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badgalsasuke · 26 days ago
Kishimoto Entermix Magazine interview
Translation from Google Translate, QuillBot and DeepL
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Is it really over?
週刊少幎ゞャンプ50号にお堂々の完結を果たした『NARUTO- ナルト-」 を蚘念しお、15幎に及ぶ長期連茉の執筆を終えおすぐ の岞本斉史先生を盎撃。 最終回を迎えた珟圚の心境からラスト バトルに蟌めた想い、 劇堎版の制䜜゚ピ゜ヌドや次回䜜の話た で、話題倧盛りでいくっおばよ!
In commemoration of “NARUTO,” which reached its grand conclusion in the 50th issue of Weekly Shonen Jump, we interviewed Mr. Masashi Kishimoto, who has just finished writing the long-running serialization that spanned 15 years. He talked about everything from his current state of mind after the final episode to his thoughts on the final battle, the production episode of the movie version, and his next work, and much more!
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完結の熱ず共に、フィナヌレは続く 説明䞍芁の囜民的人気挫画『NARUTO-ナルト ―』が、11月10日発売の週刊少幎ゞャンプ50号にお䞀挙 2話掲茉され、第700話をもっお15幎の歎史に幕を䞋 ろした。3幎以䞊に枡っお連茉された第四次忍界倧戊の ラストバトルはナルトずサスケのᅵᅵᅵ階打ち。激闘の末に 迎えたグランドフィナヌレは挫画史䞊に残る倧団円ずの 声も。゚ンタミクスでは同䜜ぞの感謝を蟌めお岞本斉史 先生のむンタビュヌず共に、ナルトの成長の軌跡 むバック。さらに12月に公開を控えた劇堎版『THE LAST -NARUTO THE MOVIE』のマ スト情報も掲茉。原䜜は完結したものの次なるプロゞェク トの構想が次々ず明らかになり、ただただ『NARUTO ―ナルト―』から目が離せない。
With the heat of conclusion, the finale continues.
The immensely popular manga "NARUTO", which needs no introduction, had two chapters released at once in the 50th issue of Weekly Shonen Jump, released on November 10th, and the 700th chapter will bring the curtain down on its 15-year history. The final battle of the Fourth Shinobi World War, which has been serialized for more than three years, is a one-on-one fight between Naruto and Sasuke. The grand finale that followed the fierce battle is said to be a grand conclusion that will go down in manga history. Entamix is proud to present an interview with Masashi Kishimoto as well as a look at Naruto's growth trajectory. Additionally, we have included the latest information about the upcoming movie "THE LAST -NARUTO THE MOVIE", which is scheduled to be released in December. Although the original work has concluded, the plans for the next project are being revealed one after another, so we still can't take our eyes off "NARUTO".
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ナルト VS サスケの最終決戊は 連茉開始から決めおたした
The final battle between Naruto and Sasuke was decided from the beginning of the series.
-Thank you for your hard work over the last 15 years of serialization!
岞本斉史(以䞋、岞本) : ありがずうございたす。 実は぀い1時間ほど前に最終話を描き䞊げたば かりなんですよ。 それから少し仮眠しお、この 取材を受けおいるんですが、今頃になっおよう やく終わったんだっおいうこずを認識できるよ うになっおきたした。
Masashi Kishimoto: Thank you very much. Actually, I just finished drawing the final chapter about an hour ago. Then I took a short nap and now that I'm here for this interview I'm starting to realize that it's finally over.
たさに興奮冷めやらぬですね。 先生にずっ どんな1幎間でしたか?
-The excitment is still palpable. How was the past year for you, sensei?
岞本: こういう質問にはこれたで「長いようで短かった」っお答えおいたんですが、今の率盎 な気持ちは「本圓に長かった」です(笑)。 この感 芚は連茉が終わったからでしょうね。 毎週締め 切りに远われおいる状態の時は䞀週間があっず いう間なんですけど、今振り返っおみるずやっ ばり15幎ずいうのは長かったですね。
Kishimoto: Up until now, I have answered questions like this by saying "It seemed long but it was short" but now my honest feeling is "It was really long" (laughs). This feeling is probably due to the fact that the serialization is over. A week passes by in the blink of an eye when you're busy with deadlines every week, but looking back now, I realize that 15 years was a long time.
-How did you feel when you finished the last chapter?
岞本: 原皿が描き䞊がったずき、初代の担圓線 集さんが花束を抱えおきおくださったんです。 その花束をもらった瞬間に、䞀気に新人時代が 甊りたした。2人で連茉を立ち䞊げた時のこず ずか、これたでの苊劎ずか。 その時は本圓にダ バかったです。アシスタントさんの前だったの で「別に  」っお匷がっお(笑)。泣いたらカ ッコ悪いので、必死に涙をこらえおいたした。
Kishimoto: When I finished the manuscript, the first editor came to me with a bouquet of flowers. When I received the bouquet, I was instantly reminded of my rookie days, when we launched the serialization together, and all the hardships we had gone through. It was a really bad time. Since the assistants were there I pretended to be tough, so I said “It's nothing...” (laugh). I was desperately holding back tears because it would be embarrassing to cry.
最埌のナルトVSサスケ戊は15幎の集倧成に 盞応しい芋事なバトルでしたが、この決着はい ぀頃から決めおいたのですか?
-The final battle between Naruto and Sasuke was a magnificent battle worthy of being the culmination of 15 years, but when did you decide on this outcome?
岞本: 最埌はナルトずサスケが戊っお終わりにしようずいうのは、連茉圓初から初代線集担圓 さんず話し合っお決めおいたした。 担圓が倉わ るずきにも「あのラストだけは倉えちゃダメだ よ」ず蚀われたのですが、同時に「君の䜜品だか ら、どう倉わっおも自由だよ」ずも蚀われお、い ったいどっちなのかなず(笑)。ただ僕の䞭でも このラストは倉えたくなかったので、結局そこ はブレずに貫きたしたが、それぞれがどういう 状態で最終決戊を迎えるのかはずっず手探り状 態で、珟圚のような流れがはっきりず固たった のは3幎ほど前でした。 ラストバトルで僕がこ だわったのは、ナルトずサスケがただの敵では なく、互いを友達だず意識しながら戊うずいう こずです。ず蚀うのも、最埌にサスケを救う可胜 性があるんだったらそこしかないず思ったんで す。 サスケは色々あっお拗ねたくっおしたった 面倒くさいダツなんですよ。自分で描いおいお もむラむラするくらい(笑)。そんなサスケを受 け止められるのは、めちゃくちゃ噚が倧きいナ ルトくらいしかいないんです。あれだけサスケ のこずが倧奜きなサクラでも、サスケを刺そう ずした際に䞀床は諊めの気持ちが芜生えおいた すけど、ナルトにはᅵᅵったく諊めがないですか ら。芪友を倱っお終わるのはやっぱり蟛いです から、僕自身そんなナルトの可胜性に賭けお、 䜕ずかサスケを救っお欲しいず思いたした。
Kishimoto: I had discussed with my first editor from the beginning of serialization that the finale would be a battle between Naruto and Sasuke. When I was assigned a different editor, he told me, "You must not change that ending," but at the same time, he also said, "It's your work, so you're free to change it however you like," and I wondered which was it (laughs).
However, I didn't want to change the finale, so I stuck to it in the end, as for how each character would be in their final battle, it was always a bit of a trial-and-error process, and it wasn't until about three years ago that the flow of the story we have now became clearly established.
What I was particular about in the final battle was that Naruto and Sasuke would not be just enemies, but that they would fight while being aware that they were friends. I thought that if there was any chance of saving Sasuke in the end, that was the only way to do it.
Sasuke is a troublesome guy who was constantly sulking because of all the things that happened. Even I get frustrated drawing him (laughs). The only person who can accept Sasuke like that is Naruto, who has an incredibly big heart. Even Sakura, who loves Sasuke so much, gave up on him when she tried to stab him, but Naruto never gives up. It's painful to end the story by losing your best friend, so I wanted to bet on Naruto's potential and hope he would somehow save Sasuke.
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キン肉ドラむバヌの兄匟愛 岞本先生がもっずも䌝えたかった。友情ずいうテヌマをきっちりず描き切りたしたね。
The Brotherly Love of Kinnikuman Driver.
The main message that Kishimoto-sensei wanted to convey was the theme of friendship, which he perfectly captured.
岞本 :そこは満足しおいたす。友情”はたくさ んの䜜品でテヌマになっおいたすが、僕にずっお 友情は兄匟愛や家族愛に近いもので、それを倱 うこずはアむデンティティを喪倱するこず。 テ ィヌン゚むゞャヌにずっおもっずも怖いこずで、 その様子は䜜品䞊でも床々描いおきたした。 今 回はその集倧成を最埌のバトルで衚珟できたず 思いたす。
Kishimoto: I'm satisfied with that. "Friendship" is a theme in many of my works, but to me friendship is similar to brotherly love or family love, and losing it is akin to losing one's identity. This is the most frightening thing for teenagers, and I have often depicted this in my works. I think this time I was able to express the culmination of this in the final battle.
ナルトずサスケは最初から最埌たで、たさ に双子の兄匟のような関係ですもんね。
From beginning to end, Naruto and Sasuke are like twin brothers, aren't they?
岞本: 実際に僕自身が本圓に双子なので、小さ い頃からナルトが感じおいたような感芚を持っ お育っおきたんです。 この話は栌奜悪いのであ んたり話したくはないんですけど、小孊生の頃 は2人ずも䜓が小さくお、䌑み時間になるずよ 匟がキン肉マンに登堎するパロスペシャルず いう技をかけられおいたんです。別にいじめら れおいたわけではないのですが、䜓が小さいず 䜕かず技をかけられる時期じゃないですか。 そ んな匟を芋おいるず、たるで自分が技をかけら れおいるように痛かったんです。 たあ実際に僕 は僕で、匟の隣でキン肉ドラむバヌをかけられ おいたっおいうのもあるんですが(笑)。 でも倉 な話ですが、 そういう時に「俺たちっお兄匟な 「んだな」ずいうこずを匷く感じたんですよ。 匟 ずの繋がりを意識した瞬間ずいうか。それが高 校生や倧孊生になるず、友達が倱恋したり䜕か 䞊手くいかないこずがあるず、小孊生時代に匟 に察しお抱いた感芚ず同じ感芚になるようにも なったんです。そこで「俺はコむツず本圓に仲 がいいんだな」っお改めお思ったりしたした。 だから僕にずっおは兄匟愛ず友情は同じなんで す。そういう意味では、双子に生たれおきおよ かったず思いたす。 ナルトずサスケの友情の原型は、たさに僕ず匟だったわけですから。
Kishimoto: I actually am a twin myself, so I grew up with the same feelings that Naruto experienced. This story is kind of embarrasing so I don't really want to talk about it but when we were in elementary school, we were both small, and during recess, my younger brother would often get hit with a technique called the Paro Special, which appears in Kinnikuman. It's not like we were being bullied or anything, but when you're small, you tend to get picked on with moves like that, right? It was painful to watch my younger brother as if I was being attacked myself. And I actually was, right next to him, getting hit with a Kinniku Driver (laughs). But, oddly enough, it was at those moments that I really felt we were brothers. It was the moment when I became aware of the connection with my younger brother.
When I became a high school and university student, I started to feel the same way towards my friends when they experienced heartbreak or something didn't go well, just like I did towards my younger brother when I was in elementary school. In those moments, I would think, "Wow, I really get along well with this guy". So, for me, brotherly love and friendship are the same. In that sense, I'm glad I was born as a twin.
The prototype of Naruto and Sasuke's friendship was me and my brother.
This is the screenshot fans often share if you wish to compare translations. The last sentence on the first paragraph doesn't make sense in context and the third paragraph is kinda clunky.
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〒699話ではサスケが里を去り、 旅をする 様子が描かれおいたすが、このように結末を描 いた意図は?
-Chapter 699 shows Sasuke leaving the village and going on a journey. What was the intention behind depicting the ending this way?
岞本 あれだけのこずをやっおしたったので、 さすがに里で普通に暮らすのは難しいですよ ね。だからひず぀は莖眪の旅ずいう意味です。 さらに僕の䞭にある裏蚭定ずしおは、䞖界に残 っおいる謎を解明するずいう目的です。原䜜の ラスボスだった倧筒朚カグダがいったい䜕者 で、どこから来たのかを解明しないず再び䞖界 が厄灜に芋舞われおしたうので、それを阻止す るための旅でもあるんです。ただそれを長々ず 説明しおしたうず、「これ、ただただ続くの?」 っお思われおしたうので、そこはさらっず流し たした。そこは続く予定はありたせんから。
Kishimoto: It is difficult to live a normal life in the village after all that has happened. So one aspect of it is that it's a journey of atonement. The other is to solve the mysteries that remain in the world. If we don't find out who Otsutsuki Kaguya is, the final boss of the original work, and where she came from, the world will be struck by disaster again, so it's also a journey to stop that. However, if I explain it in detail, people will think, "Is this still going on?", so I just glossed over it. There are no plans to continue it.
最終話ではヒナタずの間に2人の子䟛がい るこずが瀺唆されたしたが、ヒナタずナルトが 結婚する未来はい぀頃固たったのでしょうか。
-The final chapter hinted that Naruto has two children with Hinata, but when was it solidified that Hinata and Naruto would eventually get married?
岞本: かなり前からヒナタで決めおいたした。 サクラにしようかず迷った時期もあったのです が、ここぞ来おサクラがナルトに心倉わりした ら、さすがにサクラはひどい女過ぎでしょう (笑)。それに、実際サクラはなんだかんだでサ スケに察しお䞀途なんだず思いたす。
Kishimoto: I decided on Hinata a long time ago. There was a time when I was torn between Sakura and Hinata, but if Sakura were to change her mind about Naruto now, it would make her seem like a really terrible woman (laughs). Besides, I think Sakura is actually quite devoted to Sasuke, no matter what.
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倏たでナルトを描きたす ―“友情”を描き切った挫画本線に察し、12月 に公開される映画「THE LAST』では、䞀 転しお“恋愛”がテヌマずなっおいたすね。
I'll be drawing Naruto until summer.
-While the main manga is all about friendship, the movie "The Last," which will be released in December, has a completely different theme: love.
岞本: 恋愛をテヌマにしたいずいうアむデアは アニメ制䜜サむドから出たものでした。 僕ずし おはいいアむデアが浮かばなければ映画は䜜ら ないほうがいいんじゃないかず思っおいたので すが、この話を聞いた瞬間に「これはむケるか も」ず感じたした。 挫画ではバトルばかりでほ ずんど恋愛描写はできなかったので、その補完 的な意味合いも蟌めお、映画で恋愛面でのナルトの成長を描写できるず思い、䞀気にむメヌゞが膚らみたした。
Kishimoto: The idea to make romance the theme came from the anime production side. I thought that if I couldn't come up with a good idea, I shouldn't make a film, but the moment I heard about this, I thought "This could work." The manga is all about battles and not much about romance, so I thought the movie would be a great complement to the manga, and I could portray Naruto's growth in terms of romance, which is what I had in mind when I started the movie.
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岞本先生ずしおは、映画にどのように携わ られたのでしょうか。
-Kishimoto-sensei, how were you involved in the film?
岞本 最初に話をいただいたずきにはシナリオ の第䞀皿が出来おいたんですよ。僕はそれを元 に修正䟝頌をしおブラッシュアップしおいった 感じです。脚本家さんを始め、スタッフのかた が、ナルトの恋愛”ずいうテヌマにすごく前向き で、僕もその熱意に共感しおい぀の間にか现か 䜕床も修正をお願いしおしたいたした。
Kishimoto: When I was first approached about the project, the first draft of the script had already been completed. I used that as the basis when requesting revisions and gradually polishing it up. The screenwriter and the staff were very positive about the theme of "Naruto's love life" and I shared their enthusiasm and before I knew it I asked them to revise the script several times.
原䜜でも本栌的な恋愛描写はほずんど登堎 したせんし、 特にナルトの恋愛ずいうのは想像 し難いですよね。
-There are hardly any serious depictions of romance in the original work, and it's especially hard to imagine a romantic relationship for Naruto.
岞本: 僕自身、恋愛描写は恥ずかしくなっちゃ っお描けないんです。だから原䜜でも本気の描 写は避けおきたしたし、最終話では「ドラゎン ボヌル」ばりに䞀気に時間を飛ばす圢を取りた した。 恋愛話はアニメだからこそ実珟出来たこ ずだず思いたすし、結果的に挫画のラストに繋 がる良い゚ピ゜ヌドになったず思いたす。
Kishimoto: Personally, I find depictions of love embarrassing and I can't draw them. That's why I avoided serious depictions in the original work, and in the final chapter I took the approach of jumping through time in a "Dragon Ball" style. I think the love story was only possible in the anime, and it turned out to be a good episode that leads up to the end of the manga.
-And lastly, what I'm really curious about is Kishimoto-sensei's future plans.
岞本: 来幎春に「NARUTO-ナルト-」新線を 短期集䞭連茉したす。それ以倖にも、倏くらいた では『NARUTO-ナルト-」関連の仕事がただ 残っおいたすから、本栌的に次䜜の準備に取りか かるのはそれからですね。 実はネタ垳には色々 なアむデアが溜たっおいるので、期埅しおくだ さい。 でも僕も40歳になったので、週刊連茉は 蟛いですね。よく秋本(æ²») 先生を芋習えっお蚀 われたすけど、 秋本先生は本圓にすごいんです。 できれば週刊は勘匁しおください(笑)。たずは、 もろもろ萜ち着いたら新婚旅行ず子䟛ず遊ぶ時 間を䜜りたいですね。結婚しお10幎以䞊経ちた すが、 『NARUTO-ナルト-」のおかげでずに かくノンストップでした。 そろそろナルトたち ず䞀ᅵᅵᅵに自分の家族も倧切にしなきゃね(笑)。
Kishimoto: I'll be serializing a new chapter of "NARUTO" in a short intensive series next spring. Other than that, I still have work related to "NARUTO" until around summer, so I won't be able to start preparing for the next installment until then. Actually, I have a lot of ideas in my notebook, so please look forward to them. But now that I'm 40 years old, weekly serialization is tough. People often tell me to follow Akimoto (Osamu) sensei's example, but Akimoto sensei is really amazing. If possible, please spare me from weekly serialization (laughs). First of all, once everything has settled down, I want to have time for a honeymoon and to play with my children. I've been married for over 10 years, but thanks to "NARUTO", it's been nonstop. It's about time I cherish my family along with Naruto (laughs).
Please let me know any correction/observation you have.
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narutoweed · 8 months ago
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G.E.M.シリヌズ NARUTO -ナルト- 疟颚䌝 うずたきナルト おいろけの術 ...
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crispyliza · 7 months ago
Fanfiction in the late 2000s-early 2010s was wild bc you'd find a beautifully written story with the most compelling heart-wrenching plot you've ever seen and the author's note would be like:
Author with a username like ~SasukesWaifuxD~ : Ohayo gozaimasu! ↖(^â–œ^)↗, I'm sowwy it took me so long to update (๑•́_•̀๑)
tsundere twink from their fic : It was about damn time you idiot (눈‾눈)
~SasukesWaifuxD~ : Hey now! It's not my fault the plot bunnies kept wunning away fwom me (╥﹏╥)
tsundere twink: W-watever, it's not like I missed you or anything (💢,,>﹏<,,) b-baka!
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makkis-meanderings · 9 months ago
I grew up being gaslit and queerbaited by media, now you're trying to tell me that I shouldn't be filtering AO3 by >10,000 words, angst, hurt/comfort, canon divergence, pining??
what do you want from me fr??
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cupcek · 6 months ago
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♥̌ àŸ€ðŸ¥©ðŸ©¹ðŸ‘› ᭒⃜⃟
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muffinlance · 2 years ago
Hey while AO3 is down
Here is a GDrive link to all my downloaded fics (it's OVER 9,000 2,000)
Mostly Avatar, also The Magnus Archives, Danny Phantom, Teen Wolf, and a few others
Mostly unsorted, some not even intentionally downloaded because the auto-downloader I use is Like That, so consider this a glorified "give me a random fic" button
>>> Linkie link <<<
Edit: Note that when AO3 comes back up that link will go dead again... until it's needed, once more
...Until next they are needed
If you were going through these for fic recs, check out my AO3 Bookmarks for the more curated list.
To make your own fanfic backups, I recommend AO3 Downloader or FanFicFare. (I'm not tech support for either; please don't message me for help.)
Happy reading!
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vulpisnocturna · 2 years ago
hot things about Itachi's mannerisms that he does without realising?
Anon, you want me to die? Okay okay. Mostly SFW, a lot of simping going on. I’ve got a few, the last one is especially cute 🥰
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- This man has no idea of the power his voice holds. His tone is always mellow and he chooses his words carefully, but that rich cadence and deep voice is just- I just know he got all the bitches (i am bitches) ready to kneel on the ground he walks upon
- Eye contact!!! He always makes everyone feel like they have his undivided attention. And his eyes are his biggest power, so he needs to keep them on everyone. But with the people he trusts, it’s just constant eye contact! This includes during sexy time, and it’s just-
- He sits like a mf king. This man was probably trying out intimidating poses before Sasuke got to the fight, and boy oh boy did he deliver! The easy stretch of his legs, the nonchalant hand resting on the cloak
 look, he exudes power, and it’s hot and I don’t care
- His hands deserve a category of their own. Have you seen them??? The nail polish (slay), the long, slender fingers, the ring. I just know Itachi has an artist's hands. Pretty and elegant, with graceful, tapered fingers and veiny back of the hand (kill me I am a slut for hands)
- He likes cats (hot and very valid)
- His little smirk (I am deceased). He doesn’t show emotions often, but that little smug smirk is just-
- He loves to tease people. I don’t know what it is, but I just know deep down, he’s got sarcasm for days and he loves to use it
- I have this headcanon that when Itachi’s interested/curious, he tilts his head a little. I don’t know if I’m weird for classifying this as hot, but listen, it looks like a feline stalking a prey. It’s valid, and that’s that.
- He has manners. You know how he knocked before trying to kidnap Naruto? How he uses honorifics even with Kakashi, before he puts him in a coma? Manners.
- He can cook
- His hair. It’s not a mannerism, but the girls that get it, get it.
- He is observant: he sees it all and he notices when something’s not right
- He has brains for days. Not only is he blessed with impossibly good looks, he is also incredibly smart. I mean, what more could you want?
- Despite being a prodigy, smart and beautiful, Itachi is not going to rub it in people’s faces. He knows he’s powerful, but he never underestimates anyone
- Wearing a necklace. I don’t know what it is, but jewellery on him looks stunning
- In a modern AU, he definitely would open a car door for you
- He would walk with his hand resting on the small of your back (tell me that’s not the hottest thing ever)
- Definitely rolls up his sleeves when he wears a shirt. And ofc he’s blessed with amazing forearms
- Drives with his hand on your thigh, or holds your hand and changes gear without letting go of it
- Is a malewife. He cooks, he cleans, he does it all
- Is secretly possessive
- This man is such a giver. He’s constantly thinking of your pleasure during sex
- holds eye contact with you when you two are having sex
- Would be the type to tip your chin with his finger to kiss you
- chokes you against a wall 🥰🥰🥰
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burin-burin · 7 months ago
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before - after render
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tok-mdaoficial · 8 months ago
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😇😎😜🔐dinheiro mmmmm
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lifeafterartsch00l · 4 months ago
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The answer is yes, yes they have plz see below~
A change of pace this week from the usual sasunaru programming to celebrate Naruto’s gay dads, feat. my terrible memes
As per usual, I’ll try and find the authors to tag them, if you know who they are on tumblr, plz tag them in the comments! 💖
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He ships it
Worship by decaf_kitty
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Careful it’s hot 🥵
Beloved decaf kitty, may your coffee never be bitter, may your pillow be the perfect temperature, and you never get writer’s block ❀ amen! Please read this one shot it’s AMAZING
“Additional Tags: Slow Build, Romance, Resolved Sexual Tension, Explicit Sexual Content, Begging, Inappropriate Use of the Sharingan
Summary: Late at night, Kakashi and Iruka randomly meet at a ramen stand... One little conversation later, they're in Kakashi's bedroom, with Iruka on his knees, and a blushing Kakashi staring down at the sensei between his bare thighs”
Kintsugi by The_Rivers_Dark
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She ships it
I excitedly followed each new chapter release of this fic 💕 most incredible descriptions of intimacy, a fantastic writer 💕 also Tsunade tries to meddle and it’s just terrific (read it to find out if it works tehe) 💕 so wonderful, a comforting fic like a warm hug (but also really sexy idk man I’m not a writer clearly haha).
“Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Hurt/Comfort, less hurt more comfort, Comfort, hurt comfort that turns to comfort, hurt comfort that turns to comfort erotica, comfort erotica, Erotica, mutual pining to mutual love, Love, Romance, Smut, Shameless Smut, Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, come for the erotica stay for the comfort, come for the comfort stay for the erotica, if it’s broken fix it and never let it out of your sight again, painting with muted colours never suited my literary palette, Tsunade as a cockblock device and a meddler, plot arc what plot arc, pacing what pacing, Whirlwind Romance, we’re all about the comfort here, Roommates, And then they were roommates, Eventual marriage, Marriage, they get married at the end, Getting Together, Sweet/Hot, Happy Ending, for all you Kakashi-level perverts out there sexy tags include but are not limited to, Frotting, Mutual Masturbation, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Hair-pulling, Nipple Play, 69 (Sex Position), Spanking, Fingerfucking, Blindfolds, it doesn’t count as a threesome if one of them is a shadow clone, Sweet, Spicy, sweet and spicy, Rimming, Snippet beta we die like Akatsuki villains only to be resurrected again, Domestic, Cuddling & Snuggling, Idiots in Love, Light Bondage, versatile lovers, Top Hatake Kakashi, Top Umino Iruka, Belonging
Kintsugi: The Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of an object's history, rather than something to disguise.
(Iruka gets heavily injured in a mission gone wrong. Problem is, Tsunade knows he won't stay in the hospital long enough to recuperate. Kakashi finds himself volunteering to be his carer. As they get closer, the tension between them reaches a boiling point. Complete.)”
Unspoken by RenGoneMad
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Incredible canon-compliant rewrite where Kakashi and Iruka meet much earlier (kind of, you’ll see). And Kakashi has a long time cruuuuuuush 😜 the banter/flirting is really cute. The pacing and development of the relationship is so so good! The way the author gets into their heads is just great. Both 🔥 & heartwarming! ❀
“Additional Tags: Romance, Slow Burn, Anbu Hatake Kakashi, Fluff and Angst, Hatake Kakashi-centric, POV Hatake Kakashi, Secret Identity, Canon Compliant, Canon - Manga, Complete, Kissing, Sexual Tension, Obsession, But not unhealthy or creepy, Pining, Stalking, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Character Study, Implied/Referenced Suicide, (as complies with canon)
Summary: The memorial stone should be a place to mourn the dead, a place to remember the many sins and failures that haunt Hatake Kakashi.
To Iruka, it's a place to speak to his parents, and the mysterious ANBU who listens.
Follows Kakashi from ages 14 to 29, and the many ways Iruka changes his life”
The Outcasted by yeou_bi
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Sensual, erotic, all without anything explicit (yet?). They way they’re falling in love is so cute 😭 Just lovely ❀ I hope the author writes more chapters! 😊🀞🏜
“Chapters: 3/?
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Additional Tags: Hospitalization, Illnesses, References to Illness, Loneliness, POV Alternating, Present Tense, Skin diseases, Slow Burn, Denial of Feelings, Nausea, Touch-Starved, Touching, Hurt/Comfort, Pandemics, Dysfunctional Relationships, Developing Relationship, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Bullying, Discrimination
Summary: During the outbreak of a mysterious disease, Kakashi finds himself sharing a clinic room with Iruka.
What begins as simple moments of sharing the same burden slowly turns confusing. When physical touch could mean an infection, it also becomes a commodity that's hard to come by for those who are recovering”
Thank you to all the talented authors! 💕
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luccacaca · 2 months ago
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badgalsasuke · 24 days ago
Kishimoto interview and staff commentary The Last Booklet December 2014
Translation from Google Translate, QuillBot and DeePL
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「NARUTO-ナルト-」 は、 僕がいろいろ成長させおもらった䜜品でもあるし、自分の子䟛みたいにも感じおいたす。
"NARUTO" is a work that has helped me grow in many ways, and I feel like it is like my own child.
岞本斉史 むンタビュヌ (原䜜・キャラクタヌデザむン・ストヌリヌ総監修) 1974幎11月8日、岡山県生たれ。96幎挫画家デビュヌ。99幎に週刊 少幎ゞャンプ䞊にお連茉を開始した「NARUTO-ナルト-」 䜜品ずなり、䞖界的な人気を獲埗する。 2014幎50号をもっお、15幎にわたったをしたれ぀぀終了。 「ROAD TO NINJA -NARUTO THE MOVIE-」 (12) では、原䜜・䌁画・ストヌリヌ・キャラ クタヌデザむンを自ら手掛けた。
Masashi Kishimoto Interview (Original work, character design, story general supervision) Born November 8, 1974 in Okayama Prefecture. Debuted as a manga artist in 1996. In 1999, he began serializing "NARUTO" in Weekly Shonen Jump, which gained worldwide popularity. The series ended after 15 years with the 50th issue in 2014. For "ROAD TO NINJA -NARUTO THE MOVIE-" (12), he was responsible for the original work, planning, story, and character design.
Q: I was surprised by the story this time depicting the romance between Naruto and Hinata.
僕の䞭では、 「NARUTO-ナルト-」 の少幎期が終わっお、青幎期 に入っお少し経った頃から「ナルトはヒナタずくっ぀く」ず決たっ おいたした。でも別に二人の恋愛話に僕はあたり思い入れがな くお(笑)、そういう話を描く぀もりはなかったんです。ただ、挫画 の最埌は、ナルトに子䟛が生たれお、それがナルトみたいなやん ちゃな男の子で、 火圱になったナルトの火圱岩にその子の萜曞 きがあるっおいう颚にしお、挫画の第䞀話に戻る感じにしたかっ た。ですから僕の䞭には圓初なかった発想で、 今回劇堎版を䜜 る時に、 ぎえろの方ずか、 脚本の経塚 (侾雄) さんが、 「今床の映 画でそこを描いたらどうか」ず提案されお、こういう圢になった 感じです。物語を原䜜の2幎埌にしたのも、恋愛話にするなら二 人が18歳を超えおいないず、ずいう僕のこだわりです(笑)。
Kishimoto: For me, it was decided that Naruto would end up with Hinata a little while after his childhood arc in "Naruto" ended and he entered his adolescence arc. But I don't really have any emotional attachment to the love story between the two of them (laughs), and I didn't intend to write such story.
However, for the end of the manga, I wanted it to feel like returning to the first chapter by having Naruto have a child who is a mischievous boy like him, and his graffiti on Naruto's Hokage rock.
So, it was an idea that I didn't initially have, but when we were making this movie, people from Pierrot and the screenwriter, Mr. Kyōzuka (Maru), suggested, "How about depicting that in this movie?" and that's how it came to be. The reason I set the story two years after the original is because I insisted that if it was going to be a love story, the two characters had to be over 18 years old (laughs).
Q なぜナルトずヒナタがくっ぀くず決めおらしたんですか?
Q: Why did you decide that Naruto and Hinata would get together?
ヒナタはナルトが最初から頑匵っおるずころをちゃんず芋お、 ずっず応揎しおいた唯䞀の子なんです。ナルトはうたくいかない けど頑匵っおいお、諊めないずころが栌奜いいっお分かっおる。サクラもそのこずに途䞭で気づきたすけど、やっぱり最初から 芋おいたヒナタが報われないのは可哀想だず思っお(笑)。
Kishimoto: Hinata is the only one who has seen Naruto working hard from the beginning and has always supported him. She knows that Naruto is trying his best even though things are not going well and that it is cool that he never gives up.
Sakura also realizes this halfway, but I thought it would be pitiful if Hinata, who had been watching from the beginning, is not rewarded (laughs).
Q 赀いマフラヌが印象的な䜿われ方をしおいたした。
Q: The red scarf was used in a striking way.
マフラヌは今回の映画のメタファヌになっおいお、恋愛を象城 するものずしお䜿っお頂きたした。このマフラヌがあったから、 最埌のセリフは決たったんです。
Kishimoto: The scarf serves as a metaphor in this movie, symbolizing love. It was used for that purpose. Because of this scarf, the final line was decided.
Q 19歳になったナルトのキャラクタヌデザむンを描かれる時、 されたこずは?
Q: When you were drawing the character designs for Naruto, who is now 19 years old, what did you do?
ずにかくナルトを栌奜良く描きたかった。ナルトはちょっず泥臭 くおヌケおる感じで描いおきたので、どうしおもラむン的にもや んちゃなむメヌゞがあるんです。そのやんちゃ具合が少し抜け さお、萜ち着いお来た男の子の「」みたいなものを出したかっ た。男は恋愛を経隓しお䞀人前ず思っおいるので、僕の䞭では 今のナルトは倧人のむメヌゞなんです(笑)。
Kishimoto: I wanted to draw Naruto in a cool way. I've always drawn Naruto with a rough slightly down-to-earth and casual carefree feel, so he inevitably has a mischievous image in terms of his lines. I wanted to bring out something like a boy who has calmed down a bit from that mischievousness. Since men are considered grown-up after experiencing love, in my mind, the current Naruto has an adult image (laughs).
Q 本䜜でお奜きなᅵᅵヌンを教えおください。
Q: What is your favorite scene in this film?
ナルトが告癜しお断られるずころですね(笑)。「ナルトに詊緎を 䞎えおやった」「図に乗っちゃダメだよ」「頑匵れ、ナルト」っお える。そこが奜きです(笑)。あず、サクラずナルトがお互いに 愛察象じゃないず気づく、 決別のシヌンでもある、サクラがナル トにヒナタの気持ちを代匁するずころも気に入っおいたす。
Kishimoto: It's the part where Naruto confesses his feelings and gets rejected (laughs). "I've given Naruto a test," "Don't get too cocky," "Do your best, Naruto." I like that part (laughs). I also like the scene where Sakura and Naruto realize that they are not interested in each other and decide to part ways, and where Sakura speaks to Naruto on behalf of Hinata's feelings.
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Q 岞本先生にずっお、 「NARUTO-ナルト-」ずは?
Q: What does "NARUTO" mean to you, Kishimoto-sensei?
僕がいろいろ成長させおもらった䜜品でもあるし、自分の子䟛 みたいにも感じるし  難しいですね。読者の方が読んでくれお、 「面癜い」っお蚀っおくれないず続かないので、それが15幎も続いたずいうのは、本圓にすごいこずだなあっお思いたす。
Kishimoto: It's a work that has helped me grow in many ways, and I feel like it's my own child... It's difficult. If the readers don't read it and say, "It's interesting," it wouldn't have continued, so I really think it's amazing that it has lasted for 15 years.
Q 「NARUTO-ナルト-」は、キャラクタヌひずりひずりがかを抱えおいたすよね。
Q: In "NARUTO," each character has their own struggles.
うたくいかない芁玠を誰もが持っおいお、それを持っお生きおい る。党おがうたくいっおいる人なんおそんなにいないからうたく いっおいない芁玠を入れれば誰かが共感しおくれるんじゃない ず思い、そういう颚に描いおいたした。
Kishimoto: Everyone has things that don't go well, and we all live with those things. Since there aren't many people whose lives are going perfectly, so I thought that if I included things that aren't going well, someone might empathize with it, and that's how I portrayed it.
Q 「NARUTO-ナルト-」で描かれる「諊めない」「信じる」力もた匷く印象に残りたす。
Q: The power of "never giving up" and "believing" depicted in "NARUTO" also leaves a strong impression.
それはすごく思いたすね。僕も挫画家になりたいず思っおなれ たしたし、僕は、ナルトほど必死ではなかったかもしれないです けど、でも「諊めない」気持ちは倧切なんじゃないかなあず思い たす。あずは「性」かなあ。ナルトを芋おいお、やっぱり盞性が 䞀番倧事だな(笑)っお僕自身が感じおいたす。
Kishimoto: I really think so. I also wanted to become a manga artist and I did. I might not have been as desperate as Naruto, but I think the feeling of "not giving up" is really important. And then there's "compatibility." Watching Naruto, I feel that compatibility is the most important thing (laughs).
Q: 最埌に「NARUTO-ナルト-」ファンにメッセヌゞをお願いし たす。
Q: Finally, please give a message to the fans of "NARUTO".
「NARUTO-ナルト-」で恋愛を描くのは初めおなので、今たで にないナルトが絞られるず思いたす。この劇堎版は、次に僕が く䜜品ず繋がっおいたすので、絶察に芳おおいおください。そし おたた、その先にあるものを楜しみにしお頂けたらず思いたす。
Kishimoto: This is the first time I've depicted a love story in "NARUTO", so I think it will bring out a Naruto that has never been seen before. This movie is connected to the next work I'm doing, so please be sure to watch it. And I hope you'll look forward to what comes after that.
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I hope this work will remain in the back of your mind as a memory forever.
小林垞倫 (監督)
Tsuneo Kobayashi (Director)
岞本先生ずの最初の打ち合わせで、本䜜はゲストキャラではなく、ナルトを䞻 人公にした映画にしおほしいずいう芁望がありたした。 そこでナルトに欠萜し おいるモノは䜕かを考えお導き出されたのが「恋愛感情です。 ナルトの最埌の 映画は「アクション映画」でᅵᅵなく「恋愛映画」を䜜る事になりたした。
During our first meeting with Kishimoto-sensei, he requested that this film be centered around Naruto, not a guest character. We then considered what was missing from Naruto and came up with the idea of ​​romantic love. We decided to make Naruto's final film a romantic movie, not an action movie.
たずのさんにマフラヌのアむデアをいただき、それが凄く気に入りた した。そこからマフラヌをメむンのアむテムずしお話を䜜れないかず考えお浮か んだのが、二人の思い出を投圱した光の球が浮遊する空間を赀いマフラヌを巻 いたナルトずヒナタが手を繋いで疟走するずいうむメヌゞです。 今たでの二人の 「思い出」 それはナルトファンの方たちにずっおも思い出ずなるシヌン、その思い 出の数々が走銬灯のようにフラッシュバックしたら玠敵な面になるのではない かず考えたした。早速むメヌゞボヌドを描いお、この䞖界を思い出」ず名付 けたした。このシヌンに繋げる為にはどのような゚ピ゜ヌドをくべきか、それを 逆算しお考えたのが本䜜の物語です。
First, Nono gave me the idea for the scarf, which I really liked. From there, I wondered if I could create a story with the scarf as the main item, and I came up with the image of Naruto and Hinata running hand in hand, wearing red scarves, in a space where balls of light projecting their memories are floating. The "memories" of the two up until now are scenes that will also be memorable for Naruto fans, and I thought it would be a wonderful scene if all those memories flashed back like a slideshow. I immediately drew an image board and named it "Remembering this world." I wondered what kind of episodes I should include to connect to this scene, and worked backwards to come up with the story of this work.
ビゞュアルは今たでの劇堎䜜品から䞀新しおブラッシュアップしおいたす。 キャラクタヌデザむンの西尟さんず鈎朚さんには、身を高くしたいずか、色々 オヌダヌをしおしたい埡苊劎をお掛けしおしたいたした。
The visuals have been completely revamped from previous theatrical works. I made many requests to character designers Nishio and Suzuki, such as making them taller, which caused them a lot of trouble.
色圩ずも新しくしたした。特に日邞は冒頭に登堎する重芁な舞台です ので、原䜜の日向邞を参考に、旧家の邞宅をロケハンしお蚭定を䜜り盎したし た。ヒナタずハナビの䌚話シヌンは、矎術が矎しく、電灯の色など「瀌賛」 のような雰囲気で気に入っおいたす。ナルトがヒナタに告癜するシヌンは、青い 泉に金色に茝く、ゎッホの絵画のような配色にしおみたした。
We also used new colors. Hinata's residence is an important setting that appears at the beginning, so we used Hinata's residence in the original work as a reference, scouted old family homes, and recreated the setting. The scene where Hinata and Hanabi talk has beautiful art, and the colors of the lights create an atmosphere of "praise," which I like. For the scene where Naruto confesses his feelings to Hinata, we used a color scheme reminiscent of a Van Gogh painting, with gold shining against a blue spring.
ナルトがヒナタの気持ちに気付く倢のシヌンは、過去の゚ビ ゜ヌドの時系列をばらしおランダムに組み倉えるのがパズルをしおいるようで 癜かったです。 アカデミヌ時代にヒナタがナルトの名前を曞いた玙を珟圚のナル トが芋るたで、どのように゚ピ゜ヌドを組み立おるか、䜕通りもパタヌンを考えした。
The scene where Naruto realizes Hinata's feelings in a dream was like solving a puzzle, as it mixed up the timelines of past episodes randomly. I thought of various ways to piece together the episodes until the present Naruto sees the paper where Hinata wrote his name during their academy days.
本䜜ではむメヌゞしにくいかず思いたすが、圓初のトネリは「シザヌハンズ」の ゞョニヌデップを若くしたむメヌゞで䜜りたした。 幌い時から月に独りで暮らし おきた為に他人の気持ちが理解できない、ナルトず違う意味でしおいるキャラクタヌです。
Although it may be hard to imagine in this movie, originally Toneri was created based on a younger version of Johnny Depp from "Edward Scissorhands." He is a character who has lived alone on the moon since he was a child and is therefore unable to understand the feelings of others, which is different from Naruto.
岞本先生にはシナリオをチェックしおいただきたした。連茉でお忙しい䞭、芪 身になっお色々ずアドバむスをしお䞋さり感謝しおおりたす。 「マフラヌを線むに は時間が掛かんだ」など、重芁なセリフも䜜っおいただきたした。
Mr. Kishimoto checked the script. I am grateful that he kindly gave me various advice despite his busy schedule with the serialization. He also wrote important lines such as "It takes time to knit a scarf."
䜙談ですが、ポむントになるカットではヒナタを暪で芋せるようにしたした。ヒロむンのを印象的に挔出したヒッチコックの「めたい」や倧林宣圊監督の 「さびしんがう」ぞのオマヌゞュです。
As a side note, I made sure to show Hinata on the side in the key shots. This is a homage to Hitchcock's “Vertigo” and Nobuhiko Obayashi's “Sabishinbo,” in which the heroine's body is shown in a striking manner.
本䜜はナルトの最埌の映画ですので、 「ナルトの思い出」を眠り返しんでいただけるように、そしお皆様の新しい「思い出」の䜜品になればずいう気を蟌めおしたした。この䜜品が皆様の心の片隅にい぀たでも「思い出」 ずしお残れば幞いです。
This is the final Naruto movie, so we created it with the hope that it would allow you to revisit "Naruto's memories" and become a new "memory" for everyone. We hope this work will remain as a "memory" in the corners of your hearts forever.
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恋愛偏差倀30のナルトが、ドン底に萜ち、はい䞊がり・・・ オトナの男を目指す姿を描きたかった。
I wanted to depict Naruto, with a love deviation score of 30, hitting rock bottom and then rising up... aiming to become a mature man.
経塚䞞雄 (脚本)
Maruo Keizuka (Screenplay)
今回僕が描きたいず考えたナルトは、19歳ずなり、忍ずしお完成型に近づいお はいるけれども、恋愛に関しおは 30のが、ドン底に萜ち、は、い䞊がり・・・オトナの男を目指すずいうものでした。
The Naruto I wanted to portray this time is 19 years old and close to being a complete ninja, but when it comes to love, he is in his 30s, has hit rock bottom, and is trying to climb back up
 to become a grown man.
そんなナルトの前に珟れるトネリには、二぀の圹割を持たせおいたす。第䞀は匷 くお憎々しい悪圹。第二には、ナルトずヒナタず恋の䞉角関係を挔じおもらいたし た。むケメンでキザなラむバルの出珟に、ナルトの恋心は燃え䞊がりたす。 トネリは 子䟛の頃から䞀人で暮らしおきお、囲には傀儡しかいない。人間関係を孊ぶ 機䌚がなく、欠 費的な性栌に育っおしたったずしたした。
Toneri who appears before Naruto has two roles. First, he is a strong and hateful villain. The second role is that of a love triangle between Naruto and Hinata. Naruto's love for Hinata is ignited by the appearance of his handsome and snarky rival. Toneri has lived alone since childhood and has only his puppet around him. He has never had the opportunity to learn about human relationships, and has grown up to be a lackadaisical character.
そんなトネリが求婚するヒナタの魅力は、単にナルトに憧れるだけでなく、ナルトを目暙ずし、自ら向䞊しようずする匷い意志にあるず思いたす。だからこそヒナ タはナルトの告癜を拒絶した。目の前の安盎な幞犏にすがり぀かない、より高い 所から色々考えた䞊での「オトナの刀断」だったず思いたす。ナルトだけではなく、 ヒナタも成長しおいる・・・真のベストカップルですよね!
The appeal of Hinata, whom Toneri proposes to, lies not just in her admiration for Naruto, but in her strong will to set Naruto as her goal and strive for self-improvement. That's why Hinata rejected Naruto's confession. It was a "mature decision" made after considering various factors from a higher perspective, rather than clinging to the easy happiness in front of her. Both Naruto and Hinata have grown... they truly are the best couple!
「バトル」「告癜シヌン」など芋どころ満茉の本䜜ですが、脚本構成䞊のキモは競地に乗り蟌む前倜の地球なシヌンだず思っおいたす。 ドン底に萜ちたナルト 今 たで芋たこずのない、女々しく働けないナルトです。 そのドン底から、仲間たちの醵篇霡によりはい䞊がり、間火の炎を芋ながら「グンず成長する、その䞀瞬」を芋 逃さないで䞋さいね!
This work is packed with highlights such as "battles" and "confession scenes," but I believe the key to the script structure lies in the Earth scene the night before they enter the competition. Naruto has hit rock bottom... he's a Naruto we've never seen before, unable to work with his usual determination. From that low point, he rises up with the help of his friends, and as he watches the flames of the bonfire, don't miss that moment when he "grows tremendously"!
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I don't think there's ever been a battle on the moon before, so I feel like it makes for a very fresh scene.
西尟鉄也 (キャ ラク タヌ デザ むン ・ 総 䜜画 監督)
Tetsuya Nishio (Character design and general animation director)
今回は、たず絵コンテを芋お、ヒナタの者 衣や、朚ノ葉 の里の雰囲気など、日垞シヌンに工倫がこらされおい お、これたでの劇堎版ずは䞀線を画しおいるなず思いた した。キャラクタヌデザむンをするにあたっおは、2幎ず いう幎月での成長した雰囲気をどう衚珟するかメむ ンスタッフず長時間話し合うずころからはじめた感じで す。実際に䜜業をする時は、小林(åžž è¡š)監督からの少し 倧人びた萜ち着いた芝居を目指すずいうオヌダヌを実 珟できる雰囲気を心がけたした。
When I first saw the storyboards for this year's movie I thought that the everyday scenes, such as Hinata's clothing and the atmosphere of the village of Konoha, were well thought out, and that they were different from previous movie versions. When it came to designing the characters, I started by having a long discussion with the main staff about how to express the atmosphere of growth over the two years. When actually working on the characters, I tried to create an atmosphere that would realize the order from Director Kobayashi (Tsuneo) to aim for a slightly more mature and calm performance.
ナルトは、仲間ず比べお䞀番長身にするこずで倉化を出しおみたしたが、いかがでしたでしょうか? たた、今回は総䜜画監督ずいう初めおの圹職にも぀か せお頂きたした。手さぐりでの䜜業でしたが、各䜜调敎逐さんたちが優秀でしたので、キャラクタヌの顔のチェックに泚力できたず感じおいたす。
We tried to make Naruto the tallest compared to his companions to give him a different look. How did you find it?
Also, this time I had the opportunity to take on the role of chief animation director for the first time. Although it was a bit of a trial-and-error process, the animators were so excellent that I felt I could focus on checking the characters' faces.
ナルトに関しおは、アクションやバトルはその筋の゚キ スパヌトに䞀任し、心理面での现かいニュアンスを衚珟 さんに玍埗しできればず心を配り、ヒナタは、客お頂けるヒロむンにず思っおいたした。
月面でのバトルは、これたでなかったず思うので、ずおも新鮮な画面になったず感じおいたす。これたで、デザむン䜜業が䞻で、本線の䜜画にはそれ ほど関われずにいたしたので、ブランクを取り戻す぀も りで本䜜にのぞみたした。スケゞュヌル的にずおも厳し かったですが、チヌム䞀䞞ずなっお完成にこぎ぀けたし た。その熱量を感じお頂けたら嬉しいです。
Regarding Naruto, I entrusted the action and battle scenes to the experts in that field, while I focused on expressing the subtle nuances of the characters' psychology. I hoped that Hinata would be a heroine who could be appreciated by the audience.
I don't think there's ever been a battle on the moon before, so I feel like it's a very fresh scene.
Up until now, I've mostly been involved in design work, and haven't been able to be involved much in full-length animation as I would have liked, so I approached this project with the intention of catching up after a break. The schedule was very tight, but the team came together as one and managed to complete it. I hope you can feel that passion.
Naruto's confession in the middle and Naruto and Hinata in the end were embarrassing to watch and I couldn't help but grin.
郚 朚 博文 (キャ ラク タヌ デザ むン ・ 総 䜜 男 監督 )
Hirofumi Buki (Character Design, General Director)
TVシリヌズで䜜画監督を担圓しおいた時は、わりず 勢いに任せお描きやすいスタむルを䜜っおいたのです が、今回はキャラクタヌデザむンだけでなく、総䜜画監物、しかも西尟さんず共同ずいうこずもあり、普段より キャラクタヌの統䞀に力を入れたした。
When I was in charge of animation supervision for the TV series, I let the momentum take over and created a style that was easy to draw. This time, however, I was not only in charge of character design, but also supervised all the animation, and since I was working with Mr. Nishio, I put more effort into character unification than usual.
䞀番倧倉な郚分は、各䜜画監督や第画スタッフが匵第っおくれたので、自分は絵柄のバランス調敎に集䞭できたした。これだけの倧䜜になったのは、スタッフ第の集 䞭力によるものです。 本圓にすごいず感じおいたす。
The hardest part of the work was done by the animation directors and staff, so I was able to concentrate on adjusting the balance of the picture patterns. The fact that it became such a big production was due to the staff's ability to concentrate on their work. I feel that it is truly amazing.
本䜜で僕が目指したのは、少し萜ち着いた、倧人に なったナルトです。原䜜、TVシリヌズをご芧になっおい る方からするず、成長したナルトを芋぀めるむルカのよう な気分が味わえるのではないでしょうか。僕もむルカの 目線でナルトを描いおいたした。ヒナタはずにかく柔らかく描くこずを意識し、ナルトの第数であるトネリは、圓初、 サスケのようなポゞションかず思っおいたのですが、脚 本を読むず思ったより䞭性的なキャラクタヌでしたの で、随想な雰囲気を厩さないように心がけたした。矎男 子キャラは矎少女より気を遣いたす。
My goal with this film was to portray a more mature Naruto who has grown up and become a little more composed. For those who have watched the original and the TV series, I hope you can experience the feeling of being like Iruka, watching over a grown-up Naruto. I also drew Naruto from Iruka's perspective. I consciously tried to depict Hinata as soft and gentle, and initially thought Toneri, who is Naruto's counterpart, would be in a position similar to Sasuke's, but when I read the script, he was more neutral than I had expected so I tried not to ruin the evocative atmosphere of the character. I find that I have to pay more attention to handsome male characters than to beautiful female characters.
完成した映画を芳お、䞭盀のナルトの告癜ず、ラストのナルトずヒナタは、芳おいお照れくさく、ニダけおしたいたした。 本䜜は、原䜜の最終話に至るたでの経緯を描いた倧 きな区切りずなる䜜品です。倧䜜「NARUTO-ナルト-」 の最埌を食るにふさわしい仕䞊がりになっおいるず思い たす。 皆さたの心に残る䜜品になれば嬉しいです。
Watching the completed film, Naruto's confession in the middle and Naruto and Hinata at the end made me grin with embarrassment. This film is a major milestone in the story leading up to the final chapter of the original work. I think it is a fitting end to the great “NARUTO” series. I hope it will be a work that will remain in everyone's hearts.
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I think this film is more about Hinata than it is about Naruto. I want to say, "I'm glad your feelings got through, Hinata. Congratulations."
えびなやすのり (音響監督)
Ebina Yasunori (Sound Director)
小林(垞倫)監督から、「ラブストヌリヌずしおの印象を 匷くしおほしい」ずオヌダヌがあったので、ラブストヌリヌ ずバトルずのバランスが気持ちよく䌝わるかを意識しお「音」の制䜜をしたした。䜜業䞭は、どの音を出したいのか、そのためにどの音をなくしたらいいのか、特に映画ずしおの迫力を出すためにはどうすればよいのかを考えおい たしたね。解決方法はやっおみるのみ! ダメなら他の方法を詊す。その繰り返しでした。
Director Kobayashi (Tsuneo) ordered us to "strengthen the impression of a love story," so we focused on creating the "sound" to ensure a pleasant balance between the love story and the battles. During the process, we thought about which sounds we wanted to create, which sounds we needed to eliminate, and especially how to convey the film's impact. The solution was to just try it out! If it didn't work, we would try another method. It was a continuous cycle.
音楜に぀いおお話しするず、今回は「THE LAST」ずい うこずで、1期の音楜をさせおいたす。この曲を聞くず 「NARUTO-ナルト-」だっ!ず思う曲を䜿いたした。本䜜 は劇堎版10本目の集倧成。そしおうずたきナルトの豊埌の物語ずしお1 期の曲をかけるこずで、僕なりの送り出し をしたかったのです。あずは党お高梚(康治)さんの映画オリゞナル曲です。
When it comes to talking about music, this time it's "THE LAST," so we're using the music from the first season. When you listen to this song, you'll think, "It's NARUTO!" We used a song that evokes that feeling. This work is the culmination of the 10th movie. And by playing the songs from the first season as a way to conclude the story of Uzumaki Naruto, I wanted to send him off in my own way.The rest are all original songs by Mr. Koji Takahashi for the movie.
「NARUTO-ナルト-」は䞖界的に人気がある䜜品です が、音楜の䞖界芳もそれを匕っ匵っおいる䞀぀の芁因で はないかず思っおいたす。今回の最倧の芋せ堎のひず぀、 ナルトがヒナタに告癜する堎面も、音楜で衚珟しおみたし た。今たで芋られなかったナルトの心の匱さなども衚珟さ れおいたす。完璧な人間などいないっおこずですね。 今院の映画は、ナルトのずいうよりもヒナタの映画では ないかず思っおいたす。 「思いが䌝わっおよかったね、ヒナ タ。おめでずう」ず蚀いたいです。そしお、二人のラブストヌ リヌを芳客の皆さんに共感しお頂けたら嬉しいです。
"NARUTO" is a work that is popular worldwide, and I think the worldview of the music is one of the factors that has led to its popularity. One of the highlights of this film, the scene where Naruto confesses his feelings to Hinata, was expressed through music. It also shows Naruto's weakness, which we have never seen before. It shows that there is no such thing as a perfect person. I think this film is more about Hinata than it is about Naruto. I want to say, "I'm glad your feelings got through, Hinata. Congratulations." And I would be happy if the audience could empathize with their love story.
I wanted to portray neither a child's love nor an adult's love, but rather to cherish the instability that is unique to that age.
神尟千春 (錄音挔出)
Chiharu Kamio (recorded audio)
今回は、子䟛の恋愛でも、倧人の恋愛でもなく、その幎競特有の䞍安定さを倧切にしたいず思っおいたした。原䜜 埌の話なので、岞本先生の想いを芳客の皆さんに䌝えた いなぁずいう思いが匷かったですね。 小林 (垞倫)監督が、 アニメシリヌズの存圚を倧切にしおくれお、このキャラはこ んな蚀い回しをしないなど、现かいずころたで気にかけお 頂けたこずには感謝しおいたす。
This time, I wanted to cherish the instability that is unique to this age group, not a child's love or an adult's love. Since the story takes place after the original work, I had a strong desire to convey Kishimoto-sensei's thoughts to the audience. I am grateful that Director Kobayashi (Tsuneo) valued the existence of the anime series and paid attention to even the smallest details, such as not using certain phrases for certain characters.
音響監督のえびなさんずは、 いやぁもう阿吜の呌吞ず蚀いたすか、自分がいいず思うものを枡せば、あずは圌が最高の仕䞊がりにしおくれるので、䞀緒に仕事をさせお頂 いおいお信頌ず安心感がありたすね。
With sound director Ebina-san, it's like we're in perfect harmony. If I give him something I think is good, he will turn it into the best possible result, so I feel a sense of trust and reassurance working together with him.
アフレコ䞭は、少し倧人になっおいるものの、幎霢を䞊 げすぎおキャラが別人にならないよう気を぀けようず思っ おいたしたが、蓋を開けたら圹者陣がちゃんずそれを意識 したキャラ䜜りをしおくれおいたので、私は䜕もせずに終 わった感じです(笑)。 劇堎版だからずぞんな気負いもな く、いい雰囲気で出来たず思っおいたす。 小林監督が「い぀ も通り」を倧切にしおくれたお陰ですね。 トネリに関しお は、小林監督の䞭でキャラが出来䞊がっおいたので、なる べくそれに沿うよう、気にかけおいたした。
During the recording, I was careful not to make the characters too old, even though they were a little more mature, but when I got there, the actors had properly created the characters with that in mind, so I didn't have to do anything (laughs). I think we were able to do it in a good atmosphere without any weird pressure just because it was a movie version. It was all thanks to Director Kobayashi's emphasis on "the same as always." Director Kobayashi had already created a character for Toneri, so I was careful to stick to that as much as possible.
私が気に入っおいるシヌンは、゚ンドロヌル埌です! 幞せなのっおいい! 「NARUTO-ナルト-」は、院動包悪じゃないずころが魅力です。味方キャラが党お正しいわけでも、悪圹キャラが党お悪いわけでもない。 凄くリアルですよね。私もファンの䞀人です!
The scene I like is after the end credits! It's nice to be happy! The charm of "NARUTO" lies in the fact that it doesn't have absolute good and evil. Not all the ally characters are entirely right, and not all the villain characters are entirely evil. It's really realistic, isn't it?I'm also one of the fans!
Here's Part 2 of The Last Booklet
Please let me know any correction/observation you have. This shit was long as fuck.
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axleboost · 9 months ago
Naruto Fanfiction | Life Without Kurama, Chapter 11
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Arguably one of my strongest chapters in this fanfiction, I give you Chapter 11 - Anchor Point! This point in the story was one of the main reasons I was so excited to cover the earlier arcs. I went through all of that just to get here.
Oh, what have we here? Inoichi Yamanaka himself! What are he and Sasuke cooperating on, and perhaps more importantly, why?!
Only one way to get your answer! ;-)
141 notes · View notes
crispyliza · 7 months ago
I just realized that early fanfiction sites provided me my first sex education.
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oh-no-its-bird · 5 months ago
TMA naruto au time buckle up,
Jon should get to be a half Uchiha bastard who has an infamously hard time controlling his sharingan.
His mangekyo (which he gets very very young when he accidentally leads a bully to their death at the hands of a nukenin with a love of spiders) basically acts as his beholding abilities and can allow him to compel people to sit still and answer anything he asks of them, which gets really messy when you consider a) shinobi society is built on secrets, and b) he has a really hard time turning it off
His visions absoloutley fucked but whatever bloodline his father was from seems to have caused the deterioration of his eyes to stop where it is— and is also the cause of why he has extra difficulty w it's flip switch
Anyways, Inuzuka Daisy or Hatake Daisy, I can't decide. Either way shes wolf coded as fuck and also in a similar boat of being absoloutley shit at controlling her bloodline. She and Jon are so problem child coded, and I think part of the reason she hates him as kids is bc she sees a lot of herself in him but like, at her worst. All of her issues but he just lays down and takes it when she fights tooth and nail against anyone who so much looks at her wrong. They are opposite ends of the spectrum and she's hyper aware of it
I think that when they're older they should get to go on a mission together and basically the whole coffin thing happens but with like an enemy nin w an earth chakra type.
Mmm alternatively tho, sprinkle in hints of the dreaded fears and play w the beasts and yokai of naruto canon, pull some spooky shit.
They get in over their heads, coffin happens, Jon goes back for her then we end with them both just kind of looking at eachother like "there are things in this world we can not comprehend."
Mmm, naruto version of the fears,,, that could be fun. Incorporate the bijuu maybe, idk
Anyways, Daisy hates Jon, coffin time happens and Jon escapes but then goes back for her (if she's a Hatake, this could also play interestingly w parallels to Kakashi) and they come out of the whole thing having Seen Thing(tm) and are irriversably changed and also now very much edging into co-dependant besties territory
Can u tell I'm a big fan of the Daisy and Jon besties agenda bc I so am
Moving on to the others ->
I want to say civilian Martin? I don't have much for him tbh, it'd be cool if he was like distantly related to Haku tho. Give him the cool ice mirror bloodline limit or whatever bc smthn smthn the lonely.
Mmm ok acrually hear me out: civilian Martin who's trying very hard to avoid shinobi things. He's actually a defected Kiri nin who forged a new identity for himself and fled to Konoha to start a new life after the bloodline hunts back in Kiri killed his whole family (except for Haku, but he doesn't know he's still alive) He's trying very hard to fly under the radar, but I doubt he'll succeed for long
I want him to look like all those fun lonely avatar fan arts of him w the sharp teeth, white streaked hair, dulled looking skin and kinda fishy vibes overall actually, but like he uses a seal to keep a permanant henge on him to look normal bc hes very visibly Kiri otherwise
Tim is giving me Yamanaka vibes for some reason. I like that also bc then we could possibly get him and Jon working together in T&I, which like yay parallel to how they used to work together before the archives
Sasha is giving me civilian born shinobi vibes, I think she should get to work in the hokage tower. Paper pusher with big dreams of moving up the latter and really being someone one day. She has her eyes dead set on a position in the Hokage's office
Basira is ,,, somewhere. You really can't have Daisy without her that's just illegal but I'm not too sure where to put her. Civilian born Basira kinda suits her but I'm ngl I'm kinda eyeing Nara Basira. Wait no fuck ok, Nara Basira and she was on a 3 man unit with Tim at one point, now they just need a Akimichi to complete the narashikacho trifecta there
She totally works in T&I now, or maybe with the Uchiha police force? It's like 90% Uchiha but I'm pretty sure some other clans are spotted here in there among them, and if they're not, I mean, I don't actually give a shit so .
I don't know if this is one of those aus where canon is still there but we're just adding tma characters into the mix or if it's just vague naruto setting but tma characters are our focus / replacing the main cast. But I think it's the first. If it was the second tho I'd say Elias as Danzo in a heartbeat
But since it's the first, Nara Elias who got a mysterious eye transplant years ago that seemed to have changed his personality entirley (were totally keeping the body hopping shit, rip the real Nara Elias who's been dead for years)
He's a slimy politician who works closely with Danzo
Ok so main narrative:
I'm thinking the coffin thing happens with Daisy and Jon, and now they're kind of eyes open to the existence of whatever version of the fears exist in this world. Jon is Jon and can't let sleeping dogs lie, and Daisy is Daisy and does her twitchy "there's something dangerous out there I can't control/don't know about" thing so she's really not stopping him, but she is helping him be more smart about it. Sometimes. They're both kind of lose canons tbh holy shit this is gonna be a disaster
So Jon gets kind of obsessed w whatever the FUCK that was, and Elias smells blood in the water and approaches
Idk what's going on with Elias but he's still body hopping bitch boy Jonah here. He's very involved in the fears, and he's had his eyes on Jon for a while. You see, the way that avatars manifest in Naruto world is that sometimes they'll often show their influence through bloodlines— Nara the dark, Yamanaka the beholding, Inuzuka the hunt, it's all there if you look for it.
Those in 'the know' believe that all bloodline limits came from the fears— sometimes their influence shows more than others. And very very rarley, that influence becomes a a bit more... potent, than in others.
Elias believes that Jon is one such instance of this, his strange mangekyo being so painfully and terrifyingly beholding coded, far more than his clansmen who's own mangekyo tend to branch off lightly into territories of different fears.
Jon (and Daisy, but Elias has a clear favorite here) running into such a strong instance of the buried, which is rare on its own, has only made Elias even more interested, taking it as some sort of sign that there really is something especially odd about Jon's unusually strong link to the fears.
Anyways, Elias sponsoring Jon's investigation into the fears, their links to the bijuu, how they interact with chakra and if they might truly be the source of modern bloodline limits.
Konoha secret supernatural task force (not to be confused with ROOT or ANBU) meant to monitor the fears influence in Konoha,,,
(God, of course Elias couldn't help but make his own fucking secret service in opposition to ROOT. He couldn't let Danzo upstage him)
Just like how ANBU has their shoulder seal and ROOT the tongue seal, I'm thinking their seal is a stylized eye on the back of their neck, which ofc Elias is always watching through, rip
Oh fuck, actually give me seal master Elias and his special spy seals he can watch and listen through. It's not a power thing it's just a specialization thing— he has his own eye tattoo that allows him to directly see through all his seals at any time.
Anyways we're calling this organization ARCHIVE bc I am a simple gal. Don't ask what it's supposed to stand for in verse, idk
Idk who else should be in it, or if it should be like ground up and Daisy and Jon are the first. Wait what the fuck am I saying, Gertrude and Gerry obviously. Michael Shelly too, can't forget him
Toss in Mike Crew and Jude Perry also just bc I like them. Maybe Nikola and an Aburame Jane Prentiss? But also idk if I'd want to put them in the position where they're technically working under Elias, I feel like that just doesn't fit. Better to leave them out in the wold to run into instead for conflict. Except Mike Crew, who is my favorite little guy and who should get to be here on loan from Elias' friend and Daimyo's court shinobi, Simon Fairchild
Honestly be funny if Kakashi was in it at one point just bc then he'd have been in all 3 konoha secret services and honestly? Hilarious. Someone give that guy a fucking break oh my god
Obviously Tim, Sasha, Martin and Basira all eventually join in, tho idk how. Maybe Jon is actually asked who would be a good choice for it? Jon says Tim and Daisy says Basira, then they both kinda eye Sasha who's been very fucking vocal ab needing just a chance to get her claws into the hooks of the Konoha power ladder and reccomend her too
Martin is the tricky one, I'm thinking Elias somehow finds out ab his Kiri background and has always wanted to poke more at the lonley's very visible connection to many kiri bloodlines— but Martin's in particular. So he kinda blackmails him into it, but framed in a more friendly "I'll make sure you don't have to hide anymore, I can secure your place in Konoha even with your ancestry :)"
Also maybe he was impressed by Martin's disguise seals, that'd be neat. Seal master Martin but he's Martin so he's like "Ah, I'm really not that good at it :("
(Jon is infuriated by his seemingly natural talent then even more infuriated when it becomes clear he's actual shit at most other shinobi things)
Ok so peddle it back to Mr Jonah eye fuckery Magnus here -> he was once like Jon. A man born into a clan w a link to the beholding, with a light eye themed bloodline limit. But he was born with a stronger tie to their patron than the others, strong enough to recognize they had a patron at all. And by feeding into it (don't ask me how I have no clue) he was able to strengthen that tie, gaining more power, and the ability to body hop through eyes
And he looks at Jon and wonders if he can replicate that in him. Groom him into something closer to their god, then feed him to the beholding to further his own power, which seems to have stagnated in growth.
I think also there's just a good amount of spite for ROOT and hunger for political power that he might get from ARCHIVE, and Jon is a clear fit for it, so like. Add him to the pile !!
I have a couple more vague thoughts for this -> the archive tunnels correlating to ROOT tunnels, the real Elias being childhood friends w Danzo and Hiruzen before Magnus took his body, Madara off in his cave somewhere being influenced by a Zetsu who serves the fears instead of Kaguya, etc.
But I'll leave it here for now, thank u for ur time
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koala-marched · 6 months ago
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Old itadei from last year
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