#Neon Office
soulspark · 1 month
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Die Sterne
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system-architect · 6 months
i desperately wish gw2 had more food-centric lore. i think about asura food more than is probably particularly reasonable. they're sort of implied to like molecular gastronomy in the lvl500 chef quests which is fitting and makes sense, but surely not every asura is eating bespoke Pea Spheres day in and day out right? i think my favorite angle on them is a sort of 50s-80s american-esque food style where there's a huge emphasis on things being Convenient and Scientific, so you'd get a lot of absolute slop tv dinners and canned items that have labels boasting how they were nutritionally fortified and contained your day's complete vitamin intakes and so on. a lot of jellied things. i do also fully believe they would have + eat soylent.
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obsessedbyneon · 1 year
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80s office images from Bit Mag, 1985
My edit
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wrathyforest · 1 year
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Trigun office au. PART 5
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
Additional info:
Humanoid Typhoon  - the nickname that Vash received from granny Sheryl (she’s working at buffet) - for the fact that during lunch he always runs into the counter and does not leave a single donut after.
BadLads company specializes in LED products.
Mr. B.D. Neon has a wealth of criminal experience and is said to be still in business.
Close-ups under the keep reading
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 10 days
We recently hired an older woman truck driver and today she complimented my hair and asked me, "So are you family, or like an ally?" and I answered, "Oh, family 😊" and she got such a happy look and started talking about how glad it made her to have a new job somewhere where people could be openly queer and that she'd never worked somewhere with as high of a percentage of non-cishet people and how good it felt. It was just a really lovely little interaction.
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purplekirby · 10 months
People being worried about the writers strike and not getting the next season of such and such show or not getting new shows
And I've been over here for the past 4 years watching almost exclusively shows from 1990-2010 and have a TV shows list 20+ shows long that are all finished that I haven't even begun watching
I think I'm gonna be okay
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gamebunny-advance · 2 months
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1000 Followers Celebration - Six Eight Fanarts
Neon J. (No Straight Roads) - @ocularose
Sheldon (Splatoon 2) - @pelman
Gingerdead Man (Full Moon Universe) - @gingerweed-man
Johnny (Sonic Rush Adventure) - anonymous
Kliff (No Straight Roads) - @teeny-tiny-mousey
Pac-Man (My human?AU) - @ninjastar107
Roba (The Problem Soverz) - @bigfatnerdycrocodile
Dr. Irabu (Welcome to Irabu's Office/Trapeze) - anonymous
Thank you to everyone that participated in our final follower's celebration, and thank you to everyone that's followed me up till now~ It's been a wild ride with some highs and lows, but nonetheless it's pretty cool that I've made it this far basically by being cringe~
I hope that y'all consider sticking around to see where we go from here~
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ai-dream · 1 year
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Take a break and spend time in the Cloud Room.
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RIP Claudia de Pointe du Lac de Lioncourt. You would've loved Sweary Coloring Books
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mintmatcha · 12 days
I dont need my pics too be huge or anything BUT. BUT. I would love one to get popular enough for fan art one day
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instantartific · 3 months
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Thinking about my shooting stars AU and rebooting the story after sitting on it for about a year and not liking it anymore.
Concept: rather than them becoming friends over the course of the story, what if that's what they once were until it all fell apart?
And what if the story follows their decision to try again?
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indecisive-dizzy · 3 months
Hi I’m having so many Latter/Eddie ideas im in love with them they are beloveds
I can totally see Latter having a crush on Eddie from the get go. He took one look at that beautiful southern mailman and fell in love
The idea of Eddie dating Latter while being Howdy’s ex makes me laugh so hard, especially if howdy gets bitter about it
I could totally see Eddie being sweet to Latter and Howdy complaining to Seeya about it. He pulls out the “I was bisexual first!” argument /hj
Latter writes poems about Eddie but keeps them to himself. Hes too embarrassed to share them
Ironically they’re actually some of his better work
Latter/Eddie/Frank is now something I need more people to love too because I do
They do little smooches. Like, they’re both so nervous they can barely kiss without herring all flustered and shy
Hugs, they hug a lot :)
Latter wraps his wings around Eddie EHEN they hug, but he never mentions it
They write letters to each other all the time, they love writing about the other
They go on walks together, its calm and they don’t have to deal with neighbors/family members that treat them poorly
They move in together /hj
I need them to get married
sniff theyre soooo <333
Took one look and fell in love you say? Of course he did who wouldn't! fr tho Latter had One Positive Interaction with Eddie (Eddie waved at him) and he was head over heels.
Damn Eddie I thought you were afraid of bugs- sjfhjdsgbjsghjds. Howdy is SO bitter. Especially because Latter and Eddie have a better relationship than his and Eddie's. Also bc Latter does Not shut up about him. He's throwing Eddie themed poetry left right and center and Howdy is this close to putting up a "No Latter" sign at the shop.
Latter's better poetry being his love poems to Eddie is so sweet. His best work comes straight (Ha!) from the heart <3
Idk how Frank and Latter would get along,,, I think Frank would enjoy some poetry but he may only tolerate Latter's extensive poetics for Eddie,,,, Hmmm
Call those Butterfly Kisses. jsfjsf they're so cute hhh just little pecks here n there but its got them both all flustered.
You got a mailman who is on his way to a Best Hugger Award and a Giant Butterfly with Six Arms. Those are some damn good hugs! And I am a sucker for "wrapping wings around partner"
ah writing letters, Eddie's personal favorite love language that he introduced Latter to. Eddie gets normal letters that also have poems attached. Eddie send him paper crafts with his letters.
Going on walks is nice! What if they held hands !
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cheeseproducts · 1 year
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going on about Yui again
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toyastales · 8 months
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A Cool home office
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wrathyforest · 1 year
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Sure, why not?
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strawberrymolks-blog · 6 months
Official Holiday art for animes will always be so fucking funny to me because no these bitches are never this happy in their actual source
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Like asuka would NOT be this excited for christmas
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