#National High Performance Center
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paulpingminho · 2 years ago
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rjzimmerman · 2 months ago
Excerpt from this story from National Geographic. All photographs byJoel Sartore:
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CARACAL | CARACAL CARACAL Consummate predators, some small wildcats can take down larger prey. The caracal of Asia and Africa is less than two feet tall but has been filmed leaping over nine-foot fences to prey on sheep. PHOTOGRAPHED AT COLUMBUS ZOO AND AQUARIUM, OHIO
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PALLAS'S | CATOTOCOLOBUS MANUL A famously grumpy expression made this Central Asian species an Internet star. Conservationists hope the cat’s celebrity will help save its habitat from encroaching farms and other threats. PHOTOGRAPHED AT COLUMBUS ZOO AND AQUARIUM, OHIO
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IBERIAN LYNX | LYNX PARDINUS One of the world’s rarest cats, the Iberian lynx is slowly increasing in number as scientists release captive-raised cats and boost populations of rabbits, the lynx’s staple food. PHOTOGRAPHED AT MADRID ZOO AND AQUARIUM, SPAIN
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FISHING CAT | PRIONAILURUS VIVERRINUS The cat may look peculiar, but it’s perfectly adapted to its lifestyle: Big eyes help snare prey underwater, double-coated fur keeps out the wet, and partially webbed feet and a muscular, rudderlike tail aid in swimming. PHOTOGRAPHED AT POINT DEFIANCE ZOO AND AQUARIUM IN TACOMA, WASHINGTON
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EURASIAN LYNX | LYNX LYNX The largest of the four lynx species, the Eurasian lynx also has a huge range, including most of Europe and parts of Central Asia and Russia. Unlike many other small cats, its population is stable and threats are relatively low—although some isolated subgroups are critically endangered. PHOTOGRAPHED AT COLUMBUS ZOO AND AQUARIUM, OHIO
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JAGUARUNDI | SHERPAILURUS YAGOUAROUNDI With long, squat bodies and tiny ears, jaguarundis are otterlike in appearance. Thanks to their huge range—parts of Mexico, Central America, and South America—and lack of widespread hunting, the cat is considered a species of least concern. PHOTOGRAPHED AT BEAR CREEK FELINE CENTER, FLORIDA
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RUSTY-SPOTTED CAT | PRIONAILURUS RUBIGINOSUS The smallest of the small cats, the rusty-spotted cat, a native of India and Sri Lanka, can weigh as little as two pounds. Not much is known about the speckled feline, but destruction of habitat, hunting, and hybridizing with domestic cats are threats. PHOTOGRAPHED AT EXMOOR ZOO, ENGLAND
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AFRICAN GOLDEN CAT | CARACAL AURATA Inhabiting the rain forests of West and Central Africa, this species is threatened by forest loss and bush-meat hunters. This seven-year-old male, Tigri, is likely the only cat of its kind in captivity. PHOTOGRAPHED AT PARC ASSANGO, LIBREVILLE, GABON
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CANADA LYNX | LYNX CANADENSIS Like the Iberian lynx, the Canada lynx is a specialist hunter, preying almost exclusively on snowshoe hare. The North American species has giant paws that help it run through deep snow after prey. PHOTOGRAPHED AT POINT DEFIANCE ZOO AND AQUARIUM, WASHINGTON
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andhumanslovedstories · 15 days ago
There's so many horrible things happening in America right now that it has been interesting to see what individual horrors hurt me personally the most. I grew up going to the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Musicals, plays, concerts, that weird bust of JFK, playing around on terrace during intermissions, putting on a velvet dress that you're going to ruin dropping a milk dud in your lap and not noticing until it's fully melted, wearing the pinchy shiny shoes that are the training bras of women's formal footwear, operas I didn't like but did love, jazz I didn't understand but still fascinated me, red carpet, big stairs, the absolute nightmare amount of experiences I had as a new driver as I repeatedly got trapped in the Kennedy Center's fucking private DC island or whatever the hell is going on traffic-wise, free performances on small side stages, getting to see an enormous production on the Center's most enormous stage, all of which was accessed by walking through that a long, tall hallway lined with flags of the world that made you feel like a dignitary attending the most important even in the world.
And now Trump's taken it over. He fired its board. He appointed one of his loyalists to run it. I want to throw up.
Sometimes I miss DC so much. I love the Pacific Northwest and expect I'll live here for the rest of my life, but this isn't my hometown. I grew up the edge of the District. I've lost cumulative years of my life stuck in traffic on the inner loop and outer loop. Because of the Smithsonian, it used to be so baffling to me that anyone ever had to pay to get into a museum. I've used the Washington DC zoo as a shortcut to a different part of the city because it's free to enter. You couldn't count the amount of knockoff Spider-man popsicles that I've eaten sitting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. My reading tastes were molded by Kramer Books in Dupont Circle. I spent afternoons walking around the National Mall, normally just a big empty field until there's an event--book fair, country music program, international cuisine, whatever--at which point for a day or a weekend or a week it becomes a sea of tents and stages. I went to protests outside the Capital and the White House about the war in Iraq. I froze my toes off watching Obama's 2008 presidential inauguration.
It seemed like everyone's family touched the federal government in some way. Everyone's family had moved here because they were military or state department or a political consultant or worked with an NGO or some other reason that meant you had to be here, in the nation's capital. Plenty of people had connections to the federal government that we more hush-hush. Like kids in class straight up going, "I have no idea what my parents do for a living. They're not allowed to tell me." High schoolers regularly, accidentally drove into the CIA parking lot and got escorted out because the premises were that accessible. My family moved here because my dad is a reporter who ended up covering international trade. (Imagine how much his job sucks right now.) He switched beats one summer to cover the White House instead. He got to fly on Air Force One. He got official Air Force One M&Ms. I was SO disappointment my dad didn't work there for Bush to call on him by nickname.
Every day my family got The Washington Post. I read the comics and the kid's page, then the rest of the Style section, then Metro, then news. I learned to read from it. We wrapped our delicate Christmas ornaments with its pages. We used yesterday's papers to clean our windows because they didn't leave streaks. I took journalism in high school. You can't IMAGINE how much and how frequently we talked about Watergate. When Post changed its motto to "Democracy Dies in Darkness" after Trump's election in 2016 that meant something to me. I knew Bezos owned the paper now, but that was still my paper, and the motto spoke to something I fervently believed: if people just knew what was happening, they wouldn't allow it to happen. If you expose a problem, people will naturally agree that it is a problem and that we should do something to fix it. Flash forward to Trump's third fucking campaign, and the newspaper wouldn't endorse a presidential candidate. Chickenshit cowardice. Then they change the motto. "Riveting Storytelling for All of America." Eat shit. You're nothing now.
Politics in America is just telling everyone how much you hate Washington, DC so that they'll elect you so you can move to DC. Well, guys, the city fucking hates you too. Republicans will never give the District actually meaningful political representation because no one in that city would vote for them. It's not just the policies; it's the contempt. No one in the new administration loves the city they schemed and lied and stooped to take over. It's just iconography to them, and all they care about is taking that iconography for themselves. Trump doesn't give a shit about the summer program for the Kennedy Center. He has never seen a show at the Kennedy Center. When he was president, he never attended the annual awards. He's trying to destroy one of the most significant places of my life and I'm genuinely unsure if he has ever stepped for inside of it.
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a-pute11as · 4 months ago
Softie - Alexia Putellas
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warnings - none?
words - 1.3k
Game day was your favourite, the build up of emotions, the performance anxiety mixed with the joy you felt every time you stepped onto the pitch. Nothing could ever beat the highs you felt when playing the sport you loved so much. Today was one of those days, well it was meant to be, yet the difference was that a very discoloured and swollen ankle caused by a dodgy tackle during international break meant you’d be missing out. The Barca medical team had decided it would be best to miss out on the upcoming away game, advising you to stay home and focus on rehab for the couple of days that your teammates would be away. 
Alexia had always been overprotective, both as your captain and girlfriend, she always had your best interest at heart and wanting her squad at full fitness meant she was quick to agree with the medical advice, even if that meant a couple days of prolonged separation. At first she did try her best to figure out a way you could successfully rehab whilst traveling with your team, but given the amount of walking an away trip often endured and the crutches you were temporarily restricted to, she decided against it. 
“Lo siento mi amor, we both know it’s for the best” Alexia hummed, her hand pressed against her cheek as you were saying your goodbyes at the front door of the shared apartment. Your body half limped against the wall as your crutches had been abandoned next to the sofa in your bid to say a proper goodbye to Alexia.
“Can you change your mind? It’s not too late for me to pack some things” You muttered, leaning into her soft hand as her thumb rubbed back and forth along your cheek. 
“Cari, you know what my answer is” She whispered, planting a small kiss on your forehead, leaving you to mumble in defeat.
You said your goodbyes and Alexia was soon gone, leaving you alone with the lack of comfort from your favourite person.
The next few days were full of rehab at the training center, consistent check ins from your girlfriend and a couple of facetime calls when she didn’t believe that you were doing your at-home recovery, something that Alexia often had to bribe you into doing.
You were now more stable on your ankle, meaning you could get around without the reliance on your crutches, allowing you the extra freedom of moving as you pleased. Ale was due home in a couple of hours and you knew she’d be tired so you set about the task of tidying your apartment. It didn’t take too long but the slightly limp in your step did somewhat slow you down and drain extra energy. 
After finishing you were quick to take a shower and put on a change of clothes, consisting of a pair of Alexia’s Spanish national team shorts and her hoodie. Stumbling back towards the sofa, you planted yourself on it comfortably, waiting for the door to open to embrace the person you’d had been missing. 
It didn’t take long for you to adjust yourself into a comfier position whilst the time seemed to drag. You searched for a questionable English reality show, one that Ale would ridicule you for whenever you asked to watch it together, she never got the appeal of British humour yet it made you feel at home. Your phone pinged as you made another adjustment to your leg to seek some kind of peace from the discomfort of baring weight on it had caused. 
Amor -
Get some sleep, the plane has been delayed slightly so i will be late home and i know you’re tired already
You furrowed your eyebrows at her suggestion of sleep, determined to greet her with wide eyes and a smile as soon as she entered the room. 
You -
Ale i’m wide awake, i’ll be here when you’re up so you can tell me all about it
In reality you already knew all about it, you had watched the match with Ellie, who was also kept back from traveling due to recovery, you had been receiving updates from both Patri and Pina about the ‘cute’ things Ale had said in passing conversations about you. As well as a message from Kiera asking if your girlfriend would ever not make up excuses for the time when you both snuck away from a team celebration to cuddle. Her usual excuse was to blame it on you, but in reality she was tired after a big win and didn’t want to look too soft to the rest of the team. 
*Incoming FaceTime call from Amor*
“Hola cari” Alexia smiled, as the phone lit up your face.
“Hi babe, everything okay?” You smiled back, stifling a yawn that tried to expose your tiredness to your girlfriend. 
“Just thought I’d check in before the flight, make sure you’re as wide awake as you say you are” Her smile shifted into a smirk knowing exactly the type of person you were. 
“No confias en mi, amor?” You questioned, tilting your head to the side, teasing her intentions. 
“No cariño, confío en ti, pero siempre estás cansada y siempre te quejas." She responded, mocking your head tilt with similar teasing intentions. 
“Ale who’s that?” Patri said, peering her head into the screen, a smile appearing on her face as she realised who it was, “It’s lover girl!” She added, using the nickname she had given you when you first let her know about your relationship. She was quick to take the phone from Alexia’s han for herself. 
“Patri, give her the phone back” You laughed, knowing she had every intention of causing some kind of trouble.
“No, venga, say hello to everyone” She held the phone up, announcing your presence causing you to wave at your teammates that had now focused their attention on the phone.
“Are you staying up to give your girlfriend a goodnight kiss?” Pina laughed, as she began to blow kisses towards the phone.
“Oye, dámelo” Alexia said, standing as she grabbed the phone from Patri’s hand swiftly, “The flight is boarding now amor, go to sleep”. You mumbled in response before saying your goodbyes and hanging up.
Even though you were determined to stay awake, it didn’t take long for your eyes to grow heavy as the comfort from Alexia’s borrowed clothes took over your senses.
“Mi amor, wake up” Alexia cooed, her hand running through your hair to stir you through your sleep.
Your only response was a few very tired grumbles as your eyes opened to the sight you’d been waiting for. It took a couple of seconds for you to realise what was going on before a sleepy smile overtook your face.
“Ale, you’re home” You smiled, pushing yourself up off the sofa and wrapping your arms around her quickly.
“Si, I thought you weren’t tired huh?” She laughed, placing a kiss on the top of your head. 
“It was an accidenttttt” You whined, “I got comfy in your clothes and they smelt like you so it made me tired”. 
“Oh nena, vamos a la cama” She suggested, taking hold of my hand and leading me towards our bedroom. 
“I’m not even tired amor” You announced, as if there was any use convincing her that you were telling the truth. 
Within 5 minutes both you and Alexia were settled in bed, your head resting on her chest as her fingers made their way through your hair slowly. Your hands ran up and down her chest as you both sleepily talked through how you spent your days and the parts you missed each other the most.
“Patri and Pina didn’t stop teasing me about you staying awake for me to get home” Alexia laughed slightly, “They don’t think I’m tough anymore”.
You sleepily laughed in response, “You’re a massive softie, I think they already knew that”. 
a/n - not sure how i feel about this one, so v sorry if its a lil shit x
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wheelsgoroundincircles · 6 months ago
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1987 Buick GNX
1987 Buick GNX: A Rare Muscle car That Showed How Awesome GM Could Still Be
Let's talk about one of the most iconic cars from the 1980s �� the Buick GNX. This car wasn't just a vehicle; it was a statement, a powerhouse, and a collector's dream even when it was new.
Here's What Made It Special
Ultimate Performance: In 1987, the GNX stood at the pinnacle of Buick’s turbocharged lineup. Its 3.8L V6 engine, enhanced with a Garrett T3 turbocharger and a larger intercooler, produced a formidable 276 horsepower and 360 lb-ft of torque. Those were BIG numbers for the time.
Limited Edition: Buick produced only 547 GNX units, each transformed by ASC McLaren Performance Technologies.
It Wasn't Just a Hopped-Up Engine: The GNX included numerous performance upgrades like a reprogrammed engine management system, a performance suspension with a torque bar, and a unique GNX rear differential cover.
It Was Lightning Fast: This car could rocket from 0 to 60 MPH in under five seconds and complete a quarter-mile in just over 13 seconds, making it one of the fastest cars of its time, and capable of running with the Big Block Muscle cars of the late 60's.
It Looked Cool: The GNX had a menacing exterior with vented fenders, a lack of hood and fender emblems, and 16-inch aluminum mesh wheels with blacked-out faces and GNX center caps.
The Car Pictured Here is an Unrestored Gem: GNX number 155 of the 547 built remains unrestored with an incredibly low 12 miles on its odometer, showcasing its pristine condition. Still, too bad nobody has ever really got to enjoy driving it.
Luxurious Interior: This GNX featured a six-way power adjustable driver's seat, GNX-badged front carpet savers, and a special instrumentation package, making the interior as impressive as its performance.
Rare Documentation: It includes the ASC McLaren GNX window sticker, listing all the unique features that made it a Grand National Experimental.
It's a Sought-After Collector Car: With its unmatched performance, limited production, and unique features, the GNX has become a highly sought-after collectible in the classic car world.
The Buick GNX wasn't just another car; it was a high-performance marvel that left a lasting legacy in automotive history.
When it comes to the grand national the GNX is the holy grail
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covid-safer-hotties · 3 months ago
Also preserved in our archive
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By Sarah Schwartz
Test after test of U.S. students’ reading and math abilities have shown scores declining since the pandemic.
Now, new results show that it’s not just children whose skills have fallen over the past few years—American adults are getting worse at reading and math, too.
The connection, if any, between the two patterns isn’t clear—the tests aren’t set up to provide that kind of information. But it does point to a populace that is becoming more stratified by ability at a time when economic inequality continues to widen and debates over opportunity for social mobility are on the rise.
The findings from the 2023 administration of the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, or PIAAC, show that 16- to 65-year-olds’ literacy scores declined by 12 points from 2017 to 2023, while their numeracy scores fell by 7 points during the same period.
These trends aren’t unique in the global context: Of the 31 countries and economies in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development that participated in PIAAC, some saw scores drop over the past six years, while others improved or held constant.
Still, as in previous years, the United States doesn’t compare favorably to other countries: The country ranks in the middle of the pack in literacy and below the international average in math. (Literacy and numeracy on the test are scored on a 500-point scale.)
But Americans do stand out in one way: The gap between the highest- and lowest-performing adults is growing wider, as the top scorers hold steady and other test takers see their scores fall.
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“There’s a dwindling middle in the United States in terms of skills,” said Peggy Carr, the commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, which oversees PIAAC in the country. (The test was developed by the OECD and is administered every three years.)
It’s a phenomenon that distinguishes the United States, she said.
“Some of that is because we’re very diverse and it’s large, in comparison to some of the OECD countries,” Carr said in a call with reporters on Monday. “But that clearly is not the only reason.”
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American children, too, are experiencing this widening chasm between high and low performers. National and international tests show the country’s top students holding steady, while students at the bottom of the distribution are falling further behind.
It’s hard to know why U.S. adults’ scores have taken this precipitous dive, Carr said.
About a third of Americans score at lowest levels PIAAC is different from large-scale assessments for students, which measure kids’ academic abilities.
Instead, this test for adults evaluates their abilities to use math and reading in real-world contexts—to navigate public services in their neighborhood, for example, or complete a task at work. The United States sample is nationally representative random sample, drawn from census data.
American respondents averaged a level 2 of 5 in both subjects.
In practice, that means that they can, for example, use a website to find information about how to order a recycling cart, or read and understand a list of rules for sending their child to preschool. But they would have trouble using a library search engine to find the author of a book.
In math, they could compare a table and a graph of the same information to check for errors. But they wouldn’t be able to calculate average monthly expenses with several months of data.
While the U.S. average is a level 2, more adults now fall at a level 1 or below—28 percent scored at that level in literacy, up from 19 percent in 2017, and 34 percent in numeracy, up from 29 percent in 2017.
Respondents scoring below level 1 couldn’t compare calendar dates printed on grocery tags to determine which food item was packed first. They would also struggle to read several job descriptions and identify which company was looking to hire a night-shift worker.
The findings also show sharp divides by race and national origin, with respondents born in the United States outscoring those born outside of the country, and white respondents outscoring Black and Hispanic test takers. Those trends have persisted over the past decade.
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dilfl0v3rss · 2 years ago
baseball player!connie
baseball player!connie who is one of the top pitchers in the country. ever since he was young his family and friends knew he would be one of the best and they were right.
baseball player!connie who had been working the hardest on the team from his freshman year of college all the way to his junior year right now.
baseball player!connie who decided in high school that he wanted to get a degree before taking baseball to the next level and has stuck with it.
baseball player!connie who despite his 6’3, strong figure and prodigious talent in almost every sport, only took an offer for baseball, seeing that sport as his true calling since he was little.
baseball player!connie who would’ve never thought he’d be going to college with you, his high school sweetheart. you’ve been together since his freshman year of high school, always at his varsity games with pretty bows in your hair as you cheered on his team. you’d sit front and center, school colors painted in two lines on your cheeks as you sat in his opposite jersey with a bright smile on your face.
baseball player!connie who never leaves for a game without getting a pep talk from his favorite girl, your serious face always turning him on as he thinks about how you value these games just as much as he does.
connie’s wide hands were outstretched on your ass, rubbing and squeezing as he stood in his team warmup. he had an important away game today and you could tell he wasn’t feeling good about it, him and his team’s poor performance during the last few practices filling his brain with doubt. “ion wanna lose mami” he groaned, his neck tattoos peaking from his collar as he averted his gaze to the living room. you brought your hands to his cheeks, slowly moving his head back towards you as you spoke. “you been workin hard?” he nodded, hands giving your ass a squeeze as he thought back to some of his better pitches he threw during practice. “you still think you the best?” he nodded again, making you smile as you moved to your tippy toes to leave a soft kiss on his lips. “then stop worryin, the team feeds off you. if you go out there actin unsure of yourself then they gon be unsure of themselves too. you the captain ain’t you?”
“yes ma’am”
you smiled at the name, moving from his hold to pick up his bag from the floor. you slid the strap onto his shoulder before giving them a light squeeze.
“then lead em”
baseball player!connie who does phenomenal every game, but really excels when you’re there watching him. your pretty face and voice always bringing a small smirk to his face as he listens to you cheer after striking his opponent out.
baseball player!connie who is still in college, but is pretty famous since his games are broadcasted on espn and his highlights are shown all over sports pages. he even got sponsored by nike and did some commercials for them with other stars his age.
baseball player!connie who despite his age and profession, has friends everywhere. he’s had rappers, singers, pros, and even the nations best in other sports attend his games. showing their support for their friend. his closest friends are the nations finest volleyball and basketball players aran and ony. they were all around the same age and absolutely dominated in their respective leagues. the three men would always make time for each other regardless of their differences and busy schedules. the media liked to call them the three stooges for their funny personalities and when they’re around each other.
baseball player!connie who has different women in his face everyday, trying their very best to get the athletes attention, but they never got far. always getting brushed off with an “i’m married” before he’d walk off and look for you in the room.
baseball player!connie who doesn’t care that the two of you aren’t actually married or even engaged, during every interview he labels you as his wife since he’s vowed to love, honor, and protect you since the two of you started dating, no ring or wedding required.
“jesus christ c.p i gotta give it to ya. you’ve got to be one of the most talented players i’ve seen in a long time. you bat wonderfully, you run faster than a running back, and when your opponents think they have time to breathe they are plagued with your bullet like pitches. what do you have to say about your wonderful performance tonight?” the reporter said, a smile already forming on connie’s face as he looked down towards the ring tied in his laces.
“well first i wanna say hey t’my wife. she wanted t’be here but she’s a lil sick.” he said, a small frown on his face as he looked towards the camera as if he were staring at you. “i love you tho and i’m always gon thank you cause i wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for all those nights you’d encourage me and get on the field wit me t’work on my pitches. uhh what else? oh yea my performance!”
you giggled from your seat on the couch, nothing but put joy and pride filling your heart as you watched your man go on about how much he loved and adored you and the sport he was blessed to play.
baseball player!connie who to isn’t allowed to wear the promise ring you bought him during games so he ties it in the lace of his left cleat, always leaning over to rub it during games to let you know he’s thinking of you.
baseball player!connie who already pitched great when you’re there, but does even better when he’s angry. the sight of some random guy hitting on you in the stands made anger rush through his veins. his arm moving as if the ball were on fire in his palm.
“strike one!” the umpire said, the batter standing straight up in surprise as if he didn’t even see when the ball was released. connie wasn’t paying attention though because he was counting his own strikes for you, the first one being you letting this man touch your hair. ‘strike one’ he thought.
as his anger built up so did the speed of the ball as connie threw this second one as if it weighed nothing. “strike two!” the umpire said, the commentators going crazy as they watched your man throw another record breaking pitch. the crowd was going nuts but connie’s eyes stayed on you. your pretty teeth bare to the man next to you as you let him take your phone for something, probably to put his socials in it. ‘strike two’
your last strike nearly costed the catcher his hand, the force of the ball so strong that he felt it through the glove.
‘strike three’
“strike three! out!”
both connie and the umpire were in sync as the pitcher moved from his place. connie wasn’t paying the game any mind anymore, his anger at its highest peak as he watched the bastard bring his lips to your ear, whispering things to you with a smirk on his face as your eyes widened.
‘you’re out’
baseball player!connie who didn’t even let you explain that the man in the stands was a friend you invited from class before taking you home and having you face down in the sheets of your shared bed.
“got me fucked up furreal” he grumbled, his big hand colliding with your ass three times as connie deepened his thrusts. your cries and begs were muffled into the sheets, his other hand squeezing the back of your neck as he pushed your face down into the silk fabric. “got me staring into the stands every ten seconds cause you think it’s okay t’be all buddy buddy wit men ion know. tch….cuero grande mami” (such a slut)
you tried to move your hand towards his abdomen to soothe him, but connie roughly rejected you. slapping your small hand away before spanking you again. “don’t touch me. youn get t’touch me when you be letting randoms do it so easily” you cried loudly, your tears soaking the sheets under you as you tried your best to pull your wet face from the cushion so you can speak. “papiiiiii! s’not l-like that, p-promiseeee!” your beg fell on deaf ears as connie flattened his free hand on your back, pushing your stomach to the mattress as he fed you every last inch of his dick at a breathtaking speed. “uhh huhhhh. s’not like you was letting some lambón (ass kisser) be all in your face, right? not like you was letting him touch your phone and whisper shit in your ear, right mami?”
now that he put it that way you did look a little guilty, but you and the guy were strictly friends and you were determined to let your boyfriend know that. “i love youuu! o-only you daddy i swear” connie knew you’d never cheat on him, the love the two of you carried too strong for either of you to even think of being with someone else, but he couldn’t stop himself from becoming this jealous, possessive lover as his fame began to grow. when more people recognized him the more they began to recognize you as well. your pretty face and kind personality driving many men crazy to the point where connie had to keep a a close eye on your choice of “friends”. your easily gained trust making you prone to getting tricked into being friends with a man that only wants one thing from you.
connie knew for sure that was the case when it came to the man he saw today, his wandering eyes and lingering touches giving him away completely to your boyfriend, but you were naive, too innocent to understand that this man wanted only one thing from you. just thinking about it brought connie’s anger back up to a ten, his hips slamming into you as he lifted your back to his chest with one hand. “how yall meet, huh? he came up t’you after class didn’t he?” you nodded your head, earning you a hard slap on your clit from connie’s rough fingers. “que mama? respóndeme la pregunta” (what mama? answer the question) his hand snaked around your throat, giving it a tight squeeze to let you know he wasn’t playing, but you could already tell he wasn’t given the situation you were in right now.
“y-yes, he came up t’me after class” connie nodded as you spoke, already knowing he was correct. “and being the kind little lady you are, you invited him t’come sit wit you at my game, correct?” you replied wit a small “yes” coaxing him to continue. “and f’course he came, probably asked for your instagram on your phone so he could follow himself, said y’all should take a lil selfie to save the moment and begged you t’post it and tag him, right?” your eyes widened at how spot on your boyfriend was, his thrusts doubling in power as he listened to you agree to everything he said. “but you a my good girl so i know you ain’t post it, but he ain’t let it go did he? nahhh…he leaned down and whispered in your ear some stupid pickup line that made your eyes widen, and since you rejected him i know for a fact he ain’t follow you back, and he doesn’t plan on talking t’you ever again”
you couldn’t stop the little whine from escaping your throat as you listened to the wise words of your boyfriend. “m’sorry p-papi i didn’t knowwww” connie quickly shushed you, leaving light kisses on your wet cheeks as he pushed you back down towards the bed. he laid both of his hands flat on your back before pushing your arch so deep you almost screamed.
“you too nice mami i been tellin you this, but it’s coo tho. papi gon make sure you understand by the end of the night.”
baseball player!connie who spent an entire night fucking his lesson into your poor little pussy, making sure his sweet girlfriend didn’t fall victim to the bad, clout chasing, drama filled people you’d encounter everyday at college.
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mariacallous · 17 days ago
When U.S. President Donald Trump posted on Truth Social, on Feb. 7, that he’d appointed “an amazing Chairman, DONALD J. TRUMP!” to the Kennedy Center, people responded with bafflement and jokes. When the president-cum-Kennedy Center chairman then appointed his loyalist follower Richard Grenell interim executive director and installed a MAGA-inspired board, the bafflement and gallows humor reached new highs.
But Trump’s takeover of a cultural institution should not just be a source of amusement, especially since the president has also promised to change the center’s programming. The moves put him in the company—historic and current—of tyrants, not auteurs.
Classical music is rarely front-page news, and the move took the Kennedy Center by complete surprise. The cultural center in Foggy Bottom, after all, hosts a leading symphony orchestra and a major opera company and is hardly a center of political fights.
The idea that Trump might be interested in its chairmanship had been on no one’s radar. In fact, so unexpected was the news that music aficionados on social media began asking which symphonies and operas the new chairman—noted for his love of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Cats—might decide should be performed there, and whether he might decide to conduct them himself.
The jokes swiftly faded when, a few days later, Trump appointed Grenell the Kennedy Center’s interim executive director. The jokes fell completely silent when, on Feb. 12, the Kennedy Center announced its new trustees, installed to replace trustees fired by Trump. Those now installed on the board of trustees include Vice President J.D. Vance’s wife, Usha; Trump’s chief of staff, Susie Wiles; his deputy chief of staff, Dan Scavino; White House Presidential Personnel Director Sergio Gor; and Allison Lutnick, the wife of Trump’s secretary of commerce nominee, Howard Lutnick.
To be sure, the Kennedy Center’s board has always included a bipartisan political element; Democrats and Republicans have traditionally nominated half the board each. But this is different. Now every board member belongs to the Trump camp. The reconstituted board. “President Donald J. Trump was just unanimously elected Chairman of the Board of the prestigious Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. The President stated, ‘It is a Great Honor to be Chairman of The Kennedy Center, especially with this amazing Board of Trustees. We will make The Kennedy Center a very special and exciting place!’” he posted on Feb. 12.
This is a president who despises (or perhaps doesn’t know) high culture taking over a famed cultural center. And it’s not a silly game. In announcing his own appointment as chairman, Trump vowed the programming was going to change. He had heard about drag shows at the center. As a regular visitor there, I recall only countless opera performances and symphony concerts, as well as a lot of jazz and folk in the foyer, though the center has hosted the occasional drag event. Either way, Trump announced that “THIS WILL STOP. The Kennedy Center is an American Jewel, and must reflect the brightest STARS on its stage from all across our Nation. For the Kennedy Center, THE BEST IS YET TO COME!”
I’d hate to be alarmist, but the president of the United States is invoking the language of a certain German regime that, in the 1930s, banned what it labeled “Entartete Kunst,” degenerate art. The Nazis wanted German culture organized neatly under the government’s control. Soon after taking power, this regime made its preferences known to Germany’s myriad publicly funded theaters, opera houses, and concert halls. It also created the Reichskulturkammer (Reich Chamber of Culture), under which culture in Germany would operate; Joseph Goebbels was appointed the chamber’s president.
Soon German culture—for so long the envy of the world—became more and more constrained as practitioners and artistic products, especially books, were banned, while other practitioners, from conductors to painters, engaged in self-censorship or left the country. That’s how Thomas Mann ended up in Pacific Palisades. In his novel Mephisto, Klaus Mann—Thomas’s son—masterfully portrays the careerists who thrive in autocracies, while talent withers.
And the urge to control culture didn’t die with Goebbels and his ilk. Wanting to control culture is, in fact, the hallmark of authoritarian regimes. The Cold War was characterized by Eastern Bloc regimes’ attempts to govern all culture and, in the process, ensure that undesirable expressions of it were weeded out. Every novel Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote was at immediate risk of being banned, and the Russian author constantly faced the risk of imprisonment. In Czechoslovakia, Vaclav Havel was kept under constant surveillance and denied jobs worthy of his talent. The artists the regimes deemed acceptable, by contrast, were well-looked-after by the respective countries’ cultural organizations. Untold numbers of artists less known than Solzhenitsyn and Havel suffered the same fate.
Today, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro continues this tradition. Until recently, countries around the world sought to emulate Venezuela’s El Sistema, a government-funded program that teaches scores of children to play instruments at a level previously thought unachievable. Not only have hundreds of Venezuelan children grown up to play in El Sistema’s many symphony orchestras, including the world-class National Children’s Symphony of Venezuela and Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra; many of the musicians have also been appointed to the world’s very best orchestras. The double-bass player Edicson Ruiz was hired by the Berlin Philharmonic, considered the world’s best symphony orchestra, while still in his teens. Listen to him here.
But Maduro couldn’t resist the urge to control the program. Now El Sistema is fraying, the inevitable result of political encroachment that has seen Maduro install his vice president and his son on El Sistema’s board and try to use El Sistema for propaganda purposes abroad. In 2017, after El Sistema’s most celebrated graduate, the conductor Gustavo Dudamel, wrote an op-ed voicing criticism against the regime’s brutal crackdown of pro-democracy protesters, Maduro canceled a planned U.S. tour by Dudamel and the National Children’s Symphony of Venezuela. Many El Sistema musicians in their late teens or early 20s have now found conservatory places or jobs abroad or are trying to do so.
On the other side of the spectrum are the political leaders who are passionate about the arts but would never dream of politicizing them, precisely because they understand that the arts will languish if put under political control. Helmut Schmidt, West Germany’s chancellor in the late ’70s and early ’80s, was a concert-level pianist. (Hear him play Mozart here.) If he’d decided he wanted to become chairman of the Berlin Philharmonic, it would have made a lot of sense. But he didn’t, because he knew that arts thrive only when separated from politics.
Trump has never considered himself an arts lover; indeed, he recently told a reporter on board Air Force One that he’s never attended a performance at the Kennedy Center. Even so, for the purported sake of protecting the arts, he’s putting himself in the company of Maduro, the Soviets, the Czechoslovak rulers, and Goebbels.
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evidence-based-activism · 4 months ago
I keep seeing this claim that schools/the education system today are designed for girls and disadvantage boys and that’s why girls and women are out performing boys and men at basically every level of education. Does this claim actually have any merit or truth to it? Because tbh I have a hard time believing it and I find it interesting that this seems to be the popular explanation for why girls are doing better in school when I somehow doubt a similar explanation would be widely used if girls were doing worse.
Thanks in advance and I hope you have a lovely rest of your day (or afternoon/evening/night)!
I hope you have a lovely day as well! I know this response took a while, so I hope you still see it!
Evidence For and Against a Gender Gap in Education
There's been a lot of reporting about how boys are "falling behind" in education but there is ... much less evidence to support this. (At least for young children, who are generally the focus in this sort of conversation.)
To start with, we can look at the data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), which is "a congressionally mandated program that is overseen and administered by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences" [1]. Using their data explorer to examine trends in performance, we see very similar performance between boys and girls in general. However, looking at the most recent year for any particular subject and grade level (grade 4 ~ age 9; grade 8 ~ age 13; grade 12 ~ age 17), we can see some small differences.
Boys have higher scores than girls in:
Mathematics (500 point scale for grade 4 and 8; 300 point scale for grade 12) in grade 4 (-6 points), 8 (-2), and 12 (-3)
Science (300 point scale) in grade 12 (-4); girls and boys show no significant difference in grade 4 or 8
US history (500 point scale) for 8 (-4) and 12 (-4); girls and boys show no significant difference in grade 4
Geography (500 point scale) for grade 4 (-4), 8 (-3), and 12 (-5)
Girls have higher score than boys in:
Reading (500 point scale) for grade 4 (+6), 8 (+8), and 12 (+13)
Writing (300 point scale) for grade 4 (+17), 8 (+19), and 12 (+14)
Civics (300 point scale) for grade 4 (+7) and 8 (+2); girls and boys show no difference in grade 12
So, according to a standardized test measurement in the USA, there is little difference in boys and girls performance. Where there are differences they: tend to be small (mostly single digit differences on 300- and 500-point scales) and varied in direction (i.e., boys score higher in some things and girls in others).
Notably, there are substantially higher racial gaps (20-30+ points) in these subjects, suggesting that there isn't a "boy crisis" there's a "marginalized races crisis". (For both sexes, but, interestingly, more so for boys.)
In addition to that, this examination of longitudinal data [2] reaches essentially the same conclusion (different direction of gap by subject, small effect size, bigger racial difference, etc.) but also concludes that most boys "gain ground" as they age. This Dutch article [3] examines several large-scale national and international datasets and also comes to the same conclusion. (Importantly, however, as this will come up later, they did find substantial gender differences in "non-cognitive domains".)
All in all, this suggests the empirical evidence for a "boy crisis" in grade school education is weak.
That being said, there are a couple measures that do provide support for the idea specifically in older students. First, Brookings analyzed data from the Department of Education [4], and found that there is a sex gap in high school graduation rates such that a lower proportion of boys than girls graduated. Notably, however, this gap is much smaller for Asian Americans and White Americans than for Black Americans and Hispanic Americans, which suggests this is – again – more of racial issue than a gender issue.
In addition that, women are outpacing men in college entrance and graduation in the USA, according to the Pew Research Center [5]. Specifically, 39% of women over age 25 have a Bachelor's degree compared to 37% of men. However, when considering only the most recent cohort (adults aged 25 to 34), 46% of women have a Bachelor's degree compared to 36% of men.
Importantly, however, this difference is not driven by structural inequality. For individuals who did not earn a Bachelor's degree, 44% of women report financial constraints and 38% report family obligations, compared to 39% and 35% of men respectively. In contrast, 34% of men reported they "just didn't want to" and 26% report they didn't need it for their desired job, compared to 25% and 20% of women respectively. This does not support the narrative of an external "boy's crisis".
And, in addition to all of that, men are still the majority in highest paying jobs, the majority in governmental and commercial leadership positions, more likely to be the primary or sole earner in a family, and earn more - on average - that women [6].
I'd propose that any differences in educational achievement – if they existed – would be irrelevant without a similar "real world" impact. That is, what does it matter if girls outperform boys on reading tests (or boys outperform on math tests) if they are not also gaining ground in their adult professional careers?
Boy's Behavior
Having established that there isn't very strong evidence for a sex gap in educational achievement, I want to note that there is evidence for another type of sex gap: behavior.
This study [7] actually provides evidence that nearly all of the sex differences in grades (i.e., girls receiving higher grades from teachers in primary school) is dependent on the student's behaviors. In other words, once adjusted for "noncognitive skills", differences in grades disappears.
And remember that Dutch study [3] from earlier? They also found that teacher rated young girls "substantially more favourably than boys" for "social behaviour and work attitude". For older students, boys rated themselves less "peaceable" than girls.
The common belief that female teachers (as compared to male teachers) hurt boys performance also appears unfounded, as indicated by this review article [8]. These studies [9, 10] also draw the same conclusion, and additionally suggest that boys behavior/attitudes in school is worse than girls for both female and male teachers.
(Some people may read this and think that this is the result of girls "maturing faster" than boys. So, I'd like to point out that is almost certainly a result of socialization. Someone else has written a blog post about this topic [11], but also see this post about brain sex that also considers the reach and effects of early socialization.)
All in all, there isn't strong evidence of a "boy's education crisis". While there are gender differences in education performance they vary by subject and grade level, tend to be very small (much smaller than other demographic differences), and don't appear to have a "real world" impact.
There is evidence that boys are less disciplined and less positive in educational environments, a difference that is most likely driven by how boys are socialized in comparison to girls. (For example, boys are encouraged to be more out-going, girls are more likely to be praised for "good behavior", girls are included in chores more often and at younger ages, etc.)
I hope this helps!
References below the cut:
NAEP: National Assessment of Educational Progress. (2024, March 21). About NAEP: A Common Measure of Student Achievement; National Center for Education Statistics. https://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/about/
Husain, M., & Millimet, D. L. (2009). The mythical ‘boy crisis’? Economics of Education Review, 28(1), 38–48. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econedurev.2007.11.002
Driessen, G., & Van Langen, A. (2013). Gender differences in primary and secondary education: Are girls really outperforming boys? International Review of Education, 59(1), 67–86. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11159-013-9352-6
Reeves, R. V., Buckner, E., & Smith, E. (2021). The unreported gender gap in high school graduation rates. Brookings. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-unreported-gender-gap-in-high-school-graduation-rates/
Parker, K. (2021, November 8). What’s behind the growing gap between men and women in college completion? Pew Research Center. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/11/08/whats-behind-the-growing-gap-between-men-and-women-in-college-completion/
Schaeffer, K. (2024, February 27). For Women’s History Month, a look at gender gains – and gaps – in the U.S. Pew Research Center. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/02/27/for-womens-history-month-a-look-at-gender-gains-and-gaps-in-the-us/
Cornwell, C., Mustard, D. B., & Van Parys, J. (2013). Noncognitive skills and the gender disparities in test scores and teacher assessments: Evidence from primary school. Journal of Human resources, 48(1), 236-264.
Coenen, J., Cornelisz, I., Groot, W., Maassen van den Brink, H., & Van Klaveren, C. (2018). Teacher characteristics and their effects on student test scores: A systematic review. Journal of economic surveys, 32(3), 848-877.
de Zeeuw, E. L., van Beijsterveldt, C. E., Glasner, T. J., Bartels, M., de Geus, E. J., & Boomsma, D. I. (2014). Do children perform and behave better at school when taught by same-gender teachers?. Learning and Individual Differences, 36, 152-156.
Carrington, B., Tymms, P., & Merrell, C. (2008). Role models, school improvement and the ‘gender gap’—do men bring out the best in boys and women the best in girls?. British Educational Research Journal, 34(3), 315-327.
Graham, R. (2023, September 22). Do girls really mature faster than boys, or do we just force them to? The Noösphere. https://archive.is/2023.09.22-090402/https://medium.com/the-no%C3%B6sphere/do-girls-really-mature-faster-than-boys-or-do-we-just-force-them-to-68e31307abf3
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tsuchishima · 8 months ago
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GUIDEBOOK | types of bokuto's moods, problems and solutions, bokuto in conclusion (will be continued after making a new acc)
WC | 0.5k words ~ GENRE | fluff / slight crack
A/N | this is slightly rushed. why? i'm making a new acc! i got tired with my current theme and decided to switch to a new one. ENJOY READING READER !
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NOTEBOOK COVER + PAPER (visual reference)
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𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ PROBLEM & SOLUTION 1 // VOLLEYBALL MATCH problem context : a perfect set was tossed to him, and he ran up to spike the ball. his hand perfectly aimed at the center as he jumped and spiked it, only to be blocked by one of middle blockers of the opposing team. he groaned and as the next few more rounds started his performance started to go bad. and you guessed it. he's in his emo mode, and he yells out his very expected line "don't toss to me anymore!" he says, pointing to akaashi. possible solution/s : start thinking of solutions that could help uplift his mood. and make sure to imagine all of the possible outcome when you try to do something, whether it's bad or good. also, if he does say his infamous line then just don't toss to him anymore. it's would seem wrong but it would work. his desire to spike will only grow more as he watches getting ignored by his setter. after a few rounds of tossing to other players you can now set to him again, making him get a point—his mood now being back to a cheery one. make sure to praise him afterwards too.
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𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ PROBLEM & SOLUTION 2 // VOLLEYBALL MATCH problem context : he's playing in the nationals, and he starts to get frustated as he realizes in the court he's playing in is small compared to the main court hinata is playing in. his mood is starting to go downhill. he's in the edge of going emo mode. some of his team members starts to notice this as his hand accidentally slipped on his hands—causing for them to lose a point. he then feels defeated. his shoulders sloping as he looks at the not so high ceiling of the court. he feels terrible. possible solution/s : it's very simple to resolve this problem. just explain that because the court is much smaller more attention is on to him, and that in the main court only 1/4 of the people will be watching him. he will definitely start contemplating at the explanation and would start to look at the loud cheery crowd. he would then start to agree with you even though what you said was half-true, that's bokuto for ya'
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𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ PROBLEM & SOLUTION 3 // A BAD MOOD problem context : he's feeling downcast. by what? who knows. but all you need to do now is to comfort him. he's probably hiding in a enclosed and dark place. tables, chairs, random things he squeeze in-between he hides in those objects just to feel secure. but it doesn't help him with feeling unhappy. possible solution/s : praise him. just literally praise him, or help him with what he's having trouble with. just a praise from someone that means to him can take his mood to a whole turn. you can also try to ask to practice volleyball with you to try and 'improve' your skills but in reality you're just trying to cheer him up. this may work since he just loveeesss spiking. he quite literally has an endless amount of stamina when it comes to practicing.
_ → m.list
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tsuchisama © — please do not copy, steal or translate.
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sundaaz-e · 2 months ago
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
• Sports-related tension: Intense descriptions of high-stakes volleyball gameplay.
• Public scrutiny: Media exposure of a private relationship and its implications.
• Mild injury risk: A risky jump is performed but results in no harm.
Love across the net
The roar of the crowd was deafening. Every set, every point, every spike had built to this moment. You stood at the service line, sweat glistening on your forehead, your chest heaving from exertion. Your team was on the brink of victory at Nationals, and the atmosphere in the stadium was electric.
You took a deep breath, centering yourself amidst the chaos. Across the net, the opposing team, fierce and unyielding, was ready. This was it—the final game, the culmination of years of training and sacrifice.
The ball soared high as your teammate set it perfectly. With the precision and power you were known for, you leapt, your body a graceful arch in midair. Your arm came down like lightning, and the ball slammed into the court with a resounding thud.
The whistle blew.
Your teammates erupted in screams, collapsing into a pile of hugs and tears. But your eyes weren’t on them. You had known he was there from the moment the match started. Atsumu Miya, perched low in the stands, his familiar golden hair unmistakable.
Your relationship was your most guarded secret, kept away from the prying eyes of fans and media. As rivals in the volleyball world, your teams clashed too often to risk any whispers of favoritism. Atsumu rarely came to your matches—he couldn’t. But today, he was here.
The adrenaline pumping through your veins left no room for hesitation. You took off, weaving through the chaos on the court, ignoring the outstretched arms of your teammates calling your name. Your focus was solely on him.
He stood behind the railing on the platform, leaning forward as he realized what you were about to do.
But you didn’t wait.
With a running leap, you launched yourself off the floor, jumping up toward him. Atsumu bent low over the railing, his arms reaching out just in time to catch you. The impact nearly knocked the wind out of him, but he wrapped his arms tightly around you, steadying you both as you clung to him.
“Ya idiot,” he muttered, his voice choked with a mix of laughter and disbelief. “Ya couldn’t just wait for me to come down?”
You pulled back just enough to look him in the eyes, your face breaking into a breathless grin. “You came.”
“‘Course I did,” he said, his tone soft now, the bravado fading. “Like I’d miss seein’ ya win Nationals.”
The moment stretched between them, the rest of the world fading away. Cameras flashed around you, reporters scrambling to capture the scene. You and Atsumu didn’t care.
You pressed your forehead against his, your voice barely a whisper. “I saw you the whole time, you know. You kept me steady.”
Atsumu smirked, his confidence returning. “Yeah? Guess I’ll take some credit for the win then.”
You laughed, the sound cutting through the stadium noise, as the cheers around you grew louder.
The headlines the next day would be explosive, your secret finally out in the open. But in that moment, with Atsumu’s arms around you and your victory secured, you didn’t care about the world’s view.
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paulpingminho · 2 years ago
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adafruit · 3 months ago
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🎄💾🗓️ Day 11: Retrocomputing Advent Calendar - The SEL 840A🎄💾🗓️
Systems Engineering Laboratories (SEL) introduced the SEL 840A in 1965. This is a deep cut folks, buckle in. It was designed as a high-performance, 24-bit general-purpose digital computer, particularly well-suited for scientific and industrial real-time applications.
Notable for using silicon monolithic integrated circuits and a modular architecture. Supported advanced computation with features like concurrent floating-point arithmetic via an optional Extended Arithmetic Unit (EAU), which allowed independent arithmetic processing in single or double precision. With a core memory cycle time of 1.75 microseconds and a capacity of up to 32,768 directly addressable words, the SEL 840A had impressive computational speed and versatility for its time.
Its instruction set covered arithmetic operations, branching, and program control. The computer had fairly robust I/O capabilities, supporting up to 128 input/output units and optional block transfer control for high-speed data movement. SEL 840A had real-time applications, such as data acquisition, industrial automation, and control systems, with features like multi-level priority interrupts and a real-time clock with millisecond resolution.
Software support included a FORTRAN IV compiler, mnemonic assembler, and a library of scientific subroutines, making it accessible for scientific and engineering use. The operator’s console provided immediate access to registers, control functions, and user interaction! Designed to be maintained, its modular design had serviceability you do often not see today, with swing-out circuit pages and accessible test points.
And here's a personal… personal computer history from Adafruit team member, Dan…
== The first computer I used was an SEL-840A, PDF:
I learned Fortran on it in eight grade, in 1970. It was at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where my parents worked, and was used to take data from cyclotron experiments and perform calculations. I later patched the Fortran compiler on it to take single-quoted strings, like 'HELLO', in Fortran FORMAT statements, instead of having to use Hollerith counts, like 5HHELLO.
In 1971-1972, in high school, I used a PDP-10 (model KA10) timesharing system, run by BOCES LIRICS on Long Island, NY, while we were there for one year on an exchange.
This is the front panel of the actual computer I used. I worked at the computer center in the summer. I know the fellow in the picture: he was an older high school student at the time.
The first "personal" computers I used were Xerox Alto, Xerox Dorado, Xerox Dandelion (Xerox Star 8010), Apple Lisa, and Apple Mac, and an original IBM PC. Later I used DEC VAXstations.
Dan kinda wins the first computer contest if there was one… Have first computer memories? Post’em up in the comments, or post yours on socialz’ and tag them #firstcomputer #retrocomputing – See you back here tomorrow!
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camisoledadparis · 2 months ago
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … December 24
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1305 – France: Grand Master Jacques de Molay and over 500 Knights Templar recant their confessions of homosexual activities to which they had admitted under torture. King Phillip IV burned 54 of them soon after the false confessions. Philip had de Molay burned upon a scaffold on an island in the River Seine in front of Notre Dame de Paris in March, 1314. The sudden end of both the centuries-old order of Templars and the dramatic execution of its last leader turned Molay into a legendary figure.
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1573 – French diplomat and law professor Hubert Languet wrote to Sir Philip Sidney, "My affection for you has entered my heart far more deeply than I have ever felt for anyone else, and it has so wholly taken possession there that it tries to rule alone."
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Sir Philip Sidney
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1905 – Howard Hughes Jr. (d.1976) was a USA business magnate, investor, record-setting pilot, engineer, film director, and philanthropist, known during his lifetime as one of the most influential and financially successful individuals in the world. He first became prominent as a film producer, and then as an important figure in the aviation industry.
Later in life, he became known for his eccentric behavior and reclusive lifestyle—oddities that were caused in part by his worsening obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), chronic pain from a near-fatal plane crash, and increasing deafness.
Hughes dated many famous women, including Joan Crawford, Billie Dove, Faith Domergue, Bette Davis, Yvonne De Carlo, Ava Gardner, Olivia de Havilland, Katharine Hepburn, Hedy Lamarr, Ginger Rogers, Janet Leigh, Pat Sheehan, Mamie Van Doren and Gene Tierney. He also proposed to Joan Fontaine several times.However, a rumour persists that Hughes and another notorious womanizer Errol Flynn had a sexual relationship, with Flynn at the top man!
1912 – A report issued by Utah's State Board of Insanity recommends sterilization of persons convicted of sexual crimes.
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Robert Joffrey (rear) with Gerald Arpino
1930 – Robert Joffrey, born Abdullah Jaffa Bey Khan, (d.1988) was an American dancer, teacher, producer, choreographer, and co-founder of the Joffrey Ballet, known for his highly imaginative modern ballets. He was born Abdullah Jaffa Bey Khan in Seattle, Washington to an Afghan father and Italian mother.
As a teenager, Joffrey met 22-year-old Gerald Arpino, then serving in the Coast Guard. Arpino moved into the Joffrey home. From then on, the two were inseparable. They became best friends, artistic collaborators, and lovers.
Joffrey studied ballet and modern dance in New York City and made his debut in 1949 with the French choreographer Roland Petit and his Ballet de l'Opéra National de Paris. From 1950 to 1955, he taught at the New York High School for the Performing Arts, where he staged his earliest ballets. He founded the Joffrey Ballet School in New York City in 1954.
In 1954 he formed his own company, which premiered Le bal masqué (The Masked Ball, 1954; music by French composer Francis Poulenc) and Pierrot Lunaire (1955; music by Austrian composer Arnold Schoenberg). Joffrey's other works include Gamelan (1962) and Astarte (1967), which was set to rock music with special lighting and motion-picture effects.
The Robert Joffrey Ballet took up residence at New York City Center in 1966. In 1982 it moved its principal activities to Los Angeles, California and in 1995 to Chicago, Illinois. Noted for its experimental repertoire, the company was called the "Joffrey Ballet of Chicago" after its move but has since returned to being called simply the Joffrey Ballet. Besides Joffrey's works its repertoire includes many works by Gerald Arpino, Joffrey's long-time lover, co-director, and eventually artistic director emeritus until his 2008 death, and ballets commissioned by Joffrey from new choreographers as well as works by such established choreographers as George Balanchine, Alvin Ailey and Twyla Tharp.
Joffrey was sexually promiscuous but discreet. His pattern was to have Arpino at home for domestic stability, one principal romantic attachment, and numerous one-night stands.
In 1973, Joffrey fell in love with A. Aladar Marberger, a 26-year-old gay activist and manager of the Fischbach Gallery in New York. In the 1980s, both men contracted AIDS. While Marberger was outspoken about his illness, Joffrey remained silent. He was ashamed and wanted his obituary to say that he died of liver disease and asthma. Arpino agreed to his pleas, but the secret could not be maintained, as AIDS took a staggering toll on the dance world in general and on Joffrey's company in particular.
Robert Joffrey died of AIDS on March 25, 1988 in New York City. Aladar Marberger died eight months later.
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1952 – Kevin Killian is an American poet, author, editor, and playwright of primarily LGBT literature. My Vocabulary Did This to Me: The Collected Poetry of Jack Spicer, which he co-edited with Peter Gizzi, won the American Book Award for poetry in 2009. His novel, Impossible Princess, won the 2010 Lambda Literary Award as the best gay erotic fiction work of 2009.
Killian is also co-founder of the Poets Theater, an influential poetry, stage, and performance group based in San Francisco.
Kevin Killian was raised Roman Catholic and attended a Roman Catholic parochial school run by Franciscan monks where he suffered what he has described as "routine abuse". He discussed these experiences in an essay in the edited work Wrestling With the Angel, which describes the experiences of 21 gay men with religion. He was also the New York City spelling bee champion.
Kevin attended graduate school at the State University of New York at Stony Brook (SUNY-Stony Brook) in the 1970s, and moved to San Francisco in 1980. Although he is gay and Dodie Bellamy is a lesbian, the couple married and have an active heterosexual sex life.
Killian is also active in bringing attention to important LGBTQ artists and writers of the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. He has held poetry readings of a wide number of influential poets and writers, and participated in a number of panels, art installations, retrospectives, and memorials.
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1958 – Bob Smith (d.2018) was an American comedian and author. Smith, born in Buffalo, New York, was the first openly gay comedian to appear on The Tonight Show and the first openly gay comedian to have his own HBO half-hour comedy special. Smith, along with fellow comedians Jaffe Cohen and Danny McWilliams, formed the comedy troupe Funny Gay Males in 1988.
With Funny Gay Males, Smith is the co-author of Growing Up Gay: From Left Out to Coming Out (1995). Smith is also the author of two books of biographical essays. Openly Bob (1997) received a Lambda Literary Award for best humor book. Way to Go, Smith! (1999) was nominated for a 2000 Lambda Literary Award in the same category. Smith published his first novel, Selfish and Perverse, in 2007, and Remembrance of Things I Forgot in 2011. He published a new collection of essays, Treehab: Tales from My Natural Wild Life, in 2016. The essays cover a wide range of subjects including his career in stand-up, his love of nature, and his experience with ALS. He performed at the inaugural We're Funny That Way! comedy festival in 1997, and appeared in the festival's documentary film in 1998.
While taping a 2007 comedy special for Logo, Smith disclosed that he was suffering from a neurological disorder. He described his symptoms at that time as slurred speech, making him sound inebriated. In response to an August 2012 New York Times article on openly gay male stand-up comedians, Smith posted a comment stating he had ALS.
On February 2013, Smith gave a candid interview to Canada's Global News, where he elaborated about his condition. The article also revealed that Smith assisted with the conceiving of fellow LGBTQ comedian Elvira Kurt's children, who with Kurt reside in Canada, and that he was a direct descendant of Henry Smith, an early settler of Canada's Niagara Region for whom the Henry of Pelham Winery is named.
Bob Smith died on January 20, 2018 from Lou Gehrig’s Disease in his Manhattan, New York home at 59 years of age.
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1971 – On this date the international singer and actor Ricky Martin was born. Born Enrique Martín Morales in San Juan, Puerto Rico, he is known to millions of fans by his stage name Ricky Martin, is a Puerto Rican pop singer and actor who achieved prominence, first as a member of the Latin boy band Menudo, then as a solo artist after 1991. During his career he has sold more than 60 million albums worldwide. He is the founder of Ricky Martín Foundation (in Spanish Fundación Ricky Martin) a non-profit charity organization.
Martin rose to fame as a member of the Latin American boy band Menudo, after which he became a solo artist in 1990. During forays into acting on Broadway ("Les Miserables") and soap operas (General Hospital) he released numerous albums of Spanish music, which sold millions of copies throughout Latin America and Europe. In 1995, Martin refocused on his music career through his third album, A Medio Vivir. With this album, Martin made a shift from formulaic hit ballads to a more risky fusion of music centered around traditional Latin sounds, with the hit "Maria", which epitomizes this new sound. "Maria" broke Martin into Europe through Spain. With the ballad "Te Extraño, Te Olvido, Te Amo", Martin began his expansion from Latin American and Spanish-speaking audiences to the European and Asian markets. He was chosen to sing the anthem of the 1998 FIFA World Cup, the famous hit "The Cup of Life"/"La Copa de la Vida", that reached number one on the charts in 60 countries.
He broke into the English-language market with his mega-selling hit single "Livin' la Vida Loca," which reached number one in many countries around the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, France, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Guatemala, Mexico, Russia, Turkey, and South Africa. He followed up with the hit "She's All I Ever Had" which peaked at #2 on The Billboard Hot 100. This album became one of the top-selling albums of 1999, and was certified 7 times platinum, selling over 22 million copies worldwide to date.
During the Livin' la Vida Loca era, Martin's personal life went under the microscope due to his large Gay following, and he was questioned about his sexual orientation. In December, 2000 during an interview in The Mirror, Martin was asked, '"So what about all these rumors?" "There's not a lot I can do about that," he said. "I guess these rumors were started by people who don't have a life, or perhaps it's because they want me to be like them and I'm not. I try not to pay attention to any of these allegations. I could have been married with kids for years or have 27 girlfriends, and if people still want to go around saying that I'm gay, they will."'
In August 2008, Martin became the father of twin boys, named Matteo and Valentino. The babies were delivered via gestational surrogacy.
On March of 2010, Martin publicly came out as Gay in a post on his official web site by stating, "Today is my day, this is my time, and this is my moment. These years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within and that this kind of truth gives me the power to conquer emotions I didn't even know existed ... I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am."
"What will happen from now on? It doesn't matter. I can only focus on what's happening to me in this moment. The word 'happiness' takes on a new meaning for me as of today. It has been a very intense process. Every word that I write in this letter is born out of love, acceptance, detachment and real contentment. Writing this is a solid step towards my inner peace and vital part of my evolution."
In January 2018, Ricky Martin married his long-time partner artist Jwan Yosef.
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Ricky and Jwan
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1973 – Paul Foot is an English comedian. He commands a significant cult following called The Guild of Connoisseurs. Foot is known for his musings, rants, 'disturbances' and apparent aversion to pop culture. The Daily Express likened Foot to "a rare exotic bird", whilst six national newspapers including the The Independent and The Age have declared Paul to be "a comedy genius".
Foot was born and raised in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, he studied mathematics at Merton College, Oxford.It was during his studies he first started performing stand-up. As of 2011 Foot has refused to discuss his years at Oxford or former pursuits as a mathematics student.
Graduating from Oxford in 1995, Foot was head-hunted by a computer software company in the run-up to the dot-com bubble, however he loathed the industry: "I had to read manuals on HTML and just write websites from scratch. None of us really knew what we were doing".
He started to pursue a career in comedy, doing open mic slots at various venues, in the hope that show business would allow him to meet his idol Ella Fitzgerald. Tragically Ella Fitzgerald died a few days after this decision was made, but Foot decided to stick with comedy as a career anyhow.
He is openly gay. Foot also has a much admired collection of pre-war Toby jugs, which he parades on a custom made milk float on his yearly trip to the Edinburgh Comedy Festival.
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1981 – Chris Kluwe is a former American football punter and writer. Kluwe played at Los Alamitos High School in Los Alamitos, California, where he was a 1999 USA Today High School All-American, and then attended the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where he played college football for the UCLA Bruins. He was signed by the Seattle Seahawks as an undrafted free agent in 2005 and played professionally in the National Football League for the Seattle Seahawks, Minnesota Vikings, and Oakland Raiders.
Kluwe is widely known for his eight seasons with the Minnesota Vikings, where he set eight individual team records. During this period, Kluwe became an outspoken advocate on social issues, including same sex marriage and gay rights, which ultimately led to tension between Kluwe and coaching staff.
Kluwe is widely known for his eight seasons with the Minnesota Vikings, where he set eight individual team records. During this period, Kluwe became an outspoken advocate on social issues, including same sex marriage and gay rights, which ultimately led to tension between Kluwe and coaching staff.
Kluwe publicly released a letter on September 7, 2012, via sports website Deadspin he had sent to Maryland state assembly delegate Emmett Burns, defending the opinions of Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo and condemning Burns on his attempt to stifle Ayanbadejo's free speech. Ayanbadejo has been a vocal supporter of same-sex marriage and Burns had sent a letter requesting that the Ravens ownership "inhibit such expressions" by their employee. On October 1, 2012, Kluwe published a letter to the editor that responded to a video statement released by former Viking Matt Birk in supporting a ban on same-sex marriage. In the letter, Kluwe outlined six primary reasons why he disagreed with Birk's statement. Kluwe was also featured in a documentary called The Last Barrier which aired on NBC Bay Area on December 8, 2012. During this interview he spoke about his feelings towards equality.
Kluwe and Ayanbadejo filed an amicus brief to the United States Supreme Court on February 28, 2013, regarding Hollingsworth v. Perry, in which they expressed their support of the challenge to California Proposition 8. Kluwe appeared on the January 18, 2013, episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, to discuss his support of same-sex marriage. Ellen DeGeneres inducted Kluwe as the first inductee in her Hall of Fame, since NFL punters are unlikely to be voted into the league's hall of fame. On April 16, 2013, in recognition of his steadfast support of same-sex marriage and for starting a conversation about LGBT issues in athletics, Kluwe was named the Grand Marshal of the 41st annual Twin Cities Pride festival in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
On January 2, 2014, Kluwe alleged that he was released from the Vikings due to his support of same-sex marriage. He stated that the Vikings requested that he "deliberately sacrifice my own numbers to help the team, a request with which I always complied." The team stated it was not previously made aware of Kluwe's allegations, and countered that he "was released strictly based on his football performance." Kluwe said that special teams coach Mike Priefer in 2012 made homophobic remarks and criticized the player for his views on same-sex marriage. Priefer responded with a statement saying that "I do not tolerate discrimination of any type and am respectful of all individuals. I personally have gay family members who I love and support just as I do any family member.” Kluwe called the coach's acts "inexcusable", and hoped he prevented Priefer from ever coaching again. He also alleged that head coach Leslie Frazier told him to stop speaking out on same-sex marriage. Kluwe later said his comments on Priefer were "a little too harsh originally", and stated that he preferred that the coach get therapy and counseling and return to the league as a role model.
Kluwe was released by the Vikings after the 2012 season, signed with the Oakland Raiders prior to the 2013 season, and was subsequently released. Kluwe was unable to find another NFL team with which to sign and retired from professional football in 2013. Following his departure from football, he has pursued a writing career and is a humor columnist for the sports website Deadspin.
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2012 – The Serbian Parliament approves changes to the Penal Code to include sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes when it comes to hate crimes.
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2013 – Alan Turing considered the father of computer science, was a code-breaker who helped shorten WWII. Since he was gay, the British government offered him the choice of prison or chemical castration after he was convicted of gross indecency. He selected hormonal castration via estrogen. He died in 1954 of cyanide poisoning. In 2009, Prime Minister Gordon Brown made an official apology, and Queen Elizabeth II issued Turing a royal pardon on this day in 2013.
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strange-little-spy · 3 months ago
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Chapter One - – Washington D.C. – Present Day
Hello and let's kick start the beginning of a new Marvel fic specifically worked out with @the-superoriginal (hi 🥰)
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Addie Jeannes is an avid Marvel fangirl, not quite stereotypical, but has the average Marvel man crush, patent pending. Her top pick is the famous Steve Rogers, better known as Captain America, practically a perfect gentleman and seriously good looking. But then her first day of college comes along and she takes the bus for the first time to the university. Its when she gets off the bus, she has stepped back in time, all the way back to 1939, a few years before the second world war begins. She’s very out of place in her modern clothes and slang, but thanks to a young man named Bucky, she soon learns her way around the large town of Brooklyn. But who would have guessed she would also meet the love of her life in Steve Rogers, Bucky’s best friend.
Only during the worst event she has ever experienced does she understand who she was really chasing.
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warnings: Fluff! Implied smut in future chapters but very subtly hinted at. Period-typical subjects (i.e racism)
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Chapter warnings: no warnings
Word count: 896 words, longer chapters coming!
It was the first chilly day of Autumn, the leaves were still green but the occasional tree was already beginning to shed it’s coat of fluffy leaves to the sidewalks below.
Addie remembered when she first arrived in D.C. It was Spring and she was one of the fortunate as she witnessed the cherry trees blooming all around the city. That was a year ago when she first moved to the nation’s capital for the job at the small, but prosperous arts center: Capital Performances. She loved to act and work backstage when she wasn’t assigned a role, but most importantly, she just couldn’t wait until next Winter when they would put on Rogers: The Musical.
True, she was appalled at the idea of her Steve being made into a musical, but she actually liked the songs, in addition she couldn’t very well say no. It was Marvel, for heaven’s sake, she loved Marvel.
And most importantly, she loved Steve Rogers.
It was puppy love, but she kept it at a healthy distance unlike the other fangirls she ran across on social media. Their thirst posts were enough to make her throw her phone off her beanbag and groan into a pillow.
She didn’t care. In her mind, Steve was in his perfect world.
“Now if only I could actually meet the man.” She shook her head as she picked up one of the fallen leaves off the side walk and studied the veins between the paper-like membranes of the object. She had been to multiple Comic-Cons, but she wasn’t willing to wait 5 hours to meet Chris Evans, but she meet Sebastian Stan once on the street. And honestly, he was the sweetest person she had ever met. He even asked her for a selfie.
She sighed and threw the leaf over her shoulder before sitting down on the grass to paint the Washington Monument with the sunlight illuminating one side of it, while the shadow covered the other side.
She liked those lighting parallels, she tried to paint them as close to how they appeared as quickly as she could before the sun went down.
It was almost therapeutic, but watching the Captain America saga was her therapy. Screw the medication.
Charlotte’s notification sound jerked Addie out of her mid-afternoon nap as she lost her balance and fell on her bottom on the floor. She giggled and picked up her phone which had fallen along with her.
“Any news yet?”Her friend was referring to the acceptance letter from Liberty University that they were both waiting on, but it was Addie who was actually going.
“I haven’t checked my mail yet. It doesn’t come until around 4.” She replied, feeling the butterflies in her stomach rising again. She had wanted to go to New York University, but their tuition was WAAAY too high to even justify the amount of schooling she was to gain.
Nope. Liberty U it was.
“I hate ur mailman.” Charlotte responded quickly.
“I hate the mail system.”
“How was your day?”
“Slow and lowkey.”
“Yeah XD”
“U need to make Jonah’s contact name that.”
“What?? Jonah’s not a Loki, he’s definitely a Tony Stark.”
“We say it like Zodiac signs XD”
“Touche. Did u know you woke me up from a rather pleasant nap?”
“I would say I’m sorry if you were dreaming about you know who.”
“Unfortunately not this time.”
“Well, shoot.”
“I still can’t believe you’d take Steve over Thor, I mean the hunk of a man Thor??”
Addie shook her head and smiled. Charlotte was head over heals for the god of thunder.
“I prefer my Captain.” Addie replied, adamant.
“Your loss.”
“You’re mean.”
“I am truthful.”
“Whatev.” Addie snickered, knowing full well their insults were playful. “I should go before we have a gif war, plus I just heard the mail slot.”
“Fingers crossed for u!! <3”
Addie took a breath before standing up and jogging to the mail slot in her apartment’s door, there was a small bundle of mail but the only one she wanted was the one with the red and blue logo.
“WAHOO!” She jumped up and down when she found it. She ran to the kitchen and started a FaceTime with her mom who was in Oregon on a much-needed vacation.
“Hey, honey!” Her mom picked quickly and Addie couldn’t help the grin that broke out on her face.
“Guess what came today??”
“Did you get your letter??” Her mom’s face lit up.
“Who’s at the top?” She made a face and held the letter up to the camera.
“Oh, baby!! Well, open it, open it!!”
“Yes, ma’am!” Addie tore open the envelope and shook it to unfold the papers. “Dear Addison Jeannes, we are honored to have you as a student at Liberty University in our Forensic Sciences field of study this spring!!” She read out loud, jumping as she placed the phone against the bowl of Chex mix she always had out. “I made it, Momma!!”
“That’s my girl!!” Her mom cheered, breaking out in smiles. “I will rent you a car so you can get down there!”
“No thanks, Momma, I can take the bus. Its not that far at all. And it might be cheaper.”
“But what about your bike??”
“I’ll get it delivered.”
“Alright, its your call. But this is so exciting!!”
“Liberty, here I come!!”
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thank you for reading 🥰✌️ Dividers by @strangergraphics
prompt by @the-superoriginal
written by yours truly, all relation to actual people are purely coincidental
tag list: @oh-to-be-a-murderer - @fictionalmenjusthitdifferent - @itzzkaylaaa - @crazyinlovewithmarvel - @natt-romanoff - @ohyeah-itssamwilson - @proud-owner-0f-americas-ass
if you would like to be tagged in the upcoming chapters, please send me an ask and I will make sure to tag you!
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mtaartsdesign · 11 months ago
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We mourn the loss and celebrate the life of Faith Ringgold (1930-2024). A painter, mixed media sculptor, performance artist, activist, writer, teacher and lecturer, Ringgold’s impact on American art cannot be understated, and her legacy is especially felt in New York City. Born in Harlem, Ringgold attended City College for both her B.S. and M.A. degrees in visual art before travelling the world, which would inform the rich narratives in her work and the development of her iconic story quilts. She revolutionized notions of craft in fine art with her unique style of narrative quilt paintings while centering African American and feminist voices. The distinguished artist received more than 80 awards and 23 Honorary Doctorates throughout her prolific career. Ringgold’s work has been exhibited internationally and belongs in the collections of numerous institutions including the Brooklyn Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the High Museum of Art, the Studio Museum in Harlem, and the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.
Ringgold’s mosaic artwork “Flying Home: Harlem Heroes and Heroines (Downtown and Uptown)” (1996) at 125 St (2,3) station honors Harlem notables and makes them fly. Ringgold has said of the work: "I love every one of these people. I wanted to share those memories, to give the community - and others just passing through - a glimpse of all the wonderful people who were part of Harlem. I wanted them to realize what Harlem has produced and inspired." Faith Ringgold herself is certainly a Harlem heroine who has inspired and will inspire many for years to come.
📸1: MTA A&D/Cheryl Hageman, 2: Trent Reeves
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