#Nat? answering a question on their blog for the first time in two years? more likely then you’d think
tfw-adhd · 1 year
hey I think your venn diagrams are great but I was looking through them and got the the autism/adhd/ptsd one and I think there is a big thing missing from it - ptsd (or cptsd) is a *symptom* of autism in a lot of cases, altho ppl don't like to frame it this way bc it requires talking about how often NT ppl traumatize autistic kids regardless of whether they mean to, so imo there should really be something in the empty box of that diagram about sources of trauma being related to autism
Sent Sept ‘22~ (I’m very behind, I know)
Whilst I understand the point you’re trying to make, PTSD isn’t a symptom of Autism. You’re right that Autistic children often end up traumatised due to the way they’re treated, but that’s more of a social link. Autism itself, without the presence of Neurodivergent people being bullied, doesn’t cause PTSD.
I wouldn’t list PTSD as a symptom of Autism for the same reason I wouldn’t list a full fledged Anxiety Disorder as one - Autistic people are a lot more prone to these things and they’re often comorbid, but they’re a completely different diagnosis and not a symptom.
(So no one gets confused by that comparison: Higher than normal levels of anxiety IS a symptom of Autism. However an anxiety disorder is a different diagnosis. While it may be triggered by navigating life as an autistic person, it wouldn’t be symptom, it would just be comorbid.)
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angstysebfan · 3 years
The Past Can Break You - 4
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
AU: Avengers
Summary: You and Bucky have been dating for aa few years. As far as you’re concerned he is the one. But what happens when a blast from the actual past shows up?
A/N: Ive seen a lot stories of Bucky getting his first love from the 40′s back. And I’ve always wondered... what would happen if he was dating someone already? Reader is from this time. Not proofread.
Warning: honestly probably not the best ive written... sorry
It’s been almost a week since you told Bucky you needed space. You have barely come out of your room, because you didn’t want to see him, and especially her. You wonder if this is really the end of your relationship. You are grateful that he has given you space, and according to Nat, he hasn’t gone near Dot. Dot has been spending a lot of time down in the lab with Tony. Wanting to learn about technology. Good luck to her.
Over the last few days you have been waking up to soft knocking on your door. You go to open the door and find a single red rose with no note. You figure it is Bucky, and while it makes your heart flutter, you force yourself to leave in on your dresser. As you walk down to the kitchen to eat breakfast you see Nat sitting at the counter.
“Morning, Nat,” you say quietly.
She smiles softly at you, “Morning. How are you feeling?” she asks.
You shrug as you continue making your coffee and grab your fixings for cereal. When you turn around you see Bucky sleepily walk into the kitchen. You look at the bags under his eyes and he stops short and stares at you. You feel your heart break when you know that he doesn’t sleep well without you. 
“Morning, Doll,” he says, completely ignoring Nat’s existence.
“Good morning Bucky,” you say. You decide to take your breakfast to go and shuffle around him as he walks further into the room. You stop and turn to look at him again, “Thank you for the roses. They are beautiful, “ you say before leaving.
Bucky sighs heavily when you leave and looks at Nat. “God I hope this works. I can’t live like this much longer, Nat. I miss her so goddamn much,” he says as he puts his face in his hands. 
“Barnes man up. This will work. She commented on the roses. She is hurt and doesn’t trust you, which you can’t blame her for. But the fact that she thanked you, tells me that she appreciates you putting in the effort. It’s time to do this. Let her know that you are serious about making her a priority. Now I bought everything. You go get ready and I will get her there, okay?” She says.
Bucky nods and heads out of the kitchen to get ready. He hopes that this will work. He is hoping that if anything it will show you how much he loves you and how much he wants to be with you. But he would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous that you will reject him also. But Nat seems to think this will work, so we will see.
You are sitting on your bed, watching Netflix when there is a knock on your door. You call for them to enter and see Nat walk through the door. She walks over and sits on your bed.
“Hey honey, how are you holding up?” she asks as she sits.
You shrug, hugging yourself. “I-I miss him. But I’m still mad at him. But I want to talk to him. But I’m scared that it will end,” you say.
Nat pulls you into a hug, “Honey, I promise he has been moping in his room all week. I don’t think he has gone near her once. Steve has been watching over her, and she has been spending a lot of time in the lab, which is weird, but whatever. He told her he was done and he meant it. Talk to him,” she says.
You can’t help the tears, “Has be been... okay?” you ask.
“He misses you. He wants to make it up to you. Are you ready to hear him out, and have a conversation with him?” Nat asked.
You sigh and think about whether or not you are ready. You look at her and node slowly, causing her to smile. “Good. I was hoping that would be your answer. Now get up and put...” she ran to the bedroom door and grabs a box from the hallway she left there, bringing it back to the bed. “This on. I’ll meet you in the garage in 1 hour,” she says before leaving. You open the box and gasp.
When Nat pulls up to the edge of Central Park, you look at her in question. She nods telling you to go ahead. You get out of the car and start walking down the path. As you get closer to the clearing, you hear light music. You continue walking and finally enter the clearing where you recognize you had your first date with Bucky. You look around and see roses everywhere and candles, along with music.
Finally your eyes meet Bucky, who is standing in the middle of open space. He is wearing a navy blue suit, that matches your navy blue dress that Nat gave you. He has shaved his beard to some light scruff, that makes you swoon. His hair is cut short, and looks so soft. You see he is nervous as he waits for you to make a move.
“Hi Bucky,” you say. 
He sighs and gives you a small smile, “Hi baby. I’m glad you came,” he says as he steps up to you with another rose in his hand.
He hands it to you, which causes you to smile, “Well Nat didn’t exactly give me much of a choice,” you say.
He laughs, “Yea, she has been helping me set up all of this. I’m so glad you are here. I-I wanted to... I... Baby, I can’t even find the words to apologize for being such an ass. But I’m done. I told Dot she had to deal with things herself. I told her that you were the one I want. And, I haven’t seen her since. I know that it will take a lot more than a date and begging to get you to forgive me, but I hope that we can recreate our first date because I fell in love with you that night. Not that I am expecting anything, but I owed you, and--”
You cut Bucky off with you lips slotting on his. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you impossibly close. “Bucky, I’m ready to talk. I’m ready to fix this. I’ve missed you. I love you so much, and the fact that you are doing all of this, means so much to me. This isn’t going to fix everything, but I’m ready to talk,” you say.
Bucky leads you to the table and you both sit and talk about the situation. You talk about your fears and how you felt when Dot arrived. You expressed how his actions affected you, and Bucky took everything in stride. When you finally finished going through everything, Bucky then told you how the last thing he wanted was to hurt you. He felt that he owed it Dot, because he knows how scary it is to wake up in a different time. And while he used to have love for Dot, the moment he met you and started to date you, Dot no longer held his heart. Only you. 
He told you that he will never put anything ahead of you or your relationship again. After you both agreed you will move back into your room, but Bucky still has a lot of things to make up for. You then danced the night away under the stars. You both eventually make your way back to your shared apartment. Bucky surprised you with new lingerie, the same pair he ruined that night. You got a redo of that date night, and this time, Bucky made sure you had several more orgasms, before finishing himself. No interruptions, no ex’s, just the two of you reclaiming your love on each other.
Dot had been trying to figure out what she could do to split you and Bucky up for good. She knew you would be pathetic and fall for his charms again, just like all the girls from back in the day. She had to step up her game in this century though, and who better to learn from then one of the smartest men who happen to live in the compound also.
She started to spend time with Tony to learn the ins and outs of technology in the 21st century. He also taught Dot how utilize FRIDAY. showed her all the fun and cool thing that no one cared to know. Dot made sure she seemed completely excited and interested, which helped Tony’s ego and gave her more information. Eventually Dot figured out something that she could use. 
She smiled when she saw both you and Bucky going into shared apartment after your date. While she hated the idea of you and Bucky together, she knew that she could use her new knowledge against you. And now was the perfect time to put that in motion.
Chapter 3 / Chapter 5
Not 100% how I feel about this chapter. I felt like it was getting too long so I cut it, but maybe I shouldn’t have. So I’m sorry if it’s not as good. But DRAMA ALERT!! What is Dot going to do? Feedback is appreciated!
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emcon-imagines · 4 years
a real charmer
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gif characters: Wanda Maximoff x reader  words: 1624 summary: you’ve tried your best to hide your feelings for Wanda, but when you’re assigned together on a mission, the butterflies become hard to ignore... and you’re pretty sure she knows it a/n: I couldn’t resist writing some fluff for Valentine’s Day adfhjdfhajkf I hope you all had a good one I love you all very much and also happy one year of this blog!
You hardly knew the day of the week, much less the date, each day of the mission blending into the next as you tried your best to adjust to the strange hours needed for surveillance, the late nights and the early morning wake up calls. 
“It’s busy out,” you remarked to Wanda as you walked back to the hotel room that night, each of you clutching a bag of take-out in your hands and trekking through the thin layer of snow on the sidewalk. Your exposed hands were growing numb out in the cold, even as you tried to tuck them into the sleeves of your coat and continue holding onto your food. I should have worn gloves like she said. “Where did all these people come from?”
“Probably because of the holiday,” Wanda said, glancing at one of the restaurants as a peal of laughter escaped from inside, a couple opening up the front door.
“Holiday?” It took you a moment, and you felt the heat rising into your cheeks as Wanda laughed, watching you think.
“Valentine’s Day?” she finally reminded you.
“Oh, right,” you said, shrugging and trying to conceal your embarrassment, somehow just talking about the day itself made you freeze up in a way you didn’t around the others. “Somehow I thought February just started. That whole week before this mission was a blur.” Everything felt so easy around her. It’s only because we’re teammates. We work well together. 
“This is us,” Wanda said, reaching out to grab you and steer you back to the door of the Airbnb, behind it a staircase that led to the studio apartment on the third floor. You had almost walked completely past it, the place hidden between a late-night café and a pub that had only just opened.
“I wonder how Steve and Nat are doing,” you said as you placed your food down to lock the door behind you before starting up the stairs. “They’re on watch tonight.”
“I’m dying for a full night of sleep,” Wanda said, ahead of you, ducking her head into her shoulder as she yawned and unlocked the upstairs door. “I’m just glad for that tonight.”
“I’ll probably stay up and listen in on the comms anyways.” You kicked your boots off on the mat inside and tugged off your coat, too tired to even hang it up and instead tossing it over one of the chairs. “Might be something interesting.”
“Uh-huh,” Wanda said, like she didn’t quite believe you. “One hour. One hour and you’ll be asleep.”
You sat down on the floor, back up against the bed and cracked open the plastic container of fried rice, before rummaging through the bag to pull out the two crab rangoons you had gotten on the side. Not even using a plate, you bit into one, savoring the fried goodness. “Sleep is for the weak. You know, as the strongest Avenger... shit.” You looked down at your shirt, where filling from the crab rangoon had fallen. “Shit.”
“You were saying?” Wanda asked, sitting down across from you, passing you a napkin before you even asked. She looked around the small Airbnb, taking it all  as she ate, looking out the window behind you, where the city lights appeared almost frozen in the chilled air outside. “Well... Happy Valentine’s Day,” she said, and as you dabbed at your shirt with the napkin, you realized that her eyes were on you.
“Oh, yeah,” you said, laughing. “What a way to spend it.”
“Rude,” she said, completely deadpan, causing you to look and see the twinkle in her eyes. “I’m kidding.”
“I meant the fact that we’re stuck on a mission!  Not because--”
“--you’re stuck here with me?” Wanda asked, clicking her tongue as she opened her water bottle and cocked her head with an easy smile. “Has anyone told you what a charmer you are, y/n?”
“All the time,” you said, pushing down the butterflies in your stomach, the way she was looking at you making you feel pinned down to the spot, unable to move. Lightheaded, even. “Yeah, had tons of dates lined up back in New York before this mission came up.”
“Mm. Sure.”
The conversation moved on and you relaxed again, back into the normal, joking persona you used to deflect any other feelings you may be having. You discussed the mission, movies that you loved, the tiny dog you saw on your way back to the apartment, Tony’s faux pas in the meeting the other week, the two of you laughing as you recalled Steve’s expressions and Tony’s attempted recovery.
You leaned your head against the bed, wiping a tear from the corner of your eye as you tried to stop laughing and throw away the trash from your dinner, collecting Wanda’s as well and washing out the containers at the sink. “If they ever crack time travel, that’s the first place I’m going,” you said. “February 6th, 2016. Noon. The Avengers Compound. The conference room. Just to see that play out one more time.”
Wanda sat down on the bed, and even though you had shared a bed before (as teammates, we’re teammates) something felt different as she turned on the television and flipped through the channels while you finished washing up. You paused in the kitchen alcove, away in the dark, biting your lip as you stared down at the floor. It’s all in your head. Just act normal. You’re friends. Teammates. Nothing’s changed.
With an quiet sigh, you returned to the main area and changed into more comfortable clothes before opening up your laptop on the desk and tuning into Natasha and Steve’s comms. Avoidance. That’s what you did, that’s what you always did. You looked out the window as Wanda got changed for bed, the comms silent and the TV chattering quietly in the background, the lights going out one by one until the room was only illuminated by the television and your screen. You rubbed your tired eyes with your thumb and index finger and looked back at the bed to see Wanda watching you.
“Hi,” you said, though it came out more like a question.
“Hey,” she said, and the butterflies started again as time seemed to stop entirely. She lifted up the corner of the comforter, inviting you in. “I know you’re tired. I’m sure Steve and Natasha can handle whatever comes up just fine.” You looked back at the laptop, and just as you did so, it close with a click, red energy dissipating around you. Wanda laughed, and you glanced over at her shyly, more shy than you had even been in your life.
“I’ll rest, but I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep,” you mumbled, staring at the floor as you walked over to her and climbed in. “Why do I feel like this is a trap?”
“Probably because it is,” she replied, wrapping her arm around you and turning you to face her, Wanda’s hair tickling the side of your face as your breath hitched in your throat.
“Oh. Hi,” you said again, laughing, not sure what else to say, your brain completely shutting down. “Did you... did you read my mind earlier?” you murmured, lifting your head up.
“With you, I don’t have to,” Wanda said. “You’re not exactly subtle.” She smiled a little. “Even though I know you try very hard to be.”  Her green eyes were wide, as if she had just asked a question and was waiting for an answer.
It only took you a second to answer, you closing the gap between the two of you as you kissed her, feeling her widening smile against your lips as she kissed you back, placing her hand on the side of your face, your cheek warm and tingly just from her touch.
Her kisses were slow, tender, as if you two had all the time in the world, tucked away on that snowy February night. When the two of you separated, both of you started giggling again, her laying back on her pillow and pulling you down with her, hand just below your ribcage and you curled up next to her. Her thumb rubbed gently near your lowest rib, back and forth, back and forth.
“I’m... not to change the subject like this,” she said, “but what the hell is that?” she said gesturing at the television, where some extreme lifestyle show was playing out, sending you two into another fit of laughter, the absurd late night program only adding to the strangeness of it all. 
“You put it on!” you exclaimed, your head tucked just below her chin, her laughter coming from her chest and resonating in your head.
“Honestly? I wasn’t really paying attention.”
“Well, don’t turn it off,” you said, yawning and shutting your eyes. “This is... absolutely riveting.”
“Thought you said you weren’t going to sleep,” Wanda teased, her hand combing through your hair as she placed another kiss to your forehead, causing your cheeks to flush again. 
“Well, you trapped me, so I guess I have no choice,” you joked drowsily. “Guess I’ll have to sleep.” You opened your eyes, tilting your head to look up at her. “Um... Happy Valentine’s Day.” There was so much more you wanted to tell her, but for now it was all you could muster. “I’m glad I’m spending it with you.”
“Me too.”
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overclocksaa · 3 years
a breakdown of the two ways (main) blog canon here splits, because it comes in two flavors, determination for what you get (unless we plot first if you’d rather do something completely new) is determined by location because:
⭍  001 //  complicated, if a good bit canon compliant.  tony and steve ( @avengerled ) have finally ended the approximately twenty year stalemate of will they won’t they, and somebody made a bundle of money on the communal betting pool.  we hope it was peter and we hope he didn’t spend it all in one place.  890 fifth avenue has been redone (again) as a private home (again - though it’s suspiciously ready to be flipped as an avengers hq if the mountain should fall) because tony is a hopeless romantic who likes big romantic gestures and it’s still the only real home he and steve have ever known.  starbrand baby (halley, because we do not let tony name things in this house and we probably shouldn’t let steve do it, either) has a real family instead of a bunch of come and go avengers raising her at the north pole, with no forced age ups.  they are disgusting.  they are obnoxious.  they can say i love you and shoulder touch at the same time now, the avengers are truly suffering more than they thought they would.  contributing to this asshattery is clint ( @hitsharder ), who occasionally has his security clearance revoked for crimes against pantries and good taste and occasionally actually being in trouble with the actual law.  nat ( @shespy ) who refuses to crate train clint and does not perceive him being dumb, while also plotting running away with tony when clint and steve start world war iii between them.  kate bishop ( @bowcarried ) who has basically wormed her way into this reluctant little family becoming another niece tony never asked for but got saddled with anyway.  and a slew of other people occasionally making an appearance against their wills.  all happening against the backdrop of current comic canon. used:  general interactions where no plotting has taken place / as default main verse #1 / things taking place in new york without plotting
⭍  002 //  canon divergent post-winter soldier 2018.  canonically tony and bucky ( @avengerled ) went on a fireworks date, and then...nothing, but this answers the question of what if tony just flat out didn’t realize it was a date.  the answer is that tony will get blindsided by the knowledge that he and bucky have apparently been dating for a while and ends with tony being one half of a cat dad duo while still doing his avenger thing and occasionally helping out with bucky’s relocating people wanting out of bad situations gig on a need to know basis while adapting to life outside of the big cities and investing in off bug spray because seriously fuck mosquitos.  outside of the occasional hydra drive-by and digging out hydra and aim and bad guy acronym of the week enclaves that have burrowed like ticks in flyover country, this is a story about two superheroes who love each other very much and how sometimes a family is a billionaire, a gremlin from wwii, an ai dottir, the cat matriarch, and five kittens someone stuffed in their free candy van and bought home.  or also known as how i domesticated my feral superhero husband and made him learn to do laundry and take out the trash, a true story. used:  general interactions where no plotting has taken place / as default main verse #2 / things taking place outside of new york without plotting
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Becoming A Stark? (1) Peter Parker X Stark! Fem Reader
A/N: This will eventually be a Peter Parker X Stark! femReader. However, there was backstory needed so Peter won’t be introduced until Chapter Six. This takes place after Iron Man 3 but before AOU. However time is wishy washy and will pass in weird ways so lol opps. Let me know if you want to be tagged.
Word Count: 3073
Warnings: Swearing
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You feel it in your soul that you will hate Tony Stark for the rest of your life. It doesn’t matter that you’re related to him. It doesn’t matter that you’re his daughter. He ripped you from everything you’ve ever known. You were happy living with your grandparents. Sure they were getting up there in age, but you were happy. You had a life, you had friends, hell you had been working on moving forward with your crush and were hoping to have a date to homecoming this year. But all of that was ruined the day that Tony Stark waltzed through your front door. You can’t help but think back to that interaction. 
“Nana, who’s this?”
“Tony Stark. Genius, billionaire, philanthropist, Iron Man, to name a few things. I’d offer a hand but that’s not something I normally do. I guess, maybe I should due to the circumstances but…” It’s not the first time you’ve seen his face. The Avengers have saved New York a few times, but it is the first time you’ve seen him up close. The dark haired stranger trails off and you’re put off by his attitude alone. Why was someone this stuck up standing in your living room? So instead of saying anything, you turn your head back to your book. Tony decides to take a seat at the opposite end of the couch and tries again. “What are you reading?” 
Instead of answering, you just hold up the book and let him read the cover. Once and Future, spelled out on the spine of the book that you had removed the book jacket from while you read. “Y/N, maybe put the book down for a few minutes. I think Mr. Stark-”
“Tony is fine.”
“I think Tony and you need to discuss something.” You hesitantly pick up the receipt you had been using as a bookmark and slide it into the book, not wanting to leave Ari Helix behind, but you wouldn’t be rude to your Nana on a good day. On a day that you had trudged through the snow in your converse, maybe, but not on purpose.
“I don’t know him. I don’t think we have anything to discuss.”
“You’re right, we don’t know each other yet, but I’m hoping that will change with everything that’s going to happen.”
“What’s going to happen?” You can feel your eyebrows fall towards your eyes as you feel as though something is about to change without your permission.
“Well Y/N, I’m… I’m your dad.”
“Bullshit.” You say quickly. “Tony Stark doesn’t have kids. And if he did, there would have been a fucking gossip blog screaming about it already.”
“Well you definitely have my mouth if nothing else.” Tony adds with a chuckle. 
“I don’t have anything of yours, because you’re not my dad. I never want to see you again. Get the fuck out.” You push off the couch and turn to run off to your room.
“See that’s going to be a little tough seeing as you're supposed to come live with me.”
“What the fuck did you just say?” You turn on your heels, the anger building quickly. You’ve always been a bit of a hot head, but in this moment you don’t even try to control your temper. “I have a home, thank you very kindly. I don’t fucking know you. And I’m not looking to find a dad anytime soon.” The words spit out of you before you can stop any of them. 
“See the thing is, you’re fourteen and I’m your dad. Custodially, you’re supposed to live with me.”
“See the thing is,” you mock before continuing, “You didn’t care for fourteen years, so I don’t give a shit what you think you’re supposed to be doing custodially.” You can’t help but add air quotes around the word custodially. It burns as it leaves your lips. He hasn’t cared about you for fourteen years, why start now? 
“That’s because I didn’t know you existed Y/N. I found out about you twenty four hours ago and I’m stepping up now.” The words leave his mouth in an exasperated tone, but he doesn’t raise his voice.
“How what?”
“How did you find out about me?” 
“Your high school.”
“When you registered for school they had your birth certificate. They needed more information. Since it listed me as your father, they reached out to Nat- to my assistant. It was quite the shock to me that my child’s school was reaching out to me, since I didn’t know I had a child but the timing adds up and looking at you, it makes a lot of sense.”
“You were listed on my birth certificate?” This question was aimed at your grandparents more than at Tony-your father.
“We didn’t know if it was true or not. Your mom was in a bad place when she had you Y/N. So we had to take everything she said with a grain of salt. Was she beautiful and loving and did she love you? Yes completely. But did a lot of what she said during that time make sense? No, not at all.” Your nana says as she sits down on the couch, rubbing her knee. It’s probably another bad day. If you leave, who will make sure Nana and Pops are ok?
“I can’t go with you.” You cross your arms as you speak to Ton-your father.
“Why not?” His eyebrow raises over his square glasses.
“‘Cuz someone has to help Nana and Pops around the house.”
“I’ll make sure there’s a nurse helping them. Or better we can move them into a nursing facility where they don’t have to go up and down a bunch of flights of steps all the time.”
“Why would you do that.” The question came out as a demand, especially since you don’t want to believe this man that’s taking you away from the only family you’ve ever known would do something… nice.
“Because they’re your family. I’m not heartless. Well I guess that depends on what your belief on science is and arc reactors are, but technically I do still have a heart underneath all of this.” He points to where you know there would be metal and lights under his suit. “But for right now, we need to focus on getting you to the tower.”
“What tower?”
“Avenger’s tower? It’s closer than Malibu? And in less shambles.”
“So you’re moving me from the home that I know and love, but you don’t even live where you’re moving me?”
“I live there a lot of the time. And the Avengers are there most of the time which means you’ll be very safe. But I do have to travel for business.”
“Then I’ll stay where I am thanks.” Tony goes to speak when Wallace goes off. The beeping is only jarring for him since you and your Nana are used to it going off at random times.
“What the hell is that?”
“That is Wallace.” You say, not clearing up anything. Hmmm, your Dexcom says you’re 205 and rising? You could have sworn you had insulin on board. So you unclip the pump from your side and tap the screen to enter your blood sugar. No correction needed. 
“You good babydoll?” Your nana asks from across the living room.
“I’m good. I have insulin on board.”
“You’re diabetic?” Tony asks, putting two and two together.
“Yup. Have been since I was four.”
“And Wallace?” He asks hesitantly.
“Do you honestly care?” You say before rolling your eyes and walking towards the kitchen. Mentally, you slap yourself. You should have grabbed your book. Now you’ll either have to start a new one or wait until your father, you roll your eyes at even saying it, leaves so you can continue your space adventure. Walking down the hallway you enter your room and close the door behind you. All you want to do is shut out the bombshell that was dropped on you and not deal with it. But for some reason you get the feeling that Tony Stark, freaking Iron Man, isn’t one to just let things go. 
Giving up on the idea of starting another book, you open your computer and click your Spotify to start playing the playlist you had paused this morning when you had left to run errands with Pops. You only have two weeks of summer left, so you had spent time getting school supplies and groceries before returning to the apartment. While Hitchin’ A Ride by Green Day starts playing, you open Twitter, hoping for anything to distract yourself. But somehow you find yourself on Tony Stark’s Twitter. It was less narcissistic that you imagined for him. Some retweets about Stark Industries, a few comical tweets about wanting a cheeseburger, and then a tweet from twenty four hours that just said HOLY SHIT in all caps and nothing else. Could that be about you? Closing out Twitter, you find yourself opening up your Tumblr to scroll as Lithium by Nirvana played. Or well you tried to scroll, but a knock on your door interrupts you. 
“Can I come in?” Tony’s head peaks in.
“If I say no will you go?” You say without looking up.
“Probably not. The people in my inner circle say I’m fairly stubborn.”
“Hmm.” Is the only reply you give him. To be fair, a lot of your friends would say you’re stubborn too so it’s not that surprising that your father is too. 
“I know you don’t like it kiddo-”
“Don’t call me kiddo.
“-but we do need to head to the Tower soon. Happy’s been parked downstairs for about as long as he’s allowed to be there.” Tony continues as if you hadn’t said anything. “So how about you pack up stuff you’ll need for the next few days and then I can send Happy and some other people to come get the rest later on?”
“You’re going to send people to pack up my stuff? You know how invasive that is?” 
“Ok, I’ll send you over with them, you can pack it up and they’ll move it to the tower, it’s your choice. Or to Malibu if you’d rather. Well that is once the rebuild is done. Long story. But if you stay at the tower, you won’t have to change schools.”
“Yippee. Everyone at school will get to find out that Tony Stark is my father. How much fun will that be.” Your voice is dripping with sarcasm. “I definitely wanted to be ostracized my first year at high school. Thanks for making it even better than I could ever imagine high school being.”
“Look I know this isn’t a win/win scenario, but we can keep your name out of the press until your eighteen if you want. You’re a minor-”
“Yeah, but when the paparazzi see me coming out of the tower, that won’t tip them off.”
“I’ll have Happy drive you. There’s a garage entrance. No one will see you coming or leaving.”
“Great so I just have to give up my freedom. That’s even better than I imagined.”
“Y/N, I know this isn’t what you wanted, or even what you want, but I think we can come up with something that works in the long run. Plus I’m having Pepper, you’ll meet her later, take over SI so I won’t have to do as much. I can try to stay in New York as much as possible. Because no matter what happens, you’re my daughter and I want to know you.” You don’t say anything in response. “I hope one day, you feel similarly.” He says softly.
“I doubt it.” You say honestly. 
“Well even if that’s the case, right now we do need to pack up some stuff to take to the tower for now. Want me to hel-” He starts to pick up a sweatshirt from the end of your bed and you snatch it from his hand as you reply.
“I’ve got it.”
“Y/N, we’re here.” Your father’s voice pulls you from your thoughts and you look at the non descript parking garage that is under what you assume is the tower. The man you’ve figured out is Happy, though he’s the exact opposite of Happy, opens your door and you climb out, knowing that Tony will be behind you. Happy goes to grab your bags from the trunk, but you stop him. 
“I’ve got it.”
“It’s part of my job.”
“I don’t have an issue carrying my own stuff like some people.” From the trunk you lift out your purple backpack, the black rolling suitcase, and the canvas bag that’s filled with all your pump supplies, sensors, and insulin. You follow Tony and Happy towards an elevator. 
“JARVIS take us to the main floors.”
“Certainly sir.” You look up expecting to see a face or something but there’s no one there.
“JARVIS is the AI that runs the whole tower. If you need anything JARVIS is the one to ask. If there’s specific food you want or if you need stuff for school or, well, anything really, just ask JARVIS. I’ll get you added to the levels of clearance that allow you to order anything that you want.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Part of you living with me is that I’m going to provide for you. JARVIS is part of providing for you. I’m not the best at remembering to like grocery shop or send the laundry out so JARVIS helps with that.”
“Send the laundry out? Do you not have a washer and dryer in this whole place?” You cock an eyebrow at how spoiled he sounds.
“We do, but there are other things that take time away from me.” You add continue to do my own laundry to the mental list of things that will make you different from your father. Tony notices the disapproval marked in his daughter’s face and hopes that maybe meeting the Avengers will make up for the disappointment he’s been to her so far. The doors open and in the living room Natasha and Clint are sitting watching a movie while Steve sits in a chair reading a book. “Where’s Code Green?”
“In the lab,” Steve comments, not looking up from the page he’s on.
“That’s Capsicle. Legolas is sitting next to Nat. Big Green is down in the lab and Point Break is currently back at home but you’ll meet him eventually, though hopefully not his brother.” At the sound of being introduced the three in the living room look up and see the girl standing next to Tony in surprise.
“Uh, Tony, are we taking pint size Avengers now?” Clint asks.
“I might be small, but I can kick your knees out just as easily.” You pull on the strap of your backpack, not really wanting to be in this room much longer. 
“Ok, before you kick anyone’s knees out. This is not an Avenger recruit. This is Y/N Stark, my daughter.” Ok taking on his last name was something you were going to have to talk to him about because you were perfectly happy being Y/N Y/L/N, not this Y/N Stark bullshit.
“You have a kid?” Steve asks, genuine confusion spread across his face. 
“I do. I didn’t know until yesterday, but I’m doing the right thing.” You can’t stop the snort that escapes you. Tony looks over at you.
“Sorry,” You say although you don’t mean it. “Can I es- go to my room?”
“‘Yes, you can escape to your room. I’ll show you where it is.” 
“I got it boss. I think you have some people that need answers.” Happy offers. You’re silently relieved that Happy offered to show you. If you had to spend another minute with your dad, you might lose your mind. Happy walks you into the kitchen and opens the fridge as you go past it. You look at him, trying to figure out why he’s opening it. “Tony told me you’re diabetic. You have insulin that needs refrigeration right?”
“Oh, yeah I just didn’t know he told you.”
“Head of security. There’s not much he doesn’t tell me.” Happy turns them towards a staircase leading away from where all the Avengers are. “But you know if you need someone to talk to, or grab a cheeseburger with, there’s things he doesn’t have to know about.”
“I don’t eat meat, but I appreciate it, Happy.”
“He’s going to say you’re not his kid if you don’t eat cheeseburgers.” And for the first time since all of this started, you actually let out a laugh.
Tony’s head turns towards the sound of the laugh. It’s unfamiliar, but he wants to hear more of it. He’s missed fourteen years of your life, but he wants to make things better, he does. He’s just not sure how.
“So you found out you have a kid?” Steve asks, his book forgotten now.
“Yeah, yesterday I found out I had a fourteen year old and then it’s been a whole process of finding out that since she’s mine I have custody technically.”
“So you took her away from all she knows?” Natasha's voice comes softly from the couch. 
“I guess you could say that.”
“Did you give her a choice?” Natasha asks, harsher this time. In her eyes anyone could see the remainders of another girl that was taken from all she ever knew and replaced with a hard boiled assassin.
“In the eyes of the state she doesn’t really have a choice.”
“So you didn’t give her a choice.”
“She’s got a medical condition that was costing her family thousands a month on top of her grandparents’ conditions. I’m helping!” Tony’s voice raises for the first time this afternoon since he tried to stay calm around his kid.
“You think you’re helping, but you’re taking her from the only life she’s ever known and I’m betting you gave her no choice in this. All you might get out of this is four years with her and then she disappears from your life.” Clint says softly, not trying to upset Tony, but also hearing the points that Natasha was bringing up. 
“You’re going to have to work hard to make this worth it to Y/N, Tony.” Steve says before picking up his book.
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auro-ora · 4 years
Burning Desires
Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 1,378 Summary: Bucky is your best friend and your crush. Things change when he’s seen making out with a girl in the common room and she doesn’t appear to leave. Warnings: angst, heartache, mentions of sex but nothing explicit. 
Notes: I woke up and this was the kind of mood I was in :c I doubt I’ll write a part 2 to this since I have too many to write atm but we’ll see!
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The solid lump in your throat seemed impossible to swallow down. Tears refusing to go away as you looked at the scene in front of you; your crush and best friend Bucky making out with some redhead on the couch in the common room for the whole compound to see. Stuck in place you couldn’t move, your eyes focusing solely on their lips and tongues. Her long fingers raking through his beautiful brown hair, his bearded chin flush against hers. She lets go of his hair and instead runs her hand up and down his thigh, a moan falling from his lips when she runs her fingers over his bulge. 
“Come on Y/N move will- oh that’s fucking gross. Get a room you two!” Sam scoffed, throwing an apple at Bucky’s head. You turned and left before anyone saw the un-shed tears in your eyes. The high pitched laughter that came from the common room made your heart sink. With blurry eyes, you staggered back to your room, alone like you usually were.
The day goes by in a flash. You’ve spent the day cooped up in your room with your thoughts and muddled feelings. When you felt stressed or upset, you would draw in your pad. You wanted to, but the motivation to do just that didn’t come as much as you hoped. So you just sat cross legged on your bed staring out at the world. Thinking about the scenario you saw earlier, thinking you and him doing that. 
It was crazy since he was one of your best friends. The moment you met you instantly clicked to each other like a missing piece of puzzle. His room was just 2 doors down from yours and Steve even arranged you and Bucky to go on missions together since you worked in sync. You’ve known Bucky for five years now, he was single for those five years with the odd girl who came home with him but left the next day. At that time it didn’t bother you, everyone deserves some kind of pleasure in their lives and sex was such a great stress reliever. Unfortunately for you and your loyalty to Bucky, you missed out.
You chose not to bring men home to your room and use them, partially because you were scared about what Bucky would think, what he would say. Though the two of you were the best of friends, he was overbearing and extremely protective of you. Remembering clearly how he broke some guy’s arm from just looking at you like you were a piece of meat. 
A knock on your door interrupts your thoughts. You yell a ‘come in’ and Steve pops his head in with a sandwich and some tea in his hand. “Hey. Thought you might want something to eat since you missed dinner. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Thanks for the sandwich.” you smiled weakly, not having the strength. “Alright, you know where I am if you need anything.” Steve squeezes your shoulder comfortingly, or painfully since he underestimates his strength in his hands. “Thanks Steve.” He nods and leaves and just as you’re about to take a bite, there is another knock on your door and this time Bucky pops his head in.
“Hey doll. Steve told me you were here. I came to ask if you wanted to go to the movie theater and watch that new movie you mentioned?” Your face lit up like a showcase of fireworks. “Just you and I?” You bit your lip and waited anxiously for the next words to come out of his mouth, but now you wished you never asked. “Uh no. I was taking Cassandra out on a date but you’re more than welcome to join us.” Your face dropped to your lap and you picked the bread on the plate. “Oh I think I’ll pass. I’m going this weekend with Nat anyway.” his hopeful smile dropped into a frown but he nodded anyway.
“Okay. That’s fine, just thought I’d ask.” As soon as he turned around to leave, a sob broke out and you broke down. Losing your appetite, you walked into the bathroom and closed the door tightly, turning the shower on to a warm temperature. Removing your clothes and letting your hair fall loose, you curl up on the shower floor crying your heart out.
You were tucked up in bed by 11 p.m. and still crying. It was just so difficult to pull yourself together. Those same high pitched laughters echoed through the halls and you sniffed. You thought you heard some footsteps stop outside your door, but you must have been mistaken when you soon heard Bucky’s door slam shut. You sighed and rolled onto your other side, closing your eyes and begging sleep to come soon. 
The next day, things didn’t get better. You saw them together in the kitchen and hid behind the wall, she was wearing just his shirt and his sweatpants were hanging low. They were making out again in the kitchen and you heard him moan. “Fuck that feels good.” you felt sick, only imagining what they were doing. “Come on, let’s go back to bed for another round.” you didn’t move in time and pretended to have only just arrived.
“Oh hey doll.” he smiled and used his girl as a shield to cover his front. Their hands were intertwined. Another lump in your throat prevented you from speaking, you faked a smile and moved around them to the kitchen. “Y/N, are you okay?” Bucky asked from behind you. “I’m fine.” your voice cracked but you busied yourself making coffee. “Okay. You know where I am if you need me.” those words penetrated your heart like a knife wound. You know if you ever did need him, he wouldn’t have any time for you. With a quick nod of your head, you heard them leave and it was only when you were alone again did the tears roll down your cheeks. 
“Y/N?” Steve gently gripped your shoulders and spun you around. You buried your face in his chest and cried, wetting his white tee shirt but neither of you cared. What Steve did care about though was you. He was probably one of the few who knew how much you loved Bucky and he thought Bucky felt the same way. He still believes Bucky does. “It’s okay. I got you.” he cooed with a kiss to your crown. Bucky walked in minutes later since he forgot some bottles of water from the refrigerator. His eyebrows creased and eyes narrowed at you two embracing each other. Bucky was riddled with jealousy though he had no right to be. He slammed the refrigerator door harder than he meant to and both yours heads whipped to your left to see his broody figure.
“What’s this?” Bucky asked pointing to the two of you. Steve smiled sheepishly and pulled away. “She was upset and I comforted her.” Steve shook his head and left you alone with Bucky. You bounced on the balls of your feet, a burning look in his eyes. “Why are you upset?” you shrugged before you answered, “It’s no big deal.” Bucky scoffed and slammed the two bottles of water down on the counter causing you to flinch backwards. “No big deal huh? You’re crying and seeking comfort in my best friend and when I asked you when you first got here you said you were fine? Are we not friends anymore?”
That was a good question and it was the question you didn’t have the answer to. Were you still friends? Did you want to stay friends? 
“I need an answer Y/N.” Bucky demanded, his nostrils flared and eyes wild. You stammered over your words, not knowing what to say. “Alright. Then we’re not friends.” Bucky picked up the two bottles of water and stormed out of the kitchen without looking back. You fell to the ground holding your chest. Fresh new hot tears ran free, you gasped for air as the realization of what your silence just did. What your burning jealousy has done. Realization that your best friend, the one friend you could always rely on, was no longer your friend.
@jobean12-blog​ @marvelgirl7​
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awesomerextyphoon · 4 years
A Warrior’s Heart | Phase 1: Welcome – 3
A Hero’s Welcome?
Summary: When someone with a connection to Steve’s past dies, he’s reminded of the promise he made to Dr. Erskine and whether or not he’s failed. Can Ife help him see that he hasn’t?
Characters: Steve Rogers, Ifekerenma ‘Ife’, Abraham Erskine (mentioned), Marlene Erskine (mentioned), Nick Fury, Eliza Maza, Azeneth Ramirez
Main Pairing: Stucky x Black!OFC (Ifekerenma ‘Ife’)
Rating: 18+/Explicit
Word Count: 5,801
Warnings: Depression, Talk of Death, Slightly Cynical Steve, Politics, Smutty Thoughts
A/N: I’m sorry that this so long. I really wanted to try something different with Erskine and the time around CA:TFA. Also, I wanted to explore how Steve would be feeling right after AoU (little bit of a downer, but it will get better). Furthermore, this story will diverge a bit from MCU in terms of Steve’s and Bucky’s abilities. Feedback is welcomed and greatly appreciated. Dividers were by the lovely @firefly-graphics​. Thanks to @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ for the beta!
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Early June 2015
“What do you have to report, Ifekerenma?”
Ife pursed her lips together,”Wanda is doing well with her training. Djamila and Nazaret had some sung her praises during their first session.”
It took a few days to convince the team and Fury to let her friends train Wanda. Luckily Nat had her back and Wanda was able to show the compound how much she improved from what Ife was able to teach her. Unfortunately, Azeneth was unable to make it due to being tied up with a BNA mission and relocating to the NYC division.
“That’s good to hear. Have you made made any progress with the others?”
Ife’s eyes casted down in thought. Vision was a no-go for now. Pietro was warming up to her, but he thought she was still suspicious (wasn’t wrong). She didn’t want to try Rhodey yet (too close to Tony). Nat was..difficult; she’ll try again later.
“I’m going to try Steve next. He seems like a safe bet, even with the serum. Hopefully, he won’t catch before it’s time. I will need Erskine’s folder though.”
Eliza’s lips turned upward in a small smile, “Agreed. I’ll have it sent to you within the hour. Best of luck, Ife.”
And with that, Ife got dressed and headed towards the common room.
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  Steve leaned back and clasped his hands together behind his head in thought and vexation.
The 21st century must be fucking with him.
Right after Operation ‘Captain Briar Rose’, Steve went to Brooklyn. He could barely find any trace of his old neighborhood. The apartment complex where he and his mother lived was now a ritzy condominium with a Starbucks on the ground level.
All of the places he’d go with Bucky were now soulless veneers filled with empty promises of ‘happiness’ or ‘self-esteem’.
He remembered the time Bucky bailed him out of yet another beating by Arnie and his gang back in 1928. His mother berated him for getting in yet another fight while Bucky’s mom laughed and treated them to ice cream from the local sweets parlor. Bucky’s sisters – Rebecca, Rose, and Annabelle – were making a fuss and bursted out in giggles when Annabelle got ice cream in Bucky’s hair. It was one of the best days that year.
A T-Mobile now stands in its place.
All of his friends and comrades save Bucky and Peggy are dead; he nearly bawled in the middle of briefing when found out that Timothy ‘Dum Dum’ Dugan died and had a cry alone in his quarters afterwards.
Felt shitty about the current state of the country. It seemed as though everything has gotten worse. He found out about the Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq Wars. How income and wealth inequality has somehow gotten as bad as, if not worse, than the Gilded Age. Corruption has turned DC and NYC into dog and pony show.
He was furious at all of the politicians and corporations that wanted him to endorse them or their actions. They wanted Captain America’s helmet and shield to mask their heinous acts. They were the same if not worse than Senator Brandt.
Some days Steve wished SHIELD let him stay in the ice. Even worse, there were days he felt that Captain America was for an America that never was.
Nowadays, he felt even more like an anomaly.
It started when he got out of the ice. He felt a lot stronger and faster; only Thor knew the extent of it and he has to hold back a lot when fighting for fear of government asking for more of his blood. Though he suspected Ife and Natasha might be onto him.
He was a lot hungrier than before he went on ice as well. Often time, he would have late night ‘dinners’ (now it's every night), To be honest, he was a bit embarrassed at how much he ate, though the thought of pinning the blame on Ife did cross his mind. It wouldn’t work due to Ife almost never eating with the team and Sam said that he would know if Ife was the culprit. Steve suspected that Ife has been using her connections to restock the food between when he retired to his quarters and before the rest of the team came for breakfast. Also, she kept leaving him fun pop culture facts and media recommendations for the night.
Steve didn’t feel he could go to Dr. Cho since he doubted she had anything to go on in his case.
He did wonder if Ife could help him. She seemed to like helping the team and she was knowledgable about Non-Humans. Wanda’s rapid improvement in her powers and control bolstered his decision.
Sighing, Steve sat up straight in his chair and picked up the letter he received that morning. Marlene Philomena Erskine had passed away and he was invited to her funeral.
It was sad to have yet another link to his past slip from his grasp.
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  Steve was finishing up another book to fight off his jitters. It was the night before the operation and he needed to have a few moments of respite from the war.
He was so engrossed in what he was reading that he failed to notice Dr. Erskine entering.
Erskine, for his part, was eyeing several books in Rogers’ makeshift bookshelf: They Odyssey, Of Mice and Men, Murder on the Orient Express, Tender is the Night, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Homage to Catalonia, and To Have and have Not.
“What do you think of the book?” Erskine asked as he sat across the startled recruit.
“Just finished. Y’think it wise to get buzzed before a major operation, sir?” Steve noted when he saw the bottle and two shot glasses on the bed.
Erskine chucked, “Calms my nerves a bit. What did you think of the book?”
Steve pressed his lips together for a moment, “It was a good read. The book had a lot of good points for something written eleven years ago.”
“What truths?”
“Well, for one thing, how technology is used to make the populace happy, but not better. The World Government found a way to get people to willingly trade self-expression, self-awareness, and their happiness for cheap happiness and comfort. Makes you wonder if the US was next, you know?”
Erskine was taken aback by his answer. It was much deeper than most of commanding officers gave if they even read the book.
Though that last sentence was interesting.
“What do you mean next?”
“Isn’t that what happened in Germany?”
Erskine sighed, “Yes and no. Most people here think Hitler came out of nowhere, but he didn’t. Not everyone in Germany was for WWI. There was a 100,000 person march in Berlin, but it didn’t matter since the Social Democratic Party failed to rise to the occasion and went along with war effort. Many were scapegoated for Germany failure, Matthias Erzberger for instance.”
“What about the Weimar Republic?”
Once again, Erskine was taken aback by Steve’s knowledge, “Weimar Germany was a great place to be creative, curious, and make new discoveries. I met my wife, Greta, in Berlin during that time. I made a lot of friends, friends I had to leave behind.”
Erskine frowned as his face darkened,”The terrible thing, my friend, was not that Hitler was dangerous, it was that either people didn’t take him as the threat he was or they wanted to use him for their own ends. The cops and judges sympathized with the Nazi Party to get one over the Socialists and Communists. Industrialists wanted to make money off of the Nazis getting into power. Even the German and International newspapers didn’t cover him with the urgency required.”
“That’s terrible.”
“Ja, and it almost happened here, didn’t it?”
Steve nodded in reference to the America First movement and the German American Bund. He still remembers getting the crap beaten out of him by the Silver Shirts when he spoke out against them a few years ago.
“So why did you choose me?”
“I suppose that is the best question.” Erskine admitted while glancing at Steve’s bookshelf, “What do you think of the Odyssey?”
Steve shrugged, “The adventures were fun, but they were just fantasy.”
“They may not be, Mein Freund. How old do you think I am?”
“Uh, mid sixties?”
Erskine laughed, “You’re too kind. I will be 94 this September,” he smiled noting Steve’s shock, “Things are not always as they seem. I come from a long line of ‘healers’ dating back to before Rome. One of them was able to ‘make a man more’. They inspired me to go into this profession.”
“Making super soldiers?”
“Medicine and bio-chemical engineering.”
“Did you know that you will not be first to undergo this?”
“Who was?”
“His name was Konrad Jager. He was a lot like you: small, frail, but had a great deal of courage and compassion. He was willing to fight Nazis in the streets knowing he’d lose. One day in 1930, his parents begged me to save him as the doctors had given up all hope.
I was woking on a serum that would make the body impervious to all diseases rather than wait for the next outbreak to occur. I thought it would propel the medical field.
The trial worked and he was healed. He became much taller and broader in size as a result.”
Erskine pulled out a picture of himself next to a tall, well-built young man.
“That’s Konrad isn’t it?”
“Yes. I was able to help eight more people through the earlier version of the serum. All but one turned out well.”
“What happened to the one?”
“Ah yes, Eren Kant. He was a shy young man before the serum, but then became more like Hodge: a philander, arrogant, and bit of a bully with a temper. He ‘grew too big for his britches’ as one would say and was arrested by the Munich police. He let his arrogance blind him and he escaped in a way that intrigued Der Fuhrer and was taken to Berlin soon after. By this time, rumors had spread of my work and the Nazis were anxious to be the ‘best of the Aryans’. They were able to get my whereabouts from Eren and sent Schmitt to fetch me, but I was already on my way to Switzerland when he reached my home.”
“How did he get you?”
Erskine slightly jerked his head to the side and back, “A year prior to my attempted escape, I met a man in Geneva who warned of the dangers that lied in Berlin. He gave me his card if I needed to escape. In retrospect, I shouldn’t have waited so long before I made the phone call. I was tipped off by an old colleague of Eren entering Nazi custody.
Everything was set. My family and I were to enter Switzerland by crossing Lake Constance. We made it to Meerburg and the lake was in sight when Schmitt and his agents cut us off.
Schmitt believed that there was a power left behind by the gods. He believed himself to be a leader of a new race of men. He wanted me to ‘perfect the serum’, make him stronger than Eren. He had my children, Klaus and Marlene, taken to the outskirts of town as insurance implying that they would be sent to Dachau if I should fail.
I stalled for as long as I could hoping Schmitt would forget about me, but it was not meant to be. A few years after I was taken hostage, Schmitt stormed into my lab and pointed a gun to Greta demanding I give him the serum.”
“Did it make him stronger than Eren?”
“It did, but it had...side effects. The serum was not ready. Schmitt’s skin turned red and his face became so disfigured that Hitler called him the Red Skull. He killed Greta with his bare hands,” Erskine wiped away a few tears, “and ordered Marlene and Klaus to be sent to Dachau while I was banished to the dungeons.
Fortunately, Agent Carter and the SOE were able to save Marlene and myself. Though Klaus sacrificed himself when the agents could only save one of them.”
“Your son is a hero.”
“I only wish I could’ve told him that myself. But, back to your original question. I chose you because, like Konrad, you are a weak man. You see, the serum amplifies everything; good becomes great and awe-inspiring, bad becomes worse and a nightmare. Men who are strong their entire lives often do not value strength and abuses it. However, a weak man who is compassionate and brave will use it to help others. You were chosen because you had the aforementioned virtues and because you use your mind.
The world does not need perfect soldiers, look where that has gotten us. No, what we need right now are good men.”
Erskine poured out two shots and gave a glass to Steve.
Steve raised his glass, “To the little guys.”
The liquor was just about to touch his lips when Erskine snatched the glass from him, “What are you doing? You have an operation tomorrow. No fluids.”
Steve chuckled as Erskine bid him farewell and good luck tomorrow.
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  Ife found Steve in the Common Room hunched over a chair with a letter in his hands. Emotional echoes of gloom came off in waves as she approached him.
“Whatcha looking at, Steve?”
When Steve didn’t respond, she gently placed a hand on his shoulder, “What’s wrong?”
Steve finally turned to Ife, “I received an invite to a funeral. It’s for Marlene Philomena Erskine, Dr. Abraham Erskine’s daughter.”
Ife nodded in understanding; he feels that he failed Marlene by not protecting Dr. Abraham Erskine.
But in fact, he didn’t fail her.
She lived quite the life for a human.
Not long after her father’s assassination, Marlene became a badass mechanical engineer and physicist. Her designs and schematics for transportation vehicles and energy storage/distribution gave the colonizer nations a fighting chance during the Wars Against Colonialism.
Though part of it was because the UA was a little cocky at that point. Marlene sure lit a fire under their ass! Ife can still hear her Aunt Eziamaka pouting at the news of one of UA bases nearly falling into their control.
Marlene’s assistance with the war effort didn’t last long as her gratitude towards the people who saved both her and her father wasn’t enough to overlook the Military’s treatment of some her colleagues.
Her life from there was pretty standard. She became a professor at MIT, got married and had a few kids.
BNA took her off the ‘humans of special interest’ list in 1971.
Thinking back on it, Marlene may have had a better life by her father not making it past WWII.
Though Ife thought it would be wise not to mention this to Steve.
“When is the funeral?”
Steve didn’t raise his head, “It’s in a week.”
“In that case, might I accompany you?”
“Yes...and thank you.”
“No Problem! See you later.” Ife wrapped her arms around him in a quick hug and went on her way leaving Steve slightly bewildered.
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  Steve didn’t know what to make of Ifekerenma.
She was always asked the team how they were feeling at what seemed to be the right moment. Shoot, she even talked to custodial staff that few of ever acknowledge. Compassionate to nearly everyone, especially the child hostages during the last mission.
She’s nerdy to the point of Sam jokingly calling her a weeb (anime lover?) when she walked around in an oversized Cowboy Bebop t-shirt once. Wanda mentioned a ‘digital friend’ in her room and caught her mentioning how slow Stark’s tech was much to the amusement of team at Tony’s expense.
Steve’s certain Nat sent Clint a video of the whole thing.
Also, she was what Sam called a ‘Supreme Chef’. He contently patted his midsection remembering the feast she prepared for the team last night. Her cooking would’ve put some of Stark’s gourmet chefs to shame. She asked the team what they liked and she ended up having to create a dinner rotation. Steve was especially touched when she went to an antique bookstore for a recipe that was close to what his mother would’ve made for him.
Furthermore, she would leave out little homemade treats/ snacks at night. Pietro and Sam would sneak some when they thought no one was looking. She even giggled when he accidentally let out a huge belch after an amazing dinner a couple nights ago saying it’s a sign of thanks on her home planet, Avlenia.
Ife always called him Steve; not ‘Captain’ or ‘Cap’ or even ‘Good ol’Century Virgin’ (damn it, Tony!). She never made light of him ‘taking an ice nap’ or asking him about the 1940s in a demeaning way like some reporters and ‘little upstarts on social media’. Somehow, Ife found out about his love of drawing and got him art supplies with a list of recommended artists
She made him feel more like a person and not a symbol or a far off figure who’s emotionless.
Steve felt warm whenever he was around her in a way not unlike Bucky or Peggy though much more like Bucky. She seemed to sense that he was desperate to truly be seen in way that only Sam and sometimes Nat has.
It also didn’t hurt that she was a total knockout. He had the, ahem, pleasure of seeing her out of her uniform and training outfits a few times. She usually wore clothes that were more on the modest side...except for that one time when she wore a Sailor Moon crop top and high-waisted shorts as a dare from Nat. Half of the compound was staring and Steve spent most of the day in his quarters nursing a hard on he was so aroused.
And yet, Ife was one of the toughest women he knew; even Nat was a little scared of her (at least, he thinks). She might be the strongest person physically and she doesn’t take shit from people who badmouth her or the team; Agent Roussel learned that the hard way.
All in all, Ife was...something else, someone he wanted to get close to.
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  The day of Marlene’s funeral started out well enough.
Ife spent the early morning making Sam’s request of cinnamon rolls, sausage, omelettes, waffles, and hash browns since he won the raffle of Vision’s turn as he doesn’t eat.
She was handing out everyone’s first servings (didn’t care what happened afterwards) when she felt Steve’s emotional echoes of depression, melancholy, and despair noting how his eyebrows furrowed and how tense his body language was.
She just hoped she could get to him.
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  Steve was walking to garage hoping his outfit wasn’t too much.
Nat somehow convinced him into wearing a Highbridge Black Custom Suit with an Eastley Dobbey Blue Shirt, a Black Solid Tie, a Navy Blue Pocket Square, and Ink Black Dress Shoes.
He ‘upped the swoon dial’ as Nat put it. Could’ve sworn he heard Sam snickering.
Steve reached the entrance hoping not to keep Ife waiting when he heard clicking of heels behind him.
He turned around to find Ife looking almost unearthly.
She was wearing a black Ankara (?) dress with a cape that was black on the outside and golden on the inside with various blue, silver, and khaki rectangle clusters. Her hair was mostly contained in a wrap with a few strands framing her lovely face. Her full, plump lips were coated in a Light Plum (?) Matte Lipstick and she wore minimal gold eye shadow.
Her outfit did a splendid job of hinting at her voluptuous curves without needlessly flaunting them like the women who throw themselves at him at press tours.
Ife smiled at him and asked which car were they taking.
Steve motioned to one of the Black SUVs and the two of them strapped in for the three hour car ride.
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  Ife sighed and gazed out the window at the scenery. Neither one of them had said anything in the past twenty minutes. Steve wasn’t a fan of most of the music that’s on the radio despite Sam’s best efforts. Ife had to break out her puppy dog eyes to get him to let them listen to some instrumental music from her favorite movies.
It seemed that they weren’t going to say anything until Steve cleared his throat.
Ife, not wanting to suffer in silence, decided break it, “How did you know Marlene?”
Steve raided his eyebrows for a split second, “I didn’t. I just feel like I should pay my respects, you know? I mean, I should attend the daughter of the man I failed’s funeral.”
The last sentence struck a chord with Ife. Emotional echoes of despair hit her like a tsunami.
Tentatively, Ife continued, “How did you fail Erskine?”
“I-I don’t think I’ve fulfilled my promise to him. The country has changed so much since I was on ice. It’s funny; I thought that Brave New World would only have a one of two aspects come to life, but I didn’t see nearly the whole book being right.”
Ife didn’t argue with the last two points. The US was nothing but a never-ending commercial sometimes. People were too busy being ‘happy’ or trying to get the newest thrill to realize that they were living in a sham of a republic.
Though she was concerned about the first sentence.
“What was the promise you made to Erskine? If you don’t mind me asking.”
Steve turned slightly, “To be true to who I am; a good man, not a perfect soldier. To be more like Konrad.”
Ife nodded musing on his answer. Erskine would want everyone he helped to be a good person considering the dangers of such power.
Though she wondered if she knew Dr Abraham’s full history.
Abraham Erskine came from a long line of Homo Magis who specialized in Alchemy . He turned to science when it was clear that his magical powers would never manifest (being only 1/16 Homo Magi). Erskine started working on what would become the Super Soldier Serum in 1920 after the witnessing the horrors of WWI firsthand as a medic.
He made a breakthrough in 1927 when he found what looked to be an old power cell in the attic of his childhood home. Turns out it was a modified Atlantean battery dating back to the 1600s, but whatever.
Konrad Jager was the first of nine volunteers; most of whom went on to fight in the Spanish Civil War with the International Brigades and be part of the German Resistance’s Special Forces during WWII.
Needless to say, they were recruited into BNA’s European Division.
Only Eren Kant was deemed a failure in the end.
Ife shook her head at the info in Erskine’s folder.
Eren was pompous dumbass who broke himself out jail by bending/breaking the bars of his cell after getting arrested for being a player and bully by the Munich Police in August of 1935. His show of superhuman strength got Erskine’s work onto the Hitler’s radar. BNA had to send a cleaner to ‘handle’ Eren before he could get everyone in even more trouble.
She wondered if Konrad and the others would make an appearance.
“What do mean by not staying true to yourself?”
Steve sighed, “It seemed a lot easier to do so in my time.”
Ife wanted to go further, but she couldn’t. Steve was punishing himself up for something he couldn't control and it was tragic.
She hoped that she could actually help him, not for the mission, but for himself.
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  They arrived at the venue twenty minutes early. Steve was trying (failing) to fix his tie while Ife was looking as glamorous and poised as can be.
Sensing Steve’s unease, she gave his hand a comforting squeeze, “You’ll do fine,” she whispered as she fixed his tie while not trying inhale his delicious natural scent like a creep (again).
“Let’s go inside.”
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  Everyone seemed to stop what they were doing when they entered the venue. Though Ife had to hand it to the guests; no one asked Steve for an autograph or a selfie. She noted several BNA officials and a couple of Earth-based Non-Human big wigs in attendance.
Guess Marlene was popular.
“Ife!” Azeneth shouted as she strode over to from a corner and enveloped her in a hug.
“Azeneth, how are you? I didn’t think you would be back from Mexico City so soon.”
“Well, the mission was short and they wanted me in New York to accompany Eliza here. Now, who is this fine gentleman, Ife?” Azeneth queried while Steve started shifting uncomfortably.
“This is Steve Rogers, one of my new teammates and Ca-”
“Captain America. I know, Ife. I was jesting.”
Ife sighed dramatically while rolling her eyes, “Steve, this is Azeneth. She’s one of my best Earth-based friends.”
“Kickass friend.” Azeneth corrected, “How are you liking Ife? She’s not too much trouble.”
“Stop it, ‘Aze!” Ife playfully hit Azeneth’s shoulder, “Feel free to ignore her, Steve.”
“Hmm, no. I don’t think I will, especially after the stunt you pulled on the first day at the compound.”
Azeneth burst out laughing at Ife’s shocked expression and Steve’s sly grin. She probably would’ve kept goin if not for Eliza cutting into their conversation.
“Excuse us, Mr. Rogers. I’ll have to speak with Ife for a moment. My name’s Eliza Maza, by the way.”
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  Once they were out of Steve’s line of sight (Azeneth was keeping him busy), Eliza activated a noise canceller.
“So did anyone die in the attack on the Magic Council?” Ife asked as she made sure Steve wasn’t looking at them.
“No one was harmed, but several books are missing from the library.”
“Shit! Okay. Well, would Dr. Strange be available to assist Wanda with her training? Wong and Nazaret are at the Sanctum and he said that he knew of some spells that could help.”
“I’ll look into it. I should have an answer in a week”
“Ife, please give me a call when you get back to the compound.”
Ife eyed Konrad Jager, Gregor Eisenberg, Sonje Decker, and Lukas Denhart making their way to Steve. She hoped they weren’t going to drop an info bomb on him today.
“I will.”
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  The service was short and sweet as Marlene didn’t want everyone to be bored to tears on her behalf. The crowd got a laugh out that joke.
Afterwards, Marlene granddaughter, Zahara, requested if Steve could stay for a bit. She gave him a beautifully wrapped package.
“My grandmother wanted you to have this. She saw you fighting in the Battle of New York and knew you would know what to do with it.”
“It would be an honor, Miss.”
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  Ife thought about her earlier conversation with Steve on the say back. She realized what’s happened to Steve was heartbreaking.
Here was a man who gave up everything for a country that only wants him as a cudgel for their heinous deeds. Someone who, if he hadn’t fallen into the ice, would’ve probably been ruined by the same country he swore to protect. They would’ve labeled him as a communist and destroyed his good name for not immediately getting on board with the next war.
To be honest, Ife didn’t think much of Steve before joining the team. She thought he was just the banner boy for colonizers to feel good; he was the reminder of that brief moment when the US was totally the bad guys (totally being the operative word).
But now?
She saw the toll the helmet and shield had on him. Ife doubted he knew that he was going to be alive for awhile judging how neither Konrad or the others aged a day since they received Serum 1.0 and Steve supposedly got one that was at least 3x as powerful.
She wanted to comfort him somehow, but she was lost on what to do.
When she got back to the compound, she gave Steve a hug and went straight to her quarters to call Eliza.
“Eliza. I can’t do this by myself, and if we’re going to pull this off, I’m going to need some serious backup because the Avengers need some serious help.”
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  Fury was going through some mission reports when he heard a knock on his door.
“Come in.”
Oddly enough, Ife was the one to enter the room and not Maria Hill.
“Good Evening, Fury. I have someone who would like speak with you.”
“Well, give me a name and contact info and I’ll see what I can do.”
“Actually,” Ife reached in her pocket for a disc, “I can do you one better.”
Ife tossed the disc into the air and a moon-door portal formed from it. Out came Eliza, Azeneth, and Angela in her gargoyle form.
Eliza gave Ife a quick nod and turned to Fury, “Good Evening, Nicolas Fury. My name is Eliza Maza and we’re from the Bureau of Non-Human Affairs or BNA. I would advice that you lower your weapon. It won’t do you a lick of good,” Fury lowered his gun,” Good. Put Maria Rambeau on speaker, we need to talk.”
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  -Somewhere in France-
 Maeve was enjoying her brunch while watching the footage of Eliza officially making contact with new SHIELD and SWORD.
“Well, it looks like it’s time to ‘get the band back together’ as the kids would say.” She chirped to the woman across the table.
“That expression pretty much died in the 90s. No ‘kid’ uses that phrase anymore.” Koronis deadpanned.
Maeve scoffed, “Anyone born after 1800 is a ‘child’ to me. This is what I get for trying not to sound like ‘an old hag’ as you put it.”
“Well, is everything on track?”
Koronis, or Carol, closed her eyes for few seconds, “I see nothing standing in our organization’s way. However, we should have the meeting sooner rather than later.”
“Duly noted. Anything else?”
“The new variable, Ifekerenma, will be more useful to our plans than I originally anticipated.”
“Oh, I do love surprises! I mean, I know how it will end, but I still like to be at least a little surprised. I knew it was a good idea to let Klaue be discovered by Ultron in Istanbul!”
Another woman walked up to the pair,”You wanted to see me, Mistress?”
“Yes. Svetlana, call the others. It’s time to put our plan into high gear. Hell’s Moon is upon us.”
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  Steve was having a shitty birthday.
The press was pestering him about the presidential election. Several outlets have called him a sellout and a coward for not endorsing anyone.
He was figuring out the best way to take a shower and hit the hay in less than 30 minutes when he found a beautifully written note taped to his door.
It said to come to Ife room wearing his best dancing clothes.
Ten minutes later, Steve knocked on her door and it instantly opened to reveal a modest dancing hall not unlike the ones he went to with Bucky before the war.
He was so lost in thoughts admiring the place that he failed to notice Ife hovering a few feet from him.
“Happy Birthday, Steve! How do you like it?”
Steve turned to see Ife in a knee-length golden yellow African Wax Print Ankara dress with cold shoulders, ruffled sleeves, and a v-neckline. He didn’t miss the modest view of her cleavage or how her legs looked oh, so smooth in the dress.
Ife, for her part, was super nervous about this. Nat said that people went to dance halls all the time in the late 1930s and 1940s and it took her five days to get the architecture, the music, and the lighting just right.
She hoped that Steve wouldn’t be angry with her.
Steve looked incredibly handsome in his simple dress shirt and slacks. His powerful shoulders, thick biceps, trim waist, and beefy thighs were accentuated by the lighting which made him look like he was glowing.
Ife would’ve drooled if she knew that he didn’t like it when most women would throw themselves at him.
“It’s amazing. Thank you.”
“I’m sorry about the dress. I couldn-”
Steve raised a hand to stop her from going off on a tangent,”You look beautiful.”
Ife felt a flurry of warmth in her core at the compliment.
“So, what would like to do?”
Before Steve could answer, Duke Ellington’s Don’t Mean a Thing starting playing.
Steve stretched out his hand, “Would you like to dance?”
Ife took his had and they glided onto the dance floor.
“Where did you learn to dance?”
“Bucky’s mom made us learn when Bucky started getting attention from the girls at school. She thought it best that we knew how to treat them to a good time.”
“I see,” Ife giggled, “Then she was wise to make take the lessons. Though I’m more familiar with the jitterbug.”
Steve chuckled as they resumed swinging. He hummed a bit as they danced to Ella Fitzgerald, Caro Emerald, Jo Stafford, Billie Holiday, and Gene Krupa.
Ife was impressed with Steve’s dancing skills. What were those women thinking passing him up like that?!
After a couple more rounds of dancing, the music shifted to something more modern but not (it was Howl’s Moving Castle’s Main Theme) , the colors on the walls and ceiling brightened, and several chandeliers formed on the ceiling.
Steve gave Ife a slightly confused look and asked her if she would like to try a waltz this time.
The song lasted a little more than five minutes. Steve was somehow able to lead their movements in sync with the song.
Ife felt her body was aflame with gentle yet commanding touches Steve was giving her. He even lifted her a few times making her feel as though she was flying with how gently he held her.
They were absorbed in their own world they either failed to notice or ignored Nat and Wanda entering Ife room to see if they could have another spa day. Nat even got a few pictures of the two dancing.
Steve gave Ife one last life during the climax and pulled her in when the music came to a close. They were about to come in for a kiss when Ife pressed her lips together and back away.
“We should probably retire for evening. Goodnight, Steve.”
Steve’s shoulders slumped in defeat, but left Ife’s room with a simple goodnight with Nat and Wanda in tow.
Ife frowned. She knew Steve wasn’t in the best place for a relationship and her conscience wouldn’t let her take advantage of that.
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hoochy-coo · 3 years
I have a bunch of questions for WS anon since I am interested in other celebs possible pr too!
1. With your job, is it regular for anyone working in the industry to have tea? And do people working in or share what’s real or not?
I would say it gives you the opportunity to hear gossip or rumors that only people in the industry would know. I will say you'd probably need to go out of your way to learn about it. In my case I work with athletes and aside from the people they hookup with, their scandals, vices it's not really a place with tea. But I do make a lot of friends in the industry and we gossip all the time and they share from their respective fields and about the celebs they work with or have a connection to. I guess it's the same as any kind of workplace gossip.
Working in what? You mean working in pr? A celeb's pr team will never tell you what is real/authentic or straight up fake or a mix of both. The most they'll give is what strategies they impose or how they mold things. But not directly, oh this is fake btw. For obvious reasons, they keep a lot of things secret and things only they would know. A lot of friends in pr do like sharing input or teach our gc how things go or look for the signs or the strategies we wouldn't even have figured without their help. A lot of times we also just hear a lot of rumors from inside sources that just outward contradicts what is being presented by the media/pr play of a celeb.
2. Can you tell me your thoughts on often thought pr couples? I am not a harrie at all and I see this from pop culture blogs.
lily/timmy - I don't know if it's pure pr or not but I've at least heard Timmy was also hooking up with other women during all those times he was with Lily. A lot of people have told me it's pure pr/mostly pr though. They did seem like a nice match as future it girl/boy but their reunion it didn't seem as interesting.
seb/ale - I actually don't follow either of those two enough. I thought Seb has always been pretty open about his gfs? At least I thought him and Leighton were pretty public. For his current gf, if it's pr then he hasn't gain a lot of fame imo. The only place I see him relevant or getting talked about is the tumblr/twitter stans which while loud isn't that big. I mean his fans sure let his last film flop hard, I doubt the BO was even enough to pay him.
henry/nat - I feel like I blocked out Henry's love life when he was dating a 19 year old. But I would say this is real. Until I see Natalie suddenly becoming a star I'd say this is pretty standard for Henry. Him and Kaley, yeah none of you can convince me that was real.
chris/jenny - A lot of people will kill me, but since Jessie admitted she also thinks they're pr then I'll admit I do too.
tom/zendaya - I think they're real. Either way I love it. We can probably judge based on how long this will last.
shawn/camila - real, but my friend says they're way more subdued in private at least
bennifer - I already sent an answer to this before
ben/ana - the blueprint
hiddleswift - pr
abelena - pr
If you're asking if I think they're pure pr, I don't know what happens when they're alone together to say it's all fake. I imagine hiddleswift, abelena, ben/ana probably hookup in private but was never as serious or real as they made it appear. If you're asking if they're real and using it for pr, well yeah I would say all of these would qualify as they're using it for pr too which isn't a bad thing. Like Ryan/Blake are obviously real and using their relationship for publicity.
3. Do you think hiddleswift was bad pr for Tom?
Not really. I do think it was meant to be longer with a full better rollout and ended too early with Taylor backing out. As someone who considers herself a self-hating swiftie, Tom gained a lot of loyal fans in the fandom for example and hiddleswift was pretty memorable pop culture moment in general.
4. How do you really feel about the holivia questions and harries in general since you tend to get the most abuse from them?
I'm irritated because of the angry anons and people who can't respect opinion. Other than that, my opinion on holivia still remains the same and it will not physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, or financially hurt either Harry or Olivia. In the first place, I don't remember ever spending money for them. I think as long as Jessie allows pop culture discussion and allows the question, we can all and should respect opinion. I'm not in any way anti or pro holivia. I don't mind a pr relationship cause to me it's a normal and harmless part of their job. I also don't think pr should be equated as bad at all. We're kidding ourselves if we don't think celebs are like this.
5. I’m just basing this from the harry stans in this blog, but how do you see Harry benefit from holivia?
I already said this to my one harrie friend here but I always saw his fans overestimate his fame. Harry is big but he isn't BIG. He hasn't come to the level of Taylor, Drake, Ed, JB, or their counterparts for actors. Every celeb who came at that level went to levels of attention seeking and pr. When you're trying to venture into film, there are separate pr that could also be demanded from you. Being big in one industry doesn't equate to being an instant hit or success in the other. Especially when the film industry does have a lot of hesitation with singers to actors. Especially when with Harry he seems to want to be taken as a serious actor rather than the easy going route many of his contemporaries have done to jump start their acting career. Harry is being talked about a lot by blogs and accounts that used to barely mention him before. He is being discussed as a regular gossip which didn't happen for years. Imo fans just think he's too big for anything or that he is immune to pr or attention seeking. Me and my friends never saw him that way and we also never saw Harry as incredibly relevant or big, rather than he has an incredibly dedicated fanbase
Question for WS anon but I would also like to hear your opinion Jessie? Do you think Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling call the paps . Because I've generanlly heard that he is an extremely private ccelebrity but all those spottinga with his kid don't necessarily seem very organic to me Also are there any celebs that dont really call the paps?
You can be a private celeb and still call the paps. Ryan is a private guy but he has always been pretty open who he's dating and end of day they don't give us a lot of update or info about their relationship. Abel has started calling the paps a lot, but in hindsight he's still very private about himself.
I think the only celebs who don't call the paps are ones who don't have publicist.
- Worcestershire Sauce Anon
You answered this so thoroughly, thank you! X
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Still a bad girl
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Summary: Still sneaking around to play the cat burglar you get caught by a certain Avenger again.
Pairing: Nomad!Steve Rogers x Criminal!Reader
Warnings: language, the reader is a brat, snarky comments, smut, unprotected sex, restraints (ropes), somnophilia (oral female receiving), dirty talk
A/N: Not endgame compliant. Steve is still Nomad!Steve.
Sequel to: Bad Girl
Dividers by @writeyourmindaway​​
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“There you are, sweetheart,” snickering you pick the lock of the vitrine. Engrossed in getting the job done you feel a shadow behind you. “You’ve got to be kidding me, Rogers.”
“I knew you would go after Russow to steal his wife’s diamond necklace,” Steve quips, proud on himself he was two steps ahead again. “Just give up and follow me, doll.”
“That bastard sells people, Steve! He’s involved in human trafficking, just like his prissy wife,” you narrow your eyes when Steve tries to grasp for your arm. “I have to hit him where it hurts the most. His greedy wife loves that necklace.”
“Y/N, he’s a dangerous man, doll. Let me get hold of him and take his business down. Tony and Natasha are on it,” Steve offers but you roll your eyes, cracking your neck.
“Whilst they try to reverse the snap? I highly doubt they find the time to help people who suffer meanwhile,” concentrating on picking the lock you ignore Steve is watching you. “No one gives a shit on the poor girls getting sold or anyone else.”
“I do, Y/N. Let me punish Russow and we can go home,” you scoff at the word ‘home’, glaring at Steve who still tries to talk you out of the heist you planned.
“I got no home, Captain Rogers. The first time I lost my home was after the snap. A cold-hearted bastard I paid rent to for over six years kicked me out. I never paid too late, but the snap happened and suddenly, I was a cockroach to him. Then I finally had a new home and you came along. I had to run again, thanks for that.”
“I meant my home, doll. You can home with me,” pleadingly looking at you Steve holds out his hand. “I can still just throw you over my shoulder.”
“That man, he deserves to feel the pain he causes every single day, Steve. How can you stand there and tell me to not steal his wife’s necklace to sell it?” you purse your lips jerking your head toward the large safe opposite Steve. “He makes money by abusing and selling people. I want to help the girls escaping him and the orphanage too. There is an elder lady who will end on the street if she does not pay her landlord.”
“Doll, I’ll do anything to bring him down but please come with me, now,” you can hear tumult outside of the room. “We don’t have time. The team will be here in a few moments and arrest you.”
Just now you recognize the worried look on Steve’s features so you nod, glancing at the necklace one last time. “Another time, beautiful,” you sigh, taking the hand Steve offers.
“Did you come here to save me, Captain Rogers?” giggling you sneak out of the window. Steve does not answer your question, busy to follow you out of the window without getting caught. “Steve?”
“Maybe. I had to protect my bad girl after all,” you would kiss him if not for the messed-up heist. “Now be good and come with me, darling. My bike is over there,” Steve jerks his head toward the bike, and you nod, running toward his vehicle.
“This doesn’t make up for the month without sex, Rogers,” Steve jumps onto the bike, holding out his hand again. “Always the gentleman.”
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“That’s not gentlemanlike,” tugging at the ropes holding you to the headboard you curse under your breath. “Steven Grant Rogers! You can’t just undress a girl, eat her out only to restrain her to your fucking bed.”
“You look good on my bed, Y/N,” Steve purrs, running his hands down your back. You shiver at the gentle touch, knowing you are at the mercy of a super-soldier. “Love to watch you squirm for me.”
A slap to your ass later Steve has your full attention. “Maybe I need to tame my little greedy kitty-cat again? I think you need to feel justice in your bones.” You know what comes next, but nothing can ever prepare you for Steve’s cock nudging at your slick entrance.
“You’re justice in rusty armor,” you grin to yourself. You do not have to turn around to know Steve has an angry expression on his face. The way he grips your hips with one rough hand to slide into you tells you the whole story.
“You’re still a bad girl, but you are my bad girl from now on,” the dark undertone let a shiver run down your spine. There is no denying, you love his dominant side. “I’ll play with you tonight and you’ll be my good girl.”
“Good girl my,” you cry out feeling his length spread you open with one harsh stroke. You pant, struggling to keep the noises you want to make for the golden boy down your throat, “ass.”
Shame on you for mewling like a cat in heat, but who gives a fuck when Captain America uses you like a rag doll.
His hips move without giving you time to adjust, one hand forces your head into the cushions, presses hard down your neck whilst his other hand holds your hip in an iron grip. “I think you need to feel me for days.”
“I already feel you,” huffing you try to meet his thrusts, but your body is completely at his mercy. “Boy, you can make a girl feel special.”
“Special, that’s what you are,” Steve smirks hearing the needy whines leave your lips. He is slowing down now, pulling all the way out to enjoy your struggle to breathe when he pushes back in with full force.
“Look at you,” he is pulling out, “such a needy kitten,” and pushes back in, “mine,” and out, and in without breaking a sweat.
Your body slicks for him, almost begs for it to go on or to be over soon. While you moan, struggling against the ropes holding you Steve has a smug grin on his lips.
“Do you want to cum for your Captain?”
“Yes, fucking yes,” you whine, feeling the knot tightening. “Please, baby.”
“How did you call me, doll? I want to hear a proper title,” you grunt, wiggling in his grip. “It’s not that hard.”
“I…,” hating you have to give in to get your release you press your face into the soft pillow, “want to cum, Captain.”
“That’s a good girl, now cum for me,” his hand moves between your legs to rub your clit in slow circles. His touch is tender but the way his hips slam into your ass with raw force let you know he’s still pissed. “Now.”
“I hate,” brain wrecked you whimper his name, followed by insults as the high ripples through your body. Steve’s hot release fills your womb and you groan, exhausted but sated. “you.”
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When you slowly wake from a deep slumber there is something wet lapping at your cunt, a low groan followed by two rough hands spreading your legs wider wake you completely as another orgasm wrecks your body.
“Steve,” you throw your head back, feeling his fingers slide into you to feel you pulse around him. “What was that?”
“Breakfast in bed,” grinning Steve looks up at you from between your legs. “I got hungry and didn’t find what I want to eat in the fridge so…I licked your sweet cunt.”
“Steve, what are we doing here?” You cover your eyes with one arm, sighing deeply. “You’re Mr. Justice and I am still a thief.”
“You stole from the rich and gave it to people needing help. The ones no one else tried to help,” Steve gives you a soft smile, placing something cool onto your belly. “I got you something.”
Slowly removing the arm from your eyes you look down your body to see the diamond necklace on your stomach. “How did you get this, Steve?”
“I sneaked out last night and asked Natasha for help,” now a blush creeps into Steve’s cheeks. “I am more the ‘I run through a wall kind of guy’,Nat can pick a lock and things.”
“You went back to get it,” you squeal, grasping the necklace before you throw yourself into Steve’s arms. “You know, this makes you my accomplice, Captain Rogers.”
“I know, doll,” husking the words Steve feels your hand creep into his sweatpants. “Y/N,” hissing your name he watches you lick your lips.
“I think, this screams for the best blowjob ever,” you drop the necklace to fist Steve’s shirt, bringing him down for a dirty kiss.”
“Erm-uh,” someone clears his throat behind Steve’s back, smirking as you do not remove your hand from your lover’s pants. “I hate to disturb you Capsicle but I think Bruce and I had a breakthrough last night. Maybe, just maybe we can undo the blip…”
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athenasbloodyspear · 4 years
The Viper: Chapter Three
(Sorry I had to repost because I’m a grandma that posted on the wrong blog the first time.)
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Find this fic on Ao3.
This fic is 18+ for violence and eventual sexual content. Please read at your own risk.
Master list
When Bucky awakes the next morning, he can feel the chaos outside his door from where he lays in bed. He almost turns over and tries to go back to sleep but then there’s someone pounding on his door.
“Buck. She’s here.”
He’s up in a flash.
He dresses as fast as physically possible and careens out of his room, nearly slamming into Steve’s chest in the process.
“What the fuck happened?” Bucky spits, already taking long strides toward the elevator at the center of the tower. “What floor?”
“Basement.” Steve mutters. Bucky whips his head to look at Steve.
“The fucking dungeon?” He snarls.
“She’s a criminal, Buck. Gut instinct of yours or no.”
He just whips forward again and keeps walking. “Who caught her?”
“No one. She stumbled into the main lobby at around 5:30am and collapsed.” Steve says. Bucky’s heart rate picks up quickly.
“Is she injured?”
They both step into the elevator, Bucky punches the basement button and then the button that locks the elevator from stopping on any other floors before it reaches its destination. There’s only a few people in the tower with that privilege and Bucky tries really hard not to abuse it.
Most of the time.
“Has she said anything?”
“What do you know?” Bucky snaps.
“Calm down. She’s here. She’s physically fine besides being underfed, dehydrated and likely hasn’t slept in days.” Steve crosses his arms over his chest. “I’m… concerned.”
“About what?”
“Why is she here? Why did she stumble in here on her own two feet. It all seems really fishy to me.” Steve mutters.
“She needs help, Steve.” Bucky growls.
“How do you know that, Buck? How do you know they’re not playing you like a fiddle right now? Sending you an agent you may have had contact with while you were under their control. One they know you might not fully remember, but enough to have a connection.” Steve didn’t sound angry now, he sounded exhausted.
It pissed Bucky off.
He didn’t say anything else as the elevator continued to hurtle into the bowels of the building.
When the doors slid open and they both stepped out of the elevator, Bucky paused to let Steve lead the way. He felt his heart rate pick up.
Steve led him through a few winding halls, nodding at various agents as they passed and finally stopped in front of a door where Nat was waiting.
“Took you long enough.” Nat said with a smirk at Steve before looking at Bucky. “Ready?”
Bucky grunted in response. Nat pushed the door open with her hip and sauntered into a small room that had one way glass looking into a large chamber where you were being held.
Bucky nearly went to his knees.
They had you sealed in a box, not unlike the one he had arrived to the Avengers in so many years ago. Metal braces around your wrists, upper arms, ankles and shins to keep you in place. The nearly indestructible glass, that which he had failed to shatter when Zemo had started to speak the dreaded string of words, was on all four sides of you.
“What the hell is this?” Bucky snapped at Tony, who sat in a chair flicking through some information projected on his side of the glass.
You sat with your eyes downcast, looking at where your hands were shackled. You wore what looked like scrubs and your skin was gleaming and a tiny bit red. Like you’d been shoved through a car wash. Bucky wanted to smash his metal fist through the window.
“Our new little friend!” Tony exclaimed. “I thought you’d be happy. You were so intent on finding her, and look! She found you instead.”
“Why the fuck do you have her in a cage?” Bucky demanded. “She’s not some fucking animal.”
He didn’t know where this was coming from, whether it was his own trauma speaking or the agony of seeing you trapped in glass.
“Whoa the beast bites today.” Tony held his hands up in surrender in front of him.
“Bucky, we have no idea what she’s capable of or why she’s here. We have to be very very careful.” Steve said placatingly behind him. “It’s just out of caution.”
“Yeah, because putting someone in a box went so well for us last time.” Bucky spit.
To their credit, all three of them flinched.
“Have any of you spoken to her?” Bucky asked, deciding that the current cage situation wasn’t going to change immediately.
“She went through some basic brain scans which Bruce is currently comparing, and a basic psych exam in which she answered exactly zero questions.” Tony huffed. “If anyone wants to take a crack at it, be my guest.”
“I’m going in.” Bucky said gruffly, not giving anyone any space to tell him no.
He ripped open the door that led to your cage.
He was here.
You were doing really well with being silent, giving away nothing as you read the room, but he was here now and it was twisting up your guts.
He was standing about two feet from the glass in front of you, which was about six feet closer than any of the other agents had dared. He was asking you questions but you tuned them out, you tried your best not to hear his voice at all.
You wished you could cover your ears.
His eyes were so blue it was hard to look at them, so you looked away, back to your hands.
He was so much more now.
It was agony to look at him.
Bucky stomped back into the controls room and flopped into a chair near the wall, defeated. He placed his head in his hands.
“Well, at least now I know she doesn’t hate the particular agent that gave her the exam.” Tony quipped.
You hadn’t spoken to him. He felt like he was going mad. There had been such a connection between you two in that club. He had been so sure there was something there, but now you wouldn’t even look him in the eyes. He couldn’t make sense of any of it.
He wanted to hear you speak again. He hoped that your voice would rattle his memories loose.
He just had to remember.
Or at least he thought so.
“Let me talk to her.” Nat said softly then. “Turn the mics off, I want her to know she’s only talking to me.”
“Nat, are you about to double agent me?” Tony muttered.
“Tony!” Steve snapped, even going as far as smacking the back of Tony’s head.
“Hands off! Captain My-Friends-Are-Made-Of-Glass!” Tony snapped.
“No. I just… let me talk to her.” Nat rolled her eyes at Tony before snapping the switch that turned off all the mics and speakers and strolled into the room.
You felt uneasy with the Black Widow’s eyes on you. You trusted her, for some odd reason, but that didn’t mean she didn’t make you wary.
You could tell from the lack of a faint buzz in the room that she had turned the mics and speakers off.
“Hello.” She said simply.
You stayed silent.
“Listen, I’m not gonna play games with you. You know them all already.” She gave you a soft smile then. You felt your heart flutter a bit. “I just want to know why you’re here. Or even what we can do to get you to talk. We’re very…” She bites her lip. “Curious. About you.”
You continued to stay silent. You really didn’t know where to start. What would make them believe you?
“Nothing? There’s got to be a reason you’re here. I know there’s a hit on you, and I know that maybe you just wanted to stop running for a while but if you just talk to us then you don’t have to stay in a glass box.” You snarl. You weren’t here because you needed to run. She sighs then. “I don’t know your whole story, but I know some, I saw some myself. I want to help you. You’re not in the Red Room now, or in a bunker for Hydra. Just talk to me.”
You look at your hands. She stays silent and stares at you. Neither of you move for several minutes.
“I thought you said no games.” You croak out. “Seems like we’re playing the silent game right now.”
The Black Widow laughs softly then. “She speaks! What else does she say?”
“I… “ You start, but you’re cut off when the door swings open.
“Sorry to interrupt the girl party.” This was from Tony Stark. “But Nat, we’ve gotta go. Immediately.”
“Why?” Nat snaps, glancing back at you. You could tell she was fuming. You smiled a little to yourself. She was enjoying being the only one to get you to talk. You were enjoying entertaining the idea of actually speaking to her.
“Actually, it’s because of her former employer.” Stark tosses in your direction, your spine snaps straight. “We’ve caught intel that they executed a series of kidnappings and we need to go find out more about what's going on.”
You felt ice in your veins.
It was too late.
As they all take long strides down the hall, Tony practically dragging Nat by her arm, everyone was shooting questions at each other.
“What did she say to you?” Bucky asked Nat.
“What the hell are you doing Tony? She might know something!” Nat snaps at Tony.
“Don’t you think that’s the plan here? Distract us with a little bait while they start unfolding whatever disgusting plans they have out there in the world.” Tony snaps back.
“Where are we going first?” Steve asks Tony. “Should we drop directly into Kyiv or Sarajevo?”
“What the fuck is going on?” Nat snaps, digging her heels in. “Tell me the plan right now and stop dragging me around.”
Tony heaves an overly dramatic sigh and Bucky has to fight his instincts to punch the man. You had said something and he didn’t know what it was. He needed to know.
“Hydra seems to be kidnapping people across Europe. It’s unclear who these people are or why they’re taking them, but we need to go. We just got a tip that they might be executing a raid in Kyiv right now so I’d say lets go there first. We can check for evidence at the scene in Sarajevo after.” Tony snaps, looking at Nat. “Happy now? Let’s go.”
He punches the button for the elevator doors to open and the whole group piles in. The elevator doesn’t even need to ask, it simply hurtles upward toward the quinjet hangar on the roof.
“What did she say to you, Nat?” Bucky asks again.
“Nothing.” Nat snaps. “Nothing that meant anything.”
“Everything means something.” Bucky growls back.
“Mr. Stark.” Friday’s interrupts. “There’s been a breach in the basement. The prisoner is no longer contained.”
“SON OF A BITCH!” Tony yells. “Take us down.”
Bucky’s stomach flips as the elevator abruptly shifts from hurtling upward to downward.
“This is exactly what they wanted.” Tony snarls. “I can’t fucking believe we fell for it and now one of their top agents is roaming free in my fucking tower!”
No one speaks. What is there to say?
Bucky shifts on his feet. He’s in disbelief. Could his instincts have been that wrong?
When the doors to the elevator open again in the basement, there’s limp bodies littered everywhere. Steve and Nat immediately begin crouching and checking for pulses.
“They’re all alive.” Steve murmurs. “Just unconscious.”
Bucky’s heart swells.
“Look for her.” Tony says.
“No need.” Friday calls from the ceiling. “She’s no longer in the building. I lost track of her after about 10 blocks. She was headed south, Sir.”
Steve and Nat continue to move around, checking on agents and gently shifting their bodies to rest in more comfortable positions and helping people up as they gradually regain consciousness.
“Fuck.” Tony whispers, sitting down in a chair in the hall and putting his head in his hands.
“Tony!” Nat calls from the end of the hall. “Come here.”
Bucky follows on Tony’s heels as they round the corner. There, written in sharpie on the wall behind an agent's desk in a sloppy scrawl were the words.
I’m sorry. But I was too late.
“What the fuck does that mean?” Tony splutters. “Too late to what? Keep us completely distracted while they abducted people?”
“I don’t get it…” Nat mutters. “Who’s side is she on?”
“What did she say to you?” Bucky repeats his question again.
Nat spins and looks at him.
“She made fun of me for playing the silent game. She was about to say something else but she hesitated. Then Iron Boy came pounding in and ruined everything” Nat snaps turning her heated gaze at Tony. “Even though you definitely could have just gone without me to Kyiv or wherever and now we’ll never know what she was going to say.”
Bucky lets his weight sink into the chair behind him, his head spinning. What does this all mean? He still felt certain this wasn’t a trap, that she was acting alone, but why? Why was she here and why wouldn’t she speak to him? None of it made sense.
“To be fair, I always knew she was only staying in there because she wanted to be there.” Nat continued.
“What did you say to her?” Bucky asks again. He needs more information to try to fit this puzzle together in his head.
“Nothing really.” Nat sighs. “Just that we would help her. That she wasn’t with Hydra anymore and I wasn’t playing games.”
Bucky sighs too. They weren’t playing games, but were you?
You’re hurtling through the streets as fast as your feet will take you.
You don’t have a plan, just an instinct.
You have to get there.
As fast as you can.
You don’t know how, but you’re going to get there.
So you run.
And run.
And run.
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shraddhamatre · 3 months
Getting Past the GATE: Your Route to Engineering Prominence
Getting Past the GATE: Your Route to Engineering Prominence One of the most prominent and difficult tests in India is the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE). Examinees for postgraduate admissions and public sector unit (PSU) positions in engineering can apply for GATE, which is jointly administered by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). This blog explores the importance of the GATE exam, test-taking techniques, and the opportunities it provides.
The exam measures a candidate's comprehension of science and engineering ideas at the undergraduate level. It is competitive and comprehensive since it covers a broad range of fields. Academic institutions and industry players highly appreciate analytical and problem-solving skills, which are demonstrated by a high GATE score in addition to validating technical knowledge.
Exam Structure The GATE test is an online assessment that lasts three hours. With 65 questions totaling 100 marks, the paper consists of both multiple-choice (MCQ) and numerical answer type (NAT) questions. There are two components to the questions: the main subject (85 marks) and general aptitude (15 marks). Depending on the candidate's discipline of choice, which might be anything from aerospace engineering to life sciences, the fundamental subject changes.
Strategies for Preparation Recognize the syllabus and format of the exam: Gaining a good understanding of the GATE syllabus and exam format is the first step. This aids in determining the key points and relative importance of the various sections.
Make a Study strategy: It's important to have a well-organized study strategy. Set aside time for each subject according to your level of expertise and how challenging it is. Don't forget to factor in time for practice exams and review.
Study Resources and Materials: Make the appropriate study material selections. Standard textbooks, past exam papers, and internet resources like as NPTEL lectures can be of great use. Enrolling in online classes or coaching programs might offer more direction and disciplined instruction.
Practice and Revision: Mastering GATE requires consistent practice. Work over past years' exam questions and take practice exams on a regular basis. This aids in boosting accuracy and speed as well as comprehending the format of the test.
Emphasis on Concepts: GATE assesses your ability to apply concepts and make sense of them. Instead of memorizing facts, concentrate on comprehending the core ideas and how they apply.
Time management is essential both during exam preparation and during the actual test. To improve your time management abilities, practice answering questions in the allotted time.
Prospects Post-GATE: Opening GATE provides numerous chances.
Postgraduate Admissions: IISc, IITs, NITs, and a number of other institutes accept GATE scores for M.E., M.Tech, and Ph.D. programs. Gaining a postgraduate degree from these prestigious universities might greatly improve your chances of landing a good job.
PSU Jobs: A lot of PSUs hire people based on their GATE results. Because of their great pay, benefits, and job stability, these positions are in great demand.
Research Opportunities: For individuals with a preference for research and development, a strong GATE score can lead to research fellowships in prestigious research institutions like CSIR, DRDO, ISRO, and BARC.
International Higher Education: A number of international colleges accept GATE results for their PhD programs. With GATE scores, there are great prospects for higher study in nations like Germany and Singapore.
In short For engineering graduates, the GATE exam is a stepping stone to a wide range of academic and professional prospects. You can get a great score and open doors to a lucrative engineering job with careful planning and a calculated approach. Remember that the secret to passing the GATE is persistence and steady effort. Set high goals, maintain concentration, and start along the path to engineering greatness.
Start Your Preparation With: https://gameacademy.in/ / https://clppenny.page.link/cTBm 
Recomended: https://www.youtube.com/@gblions / https://youtube.com/@gblionsaeje?si=WY3X-4r5JU7pVEA- 
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alri-xo · 4 years
The Purple One (BuckyxPregnant!Reader)
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A/N: Hi everybodyyyyy I hope y'all are doing great and yes. I made a thing and I feel sorta proud of myself becos like... It looks adorable in my opinion and it makes me feel a certain way and like... Yeah. Pretty much after all the amazing feedback on the fic Shades of Pink, I decided to make something about Bucky this time featuring purple. Sooo I hope you enjoy this and yeah... I love y'all. (Sorry that this does not have a keep reading break. Im on the app.)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier) x Pregnant!Reader
Warnings: hopefully is fluffy enough and mentions of childbirth and crowning.
Normal POV
"Can I pick the color, mom? Pleeeaaaaase??" Your son Braden says folding his hands together, begging to choose the paint color for his little unborn sister's room. You stood in front of the wall of colors in the paint store, looking at the blues.
"Are you sure you want our son to choose, Buck?" You ask your husband looking up at him. His attention averted from the colors to you to answer your question.
Bucky hummed in an asking tone, his blue eyes looking attentively at you. You were hesitant to let your son choose, and your husband was still overwhelmed with the store's color choices. In his head, any color would do, but your son had other plans.
"Daaaaad???" He whined again and Bucky just chuckled. Braden looked at the colors and Bucky did the same, "I promise it won't be blue..."
"I didn't say anything about blue, buddy..." he says, a smile crinkling his eyes and picking your son up on his shoulders, "Tell me what you like for your little sis..."
You looked at your husband and your son, their steel blue eyes looking for colors that they fancy. You thought about many things as they spoke about colors, and you laughed lightly along with them.
You felt like the luckiest girl in the world, with a beautiful son and the most wonderful man as your husband. You wouldn't trade them for anything, let alone you had another little one on the way.
When they found out you were pregnant, they were stoked. When they found out you're carrying a girl, they were over the moon. Frankly, more excited than you. It's not until two more months and they dragged you to choose paint colors for the nursery.
Bucky and Braden took good care of you. Looking for baby names, shopping for baby stuff, groceries and all. Braden stayed with you for the most part, as Bucky went on missions for weeks, making him witness most of the ultrasounds.
However, when Bucky was around for some of your checkups, he would always tear up and smile at the monitor that showed a vague look on your baby, as he did when you were pregnant the first time.
You saw them whisper to each other, exchanging giggles and suggestions that made you raise an eyebrow. You stroke your tummy and shifted in your place as you felt the baby kick quite hard. Bucky caught the slight wince of your face and his smile turned to a small frown.
"Are you alright, doll?" He asked worried. You gestured your hand at his question as you walked nearer to him, lacing your arm with his bionic one.
"I'm good, honey... The baby just did a little can-can..." you smiled, making him giggle. You leaned on his shoulder and his hand stroked your clothed belly, feeling your little girl move inside. He smiled looking at your belly then you.
"I like that one, Dad..." Braden points to the pale lavender shade. It was near white, but it looked soft enough for a baby nursery, "The purple one..."
"Our son is you, Y/N... He's got an eye for paint..." Bucky chuckled as you rolled your eyes at his statement. He put Braden down and you held his hand, him in the middle of both of you.
"Yeah, but he has hair like yours..." you giggled gesturing to your son's "boy bun" as he chose to grow it out like his father.
You got home and your son ran away with the paint brushes and paint rollers while Bucky chased him to the empty nursery. You walked slowly up the stairs to try to keep up with your two soldiers. Bucky's tall frame right next to your 5 year old son who is currently pretending to be you applying makeup with a large paint brush.
You wanted to join in all the fun, but Bucky and Braden refused. They didn't want you to inhale the chemical scent of paint, as usual. They barely made you do anything. You just watched them get paint all over themselves as they painted the wall in the beautiful shade of purple.
They completed the nursery in a week. It was clear that Braden made a mark as he picked out a space-themed baby mobile because he wants a sister that likes space as much as he does.
"Bucky..." you croaked out as you leaned yourself against the low wall of the inflatable pool set up in you and your shared bedroom. The midwife watchful of you while you were on labor.
"I know, doll... You can do this..." He says holding your hands in his and joining his forehead with yours... "Like Braden, y/n..."
"It's okay, mommy..." your son says embracing your wet form. He held your face in his small hands, "You can do it..."
You smiled despite the fluctuating contractions. The water rippling as you breathed to distract you from the pain you were experiencing.
At this point, they were the ones making you feel better in the middle of this. Alpine was with you too, watching alongside Bucky as you tried to focus on your breathing.
Moments later, you felt a contraction that felt extremely painful, "She's coming..."
The midwife got ready and set you at a comfortable position. Bucky asked Braden to leave as your son reluctantly walked out of the room with Alpine.
Bucky held your hand as you squeezed his flesh one. With every push you made was another wave of pain. The baby slowly crowning as your flesh stretched around her. Screams and streams of profanities poured out your lips as the midwife instructed you to push and breathe.
"You're doing amazing, doll..." Bucky encouraged as he planted kisses behind your ear, the top of your head and shoulders. Beads of sweat formed all over your skin as you kept pushing as Bucky praised you over and over.
"Keep going"
"You're so beautiful, y/n."
"God, I'm so lucky to have you..."
"One more, y/n and she's out..." the midwife informed and you nodded quickly and she instructed you to push. One loud scream escaped your lips as you felt sudden emptiness in you, followed by the cries of your newborn baby girl.
The midwife handed her to you, wrapped in a soft purple blanket, "She's beautiful... Congratulations..."
You held her, skin to skin. Bucky looked at the both of your for a moment and he kissed you tenderly, "She's perfect..."
An exact girl version of your son, she had the face of an angel. Beautiful grey blue eyes, (y/h/c) hair, your eye shape, her father's nose and her smile, her lips flushed like that of her father's.
You smiled as tears streamed down his face, you giggled as your free hand caressed his stubbled cheek to wipe away his tears.
"She's all yours, Bucky..." you say softly and kiss cheek, "We're all yours..."
"Can I hold her, mom?" Braden asks seated beside you as you fed her milk from the bottle. Bucky was away to go to the Tower to announce to everyone your baby is born. You told him he could've texted them but he insisted. He was THAT excited.
"Sure, Soldier..." you said as you placed your his sister gently in his small arms. He leaned back on the couch, his eyes twinkling as he saw his little sister's beautiful steel blue eyes look at him.
"Hey, Blakey..." He cooed to his sister. Making small babbles come out of her mouth. You looked at your children and smiled.
"You're an amazing big brother, Braden..." you said and he smiled brightly. You wrapped an arm around your son and rubbed his shoulder, "She loves you..."
"And I love you too..." Bucky said making you jump slightly. He walked over to the couch where you and Braden were seated as Nat, Steve and the other Avengers tried to fit in your living room.
"May I, Soldier?" Bucky asks your son, asking to hold the warm bundle in his arms. Braden obliged as Bucky carefully scooped your daughter in his arms. He leaned over to kiss you, he looked at her and faced the rest of the Avengers.
"Guys, meet Serena Blake Barnes."
A/N: I hope you liked reading this fic. It's the most extra I have been on my blog in so long and I apologize for the lack of page break. I use the Tumblr App. Sooo... yea... stay safe
Taggies 💕
@luna4501 @witchymegg @theaussiedragon @likeit-or-leaveit @amisutcliff
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fangirlinsweden · 4 years
Nexus Part 1
Part 1:  Newest member of the Avengers
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Secrets (think that is all)
Word Count:  About 1500 words
Summary:  Y/N is a pain in the ass according to Steve. She is brought on to missions sometimes by Fury when they need help, but she is wild and does not listen to orders. She does what she wants. Now Fury has given her a place in the Avengers. And Steve is not liking it. Having to deal with her every day. He hates her. Or does he? And what is Y/N relationship with Bucky? They seem to get closer and closer.
A/N: This takes place after Avengers: Endgame, but Steve never left. Tony and Nat are still alive. 
This is written for Gab’s @buckysmischief​ Birthday Challenge. My prompt is:  “Did you bring us here to die?”  “Obviously.” “I really can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.”
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Steve walks into the conference room, but when he sees who is sitting there with her boots on the table with her hair tumbling around her face and her lips painted dark red, all he wants to do is turn around and leave. He can’t be in the same room as her. But instead, he turned to Fury. “What is she doing here?” He asked and Fury just smiled at him. Y/N looked at him with a big smirk on her face, completly relaxed. Steve looked around the room and Bucky, Sam, Clint and Nats amused faces. Wanda was holding back a smile. It all made Steve huff. Still the only think Steve could think about was why did Y/N had to have red lips. She always had red lips. Tony comes into the room and he lights up when he sees Y/N. “Ah, there she is! The newest member of the Avengers,” Tony smiles big and goes over to Y/N. She takes her feet off the table and stands up. Tony pulls her into her arms and gives her a big hug. “Welcome to the family.” Tony realises her and Steve stands there looking with a dropped jaw.  “Close that mouth, Captain,” Y/N winks at him. That makes him wake out of his surprise.  “Why is she a new member?” Steve turns to Fury. Y/N rolls her eyes and sits down again.  “She has skills that the team is missing,” Fury answers and Y/N sends a wink to him which makes him fight a smile.  “No disrespect, Sir,” Steve runs a hand through his hair. “But we do not need her.” Y/N hides a laugh with a fake cough and Steve glares at her. The rest of the team are quiet and watching like it was a tv-show. “You could have fooled me, Captain,” Fury says and stands up. “These last five months Y/N has saved your asses over fifteen times, which tells me that you need her skills and her help.”  “Burn,” Sam whispers to Bucky who hid a smirk with the help of his hand. Y/N winks at Sam and turns back her attention to Fury. Steve’s shoulders drop and he sits down.  “If we have sorted that thing, let’s get down to business,” Fury hands Steve a file.  “There is a mission in Italy.” Steve nodded as he skimmed the file. “I want Y/N, Clint and Nat to go undercover together.” Fury continued. Steve opened his mouth to complain but saw Fury’s pointed look and closed it again. It made Y/N smirk even more. 
This was going to be fun, you thought. Fury went over the mission and everyone listened, without interrupting. You tried to not smirk too much over Steve's apparent annoyance over you joining the Avengers as well as going on an undercover mission your first week as a member. Fury detailed everything Nat, Clint and you needed to do. You were going use going undercover as a family on vacation to  spy on some people as well as get into a nightclub. From there it was on you to get into the office of the boss of the nightclub and download every information that you could get.  Being undercover was nothing new for you and pretending to be Clint’s sister would not be a hard job. Nat would pretend to be Clint’s wife and you were kind of happy that did not fall on you. Although it would have been interesting to see how Steve had handled it. Who was she kidding? Steve would not have cared. Because he did not care about her at all. She had to admit that his way of always staying away from her and when that did not work he was cold. That might be the wrong word, but it did not seem that he liked you very much. You still remember the first time you met him. It was many years ago and Steve had been out of the ice for a couple of months. You had literally walked into him at your grocery store. Smack into his hard chest. 
You had just gotten back from a mission in Russia and you were hungry. In your kitchen there was nothing to eat, everything had gone bad while you were gone. You found an energy bar that you devoured and since you felt like cooking something and not ordering anything you went to the closest grocery store, but first you made sure that your red lipstick was still in place and hadn’t gotten smushed along the way. Taking a basket when you walked into the grocery store you scan the aisles until you find the one you were looking for. You needed pasta. No need was the wrong word, you craved it. Had dreamt about pasta and your grandmother’s pasta sauce when you had been walking around in the ice-cold Russian forest with snow up to your knees. So that was what you were cooking. If you had more time you might even do your own fresh pasta from scratch, but now bought pasta would have to do. After picking a box of spaghetti you walked around the corner to get tomatoes and ran smack into a hard chest. A hand gripped on your arm and held you steady. It saved you from landing on your ass on the floor.  “I am sorry I did not look where I was going,” you said and looked up into the bluest eyes you had ever seen. The man smiled and you felt your heart beat faster. He was ridiculously handsome and had blue, blue eyes.  “It’s okay,” the man smiled and neither of you seemed to notice that you were still pressed up against him. You just gazed up in his face and  thoes blue eyes. Wow. You could have stood there for the rest of your life looking into his eyes and feeling his warm hand on your arm. Someone clears their throat behind you, the man drops his hand from you and you turn around. There stood Sharon Carter and she was not happy to see you apparently. Fuck, was the man her boyfriend. You turn around to the man again, and this time you see just who it was. Steve fucking Rodgers. Just your luck. You quickly make yourself scarce after apologizing to the man again. After picking the last things you needed to do the pasta sauce you walk to the register. There you see Steve talking with Sharon. He looks over her shoulder and when he sees you he gives you a panty-dropping smile that makes you feel warmer than if you were in the tropics. You smile back and wink at him before you turn to the shelf with chocolate and pick up a few of your favourites. After that meeting with Steve, you really needed it. 
Little did you know at the time, that Steve had moved into the apartment building opposite to yours and that you would meet him many more times. It did not help you to not think about him when you saw and meet him so many times a week. The first few months there had been a lot of flirting between the two of you on your side and a lot of blushing on his side. But then everything had changed and now he avoided you as much as he could. It was something that you needed to fix because now you were going to be working together. Problems between the two of you could affect missions and put lives on the stake.  When the meeting was over Steve jumped out of his set and walked out of the door without a single word. You stayed back a bit and talked with Fury and Maria. They both knew about Steve’s behaviour, but you got a feeling they knew more than you. Fury told you to play nice with Steve and Maria told you to give him hell. You were planning on doing a bit of both. 
Bucky walked after Steve and was not surprised when his friend walked into his room. Bucky just opened the closed door and walked inside.  “Why do you hate Y/N so much?” Bucky smirked at Steve who sat on his bed. “I don’t hate her. She is just a pain in the ass,” Steve grumbled.  “Why?” Bucky asked with his eyebrows raised.  “She is reckless, she does not take orders and she has a bad attitude,” Steve listed up.  “You mean she is like you,” Bucky countered.  “We are nothing alike,” Steve glared at Bucky, who just laughs. “I mean it,” Steve says. “You jump out of a plane without a parachute, you are always first into a fight. We both know you have problems with taking orders from people and that you usually go against them. And about the attitude... Just look at you sulking like a five-year-old in your room because YN has joined the team.” Steve started to mutter under his breath and looking kind of pissed. Bucky laughed and paused. “Just one question? Are you mad that she has joined the team without you having a say or because you are still embarrassed that she has saved our asses a couple of times?”  With that Bucky leaves Steve’s room with a big smile on his face. Bucky knew that it would be a couple of interesting weeks, if not months ahead of the team.
~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~ *~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~
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writing-mermaid · 4 years
Siren, part 1 : Do you think I'm stuck up 'cause I'm always picking fights?
Summary : Y/N is a mutant, a Siren, the last of her kind, with deadly dangerous powers and a hidden past. If most of the Avengers likes and get along with her, Steve doesn’t, and it’s getting worse when Y/N and Bucky become close. After all what can bring two broken souls together if it’s not a dark past.
Pairing : Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings : Language maybe
Word Count : 1 479
Square Filled : @star-spangled-bingo : Nick Fury
@buckybarnesbingo : Free square
Author’s note : I have this story on my WIPs for a little time. I hope that you’ll like it. This story is also my entry for @sourpatchkidsandacokecan ‘s Little Darlin’s Mystery AU Challenge, the prompt I chose is Siren AU. Don’t forget that feedback is appreciated and really important.
Song of the title : Can’t Pin Me Down - Marina and the Diamonds
Star Spangled Bingo masterlist
Bucky Barnes Bingo masterlist 
Siren masterlist
Buy me a ☕
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“And this is the main entrance of the facility”, Fury states, showing the doors on the plan of the HYDRA base.
He presses a button and the plan disappears. He grabs two case files and make them slide on the table.
“Y/L/N, Barnes, the both of you are going”, he adds, sending the folders towards us, at each side of the desk.
I open mine, looking at the information printed on the white sheet and then, rise on my feet.
“This doesn’t look too complicated; I can do it by myself.”
“Same, I don’t need a partner, I can do it alone”, Bucky says, before standing up.
“The both of you sit down !”, the SHIELD’s director almost yells, “I’m the one giving the missions orders, the fact that the both of you are Avengers doesn’t change the fact that I’m the one in charge here.”
“Yes, sir”, I answer, sitting back on my chair, my blood boiling in my veins, Natasha watching me from aside, perfectly knowing that I rather work alone than with someone because of the abilities that made me a part of the Avengers.
Fury finishes his presentation while I am still angry at him for not letting me have a solo mission when I am totally able to do it by myself.
“You’re leaving in an hour”, he concludes.
Everyone around me pack their things and exit the room, Fury first. I am still sitting and move my chair from the right to the left and from the left to the right, sulking like a child. Yeah that’s really mature Y/N, congratulations…
“Y/N are you coming ?”, Nat asks, leaning on the door frame.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.”
I follow Natasha out of the meeting room, my file in one hand, the other balled into a fist. I have already proved myself during missions, and I take my suppressing medicine that inhibit my powers when I am around people. Yeah, I must take suppressors, or everyone around would probably jump on me. That is, maybe, the worst aspect of my powers, thing that appeared during my teenage years.
“So, you think that mission is going to be easy ?”, she questions, while we are heading to my bedroom where I need to take my pill of the day.
“It’s just a recognition mission, just have to look, enter and see what HYDRA is up to. Nothing too complicated. I don’t understand why Fury needs to pair me up with somebody else…”
“Maybe because it must be really dangerous.”
“Reconnaissance mission Nat, I’m not a child nor stupid !”
I enter the room, Natasha on my heels and open the drawer of my nightstand to take a little box with the medicine the Wakandan scientists made for me based on the ones Helen Cho gave me when I first arrived here a few years ago.
“I don’t understand why Fury wants Barnes to babysit me”, I put the pill inside my mouth and swallow it with the small bottle of water that stand on my night table. “Like I can’t do anything by myself”, I continue, angrily, closing the cap.
“You’re the newest here, one day he will let you do solo mission.”
“That’s not as if I am a newbie Nat, I have worked for the SHIELD for five years now, trained for a long time before. And with all that I endured before; I had the hopes that somebody would entrust me with a solo mission…”
“Oh sweetheart, that’s not about your capacities or anything”, she says, putting one of my Y/H/C strands behind my right ear. “Fury is just being extra-cautious with HYDRA. They played with us so many times. Besides, going on a mission with Barnes is not the worst thing in the world.”
“You’re right, the worse for me would have been to go on a mission with Steve. I still don’t know why he hates me…”, I sigh.
“I don’t think he does. He’s just being extra careful and protective.”
“Steve Rogers, mother hen.”
We both burst out laughing just before someone knocks on the door.
“Come in”, I yell, trying to catch my breath, while Natasha is still crying of laugh.
“I just wanted to see if you were ready”, Bucky says, after he opened the door. “Is she okay ?”, he asks when he sees my red-head friend trying to calm down.
“Yes, don’t worry. Give me five minutes and I’m all yours.”
“So, in five minutes you’re all his”, Nat says wiggling her eyebrows, when Bucky closes the door after him.
“Nat ! Stop misinterpreting what I’m saying”, I slap her arm saying this. “You know what I meant.”
“Oh, please Y/N, I’m kidding, stop taking everything literally. Maybe you should get laid, it would do you some good.”
“Sex is not the answer to everything Nat”, I sigh.
“No, but it would do you some good. When was the last time you had a good shag ?”
“Nat !”
“What ?! Maybe you should try with Barnes. It would do you real, real good.”
The door opens at the same time, revealing a blushing Bucky on the other side.
“I’m ready”, I tell him, nonchalantly, trying to hide my embarrassment because of what Nat just said and that he probably heard through the door. “Are you coming ?”, I ask him, going towards the changing room.
Natasha leaves us and in silence, we walk to the elevator. When we reach the equipment floor of the Avengers facility, Fury is waiting for us, with Steve and Tony.
“Come here darling, I improved your suit. The fabric is more flexible. Totally in match with your fighting skills and those powers of yours”, he says, smiling and handing me the new black fabric.
“Thanks Tony, I really appreciate !”
While I am looking at my new outfits, I can feel Steve’s gaze all over me, and what he’s saying to Bucky.
“Be careful Buck, we don’t know what’s going to be in that HYDRA facility and I don’t trust her”, I hear him.
“She’s an Avenger Steve, and she worked for the SHIELD before that. You should trust her.”
“I’d like to, but I can’t. There are some blank years in her files, Fury seems to be the only one knowing where she was and what happened to her during that time, but he didn’t tell me and said that it’s hers to say when she’ll be ready to reveal it. And I don’t like this.”
“Let her prove herself Steve, I’m sure everything is going to be okay.”
He pats Steve’s shoulder and walks to his locker from where he takes his uniform.
“Go now, little one”, Tony pushes me towards locker room, “I want to see you in my outfits.”
“Out of context, that sentence would sound really suspect. And I’m not sure that Pepper would appreciate that.”
Tony sticks out his tongue and pushes me in the booth. “Make it quick, I want to see if it fits.”
I roll my eyes and start to change my clothes to those Tony gave me. The suit perfectly hugs every of my curves. I lift my arms above my head, and the fabric is really light and moves with all my movements, according to Tony, it’s also waterproof and it comes with removing gloves. I really must thank him for that new outfit.
“Marvelous !”, the genius billionaire says, when I go out. “I’m really proud of myself !”, he adds, admiring his own work.
“Please Stark, if you’re done, I’d like to talk to Y/L/N and Barnes before they leave.”
Tony and Steve step back, and Fury approaches us.
“Don’t think that I send you there as a team, not because I don’t trust each of you as agent and that you’re not capable to deal with it by your side, but we don’t know what to expect in that warehouse, we don’t know how many men are in there, nor what they’re doing. Barnes, you are strong and fast, Y/L/N is fast too, she is lighter, and has some skills that can help you outside if things become out of control. Now do you understand ?” We both nod. The Quinjet noise is heard and he gestures towards it. “I think that’s your cue. Be careful.”
With that, he leaves and lets the both of us deal with each other.
“After you”, Bucky says, letting me pass first, with that very 1940’s gentleman thing he has.
“Thanks”, I answer, stepping into the plane, putting the first emergency bag down and taking place behind the control.
Bucky steps in right after me and takes the seat next to mine.
“Are you ready, partner ?”
“As ready as I think I can be.”
The hatch opens, and we pass through it to go to the HYDRA facility.
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@the-geeky-engineer, @feelmyroarrrr, @amrita31199, @realgreglestrade, @hellomissmabel, @mandy19875, @howlingbarnes, @belleetlabeast, @theashhole, @sebbytrash, @crazychick010, @bionic-buckyb, @callamint, @just-another-fangirl777, @learisa, @hello-sweetie-get-the-salt, @mokacoconut, @marvelbase001-blog​, @thefiregypsy, @iamthemaskhewears, @snowyseba, @theycallmebucky, @buckysberrie, @speakcroissant, @fangirlwithasweettooth, @tequilavet, @iamwarrenspeace, @melconnor2007, @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​, @mrshopkirk​, @poealsobucky​, @maiden-of-gondor​, @jurassicbarnes​, @abovethesmokestacks​, @thisismysecrethappyplace​, @arawynn​, @sebbys-girl​, @captainrogerss​, @murdocksmartinis​, @supersoldierslover​, @clintbartxon, @totallynotashieldagent​, @crazy-little-thing-called-buck​, @4theluvofall​, @supernaturaldean67​, @prettyyoungtragedy​, @papi-chulo-bucky​, @just-a-kj-blog​, @lenavonschweetz​,  @forever-graphically-frozen​,  @buckysglow​, @winterscldicr​, @whothehellisbella​, @bethanystan​, @re2d2, @asirenscalling​, @after-avenging-hours​, @mrs-squirrel-chester, @winchester-with-wings​, @angryschnauzer​,  @callingmrsbarnes​, @suz-123​, @writingruna​, @sugardaddytonystark​, @angelicthor​, @thatawkwardtinyperson​, @themistsofmyavalon​, @redgillan​, @loricameback​, @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​, @bringpietrobacktolife, @farfromjustordinary​, @you-and-buckyb​, @bucky-made-me-do-it​, @lovelykhaleesiii​, @newmooneyfanfiction​, @lovely-geek​, @fanfictionjunkie1112​, @thefanficfaerie​, @littlemarvelfics​, @cordytriestowrite​, @firefly-in-darkness​, @caplanreads​, @my-emotional-self, @imaginingbarnes-deactivated2020​, @searchingforbuckyfavs​, @buckybabybaby​,
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CSI: Rogers and Barnes- The Serious Cereal Serial Killer Ch 13: Cap’N Crunch
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Co-Written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Episode Summary: The investigation begins to slot together...with some suprising results.
Episode Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW) NO UNDER 18s!!!!
Episode Pairings:  Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Song for Episode:  The Imitation Game by Alexandre Desplat
A/N: This is a LONG chapter guys, but  the case  is cracked... ooooohhhhhhh!
As always we live for re-blogs and comments  
CSI Rogers and Barnes Master List // Main Masterlist I'd look at one of my stonecutters hammering away at the rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet, at the hundred and first blow it would split in two, and I knew it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before. - Jacob  Riis
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By the time they had arrived at Pierce’s, the press were already circling like vultures. Steve called Fury on the way to fill him in on what they had found in Stan’s notes and to his surprise the Commander wasn’t as shocked as Steve had expected. Mind you, he had stated to Steve that he suspected a cover up had happened so maybe this was simply cementing his initial suspicions. The Captain drove carefully through the crowd which was being parted by a number of Thor’s officers, before the large blonde himself gave them both a nod, lifting the tape to allow him to steer his car into the inner boundary. They parked up, climbed out and headed up the drive way which led to the double garage at the side of the large house.
Tony, Sam and Bruce were already in the garage along with Bucky and Commander Fury.
“Sir.” Steve nodded to the man, watching in the corner of his eye as Katie approached the car, stopping by the driver’s side to get a look.
“I take it that’s what killed him.” She said, nodding to the body. Steve walked up behind her, stooped down and his eyes flickered to the single bullet hole straight between Pierce’s eyes.
“Yup.” Tony said. “No other marks or bruises. The blood splatter indicates that he was shot where he is now, so we’re not looking for a second crime scene, same as the others in that respect.” “Yeah, and here’s your cereal…” Bruce said, holding up a clear bag “I’m no expert but these look like Apple Puffs to me.” “Well that fits.” Bucky said “AP, Alexander Pierce.”
“Time of death?” Steve asked and Tony looked at him.
“Judging from the body you’re probably looking at between 5 and 6 hours ago.” “We’ll know more when we get him on the slab.” Sam said, and Steve nodded.
“5 or 6 hours ago means he was killed in daylight.” Fury said, and Steve took a deep breath.
“I’ll get Thor to have his team conduct a door-to-door.” he said, and Fury nodded as the Captain turned to Bucky “I take it there were no signs of breaking and entering?”
“No.” Bucky said. “Natasha and Clint are in the house supervising the detailed forensics sweep but so far nothing. No forced door, picked locks, smashed windows.”
“Which confirms, as with all the others that Pierce knew his attacker.” Steve nodded.
“This is all pointing one way.” Katie said, “Rumlow. He fits the Profile to a tee…”
“But if what you found in those files is right, Pierce has been shielding Rumlow, hell, hey all have one way or another. If it’s him, why is he targeting them? Fury asked
“And why is he suddenly breaking with his MO?” Steve asked, “None of our other bodies have been killed at home or in broad daylight.”
“Maybe he’s just getting sloppy.” Bucky shrugged
“No.” Katie shook her head “That was an execution. Nothing about this is sloppy. If you want my opinion, he’s reached the end, everyone on that list of people involved in the conspiracy is now dead. This was done on purpose so we would find him like this, he’s taunting us…look what I did before you figured it out…”
“But that doesn’t answer my question.” Fury said “Why would Rumlow target the people who protected him?”
"Maybe he's just a fuckin’ psycho." Bucky shrugged “I mean, hey, Sam…”  Sam looked up at his shout “You said the last body, Schmidt, had been beaten in a blind rage right, symptomatic with someone losing their temper?”
“Yeah…” Sam nodded before he bent back over into the car, continuing his examinations and Bucky looked at her
“Point proven, he’s a loop.” “No. He’s not. He's too meticulous.” Katie shook her head and looked at Bucky “Each killing escalated in violence right? I think he was doing that to frighten Pierce. Leading him to think he was going to meet the most violent end of all.” she bit her lip. “What is it?” Steve asked.
“Rumlow can't have known for long...that Pierce was his father I mean.”
“His what?” Bucky spluttered as he looked at Katie then to Steve as Sam let out a huff of surprise too.
“Oh, yeah, there’s a lot we need to fill you in on…” Steve looked at the sergeant apologetically. “But not here…” Bucky nodded and Katie continued.
“If he had known, he would have been using him long before the rape case to progress his career because that's what he was like, a narcissist. Everything was about him. When Sarah Klein turned him down, he took her anyway...and then tried to do the same with me.”
“So he finds out about his parentage...he tells Pierce to make the rape case go away or he blows the fact that he got an underage girl pregnant.” Steve looked at her and she looked at him.
“That’s my guess, yeah.”
“So Pierce plays ball otherwise his career and reputation are dead in the water.” Fury mused “Which leaves Rumlow free to continue at the 99…” “And then he assaulted me.”  Katie swallowed “Which is where my dad comes into it. The assault charge against me is dropped as well, and we can assume Pierce was to thank for that too, only this time they hadn’t factored in Dad’s amazing ability to kick up a shit storm…so Pierce has no alternative but to force Rumlow to resign.”  she paused again and Steve spotted the look on her face, the look she wore when things were finally slotting into place.
“That’s what this is about…” she continued and looked up at Steve, then to Fury then to Bucky “In Rumlow’s eyes they all failed him…” she looked back at Steve “Rumlow had no family, no wife, nothing but the job so take that away from him and he becomes a no-one, which is the worst thing in the world that can happen to a narcissist.”
“But why wait 5 years?” Bucky looked at her.
“He didn’t.” she said, shaking her head “He killed the person he blamed at the time- My dad. Then 18 months or so later he gets busted for the robbery and handed 3 years. Only Pierce doesn’t bail him out this time so he spends his sentence getting angrier and angrier, because everyone else is to blame but himself. He gets out, and starts hunting the rest of them down. One by one. Anyone and everyone that he feels is at fault.”
There was a moment’s pause.
“Well…” Fury looked at Katie, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards lightly “Looks like you just cracked it Stark…”
And damned it, Steve couldn’t help the proud smile that spread across his face. His girl was clever, and he fucking loved her brain as well as her beauty.
“No wonder you wanted to bring her back from DC. Well, apart from the obvious more selfish reasons…” Bucky muttered to Steve, who looked at him, raising his eyebrow.
“I told you Buck…” he said, watching Katie who was talking to Fury now “She’s the best in the business.”
“…we still need to find him.” her voice said as Steve tuned back into what she was now discussing with the Commander. “And I need to prove it too. Back it all up with facts so it isn’t merely supposition…and I still want to know for sure what the fuck the cereal is all about.”
“So do I.” Fury said, as he looked at his watch “Ok, I’m gonna head back to Plaza, speak to Rhodes and Wuntcsh. We need to handle this press release carefully.” “I think we need to put Rumlow’s face out there.” Katie said “Let’s name him, have everyone in the country looking for him.”
Fury nodded “I agree, time we went public. Keep me up to speed.”
“Sir.” Steve nodded and watched the man make his way down towards his car. He turned back to his troops just as Natasha and Clint emerged from the house “Anything?”
They both shook their heads “Nothing out of the ordinary.” “Alright, in that case can you organise and supervise the house to house, Nat, get Thor onto it. Someone has to have seen something. Meanwhile, we’ll head back to the station.” he looked at Katie, Clint then Bucky “We’ll start digging into this theory, see if we can make it tie up. We could use your hawk eyes on this one Clint.”
“Happy to oblige Cap.” he saluted, before he turned to Nat “You keep my car, I’ll grab a lift off Super Serge…” he said, patting Bucky’s shoulder.
“Lucky me.” Bucky rolled his eyes, playfully.
***** They had been back at the station for roughly 2 hours, digging through everything they could think of whilst sprawled in the Incident Room. Clint had ordered pizza in for them, and as such there were discarded boxes along with cans of soda littered around the place, adding to the general chaos of the room.
Katie had written the key points of her theory on the whiteboard, and they were busy tacking documents to the board which seemed to back the different points up. The idea being, as Katie said, they could make connections, trace one link to another easier if the visuals were right there in front of them
It struck Steve just how like Howard Katie was. She worked in a very similar way, his mantra always being that if you eliminated the impossible, no matter what remains, however improbable, it had to be the truth. His daughter seemed to do the same. She was eliminating things that didn’t matter, that couldn’t possibly be true, things that were unimportant as she was following this one thread through the entire case. She’d said right from the off Rumlow was involved, even though they’d had no hard evidence to back that up. Well, now they did, and they were uncovering more and more as they worked.
Steve looked up as he saw Katie reaching for her phone. “Yeah, you get something?” he watched as she paused, her hand running through her hair before she grinned “Tony’ you're a fucking genius..."
She put the phone down and she stood up, moving to the board and pulling the DNA results off from where they'd been tacked up
"These are duplications..." she says "Tony's been digging and talking to a few of his friends in the private sector...apparently these were run originally by a Dr Armin Zola, who was struck off not long after for malpractice. The originals were mailed out to a Mr Brock Rumlow a few weeks before the rape took place...and guess what? Zola turned up dead a week or so later...choked on a steak."
"How the fuck did Tony find that out?" Bucky looked at her.
"Ok, when I say talking to a few friends...I actually mean hacking, but that's not important. I was right, Rumlow didn’t know until that point and ever since he's been using it. Pierce keeps him out of jail but when he's done for robbery he can't…” she tapped at a photo on the board, “because the CCTV footage, everything...it's too much. It would attract attention.”
Steve looked at her, then Bucky before Clint spoke up.
“Yeah, and I've been digging into Rumlow's financials. The guy was destitute. After leaving the police he struggled to find work- was doing the odd bit of security but nothing big, and he couldn't take his pension yet. This was the prosecutions main angle during the robbery case- that he needed the money.”
“The cereal…” Katie mumbled. “Fuck, when I said about the caviar and silver spoons normally being used about making a point, people being rich.”
“He is making the same point, but the other way around.” Steve looked at her and she nodded.
“No posh or fancy silver spoons for me, just mundane cereal. He’s bitter. Bitter he never had the fucking lifestyle that being Pierces kid would have brought him.”
“So he kills Zola…” Bucky looked up “And makes it look like an accident?” Katie bit her lip and something else flashed in her eyes and her mouth dropped open.
“What is it?” Steve looked at her.
“I don’t think he did…”
“The MO…” Bucky started, but she shook her head.
“It’s different. None of the others actually died from choking. They were hit with a hammer, or in Pierce’s case shot.”
“So someone else did Zola…” Bucky looked at her and Steve let out a sigh, the dots connecting in his own mind.
“Pierce.” he said looking at Katie. “Rumlow approaches him with the evidence and he kills Zola to keep his dirty little secret quiet...”
“And then when my dad uncovers all this…he killed him, and mom too.” She shook her head, looking down before she reached for her chair sinking into it “It was Pierce…he killed my parents…I can’t believe it.”
The room fell silent as the 3 men all exchanged a look and Steve turned back to his girl, whose eyes had filled with tears. And at that point, he decided enough was enough.
"Alright, I'm calling it." he said "It's midnight, it's been a long day.” he took a deep breath “Rumlow must have been staying somewhere since he got out of jail. Tomorrow we need to find out where” he turned then to Clint, “We’ll reconvene here at 8 am sharp. Barton, first thing I want you and Nat to follow any lead, no matter how small we got from the house to house. And before you go, get onto Thor...I want all eyes out for Rumlow on the night shift. If they see him, arrest on sight.”
Steve, Katie and Bucky all climbed out of Steve’s car in the underground parking lot attached to the apartment block. Steve headed to the trunk and pulled out Katie’s bag, which Bucky noticed was larger than normal meaning she was intending on staying for longer than the night, but he refrained from making any snarky comment. She’d hardly spoken a word all the way home and he couldn’t blame her. Instead he simply observed as Steve reached for her hand which she took and the two of them walked slightly ahead of him to the door that led to the elevators.
They emerged onto the landing and Steve unlocked the door, swinging it open to let Katie in first. Once she was in she took off her jacket, hung it on the coat stand by the door and turned to them both.
“I don’t want to be rude but I’m exhausted. I’m gonna take a shower and get in bed.” Bucky gave her a smile “Don’t blame you Doll Face.”
She managed a roll of her eyes with a smile at the nickname and she moved to take her bag from Steve but he shook his head.
“It’s ok, I’ve got it.” he said and she smiled at him before she turned back to Bucky.
“Night Buck.” “Yeah, see you in the morning.” he said.
Steve followed her down to his room where he deposited her bag on the chair in the corner and she turned to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, burying her face in his chest. The rain was beating against the bedroom window and he glanced outside, his chin resting on the top of her head as he gave a sigh. Looked like this shit weather was in for the night, which was fairly apt really all things considered. Eventually she stepped back and looked up at him and he leaned down pressing a soft kiss to her lips.
“Go get sorted.” he said, “I won’t be far behind you. Do you want a drink or anything?” “No, I’m good thanks Stevie.”
He smiled again and then left her to her own devices. When he walked back into the kitchen Bucky was sat at the breakfast bar and slid him an open beer as he dropped onto the stool besides him.
“She ok?” Bucky asked.
“Not really.” Steve sighed
“And what about you?” Bucky looked at him. “You were close to Howard. That’s bound to have been a head fuck.” “You’re not wrong.” Steve sighed “We gotta catch this bastard Bucky. Pierce will never face justice for what he did but Rumlow can.” “And he will.” Bucky said, taking a mouthful of his beer “We’ll find him.”
The two friends sat talking until their beer was finished and at that both decided to call it a night. Steve’s room was dark when he entered, the only light coming from outside street lighting which flooded through the crack in the curtains. He went to pull them shut tightly but Katie stopped him.
“Don’t, I like the light.” He chuckled as he turned to face her “Now we both know you’re not afraid of the dark, Star.” “I know…” she said as he pulled off his Henley, discarding it over her pile of clothes on the chair “I just like it, that’s all.” Once he was down to his boxers he crawled over her, dropping a kiss to her lips “I’ll be 5. Just gonna shower.” “Ok.” she yawned, settling herself down further under the covers.
Steve took the hottest shower he could stand, willing the warmth to wash away the events of the day. His shoulders ached from them being so damned tense and he rolled them slightly, cracking his neck from side to side as the water beat down on him. Once he was done he headed back to his room, towelled off, pulled a clean pair of boxers on and settled down besides Katie. He pulled her to him, her back pressed to his chest as he dropped a soft kiss to her bare shoulder just to the side of the strap of her cami top. They lay silent for a while, the only sound was the rain falling outside, but he could tell she wasn’t asleep from her breathing.
“Remember that trip we took to Camp Lehigh.” Katie broke the silence and Steve took a deep breath.
“How could I forget?” he smiled. And he meant it, that weekend was ingrained in his brain forever. He’d split up with Peggy a few weeks before hand and Katie had split up with Grant a couple of months before that as well. The pair of them had been miserable, basically slumping around her apartment or his, wallowing in their joint grief and pity before Katie had decided they needed to go and do something, something fun. Camp Lehigh had been somewhere that her parents had taken her and Tony every year as kids, an activities camp of sorts, with little cabins and all kinds of sports and activities to do, so on a whim she’d booked them in for the weekend and they’d headed off. It had been great. They’d gone hiking, done the assault courses, paintballing, kayaking, drunk round the campfire with the other people there. In fact, that was where her star necklace had come from, the gift shop. It was a cheap, sterling silver pendant but he’d wanted to say thank you as the weekend had been a balm to his soul. Upon leaving they’d vowed that was it, their lives started over and they moved forward. Which was what they had done, and every spare bit of time they had they’d filled with something fun.
“You made me take the top bunk.” She said, “You were afraid if you took it you’d come falling through and land on me in the middle of the night.”
“Well on the second night we both ended up in the bottom one anyway.” he said, his arm pulling her closer “It was raining, like it is now, and then it thundered and you shit yourself.” “I did not…” she said indignantly, causing him to snort. “Ok, maybe a little…”
They fell silent again, and she shuffled in his arms, turning to face him. “You know, that night when we just lay there and we were talking for hours until you fell asleep…I could feel your heart beating in your chest and I remember asking myself how Peggy could have ever let you go.” Steve looked down at her, brushing her hair back slightly off her face as she continued. “In fact, I think that’s the moment I realised I loved you. I mean, I’d had those feelings for you for a long time but that was the time I finally understood why whenever I was with you I got that safe, happy feeling.” Steve pressed a kiss to her lips, his forehead resting against hers. “We wasted a lot of time Doll.”
“I know.” she sighed. “So stupid when you look back on it isn’t it?” “Well, there’s no point thinking about it now.” he said softly, his hand gently sliding up and down her back “You’re stuck with me forever.” “Promise?”
“Cross my heart Star.” he said, his lips catching hers again in a soft kiss before he grinned. “Even if you are afraid of thunder.” “Piss off…” She chuckled, shoving him gently.
“You know, I always found it odd…how you could be so scared of thunder but quite like a Storm…” he quipped and she let out a groan.
“Again, Steve?”
“Sorry, sorry…” he chuckled, “I know, it’s just…well it was only a week ago tonight that I thought I’d lost you again when you left with him.” “Keep on mentioning him and I just might do it again.” “Uh-uh…” he said, grinning as he rolled her onto her back. “Like I said, you’re stuck with me forever. You’re never leaving.” “Never?” “No.” “What you gonna do? Handcuff me to the bed?” Steve let out a soft groan as she tilted her hips upwards, pushing into his groin “Don’t tempt me Star…” She bit her lip as she looked up at him. “You wanna go all bad cop Captain?”
“Yeah, well, you bring out the absolute worst in me…”
“You love it.” she teased.
“No, I love you. The rest of the shit just comes along.” he mumbled, his lips catching hers again. This kiss this time fevered as her tongue slid into his mouth, tangling with his own. She gave a soft moan which almost died in her throat as she pulled back and looked up at him, her hands tangling in his hair. It took a while for the fog to clear from his lust addled brain, but eventually Steve pulled back, searching her eyes in the dim light of the room.
“Sweetheart, you need sleep…” he said, clearing his throat as his nose brushed up against hers. “After everything that’s happened today, I-“
“I need to forget…” she whispered, cutting him off, her hand cupping his face. “Please, make me forget Stevie…” She whispered into his mouth.
And that was it. Suddenly he was pulling her top over her head, his mouth nipping and sucking at her chest as she writhed and keened underneath him. His hand worked into the waistband of the shorts she was wearing and she gasped as his fingers gently started to tease her, before he upped the pace slightly, and with a flick of his wrist pushed two inside her, curling against that soft spot that he knew would leave her boneless and pliant underneath him.
“I love you…I love you so fucking much…”He said, making her groan again as he continued to work her with his hand. Eventually she couldn’t take it anymore and she wriggled underneath him.
“You want something?” he teased and she raised her head, glowering at him.
“Steve if you don’t fuck me right now I swear to God…” “You’ll do what?” he raised an eyebrow.
“I’ll call Storm…”
“Doll, don’t threaten me…” his voice grew low. She was such a mouthy little shit at times and she knew what buttons to press and when to press them, fucking brat.
“Or what?” she propped herself up on her elbows. Oh he knew exactly what. In a flash he had reached out, and grabbed at her hips, flipping her over so that her front was pressed into the bed covers. She let out a little shriek, followed by a dirty giggle which made his already evident arousal even harder as he crawled over her, nipping at her neck. In seconds he had her moaning again, and grinning to himself he pulled back slightly and she let out a cry of frustration.
“Steve…” she said, her voice pleading. He completely ignored her as he hovered over her, his mouth tracing a line down her spine as she continued to whimper. His lips formed a smirk against her skin and as he reached the dip of her lower back he wriggled out of his boxers and grasped her hips, pulling her ass off the bed. He easily discarded her shorts before he positioned himself behind her, the tip of his aching, rock hard cock simply teasing at her entrance.
“This what you want?” he practically purred and she groaned.
“Yes, Jesus Christ…” In one swift move he was buried to the hilt and she let out a load moan, her face muffled slightly by the pillow.
“Ah, ah Star” he said, as his hand reached out and gripped her shoulder, he pulled her back so she was propped up on her elbows “I wanna hear you…”
Katie bit her lip as he started moving, hard, fast, deep. He could tell that every thrust was rocking her very core and she was putty in his hands within minutes. As his hips snapped back and forth, loud grunts and groans filled the room, mingling with the sound of skin slapping on skin as he continued his ferocious pace, his hand still on her shoulder pulling her back onto him with every pound forward he made. Steve bent over her to nip at Katie’s neck, a little harder than usual, and he spoke into her ear with a growl. "You feel so good. So fucking good.”
"So do you…" she moaned to him as he kept up his relentless pace, and she felt the release creeping up through her belly. “Shit…Captain…” Captain…fuck he loved that! He gave another nip to her neck before he pulled back, looking down at the place they were joined, were he was pumping in and out of her as he continued his salacious assault on her spot. He felt her legs go rigid and she tightened around him, her head tipping back.
“Come for me doll…” he groaned and a loud cry ripped from her throat as her hands fisted around the sheets and her entire body shook. Unable to control herself she collapsed and in a flash Steve curled his arm around her waist, he’d never let her fall. A few short thrusts and he was done, the entire world around him tilted on its axis as he spilled himself inside of her with a low growl, before he collapsed forward, letting her down as gently as he could, finally face planting onto the bed, sweating and spent besides her. Neither of them moved for a moment, the only sounds that could now be heard was deep breathing from both of them as they came down from their high, fighting for composure. Eventually Steve felt Katie move and he turned his head lazily to the right to see she was led on her stomach, her head turned towards him, and at the sight of her looking utterly wrecked thanks to him, he couldn’t help the smug grin spreading across his face.
“I kinda like Bad Cop.” She mumbled and he laughed, reaching out to brush her hair behind her ear before he pulled her face towards his for a soft, gentle kiss.
Steve's eyelids were heavy the following morning and he struggled to open his eyes before rubbing them and giving a yawn. His bladder was full but his mind wandered to the events the previous day, exhausting as they had been, which had led to a no less exhausting, albeit for better reasons, night. He smiled as he turned around to reach for Katie only to find the left side of his bed empty. He ran a hand over the vacated space and sighed at the cold touch.
After the customary visit to the bathroom and putting on a t-shirt, Steve went out of his bedroom and headed for the kitchen, following the clattering sounds of breakfast getting ready as if he was following the Pied Piper. When he reached the kitchen door the smell of something just baked mixed with the delicious scent of freshly brewed coffee hit his nostrils.
But something even more delicious caught his sight. Just as he had predicted Katie was already up, making breakfast. She was wearing one of his Henley shirts over her lacy panties and nothing more. He was sure. He had spotted Katie's bra discarded over the back of the chair with the rest of her clothes from the previous night before heading out. Steve felt something stir inside his boxer briefs at the sight of his shirt covering the curve of his girl's ass and how it hung over the upper part of her thighs. Fortunately, he had decided as a last minute decision to put on a pair of pyjama pants.
He couldn't deny the sight of Katie, in his clothes, making breakfast in his kitchen like she just belonged, made his chest burst with happiness. To the point that he let out a contented sigh from where he was leaning on the kitchen's door frame.
It was then that Bucky, who was sitting at the breakfast bar eating his plums, noticed his presence and turned around. He saw his friend, and observed the way he was staring at Katie and mouthed Pervert at him.  Steve just smiled and said "Morning." At that Katie turned to greet him back and Steve instantly saw the stains on her cheeks. She had been crying. He gave her a concerned look before turning to look at Bucky who didn't need any words to understand what he was expected to do.
"Erm, I'm gonna get ready." he said as he just sat up before nodding at Steve as he left the kitchen giving them some space.
Steve then crossed the floor of the room towards her and Katie simply leaned into him, wrapping her arms round his wide back. Her face pressed into his T-shirt, inhaling his scent. He didn't say anything. He just rubbed his girl's back as he thought he could get used to her being there in his arms every morning, before stepping back and wiping her face with his finger pads.
"Sweetheart, how much sleep did you get?" he asked her softly.
"Few hours." she shrugged. "I just couldn't stop thinking about mum and dad... and how Tony needs to know we're pretty sure Pierce did it and..."
Steve sensed her beginning to spiral and decided to take the matter in his hands.
"Shhhhh...Star, just breathe... let me help you with this ok? We'll go to the station, check on the status of the search for Rumlow and then we'll go speak to Tony." he cooed, hugging her against his chest again.
Katie nodded and Steve, satisfied with how things were turning out, tried again with another distraction.
"What were you cooking?" he asked nodding towards the stove.
"I did cinnamon buns, your Ma's recipe...and was just whipping up some eggs and bacon." she answered as she resumed her position in front of the bowls and pans that were scattered over the kitchen counter.
Steve realised then she had to have been up for hours if she had managed cinnamon buns as whenever she made those, she usually got them ready the night before to bake in the morning.  He shook his head in a disapproving gesture before approaching her again, hugging her from behind this time, and kissing her head.
"Ok Doll, let's get those ready and we can eat." he suggested.
"I'm not that hungry..." Katie began to explain.
"That wasn't a request. You're already sleep deprived. I don't want you fainting because you haven't eaten." Steve stated, nearly ordered, going into concerned Captain mode.
She saw Katie smile, instead of getting all pissy at his commanding tone of voice, and bite her lip.
"What?" he asked.
"You'll make a great husband one day..." she said with a simile that reached her eyes.
And just like that Steve was brought back to his ma's banter about the ring and the proposal for the second time in less than 24 hours.  And not only that. Fucking hell! It hadn't even been a week since they had got back together. What day was today anyway? Friday? Just the previous Friday he was moping around and getting dragged to the Compound in a stormy, you could say, turn of events. But then again, as everyone liked to point out lately, they went back to 10 years before any of this. Everything they've done...it really was like they had dated but without the physical side. How the fuck did he not see what was right in front of his damned eyes for all that time? Coz you're a stupid, punk. His little inner voice answered for him, a voice which was annoyingly similar to Bucky's. But back to the husband thing....
"Well, as long as it's your husband Doll..." Steve said as he felt his cheeks flush.
Katie stopped what she was doing to look at him and simply smiled again, that damned smile that got him weak, before giving him a gentle kiss.
He then grabbed a tea towel from the breakfast bar and threw it over his shoulder to start helping Katie.  He was loving the domesticity. How she directed him around as if they were a pair of newly- weds getting breakfast ready on a lazy Sunday morning. Again those marriage thoughts but he didn't mind as he helped her with the food before shoving more coffee on. And then their domestic bliss was broken by a piercing sound.
"Can I come back in now? I'm starving!" Bucky shouted from somewhere in the living room.
"Jerk." Steve yelled back.
"Smells good, doll face" Bucky said when he appeared in the kitchen a few seconds later.
"That fucking name!" Katie said, throwing a spoon at him.
"You know? I still remember the first time I called you that and you got mad." Bucky grinned catching said spoon expertly in his right hand.
"I hated you back then." Katie retorted as she whipped the eggs.
"You didn't doll face. You loved me. And HIM." Bucky said gesturing to Steve.  "Even though you pretended otherwise." he shrugged before biting another plum.
Steve then saw Katie stop what she was doing and slowly turn to look at his friend with narrowed eyes. There she is, he thought, his face cracking into a grin at the dirty look she was shooting his best friend.
"Piss off Barnes."
Bucky laughed before looking at Steve. "Steve tell her how you were mad at me coz you thought I was hitting on her."
"No...that's...I never said that..." Steve tried to protest as he looked from Bucky to Katie.
"Oh you absolutely did." Bucky said nodding exaggeratedly.
"Seriously Steve...you can't lie for shit." Katie said after watching him for a couple of seconds, a smile playing on her face.
"Remember when they all gave you the slip and I bought you lunch?" Bucky asked Katie. “Well apparently I did that because I wanted to bone you…” At that Katie let out a huge laugh and Steve sighed, shaking his head.
"Ok, maybe I was a little paranoid..."
"Yes, paranoically in love...." Bucky quipped.
"Do you wanna eat this breakfast or wear it, jerk?" Steve said with feigned indignation. Well, maybe not so feigned. Although it was true, he didn't like being exposed like that. Not that Katie didn't know how he had felt about her, though.
Katie chuckled and shook her head as she started to plate up breakfast.
Bucky then shot Steve a wink, to which the captain mouthed Thank you. He really appreciated his friend's efforts to keep her distracted from her thoughts again. Even though Bucky could be like an annoying little brother at times, Steve felt the dynamic the three of them had set was remarkably good. True Katie and Bucky had hit it off from the beginning, despite their constant bickering, but the addition of Bucky to the equation that was his and Katie's budding relationship was flawless. Mind you, he could be a teasing jerk sometimes, and there was no way he didn't hear them the previous night the way they were going at it but he hadn't passed any comment. Not yet, at least.
They headed for the station without further ado that morning. There was so much to do, so many phone calls to make, so many reports and evidence to go through once more, now the case had taken a much needed, though unexpected, turn. They had no time to waste and they were also eager to know if the search on Rumlow had thrown any light.
So Steve pulled the car into the station's parking lot after a quick stop to grab their usual morning coffee treat, seeing as it was his turn to buy and Bucky wasn't willing to let it go. No matter how busy they were, no matter what the circumstances were. Steve wondered what was with Bucky and just eating plums for breakfast first thing in the morning and not having his dose of caffeine until much later through the day. Unless he was hungover that is, which was happening a lot quite recently.
When the three of them entered the station's main office they were met with a face they weren't expecting. Sure, they didn't expect to find Wanda but her replacement had arrived fast and might have caused a stir in the organization of another precinct.
"Gina! Oh my god..." Katie squealed, approaching the woman with her arms open.
"What are you doing here? Not that I don't want you here but are you Wanda's replacement?" Steve asked, trying to understand.
"Kinda... I'm gonna be doing 2 days here, 3 at the 99 until Fury finds someone." Gina explained as she stepped back from Katie’s embrace.
"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in." Steve frowned.
"Well, there's a lot of things he doesn't tell people." Gina shrugged, as if she hung out with Fury on a daily basis.
Steve went quiet and looked at Katie, who was unsuccessfully trying not to laugh. His own mouth was quirking as well when he turned around to look at Bucky who had an expression of utter whatthefuckness, if that was even a word, all over his face. But Gina didn't seem to be bothered in the slightest, as she continued sharpening the pencils Wanda had left in the pencil pot at the reception desk before asking. "What did you do to Maximoff."
"I didn't do anything to her, she quit." Steve informed, yet a bit offended.
"Ah, maybe that's why she resigned... Anyway Captain, your post is on your desk and I sent pretty eyes out for a Danish." Gina said, turning into assistant mode.
"Who's pretty eyes?" Bucky asked.
He had met the woman twice, once when he had been at the 99 with Katie to fetch Rumlow's case files and the other a week or so ago on the night out. He remembered clearly on their trip to the 99 Station, she had been teaching Holt how to trash talk. Frankly, the woman was something else.
"Clint..." Katie said, smiling as she sat down on her chair and switched her computer on.
"Is he married?" Gina asked nonchalantly.
The three of them then paused and looked at one another. They didn't know what to say because, truth be told, they hadn’t got a clue.
"I dunno actually, ask Romanoff..." Katie was the first to speak.
"She's kinda scary..." Gina trailed.
"No more than Diaz." Katie quipped, winking an eye at her.
"Yeah, ok, fair point. Anyway I'd love to chat all day but I got stuff to do so stop distracting me." Gina shrugged and started to sort some post on Romanoff's and Barton's desks.
Steve frowned and opened his mouth to say something to the woman but he was utterly lost for words. If whatthefuckness really wasn’t a term then someone needed to add it to the dictionary because that was the only thing that came to his mind right then. So he closed his mouth again and looked at Katie, who again was trying not to laugh.
He was so lost for words to express what he had just experienced that he didn't think too much of it when he dropped a kiss to Katie's cheek who looked up at him surprised.
"Oh... Ok... Finally." Gina said casually before heading back to her desk.
Steve then went bright red at the realization of what he had just done. That was not what he was supposed to be doing in the office he thought as he headed for his office door in a rush, cursing internally, without glancing in Bucky's direction. He didn't need to look at him to know he would be grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Thank God, Clint and Nat were nowhere to be seen.
Speaking of the devils, just as Steve was closing the door of his office he saw Clint walk in with Natasha with a brown paper bag, presumably from the deli round the corner. He could hear the banter the two detectives were having with Gina as he took off his jacket hung it over his chair's back.
He ignored the muffled sounds that came from the main office and decided to have a look at his post. He picked up a few letters and went through them. It seemed to be just the normal internal memos and stuff. There was also a note from Fury to say Gina would be starting. No shit Sherlock, he thought.
He then noticed one manila envelope that was a bit larger than normal. He frowned as he opened it to discover it was a box of special K cereal. He instantly dropped it and stood up giving a very loud “Fuck!”
Steve could hear the sound of chairs being dragged and concerned words he could not fully understand in the main office before his office door was slammed open and everyone headed inside, Katie leading them. But they all stopped on their tracks as they spotted the cereal box on his desk.
"Shit, he hasn’t finished...” Katie looked at it, as she glanced at Steve “Special K... SK...Fuck Steve, he's going for Sarah Klein." Katie stuttered, but still managed to get her thoughts expressed.
Steve blinked at the cereal box just as Katie's words sank in and instantly went into Cap mode.
"Buck, get onto Interpol. We need to inform the German Authorities, warn them. Barton and Romanoff I want everyone looking for Rumlow right now. Get Thor to step up patrols. He has to have been staying somewhere, so find him." he called it, nearly barked.
"I'll grab an evidence bag, get that to Tony." Katie offered.
"Doll, you don't have to do that, I can send someone from patrol..." Steve trailed, his voice softening.
"Did he just say doll?" Clint asked Nat, quirking up his eyebrow.
"Loud and present." she answered.  
"I can do that, Steve." Katie said, ignoring Bucky's smirk as he had overheard Clint and Nat too.
"I’ll go with you, I said I would..." Steve insisted, but she cut him off.
"No, it's fine. I want to talk to him about what we found yesterday and think its best I do that alone. And besides, you're needed here."
"Ok, get to it. I'll call Fury, keep him updated." he said after a moment’s hesitation, nodding.
And that was the cue for everybody to retreat to the main office and start working on their Captain's orders. There was no time to waste. Steve grabbed his phone and was about to dial Fury's extension number when he noticed Bucky hadn't left his office and was smiling at him.
"What?" he asked, placing the phone on his desk again.
"So, before you kissed her cheek, and now you called her Doll in front of everyone." Bucky said, slumping on one of the chairs in front of Steve's desk.
Steve groaned and blushed again before asking “Did I? Fuck... It came out naturally, I didn't mean to..."
"Don't worry, Pal." Bucky said, waving whatever embarrassing thoughts Steve might be getting with a movement of his hand.
"I should control it though, Fury..." Steve said, ignoring his comment.
"Steve, Fury is on your side. Otherwise Katie would be cleaning toilets at Police Plaza instead of being here." Bucky tried to calm him.
But he remarked the last word and Steve got what he was trying to say. It was Saturday. Officially Katie should be off the case, but here she was working on it despite Fury’s orders. Mind you, Fury had been there yesterday when she had basically cracked it and had also, albeit maybe not expressly, given Steve the permission to keep her involved on an unofficial basis…but he would be damned if he abiding by the official orders and benching her now. And he was willing to bet no one in the station would go and tell Fury. With Wanda out of the picture, they were a perfectly assembled team again, watching each other's six.
Steve smiled at him and Bucky stood up and turned to go just as Katie came back with an evidence bag and gloves. He watched as she methodically put the box in the evidence bag and looked at him, nodding.
"Ok, I'll call you in a bit." she said.
"Ok..." Steve nodded and smiled at her. Then he checked around and decided this time it was safe, no eavesdroppers or unwanted witnesses, before saying "Love you. Try not to worry."
"I will and love you too..." she said back before heading off, nodding to Thor who was passing her.
"You're in a rush little Stark?" he asked.
"Gotta get this down to the lab. Talk to you in a bit..." she nodded.
"This is taller and stronger, is he married?" Bucky heard Gina asking Nat.
For the following hour and half everyone was doing what they had been told to as if doing it was second nature to them. The bullring was like a busy marketplace, full of people talking. Thor was helping Nat organize a sting whilst Clint was on the phone talking to some contacts, all of whom seemed to be some sort of former spies if you asked Bucky based on the odd bits of conversation he could get from his desk, trying to trace Rumlow and emailing his photo left, right and centre. Bucky was focused on getting onto Interpol, Rumlow's photo was already at all major airports, but they have to alert the Munich Police force to take Sarah Klein into protective custody.
Gina was assisting them all in whatever phone number or data they might need while screening calls according to importance or relevance to the priority case and taking messages for all of them and Bucky had to give the woman credit, she was doing it well.
At some point Bucky saw Gina stand up from her desk and beeline to Nat's desk where Thor was perched revising some notes on the police operative for the sting.
"Can I get you something to drink?" she said looking at the tall blonde as she pointed in the direction of the kitchen with her right thumb. "Maybe tea?" she insisted, seeing Thor was looking at her wondering who the woman was.
"I don't drink tea." he stated plainly.
"What do you drink?" Gina asked again, now curious about the man.
"Not tea." he stated again as if it was obvious.
Bucky chuckled as he saw Gina look at Thor as if he was some kind of mixture between an alien from another planet and a God, and just as she shrugged and moved to head for the kitchen she nodded at the photos of cereal brands that Natasha was shoving back into a file.
"By the way, what's with the cereal?" she asked.
Natasha then started to explain but soon Thor cut her off and started rambling about how every victim had a different make of cereal shoved down their throats once they were dead. There had been Puffed Rice, Jump Start, Juicy Skulls and finally Apple Puffs.
"God, that's so unimaginative. It should be a cereal that represents the person..." Gina spoke her mind.
"It did." Bucky explained. "It was their initials."
"No. I mean like their personalities..." she said before elaborating on her idea. "So, I would be something sophisticated, like a Granola."
Bucky, Thor and Natasha looked at her, finding it hard to believe what she had just said and Clint snorted as he lifted his eyes from the screen of his computer. At that point Steve walked out about to ask for an update when Gina continued her charade.
"And Captain Hottie Rogers here would be Cap'n Crunch" she said with a flourish of her hand and a wide grin, proud of her own joke.
"What are you talking about?" Steve asked her. "What is she talking about?" he asked again, looking at Natasha this time.
"She's just critiquing the Cereal Serial Killer's choice of breakfast snack." the detective said, smiling slightly.
Steve took a deep breath, reminding himself she wouldn't be here for long, before speaking. "Ok, can we focus, please? Thor, report on your troops."
"The gates of hell are filled with..."
Steve stopped listening to Thor, who seemed to have been infected by Gina's nonsense rambling, as from the corner of his eye he saw Clint whisper something to Nat, who snorted. Steve then glared at her. He had too much on his plate right now as it was and they were starting to give him a headache with their shenanigans and high-school whispers.
"Care to share with the rest of the team?" he asked Clint, sternly.
"Sorry, Cap. It…it was a bad joke." Clint apologized.
"Well, it was clearly amusing so let's hear it." Steve insisted.
Clint looked at Bucky, who nodded discreetly at him. Steve had used his Captain voice, he was pissed off. You'd better answer him, pal.
"I just reminded Nat of a joke we used to make... how Katie would be your Special K, that's all, was just a..." Clint explained. “We code named our matchmaking plan Operation Cap’n Crunch and Special K…you know, it…”
"Ha, that's amusing." Thor's laugh echoed throughout the main office, earning an appreciative look from Gina. "Cap'n Crunch and Special K..." he added, shaking his head.
But instead of laughing at the lame joke a cold feeling washed over Steve as the lightbulb suddenly lit up in his head. "Shit."
"Sorry..." Thor trailed, starting an apology.
But Steve wasn't listening to him, his eyes darted at Bucky instead whose mouth had dropped open.
"It's not Sarah Klein..." Bucky mumbled, looking at his friend.
Steve pulled out his phone and pressed the call button. Bucky saw his hand tremble as he brought the device to his ear and yelled "Buck, call Tony. Check if Katie is there. Hurry!"
Clint and Nat shared an understanding and concerned glance just before Gina asked "What's going on?"
Natasha looked at her and swallowed before answering. "Special K...it's Katie Stark... not Sarah Klein."
"Steve..." Bucky's voice which was slightly shaky attracted all the attention just as Steve looked at him. "Tony says Katie hasn't been to the lab..."
"Fuck!" Steve hollered. "Son of a bitch!" he swore again, kicking a chair before turning and starting barking orders, going on full Captain mode like they had never seen him before.
"Natasha, get the CCTV up from the parking lot." he ordered before pointing at Clint "If she left in her car, get on to traffic, pull up any cameras on the way to the lab, see if they track her plate."
Next he pointed at Thor, then Bucky "You, you with me now, we'll take a patrol car and run the route to the lab..."
There was a flurry of movement in the office as everyone jumped to it. Steve, Bucky and Thor literally ran from the office as soon as Steve had grabbed his jacket. He was trying to ignore the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach, but his breakfast wasn't willing to cooperate.
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jademight · 4 years
What does it *feel* like for Bruce, sharing space with another consciousness? Does he feel like the Hulk is a part of him that has been separated/exacerbated, or does he feel like an entirely separate entity within Bruce?
Character development time! Give me some interesting questions about my character and I will answer.
This is a great question and I’m going to split it into three chunks. One, what Bruce thinks about the Hulk, and two, what Hulk is in relation to Bruce and three, how it Feels on a given day.
Massive wall of text below lmfao.
So Bruce’s views on the Hulk and their relationship changes and varies extremely over the years, so I’m going to break this into yearly chunks.
The First Two Years- Early Days and On The Run
So, in the early days, Bruce’s views on the Hulk are....really not kind. For the first two years, really up until the end of The Incredible Hulk movie, Bruce considers Hulk a foreign entity. A monster that was unleashed in the wake of the Gamma Bomb, a genie that Bruce had to actively work on keeping in the bottle. Bruce was genuinely afraid of the Hulk and did all he could to not cause a trigger. Only after being told of Hulk’s interactions with Betty and his discovery that he can ‘aim’ the Hulk, he started to somewhat see It in a different light.
Yes, It, because for a while Bruce didn’t consider the Hulk an individual.
Year Three - Avengers Days
So this is the period of time when Bruce really starts to make a concentrated effort at trying to understand the Hulk and what it-- he is. He starts to key into the fact that Hulk isn’t an entirely foreign entity, and that there is a deeper connection between the two of them. There is a part of him that suspects the DID diagnosis deep down, but he absolutely denies it and goes to the conclusion of ‘Hm, maybe it was a buried part of my subconsciousness, the Freudian ID to my Ego.’ 
So while Bruce no longer sees the Hulk as an altogether foreign entity, he still feels like he is merely a fragment, base thoughts and desires given green form. Something that can be kept at an arm’s length but still something he’d rather avoid. ( Hence, his aversion to Code Green.)
Year Four. - Planet Hulk
This is when shit gets complicated. 
So Hulk gets sucked up through the portal and ends up in Sakaar. Initially he is still operating on survival instincts, fronting for days on end so Bruce doesn’t get hurt. But then days become weeks, weeks become months. And Hulk starts...having a kind of a life there. A life where he is not seen as The Green Monster but rather someone people cheer on, and he really likes that. So he shuts Bruce out, on purpose. Bruce, in the aftermath of AoU and being forced to go on a rampage, is emotionally shut down, so he doesn’t put up much of a ‘fight’, as it were. And as a result Hulk remains Hulked out for a whole year until Thor comes and manages to switch him back to Banner. (In my canon it’s not a recording of Nat but probably a recording or a picture of Betty or something along those lines.)
However, once Bruce comes to and realizes what has happened, he can no longer deny that Hulk is a person wholly his own and not merely a fragment. After Sakaar, Bruce has to admit to himself that he has some form of an identity disorder.
Year Five - Just A Man and his Green Friend
They get back on Earth, and at this point Hulk is no longer operating on childlike survival instincts, he is fully cognizant and has a full vocabulary. Both of them have a somewhat contentious relationship because Bruce is back to being afraid and apprehensive of the Hulk, so he’d rather avoid a full transformation. But he now recognizes Hulk is not a Thing he can ignore now, so they are attempting to communicate and reach some form of common ground. 
Though Bruce tried his best to deny it, Hulk is absolutely a separate individual within Bruce’s mind. He was ‘created’, as you will, during Bruce’s childhood, when his young brain couldn’t handle the verbal and physical abuse at the hands of Brian and function as a normal kid so his brain created a separate individual who could endure the blows, someone who could take in all of Bruce’s rage and anger and fear and hold onto it for him. Once Brian was institutionalized and was no longer a factor in Bruce’s mind, this personality went dormant.
Until the Gamma Bomb.
So up until the Avengers, a.k.a. when Bruce made the conscious effort to ‘reach out’ to the Hulk, every time he surfaced, he existed within the moment of trauma, of being caught up in all the anger and fear and thus living in a state of perpetual Fight or Flight. This is why the Hulk we see in the early days have the vocabulary of a child and exists purely on instinctual reactions. Once he gets to Sakaar and he has the opportunity to calm down and exist outside the moment of trauma, the actual personality buried underneath all the emotions start to come out, and he becomes more verbal and has a more extensive vocabulary. (It’s not babyfied like Ragnarok, but he nevertheless likes to stick to short and to the point sentences). He is still a being of emotion and will revert back to that anger and rage when sufficiently distressed, but he is more cognizant overall.
I do want to make a point to say that even though Hulk can be really annoyed by Bruce and his attitude towards him, he is ultimately there to protect Bruce from harm and be the Caring Grown Up figure he never had. But there is also that push and pull of wanting to have his own life but also being part of Bruce and sharing the body. So it’s a complicated issue they have to get through. (Is integration into one cohesive mind possible? Sure, but they have a LOT of work to do before they can get anywhere near it. And whether or not they want to integrate into one mind is a different question entirely. The fact that Endagme did all this off-screen pisses me off to no end.)
Another point I want to make is comics delve into Bruce’s DID way more than I am. There is a massive sprawling system of alters within comic Bruce’s system (Joe Fixit Hulk is the Teenager Bruce never got to be, Savage / Childish Hulk is the repressed rage, Devil Hulk is the Protective Father etc. There are literally hundreds of Hulk alters.)  I am very much compositing Savage Hulk and Devil Hulk into one figure and making him the only alter in the system for convenience’s sake and to make Hulk a more defined character rather than the mess of trauma and psychological issues that he is in the comics.  (Of all the alters Joe has the most probability of making it to the blog eventually but not anytime soon.)
The analogy I’ve grown attached to is the imagery of a door. All the abuse Bruce endured and the memories and the pain got put inside The Room Behind That Door, and Hulk was inside keeping it all locked in. The door was always there, but beyond Bruce’s ‘gaze’. When the Gamma Bomb went off, the door became ajar and Hulk was out. In the first two years, when Bruce has not much of an understanding of the Hulk, he feels like a ticking time bomb, like a dynamite with its fuse lit that’s going to go off at any moment. In year three, once he has more of an understanding, he starts becoming more cognizant of the proverbial door and starts getting more of a ‘feel’ of it, like a subtle pressure at the base of his skull.  Year Four, the roles are reversed and Bruce is the one locked behind the door, but Hulk is fully cognizant of the fact and is actively keeping it locked until he Can’t. Year Five, aka the Current Status Quo, Bruce feels the Hulk as that pressure at the back of his skull that intensifies if he is feeling some kind of way. Sometimes, more often than not really, he will see the Hulk as his reflection instead of his ‘own’ face. They are also becoming more prone to ‘talking’ in the Inner World should they need to communicate, but Hulk usually prefers to give Bruce a ‘sense’ rather than a full blown conversation. 
God this has been a wall of text I hope this makes sense and answers the question lmao.
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