#Nathaniel benedict
nobodysdaydreams · 4 months
The difference between book and show Curtain is that if show Curtain was a cat, he’d be a passive-aggressive fancy show cat that would look you dead in the eyes as he jumped up on the counter and knocked one of your glasses onto the floor.
Meanwhile, book Curtain is a scraggly old cat that hisses and yowls whenever anyone gets near him.
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myfairkatiecat · 2 months
This post has a niche audience of about three existing people BUT.
The Benedict Twins as the Vacker brothers anyone? (Bods if you see this, this is your fault)
The Benedict twins as born-to-an-influential-Elvin-family is already a HUGELY interesting concept given the fact that twins are greatly prejudiced against in the KOTLC universe. So if the Benedict family was like the Vackers they might try to pull something like the Songs did where they just pretend the brothers aren’t twins, and one is slightly older than the other.
Nathaniel was the one allowed to exist a year before Nicholas was “born,” so he always holds his “extra experience” (of being a baby) over Nicholas’ head. They look identical, yes, theoretically, but they style themselves so completely differently that they are able to pretend Nicholas is a year younger and no one questions it for the longest time.
Now in order to get to the Fitz-and-Alvar model I’m working towards, Nicholas obviously joins the Black Swan and Nathaniel joins the Neverseen. (Nathaniel joined the neverseen first and much longer before Nicholas got involved, so it’s a shock and a betrayal to see his brother for the first time on the other side.) and this makes PERFECT SENSE, because of how the tmbs characters would handle twin bias in the lost cities.
Nathaniel sees it as a grand injustice, and develops a grudge against his family for trying to hide the “imperfection” of their children, similar to Alvar’s grudge against the Vacker legacy.
Nicholas sees us as something that needs to change, but allies with the people trying to work somewhat with the council. He doesn’t want to cause a commotion or send a message—he just wants things fixed.
I think if Nathaniel was sedated with soporidine and had his memories wiped when he became no longer useful (like Alvar did) he would remain equally as angry especially since he’s the type of guy to want to be in charge? And I think when he goes through his whole “whoever did all that, it wasn’t me, I don’t remember it” phase, unlike fitz, Nicholas isn’t angry at all. He WANTS to believe it, so he does, and they go back to being brothers, and…
…Nathaniel gets his memories back. And just like Alvar, a switch is flipped. Now he’s livid at his family AND at the neverseen. I foresee him playing a Lady Gisela move and just… making his own neverseen branch. But instead of immediately trying to kill him, Nicholas pleads with him to come back. It doesn’t work.
But the real question is, in a mutant troll hive, if Nathaniel were to fall into a pod and Nicholas was frantically pressing buttons, trying to figure out how it worked, and suddenly the pod closed up and started filling with toxic orange goo, and Nathaniel was banging on the glass and yelling, screaming, pleading with his brother to save his life despite his obsession with dignity…
…would Nicholas keep pressing buttons?
I think he would.
I don’t think he would let his brother die.
Because he has the opposite of Fitz’s character flaws. He always sees the best in people. Especially his brother.
Nathaniel escapes. But he wonders, for the first time, if maybe Nicholas isn’t the traitor.
Just some Benedict brothers kotlc Vacker family au thoughts that no one asked for.
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lotsofsq · 4 months
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in honor of pride month i am posting these queer headcanon charts i made a while back!! happy gay everyone
[ID copied in alt text: two circles of pictures of the book and show characters respectively, accompanied by flags.
first chart is of my book characters queer headcanons. reynie: demiromantic andbisexual. sticky: nonbinary and bisexual. kate: bisexual. constance: aroace. SQ: demisexual and pan. the ten men: achillean and polyamorous. milligan: bisexual. Ms perumal: lesbian. rhonda: pansexual. Number Two: aroace, lesbian and transgender. Mr benedict. Transgender and Gay. Mr curtain: transgender, achillean and aromatic.
second chart is of my show characters queer headcanons. reynie: bisexual. sticky: transgender and bisexual. kate: sapphic. constance: aroace and agender. SQ: nonbinary and achillean. Martina: transgender and lesbian. milligan: bisexual. rhonda: pansexual. number two: aroace. transgender and nonbinary. Ms perumal: lesbian. Mr benedict: transgender and achillean. Dr curtain: transgender and aromantic.]
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bi-demon-ium · 1 month
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he has been awake for seventy-three hours straight (at MINIMUM)
(based on a conversation i had with @bytedykes)
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a-chess-lesson · 4 months
so y'all know the 'against the kitchen floor' meme?
and y'all know mr curtain's gay little cringefail dance?
(thanks to @personinthepalace for the footage; song is against the kitchen floor by will wood; inspired by that one Garfield video)
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thesorrowoflizards · 1 year
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heyitsthatonesmolgay · 2 months
What do y'all think Mr. Curtain's guilty pleasure music is? I'm thinking he'd have a secret thing for big band jazz, something about the chaos creating something beautiful despite the lack of control.
Also, thinking abiut Nathaniel's guilty pleasure music and coming up with like. Idk. He's a closet Swiftie, okay?
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tenmillionthfirefly · 5 months
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mbspolls · 1 year
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sophieswundergarten · 11 months
Had a really horrible half-asleep thought of a slightly modern AU where Curtain vlogs all the time
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nobodysdaydreams · 5 months
I know it's late for this, but here's how I think characters in the Mysterious Benedict Society would have reacted to the solar eclipse.
Nicholas- obviously he'd be so excited for this. The world goes dark, he passes out with joy.
Rhonda- buys everyone eclipse glasses and makes sure they understand the dangers of looking at the sun
Number Two- complains about the traffic because tons of tourists are coming for the eclipse and her mom has a ton of weird conspiracies about what the eclipse means, but once the eclipse is happening, she very much enjoys it.
Milligan- happy that he's able to experience such a unique and special moment with his daughter that he will treasure forever
Miss. Perumal- educates the children on how solar eclipses happen and bakes cookies for the watch party
Kate- climbs a tree so she can be closer to the sun and get a better view
Martina- was planning on forcing the tetherball team to practice through the eclipse, but begrudgingly cancels practice to join Kate in the tree
Reynie- is excited about the eclipse in a very average, but endearing way.
Sticky- is fascinated by and excited for the eclipse, but then he saw a video about what happened to that one person that stared at the sun and even though he knows that won't happen to him because he has the right glasses, he still can't get the thought out of his head. His friends help him calm down, and he ends up enjoying the eclipse.
Constance- pretends she doesn't care about it that much, but she actually does and writes an incredibly beautiful poem about it afterwards which she shows to no one.
Nathaniel/Curtain- cancels classes at the Institute to view the eclipse and somehow turns it into a metaphor about himself. I don't know exactly how he would do this, something about the moon being the darkness of Nicholas that blocks out the brilliance of the sun (himself), but the sun is all powerful and shall surely rise again, I don't know, something like that. However, if this happened during season 2, he would 100% incorporate it into his cult's doctrine just because he can. He'd make that the day and hour of his evil plans just for the symbolism.
Jackson and Jillson- they also saw the video about the people who stared at the sun and they have made it their personal mission to warn everyone about proper eye protection
SQ- he's happy to be able to spend the day with his dad watching the sky. He later draws a really beautiful picture of the eclipse.
Jeffers- stares directly at the sun and suffers permanent eye damage despite being warned multiple times
Dr. Garrison- fascinated by the eclipse for scientific reasons, but takes advantage of the distraction to escape and begin hatching an evil plot
Marlon- does not care at all that the eclipse is happening but goes along with whatever Curtain wants
Captain Noland- views the eclipse as a sign of coming doom
Cannonball- is 100% on board with whatever conspiracy Noland believes
Number Two's mom- views the eclipse as a sign of coming doom
Number Two's brother- is 100% on board with whatever conspiracy his mom believes
Number Two's sister- doesn't care at all that the eclipse is happening, but goes along with whatever her mom wants
And I know I've been doing mostly show characters, but...
Crawlings- stares directly at the sun and suffers permanent eye damage. But he only stared at it with one eye because he kept the other one closed thinking that would somehow save him from being burned, so now he wears an eyepatch over his bad eye, but that's not the same one as the one where he lost his eyebrow, so it doesn't cover that damage either, he just looks like a mess.
The Rest of the Ten Men- think Crawlings is an idiot for looking at the sun and claim they don't care at all that the eclipse is happening (Sharpe lowkey does, would never admit it).
Seymour, the orphanage cat- continues being a cat. Is very confused when it is suddenly nighttime. Then when its daytime again, he shrugs it off and goes about his business.
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myfairkatiecat · 1 year
still don’t know how I feel about it but I Did It
so I was like
I was having Benedict twin feelings
and I
I wrote a song???
I usually just write songs about stuff that happens in my life and then I shut them up in a book and forget them but I wrote A SONG ABOUT TMBS???
….all this tmbs musical writing is getting in my head.
ANYWAY. I don’t have a recording studio or anything and my voice definitely isn’t the *greatest* thing in the world but BECAUSE I LOVE YOU GUYS, I used my phone’s microphone to try to record SOMETHING like what it sounded like, so here you guys go!
have a Benedict twin inspired song!
(If you’re not interested in hearing my phone attempt to be a recording device and fail miserably, just scroll for lyrics :)
Lyrics under the cut:
once there were two boys
who shared the same life
same parents, same orphanage
same hair and eyes
two halves of an
imperfect whole
safe in the illusion
they were inseparable
one of them silently
tired of a life
in the shadow of a boy
who was his same height
the other was constantly
after respect
for himself and his brother
he wanted to protect
they were not the same
in more than just their name
you’d never know it
from pictures of them
you would never take
them for each other by mistake
not your average
identical twins
one day the life they shared
was split in two
and each of their hearts
had to learn to make do
with half of the whole
that they had once had
what made it imperfect was
it wasn’t built to last
they were not the same
in more than just their name
you’d never know it
from pictures of them
you would never take
them for each other by mistake
not your average
identical twins
one of them grew up
and grew a hard heart
a stone cold exterior
to protect from more harm
and one of them learned
to find a family of his own
he wasn’t complete
but he wasn’t alone
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lotsofsq · 1 month
the funny thing about nathaniel as the show version of mr curtain is he’s. nowhere near as smart at least when it comes to machinery
he didn’t come up with any of the inventions himself
as far as we know he only has honorary degrees
he had to (very poorly) pretend to understand the science behind the improvement and what it entailed
i know we’ve heard of some of his other achievements but nothing i’ve seen shows me he’s a genius in the same way. though his people skills are certainly much better
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bi-demon-ium · 9 months
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whose echo am i chasing: yours or mine? yours or mine? yours or mine?
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mvshortcut · 2 years
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The Mysterious Benedict Society + screenshotsofdespair - Part 2
Part 1 here
Part 3 here
Part 4: Book Edition here
Part 5 here
Original Posts: x x x x x x x x x x
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tmbswhodunit · 9 months
WHO DUN IT MBS CHALLENGE: Sirens of the Sea and Sky
Nicholas Benedict never told his friends the truth about what he was or where he came from. But when he discovered what his long-lost family was doing, he knew that it was his fault.
And that it would be up to him alone to stop it.
Nicholas had always feared the water and the hundreds of dark and terrible threats that hid beneath its surface. And yet, when he’d first realized the man sending the messages was Nathaniel, his own brother, he’d been ready to conquer that fear. To climb aboard the nearest vessel and sail towards the island, to confront his destiny and face his enemy once and for all.
His friends insisted it was too dangerous, but Nicholas knew what he had to do. The children were in danger, the world was in danger, and Nicholas was the only one who could save them.
So, under the cover of night, he snuck out of the cabin, found an abandoned fishing boat, and rowed out towards the island.
Nicholas trembled with every stroke, doing his best not to look down into the dark murky waters, which he knew were crawling with poisonous jellyfish, sharks, piranhas, sea serpents, venomous eels, and every other dangerous underwater creature imaginable. Of course the trained beasts wouldn’t stop him from coming to the island, but Nicholas knew if he tried escaping or turning back…well that would be another story.
Still he rowed on until he came to shore where he knew his brother’s men would be waiting for him.
They surrounded him at once, binding his arms as tightly as they could to his sides before they searched the boat and dragged him up the shore towards his brother’s lair.
Four large stone walls surrounded his brother’s fortress. The place seemed nearly impenetrable, though Nicholas knew that when it came to his brother, the trouble was never about whether you could fall into his traps.
It was whether you could get out.
The men roughly dragged him through the corridors until they finally arrived at Nathaniel’s office.
That’s when Nicholas saw him again.
There was no mistaking him: his cold and menacing presence, his shark-like grin, his terrible predatory eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness of the room.  
“Hello Nicky,” he cooed, his voice sounding sickly-sweet despite its threatening aura.
Nicholas gulped at the sight of his brother’s lair, which included large tanks filled with electric eels and piranhas that turned towards Nicholas the moment he entered the room. The hunger and viciousness in their eyes seemed to mirror Nathaniel’s own anticipation as he looked over his brother.
“I’m surprised you were brave enough to come up here alone. Impressed really. Though I must say I wasn’t happy with what my men found in your boat,” noted Nathaniel.  
“You know how I feel about nets Nicky.”
“It was fishing boat!” Nicholas protested.   
“I didn’t search it before I took it!”
“I suppose I could give you the benefit of the doubt,” mused Nathaniel.
“Or,” he suggested, as he grabbed hold of Nicholas and forced his head over one of the tanks.
“Perhaps I could introduce you to some of my pets. I’m sure they’d love to eat, I mean, meet you.”
“No, no, Nathaniel please, I promise didn’t come here to harm you! I came here to see you again.”
“Is that so? Well now you’ve seen me. Is that all?” asked Nathaniel, shoving his brother’s head closer to the tank, where the creatures inside were eagerly waiting, their mouths open and their hungry eyes fixed on their incoming meal.
“No,” admitted Nicholas.
“No, Nathaniel, I wanted to ask you, to beg you, to please stop this. Stop hurting these children, stop trying to destroy the world! I know how cruel life has been to you, how unfair it all was for you, and I’m sorry! I’m sorry for the part I played in it. Do whatever you want to me, but please don’t hurt anyone else. You don’t have to do this. This isn’t who you are! You’re better than this Nathaniel; I know you!”
Nathaniel roughly flung his brother on the floor next to the tank.
“You don’t know me at all,” he scoffed.
“As for doing whatever I want to you, believe me Nicky, I indeed to.”
With these words, Nathaniel grabbed his still bound brother with super human strength and dragged him down the hall.
Nicholas shivered against Nathaniel’s icy touch, but he knew there was nothing he could do to escape, not while his arms were tied at his sides.
They walked through a series of dark and cold underground passageways until they came upon a secret lair, connected by what seemed like miles of underground rivers and pools that spilled out into the bay.
There Nicholas saw a red-haired woman, with eyes that glowed just like his brothers.
“Impossible,” he whispered.
“She… she can’t be…”
Nathaniel smirked when he saw the reaction on Nicholas’s face.
“Did you really think I wouldn't be able to find anyone else like me?” he asked, flinging his brother forward.
Garrison examined the form of the man that had been thrown at her feet.
“Is he…” she asked, her eyes shining with a greedy hunger that matched Nathaniel’s own.
“Yes. He’s one of them. The last of them,” confirmed Nathaniel.
“And with our combined powers, there’s so much we can do to him. We could brainwash him to do whatever we want for the rest of his life. We could feed him to our pets. Or perhaps we should keep him as a pet. Our very own little songbird.”
“I like that idea. We could make him sing for us,” suggested Garrison.
“Use his power for ourselves.”
“Keep him in a cage,” mused Nathaniel, his eyes glowing with delight.
“No,” whimpered Nicholas.
“Not a cage! Nathaniel why are you doing this?” he cried.
“You’re my brother! You’re my family! I’m sorry! I love you! Please…please…”
For a moment, Nicholas thought he saw a hint of compassion in his brother’s face.
But it vanished as quickly as it came.
“Take his memories,” Nathaniel ordered.
“I can’t stand the sound of him crying.”
Garrison raised her arms.
“No, no, no!” begged Nicholas.
“Nathaniel, I don’t want to forget you! No matter how much you hurt me, or how much I hurt you, I never want to forget! Please, I can’t lose you again! For so long, I’ve missed my family, I came here for my family!” sobbed Nicholas.
“How can you take that away again so easily? Did I really mean so little?” asked Nicholas, his voice weak and terrified as he squeezed his eyes shut and prepared for what was about to happen. 
But the memory wiping and the pain that was sure to accompany it never came.
"Stop," ordered Nathaniel. 
Garrison lowered her arms.
No one said a word.
Then Nathaniel spoke.
“You think this is easy for me?” he asked.
“Do you think accepting that this is what I am, that this was my destiny, was ever easy for me?”
Nicholas was too scared and choked up to answer. It took everything in him to open his eyes look up at the monster in front of him, reminding himself that it was his brother, Nathaniel, underneath it all.
“For heaven’s sake,” muttered Nathaniel, cursing under his breath as he lifted his brother to his feet.
“Help me untie him.”
“Untie him? Are you out of your mind? If we untie him, he’s going to kill us!” objected Garrison, taking a step backwards away from Nicholas.
“He won’t. Trust me, he won’t. Just help me untie him,” sighed Nathaniel.
“You're sure about this?” asked Garrison.
“After everything we've worked for?”
Nathaniel took a long look at his brother, who was still shivering and shaking with fear.
“Yes,” he confirmed.
Garrison sighed and reluctantly began helping Nathaniel untie his brother.
“I hope you know what you’re doing,” she muttered.
“Nathaniel?” asked Nicholas.
“What are you doing? I don’t understand.”
“I thought I was finally strong enough to let you go, but I’m not,” answered Nathaniel.
“I was angry. I’m still angry, very angry, but none of this was never easy for me Nicky. Losing you was the hardest thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“Then don’t lose me,” begged Nicholas.
“You don't have to do this. Destiny can be rewritten.”
“You know that's not possible.”
“Our parents managed to do it!”
“And look what happened to them.”
“Nathaniel please,” begged Nicholas. 
“Stop what you’re doing. Come home.”
“Home?” asked Nathaniel.
“Yes,” said Nicholas.
“Our home. We can build a new one together. One that has room for both of us. The home our parents always wanted for our family. The home that we wanted for ourselves too, once.”
Nathaniel contemplated his brother’s offer.
“Nicky,” he began, his voice shaking with emotion.
But before Nathaniel could finish his sentence, a loud and terrible BOOM was heard from above.
Nathaniel, Nicholas, and Dr. Garrison rushed upstairs only to see a volley of cannonballs flying over one of the large stone walls that protected Nathaniel’s lair.
“We’re under attack!” shouted Garrison.
“By whom?” asked Nathaniel.
But their question was immediately answered when the MV Shortcut came crashing through one of their walls.
“Prepare to face justice!” declared Cannonball (the man not the actual cannonballs), who had in his hands the legal papers he intended to serve them.
“Hey Mr. Benedict. Woah! Who is that?” asked Kate, as the four children ran outside to examine the damage.
“How do they not know who Captain Noland is?” asked Jackson, crawling out of the nearby blueberry bush where he and Jillson had been waiting for their cue.
“Didn’t they meet him before?”
“No, that wouldn’t have been until season two,” Jillson explained.
“What is going on here? What happened?” asked Nathaniel.
“I’m afraid the perimeter is no longer secure sir. He’s broken the fourth wall!” yelled Jeffers, as he ran to join the others, huffing and puffing as he did so.
“Actually, we were the ones that did that,” clarified Jackson.
“No, he means literally,” explained Jillson.
Then Noland threw down his nets and dragged Nathaniel, Garrison, and Jeffers aboard the ship.
Nicholas gasped at the sight of poor Nathaniel and Dr. Garrison, trapped inside the nets.
He’d never seen anyone look so paralyzed with fear.
“Don’t worry. I’ll save us sir,” promised Jeffers, twisting and turning as he tried to escape (but only succeed in getting himself more tangled up in the net).
“For your crimes, you must walk the plank!” declared Noland as he fitted them each with a pair of water wings.
“Captain Noland,” begged Nicholas.
“Please, this is my brother! Can’t you show him mercy?”
“I’m afraid not,” said Noland gravely.
“The sea doesn’t show mercy, and as Captain, neither can I. It’s the only way to survive out on these waters.”
“It’s alright Nicky,” said Nathaniel, with a mischievous gleam in his eyes despite his apparent resignation.
“If this is the price of my sins, then it is a price I must pay. But before I do, would it be alright if I said a few final words?”
“Of course,” said Noland.
“It’s standard protocol to let a man have his last words before walking the plank.”
Nathaniel gave a wicked grin.
“No,” whispered Nicholas, realizing what his brother was about to do, but it was already too late to stop him.
A grand piano rolled itself across the deck.
“Where did that come from?” asked Constance.
A single spotlight shone down from the crow’s nest, its glowing golden light resting on the piano.  
Everyone fell silent.
Nathaniel sat down and began to play and sang a tune so beautiful and melodious it felt like the world was standing still.
“It’s…the final Curtain,” he sang.
“The final show. My time is up now, I have to go.”
“He’s…actually not that bad,” noted Reynie.
“In fact, is it just me or this...”
“...the most beautiful song I’ve ever heard,” said Sticky.
The others agreed, mesmerized by the loveliness of the song.
“Consumed by my own villainy and pride, now there’s no one left to stand at my side,” sang Nathaniel.
“Time to walk the plank, back to the sea. Its dark and shadowy depths, the only home left for me.”
Everyone wiped a tear from their eyes.
“But with this song, your attention do I take,” sang Nathaniel, with a villainous smile.
“A perfect cover for my grand escape.”
“Wait what did he say?” asked Kate.
“Did he just say escape?” asked Constance.
“I’m afraid so,” said Mr. Benedict as the music swelled and Nathaniel dramatically stood up from the piano and stretched out his arms.
“You see children, I’m afraid my brother is no ordinary evil school headmaster trying to take over the world.”
Soon all the children saw what Mr. Benedict meant, as magic blue sparkles began to surround Nathaniel and Sailor-Moon-ish magic girl transformation music filled the air.
Nathaniel’s legs fused together, and soon in their place was a dark blue merman’s tail.
He drove into the water.
“A SIREN!” yelled Noland, frantically grabbing for his harpoon gun.
“That’s how he was able to dazzle us with the magic of musical theater and make his escape!” realized Sticky.
Noland aimed his weapon, but it was too late.
Nathaniel disappeared beneath the waves.
“I knew it,” Noland gasped, tears in his eyes.
“I knew they were real. They didn’t believe me. They all said I was crazy, deranged, driven to the brink of insanity by “ocean madness” and flashbacks from the war, but I knew. I knew what I saw that night. I knew what really killed those men.”
“I never doubted you for a moment sir,” Cannonball assured him, as Noland reloaded his harpoon gun.
Dr. Garrison leapt into the air, going through her own magic girl transformation, until she too turned into a siren with a glittery orange tail. Then she dove headfirst over Nathaniel's shark infested moat, and made her way to the ocean. 
“Wow!” said Jillson. 
“Dr. Garrison was a mermaid and a recovering alcoholic!”
“A true #girlboss,” agreed Jackson.
“She even jumped the shark literally!”
“Though we’re all doing that metaphorically,” said Jillson. 
“Why didn’t you shoot her sir?” asked Cannonball, as Garrison swam over the horizon. 
“It took her nearly a full minute of girl power music to transform, surely you had enough time to get a shot in.”
“And dishonor myself by shooting someone in the middle of their magic girl transformation?” asked Noland.
“I may seek to rid the seas of these terrifying and vicious beasts, but even I wouldn’t dare stoop so low. A man has got to have a code, or we become no better than the monsters we were born to destroy.”
Cannonball nodded solemnly.
Then Jeffers leapt into the air, attempting his own magic girl transformation, but he only succeeded in face planting onto the deck and knocking himself out.
“Huh,” said Reynie.
“I guess he was just a regular guy.”
“Who cares about Jeffers?” asked Sticky.  
“Dr. Curtain is a siren! An evil merman that brainwashes people and lures them to their deaths!”
“It makes so much sense!” exclaimed Reynie.
“That’s why Dr. Curtain was able to use music to make the Whisperer’s messages so powerful!”
“And why he refused to serve anything other than seaweed salad in the cafeteria!” added Kate.
“And why when we snuck out to the woods to send a message in morse code that one night, we caught him wading in the water and staring out at the horizon, muttering to himself that one day he would free those imprisoned down below in the eternal darkness and call upon his armies to rise from the ocean in support of their true king. Then at last, the creatures of the sea would enslave all of humanity, ushering in a reign of cruelty and terror that would last a thousand years!” gasped Sticky.  
Constance shrugged.
“I can control water with my mind too, but I don’t say weird stuff like that, so I just thought Curtain had mental problems.”
“If only it were that simple,” sighed Mr. Benedict.  
“Wait…” said Reynie.
“Mr. Benedict…if your twin brother is a siren, then doesn’t that mean that you’re a siren too?”
“Impossible!” exclaimed Number Two.
“Mr. Benedict can’t swim!”
“And he refuses to get near the water,” added Rhonda.
“When did you guys get here?” asked Kate.
“We’ve been here all along,” said Number Two.
“Really?” asked Sticky.  
“No, we stole a submarine and snuck in during Curtain’s song,” explained Milligan.
“But regardless of how and when we got here, there is no way that Mr. Benedict is some sort of sea monster!” exclaimed Rhonda.
“It’s true,” said Nicholas sadly.
“I’m not a siren like my brother, but I am something else. Alas, I’m afraid I now must tell you the truth about my heritage. My mother was a siren, yes, a terrible and cruel, yet beautiful, monster of the sea who lured sailors to their deaths with her music, but my father was something else entirely, though he was also gifted in song. His species had many names. Some called them angels. Some called them songbirds, sirens of the sky, but in truth, my father, he…he was a birdman.”
“A what?” asked Kate.
“A birdman,” explained Mr. Benedict. “You know how merpeople have tails instead of legs? Well, a birdman has wings instead of arms. And that’s what I am.”
Magic pink sparkles began to surround Mr. Benedict as more magic girl transformation music filled the air.
Soon his arms were replaced by a pair of white fluffy wings.
“You see…” said Mr. Benedict sadly, his giant wings drooping with sorrow as he spoke.
“There was once a great and terrible war. The noble and virtuous birdpeople of the sky who sought to protect humanity fought against the dark and villainous sirens of the ocean who sought to wipe out humanity and take the earth for themselves. My parents were some of the greatest rulers and fighters in the battle. It was once prophesied that the two of them were destined to destroy each other in order to win the war for their respective side. Their species were natural enemies in every way, and they never meant to fall in love, it should have been impossible, but sometimes love comes in the most beautiful and unexpected of ways. They thought they could rewrite their destinies and build a life together. And they did, for a while. My father built me a nest next to the bay, where my mother had a small reef for her and Nathaniel. Birdpeople and merpeople (or sirens, whatever you’d like to call them), naturally fear each other from birth, so they wanted us to get used to one another. At first, Nathaniel and I were scared of each other, but eventually, at the encouragement of our parents, we began to play together. Nathaniel would swim to the surface and bring me shells, and I’d find pebbles and sticks for him. At night our parents would sing us lullabies. My father’s voice was very loving and gentle, and my mother’s voice was beautiful, haunting and frightening in some ways, but very beautiful. And when they sang together, it was the loveliest sound you could ever hope to hear. But our happy family didn’t last long. The other sirens and birdpeople discovered us. When they did, the sirens branded my mother a traitor, and wanted to kill me and my father and kidnap Nathaniel, to raise him themselves in order to make him into the ruler my mother failed to be. A powerful tyrant without mercy or compassion who would wipe out humanity and the birdpeople in the name of the sirens. The birdpeople were a bit more understanding, but remained firm in their promise to protect humanity. There was a spell, one powerful enough to banish the sirens to the darkest depths of the ocean. A spell that would have affected all sirens, my mother and brother included. The birdpeople did succeed in casting the spell and winning the war, but they did so at a terrible price. It weakened them so badly that the rest of the birdpeople are gone now. I’m the last one alive. The rest of the species is extinct. My father died too, but not because of the spell. He vowed to have no part in it if it meant banishing his family. So he cast his own spell, to protect my mother and brother. But that spell too cost him everything. My father, he…I’m afraid he flew too close to the sun. Literally and metaphorically. You see, it was foretold that my parents would destroy each other and win the war for their side, and they did, but not in the way either of them were expecting. My father died because of his love for my mother, and my mother died too, in way, because she became a different person after loving my father. The sirens succeeded in their goal of wiping out the birdpeople, and the birdpeople succeed in their goal of saving humanity from the sirens. My parents couldn’t escape their fates, no matter how much they loved each other.”
“Aw gee wiz Mr. Benedict, that’s a total bummer! I’m so sorry,” said Reynie.
“What happened to your mother?” asked Constance.
“Well,” said Mr. Benedict.
“My mother knew that if the rest of the sirens ever escaped captivity, I would never be accepted among them because of what I was, and she didn’t want Nathaniel to grow up among a race of people who would only encourage him to use his power to destroy and conquer. She didn’t want them to turn her son into the monster that she once was. So after our father died, instead of raising us in the ocean, she did what she thought was right and left us to grow up here, among humans. I tried to make the best of it, but Nathaniel, he always wrestled with the desire to control, destroy, hunt, and kill. He could never get rid of it. I suppose it’s only natural, given what he is, but perhaps if I had done more for him, if I could have done something to change our fates, then maybe,”
Mr. Benedict broke down in tears, his wings drooping lower than ever.
“It’s not your fault Mr. Benedict,” comforted Sticky.
“I just wish you would have told us,” said Rhonda.
“So what now?” asked Reynie.
“Now?” sighed Nicholas.
“Now my brother could be anywhere in the ocean. Maybe a part of him is truly repentant of what he tried to do, or maybe he’s gone to claim his birthright, rallying the remaining legions of sirens to his cause. I suppose I’ll never know.”
“In the meantime, we ought to evacuate the island,” suggested Milligan.
“Oh, and Kate, by the way, I had some repressed memories come back and I think I might be your dad, and possibly a marine biologist/secret agent who works for the government. I’m sorry it took me so long.”
“That’s alright,” said Kate.
“As long as you’re not secretly a mythical creature too.”
Milligan smiled and the others laughed as they went off to help evacuate the island.
Then Nicholas stood alone on the beach.
He looked out over the water, and slowly approached where the waves met the sand.
His instincts had always driven him away from the water, but now his love for his family was stronger than his fear.
He cautiously dipped his toes in, and at once, several little fish swam up to him.
Nicholas whimpered, but the fish didn’t attack him.
They simply stared at him, as if they had come to greet him.
“Oh…hello,” said Nicholas softly.
“I’m not sure if you know my mother or my brother, but if you do, could you please tell them that I’ve missed them?”
“I missed you too.”
Nicholas looked up to see Nathaniel’s head, just visible above the surface of the water, as if it were beach ball floating on top of the waves.
“I’m sorry Nicky. I’m sorry for everything, but I can’t stay here. Not anymore. The world would only see me as a monster now, and I supposed they’d be right.”
“No, no, Nathaniel, you’re not a monster! You’re my brother, you…you can’t go,” protested Nicholas.
“I have to Nicky. The ocean is where I belong. I don’t want to destroy the world anymore, but this is a part of myself that I’ve misused and hated for far too long. It’s time I learned to understand it,” explained Nathaniel.
“But before I go, I need to tell you something. Many years ago, I found an abandoned egg. A birdman egg. I knew the poor child inside would die with no one to look after him, and given that I was perhaps the only man or siren on the planet who knew how to take care of such a rare and strange creature, I took him in. Raised him as my own.”
“You found another birdman?” asked Nicholas.
“But I thought that I was the only one left.”
“So did I,” said Nathaniel.
“And yet there he was. A tiny egg, alone on the beach. My son. He hatched about fourteen years ago, and I've cared for him ever since. He loves the birds, the trees, the clouds, the sunshine, and everything else I despise, and yet,”
“and yet you love him,” finished Nicholas.
“Yes,” admitted Nathaniel.
“But I never told him the truth about what he was, and I never taught him how to activate his wings.”
“Nathaniel…you didn’t,” said Nicholas, his voice shaking as he realized what this meant.
“You didn’t…you didn’t put him in a cage, did you?”
“What? No, Nicky, no, I merely used my powers to ground him. To keep him from flying,” explained Nathaniel.
“I know how it sounds, but I worried that if I let him fly, then maybe one day his instincts would compel him to fly away, up into the sky where I couldn’t follow. Where he might fly too close to the sun, both literally and metaphorically.”
“Just like our father,” said Nicholas.
“But now, he has you,” said Nathaniel.  
“Someone who can fly with him, someone who can protect him, someone who can teach him the sky. Now I must go back to the sea where I belong. Perhaps one day our paths will cross again.”
“I hope so,” said Nicholas.
“And Nathaniel, if you find our mother, could you tell her that her son misses her?”
Nathaniel nodded.
“I will Nicky.”
And then he was gone.
Nicholas walked back to shore and eventually did find his nephew, who took the whole “your-dad-is-a-siren-who-left-to-find-himself-and-you’re-actually-a-birdman” thing surprisingly well.
“I actually figured out Dad was an evil merman a long time ago,” he explained.
“We used to watch this show together, “H2O: just add water”, about these Australian teen girls who could turn into mermaids. And Dad would always complain that the characters never used their powers to lure men to their deaths. He said it was inaccurate representation and was super passionate about it, but he also always kind of acted like the girls in the show. Like, when he got angry and water randomly boiled around him or he accidentally froze something, he’d play it off and pretend it was “the wind”, but it was really obvious that he had evil merman powers. He wasn’t good at hiding his abilities, and the tanks of dangerous sea animals he kept all over the house really didn’t help. His speeches about humans being parasites that polluted the ocean and deserved to be slaughtered were also a pretty big tip off.”
Nicholas nodded.
“I guess he was weird, but everyone on the island was a little strange,” added SQ.
“My dad’s friend Dr. Garrison was better at hiding her powers, but I always knew something was up with her. I also think his security guard Jeffers thought he had mermaid powers. He’d wave his hands around the automatic water fountain and try to act all mysterious, but it was pretty clear the poor guy was just delusional. Oh, and then there were those other employees, Jackson and Jillson, who were always talking about their connection to “the land beyond the story, where the readers see us all” but no one really knows what they were talking about.”
“What about you?” asked his uncle.
“How are you doing?”
“Better, now that I know the truth about myself,” said SQ.
“But what about my dad? Will I ever see him again?”
Nicholas looked out over the water.
“I’m sure we will. You shouldn't take his departure personally. Sirens don't typically raise their young for very long, my mother was the same way, but they do remember and feel connected to their family. I'm sure he'll come back. Sirens are seasonal migrators. Your father grew up near these waters, he’s bound to return next year.”
“But what about Captain Noland?” asked SQ.
“And his nets and harpoons?”
“Oh,” said Nicholas.
“I wouldn’t worry about that. Noland may be a fine shot, but I doubt he’d be able to aim accurately when listening to your father’s song.”
“That’s true,” agreed SQ, as he and his uncle soared up into the clouds.
On the shore, Jackson and Jillson watched them fly off into the sunset.
“Do you think the author knows how to end this fic?” asked Jackson.
“No,” said Jillson.
“But I think we do.”  
“Absolutely!” exclaimed Jackson.
“Hit it!”
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