#Natural Potato Exporter
ag1-trad · 27 days
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rmm-1f · 4 days
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vedagriexpo · 1 year
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lionsongfr · 21 days
Flameforger's Cuisine
In the Ashfall Waste natural food resources are scarce and much of their food is imported from other Flights. While neither Banescales or Coatls eat plants, seafood is a hot commodity with a large majority being imported from the nearby Churscarf Wharf of Water. Export of metal and weapons was thriving and thus provided the necessary income for the imports; however, with the Magmablood Rebellion those exports have dwindled and so has the treasure needed for seafood. Yet, the chefs of Fire are a passionate group who have traveled throughout the lands and always come back home with presents of food and drink- and of course their ability to cook some amazing meals!
 Also spice levels in this post:
MILD: Wild Mustard< Golden Pepper < Cindermint <Ashfall Prickler < Fire Ant< Firefly < Blacktongue Pepper :HOT
Scaleskin Marlin Ham- an import from Redrock cove, the tail of this gigantic fish is brined for 3 days and then coated in a toasted spice mixture of ground Pelagas Feathers, Wild Mustard, and dried Blood Acorn. It is then left to cure for 4 weeks before being thinly sliced and served with a Warm Miniature Potash chutney and Turnip bread crostini. (thanks to Josh Niland for the idea)
Grilled Firecoiler Egg Bowl - fillets of the long Firecoiler are first skewered to prevent them from curling when grilled. Then they are marinaded in Wild Catsup, Ashfall Prickler sauce, and garum (a fermented fish sauce made Anchovies).  After grilling they are put into a pot of fish broth and Wild Onions, simmered, before a Hooded Hen egg is added to be soft scrambled. The whole mixture is poured over a Turnip-Granny Smith Apple mash.   
Crown of Roast Ram-cutting and tying a rack of ram into a crown can be a difficult, but chefs often use a Blacksand Annex brand bundt pan to help retain its shape. The juices are mixed with tart Blackberry vinegar, Wild Catsup, and fresh Siltvine to create a tart and sweet sauce for the strong-tasting meat of the Ram.  Typically served with roasted Thistle hearts and baked whole Sweet Potatoes.
Rebel Red Hotpot- started by the rebels to cook food when low on fuel, it is a pot of Dried Jerky broth colored red with Crimson Jadevine. Food is quickly cooked in the boiling broth before being dipped into a ground Fire Ant (or Firefly) pepper in oil. Most common foods for the pot are: Cindershroom, Salamanders, Softshell Scorpion, Red Octopus tentacles, and Fissure Crawdads, but truly the variety is whatever you can catch that day.
Knee Kicker- a very spicy sandwich that starts with frying a recently molted Red Knee Tarantula. The fried Tarantula is then dipped in a Blacktongue Pepper sauce (import from Shadow) and dusted with powered Firefly pepper.  Then this deadly arachnid is topped with pickled Wasteland Pear slices and placed between two toasted Sweet Grass buns. Considered a deadly weapon in all Flights except Fire.
Scorpion Scampi Pizza- the tastiest part of a Scorpion Fly is its tail, which it drops after becoming an adult. Dutifully collected by smaller dragons, it is cooked in wine, garlic, herbs, and sour Miniature Potash Peach juice till barely pink. The crust is precooked before the sauce, tails, and Snow Elk parmesan (import from Ice) is layered upon it. The pizza is baked again for a few minutes (or milliseconds in the volcanic ovens) to get the perfect melty and crunchy bite!
Sweet Potato Poutine- jokingly called a peace offering to Ice Flight, this hearty dish starts with a base of thin and crispy fried Sweet Potatoes from the Volcanic Vents. It is topped with smoked rice milk curds (rice an import from Wind), Cindershroom gravy, and a spicy Cindermint pepper.
Wildfire Kebab- there are some brave flowers and plants that survive and thrive in the Volcanic Vents. They are the divine Smolderpetal, the dangerous Speckled Fire Lily, the caloric Blood Spath, the meaty Cindershroom, and the slightly bitter Cindervine. Together they are roasted on metal skewers and basted with a Ashfall Prickler sauce.
Zeeba Berry Bars- a sweet treat that with came about from a truce between Fire Flight and Centaurs. Ration Pouches filled with oats and nuts formed the base of the bar, and the center is a mix of Strawberry and Blackberry jam. The top is striped with a sweet frosting dyed black with powdered Cindervine.
Flaming Peach Souffle -a testament to any chef’s ability, a Souffle is a risky and rewarding dessert. Miniature Potash Peaches are finely chopped with sugar and cooked in saucepan with the egg yolks. The egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar (which is also metal processing agent that prevents oxidation) are beaten into stiff peaks and gently mixed with the peach mixture before being added to ramekins and cooking. A smokey Grassland Grain bourbon sauce is poured over top and set alight to the delight of the diner.
Blue Flame Boulevardier- a cocktail made of Red Banana Liqueur (which is actually blue), Grassland Grain bourbon, sweet vermouth (import made from Light’s grapes or Ice’s sugar beets), and Pelagas Feather Campari. Stirred with ice and then strained with into a chilled glass, it is garnished with a slice of Wisp Fruit.
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thethirdromana · 1 year
Bram Stoker and Irish independence
I keep seeing posts popping up in the Dracula Daily tag about Bram Stoker being Irish, implying that we can draw conclusions from that about his politics, his attitude towards Britain, or the British Empire as a whole. I thought it might be useful to provide a bit of context.
Standard disclaimer: I'm not a historian and this period of Irish history is very complicated. I'm going to do my best but this will be a simplification, because otherwise an already long post would become a novel.
Less-standard disclaimer: I'm only going to go into some of Bram Stoker's views here. Others, such as his egregious racism, obviously also have a bearing on his views on empire... but again, a novel.
A very brief history of Ireland in the 19th century
god i have no idea how to simplify this
OK let's go. At the start of the 19th century, Ireland was a primarily Catholic, Irish-speaking country ruled by a primarily Protestant, English-speaking minority. The bulk of the Irish population faced colonial discrimination in a host of different ways, from restrictions that promoted English trade over Irish trade to laws that restricted Catholics from holding public office. The result was a long series of rebellions and risings against British rule, most recently in 1798. Though there was slow progress towards Catholic emancipation, especially in the 1820s.
In the 1840s, a potato blight affected the Irish staple potato crop. The British response - providing very little in the way of famine relief and continuing to export other crops from Ireland to Britain - turned a natural disaster into a genocide. A million people died and roughly twice that number emigrated. Ireland has yet to recover to its pre-Famine population.
A long-term consequence of the Famine was the decline of the Irish language. Irish-speaking areas were among the worst affected, and by 1900, Ireland was majority English-speaking. Another contributing factor was establishment of National Schools from the 1830s onwards, in which students were prohibited from speaking Irish.
In the second half of the 19th century, different movements arose to address these problems. There were campaigns for land rights, to protect tenant farmers; there was a movement to revive Irish culture and the Irish language; and there were different campaigns for how Ireland should be governed.
Independence was advocated for by groups such as the IRB, who supported taking up arms for complete freedom from the British Empire. Among the landed middle classes who were able to vote, this was a fringe position in the second half of the 19th century.
Home Rule was the idea that Ireland should remain in a union with Britain, under the British Crown, but that an independent Irish government should have complete control over domestic matters. This was the mainstream nationalist position in the late 19th century, and was the position of most of the Liberal Party in the UK.
Unionism was support for the status quo, and opposition to any devolution of power to Ireland. This was the position of the Conservative (Tory) Party in the UK.
In elections in the 1850s, Irish voters (male landowners only) were relatively split between Liberals and Tories. But by the 1870s, even this unrepresentative group of people voted overwhelmingly for the new Home Rule Party and its successor the Irish Parliamentary Party. That remained the majority view of Irish nationalists until WW1.
The leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party, Charles Stewart Parnell, persuaded Liberal PM William Gladstone of the importance of Home Rule. In 1886, Gladstone introduced a Home Rule bill to Parliament, but it was defeated in the House of Commons by 30 votes, causing Gladstone to lose power. In 1890, Parnell was revealed through a divorce case to be in a relationship with a married woman, causing a scandal that split his party. In 1893, after Parnell's death, Gladstone was returned to power and attempted a second Home Rule bill, which passed the Commons but was defeated in the Lords.
And that's the context in which Bram Stoker wrote Dracula.
Bram Stoker's views on Home Rule
The starting point is that we don't know a huge amount about Stoker's views on anything. The Irish Times describes him as "so private we know little of his life." Here's a bit of what we do know.
He was a Protestant from a comfortable middle-class background. Here's where he grew up:
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He studied at Trinity College Dublin, which Catholics were barred from attending (by their own leadership) on the grounds that attendance constituted "a moral danger to the faith of Irish Catholics." There, he would have been surrounded by committed Unionists; Trinity was its own parliamentary constituency and voted for Conservative MPs long after the rest of Ireland was supporting Home Rule.
At the same time, he was making friends with nationalists such as John Dillon and described himself as a "philosophical Home Ruler". (Source, which is amazingly comprehensive on the events of Stoker's life).
He must have liked that phrase, because when he wrote his Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving, published in 1906, he was still using it:
We were all, whatever our political opinions individually, full of the Parnell Manifesto [published 1890 after the divorce scandal and attacking Gladstone] and its many bearings on public life. For myself, though I was a philosophical Home-Ruler, I was very much surprised and both angry at and sorry for Parnell's attitude, and I told Mr. Gladstone my opinion. He said with great earnestness and considerable feeling: "I am very angry, but I assure you I am even more sorry." I was pleased to think - and need I say proud also - that Mr. Gladstone seemed to like to talk politics with me...
Above all his admiration for Gladstone, and pride in having him as a friend, shines through in this section.
Different sources interpret what a "philosophical Home-Ruler" is differently. It may be "one who accepted Home Rule as more necessary than ideal" or supporting "Home Rule brought about by peaceful means"; either way, it seems his support for Home Rule was qualified, not full-blooded.
Overall Stoker held a mainstream view, neither adamantly pro-independence nor a defender of the status quo in Ireland. He also seems to have been quite happy to maintain friendships with people who disagreed with him, whether they were Tories or more radically pro-independence.
This is less exciting than takes that I've seen out in the wild, such as "Bram Stoker hated the British Empire and that's why Dracula attacks English people". But it seems to be what the evidence bears out.
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aalinaaaaaa · 5 months
EXCITED TO SEE YOU AROUND can I hear about The Practice of World-hopping from the WIP tag pls
— @outpost51
Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
I'm excited to receive this ask! >D (And also apologies for it being months late lmao)
Anyway, one thing I should mention is that all the faerie portals in my works lead to Ireland. This is because I took inspiration from Irish mythology, where there is significant overlap between people and faeries in the various stories.
Without further ado, here's the entry in question:
A popular past-time for both fae and humans alike, but for different reasons. Fae do it to visit their compatriots living beneath the forts and fairy trees scattered throughout Ireland, as well as to gift or trick the humans living above.
Humans do it to either go ‘home’ for a while, or to go out and get a taste of a slightly different culture. Teens especially find it handy as they can hang out without the contents of their conversation spreading beyond their intended recipients.
This practice has been a reflection of each world’s histories, causing minor pockets of influence on each other’s cultures. It is also a source of conflict and sadness, for within the human settlements of Emaryia, there is an expectation that newcomers should not leave. Leaving is frowned upon because the people are afraid of the repercussions that could happen should the faerie denizens of their world find out that people in the mortal realm know definitively of their existence. This is partially brought upon by pressure from the faeries themselves, who don’t like it when humans leave (without at least being spelled).
For those that know what life in the human world is like, some miss it, others don’t. Those who entered during the famine years were the most susceptible to getting trapped as the food was a godsend to them and their families. These people may have desired to stay a few years or forever, not knowing when things would improve in Ireland again. But a few years turned into decades and longer, as people settled into their new lives and forged new communities.
Similar occurred when the first laws prohibiting Irish culture and language were introduced. Those that entered (though far fewer than during the famine years) were grateful that they could celebrate their culture and customs without worry of being harassed by the British. However, there were some split sentiments amongst people who believed that the right thing to do was return to Ireland and fight to preserve it there. People who thought otherwise were sometimes deemed as ‘cowards’.
From there, a pattern emerged. World-hopping fae copped on rather quickly that they could lure/deceive/manipulate people with great success during periods of historical turmoil. Some of them (the wandering sentinels most notably) were called upon by their underground compatriots when their forts and trees were threatened by planters, farmers and landlords. During the time of the famine, some of the underground fae were afflicted by the same blight affecting the potatoes, and for those that were guarding and blessing the land, their sickness lead to the land suffering too.
It is to be remarked that the fae were generally anti-British, for they found that the Brits had less respect for them as well as the Irish people, and they did not appreciate their liberal use of iron, especially in the Industrial Age. Though some will trick, prank or even harm the native people, they only do so out of playfulness or offence. For a lot of fae it is not their way to spite people for no reason (bar the ones who do have a malicious nature).
Cut to the later times, when English-speakers started rolling in. There was a stigma against them that they were British, or at the very least, that they held pro-British sentiments. When it became more widely known that it was actually a result of the Irish language being exported and erased, there was a sense of horror amongst people. Some people became determined to return and set things right, others decided not to. Those who were more savvy realised that the people of Ireland would not understand Emaryian Gaeilge, due to its slang and other derivations from the original language. While people would walk in with standard fluent or schoolbook Gaeilge, if they spent enough time in the other world, they too would have picked up Emaryian Gaeilge. This version is an amalgamation of the four dialects plus extra words and slang to describe the concepts and experiences unique to humans living there. It is remarkably known for its anachronisms, wildly varied accents and borrowed terms from faerie languages. There are also far less anglicisms in this version.
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artadorkable · 6 months
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Long ago A clan of fruit bats were forced to drink the blood of a god to protect their lands from invasion and were transformed into soucouyant.They fully transformed were blessed with dark magic and shape shifting abilities and was victorious against the invaders.They became the first vampires.They established the kingdom of Jada. Kaleisha Vea Gillain is the descendant of these vampires and wants to keep her people safe.she has an unquenchable wanderlust. She is Curious and sweet by nature, if not a bit jumpy.
She’s from the kingdom of Jada which resides in the country of woodwater.the capital is Fayard town. They export sugar cane,indigo,cocoa, beer,rum,cassava,sea almonds,sweet potato,maize,and animal hides.it’s known for its reggae,tobacco,coffee,medicine,theaters,woodworking,metalworking,pirates
This kingdom and culture is based on ancient Jamaica
Note:her design is based of the Jamaican Fruit bat and the Ackee fruit.her body became poisonous due to eating the Ackee fruit all Her life.fruit bat colors are based off their diet.
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reasoningdaily · 7 months
This Black History Month, Feeding America is celebrating the Black inventors who had a profound impact on our mission.
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People like George Washington Carver, also known as Mr. Peanut for his revolutionary work creating new products from a single crop, the lowly peanut. And Alice H. Parker, a Black woman who never got the credit, or the fortune, for inventing what we now know as zoned home heating using natural gas. These trailblazers helped America transition to a major agricultural exporter. Their inventions helped farmers increase the harvest to the point that American farmers now feed the world, and those in need. At Feeding America, our work is tied to moving food from farmers to food banks. It is our mission to end hunger in America and many of these Black inventors helped pave the way for U.S. farmers to grow more food.
George Washington Carver (1861-1943)
Born a slave in 1861, George Washington Carver went on to become one of the most prolific agri-business inventors in American history. He invented crop rotation, and more than 300 uses for the peanut. including Worcestershire sauce, cooking oil, and cosmetics. His work is at the foundation of modern farming. It is because of crop rotation and the introduction of grain crops like corn and soybeans, that Feeding America can help our food banks provide for our neighbors in need. Carver helped American farmers feed America.
He was the first African American to earn a bachelor’s in 1894, then a master’s degree in agricultural science from what’s now known as Iowa State University. Carver invented crop rotation. Farmers were struggling to grow anything after years of harvesting a single crop. Carver suggested they plant peanuts, soybeans, and sweet potatoes which would add nutrients to the depleted soil. This method gave farmers a second chance at becoming leaders in agricultural exports.  
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It would be impossible for the Feeding America network of food banks to get the much-needed food they need to nourish feed our neighbors without the work of this man, Frederick McKinley Jones. He invented refrigerated trucks, which help food banks provide fresh produce and meat to their communities safely. And, because of his work, food banks can rely on our massive distribution network to transport fresh produce from farmers across the country on a regular basis. In fact, our network moved 3.8 billion pounds of dairy, produce, and meat -- perishable foods that wouldn’t be available were it not for refrigerated trucks, trains, planes, and ships.
His work revolutionized global logistics. It’s at the heart of what’s now known as “the supply chain.” That is, he made it possible to transport perishable food safely from one place to the next. He co-founded the U.S. Thermo Control Company (Thermo King) which was worth millions by 1949 and later acquired by Westinghouse.
 A self-taught mechanic and World War I Army veteran, Jones received more than 60 patents for refrigeration as well as X-ray machines, engines and sound equipment. He was the first African American to receive the Presidential National Medal of Technology.
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A farmer and a free man before the Emancipation Proclamation, Henry Blair invented two devices to increase agricultural productivity. The first was the corn planter in 1834, and the second was the cotton planter in 1836. His goal was to reduce inefficiencies from manual labor. The Mechanics Magazine published August 6, 1836, described it as “saving the labor of eight men.” Blair’s discoveries helped farmers grow more food for the masses, not just their local communities. For Feeding America, farmers are at the heart of what we do. A large percentage of the food our neighbors receive at their local food pantry is packaged right on the farm where it's grown thanks to our partnership with the USDA. Inventions like Blair's are what fuel the heartland.
While not at the heart of our mission, Feeding America often helps people in need who have to make the tough choice between paying for heat or buying food. During cold winter months, there are many who choose to pay their heating bill and forsake food. They turn to their local food pantry as a stop-gap. The Feeding America network of food banks provides a safe, consistent place for families in need to access food. 
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Alice H. Parker, the mother of modern heating, invented the gas-forced air heating system because she too wanted to provide a safe place for families. 
Before her invention of the gas furnace, home heating wasn’t safe. Homes were heated with coal or wood-burning fireplaces. Parker was the first to develop natural gas as a cleaner, more efficient alternative to home heating in 1919.
 An unsung hero of home heating technology, she revolutionized how we live today.  But Parker didn’t have an easy go of it as a Black female inventor. The Civil Rights Movement had yet to give African Americans their rights and the Women’s Liberation Movement was further off. She never profited from her invention. So, we salute her. We know there are many families that struggle with tough choices these days with the rising costs of home heating. But for those who have a warm place to sleep and the modern advances of zoned heat, the next time you adjust the thermostat, say a silent thank you to Alice H. Parker.
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onaa-ohokthen · 1 year
Hey so some food history that isn't about Britain and coal:
People are out there roasting British cuisine (which isn't just caused by coal, but also by Victorian exclusion diets, and fourteen (14!) years of rationing and replacement foods during and after ww2, I really cannot enough emphasize how it fucks up a cuisine when people grew up on such an artificially restricted diet) having not even heard of the horrors of Swedish food prior to the 1900s. My main reason for being Strongly Anti-Locovore is that I come from a country of rye porridge, rutabagas (and later boiled potatoes) and herring. Salted herring, most of the year. Saffron is associated with Christmas because it was the only time of the year imported spices could be afforded.
It's hard to emphasize on how distant and infertile Sweden was compared to Britain and continental Europe. During the last ice age, Denmark got most of what used to be our topsoil. Large chunks of the country, especially the southern highlands, where I'm from, doesn't naturally have good enough soil to grow wheat, and thus didn't until the mid 20th century. Winter comes early enough that there isn't much of a harvest festival tradition, as you're lucky to get the harvest in before the first frost (the very southern part did have one in Mårten Gås in November, but those parts didn't become Swedish until the 1600s, before that they were eastern Denmark.)
Britain had imported oranges in the 1600s; my grandparents bought them as a novelty in the 1950s. Pizza was a novel concept until the 1970s. New Nordic cuisine is pretty much a new angle on older dishes, because the original isn't really up to par most of the time.
The point is, Sweden was poor. Before the export market for timber and mined metal became large enough to make up for the lack of anything else, and there was a state that was able and willing to redistribute those earnings to the population's benefit, there's a reason huge chunks of the population emigrated to the US. They were hungry. They were plentiful. There wasn't enough land to feed them even the measly diet their parents and grandparents were used to.
Long story short: if a time machine offers to take you to anywhere in Sweden prior to the 1900s, don't go.
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rottonfishie · 2 years
Empires smp world building au thingy
The Grimlands - founded in 1922, by Peter Tay III
National animal - Deepslate Dragon
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The dragons used to live in the deep caverns of the grimlands but after people began to explore the caverns, the dragons were ran out and captured, there fire were used in the beginning of the 1900's.
They are about 11'0 feet on all fours and 2x the size on two legs, there very strong and can breath fire and seem to be made out of redstone.
For many years these dragons were abused by the grimlanders only recently are the dragons are being treated with respect like how people would treat horses.
Magic/Reglion - Deepslate redstone & Wither Roses
The Grimlands have been magic free as long as its been founded mainly been founded by humans who have never even seen magic before..
But the grimlanders came into wither roses and deepslate redstone for as long as the came to the plains, the wither rose began growing round the camps of the grimlanders and they began using the rose for teas and stews causing them to gain natural Immunity to the witherous affects of the roses.
The spears of Deepslate Redstone have been there for much longer than the grimlanders, the grimlander just began using them when the found they could be used for power.
The grimlanders have really never believed in deitys.
This what a grimlanders magic soul looks like :
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Vegetation - Potatoes & Wither Roses
Wither roses have natural growen around the grimlands for years no one can explain why, but I seems to be the reason that soil out side of wall in completely infertile.
Potatoes were the first thing farmed at the camps the original grimlanders were Potato farmers they are also the only thing that can really grow in the harsh soil of the plains.
Flag Of The Grimlands
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Countess Ember Tay (49)
Count Quartzite Tay (52)
Prince Fwhip Tay (18)
Princess Gemini Tay (18)
Extra Family
King Duardo Calypso (54)
Queen Cordelia Calypso (deceased:32)
Prince Eleodoro Calypso (29)
Princess Estella Calypso (25)
Prince Adonis Calypso (22)
Prince Aspen Calypso (22)
Prince Mythical "Sausage" Calypso (18)
Princess Pearl Calypso (19) [half sister]
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ag1-trad · 27 days
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rmm-1f · 4 days
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lint-beetle4 · 9 months
Copy-and-Pasted from my Google Doc, here's San Marino
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Pretty big wall of text below: tldr; small country with enough big dick energy to avoid the Italian Unification and taxes
Nation name: 
The Most Serene Republic of San Marino
Human name: 
Aurelio Marinus Vargas
Physical age: 
23 years
Actual age: 
~1,700 years
San Marino is a country that dates back to 301 A.D. Its founder, Saint Marinus built the country on Monte Titano after repairing damage done by pirates. Thus, San Marino was created, later to be separated from Rome. He is the oldest out of the Italy Brothers.
The small country never resorted to violent means. Using trade or kindness, he gained a small amount of land, and a growth spurt. Often threatened by bigger countries in the past, San Marino’s diplomatic and unwavering nature allowed them to stay away from conflicts that rained throughout Europe. This would also lead to San Marino surviving the Italian Unification as well as San Marino becoming a safe haven for refugees during times of conflict due to the neutrality of the nation.
During the world wars, San Marino would remain neutral until waging war on Germany after a particularly bad bombing from a paranoid Britain and America, but he still did nothing aside from sending 14 medics. Despite this, both allies and axis would temporarily stay at his house during different parts of the war, to his dismay.
 San Marino is most known for his tourism and his population in cars being greater than people. He is a stable and surprisingly rich country. He also doesn't impose heavy taxes which makes his country a tax haven.
San Marino is a well spoken nation that speaks with passion and a slight drawl. Being talented with tourism and a good record of diplomacy, he knows how to sway, entertain and not piss anyone off. 
He is very prideful of his maintaining peace and outspoken on topics regarding history. He is polite of others and refrains from causing violence or a disturbance no matter what. He may seem like a doormat due to this, but he can be very defensive about certain topics. Being a very committed democratic nation, he holds a vote for nearly everything, even if it's to choose whether he should be socialist–yes, he did actually do that; yes, he was temporarily socialist (technically, Socialist-Communist as the parties had unified).
San Marino is very defensive when it comes to his nationality; The Sammarinese will never identify as Italian.
 He often comments on how much society has changed, quite like an old man. Often, he appears disengaged and absent-minded, making him appear more isolated than he actually is at first.
Germany: Slightly bitter, but he holds a lot of respect for the German. During WW2, Germany protected the country to retain its neutrality which led to its eventual attack. After this, San Marino and Germany’s relation was rather tense until after the war where they steadied a bit.
Veneziano: These two share a close bond. Veneziano is often eager to trade and supply his older brother. San Marino can be seen with Veneziano often. Both share a strong brotherly bond and keep in touch often.
Romano: Not as close as he is with Veneziano, but Romano is protective of his older brother. While Veneziano gives San Marino supplies, Romano checks the exports and imports for any dangers. Both share a bond of mutual brotherhood and slight dislike to a certain potato man. 
Sweden: Legend has it that these two engaged in a long war that would end in a standstill after nearly 350 years of hostility. No one can fully tell about what happened during that time, but some say that the standstill was called due to both running out soldiers while others claimed that they hadn't signed an official peace treaty yet. Both nations deny this and are very confused about its origins. They are on good terms though and wish to get along better in the future.
France: They were close during the Neopleonic era; however, they’ve grown apart slightly. They’re still in touch.
England: A slightly bitter (Read: passive-aggressive) attitude is carried with these two. England was the one who was convinced the smaller country had declared war on him, so San Marino sued the crap out of him after the Allies had attacked the country. They don't talk much, but conversations can be a little tense since England still hadn’t paid the full amount San Marino wanted for reparations.
China: These two get along surprisingly well. They are good business partners and friends. San Marino looks forward to working more with China. Once in a while, both are seen being the old men that they really are.
America: These two are very good friends. Having supported the newer country, San Marino made Abraham Lincoln an honorary citizen while America faced the Civil war. The bond never left, and they still talk happily.
Russia: Until recently, San Marino had not participated in the EU Sanctions Against Russia which sparked a welcoming friendship. However, San Marino had been put on Russia’s list of People Who Could Do Better after San Marino entered the EU Sanctions Against Russia as a response to the invasion of Ukraine. San Marino doesn't care, and finds it hilarious.
He has a scar on his neck and shoulder from the Bombing of San Marino,
The wrapping on his neck is a cockade that Saint Marinus gifted to San Marino,
He is fairly good at baking and finance,
The weapon on his belt is a 9mm Glock 17 pistol,
He only uses rubber bullets and is proud to say he hasn’t fired a shot in 10 years,
He knows how to shoot a crossbow. He's actually talented at it,
His aim is scary accurate; considered one of the best shooters in Europe,
He sucks at soccer so much that it's a main point on why he isn't Italian, yet his speed is on par with his siblings,
San Marino is 168 cm (~5'6), the shortest out of his siblings
His hosting style is making the guest feel like they are at home and ensuring they feel safe during their trip to his country,
San Marino is a frequent visitor of America, and they often bake together,
He is very passionate about history and peace-keeping.
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professorcoldheart · 2 years
On St. Patrick's Day several years ago - the same week I joined DSA - I wrote a social media post advocating for refugees and asylum seekers. I've reposted it every year since then. Here it is on Tumblr now. # # #
St. Patrick's Day is bigger in America than in Ireland. It would have to be. It was the dirt poor Irish, fleeing the Famine and the cruelty of British landlords, who needed something to remind them of their heritage. You don't need reminding that you're Irish in Ireland, or at least not on Paddy's day.
No one would abandon their home and board a boat for a hostile land, especially in the Nineteenth Century, were the conditions at home not worse. The Great Famine was a scar across Irish history. A million people died, and a million more departed. The population of Ireland has never fully recovered. Ireland lives on as much as an idea in the minds of Hibernians as an actual geography.
At the beginning of the Gorta Mór, the Irish were still exporting millions of tons of food, shipping grain to England while potatoes rotted in the ground. They did this because English landlords held near total control over their tenants' lands, and because the Corn Laws made it prohibitively expensive to import grain. It took petitions to Parliament and the Queen to secure any meager relief, and that too late to save a million lives.
All famine is political. Blight is natural, drought is natural. But there's no people on Earth so heedless that they'd stay in a blighted land unless they couldn't leave - unless they'd been impoverished by generations of exploitation, unless they were surrounded by soldiers, unless the law demanded they waste and starve.
The Irish in America are survivors of history. We have the opportunity to use our experience at the hands of the British Empire to temper our compassion. Today [in 2017], hundreds of thousands of refugees flee North Africa in the wake of wars that great empires started. Today, famine afflicts war-torn countries like Yemen, bombed remorselessly by the Obama and Trump administrations, where 7 million are at risk of starvation. The Americans who sneer at "sanctuary cities" today are heirs to the same nativist tradition that posted "No Irish Need Apply" a hundred years ago - unless, shamefully, they're Irish themselves.
Today is a day for the Irish, especially in Boston, to celebrate and bond. But when you lift your pint of Guinness tonight, remember that we're descended from people who survived the predation of a great empire, who risked their lives and fortunes to reach a land ready to reject them, who labored and fought and lasted. Remember that we are refugees. Every person in flight is our cousin.
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palvichemical · 2 years
How various Industries make use of Caustic Soda?
Sodium hydroxide, or caustic soda, comes in two forms and has the following chemical name, Carbonic acid Lye\s and Caustic soda Flakes. A few of the most common uses of Caustic Soda are, Caustic soda or Lye is used for, pure candle making, soap making, frosting glass, as well as various uses in food and Pharma industry. 
If you buy caustic soda, you must affirm that you won't be utilizing it for any illicit purposes by signing a disclaimer. This product's chemical nature allows for a wide range of applications listed by Palvi Chemicals - an excellent Caustic Soda supplier in Colombia. 
Caustic Soda is widely used:
●     Since drain cleaners have high content of Caustic Soda that transform the fats and grease that might cause pipes to become clogged into soap, which is soluble in water, these cleaners are quite effective.
●     In order to produce a wide range of soaps and detergents that are utilized in residential and commercial settings.
●     When it comes to products for cleaning and disinfecting
●     In the fields of pharmacology and medicine
●     Producing fuel cells requires sodium hydroxide, which is utilized in the energy industry. Fuel cells are similar to battery technology in that they may generate electricity in a clean and efficient manner and can be used for a variety of purposes. 
The alkaline substance known as caustic soda, which also goes by the names NaOH, lye, and sodium hydroxide, is capable of reacting with a wide variety of other substances. Palvi Chemicals, the most distinguished as well as noteworthy Caustic Soda distributor in Colombia, is aware of the significance of caustic soda and hopes that its clients would benefit from the information it has to provide.
Aluminium Manufacturing:
Caustic soda is used to extract alumina, a derivative of Aluminium, from minerals, and bauxite in particular, particularly when the mineral is present. The alumina is next refined into Aluminium, which can be used in construction, building, beer kegs, and other cooking utensils. Aluminium foil is also produced from Aluminium during this step.
Chemical Manufacture:
Caustic soda is an undeniably significant chemical due to its role as a fundamental feedstock for the manufacturing of other chemicals, as well as its role as an intermediary and reactant in the creation of synthetic fibers, solvents, herbicides, adhesives, plastics, dyes, as well as pharmaceutical products.
Food Manufacturing:
The skins of tomatoes, potatoes, and other vegetables can also be removed with the help of caustic soda, which is used to cure olives. The use of caustic soda results in a deeper and more even browning of large pretzels. Canning is only possible with the use of caustic soda since it inhibits the growth of microorganisms.
Furniture Manufacturing:
With the use of caustic soda, raw wood may be transformed into finished products such as solid wood furniture and cabinets. Caustic soda can also be used to bleach as well as clean wood, which results in a finish that is more even and polished looking.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing:
There are dozens of applications for caustic soda in the pharmaceutical industry, ranging from the production of aspirin to medications for high cholesterol and blood thinners. If you are looking to place a bulk order from from Caustic Soda exporter in Colombia, Palvi Chemicals is the best pick for you.
Pulp and Paper Manufacturing:
Caustic soda is used to bleach and render pulp, as well as to clean the water that is used in the process of making paper. Additionally, it can remove ink from recycled paper. When turning wood into paper, the first step is to combine caustic soda and sodium sulfide in order to dissolve everything in the wood except for the cellulose.
Detergent and Soap Manufacturing:
Caustic soda frequently contains components that are used as either cleaners or disinfectants. One example of an effective disinfectant is chlorine bleach, which is produced by combining chlorine and sodium hydroxide. Because of its fats’ and grease’ saponifying capacity, it makes cleanup more faster.
Water Treatment:
When water is treated with caustic soda, its pH is stabilized, and heavy metals like lead and zinc are removed from the water at the same time. Acidic water is considered corrosive as well as "soft." A second application for caustic soda is in the manufacturing of sodium hypochlorite, which is a chemical that disinfects water.
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Starch Manufacturers in India | Gujarat Ambuja Exports Limited
Gujarat Ambuja Exports Limited (GAEL) is a famous name in the starch manufacturing industry in India. Founded in 1991, GAEL has become one of the largest producers of corn starch and maize starch, supplying high-quality products to various industries. Starch, a versatile carbohydrate, plays an essential role in numerous sectors, from food processing to pharmaceuticals. GAEL’s contribution to the starch industry underscores its commitment to innovation, quality, and sustainability.
Understanding Starch Starch is a naturally occurring carbohydrate found in plants like corn, maize, and potatoes. Chemically, it is a polysaccharide composed of glucose molecules linked together. There are different types of starch, with corn starch and maize starch being among the most commonly used. Corn starch is widely used in food processing, while maize starch finds applications in industries like textiles and pharmaceuticals.
Who are the Biggest Starch Producers in India? India has several major players in the starch industry. GAEL stands out as one of the largest manufacturers of starch. These companies have established a strong presence in the domestic and international markets, contributing significantly to the country's starch production.
Who is the Manufacturer of Starch in India? GAEL is a leading starch manufacturer in India, producing high-quality starch products. They specialise in corn starch derivatives and soya derivatives, catering to various industries such as food, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and agro-processing. With advanced manufacturing facilities and a focus on sustainable practices, GAEL has earned its reputation as a trusted starch producer in India.
Gujarat Ambuja Exports Limited: Company Profile Founded in 1991, GAEL began its journey with a vision to become a leader in agro-processing. The company focuses on producing corn starch derivatives, soya derivatives, and animal feed products. With advanced technology and a dedicated team, GAEL has grown to become one of the largest starch producers in India. Their emphasis on innovation, quality control, and sustainable practices has allowed them to maintain a competitive edge in the market.
The Role of Starch in Various Industries
Starch is a critical ingredient in several industries. In the food industry, it is used as a thickener, stabilizer, and emulsifier. The pharmaceutical sector utilizes starch in the production of tablets and capsules, where it acts as a binder. In the feed industry, starch is used as an energy source in animal feed. The versatility of starch makes it an indispensable component in modern manufacturing, and GAEL’s products serve these diverse sectors efficiently.
Corn Starch and Maize Starch Manufacturing GAEL specializes in the production of both corn starch and maize starch. The manufacturing process begins with the extraction of starch from corn kernels, followed by purification and drying. Corn starch is primarily used in the food industry, while maize starch is used in textiles, adhesives, and pharmaceuticals. GAEL's manufacturing facilities are equipped with cutting-edge technology that ensures the highest quality products, meeting industry standards.
Major Players in the Indian Starch Industry GAEL stands out due to its comprehensive product range, high production capacity, and focus on sustainable practices. While other companies also contribute to the starch market, GAEL’s emphasis on quality and innovation sets it apart.
GAEL’s Commitment to Quality and Sustainability GAEL places a strong emphasis on quality control throughout its production processes. From sourcing raw materials to final packaging, stringent measures are taken to ensure product purity and consistency. In addition to quality, GAEL is committed to sustainability. The company adopts eco-friendly practices, such as reducing water and energy consumption, recycling waste, and using renewable energy sources in its manufacturing processes.
Customer Base and Market Reach GAEL’s customer base spans a wide range of industries, including food processing, pharmaceuticals, textiles, and animal feed. The company’s products are in high demand both in India and internationally. GAEL’s extensive market reach and ability to cater to diverse customer needs make it a dominant force in the starch industry.
Conclusion  Gujarat Ambuja Exports Limited has cemented its position as a leading starch manufacturer in India, providing high-quality products that serve various industries. Starch plays a crucial role in food, pharmaceuticals, textiles, and agro-processing, making it an essential commodity in today’s industrial landscape. GAEL’s commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability ensures that it will continue to be a driving force in the industry for years to come.
For more information or inquiries about GAEL’s products, visit our website or contact at +91-79-61556677. You can also reach them via email at [email protected] for further assistance.  
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