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spiritsoulandbody · 7 months ago
#DailyDevotion We Have A Better City Coming
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#DailyDevotion We Have A Better City Coming Heb. 13 14You see, we don't have a permanent city here but look for the one that's coming. 15Through Jesus let us always bring to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of our lips, praising His name. 16And don't forget to do good and to share; such sacrifices please God. So this comes after being told to suffer with Jesus outside the camp. Suffering outside the camp is to be rejected by one's people. It is to be excommunicated. It is to be rejected. So should be encouraged, having been rejected by the world that we don't have a permanent city here. This is not our home. We are strangers here, aliens, and foreigners. Since this is the case, we need not form attachments to the things of this world. Instead, our attachment is to the permanent city, the one that is coming, the New Jerusalem mentioned earlier in chapter eleven. We are looking forward to the place Jesus went to prepare for us to be with Him forever. (John 14) Revelation speaks of it in chapter 21, "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, because the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. And there was no longer any sea. 2And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God in heaven, dressed as a bride, ready to meet her husband. 3And I heard a loud voice from the throne say: 'Look! God's home is among the people, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them. 4He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, and there will be no more grief or crying or pain, because the first things have passed away.'” Through faith in Jesus and in Jesus' name, we are then to bring our God a sacrifice of praise with our lips and praising His name. Our hymnals are good for this. They have plenty of hymns telling us and the world what our God has done for us in Christ Jesus. Praising God is more than saying hallelujah—that is an invitation to praise God. Praising God is telling what God has done for us, is doing for us and will do for us. Our praise covers God creating everything, creating us, promising to redeem us, making a plan through Abraham and his descendants, culminating in the promised seed Jesus Christ. It covers sending the Holy Spirit who calls men to share the good news and administering the sacraments so we may come to faith and receive the salvation He has prepared for us. Though we are saved only by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ, such faith calls us to do good to everyone, especially those of the household of faith. We are not called to sit on our hands but to be diligent in good works. Those would be the positive aspects of keeping the commandments, preserving life, promoting chastity and fidelity, providing for others, and upholding the truth. Since we know the great rewards God has planned for us and how the wealth of this world is perishing, we should be eager to share what goods God has blessed us with. We should not hoard worrying about the future. Today is all we ever have. God will provide us what we need. Opening our hands to the poor and what God has done for us—opened up His hand to us. As His children, we are called to be like Him. These are sacrifices that are pleasing to God. They are thanksgiving sacrifices. They are sacrifices of trust in God's promise of rewards to come that are permanent, which rust can't destroy, moths can't eat, and no man can steal from us. This should encourage us to share all the more. Heavenly Father, in this life, help us to keep our eyes fixed on the promised permanent city to come, so we may live lives pleasing to You here below. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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byfaithmedia · 8 months ago
Step into the lap of luxury at the iconic King David Hotel in the heart of Jerusalem's Old City, where ancient charm meets modern comfort, the perfect pitstop to relax and unwind.
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whisperingencouragement · 2 years ago
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Why is Jerusalem Important
The importance of Jerusalem is way beyond just a city. It is of cultural, historical, and religious significance. Jerusalem has long captivated the imagination and hearts of people around the world. ‘Next year in Jerusalem’.
Neil Armstrong said when he visited Jerusalem, “I am more excited stepping on these stones than I was stepping on the moon.” Then there is the New Jerusalem, like the Bride of Christ. Read more:
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gregchurchofchristonop · 2 years ago
The Sealed Portion 93 Verses 90 and 91
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serbiangrey13 · 4 months ago
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#HeavenOnEarth #NewJerusalem
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graceandpeacejoanne · 8 months ago
Revelation 21: How Firm a Foundation
There are several clues in John’s vision of a voluminous golden city descending through the sky that lead the reader to believe it symbolizes spiritual truths. #Revelation21 #NewJerusalem #TwelveFoundations #PearlyGates
There are several clues in John’s vision of a voluminous golden city descending through the sky that lead the reader to believe it symbolizes spiritual truths. In comparison to Babylon—portrayed as a woman of excesses—the bride motif of new Jerusalem symbolizes the far superior role as Christ’s beloved, than as the world’s. The purity and luminosity of the precious materials in the city’s…
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watchmanis216 · 1 year ago
City of the Lord Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt199 Battle Lines
City of the LORD brings us to part one hundred and ninety-nine of Isaiah's prophetic book. In these verses we find important prophecies and a glimpse into the end of days. Here the melting of the #prophecies of Israel and of the #NewJerusalem
City of the LORD brings us to part one hundred and ninety-nine of Isaiah’s prophetic book. In these verses we find important prophecies and a glimpse into the end of days. Here the melting of the #prophecies of Israel and of the #NewJerusalem along with God’s calling of the #Gentiles through the #atonement of the #Messiah #Yeshua, #JesusChrist come together. Hope thou in God, even in our Lord and…
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tothelaw · 1 year ago
The Kingdom of God: New Jerusalem.
You can read a simple chart here that resemble's the eastern lunar year spirits.
Hint: You dont actually need to go far away (dont let anyone fool you) for the Kingdom of God is within you, There was a passage in the bible that describes God's friends, it is just the principalities of these world does not allow disclosure of these things (for a specific reasons).
Say: what if these people's lips are sealed that they cannot talk about it and may only be spoken using a silent language. What if the people in the streets are angels.
#newjerusalem & #thekingdomofgod
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alexanderpianist · 2 years ago
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Отличительная черта восточной части Воскресенского собора в Новоиерусалимском монастыре - деамбулаторий (т.е. круговой обход вокруг алтарной апсиды, типичный элемент для западноевропейского храмового зодчества) со множеством приделов. Воскресенский собор являет собой уникальный пример смешения самых разных архитектурных стилей: от романского (и даже древнеримского, можно вспомнить, например, Пантеон), византийского и древнерусского до русского барокко и классицизма. Огромная западная ротонда, фото которой можно посмотреть в прошлой публикации, также окружена обходом-галереей. Город Истра, Московская область. A distinctive feature of the eastern part of the Resurrection Cathedral in the New Jerusalem Monastery is the deambulatory (i.e., a circular bypass around the altar apse, a typical element of Western European temple architecture) with many chapels. The Resurrection Cathedral is a unique example of a mixture of various architectural styles: from Romanesque (and even ancient Roman, one can recall, for example, the Pantheon), Byzantine and Old Russian to Russian Baroque and Classicism. The huge western rotunda, some photos of which you can find in my previous publication, is also surrounded by a bypass-gallery. City of Istra, Moscow region. #Россия #Russia #Москва #Moscow #Istra #NewJerusalem #НовыйИерусалим #Истра #монастырь #monastery #church #церковь #собор #cathedral #fortification #крепость #HolyLand #СвятаяЗемля #фортепиано #пианист #преподаватель #репетитор #репетиторы #concertpianist #педагог #школамузыки #урокимузыки #музыкалка #музыкальнаяшкола #учительмузыки (at Воскресенский собор Новоиерусалимского монастыря) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjRGRbxI80z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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biblicalsignsith · 4 years ago
JERUSALEM… There is no other city on the face of the planet that has ever meant more to Almighty God. He has called it His “Holy City” and the city in which He has put His name. It is the city where our Lord Jesus Christ will reign from after He comes back down and rules over this earth during the Millennium. Also, no other city has seen more conflict since Jesus ascended into Heaven nearly 2,000…
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spiritsoulandbody · 8 months ago
#DailyDevotion This Is Not Our Country Or Our World
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#DailyDevotion This Is Not Our Country Or Our World Heb. 11 13All these died in faith without having received what was promised. But they saw it far ahead and welcomed it, and they confessed they were strangers and travelers on earth. 14Those who talk that way show they're looking for a country of their own. 15If their hearts had been in the country they left, they could have found an opportunity to go back. 16Instead, they were longing for a better country - I mean heaven. That is why God is not ashamed to be called their God, because He has prepared a city for them. So remember the author's definition of faith, "is being sure of the things we hope for, being convinced of the things we can't see." Having gone through a list of saints who live by faith in the promises of God, we see they died in faith, not having received what was promised. Abraham and Sarah did have a son, but that was it. They saw what was promised with the eyes of faith. The fulfillment would be far ahead. These patriarchs of our faith welcomed these promises because they knew the One who promised was faithful. Not only were they strangers and pilgrims in the land of Canaan. They were the same on this planet. They were looking for a country of their own, one promised by the LORD. We are their descendants by faith cf. Romans 9. As such, we too trust in the promises of God our Savior, the LORD Jesus Christ. In John 14 Jesus says, "“Don't be troubled. Believe in God, and believe in Me. 2In My Father's house there are many rooms. If it were not so, I would have told you, because I go to prepare a place for you. 3And when I have gone and prepared a place for you, I'll come again and take you home with Me so you'll be where I am." In 1 Peter 2 he writes, "I urge you, as guests and strangers in this world..." Paul reminds us in Eph. 2, "19Then you are no longer foreigners or strangers but fellow citizens with the holy people and members of His household." It is written in 2 Peter 2, "according to His promise we expect new heavens and a new earth where righteousness lives." If these things are true, we should live like our patriarch in this present age, this present world. We should have strong attachments to anyone or anything in this present world except our fellow Christians with whom we will be spending all eternity. This is why Jesus can tell us in the Sermon on the Mount, "39But I tell you, don't oppose an evil man. If anyone slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other cheek to him. 40If anyone wants to sue you for your shirt, let him have your coat, too. 41If anyone makes you go one mile, go two miles with him. 421f anyone asks you for anything, give it to him, and when anyone wants to borrow from you, don't turn away." These things don't matter much in God's Kingdom which is the heaven in verse 16. God was not ashamed to call them His people. They trusted in Him. He is not ashamed to call you His people because you share the same faith as them. Jesus has promised to prepare a place for us, a city, the New Jerusalem. We must persist in this faith if we want to receive what He has promised us. So that we may persist in this faith, Jesus has given us the means of grace: baptism, absolution, the Supper, the Word, and forgiveness from the Church. If we cease to make use of the gifts He has given us to preserve us in this faith, then we are despising Him and our faith is no faith at all. These gifts He has given us are to strengthen and preserve in the true faith until His revelation to all the world. Then we shall receive what He has promised us, eternal life with Him, the Father and the Spirit. Merciful God and Father, ever give us Your gifts so we may persevere in the faith, live in it, and receive what You have promised. In Jesus' name. Amen. Read the full article
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byfaithmedia · 2 years ago
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indigolightwithin · 4 years ago
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i-do-not-mean-it · 5 years ago
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March in New Jerusalem, Russia
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serbiangrey13 · 4 months ago
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graceandpeacejoanne · 8 months ago
Revelation 21: The New Jerusalem
The purity of this city, the Bride of the Lamb, the brilliancy, the transparency, put the tawdry gaudiness of Babylon to shame. #Revelation21 #NewJerusalem #AlphaandOmega
Then one of the seven angels who were holding the seven ceremonial bowls—those which were filled with the last seven plagues— came out and spoke with me, saying, “Now, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” Then he carried me in the Spirit up onto a mountain, massive and lofty, and showed me the city, holy Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven, from God, having the glory of God: her…
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