#New controls for your Commodore 64!
oldgamemags · 11 months
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New controls for your Commodore 64!
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word-wytch · 2 years
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Don't Stand So Close To Me — Chapter 4
Eddie x Teacher!Reader
Chapter 4/? 3.1k. Series Masterlist
✏︎ There are some things Eddie isn’t used to hearing, and mean even more when coming from you.
✏︎ Series Summary: Forced to move back home to Hawkins after your fiancé cheats on you, you begin to fall in love again with an audacious 20 year old metalhead, only there’s one problem — he’s still in high school and you’re his English teacher.
While you struggle starting over in a place you never thought you would return, Eddie struggles feeling stuck in a place he can’t manage to leave — until you offer to help him. Of all the lessons learned, the most important are the ones you teach each other.
✏︎ Series CW: forbidden romance, slow burn, smut (18+ mdni), true love, internal conflict, student-teacher relationship, 10 year age gap, mutual pining, sexual tension, emotions, drama, angst, character development, happy ending :)
Chapter warnings: mild angst I guess? that's it :)
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“Well I for one think the first lady’s new ‘Just Say No’ campaign is a great idea, it’s long overdue if you ask me,” said Mrs. Hutchins, to which your mother nodded in agreement.  
You stared down at your plate and poked at your green beans with your fork. 
“It’s about time there was a war on drugs, it’s gotten out of control in this country,” Mrs. Hutchins continued, reaching for the gravy.
You shoveled the green beans into your mouth to keep it occupied. You figured getting into an argument with Mrs. Hutchins over Reagan’s policies was not exactly what your mother had intended for the evening. Besides, it wasn’t worth your energy anyway.
Your dad gave you a silly look from across the table and you smiled at him.
You looked back down at your plate and thought about Eddie Munson again. This time it was about how he’d looked at you when you told him you’d be here. 
You wondered what Eddie would say to Mrs. Hutchins. He had an opinion on just about everything and you were certain he would not withhold it. Not for your mother’s sake, not for anybody. You suspected that it got him into trouble more often than not but there was something you admired about that.
You tucked into your risotto and tuned out the conversation.
He was sitting so close to you today. So close that a ringlet of his soft hair grazed your hand when he leaned over. So close that you could smell him. The same scent that enveloped you in the hallway the other day, although this time less bright notes of shampoo, more deep notes of leather and musk. There was that faint cigarette smell and something else too that you couldn’t quite place, like the warmth of his skin that was distinct and yet indistinguishable. 
Normally you were not keen on the smell of cigarettes. It lingered on just about everything. In restaurants and car seats, especially in homes. It clung to the clothing of heavy smokers with a stale musk that you hated, but on Eddie it didn’t seem to bother you. In fact, you were hesitant to admit that you almost liked it. 
“Andrew, why don’t you tell us about your new job,” suggested your mother.
You glanced over at the man sitting next to you, hardly able to believe that this was once the boy who used to collect G.I. Joe figures rather than play with them as intended. 
Andrew cleared his throat. “My job is to diagnose and correct issues with computer hardware, figure out what isn’t working and order and replace the corresponding parts. Occasionally it’s a software issue, in which case I can troubleshoot and reinstall certain programs.” he said, adjusting his glasses. He looked just about as thrilled to be here as you were.
“Do you guys sell computers there?” asked your dad.
“Yes, though my work is primarily in computer repairs, not sales.”
“You know I was telling my daughter here that I really think computers are going to be the future,” said your mom.
“Oh yes, absolutely. Personal computer sales have quadrupled in the last few years, all thanks to the Commodore 64 being so affordable,” said Andrew. “In fact I really think they ought to have computer classes in every school. I think I read recently in the paper that only 48% of schools have them.”
Your mom’s eyes lit up and she turned to you, “Do they have computer class at your school, dear?”
“Uh, no, I don’t think so. Not yet.” 
“Well maybe that might be something worth suggesting to the principal.”
“I doubt I would have much say in something like that.”
“I’m just saying, it’s worth a try, dear.”
You smiled curtly and glanced down at your plate again, scooting your green beens around in the excess gravy. 
“Speaking of school, why don’t you tell us a little bit about how your job’s been going? I do hope the students are behaving,” your mother continued.
“Oh, they have their moments but overall it’s been alright,” you said, “We’re studying The Catcher in the Rye in my senior class.”
Andrew raised his eyebrows, “Oh that book,” he said with a little laugh, “It’s a bit strange isn’t it? All I can really remember is how he kept calling everyone a phony all the time. I never understood it.”
Of course you didn’t. “Yeah, the stream of consciousness seems to throw some readers off. A lot of people end up missing the point.”
“What is the point anyway?” asked Andrew, but before you could respond Mrs. Hutchins interjected.
“Don’t you think that book is a bit inappropriate for children? I remember when Andrew brought it home all those years ago. At that time some of the ladies in my church group were trying to get it banned in schools. Clearly their efforts were unsuccessful.”
“My students are teenagers, not children, in fact some of them are already adults,” you said, and thought about recommending Fahrenheit 451 to her but figured the joke would be lost.
“Still, I think teenagers are too young to be reading about,” she lowered her voice, “hookers.”
You bit your lip and looked down at your plate again. It took every ounce of self control not to laugh. You glanced over at Andrew. He looked like he wanted to evaporate.
“I’ll tell you what,” continued Mrs. Hutchins, “Kids are getting into more and more worrisome and bizarre things nowadays. Did you see that special on the local news? There’s this game called Dungeons and Dragons and some people suspect that it’s a gateway, luring children into devil worshiping cults.”
This time you did laugh. “I really don’t think there’s any truth to that. The student I tutor plays that game. He talks about it all the time. It really is just a fantasy game that you create your own adventures in.”
“Well that’s what it might look like on the surface, but on this special they were talking about all the signs to look for if you suspect your child might have been lured. Now there’s the obvious symbolism like goats and pentagrams. Then there’s listening to heavy metal music — that’s a big one. Apparently there’s all sorts of hidden messaging in those songs, especially if you play the tapes backwards.”
Andrew’s face was in his hands.
“Boy, that sounds terrifying,” said your mother with furrowed brows before taking a bite of her pork roast.
You thought about Eddie Munson again. He certainly fit the description, though you were doubtful he actually worshiped Satan. You supposed there was no way for you to really know. He had quite a habit of talking about, well, just about anything besides school, but you doubted he’d openly admit to something like that. 
It was strange for you to think that you had really only known him for less than two months. It felt like you’d known him forever. 
If he did actually worship Satan, you supposed it wouldn’t really bother you. What you could tell was that he had a good heart. What you also could tell is that there was nothing you could say to Mrs. Hutchins that would change her mind.
Much to the disappointment of your mother, sparks did not fly over dinner. That was obvious enough for her not to arrange another, much to your relief.
The weekend came quickly, and it was a long one, which meant more time with quizzes to grade, and boxes that you had procrastinated unpacking. More time alone with your thoughts. 
Historically you never minded being alone, typically you relished in it. Lately you had been doing everything you could to combat the oppressive silence in your apartment and the noisy chatter in your mind.
On Saturday you practically wore out your records, exhausting your entire collection as you did some much needed cleaning. 
On Sunday it was difficult to get out of bed, so you just left the radio on when your alarm clock went off.
On Monday you sat on your living room floor in front of your TV and thumbed through the quizzes that you gave out on Friday, marking each one with your green grading pen.
You paused when you got to Eddie’s. 
There was a little drawing of a dragon at the bottom of his quiz along with a note that said “Slay me!”
You smiled for the first time that day, fingers tracing the lines where his pen met the paper, feeling the subtle indents left behind by it. 
You ran down the ten questions, he got nine of them right. You gave him a 90% and circled the A- at the top of the paper. At the bottom you wrote “You sure slayed this quiz!” with a little smiley face.
Eddie Munson had a way of creeping into your thoughts when you least expected it. It was like he had taken up permanent residence there, like a song stuck in your head.
It was far a better song than the sad and angry one that had been playing on repeat for months now, and at this point you would take any break you could get from it.
On Tuesday you couldn’t stop thinking about the way he smiled at you on Friday when he turned in his quiz. It was playful and warm.
On Wednesday he sat across from you after school. He was wearing a flannel shirt under his usual denim vest today. It was refreshing to see him in color for a change. The vibrant red suited him. He’d rolled his sleeves up, revealing a tattoo that looked like a cluster of flying bats.
“So, how did you do on your history test? Did you get your grades back?” you asked, bringing your attention away from his forearms. 
“Yeah, uh,” Eddie shifted in his chair, glancing off to the side, “I got a C,” he said quietly.
You nodded, your expression neutral, though there was a softness in your eyes. “How do you feel about that?”
Eddie looked surprised, “I…” he paused for a moment, blinking, “You know, honestly, when I first got my test back I was actually pretty happy about it,” he said. “I mean it’s better than I usually do, way better than an F.”
You looked at him curiously, “You said, ‘at first’ did something change?”
“Well, I mean a C is good for me, but — “ he glanced at you sheepishly.
“Then a C is good!” 
He looked relieved. “Oh, well in that case, then yeah. I guess I am pretty happy about it.”
“Eddie,” you said gently. He leaned forward at the sound of his name. “You don’t have to worry about impressing me, that isn’t what this is about. I just want to help you graduate, not be valedictorian,” you said, “I’m proud of you.”
Eddie beamed at you with those big brown eyes of his. Suddenly he glanced away, blinking quickly as he lifted a hand to scratch the side of his head to shield them from view. 
You leaned closer, sensing the shift in his body language. When he turned to face you again you could have sworn his nose was a little flushed, his eyes wetter than usual.
“Sorry, I don’t hear that a lot.”
Your chest tightened. You wanted to leap across the desk, scoop him up in your arms and tell him that a thousand times, but instead you just smiled softly and said, “Well, get used to it.”
He smiled at you again, big and broad. He fidgeted with the rings on his fingers and for just a moment you swore you could see past the hair, the patches and chains, straight through to the boy he once was, getting F after F. You could see the disappointed looks from everyone around him reflected in those eyes of his. He must have gotten used to them, steeled himself to them, resigned himself to the letter.
You felt the tears start to burn behind your eyes and you searched for anything to change the subject. “How did your campaign go on Friday?”
His lips curved into a mischievous smirk. “Found three new recruits actually, just last week.”
You raised your eyebrows and blinked, clearing your eyes of any evidence. “Oh yeah?”
“Oh yeah. I knew it the moment I saw ‘em, two freshmen sitting all by themselves at the end of a lunch table. They’d been there for weeks, just the two of them. You can always kinda tell with the freshmen, they just look like little lost sheep, ‘specially these two. One of the kids was wearing a Weird Al t-shirt,” he said with a laugh, “And that’s when I was like, ok, these kids should sit with us for a change. Well it turns out they’ve been playing DnD for ages, and they’ve got a friend in another lunch period who plays too, so now we’ve got three new members, which is great because, uh, we were kind of hurting for them.” He chuckled softly.
Eddie had an energy about him that was bold and magnetic. It sucked you right in. The timbre of his voice was bright and warm. It was oddly soothing. You enjoyed listening to him talk, watching his hands as they gestured wildly, which you figured was a good thing since he did a lot of talking. 
“Some kids just need someone to show them that school doesn’t have to be all bad, you know? I know that’s what I needed.” 
You imagined freshman Eddie sitting in the cafeteria by himself, lonely and lost, with his curly mop of hair much shorter than it was now. 
“Us freaks have to stick together, you know?”
You nodded sympathetically. “Yeah, I know. I wasn’t exactly popular myself,” you admitted. “Actually I used to help run an after school mentoring program in Indianapolis. A lot of troubled kids came through there, but it was so rewarding to watch them come into their own, find a place they felt like they belonged, you know?” you said, “I miss that part of my old job.”
Eddie rested his hand against his cheek and hummed in agreement. He looked like he was miles away and yet absolutely present all at once.
“I’ll admit that teaching wasn’t my first career choice, but it’s rewarding in a way that you just… can’t achieve by sitting alone and writing stories by yourself.”
Eddie smirked and gave a thoughtful nod, “That has its own rewards though.”
Your eyes twinkled. “Oh yeah, it definitely does.”
You shifted the focus toward his schoolwork. Today you helped him work through some equations in Trigonometry. Truthfully it took some refreshing on your part, it had been ages since you’d done it and you were more than a little rusty. Math was never really your strong suit anyway. The nice thing about formulas is that once you understood them you could just simply apply them and solve. Math seemed to be something that Eddie was naturally pretty good at though. You wondered if it had anything to do with having to deal with numbers frequently in his campaigns. 
“Alright, I think that about wraps it up for today. Not sure about you but I’m getting hungry,” you said.
“Ok, I’m parked right over there,” he said pointing out the window to the van in the near empty  parking lot. “We can walk out together. You never know what sort of monsters might be lurking in the shadows at this hour,” he said with a look of exaggerated suspicion.
You chuckled and your heart fluttered in your chest, “Sure, actually I’m the red sedan a few spots down.” 
“Great, I know a shortcut,” said Eddie.
You both packed up your things and headed down the main hall towards the gym. 
It was when you rounded the corner that you saw them — Jason and Patrick filling their water bottles at the drinking fountain. 
You gave them both a little wave, which they returned half-heartedly. There was a curious expression playing on their faces which you had hardly a second to study before you passed. Eddie didn’t even look at them. 
You could feel the tension in the air, and their eyes on you as you both left out the back door.
Eddie reached into the pocket of his vest and procured a pack of cigarettes. “Sorry, do you mind? I’m totally jonesing right now.”
“Oh no, it’s fine.”
Eddie gave a gracious nod and popped a cigarette between his lips. He flicked the lighter and his mouth was washed in a warm glow, illuminating the smile lines already prominent on his young face. They suited him.
He blew the smoke away from you with a relieved sigh and you walked toward your cars together in comfortable silence. 
The sun was low in the clear blue sky, casting a golden light over the parking lot. The leaves were just starting to change in fiery orange and yellow patches. You could smell autumn in the crispness of the air, in the leaves that had already fallen as they skittered across the asphalt. 
Eddie ducked his head under your car in a swift motion and looked around suspiciously. “Coast is clear, no monsters.” 
You gave a big belly laugh. “Good thing I have you to keep me safe.”
The wind caught his hair as he rose to his feet and turned to you. “For you? Anything.”
Eddie Munson was beautiful like a neon sign at night. Beautiful like graffiti, like an empty street that beckoned you to wander down it.
You could feel your heart pounding as you smiled at him, turning to putty at his words. “See you tomorrow, Eddie.”
“See ya.” He gave a little bow with his head and waved as he turned toward his van.
You got into your car and set your bag on the passenger seat, letting out the breath you didn’t even realize you’d been holding in. You could hear the roar of the stereo as Eddie’s van came to life two spots over.
You couldn’t help but steal another glance at him. His hair swished and swayed as he bobbed his head to the beat. He was wild like the summer wind as it ripped across a field. 
His eyes caught yours again and he flashed you a smile, bright and blinding.
If there was once thing you were certain of in that moment, it was that Eddie Munson was going to be the death of you.
At least you couldn’t get in trouble for your thoughts.
A/N: Oooo we've got a revelation on reader's part and next chapter I've got some really delicious moments in store so sit tight because this burn is gonna be slow but oh boy is it gonna be worth it!
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Thank you all so much for reading and commenting along each week, it means the world to me!
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retrogamingloft · 9 months
Namco deserves credit for popularizing the concept of controlling a single player within a soccer game, offering a more immersive experience focused on individual gameplay rather than managing an entire team. Even after more than 25 years since its arcade and PS1 release, LiberoGrande maintains a captivating atmosphere.
Despite its evident flaws and some limitations, the essence of effective teamwork and understanding your teammates' intentions remain incredibly exhilarating. The game provides a different perspective and emotional connection while playing. The sense of responsibility, of standing out within the team, drives the desire to contribute, perform at your best, and avoid letting down your teammates. A goal isn't just yours; it belongs to the team.
However, as I mentioned earlier, while LiberoGrande showcases an exceptional concept, it falls short of perfection, mainly due to its limited replay value. Completing the Arcade Mode or winning the International Cup might lead to repetitiveness, relying on similar strategies repeatedly.
The game struggles to evolve beyond certain gameplay patterns, such as consistent counterattacks and restricted ball maneuverability. Additionally, the AI's deficient defending even on harder levels, can limit prolonged engagement. Don't lose hope, though. Soon, we'll discover whether LiberoGrande 2 improved upon its predecessor's shortcomings or brought new dimensions to the concept...
Ps. Reflecting on my experience, I first encountered the ability to control a single player, rather than the entire team, in an early '90s Commodore 64 soccer game by the Italian company Simulmondo, titled 'I Play 3D Soccer.' How about you, retro folks? Have you encountered similar gameplay features in other soccer or team sports games before LiberoGrande?
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trentreznorfanboy · 2 years
part 2 of the cool interview, and some more pics :>
“Pro-file: Nailing a New Look” pt 2
Q&A with Trent Reznor and Rob Shriden about All That Could Have Been
By Mathew Honen for Macworld on February 1st, 2002
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This is a continuation of my previous post, the rest of the interview, and some pictures to go along. I enjoyed reading this interview, they talk about something I don’t see a lot, I hope you enjoy.
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Q: What was the experience of using DVD Studio Pro like?
Sheridan: At one point during the set, there are these three giant video screens that come down behind the band and project these incredible videos that Bill Viola [did for us]. During that portion of the set on the DVD, it's cutting between wide and tight shots and shots of Trent singing. But because these screens were so amazing looking, we thought it would be great to be able to switch between an angle where you could just watch the screen and then back to the cut showing the band playing.
Reznor: There some extra things in there that we shouldn't get into too much because over time they'll be revealed. But there are a lot of little hacks into the OS of the DVD, menus that you think pop up differently than they did the last time, to try and make the whole experience immersive. It was fun to be able to see what you could do with the medium and actually do it.
Q: Didn't you record Pretty Hate Machine on a Mac?
Reznor: Yeah, I've had a Mac since the very first one. I was also using a Commodore 64 for MIDI. At the time of Pretty Hate Machine, I had a Mac Plus. I did all the sequencing of that record on that. With Broken, Studio Vision had come out. That was the first marriage of MIDI and digital audio, and that forever changed the way I was going to record. Now that it's gone from recording everything on tape with a few things on the computer to recording everything on the computer, it's really changed the roles of a lot of people in the studio. The programmer's job is much more the engineer now. All the engineers now have to know Pro Tools.
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Q: After providing the music for Quake, are you scoring any more games?
Reznor: I've been discussing things with Id Software for Doom III. It's not formalized at this point, but it's something I really want to do. When I did Quake, we were still questioning if the audio was going to be streamed off of CD, which if it wasn't was incredibly limiting. But with as interactive as things are now, and as immersive as the engine they've been working on is graphically, and some of the program is so moody; it's like scoring a film. Yet it's much more intense than a film because it doesn't always go the same way, it has to be interactive. Plus the mood of the game is so dark and evil, it's interesting to me.
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Q: What kind of rig do you have in your studio?
Reznor: I set this up several years ago to Marilyn Manson's Antichrist Superstar. It's an SSL analog big console, and we've moved away from two 48-track analog tape to everything being recorded on hard disk. We have 72 tracks of in-and-out ProTools hardware. The main computer in there right now is an 867MHz G4 with 1GB of RAM and several fast SCSI cards. We still use SCSI drives. We have a few of them laying around to always have at least two 36GBs online at all times, and we have a big tape backup system that backs us up every night. We have a secondary Mac in the control room as well that we use for software synthesis and running through plug-ins in real time. I think the coolest thing that's happened in the last few years is with synthesizers going virtual. That's why we have another Mac that's just up to run things in real time, running Reason or Reactor, or a number of software samplers like Battery or Absynth. Reason is from Propellerhead--it's spectacular. There's a lot of gear just being reduced to a PowerBook.
Q: Do you have a Titanium PowerBook?
Reznor: I'm about to as soon as I can get Apple to give me one. In the meantime I've got a gasoline-powered 500MHz G3.
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archoneddzs15 · 19 days
Sega Mega Drive - Instruments of Chaos starring Young Indiana Jones (Asian Version)
Title: Instruments of Chaos starring Young Indiana Jones
Developer: Brian A. Rice, Inc. / Waterman Designs
Publisher: Sega of America
Release date: March 1994
Catalogue No.: 1048
Genre: Platform Action
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I originally thought his game was the total crap Indiana Jones game by Tiertex (everything they made is pretty much crap) but no, this is a whole new load of crap by Waterman Designs, the same company responsible for Eternal Champions and one video game starring the most meme'd character in Sonic fandom history - Garfield Caught in the Act. That Tiertex Indiana Jones game is basically a "remake" of their Commodore 64 game of the same name. The fact that it's a spin-off game is proof alone that it is going to be a poor game.  After all, how many spin-offs are actually any good?
So, let's start off with the good points about this game. Well, Indiana's whip animation is very good. It's done as some sort of raster effect. And that's the end of the good points. Now let's get on to the bad points. The title screen is pure shit. This alone screams cheap and nasty game. The controls are awful at EVERY point. The audio is terrible. Bad composers + GEMS sound driver = pure hell to your ears. The music is so bad that the programmers knew it and gave you the option to switch it off. The sound effects are no better either. Next comes the level design, oh my God. Nothing good can be said about it. Respawn is awful in this game. It makes no sense to kill anything since it comes back straight away. Enemies just run straight at you before you even know they are there. The game is just bloody awful. How on earth this shit was released is beyond understanding.
This game was never released in Japan but there was an Asian release which is what I have here. The game is the same as the US version but comes with a PAL Mega Drive-style cover with Japanese and Asia Mega Drive logos. The instruction manual is the same as the US manual, but you also get a separate Chinese manual. The actual cartridge just looks like a Japanese Mega Drive cartridge.
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dianekeaton99 · 1 year
The Nostalgic Allure of the Snake Game: A Classic Retro Adventure
In today's era of sophisticated and graphically-intensive video games, there is something undeniably captivating about revisiting the simplicity of classic arcade games. Among the array of games that have stood the test of time, the Snake Game holds a special place in the hearts of many. With its simple yet addictive gameplay, the Snake Game has transcended generations and continues to hold an irresistible allure even in the modern world.
The premise of the  Google Snake Game is straightforward: you take control of a pixelated snake slithering through a maze, consuming food items to grow longer. However, this seemingly simple concept quickly evolves into a challenge that tests your reflexes, strategic thinking, and ability to react to an increasingly complex environment.
The origins of the Snake Game trace back to the late 1970s and early 1980s, when arcade machines were the pinnacle of gaming entertainment. Initially developed for arcade cabinets, the Snake Game soon made its way onto a wide range of platforms, including early home computer systems like the Commodore 64 and the iconic Nokia cell phones.
One of the defining elements of the Snake Game is its intuitive controls. Using just the four arrow keys on your keyboard or the directional pad on your gaming controller, you guide the snake in its quest for sustenance. The challenge lies in maneuvering the snake through narrow spaces, avoiding collision with the walls or, more importantly, itself. As you consume food items scattered throughout the maze, your snake increases in length, making navigation increasingly challenging.
The Snake Game is not just about mindlessly gobbling up food, but also about making strategic decisions. As the snake grows longer, its body becomes a formidable obstruction, forcing you to plan your route carefully to avoid self-collisions. Gradually, the game introduces additional obstacles, such as barriers that restrict movement or faster-paced gameplay, adding an extra layer of complexity to the experience.
One of the aspects that make the Snake Game so addictive is its simple yet incredibly satisfying feedback loop. Each time you consume a food item, the snake audibly grows, accompanied by a sense of accomplishment. This positive reinforcement keeps you hooked, making you strive for a higher score with every playthrough.
While the Snake Game may appear rudimentary compared to modern games, it possesses an enduring charm that stems from its retro aesthetic and nostalgic elements. The pixelated graphics, reminiscent of a bygone era, evoke a sense of nostalgia for those who grew up playing classic arcade games. The simplicity of the visuals allows players to focus on gameplay mechanics without distractions, further enhancing the addictive nature of the experience.
Moreover, the Snake Game's inherent simplicity makes it accessible to players of all ages. Whether you are a seasoned gamer or someone who has never picked up a controller before, you can easily grasp the mechanics and become engrossed in the pursuit of a new high score. It is this universal appeal that has contributed to the longevity and popularity of the game.
In addition to its inherent charm and straightforward gameplay, the Snake Game has also found its place in popular culture. Many variations and spin-offs have emerged over the years, each putting its own unique spin on the classic formula. Some adaptations introduced power-ups, mazes of varying complexity, or even multiplayer capabilities, further expanding the replay value and keeping the game fresh and exciting.
Today, the Snake Game continues to thrive in various forms. While it can still be discovered on vintage gaming consoles and arcade machines, it has also found a new home in the digital realm. Mobile app stores are teeming with countless Snake Game iterations, allowing players to indulge in quick bursts of nostalgia on their smartphones or tablets.
Whether you are seeking a dose of nostalgia or craving a simple yet addictive gaming experience, the Snake Game remains an iconic choice. Its timeless appeal and accessibility make it a game that can be enjoyed by players of all generations. So, why not take a trip down memory lane and embark on the retro adventure that is the Snake Game? Brace yourself for hours of immersive fun as you slither through mazes, consume delectable treats, and strive for snake supremacy on the leaderboard. Get ready to get your game on and rediscover the magic of this timeless classic!
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biglazybeez · 2 years
California Games - 1987 (1991)
For those not in the know, part of the reason for the hiatus here was a relocation of the entire (un)thinking family to a state that has a coastline. After having lived inland for my entire life, this was a new thing and having the ocean a 20 minute drive away meant a whole new world at our fingertips. I really knew almost nothing about the shore except that in theory, one could ride the waves if one so desired. So, at the fresh young age of 47 I decided to take up surfing.
Now, I was a skier and also snowboarded quite a bit during my time in Colorado so naturally I assumed there was some similarity between the two. I mean technically both are standing on a board sliding over water, right? Well, yes - however - the time spent actually on the board while surfing as compared to the time spent trying to get into that position meant that there were a whole new set of skills I had to learn. 
It turns out that the ocean does a lot of things all at once, and catching just the right part of it at the right time is not easy. I booked a lesson with a local surf school, which turned into me booking several lessons with them (zumasurfandswim.com if you are interested) - we met in February, which one would think is a bit cold - and it was! But, the Pacific Ocean is almost always cold, so you have to wear a wetsuit anyway. Despite what all my coworkers (even the surfers) were telling me, I did get up on my feet that first day, wobbly and awkward. I was on a giant foam board that made things easier, but nothing about surfing is easy.
Which bring us to our first offering - California Games from Epyx. 
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As far as I can tell, this is the first instance of a commercial surfing game, originally released for the Commodore 64 in 1987, but ported to the Sega Genesis, which is the version I played. The box art pretty much says it all:
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Basically, if we aren’t passing extremely punitive laws against the oil and gas industry, everyone out here is either skateboarding on a halfpipe, riding BMX, roller skating in a bikini, surfing or...(and I note this is too lame to make the box picture) playing hackey sack by the Golden Gate bridge. That is really all we do, so the game is more of a documentary than action sports.
Surfing is one of the 5 minigames, and the player (I think up to 10 players if you have 9 friends you can rope into it) can choose to compete in them all or just a single event. Since we focused on the the all-important category of surfing video games, I stuck with that.
One of the skills that people find hardest in surfing (present company included) is the pop-up. You have to paddle into a wave, and then at just the right time jump to your feet to stand up. If you are on a super mellow long wave in Hawai’i they will tell you to slowly climb up to your feet while keeping your balance. At shore breaks in Malibu, you have about 3 seconds to do this, and it represents one of the major challenges to surfing the breaks out here, especially for old people learning to surf.
None of this is reflected in California Games, where the player starts already in the wave, and the game pretty much waits for you to press a single button to pop up.
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 Once the player is standing, you immediately have to make the bottom turn (which is actually a thing), but other than that you can now play around on the wave. Points are granted for riding in the tube, collecting beach balls, doing “aerials” and “turns”.
It took a bit of messing around to get to it, but controlling your speed relative to the wave, as well as successfully jumping up and landing back in the wave are really just functions of the direction your board is facing. Diagonal moves generally mean you are going faster, and to land a jump, one has to position the board at the same relative angle you left the wave in. There are no grabs or tricks except just making the jump (which I might add is also the case with real surfing, at least where I am concerned). 
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For the longest time I couldn’t figure out how to get points for “turns”. I could never get far enough in front of the break to keep from wiping out if I tried going to the right (oh, I should mention - your surfer here is goofy footed and the wave is only a left, so that is all you get). I finally found that you can change into “Turbo” or “Light” mode with the surfing game, which means 1) everything is faster for turbo, so you can actually do a reverse 180 on a jump and hope to make it, and ‘light’ apparently means fast, as this is the only mode where I was able to do a cutback and then return to surfing the left. So there is that.
The music is the weirdest choice. The title screen is the rad driving 16 bit goodness one expects from California, but the surfing game sounds like...elevator music? Very low key and quiet.
The teenager’s reaction: “Is this it?” “Why didn’t they pick music that gets you excited or relates to surfing at some level in any way?” “Who is throwing those beach balls?”
All in all, not great, but this is 1991 by way of 1987 we’re talking about. I think I at least prefer the surfing to the hackey sack-ing.
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delayrgc · 2 years
Learning DefleMask... 's legacy version
This ended up a bit longer than I hoped.
So far, I've made my music exclusively in MilkyTracker. Unlike programs like FL Studio, you don't have a fancy graphical overlay and not that many options. That's because trackers have been around for a very, very long time, and they weren't exactly made for mass consumption.
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What you see is what you get.
You've got your instruments and samples (per instrument) at the top, then some fancy graphs, and the main feature takes up the majority of the screen: Your (up to) 32 channels, column by column. You're basically making music by filling in spreadsheets, called patterns, and arranging them. Their order is in the top left corner.
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Things can get quite busy, so let me break things down a bit. This will be useful later.
While playing a track, the pattern is scanned row by row, top to bottom. To be brief, the white value is the new note (it continues the previous note if it's empty), blue is the instrument number, green represents the volume and the last three numbers are the effects column. What effect each code stands for is pretty much a standard at this point. Don't worry about the values themselves, I don't either. I just play around a bit and whatever sounds best is usually what I choose.
This is what I've used for three years now, and I still will. MilkyTracker allows you to play anything on any channel, so it's great for making music overall. But what if you want to emulate a particular sound, like the Sega Genesis or the Commodore 64's iconic SID chip?
This is where DefleMask comes in.
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This tracker is designed to simulate particular soundchips from back in the day. You can create tracks for the GameBoy, NES, C64, and numerous Sega consoles. For testing I'm only using the free legacy version, and the number of emulated chips has grown slightly since then!
I'm especially interested in the aforementioned Genesis and Commodore. I love each console's chip for their own reasons. The SID was simply amazing for its time and the Genesis provided many memorable tunes (that's neither exhaustive nor mutually exclusive!)
I cover stuff, so to explore this new environment a bit I decided to cover make a Genesis cover of the Hidden Theme from the C64 game "Dominator":
Matt Gray produced a lovely track here, the guy's a very talented SID composer.
I already covered the same game's Loader theme - this was the Commodore 64 after all, loading took a while - so I roughly know what I want things to sound like. Except this time I'm using DefleMask.
Where are things currently? I'm about 38 seconds into the track, and I've already noticed a few things that I really like about this program.
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Overall, I think the way things work in DefleMask is... tidier? I don't have to specify the note volume once, and fades are controlled by the instrument's volume envelope (ADSR). This means far less stuff on the volume and effect columns. Speaking of which, I can have multiple effects per channel, which you can even see in this screenshot!
However, there are some challenges as well. It's not the tracker's fault that hardware worked that way, but the speed of the track is not as controllable. I can set the "length" of one row and I can change the clock speed. That's it.
How exactly the instruments are made goes beyond this post, I think. Maybe I'll add more later, the key phrase here is "FM synthesis".
So far, I think DefleMask is very comfortable to use. It took a few hours to adjust, but now I somewhat know what I'm doing!
Lastly, since I've already mentioned it, I might as well share what I've got so far. This everything I got "done" in one day, including learning how to use the tracker at all. It goes without saying, but this is heavily work-in-progress and things sound a bit unpredictable at times. Of course things will improve with practice.
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textjust · 2 years
Goattracker dual sid
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#Goattracker dual sid software
#Goattracker dual sid code
Particularly with 80s ones) The best compatibility with this method is writing the values backwards, I dont know if anyone figured out why but possibly its because it sets the ADSR before the waveform/gate register. It plays back using emulated output via one reSID engine, a HardSID soundcard, or a Catweasel (MK3/MK4) controller card there is also an earlier stereo version, using two reSID engines. No worries, one thing with the SID read/write is that you might get slightly different playback depending on the driver.(due to timing/order being different. SIDPLAY (a SID tune player), and into the trackers GoatTracker and.
#Goattracker dual sid software
C64 Tools collection Contains several background graphics editors, 2 sprite editors and several other commandline utilities. Download Latest Version GoatTracker2.76.zip (1.2 MB) Get Updates Home / GoatTracker 2 Other Useful Business Software Oversee operations in one place with Clickup Project Management Software The Ultimate App for Managing your Business. reSID is a reverse engineered software emulation of the MOS6581 SID chip programmed. Several example songs and instrument files are supplied with the GoatTracker source code, which also includes details of file formats and screen display in the readme. Only the Covert Bitops Loadersystem, NinjaTracker, SadoTracker and GoatTracker Tweak Utility are actual C64 programs rest of them require a 32-bit Unix-like system or Windows. I even bought a SIDBlaster and plugged a 8580 SID chip into it. It produces and imports songs in its own format (*.SNG), export (but not import) is supported for the SID, BIN or Commodore PRG format. such as GoatTracker or CheeseCutter (both uses the reSID emulator) to make new C64 music. GoatTracker has been verified to work under Win32, Linux, Mac OS, MorphOS and Amiga using the SDL library, the bme library (available at the site) is required to compile GoatTracker from source code. SID files are generally created in music tools called trackers. Many SID tunes are available in various formats on the Internet, especially The High Voltage SID Collection. Bassoon I, II Double Bass 7Sibelius Processing. But for thousands of years man and bees lived happily side by side neither posing a threat to the. It is notable for being possibly the only SID chiptune-composer NOT native to the C64, as many alternative composers (including JCH, and CyberTracker) only execute on the C64 or inside emulators such as VICE and Hoxs64. Siren enemy with Tractor beam for Double Ship Action.
#Goattracker dual sid code
GoatTracker is a cross-platform tracker written by Lasse Öörni, producing SID chiptune music for the Commodore 64, and released with source code under the GPL.
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greysillinois · 2 years
Xevious nes genre
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#Xevious nes genre series#
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Thank you for all of your support throughout the years - CoolROM will continue strong. This is something that Namco carried over for their subsequent games. Genre: Shooter 1 Player Licensed Published by: Bandai, 1988 Developed by: Namco Xevious was one of the earliest vertical scrolling shooters, and greatly influenced games in this genre. We feel we have reached this goal and helped cure more cases of nostalgia than we could have ever imagined. In the game Xevious, those flags will give the player one extra life after collecting it. From the very beginning, our goal was to allow users to re-live classic moments from video games that they have lost and cannot purchase anymore. Genre: Shoot'em up Platform: Amstrad CPC, Apple //e, Apple II, Arcade, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Commodore C64/128, FM-7, NES, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, Nintendo Wii. We are very grateful to have served the emulation community for so many years and to have CoolROM still exist today. Savings represents a discount off the List Price. The strikethrough price is the List Price. These objectives typically include locating and destroying a number of SOL towers the target sight will flash when it goes over these structures.This page has been removed due to a request from Nintendo of America Inc. 54,686 in Video Games ( See Top 100 in Video Games) 170 in NES Games. Some stages are completed by fulfilling certain requirements, rather than simply proceeding, eliminating all enemies if these are not met, the stage will loop indefinitely, sending progressively harder enemies. Other power-ups for the Solvalou include a rear shot and a bigger lock-on. Now you can play the intense Classic NES shooter on the Game Boy Advance You are humanity's last hope of eradicating the sinister XEVIOUS collective. new thread Trivia There is no trivia on file for this game.
#Xevious nes genre series#
Power-ups such as bombs, lasers, and shields can be collected the latter protects the aircraft from immediate destruction if hit by an enemy. Considered to be one of the forefathers of the modern overhead vertical shooter genre, the game places players in the cockpit of a state-of-the-art Solvalou. 'Super Xevious: Gump No Nazo' - NES title add alternate title Part of the Following Groups Genre: Scrolling shoot 'em up Video games turned into board / card games Xevious series Video Game Den add review Forums There are currently no topics for this game. Super Xevious is a 2D vertically-scrolling shoot 'em up. The graphics were revolutionary for their time, and. The eponymous first entry was released for arcades. Only the brave pilots of the Solvalou aircraft are able to avert this new threat! Xevious was one of the earliest vertical scrolling shooters, and greatly influenced games in this genre. Product Details Platform, Nintendo Game Boy Advance Release Year, 2004 Publisher, Nintendo Genre, Shooter Game Name, Xevious Classic Nes Series. Xevious is a shoot em up video game franchise published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, formerly Namco.
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The SOL towers have emerged from the ground on our planet, remotely controlled by GAMP, aiding the Xevians in their invasion. Xevious Genre: Shootem up Platform: Amstrad CPC, Apple //e, Apple II, Arcade, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Commodore C64/128, FM-7, NES, Nintendo Game Boy Advance. Xevious - Nintendo NES system From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Xevious is a vertical scrolling shooter arcade game that was released by Namco in 1983 (. Once again, inhabitants from the planet Xevious, controlled by the super-computer GAMP, are attacking the Earth, their ancient home planet, willing to re-capture it by force.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Bluetooth Interface Adds Rumble Feedback To Commodore 64 Games
Nothing says “1980s gaming” like a black joystick with a single red fire button. But if you prefer better ergonomics, you can connect modern gamepads to your retrocomputers thanks to a variety of modern-to-classic interface adapters. These typically support just the directional pad and one or two action buttons, leaving out modern features like motion control and haptic feedback. That’s a bit of a shame, because we think it would be pretty cool to feel that shock in our hands whenever Pitfall Harry drowns in quicksand or Frogger gets hit by traffic. We’re therefore happy to report that [Ricardo Quesada] has decided to add rumble functionality to the Bluetooth-to-Joystick-port interface that he’s been working on. He demonstrates the feature on his Commodore 64 in the video embedded after the break. Naturally, any software needs to be adapted to support haptic feedback, but a trickier problem turned out to be the hardware: joystick ports are input-only devices and therefore cannot send “enable rumble” signals to any connected gamepads. [Ricardo] found a clever way around this, using the analog inputs on the joystick port that were typically used for paddle-type controllers. The analog-to-digital converter inside the computer works by applying a pulse signal to the analog port and measuring the time it takes to discharge a capacitor. The modern gamepad interface simply detects whether these pulses are present; they can be enabled or disabled through software by toggling the analog readout on the joystick port. This way, the joystick port can be used to send a single bit of information to any device connected to it. [Ricardo] developed patches for Rambo: First Blood part II and Leman to enable rumble functionality. He describes the process in detail in his blog post, which should enable anyone who knows their way around 6502 machine code to add rumble support to their favorite games. The adapter works with a variety of retro systems that use the Atari-style joystick interface, but if you’re an Apple II user, you might want to look at this Raspberry Pi-based project that interfaces with its nonstandard joystick interface. If you’re into wireless gaming in general, be sure to also check out our history of wireless game controllers. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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lasclintl · 2 years
Ds emulator reddit 2018
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Our Download, Setup And Installation Guide. Stella DS - The Atari 2600 Emulator For Nintendo 3DS XL And The R4 3DS. Play your classic Apple 2 Games On Your Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL and the Nintendo 2DS With the A2DS Apple 2 Emulator for the R4 3DS JenesisDS does a great job of putting some of the best retro sonic games right on to your favorite hand held system! It's the best available emulator for the R4 3DS and Nintendo 3DS / 3DS XL systems to bring back the old school games you loved on your 16-bit Sega console. Love your old retro Mega Drive / Sega Genesis games? Then JenesisDS is just the thing to give you your fix. No wonder there were thousands and thousands of games for this amazing 8-bit computer / game system. To this date it hold the title of the best selling computer of all time, and that's 30 years later. The amazing Commodore 64, now brought to life on your Nintendo 3DS, 3DS XL, Nintendo DS, DS lite and DSi systems thanks to FrodoDS - the C64 emulator for the R4 3DS Cards and your favorite hand held game system. You can now re-live those great Sega Game Gear games on your Nintendo 2DS, 3DS, 3DS XL and New 3DS XL with the R4 3DS And the S8DS emulator.ĭownload The Nintendo 3DS Game Gear Emulator It was in fact a superior system in every single way. It is held lengthwise at the sides (preventing the cramping of hands which plagued Nintendo's system) and has a backlit, colour LCD screen, allowing for clearer and more vibrant visuals than its main rival.
#Ds emulator reddit 2018 portable#
It was designed to address problems with Nintendo's Game Boy and to get Sega in to the portable game console market. It then was followed by the North American and European releases. The Sega Game Gear is a portable device released in first in 1990 by Sega in Japan. With the Coleco DS emulator, you can play all of your old school retro collecovision games right on your Nintendo DS, nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL and Nintendo 2DS system. It boasted better sound, better greaphics and a really neat controller to boot. It was an advanced home video game system that was one of the main competitors to the Atari 2600. Those of you old enough to remember the glory days of home consoles will have no doubt heard of the ColecoVision.
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Installation is a snap, and we'll be wrting up our full tutorial shotly. The R4 3DS offers up a whole world of classic gaming, and with the NDSGBA emulator, you can play GBA Games, applications and homebrew on your Nintendo 3DS, 3DS XL or Nintendo 2DS. Play GBA Games On Your Nintendo 3DS And R4 3DS Card. The R4 3DS offers up a whole world of classic gaming, and with the SNEmuleDS emulator, you can play SNES Games, applications and homebrew on your Nintendo 3DS, 3DS XL or Nintendo 2DS. Play SNES Games On Your Nintendo 3DS XL and 2DS And R4 3DS Card.
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With The R4 3DS and Neo DS you will be able to bring back all the fighting fun of games like Samurai Shodown, King Of Fighters, Metal Slug, and many many more.įind Out More About How To Play Neo Geo Games On Your Nintendo 3DS NeoDS allows you to bring all of the amazing retro Neo Geo games and plays them right on your Nintendo 3DS system.
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And best of all, because it is freeware, it's absolutely FREE for you to download and play! Minecraft On Your Nintendo 3DS? Yes, almost, and it's called DSCraft! This freeware / homebrew game is a perfect remake of Minecraft for the Nintendo DS, DSI and Nintendo 3DS and any R4 3DS card. With the latest files and downloads.Ĭlassic System Emulators And Classic Remakes And 3DS Homebrew For The Nintendo 3DS And R4 3DS Cards: This page will be updated constantly with new releases, new upates, and new information. We'll give brief / short reviews of each one, and would love to have your reviews too. All homebrew and freeware - so they won't cost you a single dollar to download and play. This page is dedicated to some of our favorite Games And Applications. All you need is the R4 3DS Card in order to be able to load and play them on your Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DSi / XL and the Nintendo DS Lite. These freeware games and apps are released by the developers themselves. The R4 3DS doesn't just let you play the latest movies and allow you to turn your Nintendo 3DS into an amazing multi media player - you can also play games and emulators in the form of free apps and games for the Nintendo 3DS.
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seat-safety-switch · 3 years
One of the most glorious inventions of the human species is the humble reset button. Not going your way? Got confused about what's just happened? Angry for some incoherent reason? Mash that button and everything should be alright in a couple seconds. Before the reset button was invented, we'd have to savagely pull the power cord out of the wall, like British people or Commodore 64 owners.
Thing is, the reset button has gone away in recent times. I'll wait here while you look around your house to find a single object made in this century that has one. Nowadays, if your shit breaks, it's an obscure combination of keys at best, and otherwise you're back to the time of Charles Dickens in yanking the cord out and hoping the batteries run down soon.
That's not right: in our increasingly computerized society, it's way more likely that things will need resetting now than ever before. It's not like software developers have gotten any better at predicting the negative outcomes of their actions. This is why SwitchCo's new line of 2022 Autodrive® products all come with a prominent "RESET" button. No matter what's happening, if you mash this button you are guaranteed to reset it. Will it break a bunch of other things as it goes down? It's entirely possible. Is it a good idea to expose a bright red, flashing button on a safety-critical self-driving car platform that takes nearly a half hour to fully reboot and point it at the back seat within the range of a curious child's arms? We have no data.
In fact, we're so confident in your ability to control for negative outcomes that the reset button replaces the steering wheel on our new Switchmobiles. Our research showed that, when self-driving, literally none of you were paying attention to the road like we asked anyway, so we figured we would stop pretending.
And the really good thing is how much money it's saved us in product development – savings which we don't plan on passing on to you in any way whatsoever. Sure, our software still gets confused about the difference between a road sign, a daycare, and a hot air balloon, and the self-learning system means that every single vehicle we make will eventually become a twitchy mess of neuroses getting spooked by incessant hallucinations, but that's why we gave you a goddamn reset button! Maybe you should push it some time.
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isaackuo · 4 years
Roguelike Duet of Rogues
So, I've been waffling between different Commodore 64 game concepts, and I've now finally figured out one which really "grabs" me.
Roguelike Duet of Rogues
The game is a roguelike partly inspired by Boxy Moxy - a puzzle game where you control two cats that slide until hitting an obstacle. RDoR similarly has you control two people at a time, and they keep on moving until hitting an obstacle.
In traditional roguelikes, you control one person. But I like the dynamics of a stronger character helping a weaker character level up (whoever gets in the final blow gets all the XP). And having just one partner at a time means I can have fun dialog when you break up with a partner for a new partner.
Also, my experience with Ultima III and Ultima IV show me that things get annoyingly bogged down when you control 4+ characters.
So, you pick/name a primary character, and you can gain/switch partners throughout the game. Here are the characters I'm thinking ...
1) Beira, an ice valkyrie. Beira can cast Frost Bolt - able to freeze a creature or create an ice block; freezes water underneath it into an ice bridge.
2) Fuego, a fire wizard. Fuego can cast Fireball from wood weapons, for explosive area damage and burning wood/paper/brush/etc.
3) Elektra, a Lum-like lightning djinn. Elektra can use metal weapons to shoot 3-way lightning bolts.
4) Golem, a stone dwarf. Golem can ram enemies, doing damage with shields.
5) Iato, a human rogue. Iato has no special abilities.
6) Nightgale, a siren. Nightgale can sing to sleep enemies or heal partner within radius; Nightgale can swim.
7) Serrano, an elf ranger. When Serrano uses missile weapons, the projectiles penetrate through multiple enemies. Serrano can create brush block.
8) Microbiota, a fairy. Microbiota can fly, and can use wands/staves with mana instead of charges.
9) Chana, a naga ninja. Chana has four arms, so can wield 4 rings. Chana can double-weild weapons (set 90 degrees apart).
I'm not going to worry about balancing the characters. There's too many combos that interact in weird ways for me to do that. Instead, players can decide for themselves whether they want more of a challenge or whatever.
So, there are 9 characters, and thus 9 home towns. And 9 dungeons underneath each. The goal is to gather the 9 pieces of the Biforce, which summons a luck dragon which will grant a wish. You can win the game by wishing for world peace. Or you can end the game by wishing for the end of the world. Or you can wish for a lot of money. You get the idea.
Or you can ignore the dungeons and just go from town to town trading stuff for profit.
As a roguelike, there is permadeath but ... not exactly. If your partner dies, they are instantly replaced with a descendant in their home town. It'll be like Golem the 2nd, right? So, you can set yourself a goal of not having any of the characters die. Or if you die, then "you" will wake up in your home town as your deceased character's relative. If you had a partner at the time, then this partner will have come to your home town with your possessions. If not, then you lose everything. Either way, the new characters have new randomized stats and a palette swap.
With a traditional roguelike, permadeath means losing everything, period. But this scheme means that you probably keep your possessions, which can include rare powerful weapons. And your exes are out there still leveled up.
The weapons, btw, work in a way inspired by D.R.O.D. (Deadly Rooms of Death). They stick out from your character into a neighboring square; you can either move OR rotate 45 degrees each turn. Long weapons extend more than one square. It's not realistic, but it makes for an interesting puzzle element. Unlike DROD, though, you have sliding movement that continues until you hit an obstacle (inspired by a classic roguelike mechanism). Sliding movement is annoying but distinctive, I think. And it makes up for the fact that you're controlling two characters but can only move one of them at a time. I imagine most of the time you will doing most "stuff" with one character, while the other follows except to do final blows for XP.
And this is what "grabs" me. It's not just yet another roguelike or yet another CRPG. It's a bit of a dance.
BTW, for graphics "mode" I've come up with a scheme using HIRES mode with sprite underlay. Six double-wide black sprites provide coverage of 36x25 characters; the left-most 4 characters display stats. But main map chars can have a bright HIRES foreground color and two filling background colors (black, and a dimmer background color). This enables fine looking HIRES graphics with more colors than normally seen on the C64. For character portraits, two more multicolor sprites underlay, offset by 1 pixel so black outlines can be high resolution. This gives 6 character wide portraits with black+two colors for partially covered characters. Any fully covered characters can additionally have two more colors (chosen independently per character). This will make the character portraits look really awesome, especially compared to what's usually seen on the C64.
Of course, nothing comes for free. This graphics mode requires multiplexing sprites throughout the entire screen; the simplest thing is for the CPU to do nothing but manage the display during the active screen display. This leaves only a small slice of time per frame to actually "do" stuff, especially on an NTSC C64. This could be a problem for an action game. But this is a turn based game.
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amiganogames · 4 years
In Introduction to BASIC - Part 1
I found some books and game cassette inlays in my parents’ attic (loft) a while back and I think I may try and scan them in. This is the first one I’m thinking of scanning in.
We had BBC Micros in school but we never did any real programming with only simple MODE 4 commands being shown us. This book then, was my first exposure to actually understanding programming.
I spent a lot of time playing games on my Commodore 16, but also in learning how FOR...NEXT loops work!
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Here’s the first few paragraphs from the introduction page;
Welcome to the programming course for the COMMODORE 16 and PLUS/4. Both these machines are superb for playing games and producing brilliant and exciting pictures and sounds on your TV set; but they are also complete modern computers in their own right.
Computers are extraordinarily versatile; more so, in fact, than anything except a human. Your computer for instance, can be switched to be a teaching machine, a calculator, an aid to the handicapped, a word processor, a machine for financial records and stock control, a monitor for a patient in an intensive care unit, a controller for an industrial process, or a scientific computer used by engineers to design buildings, power stations and aircraft.
Computers and the systems they control are steadily entering into our everyday lives. Already many devices such as traffic lights, cash registers, and banking terminals have computers behind the scenes. This trend will continue for most of our lifetimes. The world is passing through a computer revolution, which will be as profound in its effects as the Industrial Revolution was in its own time.
The Computer Revolution can't be stopped; but all of us can, if we like, have some influence on the way it goes. The world is becoming divided into two sorts of people — the passengers and the pilots. The passengers let it all just happen; they may enjoy using computer based products, or they may hate computers, or both. They often make their views known, but without any real effect —- they can't reach the controls, and wouldn't know how to use them if they could.
The pilots, on the other hand, are in control of the whole revolution, They invent new types of computers, and think up original and useful ways Of using them, The pilots have o heavy responsibility since it rests on them to steer the world towards peace, freedom and plenty, and away from the nightmare society often depicted in Science Fiction,
What sets apart a pilot from a passenger? Only one thing: understanding the way a computer works, Of course there are different levels of understanding. Most people understand how to use an arcade machine even though they couldn't explain the mechanism to you, (Yes --there is a computer inside.) The level I am thinking of is much deeper. It is so thorough and complete that you can make a computer do anything you want it to, in the way of teaching activities, industrial or medical applications, or even  games to amuse you.
To have this power over your computer, to make it into a fast, accurate obedient and willing slave, you must be able to program the machine.
Programming is the key to becoming a pilot.
This course is all about programming. It relates to the 16 and PLUS/4, but once you have mastered programming for these machines you will find it simple to transfer to any other computer, large or small.
The more programming you do, the easier it becomes. Most people can learn how to program if they give themselves a fair chance, and so can you. You do not need to know much about mathematics, but you will find it useful to have a quiet place to read, think and use the computer, and it is best to give yourself plenty of time to complete the course. Don't rush!
The course is split into fifteen 'units'. Each unit will take you one or two solid evenings' work, on average. Most of the units include some reading, some practical work on the machine, some programming, and a 'self-test' questionnaire to measure how well you have understood the unit. Every unit contains some 'experiments' which you should tick off as you do them.
When the units ask you questions, they generally give you spaces to write your answers. Use them. Write with a soft pencil, and have a rubber handy, so that your answers can be rubbed out if you pass the computer course on to someone else. If your copy of the course already has the answers written in, go through it and erase them before you start studying.
Programming is a tight-knit subject in which ideas depend closely on each other. Topics you learn about in earlier units are mentioned and used in the later ones without any further explanation. For example, you won't be able to make head or tail of unit 10 unless you have read and understood all of units 1 to 9. This makes it important that you follow the units in the order they are given.
When you start work on a new unit, begin by reading quickly right through it from beginning to end, You won't get much of the detail, but you will form an idea of the kind of topics you are going to study.
I have such fond memories of this computer, and my Commodore 64 and my Amiga 500 Plus, I’m just so frustrated that I don’t have any of those computers any more.
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You can simulate your top dog sport
You can simulate your top dog sport as your favorite trade athletes – or entire litter. Take them to the World Cup, Wimbledon, the Kentucky Derby, or whatever the eventuate championship(s) of your play of option. (Not that you have to operate one pastime – take turns severe them all!) Or you can sport fantasy versions that take place anywhere from the city sandlot to a Caribbean causeway. Compete on land, in the irrigate, or dear in the sky! Play all semblance of sports gamble, from unwritten AFL to highest base-jumping. Control your player's government in each game, and necessity it to rout your opponents! Throw punches, fulfill tackles, and leap through the aria with aggression. Perform fraud with a trampoline excel, or backflip over besnowed inclination. Practice using effective teamwork in multiplayer defiance, and employment on your own skills in head-to-head object. Win several crooked to govern online tournaments. Try your deed at tennis worn no work force in Sports Heads Tennis or one of our other Sports Heads games. Duel in midair, jumping around preference a rubber band while severe to score baskets in basketball lame like Basketball Legends and Dunkers. If you failure a 2D game that'll take you for a ride, endeavor to constitute it through the overleap and obstacles in our skateboarding games. In 1974, Taito free Basketball. It discover images both for the trifler and the baskets, and is an not late tempt at accurately imitate a gang mockery. Each player controls two eleven members, a forward and a shield. The globe can be dribbled and passed between eleven members before shooting, and the testicle had to fall into the gainsay four's crate to record a point. That same year, Sega released an union pigskin Pancratium, Goal Kick, which was operate probable an matutinal vertical ball-and-paddle quarry. The first drift video games were also discharge that year: Taito's Speed Race which introduced escroll graphics, and Atari's Gran Trak 10. In 1976, the drift subgenre was amplify into three importance, with the promise-escroll third-parson perspective of Sega's motorbike racing game Moto-Cross, early re-stigma as Fonz that same year, and with the first-person perspective of Atari's Night Driver. That same year, seasonable ice ice hockey lame were also acquit: Alpha Denshi's Bull Fighter and Data East's Fighting Ice Hockey. Data East also free a unique grassland frolic game Haro Gate Ball, based on croquet, while Nichibutsu liberate a sole game based on runner derby, Roller Jammer. Meanwhile, Technos Japan extricate a unique game based on sumo wrestling, Syusse Oozumou, and the first warlike arts oppugn-mock plucky, Karate Champ, considered one of the most effectual fighting lame. That same year, gamble designer Scott Orr based GameStar, a crooked publisher particularize in Commodore 64 play games, and served as its guidance plotter. GameStar was the most successful game computer game company of its time, until Orr solary the company to Activision in 1986. Between 1980 and 1984, Atari and Mattel's Intellivision employ a train of full-stakes TV the advertising industry campaigns aid their respective systems, marking the start of the first comfort wars. Atari obtain in arcade games and had a larger customer base due to its frown price, while Intellivision touted its visually superior mirth Pancratium. Sports scribe George Plimpton was shaped in the Intellivision ads, which evince the parallel gamble side by side. Both Atari and Intellivision fielded at least one Pancratium for baseball, American Aussie Rules, hockey, hoops, auto racing and association AFL. This please delineate the top 100 games in esports with the most prize funds based on message declare on the internet. Sources contain news matter, forum posts, float report clothes, question, public statements, reliable databases, VODs and other openly-accessable spring that keep "historic" message. This website uses cookies. We usage cookies to optimize and personalize your enjoy, provide relative please and take apart online traffic. We also divide message with our analytics and website partners, who may employment it to animate decisions helter-skelter authentic or future benefit. By clicking “Agree,” you concur to manner cookies if you continue to our website. You can concert your cookie settings by tape the "cookie preferences" knob. I Agree Cookie Preferences This website uses cookies. We employment cookies to optimize and personalize your suffer, provide relevant gratify and psychoanalyse online trade. We also shear information with our analytics and website confederate, who may use it to ugly decisions about passable or future avail. By catch “Agree” below, you yield to use cookies if you continue to our website. You can taylor-make your cookie preferences by using the settings next to "Analytical Cookies" and "Marketing Cookies." Click the "Save Preferences" button to prevent your custom-make settings. You can access and change your cookie preferences at any repetition by clap "Data Protection Settings" icon in the lower left corner of our website. For more particular information on the cookies we use, please affect the Academy's Privacy Policy. I Agree Necessary Cookies Necessary cookies empower carpel functionality. The website cannot province rightly without these cookies, and can only be unfolded by changing your browser preferences. Marketing Cookies Analytical cookies prevent us to correct our website by amass and reporting information on its usage. Social Cookies We use some familiar plowshare plugins, to concede you to cleave certain ichoglan of our website on social media. These plugins abode cookies so that you can acurately survey how many times a page has been dividend. Save Preferences Sports-based fighting games are titles that fall firmly within the definitions of both the fighting quarry and frolic plucky genre, such as fisticuffs and wrestling video lame. As such, they are usually put in their own separate subgenres. Often the fighting is remote more graphic than in traditional fighting games (though the amount of realism can well exchange), and many feature aqiqiy-mankind franchises or fighters. Examples of this include the Fight Night, UFC 2009 Undisputed and WWE 2K list. Cricket is not upright a sport in India, it's a polytheism. So it's no surprise that Dream11 is most popular for its immersive fantasy cricket experience. From Tests to T20s, you can join emulate for all data format of international cricket on Dream11. Apart from ICC equal and tournaments, users can also simulate online cricket games from various cricket confederation probable the IPL - maintain and simulate across the the. A mirth project is a video Olympic form that pretend the practice of diversion. Most play have been relieve with a game, including team sports, tow and expanse, utmost game and combat sports. Some lame emphasize veritably playing the amusement (such as the Madden NFL course), while others emphasize strategy and mockery contrivance (such as Championship Manager and Out of the Park Baseball). Some, such as Need for Speed, Arch Rivals and Punch-Out!!, lampoon the sport for comedian effect. This class has been public throughout the history of video gamble and is competitive, just inclination kerçek-the mockery. A many of game order feature the distinction and characteristics of regal nine and libertine, and are updated annually to ponder kerçek-world changes. Sports type is one of the oldest genres in gambling chronicle. Privacy Notice We use cookies to serve us provide, protect and censure your experience. By worn this place, you concede to this use. Find out more in our Cookie Policy.We also show targeted advertisements by sharing your data with our partners so that the ads presented are significant to you. You can opt-out of targeted ads at any time by going to the settings ichoglan. Learn more about this and our participator in our updated 메이저파워볼사이트 Privacy Policy.
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