#Nestor x Reader
juicesgf · 4 months
No Matter What {N.O}
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Warnings: none just fluff
gf reader x bf nestor
“Please don’t be mad at me.” Nestor pleaded through the door
“I could never be mad at you, just come out.” Y/n assured
Nestor let out a sigh before opening the bathroom door and stepping out.
Y/ns eyes widened for a moment seeing the cut he was now wearing.
He saw her expression and immediately spoke up “This is so much better than the security—“
He was cut off by Y/n cupping his face and placing a quick kiss to his lips.
She smiled before pulling away “I’m with you, no matter what.”
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obsessedasusual · 11 months
Specific Skill Set - Nestor Oceteva
Pairing: Nestor Oceteva x Reader
Summary: Nestor tells you about his new employment opportunity.
Warnings: swearing
Note: Hehe… hi👀 Just popping in for my usual ‘dump and disappear again’ trick. Rewatched SOA recently and it… rehashed a lot of feelings😅 So enjoy some Nestor🥰
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“You think it’s a bad idea.” Nestor stated from his spot at the dining table.
You braced yourself against the kitchen bench, taking a break from stacking the dirty dishes to gather your thoughts.
Yes. You did think it was a bad idea. You truthfully thought it was downright stupid.
Nestor sat staring at you, waiting for you to react. Reacting was your strong point. Your face unfortunately lacked the ability to mask your emotions. Sad? People knew. Surprised? People knew. In disbelief over someone’s stupidity? People knew.
So now, as you took in and processed what your partner had just brought up with you, he sat with his eyes locked on your face. Waiting for the tell-tale flick of emotion.
“Nestor,” you turned to face him, “I don’t know if this is a good idea.”
He had already showered, eager to get out of his uniform and into ‘normal clothes’ as he put it.
When he’d got home that night you could tell straight away something was plaguing him. You’d finally got him to divulge all over dinner.
You crossed your arms over your chest before continuing, “You didn’t even like Marcus most of the time, remember?”
His eyes flicked to the ground before lifting back to you, “That’s history, we’re good now.”
When Nestor had told you he’d had a visit from Marcus Alvarez while at work today, you didn’t really know what to think. Then he continued and said Marcus had offered to bring him over to the Mayans, you’d abruptly stood and started clearing dinner.
“Nes, you were good with Miguel too… that - that hasn’t worked out so good.”
“That’s completely different.” He sighed.
“How?! You and Miguel were family, Nestor. And it all went to shit. You and Marcus hardly know each other-“
“This would be a better fit for me.” Nestor interrupted you, desperate for you to see his logic, “This is more my skill set, you can’t argue that.”
“This wouldn’t even be a job, Nestor. What you had with Miguel? It was horrible. I hated it. But it was a job. What you have now? Listen, I know you don’t like it… but for now it helps pay the bills. It’s only temporary.”
“I’m a fucking mall cop.”
You knew how hard it was for Nestor to go from his position of respect to a mall security guard, but when everything had blown up it was exactly what you needed - security. And truth be told, you had come to appreciate that these days you knew your partner was coming home on time and in one piece.
The knots in your stomach when he wouldn’t answer your call had finally disappeared. You ate normal couple meals at a normal time. But you knew Nestor wasn’t happy.
“Why don’t you look further into that security business idea? I think that could be the better route.” You tried to reason.
He sighed your name, “This is a better fit for me, you know that.”
“I don’t even know what the Mayans do, Nestor! Do you?! I know they ride around on motorbikes, you don’t own a bike! And you’d be starting as a prospect, how do you even make money?” You walked back to him at the table and took his hand, “I know you’re not happy where you are. I want you to be happy, Nestor. But… I don’t want to go back to not knowing if you were coming home again.”
You thought back to all the times Nestor had come home injured, or come home a day or two later than promised. The panic and dread that filled your entire being was something you never wanted to experience again.
Nestor gripped your hand and tugged you to stand between his knees, looking up at you, “I know - I know it was hard for you, me working with Miguel. But this is what I’m good at. I don’t have anything else.” You started to disagree but he jumped in again, “This wouldn’t be like before. I wouldn’t be splitting my time between here and Mexico. I’d be here. I’d be close.”
You sighed and lifted one hand to cup his face gently, brushing your thumb back and forth allowing this moment of peace between you.
You knew Nestor needed this.
But you also knew that you couldn’t sit by in a constant state of anxiety like before.
He could make all the promises in the world but you both knew it didn’t change the fact that he was diving straight back into the war zone.
Nestor may have forgotten about your little talk back when everything hit the fan with Miguel, the promises he’d made when you’d set new boundaries.
No more danger.
You couldn’t control whether he’d go with the Mayans. But you could control your response if he did. You knew, and he’d soon learn, that you would have no choice but to leave if he chose this path.
What’s the value in having boundaries if you didn’t?
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garbinge · 1 year
Commission Job
Nestor Oceteva x F!Galindo!Reader
Day 19 from these April Prompts: A Commission Job
Summary: Part 2 to Minimum Wage, but can be read as a standalone. After Miguel orders a hit on Nestor, he comes crashing at your doorstep. 
Words: 2.5k
Warnings: Angsty af. Mentions of blood, killing, death, murder, all canon level thangggs ya know. 
Mayans Taglist: @drabbles-mc @narcolini @justreblogginfics​
Part 1​
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You wished you ignored the doorbell and the persistent knocking. That was the lie you were telling yourself as the two parts of your brain argued against each other on what to do with the disheveled man at your doorstep. The part of you who had been living in this small town under a new name with no ties to your old life was fighting with the other part of your brain that hadn’t been functional in years… the Galindo in you. 
The initial shock of seeing Nestor bruised and bloody on your doorstep was gone in seconds. You didn’t ask questions, you just brought him inside and into the coat closet. 
“Wrong house!” You called out to the company you had over that was currently in the kitchen halfway through dinner as you shoved Nestor into the closet and shut the door. He didn’t say anything either, he just followed your suit. 
“You know, I’m not feeling so hot.” You made your way back to your kitchen bar and made a scrunched up face. “Getting up made me realize I’m feeling kind of blah.” You were easily falling into the lie, your Galindo traits rising back up from the ashes. 
Your date was making their way down the hallway, disappointment all over their face as they did whatever they could to change your mind. Little did they know that the half broken man in your closet was not going to make that happen. 
After your company left you moved immediately to the closet and opened the door to see Nestor sitting on the cubbies you had as storage. 
“You think you can make it to the bathroom? It’s upstairs.” You would ask questions later, but right now you were prioritizing. 
“Yea.” His voice was rough and more raspy than normal but it brought your heart up to your throat. Seeing him caused you to go into reaction mode but hearing him speak for the first time caused you to want to throw up. 
You brought your arm around his torso and his arm instinctually went around your shoulder as you trudged upstairs. Luckily, it wasn’t many steps before you were in the bathroom. It was obvious that he wasn’t putting all his weight on you but once he was seated on the closed lid toilet you could see his body collapsed in exhaustion. 
Black eye, deep scratch over his cheek bone, probably some broken ribs from the way he was limping. That was the bulk of the damage you were able to clock by looking at him. With a deep breath you opened the cabinets below the sink and pulled out the first aid kit. 
“I’m gonna need you to lift your shirt up.” 
Nestor obliged, it was then that you realized he wasn’t in his normal outfit of a button up and slacks but a t-shirt and jeans. You frowned but quickly moved to look at the bruising and cuts on his abdomen. 
“Great, more open wounds.” You mumbled as you bent down to clean up the dried blood around the cuts. You both sat in silence for a while as you cleaned up the cuts and gave Nestor a cold washcloth to hold against the bruising until you could go downstairs and grab an ice pack. 
“You need stitches.” You pointed to his face as you sat on the edge of your tub. “I don’t have the tools for that but I can give you a butterfly bandage.” Your voice was monotone as you spoke.
“That’s fine.” His voice still deep and raspy. 
With a nod you were leaning over him and grabbing the bandage from the kit and applying it to his face. His breath was hot against your face as you got close to adjust the open cut with the bandage. Quick to move back you looked back down at his ribs. 
“Let me get you an ice pack.” 
Before he could say anything you were up and out of the bathroom and picking up your pace down the stairs. It was an opportunity to truly ask yourself what the fuck was happening. It had been years since you saw Nestor. Suddenly everything was hitting you. How did he know where you lived? Why was he here? Who beat him up this bad? Why didn’t he go to Miguel? Did Miguel know where you were? 
It was overwhelming to say the least, you started to get angry but then you thought about Nestor’s helpless being upstairs and it disappeared instantly. The only way you knew you were going to get answers was to ask him, and if things were even remotely the same as they were years ago, you knew that wasn’t a guarantee either, but you had to try. 
As you walked back to the bathroom you saw Nestor struggling to stand up. 
“Woah, what are you–” Your feet moved quickly on the bathroom tile and before you could finish your statement he was collapsing into your arms taking the wind out of you. “C’mon, sit back down.” A large groan came from the both of you as you took on his full body weight now and attempted to place him back down on the toilet. The pain from his injuries and your shitty attempt to placing him carefully back down causing him to react in agony. 
“Take this.” The medicine cabinet was opening as you shuffled through your things and pulled out an old prescription of some pain medicine. You handed him two pills and filled up a dixie cup with water after he tossed them in his mouth. 
You stared down at him, your mind finding itself back in that same place it was downstairs. 
“I need something.” 
Those were the words you decided to lead with. Not what the fuck is happening. Not what the fuck is going on. No. You decided that you’d go into this the way you knew worked best with Nestor. Meeting him at his own place of comfort. It wasn’t fair, he came to your house, which was still unclear how, but he was the one barely able to stand in your bathroom right now so, sure, you’d give him a break. 
“Mikey has a hit out on me.” 
Now you were the one barely able to stand. You stabled yourself by gripping the bathroom counter. 
“Come again?” You frowned. It was shocking to hear Nestor so easily give up information and to hear THAT information was cause enough for you to feel like you were going to throw up. 
“Your brother hired someone to kill me. A commissioned job.” He said it again, this time more explanatory and it only made your stomach pit tighten more. 
“Wh– Uh– How?” You started to stutter, you weren’t able to take in that information. You prided yourself on your ability to take in all sorts of information, coming from the Galindo family where your father and brother lied and killed and manipulated, nothing came as a shock to you. For God’s sakes the braided man in front of you knocked on your door, that he shouldn’t have known about, bloodied and bruised and you brought him in with no words or question. But this? This was unexpected. 
“Your mom. She’s dead. He, uh, isn’t doing too good. He killed Paco. Right in front of me. In front of Marcus.” Nestor’s voice was rattled. It was how you knew that this wasn’t a normal situation, not that Nestor telling you your brother put a hit on him was normal but you were searching for anything right now. 
“Marcus?” You questioned completely ignoring the part about your mother, your voice just as rattled as his. 
“Consejero.” Nestor let out a deep breath as he remembered you had no idea about anything. 
“Nestor, what the fuck is going on.” The rattled tone changed to desperate and before he answered you heard a knock at your door. It was firm and loud, and it matched your heart beat. 
Nestor was standing up like none of his injuries existed, if you were thinking logically, you would have chalked it up to adrenaline but right now you just felt your whole life crashing down on you. 
So many thoughts in such little time. You didn’t ask for this. Nestor came to your doorstep and now you were dealing with the aftermath of that. You’d kill Miguel. Galindo habits die hard, but your will to protect yourself from them would go down harder. Nestor was quick to grab the gun from under the bathroom sink that he probably clocked earlier but like you said, Galindo habits die hard and he knew you probably had one stored in each room of the house. 
He was making his way down the stairs, way faster than when he arrived. He peaked through the peep hole and immediately his shoulders relaxed and he opened the door, quick to fall back on the steps. 
Now, there was a stoic tall man in a button up t-shirt and slacks standing in your foyer as Nestor laid collapsed on the bottom step and you at the very top staring down to both men. 
“Marcus.” Nestor pointed to Marcus in his way of introducing you. 
“I’d say nice to meet you but this is fucked.” You made your way down the stairs to grab the gun from Nestor and situate him in a better position. “I’ll be taking this for now.” You put the safety back on and placed the gun in your back waistband before picking Nestor up against the wall. “Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on and how the fuck you knew where I was?” It was essentially two questions, one was pointed at Marcus and one was pointed at Nestor. 
“I’m sorry to barge into your home like this.” Marcus said like it was the beginning to an explanation but just looked at Nestor to respond. 
“She knows.” Nestor breathed out the two words. 
Marcus nodded. “Well then, you know everything we do.” 
You raised your eyebrows and let out a laugh. “Respectfully, I think the fuck I don’t.” 
Marcus was glaring at Nestor again, not wanting to get anymore involved in this than he already was. 
“I knew where you were, found you a few months after you left. Never told Miguel.” Nestor’s eyes were closed as his chest raised and fell with his deep breaths. 
You were speechless which was Nestor’s invitation to keep talking. 
“I got attacked. Your brother, ordered the hit on me. He’s pissed about your mom.” 
Your mom. When Nestor mentioned it before it slipped out of your mind over the thought that your brother ordered a hit on his best friend. 
“She was murdered. Not sure by who but he blames us all. I got away, laid low, told Marcus to meet me here.”  
“How do I know you weren’t followed.” You snapped your head to look at Marcus who was still standing stoic in your entryway. 
“I wasn’t.” His voice was steady. You believed him, there wasn’t anything you could do if you didn’t but the way he was handling this right now was better than you expected from someone you’d never met. 
You sat in the silence for a minute, taking everything in before shaking it all off, letting the Galindo fall right back into place. 
“So what the fuck do we do now?” You looked straight at Marcus as you asked, knowing Nestor called him here for a reason and if he trusted him you should too. 
“We run.” His advice was chaotic but it was spoken so confidently that you didn’t have an ounce of doubt in you. Maybe it was because running was a life you knew about pretty well, it was comfortable. It was safe, ironically. “But for now, let’s get him to a couch, we’ll head out in a few hours.” 
You nodded in agreement as Marcus walked over to help you bring Nestor to your living room. Placing him on the couch you both stood over him. After a moment you looked over at Marcus and introduced yourself giving him your name. 
“Miguel’s sister.” You specified even more. Before the two of you could speak more, Nestor was mumbling under his breath. 
“What?” You placed your attention on him. 
“Before I showed up. Were you on a date?” Nestor grumbled, the pain medicine obviously kicking in. 
Embarrassed, you snapped your head towards Marcus who was quick to look away. 
“I’ll, uh.” Marcus pointed towards the kitchen and quickly made himself scarce leaving you and Nestor in the living room. 
“Not a very good one if this was the highlight of my night.” Your voice was annoyed but you spoke the truth. 
Nestor smiled at your response. It was a mix of pride and also relief. “Maybe, when this is all over, I can take you on a date.” 
His voice was slurring, it was another empty promise, you knew that, but you also knew that he meant it. 
“You should get some rest, Nes.” As your hand swayed next to him, he grabbed it. 
“Promise me that you’ll give me a chance.” 
You froze at his touch but then nodded. If he could give you an empty promise, you should be able to also. 
“I promise.”
Part 1​
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writingsbyzuzu · 3 months
blame schlatt!
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after a horrendous breakup with the man who you thought you'd marry, you made a promise to ditch before any man hurt you again.
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notes: schlatt x reader, brief hasan x reader, sort of jacksepticeye x reader? (you make out), heavy ethan nestor x reader (bro is in love with you)
warnings: you're a jerk, schlatt is a dickhead, lots of mentions of sex, sort of cheating? but not really, major angst ahead, not proofread sorry
based on blame brett by the beaches
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done being the sad girl, I’m done dating rock stars, 
from now on only actors, tall boys in the Raptors
To say your breakup changed you was the understatement of the century. When Schlatt ended things, you moved out of his apartment, moved cities to Los Angeles to be around your friends, and you had spent the first two months of your post-breakup life wallowing in your shiny new LA apartment. 
Your friends were worried you’d never recover, you hadn’t made a video or gone out or even tried to get out of bed for two months. Your fans would leave comments asking where you went. It all came to a head one night, when you were once again, in bed, scrolling through your Youtube front page. You saw the thumbnail for a new Chuckle Sandwich video. 
It had been two months, surely everything would be fine, right? He couldn’t affect you that much.
But he was…perfectly fine. Elated even, joking around with Ted and Tucker as if he hadn’t just barely ended a three year relationship two months prior out of the blue.
That was devastating to you. You had wallowed, and pined, and been crushed for two months for a relationship ending that you had no clue why it had ended. You had been convinced a proposal was on its way, for fucks’ sakes. And then Schlatt said something that demolished you further.
“So Ted, I recently started seeing this girl…” 
You shut your laptop. That was enough to snap you out of it. If he didn’t mourn what you had, neither would you. You were in a new place surrounded by friends who cared about you. It was time for a change.
I'll become an asshole, disguised as a bad girl, in my button-up shirt
a natural disaster, hey
Change you did. Haircut, hair dye, the wardrobe aesthetic of your dreams. Your audience watched in awe as you drastically changed appearances in your new video, but you were still acting the same. “New era,” they had called it. And they weren’t wrong. 
But you had also changed off camera too.
One of your girlfriends had installed Raya on your phone and referred you into the app list, and once you had gotten in was when they saw the biggest shift in you.
you could be my baby, baby, baby…you could be my baby, baby, maybe, uh-oh
Hasan hadn’t anticipated matching with you. He rarely used the app to begin with, stating it was “ridiculous” and a waste of time. But one drunken night, he decided to go swiping just to see what he could find. And that’s when he saw your profile.
He hadn’t known you that well, for the most part having run in similar circles but not close ones. Besides, while he always thought you were gorgeous, you had only been in his sphere as “Schlatt’s girl”. Evidently by your profile, that was no longer the case, and you were free game.
So he swiped, and it was a match.
Hasan was charming, and if you weren’t wary of relationships, you probably would have made him your boyfriend. Over the past few weeks, he made you laugh, he was easy to talk to, ripped, and man, was he good in bed.
“Baby,” you murmur. “Hm?” Hasan responds, turning over in bed. He went to tuck your hair behind your ear, and you wince, moving slightly away from his touch. He frowns. “This was really nice, but I have to go.”
I'm sorry in advance, I'm only gonna treat you bad,
I'm probably gonna let you down, I'm probably gonna sleep around
“I have a date,” you say nonchalantly, fishing your panties from under the duvet. “A date?” Hasan asks incredulously. “I thought we had a thing going on, I thought you liked me,” he said in disbelief.
He had been under the impression that this would lead to a relationship, that you would be his girl, but it appears that for you, this wasn’t the case.
“Ohhh…Don’t get me wrong, Has. I like you. I think you’re great. I just…don’t want to commit to anyone right now. I thought I had made that clear, I’m sorry.” You pull over your dress, grabbing your purse and heading out the door.
“Oh,” is all he manages to say as you leave his house. He waits for you to message him again, apologize, but you don’t. And that crushes him.
You had managed to charm Ethan Nestor rather rapidly. You wouldn’t call him desperate or easy, but he had seemed so eager and excited when you had asked him out at a party the week before. He was a little shy, but gentle, sweet and fun. What you really hadn’t expected was to fuck on the first date.
So sorry in advance, before you take off your pants
I wouldn't let me near your friends, I wouldn't let me near your dad
After that, you and Ethan had seen each other quite frequently, with a range of date-like activities from going to the aquarium and museums, to casual sex. Hasan might not have won you over, Schlatt might not have been able to keep you, he thinks, but maybe he could.
Weeks passed, and while not much had changed in terms of a lack of label, you had stuck around long enough for Ethan to think he had even an iota of a shot.
That was until one night, about two to three months after walking out on Hasan. Ethan had taken you to a party where a lot of YouTubers would be at. You two were having a good time, talking to a lot of Ethan’s various friends. Ethan had offered to go get you something new to drink, and you agreed. But when Ethan returned, he couldn’t find you. His friends said you had gone to the bathroom, having felt ill, and Sean had gone to check on you, but neither of you had returned. A sinking feeling entering his stomach, he went upstairs to where the bathroom was. Taking in a breath, he opened the door.
It was…exactly what he thought it was. You were making out with his friend. Tears welled in his eyes, and he cleared his throat.
You both stopped to look at him, and with his shoulders deflated, he turns fully around and begins to walk out of the houseparty. You follow him.
That's why I won't get vulnerable, don't you dare get comfortable,
heartbreak is impossible, feelings doing somersaults
“Ethan, wait.”
The two of you stand in the front yard. The happy, goofy guy you had been spending time with had disappeared, a crying, distraught man in his place. He turns around. “Did you even like me? Am I just, what, some name on your fucklist? Are we just a checklist? Fucked Ethan, now you gotta fuck Sean.”
“It’s not like that.”
“Oh, really?” He looks at you, every emotion evident on his face.
“I do like you.”
“Then why the fuck were you making out with Sean?”
“I…I thought you knew what this was, Ethan. We aren’t together.”
He scoffs, crossing his arms. “Yeah, but I thought we were doing this…I thought we were doing this because we were going to get together. That’s usually what two people who like each other do.”
You look down at the ground, taking a step back. “So… you wouldn’t want to be with me?” he asks. “I…”
You liked Ethan, you did. But you were scared. You had once been madly in love with Schlatt, and Schlatt had been madly in love with you. Or so you had thought, when he had dumped you at dinner with no excuse, just an “I just don’t think we could be together anymore.” For two months, you had been in the worst emotional pain you had ever felt. All you could do, without an excuse as to why, was to blame yourself. You had to screw it up now, so you couldn’t fuck it up with Ethan later, after falling in love with him. You couldn’t do that again, ever. But Ethan couldn’t know that. Then he would know you, really know you. That was too much for you to ever handle again. So nothing comes out of your mouth.
I'm not ready for therapy, to take accountability,
right now it's about me, me and only 'bout me, hey
“You need help, you know that? I know anyone can sleep with whoever they want, it’s a free country, and I know Schlatt broke your heart-”
You look up at him, bewildered and distraught he had even mentioned his name.
“Don’t look at me like that. Like I’m the one hurting you. If you have issues with what happened, go to therapy. Don’t take it out on the people who care about you. I’m done. Call me if you want to actually care about someone or apologize, maybe then I can forgive you.” Ethan turns back around, and heads to his car. He drives off without you, leaving you on someone’s lawn.
Whatever, you think. You’ll find someone else to fuck. Someone else to make you smile and laugh. Someone else who will be kind, and treat you with respect. You didn’t need Ethan. Even if there was a small part of you that wanted to chase after him, that wanted to apologize for real, that wanted to kiss him, that wanted to love him.
Ted looks really good these days, anyways.
As you nod to yourself, wiping away the tears on your face, you hear a familiar voice behind you.
“Hey doll.”
but don't blame me, blame Brett!
blame my ex, blame my ex, blame my ex
You whip around.
There he was, standing against a pillar on the house’s porch, Schlatt himself. “How ya been?”
Your mouth grows dry, your hands get clammy. You stand there for a moment, in fear and disbelief. Finally, the words come out of you, slow like molasses, quiet. “Fine. And yourself?”
“Good. You look good these days.” You nod. You avoid eye contact, scared of looking right at him, as if to look at him would wreck you all over again.
But you have to ask what comes next. You have to. He wasted three years of your life, practically shoving your heart in a metaphorical blender, and you could no longer sit and ask yourself why. Because assuming the why and destroying your self esteem  is what cost you Hasan. And Ethan. And what will cost you every man who would really want you to love you.
So you ask.
“Why’d you do it?”
He takes a sip of his beer, oblivious. “Why’d I do what?”
“You know what. Why?”
He takes a beat, taking an even longer sip. “I just…didn’t want to spend all my time with one person. Listen, kid, I loved having you as a girlfriend. You were awesome. But I wanted to know what it was like out there without being committed to someone for the rest of my life. I like sex. Sure I liked sex with you, but I wanted to have sex with other people, know what it was like before I married you. I just didn’t want to cheat.”
'I'm only in it for the sex', that's why I'm never gonna love again
You had been torturing yourself for months, ruining every opportunity that was handed to you with a good guy, over a man who had done to you what you were now doing to other people. Yes, Ethan and Hasan were your fault, but your breakup was not your fault. You didn’t need to be afraid. You didn’t need to change. You were good. Your ex was just a little shit. Now you could do what you should have done in the first place. Accept yourself, and heal.
“But I mean, we could try again if you want. You’ve been looking good.”
You scoff. “I’m not letting myself get hurt by you ever again. You’re a dick. I can’t believe I wasted time on you, you ass.” And with that you spun around, deciding to get home somehow.
You didn’t need him. You never needed him. What you needed was to do better. And with that, you pull out your phone and write three things down.
“Get therapy appointment.
Call Hasan
Call Ethan”
I'm only in it for the sex, blame my ex, blame my ex, blame my ex
don't blame me, blame Brett, blame my ex, blame my ex, blame my ex
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imagineredwood · 2 months
Oooo can you do an hc of Nestor or angel pulling up to a kickback youre at ready to fuck somebody up Bc you mentioned some guys that made you uncomfortable or something over the phone
**This ask was at the bottom of my inbox and it's literally years old. I know I say that as a joke but I mean like literally from 2021 so I'm endlessly sorry that I'm only getting to it now. I promise I'm trying to be more active on here**
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He's not having it. At all. He'd show up with just like 2-3 other guys, and try not to make a big deal out of it. He'd tell you to stay where you are and that he'll come in and get you. You'd probably try to explain where in the house you're at but it wouldn't matter because it probably only takes a look and people will tell him exactly where you're at, worried because they don't know exactly who he is or why he's there. He's furious but in that chill, quiet type of anger that probably tricks the guys bothering you into thinking that he isn't much of a threat. But the brass knuckles that clip each of their jaws prove otherwise.
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Angel on the other hand wants a show. He'll pull up with EZ, Coco, and Gilly, loud as hell drawing all of the attention. He doesn't care. He'd swagger over to where ever you were and the men harassing you would know exactly who he was and why they were fucked. I'd think he'd make a show of kissing you and getting EZ to take you out back to the bike before he starts swinging.
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General taglist (tagged in all work)
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @woahitslucyylu @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114 @destynelseclipsa @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben @all-the-boys-to-the-yard @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95
@cruzwalters @myakai13 l @lyly00 @Zsakaystacks17 @cole-winchester @alexxavicry @savagemickey03 @fanfic-n-tabulous @xbloodyxangelx @carma-fanficaddict @gillysoldlady @choochoo284 @whitetxilwxlf @ravennaortiz @flowercrowns-goodvibes
Mayans MC taglist 
@dazzledamazon  @briana-mishell24 @wrcn9fvlcver @thesandbeneathmytoes @krysiewithak @appropriate-writers-name @blessedboo @megapeacelovemusic-blog @emoengelfurleben @blowmymbackout @abby-splace @kola95 @redpoodlern @myakai13 @cruzwalters @po3ticb3auty @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @angel-121 @fanfic-n-tabulous @carma-fanficaddict
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memento-rory · 5 months
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✭ rpf writers!
✭ smosh fans!
✭ ethan nestor fans!
✭ schlatt fans!
✭ ted nivison fans!
✭ sinjin drowning fans!
✭ and anyone else who wants to yap with me! <3
like this post or follow me if any of this applies to you :) i follow back! (18+ only please)
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multipassion · 9 months
hi! could you write some hcs about what dating ethan nestor would include? happy christmas month! 🎄 ❤️
Of course! Sorry for around a month late response. Trying to get through my asks! Some may not be answered because tumblr likes to delete some of my asks. Feel free to resend them!
Dating Ethan Nestor Would Include... SFW and NSFW
Ethan Nestor X Reader
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If you were dating him during Unus Annus, being on set with him
Playing with his hair
Going to Maine with him and visiting his hometown
Helping him with his skincare (and getting him one of those puffy pink headbands)
Sometimes being the big spoon while snuggling
Kisses on the top of your head
Taking pictures of you for his Instagram stream announcements
Being on his streams from time to time
His audience loving you and begging him to bring you on more often
Cheering for him when he was on Creator Clash and talking with Mark and Sean about his match
Hugs from behind
16+ Below Cut
Holding your tits when he is the big spoon
Him being vocal in bed
His favorite position being cowgirl but he also loves missionary
Loves having his hair pulled softly
He isn't too kinky, but would be open to mostly anything you would want to try
One thing he would not do is anything that has to do with intense pain, but will do things with minimal pain
Loves to praise you, rarely degrades unless you ask him to
Still feels bad about it even if you asked him for it
He can get needy at times
Will beg you to suck him off
Amazing at aftercare
Will carry you to the shower and wash your body and hair
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imagininghim · 1 year
Drunk Dialling
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A/N: I have heard the song Dial Drunk by Noah Kahan so much on Tik Tok lately. Everytime I hear it I picture Ez, so of course I had to make a story about it.
I hope you enjoy!
Like, comment, reblog!
~~ Flashback ~~
"Swear Ez, it's always the same with you!" She screamed at me, continuing to throw her clothes in a suitcase.
"Mi amour, please we can talk about this!" I said taking ahold of her wrist in attempt to stop her from packing.
"No! It's always the same with you! Club this, Angel that! When is it gonna be me?" She said pulling her wrist from my grasp. I stood there speechless, unsure of what to say. With a sigh, she threw the last of her clothes into the suitcase and zipped it up. "That's what I thought, goodbye Ezekiel." And with that, she picked up the suitcase and walked out the door.
I stayed there and watched her walk out, hoping I would wake up from this nightmare.
~~ End of flashback ~~
It was a regular Friday night at the club, we had been throwing another party. I was sitting at the bar alone, sipping on my fourth or fifth beer of the night when Angel approached me.
"When are you gonna stop sulking little bro? It's been a year, it's time to let her go." With a scoff, I picked up my beer and chugged the rest of it. Signalling the prospect to bring me another as Angel let out a sigh.
"I'm not sulking, I'm just not in a party kind of mood." I said simply.
"You're never in the mood for anything anymore. When are you gonna go back to being your old self again?" I scoffed back at him before taking my beer off the bar and making my way through the crowd. Hearing angel call my name, I ignored it and continued out through the door.
When I got outside, I took a seat on top of the stairs before chugging the rest of my beer and throwing away the empty bottle, the sound of glass shattering in the distance. I pulled my phone out of my jeans and began scrolling through my camera roll and looking at all the pictures of her and I.
Lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear the door open and Angel come out.
"You wanna talk about it?" He said, taking the seat beside me on the steps. With a sigh, I slip my phone back into my pocket.
"I miss her." Staring straight ahead, I could feel Angel's eyes on me.
"I know you do, but you can't beat yourself up over it. It's been a year, it's time to move on! Fuck some other bitches and forget her!" I felt anger begin to boil up inside as I stood up and made my down the steps.
"You don't get it!" I snapped. With a sigh, Angel stood up and made his way down the steps and in front of me.
"What don't I get Ez? Huh?!" He snapped back poking at my chest. "It's been a year Ez, she's not coming back! You made your choice, it was her or the club and I know it hurts but you gotta let her fucking go. Ever since she left, all you've been doing is drowning your sorrows in a goddamn bottle instead of moving on!" Anger ran through my veins as I pushed against Angel.
"I can't! Why can't you get that?!" I screamed back at him. "It's not that fucking easy, I love her! Not a goddamn day goes by that I don't see her face, I look for her everywhere I go! I didn't even try to stop her." I felt tears begin forming in my eyes, "I jus- I just let her go, I let her walk out." Angel stared at me in silence. "Why did I let her go?"
"Come on, let's go back inside and forget this." I shook my head before walking past him and over to the steps.
"You go on without me." I said taking a seat. "I'll be in later." Without taking another look at Angel, I heard him let out a sigh before making his way up the steps and back into the club.
As the door closed shut, I pulled out my phone and went into my contacts. Hauling up her contact, I hovered my finger over her number, contemplating on making that call.
Letting the alcohol speak for me, I pressed down on the screen before pulling the phone up to my ear and hearing it ring.
ring... ring... ring... "Hey you reached (Y/N), leave a message and I'll call you back!"
"... Uh, hey... It's Ez... I just wanted to say... I miss you." And with that I hung up the phone. I rubbed my hand over my face, wondering if I was making a mistake leaving her a voicemail. Would she even listen to it? Or would she delete it and pretend I never called?
A million thought swirled around my head as I sat on the steps, the feeling of little wet droplets falling on my skin tore me away from my thoughts.
I let out a sigh, standing up and getting ready to head back into the club when I felt a vibration in my pocket.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)" Flashed across my screen. I slid my finger across the screen, answering the call and placing it against my ear.
"Ez... I miss you too..."
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Hi and for the love of God hello 👋🏼 after going back and forth i’ve decided to try my hand at writing for the mayans boys and the sons we all know and love! Please feel free to hit up my ask box <3
Requests: Open
who i write for:
- Mayans MC
• Angel Reyes
• Ez Reyes
• Coco Cruz
• Nestor Oceteva
• Neron “Creeper” Vargas
• Bishop Losa
• Hank Loza
• Gilly Lopez
• Michael “Riz” Ariza
- Sons Of Anarchy
• Jax Teller
• Juice Ortiz
• Opie Winston
• Happy Lowman
• Herman Kozik
• Filip “Chibs” Telford
• Alexander “Tig” Trager
What i take requests for:
• Headcanons
• Preferences
• Would includes
• Most likely to’s
What i don’t take requests for:
• Smut
• Self harm of any kind - talking about the reader having a mental illness is fine but i’m not comfortable writing about them harming themselves
• Reader being related to any of the characters
• Toxic relationships - We’re all about healthy, loving relationships in this house!
any gifs used are not mine!
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lnfours · 1 year
you leaving ur stuffed animal at ethan’s place and he wont let it go 😁
an ethan request 🥺 u know me too well
also this concept is something i will absolutely 100% die for.
blurb night!
you had made the mistake of leaving one of the stuffed bears ethan had got for you at his place one night. you were rushing to get back to your apartment to beat the traffic, hence leaving mr. snuggles (yes he had a name) behind.
little to your knowledge, he had been sleeping with it every night ever since you left it. it was soft and it smelled like your shampoo mixed with a little bit of your perfume. it was like he was sleeping next to you whenever he held it, bringing him the most amount of comfort you could ever imagine.
you didn’t know that he had been sleeping with the bear until one morning you walked into his bedroom to find him still fast asleep in bed. spencer was at his feet, his head shooting up to look at you as he wagged his tail.
“hi spence,” you giggled, giving the dog a little scratch behind his ear, “daddy’s still sleeping, huh?”
you looked over at ethan’s sleeping state, noticing the brown stuffed bear tucked under his cheek. he had ended up sleeping on top of it, treating it like it was a pillow. you smiled softly, giggling to yourself as you walked over to the boy. you shook his shoulder softly, enough to stir him awake.
“babe, i have breakfast and coffee in the kitchen.”
he mumbled something incoherent before pulling you down on top him on the mattress. you sighed, acknowledging the fact that you weren’t going to be leaving this bed anytime soon.
“you stole mr. snuggles?” you giggled as you laid your head on top of his chest. he nuzzled his face into your hair.
“it’s not stealing if you left it here.”
“okay, but you sleep with it?”
“yeah,” he lazily admitted, “smells like you.”
you smiled softly as he dozed off back to sleep, debating to yourself on whether or not you were going to “accidentally” leave it at his house again this weekend.
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juicesgf · 3 months
All they wanted. {N.O}
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warnings: none!
friend reader x nestor
I watched as one of the girls behind the bar flirted with Nestor, the way he played into it and seemed to be flirting back.
I looked away closing my eyes for a moment before standing from my seat and heading outside, sliding down the clubhouse’s wall.
I hated the way I fell for him, the way my eyes always searched for him during party’s or when I knew he was around. I hated how badly I wanted him knowing he could never see me the same way.
I was pulled from my thoughts when someone sat down beside me. I looked over seeing him, the same guy I was thinking of.
“Are you alright?” He questioned his eyes scanning over my face.
“Mhm.” I hummed looking away from him and up at the sky “The sky’s so pretty isn’t it?”
Nestor kept his eyes on Y/n as he agreed, though he wasn’t talking about the sky. He was talking about her. She was the only thing he found pretty, the only thing he wanted. But she could never feel that way about him so he had to pretend he didn’t like her, pretend he wasn’t in love with her.
All he wanted was her.
All she wanted was him.
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cracked-rose-lenses · 4 months
Dating Ethan Nestor would Include…
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DISCLAIMER: I am not alluding to or claiming anything about Ethan’s personal life nor do I want to, as that is his buisness and his alone; these headcanons are simply for people who value him as a comfort source! Enjoy :)
a/n: in the unlikely event that ethan sees this, kindly shoot me-
warnings: none! just fluff :)
you two either meeting through youtube, creatorclash, or spencer tackling you with affection
no other options LOL
ethan’s talked about his sexuality on stream before, so i don’t think he’d have issues with dating someone who isn’t afab (pan-curious king)
i feel like he’d definitely be very protective of you in the sense of privacy, since he doesn’t want you getting hate
however, if you allowed it, he would absolutely make some cute couple posts!
this man doesn’t give a royal fuck what you identify as, the gay jokes are inevitable
you recording him giggling because fdkjfjdklfjsrlk cute???
getting invited on brain leak and exposing him to seán 😭
you both start bullying him
spencer being squished in between y’all when you’re cuddling
neither of you mind, since he’s your adopted son
spencer, not ethan, to be clear
you’re one of the first people he hugs after winning <333
dates that are literally just taking a nap together (goals honestly)
begging him to wear glasses more cuz he’s fine asf already but in glasses?? *dies*
just a very sweet, slightly chaotic relationship with our lord and savior eeftan christ PFFT-
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garbinge · 1 year
Minimum Wage
Nestor Oceteva x F!Galindo!Reader
Day 02 these April Prompts: “Minimum Wage”
Summary: You left the Galindo name and life behind, but it always seems to come back after you.  
A/N: Just something short, there’s something so intriguing to me about a Galindo sister who just ~hates~ the family business. 
Word Count: 1.4k words
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Angsty, very angsty. 
Mayans Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @narcolini (Not sure how many individual Mayans fics i’ll have in the future but happy to add anyone to any potential future fics!)
Part 2 
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“Come on, can I please drive you home?” Nestor pleaded with you as he stood awkwardly in the middle of the run down diner in his slacks and suit jacket. 
“I told you, that’s not my home.” You said as you passed him with two plates in your hand. 
Carefully, you placed them on the table farthest from the door and asked if they needed anything else, taking out your guest check ready to take notes. After writing down their updated drink order you retreated back behind the counter and poured two more cups of coffee. 
“I have strict orders to not leave until I get you to agree to come home.” Nestor was now a step or two closer to the counter now. 
“Well, you better make yourself comfortable because my shift isn’t over for another 2 hours.” 
Your eyes didn’t even bother to meet him as you said it, but you took one of the coffees you just poured and left it on the third seat from the corner on the diner counter for him before you moved to take more orders. 
The lunch rush died down, with only a few minutes left of your shift, you made your way back to Nestor, pouring him what was probably his 3rd cup of coffee since being here.
“I’m not coming home.” You said as the liquid poured. 
“I know.” Nestor said nodding and not making eye contact with you. 
Your eyes jumped from the mug to his eyes. His hair had grown a little since you last saw him, his grip was firm  around the coffee mug, you took in his outfit fully, you never envisioned Nestor like this, that it would ever get to this point. 
Being Miguel’s younger sister, you grew up with Nestor. While Miquel would hang out with the eldest Oceteva, you would be stuck with the younger, both of the big brothers being forced to bring the younger siblings with them. Over time your relationship evolved from being stuck with Nestor to actually enjoying your time together. You started hanging out more on your own, you invited him over and you’d hang out for hours, sometimes days if your dad was out of town. 
It was sickening to you, to see how much things changed again. Nestor always felt like yours. Not in a possessive way but in a way that only you knew him, his secrets, his flaws, his mannerisms, his favorite things, his pet peeves. That was all information that only you knew, and now there was a whole new set of secrets, of flaws, of mannerisms that Miguel knew and you didn’t. That broke you. 
“Then why are you here?” You asked him genuinely. You believed that he truthfully knew there was no chance he was going to be bringing you home. Because just like he felt like yours for all those ways you knew him, you felt like his for the same reasons. 
You left home the minute you turned 18, similar to how Nestor fled to the Navy, you fled to here. You got a minimum wage job, a few of them, and made it work. You had a decent place, you paid your bills, you changed your name, completely separated yourself from the Galindo business. It came as a shock when you heard Nestor had done the complete opposite as you when he returned from the Navy. You had written him letters, you two talked frequently, and he never mentioned once about his plans for after. He just stopped writing. Then showed up to the diner one night very similarly to how he did now. 
“To see you.” His eyes now met yours. That look, it broke you. It was hard to stare at him and really look at him, it reminded you of everything you could have had, everything that was supposed to be yours but was robbed by his decision to go neck deep into the Galindo Cartel, by your brother who was dragging him in even deeper. 
“Doesn’t it hurt?” Your words left your mouth before you could think. “What’s the point of this, Nestor? I’m not coming home, you’re not leaving. Why put ourselves through this shit.” 
“Because I miss you.” He said without hesitation. 
It sounded like a pick up line, but you knew it wasn’t. Nestor wasn’t going to play a game with you, things were too complicated for that. If he wanted a quick fuck he could get that easily, he wasn’t hard on the eyes, he had access to money if it really was finding itself to be a difficult task but you knew that wasn’t what he was here for. 
“I miss you too.” You closed your eyes before turning and putting the coffee pot back. “But this, this isn’t going to help anyone.” 
“I don’t care about anyone. I care about you.” Nestor had planned this out, he didn’t come here on a whim, it was on Miguel’s orders, yes, but he didn’t come here without thinking through his words. It was something the Nestor you grew up with never did, but Navy Nestor always did. With every letter he sent you, there was thought, intention, the service matured him in a way that your pining over him turned from a childhood crush to the man you wanted to marry. The man you knew would be a good husband. Protective. Funny. Thoughtful. Smart. Aware. But he took all those traits and gave them to Miguel instead. 
“You care about Miguel.” 
“And you don’t?” He retorted back to you. 
“He’s my big brother. Of course I do, but I can’t spend my time worrying about him–caring about him, he made his choice just like I did.” You lifted your hands up in defeat. 
“You work minimum wage at 4 jobs.” Nestor didn’t mean for it to come out harsh but it did, he just meant to put things into perspective for you. And he did. 
“And yet, I’m happier than I ever was then.” Your words also didn’t mean to come out harsh but, it did. 
“You gave up everything.” Nestor phrased it weirdly, it wasn’t so much a statement but it wasn’t so much a question either, somewhere in the middle of both. 
“Yea, you did.” You said staring deep into his eyes. 
It got silent, things got tense while you took a deep breath and kicked off the counter behind you. 
“In another life, maybe we chose each other.” You hoped the statement offered some type of closure, you knew if you didn’t end this now it would never stop. “But in this one, we made our choices clear and we have to live with that.”
Nestor nodded, he stood up from the seat and reached to his back pocket for his wallet. 
You lifted your hand up and shook your head. “On me.” 
Nestor hesitated, it didn’t feel right but he also knew it was barely a dollar worth of coffee so he nodded and turned to exit the diner. The bells from the door jingled as he opened it, the breeze hit you along with the realization of the situation.
“Nes.” You called out his nickname as he turned to look at you. “I wish things were different.” You wanted to leave him with some kind of peace, but deep down you knew it was also for you too. 
“Me too.” He nodded his hand still keeping the door open. “I’ll see you.” 
With that he closed the door, letting his hands fall into his pockets while he retreated to his black escalade that was parked in the lot. 
Your eyes looked down behind the counter, where your duffel bag sat, packed with all the things you needed to start new again. Having your own life where your brother knew where to find you wasn’t ideal anymore, you couldn’t live with one leg still connected to the Galindo family, so you knew this was the best thing moving forward. You’d find new jobs, you already had one lined up, it was a promotion too, not a minimum wage gig but something that paid more and was way more stable with the hours. The life you wished you would have had with him, but you were going to make for yourself at least. 
“No,” You shook your head as you mumbled under your breath. “You won’t.” 
Part 2
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bullet-prooflove · 9 months
Stockton!Series Part Four: Sierra - Nestor Oceteva x Reader (feat: Marcus Alvarez)
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Tagging: @anime-weeb-4-life @expir3dl0v3 @danzer8705 @drabbles-mc @alwaysachorusgirl @witches-unruly-heart @mysoulisasunflower @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @multifandomloversworld @est1887 @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @spookyboogyuniverse @thanossexual @lexondeck @weiwei0210 @trublu2u @justreblogginfics @oklahomapeach @keyweegirlie @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @withakindheartx @wnbweasley @skyesthebomb @msjava1972 @trublu2u @fleureeee @jp1019 @thiashazzywriting @jeybae
Part One: El Cuchillo - An incident in the clubhouse causes ramifcations for the entire club.
Part Two: Always - Nestor learns about what happened.
Part Three: In the Dark - You and Nestor wake up to find armed men in your house.
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Bishop is livid, fucking livid. He can feel the fury chasing through his veins as he stands on the patch of land outside the clubhouse at two in the morning, his eyes fixed on the three men kneeling in front of him, their hands bound behind their backs.
Sanchez, the man who had planned to burn down your house.
Flaco, the man who’d tried to murder you in your sleep.
Ramos, the fucking orchestrator of all this chaos.
Hank and Taza stand on either side of their prisoners, making sure no one gets a stupid fucking idea in their head and tries to run.
It’s fitting in a way that it comes down to the old guard. These were the men who swore to protect you once upon a time. When your father was at his wits end, staring down the bottom of bottle because he didn’t know how to help you. What you don’t know, what you will never know is that they had plans for the list your father made all those years ago. If you hadn’t sought your vengeance first, they would have done it for you.
He hears the roar of the motorcycle in the distance, it tears through the air like a banshee screaming into the night. Noone speaks as the rider pulls up, they simply wait as he climbs off the bike, his snakeskin cowboy boots clicking against the concrete. He’s wearing his kutte tonight, his El Padrino patch showing predominantly in the overhead lights on he strides towards Bishop.
That rage, it seems to simmer. Bishop can feel it radiating from the other man as he draws closer, his eyes glowing like coals from the deepest depths of hell. El Padrino’s out for blood tonight, Bishop can taste it.
“Just these three?” He asks Bishop, indicating towards their captives.
Bishop removes Ramos’s phone from his pocket before handing it to Marcus. The other man studies the messages intently, his thumb scrolling through them as he takes in the details of the hit.
Raze it the ground, he’d written. I want her to burn.
“Smokey wasn’t involved?” Marcus questions, handing the phone back to Bishop.
Bishop shakes his head as he returns it to his pocket.
“I have Riz keeping him company in the clubhouse, figured you’d want to talk to him once you were finished with them.” He says, inclining his head towards the three Stockton men.  
“You were right.” Marcus says, withdrawing the Berretta from the waist band of his trousers.
He points the weapon at Sanchez.
“The one that wanted to burn down their home.” Marcus says before pulling the trigger.
Flaco cries out as the blood splashes across his face, the stench of cordite fills the air as Marcus points the gun at him.
“The one who fired an assault rifle into their bed.” Marcus pulls the trigger again and Flaco falls face first onto the concrete.
“And you,” Marcus says turning his attention to Ramos. “The man who can’t let the past just die, who has to come back and rake it up because he can’t stand the fact a dead man was a better Mayan that he will ever be.”
Ramos laughs, it’s a haunting rasp that echoes through the yard as he stares up at Marcus.
“She grew up pretty didn’t she? Javi’s daughter.” Ramos says, a cruel smile spreading across his features. “Just like her mother.”
There’s a flash of steel behind Marcus’s eyes, his hand threads through Ramo’s hair, gripping it tightly before he tugs it back and jams the Berretta right under his chin.
“A bullet is too good for you.” Marcus snarls as he locks gazes with Ramos.
“She was my girl.” Ramos hisses, his tongue running over his lower lip. “Sierra was mine until he rolled up and took her!”
“She didn’t belong to you.” Marcus snaps, driving the gun even harder into the other man’s jaw. “That is something you have never been able to understand. She had a choice, and she didn’t choose you.”
“I had her anyway.” Ramos reminds him and, in that moment, he looks every inch the animal he is. “I took what was his and I ruined it.”
“I should have let him kill you that night.” Marcus seethes as he wrenches the other man’s head back even further. “I should have let him beat you to death, instead of pulling him off you.”
“But you didn’t and now we’re here.” Ramos grins, blood staining his teeth. “I bet her daughter would have tasted just as sweet as she did…”
The words are barely out of his mouth before the gunshot explodes through the scrapyard, his brains spattering across the concrete.
“Take their kuttes.” Marcus says as he stares down at Ramos’s corpse. “We’re heading up to Stockton.”
Love Nestor? Get added to his tag list!
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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writingsbyzuzu · 3 months
dude id love to see another part ORRRRR another version of “us.”
but its your blog and you should feel comfortable doing whatever tf you want with it lmfao
so high school
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you and ethan have been together a while, and life is pretty good, you'd think
until ethan announces something absolutely insane.
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the last main installment of the blame schlatt universe!! (i can write more about side plots but this is the last of the main plot)
notes: ethan nestor x fem! reader, j schlatt x fem! reader (dude still wants you), you have to suspend your belief for part of this because ethan and schlatt are different heights...so pretend ethan is taller or something, jenna marbles makes an appearance because i miss her, i didn't proofread, I did it all in one go
be gentle i've never written smut EVER
and yeah, maybe the ending is corny but these two FUCKING DESERVE IT, FIGHT ME
warnings: actual smut in this one, possessive sex (ethan becomes a bit of a fucking freak), reader has a panic attack but there's not a big description of it, schlatt never stops being a dickhead on god, ethan beats the shit out of schlatt, who said that not me
based on 'so high school' by taylor swift
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I feel so high school every time I look at you I wanna find you in a crowd just to hide from you
Ethan wanted you to feel special all the time. It didn't matter that the two of you had been together well over a year now, the relationship still made him feel as lightheaded and happy as the day you had asked for his number.
So he went out of his way to do special things for you. Like he was doing right now, standing in the Trader Joe's by your apartment, picking out flowers in your favorite colors.
However, this wasn't just a regular bouquet like his usual "making my girlfriend feel special" bouquets, this was going to unfortunately be a "please don't be pissed at me" bouquet. Because Ethan was going to announce something at your housewarming party that he knew was going to piss you off.
So he picked out various flowers in a variety of your favorite flowers, and snacks that he knew were your favorite, before getting in his car and heading home.
Your new home, actually. You two had decided an apartment was too small for Spencer and the other various animals you had adopted together, and wanting to take a big traditional step together for once, bought a house together.
Tonight was your housewarming party, and Ethan, as nervous as he was about his announcement, had been putting off telling you as long as he could. But the official announcement was tomorrow, and better him tell you than the internet, right?
He makes the bouquet before entering the house, carefully wrapped. You come out from the kitchen with Spencer, grinning from ear to ear. "Baby! What's this?"
He holds it out for you, reciprocating your smile. How could he not when your smile made him so happy?
And in a blink of a crinkling eye I'm sinking, our fingers entwined
You wrap your arms around him, giving him a soft kiss. "You didn't have to," you smile again, before taking it and heading to the kitchen.
"Babe, how many times do I have to say it, I do it because I want to." He leans against the kitchen counter, watching you put his flowers in a vase. "You are the best girlfriend on the planet, and I want to have the best for the best," he says it like he's said it a million times before, which he honestly had at that point.
"Being with you is the best," you respond, tucking in a stray flower. With that, Ethan pushes himself off the counter and wraps his arms around you, leaning over to kiss your cheek from behind.
"What help are you going to need from me?"
"Help me prep the food, everything else is ready to go."
Cheeks pink in the twinkling lights Tell me 'bout the first time you saw me
The housewarming party had been well underway, with your various friends standing around talking, you were standing with Amy and Jenna in the backyard, talking. "How long have you been with Ethan now, anyways?" Jenna asks. "A year and three months," you tell her, blushing slightly. "How did you get together? It was like one minute Ethan was ranting to us about how he just wanted you to date him, just friends, and the next he was pretty much living with you," Amy laughs.
Your face gets even redder, before squeaking out an "I don't think we need to tell that story." Ethan approaches, having overheard the last part of the conversation, then wraps his arm around you. "That one is classified, but I can tell you about the first time I saw her."
"Oh this aught to be good, he's never told me before." you laugh.
"Well never mind then, if you're just going to make fun of me," he teases back, before kissing you.
"Too cute," Amy giggles, and Jenna joins her.
I'll drink what you think, and I'm high From smoking your jokes all damn night
Ethan was more of a charmer at parties than he lets on, and you loved it. He always knew how to make everyone comfortable and had people laughing constantly. As you flitted between various people at the party, he was usually on the other side of the yard, conversing with someone who was laughing at his joke.
You see someone at the backyard gate, and as you head over, you see that it's Ted.
The brink of a wrinkle in time Bittersweet sixteen suddenly
You furrow your brows at the sight, heading over before Ethan could see.
"Ted. What are you doing here?"
His face lights up at seeing you. Before you and Schlatt broke up, you were actually really great friends with Ted. Even closer than he and Schlatt were, and while he was sad you broke up, he was delighted when he found out you had moved to LA. But you hadn't reached out to him after. You didn't want to cause a rift between the two friends.
"Hey, I heard you guys got a house, so I got you a present." He lifts up his arm to show a bag, handing to you over the fence. "I remember how you used to decorate your place, so I looked all over for something that matches your style."
"Thanks, Teddy." He beams at the familiar nickname. "Want to come into the yard?" You gesture, but the smile quickly fades from his face.
"Actually, I need to tell you something, it's kind of urgent, it's about Ethan." Your smile in turn, wipes from your face, and your brows furrow once again.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm going to guess he didn't tell you, but they're going to announce it tomorrow, I wanted to warn you, he's-"
He was interrupted by Ethan coming to the fence. "Ted Nivison! How can we help you, man?" Ethan had an unreadable expression on his face, his arm wrapping around you, almost pulling you back.
Ted freezes, before the fakest smile you had ever seen on him appears. "Oh, I just wanted to drop off a gift for my friend." He shoots you a pointed look.
"Well it's good to see you man." Ethan, in turn, offers an equally plastic smile, before stating "We should get back to the party. We are hosting after all." He turns the two of you around heading back the party. You shoot one last look at Ted, who holds his phone up to you and mouths "text me later". He turns and walks back to his truck.
"That was weird babe," Ethan laughs. "Yeah...weird."
I'm watching American Pie with you on a Saturday night Your friends are around, so be quiet I'm trying to stifle my sighs 'Cause I feel so high school every time I look at you
You push the interaction to the back of your mind, to make a mental note to ask Ted later what he meant.
For the most part, the party continues as normal, and while you tried to analyze if something was going on with Ethan, it didn't really seem like much was happening. Sure he seemed a little nervous, but as charming as Ethan was, everyone knew he was also kind of shy and socially anxious.
Which is why you definitely could not predict what happened next.
Ethan grabs one of the chairs set out, and stands on it, holding his cup. "Could I have everyone's attention?"
The 35 or so people turn to look at Ethan, yourself included. He looks around at everyone with a grin. "I just wanted to say a few things. Firstly, on behalf of myself, and my wonderful, wonderful girlfriend, thank you for coming to our housewarming party. It's amazing that you all would come to support us as we take this step. And to the previously mentioned girlfriend..."
Everyone looks at you, but you just kept looking at Ethan, smiling.
"We may have had a really...untraditional way of doing things, but the night you danced with me and asked me for my number, was the best night of my life. The first time I saw you, I fell in love with you, and everything since then has felt like a weird dream that I'm grateful I haven't woken up from. I love you."
The crowd of friends lets out a collective awe, and you blow him a kiss.
"I also...kind of have an announcement." Immediate murmurs break out, and confusion begins to dawn on you.
Are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me? (Kill me) It's just a game, but really (really) I'm bettin' on all three for us two (all three)
"I am participating in the next Creator Clash in three month's time!"
Immediate cheers break out, as your friends get excited. You let out a breath you weren't aware you were holding. That was what Ted was worried about? Why would you care? Ethan had boxed at the last Creator Clash, and did more than just fine for himself.
"Who are you fighting?" Mark calls out, a pointed look on his face before briefly glimpsing at you, and every realization clicks in place for you.
Oh no. Oh no no no. This had to be a nightmare right? Was Ethan trying to kill you? There was no way, right? No possible fucking way that-
"It's uh. It's J Schlatt," Ethan says.
The color drains from your face. He turns to look at you, but you just shook your head in disbelief. He could not be serious with you.
Fighting your ex boyfriend? Is Ethan serious right now?
You slip from the crowd, going back inside your house. On the one hand, you understood that this was a charity event, of course Ethan would want to participate, especially because he loved participating in the last one.
On the other hand, the love of your life was about to fight the man who you thought once was the love of your life, in front of the internet. Surely, that was going to make big waves that were not in your favor. The only thing the two of them had in common was you, and you're sure the event was going to play that right up.
No wonder Ted wanted to warn you. Especially since it would be announced tomorrow...oh god. Had Ethan waited until the last moment on purpose to tell you?
You lean against the pantry door, sinking down until you were sitting, putting your head in between your knees. This was going to be insane.
"He didn't know how to tell you." You were too busy in your panic mode to notice Mark had come in, but he was leaning on the counter watching you.
"He wanted to, but he didn't know how to tell you. I mean. How was there a good way of telling you, right?" Mark makes his best Ethan impression. "Oh, hey honey, I'm going to box your ex live in front of thousands of people."
He watches you for a moment, no response coming from you, no movement other than your jagged breaths trying to calm yourself.
"That's why Ted came over, wasn't it?" he asks.
For the first time in minutes, you move, nodding your head.
"Ethan wasn't happy about that. I told him, if he didn't want someone else telling you, he should tell you. Course it sucks how he did it, but... do you need water?"
You nod again. He walks over to the cabinet, grabs a glass, and pours you a cup of water. You chug it down, before saying "I should probably lie low off the internet for a while, huh?"
"I don't think you should have to hide because some fanboys think you're some kind of..."
Mark winces at the word, but nods none the less.
"What happened isn't your fault. You're allowed to date whoever you want. Your relationship was long over when you started dating Ethan. You might have made a few mistakes between him and Ethan, but that doesn't mean you should hide. You worked hard for what you got, and I see how happy you make him. It sucks what he did, but you should give him some grace. When you're ready to, that is. I'd also understand if you stayed pissed at him for a minute. Have a good night, kiddo. Amy's waiting for me in the car." He ruffles your hair, taking his exit as your breathing becomes more steady.
You stand up, deciding to take a hot shower and head to bed, feeling exhausted. You can see Ethan standing in the yard, giving the rest of the guests their farewells, and turn back to continue going to the bathroom.
Julian and Jenna hug Ethan, before Jenna tells Ethan, "Tell her I hope she feels better, if she needs to talk to me, I'm here." Ethan nods, and Julian gives him another hug. "See you, man."
Ethan is finally alone in the backyard, and lets out a sigh of relief. That part was over. Now time to face you. He heads back into the house, and Spencer pads over to greet him. "Hey buddy. Where's your mom?" Ethan asks, giving the dog some scratches.
He decides to wait for you in your room, and after around twenty minutes, you enter, in your pjs. You don't even look at Ethan, and a queasy feeling enters his stomach. He can't recall a time when you were ever really angry at him. Other than when Schlatt came around that one day almost a year ago, things were picture perfect.
"Babe," he begins. "I don't want to talk about it right now, Ethan."
"Well I do. I know it upsets you, but it's for a good cause-"
"You could have picked anyone to fight, Ethan. Anyone. But you're fighting my ex? Are you serious? You know how Ian and Anisa are going to frame this."
You didn't feel that strongly personally about Ian and his wife, but you understood that the last Creator Clash didn't earn enough, so they were going to play up things by any means possible.
"I'm sorry. Baby, I'm sorry. I...I know it's going to bring some hate down on you, but I'll be there for you. It's just an event, and in six months the internet will forget about it. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you one on one. You deserved better than that. But I saw Ted, and I heard him trying to tell you, and I panicked. I'm sorry." Ethan watches as you brush your hair.
"You owe me, Nestor." You glance at him out of the corner of your eye, as he watches your every movement.
"I know honey...besides. I think it'll be fun to knock his lights out."
Your face morphs from upset to laughter, giggling at his statement flopping onto the bed. "That would be fun."
"Oh, I'm looking forward to it." He props himself on one arm, facing towards you, his head leaning over you.
You touch his cheek, gently stroking it. "I just don't want him to hurt you."
"It'll be okay. I won't let anything like that happen. Not to brag, but I did win last time, remember?" He gives you a small kiss.
You nod at his words. Usually people aren't very good at reassuring you, but Ethan has always been different.
Get my car door, isn't that sweet? (That sweet) Then pull me to the backseat (backseat) No one's ever had me (had me), not like you
He leans over to whisper in your ear. "I won't let anything happen to you, either."
"Promise?" "Promise."
"Okay," you sigh, "but you owe me for such anguish." Ethan nods, letting out a small laugh. He eyes you for a minute, before slowly leaning in and kissing you again.
When you break, he lets out a soft hum, before rolling to be on top of you. "Believe it or not, I think I have an idea of making it up to you," he whispers.
"Let's see it," you murmur in response, and Ethan kisses you again, his hand sneaking up under your old t-shirt to hold your waist.
Your hands reach up hold him, sneaking into his hair and pushing him closer to you. He shifts from your lips to your neck, kissing it gently, before sucking on a small patch below your jaw. "You gotta be patient," he chuckles.
He sits up, pulling off his shirt, and suddenly the kisses get more intense, his hand pulling up your shirt. His mouth feels hot on your skin, and he's kissing it almost feverishly, not letting you get a move in. When your shirt inevitably comes off, he expands his kissing territory to your chest.
Your phone buzzes repeatedly.
"Baby," you whisper. He hums in response, sucking a hickey right above your tits. "I need to check what that is."
"Pay attention to me," Ethan whines, "I'm trying to make it up to you." His hands grasp at your pajama pants, going to pull it down.
You look at your phone anyways, wanting to see what the commotion was about.
7 missed messages from Ted.
ted: he's fighting schlatt at creator clash
ted: schlatt is saying he's doing it to prove
ted: prove that he's better than ethan
ted: he's gonna try to beat the shit out ethan for you
ted: you gotta tell ethan to back down he's serious
ted: schlatt wants you back by any means necessary
Your reading is interrupted by Ethan grabbing the phone to read it.
"What is so important that you didn't care I took off your-" He freezes at reading the messages. He's angry in a way you've only seen him once.
"The fucking- that fucking- that fucker," Ethan finally lands on a coherent thought, his nostrils flaring.
"He thinks he's better than me?" He looks at you, a manic look appearing on his features. "That what, he'll punch me and you'll come running back? We have a house together, you're my girlfriend."
"Baby, he's delusional, he just wants to stir shit up," you touch his face.
"Yeah, and I'm not backing down. You're mine, and I'm better. And I'm going to prove it." The manic look doesn't leave his face, but hell, it was kind of turning you on.
His lips were on yours before you could even blink, and his front teeth sink into your bottom lip. You moan, and he moves back to your neck, sucking harshly.
His hand slithers to your panties, gently touching you through the cloth.
"Gosh, I was going to take my time, but you're wet already," Ethan says, his eyes wide in an exaggerated manner, his tone almost borderline mocking you.
He pulls your panties to the side, actually touching you. You let out a soft moan as he moves his finger up and down, before sliding it into you rather quickly.
Before you even have a chance to moan, Ethan has his mouth on yours again, his thumb moving to gently brush against your clit while he fingers you.
He separates his mouth for a moment, looking at you again with that wide eye look. "Are you gonna pay fucking attention if I take your panties off this time?" You nod frantically.
He removes his finger from you, and within seconds had practically ripped your panties off you with his other hand.
"Look at you," he murmurs, one hand holding your face, the manic look fading from him at last. Ethan moves his hand back down, gently touching your clit. When you let out a soft moan, he says it.
"My girlfriend. Because I'm the better man." And with that, the manic look returns. He shifts down, putting his mouth up against your clit. Your hands go to his hair, gripping tight as he begins to suck and lick.
"I'm fucking better," he mumbles after coming up for air. His fingers danced around your entrance. "Say it. Say it and I'll make it up to you."
"Ethan," you plead, your legs rubbing the sheets. "Say it."
"You're better. And you're gonna fucking win."
Ethan made it up to you pretty quickly after that.
Truth, dare, spin bottles You know how to ball, I know Aristotle Brand new, full-throttle Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto
You had to give Ethan credit. He was practicing harder than anyone you had seen practice for anything. The past few months had passed quickly, and the match was getting closer and closer.
You had tried to ignore the promotional stuff on social media, but man, did Schlatt talk a lot of shit.
Anytime he was streaming, he would talk about you and Ethan, about how clearly, he needed to beat Ethan's ass and show you "who the real winner is". Which of course, led to comments on your stream.
You were streaming playing GTA with Ted and Jarvis (who were over the moon that you had opened friendship back up to them), and of course, Schlatt joins the chat.
jschlatt: doll, i cant wait for u to ditch the loser
"Considering you're out here commenting on my stream like a fucking pussy instead of shit talking my boyfriend to his fucking face, I already think you're the loser, Schlutt." Ted laughs, and then Schlatt leaves another message.
jschlatt: i know you miss me
Ethan had come into the office, looking for his shirt that he had left there earlier before practice. Half drenched in sweat, he walked behind you. "Babe, have you seen my t-shirt?"
He sees you streaming and goes "Oh! Sorry baby." He gives you a sweet smile before coming to you and giving you a kiss on the cheek. You look up at him, dazzled by just how good he looked despite the sweat. He looks at the chat. "Oh. I see Schlatt's here. Buddy, stop trying to shit talk me to my girl. You'll fight me soon."
It's true, swear, scouts honor You knew what you wanted and boy, you got her Brand new, full-throttle You already know, babe
Woah. You weren't sure who this guy was, and what he did with your mild mannered boyfriend, who was not a public shit talker by any means. He looked at you, just beaming at him.
"I mean, look at her. She's in love with me."
He gives you one last kiss, giving your chat a goodbye, and leaves your shared office.
Ethan wasn't actually worried about Schlatt stealing you. Schlatt had destroyed the relationship, and besides you had more than proved you adored Ethan.
What he really wanted was for Schlatt to back off and leave the two of you alone. Ethan really just wanted to have his peaceful life with you. He had you, the girl he wanted, but Schlatt was still a roadblock over a year later. He was sick of it.
So he was going to beat the shit out of Schlatt, so he could finally, finally have some semblance of a normal life with you.
I feel like laughing in the middle of practice Do that impression you did of your dad again I'm hearing voices like a madman
One week out, and he was sparring with Mark as practice.
You were a little worried, you weren't going to lie. By all accounts from Ted, Schlatt had now put in the hours of work, and it was showing. Ethan did not necessarily have a sure shot at victory, but man was he trying.
You were sitting on a bench, watching Mark and Ethan spar (he wanted you there for support) over and over again.
"Let's take a break," Mark pants, and Ethan nods. He waddles over to the bench, sitting down next to you.
"What do you think baby?" He eyes you, scooting closer. "You're doing great, hun." You smile at him, trying not to show your nerves.
Ethan knows you better than that though. "What's wrong?" You sigh, not wanting to talk about it, but you knew you had to. "I just...I don't understand why you have to do this. What does fighting my ex boyfriend gain?"
"Well, he's convinced fighting will win you over, and I want to show him wrong."
"This isn't Medieval Times, Ethan, y'all aren't dueling over a princess!"
"I know that...Also I don't think that's what the Medieval Times show is about."
There's a long quiet, and Ethan takes a sip of his water.
"I want to have a family with you," he murmurs. "And I can't do that if he keeps popping up. And yeah, maybe it's an ego thing. But if it's what I need, to face him myself, in order to get over it, will you let me?"
"We already are a family, Ethan."
He takes off the gloves, and the two of you sit in silence once more.
"Well. If only we had had this conversation a while ago," he jokes.
You laugh, and Ethan grins. "I don't like when we fight," he whispers. "I don't either."
"Look E, you can fight him if you want. A lot of people depend on you, and it's for charity. But know that no matter what he does, no matter what he says, you and I are already a family."
He wraps you in a sweaty hug, and you laugh and shriek.
And in a blink of a crinkling eye I'm sinking, our fingers entwined Cheeks pink in the twinkling lights
It was the day.
The crowd was buzzing, full of energy as people filtered into seats, the lights blazing. You sat in a bunch with Mark, Amy, Julian, Jenna, and Sean (you and Ethan had long ago talked things out with him).
You had gone to Ethan's dressing room fifteen minutes prior.
He grinned at seeing you, jumping up to give you a hug. "You look so good!" you exclaim, kissing his cheek. "Thank you baby." He squeezes you, before letting go.
You had a funny thought, and in the true form of your relationship, blurted it out.
"Wouldn't it be kind of funny if you fingered me right now and use that same hand to punch him in his face?"
His jaw drops and you give him a pat on the arm. "Mark's waiting for me, knock 'em dead honey. Love you." And with that, you left, as unceremoniously as you entered.
Tell me 'bout the first time you saw me I'll drink what you think, and I'm high From smoking your jokes all damn night
They were doing prematch interviews. "So apparently, all this for a girl, huh, Ethan?" Charlie asks, Ethan stretching and rolling his head.
"She's not just some girl. The first time I saw her...It was over for me."
You huff, a smirk on your face. You swore, he was going to go to the grave with the full story. But then he looks up at where you're sitting, and he continues.
"It was five years ago. Right before she started dating...him. It was some fucking convention. She was dressed in, and I will never forget this, a black dress with lace, and she had pink flowers in her hair. I was looking for Mark, because I had lost him, somewhere, and the crowd parted, and there she was, smack in the middle of my eyes. I asked her for directions and gave her some corny joke. And that laugh, man. It was like being in the presence of a mermaid. Siren's call. And I knew that was my future wife. So she's not just some girl."
The interview continues, but you were just too dazed to even really pay attention. How could you, when the love of your life finally gave you something you wanted? God, you loved that man.
The brink of a wrinkle in time Bittersweet sixteen suddenly
But then it was time for the two of them to get into the ring. You grabbed Sean's arm, begin to panic. "Oh my god, what if he gets his ass kicked? Oh my fucking god, he's going to brawl my ex in front of the internet and all these people." You fidget with your skirt with the other hand.
"Hey hey hey, it's going to be alright," Sean says.
I'm watching American Pie with you on a Saturday night Your friends are around, so be quiet I'm trying to stifle my sighs
You start to panic at the actual thought of a fight, of Ethan being hurt. "Hey is she alright?" you hear Ted's voice from several seats behind you, but Mark motions at him to sit down.
"It's alright, we've got it," Mark tells him. Mark opens a water bottle and Amy holds it up to you.
"Take a sip, you'll feel better," Sean says, but you aren't convinced. You drink anyways, having a silent prayer as they prepare for the fight.
'Cause I feel so high school (I feel so high school) Every time I look at you But look at you
What a spectacle this was. Your boyfriend and ex about to "fight over you" like something out of a shitty high school movie.
You tried to remember what Ethan said to comfort yourself, about how he saw you, and just saw his future wife. Unfortunately it was not helping, and everyone could see your panic.
Sean grabs your hands trying to ground you.
Down in the ring, Ethan looks for you, and spots you again, fairly quickly. He can now see your panic, and Sean trying to calm you down.
Schlatt however, also sees this, and makes a grave error.
Fully aware of what happened the night of the party, having followed you two out, and having heard the rumors, he lets something slip.
"Huh, Look at her up there with SepticEye. No wonder you need to fight me so bad. You're insecure about our girl being a slut."
Truth, dare, spin bottles (yeah) You know how to ball, I know Aristotle Brand new, full-throttle (yeah)
And with the referee starting the match, Ethan almost immediately punches Schlatt in the face.
"Call my girl a fucking slut again and I'm gonna punch your teeth out," Ethan spats out, swinging even harder.
He doesn't miss.
He doesn't continue to miss.
He was originally just going to try to have fun, remembering what you said, and your fight. But Schlatt had to open his fucking mouth and insult you.
Yeah, you made mistakes. But you were the girl of Ethan's dreams. And how could he let anyone disrespect you?
So he gave the fight every iota of energy he had, and man, did the experience wear off.
He beats Schlatt easily, without even hesitation.
Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto It's true, swear, scouts honor (yeah) You knew what you wanted and boy, you got her
He runs out to the stands where you are the moment he is allowed to, jumping over various objects and bleachers to reach you.
Before you can even get a word in, he's cradling your face, scanning your facial features for any lingering panic.
"Are you okay? I saw you hyperventilating before we started, are you alright?"
He doesn't even care that he was supposed to do a post match interview, he just wants to make sure you were okay.
You hug him, sweat be damned, a bone crushing hug. "I love you. The moment I was in there I just wanted to get out and check on you," he cries. "Just don't ever fight my ex again in a boxing ring for the internet and thousands of people to see, I don't think my brain is built for that."
He laughs, before repeating himself. "I love you." "I love you," you say back, before pulling his face in for a kiss.
You don't look at Schlatt on the way out. Don't even notice him. You don't give a fuck, quite frankly, and just want to get your boyfriend out of his sweaty clothes.
An hour later, you're throwing Ethan his congratulations party, with your friends (yes, even Ted), and his friends all congregated in the backyard. Everyone's playing games, conversing, drinking the punch you made, overall just having a good time.
And then something unexpected happens.
You had seen Ethan and Julian go repeatedly into a corner to talk somewhere multiple times, and while you tried to brush it off, a familiar feeling enters your body.
After about the fourth time, when Ethan comes back, you stop him. "Ethan Nestor, you better not be planning to announce something outrageous again."
He gives you a soft smile, and just says "you'll see, babe."
But nothing comes of it. The party comes and goes, and people leave. As the two of you sit on the couch, reflecting on the night, Ethan clears his throat, cutting the silence.
"I have something to give you. I was going to give it to you in the dressing room, but you dipped out of there so quickly. By the way, loved your idea, shame we couldn't do it."
You both chuckle, before he smiles at you. "And I thought about it, and everything about the last few months has been put out there for everyone to look at, like a circus, so I wanted to give it to you with just us."
"What?" you quietly ask him.
"It's for you, but in the long run, it's sort of like for us? I know you already said we are a family, but this makes it...more real, in a sense. Like I said tonight, about the first time I saw you..."
The puzzle pieces click once again for you, but this time, you aren't nervous, or scared, or queasy.
He reaches for his pant pocket and pulls it out.
"I've been in love with you for five years, and every day since we've actually been together has been amazing. I didn't know quite what it was to love someone until I saw you."
He opens it.
Brand new, full-throttle (yeah) You already know, babe You already know, babe
"Will you-"
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imagineredwood · 5 months
What would Nestor do to help with their partner de-stressing from exams??
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He loves to take you for weekend getaways
Takes you to whichever landscape you enjoy the most
You wanna swim on a crystal clear beach, you got it
You wanna hike in a beautiful lush forest, he's got the bags packed
You wanna be lazy and read books by the fire in a cabin, he's got the marshmallows ready
He will indulge in whatever will help you relax and soothe your overactive mind
He may also threaten or bribe your professors into passing you regardless
He buys you cute stationery that makes it fun and easy to study when you do
Pays for you to go and get massages every week
Makes sure that you drink lots of water and eat balanced foods so that you're at your best performance
His mouth also does a good job at destressing you
Double dates with you both and Miguel and Emily at fancy restaurants
Anything to get your mind off the worry and stress
And he's always there with plenty of praise for you
Telling you how smart you are
And how proud of you his is
How impressed he always is with your knowledge and dedication
Mayans MC taglist 
@dazzledamazon  @abunnykisses @briana-mishell24 @angelreyesgirl @wrcn9fvlcver @peaches009 @capt-canadian @thesandbeneathmytoes @krysiewithak @darklingveracruz @appropriate-writers-name  @blessedboo  @kkim120 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @emoengelfurleben @blowmymbackout @abby-splace @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @redpoodlern @xonickibaby @myakai13 @cruzwalters  @po3ticb3auty  @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @kaykaysuh @angel-121 @fanfic-n-tabulous  @lovelytricia @carma-fanficaddict
Nestor taglist 
@omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @emoengelfurleben @cruzwalters @myakai13
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