#nestor x galindo!reader
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garbinge · 2 years ago
Minimum Wage
Nestor Oceteva x F!Galindo!Reader
Day 02 these April Prompts: “Minimum Wage”
Summary: You left the Galindo name and life behind, but it always seems to come back after you.  
A/N: Just something short, there’s something so intriguing to me about a Galindo sister who just ~hates~ the family business. 
Word Count: 1.4k words
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Angsty, very angsty. 
Mayans Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @narcolini (Not sure how many individual Mayans fics i’ll have in the future but happy to add anyone to any potential future fics!)
Part 2 
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“Come on, can I please drive you home?” Nestor pleaded with you as he stood awkwardly in the middle of the run down diner in his slacks and suit jacket. 
“I told you, that’s not my home.” You said as you passed him with two plates in your hand. 
Carefully, you placed them on the table farthest from the door and asked if they needed anything else, taking out your guest check ready to take notes. After writing down their updated drink order you retreated back behind the counter and poured two more cups of coffee. 
“I have strict orders to not leave until I get you to agree to come home.” Nestor was now a step or two closer to the counter now. 
“Well, you better make yourself comfortable because my shift isn’t over for another 2 hours.” 
Your eyes didn’t even bother to meet him as you said it, but you took one of the coffees you just poured and left it on the third seat from the corner on the diner counter for him before you moved to take more orders. 
The lunch rush died down, with only a few minutes left of your shift, you made your way back to Nestor, pouring him what was probably his 3rd cup of coffee since being here.
“I’m not coming home.” You said as the liquid poured. 
“I know.” Nestor said nodding and not making eye contact with you. 
Your eyes jumped from the mug to his eyes. His hair had grown a little since you last saw him, his grip was firm  around the coffee mug, you took in his outfit fully, you never envisioned Nestor like this, that it would ever get to this point. 
Being Miguel’s younger sister, you grew up with Nestor. While Miquel would hang out with the eldest Oceteva, you would be stuck with the younger, both of the big brothers being forced to bring the younger siblings with them. Over time your relationship evolved from being stuck with Nestor to actually enjoying your time together. You started hanging out more on your own, you invited him over and you’d hang out for hours, sometimes days if your dad was out of town. 
It was sickening to you, to see how much things changed again. Nestor always felt like yours. Not in a possessive way but in a way that only you knew him, his secrets, his flaws, his mannerisms, his favorite things, his pet peeves. That was all information that only you knew, and now there was a whole new set of secrets, of flaws, of mannerisms that Miguel knew and you didn’t. That broke you. 
“Then why are you here?” You asked him genuinely. You believed that he truthfully knew there was no chance he was going to be bringing you home. Because just like he felt like yours for all those ways you knew him, you felt like his for the same reasons. 
You left home the minute you turned 18, similar to how Nestor fled to the Navy, you fled to here. You got a minimum wage job, a few of them, and made it work. You had a decent place, you paid your bills, you changed your name, completely separated yourself from the Galindo business. It came as a shock when you heard Nestor had done the complete opposite as you when he returned from the Navy. You had written him letters, you two talked frequently, and he never mentioned once about his plans for after. He just stopped writing. Then showed up to the diner one night very similarly to how he did now. 
“To see you.” His eyes now met yours. That look, it broke you. It was hard to stare at him and really look at him, it reminded you of everything you could have had, everything that was supposed to be yours but was robbed by his decision to go neck deep into the Galindo Cartel, by your brother who was dragging him in even deeper. 
“Doesn’t it hurt?” Your words left your mouth before you could think. “What’s the point of this, Nestor? I’m not coming home, you’re not leaving. Why put ourselves through this shit.” 
“Because I miss you.” He said without hesitation. 
It sounded like a pick up line, but you knew it wasn’t. Nestor wasn’t going to play a game with you, things were too complicated for that. If he wanted a quick fuck he could get that easily, he wasn’t hard on the eyes, he had access to money if it really was finding itself to be a difficult task but you knew that wasn’t what he was here for. 
“I miss you too.” You closed your eyes before turning and putting the coffee pot back. “But this, this isn’t going to help anyone.” 
“I don’t care about anyone. I care about you.” Nestor had planned this out, he didn’t come here on a whim, it was on Miguel’s orders, yes, but he didn’t come here without thinking through his words. It was something the Nestor you grew up with never did, but Navy Nestor always did. With every letter he sent you, there was thought, intention, the service matured him in a way that your pining over him turned from a childhood crush to the man you wanted to marry. The man you knew would be a good husband. Protective. Funny. Thoughtful. Smart. Aware. But he took all those traits and gave them to Miguel instead. 
“You care about Miguel.” 
“And you don’t?” He retorted back to you. 
“He’s my big brother. Of course I do, but I can’t spend my time worrying about him–caring about him, he made his choice just like I did.” You lifted your hands up in defeat. 
“You work minimum wage at 4 jobs.” Nestor didn’t mean for it to come out harsh but it did, he just meant to put things into perspective for you. And he did. 
“And yet, I’m happier than I ever was then.” Your words also didn’t mean to come out harsh but, it did. 
“You gave up everything.” Nestor phrased it weirdly, it wasn’t so much a statement but it wasn’t so much a question either, somewhere in the middle of both. 
“Yea, you did.” You said staring deep into his eyes. 
It got silent, things got tense while you took a deep breath and kicked off the counter behind you. 
“In another life, maybe we chose each other.” You hoped the statement offered some type of closure, you knew if you didn’t end this now it would never stop. “But in this one, we made our choices clear and we have to live with that.”
Nestor nodded, he stood up from the seat and reached to his back pocket for his wallet. 
You lifted your hand up and shook your head. “On me.” 
Nestor hesitated, it didn’t feel right but he also knew it was barely a dollar worth of coffee so he nodded and turned to exit the diner. The bells from the door jingled as he opened it, the breeze hit you along with the realization of the situation.
“Nes.” You called out his nickname as he turned to look at you. “I wish things were different.” You wanted to leave him with some kind of peace, but deep down you knew it was also for you too. 
“Me too.” He nodded his hand still keeping the door open. “I’ll see you.” 
With that he closed the door, letting his hands fall into his pockets while he retreated to his black escalade that was parked in the lot. 
Your eyes looked down behind the counter, where your duffel bag sat, packed with all the things you needed to start new again. Having your own life where your brother knew where to find you wasn’t ideal anymore, you couldn’t live with one leg still connected to the Galindo family, so you knew this was the best thing moving forward. You’d find new jobs, you already had one lined up, it was a promotion too, not a minimum wage gig but something that paid more and was way more stable with the hours. The life you wished you would have had with him, but you were going to make for yourself at least. 
“No,” You shook your head as you mumbled under your breath. “You won’t.” 
Part 2
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thegirlwhowritesfics · 1 year ago
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Chapter Eighteen is now live! Please don't yell at me!
AO3 Wattpad
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mischiefnevermanaged89-blog · 6 months ago
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Gotta Be Somebody Part 8
Angel Reyes X Reader
I sat in the little pub on the border, waiting for Nestor. I managed to get away from the two others Adelita sent to the town with me. I told them I needed to pick up some things for the girls in the group and that sent them the other way to collect the food we needed. The pub owner worked for Miguel so he knew what I was there for; no questions asked. I was thankful for that.
I paced around the little room as I waited, hoping he’d be there soon before the others became suspicious. Finally the door opened to reveal Nestor.
“(Y/N). I brought someone with me. Said they weren’t going to take no for an answer.” Nestor stepped into the room.
“Papa.” I let out, tears instantly hitting my lashes when I seen his face. I rushed towards him and into his arms.
“Hija. Are you okay?” He asked, hand in my hair and arm wrapped around my middle, holding me to him.
I nodded. “Si. What are you doing here?” I stood back a little, my hand on his face.
“Nestor told me he was meeting with you to go over details to end this and I wanted in. We know she thinks it was us. We want to play that part. Bring her down. We want to help you after what you done for us.” Dad said as he sat down, I followed suit, sitting beside him and across from Nestor.
“It won’t be easy, dad. She’s hell bent on bringing Galindo down and everyone associated with him. All because someone in his dad’s closets ranks killed her family. She’s after him to destroy him and his family. She even tried to go after his wife and son. I was able to stop that from happening and make it look like the ones who were assigned that mission were idiots and failed and got killed. I can’t let her use an innocent child like that.”
“That was you?” Nestor asked. I nodded. “Emily said someone showed up and killed all of the men except her body guards and told them all to go and don’t look back and make sure her and the baby are watched carefully.”
“I didn’t want them knowing it was me, but I’m sure you’re going to tell him anyway. Doesn’t matter. What matters is this.” I pulled out a map and paper. “This is where she wants to have the showdown. This is where she thinks the club hangs out on this side of the fence. She wants to have someone stake it out for a few nights and see when they’ll be there and hit them unexpected. If I can get her to do it just on the other side at the warehouse, that’s where we can have the upper hand. We can have every one of Galindo’s men and all of the Mayan brothers waiting.”
I looked at dad who was smirking at me. I knew that smirk. That was his proud smirk.
“That could actually work. I can get Padrino on board to get some of the other guys to come in and help. They’d do anything to stop the bitch that’s keeping their money from flowing.”
“Good. Miguel is just waiting to know when she wants to strike.” Nestor spoke up.
“Whenever you will be ready. I can go back and tell her I seen a few Mayans heading back across the border so I followed and I seen them at a warehouse not far gathering together. She’ll want to strike in a day, two tops.”
“Alright. I’ll get all the men together. In the meantime, can you hide this on you? It’ll be better than the radio.” Nestor handed me a small phone.
“Yeah. She don’t do checks on me anymore. I can keep it in my shirt. It’s small enough to conceal.” I looked at my watch. “I got to get going. The others will be waiting for me.”
We all stood and I looked at my dad. “Don’t worry, Papa. This will all be over soon and we can be together at home again.” I pulled him in for a hug. He held me tightly back.
“I love you. And I was told to tell you by your Somebody they love you, too.” He chuckled when he seen my eyes widen. “Don’t worry, hija. I know. It’s okay.” He kissed my forehead.
“Tell them I love them.” Tears threatened to fall. He nodded as I turned to Nestor with a nod, letting him know I’d be in touch.
They walked out first. I waited a few more minutes before following. When I heard dad’s bike leave, I walked out. I saw him with Hank and Taza headed back towards the border. I pulled out the phone Adelita gave me and snapped pictures. It would back up my story of them being in town and overhearing them being on the other side at a warehouse in a few days.
Just seen a few of the bikers in town.
A:How many?
Just 3.
A:Did you hear anything?
Si. Something about they were getting the good drinks from this side for a party at a place on the other side in a few days.
A:Good. Come back. We must plan.
I put my phone away and went to find the others and headed back to the compound out in the desert. As I got out of the truck, Adelita come out of the main tent.
“Did you over hear anything else from them?”
“Just that they required the alcohol to be sent to a location at the border in a few days so they could smuggle it over to a warehouse. It was a big order so they all must be going.”
“There’s only one place they can do that. We must watch so we can strike while they are having the party. Take a few with you and watch them. See what they do; when they are coming and going. When you know they are all gathered, send for me, I’ll have everyone ready.”
I nodded. I took three of the newer recruits with me. At least they wouldn’t question me when I told them any thing to do. I had them load supplies for a few days and we left.
Once at the location, I gathered them together before they took their positions.
“Alguna actividad que me reportes, ¿entendido?”
(Any activity you report to me, got it?)
“Si Señora.”
“Bien. Ahora vete.”
(Good. Now go.)
They positioned themselves at different points on the border wall and ground. Thankfully where we were was far enough out we wouldn’t be bothered with border patrol. I made my perch and set up to watch. I pulled out the phone Nestor gave me and sent a message to him and dad.
Whenever you’re ready. I told her the Mayans made a large order for alcohol to be brought to the border wall for a party at the warehouse on the other side. She has me and three of my newer recruits stationed to watch it. All I have to do is give her word and she’s ready. I’ll be here until I have your word.
A few minutes later I got a message.
B:Padrino had a meeting with all charters. We’re all good to go, hija. We’ll be gathered there tomorrow night. Te Amo.
N:Galindo men are locked and loaded. We’ll be there tomorrow, too.
Good. As soon as everyone is gathered, send me word and I’ll send word to Adelita. Once I have word it’ll be an hour at least before we hit the warehouse. Just know, once it goes down, nobody touches her. She’s mine.
I put the phone away and just watched. I knew nothing was going to happen so I pulled out my small notebook and began to write. Soon day turned into night. One of the men brought food up to me and left again. It wasn’t long after dark they slowly one by one began to fall asleep. I had trained myself to stay awake for long hours simply because I trusted no one in Adelita’s group in the beginning.
I kept alternating between writing and keeping watch for anyone coming. Sunrise was slowly coming up, and it was beautiful. The vast nothingness of the border desert made it even more so. I had only wished I had Angel there with me. He kept me going. I knew I had to go one more day before I could see him again and could hold him.
As the day went on so did the watch. Small messages coming in from both sides checking in made it go by that much faster. Soon the time was approaching.
B:Everyone is gathered. We’re ready. Mayans are scattered about inside the warehouse.
Good. Once we’re in, she will have men sneak in every entrance. Have men ready to take them down quietly so she doesn’t suspect you know.
N:Galindo men will be stationed outside hiding away so no one can see us. We’ll take out any from the end quietly and trap them inside once you’re in.
Copy. Let’s take this bitch down.
I whistled for my men to gather. I sent Adelita a message.
It looks like they’re all there. Many bikers have shown up.
A:Good. We’ll meet you at the border in twenty. We hit them within the hour.
“Prepararse. Salimos en veinte. Prepárate para una pelea.“
(Get ready. We leave in twenty. Prepare for a fight.)
The men nodded and began packing everything into the truck. True to her word, Adelita was there within the twenty minutes. We made our way out of the makeshift gate once the sun was going down as to not be seen as easy. I knew Nestor and his men would see us coming from a mile away.
When we were less than half a mile away, Adelita stopped us.
“Cubra todas las salidas. Mátalos. Nadie vive.”(Cover every exit. Kill them. No one lives.)
She said to everyone. She gave some of the men the tasks of taking every exit. The closer we got the more I wanted to end this. I kept reminding myself this was for my family. I nodded to her that I’d take the rear while she took the front with Pablo. Once at the warehouse everyone split up.
I turned to look out into the dark. I whistled. Then all hell broke loose.
I’m sooo sorry it took so long to get this part out!! Life has been a bitch lately!!! I’m hoping to have this little gem finished soon!! Thank you for sticking with me my lovelies!! 💜
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imagineredwood · 1 year ago
"You should be scared of me. I like that you're not."
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Request: You should be scared of me. I like that you're not with our cartel daddy Miguel Galindo"
Pairing: Miguel Galindo x female reader
Warnings: Gun violence, mild blood
Word count: 595
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"Come here."
Miguel's voice was gruff as he spoke to you, hand outstretched for you to place yours into it. You stared at him blankly for a handful of seconds, willing for both the fog in your brain and the ringing in your ears to go away. Miguel didn't move, hand still reaching. His heart pounded in his chest, though not from the shootout. From the idea that maybe this would be the thing that finally drove you away. 
The late nights? You had understood. The missed or canceled dates? They'd made you sad, but you knew business was important. Bodyguards all around? Intrusive at times, but necessary. The cartel life had only been glittering necklaces and champagne-filled flutes during bubble baths up until this point. The danger Miguel always spoke on seemingly nonexistent it was so far removed. You hadn't seen it yet; hadn't been subjected to it. 
Until tonight. 
With the shots ringing out, the beautiful crystal clear glass of the windows nearby shattering, the chaos and yelling men. It had shocked you just as much as the sharp pain of your skinned knee when Miguel had shoved you to the ground behind the Suburban. Now here you were, standing back upright, a small trickle of blood dripping down your knee as you stared at your fiance. His eyes were fierce but there was a sadness in them as he wondered if now that you had seen the true state of things, you would decide neither he nor his life were for you and split. That worry fizzled though as you threw yourself into his arms, hugging him tightly. He wrapped his arms around you in return, one holding the small of your back to keep you upright while the other cradled the back of your head to him. You clung to him, small shudders running through your body as the adrenaline coursed through your veins. He was your safe space. Nothing and no one could make you feel safer, even with all of the casings that littered the street around you. Foolish and dangerous as it may have been. Despite he himself actually being the danger, there wasn't a place you felt safer than in his arms. 
Miguel pressed a soft kiss to the side of your head, ushering you into the vehicle with the help of Nestor, it taking off before either of you could get your seatbelts on. The ride home was silent, your hand clutching Miguels. Neither of you broke it until you were in your bathroom, Miguel kneeling before you to clean your leg while you sat on the counter. 
“You should be scared of me. I like that you’re not.” 
You gazed at him through heavy eyes, the adrenaline from before having worn out and left you ready to crash. Your smile was soft as you looked at him, following him with your eyes as he stood. 
"I could never be scared of you. If there's one thing that doesn't scare me, it's you. You had me on the ground before I even knew what was happening. You saved me. Nothing you do will ever scare me. Unless you tried to cannibalize me or something." 
Your heartfelt way of confirming that you weren't going anywhere both warmed his heart and made him chuckle with a shake of his head. He wrapped his arms around your middle and tugged you off the counter into him, voice taking on a husky edge as he dragged you out of the bathroom and towards the bed. 
"Oh, I'll cannibalize you alright." 
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General taglist
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl  @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast  @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114   @destynelseclipsa  @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben  @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @xonickibaby @cruzwalters @myakai13 @mrsstevenbuchananstark @lyly00 @kaystacks17 @cole-winchester  @alexxavicry  @savagemickey03  @fanfic-n-tabulous   @gangstaliciou06
Mayans MC taglist
@dazzledamazon​  @abunnykisses​ @briana-mishell24​  @wrcn9fvlcver​  @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @krysiewithak​  @appropriate-writers-name​  @blessedboo​  @megapeacelovemusic-blog​ @emoengelfurleben​ @blowmymbackout​ @abby-splace​ @kola95​ @black-repunzel99​ @redpoodlern​  @myakai13​
@cruzwalters​  @danimals1096 @po3ticb3auty​ @lyly00​ @im-just-a-mississippi-girl​  @angel-121​ @fanfic-n-tabulous​ @90sisthenew80s​ @lovelytricia @librarian1002
Miguel taglist
@omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @maciiiofficial​  @black-repunzel99​ @ben-c-group-therapy​ @witchygagirl​  @myakai13​ @fanfictiontrash9​  @angel-121​ @90sisthenew80s
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year ago
Galindo!Series Part Two: Revelations - Nestor Oceteva x Reader
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Tagging: @anime-weeb-4-life @danzer8705 @drabbles-mc @alwaysachorusgirl @witches-unruly-heart @est1887 @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @spookyboogyuniverse @thanossexual @lexondeck @weiwei0210 @trublu2u @justreblogginfics @oklahomapeach @keyweegirlie @wnbweasley @skyesthebomb @msjava1972 @fleureeee @jp1019 @thiashazzywriting @fanfic-n-tabulous @ravennaortiz '@just-a-throw-away @thekirbishow
Part One: Weakness - Miguel returns to Nestor’s life.
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It’s three in the morning when Miguel wakes up and finds you sitting in the chair across from his bed, your legs crossed and a gun in your hand. He notes the silencer, and he realises that this isn’t just an intimidation tactic, that his life his actually in danger.
There’s always been an unspoken truce between the two of you, your mutual love for Nestor was the only thing that kept the both of you from killing each other. However, things have changed. Nestor made a choice, and that choice was you. Miguel can’t forgive that.
“Rosa.” He greets you, shifting until his back comes to rest against the headboard. “My son is in the next room…”
“No.” You sigh. “He’s not, we both know Emily isn’t either.”
You see the flicker of comprehension in his eyes.
“It was you that helped her.” He says quietly. “Not Nestor.”
“Nestor was loyal to you for a very long time.” You tell him, tapping the silencer against your knee. “She didn’t trust him.”
“But she trusted you.” Miguel summarises as the pieces begin to fall in the place.
“Not at first. The last time we met, I was on your payroll.” You remind him. “It took Carmen a while to convince her that I couldn’t be bought but when she heard about what you did to me…”
The worst part is that it takes him a second to understand what you’re talking about because to him, handing you over to your rapist’s brother was nothing but business but to you…
It completely derailed your whole life, the PTSD, the nightmares, the fact you almost bled out in a shitty motel room outside of Reno, none of that matters to this man. You are just one person whose life he almost destroyed. There’s hundreds out there.
“You know, she told me some pretty interesting things about you.” You say, leaning back into the chair. “How controlling you became after you fired Nestor, how your brutality escalated. You got a little unhinged, a little sloppy…”
His jaw tenses, his gaze shifting the top drawer of the dresser. You sigh before holding up the gun you’ve tucked into down the side of the chair, you’re sitting in.
“I got that one.” You tell him before setting it down again. “The mess you made was why the FBI came down on you so hard, why you had to disappear off to Mexico and all that chaos… It was the perfect time for Emily and Cristobel to vanish.”
It’s in that moment that Miguel understands the full extent of what you’ve done, how you reached into his life and pulled it apart, piece by piece.
“It was you.” He realises, his voice tinged in disbelief. “You got the FBI involved?”
“It was going to happen sooner or later.” You inform him, with a knowing look. “We just needed it to happen sooner.”
“You took my business, my son, my wife…” He snaps, his fingers raking through his hair as he struggles to process the information because in Miguel’s world you’ve only ever been a tool to use, a weakness to exploit. Never in his wildest dreams did he envision you would take a stand against him; he thought that the threat of losing Nestor would be too much.
“No Miguel, you did that to yourself when you beat Emily’s sister to death in front of her.” You remind him and the look he gives you, it’s murderous. “When I dropped them a call about the location of her body, your DNA was all over it. You are fucking terrible at cleaning up your own messes. You always have been.”
“Does Nestor know?” He asks, the words come out like a hiss through his teeth. “Does he know what you’ve done to me?”
“I don’t keep secrets from Nestor.” You tell him, pointing the gun at him. Your finger tightens on the trigger. “I knew it was a matter of time before you come back for us. You could never let Nestor be happy, not when he chose me over you.”
“If you do this, he’ll never forgive you.” Miguel tells you, his eyes fixated on the barrel of the gun. “You’ll be the woman who killed the only person who’s ever given a damn about him.”
“We both know that’s not true.” You say sadly. “You’ve only cared about what Nestor could give you, not about the person he is and that’s where you fucked up Miguel, because truly, he’s wonderful.”
He opens his mouth to speak but you’ve heard enough. You pull the trigger, and he collapses back against the headboard, the back of his head thudding against the wall with the force of the impact.
You raise to your feet, before pressing two fingers to the pulse point in his throat and waiting for the thrum of blood to stop. When it does you withdraw before picking up his phone from the nightstand and using his thumb to open it. You bring up his emails before flicking into his scheduled box and studying the email residing in there, the one with your name, address and picture attached to it. The kicker? He’s included Nestor’s details too.
A suggestion, he’d written, if you wanted to inflict some emotional damage.
You delete the email before turning the phone off and slipping it into your pocket.
There’s not a doubt in your mind that you made the right decision about killing Miguel Galindo tonight.
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pascalispretty · 2 years ago
The Poetry of the Body: Two
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Miguel Galindo x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3070
Warnings: discussions of pregnancy, fainting, references to sex/implied sex, implied age gap, hurt/comfort vibes, AU where Emily doesn't exist.
Summary: You and Miguel discuss the possibility of expanding your family, and negotiate the details.
A/N: thanks to my beloved @misscharlielulu for all her love and support in getting this finished, and @bullet-prooflove for her Nestor advice. Title of the fic is from ’La llama doble. Amor y erotismo’ by Octavio Paz. Title of the chapter comes from 'Pedro Paramo' by Juan Rulfo, full quote on ao3. Written to fulfil the 'don't worry, I'll take good care of you' square for @storiesofsvu2-0 / @storiesofsvu's bingo! (ao3)
Two: The Pure Murmuring of Life (ao3)
It’s one of those days where nothing seems to go right. Miguel rose early in order to attend to some business south of the border, leaving you to wake up alone. Your whole body aches – another thing you blame Miguel for. Having sex on the kitchen floor certainly seemed like a thrilling idea last night, but you were paying the price for it today.
The day only gets worse once you shower and dress, and make your way downstairs. Any notion you have about taking Cristóbal out for breakfast abruptly shatters the moment you hear him screaming, a harried-looking Maria attempting to reason with him in Spanish. Still in his pyjamas, your son’s small body is wracked with sobs at the injustice of not being allowed to climb into the dryer and go for a spin. 
It takes what feels like hours to soothe him, and it’s closer to lunchtime by the time he’s finally calm enough for Maria to take him upstairs and dress him. You stay downstairs, sitting on the couch to talk to Nestor. Starving, sore, and head pounding, you’re relieved to have a moment of calm. 
“I don’t want to stay out for long; I just need to get out of the house. Is there enough security still here?” You have no concept of how many men have gone south with Miguel, but the fact that he left Nestor here tells you he’s not expecting any trouble. Nestor stands by the arm of the couch and nods. 
“More than enough to keep a detail at the house while we’re gone. I’ll ask Paco to bring the car around.” He takes his phone out and begins tapping out a message, and even the sound of his phone keyboard clicking makes you rub your temples. Maybe you should take some ibuprofen before you head out. You’re so hungry you feel sick; a granola bar wouldn’t be a bad idea either. 
Before you can do anything, you hear footsteps on the stairs again. Cristóbal is all smiles when he comes back downstairs, finally dressed and ready to go. He beams when he notices you on the couch and twists in Maria’s arms to reach out for you. 
“Hi, sweetheart. Are you ready?” You ask him, standing up quickly. 
It’s a mistake. 
Your vision blurs. The room swims in front of you, and you’re only vaguely aware of your knees buckling before everything goes dark. 
Sounds come back to you first. Cristóbal is crying again, but he sounds oddly muffled. You’re too disoriented even to try opening your eyes. Instead, you focus on your breathing. 
You’re on the floor, that becomes apparent quickly. The wood is pleasantly cool against your forehead. You don’t know how you ended up down here, but you try not to think too hard about it. After a long pause, you gingerly open your eyes. 
It takes a moment for you to be able to focus on anything. The first thing you do see clearly is Nestor, kneeling beside your head. He has your wrist in his hand, you realise, his fingers resting over your pulse point. He must have caught you before you fell, lowered you onto the floor. An intense feeling of déjà vu sweeps over you; you’ve been in this exact position before. 
The fainting was the first real sign that something was wrong last time. 
You can vividly remember waking up on the kitchen floor to Miguel yelling at someone to bring the car around. Breakfast had been abruptly abandoned, the bacon smouldering alarmingly on the stove. You had only found out you were pregnant a week prior and the fainting spell had been written off as the result of your body simply adjusting to the new life growing inside it. 
Then the vomiting started. You lost weight at a rate that alarmed your doctors, who kept you in for a flurry of tests. Hyperemesis gravidarum had been the official diagnosis; morning sickness so severe that you could barely keep water down on some days. Between the dizziness and the nausea, you had hardly left the house until after your son was born. 
As soon as you realise that you fainted, you know that you’re pregnant again. 
You stopped taking your birth control months ago, but your periods had stayed irregular; you have no idea how late you actually are. The reality of it hits you all at once, but you do your best to choke it back. Cristóbal is sobbing in Maria’s arms, desperately wailing for you, and you raise your head slightly. You need to take care of him first. 
“It’s okay, baby, Mama’s okay. Come here,” you tell him. Nestor lets go of your wrist as you shift on the floor, trying to make yourself marginally more comfortable on the wood. Maria brings Cristóbal closer, eventually setting him down so he can toddle over to you. 
“Do you want me to help you up onto the couch?” Nestor asks quietly, before your son can reach you. Cristóbal crawls into your arms, his cheeks damp as he presses his face against your collarbone. 
“No, thank you. I just need to stay here for a minute.” You can’t fall again if you’re already on the floor. Nestor nods, wordlessly grabbing a cushion for you to rest your head on as he stands back up to his full height. In your arms, Cristóbal has settled slightly, though his voice is still thick with tears. 
“Mama fell,” he says plaintively, and your heart swells. 
“Oh baby, I’m sorry. Did I scare you? I’m okay, Mama’s okay,” you whisper against his warm forehead, breathing in the smell of his hair. You rest your head on the cushion and look up to see Nestor and Maria sharing a meaningful glance. Cristóbal’s little fists grab handfuls of your hair, but you barely feel the pressure on your scalp. You know what that look is about. 
“Don’t tell Miguel.” It comes out harsher than you mean it to. Nestor and Maria exchange another look, before Nestor sighs. 
“Mikey’ll want to know.” 
“And he will. I’ll tell him myself when he comes home tonight.” You hold Cristóbal a little tighter, rubbing his back. The last thing you want to do right now is argue with Nestor, but you can’t back down. “Please, Nestor. I’ll tell him tonight.” 
He looks unconvinced; it’s hard to convey how serious you’re being while you’re lying on the floor. 
“Maria, would you mind making Cristóbal something for lunch? I don’t think we’ll be able to go out today after all.” To your relief, she nods and walks towards the kitchen. One less person to deal with right now. The mention of food makes Cristóbal squirm in your arms so you let him go, watching him toddle off to the kitchen to ‘help’ Maria. Gingerly, you start to try to shift into a sitting position. Nestor notices, crouching back down automatically in case you faint again. 
You manage to sit yourself up, your back resting against the couch as you take several deep breaths. All of this would be so much easier if Miguel was home. He grew up with housekeepers and nannies and security guards; he’s infinitely more at ease issuing them with orders than you are. Even Nestor, occupying that liminal space between employee and childhood best friend, does what Miguel tells him to do. 
Orders don’t come naturally to you. Especially not now, when your head is a whirlwind of different emotions and needs, all pulling your attention in separate directions. Miguel would take care of everything if he were here, having conversations that need to be had and making appointments that need to be made. But you have no idea where he is or when he’ll be home, so it’s up to you. 
“Nestor,” you start, swallowing thickly. “I need you and Maria not to say anything to Miguel yet.” 
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but you know I have to tell Mikey.” Him calling you ma’am isn’t a good sign. Miguel had half-stepped into the role of older brother for him since he was a teenager; you aren’t going to overcome more than twenty years of loyalty. He’ll never listen to you over Miguel. 
“If you tell Miguel I fainted, he will want to know why. And he’ll know why, the same way that I’m sure you do. Miguel will figure it out the same way you did.” You know in your gut that Nestor knows. The same intense déjà vu that struck you must have hit him too; an echo of the six long months where he hardly left your side when Miguel wasn’t around. It had been a sign of how concerned Miguel really was about you, leaving his most trusted lieutenant to watch over you and the life inside you. 
“...Mikey doesn’t know?” Nestor asks eventually, taking a seat on the coffee table - still close enough to catch you if you faint again. You’ll mention it to Miguel later, how seamlessly Nestor has fallen back into old protocols. 
“No. I don’t even know yet, not for sure. But I don’t want him to find out like this, Nestor; hundreds of miles away, because something bad happened. Let me tell him myself tonight, so he can celebrate.” You watch him think it over, a muscle in his jaw twitching. Eventually, he nods, and you sigh in relief. 
The two of you negotiate a little more - he’ll talk to Maria, he’ll do his best to make sure Miguel comes home at a reasonable hour tonight on a security pretext, you absolutely promise that you’ll tell your husband that the fainting has started again - and he helps you up onto the couch before he leaves. 
You settle back onto the couch, closing your eyes as you get comfortable. From experience, you know you’ll need to stay put for an hour or so. The sound of Cristóbal’s uneven footsteps makes you open your eyes again as he runs up to the couch, his stuffed rabbit in his hand. 
“It’s ‘kay, Mama. Make feel better.” He thrusts the stuffed rabbit at you, and you tuck it into the crook of your arm. Another powerful wave of emotion washes over you, and you will yourself not to cry; you don’t want your son to think his sweet gesture has upset you. 
“Oh baby, thank you.” You whisper, stroking Cristóbal’s curls gently. “You know, Daddy had a brother too. That’s who you’re named after.” Your son brightens at the mention of his father, babbling the word ‘daddy’ happily back to you, looking around for Miguel. “No, Daddy’s not home yet, sweetheart. But we’ll have a nice surprise for him when he comes back, won’t we?” 
You watch anxiously from the kitchen window as the cars are let through the gate, the convoy your husband took south arriving home seemingly without incident. Certainly, there’s no sign that Miguel came home in a panic, word having reached him of what happened today. 
Since your fainting this afternoon, you’ve been relatively busy. Maria had kept Cristóbal occupied while you rested on the couch, planning your evening, and Nestor had gone out for the items you’d requested. You’d briefly wondered why he’d bothered to go himself for steak and sparkling grape juice, until he returned from town with two boxes of pregnancy tests stashed among the groceries. 
You really needed to tell Miguel to give him a raise. 
By the time Miguel walks through the door, everything is ready. You smooth your hands down your dress, stepping out of the kitchen to greet him. 
“Hi baby,” he starts, his eyes widening slightly once he gets a good look at you. “Did we have dinner plans?” You’re overdressed for dinner at home, a green dress that clings in all the right places. He kisses you chastely in greeting, his hand coming to rest at the small of your back.
“No, I made us dinner. I thought you might need it, after your day.” You lead him by the hand to the table on the veranda outside. The fire and torches are lit, casting everything in a soft golden light, and music is playing softly from the speakers. 
“Valentine’s Day was last month. Or is this you angling for a repeat of last night?” He asks teasingly, the fingers of his free hand finding the bruise he’d left on your wrist when he pinned you to the floor. 
“Maybe.” He humours you, especially when he realises you’ve made him filet mignon, so rare that the knife glides through the meat with almost no resistance. That, and the pinot noir you’d opened for him, provide an excellent distraction. He doesn’t question why you’re drinking a different wine - which isn’t wine at all, but sparkling grape juice you’d decanted into an empty bottle - or eating a blander meal than his own. 
The conversation throughout dinner is light; he doesn’t offer any details about what he was doing south of the border, and you don’t ask. You want the other world to be as far away from you as possible tonight. The mains finished, you tell him to stay put while you clear the table and fetch dessert. 
You uncork the champagne in the kitchen and sink the bottle into the waiting bucket of ice. For a moment you wish you could take a sip, just to steady your nerves. From the cabinet, you fetch a single champagne flute, one of the Villeroy & Boch set that had been a wedding gift. You take the stem between two fingers and turn it so the base rests in your palm, allowing you to carry it at the same time as the stainless-steel bucket. 
“I know that champagne is more of an apéritif than a digestif, but it seemed more appropriate for the topic.” You tell Miguel once you’re back in earshot. He turns to look at you, a faint smile playing around his lips. The firelight suits him; between the shadows and the golden wash of light, he looks like an oil painting—a study of some long-ago king, all easy authority and charm. 
“What’s the topic?” He asks, leaning back in his chair so he can watch you. 
“Celebrations,” you tell him, pouring the champagne for him. “It’ll be yours and Cristóbal’s birthdays next month.” It had felt like it meant something when Cristóbal was born just days before Miguel’s own birthday in April - the one silver lining to having to deliver him early. Instead of returning to your own chair, you sit in Miguel’s lap. His free hand comes up to your waist instinctively, holding you close while he reaches for the glass. 
“Three already,” Miguel says, taking a sip of his champagne. You drape your arm over Miguel’s broad shoulders, taking a moment just to savour the closeness. 
“I know.” Your fingers find their way into Miguel’s hair, combing through the thick black curls. He relaxes under you, a long sigh escaping him. He takes another sip of champagne and frowns. 
“You’re not having one?” Miguel turns his head to look at you. “Are you trying to get me drunk so you can take advantage of me?” His tone is teasing, and he playfully pinches your side. His fingers land over a ticklish spot, and you giggle in spite of yourself. 
“No. I can’t have one.” You bite your lip, waiting for him to connect the dots. “That’s the other thing we need to celebrate.” Miguel’s lovely dark eyes search your face, his expression softening. 
“Really?” He asks, and you nod. 
“I took the test today. I still need to go to the doctor’s to confirm but-” Whatever else you might say is cut off by the kiss Miguel gives you. He pulls you even closer to him, his champagne glass abandoned on the table so he can wrap his arms fully around you. 
“Te quiero mucho, mi amor,” he murmurs between kisses. For the first time all day, you can relax and just let your emotions wash over you. You’re having another baby; it’s a thrilling and frightening prospect all at once. 
“I love you too.” You rest your cheek against his shoulder as he pulls away slightly to take another sip of his champagne. You’re not sure how long the two of you sit there in contented silence. The fire has dipped low, and the breeze rolling in off the hills makes you shiver in your thin dress. Miguel is immediately on alert, setting his empty glass down and looking at you with concern. 
“Do you want to go inside?” Miguel asks, rubbing your arm. The pressure is just slightly too much on your sore skin, and you wince. “Baby?” He tugs the short sleeve of your dress up, exposing the already-forming bruises you had acquired earlier. 
“Oh. That was my first clue I was pregnant again; I fainted this afternoon. Nestor caught me.” You try to keep the worry out of your voice, stroking your fingers down his forearm. Miguel fixes you with a searching look, those beautiful dark eyes carefully searching your face. 
“How are you feeling now?” He asks. You know that tone; it’s one that brooks no argument, allows for no white lies. 
“Physically? Fine. A little tender, maybe.” You begin, but Miguel’s gaze doesn’t waver. “Emotionally? I don’t know. Happy, yes. Scared.” Your voice breaks a little on the last sentence. Miguel smooths a hand over your hair, adjusting you on his lap. 
“We know what to expect this time. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you.” You turn your head into his shoulder, trying not to ruin the celebratory mood. For a long moment, you sit there like that, Miguel’s hand running soothingly down your back. Even pressed against him like this, you shiver again. 
“Let's get you inside.” Miguel lets you go, and you slide reluctantly off his lap. 
“What about the champagne?” 
“I’ll take care of the champagne. You take care of you. You said you were feeling fine physically?” He asks, draining what’s left of his glass. You nod, and he grins, stepping closer to you. There’s barely an inch of space between your bodies, and he catches your chin between his finger and thumb, tilting your face up to look at him.  
“Go and get yourself into bed. And then I’ll see what I can do to take care of you.”
@avengersfan25 @misscharlielulu @burningtacozombie @ben-c-group-therapy @90sisthenew80s @beccabarba
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nestor423 · 1 year ago
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libraryofloveletters · 3 years ago
pre- relationship miguel x reader prompt 132 “You said you wanted more!” “more effort! not violence!” they're sleeping together and he won't ask her out properly so when at a function she flirts with nestor to make miguel jealous and he comes over and punches nestor
the fact that I had to send you a picture of Nestor so you knew who he was is HILARIOUS!!! anyways :)) I kinda changed it a little cause my brain ran from me and this got a little angsty
category: pre-relationship // prompt 132: “You said you wanted more!” “more effort! not violence!” // this got a little nsfw in reference but nothing explicit. 
Miguel watched from the car, the strap on your heel had come loose and instead of you fixing it yourself, Nestor knelt in front of you and fixed it, and the way his hand grazed your calf was a little too touchy for Miguel’s liking. 
He knew you were an independent woman, you didn’t need him nor Nestor but the fact that you toyed with both of them drove him insane. Now he knew that Nestor thought nothing of your flirting but it still pissed him off. 
Miguel was many things and jealous was one of them, especially when people touched things that were his and to him, you were his. 
Nestor opens the door for you, waiting for you to step in before shutting the door and getting in. “All set Mikey ?” he looks over at his friend and Miguel nods. 
Miguel had to attend some gala for the nature preservation he was helping fund so you and Nestor were being dragged along with him. 
These things were incredibly dull; between having to schmooze all of Miguel’s business colleagues and faking smiling all night, you were extremely bored and tired. 
Miguel was just about ready to leave, so you excuse yourself and head out to the car where Nestor was. “Hey,” you smile, walking down the steps to the car. Nestor jogs over, his hand reaching for you and holding it so you don’t trip on the stairs. 
“How was the gala?” He asks you, letting go of your hand as you hop up onto the hood of the car. ‘”Dreadful.” you hum, lifting your feet to pull off your heels. 
Nestor smiles, leaning on the hood beside you. “Mikey’s still in there?” 
“Yeah, some senator is asking about funding and I just excused myself because  I wasn't needed and my feet were killing me.” 
“Let me,” Nestor shifted to kneel in front of you, your foot resting on his knee and he began rubbing it. You let out a satisfied hum as he rubbed exactly were hurt. Miguel happened to come out of the building right as you rested your hand on the hood of the car, your head leant back and a sinful sounding noise slipped past your lips. 
It was purely because Nestor was giving you the best foot massage on the planet but  from behind, it looked like something else. 
You hadn't realized that Miguel was done until you felt Nestor’s hand leave your foot and there's loud smacking noise, followed by a groan. You get off the car to see Miguel rubbing his knuckles and Nestor is getting off the ground, his hand over his nose. 
“What the fuck Miguel?!” you rush over to Nestor, checking his nose to see if it's broken. 
“You said you wanted more and you didn’t even wait a week before you let Nestor fuck you!” he shouted. 
“More effort! Not violence! God, if you’d take your head out your ass for just a minute, you could have figured that out!” 
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garbinge · 2 years ago
Commission Job
Nestor Oceteva x F!Galindo!Reader
Day 19 from these April Prompts: A Commission Job
Summary: Part 2 to Minimum Wage, but can be read as a standalone. After Miguel orders a hit on Nestor, he comes crashing at your doorstep. 
Words: 2.5k
Warnings: Angsty af. Mentions of blood, killing, death, murder, all canon level thangggs ya know. 
Mayans Taglist: @drabbles-mc @narcolini @justreblogginfics​
Part 1​
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You wished you ignored the doorbell and the persistent knocking. That was the lie you were telling yourself as the two parts of your brain argued against each other on what to do with the disheveled man at your doorstep. The part of you who had been living in this small town under a new name with no ties to your old life was fighting with the other part of your brain that hadn’t been functional in years… the Galindo in you. 
The initial shock of seeing Nestor bruised and bloody on your doorstep was gone in seconds. You didn’t ask questions, you just brought him inside and into the coat closet. 
“Wrong house!” You called out to the company you had over that was currently in the kitchen halfway through dinner as you shoved Nestor into the closet and shut the door. He didn’t say anything either, he just followed your suit. 
“You know, I’m not feeling so hot.” You made your way back to your kitchen bar and made a scrunched up face. “Getting up made me realize I’m feeling kind of blah.” You were easily falling into the lie, your Galindo traits rising back up from the ashes. 
Your date was making their way down the hallway, disappointment all over their face as they did whatever they could to change your mind. Little did they know that the half broken man in your closet was not going to make that happen. 
After your company left you moved immediately to the closet and opened the door to see Nestor sitting on the cubbies you had as storage. 
“You think you can make it to the bathroom? It’s upstairs.” You would ask questions later, but right now you were prioritizing. 
“Yea.” His voice was rough and more raspy than normal but it brought your heart up to your throat. Seeing him caused you to go into reaction mode but hearing him speak for the first time caused you to want to throw up. 
You brought your arm around his torso and his arm instinctually went around your shoulder as you trudged upstairs. Luckily, it wasn’t many steps before you were in the bathroom. It was obvious that he wasn’t putting all his weight on you but once he was seated on the closed lid toilet you could see his body collapsed in exhaustion. 
Black eye, deep scratch over his cheek bone, probably some broken ribs from the way he was limping. That was the bulk of the damage you were able to clock by looking at him. With a deep breath you opened the cabinets below the sink and pulled out the first aid kit. 
“I’m gonna need you to lift your shirt up.” 
Nestor obliged, it was then that you realized he wasn’t in his normal outfit of a button up and slacks but a t-shirt and jeans. You frowned but quickly moved to look at the bruising and cuts on his abdomen. 
“Great, more open wounds.” You mumbled as you bent down to clean up the dried blood around the cuts. You both sat in silence for a while as you cleaned up the cuts and gave Nestor a cold washcloth to hold against the bruising until you could go downstairs and grab an ice pack. 
“You need stitches.” You pointed to his face as you sat on the edge of your tub. “I don’t have the tools for that but I can give you a butterfly bandage.” Your voice was monotone as you spoke.
“That’s fine.” His voice still deep and raspy. 
With a nod you were leaning over him and grabbing the bandage from the kit and applying it to his face. His breath was hot against your face as you got close to adjust the open cut with the bandage. Quick to move back you looked back down at his ribs. 
“Let me get you an ice pack.” 
Before he could say anything you were up and out of the bathroom and picking up your pace down the stairs. It was an opportunity to truly ask yourself what the fuck was happening. It had been years since you saw Nestor. Suddenly everything was hitting you. How did he know where you lived? Why was he here? Who beat him up this bad? Why didn’t he go to Miguel? Did Miguel know where you were? 
It was overwhelming to say the least, you started to get angry but then you thought about Nestor’s helpless being upstairs and it disappeared instantly. The only way you knew you were going to get answers was to ask him, and if things were even remotely the same as they were years ago, you knew that wasn’t a guarantee either, but you had to try. 
As you walked back to the bathroom you saw Nestor struggling to stand up. 
“Woah, what are you–” Your feet moved quickly on the bathroom tile and before you could finish your statement he was collapsing into your arms taking the wind out of you. “C’mon, sit back down.” A large groan came from the both of you as you took on his full body weight now and attempted to place him back down on the toilet. The pain from his injuries and your shitty attempt to placing him carefully back down causing him to react in agony. 
“Take this.” The medicine cabinet was opening as you shuffled through your things and pulled out an old prescription of some pain medicine. You handed him two pills and filled up a dixie cup with water after he tossed them in his mouth. 
You stared down at him, your mind finding itself back in that same place it was downstairs. 
“I need something.” 
Those were the words you decided to lead with. Not what the fuck is happening. Not what the fuck is going on. No. You decided that you’d go into this the way you knew worked best with Nestor. Meeting him at his own place of comfort. It wasn’t fair, he came to your house, which was still unclear how, but he was the one barely able to stand in your bathroom right now so, sure, you’d give him a break. 
“Mikey has a hit out on me.” 
Now you were the one barely able to stand. You stabled yourself by gripping the bathroom counter. 
“Come again?” You frowned. It was shocking to hear Nestor so easily give up information and to hear THAT information was cause enough for you to feel like you were going to throw up. 
“Your brother hired someone to kill me. A commissioned job.” He said it again, this time more explanatory and it only made your stomach pit tighten more. 
“Wh– Uh– How?” You started to stutter, you weren’t able to take in that information. You prided yourself on your ability to take in all sorts of information, coming from the Galindo family where your father and brother lied and killed and manipulated, nothing came as a shock to you. For God’s sakes the braided man in front of you knocked on your door, that he shouldn’t have known about, bloodied and bruised and you brought him in with no words or question. But this? This was unexpected. 
“Your mom. She’s dead. He, uh, isn’t doing too good. He killed Paco. Right in front of me. In front of Marcus.” Nestor’s voice was rattled. It was how you knew that this wasn’t a normal situation, not that Nestor telling you your brother put a hit on him was normal but you were searching for anything right now. 
“Marcus?” You questioned completely ignoring the part about your mother, your voice just as rattled as his. 
“Consejero.” Nestor let out a deep breath as he remembered you had no idea about anything. 
“Nestor, what the fuck is going on.” The rattled tone changed to desperate and before he answered you heard a knock at your door. It was firm and loud, and it matched your heart beat. 
Nestor was standing up like none of his injuries existed, if you were thinking logically, you would have chalked it up to adrenaline but right now you just felt your whole life crashing down on you. 
So many thoughts in such little time. You didn’t ask for this. Nestor came to your doorstep and now you were dealing with the aftermath of that. You’d kill Miguel. Galindo habits die hard, but your will to protect yourself from them would go down harder. Nestor was quick to grab the gun from under the bathroom sink that he probably clocked earlier but like you said, Galindo habits die hard and he knew you probably had one stored in each room of the house. 
He was making his way down the stairs, way faster than when he arrived. He peaked through the peep hole and immediately his shoulders relaxed and he opened the door, quick to fall back on the steps. 
Now, there was a stoic tall man in a button up t-shirt and slacks standing in your foyer as Nestor laid collapsed on the bottom step and you at the very top staring down to both men. 
“Marcus.” Nestor pointed to Marcus in his way of introducing you. 
“I’d say nice to meet you but this is fucked.” You made your way down the stairs to grab the gun from Nestor and situate him in a better position. “I’ll be taking this for now.” You put the safety back on and placed the gun in your back waistband before picking Nestor up against the wall. “Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on and how the fuck you knew where I was?” It was essentially two questions, one was pointed at Marcus and one was pointed at Nestor. 
“I’m sorry to barge into your home like this.” Marcus said like it was the beginning to an explanation but just looked at Nestor to respond. 
“She knows.” Nestor breathed out the two words. 
Marcus nodded. “Well then, you know everything we do.” 
You raised your eyebrows and let out a laugh. “Respectfully, I think the fuck I don’t.” 
Marcus was glaring at Nestor again, not wanting to get anymore involved in this than he already was. 
“I knew where you were, found you a few months after you left. Never told Miguel.” Nestor’s eyes were closed as his chest raised and fell with his deep breaths. 
You were speechless which was Nestor’s invitation to keep talking. 
“I got attacked. Your brother, ordered the hit on me. He’s pissed about your mom.” 
Your mom. When Nestor mentioned it before it slipped out of your mind over the thought that your brother ordered a hit on his best friend. 
“She was murdered. Not sure by who but he blames us all. I got away, laid low, told Marcus to meet me here.”  
“How do I know you weren’t followed.” You snapped your head to look at Marcus who was still standing stoic in your entryway. 
“I wasn’t.” His voice was steady. You believed him, there wasn’t anything you could do if you didn’t but the way he was handling this right now was better than you expected from someone you’d never met. 
You sat in the silence for a minute, taking everything in before shaking it all off, letting the Galindo fall right back into place. 
“So what the fuck do we do now?” You looked straight at Marcus as you asked, knowing Nestor called him here for a reason and if he trusted him you should too. 
“We run.” His advice was chaotic but it was spoken so confidently that you didn’t have an ounce of doubt in you. Maybe it was because running was a life you knew about pretty well, it was comfortable. It was safe, ironically. “But for now, let’s get him to a couch, we’ll head out in a few hours.” 
You nodded in agreement as Marcus walked over to help you bring Nestor to your living room. Placing him on the couch you both stood over him. After a moment you looked over at Marcus and introduced yourself giving him your name. 
“Miguel’s sister.” You specified even more. Before the two of you could speak more, Nestor was mumbling under his breath. 
“What?” You placed your attention on him. 
“Before I showed up. Were you on a date?” Nestor grumbled, the pain medicine obviously kicking in. 
Embarrassed, you snapped your head towards Marcus who was quick to look away. 
“I’ll, uh.” Marcus pointed towards the kitchen and quickly made himself scarce leaving you and Nestor in the living room. 
“Not a very good one if this was the highlight of my night.” Your voice was annoyed but you spoke the truth. 
Nestor smiled at your response. It was a mix of pride and also relief. “Maybe, when this is all over, I can take you on a date.” 
His voice was slurring, it was another empty promise, you knew that, but you also knew that he meant it. 
“You should get some rest, Nes.” As your hand swayed next to him, he grabbed it. 
“Promise me that you’ll give me a chance.” 
You froze at his touch but then nodded. If he could give you an empty promise, you should be able to also. 
“I promise.”
Part 1​
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mischiefnevermanaged89-blog · 7 months ago
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Gotta Be Somebody-Part 7
Angel Reyes X Reader
My dearest Angel,
I’m writing this in the quiet of the night while everyone is asleep. It’s times like this I miss you the most. I miss how we would sit and stare at the sky all night on my balcony when we couldn’t sleep. I miss you every second of every day. Knowing you’re safe is what keeps me going.
Soon this will all be over and I can see you again. I take any chance I can get to leave compound to do for Adelita in hopes by some chance I’ll get to see you on this side of the border. Sometimes I think I do, but I know it’s my mind playing tricks on me.
You remember my favorite song? Gotta be somebody? All I can think about the last couple of months is how I want to be your somebody and you mine. Don’t tell dad cause he’d kill us both, but I love you, Angel. I know you love me, too. I seen it, that day that I had to leave, in your eyes.
I don’t know what will happen in the days or weeks, hell, even months to come, but I wanted you to know in case something happened to me.
I’ve got to go. Before someone wakes and sees me still awake. Until I can see you again, my angel.
I sat in the perch of the safe house, taking guard of Miguel’s product for Adelita. She’s started trusting me more and more lately; all thanks to my knowledge of shit from Coco and Gilly. That trust is what I’m hoping works in my favor in the weeks to come. This raid I helped with on dad and the guys is the starting line in my plan.
I was brought out of my thoughts by a whistle from my left. I looked over to see one of the guys motioning at movement in the distance. That was my que to move. It would seem dad gave Miguel my letter and he’s cashing in on that now. I slipped the silencer on my gun as I stood and walked towards the newer recruit.
With his back turned to me, I shot him and was able to catch him before he could fall and alert the others on the ground. I took out a small light from my pocket and clicked it twice, signaling Nestor and his men to begin. Once the gunfire ensued, I ran from my position and started firing.
I managed to get two more of Adelita’s men down before Nestor reached me.
“We meet again.” I said.
“That we do. What’s you’re plan here?”
“Leave me and two others alive. Shoot my arm and punch me so it looks like I was knocked out in the fight and then tie us together before you leave so Adelita finds us. Make sure to knock the others out so they don’t know I was a part of this. I’ll tell her we were ambushed and I was shot at while in the middle of everything and I was attacked from behind and knocked out.”
Nestor nodded. “Ready?”
I nodded in turn. “Yeah.”
After helping Nestor clear out the rest of the men, I helped load the van with Miguel’s product. Nestor showed me proof that dad and the others would get their money once he got back and I nodded. He aimed his gun at me and I felt the bullet pierce through my bicep.
I screamed out in pain. “Oh I’m so whooping your ass in the ring when I get out of this shit!”
Nestor chuckled. “We’ll see. Let’s finish up so I can get your guys paid and Miguel’s product back to him.”
I nodded. “Now, tie me up with those two and get out of here. She’ll know something’s up soon and come to check when I haven’t checked in.”
Nestor did as I told him to then gave me an apologetic look before everything went black.
I woke to the sound of my name being called. I looked around dazed and confused, letting my vision come back into focus.
“What happened?” Adelita asked.
“I don’t know. One minute I’m on perch keeping watch and the next there’s gunfire going off. I was attacked from behind and I don’t know anything else.” I sat up from the bed I was put in and threw my legs over the side.
“Had to be Galindo’s men. Someone is working on the inside here. How else would they know where it was being kept?” Adelita passed back and forth in front of me.
“I don’t know. It’s possible that one of the new recruits could be working for him. I seen a few of them with identical cuts on their left palms. It’s suspicious that suddenly in the last week Mini has found a few more strays on the streets and asked to bring them in.”
“Mini has nothing to do with this.” She yelled.
“I didn’t say she did. But we know how soft and kind hearted she is. She’s still a child and finding someone her age being left on the streets like she was because of the Galindo Cartel, it’s still suspicious. They could be setting us up.”
Adelita stopped and thought about what I said. “You’re right. There was two men left alive with you. Maybe one of them is the rat. We need to find out more information. My best guess is that motorcycle club you raided last week has a big part of it. I intend to find a way to stop them.”
She quickly left the tent and I let out the breath I was holding when she mentioned the club. I had to send a message to Nestor to start preparing. If I knew Adelita, it would be just a few days and we’d be on the move. I grabbed my walkie and swapped channels.
I used the signal I needed to speak. Shortly after, Nestor’s voice come through.
“Get ready. She thinks it’s the club. It’ll be a few days. I’ll signal when we move out and to where.”
I took a deep breath. I had to stop her. I couldn’t let her hurt my dad and family. I couldn’t make my move yet. I had to wait. I began making plans of my own for when the time come.
I was sitting at the bar waiting for the rest of the guys to finish up at Templo when my phone rang.
“It’s me. I need to talk to Bishop.”
“Aight. Hold up.”
I walked to the door and knocked.
“Bish, it’s Nestor.” I replied.
“Come in.”
I walked in and put the phone on speaker so everyone could hear.
“What it is?”
“I just got word from (Y/N). She told me to start getting ready. Said Adelita thinks it was you guys that ambushed the site and took the product back. She said it’ll be a few days, but she’ll let me know when they move out and to where.”
Bishop sighed. “Alright. Wherever it is, I want to know. Knowing my daughter, it’s going to be the final showdown for her to end this.”
They hung up the phone and I went to walk out. Before I could get far, Bishop grabbed my wrist.
“Hold on. There’s something we need to discuss with you.”
I nodded. “Okay. What’s up?”
“Take off the kutte and lay it at the end of the table.” Bishop pointed to the far end.
I dropped my head. I knew better than to argue so I did what he told me to. I laid it out, Prospect patch up.
“You’ve done a lot for this club. You’ve done a lot for my daughter. With what’s about to go down, I need to know I have people to have our backs, my back. You’ve shown that the last few months.”
He waved his hand and all of a sudden new patches were laid in front of me on my kutte. I looked at him with a shocked expression.
“Bish, seriously?”
“You’ve earned it, kid. You’ve shown all of us how bad you want this. That’ll you’ll stick your neck out for any one of us. Welcome to the club.” Hank said, slapping my shoulder.
One by one each guy gave me a hug and welcomed me in. Last was Bishop. He hugged me to him and held me there.
“When this shit goes down, I want you by my side. You’re the only other person who loves my (Y/N) as much as me and would kill for her. I want you to protect her at all cost. I brought you in early, don’t make me regret it.”
I shook my head. “I won’t.”
Later that night, I sat up and put my new patches on my kutte. When I was done, I pulled out (Y/N)’s picture and letter she left me and read it again and again. I missed her. I wanted her home. I vowed then I’d make sure she made it home and wouldn’t leave my side again.
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champagnebrock · 4 years ago
mayans & soa masterlist
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NOTES — some stories may contain mature themes such as violence, bullying, murder, death, abuse, strong language and some other topics. please always read the warnings listed before the story just incase of triggering topic discussion. you are responsible for your media consumption, if you don’t like it feel free to leave. 
* if you feel a warning needs to be added, please inform me!
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STATUS — ongoing
STARTED — 08/22/21 | FINISHED — 00/00/00
UPDATE SCHEDULE — as i have time to upload chapters
WARNINGS — abuse, violence, strong language, mentions of blood, reader gets a glass thrown at her head, loss of a job, manipulation, mentions of alcohol abuse and drug use.
PAIRING — fem!reader x angel
SUMMARY — when things with your husband turn violent, you retreat to your home town of santo padre. crawling back to your old life, you try to reassemble who you are. on your journey of self discovery you are reacquainted with old friends, lost loves, and who you really are. along the way, not only do you fall back into you who are, you fall in love with someone you never should have traded for the life you didn’t want.
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STATUS — coming soon
STARTED — 00/00/00 | FINISHED — 00/00/00
PAIRING — littlesister!reader x bigbrother!jax | jaxslittlesister!reader x happy lowman
SUMMARY — after your dad’s sudden death, you go about cleaning up your parents house, only to find a stack of missing posters with your baby photos on them. the real kicker? the contact information for tips about your location, not the people who raised you.
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happys-crazy-queen22 · 4 years ago
Out For Blood
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Gif credit @afacelesschampion
Requested on wattpad.
Sorry I've been absent, it's been a crazy month. But hopefully I'm back, if the inspiration keeps up. Havent had much lately. So we'll see. Thanks for sticking around.
Taglist @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder. @leaalfred. @twistnet. @baylishh. @believinghurts. @ilovetaquitosmmmm. @mayans-mc @mypridefulsoul27.
WARNING: Kidnapping. Children abandonment. Murder. Blood. Assault on women. Killing. Hostage situation.
It was your normal routine, taking the kids to the market and getting fruits and vegetables for dinner. But something was different. You could smell it in the air.
Looking over your shoulder you saw two men looking at you. They weren't regulars around there and they weren't Miguel's people. They two were watching you.
"Alberto"? You called over to your security guard.
"Yes, Señora Galindo".
"Can you take our stuff to the car and get one of the others to get the kids? Cristobal is tired". You tell him and he nodded.  Grabbing the bags.
You held onto Melya, your two year old daughter and held Cristobals held as you walked along. The two men followed you. You knew not to panic or show fear. But deep down inside you knew you had to protect your kids.
Hurrying along you went to go to the car since your men havent showed up but as you got to the car there they were, laying dead on the ground their throats slit.
You cover your sons eyes with your hand and turned to run back into he market but you bumped into one of the men following you.
"Cual es la prisa"? The toothless man asked you with a snicker.
"Please. Dont hurt my babies. Please. I'll go with you just dont hurt them". You begged, tear falling down your face.
He nodded to another man that was behind you. You kissed both Cristobal and Melyas head and told them you loved them very much and sat them in the car. It was a beautiful day the sun was shining and the wind blew a cool  breeze.
"We wont hurt them. We came for you anyways". The toothless man spoke as you turned around.
"Can you call their father? Just for him to get them, please? I dont want them out here all alone. They're so little". You sobbed into your hands.
"Don't worry. He knows". The toothless man grabbed your upper arm, you let out a yelp. He dragged you away. You looked upon the kids as you walked. They were fine. Not crying. Just sitting in the back seat playing with they're toys. It killed you to know that this was the last time you would ever see them.
Miguel fault through the crowd of the market. Someone left him a letter to come to the market or else. He didnt take threats to kindly.
He didnt see his wife or kids. Nestor made all his men scatter out and find you. But the only thing they found was the kids sleeping in the back seat.
"Mickey"? Nestor called over the walkie talkie.  Miguel's heart dropped as he ran. Nestor held Melya in his arms when Miguel got to the car.
"Where's Y/N"? Miguel grabbed up his son and daughter. Hugging them tightly.
"No sign. My men are checking". Nestor walked away, talking on the walkie talkie.
"My babies". Miguel kissed their faces.
"Where's momma"? Cristobal asked with a yawn.
"She's still shopping". Miguel put on a fake smile.
"What about the man? Is he still shopping"?
"Man? What man, Cristobal"?
"He was mean to mommy. No teeth. Rrr".
Miguel didn't know what to say. His mind was with you and all he could think about was getting you out before it was to late.
"Sir"? A young boy came over to Miguel and tapped on his shoulder. "I was told to give this to you". And the boy ran off.
Miguel opened the paper and it read "ten million or she dies". Along with a address.
"I'm going alone". Miguel picked up the kids and headed to the SUV.
"You can't. I'm going with you. It's to dangerous". Nestor followed.
"Take the kids home and watch them. Dont take your eyes off of them, Nestor". Miguel kissed their heads and buckled them up.
"Here, at least take this". Nestor handed Miguel a pistol. "It's small, discreet. Maybe they wont find it".
"Thanks. Watch over my kids". Miguel ordered Nestor as he walked away. Going back through the crowd to his car.
Nestor looked at the address and knew exactly where it was. He wasn't going to let Miguel get himself killed. So he told his men to watch over the kids. He had something to do.
Miguel pulled up to an empty house. It was falling apart, there were no windows or even a front door. But outside in the drive way was a nice brand new SUV with thirty day tags.
"Hold it". A older man came out of the house carrying a machine gun, pointed right at Miguel.
"Where's my wife"?
The man didnt say anything he patted down Miguel and pushed him along the drive way to the front door. Looking around making sure no one followed.
Miguel could hear talking and laughing. Music playing in the back ground.
"Jefe". The older man called out as he walked into the room. There wasnt a kitchen or livingroom. Just a big open space.
"Where's my money"? The toothless man came over. Cristobal was right, he was a monster.
"Where's my wife first"? Miguel gulped, but kept his cool.
"She's right there. Didn't you see her? She goes great with the floor". The toothless man stepped aside and Miguel couldnt keep his composure.
You were laying on the floor lifeless. Your face was unrecognizable. They had beaten you so badly that your eyes had swelled shut.
"Hijo de puta". Miguel went to lunge at the man in front of him but he was stopped by a gun to his head from a man behind him, that, he didn't notice before.
The toothless man clicked his tongue. "You should show some respect. Do you know who I am, pendejo"? He walked closer to your body.
"A fucking coward. Beating on women. My fucking wife". Miguel snapped.
"I'm the son of Jorge García. The man you murdered and my mother". The son of Jorge García took out his gun and placed it against your temple. Grabbing a fist full of hair and pulling you up. You let out a whimper but had no more fight left in you.
"Your father was a soplón, a rat. He deserved everything he got. Now your mother, she begged forgiveness and I was going to let her live but she decided to kill one of my men so I had to kill her. It was business". Miguel spoke outraged and heartbroken. He tried to hide his tears.
"Oh look, my father's killer has feelings for this puta. Where was that for my mother"? García jabbed the guns barrel harder into your temple.
"What do you want? Me to apologize for killing your parents? Fine I apologize. Now please let my wife go. We have two beautiful kids and they need their mother". Migue pleaded.
"Then they'll know how I felt my entire life. Living without my parents. But you, you'll live with the guilt of knowing you couldn't save your wife. You got her killed for your life choices, remember that". García laughed with a smirk as he pulled the trigger. With one quick move you were gone. Your body hit the ground with a thud and you blood splattered onto the wall, floor and Miguel.
Miguel screamed, dropping to his knees crawling to your body, tears were a flowing waterfall down his face. His face heated with anger.
He scooped up your head and placed it gently in his hands. "I'm so sorry, Mi Amor. I'm sorry. I couldn't save you. Please forgive me". Miguel kissed your cold lips.
"Where's my money"?
Miguel lifted his head slowly, with a sniffle. "It's in the trunk of my car". Miguel looked back down at your face. His hand slowly inching it's way to his boot, taking the small pistol in his hand. With one quick jerk he shot García in the leg. The man with the machine gun came running up and went to shoot but he was quickly taken out along with the other men in the room. Nestor, walked into the room, his gun drawn.
"Mickey". Nestor ran over to Miguel.
"Bring him to me". Miguel didnt look up as he gave orders to go get García who limped off during the gunfire.
Nestor took off and found his prey laying on the back steps, breathing heavy.
"Get up". Nestor, grabbed Garcías hair and dragged him in side. Miguel was waiting. He had taken off his dress shirt and placed it under his wife's head.
Nestor pushed García in front of Miguel.
"Tell your parents I said fuck you". Miguel shot García in the head right between the eyes.
"What do you want me to do about the bodies"? Nestor asked.
"Burn it all down". Miguel said emotionless. He handed Nestor the gun and went to his wife. Gently picking her up and carrying her out of the room. Placing her in the back seat of his car.
Nestor grabbed the gas cans that laid outside and poured it over the bodies and struck a match. The bodies were engulfed in flames soon the whole building was.
Miguel didn't want her to burn with her killer. She deserved better than that a proper burial. So his kids can have closer and he can have somewhere to come and talk with her about life.
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wisteriaandwafers · 4 years ago
Shorts List
Two months ago I made a list of series and said I would make one for shorts, oneshots, drabbles, two-parters and such, next time I put off actual work. But like the true queen of procrastination that I am, I procrastinated on that too.
I would like to thank all the authors on this list and some that are not (bc I forget stuff), I really appreciate you for giving me little pockets of joy. Some of these are older that I keep in my mind and some newer that are so fun.
They are mostly of the soft and cute variety because I’m soft and I love love. Here you go babes
You are responsible for what you read. Take a peek at the warnings.
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Mayans M.C.
Miguel Galindo
Indulge in the fantasy of meeting a rich man. I mean he runs a drug empire but that might be your thing... idk your story 🤷‍♀️
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Open house by @perfumeofsighs
I just really enjoyed this one. The writing...*mwah*
Are we on a date right now by @brattyfics
One of the first Mayans fics I read on here and I still love it
Tightrope 2 by @mrsamaroevans
Part 1 is slightly angsty but it gets really sweet in 2
Our life is golden by @sheeshgivemeabreak
This is one of the ones that is not cutesy but it’s really good so...
Ezekiel “Ez” Reyes
I wonder when all of the fic writers decided that that he is always a best/long time friend. I wasn’t invited to this meeting but I so enjoy the spoils
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Adore you by @starrynite7114
This one is love and peace embodied. Makes me smile always
Let me sleep by @drabbles-mc
This one is so cute.
Something Real by @challengeahellcat
They’re on a roller rink date. Nuff said
Prisoner and this one by @everyhowlmarksthedead
It’s so warm and cute.
Teasing by @angelreyesgirl
This one makes me smile all big all the time
First day of school by @spookys-girl
Johnny “Coco” Cruz
Cleanse your minds of present day Coco with very cute Coco fics
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My little gangster by @sadeyesgf
This one resides in a special place in my heart. Also it reminds me of Cat joining a gang in victorious
This drabble by @withmyteeth
You know what do yourself a favour and read the entire drabbles masterlist.
Funfair date by @mayans-sauce
Go and be assaulted by cuteness
It was always you by @whatupitsastarrynite
It’s long time love and such. they had a reblog war that created this gem
Angel Reyes
He doesn’t have a nickname. Sad.
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Pure love by @rebelwrites
What a smiley fic
The 7th Floor by @yourwonkywriter
Confession fic.
TikTok prank by @jeonsblackgf-writes
It’s just funny 😄
Nestor Oceteva
I so enjoy the way writers create situations like we know anything about the man
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This one by @everyhowlmarksthedead
He threw a taco at a cop
No sugar for me by @nestors-whore
This one is not really nestor-centric but his reaction is so funny so
My favourite things by @crimsonheart01
Some More
Erik “Killmonger” Stevens
There were no smiling gifs of Erik. Then I remembered that fic Erik is very different than how the movie went
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You Good 2 by @cecereads209
It’s a meet cute type situation and so lovely
Baby Fever? by @blackgirlimaginesmarvel
It’s a platonic coupling but still very cute and funny
Cranky by @kittehkwrites
Lesson in not skipping nap time. Very adorable
Kevin Atwater
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Sweet tooth by @crushed-pink-petals-writes
There’s a bakery and sweets involved. My little baker heart loves this
Oscar “Spooky” Diaz
Confession : I haven’t even finished the show but a lot of people I follow reblog and then I read
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Crush by @charcoocheurie
The little sister has a crush and it’s so witty and cute.
Letty Cruz
Letty Cruz the beautician by @isisafrofairy
Also because she makes very gorgeous mood boards that have inspired or been inspired by authors
This is my love letter to gif makers, I don’t know how you do it but I love you for it and appreciate you. I know for a fact that some of my favourite fics would not have been possible without your work so... Most of them are multi fandom, but I’m referring to Mayans mostly.
Her work is so gorgeous and she hosted Mayansmcweek. And she’s obsessed with Danny Pino and I enjoy that. Also, can you say speed
Because I enjoy her obsession with Coco Cruz very much
Because even though, they don’t make gifs anymore, theirs are still some of the most used
Because they gif while scenes that are always so pretty
Seems like they’re always telling a story in the sets
Is very artsy in their editing and that’s fun for me
Because they have the funniest Ez Angel interactions giffed and I enjoy that
Because they do so many Ez and Gabi moments and I’m obsessed with that pairing
Because they do character sets for all your needs
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calif0rnia-lovers · 4 years ago
shaunie's kiss challenge.
an: i received a large number of requests for the kiss challenge--way more than anticipated. this is a master post of the requested stories. unlinked stories have yet to be uploaded and will be updated in no particular order. thank you to everyone who submitted a request
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key is as follows:💦 = NSFW, 💙 = Fluff, 💔 = Angst, 🔥= No Smut, Just ST
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goodbye rituals | jealous kiss + rio 💙
no place for a lady | caught off guard kiss + bishop losa 💙
personal space | "i missed you" kiss + rio 💙
princesa | before bed kiss + angel reyes 💙
trying to forget | drunk kiss + angel reyes 💔
favorites | spin the bottle kiss + johnny tuturro 💙
sugar | morning kiss + william "ironhead" miller 💙
garden | against a wall kiss + prince!angel reyes 🔥
super bee | "I missed you" kiss + nestor oceteva 💦
born king | first kiss + arthur pendragon 💙
battle scars | tender kiss + billy russo 💙
chocolate | soft kiss + rio 💙
zombie land | it's the end of the world kiss + mayans hc
coffee | morning kiss + rio 💦
one in a million | soft kiss + bishop losa 💙
sweet fling | against a wall kiss + miguel galindo 💦
lover | 3 drunk kisses + nestor oceteva 💙
forbidden | forbidden kiss + nestor oceteva 🔥
show me | i'm sorry kiss + miguel galindo 💦
mine | public kiss + angel reyes 🔥
homecoming | accidentally witnessed kiss + single dad!bishop losa 💙
mile high | neck kiss + miguel galindo 💦
reflection | long kiss + ez reyes 💦
riding lessons | hiding/hoping not to get caught + ez reyes 💦
curls | giggly kiss + ez reyes 💦
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everyhowlmarksthedead · 4 years ago
Headcanon or imagine?
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© @angels-reyes ✨
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garbinge · 9 months ago
The Runaway Galindo Sister
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Summary: You left the Galindo name and life behind, but it always seems to come back after you.  ________
One Shots: Cold - Nestor Oceteva x Galindo!Sister Reader ________ Multi-Part Stories:
📖 Minimum Wage - Nestor Oceteva x Galindo!Sister Reader (Pt 1)
📖 Commission Job - Nestor Oceteva x Galindo!Sister Reader (Pt 2)
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