#Nash Answers
theotherbuckley · 4 months
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incorrect tweets pt 17/?
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Bobby: Now Eddie, repeat after me, forgive me Father, for I have sinned.
*Scruffy Buck in the background doing bicep curls*
Eddie: Forgive me Daddy, for I have been naughty.
Bobby: Eddie, you need to focus.
Eddie: Sorry cap but this isn't going to work.
Bobby: ...
Eddie: I just realized it wasn't a crisis of faith but a crisis of sexuality, and the only punishment I need is whatever Buck is willing to give me.
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boasamishipper · 20 days
so who’s going to write the bathena au where athena livetweets hotshots every week with her friends and @‘s technical advisor bobby to complain about the inaccuracy of the show
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dawntainbobbynash · 10 months
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Anon asked: My favorite Bobby & May scenes
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tevanbuckley · 4 months
I think this story with Gerard could be headed somewhere bigger? Tommy semmed more nervous than usual and slightly on edge, not like his usual self in the past. Wonder if they’ll be another moment with them next episode or perhaps they’re setting something up for season 8?
tbf, i don't think anyone would be cheery after coming face to face with their pos ex-boss only to get lowkey called a slur. but, it also wouldn't surprise me if they're using the early renewal to their advantage and leave some things up in the air.
i fear they might be setting up gerard to take over the 118 whilst booby is incapacitated, the drama with the councilwoman potentially takes hen out of the running and i do not trust this chief guy. he gives off the exact vibe of someone who would saddle them with gerard if it was convenient/useful for him (especially if he's holding a grudge against bobby for quitting).
despite all the 118s shenanigans over the years iirc we've not seen them rub up against the LAFD brass all that much, so giving them an enemy from above would be a good untapped source of drama going forward.
now assuming bobby isn't actually gonna die (tim istg do not do this to me) but is still out of action come s8, having gerard in the captain's seat could be good motivation for bobby to come back to work, even if he doesn't want to/isn't ready to. we've got a lot of buck/bobby parallels this season and it might be nice to go full circle to s3. except this time it's bobby pushing himself to get cleared because he doesn't want to leave his team under gerard.
ofc that's pure speculation, i doubt tim knows exactly what direction they're taking s8 tbh.
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rab-bitly · 8 months
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theyre just like toxic yuri but theyre both nonbinary
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try-set-me-on-fire · 3 months
Hiiii 💕💕💕
For the wip game (the highlighted ones)
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Hello!! For you since you’ve been interested in it for awhile and i promised you a scene ages ago and only just now finished it: big heart, I wanna let it bleed, aka buck joins the team younger fic! Here’s a complete drabble about them running into Phillip on a call…
They’re not in an enclosed space but, somehow, the kid’s laughter is still echoing around them. Bobby tries to bite down on his smile as he calls a vaguely warning “Buck,” though he’s not too worried about professionalism seeing as the surfer — who’s trunks are truly mystifyingly tangled on his board — is cracking up even harder. He’s sort of… hung up there, board stuck nose down in the sand, man dangling up on the back end of it. They seem too far up the beach for a wave to have done this, but what does Bobby know, he’s from a landlocked state.
“Sorry, Cap,” Buck wheezes. “Do we, uh… need the ladder?”
Bobby takes a measured inhale as he hears some kind of frantically smothered squeak sound coming from — is that Chimney? One of the paramedics, anyway — and shakes his head. “I think we can just lower the board down, if you’ll give me a hand. That sound alright to you, sir?”
The surfer gets through a few more wheezing chuckles before he can say “Yeah dude, lower away.”
They manage it pretty smoothly, with him and Buck on either side and Hen and Chim ready to catch the weight of the surfer. Hen starts off the next small round of laughter as she tries to de-tangle the swim trunks to move their vic, but everybody manages to calm down as they get to the actual medical examination.
As Hen and Chimney poke and prod, Buck chatters. “I learned to surf a few years ago, over in the Carolinas.”
“No shit?” The surfer grins. “Like Charleston? I gotta cousin over there.”
“Yeah, Folly Beach sometimes, but mostly went up to the Banks.”
“Sick.” The surfer gestures to where Hen’s wrapping some gauze around his bloodied elbow. “What’s your worst wipeout?”
Buck laughs again, a little delighted sound, always happy to be included. “Oh man- My first time out on the water, like the second wave I ever caught, just tossed me right off completely.” He tugs up his shirt before Bobby dawn shake his head not to, and twists around to show a jagged old scar on his lower back. “Landed on some rocks, needed fourteen stitches.”
The surfer whistles as Hen shakes her head. “I don’t think you’ll need any stitches for this one, but there’s enough debris in there I’m gonna recommend we take you to the hospital so they can get it all out.”
“Sure thing,” the guy says, looking more relaxed than Buck taking a nap on the couch after second helpings of mac and cheese. “Thanks man.”
“No problem,” Bobby says, definitely no trace of a chuckle in his voice no matter the delighted glances his team sends him.
The surfer tries to twist towards Buck once they get him on the gurney, winces, and then just turns his head. “You ever surf out here?”
“Have a few times, but I don't have a board or anything.”
“Man, you should come out and join us! We got a group most weekday mornings, I'm sure somebody could get you set up.”
Buck looks happy as a dog with a bone, glancing at Bobby with a mile wide grin. It's a familiar kind of look, though it takes until they're almost at the ambulance — Buck chatting away all the while — for him to place it, and it nearly makes him stumble when he does. Robert would give him that look when he made a new friend on the playground and got invited to hang out. Please, Dad, can I go? He's sure Buck didn't mean anything by it. Bobby doesn't have that authority in his life, nicknames and Springsteen concerts nothing that adds up to a tangible connection. And the kid- well, he's not a kid. 25 years old, can arrange his own playdates perfectly well. Still, Bobby feels a little off kilter as they load the ambulance.
“Rad, man, see you around.” The surfer is grinning at Buck, two happy little suns shining at each other. “Ask for Stevey,” he says, loosely pointing at himself. Steven Barney, he'd given as his name to dispatch.
Buck smiles, waves goodbye. “I'm-”
Buck turns like a man in a haunted house, startled at an impossible sound with all the color draining out of him. The apparition takes the appearance of a white man a little older than Bobby, wearing neat, pale clothes and a sort of constipated, caught expression. They see that look on calls sometimes, with men who are going through an emergency with women who are not their wives and who are still trying to pretend they've done nothing at all untoward.
“D-” Buck blinks, a few times, hard. “Dad?”
Bobby can't help joining in Hen and Chin's shared oh shit look. There's not an overly familiar resemblance between the two — perhaps a shared stake in forehead real estate — but the man doesn't refute it. “I'll let you get back to work,” he says, glancing towards the sea, the ambulance, eyes landing briefly on Bobby before jumping away again, startled.
“Wait, wh-” Buck steps forward, hand wandering out in front of him before dropping back to his side. “What are you doing in LA? Did you have- a-a work trip?”
Buck's father clears his throat. “It's Brian’s birthday.”
“Oh,” Buck says, blinking again, rapidly this time, a fish thrown in new water. “He- he lives in California now?”
“No, no,” the man says dismissively, like he doesn't know why anyone on earth would choose to live in California. “He’s retiring early, wanted to make a weekend of it.”
“So-” Buck scrambles, visibly, and it makes Bobby aware of the small audience of first responders (and surfer), so he closes the ambulance door despite Hen and Chim’s wide eyes and shaking heads, and thumps the back so they pull away. Buck doesn’t seem to notice either way. “You’re- you’re here for a few days? We should- we could go get lunch? I-I have to work until tomorrow morning but-”
“It’s a busy weekend,” the man grumbles, doing a motion with his hands almost like he's patting himself down to make sure he has his wallet, the movements of someone making sure they're good to leave. “I won't have the time.”
Buck stands there, looking more wounded than any of the times he's been banged up on calls. “I- haven't seen you in- in like four years-”
“And who's fault is that?” His father laughs dismissively. “If you want to run off and throw your life away you can't complain about it later.”
“I-I didn't, I like what I- I have a job, I- I found…” Buck frowns, and Bobby worries for a moment he's going to cry out here in front of his father and colleagues and the beach goers of Santa Monica. He holds it together, though. “I like it here, and I like my job, and I'd like to tell you about it-”
“I won't have the time, Evan.” He doesn't even consider for a moment backing out of his obvious lie. “You can call next week if you want. Your mother will be glad to know you're in one piece.”
“Okay,” Buck says, shoulders sinking down and turning in. He goes from a 6’3” wall of muscle to a lost child right before Bobby’s eyes, hell of a magic trick. “Sorry,” Buck says, as Bobby does some math, works backwards a little. Fourteen stitches, definitely more recent than four years ago. He thinks about the laws of physics, or at least traffic, he’d break if he knew Robert was bleeding in an ocean somewhere in the world. “Sorry,” Buck says again — why, why should he be apologizing — and nods a few times. “I’ll- I’ll make sure to call.”
His father nods back. “We still work, so-”
“Yeah, after five, I know.”
“And your mother has book club on Tuesdays.”
“Okay.” Smaller, and smaller. Bobby remembers reading Alice in Wonderland to Brook, wonders how big Buck’s pool of tears is to shrink him so much. “I’ll just-” Buck clenches his fists, just for a moment, and then hides them in his pockets. “I’ll just try. If you’re busy you don’t have to pick up.”
Oh, God, give an inch and they’ll take a mile. Buck’s father looks visibly relieved at the offer of plausible deniability. “Alright.” He doesn’t move to hug his son, doesn’t even reach out for a handshake, staying a careful several feet away. “I’m sure you need to get back to your job,” he says, raising eyebrows in Bobby’s direction. It makes him bristle, he doesn’t want to be a forced coconspirator in judging Buck for something he hasn’t even done wrong. Buck wilts even further beside him. His father gives one final nod. “Goodbye, Evan.”
He’s already walking away by the time Buck says “Bye, Dad.”
And then they’re all just standing there. Hen and Chimney went off to the hospital, sure, but there’s still a handful of firefighters lingering around, either trying to make a lot of eye contact or no eye contact at all. Buck stares firmly at the ground. Bobby clears his throat.
“Alright, let's pack it up.” If they were operating under any other circumstance Bobby might compliment his crew for how quickly and quietly they get loaded into the trucks.
The ride back to the station is quiet, too, usual engine chit chat locked in everyone’s throats. Bobby’s pretty sure he sees Nichols subtly and somewhat frantically typing on his phone. Mostly, though, he watches Buck in the rearview. The kid is staring resolutely out the window, but Bobby would bet he’s not seeing a thing. His leg bounces on the seat, and Rodriguez doesn't even do the polite cut-it-out cough. Bobby wonders how many of Buck's stories he's overheard, if he's also now watching them tilt, shift, rearrange in his head. Dumb little boy stuff, skateboard-bike-motorcycle stunts, climbing up trees to fall out of them, all told with class clown energy, wasn't I stupid but wasn't it fun, wasn't it funny? Bobby got up to some shit when he was a kid, trailing after Charlie and taking any ill-advised dare the older kids tossed out to him, but he got hurt and he went home, his mom kissed his scrapes, even his dad would ruffle his hair and grab the first aid kit on his good days. Bobby looks at Buck looking out at nothing and tries to count the broken bones scattered between the big grins and his audience’s corresponding groans, tries to imagine Buck — all his silliness, all his sunshine — going home hurt to parents whose care comes with office hours.
When they pull into the station everyone flees the engine like there’d been a chemical spill, leaving Buck standing alone silhouetted against shiny scarlet paint. Bobby hesitates, one foot still up on the truck bed. He doesn’t want to overstep, but- he can’t stop thinking about how far away Buck’s father stood. The kid deserves someone to come closer. He only wished there was someone better than himself around to do it.
“Hey, kid-”
“I never knew what I did wrong.” Buck is frowning into middle distance, shoulders still tucked in around him. “I- I know I was stupid in- in high school, and college, but-” he looks right at Bobby, eyes wide, and he looks- oh, kid, come home. You’re hurting, come home, you’ll be taken care of, I got a first aid kid at least and I’ll learn to do better than that. “It was always like this- I-” Buck shrugs and here, finally, come the tears. “What did I do wrong?”
“Nothing,” Bobby says, and it's only two steps over to him, and he’s never even casually side hugged this kid before but Buck sinks right into his arms.
“You can’t know that-”
“I can.” Buck’s so tall. Bobby’s not sure the last time he hugged somebody taller than him. He wonders how tall his dad was, looming so large in memory but an unknown in actual imperial measurement. He wonders how tall Robert would’ve gotten. “You were a kid. You were their kid. There’s nothing you could have done that was so bad they shouldn’t have loved you anyway.”
Buck shudders against him, and his shoulder is getting wet, and the ambulance will be back soon and there’s firefighters milling about and, always, work to do.
But they can take a little time here. Bobby’ll bend it around, if he has to. The laws of traffic, the laws of physics. It startles him, scares him a little, but- he’d break them for Buck, too.
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diazsdimples · 3 months
Hi!!!! This is the equivalent of however many Grant-Nash Ranch sentences you can make, my love
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Turns out that equated into 18 ranch sentences.
After Bobby got out of the hospital, they moved into a motel room. It wasn’t ideal, not by any stretch of the imagination, but it served as somewhere for them to sleep between Athena’s shifts and Bobby’s war-like campaign he launched against Vincent Gerrard. The apartment hunting had begun when Bobby had tried to squeeze a very angry group of firefighters into the motel room, which ended with Hen and Chimney trying to squeeze onto the double bed beside Bobby, Buck and Eddie sitting so close to one another on the singular armchair that they were practically in one another’s laps, and Ravi face down on the ground, apparently midst-existential crisis. Athena and Bobby had moved into their 2-bedroom apartment a week later. While he knew it was by no means a permanent state of affairs, Bobby hated that apartment. It was small and dingey and, worst of all, there was no backyard. Only a tiny balcony with a couple of dying plants, and perfectly situated to never get any sun, no matter the time of day. Considering he has nothing else to do with his days, besides help instigate a mutiny within the 118, Bobby began to religiously check real estate websites. He and Athena had spoken about what they might look for in a new home, and Bobby tried to keep all this in mind as he searched. He pulled up listing after listing, showing his wife with enthusiasm whenever there was a spare moment. He attended open homes, contacted realtors, even went as far as calling Michael for his opinion on possibly building their own place. But nothing felt right. They were all too close to their neighbours, or too modern, or only had a tiny patch of land for Bobby to garden in, and he just – well he itched for something more. Gradually, Bobby’s searches branched away from metropolitan Los Angeles, getting more and more into the outer suburbs until he’d well and truly worked his way into the rural real estate websites. It felt so much better, looking at old ranch-style homes with a few acres of land, perfect for Bobby to work on the garden he’s always wanted, enough space for Athena to get a couple of animals if she wanted, plus ample space to turn into entertainment areas for the inevitable 118 barbeques they would be hosting. He never mentioned the change in search area to Athena, still keeping an eye out for inner city properties just in case, but Bobby’s mind was made up. They were going to buy a ranch.
Tagging some friends who might be interested in a new wip lol
@theotherbuckley @daffi-990 @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @spotsandsocks @bidisasterevankinard
@watchyourbuck @actuallyitsellie @perfectlysunny02 @bidisasterevankinard @cal-daisies-and-briars
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between-two-fandoms · 5 months
Thoughts on Buck ever meeting Captain Gerard? Like… maybe they’re at the FD/cop bar and Gerard shows up while Hen and Karen, Chimey and Tommy and Eddie are all there and it’s so awkward and Tommy wants to lash out and Eddie looks like he’s gonna beat someone’s face in— but then Buck is there defending his fam? I donno why but i feel like I need this…Athena meeting Gerard would also be a THING I NEED.
oooh, I haven't thought of this one yet!
I can picture them all at the badge and ladder bar, and Gerard winds up at the bar ordering something and spots Tommy first so he moseys on over to the 118 crew/firefam. And Buck is sitting there next to Tommy. He notices how Tommy's usual suave confident nature falters in front of his old captain. Buck takes it all in for the first time, leaning into Tommy as he tries listening to old stories from Tommy's first captain.
It's clear Hen and Chimney are immediately uncomfortable with this smelly old man's presence at their table, but Bobby doesn't make him leave so Buck follows Bobby's lead at first and tries to be nice to Gerard. But then Gerard starts cracking offensive jokes. First at Buck's expense, because Buck's got a reputation a mile-wide from his 1.0 era and that's fine. Buck can handle jokes being made about him. He's a big boy. Tommy's hand grips his thigh under the table, grounding him.
(more under cut)
They're all still humoring him an hour after Gerard tells a couple of stories and lays off the jokes for a bit, but Buck has already decided he loathes this man who thinks he can get away with talking to his family like this. All the snide comments and borderline offensive one-liners. And then Gerard starts cracking jokes at Hen and Chim's expense and gets offended when Tommy doesn't play along. When Gerard starts turning his attention to Eddie he tries making a joke about Christopher when Eddie shows him a picture. Before anyone else can do anything Buck snaps. Maybe he feels brave enough for confrontation because he's had a couple beers so he's not able to control his emotional stressors like usual, or maybe he's just fully pissed off at this sorry excuse for a fire captain for thinking he's one of them.
How dare he think he can make fun of the 118 like this? They're heroes compared to scraggly old man ass. They're Buck's family. Bobby is a hundred times the captain you'll ever be Gerard! Tommy's grown into a person he can be proud of! Fuck off you asshole. He's a great boyfriend! kisses Tommy aggressively to make a point then rounds on Gerard again Chim is the best older brother ever. He's an amazing paramedic and he's going to be at the 118 longer than any of us! And how dare you insult Hen and Karen! Karen is a rocket scientist she's a million times smarter than you'll ever be asshole! Hen is my sister. She's the best paramedic in the state. how dare you talk about my sister like that! When he's done everyone looks at Buck kind of afraid but mostly just thankful he had the guts to say what everyone's been thinking.
Then Gerard gets scared off, and Buck's coming down from the high, still seething a little. Everyone thanks Buck for sticking up for them, but they inevitably decide to call it a night and taper off until it's just Buck and Tommy left. By then the exhaustion washes over Buck and he just buries his face into Tommy's chest. Tommy (who is a little turned on by Buck yelling at Gerard and being all protective over everyone, but now's not the time) wraps his arms around him telling him how brave he is, how strong he is, how much he loves him, and then he takes him home.
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bekolxeram · 8 days
"When the Boeing Gets Tough..."
Yes! I know! I can't believe they actually refer to Boeing by name. The show has to tread carefully. Airliners are designed to have multiple redundancies in case of a catastrophic system failure. Every single crucial flight system has a backup and a backup for the backup. It takes many different failures in a chain of events to bring down a modern airliner. The aviation world calls it the Swiss cheese model.
With the 8x03 title confirmed as Final Approach, it gives more weight to the S8 opening disaster being an emergency landing.
If the Airport 1975 theory is correct, as in a light aircraft crashing into a big airliner leaving the first officer dead and the captain blinded, leaving the unexperienced flight attendant/passenger attempting to land the aircraft with professional instructions, it would be pretty damaging to Boeing's reputation.
There is something called TCAS (Traffic collision avoidance system), required to be fitted to every airliner after the 80s. The air traffic controllers at major Californian airports also have a warning system at their disposal to separate potentially conflicting traffic. If the show just decides to ignore this crucial system for safety, I can't imagine Boeing being happy about it. It's been dealing with bad PR since the 2 MCAS crashes, then the door plug blowout and lately the Starliner stranding 2 astronauts in space for longer than expected.
People have been mocking Airport 1975 for being unrealistic, because the head-on collision with the light aircraft somehow only tore a small human size hole in the cockpit without damaging the rest of the 747 too much. I can think of something in the modern days that actually makes such a precise but catastrophic damage?
A drone, trying to get the best aerial shots for a hit TV show about firefighters.
TCAS scans the surrounding airspace for transponders, which every aircraft flying near the busy SoCal airspace has to be equipped with, but not drones.
It's a super wild guess, but I just think it would be interesting for Bobby's story, accidentally putting his wife in danger again through indirect action, but this time he gets to save her.
Also, as I mentioned before, this is an Airbus.
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I don't know why they're referencing Boeing here, but I did see this blurry shot of a Boeing aircraft in the background here, in one of the bts photos:
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So I don't know, does this emergency involve 2 different airplanes? Is the Airbus crashing into the Boeing? Is the Boeing trying to stop the Airbus or vice versa? I have zero ideas.
I can't wait to be wrong with all of you.
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nashdoesstuff · 2 months
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stagefoureddiediaz · 16 days
Hey Kym, have you talked about how you think this season is going to pan out? Nothing too involved,just bare bones what you think these 18 episodes will deliver
Hey Nonnie
I both have and havent - in that I’ve just talked about it quite a lot in my last post about Tim’s interview, (so go check that out if you want more!) but I haven’t written a dedicated post about what I’m thinking for how season 8 is going to pan out.
I’m very much of the opinion we’re getting a s3 redux if you will. Season 7 was basically a speed run of s2 and all the s3 elements are being nicely set up - we’ve been given hints of how several storylines are going to parallel arcs from s3 - the bee-nado is sounding more and more like the tsunami - in that the bees are the same as the wave - they set off the destruction, but themselves aren’t the actual emergency - the wave created all the various issues we saw the firefam battle through in their various locations in the aftermath and the bees seem to be doing the same thing - causing the issues in e1 and will then more or less be gone and it’s the trail of destruction they’ve left behind that is the actual disaster.
Bobbys arc seems to be the comic relief arc (which he deserves tbh after s7!) with some serious notes in that parallels his s3 arc - s3 bobby was not in the firehouse at the start of s3 (suspended) and he planning his wedding to Athena and supporting the firefam from a distance - we seem to be getting a similar vibe going on here - with him not at the 118, and instead of a wedding he’s looking for a new home!
Athena’s arc is seemingly going to play on her Emmet storyline from Athena begins - which was in s3. I think the plane may well be carrying Dennis Jackson - the guy who killed emmet - so I’m expecting something copaganda heavy but hoping for the opposite (especially as we’ve got Ortiz in play this season and the idea of corruption in politics and how that trickles down into public service roles like policing etc would be so interesting to see!) where we explore how Athena’s choice to pursue and have DJ prosecuted has impacted everyone involved.
Buck and Eddie’s arcs seem to be paralleling s3 as well - we ended s7 with them closer than ever and Chris’s leaving has a similar vibe to Eddie leaving Chris with buck to it - in that buck and Eddie were the closest we’d ever seen them in that moment, and in the initial aftermath of the tsunami, only to then have them pulled apart - and separated before coming back into each others orbits andbring closer than ever - leading into Eddie begins and him changing his will.
S3 for buck was about figuring himself out a lot more - establishing the importance of family to him and about learning who he wants to be and who he doesn’t want to become. The Gerrard storyline seems to be setting up something similar as i think it’s going to parallel the lawsuit arc - and will be about Buck and Bobbys relationship. Tommy also plus into that arc as he is seemingly set up to be the thing that creates distance between buck and Eddie like the lawsuit and the fight club did (the idea that Tim and the writers honed in on the fighting aspect of his similarities with Eddie in s7 so they could use it as an allegory for the fight club is chefs kiss good) so I expect him to be around for a bit (I’m going to take a stab at e7 marking his departure but it could be e8) but he’ll be fine before mid season hiatus!
The entirety of Eddie’s arc seems to be set up for a Christopher return around Christmas (the title puns they could play on with that would be so fun!) on the back of an Eddie religion leading to gay Eddie arc for 8a and then 8b is primed for buddie canon (imo I think we’re looking at 8x11 or 12 for them confirmed and 8x11 would make me super happy as it would be 118 backwards and I love a ply on things like that!)
The Ortiz v Hen storyline has already mentioned the ambulance crash from malfunction which was s3 so I’m seeing plenty of parallels for hens arc with her s3 one but im expecting it to be more front and centre for more episodes than hens s3 arc was - which is as it should be - hens arcs have been more low-key since s5 so she’s due to be brought back to the fore!
Chim and Maddie are the main unknown for me - the Mara arc is clearly important but is very much tied into hens arc. We’ve had hints that Mara will be a springboard for them expanding their family and that in and of itself ties into the s3 arc which was all about madney tentatively exploring the idea of parenthood and it ended with Maddie pregnant - so I’m thinking we might see something similar for them this season. I would also like a dispatch centric episode this season - we had taking of dispatch in s3 and while I don’t know how it would look, we’re due a dispatch heavy episode (which are always great ones).
That’s my super bare bones theory on roughly how s8 is going to pan out - I don’t expect it to completely follow the s3 arc, but I do expect it to hit many of the key markers s3 has!
I hope this is what you were hoping for in your ask Nonnie - I love speculating on 911 it’s so much fun
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dawntainbobbynash · 6 months
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I'm not gonna tell you how you feel about Marisol, Eddie. Only you know that.
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84reedsy · 1 month
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here’s some pictures/gif of kevin/diesel :3
God that big man is so hot.
Also Scott in his short shorts is gonna end me 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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the-inheritance-games · 3 months
Have we ever considered that by “not that” lyras dad was referring to the Calla lily and half eaten candy necklace?
“What begins a bet? Not that. Not those two things that I just randomly gave you before heading upstairs to go off myslef, that does not begin a bet.”
Like that seems so obvious and yet so obscure
Or maybe its not what he meant and im just really exhausted from my workout and overthinking things again or its secretly the key to solving the riddle, who knows??🤷🏻‍♀️
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try-set-me-on-fire · 5 months
bobby nash and st jude by florence + the machine pls
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