#no but seriously kudos/comment on the authors fics when AO3 is back
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muffinlance · 2 years ago
Hey while AO3 is down
Here is a GDrive link to all my downloaded fics (it's OVER 9,000 2,000)
Mostly Avatar, also The Magnus Archives, Danny Phantom, Teen Wolf, and a few others
Mostly unsorted, some not even intentionally downloaded because the auto-downloader I use is Like That, so consider this a glorified "give me a random fic" button
>>> Linkie link <<<
Edit: Note that when AO3 comes back up that link will go dead again... until it's needed, once more
...Until next they are needed
If you were going through these for fic recs, check out my AO3 Bookmarks for the more curated list.
To make your own fanfic backups, I recommend AO3 Downloader or FanFicFare. (I'm not tech support for either; please don't message me for help.)
Happy reading!
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buckyschair · 12 days ago
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Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: A sequel part to Flirting, which follows our dear reader (an archivist from Day Court) and the events post-hook-up with Azriel. Don’t worry, his busybody family could never be too sidetracked with running their court to prevent them getting involved in his love life– and, thanks to the properties of transference, yours! Have you stumbled upon something real here with him? Or will it be over before it’s begun? Only Azriel’s shadowy attachment style and maladaptive coping mechanisms will tell! Spoiler: the sex is good. 
read part one on tumblr here
A/N: From the bottom of my heart, what the fuck was I doing when I started writing this fic in the second person present tense. Copy editing this was a nightmare. I am completely demoralized. The only thing that can cure me? Your comments and kudos, baby! 
Content Warnings: porn with plot, kinda switches between your POVS, female reader, Rhys and Cass and Mor being dickheads (affectionate), smut (featuring aftercare <3), mutual masturbation, thigh riding, unprotected PIV sex, explicit language, alcohol, yearning, idiots to lovers, no use of Y/N
Disclaimers: 1. I’m woman enough to admit that I don’t know how the magic system works in this universe. Who has what powers? None of my business. Yet, somehow, this same author spent an hour researching exactly how people with penises like to masturbate. And that’s showbiz, baby! 2. It’s also not my business where these people live. I haven’t read ACOSF yet so I have no idea where they’re all supposed live so just pretend Az has his own place and they all share a house too idk the river house is new and confusing to me kthxbyeeee
Word Count: ~14k 
Read on AO3
It’s surprisingly domestic, how the morning unfolds in a post-coital haze, breathy moans lapsing into quiet conversation about pillow preferences and the day's looming demands. You’re seriously so glad you went dancing last night, especially since your fun solo night out was cut short in favor of mind blowing sex with Azriel. The male lies beside you, your body tucked into his arm on his massive bed, the pair of you lingering after another round of bliss. You’re reluctant to emerge from your shared cocoon, but you know you can’t stay forever. 
“I don’t know about you, but this is my ideal morning,” Azriel comments lazily.
You murmur something noncommittal. 
He raises himself up on one arm to look at you, affronted. You see the disbelief in his poised face, his quiet accusation: How could it get better than this? It’s sharp enough to uncover your grin as you answer: 
“A bath?” you propose.
Azriel presses a kiss to your temple before grumbling his way out from under the covers. 
“Anything for my esteemed guest,” he says sarcastically.
“I’m so honored,” you say, eyes rolling behind his back as he disappears into the washroom. 
“I saw that!” he calls from inside.
You give him a rude gesture from your place under his sheets, and you hear his chuckle echoing through the open doorway as he draws you a bath. Even his laughter sounds like a whispered secret. You treasure the sound, storing it away in your memory. 
You’re half hoping he’ll join you in the bath, but he leaves you to wash alone once you finally emerge from his bed. Water sluices across your form as you cleanse yourself of the hard earned sweat and stain. While the stickiness washes away, the warmth of your experience remains; an invisible mark at odds with the pale bruises blooming on your chest and thighs. His soap smells of citrus and cedar, a salty scrub that rejuvenates your flesh and invigorates your senses. It was the scent you’d caught in his pillows as you’d been pressed into them this morning. You wipe the images from your mind, clearing your head with some effort. 
When you emerge from your much needed bath, wrapped in a towel, you find your things laid out neatly for you atop his fresh sheets. You pick up an oversized shirt included in the pile. Your brow arches in silent question towards the male currently fussing with dirty sheets. Thankfully, he’s donned some undershorts, so you could expect to keep it together for at least a full conversation. 
“I couldn’t find your shirt,” Azriel confesses, apologetic. He tells you that he looked all over his room while you were bathing, to no avail. 
“Aren’t you a spy? I can’t believe you couldn't track it down,” you laugh as you slip into his tunic. It smells clean, and you’re a little put out that it doesn’t have his aroma. He throws a pillow at you, and you barely catch it before it smacks you in the face. His pout only makes you laugh harder. 
He apologizes again about your top, but as you slip your skirt back on, you remind him that you weren’t protesting last night when he threw it gods know where. His ears burn as he imagines it falling out the window, landing somewhere in the city below, perhaps much to some stranger’s confusion. 
“Not that it would be out of character for this place, with Rhys and Feyre being the way they are,” he concludes, cracking you up again. 
You come to stand before him, in your odd new outfit, short tight skirt and long baggy shirt. Now that you’re dressed, you aren’t sure of what comes next. So far, he’s directed your morning routine, and you’re suddenly dreading the inevitable moment when you have to leave. His eyes are taking you in, and you have no idea how his heart stutters at the sight of you, freshly bathed in his soap and dressed in his clothing. He has half a mind to take you back to bed, if Rhys hadn’t just been in his head reminding him of their upcoming morning appointment. 
Before you can ask him what the plan is, your stomach growls loudly, demanding. 
You curse your traitorous stomach as you walk through the grand halls alone in search of a meal, disoriented since he’d kissed your temple again right after dispatching you to the kitchen. He’d offered to get the two of you food, but you told him he should bathe first. Truth be told, you just needed a moment to get your bearings. This morning was far more normal than you were expecting, and it unnerved you how easily you’d fallen into a mock domestic routine with the warrior. 
Soon enough, you find a well stocked kitchen, exactly where Azriel had explained it would be. You shouldn’t be surprised that his directions were so clear, given the male’s strategic mind. 
You do find yourself surprised, however, that he’s allowing you to wander unchaperoned and barefoot through his court’s inner dwelling. The thought had warmth blooming in your chest as you set water to boil on the stove before looking around for some proper kind of tea. 
Before you know it, you’ve lost yourself to snooping through the full cabinets, inspecting jars and baskets of dry goods as you assemble your small feast. As an archivist, you can’t help admiring neat collections of any kind. You’re as endlessly fascinated with the contents of cabinets as you are with stacks of manuscripts. 
The distraction is why you don’t notice the approaching footsteps until a sarcastic voice calls you out of your reverie. 
“Az? Is that you?” 
You freeze your snacking at the unfamiliar male voice in the hallway. 
“What the hell, brother. So tell me why you tapped out earlier than anyone last night– without saying goodbye, might I add– and yet you’re the only one late to training this–” the voice cuts off as he finally spots you through the door frame. 
“Oh,” the Illyrian stumbles before quickly recovering, “Hello.” A boyish smile breaks upon his face as he takes in your state, dressed in his brother’s shirt over a skintight skirt. 
“You’re not Azriel,” he observes keenly. 
He offers you a wide grin, which you return sheepishly at first but then with real humor. 
“No, I’m not,” you laugh, realizing this must be Cassian. You introduce yourself briefly before adding, “He’ll probably be late this morning.”
“I bet he will be,” Cassian quips, but before he can question you further, you excuse yourself with your tea while it's still hot. 
“It’s nice to meet you!” he calls after you, your name ringing down the corridor. 
Cassian shakes his head once you leave, speechless for a moment before he contacts Rhys. You won’t believe this! he projects excitedly, thrilled to have some gossip on his brooding brother for once. 
You can’t hide your giddy blush when you return to Azriel’s room to eat. He takes the tea with quiet thanks, laughing at the mischief you’d gotten up to in his absence, and even more so at your impression of Cassian. His chest warms at your brief brush with his family. You enjoy a peaceful meal sitting in his chair by the window while he tidies his already very clean room, noting how fastidious he is in his motions as he dresses and styles his hair for the day. 
Once he’s run out of ways to drag out his morning routine, he turns to you with a serious but soft expression. 
“Can I see you again?” Azriel asks. If all logic didn’t defy it, you’d say he sounds nervous. “Perhaps on a real date?” 
“A date?” you ask coyly. You don’t bother to hide your smug delight at his words, feeling like you’ve just won a prize. “Yeah, I think I’d like that. A lot.” 
His resulting smile is so bright– for a second it transports you back to the grand archival library in Day court, where you’d soak up the blinding noon light that would stream in through the tall arched windows. You could always rely on its warmth for a reprieve from your dusty, tedious tasks. You imagine Az must feel similarly in this moment for his shadowy expression to break with such radiance. 
It calms your sorrow at leaving the brilliant palace, confident that you might very well see it again soon. You enjoy this flight more, as he carefully maneuvers through the city’s sky, the journey less disorienting in the daylight. He leaves you on the steps of your accommodations near the library with a lingering kiss and a promise to see you again the next night. 
Once he leaves, your mind goes into overdrive, cataloguing all that had occurred and trying to figure out what exactly drew you together. If there was any sort of common thread, it was invisible, but you felt its undeniable pull all the same. 
You’d have to do some further research, you decide, on Illyrians, and on shadowsingers. And perhaps on sex positions with winged fae. And maybe you should buy a new going out top… though you certainly wouldn’t be returning this new one anytime soon, you think, smoothing Azriel’s shirt down as you step inside your little place. 
You happily plan your list of tasks and activities, unaware of the shadows that slip inside after you, ready to report back to their master, who is equally anticipating your next meeting, even as he arrives unforgivably late to training, only to face the torment of his nosy family. 
Azriel bears their prying questions and bold threats with characteristic stoicism, cracking only to say that they’d better play nice, offering scalding threats of his own lest they scare you off. Deep down, he thinks with pride that you could probably actually handle them in their full chaos.   
After all, he’d felt something shake loose in his chest this morning as he’d laid watching your sleeping form. He recalls how he’d felt last night, when you were backlit and glowing above him. The magnetism that had sparked, a gravity he stepped into fearlessly when in battle, that now gave him pause. Later, when he had a moment, he would examine it more intently, but even at this glance, he felt it strongly.
He swallows his smile as he falls into the motions of sparring with Rhys, feeling that familiar thrill. He’s found a real contender in you, he should have known it from the moment he saw you squaring up back at the club. Azriel can’t wait to see things through with you. 
Hours later, recalling that excitement feels like mockery, as he ponders what one possibly does for a first– second?– date. He curses himself for having such a premature reaction, rather than applying a more rational process to the situation. He’d met you once. He told himself he hardly knew you.
But even as he had that thought, he brought to mind all he’d absorbed about you. Your life in Day, your dedication to your people, your reverence for things of antiquity. His mind wandered to your shared experience, how he’d seen you come alive and undone under his touch. Your small reactions, your fixation on his wings, your quickness to humor. He couldn’t convince himself that he didn’t know you at all. Still, surely many fae knew you better than he could, after just one night. 
The thought fills him with an ugly emotion; he didn’t like that someone else might know you better than he. Azriel scolds himself for his juvenile envy. He hadn’t earned special intimacy with you. Yet , he amends. 
He is a master of spies, and foremost of a scarce population who could wield shadows as easily as any blade, and the trusted right hand of the most formidable High Lord in history. Even in his own right, he is one of the most powerful Illyrians in existence, he reminds himself as he sets to the task of planning your date. 
Azriel is determined to show you a good time. He thinks back to how organic, how right your brief time together at Rita’s had felt. 
How badly could this go? 
“You’re an idiot. I knew you were an asshole, but honestly Az, I hadn’t pegged you as an idiot,” Cassian scoffs, his raven locks shaking derisively. “I don’t know why I expected better.”  
Azriel just glares at him. He should have known it was a mistake to come to Cassian for advice. 
He looks to Rhys, hoping to find more level headed counsel. The three of them were cooling down from their morning sparring the night after his much anticipated date with you, ransacking the kitchen to refuel. Unfortunately, Rhys’ expression isn’t encouraging, the High Lord barely concealing his amusement. 
Azriel sighs, supplicating the ceiling for better guidance. He knows that their strenuous exercises aren’t solely to blame for the distant throbbing in his skull. 
“Quit it with the hysterics,” Rhys teases. 
Azriel levels him with a stare, his shoulders tense and his shadows in pandemonium. 
Rhys sighs, relenting, “So, you were saying you took her out to dinner?” he prompts diplomatically. 
Azriel nods. He had picked you up about an hour after you’d gotten out of work for the day. You’d been elegantly arrayed, but still casual, since you weren’t sure what he had planned. Your wide smile upon seeing him had left him winded as you’d taken in his generous physique. He’d been drinking you in too, and the sight of those same chunky boots on your feet had had him smirking. 
You’d playfully bared your teeth as you laid your hand on his waiting arm. “See something you like, soldier?” you’d teased. 
“Very much so,” he’d responded honestly. 
His candor had struck you off balance with more punch than any sweet talk or sass could have packed. His eyes held the same intensity that they’d burned with the other night; the same intensity that you’d started to doubt in your memory, thinking you must have imagined it in your blissed out daze. 
“You clean up nice, too,” you’d recovered. 
He’d mirrored your blush then, his red dusted cheeks relaxing you as he’d guided the two of you along the Sidra into the center of town. 
The restaurant had been nice, not too nice, but comfortable and intimate. You’d been thrilled with the menu, the seafood more exotic and the spices more daring than what you told him you were used to back in Day. Perhaps he should have commented more of his own thoughts, but he was so satisfied just to listen to your chatter. 
“Dinner was good,” Azriel shares.
Rhys and Cassian share a look at that. They were probably holding a conversation mentally on the side, analyzing and strategizing. 
“Well, don’t bore us with the details,” Rhys prompts sarcastically. 
Azriel swallows his retort, reminding himself that these were his brothers. As much as they pissed him off, they were his family, and they wanted the best for him. They wanted him to be happy. 
“What else do you want to know?!” he groans.
“Did you fuck her?” Cassian deadpans. 
Azriel just sputters in response. He is quickly losing faith that his brothers will be any help, if that was the best Cass could do. 
“No!” Azriel balks. 
“What do you mean no!” Rhys shouts, as Cassian curses and shakes his head more, this time hiding his face in his hands. 
“I mean, we… we did sleep together that first night,” Azriel amends, with a meaningful look at Cassian, who stops snickering. “But not last night.” 
“Why the hell not?” Cassian demands. 
“Is that all you can think about?” Az hedges. He honestly didn’t know why you hadn’t slept together again. He had certainly wanted to. Fuck, what he wouldn’t do for another chance to taste you, to take you back to his place– his real place this time, not the House of Wind– get you in his bed and run his hands over your thighs, and up, up, to brush his thumb through your soaking folds– 
“Brother! You’re one to talk, you’re the one going stupid at the thought of her right now!” Cass’s accusation has him cursing and forcing his mind back to this maddening conversation.  
Rhys regards him with a knowing look which does little to comfort him. The two males across the counter share another meaningful glance. Azriel runs his hand through his hair, he was going to lose his mind if they kept up their silent conversation. 
I’m right here, assholes, he projects into their minds down the bridges Rhys had established centuries ago. Typically, they reserved their use for business, but clearly the High Lord and his Commander had no qualms using their privileged mental bridge to serve their busybody purposes. 
Rhys has the decency to cringe, but Cassian dismisses his insult with the ease of one perfectly aware of his gold certified status as an ass. 
“What did you do to her, Az?” Cass scorns. 
“Okay. So dinner was good. That’s a good start,” Rhys interjects, suddenly playing the diplomat again as his brothers’ fists begin to curl. “What did the two of you talk about?” he prompts helplessly. 
“Just… things.” 
Cassian swears again at Azriel’s curt response, and even as his temper flares, Azriel sees how weak his answer is. “Okay! Okay. We… Well, she talked about her life back in Day. I asked her a lot about her work, and how their recovery efforts are progressing.”
Rhys nods, encouraging him.
“And I asked how she felt about the security of Day, since a myriad of threats remain unchecked, after everything, and since they don’t discriminate between courts but could affect any of us-” 
Cassian groans, and Rhys winces. 
“What! She cares about her people, I was trying to be attentive!” Az defends.
“Brother. It sounds like you were doing recon,” Rhys gently explains. 
Az opens his mouth, then closes it.
“You grilled her about the status of her court’s border security,” Cass adds bluntly. 
“I did not… grill her,” Azriel manages. “I just… fuck. Fuck!” he lets out. “Damn it! I was asking her about her interests,” he helplessly repeats. 
Cassian and Rhys just look at him with pity. 
He scowls, accepting that the dinner conversation was perhaps not as free flowing as things had been at Rita’s. Still, he’d have sworn that you’d enjoyed the evening. He looks up at his brothers, desperation written on his face. “What do I do?”
“Did you make plans to see each other again?” Cass asks hesitantly, a rare sign that he’s taking this seriously after all. 
“No,” Azriel admits, “but she did say she’d like to see me again,” he adds, much to his brothers’ relief. 
Rhys claps his hands together, capturing their attention, his shoulders squaring as he assumes his role as their sovereign strategist. “Alright. We can work with that,” he claims. “How do we go from here? What are the facts?”
“First, we have established that Az is an idiot,” Cassian chirps helpfully. 
“Right,” Rhys confirms, and Azriel just rubs his temples. This was just like their young days at the training camp, only without the license to punch Cassian for mouthing off. “What else?” 
“She wants to see him again.” Azriel opens his eyes and flashes a grateful smile at his brother, who ruins the moment by adding suggestively- ”Or at least she wants to see part of him again.” 
Rhys sighs, mentally reaching out to Feyre to tell her that she’ll have to handle their mid-morning appointments solo. Everything okay? she responds. He replies wordlessly with the scene in front of him, his brothers bickering over their breakfast, Cass creating an impressively explicit insult with a chocolate pastry and Az returning in kind. 
By the afternoon though, the three males have come up with a respectable plan to salvage Azriel’s tenuous connection with you. 
You’re surprised when you see a shadow slip along the stacks toward your spot barricaded in a corner of the Night Court’s library, poring over some dense tomes. They’re full of oblique explanations that reference texts that are equally inaccessible, even to you in your expertise. You’d just about decided it was time for a break when you see the shadow approach. 
It curls around your hand in an affectionate welcome. As warmth flares in your chest, a note materializes, a welcomely legible message compared to the books you’d been buried in. You look around, despite the silent and largely empty library. 
No one is present to witness your blush as you lightly stroke the first line. The note is addressed to your name in a neat script. 
I’m writing with regard to my concern that you’ve had too grand an impression of my court , it reads. You can hear Azriel’s wry tone in the clear letters. 
First the high class of Rita’s, then the dizzying heights of Velaris’ fine dining last night. You smile at his dry, self deprecating words. Your heart thunders as you continue reading. 
I’d like to amend this most grievous picture with a far less elegant evening. Would you be available to join me for dinner tonight? Same time, and meet me at my place instead. 
Please respond at your leisure. I would very much like to see you again–
–He’s included an address and signed merely with an initial, a sloping A , that you trace as you mull over his words. 
His place? That last line too, I would very much like to see you again , seems less neat than the rest of his writing, almost hastily scrawled. As if it had been an afterthought. Or as if he’d been nervous to pen it? 
You shake your head at his shadow twirling around your wrist, the messenger seemingly in no rush. You’d been confused after your date with the shadowsinger, and now even more so. He wanted to see you again. 
The date last night hadn’t been bad. You’d certainly had worse experiences. 
He had shown up right on time to pick you up from your doorstep, sweetly admiring you as you’d shakily locked up your place. When you’d caught his hungry gaze, that still novel thrill had shot through you, and you couldn’t help your smile. You’d been excited, and that feeling remained sparkling in your chest as you’d wound your way through the city towards the spot he’d picked out. 
The meal you’d shared had been amazing, you were impressed with the whole affair. Azriel had looked indecently handsome in a soft black tunic and sleek charcoal pants, his siphons simmering ultramarine. You’d noticed he wore heavier leather boots… 
“Nice boots,” you’d complemented with a small smirk. 
“Thank you,” he had spoken sincerely, without marking your innuendo. 
You’d meant it as a small temperature check, delicately referencing your previous frenzied hook up where you’d neglected to take off your shoes for the first couple rounds. 
Either Azriel had missed your meaning, or he was establishing a boundary. You didn’t imagine the spymaster missed much, so you took it as an indication that he didn’t want to explicitly discuss what had happened between you. 
Even that was confusing, since his eyes had still gravitated towards your lips, followed the movements of your throat, and beheld you with a ferocity you couldn’t tear yourself away from. 
You held your tongue, though, about the research you’d done on how to get freaky with a winged individual. Honestly, that was probably for the best, you reflect, given how your sources were anecdotal at best. But damn! You’d done your due diligence, and you were hoping it would come in handy eventually. 
Azriel had been kind to the staff, who did their best to conceal how unnerved they were by his presence. He’d been perfectly well mannered, you’d enjoyed picking his mind about court security and his entertaining stories about his family. Overall, it had felt like your conversation at Rita’s, free flowing and comfortable. You trace the evening in your mind now, finding it more complex than the books you’d been dissecting all morning. 
You were used to speaking your mind, so you had planned to tell him directly that you’d like him to fuck you again, please and thank you . 
And when he hadn’t responded to your lingering touches, or your meaningful looks, you figured it was the same pattern as last time; where his respectful attitude demanded he unleash his passion only slowly and incrementally as the night progressed. After he’d walked you home and you’d told him what a great time you’d had at dinner, you’d even gone so far as to invite him up to your place. 
But he had declined. 
The male who you thought had been undressing you with his eyes the whole way back had dodged your invitation, citing an early morning. You’d been so blindsided that you’d just accepted it. 
Azriel had kissed you then, confusing you more as his hot mouth worked yours in a riveting connection. Then he had simply pulled away, his hazel eyes molten in the dark.  
“I’d like to see you again.” 
You cringe, recalling your words to him as he’d bade you good night. But he had seemed to practically preen at that, his shadows making lazy, arrogant circles around the horns at the apex of his wings. 
So, all things considered, perhaps this note before you shouldn’t be a total surprise. 
You’ll just have to talk directly with him, you reason. And the best way to do that will be to see him in person tonight. You briefly pen your enthusiastic agreement to send off with the shadow before returning to your work, heart a little lighter. 
Azriel smiles as his shadow appears, depositing his note with your neat reply. 
I look forward to seeing you tonight. Should I wear my boots? He laughs, spine tingling at his memory of you and those godsdamned shoes. He makes a note to remember to take them off of you tonight. If he’s so lucky… 
Azriel considers himself luckier than he deserves when you actually show up at his place that evening. You look resplendent, he thinks, starlight dusting your hair. Much to his embarrassment, his shadows swarm you the instant he opens his front door to your confident knock. He silently curses them and wills them to behave. 
“They say hello, as well,” he says after greeting you. 
“Hello to you too, then, you handsome little devils,” you flirt shamelessly with his shadows.
“Don’t encourage them,” Az chides affectionately, watching them as they double back to twirl in your hair and brush along your cheek. “They’re insufferable enough as is.” 
You just laugh at their antics, flattered by their attention. 
Quite frankly, you’re charmed. You couldn’t find any information on shadowsingers in your brief search on the topic. You aren’t sure how they work or how they speak to him, but you do know that you like them. The more you interact with them, you can sense their personality. 
“You look beautiful,” he offers. 
He takes your jacket, manners impeccable as he crisply hangs it on the back of his door.
“Thank you,” you blush, slyly admiring his wings as he’s turned away. “You don’t look half bad yourself.” 
You’re fooling no one. Azriel looks good. Really good. He’s handsome enough to win a best dressed contest naked, but this outfit works for him too. His sleek vest is a deep green, the first hint of color you’ve seen on him. It complements his eyes well, bringing out their gold. You’re enjoying his exposed forearms too, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. 
You had caught the faint scent of citrus and cedar as you’d brushed past him to step inside. Your body is activated by the scent, recalling how it had lingered on his pillows. Overwhelmed by the pleasant picture, you swallow the memory. 
Before he can catch you checking him out, you catch a mouthwatering aroma. 
“Did you cook?”
His bashful look has your heart melting as he leads you to his kitchen. Indeed, the male had cooked a glorious meal. The dishes themselves aren’t particularly rich fare, but the volume is definitely more than two can pack away. He's gone all out.
As you marvel at his production, it strikes you how surreal this is, how extraordinary. You’re here. In his kitchen. The famed shadowsinger has made you roast fowl from scratch. 
To distract yourself from the absurdity of the picture, you focus on the details. There's herbs tied up in bundles hanging from his shelves. You get a glance inside one cabinet as he grabs a bottle of wine, and, unsurprisingly, their contents are very neat.
“I’m impressed.”
“That’s the general idea,” he winks as he pours you a nice glass.  
This was one step of his preparation for the evening. One key element of a winning battle was the location, situating your forces in the most optimal position. Now, his simple task is to figure out how to build a beautiful, long lasting relationship with a brilliant female out of a fancy goose carcass and herb potatoes. He grits his teeth. The night isn’t nearly over yet. 
You accept the drink with thanks.
“So, this is your place?” 
Azriel just nods. 
“So, did you rent that palace temporarily, or?” you try again. 
“Oh, that was the House of Wind.”
You raise your eyebrows at the lack of explanation. “It sure was windy.”
He catches your question then, “Oh- sorry, yes. It’s essentially our, that is, the court members’, public house-” he launches into the explanation you’d been looking for. 
You’d imagined he would be more comfortable in his own home, but he seems uneasy. The male remains as inscrutable as ever. You hadn’t realized how much you usually rely on nonverbal cues to read people. He is so reserved– by training– and also obscured– literally, by shadows. 
As you chat amiably about the city and its organization and his confusing housing situation, he leads you to his sitting room. You were surprised at your nerves even as you converse easily, typically you weren’t so easily ruffled. Then again, it’s been a while since you’d been so swept up by someone. 
“It’s nice,” you say, looking around the room. 
“Yeah? You like it?”
“Yeah,” you nod. It’s cozier than the palace was, the sweeping views exchanged for a comfortable and surprisingly cheerful atmosphere. The furniture is cushy, but practical, sturdy. 
“I know it’s not much like the palace,” he reads your mind. 
“No, I like that it's cozier. I just don’t know how you fit in the door,” you joke, gesturing vaguely at his scale, between his muscled form and looming wings. He laughs at that, and you banter back and forth about what a pity it is that there’s such a lack of Illyrian sized accommodations. Your shared laughter fades into a silence only broken by the crack of logs burning slowly in his hearth, crumbling voicelessly into embers. 
You let the moment stretch, taking the moment to appreciate the relaxed evening ahead of you, unwinding from your long day at work. 
Azriel, meanwhile, is counting the remaining threads of his sanity on one hand. Give him a fistfight. Give him an enemy regime to infiltrate. But gods save him from making conversation with a female he likes. He thought the relaxed setting would be more casual, but his chest is still tight as he tries to behave normally. Maybe this was a bad idea…
The pleasant silence continues to grate on Azriel, until he crumbles. “We can eat whenever,” he says, breaking the spell. He curses himself for his cowardice, sidestepping whatever was growing in the lingering quiet between you. 
“This is nice, though,” you say into your wine, undeterred. It really is good stuff. You aren’t a sommelier but you know a drinkable vintage when it hits your tongue. 
“Yeah,” he relaxes somewhat into the couch next to you again. 
Hazel eyes meet yours, the fire from the hearth flickering in their reflection. You really are enjoying the peaceful atmosphere with him. His hair is styled a little differently than you remember, the waves flopping in a charming swoop across his forehead rather than brushed back. Your gaze dips to his lips, damp with wine. His pupils expand almost imperceptibly as they track the movement, like prey scenting a threat. 
A loud knock interrupts your mooning. 
Azriel frowns, one of his shadows streaking off to investigate the front door. His scowl deepens before his scout even returns, as the knocking continues, adamant. 
“One moment,” Azriel says reluctantly, with an apologetic look as he stands. You nod, your attention on his tense form, his wings obscuring the door as he whips it open. 
“What are you doing here?” you hear Azriel hiss. 
“Rhys has no good wine left,” Cassian whines as he brushes past Azriel at the door. “Oh, hello again!” he says to you with a winning smile as he emerges from the entryway, somehow edging around the imposing shadowsinger. 
“Hi,” you say quietly, but not weakly, looking to Azriel for your cues. His face is unreadable, a dark storm clouding his features once more. 
“Wait up, you brute!” a female voice speaks, and Azriel’s face darkens further as a stunning female pushes her way in. You recognize her from the bar, she was one of the group Az had pointed out as his family. Mor , her name surfaces in your mind. She was the one who brought them all to Rita’s frequently. 
You could guess why she might prefer that particular spot, as her eyes rake over you. She flicks her hair flirtatiously. 
“I don’t believe we’ve met,” she says boldly, extending a hand as you rise from Azriel’s couch, making your way to join them at the front of the room. You tell her your name, and she flashes you a smile, all teeth as she bites her lip. 
“Mor,” she offers. 
“Yes– it’s nice to meet you officially. Azriel has told me a bit about all of you,” you admit. 
“Really?” she says with genuine interest, looking at the shadowsinger curiously. Her mind seems to be working at top speed as she takes in the two of you, him sulking by the open door and you standing comfortably by the entryway to his sitting area, your glass of wine by his couch half empty. 
“Yes, well,” Azriel begins, trying to reel in his invading family, “we were just about to eat, so–”
“Yes, why don’t you join us!” you suggest. You miss Cassian’s shit eating grin and Azriel’s shocked expression as you turn to Mor. 
“We would hate to intrude,” Cassian lies. He’s schooled his face into one of total propriety, a convincing facade only to you. 
“No, it’ll be fun!” you encourage, finally looking to Azriel. 
You feel bad to take charge, but he is giving you no clues. Welcoming his family seems like a safe play. Even if they were crashing your date, you would be lying if you said you weren’t curious to get to know them after the bits and pieces Az has shared. 
Plus, you’d seen the way his eyes had flashed with alarm when you’d glanced at his lips. Maybe he’d be glad of the diversion... 
“If you insist,” Cassian drawls at the same time as Mor asks “What’s that smell?”
You grab her arm cheerfully to lead her into the kitchen, eagerly sharing about the enticing meal Az had prepared. 
Azriel grabs Cassian, holding him hostage in the entryway as the two females disappear into his home. “This was not the plan!” he spits in a furious whisper.
“It wasn’t your plan,” Cassian corrects in his most infuriating tone: superiority. 
Azriel just growls at him as they move inside, shooting him a look that says Don’t fuck this up for me . 
Cassian’s silent reply comes with mock innocence, Who, me?  
Azriel’s lethal retort is snuffed out as he registers your laugh from around the corner. “Be nice!” is all Az manages before he steps into the kitchen to investigate what potentially devastating story Mor is telling to make you laugh like that. Why did Cassian think that he needed babysitting? 
His anger bluffs as he takes in your red face, your grinning laughter directed at him. He can’t bring himself to feel upset when you’re giggling like a fool in his kitchen.  
“Did you really steal this wine from Amren on a dare?” you wheeze gleefully, hefting the open bottle with newfound interest. 
He mirrors your grin, “What kind of spy would I be if I admitted to it?”
You and Mor squeal at his response, she starts yelling at him that Of course he did it, he could never back down from a dare , and Cassian is laughing now too, butting in to tell you his side of the story, to explain his most elegantly devised dare, as Mor slaps his chest and reminds him about the many shots that had contributed to its flawed design. Azriel takes in the scene, so chaotic and so not what he had planned. You catch his eye from across the small room, your eyes shining with mirth. 
You seem perfectly at home, pouring two extra glasses of wine for your unexpected guests. He shakes his head affectionately, surrendering to the new program for the evening. 
As he sets the table for you and his family, he tries to remember why he was so angry just moments ago. That fire has faded to warmth, calm radiating from his chest at the familiar scene before him. 
Cassian seats himself first, and then Mor insists on sitting next to you, so Azriel ends up facing you across the table. You give him a small smile, a brief look meant just for him, as his brother piles food onto his plate with gusto. You see Azriel swallow his annoyance, his face betraying that he’d cooked those fucking rosemary potatoes for you, not Cass. They’re passed to you next, and you see him relax as you dish yourself a generous portion. As the dishes rotate, the smell of the simple feast nears heavenly. 
The chatter pitches higher too, Cassian asking you about Day and Mor describing the miracle that must have resulted in Azriel’s culinary art. Question after question is posed to you, apparently they find you as fascinating as you find them. 
This is nothing like you’d pictured, you think, as insults and compliments are exchanged around you. And you had pictured it, what meeting Azriel’s family would be like. What else were you supposed to do with yourself last night, having been declined sex after a nice date? 
It had been a clunky vision, more so based on your experiences with the formal dinners you’d attended for work than with meeting a partner’s friends and family. 
You’d struggled to picture how you could possibly connect with his inner circle, elite as they were. The daydream had been promptly abandoned after you’d failed to conjure anything remotely pleasant. Azriel was always charming as ever in the imagined scenarios, but you’d not factored in the wholly unpretentious warmth he has with his closest friends. 
You see that tenderness now as he rolls his eyes at the two imposing faeries, the pair of them representing a significant part of his family. A memory flashes in your mind at the sight, a memory of tenderness when he’d been admiring you in bed that morning a handful of days ago. But they'd all known each other for centuries. You’d known him for a handful of days. Was it foolish of you to dream that you’d earn a place in his world? You thought of the small case of belongings you’d brought with you from Day. Suddenly, it felt paltry, lacking, especially as you pictured your friends and work back at home. 
But who cares if your presence here is inconsequential in the long run? It matters to you that you are here now, and you’re pretty sure it matters to Azriel. You reaffix your smile, deciding to enjoy the moment you’re in. 
“Azriel is a total ladykiller,” Mor cackles, and you regret having zoned out during this particular story. Azriel snorts at her words, but you blush at their partial truth. 
“Yeah,” Cassian catches your attention by speaking your name in a questioning tone, “Can you fight?” 
“Only verbally,” you confess, a little nervous to admit it to your current company of seasoned warriors. 
Cassian grunts in acknowledgement, nonjudgmental. He narrows his eyes, humor dissipating as he assesses you. “We can work with that,” he decides, suddenly sounding serious. “I can teach you the basics, but Azriel might want to show you the more advanced maneuvers himself,” he says with a wink. 
Azriel blushes and glares at the innuendo, while Mor laughs around her bite. Yet the depth behind Cassian’s proposal strikes you. His offer assumes that you’ll be sticking around. 
“I’d like that,” you accept, smiling at the general next to you. 
Azriel feels his chest go weightless at your words, like he’s soaring high above the atmosphere. He flashes his brother a grateful look before clearing his throat. 
“Don’t go easy on her, Cass. She’s lying,” Azriel warns, with a mischievous glance at you. Your shadowsinger has certainly lost whatever hesitation he had earlier, his bold words matching his newfound audacity. “She was totally squaring up with some dipshit at Rita’s before I intervened.” 
You gape at him as Cass and Mor squawk. The two of them launch into an intense interrogation, demanding the full story. 
As you recall the evening in question, you feel yourself precariously close to an embarrassing blush. The mortal blow comes when Azriel laughs, the sound noon-bright and ringing, buzzing loud as gossip.   
Eventually, after several more glasses of wine, with empty plates to match, Azriel disentangles you from Mor and Cassian’s endless chatter. You’re reluctant to see your new friends leave, and the amused male only successfully ushers them out after you make Cassian swear to keep his promise to teach you to fight. Content, you wish everyone a good night and thank them for their warm welcome to the Night Court. 
Once the door closes, Azriel heaves out a good natured sigh. 
“What were you and Mor whispering about just now?” you pry, still giddy in the wake of your departed company. You liked them a lot, and you like who Azriel became around them, as laid-back as a seasoned spy could be. 
“She was telling me how my head might end up on a pike if I don’t watch myself,” he responds drily, and you notice him rub his temple harshly with a knuckle. 
“I’m so sorry,” you blurt out.
His brows furrow, “Why?” 
“I totally invited them to stay when it wasn’t my place,” you explain, shaking your head in regret. “Did I totally ruin our date?” 
“Well I ruined the last one,” he says with humor, “so it was your turn.”
“What? No you didn't!” you defend him. 
You’re shocked by his candid words. The date had been a bit awkward at the end, but it wasn’t a disaster in your eyes. 
“Yes, I did.”
“What do you mean?” you search as you walk back into the kitchen to start cleaning up, “Like how we didn’t have sex?” Azriel chokes, his humor vanishing as you continue, “I was going to ask about that, but I figured it was a topic we should address privately.”
“Thank you for that small mercy,” he recovers. His shadows betray his agitation, floating jerkily around his shoulders in a confused dance. 
You realize with a start that he’s nervous. The war hardened fighter is unnerved by a conversation about sex. 
You’d really meant to ask earlier, but it wasn’t going to happen in front of Cass and Mor. The conversation at dinner had been enthusiastic and expansive, lighthearted at every turn. You’d assumed its levity was due to the fact that you were new, unfamiliar company. Now, seeing Azriel fight demons to self-reflect, you wonder if he ever really opens up to anyone, even his closest family members. 
In all fairness, you aren’t exactly thrilled to talk about it either. You're nervous too, painfully aware that there’s an obvious explanation as to why he didn’t sleep with you again. 
 The male sighs again at your inquisitive look, his hands scrubbing over his face like he can wipe away his confusion. His brows furrow. “I honestly don’t know why we didn’t,” he says quietly. 
You’re surprised at his answer. You’d expected more substance. 
“I wanted to, you know,” you admit, pride be damned. If you were going out, you wanted to leave all your cards on the table. 
“Really?” He mirrors your surprise. “I did too. I wanted you so badly, it scared me.” 
You look at the battle scarred warrior, unimpressed. Even slouching, which he never did, he would still stand at least a good head above you. 
You ask with disbelief, “ I scared you ?”
“Well… not exactly like that,” he explains, and he reaches out carefully to grasp your hand in his large palm. “I guess I was being… cautious. I wanted to be respectful.” 
His words shatter something fledgling in your heart. That was practically code for I’m trying to be nice, I don’t want to lead you on .  
“Oh.” You drop his hand, bracing yourself for the dreaded sting of rejection. 
As he sees your expression harden, Azriel curses himself inwardly. This isn’t going the way he’d strategized it at all. His forehead creases as he desperately tries to remember the points he and his brothers had mapped out to help him with this exact conversation. Maybe Cassian was right to spare him from being alone with you, if he’s fucked it up this quickly. 
Azriel thinks back to the previous night, when he had declined your invitation to come upstairs. He’d seen the chill on your face, a chill from his own closed door. You hadn’t pushed his boundaries. Rhys had pointed out to him that from his behavior, you probably couldn’t tell what he was thinking. Hell, even from inside his own head, Azriel was struggling to work out his thoughts. 
The gravity of his attraction to you is concerning. It was a dangerous thing, the weight of it as great and terrible as a sword in his hands. 
He wants your affection, he realizes. The trouble is: asking the spymaster to share his innermost secrets is like asking a busybody to keep just one. It went against his nature. 
He pictures you as you were when he first saw you, gearing up for a fight at Rita’s. You’d been fearsome as ever, confronting the challenge rather than running. He wills himself the same bravery. He is a fearsome warrior, he absolutely refuses to allow mere emotion to make him a coward. 
“I need you to understand something,” Azriel breathes, his wings tight as his expression. “I can’t do this if it’s just sex.” 
You set down a dish heavily, your once sun-soaked heart breaking. 
“If you, uh, don’t want this, that’s, that’s fine. I respect that,” you affirm, even as you’re reeling.
But then Azriel is shaking his head and wiping under your eyes, which you belatedly realize with embarrassment must mean that you’re crying. He’s trying to tell you how he feels and you’re crying on him. Gods! Get it together! you berate yourself. 
“No, no, no. Angel, look at me,” Azriel panics. You meet his gaze, and you see a tenderness there, as ripe and sweet as the summer plums you used to pick with your mother as a child. “Shit, I’m doing this all wrong,” he curses. 
“I can’t do casual,” he confesses, head still shaking, eyes gone glossy. 
“That’s okay, I get it if you don’t want this–”
“No! No, you don’t get it,” he interrupts, swearing and speaking your name with exasperated affection. “I do want this. I want you .”
You gasp, teeth kissing the air as he continues. 
“I want you. You said it wasn’t your place to invite them to stay tonight, but I want it to be your place. Fuck, I want to see you every day. I want to come home to you, and to know you’re waiting for me when I’m gone. And some days I want to wait for you too, and get jealous of the books you spend your time with.”  
You try to say something clever like What the fuck? or Huh? but you’re too shocked to do much more than stare open mouthed as he lays out his emotions for you. At least you’ve stopped crying. 
Azriel is looking at you as if you were personally responsible for every ounce of goodness he’s ever witnessed. It scares the shit out of you. How could he say all that? He doesn’t even know you. It doesn’t help that three seconds ago you thought he was going to kick you out. 
“Why me?” you finally manage. 
“I’ve never felt this way before,” he says, unblinking. 
In a total inversion of all Azriel had ever known, he felt an overwhelming impulse to bare his soul to you. You’d never been scared of him, even when he’d put on his most frightening persona at the bar. You’d taken his identity in stride, you’d even used it to flirt. 
He wants you to know him, he realizes. All of him. Even the darkest parts, the cruel, mean pieces with which he wouldn’t want to burden anyone but himself. For some unknown reason, at this moment, he can think of no greater honor than your involvement in his world, his reality, ugly as it may be. He hopes you’ll want it. 
He takes your hand and places it on his heart, gripping it over his chest. When he speaks, his voice is ragged, tender and raw. 
“You must know. You burn me,” Azriel confesses. “Surely you feel how you burn me.” 
What you feel is your heart in your throat, pulsing erratically at his words. The naked truth on his face frightens you. 
Your free hand reaches out to caress his high cheekbone as your mind whirls. His eyes close at the contact, his lips parted in silent prayer. 
“I feel it too.”
When your thumb brushes the edge of his bottom lip, those hazel eyes flutter open again. The energy between you is thicker than it was moments ago, something fresh set smoldering in his gaze. His chest heaves under your other palm. 
“You do?” he gasps, and you nod, words failing under the enormity of your emotion. 
He’s equally choked up, so he opts for actions instead, pulling you against him to capture your lips in a messy kiss. It’s all wine-breath and teeth, but it’s perfect. 
Your uncontrollable smile forces you to break away, and when you do he’s smiling at you just the same. His joy is infectious. For a long moment, you just smile at each other like fools, breathing each other's air in the sacred ambiance of the dim kitchen light. You linger in the quiet awe in the wake of your confessions.
When your mouths reconnect, the kiss turns feverish. It’s insatiable, your desire for him, as you suck his tongue, earning a satisfying whine from the hulking Illyrian. 
“Shit,” he groans as he lifts you.
You gasp as your weight shifts off your feet, and he sets you against his counter before reconnecting your panting mouths.  The insufferable Illyrian pushes one of his thighs between your legs, capturing your muffled groans with his warm mouth, tonguing away your soft cries. 
“Make me yours,” you whisper.
“Shit, baby, I think I’d do anything you ask if you say it just like that,” he whines against your mouth. 
He pulls away, standing between your legs like it's a place of special honor. 
“Bedroom?” he begs, shining with unchecked joy.
“Yes,” you eagerly agree. “We can break in the kitchen counter later.” His laughter rattles down the hallway as he carries you to his room. 
Once you’re through the doorway, his movements pause. A tender note hums to life amidst the excitement of your newfound connection. There’s a tender look on his face as he regards you with equal parts lust and affection. It’s a serious step for him, to have you here in his most personal place. 
You’re distracted by the new space as soon as he sets you down, fascinated with his room– his personal room, not the one kept for him at the House of Wind. It’s sparsely decorated, too, but there’s knick knacks and weapons lying around in characteristically organized fashion. 
“A lot of weapons…” you comment, humor bubbling up from your delight at the novelty of his affection and attention. 
There’s several swords on the wall, artfully placed in the columns between windows, and knives and spears are displayed in tasteful and accessible ways. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he was compensating for something. Is that a halberd? you think. The last time you saw a halberd was in an illustration on an ancient manuscript. 
“What do you do for work again?” you joke.
He laughs, “I’m afraid the tools come with the trade.”
“Okay, I’ll give you that, but, I mean, seriously. That one?” You gesture above the balcony doors, where a grossly oversized sword rests. “Come on, Az!”
“Come on, I bet your place is full of books!” he counters.
You just scoff, so he knows he’s right.
“Come here,” he says, fondly. “You can inspect my quarters later, you freak.”
“Your freak,” you correct. 
“My freak,” he agrees. 
With that, Azriel grabs your waist, and pulls you in for a sumptuous kiss. The wine on his tongue goes right to your head, while the warmth of him goes due south. You pull away to tug meaningfully at his shirt, but he just follows to place expert kisses along your jaw. His work is so severe that you gasp–
“Shit, Az, I'm not paying you!” 
“Are you calling me a whore?” he answers playfully, unfastening his shirt at the back under his wings. He sucks on his teeth, pulling away to look you in the eyes. “Yeah, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that, actually. The payment didn’t go through last time–”
“Oh, no–”
“–yeah, so if you could, perhaps, pay in hard gold this time, that would be–”
“Ah, okay. Could you do a payment plan?–” the two of you banter while he shrugs off his vest. You relish the view of his exposed chest. 
He plays into your shameless ogling, flexing to show off his whorling tattoos and the dark hairs trailing down beyond his leathers. The faelights surrounding the room cast a glow through the thin membrane of his wings, softly limning his form with warmth. You laugh at his peep show, but the sound is pitchy with your arousal. The toned male blushes. His easy humor may have returned, but vestiges of his shy personality still remain. 
You whistle softly, continuing to torture him with your attention. His blush deepens impossibly. He’s just so easy to tease, and when he reacts like that, it's easier still to justify. 
“Your turn,” he says, voice gravelly. 
“What first?” you muse suggestively, smoothing down your dress. 
“Boots,” he chooses. 
Before you can toe them off, Azriel sinks suddenly to the floor. The sight of him on his knees before you sends a thrill up your spine. 
Azriel, this most fearsome Illyrian, is totally surrendered to you. Heat throbs through your abdomen at the sight. He’s looking up at you through his lashes, his throat bobbing in anticipation as he pants below you. You haven’t even touched him yet, but his passion is evident, his eyes wild.
He gently grabs the back of your shins. “May I?”
He effortlessly unlaces your boots with capable hands. 
“I’m surprised you want them off,” you tease as he grasps your hands to steady you as you step out of them. 
“You look so sexy in them,” he agrees. “I am making a real sacrifice here, for your comfort.” His hand skims up the back of your calf, brushing your dress over your knee with his thumb. He places a kiss directly on your knee, heat flaring in your stomach at the soft brush. 
“You look sexy in this too,” he compliments. His eyes never leave yours as he hauls himself up, you dress falling back to cover your legs. 
“Would you be mad if I asked you to take it off?” His tone is toying, but his eyes are pools of hot desire. 
“Don’t be an ass,” you rasp, mad only with anticipation. 
Azriel slips two fingers under the straps on your shoulders, kissing your chest as he tugs them down your arms. You’re honestly impressed that he finds the hidden zipper at your side. Nothing escapes him, does it? 
His hands come to brush along your freshly exposed skin, whispering praises into your hot flesh. After he peels off your dress with zeal, you raise a finger in warning. 
“Be careful with that. I actually want it back!”
“I promise I won’t lose it this time.” 
“Your promise is nothing to me! You never found my shirt, huh?” 
“No,” he confesses with an exaggerated air of regret, blowing out his lips in sympathy. Your eyes narrow at his suspicious behavior. 
“How do I know that you didn’t just steal it like a creep so you could jack off with it or something?” you say with mock sensuality. 
“I wish,” he hums, thumbing the discarded material of your shimmering dress as if you’ve given him a brilliant idea. “Honestly, that would have helped me out the other night.”
Azriel freezes, his eyes widening as he realizes his slip. Your grin mirrors his horror at his admission. A dull ache blooms anew below your stomach. 
“Did you touch yourself to the thought of me?” you breathe. 
His voice is thick even as he squirms under your riveted look. His wings flutter briefly before relaxing as he spots the excitement on your flushed face.  
“Fuck,” you groan. “That's hot. Please don’t be embarrassed, that’s so flattering!”
Your words do nothing to prevent the hot flush spreading across his cheeks and chest. You push him to the bed, giggling when he falls onto the cushions dramatically before unceremoniously shucking off his pants. 
He makes grabby hands at you, and you melt at the sight of him, disheveled and unarmed, and as excited as you were. He pulls you towards him, bringing you to rest on his bare thigh. 
You kiss his sternum, looking up at him through your lashes. 
“I want you to show me.” 
Azriel pauses, and his breathing goes a little uneven. 
“Show you?” he repeats, his eyes blown out as you rub encouraging circles into his shoulder from your perch on his thigh.  
“I want you to touch yourself,” you purr. “Show me how you like it.”
His brows twitch, his eyes going predatory under heavy lids.
“It might be your last opportunity for a while, since I’m gonna be pretty fucking jealous of that hand if it steals too much time in my territory,” you admit with a meaningful glance towards his crotch. 
He laughs at that, but it doesn’t dampen the flame in his vision. 
“Okay,” he murmurs devilishly. “Get comfortable.”
It will be a cold day in hell when Azriel denies such a request from you.
He makes a show of shifting to rest comfortably against the cushions, his wings extending lazily to drape across the pillows and trailing to the floor. The wide expanse of his chest shines in the low faelight, his swirling tattoos prominent even in the dimness. The hard ridges of his muscles contract rhythmically in time with his powerful lungs. His nipples are hard, he shivers in the slight chill as he rubs a hand through his dark hair, tugging roughly. 
You come to rest just above his knee on his left thigh, essentially kneeling in the center of his bed. The slight contact has you boiling as you watch him trail a hand along his torso, one hand still teasing his hair. Your focus trails his toned abdomen down to his prominent arousal. 
“Well you won’t have to use your imagination, like I did, for the first part,” he begins lowly, “because, if you must know, I was already this hard before I could get out of my leathers.”
  If you weren’t dripping already, you are now. You’d been joking earlier, but this show really was worth some hard gold. Anyone would kill to see the fearsome Illyrian splayed out like this. 
Azriel hisses as he strokes slowly down his abs, his chest rising and falling in a tortured cadence. After some time stimulating himself in this way, his moans become breathy. 
With one hand, he deftly pulls himself out of his undershorts, and you can’t help yourself from reaching out to slide them a little further down his hips. Your mouth falls open at the sight of his sharp hip bones and the delicious stretch leading to the base of his heavy cock. 
Its red tip bobs temptingly at your knee, but you restrain yourself. You shift slightly, looking for some relief, and your knee accidentally brushes the edge of his wing. His hips buck involuntarily, a whine falling from his lips at the contact. 
“Shit, baby,” he cries. He hasn’t even touched himself, but his dick is straining against his stomach. 
“Sorry,” you say weakly.
“Liar,” he growls, seeing the hunger in your gaze. 
You shrug, unapologetic. Let him see what he did to you. It was his funeral at the moment.
He was focused on you, indeed, eyes roving around your naked form as he flexed his thigh beneath you. You start to circle your hips, your breasts bouncing with the sudden movement, until you hear him hum in pleasure. He was getting off from the vibration. 
“Don’t cheat,” you scold. 
He just whines, reluctantly stopping his thigh flexes. 
“Good boy. I’d hate to have to punish you, baby,” you warn.
You meant it playfully, but his breathing falters and his wings twitch. Interesting. You file the information away for another time.
His fingers catch your attention as they come to play with the soft underbelly of his cock, just under the head. He used two fingers to rub small circles on the tender flesh. The spot was right where it had landed on your tongue when you’d taken him in your mouth briefly the other night. Again, interesting. 
“This- this is supposed to be erotic,” Azriel struggles, “and you’re studying me like, like…”
“You’re a very compelling study,” you inform him in your most sensual voice as he struggles to speak.
“Fuck,” he says, “don’t tease me.” 
But you see the effect your praise has on him. His fingers finally circle his length fully, pulling short strokes at the head. The whimper that falls from your lips would be embarrassing if it wasn’t so melodic in company with his grunts and moans. His expression is so unguarded, lit as it is by ecstasy. 
“You’re doing so good for me,” you murmur. 
The shadow singer's back arches off the bed at one particularly harsh tug, his rhythm never faltering. His accuracy is almost uncanny. He must have honed the art of his pleasure with the same rigor and precision as the rest of his work. The test of the room fades as your focus is wholly captured by the male sighing below you. You’re obsessed with the unholy picture of his hand wrapped around his cock.
His shadows shift along his wings in time with his strokes. Sluggishly, you realize they must be stimulating him as well. The thought renders the ache at your core unbearable. 
Even through his euphoria, Azriel is receptive to your every expression. He sees your frustration.
“What do you need, angel,” he hums. 
You respond reflexively, your hips grinding into his thick thigh. Your face heats as you register the motion. It was just what you needed, though. You certainly didn't want him to stop what he was doing, his fist pumping wickedly.  
“Go on then,” he purrs.
The desire in his eyes encourages you to resume the motion, rocking your pelvis against the solid muscle of his thigh. 
“You look so perfect,” he praises. 
“And you’re sex incarnate, Az.”
You position yourself further up his thigh, balancing on your shins as your knees brush his wingtips again. You’re rewarded with a throaty groan for your flirting. The sight and vibration of your riding his thigh has the male slowing his hand, and gripping at the base of his cock. You’re not faring any better. 
You brace yourself against his chest with your arms, both of you sensitive to the barest touch. The slight pressure on his chest has him hurtling towards the edge again. As he holds off his own strokes, he sends his shadows towards your form, your makeshift rules be damned.
The sighs you breathe are far from a complaint. His shadows lick up your form with tender phantom touches, and you feel the pleasure build in your core. Your rhythm starts to slip as you chase your release. His sculpted thigh should not be making you feel this good, but you start to see stars and you know the male can’t be fully mortal.
“That’s it, baby, let go,” he pants, as enthralled with your euphoria as he is with his own. 
You barely register his praises as your orgasm shatters you, his shadows licking along with the pleasure racing through your body. As the waves wrack you, he drinks in your scrunched features, the soft cavity of your gasping mouth. You meet his eyes as you hurtle over the edge, the image of his carnal devotion seared into your mind. It would be unnerving if it wasn’t such a reflection of your own feral interior.   
“That was so hot,” Azriel praises. 
“Pervert. You were supposed to be giving me a show,” you pant, frowning as you catch your breath. 
“I think I gave you a proper show, if that was your reaction.” 
He’s earned a smug attitude, you figure. Your vision is still a little blurry, but you feel his shadows and fingers rubbing soothing patterns along your upper thighs. A different warmth blooms as you cool down from your blistering orgasm. 
As you marvel at the intimacy of his gestures, Azriel’s head is clearing enough to fully appreciate the sight of you in his bed. 
He had been on the brink of the most mind blowing orgasm of his life, yet he doesn’t even care about the urgency he’s feeling from his dick as he commits the image of you in his room to memory. It feels so right to have you here, just like it felt right to share a drink with you at Rita’s, and to sit down for a meal with you with his family. 
Azriel reflects on the thought he’d had days ago, how he’s fallen into the gravity of powers like this before, but never in such blissful hues. His mind flashes back to battles he’s fought, the enemies he’s faced. Every time, the contact of such powers results in a brief conflict, a decisive end. The conclusion is inevitable; the force of the challenge undeniable in its strength and direction. This attraction, though. What to make of it? 
The intensity is similar– his current adrenaline certainly feels like he’s just seen someone draw a sword, but it’s different. Your power was a challenge, but an invitation too. 
The feeling is like the gravity in his gut at the beginning of a flight, when he’s leaping off of a cliff, that brief tension borne in the short moment between the stability of the ground and the strength of his wings. The feeling is prolonged, like he’s suspended there with you. 
He finds that he doesn’t mind it so much, with you there, caught up in it just as much as he is. Besides, he’s tired of keeping everyone at arm’s length, he decides. He’s always loved flying, even if he came to it later than the others. Why should love be any different?
“Can you fuck me now?”
Your unsubtle words break his delicate reverie.  Oh, he’s in serious trouble, he thinks as he sees you bite your lip. 
“I’m not going to last,” he warns. 
“Same here,” you admit. You were already feeling overstimulated, you doubt you’ll last long at his pace. “I want to feel you though.”
He presses a messy kiss to your mouth, savoring the moment. You’re just as unhurried, glad to linger in any moment with the gorgeous male below you. Strong hands guide you to straddle his hips, his legs bent slightly to support your lower back as he leans against the headboard. 
When he finally enters you, he groans lowly. 
“Fuck, I’ve missed this.”
Your response is garbled by your euphoria. What you feel is euphoric relief, his cock filling you with a satisfying burn. Despite his size, the pain is minimal, your wetness helping him slide in easily. He grips your forearms, bringing your hands to anchor on his shoulders. 
“It’s like you were made for me,” he slurs, delirious already. 
The position is intimate. As he begins to rock you over his hips, your focus falls to explore the stunning male. Azriel is so fucked out already, raw from having edged himself earlier. His body is slick with perspiration, his face set in concentration, eyes blown out. Your hands on his shoulders are broiling with his heat. 
His dark hair falls limply against the cushions, and his wings are hanging loosely, like he has no extra stamina to hold his posture. He meets your gaze, and the eye contact somehow feels even more intimate than the position you’re in. He seems entranced. The agony on his face is underscored by his attention fixed on your every move. It's like he’s seeing your soul, plucking the thread of your need and following it faithfully. 
Using his broad shoulders as leverage, you start to fuck yourself on him. You’re rewarded with a stuttering groan as his hips thrust in time to meet you. Your head falls back in pleasure when your clit is ground deliciously against the coarse hair at the base of his pelvis as you bounce on him. Between his thick cock and his hard abdomen, you're perfectly stimulated. 
The room becomes thick with the heat and scent of your sex. All of your senses are riveted to the male below you, to the pleasure being delivered to your core. Soft sighs and deep groans fill the air as you fuck at an agonizing pace. 
His hands release their death grip on your hips, moving to explore your thighs and chest. The rough sensation of his hands over your skin is fuel to the fire of your appetite. 
Desperate for somewhere to release your energy, you lean forward to connect your mouths. He hums in delight at the sudden kiss. You taste his sweat and his fervor, and it’s intoxicating. 
When you pull away, his lips are shining with spit. Azriel looks like a male possessed. 
“Shit, angel. Can we do this, like… all the time?” he begs. 
“We haven’t even– even finished, and you’re– you’re thinking about doing it again?” you manage. 
“Can you blame me?” he retorts. He emphasizes his words with a particularly vicious thrust that has you gasping. 
“Please,” you cry. “We had better do this often.”
“ Awesome ,” he cheers breathlessly with a small smile to himself. 
Your heart sputters at the sweetly boyish comment. Here he was, inside you, and he was excited at the idea of fucking you again later. It isn't just your body either, which was a major plus, but he likes you . Earlier he’d confessed that he wants more than sex. He wants to bring you into his life in a more serious way too. 
You envision yourself bringing some belongings here, working at the library during the day, dining with Azriel and his family in the evenings. And at night, he would bring you here, to his bed, where he would ravish you. You relax into his body further as you realize you’ll have many opportunities to fuck him. He’d gotten excited earlier when you’d suggested some kinkier things. And, sure, he’d laughed when you’d joked about fucking in the kitchen, but he’d not seemed opposed. 
“Are you with me?”
You blink, coming back to the present. If you were going to blame him for getting excited about future sexual escapades in the middle of fucking, you were guilty too. Thankfully, your body kept up the rhythm on reflex, cause you were just miles away in a diaphanous dream of your mutual future. 
“There she is,” he smiles at you fondly as he rocks you mercilessly onto his cock. 
His stamina was impressive. Despite your fatigue, arousal has your body pulsing with adrenaline. The familiar pressure mounts in your abdomen as you grind onto him. 
As he eases your pleasure along, he’s transfixed by the sight of your bodies meeting, your hips swallowing him into your soaking hole. The feeling of your nails scraping at his scalp plunges him further into rapture, the slight sting heightening his sensitivity. 
“I’m close,” you warn him. 
“I’m with you, angel,” he pants. “Come on, baby.”
You abandon your bouncing to grind selfishly against him, chasing your bliss. He’s content with the debauched sight and the warmth of you around him. When your hand tugs his hair again, his dick twitches. Then your fisted knuckles brush his wings ever so delicately and his hips lurch, his shadows rioting. 
Azriel is dangerously on the edge, but he’s determined to watch you unravel first, his competitive and generous spirits united under his indecent desire to see you come undone. Even as he appears depraved, he feels devoted. Your ecstasy was his own. 
One last delicious shift of his cock scraping your walls, and your release staggers you. Your eyes flutter shut as crystalized bliss shatters over you. His scent envelops you, the salt of sweat mixing with tangy citrus. It transports you to a realm of bliss, where the only presence is yours and his, a delicious meeting of your senses. 
The agonizing image of your ecstasy has him spilling inside you, his whines cresting as he climaxes. His teeth scrape yours in a sloppy openmouthed kiss. You ride out your orgasms, hips jerking erratically, waves of pleasure ebbing languidly. 
You’re left with a warm buzz, even the discomfort of your stickiness feels rather like sweetness as you take in the glorious male. When your eyes catch, his lips curl into a smile. Your heart skips a beat at the tender sight of him spent and glowing beneath you. His shadows bleed into the cushions, baring him to you completely. 
“Can I lie down?”
“Please,” he shifts to help you off of him. 
You hiss as he slips out of you. “Sorry,” he mumbles, concerned. 
“You’re good.”
“Are you okay?” His shadows rove over you, assessing for damage, and he winces at the mess between your thighs. You laugh at his concern, waving it off. 
“I feel great. Just overstimulated,” you assure him as you curl into his pillows, your muscles grateful for the break. He nods and kisses your temple. The gesture is endearing, even as your thighs burn. You pull him down to rest next to you. 
His eyes never leave yours, monitoring your movements and drinking in the image of you snuggled into his bed. You reach out to trace his features, avoiding the intensity of his gaze. It isn’t uncomfortable, you’re just so overloaded already; you aren’t sure you can handle its palpable energy. His skin is soft under your fingers, the fleshiness of his sharp face surprising you. Azriel hums under your soothing touch. 
The unmistakable sentiment in his gaze has you melting into the comfort of his cushions, utterly relaxed. After all the uncertainty of the past few days, the surety of this moment is crisp, intoxicating. Nothing was guaranteed, of course, but you like your odds with him. You'd never been one to back down from a challenge. 
“I thought you were going to ask me to leave,” you confess into the tender silence of the aftermath.
He frowns. “When?” 
“Before,” you explain. “Right before you told me how you felt.”
He groans, regret clouding his features. “I’m so sorry. I haven’t made things easy for you. I definitely didn’t want you to leave.” 
You shrug. You’re here now, what was passed is past. “You’re worth a little torture.” 
“Why did you think that?” he asks, ignoring your lighthearted response. He avoids your eyes, fidgeting absently with the edge of the duvet. 
“Well,” you begin, unsure of how honest to be. You opt for full truth, the words rushing out of you. “You didn’t fuck me! I was throwing eyes at you all night and things were going well–”
“Things were going well? Do you really think that?” he interrupts. “‘Cause Cass said I ‘grilled you on border security’.”
You snort at his air quotes. 
“Well, yeah,” you frown, recalling the conversation, “but only after I asked you about how recovery efforts were going here, which is kind of a killjoy topic anyways.”
“We suck at this,” he decides brightly. 
“Excuse you!” you leap to defend yourself. “I'm amazing at this– anyways! Totally not the point. You didn’t respond to my hints, so I thought maybe you’d changed your mind, and that you weren’t into me.” 
Azriel shakes his head, and his rough fingers tenderly brush your hair away from your face.
“You were way off target, cause I’m totally into you. Remind me never to hire you for intelligence,” he teases, the words affectionate. 
“In my defense, you are kind of hard to read,” you admit.
He hums, not denying it.
“Holy shit! See? I was just about to tell you off and you slithered out of it!” you look at him, equally impressed and incredulous at his evasive skills. 
Now it's his turn to be unnerved, clearly caught out by your acute perception. You’re satisfied with yourself. 
“Wow. Okay, I'll take it back, you’re hired,” he dodges. You don’t take the bait. His words make you think about his long career in intelligence. Suddenly, it makes perfect sense how he struggles with expressing himself verbally. He knew firsthand what the wrong words falling into the wrong ears could do. Pair that with whatever other… unique emotional baggage he has going on… shit. He’s probably actually very well adjusted, given everything he’s experienced. 
Shit. She’s good , he thinks as you watch him silently. It was a classic technique, one he used often in interrogations. 
He sighs. “Alright. So you may have picked up that I’m… guarded.”
“ No ,” you say with sarcasm. 
“ Yes ," he laughs, before groaning and sitting up to look you in the eyes as he continues. “I’m sorry I wasn't upfront about how I felt. Like I said, I can't do casual. So I didn't know what I was doing. I was trying to protect myself from, well, doing what I did, and spilling my guts to you.”
“You were very brave to do that,” you tell him seriously. 
He rolls his eyes.
“No, I mean it,” you press, suddenly sure of your recent revelation, desperate to assure him. “I’m glad you decided to trust me. I’m honored.”
You really are. Every glimpse you’ve gotten into his inner world has only deepened your affection for him. Strangely, you feel like you fit into his world, as new as it all is to you. 
Occasionally in your work, you would come across a book from the archives, and it would be just what you needed for your project, even though you hadn’t known it had existed. What a thrill it always was, to find a gift in the world, unasked for and unplanned. The same sweet serendipity floods your senses now, as Azriel’s eyes shine with emotion. 
“I might need you to be patient with me,” he whispers, like the words are too dangerous to handle in the open.
“Of course. Whatever you need,” you promise him. 
With that, you press a kiss to his lips, thick with feeling.
His hand grips your jaw, holding you there to convey the depth of his adoration. He strokes your face fondly.
You pull him close, and he envelops you in his strong arms and soft wings. You lay there for a while, nestled in the security of his warmth. 
“Bath?” he offers eventually.
You hum thoughtfully. “Honestly? I’m too tired to move.”
“I’ll carry you.”
A luxurious soak later, Azriel slips one of his shirts over your clean, drowsy form. Drained as you are, you keep yourself awake to watch him towel his hair dry from your place on his duvet. 
You exhale abruptly, and his attention fixes on your drawn brows. You raise them as you finally ask the question you’ve been deliberating. 
“I was just thinking… you have libraries here, right?” you search meaningfully. 
“Yes, we do,” he answers casually, lips curling into the beginnings of a smile. “There’s one just down the hall, actually.” 
“Why do you ask?” Azriel continues coyly, coming to stand before you. “Are you thinking of settling down here, or something?” 
“I said, huh ?” you repeat. Does he have a home library? Oh, you’re a goner. 
“Come on, I’ll show you.” 
You shake your head in amusement. “You are so full of secrets,” you accuse.
“Full of surprises,” he corrects, rewarding you with a wide grin. 
You wonder if you’d ever reach the last of them, you muse as the lovesick Illyrian moves to make good on his words. You imagine you never will, but it sounds like a nice fate to die trying. 
After all, it seems like you’ll be needing a new hobby, now that you’ll have to give up recreational flirting. Azriel is happy to keep you occupied. 
Later, when the night was deep, the stars shining brightly with the soft promise of new beginnings, Azriel remembers a threat that he needs to make good on. 
I’m gonna fucking kill you guys , Azriel projects to Rhys and Cassian. You’ll never see me coming. It will be long, and painful. NEVER mess with my plans – never again!
Well! Rhys' response arrives instantly, dripping with sarcasm. That sure was a delayed reaction… I hope you’ve had a productive evening.
Cassian’s reply is more direct. You’re welcome, brother dearest!  
Despite his vexation with his brothers, Azriel smiles into the dark, content as he is to have you in his arms. He thinks dimly of your face under the flashing lights at Rita’s, how close he had come to losing his nerve to speak to you, how grateful he’d been to have an excuse to talk to you, and how foolish he’d felt when he left you alone on your doorstep after your last date. 
His racing mind quiets as he traces your features, sleeping soundly in his bed. He has no intention of letting you go this time. 
A/N: I hope y’all enjoyed!! I really fell in love with these two. It was so fun crafting their dynamic in part one, I had to expand the plot a little to allow their connection to develop more in this one. Sorry to make you read like 9k of plot and banter before the sexy part! 
Here’s a little of my thought process behind this part 2: The more I thought about it, I just realized Azriel can’t do casual relationships. 
In the books, it’s heavily implied that he pined after Mor for centuries, so like he’s a truly long-suffering loverboy. It would actually be so out of character for him to casually date. Even if he were to turn a new leaf and pursue someone, he's too guarded, too high profile to be comfortable with just a fling. If he’s in, he’s all in. 
So I was like how do we break the ice? I imagined that Cass and Rhys could sense how invested he was in Reader, and that they knew he’d flounder in his attempts to approach it casually. Devotion and quiet intensity are just so key to Azriel’s personality. I wanted to explore what it would look like if he felt the green light from someone - personally I think it would unlock some of his private nature and allow him to safely express his feelings (which we see him try for the first time here!). Normally, I don't like it when fics have a love confession after one whole date, but in this case it just felt right.  
Not to write a thesis and spend hours critically thinking so that my premises perfectly align to support my porn with plot LOL just girly things :) 
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sweet-s0rr0w · 3 months ago
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day 21 of @hprecfest - a fic rated M
flashback, warm nights by warmfoothills - M, 13k, 2020
Summary: “What’s killing me is that I actually quite fucking like Christmas, festival-for-a-personally-irrelevant-religion-turned-commercialised-garbage-holiday though it may be, and now I’m stuck in the perpetual almost-there of it all with an idiot who gets himself cut up every time no matter how differently I try and do things!” “Killing you?” Potter asks. “I thought I was the one who’s about to get my torso sliced into?”
“You need to go faster,” Draco cuts her off. Potter’s eyes are half-lidded already, and it’s scaring him. “Seriously, Granger. He’s going to pass out and then I’m going to pass out and either he dies or I wake up back on that street and have to do this all over again.”
He doesn’t care that he sounds insane. He’ll explain it all properly once he’s sure Potter’s not going to die in the back of a car. He knows magic and he knows that, whilst he might be about to loop back to the start again, it’s equally possible that this has just been a one-off, a random blip, and if that’s the case, this is his only chance to make it right.
“Don’t yell at her,” Potter says beneath him, quiet.
Draco’s chest fills with dread when he looks down to see Potter’s eyes are closed. “I’m trying to save your life here, Potter.”
“I know,” Potter mumbles, sleepy and indistinct. “S’nice. But it’d be nicer if you stopped yelling so I could sleep.”
“You can’t,” Draco says, swallowing around the lump in his throat, but Potter just shushes him softly, and everything goes dark.
All you want for Christmas is... a festive Horcrux-hunting and Death-Eater-battling super romantic timeloop Drarry fic. Right?! Gosh, what a coincidence! Have I got the perfect gift for you!
If you read it, and especially if you love it, please do let me know! And as always, please do take the time to leave the author a kudos/comment <3
day 1 - first fic you remember reading
day 2 - a fic rated G
day 3 - a fic not on ao3
day 4 - a comfort fic
day 5 - a romantic fic
day 6 - a fic for a ship you don’t normally read
day 7 - the best of your OTP
day 8 - a fic that was recced to you
day 9 - a WIP
day 10 - a fest/event fic
day 11 - an underrated fic
day 12 - a fic from your favourite author
day 13 - a rare pair
day 14 - a fic rated T
day 15 - a fic over 50k
day 16 - a podfic
day 17 - a fic that makes you cry
day 18 - a fic that makes you laugh
day 19 - fanart
day 20 - a fic with fanart
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wildflowerteas · 1 month ago
20 questions for fic writers!
thank you to vik @minusboy for the tag <3 <3 <3 i missed seeing you on my dash.
how many works do you have on ao3?
. . . 2
what's your total ao3 word count?
503,872. (⊙ _ ⊙)
what fandoms do you write for?
just bsd! i try to work on original stuff in my down time, and I've considered writing for hannibal, sw, dune, etc... before however I've found i enjoy reading fics more for those fandoms.
what are your top five fics by kudos?
i don't have enough fics for this ;_; 1. when i awake 2. the second perspective
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try!! i have a huge backlog because i was gone for so long but i'm slowly slowly working through them ( 180+ )
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
when i awake's ending is definitely bittersweet, but sometimes death really is just the ending that provides the best narrative fulfillment for a character. however considering the ending I have planned for tsp... ugh. i actually think when i awake might be angstier
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
see above.
do you get hate on fics?
apparently~ not much, though, thank god. i have seen people talk about my writing in passing on twitter when they didn't know it was me they were replying to, or they think i don't check the qrts on my posts, but it's mostly harmless stuff about my writing not matching their preferences which is alright <3
do you write smut?
yes, only very recently though
do you write crossovers?
i'm thinking about it... mostly because i think an altered carbon bsd au could go CRAZY
have you ever had a fic stolen?
have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had people ask to! but nothing has come out of it just yet ( or maybe I haven't looked hard enough )
have you ever cowritten a fic before?
i'm hoping i can...i just have huge issues with creative control so it's going to be a big thing for me.
what's your all time favourite ship?
Hannigram or destiel
what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
with the way things are going right now it might be TSP. but in all seriousness, there's a BEAST AU skk thing sitting in my drafts waiting for a better outline...and all I do is stare at it longingly. lots of little snippets of it exist in a nebulous plot cloud ( my notes app ) alongside the synopsis of a soukoku actors au
what are your writing strengths?
i think the thing i do best is probably symbolism or the like... bringing moments back full-circle, weaving bits of the real-life authors' or bsd canon and meta-canon into the fic is where i find myself most satisfied with what I've done. also--since TSP is so noir-inspired--adding references to some of my favorite films hehe.
what are your writing weaknesses?
i'm awful at dialogue ( banter ), action sequences, and planning.
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i don't do it in languages i don't know unless i have a team of people willing to check it for me. i just write it in the same language as the rest of the fic and add a dialogue tag specifying it's being translated...
first fandom you wrote for?
you'll never find it but i did write destiel way back when
favourite fic you've ever written?
it WILL be TSP... when i finish it.
tags!!! no pressure to continue <3
@booksandpaperss @nyxi-pixie @saoirseyun <3
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fantasyinallforms · 3 months ago
Fanfic Author Interview Game
Thank you to the few people that tagged me that I can't find anymore because I wanted too long to do that. So sorry, I've been ridiculously busy!
How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 37
What's your total AO3 word count?
356,687 words
Top 5 stories by kudos:
You Should Be Safe With Me The Proper Way To Call You Mine Not Yours To Touch The Heart Remembers What The Mind Forgets Not All That Glitters Is Gold 
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I try to respond to every single one. I want to show you how much I appreciate them!
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Remembrance, no contest. It's set 30 years after the events of The Hobbit when Bilbo visits Thorin's grave.
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
With the exception of the above, all my fics have happy endings. I would say The Burden Of Choice or A Most Unlikely Dance Partner have the happiest endings.
Do you write crossovers?
I've never written one, and I have no plans for one.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Oh yes. I have fairly famously received hate on some of my heavier kinktober stuff. I mean, you put Thorin in a maid outfit one time.... Seriously, though, it happens from time to time, especially the longer you're in one fandom.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, and ALL kinds. Over half my fics are E-rated, and my first Bagginshield fic was E-rated.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Several attempted unfortunately. A few fic concepts shameless ripped as well.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, I have! Happy Accidents was translated into Russian. Счастливые Случайности by when_you_top
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Recently yes! Until Our Next Encounter, co-written with the amazing @sunnyrosewritesstuff
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Bagginshield, forever and always.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I always meant to write more of Reputation be Damned, and I got halfway, but it's been so long that I don't know if I'll go back to that. I have so many other projects that take priority.
What are your writing strengths?
I've been told I have good characterization and story pacing.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm dyslexic, so it's always going to be my grammar.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I love to see it! Just please give me a translation in the notes or something. I actually write in Khuzdul in my fics frequently. A few times I've written in elvish as well.
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
I want to write more Jayvik for SURE. Other than that, any other writing I'm focusing on at the moment is original fiction.
What's your favorite fic you've written?
The Burden Of Choice 56K {E}. I basically wrote a book in less than 3 months, and it turned out better than I dreamed. It was a labour of love and will always be dear to me. That said, choosing a favourite of my fics is like choosing a favourite child. I love them all, and each one is a piece of me.
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droumack · 1 month ago
since you asked why I might have multiple hits on a work but no kudos/comment for every hit:
oftentimes I need multiple sittings to finish a work, and while I'm working my way through, it'll be refreshing in my browser, and presumably driving up the hit counter. It's not feasible for me to leave a comment every time I have to put the fic down, primarily because I'm putting it down because I ran out of time to read some more. I do leave a comment/kudos once I've finished the whole thing!
Also for authors where I read a ton of their works, I try to find their discord/Tumblr/etc and interact with them there, which for multi-chapter works means I stop leaving as many comments on the work. Personally, I find having a conversation on a chapter update easier on social media over AO3, and until this very moment hadn't thought about doubling back to AO3 to leave an additional comment there if I've already spoken with the author elsewhere. For your fics, I think I've been alternating between AO3 and your Tumblr asks, but I can switch to AO3 only if you'd prefer?
I explained this in another post so i'll keep it brief here - i very much appreciate the explanation of hits, but that's not the issue i have exception with, it's the not leaving kudos at all. that's all! and it doesn't sound like you're guilty of that, so thank you <3 and thank you for taking the time to explain this
as for the way you engage with an author, it's totally your comfort level. i've given you all a lot of ways to reach me (comment section, tumblr, discord) because i genuinely love to hear your ideas and riff with you and engage with you in a way that can't necessarily happen in an AO3 comment section!
THAT SAID, it is my AO3 inbox that makes me the happiest to see the number tick up, mostly because I think it's a place dedicated to discourse on the fic itself. on tumblr, when i see i've got an ask, it kinda could be anything - someone prompting me, someone asking a question, someone feeling horny about jo getting split in half by nate, etc.
and SOMETIMES, yes, people pop by my tumblr inbox to say "I LOVED THE UPDATE!!!" and that makes me just as happy as an AO3 comment. but---and don't ask me why, it might be psychological---an ao3 comment just hits different in my brain than the other ways people praise the fic.
AND IT'S NOT THAT I FEEL ENTITLED TO COMMENTS!!!! That feels important for me to say, I do not think I deserve a hundred million comments on all my fics, or even ten. Seriously, only leave comments if you enjoy the work!!! that's important!!!! authors are not owed comments unless they've created a work you feel genuine affection for.
idk, this was rambley, but other writers, LMK if you agree that ao3 comments hit different or if i'm just an insane person with my wires crossed
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rynrising44 · 6 days ago
Some fanfiction tips and tricks:
Hi hello how are you- I've been writing a lot of fanfiction recently (shocker) and wanted to make a little list of helpful tips when it comes to formatting and getting thoughts in order. I still fall prey to many of these errors and see a lot of them out there on AO3, which stifles a good chunk of fics that readers, especially English only speakers, ultimately lose interest in/are unfamiliar with.
NOT HARD AND FAST RULES. Just what I've noticed throughout my process.
English speakers/ writers use quotation marks in their writing. They look like this: "I can't believe you've done this!" she screamed. Using << I can't believe you've done this! >> she screamed, OR 'I can't believe you've done this!' she screamed when writing in English are foreign to most readers. If you're having trouble reaching audiences and are using one of the two formats above, it's probably because of the way your dialogue is written. NOTE: if you are writing in another language which uses <<>> or '' keep using those formats. This only applies if you're writing in one language but keeping the structure of another.
You don't have to say, 'he said,' or 'she said,' after every line of spoken dialogue. Have fun with it and go back and forth! Here is an example in present tense:
"You're about to get sacked after being shot by Russian sleeper agents and stealing a helicopter," he says with bad taste. "How does that make you feel?"
"Getting shot? Or getting fired?" Mackey asks.
"Getting shot and then getting fired."
"Just... taking the piss, alright?"
Mackey doesn't bother replying.
Epithets are not your friend. Do not use them. Get in the heads of your characters! Would the wife of your main character refer to him as 'the taller man' or 'the blonde?' NO! We refer to others by their name, nicknames, and pet phrases (don't overuse the pet names though).
Read books! The best way to learn how to write is to read. This will really help you understand the way sentences flow and how to end/begin sentences.
The quotations go outside the period. "Like this."
Pick a tense and stay with it. Don't go back and forth between 'said, went, replied,' and 'says, goes, replies.' This is a mistake I see people do a lot, especially when first starting out.
When tagging your fics, don't use tags like "Bad at tagging" or "This is garbage I don't know what I'm doing." That is YOUR WORK. Your fic is yours and you should be proud of it. If you don't stand by your creativity and ideas, then why should anyone else?
One shot collections should be in a series. NOT in a multi-chaptered fic. Unless they are complete, in the same universe, and follow a timeline, try to post them individually. That way, if someone likes one but not the other, you aren't screwing yourself over.
Use your summaries wisely. Quotes, action scenes, and eye-catching statements will draw a reader in. (Please don't say something like "Bad at tagging and summaries.")
Write what you want to read. Not what others want to read. If you love writing rare-pair F/F fanfiction with established relationships, DO THAT. (Shameless plug there.) Don't go chasing pairings and tropes that you hate just for views/kudos. The good feelings will not last, and you will pigeonhole yourself into things you don't like. (want proof. Try it out and see what happens.)
Get involved in the fandoms you write for. Comment on other author's works, especially if the fandom is small. Chances are, they will click on your fic, read it, and share it with others. Also, you can yell at one another and keyboard smash all day long.
Give each other shout outs on Tumblr.
The summary section for your fics is NOT where you put things like 'taking requests. give me a request. please comment fic recs.' Save that for Tumblr/ Twitter (rolls eyes, 'X') and Wattpad. AO3 is for stories, not algorithms. If you really feel the need, include it in your profile.
WRITE SOMETHING IN YOUR PROFILE. People love personalization. Also, you can give blanket statements about your rules on gifts, inspirational works, and other things.
Do not overtag your works if those tags do not apply. Writing 50+ tags for a 1k fic is a little head-scratching. Focus on the main ships only and the top relevant categories (and any triggers, oc). If it's a 1k fic, people will honestly just get annoyed at seeing all the space taking up their AO3 pages. (I say this with love. We all remember that one 'Untamed fic.')
Don't like. Don't read. Don't bash. Don't be cruel.
Do. Not. Hate. Fics. Publicly. On. Tiktok. Or I swear to the gods I will hunt you down and skin you alive. Save your scathing reviews for private messages and private DMs on Discord. Fanfiction is free and authors don't owe you anything. (YES! This includes drabbles. And incest. And any/all of the clerical errors I have already discussed above.)
Also, comment on older fics.
Comment on all fics, actually.
Also, read WIPs. If you want fanfiction to continue and you want longer works, support the authors that write those works. Don't be greedy and entitled by closing up your mind. If you want to read complete works only, that's your right. But you don't have to brag about it/ moan about not having anything good in your fandom of choice when you refuse to keep an open mind to like, half of the fics on there. (This is not a statement about my works, btw. I have a little group that comments/I know is aware and interested in some of my stuff. This is more for the general public.)
Kudos aren't limited. No one tracks them. Literally no one cares what you like. If you're worried or embarrassed about something you like that's between you and god only, private bookmark it. But kudos everything you like/re-read because if you don't, the author probably assumes you didn't like their work and that will make them sad.
AI is not art and you should never use it. Not even to help you come up with ideas. You're better than that, okay? And if I see/read an AI work on AO3 I will block you and mute all your works ASAP without a second thought.
There are definitely so many other things that come to mind when thinking about AO3 and writing in general, but I feel like this is a good place to stop. Again, not trying to step on any one's toes. Heaven knows I use purple prose and commas and the words 'and/ gods/ absolutely not' like they're candy. But I'm also aware that I am doing so and being aware of my habits and tendencies make all the difference.
(The writers curse does exist btw apologies in advance, but your life will probably go through changes the instant you press that 'post' button.)
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
Was tagged and so I’ll speak.
1) How many works do you have on ao3?
26 published with 2 (maybe 3 or 4?) WIP in the works.
2) What's your total ao3 word count?
158,969 words
3) What are your top five fics by kudos?
- Confused By Rules That Alter Every Day (Beetlejucie musical AU)
- Meowcah Bell (Micah AU)
- Breaking The Ice (Bill x reader fic)
- Prove You’re An O’Driscoll (Kieran x Micah)
- Bone Drabbles (misc of writings)
4) What fandoms do you write for?
Niche communities within fandoms, currently it’s Hylics and RDR2 (tho my rdr2 fics are so disconnected from ANYTHING canon that they’re basically communal oc projects).
In the past, I’ve written about OFF, Beetlejuice musical, a couple of stories, etc. I haven’t written seriously for years and it’s only been recently I’ve tried to do it again.
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
FUCK YEAH I DO! Dude, I’m refreshing my ao3 multiple times a day to respond to comments on my fics / read authors responses to my comments.
6) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh hmmm… idk how many of my stories have “endings”, most are just cut offs because I have to stop writing at some point.
I’m working on a fic that has a pretty damn sad ending, so angsty it could be interpreted as an unsatisfying ending I fear…
I wrote a fic in the past where Micah is left to sob and clean up oatmeal vomit from the floor while his sore throat leaves him mute, that’s pretty angsty.
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I likely wrote some disgustingly fluffy endings for my oc fics. Many of my drabbles would end with “and everyone cuddled and kissed and the polycule never ever had problems ♥️” . I’m affectionately bashing myself.
I tend to avoid over the top fluff endings unless the story really gut punches enough to make it feel deserved.
8) Do you get hate on fics?
No one tells me it to my face. I hear whispers on occasion. Until someone has the balls to comment it on my fic, I will say I’ve never received hate.
9) Do you write smut?
10) Do you write crossovers?
Huhhh, nooo not really. If I make crossover media it’s usually in the form of art.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Haha, yeah.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yup. One time as the co-author/ co-creator/ editor/ publisher. Usually, I have just been the person behind the stage offering ideas and generally batting ideas back and forth.
I don’t see myself being a co-author/co-creator again. I’m far happier working on solo projects or having minimal influence on other’s projects.
14) What's your all time favorite ship?
😔 it changes a lot…. As of the past year: Micah x misery and despair.
15) What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ohhh I have this Odozeir (Hylics 2) fic I started as a silly way to dip my toe into hylics fic. I have a summary for a second chapter, but I am so Blargh about actually writing it. And also I fear the fic has an unintended undertone of ableism I am debating if I should lean into (for angst and complex character exploration), or if it’s be better if I rework the whole chapter, or if I should drop the project.
16) What are your writing strengths?
😭 you tell me. I am still trying to find my style for writing, I feel like a bagworm piecing together my friend’s styles and the general structure to writing I’ve been taught (but never quite understand).
Personally, I like to think I am good at making characters feel like living beings and not just dolls for a plot. When I fixate on a character, I really do think of them throughout my day and imagine how they would react, act, and deal with everyday things. These characters are written as if they’re alive because they live inside my head.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
You tell me, I beg you, tell me how I can improve. Whenever I write, I feel a MAJOR struggle I have is being concise and writing short stories. My poor brain just can’t seem to write under 5k words no matter how hard I try to cut away unnecessary words or skip scenes.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I enjoy it lots in fics I read! I would incorporate it more into my works and art but I have not wonderful trust in Google Translate. I try and do outside research when I do include non-English in my works. Unfortunately, it’s hard to find someone who can tell you how Finnish is said, spelt, or used. (But yeah, if I ever do end up writing for Javier, maybe I could ask my Spanish speaking followers for proofreading).
19) First fandom you wrote for?
OFF! Love myself some Bad!Batter x reader.
20) Favorite fic you've ever written?
I really enjoyed making Hare Fox Moon. As time marches on, I see the flaws in the story, I see where plot could have been tighter, I see where the story morphs and takes its time before finding itself, etc. I think what I enjoyed from it are the memories of specific lines I wrote and thought “god.,, this is so tight.” I enjoyed the scenes that I formed in my head and got to turn into text. I enjoyed seeing characters interacting and not just in art but text.
It was baby’s first “successful fic” for me, haha. I care less about “success” with fics now (at least I’m trying to value it less). I just write for myself and a handful of folks.
For more recent works, I am happy how many people enjoy Meowcah Bell, the Fantasy AU (even if it isn’t an actual fic), etc. I hope Reintegration is similarly enjoyed by followers.
Tag: I’m not tagging anyone.
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rixareth · 4 months ago
Fanfiction meme
@doreyg tagged me to answer these fanfiction questions; thank you so much!
How many works do you have on ao3?
On my main account, Riona, it’s 234. I also have 130 works across two pseuds on my secondary account, rionaleonhart (for older works and ficlets), so in total I’ve posted 364 works to AO3.
What’s your total word count?
My combined total on AO3 is 1,136,030 words. If I look at the documents in which I keep all my writing archived, it’s slightly higher – 1,266,834 words – because I haven’t posted everything I’ve ever written to AO3.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My most popular fic, by a long way, is And Again (Danganronpa, Naegi is caught in a time loop, 7,227 kudos). This was the first fic I ever posted to AO3, and I was startled by the way it blew up! For a while I was slightly intimidated to post anything else in case I let everyone down.
The others in the top five: Life Imitates (FFXV, Noctis/Prompto, 5,566 kudos), Vessels (Deltarune, 2,635 kudos), Visitors (Assassin’s Creed/Sense8, 1,607 kudos) and Memory Error (Doki Doki Literature Club!, 1,551 kudos). Most of these were an accident of timing: I happened to post just when the fandom was starting to get big. The exception is Visitors, which mainly picked up readers because it ended up expanding into a vast cowritten series.
Interesting to note that four of my top five fics are gen; I wasn’t expecting that!
Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
I used to be very bad at responding to comments, back in my Livejournal days – it was a struggle to think of what to say! – but nowadays I reply to every comment I get, unless they’re outright rude or I suspect that they’ve been left by a spambot. A nice comment can really make my day, so I always want to say thanks! Plus a lot of the things I write are a bit niche, so I’m always excited to have the opportunity to talk to other people in the same niche.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Probably New Game? (Until Dawn): Mike is caught in a time loop, endlessly trying to prevent his friends from dying, and there’s no way to get out.
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Hmm! I tend to prefer hopeful endings to outright happy ones; it’s tough to think of an answer that feels right for this. I’ll just say Interweave (Lost, everyone/everyone), which ends with Jack accepting that he’s in love with pretty much everyone else on the island.
Do you write crossovers?
Not as many as I used to, but I still really enjoy crossing things over! I’ve only written one crossover this year (Always Believe, Death Note/Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright defends Light in court), but in total I’ve written somewhere in the vicinity of fifty crossovers (including fusions).
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Fifteen years ago, I received a comment telling me ‘FUCK YOU. SERIOUSLY. YOU SHOULD FUCKING DIE’ on what I thought was a fairly innocuous Doctor Who/Silent Hill crossover. To this day I don’t know what my crime was.
I’ve had occasional negative comments since then, but that’s the only instance I can think of in which someone obviously just wanted to hurt me. A lot of people hated the concept of In Fainter Ink, my Last of Us Part II fic in which Ellie, Dina and Jesse navigate V-shaped polyamory, but most of the negative commenters were at least making some effort to engage with me in good faith. I still think it’s odd to read a polyamory fic and then tell the author you don’t want polyamory! But the commenters were nonetheless people who had genuine feelings about the story that they wanted to express, rather than just throwing hatred at me as a person.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I can’t write explicit sex at all! Most of my sex is fade-to-black. I do occasionally write ‘onscreen’ sex, but it tends to be very vague.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Three times that I know of! And Again, my Danganronpa time loop fic, was stolen twice; it was posted once to ffnet and once to Amino. Seems like a bad idea to steal my most popular fic; it meant that in both cases it was quickly recognised and people came to let me know!
My Doki Doki Literature Club! fic Memory Error was stolen, posted to Pastebin and shared with fans on some sort of 4chan-adjacent site. I didn’t bother taking any steps to get that one taken down; Pastebin seems such an impractical platform for pretending you wrote a fic that I could only shrug in bewilderment.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
A few times, usually into Russian! I’m always thrilled and honoured when someone wants to translate something I’ve written.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A small handful of times! I don’t recommend attempting to cowrite with me, because my attention span is a disaster and I may lose focus before the project is finished, but I’ve cowritten fics here and there.
What's your all-time favourite ship?
I can’t say for certain whether Nate/Elena from Uncharted is my absolute favourite ship, but it’s always the pairing my mind goes to first when I’m asked about ships I like, so it’s definitely a strong contender. They’ve got such good chemistry!
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
There are a lot! In particular, I’ve got a thousand words of a Kingdom Hearts/Neon Genesis Evangelion crossover in which Axel, Roxas and Xion are EVA pilots; I still like the idea, but I don’t think I’m ever actually going to get it done, particularly as I’ve forgotten everything about Evangelion by this point.
What are your writing strengths?
I tend to be good at dialogue, I think, and at pinning down what a particular character would do in a particular situation. I’m also strong on technical aspects such as spelling and punctuation.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle with description and scene-setting; a lot of my scenes end up feeling like characters conversing in a void. I can’t plot things in advance, which means I’m terrible at writing anything long; it’s a lot easier to write on the fly with short one-shots. I find it very difficult to write a good opening; I’m more comfortable when writing endings.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Like many things, it can be done well or badly! It mainly depends on how it’s employed, and on the audience for your fic. If you include a lot of text that you don’t expect the audience to be able to read, it might become distracting or frustrating.
Basically, if someone asks the protagonist of your Spanish fic a question in German, and the protagonist doesn’t understand German, it makes sense to write the line in German. If the German speaker then gets into a long conversation with the protagonist’s German-speaking friend, it might be better for the fic’s flow to gloss over the conversation and have the friend explain it to the protagonist later, rather than writing the whole German conversation out word-for-word.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Pokémon! When I was twelve, I wrote a fic about Definitely Not Me going on a Pokémon journey with Definitely Not My Friends and Family. There was a subplot in which Team Rocket were abducting people and turning them into furries.
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is the latest canon to consume my mind. I’m working on a fic about Andrew and Ashley’s time imprisoned in their home together, so I hope to get that finished before long!
What's your favourite fic you've written?
I’ve written a lot; it’s hard to narrow it down! I don’t want to spend hours overthinking this, so I’ll go with the first fic that comes to mind: Shackles. It’s a Death Note fic about Light and L being incredibly toxic soulmates, and I had a lot of fun with it.
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autumnapricot · 6 months ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞 because I love your fics <333
ohh, thank you 🥰🫶🏼
(warning: major yapping incoming. no seriously.)
[1] will o‘ the wisps
quite obviously, lol! this story just has a special place in my heart, for the fact that i‘ve had the ground idea for so long, all the details that went into it that for most part probably even went unnoticed to the readers but were so important for me personally, the planning of things, the way i had like a list of the details and easter eggs and everything. also, the name (not to toot my own horn) but i truly had the biggest *oooohhh!!!* moment when i found this title for the story and it just fit so so perfectly. the vibe when i wrote it. yeah, just a lot of love. also it‘s my most „hit“ fic i‘ve ever written and wow, i would have never ever imagined to get this reaction to my writing, ever. like i saw the fics from other brilliant amazing writers in the fandom that‘d get 1-3k kudos and i was like what the hell, that‘s crazy much. and then wotw hit +1k kudos and i was (still am) mindblown by that because imagine 1k people irl telling you they love what you wrote? insane. and all your guys comments and asks and i‘ve gotten some of the greatest comments eeeveron this fic, like, just wow. i write for myself because i just have these ideas and words and stories in my head that i need to get out and one day decided to upload because i thought maybe a few people would perhaps like it, have a little joy with it, but of course validation is always amazing and nice, so this reception is mindblowing for me. also i now kind of wish i could rewrite some parts of the story, do some plots more or different or just write differently, but i always hate kinda hate my fics after a while and think i could have done better. but still, so much love for this fic <3
[2] friday night; i‘m in love
just for the vibe of this fic, it‘s my second fave :)) i remember i had such a good time writing this—it was the first time i went to a park to write and i stayed in that park for hours and just…wrote. this fic. and the song makes up the whole vibe of that time of that summer when i wrote this, so. just vibey. reminds me of good times but also somehow bad times. i got a comment that said „so this is what loneliness feels like“ and for someone reason that has stuck with me a hell of a lot.
[3] shores of forgiveness
this is not f1 but motogp, which is a rather little fandom on ao3 and at times idk what possessed me to write this, but, for some reason i do like it? idek. i don‘t even ‚ship‘ rosquez because oh my god, what a fucking mess that „relationship“ or well, that whole..thing..is. but that‘s somehow exactly what i love about them because fuck me that shit hurts and i lived through the split of worlds!! 2015 sepang. the press conference before? marc’s face? i wanna crumple like a leaf in the wind and to be carried away by them so fast that not even any fleeting emotions would ever graze me again. the coldness of 2016. 2018 argentina?? bro what a time to be alive (not!!). you need to know the whole rosquez lore to understand because my god. it hurts too good. literally as of this week’s events…imagine your childhood idol and absolute hero and later friend and now arch-nemesis still going on podcasts t.e.n. years later and still shit-talking you into the ground about how you’re the worst person to have ever lived and the worst thing to happen to this sport and entire nations hate you and and and!! well, ANYWAY, back to it: i don‘t remember the whole thing anymore actually. but still third! byee (fun fact: i have a rosquez playlist that literally consists of songs to scream in the car in anger and heartbreak, and it‘s my kinda therapy oops. as you can see, i am very invested in them still)
[4] but if it ain‘t you (it‘s a lie)
idk. sometimes i forget about this fic oops. but i do like it, i like me some soft besotted absolutely gone in-love alpha charles and cutie-patootie omega max. i don‘t even like the smut of this. actually why am putting this on fourth?🤣 buuttt i also remember the car rides where i listened to the song and then just randomly sat down, wrote this in one sitting, done. i think i wrote this at work even. well well well
[5] now, i am become death
listen. liiisten. i don‘t even remember writing this whole thing. literally two weeks ago i randomly looked through my works, saw this, halted, and was like—who wrote this? me?? when, where??? when did these words ever spook my mind? i reread it and yk what, it‘s fifth. no clue what‘s going on but hey. swords and blood!
anyway waaay too many thoughts, i’m so sorry, thank you! 🩵🤍
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blacksails-rarepairs · 1 year ago
black sails rarepair week 2024: the week in review
a brief overview of the fics and art posted for rarepair week! there's a delightful array of work here--modern AUs and canonverse, comfort reads and belligerent sexual tension, repression and introspection, gen and queerplatonic and romantic and unrequited affections.
the event is now closed, but the fics & art posted as part of it can be read and appreciated at any time! comments, kudos, reblogs, etc. are highly encouraged!
huge thanks & all my gratitude to everyone who participated--it has been my honor to serve as your host <3
now: the rarepairs!
an introduction by Benja
rated T. Flint & Gates.
fascinating portrayal of Flint's early days as Flint in Nassau, from Gates's POV, with super sharp dialogue
The creation of Captain Flint, from Gates' perspective.
this is what you do at parties (right?) by sunset_waltz (@thenobleprincess)
rated T. Abigail Ashe/Idelle.
new college student Abigail meets-extremely-cute with local bartender Idelle. (nb: sunset_waltz's fics listed here are all set in the same modern & very queer/trans AU!)
Abigail is new in town, and Idelle is too pretty.
let me get this straight by ElectricKettle
rated M. Flint/Gates.
i'm nominating this fic for most apt use of the ao3 tag "Belligerent Sexual Tension" SERIOUSLY oooooough
Hal Gates is a man of moderation. He is not prone to impulse or hotheadedness. So why is it that this all goes out the window when it comes to a man named Flint?
i think it's magic (and i hope you'll agree) by sunset_waltz (@thenobleprincess)
rated T. Miranda Barlow/Madi.
meet!! cute!!! SO much chemistry
Miranda is Abigail's mom. Madi is her teacher.
a love lost or false by @van1lla-v1lla1n
rated T. Billy Bones/Charles Vane.
Jack Rackham reminiscing on the golden days and spinning tall tales about the love life of his buddy Charles Vane (rip).
I met Jack Rackham at a tavern once, long after the golden age of our kind, and he spun me a tale of a love lost or false, I knew not which, and I know not still to this day.
unspoken words (are preferred) by sunset_waltz (@thenobleprincess)
rated M. Bonny/Rackham/Vane but super multiship!
another installment in the author's rarepair-centric modern au, with so many fascinating poly character dynamics
Charles fucks up, and apologizing is hard.
post-XXVII by @kairennart
Flint/Vane art!!!!!! SUCH beautiful colors, amazing lovely expressions, have i mentioned that i'm in love with Flint's freckles BECAUSE. just go look at it <333
by the way (i forgive you) by sunset_waltz (@thenobleprincess)
rated M. Flint/Madi, Flint/Madi/Silver.
(modern au) Silver disappears, and Flint and Madi find each other as they grieve in his absence. & as if that weren't an amazing enough premise: BONUS OT3 AT THE END
After John Silver vanishes, Madi and Flint are left to their own devices--until he comes back.
under the stars and the sky by Veridissima (@thestagthatlovedthewolf)
rated T. Miranda Barlow & John Silver.
a very quiet and comforting middle-of-the-night Miranda-Silver interaction, with background Miranda/Flint/Hamilton/Madi/Silver. super compelling miranda-silver queerplatonic relationship
Miranda hears Silver walking past her bedroom door, and she can't help but follow him outside.
the unnoticed bulge by BilliesBud
rated M. Billy Bones/Charles Vane.
my wife's first fanfiction :''''''') a very tongue-in-cheek portrayal of a deeply repressed Charles Vane confused about why he's thirsting after Billy Bones
Billy living rent-free in Charles' head.
five times Howell was too blind to see what is right in front of him + the one time he wasn't by tahiri_veila (@twopointsinspace)
rated E. De Groot/Dr. Howell + unrequited Howell/Flint.
absolutely masterful portrayal of Howell's unrequited affection for Flint shifting to a requited friends-to-lovers situation with De Groot. (with bonus background silverflint)
"Welcome aboard." De Groot lowers his voice to a near-whisper. "Don't mind the captain's disgruntled mood. He may be a capricious bastard, but he's damn good at his job. The best, I'd say. You get used to his ways."
pourparler by @van1lla-v1lla1n
rated T. Max/Marion Guthrie.
i'll be honest this was mainly me thirsting after Harriet Walter. but don't you want to know what all those meetings between Max and Marion Guthrie were like! this is that.
Max meets with Marion Guthrie for initial negotiations.
joy, and music, and peace by Benja
unrated. Eme/Madi.
ough be still my heart this one is SO sleepy-sweet--literally sleepy like Madi and Eme have a cozy little rest together, a lovely moment of safety and security.
A moment of rest.
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tabitha42 · 4 days ago
Tagged by @chaoswritesthemultiverse!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
4, going up to 6 if you include 2 group-written fics that I wrote a chapter for!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. The Wizard's Apprentice
My longfic, my baby, my hyperfixation, following Saff through the game, exploring her relationship with Gale and her 'personal quest' to find out who she is.
2. Stars
A short one-shot inspired by the Mage Hand interaction between Gale and Karlach, in which Gale helps Karlach write a poem for Wyll.
3. There Once Was A Party Infected
A collection of limericks about the companions.
4. Fur and Feathers
AU horror one-shot about little Gale summoning Tara, because he wanted a friend.
4. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Baldur's Gate at the moment. Used to write a lot of Doctor Who fanfic back when I was a teenager, many centuries ago.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I didn't when I first started using AO3, but then started replying when I realised how much I love receiving replies to comments I've written.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely Fur and Feathers, the whole premise is a horror tragedy.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I guess Stars since it's the only other fic I've written that actually has an ending 😂
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet... will see if that changes when The Wizard's Apprentice reaches certain plot points.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes, there's several smutty scenes in The Wizard's Apprentice, and I've written a few pieces of smut that never made it to AO3.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Never have done before, but wouldn't be opposed to it!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I'm doing two fic trains with some other authors from the Magic Man discord, have really enjoyed them!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Currently I'd say FlutterWeave, the ship between Saff and Gale, but I have had many favourite ships over the years - the Doctor & Rose, Jessie & James, Genji & Mercy, Genji & Lucio, the list goes on.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Uuhh I suppose technically the Doctor Who fanfic that I was writing as a teenager and haven't touched for 20 years might qualify for this... I don't want to finish it, but I do feel bad for abandoning it. Other than that, I haven't got any WIP fics that I'm not currently working on.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'd like to think I'm not bad a building up a mystery and dropping hints, some subtle enough that you don't notice them unless you go back and read it after you know what's going on. Though maybe making hints so subtle that no one notices them is a weakness 😂
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Reusing the same phrases and sentence structure over and over and over. If I had a penny for every time I wrote some variation of "he met her gaze" I'd be rich.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I've done it quite a lot in my long fic - some Welsh, a lot of Latin for spell incantations, and a little bit of Draconic. A lot of relying on Google Translate and translating back and forth to make sure that if someone translates it back to English it says what I want it say. If I were writing a full conversation I'd want to try to find someone that speaks the language to check it, but since it's mostly just been a few words or a sentence at most, I haven't done that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
It was either Recess or Kim Possible, though Doctor Who was the first one I wrote seriously for.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Definitely The Wizard's Apprentice, it is my baby and lives rent free in my head. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself once it's finished, but luckily that's ages away 😂
Once again I think everyone I know on Tumblr has already done this or been tagged... so if you're reading this and want to do it, I tag you!
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generalluxun · 1 year ago
Fanfic Author 20 Questions
Thanks to @erisluna35 for sending this along! 1. How many works do you have on AO3?
On AO3? Right now 63, soon to be 64(tomorrow probably) and a couple on FF.net
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,020,860 on AO3 plus another ~86K fic I never ported over to AO3, as my 'recent' stuff, starting back in 2021
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Miraculous Ladybug, I did others a long time ago before joining AO3, but that was a long time ago. I've considered a couple others recently too, but nothing yet.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
At The Gala- A Chlonette fic inspired by fanart, and actually the sequel to my #2 by Kudos. This is just a cute series of strange interactions with Chloe from Marinette's PoV, culminating in understanding and discovery on a fated evening.
Slippery slope- Little Chlonette ficlet inspired by a fanart. Very short, it's about how a single unexpected moment can change someone's entire world.
Ever After- A long chapter fic set more than a decade post-canon that looks into the idea that 'Ever After' can be a long time, and that expecting life to be solved at 14 is a recipe for eventual disaster. Yet at the same time life continues to offer new experiences, new possibilities, and new ways to grow. Ships include Adrienette, Chloadrien, and Felinette.
Showing Love- An alternate ending to Queen Wasp, where instead of reuniting Chloé with her horrible mother by highlighting everything horrible about her (seriously, what?) Marinette comes face to face with the reality that a mother really *can* not love a child. Being Marinette she can't let such a thing stand, even if it is Chloé. Marinette&Dupain-Cheng family goodness.
What Do you See?- Adrigami fic that kicks off right in the middle of Kuro Neko. While Adrien is struggling with the pain of giving up Cat Noir, one thing crosses his mind. He can finally give one important person the truth she deserves. After all, he *Was* Cat Noir, not *is*. The two both struggle to navigate the ramifications of this revelation, especially when Plagg shows up once more with the ring. (there's a little bit of eventual Lukanette)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to most, especially any questions or curiosities. I love engagement.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh heck this is so not fair. I am in love with bittersweet ending, and have a couple of doozies.
I can't decide between three.
What Happened- The 'real reason' Chloé Bourgeois's redemption arc failed. What do you di when you do everything right, only to find out your happiness causes the end of the world, in every timeline?
A Modest Proposal- Marinette is happily impatient for Adrien to finally propose to her. Little does she know, a secret long kept is going to come back to haunt her. It's worse than you think.
The Risk Outweighs- A look into someone else's life during the episode 'Risk'. The courage to do anything finally gives Chloé the strength to break from the cycle. But the Ladybugs must set things right, and a few moments of clarity weigh nothing against a lifetime.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, lots with happy endings, though I prefer 'open' endings, so...hmmm
Cafe Noir- has an unambiguously happy ending, but I specifically set out to write a romcom so that feels like cheating.
Dog Daze- probably has the most comprehensively happy ending, Adrien's dad even managed to try to parent. They do go through a lot on the way to the happy ending though.
In Direct Opposition- My latest work, seems to end on a solidly happy note for all involved.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Ever After drew some upset people that expected their OTP to be the main ship. I never tried to deceive anyone, but a few people were just really upset.
I also had this weird thing where someone thought I was someone else, and stalked my comments for a while. That's why I use moderation now.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've done M rated fics. I'm not sure 'smut' works for them, even if there's lots of sex narratively, it's usually mentioned rather than being detailed. I did one single 'this will be a smut fic' fic. And even that ended up with like, 5K words mostly plot, and about 2 paragraphs of (I think emotional and important) sex.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nah, I've never had the crossover itch. I generally find each world intriguing enough on their own.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yep! I had someone ask if they could translate one of my fics to Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. Talked about it before, but never went through with it. Not against the idea. I do a lot of rubber ducking for my friends though, so some of my ideas can end up in their finished fics.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I'm going ot have to go with adribrina, my goobers. I like exploring all kinds of ships, and these two I threw together on a whim but Oh, they're so comfy! I wrote Puppy Love to see how they would work, and then that evolved into Dog Daze, my Largest work to date. I had *intended* for them to amicably break up and Sabrina to be a wing-woman to Adrien in the canon ship of Adrienette.... but they just did not want to break up. Even if they wouldn't admit they were dating, they were just too *comfy* together. These two make me happy. (Marinette ended up okay though, she's happy!)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
A third fic in my Senti-Sentai AU. 'Worlds Collide'. It was set in 'vague eastern Europe country in the middle of violent conflict' and then that suddenly got too real, too quickly.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character voice. I write third person limited, and I've been told many times that I do a very good job of writing characters as their canonical selves, just in different situations that bring about different outcomes or changes in them. I consider that a high compliment, because the characters are what I am here for.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Brevity. Even simplistic plots 'enemies to friends road trip' become detailed 'Marinette manipulates Chloé into chasing Adien and Lila across the globe to prevent Lila from wheedling an arranged Marriage out of Gabriel' and then that blossoms into a 98K fic.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I feel like my last of understanding grammar and colloquialisms for another language would have me sounding like bad google translate. Singular words used? Viable.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
SWATKats. My first ever fanfic was a 30K fic about that show.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
They are all my babies! This is so not fair. I've spoken about some of my favorites earlier though, so I'll use this spot to mention some other ones :)
He's Perfect- Gothic Horror Adrienette! It even has a sequel and an entire AU in my head if I can circle back.
The Orphan and the Marionette- Written to feel like one of Grimm's fairy tales. Chlonette(kind of) with a heavy dose of magic and a surprise appearance from Marianne.
There are so many more but I'll plug Dog Daze again, because I to like how it flows and the alternate S5 we get from it. It also inspired a raft of 'post story' one shots, and I have another chapter fic waiting in the wings to continue the AU. There's plenty of stories to tell here.
@taketwoinink Tag, if you would like to play.
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redbelles · 11 months ago
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by: the wonderful @carry-the-sky 💖
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
i don't ever really abandon old fandoms, but so far 2024 has been all berserk (nothing posted yet, unforch) and masters of the air
4. top five fics by kudos
like a heartbeat drives you mad
the dreadful need in the devotee
and my body found the wind
stuck in colder weather
all the love you need
5. do you respond to comments?
yes! it may take me a hundred million years, but i appreciate each and every comment i get, and i often go back to them for a little jolt of "hey, people actually like your writing!" motivation when i'm stuck
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
lmao uh. known angst goblin meg redbelles here, but i honestly didn't have to do much work to the canon endings of robert baratheon (the clouds will form a crown) or judas iscariot (in the violence of our dreams) to make them even more horrifically angsty, so. one of those, probably!
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i don't tend to go for out and out happy endings—i prefer bittersweet—but i feel like the answer is either the mercy wheel, which fixes dany’s gabarge season eight character arc, or tongue’s talkin’ riddles (sticky sweet), which gives chrissy and eddie a mostly happy future together instead of horrible deaths in deeply cursed hawkins
and! for what it's worth! the chimneys hardly ever fall down is going to end on a happy note! they're just going to have to Suffer a lot to get there! it's fine!
8. do you get hate on fics?
9. do you write smut?
me, currently 3k into a m/m/f threesome scene:
Tumblr media
10. craziest crossover:
i enjoy spitballing about crossovers, but i doubt very seriously that i'll ever write one
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i'm aware of, no
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had offers before, but i've declined every time; they all wanted to host the translations outside of AO3, which is not something i'm comfortable with
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
yep! keep calling me home is a really fun little round robin fic i wrote with three other authors a couple years ago
14. all time favorite ship?
i can't read suddenly.gif
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. what are your writing strengths?
imagery, emotion, themes, dialogue
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
plot? never heard of her. also, i feel like i still suck at writing humor
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
to crib from a previous answer: unless you speak the language, it gets real dicey real fast. i personally avoid it unless a) it’s a canonical term/phrase, like all the faux-russian bullshit in the grisha trilogy, or b) i can check the grammar/usage with a native speaker or someone who is solidly fluent
19. first fandom you wrote in?
[redacted] way back ages ago on [redacted]
20. favorite fic you've written?
recency bias talking here, but i am so, so, so fond of the chimneys hardly ever fall down; i challenged myself to write the first chapter as one continuous scene (i feel like i sometimes abuse scene breaks to heighten tension), and honestly i think i nailed it. also, this sequence:
Maybe he is drunk. That would make sense. He’s going to wake up and find himself alone at the bottom of a bottle. Back in the cold blue, Fort shot to shit and tumbling from the sky like a wounded bird, trailing fire and screaming as she falls. Maybe he won’t wake up at all— maybe he’s dead in a potato field, a ghost who never made it back in the first place. His heart can’t fucking take it.
like, i'm sorry, but that's brutal! and i am so proud of it!
tagging: @sluttyhenley @littlelindentree @oatflatwhite @meyerlansky @ladywaffles
@charmtion @anthropologicalhands @jacyevans @thatworldinverted @thatgirlnevershutsup
and anyone elso who wants a go ✨
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Okay wait now that I'm seriously getting back into writing fanfiction, I'm gonna give you the best piece of fanfic-writing advice I think I can give:
Even if you think it's not your best work, or if you think it's just plain bad, especially if you think it's cringe, post it anyway.
It is a hard lesson to take in. You read other people's works and you compare it to your own. You write and write and write and you still can never get the word choice you think would do your work justice. You worry that the view/like count won't get higher than double digits, if that much. You second guess yourself and even when you really wanna post your work, you don't because you're scared of getting judged.
And it's true, some people are gonna judge you, but the flipside of that is that some people are gonna get so much joy out of what you write.
My fic baby is a 50k xreader fic I wrote when I was 17, and for the most part, I'm really proud of that fanfic because I put a lot of work into it. But Jesus Christ the smut is so bad in it. I wrote that the female reader was on the verge of orgasming, but instead of just saying that, I said she was "caught in vaginal limbo". I thought I was clever. Now that I'm in my 20s, I realize just how fucking cringe that is. I've thought about going back and rewriting that scene dozens of times, but every time I think about doing that, I remind myself of the comments on the chapter. Of course there were people who said things along the lines of "wtf are you writing", but there were also comments of people saying "author vaginal limbo made me laugh so hard I cried" and I remember this: my bad writing made someone smile and that's all that matters.
Most of the fics currently on my AO3 are ones I wrote as a teenager, and a lot of them are not great, but if the fic has just one comment, or one kudos, I tell myself, someone liked it, and I leave it up, unchanged, for them.
And even if your fic is badly written, you may have a great plot idea, and inspire someone else. I've had that happen to me too. The person who came along didn't tell me my fic was bad, but I told myself it was, but they asked me if they could write a fic about the same premise because they loved my prompt idea, and I told them I couldn't wait to see what they made (with credit for the idea ofc), even as I was so paranoid it would be better than mine. And it was better than mine. But honestly it doesn't matter whose was better written. It only matters that we both had fun writing and reading each other's fics, and contributing to that fandom space.
Lastly, I wanna say that this extends past fic writing. It doesn't matter if you're cringe or awkward or weird or clumsy. If you embarrassed yourself by tripping at the mall and spilling your drink, well, the lady sitting across the walkway got a good laugh that afternoon (and she helped me get napkins to clean up, which was nice). If you stutter over your words, someone will find that endearing, even if that someone isn't around now. If you fuck up a presentation at work/school, maybe that reflects poorly on you, but maybe someone in the audience is sitting there thinking "gosh I'm so glad I'm not the only one who gets nervous about presenting."
Yes there's always gonna be people who call you out and berate you for being cringe or annoying or embarrassing. But life isn't any fun if you're always winning. It isn't fulfilling like that. No one is perfect. No one has to be perfect. And by not being perfect and accepting that you are not perfect, you are not only going to live a happier life, but you're also probably going to inspire someone else to live a happier life too.
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tiffanytoms · 1 year ago
20 Questions
Okay, sorry for how procrastinator-y I was (no seriously, it's shameful how far I had to scroll, ahah) but THANK YOU to @chiechie97 and @practicecourts for tagging me in this! 💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
10 😄
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
*quickly learns how AO3 works* 914,127… wait. Really?? 🤯 Well shit, okay 💅
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Jily 🥰
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Enemy Within
What Are You Doing to Me?
Whatever You Say, Professor
Baby Bird
Right Reasons
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Fuck yeah! I love chatting! It still blows my mind that ppl want to talk about one of my hobbies with me 🤣
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooooo. I think Wickedly Twisted will take the cake, but that ending is still solely in my head for now. Wait, no, nvm, I literally wrote Jily DYING in WAYDTM. Sooo yeah. Probably that.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oo! Okay. Well I’m still gonna write an epilogue for WYSP that gonna be so sugary sweet it’ll spread diabetes, but otherwise it’s probably a 3-way tie between Chicks Dig Scars, Magic James, or Baby Bird bc they all end on the implication that Jily will then ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
*Blinks so slowly time stands still* Yeah, but only if they’re that good.
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
*Grins so quickly the world implodes* Hell yeah! The dirty, filthy, wonderful kind! (Idk, it depends on the fic!)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I guess so? Bc RR is based off of The Bachelor 🌹
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yuuuuup. Had one scene ripped off so blatantly (like, almost all the elements) that it honestly put me off reading too many other ppl’s Jily stories for a bit, bc I really never want to put another author thru that. Now I can 💯 percent guarantee that all my ideas and the scenarios are my own. Sucks though, bc obviously I’m here bc I love reading Jily. (I’ll definitely go back to reading when I’m not in the midst of writing 2 stories though.)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I’ve had ppl ask, but I don’t know if they ever followed through!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nope! I think my way of doing things would honestly drive someone else insane, soooo I’m fine with going it alone 😅
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Jily 😍
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Well that’s just rude. (I’d never not finish, I’m far too stubborn. Fuck you.)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Obsession, psychology, and an insatiably horny zest for life!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Impatience. I think sometimes good things take time, and I’m over here too bored to write the boring bits 😆
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
That’s cool
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First one I published was SMALLVILLE, but I think I had a very angsty childhood day where I wrote a whole scene about how much Harry hated Vernon and honestly it was very disturbingly graphic and yeah. Glad I’m more into smut these days! 😁😇😁
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Aaaah! Hm. 🤔 Okay. That’s a toughie. For my heart and soul, I’d say WAYDTM, bc honestly, I really do feel like I poured all my feelings into that one. But from a purely writing standpoint, EW, bc it just all came together, and I know the storyline is legit, and I feel like I had ppl obsessed with it and it was really nice! 😅
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