jamiecchuang · 7 years
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這應該是最不浪漫的一張「七夕情人節快樂」圖了!(是在熱血怎樣的?XD)但這撞下去,後果應該很嚴重,哈哈哈😆實在是因為太想念大海跟衝浪,又好久沒游泳了,想畫一張跟海有關的圖,又剛好七夕,就出現這個矮滴兒啦!哈~願天下有情人終成眷屬。能牽手就不要輕易放手啊! Happy Qixi Festival, (another Valentine's Day made by merchandisers in Taiwan. lol) It should be a night scene with a moon and a bridge of magpies. I miss the ocean and surfing so much and haven't been swimming for a long time, so I just got the idea of this drawing. There was a couple who we have been friends since we were little. They finally started dating each other last summer, somehow they broke up after 7 months. I felt I'm the saddest person for their breakup. 😭Truly hope they will make up soon, though it seems not possible. (sigh) Once you are holding the hand of the one by your side, please don't let go him/her so easily. #colorpencil #drawing #surfing
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jamiecchuang · 8 years
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Hi. I'm Jamie. This is my avatar. Q版自我形象角色設計。 #drawing #illustration #selfportrait #avatar #roledesign
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jamiecchuang · 8 years
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雖然快要過了,但還是要說中秋節快樂啊!大家都吃烤肉月餅剝柚子賞月亮了嗎?今年中秋節人在台灣,所以還是畫來紀錄一下吧! Have you enjoyed moon cakes, BBQ and pomelos today? The blessing from Facebook says that may the day bring the family and friends closer together. I rather believe that "where there is a moon, there is Home."(?) Hahahaha~ Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! #drawing #midautumfestival #drawingdiary
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jamiecchuang · 8 years
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從小就喜歡米老鼠,但也忘了是從什麼時候開始把米奇耳朵畫在自己頭上的~ I don’t remember since when Mickey Mouse ear hat has been on my avatar. I like it. :) #selfpotrait #mickeymouse #alias #colorpencil #illustration
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jamiecchuang · 8 years
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幾年前智慧型手機剛開始出現時,有次跟朋友碎唸說我有個app的點子,都還沒著手就發現有人做了,朋友給我拍拍說:「這世界大家小宇宙都是相通的,想到就快做啊!」可是偏偏有時候,你想跟他通的人,就像活在平行宇宙一樣,完全接不到你的球欸~ About 5 years ago, I complained about that there is already people who created an iPhone application which I was thinking to make. My friend cheered me by saying, "we all share the same universe in this world. Whatever idea comes out, don't be hesitate, just do it!" But I still wonder why there's always someone who can't hit the point even it's a strike... #illustration #universe #thoughts #ideas #thinking
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jamiecchuang · 8 years
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Happy birthday to my good friend Too 2 again. LOL #illustration
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jamiecchuang · 8 years
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雖然台灣夏天的悶熱,真的像生活在烤箱裡一樣,但所謂「真金不怕火煉」,真正的好東西是經得起「烤」驗的,夏天就是要到處玩的季節啊!(雖然說冬天也是要玩啦)今年有衝到一次浪,算滿足了~ (然後⋯⋯畫出來的景點,我今年根本都還沒去踩過,哈哈哈~~)今年夏天快結束了,你「烤」了些什麼哩? Summer in Taiwan is really hot like living in an oven. But there is a say which is d**n right! It says "As long as you know how to bake, life is sure to be sweet." I have been surfing once this summer in Taiwan, that's sweet! <3 #illustration #summer #taiwanAttraction #colorpencil
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jamiecchuang · 8 years
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蘭嶼遊回憶紀錄(但我們其實沒有體驗拼板舟啊!哈哈),不太會畫人,一口氣要畫十個,真是難倒我,但還是忍著腰痛分幾次畫完這張圖了,也是一點小進步啦,繼續努力!(握) A wonderful memory in Orchid Island(Lanyu). Even we didn't really try the canoe. Haha... #illustration #colorpencil #drawing #canoe #friends
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jamiecchuang · 8 years
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一隻想要成為別種怪獸的怪獸。 A monster who wanna be another one. #monster #drawing #charecterdesign #illustration
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jamiecchuang · 8 years
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練習畫牡丹花,這是去年小花姐姐指定的,現在才開始畫。訓練耐心啊! My cousin, Jessie, asked me to draw a pic of peonies one year ago. I just finished it today, cause I had to be patient to draw this. #peonies #peony #drawing #colorpencil
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jamiecchuang · 8 years
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在蘭嶼街上除了羊,最常看到的大概就是豬了。牠們都是蘭嶼人珍貴的資產,騎車時要小心別撞到了喔! You will see pigs and goats walking around on the streets in Orchid Island(Lanyu). They are treasures of the residents. Be careful when riding there! #pig #piglet #colorpencil #drawing
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jamiecchuang · 8 years
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在蘭嶼時遇到很多山羊,印象最深刻的是依偎著媽媽、黏著媽媽走路的小羊,真的好可愛。我也不知道為什麼我要選一隻白毛的動物,畫在白紙上逼死自己XD,越畫越沒耐心⋯⋯ I ran into so many goats when traveling in Orchid Island(Lanyu). When I saw a little goat cuddling and walking with its mom, I felt touched. It's really hard for me to draw a white animal on a white paper... #goat #drawing #colorpencil
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jamiecchuang · 8 years
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今天練習畫房間,我最喜歡有大書桌,床邊能放積木、玩具,睡前可以玩一下。(畫面中間滴到水了,淚) I practiced drawing a room today. I like a room with a big desk, and I can put some bricks and toys beside my bed, so I can play them before sleeping. LOL. What kind of room do you like? (A drop of water ruins my sketch. crying) #drawing #room
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jamiecchuang · 8 years
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新嘗試,好像是第一次畫風景欸!雖然是剪影而已,哈! It seems my first try of drawing scenery. (Though it's more like a silhouette. LOL) #drawing #colorpencil #scenery #sunset #rollerPainter -- 構想來源 / idea from:https://instagram.com/p/BHXig5ZBcDl/
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jamiecchuang · 8 years
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即使夢想的道路孤獨難行,但協助總會適時出現的,持續前行吧! You may feel lonely on the road of dream. But there are always helps around. Just keep going! #colorpencil #drawing #dream
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jamiecchuang · 8 years
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最浪漫的事就是和你一起慢慢變老。 The most romantic thing is getting old with you... #couple #love #drawing #colorpencil
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jamiecchuang · 8 years
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好久沒有用麥克筆了,趕緊練習一下⋯⋯似乎有點糟@@ I haven't practiced markers for a long time. A little bit worse. :p #bulletTrain #train #markers
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