#Neverwinter Knights
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dairine-bonnet 2 months ago
Who else writes fics this way: hmmmm, it's such an interesting name for a fic, now I definitely have to think of a plot of this fic?
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nightmaskart 1 year ago
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Yarrow and Lady Aribeth courtship
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jadeempire 5 months ago
Leave your reasoning in the tags!
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enthusiastofshit 7 months ago
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popsartattic 4 months ago
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hekateras 7 months ago
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Shadow-Touched: Part I Part II here AO3 link The whole comic as a Flipbook
Something a little different from the usual fare! :)
This year I took a bit of a chance and signed up for the Heart Attack exchange, where you have two weeks to write 10k of gift fic or make at least 10 pages of comics. I was on the fence about signing up until I saw that someone was requesting an old videogame teenagehood passion of mine. I did an awful job making good use of the allotted time and did pretty much everything you're not supposed to do, and it shows in how rough and sketchy so much of it is, but even so, I consider it a success. I finally made longer sequential art and tackled some of the things I'd been struggling with so much. And the recipient seemed happy, too. :)
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agirlinsearchof 7 days ago
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klerothesnowman 2 months ago
Roleplaying on Neverwinter Nights is one of a kind
Or: Klero desperately tries to sell you on their hobby
This is long and rambly as always, so if you want to be sold on NWN skip to the end without all the preamble. Star Wars fans pay attention because I'm gonna talk about a Star Wars server too.
Roleplaying is a weird hobby, innit? I think whenever people think about it their go to mental image is Sephiroth and Tails having an epic battle where Tails totally juked him with a hologram
And like, yeah, this is what public social media RP tends to look like. I'm sorry guys with unironic open RP posts on your dash, every time I look at you I can't tell if it's a joke or not. I'm not trying to dunk on you, that's just how it is.
But there's all kinds of roleplaying isn't there? For every open RP on social media, there's a private, curated RP being done play by post on a dedicated RP forum. People lovingly writing full paragraphs of their characters thoughts and feelings.
Sorry guys, I don't fuck with that one either. It's like everyone is taking turns doing soliloquies.
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One of the best stories I've ever read has its origin in a play by post RP so I can't dunk on it too hard. Read Unsounded
Then there's MMO RP, this one's a little more palatable to me. People interacting in more immediate fashion, and there's even a visual element to keep your attention. ADHD sufferers unite.
But there's a problem with that too, and that's the... I want to say, impermanence. Unless you're playing in a kind of closed garden RP group the things your character does is never going to have a major effect on the world around you. There's a reason most MMO RP tends to just be hanging out at a tavern or something.
But then, there's Neverwinter Nights.
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Released in 2002, and the last D&D game Bioware made, Neverwinter Nights is a weird game. The campaign is mid at best, the characters barely memorable, you could only have a single companion with you at a time. It doesn't look too great visually. Though I do think its visuals have a charm to them that I can't really explain.
But, Neverwinter Nights has three features that marked it as a cult classic that people still play 20 years later.
Multiplayer. You can have your buddies play with you.
The Dungeon Master. You can have one of your buddies possess and play NPCs, spawn new creatures and loot and all sorts of things.
The Toolset. You can make your own campaigns, import in custom content and even code new systems and features into the game.
If you've heard of Neverwinter Nights it's usually in the context one of these features. There are some high class player made campaigns out there. Shout out to Luke Scull.
But the thing that's really made this game stand the test of time is the 24/7 servers referred to as "Persistent Worlds."
These places are, effectively, small scale, community made MMOs, all with their own changes to the rule sets, some of them effectively completely different games. Imagine a D&D game that is always running, even without a DM but you can still play. Except also, there is a DM sometimes, running events that have consequences and continued relevance even after the people involved in them have logged off.
And! The majority of them are roleplaying servers, being in character is enforced. Imagine MMO RPers, if everything you were doing was in character, and you can expect everyone to be roleplaying too. You don't need to do the awkward feeling out of if the player you just met while out leveling a skill is up for doing some RP. They do, they're here, RP away!
But even still, this is all just my preamble. Because I'm not pitching NWN in general, I'm pitching it to people on Tumblr specifically.
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There's a recurring motif in fanworks that I'm sure you're all familiar with. You're all really interested in the mundane parts of your fixations, the kind of things that get cut for time. You all love thinking about what characters do in their time off, what little quirks people when they're doing chores, the little moments that don't exist on the screen. You all love watching characters do things like go to coffee shops and enjoy each other's company. For the Star Wars nuts, you love to theorize and imagine what the day to day life of a member of the Jedi Order would be, how these ascetic warrior monks interact with each other when the responsibility of protecting the galaxy hangs over their heads.
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When a server is on 24/7 every moment can't be the exciting adventure. These mundane little moments happen, they happen a lot. And what I've found is a roleplaying environment that is uniquely personal and warm, where you can spend hours just sitting around a table with friends talking nonsense. Where you can go through the motions of a relaxing routine, find people who matter to you, enjoy the mundane. It's "Comfy"
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And it enhances the exciting adventure too, because you have explicit, obvious contrast to know what you're fighting for (or fighting to escape, depends on your character obviously). And when you get back the things you did mattered, you'll keep talking about them, they might impact people you haven't met.
And obviously I don't need to tell you that when you've grown close to someone it hurts all the harder when they're in danger.
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Just to be clear, I don't have an ulterior motif for this. This isn't a dying hobby I'm trying to breathe life into or anything. I just think that this is the kind of thing that people here would be really into, and I've mentioned it in posts in the past so I'm just throwing it on out.
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ldy-lilith 9 months ago
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All I hear are screams, every time I dare to close my eyes I no longer dream, only nightmares of those who've died Nothing's what it seems
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gree3art 7 months ago
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Artfight attack on MarimoPunk
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dairine-bonnet 2 months ago
Do you know that feeling when one barely utters a few sentences or even a few words only, and you instantly get an urge to see them pierced by lightning coming out of your fingers? Personally, I have this feeling when incompetent people are telling me what to do...
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the-great-elwisty 2 years ago
Obsidian Entertainment have marked their 20th anniversary by releasing a documentary in four five parts. Part one includes Knights of the Old Republic 2 and Neverwinter Nights 2. Various big names of Obsidian take part though sadly the writing/creative side is a little under-represented.
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kaninchen-reblogs 2 years ago
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Oh I also forgot to share this on here I think (I drew it back in December lol). One of my characters in Neverwinter Nights: Olivia (Strongheart Halfling, Rogue 15 / Knight 10 / Loremaster 5*).
Born to a Cormyrian noble family and raised in Waterdeep, trained in science, the arts, classical fencing, horseback riding, and capable of speaking 7 languages other than Common. As a child she read stories of knights and adventurers going on mighty quests, and now as an adult, she wanders the land in the hopes of becoming one of those storied heroes!
Because of her small stature, she's an expert at staying unseen and unheard, buffing herself with powerful scrolls from her satchel, then descending upon the unsuspecting foe with mighty fury. Mighty indeed -- whenever she kills any enemy, all nearby enemies have to make a DC 30 Will Save vs Fear or run away in terror!
She primarily fights using a fencing sabre, parrying and riposting enemy attacks... but when subtlety goes out the window, she wields a battleaxe that's as tall as she is!
*(I play on a modded server that changes the PDK prestige class to Knight and adds a Loremaster class, so those two classes aren't vanilla)
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hekateras 7 months ago
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Shadow-Touched: Part II Part I here AO3 link The whole comic as a Flipbook
And the other half :)
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kracovx 2 years ago
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Neverwinter Nights
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askagamedev 20 days ago
Why did SWTOR get shuffled to a different developer if it was apparently Bioware's most steady source of income for the better part of the last decade?
SWTOR wasn't really treated as a true "Bioware" project for the longest time.
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First, a little history. The original Bioware studio in Edmonton was the one responsible for the "modern" Bioware titles - Neverwinter, Jade Empire, Dragon Age, and Mass Effect. SWTOR was primarily built by a separate studio in Austin with a separate org chart. The only thing that really tied SWTOR's early development to Bioware was the name on the studio and the general style of game it was. The contributions of Bioware Edmonton to SWTOR were primarily limited to the original staff sent to start the Austin studio and the on-rails space shooter mode in SWTOR. During this era, Bioware and SWTOR were basically associated in name only. There was minimal marketing or promotion for SWTOR from Bioware as a brand.
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A few years later, EA corporate started an initiative called "One Bioware" which essentially brought Edmonton, Austin, and the newly formed Montreal studios under the same studio leadership to work on "Bioware" projects. SWTOR is still a "legacy" project - it's getting long in the tooth, it isn't growing, and the technology is old. It wasn't the hot new thing to promote, and the team building it felt the neglect from above. SWTOR actually had a Rennaisance period, with Knights of the Fallen Empire bringing in a huge number of additional subscribers and player growth, but that was mostly ignored by Bioware at large. Dragon Age Inquisition got all the fanfare, then a bunch of people were pulled from SWTOR to support Andromeda and Anthem.
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A perfect example is the Bioware 25th anniversary book, 300+ pages of history about all the games and such that Bioware built over their run. Ten pages of the 300+ were dedicated to SWTOR, despite SWTOR having been live for 9 years by that point and SWTOR being the financial engine keeping the entire org afloat. It's strongly emblematic of how it made the dev team feel and how much Bioware as an organization cared about the game.
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After 2020, EA was looking to decrease costs. Broadsword had already proven themselves by taking on some of EA's other legacy MMO projects (Dark Age of Camelot, Ultima Online) and doing well with them. Broadsword made the offer to take on SWTOR, along with hiring as many of the SWTOR dev team as they could take. Many of the veteran team members, weary of the treatment at Bioware, decided to take it. It's hard to blame them - Bioware as an organization never really seemed to understand or appreciate the SWTOR contributions beyond the revenue it generated. Bioware didn't give much acknowledgement to the game or the team, internal or external.
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