petite French girls with tiny waists, or delicate English ladies. He probably thinks I look so dis—
“Forgive me, MC! I was just—oh dear—this is most improper of me—” Isaac stumbled over his words, his face hot with shame and his eyes dark with an emotion you can’t quite place. He would avert his eyes around the carriage but an unexplainable urge kept pulling his eyes back to your body. It was such enigmatic behaviour, but if you could describe it he looked almost… hungry. 
“It’s alright. I apologize for looking so… uncouth. It’s not a pretty sight.” You hugged Isaac’s coat tighter, praying you could take up less space. Not only did you embarrass yourself in front of your favourite resident, his poor eyes had to witness such a horrid sight. Isaac’s face melted from its shameful expression into one of confusion. The problem he was facing certainly had to do with your appearance; not with its unattractiveness—the very opposite, in fact. Isaac, as a true gentleman, couldn’t very well tell you of the depraved thoughts circling his mind…burning through his veins…and alighting his manhood. You were too precious for him to outright confess his yearning for your body; you were too important and he cared for you beyond the sinful attraction he harboured at the moment. He vowed he would never act like Arthur, rakish, immoral, and unable to resist pleasure. With how desperately Isaac wished to worship every curve under that soaked shirt, he’s reminded again of how badly he desired you. Those damn buttons. He could almost picture how he would claw at each one… or would he gently undo them to tease you? No, he knew that if you allowed him, all sense of composure would leave his mind. He was far more likely to just rip that godforsaken shirt apart to expose your beautiful breasts. The thought was far too enticing: your pretty little face tinged with shyness but your eyes with a touch of eagerness. His greedy hands wouldn’t hesitate, relishing in the softness of your breasts while he trailed his sharp teeth down to your nipples—
You cleared your throat. Isaac had been staring at you again, his eyes even darker with that same hunger as before. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. In a battle for self-restraint, he tilted his head, licking his dry lips. It wouldn’t be safe for him to lose control. His aberration would fuel that desperate urge for you even more than it had before. The sight of Isaac’s irritation was far too attractive. His sharp jawline was clenched, his Adam’s apple bobbed as his fingers loosened his tie with surprising strength. His now-behaved gaze lay on your feet. He looks so uncomfortable… While wishing for the carriage driver to make haste, Isaac finally cast his eyes to yours, tinged with barely contained self-restraint. 
“It’s nothing that you’re doing, MC… I’m afraid I just—“ his breath shifted as he allowed his gaze to fall to your chest again, “can’t hold myself back anymore.” 
A bump on the road violently rocked the carriage but Isaac’s strong hands steadied your hips down on your seat. His warm body, now far closer than before, inched even more. Isaac dared to inch his face closer to where the sweet scent of your body was the strongest. In a way, burying his face in your neck would prevent you from witnessing his unravelling restraint, but selfishly, Isaac was just tempted to sink his teeth into your soft skin. His voice was right next to your ear. “You look far too delectable right now.” Isaac’s words only made your blood course faster through your body. It was too hot with Isaac right there. What’s gotten into him? He must be feeling sick because why else would he be saying all this? 
“Où est-ce que je tourne?” The carriage driver yelled out. 
Isaac’s breath warmed your ear. “Tournez à droite au coin, s'il vous plaît,” he replied, not taking his eyes away from yours. Knowing you were almost at the mansion brought both relief and disappointment. Seeing Isaac’s normally stiff composure fall apart because he saw a glimpse of your body was… riveting, to say the least. When else would you get to see his handsome face all warm and needy? For someone like you, who normally never caught the attention of others being worshipped with a single gaze… could you really blame yourself for wanting to revel in the pleasure a bit longer? 
Whatever sinful spell Isaac was under faded the closer the carriage was to the mansion. Isaac, with newfound boldness, kissed your neck once… twice… and when the carriage driver announced the arrival, he left one last lingering kiss on your collarbone. When the doors opened, he helped you down like a proper gentleman. As he held your hand, he squeezed your fingers longingly before leaving to pay the driver.
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Trick or Treat! 👻
You get Newton's law of universal gravitation
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megline · 10 months
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ᅠ- Who is newton?
ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ- Ah, good old Isaac! My friend from Earth. Discovered the law of universal gravitation. Well, I say discovered. I kind of helped him out a little bit.
ᅠᅠ- What did you do?
ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ - Climbed a tree.
ᅠᅠ- And?
ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ- And threw the apple on his head.
ᅠᅠ- Ah, and that's how he discovered the law?
ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ- No, he told me to get out of his tree. I explained the law to him later at dinner.
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mysticstronomy · 1 year
Wednesday, October 4th, 2023
Welcome back,
General relativity is physicist Albert Einstein's understanding of how gravity affects the fabric of space-time.
The theory, which Einstein published in 1915, expanded the theory of special relativity that he had published 10 years earlier. Special relativity argued that space and time are inextricably connected, but that theory didn't acknowledge the existence of gravity.
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Einstein spent the decade between the two publications determining that particularly massive objects warp the fabric of space-time, a distortion that manifests as gravity, according to NASA.
To understand general relativity, first, let's start with gravity, the force of attraction that two objects exert on one another. Sir Isaac Newton quantified gravity in the same text in which he formulated his three laws of motion, the "Principia."
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The gravitational force tugging between two bodies depends on how massive each one is and how far apart the two lie, according to NASA Glenn Research Center.
Even as the center of the Earth is pulling you toward it (keeping you firmly lodged on the ground), your center of mass is pulling back at the Earth. But the more massive body barely feels the tug from you, while with your much smaller mass, you find yourself firmly rooted thanks to that same force.
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Yet Newton's laws assume that gravity is an innate force of an object that can act over a distance.
Albert Einstein, in his theory of special relativity, determined that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers, and he showed that the speed of light within a vacuum is the same no matter the speed at which an observer travels, according to Wired.
As a result, he found that space and time were interwoven into a single continuum known as space-time.
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And events that occur at the same time for one observer could occur at different times for another.
As he worked out the equations for his general theory of relativity, Einstein realized that massive objects caused a distortion in space-time. Imagine setting a large object in the center of a trampoline.
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The object would press down into the fabric, causing it to dimple. If you then attempt to roll a marble around the edge of the trampoline, the marble would spiral inward toward the body, pulled in much the same way that the gravity of a planet pulls at rocks in space.
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In the decades since Einstein published his theories, scientists have observed countless of phenomena matching the predictions of relativity.
We asked Elena Giorgi, an assistant professor of mathematics at Columbia University a few commonly asked questions about general relativity.
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What is general relativity?
General relativity is a physical theory about space and time and it has a beautiful mathematical description. According to general relativity, the spacetime is a 4-dimensional object that has to obey an equation, called the Einstein equation, which explains how the matter curves the spacetime.
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What force is explained by general relativity?
General relativity explains gravity, and in this theory, it is not really a "force" anymore. The gravitational field comes out of the description of general relativity as a result of the curved spacetime.
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When was the theory of general relativity established?
General Relativity was established in 1915 by Albert Einstein and the first solutions to the Einstein equation were found already in early 1916.
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Is general relativity proven?
General relativity has passed all the experimental tests so far, but its applicability is expected to break down when [the] effects of quantum mechanics (the theory of the very small particles) should become dominant
Originally published on www.space.com
(Saturday, October 7th, 2023)
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aspiramy · 1 month
According to the law, every object in the universe attracts every other object in the universe with the force which is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
The force is directly proportional to the product of their masses, i.e, F ≈ m1 x m2.
F = (G x m1 x m2) / d²
where F is the force, G is the universal constant for gravity, m1 and m2 are the masses, and d is the distance.
It successfully explained several phenomena which were believed to be unconnected
The force that binds us to the Earth
The motion of moon around the sun
The tides due to moon and sun
The motion of planets around the sun
Rainfall and Snowfall due to this force
Atmosphere of earth is possible due to this.
The prediction of solar and lunar eclipse.
Galileo concluded that the bodies having different masses dropped simultaneously hit the ground at the same time if air resistance is neglected.
acceleration due to gravity
acceleration produced in a body freely falling under the actions of gravitational pull of the earth
the value of g is different at diff points of the earth
it decreases as we go higher from surface
universal gravitational constant
G is the gravitational force between 2 objects of unit masses seperated by unit distance
the value of G is 6.7 x 10¹¹ Nm² / km²
The value of G does not change with jeight or depth
Mass is the quantity of matter contained in an object. The mass of an object is constant an dir is the measure of its inertia. It can never be zero.
Weight is the force with which the earth attracts an object. It is measured in Newton and it can be zero at the centre of earth. It is a variable and vector quantity.
Sorry for typos !!
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dont-f-with-moogles · 3 months
Terra Darling 💚 your fake fic ideas are all amazing!!!
🐑 So I couldn't help sending a set of tags for SNK 😉
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Can't wait to read the summary!!! (no pressure though! Take your time 😘)
Press My Buzzer, Baby
Rating: Teen and Up Fandom: Attack on Titan Characters: Levi Ackerman / Hange Zoe; one-sided Levi Ackerman / Erwin Smith; one-sided Zeke Jaeger / Hange Zoe Additional tags: #janitor!levi returns  #levihan  #eruri  #zekehan  #AU college/university  #academic rivals to lovers  #meet ugly  #love rectangle  #Hange Zoe is Mess  #Levi Ackerman is a tease  #Erwin Smith is whipped  #science pick-up lines  #teasing  #banter  #tension  #affectionate insults  #accidental flirt  #romantic face punching  #awkward sexual situations  #inappropriate erections  #Levi Ackerman wears glasses 
Summary: “Speaking of Newton’s law of universal gravitation…” Hange purred, leaning their elbow upon the podium, “...if I’m attracted to you then you must be equally attracted to me.”
It’s the annual Inter-departmental Physics Bowl Final. Shingeki Technology College’s team of four are set to face the intimidatingly gifted Zeke Jaeger from Liberio University. Hange is nervous to meet their ex-crush head on, but fortunately Zeke’s brashness has rubbed his colleagues up the wrong way. Forced to quickly make up the numbers on his side, Zeke recruits several members of Shingeki’s site staff as replacements. Janitor Levi returns, only, he’s more than anyone expected.
For Levi Ackerman is secretly a genius.
Zeke’s strategy to fluster Hange and Erwin with his man candy seems to be working, but the competition continues until the Sudden Death round. Facing off against Levi, Hange’s attempts to distract him lead them to realise that playing on others’ insecurities will never be enough to win them the Physics Bowl cup…
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startswithabang · 2 months
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Einstein’s big insight that explained Newton’s law of gravity
Back in the 17th century, Newton put forth the law of universal gravitation: an inverse square force law.
Only with Einstein, in the 20th century, did we learn why the law follows that form.
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lenok993 · 10 months
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I've just realised one thing or get insight wow i'm slowpoke Mikasa was crying during serumbowl scene right? That means her tears were falling on Levi maybe even on Levi's face. Isayama didn't draw it, WIT didn't animate this detail. But thanks to Newton's law of universal gravitation it's fact
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shadowseductress · 12 days
Okay so i have a lot of questions now let me remember everything yeah about gravitation force that einstine proposed some theory about the forth dimension right ? which bends space around its mass so is the concept proposed by newton is wrong ?
Well Newton's concept of gravity and Einstein's theory of general relativity are both important, but they describe gravity in different ways.
Newton's law of universal gravitation describes gravity as a force that acts at a distance between two masses. It's a straightforward formula that works well for many practical purposes.
Einstein's theory of general relativity, proposed in 1915, offers a more nuanced view. It describes gravity not as a force but as the effect of the curvature of spacetime caused by mass and energy. According to Einstein, massive objects like planets and stars warp the fabric of spacetime around them, and this curvature affects the motion of other objects, which we perceive as gravitational attraction.
So, Einstein's theory reduces to Newton's in the limit of weak gravitational fields and low velocities. So, while Newton's laws are not "wrong," they are a special case of the more comprehensive framework provided by general relativity.
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